#oscar diaz spoilers
wilmon · 10 months
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Can I give you some advice?
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ninacarstairss · 10 months
i can’t get over how perfect nick and taylor were. taylor understood alex so much. his little insecurities and his neurosis, his chaotic, too fast brain and his stubborn heart. he understood his past and his present, how hard he tries and how hard he’s always tried, how hard he kicks underwater and how no one is allowed to see it. he understood how big and encompassing his love for henry was, that it took him completely by surprise but it also didn’t, he had been falling for years. and when he realized it, he couldn’t hold it in for a moment longer. and he managed to show it all so well with every touch, every moment, every expression.
and nick. oh god, nick. henry is such a difficult character to understand and to play. he is all emotions he can’t speak aloud and desires that have to remain hidden. but when he is behind a locked door it all comes out, henry comes pouring out of that prince of wales persona and it’s so beautiful. nick managed to capture all of this and give it back to us with a look. the micro expressions that pass through his face when they’re in the lake, up until that final shot of his face before he drops into the water, his eyes full of a pain that cannot even be put into words. his cocoon phases, his camera smile and the real, wrinkled, imperfect smile. his initial fear and then his sureness whenever he is told he can take what he wanted all along. that bottom crust of the pie, that pain that’s always there, in his heart. you could see a whole world inside his eyes. and i’m so grateful they gave us a prt of the film in henry’s pov because seeing henry find out about the emails leak was something i really didn’t know i needed until it hit me. and nick delivered it so well, the panic that surges up as soon as bea tells him, the fear and anger in his voice when he wants to call alex but they have taken his phone, the relief in his whole body when alex finally does reach him.
they gave us everything and more. they didn’t just have chemistry, they invented the whole fucking table and they understood the characters so well it physically hurt to see them on screen
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we know that alex's parents call him by the other's last name when he exhibits traits they associate with that person. and that upon finding out that alex flew to london on a whim, ellen said: "diaz, you insane, hopeless romantic little shit. it had better be forever."
so that makes me wonder, what big stupid grand gesture did oscar do for ellen that makes her say that to alex?
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Okay obviously any movie adaptation of a book is going to be trimmed down. I get why they didn't spend time on certain things like Nora and Alex's dating history and Ellen's PowerPoint. It makes sense with the way movie beats work to show them getting outed immediately after they reconcile instead of having the extra act of them writing more emails acknowledging their love and fake dating Nora and June to try and take some heat off and Henry coming out to Phillip. Some changes like Henry's surname being different and having a king instead of a queen I know were about not offending the irl royal family and while I'm not exactly a fan of the monarchy I don't really care that much. Pez just being "Percy"? Kinda sad but again, I don't really care. I even understand cutting things like Bea's struggles with addiction, Catherine's depression and detatchment from her children, and Richards being the one who outed them with Raphael Luna as the triple agent - they have value to the story and I wish we could have seen them, but from a filmmaking perspective I can see how they would take up a lot of time to properly include. There were a lot of things I loved about this movie, which I'm adding to the bottom of this post so as not to be a total downer. Overall I think it was a good movie and a relatively faithful adaptation. But also there are some changes I am less a fan of.
So, my biggest issues with the RWRB movie:
Amy being trans is never mentioned? It's literally one line in the book could it not be one line in the movie? (At least they didn't cast a cis actress, so presumably the character is still trans, but we could have said that. She could have at least worn a pin that would not have been hard)
Bea is younger than Henry 🤨 What even was the purpose of this change?
