#original plotline
taintedsoul-if · 2 years
cadmus respects the mc so much its very refreshing my immortal man <3 i can't believe he managed to make mc horny and scared, appearing confident and simultaneously intimidating while he was shitting buckets afterwards at the thought of dealing with the consequences of his actions... clown behavior but so real of him
the tags about the emperor tho... WHAT THE FUCK EW Im shedding tears i physically cringed??? in a good way, it means your writing is effective but at what cost ayo (no wonder trysten/trista is the way they are if they saw their father mistreating his concubine)
im so intrigued in knowing how the ros would react to his creepy perverted behavior, may we have some snippets perhaps? (especially trysten/trista CAUSE THATS THEIR DAD STOOOOP id die of cringe if i were in their place)(how can the ministries not feel sick with this fucking guy as their ruler thats messed up, cadmus solos)
👀 Cadmus number one priority is the MC comfort. Even if he won't be able to be with the MC in this life, he is content just being by their side.
Actually the reasons why the ministers, turn a blind eye to this is because of the Montholon family was the founding fathers, and the sole ruler of Vathilia. And also Trysten/Trista's father is lustful but he is an SSS rank Phasron. Who would dare to call him out on his behavior.
And trysten/Trista at this point in time doesn't have a problem with this. In the original timeline the MC was given as a "gift" to the emperor. The Emperor is deeply infatuated with the MC. This infatuation actually stems from his desire for Lady Anaya years ago, but alas the heart wants what it wants.
In the original timeline, the original host did marry Trysten/Trista. Every night the original host was forced into the emperors chambers to "serve" him until he was fully sated. And because of that F!MC was impregnated by the emperor. Trysten/Trista used that as the perfect excuse to do away with the MC. So for that question Trysten/Trista feels nothing towards their father's feelings of lust towards the MC.
Trysten/Trista grew up, watching their father punish his concubines because they didn't please him in bed, the previous night. In trysten/Trista's mind a spouse only use is to reproduce/vent.
In fact, as I said in an earlier ask, trysten/Trista is a frequent visitor of their father's backyard. And by that I mean, the emperor shares his women/men with his heir. Male Trysten actually impregnated one of them but that is a story for another day.
As for snippets. 🤔. I don't want to say much on this topic because it will be covered in chapter 2 - 3.
The emperor sat high on his throne, looking down smugly at his ministers kneeling infront of him. His eyes, couldn't help locking onto a certain figure in the corner of the room. The Emperor held back years ago, because this person belonged to his heir, but now he could make his apparent attraction known to others.
He has looked for people that looked just like the mc to sate his desire, but it just wasn't the same. The Emperor wanted to feel the Mc's body convulsed beneath his own, in pleasure. He wanted to kiss those sweet plump lips and make them his person. His teeth sunk into his lips. His cock felt as if, it would burst out from the confinement of his narrow waist trousers.
The emperors fingers tightened around his wine glass. His fevered glances didn't go unnoticed by a certain vermillion eye man, that sat at the far end of the bar. Carmine sparks of light flickered on the man's fingertips. A sharp laugh escaped the man's lips. To think, his spouse would be coveted by others.
"Your cover will be blown, if you use your own hand."
The man craned his neck, to look at his drinking buddy. "Then my dear [REDACTED], what do you propose I should do? Can you truly remain calm when our Bonded, is being lusted after? I can even smell the acidic stench of his arousal." The vermillion eyed man, spat in repugnance.
A pair of light green eyes darkened at those words.
I think that about sums up this ask right? Hmm am I missing anything? Nope. Alright Anon, thank you for the ask.
Also if there's any errors, I'll fix that tomorrow. So tired.
Alright I'll finish clearing out my ask box, tomorrow. Thank you once again and have a wonderful rest of day.
