#other Connors will be haughty about it
iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I think it's funny that Connor can adapt to work with pretty much any human team, but if you form a team exclusively of RK800 models, I imagine it to be kind of a mess. All of them would strive to be the leader and would see other Connors as competition and it'll stress the hell out of each of them. No, they'll accomplish anything they ought to accomplish, they'll work as a powerful team together if necessary, but man they'd be so dead serious and uptight about it, they will start overheating just from the stress of a pressure they put on themselves to be the best one.
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epicqtefail · 7 months
I get so much joy whenever I go through the games scenes and notice just how often Connor uses his sad puppy eyes on Hank. The highly advanced deviant hunter, who can end the game remaining a persistent machine, constantly pouts and pleads to get his way, and it only really works on one man.
:''D connor is so hilariously shameless isnt he, he's got a haughtiness about him where he obviously wants to be viewed as stoic and professional in a way where you'd believe he'd find pouting and pleading to be degrading to that image but he really doesn't give a shit if it gets him his way. He's so funny with how he flip flops between being aggressive and assertive to "pwease lieutenant 5 more minutes 🥺" he says "PLEASE" quite a lot and never out of politeness.
I think hank really threw him for a loop with how unpredictable he is which forced connor to gracelessly stumble through all his persuasion tactics until falling back on unsubtle puppy-eyed pleading which is just so funny, even funnier that it works (..maybe he saw the dog hairs on hank's chair and knew it would work).
and i have trouble imagining it working on anyone but Hank. every other human is too wary of him which is such an interesting thing because i would have assumed Hank would be the only one immune to connor's bullshit where everyone else falls for it, but its the reverse :''D
and by the time he gets to jericho he's either playing Tough Guy or is a legitimate lost puppy but i would have loved to see him try the puppy eyes on Markus.. makes me think of this hilarious art by Connorsjorts :'') not puppy eyes but way funnier <3
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yabagofmilfs · 1 year
I know this is not at all the point of your serious and important posts about Baby Bedard's fucked-up unchildhood training regime BUT when you described "Connor with his teammates pawing at him like a prized omega princeling" you struck a pure and resonant chord in my brain and guts. Please say more about this if you would like to.
Have you seen this video, anon? I genuinely don’t know what conclusion you could draw from it other than haughty little prince so used to being the object of lust that he barely notices when his consorts paw at him.
I wish so much that he had not gone to chicago. The narrative I wanted for him was to go somewhere with a sort of grizzled no nonsense veteran in the twilight of his career who he’d become obsessed with trying to please. Everyone loves him! Everyone thinks he’s the best and caters to him! But not this guy. The most he can get out of him is a nod when he does something well, or gruff correction—firm, but not mean—when he screws up. For the first time in his life his focus is splintering from hockey. He feels like he’s losing his mind, he doesn’t know why he’s so bothered by this ancient 3rd liner who has never put up anything close Connor’s numbers barely paying attention to him. Then maybe one day he sees the guy kissing some little twink in a club or something and it all falls into place. He Knows What He Has to Do.
We were robbed of something really special, I feel.
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raymondshields · 2 years
For the "Give Me A Series" ask meme, October Daye since that's how we know each other. :D
Oooooo, Toby! I haven't checked the discord in a good hot minute, I've been so damn busy, but Toby's good.
❤ Favorite Male: Tybalt, honestly, followed by Jolgeir. I wish I was half as cool as either of these men. ❤ Favorite Female: The Luidaeg! It's hard not to, it really is. She's so good. ❤ Favorite Pairing: Tbh, I don't really do the transformative (heh) thing as a fan with Toby, so we're going with the OG Toby/Tybalt. Followed by probably Quentin/Dean? ❤ Least Favorite Character: Following off the last ask with "Even characters that suck I tend to enjoy, because they're fascinating, so let's go with most annoying", it's Connor. This is pretty popular in the fandom, because his relationship with Toby annoyed everyone, but I was honestly relieved at his death. He was such a jerk to Toby in Artificial Night like- she's going to save some kids and die in the process, and you can't do shit, and you're being mean to her about it? At least Luna had good reasoning. Connor was just an ass. ❤ Who’s most like me: Irritatingly, probably Raj, lmao. I am about that haughty and also that stupid, although I like to think a little less traumatized. ❤ Most attractive: Uhhhh, probably Joe? Toby's the only one I really have a good image of in my head, because she's on the covers. I always picture that one Black actor that played Mercutio once for Tybalt, tbh, but as far as I know that's pretty far off. ❤ Three more characters that I like: Simon, obviously - I genuinely liked him a lot as an antihero in Brightest Fell, because when he said "Sometimes home doesn't feel that way anymore, and that isn't your fault" and Toby asked if he was supposed to be the villain here and then felt super bad about it, and then he went "Be careful, October. This is the road that broke me," later on and I was like holy shit??? I'm not sure how I feel about how he's been in the past couple of books, because he keeps getting shunted to the side, and honestly with so much focus on his trauma it's really making him more... I dunno, for lack of a better term as a bit of a crybaby? Don't get me wrong, he deserves to have his trauma addressed and helped, and I know his trauma is depicted pretty realistically, but it's also the only thing we've seen from his side for a while. I think we need to look at his trauma, yes, because holy shit has he been through it, but like, Simon can get his shit together real fast if he's asked, and we haven't gotten to see much of that. We saw a mention during the wedding of him fighting, but we have not gotten him as part of the fight. Toby sent him away during Be the Serpent and I was so annoyed, because he works damn well as part of the action team, and he didn't get that.
