#original child character (s)
pfirsichspritzer · 4 months
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Inspired by this post by @the-biscuit-agreement
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aheckinmess · 5 months
All's Well That Friends Well (Dad Nanami)
(Part 2 of Season of Serendipity.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Nanami, Child Yuji, Original Child Character(s), Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Besu Sukuna, Parental Nanami, Dad Sukuna, Soft Sukuna, Protective Sukuna, Canon Divergence - AU, Sukuna Has a Daughter, Yuji is Nanami's Son, I Merged Two of My Series, Because I Thought it Would Be Adorable, Yuji Itadori is a Ray of Sunshine, OC Has Trouble Making Friends, But Yuji Sure Doesn't, Going to Pre-K for the First Time
Word Count: 1,025 words
Summary: Yuji goes to Pre-K for the first time; Nanami worries he'll have trouble adjusting, but Yuji is a little ball of positive energy. Needless to say, he makes friends.
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While Yuji was an extroverted child by nature, Nanami still thought he might need time to adjust to preschool. So when Yuji easily waved goodbye as Nanami dropped him off for his first day at Pre-K, it soothed some of the paternal worry.
“Otouchan, how long is school?” Yuji wrapped his arms around Nanami’s neck and squeezed. “Is it very long?”
“You’ll be here for a few hours, Yuji-kun. But I’ll be back. You’ll be having so much fun you won’t even miss me.” He promised, kissing the young boy’s forehead. “If you need anything, just ask the teacher for help, okay? Remember how we practiced and…?”
“Raise my hand!” Yuji smiled.
“That’s my boy.” Nanami ruffled his hair and stood up. “Have a good day, Yuji-kun. And have some fun.”
. . . . .
Yuji Itadori made having fun his mission. From the moment he stepped foot into the classroom, he curiously trotted around the room asking question…after question…after question.
“What about that? Why do you have that?” He asked Ms. Chotto, pointing at the hundredth object his little eyes had landed on.
“Yuji, honey,” Ms. Chotto laughed. “You’re such a curious little thing, aren’t you? Those are my plants and I keep them on the top shelf so none of my students accidentally eat them. They can hurt your tummy.”
“Then why do you have them?”
“I’m keeping them here for a little bit until I can find a space for them at home.” She explained, turning away to separate two girls from fighting over a doll. “Go find someone else to play with, Yuji, okay? I have to help some of the other children right now.”
Yuji pouted but did as he was told. Pre-K proved to be one of the most fascinating places he’d ever been! He’d already spoken to just about everyone in the classroom, when the door opened to reveal another little girl.
What surprised Yuji wasn’t how tightly she clung to her father, but her hair. Pink! Just like his!
As soon as Ms. Chotto got the pink-haired girl detached from her father, Yuji stood patiently to the side. He watched her hide in Ms. Chotto’s legs until she peeked out at him.
“Hi! I’m Yuji!” He beamed.
Her wide, brown eyes looked up at Ms. Chotto and then back at him.
“I’m Besu.” She whispered. In fact, Yuji barely heard her.
“You sure are quiet.” He said bluntly. When she seemed embarrassed by that, Yuji pointed towards a pile of blocks on the rug up front. “You wanna go play blocks?”
Ms. Chotto muttered something into Besu’s ear. Besu whined back at her, but Ms. Chotto delicately coaxed her in Yuji’s direction. Yuji led the way over to the blocks and Besu sat by him silently.
“I like to build castles. What do you wanna build?” Yuji asked as he got to work. A triangular orange block looked perfect to fit on top of his green stack.
Besu shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed a few square pieces to fit together. Yuji gave her time to give it a specific shape, but when he still couldn’t tell what it was by the third row, he spoke up.
“What is that?”
Once again, Besu shrugged. Yuji huffed, feeling disappointed. He’d expected her to be just like him since she’d looked so similar. But she barely even talked! Sensing this, Besu cleared her throat.
“I just like putting them together. But now I’m making a watermelon.” She explained, picking off a few blue pieces and replacing them when red and green.
“My dad put watermelon in my lunchbox! Wanna see?” Yuji stood before she answered.
“I don’t think we’re sposed to do that.” She glanced at Ms. Chotto and then Yuji’s lunchbox. “You could get in trouble.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s my lunchbox!” Yuji said matter-of-factly.
But when he went to grab it, Ms. Chotto put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yuji-san, it’s not time for lunch yet.”
“Can’t I show Besu my lunch?” Yuji frowned.
“Why don’t you show her when it’s lunchtime? That way you can both show each other what you have.” Ms. Chotto offered.
“Okay!” Yuji agreed, before toddling over to Besu. “Hey, Besu! Let’s wait until lunch and then I can see what you packed, too!”
“Father made me stew.”
“Oh, boy! Will you share?”
“...well, okay.”
. . . . .
While Nanami waited outside the classroom as kids shuffled inside, a man with wild pink hair waited with him. He couldn’t help but stare. Just like Yuji’s, and that’s not common. I wonder if he’s of any relation.
“You waiting on your brat, too?” Sukuna quirked a brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“I’m waiting for my son, yes.” Nanami answered. “It was his first day.”
“Mine too. You have any trouble dropping him off?”
“I thought I might, but he didn’t seem upset. He’s more outgoing, though, so I wasn’t too surprised.”
“I had to pry my daughter from me.” Sukuna scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
“Ah, she must be a daddy’s girl, then. Does she have you wrapped around her finger yet?” Nanami normally wasn’t one for small talk, but the conversation helped him remain patient as he watched through the window while the teacher struggled to wrangle a boy into his bookbag.
“Absolutely not!” Sukuna huffed, but he turned his head away. “That is…I don’t give her everything she wants.”
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry. I’m the same with my son. He’s my first.”
“My daughter is my first, too.”