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sefusneezed · 7 months
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Local Tech Priest Shocked When Calling Dad Gets Turned On Her Comic Directory ||First|| ||Previous|| ||Next(WIP)||
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gold-rhine · 7 months
you know that post thats like you need to understand the rules of something before you can meaningfully break them? you need to understand the rules of classic tragedy to understand how genshin is purposefully breaking them with furina.
i've seen ppl complaining that furina doesn't have agency and should've stayed an archon when like. first of all, thats the point, tragic heroes don't. doomed by the narrative, all that shit. this is why a lot of tragedies use prophecies, which genshin references as well. like not even getting into how furina is playing off little mermaid narrative, its hard to miss that she's opera themed.
but where it starts subverting the genre, is that furina KNOWS she is a tragic hero. she is given the choice at the very start, focalors told her that she will need to suffer and PERFORM in order to finally save fontaine from the prophecy. Furina is a tragic hero who is given knowledge that she IS IN TRAGEDY PLAY and also given AGENCY TO CHOOSE TO PERFORM. bc it's not a single choice at the start, she has to keep choosing it again and again every day, the game focuses heavily on her distress and she could break the role at any moment, but she doesn't. there are so many moments of game showing her conflict! her confrontation with neuvillette, her grief in Poisson, her wavering at the traveller's offer bc it can be a loophole, then the trial, where she went all the way, where she put her hand into primordial water, thinking it will dissolve her. like! she had so many moments where it would be understandable for her to break, but she didn't, she stayed true, and it was not easy for her at all. that was a choice, a dedication that she had to make again and again, and it only became harder and harder
but where genshin really gets into breaking tragedy rules, is that it lets its tragic hero cheat death using the rules of tragedy itself. this is why i referenced an essay on classic greek tragedy here, because in tragedy, gods have absolute power, but they are also immutable, unable to change, while humans are weak and fickle, but they CAN grow and change. as an essay says, tragic hero achieves something like divinity in a moment his face solidifies into an unchangeable mask, and that moment is death.
fontaine arc is breaking the tragedy rules without disrespecting them, because it does not diminishes the sacrifice and heavy price of death, but instead allows furina to escape bc in the moment when she should have died, focalors put herself into spotlight instead, and she already had an unchangeable death mask of divinity. and her death, her sacrifice allowed furina to achieve greater agency to choose to live how she wants. she escaped the tragedy! she was saved from the narrative! she's a little mermaid who didn't have to die to receive a human soul.
and tbh saying that furina should have stayed an archon is first, conflating power with agency, and second, disrespecting her own choice, because the game goes to excruciating length to show that she hates ruling and being a movie director makes her happy. furina wanting to self-actualize through art is not somehow lesser than her being a ruler.
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fenrins · 1 month
im gonna be a hater tonight but idc! its a lomg one but i rlly wanted to rant 😔😔
im just gonna go right in and say it: some house of the dragon characters are unoriginal and lazy, and it pisses me tf off. im sick and tired of seeing the same oc regurgitated in this fandom bc istg half of these hotd ocs are literally just daenerys targaryen thrown back in time under a different name.
i usually dont care abt fanfic because its fanfic. nothing i can do, its probably some child having fun, but like i said im just TIRED of looking through hotd fanfics and seeing daenerys pop up as a faceclaim, and then going on to see that half (or all) of dany’s entire character is put into an oc with little to no actual originality if this makes sense.
before i get into this, what the fuck happened to the originality in original character? like genuinely? this is mainly abt one oc i legit just saw like an hour ago off of tiktok bc but still this applies to the daenerys knockoffs i (regularly) see and cry abt like my grown ass should not care but i do!!!!
starting off, the oc’s name is daenera. cool! fine! she’s not a daughter of rhaenyra which is a slay, but is a daughter of alicent and viserys which eh, good enough. we go on to find out that for some reason vizzy t and ali hate her, and at age 16 they decide to ship her off to pentos so she can marry a dothraki warlord. im not even joking. aside from that, she’s in pentos for a year, and comes back with an army of 550k and three dragons. okay hello daenerys! anyways she apparently fights for rhaenyra, but also bangs aemond, daemon, and cregan in the two year timeframe that the dance takes place in.