But also, August and Quentin, honestly. We got ONE story from Quentin's POV, and that was ages ago. Chelsea mentioned that he doesn't want to be High King anymore, and I NEED to see things from his side and find out what's up with that. And August? We get to see so, so little of her. I know we'll get more of her in the next book, I know she's probably being set up to take May's usual role as Toby's action sister for a little bit so they can be friends, but I am desperately begging for it. We also almost never get to see Quentin actually fighting, and we know from Simon in AKF that Quentin learned his "win now bleed to death later" thing from Toby, but we never get to see him do it. I need to see both of these idiots do it. Pls. I'm begging Seanan personally.
[ask game here]
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esmerays · 2 years
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She’d been here before.
In this very same cell, laying on the same enchanted plank of  moss-covered wood, counting the same wisps that flitted around the ceiling. She’d been here before, and yet, this small room had felt less like a prison then, when she’d had less to lose.
What’s a life lost in the grand scheme of things?
Esmeray’s mother had warned her about failure and prepared her for the consequences of it; they’d beg for her life, of course, but she should be ready to face the repercussions of their her actions. More than anything, Evren had warned her daughter about the consequences of confession; had made sure that the faerie would keep those cards close to her chest. 
If Esmeray told the truth, her entire family would lose their heads. One loss would be great, but the other would be devastating, and the faerie didn’t want that, did she?
Silence had been easier then, as the trial unfolded around her. While her fate had already been decided, the spectacle was much too grandiose for the court to dismiss and faelish gossip spread like the wildest forest fires. There was nothing kept secret for too long and soon the majority of the Seelie court had gathered for the show.
The faerie had been in this cell for weeks then, with Cerese prolonging the inevitable— she was the type that liked to play with her food, after all. 
But if Cerese wanted to see Esmeray cry and beg for her life, the younger faerie would not allow the Queen those pleasures. She’d trembled in those moments she’d thought were her last, but it was all she had allowed. Death wasn’t a natural consequence for fae, but it was the most common response to treason. 
The whispers among the courts accused the queen of burying the heads of her dissenters in the soil beside her waters; Esmeray herself had never known this to be true, but she supposed she’d find out— at the very least, some part of her would. 
All the same, she’d come to accept the endless slumber until the blade was centimeters from her neck. 
Mother below, she’d almost cried then; she didn’t know if it was for relief or fear, but those emotions within her only became more chaotic, uncontrollable. But she’d never let that woman see her crumble, not when she’d looked down on her for as long as she had lived. In Cerese’s eyes, Esmeray had always been unstable, unrefined and much too haughty for her station. She’d fly too close to the sun, the queen had said, and she’d laughed when the faerie proved her right. 
What was one life lost then? 
She had her family and nothing else, and she’d willingly die for them. This loyalty was all she had known, and it would be her ultimate undoing.
But that was then, and now? Esmeray had put Nora in danger, and she’d so desperately wanted to see her one last time; to apologize for this, for not being able to fulfill her end of the bargain when the time came. She’d ripped the wool from Noa’s eyes and wouldn’t be there to help the youngling navigate the trying times of fae pubescence.
Elias was in deep shit and Esmeray had selfishly removed herself from the equation; one less layer of protection for the duckling. Daniela would be better off without a fae dragging her around and she’d burned her bridge to Chloe so thoroughly, the oracle might even be happy to see her gone. 
And Connor? Well, he’d find someone else; someone he wasn’t indebted to. Someone he could love despite— she’d never really been his Diana. Esmeray doesn’t think she deserved to be, anyhow. 
In the end the faerie would leave him empty, sans that debts of course—
Mother below, she was an idiot. At the height of this mess of theirs, she’d jokingly told Carmen that she’d had a list of her next of kin. The paper itself had three names, Carmen’s at the bottom, and Connor’s on top; she’d truly left them with a multiplicity of fraying ends. It wasn’t simply a life lost anymore, but she didn’t know how she could possibly free herself of this mess. 
With her thoughts running wild like this, it felt like she couldn’t breathe. Esmeray had never once felt discomfort in her own skin, but laying there, the faerie suddenly wishes she was anywhere else— anyone else. There was an obvious lack of foresight whenever she’d move across the chessboard of life, but she’d always bore the consequences alone. Esme’s always made sure that others weren’t caught in the fray, and yet, here she was, her selfishness had put Nora’s life on the line and she’d never forgive herself for it. It’d cause a disgusting ripple effect among the people she’d felt closest to her. Perhaps, she did deserve this fate.
The faerie really wishes she could’ve told the werewolf how much she loved him, she wishes she could’ve told him that she loved him at all; more than anything, she wishes they had more time, but Esme’s been a fool to think she could grasp this bit of happiness without the usual repercussions.
She can’t hold back those tears this time. Esmeray didn’t want to die— not now, though it was the one thing she’d learned since her last tryst with treason. The recklessness and stupidity hadn’t been tempered it seems, and her father had said as much.