And then the floodgates unleashed. More parents began filing down the sidewalk towards the portable classroom, but Yuji and Besu were the first at the door. Both of them raced and planted themselves directly into their father’s arms.
“Otouchan! You won’t believe it! That girl looks like me!” Yuji turned to Besu to see her the most animated she’d been all day, jabbering on to her father with bright brown eyes. “She’s real quiet though…like Fushi-kun.”
“I see. Did you have fun, then?”
“Yeah! I made a best friend!”
And Nanami smiled when Yuji turned to Besu, waving goodbye as Sukuna carried her away.
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Continue Reading -> Chapter 3
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thali-lemmonpie · 1 year
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This year I'm so busy that I had to keep it simple, so a little cute drawing of my family au that I have in my head for +5 years 🤗
This AU is yeaaars in the making and I'm not a 100% confident of it to write of draw about it (but i my birthday and I want to indulge myself) if you want to know more: under the cut
SO, in this AU Jim and Spock have a one night stand and Jim ends up pregnant, Jim goes to Spock but he doesn't let Jim have a say bcs he heard rumors (Spock is kind of an ass in the beginning)
bullet points bcs Idk how to write it all:
✨Jim gets so offended that he decided not tell him and go to the Vulcan embassy for help, there with time he meets T'Pol and T'Pau that are great help
✨Every event is pretty the same for the movie so I just make some sneaks here and there of his life with his baby.
✨Bones and Gaila are godparents of that baby (I don't have a specific name for her, like I'm between Alice or T'Shanik)
✨Spock gets involve after the events of the Narada, Amanda is still alive (bcs I said so), he loves her so much but Jim still wary of him but he lets him form a bond with her.
✨Everything is the same in Into the Darkness, Jim dies and resuscitates, here I diverge in 2 AUs one were Jim and Carol have David and one they doesn't and part ways in both (their canon event)
✨Spock really tries with Uhura (She loves the kid too), but in Beyond they just broke up.
✨Jim settles on earth and takes a teaching position while they are making the Enterprise-A, and Spock does too, they live in the same building or neighborhood.
✨They fall in love (with the help of their daughter and crew, bcs they are pretty dumb) and they get married and have another child, another daughter that is a menace, but she's an story for another day
That's pretty much the AU, very cliche and fluff and angst that I haven't written.
Wanna see my other Birthday spirk drawings?
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
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You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 14/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Fourteen: Fathers and Sons (Terry McGinnis' POV)
I hadn’t heard from Jason in over two years, but he was at the funeral. I thought it was strange. I wondered who invited him. I wondered why he stood so far away. Mom couldn’t move. She couldn’t process any of it. So, we stood beside her as everyone paid their respects and went home. They could go home. I couldn’t. I could never go home again. I had to officially move in with Mom once they let me into the crime scene that was once my dad’s apartment. Everyone left, and I stayed behind. Mom took Matt home, and Jason finally approached. I couldn’t pretend. I resented him for letting me go without a reason. So, I let him have it. I couldn’t remember what I said, but I know it was harsh. He stood there, tall and strong with sadness in his eyes. Jason didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. I tore into him until I didn’t have any other words to describe how I felt. And without missing a beat, he said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you… But I knew you were good. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think you could handle it… But I missed it. Every moment.”
I swallowed hard. My stomach was in knots. It only took a few little sentences for me to forgive him. I knew he’d understand my grief. My anger. My emptiness. “What are you doing here?” I questioned, my voice breaking as I asked him. 
“I promised Mary that I’d look after you while you got your things. I also promised her that I’d try to get you to eat. We could get whatever you want,” Jason whispered, “We’ll go eat… And then we’ll get your stuff. I promise.” 
“Why? Why now?” I asked. 
“Because I lost my parents as a kid. And in retrospect, I think I needed someone who could show me how to process grief without being pacified with emotionally addictive coping mechanisms. Are you alright with me coming around for a little while?” Jason questioned. I wanted to say no. I wanted to pretend I didn’t need him, but I couldn’t lie. I nodded. 
After Jason took me to eat, we went to the apartment. Jason came with me, and he stood by quietly while I packed everything that I could into a box. Everything I owned fit into one big box. It made me feel sick and empty in my chest. I looked up at Jason, almost pleading for him to feel it for me. Feel my pain.  
“One of the kids in my program took my family from me. He got too attached… And he—. He developed a jealous streak. He thought I passed his case on because of my children… And he took them from me. I was afraid that those feelings would keep me from helping you… And I didn’t want to make the same mistake of passing your case onto someone else, so I stepped away. Besides, you were so independent. You didn’t need me as much. You and Warren were doing alright. But, he—. He called me. He said something changed a few months ago. What was it?” Jason questioned. The confession seemed out of place. 
“It wasn’t like that. I get into with some guy at school sometimes, but it’s—. Dad was swamped at work. He didn’t have the time to talk about it anymore… So, I stopped explaining. I’m not messing around with gangs or stealing anymore. I swear,” I promised him. He nodded. “I would’ve understood if you told me what happened to your kids. I’m sorry, Jason.”
“It’s—. Thank you… I probably should’ve explained, but I—. It’s a lot to dredge up,” Jason replied, “Which is why I want you to talk about this on your own time. I’ll be available whenever you feel like talking about him. I spent a lot of time talking to Warren. We became friends. He was kind to me.”
“What did you have in common with my dad?” I questioned. 
Jason smiled as tears slid down his cheeks. “He had a normal life… Normal problems… But this—.”
“Feels wrong… I don’t think Dad would’ve opened the door for those twips,” I interrupted him.
Jason nodded as he looked around. He must’ve seen something because his jaw tightened. “Terry, after today… don’t come back here. Something’s not right. This isn’t—. If you see something weird, I want you to call me,” Jason whispered. He stepped into the doorway, and I could tell there was something wrong in his eyes. A switch flipped, and he scanned over everything. 