no one is gonna read this but my ass is mad and idgaf! i need to complain!! but anyways, i am sick and tired of the ocs that are just cheap copies of daenerys because at what point is this an original character? if youre using a faceclaim of daenerys for your character and essentially adding her entire plotline onto your oc, is it even an oc anymore? like i get being inspired to base a character off of her because dany is literally the blueprint, but copy and pasting her entire character and then going off and ignoring grrm’s established lore (yes, its a fanfic, but ive seen too many oc’s claim both cannibal AND vermithor at the same time and i am TIRED) is just lazy and boring.
i wish people did more with their hotd ocs honestly. like theres hundreds of houses and shit and actual ORIGINAL ideas one could use instead of just taking dany’s whole character and just making it their own. i dont even want to start an argument with this but i NEED to see more original characters. like im writing my own two on wattpad rn (one’s a dragonseed whos like schizophrenic idk and the other’s a mormont who slays the day away) but even then i just need more than aemond x his sister or niece or smth idk yk??
im just reiterating points ive made but man its just ughhhh
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kikyoupdates · 19 days
Changing Plotlines ⭑˚💞⭑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒
yandere!ocs x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, yandere reverse harem, original characters x fem!reader, slowburn, isekai
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A desperate cry on your deathbed leads to you being given a fresh start at life. You're overjoyed at having finally obtained a healthy body and a real chance at living normally, only to discover that you've been transported into a yandere game, where danger lurks at every corner. Determined to protect your new life at any cost, you vow to stay as far away from the major characters of the game as possible. But things don't always go as planned.
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People always liked to go on about how everyone was born equal, but you couldn’t help but strongly disagree.
Certain individuals, from the moment they first opened their eyes, were already at a staggering disadvantage. This was especially true in your case, having had a traumatic birth that had resulted in you being separated from your mother and confined to the ICU for several weeks on end. Honestly, the doctors didn’t think you would make it. Your parents told you that even they were at a loss, and had no choice but to prepare themselves for the worst.
You were born sick, and weak, and your life was a series of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
At the age of six, you were admitted to the hospital for a case of acute pneumonia. They didn’t think you’d make it then either, but against all odds, you prevailed.
At the age of ten, your appendix ruptured, and you went septic after a botched surgery that resulted in an infection. Again, your parents had to prepare for the worst.
At the age of eleven, you developed a persistent fever that had you bedridden in the hospital for nearly two weeks. Same story.
Thirteen, liver infection.
Fourteen, diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Big shocker there.
The list regretfully went on and on, to the point that you could hardly even keep track of all the suffering you’d endured in your admittedly short time on Earth.
Then, finally, the big one.
Age eighteen, officially diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Which in hindsight, wasn’t too surprising, given how weak your body was. It certainly explained your tendency to get sick so frequently. You were actually a bit frustrated that they hadn’t tested you for something so important earlier.
Autoimmune disorders were a “big deal”, if the way the doctors broke the news to you was anything to go off. Naturally, you weren’t thrilled about it, but you figured you would suck it up and endure, do your best and keep fighting. It wasn’t fair that others were perfectly healthy while you were in constant pain, but you knew there was nothing you could do about it. You just had to stay strong and believe in yourself. It was still manageable. You were still here, alive and kicking.
But then...
“We’re afraid your condition is terminal,” one of the doctors confessed with a weary expression. You remembered the way your parents gasped, how your mother instantly broke into tears and had to find comfort in your father’s arms. You didn’t react the same way they did. Actually, you were still having a hard time wrapping your head around all of this.
Terminal, as in... fatal? You were going to die? For real, this time?
You didn’t cry, even with your parents sobbing behind you. Part of you was still in disbelief. It didn’t make sense. You’d been to hell and back so many times, fought off death with all you had, only to be told that it was all for nothing? You were going to die, and it was completely and utterly unavoidable.
Somehow, you mustered up the nerve to ask. “How much longer do I have?”
They were hesitant to give you an answer and told you that these sorts of things weren’t quite so easy to predict. It all depended on how quickly your symptoms worsened. Truthfully, you preferred it that way. You didn’t want to have an expiration date on your life. It was too cruel a notion for you to bear.