Look I'm not even gonna talk about June we've all talked about June plenty already
Alex already knows he's bi? His idiot crisis is a huge thing! It establishes so much about both his and Nora's characters! Was it really so important to reduce things by five minutes that we couldn't get a quick "wait I like guys???" "congrats you are literally the last to know"
Nora being bi is never mentioned?? I get that without June you'd have Pez focus his affections on Nora but having a thing with a guy doesn't make her straight! She could have at least said something when Alex came out to her! (Also without June you lose the poly undertones of Nora June and Pez which I at least thought was pretty important)
Just gonna reiterate, because the more I'm thinking about it now the more upset it's making me - They erased Nora's bisexuality and Amy's transgenderism and June doesn't exist? Congrats you've killed all the story's queer women
Ellen and Oscar are supposed to be DIVORCED that was IMPORTANT
No inspiring Alex speech to the crowd while they're waiting on Texas - this moment could have been so much more active than standing in the hall waiting and hoping
Alex gives his coming out speech BEFORE they get permission from the crown?? That doesn't even make sense! One, he never talked to Henry about it, and two, the white house would never have risked international relations by letting him do something like that without the king's permission
Getting permission from the crown was way too easy. In the book Catherine literally had to blackmail Queen Mary into letting them come out. You're telling me the king just went, "Are you SURE Henry are you REALLY SURE okay fine"? It way takes down the tension of the climax and also kind of invalidates all of Henry's fear that he's been struggling with the whole movie. It would be way more powerful for him to stand up for himself against a grandparent who was outright against him rather than one who just wasn't really thrilled about it
Why was Henry fully dressed jacket and all after their first time did Alex not reciprocate or what
That being said, things I loved about the RWRB movie:
"And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont Diaz was a mouthful" - "He is"
"History, huh?" in the V&A (I'm sad this wasn't in the emails because it means no wider HH movement from the public, but it was really sweet how they did it)
Visibly obvious red-rimmed eyes from both Henry and Alex (though Henry more) throughout most of the third act - just a little detail that I appreciated
Alex's conversation with Henry about being a person in politics who looks like him when his dad didn't have that growing up
Henry full on swimming away so fast when Alex tried to tell him he loved him, no mosquito excuse in sight. This was just really fucking funny I don't know why
Exchanging the necklace for the ring - works really well, great excuse for him not to add the ring to the necklace (for those who don't know, they tried this first but the lump was really obvious and it screwed up the costume so they had to figure out a different way to do it)
Henry continuously playing the piano throughout the movie
"She's not a republican, is she?"
Literally everything Zahra Bankston does and says she is perfect I love her
Mike Holleran is just as irrelevant in the movie as he is in the book. I continue to find this hilarious
Henry differentiating between the persona of HRH Prince Henry and the person he is to himself, specifically the fact that he defines his true self as Henry Fox
The equerry vs butler argument, purely because before we watched the movie I was giving a recap to my dad of the important characters and described Shaan as "basically Henry's personal butler" when he didn't know what I meant by equerry. I'm sorry Shaan I didn't mean it
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honey-bri-books · 11 months
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I'm so happy!!!!
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gay-mafia-stickball · 10 months
I have mixed feelings about the red white and royal blue movie (red white and royal bluevie, if you will).
let me preface this by saying two things: one, you are entitled to your opinion and so am I so civil discourse is welcome, but hate speech is not, and two, I am a firm believer that book vs movie argument is pointless as long as you enjoy the media, so take the following with a grain of salt. I enjoyed the movie a lot, and if you don’t want to see anything negative, you can scroll past this, but these were things that caught my eye. that all being said, here are my thoughts.
first things first: the change from Raphael Luna to Miguel Ramos felt like it detracted from the story. in the rwrb book, the Alex looks up to Luna and considers him an ally and a role model in the political field, seeing him as a goal to shoot for. this makes his betrayal (working on richards campaign) hurt a lot worse, and it makes his subsequent redemption (him bringing up dirt on richards that not only effected him as a queer man but as a politician) feel a like a big triumph and a loose end that has been tied up. Alex’s relationship with Ramos is already a different kind of relationship, since Alex wants to be a politician, not a journalist, and their connection feels a lot less secure since their only tie is that they’re friends who have hooked up, so when he starts to publish aggressive and harmful stories toward Alex, it feels less like a betrayal and more like pettiness over being rejected. this is only reinforced by the fact that he isn’t given any redemption, and his loose end remains untied and without closure. Lunas story is, in my opinion, just as much a part of the main plot as Alex and Henry’s, because he reflects the struggles of older queer generations fighting the good fight behind enemy lines and the thankless battle that a lot of younger people take for granted. without Luna, President Claremont’s win feels more arbitrary, and a lot of the stress that motivates Alex and his character development as a person and as a politician is flattened.