“What is it?” I questioned. Jason shook his head as he took me to his car. His face went dark, and he looked around. 
“I don’t know… I just feel strange about all of this, Terry. Get in the car, and I’ll take you to Mary’s. It’s getting dark,” Jason whispered. He shut the door and got in the driver’s seat. I looked at Jason. 
“Does this mean I’m back in the program?” I asked. I felt stupid as soon as I asked it. 
“Is that what you want?” Jason questioned. 
He wanted me to say it. Not for his ego. I don’t think he had one, but it was all for me. He wanted to know what I wanted. And he needed me to ask him. I started hyperventilating, and Jason tapped the dashboard between us until I calmed down. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without my dad,” I mumbled.
“And I can’t fill that space, but I can create a space for you to cope if you’ll let me help you,” Jason answered. 
We didn’t say anything else for the whole ride home, and he walked me up to the door and said goodbye to my mom and Matt before leaving. And somewhere in between me entering my room and seeing Matt, I dropped my dad’s picture and found the disc. And that’s when I decided to get involved with Bruce Wayne. I didn’t know much about the old man, and I didn’t really care, but I needed his help. I knew I couldn’t go to Jason because he’d tell me not to get involved. He would’ve taken over, and I wanted my own answers… and it was Mr. Wayne’s company. 
Jason picked me up from school after Powers’ people accosted me. He pinched the bridge of his nose, before sighing. Avery-Marie sat in the back seat, kicking her feet. She had noise-canceling headphones on. “Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“I’m alright… Is that Avery-Marie? She’s so big now,” I whispered. 
“Yeah… She’s in kindergarten… Why is Powers’ muscle hassling you?” Jason questioned. 
I shook my head like I didn’t know, and he accepted it. He knew I was lying, but he didn’t push for an answer. “Powerphones off,” Jason commanded, and Avery-Marie looked up. 
“Grandpa, can I have a cookie in the car?” Avery-Marie asked. 
“Sure, Avie. Did you see Terry in the front seat?” Jason questioned.
“Hi, Terry! Do you want a cookie too?” Avery-Marie offered. Her blonde curls reached past her shoulders, and she wore glitter star stickers on her face. “Grandpa, is Terry coming over to play?” 
Jason tapped the steering wheel as he started driving. “Not today, Sweetpea… Terry’s busy.” Avery-Marie pouted as she handed me a cookie.
“Maybe some other time… ‘Kay, Avery-Marie?” I offered. 
Jason nodded. “If he’s free, maybe he can babysit sometimes,” Jason suggested. He wanted me at the office. I knew what that meant. He wasn’t ready to let the situation with Powers go. Not completely anyway.
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raspberry-gloaming · 6 months
I very much doubt there's much chance of this, but is there anyone out there who is a fan of both Doctor Who (and especially/possibly the Gallifrey audios) and the Nevermoor series? As I have many au thoughts but no-one to share/discuss them with.
(if you are please message me)
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eemoo1o-animoo · 8 months
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“O!Ciel looks like Vincent!” Yeah, no. I literally turned the page thinking, why is Ciel in a wig? Is this the right volume? I feel like I skipped something. But, no. That’s young Madam Red – is no one going to talk about this? Just me?
Because that, alongside what Yana had wanted Ciel’s name to mean in the concept stage (alongside the other names she thought of, cumulating under the same theme), as “Angelina” follows a similar message (star, heaven, angels, sky, etc), seems kind of noteworthy.
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asurrogateblog · 4 months
I wonder which band spawned the most illegitimate children
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leopardsealz · 1 year
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as the CEO of seals it is high time i made some seal OCs. pebble is the adopted daughter of blue & dusky :3
please reblog my art!
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dinjoyer · 1 year
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Leon with Tsula :3
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byanyan · 1 year
ㅤi'm realizing it's been a while since i've explained why byan is, you know, even called byan in the first place. i feel like a lot of my mutuals probably have no idea, so lemme change that real quick!
ㅤbyan's actual, legal name is yeong-hwan byun — or byun yeong-hwan but, because they exist in a primarily english-speaking setting, they're in the habit of saying and writing it the western way. that is, with their given name first, followed by family name rather than the other way around, as a korean name typically would be.
they've always hated their name. in part, it's because it was given to them by the mother who didn't even want to keep them. the fact that she's never been in their life, yet they're stuck sharing her surname is something they've always despised. mostly though, they hate yeong-hwan because it's long. it's boring. they have to correct people on the pronunciation an exhausting number of times. and, of course, it's masculine. nothing about it has ever felt right to them.
by the time they were about six, they were desperate for something different. so, since no one else was giving them a nickname like they were secretly hoping would happen once they started elementary school, they took it into their own hands. taking the 'by' from byun and the 'an' from the end of yeong-hwan, they crafted the name byan for themself. it was shorter, it was cuter, it was unique and not inherently gendered — it felt so much more like them. it still does. they've been using it ever since, demanding that anyone who interacts with them on a regular basis use it over their "real" name, and they often threaten violence on anyone who doesn't. —and yet at the same time, most of the people they meet outside of school have no idea that they even have any name other than byan.
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pfirsichspritzer · 4 months
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Inspired by the dad!lockwood content going around and especially @dangerously-human 's fic You Must Be New Here
Let me offer another humble contribution
(I feel we are all a bit mad, driving each other more crazy... and I love it 😍)
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aheckinmess · 2 months
Don't Lie Over Spilt Milk (Dad Nanami)
(Part 3 of Season of Serendipity.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Nanami, Child Yuji, Child Yuuji, Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Ryomen Sukuna, Ryoumen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Yuuji Itadori, Besu Sukuna, Parental Nanami, Dad Sukuna, Soft Sukuna, Protective Sukuna, Canon Divergence - AU, Sukuna Has a Daughter, Yuji is Nanami's Son, I Merged Two of My Series, Yuji Itadori is a Good Friend, OC Gets Picked On, Yuji is Protective and Determined to Help Her Feel Better, Sukuna is a Good Dad, In His Own Way, OC is His Little Princess, Fluff with Angst Sprinkled In, Fluff and Angst
Word Count: 3, 267 words
Summary: Yuji and Besu become fast friends in Pre-K, but when a group of classmates tell Yuji they won't sit with Besu because they think her dad is cursed, Yuji is determined to prove them wrong.