And now, here you were. A twenty-year-old confined to a hospital, gritting your teeth through each torturous day, when you should have been living out the best years of your life.
“Man, that game was fucked,” you sighed, sliding your laptop out of the way. There was very little you could do in your tiny hospital room, but thankfully you were allowed to keep electronics like your laptop, phone, and mini consoles. Lately, you’d been really into dating sims, and the last one you’d tried out was certainly... unique, for lack of a better word. It was a darker genre than you weren’t usually partial to, part of this recent “yandere” fad—meaning that all the love interests were basically batshit insane. And while the endings were questionable at best, you couldn’t deny that it had done a good job of keeping you entertained.
Apart from playing games and streaming other forms of entertainment, you also liked to look up college courses online and teach yourself different parts of the syllabus. You knew it was probably pointless. You weren’t even enrolled in college, since you were too weak to keep up with the course load, and odds were that you would’ve died before your graduation date anyways. It was a morbid line of thinking, for sure, but you didn’t want to waste even more of your parents’ money, no matter how desperately they insisted that it was perfectly fine and you should do what made you happy.
You liked learning on your own, so it wasn’t that bad. This way, you were free to study whatever topics interested you, instead of being restricted to a set program. Even though you were completely hopeless and didn’t have a body fit to repay society, it was nice to imagine that you would have been a knowledgeable, resourceful worker. The kind of person others would turn to if they ever needed help, instead of being the one who was always on the receiving end of someone else’s goodwill.
“Did you finish that game you’ve been playing?” your mom asked, gently ruffling her fingers through your hair.
“Mhm,” you nodded. “It was high-key messed up.”
“Really? What sorts of things happened?”
“Eh, you know. Violence, murder, assault. Just your run-of-the-mill dating sim.”
She scrunched up her nose. “Are you sure content like that is good for keeping your mood up?”
“Oh, definitely,” you grinned. “It was tons of fun.”
“I guess I’m too old to get it,” she sighed. Beside her, your father chuckled and handed you a plastic bag full of snacks.
“Dropped by the supermarket and picked out the ones you like,” he said.
You smiled and eagerly took the bag in your hands, ready to dig in, but your expression sank at the sight of the contents inside. “This is all healthy garbage,” you whined. “You’re such a liar! I can’t stand this junk. Can’t believe you would tease me like that.”
“I wasn’t teasing,” he sweat-dropped. “You had them before and you said they were edible!”
“Edible doesn’t mean I like them... oh boy,” you said exasperatedly, shaking your head. Well, whatever. You didn’t have it in you to stay mad at either of your parents, who were practically saints for having cared for you tirelessly all this time. You did wish that you could eat some palatable food from time to time, but your stomach was so sensitive that it was probably better to play it safe.
You reluctantly opened up some of the snacks and started munching on them unenthusiastically. As expected, they tasted pretty bad. Still, you tried to keep a smile up for your parents’ sake.
“They’re not too bad,” you lied. “I think they taste better than last time.”
“Really?” your father beamed.
“Well, that’s good.” He gestured towards the large windows across from your bed. “Did you have a chance to go outside today? Or are you not feeling well enough?”
“Some fresh air will do you good,” your mother offered encouragingly.
“Maybe later,” you said, though truthfully, you just didn’t have the strength. Every day, you somehow felt worse than the last.
It was becoming quite clear that you were nearing the end, and no matter how desperately you tried to put on a brave face and laugh it off, the idea of dying terrified you.
But you didn’t want your parents to know just how awful you felt. It wasn’t fair to them to act all depressed after all they’d done for you. At the very least, you wanted the last time they saw you to be a happy occasion.
Since you were too exhausted to go outside, you suggested staying in today and playing some board games. You usually won, whether it was because you were actually good at the games or your parents were letting you win, but you must’ve been even more out of it than usual this time. You could hardly hold the pieces in your hands without your fingers trembling uncontrollably.
