ragingrabies · 1 month
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Overwatch icons
i been so fixated on this game help me
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hamster-siori · 3 months
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#Vanila_Ice #Kentin_The_Demon #Ronan_the_Shark
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awthredestim · 2 years
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Commission for Flarita. · - · -  · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · Just two girls hanging out, having some fondue in the kitchen by the pool window.
Gal Pals!
Had a really good time drawing this background, and the pretty girls in front of it. I love drawing Flarita, look at that fluffy cutie pie. Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive. You can check the Making Of post right here on my Tumblr Blog.
Thank you!
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rachirodehills · 1 year
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Charadex NO.12 (Xander Hynoiasu)
The Offical Charadex of Rachi-Rode Charadex NO.12 (Xander Hynoiasu) Species: Xiibuss Sexaulity: Pansexual Age: 25 Height: 5'5" Gender: Male Class: Upbeatian/Soundmakers Race: British Relatives: Xavier Hynoiasu(Father), Xevetta Hynoiasu(Mother), Kevin the Klapto(Borther), FlameBreaker the Flearta(Sister) Headcannon Voice(s): Freezeflame22(Ludwig von Koopa) Debut: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/314968535/ He's was made when I started watching Mantisgirl's My singing Monsters Fanmades, out of all of their characters, Xiibuss was my favorite! For the time my Character was named Xiibuss for the time being, I decided to name him "Xander".
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virtualsonic · 9 months
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Lincoqueo, Amanda, Sebastian y Cicero D. C. Tr.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a cuatro de mis personajes recurrentes en mis dibujos y que son de creación propia, los cuales se encuentran aprovechando de sus usuales paseo de fin de semana para poder disfrutar de las ferias que se llevan a cabo en estas semanas y que sirven para poder disfrutar algo de comida tradicional que tienda a romper un poco con la monotonía de las comidas que comen los fines de semana, además de tener una excusa para habituarse a usar las ropas que usan en su trabajo y de ese modo, mostrarse elegantes cuando tengan que salir en cosas que no estén relacionadas con su línea de gustos y preferencias, pero que sirven para poder verse reconocibles ante sus camaradas de trabajo cuando se topan en este tipo de eventos, bueno amigos, sin dar más vueltas presento a Lincoqueo, Amanda, Sebastian y Cicero Disfrutar de Comidas Tradicionales de Septiembre
Aquí vemos al joven perro quiltro, su compañera Nintetails, su amigo Terriermon y el joven lobo ponerse a caminar por una muestra de comidas tradicionales que se preparan para las celebraciones de Fiestas Patrias en diferentes países de la Tierra y que los chicos se ponen a comprar algunas de ellas para comer durante su rato de paseo por el lugar y notamos que las cosas que compran en su paseo son un par de Anticuchos, una Empanada de Pino y  una Chicha con un Palomo, mientras se observa a los chicos juntarse en un lugar para comer tales productos y vemos a los chicos ponerse a disfrutar, mientras se ponen a hablar de diferentes temas para pasar el tiempo y con eso, tener algo que hacer antes de que puedan continuar con su paseo y poder seguir disfrutando de las diferentes comidas que se preparan y de esa forma, poder sentir un poco de lo que es la comida terrestre para poder disfrutar un pedazo de la Tierra en su propio mundo, mientras esperan poder volver a sus casas y tomarse un descanso antes de retomar sus usuales trabajos y que les lleva a solo tener tiempo los fines de semana para disfrutar de los diferentes eventos y convenciones que se hacen y que disponen de tiempo y recursos para disfrutar de una actividad que les ayude a olvidarse del trabajo y hacer algo con que puedan disfrutar de su tiempo libre y tener algo con que pasar con los amigos y que se espera que su amistad se mantenga a pesar del paso del tiempo
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, al ver que es un dibujo que hice considerando que estamos cerca de las Fiestas Patrias en Chile y quise dar un dibujo especial relacionado con la ocasión y que los chicos disfrutan algunas comidas tradicionales en estas fechas, mientras vemos que los chicos tienen un momento para poder disfrutar de comer algo de comida tradicional, pasear por la feria en dónde se lleva a cabo el evento y ver a algún que otro colega de su trabajo, mientras tienen un paseo que les permita disfrutar de una actividad que organiza la ciudad y que atrae gente de otros lugares para poder ver lo que la ciudad ofrece y especialmente a la gente que va enfocado el evento que se habla aquí, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Lincoqueo, Amanda, Sebastian y Cicero (C) Virtualsonic1731 y Virtualsonic18
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present four of my recurring characters in my drawings and who are of my own creation, who are taking advantage of their usual weekend walk of the week to be able to enjoy the fairs that take place in these weeks and that serve to enjoy some traditional food that tends to break a little with the monotony of the meals they eat on the weekends, in addition to having an excuse to get used to wearing the clothes they wear at work and in this way, appear elegant when they have to go out in things that are not related to their line of tastes and preferences, but that serve to be able to look recognizable to their work colleagues when they meet. come across these types of events, well friends, without further ado, I present Lincoqueo, Amanda, Sebastian and Cicero Enjoy Traditional September Meals