Author's Note: This took so long to write and went on longer than expected, but it was so much fun! I don't really know where this series is going, but it's adorable and I'm not stopping any time soon.
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Yuji and Besu were inseparable. For one of the most extroverted kids in class, Yuji could be found almost exclusively by Besu’s side. For one of the quietest kids in class, Besu talked Yuji’s ear off anytime they were together. 
When Ms. Chotto chose their partners instead of letting them pick this morning, Yuji gave Besu a smile and went to find his group, instantly relaxing into a conversation. He didn’t worry about Besu until Kia and Kai both stepped over to his table and sat down.
Which was odd because they were the only other two in Besu’s group.
“Can we sit with you?” Kia wrinkled her face into a frown.
“Yeah. We don’t want to be in her group.” Kai matched her expression.
Yuji looked over to see Besu staring at her table, her coloring page already finished. He tried to see her face, but her pink hair created a veil between them. When he turned back to the twins, Fuyuki and Yuto were already ushering them over with smiles.
“Why don’t you want to be in Bechan’s group?” Yuji interrupted them, feeling fire heating up his chest. “She’s really nice. And she doesn’t copy your work.”
“Don’t you know who her dad is?”
“My mommy told me that he’s really mean.”
“Yeah! I saw him in car line and he’s really scary!”
Yuji stared at his tablemates, dumbfounded. He’d met Mr. Sukuna plenty of times! Often, Otouchan would speak with him to give Yuji more time to play with Besu after school. And if Otouchan was friends with him, there was no way he could be mean!
“There’s nothing wrong with him. Otouchan talks to him all the time.”
The entire table gasped and shoved their chairs away from the table. The commotion led Ms. Chotto over to see what the issue was, and Kai immediately pointed at Yuji.
“Yuji’s dad is cursed!” 
“He speaks with Mr. Sukuna!”
Ms. Chotto sighed and shook her head, kneeling at the table full of children.
“Those are not very nice things to say. People are not cursed just for talking to others.”
“But Kai’s right! My momma said that Mr. Sukuna is a cursed man!” Fuyuki explains. “And he’s got tattoos!”
“Mr. Sukuna has given no one any reason to believe he’s mean or cursed. And that should be no reason for you to leave Besu to do all of her work alone.” Ms. Chotto said sternly. “Now, go over there and apologize. And finish your work!”
. . . . .
Yuji sat by Besu during recess as she filled a yellow bucket with sand. Yuji felt bad for her and decided to be her tunnel digger. He knew she liked mixing together the sand. Besu quietly and methodically filled her shovel and poured it into the bucket. Shovel, pour, mix. Shovel, pour, mix.
“Do you think I’m cursed, Yuji-kun?” Besu broke the silence as she flipped her bucket over, patting the bottom and revealing the beginning of a sandcastle.
“Don’t listen to Kia and Kai, Bechan. You’re not cursed, and your dad is great! He gives you the best snacks.” 
She nodded, but Yuji didn’t think she really believed him. The burning fire in his stomach returned, but this time he felt sick, too. Frowns didn’t look right on Besu’s face.
“We’ll show them. I’ll ask Otouchan if I can go over to your house! And then they’ll see that there’s nothing scary about your dad!” Yuji said, pausing to pick out a tiny pebble caked under his nail.
Besu lifted her head minutely, seeming unsure, but when she heard her father’s voice across the playground she waved to Yuji and rushed over to crawl up into his arms. She buried her face in his neck and squeezed him tight without sparing another glance to Yuji.
Yuji watched her go, and when his dad came into view he shot over to him like a rocket.
“Otouchan, can I go to Bechan’s house this weekend?” He asked, grabbing Nanami’s hand as he looked up at him.
“Mm?” Nanami quirked a brow. “I guess we’d have to ask her father first, Yuji-kun. We don’t have any plans. Are you sure you don’t want to invite her over to our house?”
“No! It has to be her house!”
That got Nanami to raise a brow.
“Oh? Why is that?”
“Fuyuki’s mom said Mr. Sukuna is a cursed man. And I’m gonna go over there so they know he’s not!” Yuji stated matter-of-factly as Nanami walked him down the street.
“I see.” Nanami squeezed Yuji’s hand and led him home. “I’ll see what I can do, Yuji-kun.”
. . . . .
When Nanami drove Yuji over to Besu’s house that weekend, Yuji readied himself with all the essentials. He stashed his detective hat in his overnight bag, along with a flashlight for late night searching. A magnifying glass and a toy laser shooter joined their company. 
Nanami even let him bring a disposable camera! He was ready to prove to those kids that there was nothing wrong with Besu or Mr. Sukuna!
“Now, you know what number to call if you need me, Yuji-kun?” 
“And if you can’t remember it, do you know where to find it?”
“On the tag in my bookbag!” Yuji patted his bag and unclipped the belt to his car seat in seconds. “Come on, Otocuhan!”
“Wait, Yuji-kun,” Nanami chuckled and a moment later he helped him out of the car. 
Yuji saw Mr. Sukuna at the end of the long driveway with a hand in his pocket. Besu hid beside him hugging his other arm.
“Hi, Bechan!” Yuji’s pace doubled as he pulled Nanami along with him. “Guess what? I brought my magnifying glass and my hat so we can play Detective!”
“I have a hat I can use too!” Besu brightened and Yuji smiled.