No one in this realm would cry for her, but this once she’d cry for herself.
Turning onto her side, the faerie curls herself into a ball, hiding these vulnerabilities from the guards because she refused to show weakness. Maybe some part of her died here all those years ago, maybe she’d been waiting all this time to give Cerese the rest of her. Esmeray had been half a corpse for too long and she’d do well to stop avoiding her fate.
Absolution would come, but before then she’d whisper her apologies to the aether. To all those that had deserved better than her unbalanced entropy— Cerese was doing them all a favor...tipping the scales so they lay balanced once more. 
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sodamnradd · 3 years
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I had the lovely @hiyasdoodles create this art for my Dramione One Shots, and it inspired me to write this accompanying drabble:
3 lower-year students (M, L, B) watch (D, H) from afar...
M: Isn’t he fit?
L: Who?
M: Draco Malfoy.
L: Meh. I’m not into blonds.
M: You don’t need to be into blonds to think he’s fit.
B: My mum told me to stay away from him at all costs.
M: Because he was a dead eater?
B: They were called Death Eaters, Marg. And yes, he’s evil.
M: I don’t think he’s evil. He’s nice.
L: What makes him nice?
M: He picked up my books in the corridor the other day when they fell out of my arms.
B: You mean when you purposely dropped them at his feet and stared up at him all moony-eyed?
M: Did not!
B: It was pointless anyway, he’s taken.
L: Hermione Granger is so pretty. I love her hair.
M: You only say that because your hair is dark and curly.
L: It’s still pretty!
M: I thought Death Eaters hated Muggleborns?
B: They do.
M: Not Draco Malfoy.
L: If I were Draco Malfoy, I’d be in love with Hermione Granger, too.
B: You think they’re in love?
M: Haven’t you seen the way they look at one another? Look at them now, his fingers are in her hair.
L: See, even Draco Malfoy likes dark curly hair.
B: Shut up about your hair already.
L: Never mind the way they’re looking at one another. Have you seen the gold necklace she wears all the time now? Bet you he gave it to her.
M: Isn’t he filthy rich? A golden necklace is probably pocket change for him.
L: It’s not about that. When a Pureblood man gives the woman he’s seeing jewelry, it means he’s courting her.
M: You think they’re going to get married? Aren’t they only eighteen?
B: Nineteen, I think.
M: Still rather young, isn’t it?
L: Doesn’t mean they’re getting married tomorrow. It just means he intends to marry her at some point.
M: That’s so romantic. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Pureblood and Muggleborn… Why are you laughing at me?
B: Someone’s dreaming about Connor.
M: I was talking about Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.
B: Sure, you were.
M: Think he’d ever go for me?
L: Hey, if a Malfoy can overcome his ways, I don’t see why Connor can’t. Malfoy’s setting precedence.
B: Those Slytherin boys do worship him. I even saw Damian checking out Hermione the other day. He never used to look twice at Gryffindors.
M: Maybe it’s because Draco’s dating her.
L: Or because she’s pretty and smart.
M: I hope they get married, they’re sweet together.
L: He carries her books everywhere.
M: They’re always snogging in the corridor when they think no one’s looking.  
B: She hexed a Seventh Year for calling him a Death Eater scum.
L: When!?
B: Last week, I saw them on my way to the library.
L: Do you really think he wanted to be a Death Eater?
B: My parents say so, they hate the Malfoys.
L: Do they know he’s dating Hermione? It just doesn’t make sense why he would.
M: Maybe he changed his mind after You-Know-Who was killed.
L: I think he’s too sweet to want to murder Muggleborns. I’m convinced he was forced to take the Mark.
B: He’s not that sweet. You should’ve seen the way he spoke to Daniels in the Great Hall. All haughty and sneering.
M: We all have our bad days.
B: He has more than a few of those.
L: Not when he’s with Hermione. He looks so peaceful.
M: Guys, are we being creepy staring at them when they don’t even know it?
B: Nah, I reckon they’re used to it.
L: Let’s go see if Connor’s at the library. Maybe you can talk to him.
D: They still watching us?
H: No, they’re leaving. Are we really that fascinating?
D: Don’t know about you, Granger, but I’ve heard I’m rather dreamy.
H: Please. Most girls aren’t even attracted to blonds.
D: You’re cute when you’re jealous. 