“Here, sweetie,” your mother frowned. “I can help—”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, forcing another smile. You took a deep breath and finally managed to set your piece down on the board. “There. Ooh, I can buy Illinois Avenue. Yes, please.”
Your parents both exchanged worried glances, but you did your best to ignore them. As much as you did love them, you wished they would do a better job of hiding their concern, especially when you were trying your best to stay positive.
The game ended with you placing last, which was a fitting parallel to your weakening state. You were actually rather competitive. If you didn’t feel like your life was literally being sucked out of you right now, you might’ve been a bit more annoyed with your loss.
Regular visiting hours were almost over, but your parents did their best to stay the night at the hospital as often as they could, even though they were both juggling full-time jobs. Still, they needed a break too. All they ever did was push themselves to earn enough money to pay for your bills, or stay by your side and look after you.
“We’re going to go grab some food from the cafeteria,” your father said. “Be back in a bit, okay?”
“Take your time,” you smiled weakly.
A few moments later, the door closed behind them, and you finally allowed yourself to unravel. Keeping up the brave façade was immensely tiring in and of itself, not to mention the amount of pain you were already in to begin with.
You pulled the covers up over your face and quietly sobbed. God, it hurt. Everything hurt. You couldn’t do the things that came so easily to most people. You couldn’t function the way you were supposed to.
“I’m scared,” you whimpered. “So scared..."
Even just getting the words out was proving to be a herculean task. You could feel your breathing slowly getting heavier as your vision began to blur. Ah. Maybe this was it. You’d been clinging to the last bit of strength you had earlier when you were with your parents, but you just didn’t think you could do it anymore. You were tired. Too tired.
The room began to spin in an array of dizzying colors. Then, you stopped being able to see at all. You no longer had the strength to hold your eyelids up. It was completely dark, and your body was somehow burning and ice cold at the exact same time. You had no idea how quickly or slowly time was passing, only that you were running out of it.
You were going to die. Right here, right now. Already, your life was flashing before your eyes. It was true what they said, then. You were reliving so many memories in such a short span of time. Regretfully, almost all of those memories were painful ones.
I’m dying. I’m really dying.
Terror couldn’t even begin to describe the emotion you felt right now. Even though you knew it was pointless, you still tried to fight it, gasping for breath as long as your body would allow it.
“Please, not yet!” you choked out. “I’ll do anything to stay alive. I don’t care what it is. I don’t care what I have to do. Just please... let me live.”
It was a pathetic plea for help, especially when you knew that no one would answer you.
Except someone did answer you.
“Really? You’ll do anything?”
You could hear a voice resounding in your head. You couldn’t tell if it was real, or if you were losing your mind because you were dying, so you just sniffled and sobbed more frantically.
“Anything,” you mumbled weakly. “I don’t care how much I have to keep suffering. As long as I get more time.”
You knew it was futile—after all, you were only imagining all this. Still, the voice was comforting in a way. At least, even if it was just your imagination keeping you company, you wouldn’t have to die all alone.
A few more moments of quiet struggling, and your senses finally gave out. The last thing you heard was that strange voice again.
“Your request has been approved. Your world will now be reset. Good luck.”
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adaki · 3 months
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Art of my creepypasta oc I did today :)
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lescarnetsdehaku · 2 years
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They'll clean it up before Adam comes back 🥃🚬
Some more miscellaneous between Adam, Jules & Eufrasio.
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samthechaotic · 4 months
At this point, DC is a social experiment. I refuse to believe those people are real.