another thing id love to address is the so called “side characters”- pez, bea, nora, and june. starting with pez, who is meant to be Henry’s best friend and lifeline: he got barely five minutes of screen time, and it felt like he was sidelined as unimportant and a supporting cast member instead of an actually important member of the group. Bea as well was sidelined, and kind of pushed into the role pez had in the books. by ignoring Beas history with substance abuse and her moniker of “powder Princess”, it takes away from her depth as a character and the struggles her and her family have gone through, not even mentioning the fact that their mother isn’t even in the movie. the same thing is true with the lack of Alex’s parents divorce; the trauma from that event led to a lot of important character development and growth, as well as some pretty important plot points (such as the first phone call). Nora and June I can do in one fell swoop: they should not have been combined into one character. they both played different and significant roles in Alex’s life, June as a steadying factor and a shoulder to lean on, and Nora as an experienced confidant that unwinds Alex and allows him to live a little. not only did the combination of their characters take away a healthy polyamorous relationship with pez, but it took away a big piece of Alex’s support system and the factors to a lot of his character growth.
a final thing that I’ll mention in this post is specifically about Alex- sorry, I can’t help it, I love him so much 😭 I just feel like the decision not to focus more on his work life and his personal life was poorly made. the movie did a phenomenal job of outlining Henry’s stressors and backstory and of course I’m so glad that he was given the closure and attention he needed (though I’m a little pissy that his mother wasn’t involved), but without mentioning Alex’s admittedly shitty work-life-balance and his stress as a newly discovered queer biracial politician and the stress from his parents (apparently nonexistent) divorce, the relationship feels toxic and a little one-sided. im not here to throw any pity parties for any characters, but all of the previously mentioned factors, among others, play into Alex’s decision to go to law school and start taking his time with his life, and the fact that that wasn’t even mentioned put Henry and Alex into a position where Alex seems unreasonable and insensitive while Henry is the only one with a good, albeit traumatized head on his shoulders.
like I said, these are just my opinions, and obviously I like the show a lot, though maybe more as a romantic comedy than a true adaptation of rwrb, so if you have thoughts to share, I’d love to see them! be kind and gracious and don’t start stupid fights over book accuracy, I don’t care that there were no monogrammed kimonos or that a different song played in the museum ❤️
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just-sarah--things · 10 months
What do you think Oscar is saying while Henry is using the volleyball as a football(soccer) ball?
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evenstarfalls · 10 months
Fuck you *undivorces your president*
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insecuregodcomplex · 10 months
I love how in the movie Henry still gained a father
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ironhusband · 10 months
Rant time because I just watched Red, White and Royal Blue:
Things I disliked
(0. The fact it already took over the wiki I swear to god-)
1. Okay let’s start small. I will never forgive the exclusion of the “your dad is hot” text chain.
2. I also don’t like how the karaoke scene played out but I guess I can live with it.
3. No PowerPoint presentation???? Crime.
4. The texts felt a little abrupt? They were supposed to be showing us Alex and Henry becoming friends and they cut them off in two seconds. It didn’t seem so obvious why they’re suddenly friends at new years.
5. Somehow everything they added was cheesier than the book. I mean the book is cheesy but in a way I loved, but this movie kinda made me wanna gag.
6. Ok yes I know this is petty but. I still think the actors were horrible choices. I was not impressed by the acting if I’m honest and they had fine chemistry but it wasn’t… Alex and Henry chemistry. Like book Alex and Henry had so much chemistry it was electrifying and you didn’t want to take your eyes off them. Movie Alex and Henry are believable as a couple… and that’s it. Plus I didn’t love Alex. Alex is one of my favorite characters of all times and this guy just felt wrong. There were some moments that were good but his inherent charm just wasn’t there.