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pegasii · 2 years
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ demi-god of combat & equine lordship
𝐌𝐔𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎. hello, i’m pollux. ur resident greek mythotty, biracial leo & sci-fi whore. i’m 23 and go by she/her. i’ve written a few diff versions of bellerophon over the years and i’m super excited to write him here. he has a few hcs already i’d like to stick to that i’ll list below but other than that he’s been rewritten a lot to fit this rp. pls don’t hesitate to message me about plotting and starting threads. my replies will likely be lowercase with dialogue bolded and i’ll use static icons or none at all. don’t feel the need to match this, it’s just what’s easiest for me since my fc doesn’t have a ton of resources that would work !!  i’m hoping to compile everything below into a carrd page instead of this post so when that’s done the link will be in the source. discord is  𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐱.#1313
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ATTICUS or ATTY ( he hates to be called the latter though so be warned )
cis man, he/him, bisexual biromantic
june gemini, currently 27 years old. 5′10 ( fc is ruairi o′connor )
working at trojan horse ranch as a farrier & ranch hand
lives at hesperides villas
+ compassionate, courageous, hardworking
- haughty, stand-offish, selfish
animal lover obvi, very outdoorsy, aussie native his entire life ( from sydney, aus ), still deciding but he probably grew up on a ranch of some sort but probably learned farrier work from a parent or something. i think he moved to magnetic island at 15-16 to live with a relative bc of a messy home situation ?? haven’t decided yet. he felt different his entire life but after moving to magnetic island he started to realize something was truly off. maybe it was giving all the horse trainers a run for their money without even trying because of his ability to bond with essentially any equine, or maybe it was the dreams he’d always had of himself falling. falling from what ?? he never knew, and falling to where he also doesn’t know. he always keeps falling until he wakes up. he’s also drawn to water and finds comfort in being near it.
PETS. he has a brumby gelding named anthizo, which is greek for bloom. he’s a dark bay with no white markings and is 17 years old. he has a back injury and can’t be ridden so he spends his days in the pasture with the other horses or getting pampered by atticus.
influence equine behavior
while he can understand most animals well, he always knows exactly what horses are feeling and reassurance from him about things makes them far more cooperative than they would be with the average person.
water control & manipulation
percy jackson vibes probably but without the healing abilities or at least less so of. i think he’s controlled water subconsciously in the past without realizing too.
( mind you i’m still learning who plays who. )
he’s gonna hate zeus’ reincarnation naturally. in his past life he did everything he could to prove zeus wrong and zeus punished him by making pegasus drop him and by taking pegasus to carry his lightning bolts. so naturally, atticus is not gonna like him and it’s very likely he won’t fully know why and even if they are civil he will have a natural dislike for him that he simply won’t be able to pinpoint.
he’s gonna feel a kinship towards athena because of her aide to him in his past life.
i’m not sure what his feelings will be / are of poseidon yet !!
he definitely comes across as a know-it-all at the ranch and that can manifest to him being an asshole but he just truly loves the horses and hates when people do dumb shit around them.
in his spare time he really enjoys books but only ever reads outside.
a way to win him over is probably very deep conversations, validation in not feeling alone about his dreams or abilities will help him to open up.
his competitive and egotistical nature has joined his reincarnation and when given the opportunity he’ll show it.
so rn literally anything, especially a roomie !!
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nerd-elf · 3 years
Work in Progress Wednesday
I'm writing a fic about DAI, and my inquisitor is Connor Trevelyan, a templar that falls in love with no one less than Dorian Pavus.
I've just finished this part, that occurs right after they start dating, and I couldn't not post it! <3
“Well, the scouts said there’s a rift on that direction. Watch out for the bears. “
Connor Trevelyan led his team upstream, and Dorian dragged himself to keep up.
“Ugh…does this rain ever stop???” The mage shivered, trying to warm himself with a fireball.
“Well, it’s called ‘The Storm Coast’ for a reason.” Varric stated sarcastically, chuckling at sight of the Tevinter, usually so pompous and haughty, now soaked and miserable.
Dorian exhaled, annoyed. “I am starting to run out of dry clothes.”
The Inquisitor turned to the mage with a scoff, his eyes wide in disbelief. “You??? Running out of clothes??? It would be like Varric running out of ideas.”
The Tevinter rolled his eyes “I never thought I would miss those horrid rags that you boldly call ‘bedrolls’ that much.” Then he trembled furiously, equally cold and disgusted.
“Well, that’s because you miss sleeping with the boss. You think we can’t hear you two?”
As The Iron Bull spoke, the couple stopped walking, and slowly looked at each other, shocked, their jaws dropped.
A subtle silence fell over the group.
Suddenly, with a snort, Connor laughed loudly, throwing his head back, not able to contain himself.
Dorian went speechless, a rare moment. He sensed his cheeks on fire, and kept his mouth open, not able to process any of that, until Varric startled him, pushing his arm with an elbow.
“What do you think of this, Sparkler: Templars and mages never ceased fire, and The Inquisitor and his Tevinter lover were no different. They consumed each other every night, their love as ardent as real flames!”
He gestured with his hands while he spoke, looking forward, as if he saw the scene before him. Bull couldn’t stop himself from laughing at everything.
The mage’s eyes widened even more with that phrase, and soon his brow furrowed, hands clenching in fists, furious with all that exposure.
“You hear me dwarf, if you-“ he started saying, but Connor interrupted him, hugging him from his side, still smiling. ”I love it. And I love you, too.”
Then, exploiting the fact Dorian had turned his face to him, the templar placed a brief kiss on his lips, before going back to finding the rift. “Now let’s fight some demons before anyone gets hurt.”
Varric snickered with the scene, and gave a significant look to Dorian before starting walking again.
The Bull passed through him with a suggestive smile, and the brief gesture he made with his fingers brought the mage’s flush to his ears.
Seeing the Tevinter hadn’t moved, Connor let his two other companions pass through him, and took the mage’s hand, pulling him. “C’mon, love. I don’t want you getting eaten so soon. Or frozen.”