Here we see the young quilter dog, his companion Nintetails, his friend Terriermon and the young wolf start walking through a sample of traditional foods that are prepared for the celebrations of National Holidays in different countries on Earth and that the kids start buying some of them to eat during their time walking around the place and we noticed that the things they buy on their walk are a couple of Anticuchos, an Empanada de Pino and a Chicha with a Palomo, while watching the boys gather in a place to eat such products and we see the boys start to enjoy themselves, while they start talking about different topics to pass the time and with that, have something to do before they can continue with their walk and be able to continue enjoying the different foods that They prepare themselves and in this way, they can feel a little of what Earth food is like so they can enjoy a piece of the Earth in their own world, while they wait to be able to return home and take a break before resuming their usual jobs and It leads them to only have time on weekends to enjoy the different events and conventions that are held and that they have time and resources to enjoy an activity that helps them forget about work and do something with which they can enjoy their time. freedom and have something to spend with friends and hope that their friendship will be maintained despite the passage of time
Well friends, I hope you like it, seeing that it is a drawing I made considering that we are close to the National Holidays in Chile and I wanted to give a special drawing related to the occasion and that the children enjoy some traditional foods on these dates, while we watch that the boys have a moment to enjoy eating some traditional food, walk through the fair where the event takes place and see the odd colleague from their work, while they have a walk that allows them to enjoy an activity that the city organizes and that attracts people from other places to be able to see what the city offers and especially to the people who are focused on the event that is being talked about here, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Lincoqueo, Amanda, Sebastian and Cicero (C) Virtualsonic1731 and Virtualsonic18
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tobitobi90art · 3 months
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Shopping Sue 2
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mechanized · 10 months
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In the middle of commission work I was talking to friends about making a Baldur's Gate 3 OC AU -- and was promptly, violently seized by the overwhelming need to draw something to get it out of my system. (L'sta belongs to @raptorpeets, Aidan is mine)
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dreikling · 23 days
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Princess Mirage Desire
"Princess Mirage Desire, or simply Princess Mirage, is an Draconequus and Alicorn hybrid individual and the daughter of Princess Celestia and the chaos lord, Discord.
Being a offspring of a Draconequus and a Alicorn, Mirage is probably one of the most powerful magic being in Equestria. Although having a good control over it, her magic is extremely chaotic, having the capability to use chaos magic just as effectively and powerful. Mirage was very sheltered as a child, as Celestia and Discord knew she had the potential to be EXTREMELY dangerous (especially as a foal). She spent most of her childhood at home in the castle or in Chaosville learning to control her power. She is depicted as a wild card which have multiple personalities. However, she is usually nice, cunning, and witty. She loves mischief but knows when she is going too far. Lover of fun and everything mentioned before. Mirage is well known to be a bit lazy and will often use her title as princess to get away of doing certain things or events. Although she does tend to abuse her power as a princess every once in a while, she is actually very down to earth, as her mother."
It's been a long time since I wanted to redesign Mirage with characteristics that were more hers than her parents', since, in the past, her design was much more based on characteristics literally taken from them. So I finally came up with a relatively decent redesign. And to avail, I'm here to introduce it for the first time here ✨
In this image she is not with her CM cause I have plans to remake it but i'm not sure when exactly it'll be planned and finished, so until then, she will not have her CM
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jbergen1910 · 1 month
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basicdrawingguy · 2 months
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RWBY AU - RWBY on the job
A typical job for Team RWBY! Gray's job (sometimes) is to be a luggage carrier... when he's not the Rogue Grimm.
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mikonasa · 1 year
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i have been playing on Path of titans and made this for one of my buddies! idk their @ but we just call them ducky >:D the sarco slayer!
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awthredestim · 2 years
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Commission for Sonic232.