“Come on! Let’s go–”
“Yuji-kun, aren’t you going to say goodbye?” Nanami called from the doorway.
“Oh!” Yuji giggled and rushed back over to him. He barreled into Nanami and squeezed him tight. “I love you, Otouchan! See you tomorrow!”
“Be good, Yuji. Try not to cause much trouble.”
“Okay!” Yuji grinned, bumping into Mr. Sukuna as he stepped back. “Sorry, ‘scuse me!”
He flew around the large man back to Besu as Nanami shook his head with amusement, making a few final comments to Sukuna about bedtime and dietary needs. 
“Just make sure he doesn’t have any sugar before bed. I’m sure you can see, he fires on all cylinders without sugar as it is.” Nanami chuckled.
“Otouchaaann!” Yuji whined, pouting as he turned around.
“Okay, okay.��� Nanami turned with a wave. “Have fun, Yuji-kun.”
“Let’s play Detective, Bechan!” Yuji had his bookbag open in seconds, shuffling through clothes and toys before a large hand settled over his.
“I’m glad to see you’re excited to play, Yuji. But why don’t you let Besu show you where you’re staying so you can keep your stuff in one place?” Sukuna suggested, raising an eyebrow.
“Okay!” Yuji nodded, turning back to Besu, who giggled and tugged his arm.
“I told Daddy that we’ll stay in the upstairs! There’s a window where you can see all the stars, and I made us a blanket fort!” Besu rattled on, hiking up the stairs two at a time in her excitement. “And he’s making us sushi for dinner! Oops, wait…I wasn’t supposed to tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise. Um…pretend we’re having meatballs!” 
Yuji liked this Besu much better. Ever since Kia and Kai said Mr. Sukuna was cursed, she’d lost her smile. Yuji could feel bright light flooding his chest as he watched the corners of her mouth reach her ears.
“Meatballs, got it!” He agreed easily, and then his mouth hung open as he set his bag at the door. “Woooww. Is this your room?!” 
“Mhmm!” She beamed. “And look! Daddy had Mr. Mokuzai build a shelf in my wall. Now I can keep all my books here!” She hopped onto her bed and started pointing out all of the pretty colors. “And there’s a big window! That’s where we’ll sleep so we can see the stars. See? I told you I made a fort!” She pulled him inside and Yuji laid on his back and stared at the sunset through her large picture window.
“Wow!” Yuji gaped again, eyes twinkling with the reflection of sunlight before he remembered his bag. “Oh, yeah! Come on, Bechan, let’s play Detective!”
While Yuji loved playing with Besu in general, he was determined during this sleepover to get plenty of evidence that Mr. Sukuna was not cursed! He took her exploring through the house with his magnifying glass, looking for proof of Mr. Sukuna’s not cursed-ness. 
“Why is Daddy’s dreamcatcher going to help show Kia and Kai that he’s not cursed?” Besu whispered as she stood guard at her father’s door. 
“It catches his dreams so he can’t have cursed dreams!” Yuji said.
“Oh! What about this, then?” She pointed up at some green pieces of glass hanging from strings against Mr. Sukuna’s door. 
“Won’t that hurt us? It looks like glass.”
“It’s seaglass. Daddy says it helps him see ghosts so he can make sure they don’t hurt me!” 
“Ooo, yeah! Grab that too!”
By the time they’d compiled a large group of items meant to serve as proof, a knock sounded at Besu’s door.
“Besu? Yuji?” Sukuna called, and chuckled when the two of them poked their heads out of the fort. “Dinner’s ready.”
“Oh, boy!” Yuji exclaimed, before remembering he wasn’t supposed to know what dinner was. “Are we having meatballs?” He covered quickly.
Sukuna smirked and Yuji thought he’d been discovered, but he merely waved for them to follow down the stairs.
“No. But Besu wanted dinner to be a surprise, so why don’t you come see what we’re having?” He offered.
Yuji flushed at Besu, who giggled and raced him down the stairs to the dining table. Once both were set, they wiggled eagerly in their seats. Sukuna placed their plates down and Yuji beamed as sushi served with sides of ohitashi and edamame made him salivate.
“What would you two like to drink?” 
“Me too!”
“Okay, but you both have to drink your green tea afterwards.” Sukuna warned.
As both children hastily agreed, the room grew quiet as Yuji stuffed his mouth with food and the only sound between the three of them for a good ten minutes was the clink of silverware.
“So, Bechan, I see you and Yuji have been going through the things in my room.” Sukuna hummed as he reclined. “What’s all that about?”
“We’re gonna show Kia and Kai–” Yuji began, but Besu cut him off.
“We were playing detective and those were our clues.” Besu said, her eyes focused on her plate.
Yuji tilted his head at her curiously. Sukuna made a low rumbling noise in his throat.
“Is that so?” He said. The way he said it made Yuji frown into his sushi, stuffing a big piece in his mouth so he wouldn’t have to say anything. “So what was all of that about cursed dreams then?”
Besu didn’t say anything, but Yuji was practically combusting from the need to explain the situation. He wanted her to look at him so he could figure out why she wasn’t telling her dad about Kia and Kai, but her hair hid her face from view as she continued staring at her plate.
“We were talking about your dreamcatcher.” Her voice was soft and scared, like the first day Yuji met her. “It keeps you from having cursed dreams.”
“Besu, what aren’t you telling me?” 
Yuji couldn’t help himself.
“Mr. Sukuna, it was–” But as Yuji reached out his hand, it sent his milk glass tumbling over. “Oh! I’m sorry!”
Sukuna’s reflexes were quick as he ran over to a roll of napkins and he soaked up Yuji’s drink. By the time they cleaned it up, Besu’s lip quivered and tears ran down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Sukuna. I didn’t mean to.” Yuji apologized.
“You’re not in trouble, Yuji.” A pause settled between the three of them. “And neither are you, Besu. But I want to know what you’re so scared to tell me.” 