“I can’t guarantee any of those in this wilderness.” Dorian quickly thought of an irritated answer, though the sight of their fingers intertwined made his heart race in his chest.
“Public demonstrations of love.” The thought reverberated through the mage’s mind; he couldn’t quite understand that concept.
Even though he still bore the exasperated expression, that new sensation warmed his heart.
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idabbleincrazy · 2 years
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Another snippet from this untitled Spangel fluff-fest...
Spike took each photo as it was handed to him, lingering over the picture of the four of them the longest, thin fingers tracing over never-forgotten features of his dark plum, azure eyes studying the look shared between him and his Sire, remembering the haughty reprimand they'd received from Darla at nearly ruining the photograph by not looking directly at the camera. A soft smile twisted his lips at the memory, and he felt himself harden at the memory of the day the four had spent in their big four-post bed, bodies twining and rutting until the women had fallen into a sated slumber, Angelus pulling William to him to put into action the thoughts that had passed through his mind as he'd stared at the slim blonde in the photographer's studio, wreaking pleasure on his lithe body until they exhausted themselves, the elder vampire wrapping limbs around him, pinning him half-beneath him as they finally fell asleep, contented purrs rumbling deep within their chests.
Pushing the memory aside as he looked over the third picture, Spike couldn't help the unbidden twinge of jealousy at the love he saw shining from each face of Angel’s L.A. family, something he never quite shared with the Scoobies. He didn't begrudge his Sire it, though. Angel had cared deeply for the people he'd gathered around him to help his fight for good, long before Spike had found himself falling for a Slayer and starting to give a damn about her sister and friends. Joyce had been the one exception to that; he'd cared for her well enough even before thoughts of Buffy had begun plaguing him, and she'd shown that affection right back, the mother in her soothing the humanity in him when he needed someone to talk to, always good for a shoulder and a cup of hot chocolate with the mini marshmallows she'd quickly learned he liked.
The photo of the L.A. crew, if he remembered correctly, seemed to be taken just around the time he'd been starting to find himself happy enough around the Slayer and the rest of the Sunnydale gang, just before turmoil and strife broke out on both sides. He felt a pang of sadness, remembering Angel telling him the story of how Holtz had managed to make his way through the centuries to exact revenge, resulting in the kidnapping of little Connor and all the chaos that ensued from that one action. Somehow, through all that insanity, all that pain, Angel had found a way to, sort of, fix things. Connor had quickly forgiven him after he got his memories back, understanding that his father had done what he felt was best and quite possibly the only way left to save his son. The boy had recently married some pretty blonde-haired girl he fell head over heels for in college, proving himself Angel’s son through and through. They'd settled down somewhere in San Francisco and it probably wouldn't be long before Angel got word of a grandchild on the way.
Sighing, Spike rewrapped the frames and set them on his other side.
"D'you suppose the ones of Darla an' you, and the four of us, count as Memento Mori's? Bein' that we're dead, an' all." Spike chuckled at the glare Angel shot him and shook his head appeasingly. "Still don't know how to take a joke, do ya, Da? I'm glad you kept 'em, luv, really. 'S nice to know they didn't get lost."
"They're almost as important to me as the people in them", Angel responded meaningfully. "Now, are you going to keep making jokes, or did you want to know what the other two things were?"
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (3)
jaebum au series
one / two  / three / four masterlist  
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gifsource: @magiccastles​ 
pairing: im jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, cheating, CEO! i guess too now plot:  you are the duff, and guys use you to get close to your bestfriend, turns out jaebum was no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your bestfriend’s unoffical boyfriend grows a/n: this is as much as a ride for me as it is for you lol. i just start writing and let words take me somewhere and then i just say i guess that’s it in the end. hope y’all enjoy it <3 not edited.
“Did you hear,” Naina crept up behind you, making you jump slightly. She laughed before shooting you a cheeky grin and continuing, “the Chairman’s son is joining the office today?”
“Really?” You turned to her, as you waited for the papers to copy behind you.
You weren’t that interested, all you wanted to do was get out of here and rest for a bit before starting on your assignment due next week. This internship was really time-consuming, but you couldn’t really complain because so many other students would kill to work at this firm.
“A hundred per cent. I know he’s rich and all that,” she waved her hands around hastily to show how none of that mattered. “But that is not what makes him attractive. He actually looks good. Apparently, he was a delinquent, and is just returning home after starting up a new business.”
“He’s still the boss’ son,” you scrunched your face in distaste. While the old man was a dilf, you hated nepotism, and people only giving opportunities to those who had ample of it.
“He was scouted,” Naina pouted defensively.
“How do you know?” You shot her a pointed look, as the machine stopping whirring.
“The process was done by the shareholders and the Society, and you know how much they hate Chairman. Apparently, they didn’t know it was him when they scouted him,” Naina shrugged as she loaded her papers. “They had to chase him for almost five months before he agreed to a trial period.”
“A trial period?” Your eyebrows rose in surprise. You couldn’t deny that whoever the Chairman’s son was sounded pretty impressive, maybe you were being too prejudice.
You bit your lip as you watched Naina for a while, “Well, let’s hope he actually is a hottie. Who told you all this by the way?”
Naina turned to you with an apologetic look, “Pam.”