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This one was quite enjoyable to work on. I liked the Cyberpunk setting, and the characters. The concept of a digital "soul" coming to assist you, like it's a Jojo stand, is super fun and drawing it was quite a good time.
Also, fluffy angry kitsune from hell. Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive. You can check the Making Of post right here on my Tumblr Blog.
Thank you!
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rachirodehills · 1 year
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Charadex NO.11:(Y.O.B.A.T)
The Offical Charadex of Rachi-Rode Charadex NO.11 (Y.O.B.A.T) Species: Titanium Sexaulity: Straight Age: 16 Height: 6'2" Gender: Male Class: Finiain Race: uhhh Relatives: none...yet Headcannon Voice(s): Markiplier Debut: https://www.deviantart.com/rachi-rodehills/art/Welcome-to-Fantasy-Island-861331599 He was also a fun character to make. I used to have a lego version of him, and now I made him here.  
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virtualsonic · 1 year
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Mis P. OC P. en M. por la D. y el O. D.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a varios de mis personajes OC, los cuales tienen mucho tiempo de no aparecer y que quise darles la oportunidad de aparecer y que estos chicos lo hacen participando en una movilización que se lleva a cabo de manera anual y que los chicos participan en el de manera voluntaria al ver que ellos no sólo quieren mostrar su orgullo por su tendencia sexual, sino también para solidarizar con las personas que aunque son minoría dentro de nuestros países, presentan una gran diversidad de tendencias sexuales y que varias de ellas han sufrido mucho prejuicio y discriminación que a pesar de los diversos avances que han habido hacia su reconocimiento y respeto, los sentimientos de perjuicio y discriminación siguen estando presentes y que estos suben de nivel cuando tenemos que lidiar con las guerras culturales que vivimos en este momento y que cosas como la sexualidad, los derechos reproductivos, la diversidad sexual y esos temas se vuelven en un asunto espinoso de hablar y que no siempre se pueden tener respuestas que dejen a todo el mundo contento y ayude a una mayor comprensión de estos temas y no crear más conflictos de los que ya existen, bueno amigos sin dar más vueltas presento a Mis Personajes OC Participando en una Marcha por la Diversidad Sexual y el Orgullo Diversosexual
Aquí vemos a un grupo de mis personajes OC los cuales están integrados por Leandro el Esmilodonte, Margarita la Tilacina, Fernando el Milodon, Ricardo el Fennekin, Sofía la Renamon, Bernardo el Techo, José Miguel el Zafara, Precious Stone el Poni Terrestre, Scooter la Zarigüela y Luciano el Irken los cuales se topan por casualidad en la ciudad y que ellos tras un breve rato de reunión y conversación, se ponen a participar de una movilización organizadas por los diversos grupos que apoyan los derechos de las personas de sexualidad diversa y que para evitar las controversias que han habido con respecto a las ropas que se usan en tales movilizaciones es que han estado poniéndose reglas de vestimentas para que el evento sea considerado más como un evento familiar y con eso, bajar el perfil de las polémicas que se han observado con respecto a este tipo de movilizaciones que se han visto en el último tiempo y que los chicos se unen a la movilización y que lo hacen portando una pancarta que ellos mismos diseñaron y que pusieron tres frases que en el fondo tienden a resumir tres ideas básicas sobre estas movilizaciones y que lleva a que sus demandas sean consideradas y tomadas en cuenta y que por un largo buscan reconocer el respeto y la tolerancia que tiene que existir hacia las personas sexo divergentes, tener orgullo de la tendencia sexual que sea y que esta es parte de tu personalidad y que eso es más evidente cuando eres un adulto maduro y crecido que toma sus decisiones en base a su propia experiencia personal antes que por cualquier imposición directa o indirecta que exista en tu alrededor y mostrar que el amor no reconoce diferencias y que debido a eso hay que aprender a amar a los demás y respetarles su estilo de vida mientras esto no afecte al estilo de vida del resto del mundo y exista un clima de respeto y tolerancia que toma mucho tiempo cultivar y más cuando existen perjuicios por ambos lados que no son siempre fáciles de superar
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que con este dibujo quiero cerrar mi ronda de dibujos del primer semestre del año y tomarme una pausa para poder preparar mi próximo fanfic de invierno y que quise hacerlo como una forma de solidarizarme con mis amigos de tendencia sexodivergente y que usualmente tengo buenas relaciones con ellos y que además toman con seriedad este mes por ser una de las pocas veces en el año que pueden mostrar su orgullo a su tendencia sexual y esto sin que se sientan discriminados ni menos burlados por sectores de la sociedad que tienen una visión de vida puritana que muchas veces no se ajusta a la realidad del mundo actual y que por más que intenten frenar los cambios, estos son difíciles de evitar y que eso lleva a respetar y tolerar las divergencias y asumirlas como parte de la sociedad y que eso implica luchar por un mejor entendimiento del mundo que vive esta gente, mientras se busca por generar cambios que impliquen tener mejores relaciones con las personas y que sin importar la condición que tenga esa persona, todas merecen su derecho a vivir y disfrutar su vida como mejor le parezca para hacer sentirse feliz y pasar un buen rato que le ayude a ser sí mismo y sentirse orgullo de ello, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Leandro, Margarita, Fernando, Ricardo, Sofía, Bernardo, José Miguel, Precious Stone, Scooter y Luciano (C) Virtualsonic1731 y Virtualsonic18