“Do you want me to tell him, Bechan?” Yuji asked.
“I appreciate your attempt at honesty, Yuji, but this is something I need to hear from Besu.” 
Yuji watched Besu sniffle in silence for a minute or two before she wiped her eyes and looked up at her father.
“Some kids at school said that you were cursed, so Yuji-kun and I were trying to play detective so we could find stuff to prove you weren’t.” She whispered.
“It was Kia and Kai!” Yuji adds, feeling a pressure off his chest now that he could talk about it. “They wouldn’t sit with Bechan because they said you’re mean and cursed! Fuyuki and Yuto thought so too! But I told them that you can’t be cursed because Otouchan talks with you all the time, and Otouchan says you’re a good man. But Fuyuki said her mom thinks you’re cursed because you have tattoos and so we were getting stuff and taking pictures so we can show them you’re not!”
“Besu, is that true?”
She nodded, and Yuji shoved one more piece of sushi in his mouth while the two spoke. His hands clenched into fists at his sides when he heard her sniff. Yuji watched Mr. Sukuna set his chopsticks aside and glided over to kneel by her chair. He moved her pink hair out of her face, and Yuji thought he looked a lot like Otouchan did when he tried to help Yuji during a crying fit.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Princess?” He cooed.
“I-I didn’t…” She choked on her words for a few minutes, and he pulled her into a pair of strong arms. Yuji couldn’t help himself. He toddled over to them and threw his arms around Besu. “I didn’t want you…to be sad…be-because they said you were bad.”
A beat of quiet got interrupted as Sukuna suddenly burst into laughter and squeezed Yuji and Besu together.
“Oh, my little princess, you’re too sweet for your own good. Too sweet to be mine.” He sighed and smiled, before ruffling Yuji’s hair. “But you’re good at picking friends. You’re a good kid, Yuji.”
 Yuji beamed and then asked if there was any more sushi.
. . . . .
For the rest of the evening, Yuji and Besu continued their trek through their house with Sukuna’s blessing. Besu also swore he’d left extra items out for them when they circled back to the living room to find an old gold piece hiding under a magazine.
“We might have just missed it the first time.” Yuji reminded her.
“No. Daddy definitely put it there.” Besu giggled.
By the time they’d amassed enough evidence of Mr. Sukuna’s non-cursedness, it was time for bed.
“Besu! Yuji! Time to get ready for bed!” Sukuna called up the stairs. “Be ready in ten or I’ll pick off all your toes and eat them for breakfast!”
Yuji’s eyes widened at Besu, who only laughed as she grabbed her clothes.
“He just means he’ll tickle us if we don’t get ready fast.” She explained, and ducked into the bathroom to change. 
Both of them were ready well within the ten minute range, but that didn’t stop Sukuna from coming in and pulling Besu into his arms to tickle and torment her with raspberries against her cheek. Yuji rocked onto his back with a boyish giggle before the moment ended and Sukuna tucked them into their sleeping bags under the blanket fort.
“Now, you’re sure you don’t want to sleep on your bed, Princess?”
“I’m sure. I’m gonna show Yuji the stars!”
“Okay. Well, you sleep well. If you stay up late behind my back, make sure you’re asleep before dawn.” He pinched her cheek.
“Okay.” She smiled.
“And you sleep well, too, Yuji.” Sukuna said, ruffling his hair.
Yuji grinned, but chewed at his lips when a question came to mind. 
“Mr. Sukuna, why do you think Kia and Kai think you’re cursed?”
“Hmm,” Sukuna rumbled, looking between the two of them before sighing and resituating his long legs. “I have a theory, but it’s a bit of a long story.”
“Will you tell us? Please?” Besu sat up, eyes sparkling in the evening light. 
“Yeah! If you tell us then we can definitely prove Kia and Kai are wrong!” Yuji agreed.
“Very well.” Sukuna shook his head as they both turned their attention to him. “Besu, when you were just a girl, your mother grew very ill and died. I’ve told you the story, yes?” When Besu nodded, he continued. “Well, before your mother died, and you were still a baby, we moved into this house. At the time, and even still, it was rumored to be haunted.”
“Haunted? But we’ve never seen any ghosts!” Besu gasped. 
“That’s because it’s not actually haunted.” Sukuna chuckled and patted her head. “But because it hadn’t been lived in and was abandoned for a while, people thought it was. Some men who weren’t very nice stopped your mother while I was paying for groceries one afternoon and when I walked out, they were crowding around her, threatening her for staying in the old Juju house and calling her a…well, some not nice words.” When he paused, Yuji watched him put a hand over his mouth for a moment before his hand settled into a fist on his knee. “Well, I couldn’t let them hurt you or your mother. I beat the bastards…shit, that’s a curse word. Damn!” He facepalmed and Yuji giggled. “Anyway, I beat them up for messing with the two of you and was put in prison for it. The neighborhood we stay in is bad about gossip, so the whole neighborhood knew that I’d been in prison and they stayed away from us and told your mother to leave me or she’d be cursed.”
“Why didn’t you tell them about the bad men?” Yuji asked.
“Her mother tried, but sometimes adults can be very closed-minded.” He pulled Besu into his side to kiss the top of her head. “Like I was, before I met your mother.”
“Then what happened, Daddy?” 
“Well, your mother didn’t leave me. She was pure of heart, much like you, so she stayed by my side until the very end. Unfortunately, it was shortly after that that she became sick, and only a little while after that she died. That seemed to solidify to everyone that she was cursed, and by extension, me.”
“So, if we show them what we found, maybe they’ll see that you’re not cursed!” Besu said, hugging her father’s arm. “Right?”
“Well, Princess,” Mr. Sukuna sighed. “People don’t always work that way. Sometimes when they’ve made up their mind, they’re set on it.”
“But we can still try, right?” She pressed, face determined.