“Alright,” you rolled your eyes, walking away. Pam was notorious for her horrible taste in men.
“Hey y/n,” a head popped over your cubicle, making you look up tiredly. Your eyes wandered to the clock, one more hour left. “You’re needed in the conference room.”
“Note-taking?” You asked, getting up. The guy just shrugged before walking off.
You knocked on the door before entering the conference room, to find all the shareholders and the Chairman sitting around a table. You found Nina signalling you to come over.
“I bought my note-taking things,” you told Nina as you sat down beside her. You scanned the room to find impatient old men mumbling quietly to each other. “What’s going on?”
“They’re waiting for the new Director to show up,” Nina replied, her voice low as she leaned in. “He’s forty-five minutes late already.”
You shot her a surprised look before frowning, “It doesn’t look like anything much is happening here. Why was I called in?”
Nina just shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, Connor called for you, but he looks preoccupied.”
You looked over to your supervisor who was on the phone, a pained expression on his face evident on his face. You watched as he shut his phone before walking in hurried and long strides.
“I have to apologise, gentlemen,” Connor stopped at the front of the table, his actions anxious, but his voice steady. “But looks like the new Director, unfortunately, cannot meet us today, an emergency has occurred. He does send his apologies.”
The men, who you would have expected to be fuming, just nodded with understanding.
You were confused.
Instead of the shareholders, it was the Chairman who seemed to be fuming.
Before anyone could say anything else, he got up and walked out of the room. The others didn’t say anything or object, they just broke into little groups conversing. The meeting was over without achieving the goal but without any conflict.
“I guess it’s over,” Nina got up, brushing her skirt straight. You followed her actions, your eyes catching the clock.
“There are only twenty minutes left,” you peered at her with a pleading look. “May I have an early leave?”
Her eyes darted to Connor who was engaged in a very serious conversation and then back at your pleading face. “Okay, but if anyone asks, you had an emergency.”
“Yeah, I guess emergencies are easily accepted in this company these days,” you joked, making Nina spank your arm playfully.
It didn’t take you long to gather your things and get out of the building. You had been working here for just over two months, but you could navigate the building with your eyes closed. Your gaze was on your phone, checking for any updates from your team members for the upcoming project. Disappointment filled you once again when you saw endless bubbles of excuses dotting the group chat.
You sighed, reaching for the button to call the elevator when your fingers touched another.
“Oh my gosh,” you pulled your hand back on reflex, as you looked up. “I’m sorry.”
But as soon as your eyes met those glowing brown ones, you wished you could reel back the apology that fell from your lips. Your face turned into a sneer as you glared at him, “What are you doing here?”
Jaebum smirked at you in his signature cocky way. You hated how it made your core tingle, but at the same time made your blood boil. But the anger didn’t always mean to come out in violence. It begged to out in some ways so deviant, that you’d rather punch his arrogant smirk off than do things that to him that your mind imagined.
“You're stalking me now?” You folded your arms as you snorted at him. “Or did you get in trouble and need help now?”
“This is a financial firm, love,” Jaebum smiled at you, his arrogance taking over his entire being.
“Committed fraud then.” You bit back, thanking the elevator doors as they opened. You quickly walked in and pressed the closed button as Jaebum’s eyes watched at you. “Catch the next one, love.”
The doors were almost shut when he jammed his arm in the way. You winced as the doors clamped against him before opening slowly. You quickly masked your concern with annoyance as he strutted in holding his forearm.
You wanted to say something but bit your tongue as you rolled your eyes. In the end, you couldn’t hold yourself back, “You could’ve just waited for the next one.”
Jaebum smiled at you, knowingly. You hated it when he did that. He smiled at you, his brown eyes sparkling with humour as if he could see through you, and knew exactly what was going on in your head.
“I guess I’m a fool then.”
Your sharp eyes met his soft ones. You held them for a moment, your eyes blazing as you tried to figure out what he was doing. You knew why he said that.
He wasn’t a complete idiot then if he actually realised what you meant. He was a fool. He still is a fool. But him admitting it doesn’t undo what he had done. That he had chosen Heather over you, that he had screwed Heather.
You didn’t know what he was doing, what his game was. Did he have a sick fetish of doing friends? And then try to convince them into a threesome?
Your face must’ve revealed the disgust you were feeling because Jaebum laughed after a moment.
“What?” He smiled carefree leaning against the wall. You hated how unbelievably attractive he looked, even under these hideous fluorescent lights, Im Jaebum managed to look like the sexiest guy to have ever walked on this Earth.
You realised his normal piercings were missing. You watched as his tongue darted out from his pink lips, going to the familiar place where the lip ring would normally rest. He touched the ghost of it, his lips quirked and he just licked his lips before lifting an eyebrow.
“Where are your accessories?” You asked, you hated how haughty you sounded, but you couldn’t help yourself. Jaebum somehow bought out the worst in you.
Jaebum grinned, biting his lips as if holding in a secretive laugh.
“I had to look professional, y/n.”
You groaned internally. You hated it more when he said your name so freaking sexily.
You wanted to hear him say it again and again. Say it with other dirty words that would leave his sinful lips as he thrust into you, as he pulled your hair. Say it as you took your time devouring his cock, whimper it as you made him beg for his release. You wanted to hear him moan it as he captured your lips in his, and pushed you against the wall.