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present several of my OC characters, who have not appeared for a long time and I wanted to give them the opportunity to appear and that these guys They do it by participating in a mobilization that takes place annually and that the boys participate in voluntarily seeing that they not only want to show their pride in their sexual orientation, but also to show solidarity with people who, although they are a minority within our countries, they present a great diversity of sexual tendencies and that several of them have suffered a lot of prejudice and discrimination that despite the various advances that have been made towards their recognition and respect, feelings of prejudice and discrimination are still present and that these rise to a higher level when we have to deal with the culture wars that we are living at the moment and that things like sexuality, reproductive rights, sexual diversity and those topics become a thorny issue to talk about and that you can not always have answers that they leave everyone happy and help a greater understanding of these issues and not create more conflicts than those that already exist, well friends without going any further, I present My OC Characters Participating in a March for Sexual Diversity and Diversesexual Pride
Here we see a group of my OC characters which are made up of Leandro the Esmilodonte, Margarita the Thylacine, Fernando the Milodon, Ricardo the Fennekin, Sofía the Renamon, Bernardo the Roof, José Miguel the Zafara, Precious Stone the Earth Pony, Scooter la Possum and Luciano el Irken who bump into each other by chance in the city and after a brief time of meeting and conversation, they begin to participate in a mobilization organized by the various groups that support the rights of people of diverse sexuality and that in order to avoid the controversies that have occurred regarding the clothes used in such mobilizations, they have been putting dress rules so that the event is considered more like a family event and with that, lower the profile of the controversies that are They have observed with respect to this type of mobilizations that have been seen in recent times and that the boys join the mobilization and that they do so carrying a banner that they themselves designed and that they put three sentences that basically tend to summarize three basic ideas about these mobilizations and that leads to their demands being considered and taken into account and that for a long time they seek to recognize the respect and tolerance that must exist towards divergent-sex people, to be proud of whatever sexual orientation it is and that This is part of your personality and that this is more evident when you are a mature and grown adult who makes his decisions based on his own personal experience rather than by any direct or indirect imposition that exists around you and shows that love does not recognize differences and that because of that you have to learn to love others and respect their lifestyle as long as this does not affect the lifestyle of the rest of the world and there is a climate of respect and tolerance that takes a long time to cultivate and more when there are prejudices on both sides that are not always easy to overcome
Well friends, I hope you like it, because with this drawing I want to close my round of drawings for the first semester of the year and take a break to prepare my next winter fanfic and I wanted to do it as a way of showing solidarity with my trending friends divergent sex and that I usually have good relationships with them and that they also take this month seriously because it is one of the few times in the year that they can show their pride in their sexual orientation and this without feeling discriminated against or less mocked by sectors of the society that have a puritanical vision of life that often does not conform to the reality of today's world and that no matter how hard they try to stop changes, these are difficult to avoid and that this leads to respect and tolerate divergences and accept them as part of society and that this implies fighting for a better understanding of the world that these people live in, while seeking to generate changes that imply having better relationships with people and that regardless of the condition that person has, they all deserve their right to live and enjoy your life as you see fit to make you feel happy and have a good time that helps you to be yourself and feel proud of it, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Leandro, Margarita, Fernando, Ricardo, Sofía, Bernardo, José Miguel, Precious Stone, Scooter and Luciano (C) Virtualsonic1731 and Virtualsonic18
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planetxylox · 1 year
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We’re having our headshots updated for our new website https://www.planetxylox.com/ ! Scott managed to face forward this time!
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mad-depot · 1 month
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