“Yeah! Since we played detective, we can show them you’re not cursed!” Yuji added.
“Heh,” Sukuna looked between the two of them and tickled both of their necks before he stood. “Maybe you’re right, kiddos. Sweet dreams, then.”
When he left the room, Besu suddenly tackled Yuji into a tight hug.
“Thank you for helping me, Yuji-kun.”
Yuji could only squeeze her back before they relaxed on their sleeping bags on the floor. And Besu told Yuji all about the stars and their stories, just as her father had told her growing up.
Their eyes closed just before the sun began to rise.
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i01-xcl · 4 months
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 10/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Ten: Responsibility (Terry McGinnis' POV)
Jason picked me up from school with his granddaughter in the backseat. “Want cookies?” she asked as she passed me a bag. 
“Thanks,” I replied as I took it from her. “I’m Terry. What’s your name?” 
“Avery-Marie Todd,” she answered. 
“Avery-Marie Prescott Todd. Two first names. One middle,” Jason explained, “How was school?” 
“It was alright,” I replied, glancing out the window. Dana waved at me. I raised a hand and smiled. 
“Friend of yours?” Jason asked. 
“Something like that,” I smiled. Jason chuckled. 
“Pretty lady,” Avery-Marie replied. 
“Avie,” Jason laughed. I covered my mouth. “Terry, I have a meeting on Friday, so I won’t be able to pick you up from school… I haven’t had the chance to talk to your parents. If they can’t work something out, I can ask to do it over the phone.”
“I don’t wanna cause any trouble—.” 
“Nuh-uh. No one’s any trouble. If you can—. Actually, I can work something out if you can help me with something. Do you have a test or something on Friday?” Jason questioned. I checked my phone and shook my head. “Call your dad. I want to run something by him.” 
I obeyed, calling my dad while Avery-Marie made horse noises with her lips. “Avie, Grandpa has to call Terry’s dad… Can you whisper all the shapes you remember?” Jason asked. Avery-Marie gasped. “I’ll give you a hint. The first shape has three sides and is shaped like a pizza slice.” 
“Triangle… Square…” Avery-Marie whispered while my dad answered the phone. 
“Terry, what’s wrong?” Dad asked. 
“Oh no, sorry, Warren. I wanted to run something by you. Terry has no tests on Friday, and I have a meeting with the mayor about the program. Would it be alright with you if I picked Terry up an hour early to get there on time? And it’ll save me the trouble of looking for someone to watch my granddaughter for me,” Jason suggested. 
“Well, Terry’s grades are much better than they’ve been in a while… So, I guess it’s okay. I’ll let the office know you’ll be there on Friday,” Dad replied. I grinned. “And Terry… Keep up the good work. I’ll see you later on.”
“Alright, Dad. Thanks,” I smiled. Dad hung up, and Jason drove to his house. I turned around to see why Avery-Marie was so quiet, and she lay fast asleep in the backseat. 
“It puts her to sleep every time,” Jason chuckled, “And don’t worry, Terry. I’ll pay you for watching Avery. She always naps at three no matter what. You don’t have to do any wind-down, Avie’s gonna drop within twenty minutes, and the only thing that can wake her up is if you move her.” 
“Jason? Why didn’t you tell me you had a grandkid?” I questioned. Jason chewed his lip.
“I don’t see her often. We had a family emergency, so she’ll be with me for the foreseeable future… How’re you doing? Any pain?” Jason asked. 
“I’m alright… I’m sore, but I’ll live,” I answered. Jason glanced at me. “What?” 
“Terry, I’m not your parents. I’m not a social worker or a PO. I’m your mentor. Being concerned for you is my job. I was there… I saw,” Jason replied. 
“I had an honest conversation with my dad. He told me he was scared… And I told him I wasn’t. I can’t explain, but I know I’m not afraid. I got slagged, but it was the best thing ever for my dad and me. I love my dad, and I—. Jason, my mom asked if I was gonna die… I told her no… And I meant it,” I confessed. 
“Hm… It’s the adrenaline. When I was your age, I was a thrillseeker, too… The problem was deeper than that, though. I was depressed and didn’t care if I lived or died. That’s how it was for me. Maybe, you miss the thrill of being in a gang. I don’t know… You have to find out why you feel like that,” Jason whispered. I felt a lump in my throat. It was the first time I ever felt scared of myself. 
“Am I killing my parents?” I mumbled as tears streamed down my cheeks. Jason pulled over. 
“Hey… Hey, Terry. Your parents love you so much. This is why—. Terry, therapy can help you unpack some of these issues. It might help you figure out what’s ticking inside you, so you don’t self-destruct. Your parents raised good kids. I wouldn’t trust you with my granddaughter if I thought otherwise,” Jason reassured me. He gave me a tissue. “I know I keep harping on therapy, but it could help you.”
“Why did you stop going?” I asked. I didn’t want to hurt him like I did last time. I was curious.
“I couldn’t unpack everything yet. I wasn’t ready… I’m getting there, but I’m scared. You want help. I can recommend someone. I know her personally, and I know she cares,” Jason whispered, “Your dad thinks it’s a good idea, but I told him not to force it. What do you think? Should I float you her information?” I nodded. 
I fell asleep while I waited for my dad to pick me up, and I woke up to Avery-Marie curled up under my arm, reading a book. “Hey,” I mumbled. Avery-Marie glanced up at me. 
“I not finished,” Avery-Marie replied.  Jason chuckled. I ran a hand over my face and laughed. 
“Sorry, continue,” I replied. She finished the book and patted my knee.
“Okay,” Jason smiled, “Avie, get ready to tell Terry bye-bye. We’ll see him tomorrow.” 
“Aww!” Avery-Marie frowned. “Terry stay.” 
I dug through my backpack and gave Avery-Marie a toy from the bottom. “Avery, can you—?”