Suddenly the elevator started to feel hot; the metal box becoming too small.
You quickly reached for the button, pressing it to open on the next floor.
You turned your back towards him, facing the doors.
You core tightened, as heat rose to your face.
You couldn’t stop imaging. You couldn’t stop thinking all the things that could happen in this stupid small little metal box. You couldn’t stop thinking about how the cool metal would feel against your back, against your bare breast as he pushed you against them while he pounded into you from behind.
Oh god. You needed to get out. Now. You furiously pressed the button a few more times, before standing right.
And then the lights flickered, the machines groaned. The lights blinked off, and the elevator stopped.
This was a literal nightmare. This wasn’t real.
You had to be dreaming for sure. This was all a dream, had to be one.
“Y/n!” You heard Jaebum’s panicked voice. You found feel him swimming through the darkness, his arms flailing around trying to find you.
“I’m here,” you called, walking next to him.
You were worried, but it was nothing compared to the shaking body you collided into.
“Jaebum?” You grabbed his cold hands in yours. “Are you okay?”
He didn’t say anything, but you could feel him move.
“Okay,” you softly told him. “It’s okay, let's move backwards, okay? Until we hit the wall?”
He didn’t answer, but a disturbed meek left him, and you took that as a yes. Once your backs hit the wall, you began sliding down, bringing him down next to you.
Jaebum sat so close, his entire side was pressed against yours. He didn’t move away, but neither did you. You didn’t take your hand away from Jaebum gripped it as if his life depended on it.
You reached into your pocket, pulling out your phone. You turned on the flashlight and turned it towards Jaebum. He grunted, bringing a hand up to shield himself from the harsh light.
“Sorry,” you murmured, turning it to face the front. The light bounced off the shiny walls bringing in some light. “Are you better now?”
Jaebum nodded, and this time you could see.
“I need to press the emergency button,” you told him looking over at him. He just nodded, his eyes focusing on something, but his hands still grasping yours.
You slowly got up, still not talking your hand from his as you pressed the button. You had the ring for a few seconds, and then someone picked up.
“Hello?” you called, “We’re stuck in elevator 3.”
“We’re working on it,” the gruff voice replayed. “It won’t take long. How many are in the elevatory?”
“Just two people.”
“A'ight, wait a minute.” And then the line went dead and remained that way for almost twenty minutes.
“What’s taking those shitheads so fucking long?” Jaebum finally spoke breaking the silence that fell between you two. His hand still clutching yours. “You would expect a place like this to at least have a backup or faster services. But I guess not. Just a shithole company in this stupid place.”
He was talking nonsense. His words losing meaning as more angry and panicked words left him.
You gave his hand a little squeeze, and he stopped.
Jaebum turned to look at you, and you gave him a small smile.
His eyes that normally glistened with playfulness were glazed with fear and anxiety as he peered at you. He tried to give your smile back, but it came out as a nervous tightlipped look of panic.
“So, Im Jaebum,” you snorted lightly. Jaebum watched at you, his nervous eyes on you as if you were the only thing keeping him calm. And you were ready to bet that you were. “What’s your favourite season?”
“Really?” He snorted, the tiniest hint of his normal arrogance returning to his voice. “That’s what you want to talk about before we die?”
You bit back your laugh and shot him a glare.
“Summer,” he answered gruffly.
You nodded, humming “Summer.”
“You are someone who enjoys being happy.” Jaebum rolled his eyes at that. “You seek happiness, you like thinking back to good memories instead of bad ones. You don’t have many regrets and the ones you have don’t last for long because you rectify them as soon as you realise. You like being shown love, affection; the more you receive it, the more you thrive. You cherish friendship and loyalty above all, but not really because of the person. The person can change, but the memories you share with them is what keeps your loyalty going.”
Jaebum just snorted as he ran his free hand through his hair. The soft strands falling in all directions as he snickered at you, “Where’d you steal that from? Buzzfeed quizzes?”
“Hey!” You hit his arm in spite, a pout on your lips with full offence. “I came up with that myself! I have one for all seasons.”
Jaebum just laughed, and you tried your best to suppress the smile on your lips.
“What about the rest,” Jaebum asked after a long moment, “How would you describe the rest?”
“What you like is what you get,” you shrugged smugly.
“So what are you?” He asked, his eyes watching you intently.
“I’m Autumn,” your cheeks heated under his gaze. You prayed your blush was covered in the darkness. You gulped nervously when you felt him not look away. “And Heather! She’s a summer too.”
Jaebum hummed in reply, finally looking away.
“Okay, what’s your favourite number?” Jaebum asked.
“No! Don’t tell me! Do it again,” he groaned, making you chuckle at his silliness. You nodded, thinking of a number. “Okay now add two to it.”
You bit the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from smiling like a complete idiot at how adorable he was being. You knew exactly what he was doing, but you didn’t have it in you to stop him when he sounded so eager.
“Okay, now minus it by the number you first thought of,” he told you watching you with a grin. You nodded, telling him you were done. “Add five, minus two.
“The number you are left with is,” he grinned at you, and this time you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling seeing his happiness. “Five!”