7. Ok now getting to the less petty reasons. I just. Hated. Everything they decided to do with the “side characters”. I will never forgive the exclusion of June, Alex’s best friend and confidant the person who knows him better than anyone. Watching her and Nora be a couple in the sidelines was my favorite part of reading the book, but even if they would have cut those hints, I just. Am so incredibly angry that they deleted the character altogether. It is simply wrong. June was the person who understood the pressure Alex was on most of all, while still having the tension of disagreeing over their passion of politicos. For god’s sake, June was the person that helped Alex figure himself out…. She was important on her own and to the plot and she was sorely missed from the movie. Bea on the other hand was… confusing. I hated how they dealt with both of the families in this movie, which I will elaborate on later, but if they’re giving us a Henry pov how come we get this dull three lines woman, not the punk with addiction problems that is afraid to go out in public. I mean, even the way she dressed - the real Bea would hate it. And we didn’t even get the ‘I love him on purpose’ conversation with her. Nora was fine, I suppose. Her and Alex’s dynamic was mostly a copy of Alex and June, but I could live with it. Except that we don’t know anything about her that we knew in the book. We don’t know she’s the vice president’s daughter. We don’t know she is a computer whiz or good with math. We don’t know hers and Alex’s history. We don’t know she’s a chaos goblin. She was just there. And Rafael Luna who was so important to the plot is just absent… I think they replaced him with Miguel Ramos (based on the trip story) which. I hate that so much.
In short my complaint with most of the side characters is that you could narrow it down to one friend for Henry and one for Alex, and nothing will change. The side characters were some of the best parts of the book and I hate that I didn’t get to see them but some boring cardboard cutouts with the same name.
8. Henry’s family. I mean I guess it was fine. Except that Bea’s struggle with social anxiety is so important to understand why Henry is afraid of coming out. Except that his relationship with his mom was a sore spot and the fact she showed up to support him meant so much in the book. Except that his grief towards his dad was barely expressed and c’mon we could have seen them watching at least one of his movies. Except that no one in that family has ever acted the way they have in the book - besides maybe his brother - and it was. So unclear why Henry wanted to please them. The queen was absent altogether and the king was surprisingly okay about Henry deciding to own his truth? I mean, things got so bad in the book, that Henry considered giving up his title… the movie shows none of that.
9. Alex’s family - besides the fact that June was missing, I think they misunderstood a big part of Alex’s character- his parents’ divorce. Alex’s childhood in Texas is such an important part of him and the fact his parents aren’t even divorced when that effected him so much… it’s why he often deflects when things get personal, why he prioritises his career over his love life, it’s why he acted like his relationship with Nora is now just a way to mess with the press. It’s why Texas is such a bittersweet place for him. It’s why he hasn’t considered his sexuality sooner either, at least the way I see it. It’s why saying I love you to Henry was such a big deal to him - why being rejected hurt him even more. But this time his parents are happily married? This time he has no one to share the burdens of being in the family with? It just felt wrong.
I also just didn’t like any of them or felt their performances to be true to their character. Alex’s relationship with his mother was so hot and cold and the changes in it felt so unnatural (Ellen herself wasn’t as fun either…). And Alex’s relationship with his dad was ok but it didn’t hit the way it should - he didn’t seem as hungry for his approval, as distant from him because he still feels slightly abandoned. Alex coming out to his dad meant so much in the book because of that - it was the first real connection he had with his dad in years and it gave him the courage to admit how he felt towards Henry. Rafael Luna’s absence and the way he was an important part to understanding Alex and his dad was also very noticeable (Luna being Alex’s connection to his dad through their culture and politics, and also Luna and his dad being friends - all of this part of the reason he was so betrayed by Luna being a republican, and felt more distance from his dad who wouldn’t explain this - but also the way it related to Alex’s relationship with being queer, and being Latino and queer…)
Alex loves politics so much because of his parents too - especially in the wanting the approval thing, making a difference as a Latino politician just like his dad and wanting to help his mom because he believes in her cause especially- and the way they showed it wasn’t it. And of course the whole dynamic felt completely weird without June.
The movie made a good point to talk about Alex’s family as his connection to politics and making a difference and representation, but the book did all that by showing and not telling, so even though I liked the fact they had a conversation about white privilege in the movie, it felt superficial because it didn’t relate to who Alex is.
10. We got very little of the emails too which was weird. And a lot of stuff they transferred from emails to real life. Most of Henry and Alex’s relationship was long distance and the emails showed that. But the sweet poetry, the texts about queer history, the mention of meetings and events…. It was all missing. We missed too much of them in that. Maybe this shouldn’t be so high up on the list but it made me incredibly sad. When I saw edits of the book into a “movie” all I looked forward to was the actors voicing over those sweet love letters as we saw Alex being involved with politics.