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grishaverse-chaos · 9 months
hmmm something about dominik haunting the narrative in king of scars. everything nikolai does is at least a little bit for him. he learns about the life of average ravkan people by meeting dominik's family. he starts gaining influence in politics just so he can improve dominik's life. and then he promises dominik that he won't let ravka break him.
that promise fucking haunts him. it follows him wherever he goes. it's the driving force behind everything he does, every step he takes to heal the centuries-old wounds in ravka. it's what drives him to do better, be better.
dominik is always there, in the back of his mind: this country gets you in the end. always pushing him to do more, because he couldn't save dominik and so he has to save ravka (for dominik) (because he promised) (because he loved him)
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my "Shen Qingqiu did not unlock the OOC function" fic is now four chapters and 20k words long. It basically just finished Act One. I write my stories somewhat out of order, so I've got a lot of already done on the later chapters. That's where all the stuff that really motivated me to make this fic so much longer than initially planned. To get through that, I've got to get through this absolute bottleneck of a chapter. I keep looking at it and being like, "but what are those sons of guns doing in chapter nine." God I hate the transition chapter slump. I keep considering if I can just do a time jump, but 1) I'd be time jumping a lot of stuff I do want to write and 2) skipping stuff that is pretty key to the idea "here's the canon but different."
I'm trying to avoid my usual go to for writer's block, introducing a new perspective, because that is how stories balloon. But the two POV characters I got have very limited views on what's happening. BUT I don't wanna make this story on track to be 100k words. BUT in the process of writing this post, I thought of a way to write it which would also help me out with my other problematic transition chapter. BUUUUUT it would require the addition of multiple POVs. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I really like the idea I just had. And so on and so forth etc etc, my goal is to get this chapter out by the end of the week which means at some point I'll need to stop chasing my tail, but GOD have I mentioned I hate transition chapters.
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twistofstory · 23 days
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- You're the best dragon for this job. - Because of my skills, right? - ... - Right?..
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princeofcyberpunk · 4 months
guys guys conspiracy time
so both Haru and Harper are gender-neutral but more feminine names right
what if the grand reveal is that Haru was actually Endou's DAUGHTER the whole time
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themetalvirus · 1 month
sonic adventure 2: the movie! this time with no girl animals. but maria gets to be there and die for man pain.
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ninacarstairss · 3 months
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ladymorghul · 3 months
just want to say that making daeron a bastard would be sooooo stupid and i totally get grrm for that 'making changes' comment if they do. like at what point do you realize you've put your foot too far into your mouth? what will happen with bastard daeron anyway? would he have no dragon or would he be the first non targaryen bastard to tame a dragon?
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kikyoupdates · 19 days
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⭑˚💞⭑ yandere!ocs x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, yandere reverse harem, original characters x fem!reader, slowburn, isekai
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A desperate cry on your deathbed leads to you being given a fresh start at life. You're overjoyed at having finally obtained a healthy body and a real chance at living normally, only to discover that you've been transported into a yandere game, where danger lurks at every corner. Determined to protect your new life at any cost, you vow to stay as far away from the major characters of the game as possible. But things don't always go as planned.
00 — prologue 01 — a living miracle 02 — taking precuations 03 — swinging like a champ 04 — mr. two-faced 05 — the protagonist's arrival 06 — and so it begins 07 — stranger danger 08 — unexpected kinships 09 — not a partygoer 10 — awfully persistent 11 — trying a new approach 12 — top of the class 13 — swords and scones 14 — insatiable appetite 15 — an unwanted partner 16 — too close for comfrot 17 — academic distinguishment 18 — never ask for directions 19 — royally screwed 20 — call it payback 21 — stay disciplined 22 — tavern shenanigans 23 — pricked by a rose 24 — concerning weakness 25 — on school grounds 26 — knights tourney 27 — unpleasant discussion 28 — taking chances 29 — heavy heart 30 — library brainstorming session 31 — a friend's duty 32 — intoxication 33 — the aftermath 34 — dancing without a care 35 — personality shift 36 — clean slate 37 — worst date ever 38 — threatened 39 — feelings awry 40 — happiness 41 — a taste so sweet 42 — in denial 43 — revelation 44 — endless dream 45 — bereaved 46 — a hidden smile 47 — going to be okay 48 — thief's penance 49 — enraged 50 — hope and despair 51 — a sickening arrangement 52 — in theory 53 — to challenge fate
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-ˋˏ ༻ Special Chapters༺ ˎˊ-
✿ halloween! 🎃 ✿ christmas! 🎄 ✿ valentine's day scenarios ✿ what could have been
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