“Avery is Daddy,” Avery-Marie interrupted, “I’m Avie.” 
“Okay, Avie… Can you hold onto this for me until tomorrow?” I asked. She pressed the buttons on it, watching as it lit up. “Oh wait…” I pulled another out of my bag. “I have this one. So, if you push a button on that one, I can see it on this one.” 
Avery-Marie lit up and nodded. “What do we say, Sweetpea?” Jason asked. 
“Thank you!” Avery-Marie smiled. 
My dad called and I went to the door. Avery-Marie grabbed my hand. “Bye-bye,” Avery-Marie smiled.
“Bye-bye, Avie. Thanks for reading to me today,” I answered. 
Jason’s advice weighed on me. So, I talked to my dad about it when we got home. “What do you think?” I asked. 
“I didn’t think you’d be open to it. I can call and get you an appointment… Are you okay?” Dad asked. I nodded. 
“I just—. I don’t want you and Mom worrying about me. I wanna stay out of trouble… And I want you to believe me when I tell you I’m done with all that,” I answered. 
“I do… I believe you, Terry,” Dad replied, “I’m glad you wanted to talk to me. I don’t worry as much when you take the time to explain your feelings to me.” We went silent for an uncomfortably long time, and Dad cleared his throat.
“Did you um—? Did you—? What kind of grandparent is Jason? Am I the only person who can’t imagine him as a grandpa?” Dad asked. I chuckled.
“It’s weird how he’s still schway with a grandkid. It doesn’t take away from anything. I knew he had kids, but I couldn’t imagine him with a toddler,” I replied, “Oh, and thanks for being cool about Friday.” 
“Yeah, yeah. It’s whatever. It’s Friday. That’s no big deal,” Dad answered, “And I talked to Jason a few days ago about giving you more responsibility and taking a step back.” It felt like everything took a turn for the better.
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
(Same anon)
hfgjshskfhdjakafk oh my god yes!!! :O please talk about your s/I and Nightmare Fredbear!!!!!! 👀👀
THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE AAAAASK!!! Nothing brings me more joy than being asked about my Self Inserts <3
This S/I I've had for a while now sense I finally toughened up and watched Markiplier's playthroughs of FNaF despite my fear of them, I just never talked about it because I don't know how to talk about it, sense it's the very first Kin self insert I've ever had.
Usually when I ~Vibe~ with a character I'll call it Kin, but this was a very different feeling and it took a while to figure it out. Once I did I kinda fell into imposter syndrome about the whole Kin thing sense I'd seen a lot of people take it a lot more seriously than I ever did, so I just.. quietly added the Nightmares to my F/O list and left it at that.
But now I'm finally here to say!!! I am the Crying Child!!
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This Self Ship's funny to me because even in the FNaF Universe the Nightmare animatronics aren't Real so Nightmare Fredbear is still a Fictional Other fkgjfdkg
The entirety of the self ship happens while in a coma after the bite of '83, which you all know as FNaF 4. It's wasn't actually as scary as the game made it out to be... Well I guess at first is was.
The whole thing takes place in my house, but wrong. Like, my room has two doors and they won't latch, and all my toys look weird, and it's always night, and my head hurts all the time, and of course, there's animatronics in the hallways.
For a really long time I was super scared, I thought they were gonna eat me! But I spent a long long time with them and eventually became less scared. And then not scared at all eventually!
Sometimes I'd hear my dad or brother talking, but it'd be echoey and distant. Fredbear told me not worry about it too much. He's my best friend, so I trust him of course.
And, I mean.. That's it. It's not a very interesting self ship, just a child slowing succumbing to his wounds, comforted by the nightmares he had for years and years before.
The Ghost version is the thing that that Haunts the Narrative. It's as real as the Nightmares, and only Micheal and my Dad ever see it. I don't know what it is either, I just know it looks like me to them.
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shalvis · 5 months
Xenoblade 1 is the best game like ever fucking made and it has two of the most dogshit sequels ever fucking made
#meows#remembering just how insulted I felt in 2017 when I preordered the sequel and really really tried to like it#I hadn’t experienced Game I Don’t Like before 2 and it took me like 40 hours to realize I hated it#and that shit at the end is such an INSULT. such an insult#you’re telling me that [redacted] was actually only half of himself the whole time and that 1 and 2 are taking place at the same time???#and that oh actually [expunged] is one of three computers when the first game made no mention of any of that#y’all really went back to say your complete first game actually is only HaLf of the story? that someone like [expunged] is only a third of#the force that ended our planet#y’all went back and hollowed out your existing characters to make room for worse versions of the same characters#AND you play as a dork nerd child who ends the game with three gfs bc this is story#and the gfs do nothing but sacrifice themselves for you like three times and look pretty#but they don’t look pretty to like. normal well adjusted people#they look pretty to the I like questionable art of 17 year olds crowd#and the GALL. the GALL. of changing [expunged]s design in the switch port to try to stitch his afterthought purpose into the old game#while also making him just whiter and whiter until by 3 he’s like fucking light grey#and having him have a canon genderbend that’s just anime waif#who is also fucking white#and giving Klaus’ counterpart a name that has nothing to do with Gnosticism#even though so much other stuff in the first game comes from Gnosticism.#who the FUCK is Galea!!!! her name is fucking Sophia#killing biting maiming#and the gacha system? with bad odds for no reason in a game you’ve already paid for#it’s so fucking messy#it lacks a unified art direction#it’s soulless and even a game like 3 where only HALF of it is 2 flavored can’t beat the original because of the portion of 2 in it#and like what. is it like the two universes reunited after [redacted] died🙃#why did any of this need to exist! why did any of this have to be retconned#x is fine I don’t hate x and I don’t count it as a sequel to Xenoblade 1 bc there’s no#half assed tie back to 1 in x#2 and 3 would have been better as like. tales of games
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