11. So much I didn’t enjoy about the reveal. The fact we didn’t see the people’s support too much and the way they loved “history, huh? Bet we could make some” (which wasn’t in the emails!!!). I didn’t love that they skimped over how it affected America politically too. Where’s the reveal that republicans outed the president’s son? Which is part of the reason Ellen won? Where’s the funny tweets calling Henry a ho? Where is the speech at Texas? “To you specifically, I say: I see you. I am one of you. As long as I have a place in this White House, so will you. I am the First Son of the United States, and I’m bisexual. History will remember us.”
We never got to see how much the reveal meant to others. It just meant a lot to Alex and Henry to have support, and I’m sorry but that wasn’t enough for me. That wasn’t the point.
12. Alex’s bisexuality. The way it was handled makes me seethe. Ok they had him say it twice but like. Where is the journey of realization? Where is all the little hints before Alex discovers himself (hello the poster??? And also the fact he made out with guys before like yes ok but he didn’t think anything of it at the time. He was in denial)? Where is the coming out to the public? Alex was so touched to discover queer history and he never once let people forget he was bi, even tho movie Alex was perfectly fine letting multiple people call him homosexual when he isn’t. I loved Alex because of his bisexual journey - because it was “later” in life (as I’m not while he was a teenager) too and because it was a part of him without being a big deal. And this movie stole that from me. It broke my heat. This movie, in every way, forget that representation matters.
13. If One Last Stop’s strength was showing us how the private people that changed queer history slipped through the cracks, Red, White and Royal Blue’s strength was showing us the milestones that brought us here and the milestones we can look forward to. And yet in the movie… there is nothing. No discussion of which political figures were gay. None of Henry’s love of iconic British queer celebrities. No photo of the hands up protest on Alex’s desk, no talk about the 2014 gay marriage legalization. Sure it may seem like small moments… but they aren’t. The book was built on the foundation of queer history and queer culture, both American and British, and it payed homage to it and loved it and showed its respect for it…. But the movie cut it, mercilessly misunderstanding its importance. It may have said “History huh? Bet we could make some” but it didn’t get it.
These are the reasons I felt like this is a ‘I fell in love with a prince’ romcom with a gay twist. Sure they got all the technical parts just fine. But it didn’t show the truly beautiful, mesmerizing parts of the book. I wanted to see the real Alex on the big screen. I wanted to be amused by Nora and June. I wanted to feel for Bea. I wanted to see how sweet and shy and dorky Henry is. I wanted to see the political intrigue that hooked me, the romantic emails that made me swoon, the journey to coming out that was so touching, the specific humor that made me laugh and return again and again to devotedly read Casey McQuiston’s books. I wanted to feel like I was seeing the couple who feels like it’s love or die and in their case maybe it is.
Instead, I feel like I just got the answer to who tops which is the last thing I cared about.
Sure, cuts are necessary and this wasn’t a show… but to me it felt like what they choose to cut was the book’s heart.
Things I liked
1. Zahra
That’s it
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firstprince-ao3feed · 29 days
Red white and the Boy in Blue
by PinkUniverse When officer Alex Claremont-Diaz shows up at a B&E he doens't expect to go home with a crush on the very male owner of the house. He does expect officer Richards would behave inappropriately, as he always does. As it turns out, today is the start of the fall of the biggest dick in the precinct. They just don't know it yet. A police AU filled with love and justice. Posted completely in one go. Words: 35449, Chapters: 12/12, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Rafael Luna, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Ellen Claremont, Leo (Red White & Royal Blue), Jeffrey Richards, Original Characters, Percy "Pez" Okonjo Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, June Claremont-Diaz/Nora Holleran Additional Tags: AU, police officer Alex, Writer Henry, Dick Richards - Freeform, seriously he's the villain of the story, Getting Together, First Kiss, bisexual awakening, of bisexual disaster Alex, very gay Henry, happy couple June and Nora, Father figure Rafael Luna as the captain, teen and up raiding for language and, Implied/Referenced Sex, the shelter kids are awesome!, Some parts of the story arent, so SPOILERS:, Homophobia, Racism, Discrimination, Violence, Verbal violence, injuries, but!, Happy Ending, and no real angst between our two boys via https://ift.tt/J82cpRQ
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kiwiana-writes · 3 months
1, 8, and 9 (sleep) for the fanfic asks!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I definitely daydream a lot before I write and it's a PROBLEM, because I'll often fail to find the words again by the time I'm actually sitting down to write them 😭
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Gotta love a citizenship test!
9. Does this word sleep appear in your current wip?
From the start of one of my Fandom Trumps Hate fics. The prologue is both in past tense (challenge!) and in Ellen's POV (massive challenge!) To be clear, neither of these were a requirement of my incredible bidder—I apparently just decided to make life really difficult for myself with the ✨ vision ✨ I had for a prologue before we jump into adult Alex's POV in present tense lmfao.
[Oscar's mom] had been right, of course: Catalina June Claremont-Diaz had slipped into the world on a balmy October evening after a textbook labour and delivery. By eight weeks, she’d been sleeping almost through the night—which Ellen quickly learned not to complain to other new moms about, even if it did mean Catalina was completely uninterested in sleeping during the day, making it impossible to get anything done. She told them who she was, she told them what she needed, and Ellen learned to listen.
[Fanfiction writing asks]
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queerdiaz · 2 years
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#i also would love honest man by luke sital singh but that was already used for another kiss slowburn best friends to lovers ship so 🤷‍♀️
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so you know how oscar basically sent alex to luna's campaign thinking that he might not be completely straight and thus luna's guidance might help maybe move along the process? i'm just thinking about how oscar was probably waiting the first time he saw alex after the internship to see if it worked. like he's waiting for alex to come out and is trying to drop all these subtle hints that he'll be supportive. but of course alex is oblivious and still hasn't figured it out. and oscar wouldn't want to assume so he thinks well maybe not after all. then come to years later alex brings henry to the lake house oscar is probably like ah there it is, fucking finally
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obsessiveviewer · 4 months
OV414 - Argylle (2024) & The Beekeeper (2024) - Guest: Nick Rogers
This week, I’m joined by Nick Rogers (Midwest Film Journal) to review Argylle in a non-spoiler and spoiler review. Then, in our secondary review, we discuss David Ayer’s The Beekeeper.
For Potpourri, Nick shares his thoughts on the long running Sniper franchise while I share my thoughts on the new coming of age film, Fitting In.
Show Start - 00:28
News - 08:35
Featured Review
Argylle - 26:22
Spoiler Review - 45:37
Secondary Review
The Beekeeper - 1:06:10
Spoiler Review - 1:13:43
Nick: The Sniper Franchise - 1:25:07
Matt: Fitting In (2024) - 1:33:00
  Closing the Ep - 1:36:44
Patreon Clip - 1:38:44
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reivenesque · 3 years
Oscar Diaz was hands down the best, kindest most selfless character on On My Block. He was the person who was the most deserving of a happily ever after, and yet this is what he gets for trying to save his little brother. And then there was literally no repercussion for his death and the gang drama was never brought up again. The fucking disrespect.
I am sick of writers thinking a happy ending doesn't constitute good writing. The thing about watching a good character struggle through how many seasons is to see him get a happy ending he wanted and deserved in the end, not to be killed off for literally no fucking reason when he's achieved his happily ever after.
When season 3 ended I was all about wanting to save Cesar, but honestly Cesar didn't deserve Oscar's loyalty and he definitely did not deserve Oscars sacrifice and thinking about how Oscar's story ended when he had everything he ever wanted and the life he deserved just makes me so pissed off and it has completely put me off this season.
You know what they say about being careful about what you wish for?
Well this is that. If I knew saving Cesar would come at the cost of Oscar, I never would have wished for it.
Cesar, Monse, Ruby and Jamal's petty problems ended up being just that, petty. Lil Ricky's appearance felt like a tacked on afterthought. The theory that Chivo was actually Lil Ricky would have been more surprising and creative turn of events (not that I dislike the actor they chose for the role).
But honestly Oscar's fate is why I ended up disliking the season so much (besides the fact that it did literally nothing and achieved absolutely nothing in the end - and then they killed abuelita).
I honestly don't know if I'll be rewatching after this season now that I'm done with it. I'm just so fucking pissed about Oscar.
Seriously fuck this show.
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