“Oh my god!” You faked, the smile not going anywhere. “How did you know?!”
“Magic,” he shrugged, smiling so proudly. But that smile didn’t last long as the elevator groaned and you felt it fall a bit. “Fuck.”
His hand was squeezing yours so tightly you were sure it will cut off your blood circulation, but you didn’t stop him. You held his hand back and watched him as he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the metal with a groan.
“Hey, Jaebum,” you called, making his shifty eyes look to you. “It’ll be okay. We’ll be fine-”
“My ass, fine,” he cut you off with panic. “We’re going to die here.”
“Come on,” you rolled your eyes, about to tell him he was overreacting when the elevator jerked down again. You yelped as you clung onto Jaebum, who wrapped his free arm around you tightly.
“I don’t want to die like this,” Jaebum moaned, his voice breaking. You closed your eyes as you gripped his jacket tighter. “There’s so much I want to do. I want to skydive.”
“You’ve already done that,” you told him, your eyes still shut tight.
“Oh right, I have,” he breathed. “Okay, then I guess I want to take you out on a date.”
“Jaebum,” you warned him, your voice low and tight. “We’re about to die, and you want to go down joking?”
“Well, you want to go down growling me,” he replied, his words hurried. “I’m not joking though, I want to. I really want to.”
“Why?” You almost yelled as the elevator dropped again.
“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” Jaebum chanted, his panic rising. You could feel his heat race underneath his jacket. You were sure yours was pounding just as hard and as fast as his. “I mean it. I really really want to. It’s all I’ve wanted to do since I saw you.”
“You are with Heather-AH!” The elevator dropped again, and tears filled your eyes.
“Okay. Okay. Okay,” you breathed, as you tried to calm yourself as tears burned your eyes. “If we’re being honest, I guess I do want to fuck you. But I wouldn’t want my last wish to be that-”
“Wait- what?” Jaebum broke you off, hope and surprise cutting through his nerves and panic. “You want to fuck me?”
You just nodded, about to tell him that it was just a last-minute shameful confession. It didn’t mean anything. You just wanted at least his last memories to be one that his arrogant self would enjoy, no matter how true they were.
The truth never hurt anyone anyways.
“I want to fuck you too.” Jaebum cried, holding you tighter, as the elevator went down again. “But I want to kiss you too, and take you out on a date.”
“What’s with you and dates?!” You cried back.
“I don’t know, but it’s just you,” Jaebum replied, his voice shaking. “You drive me crazy.”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t want to admit that he drove you crazy too. Even though he was with your best friend, even when he chose Heather over you, you wanted him so much it physically hurt you.
“When I was little I told my dad to die,” you said softly, as tears fell from your eyes. “I didn’t mean it, dad. I’m sorry. I love you. Oh god, please keep my family safe and keep everyone happy.”
“You’re scaring me!” Jaebum cried.
“Don’t you want the last wish?”
“I already told you!”
“Are you for real?!”
“Yes! Deadly!” Jaebum answered, heated. “I want to take you out on a date! Is that so hard to believe?”
“Well we can’t go on a date now, can we?” You answered, your voice edged with anger.
“What about my other wish?”
“You want to fuck me?! Right now?!”
“No!” Jaebum cried as the elevator fell. “A kiss; a goodbye kiss I guess now.”
You stilled. You could do that. You could do as much.
The intervals between each fall lessening and you were sure soon you’d be plummeting down the levels to your death in a mere few seconds.
“Okay,” you breathed, and Jaebum stilled. “One kiss.”
Jaebum moved away from you and looked at your face.
“I-” he choked, his throat bobbing, as he nervously gulped. His eyes shaking from fear of the looming death, but also from fear of this moment. “I don’t want to pressure you or anything- I can change my last wish.”
“I want to.” You told him, your gazing dropping to his lips. You nodded, “I want to.”
Jaebum swallowed nervously as he brought his shaking hands to your face. Your hands held onto his wrist as his fingers gently brushed your skin. You gazed into his eyes, and even in the darkness, you could see them sparkle in golden wonder.
His eyes searched yours for any sign of hesitation as he slowly bought his lips down to yours. You closed your eyes, feeling his warm sweet breath fall onto your lips. You weren’t sure if it was the foreboding death or his sweet gentle touch and closeness that were reasons for the butterflies in your stomach, but you had a good suspicion it was the latter.
Jaebum’s soft lips lightly touched yours, so carefully, so softly as if you’d break away into a million whispers if he was too hard. Your fingers wrapped into his palms as you pressed your lips against his.
You felt his lips open, about to capture yours in a soft sweet gentle kiss when a loud crash followed by a loud voice interrupted your dizzying mind.
You jerked away from him as blinding light fell into the elevator, and a shadow appeared as the doors opened.
“You’re alive!” The gruff voice yelled. “Are you alright?”
You remained shocked for a moment, before blinking back to your senses, “Yes!” Yes!”
“Alright, hold on a minute.”
It took ten more minutes to get the door opened and a ladder down to help you out.
You didn’t look at Jaebum.
You ignored the cold burning on your hand that Jaebum had been holding. You ignored the tingling of your lips, and the butterflies in your tummy, every time you thought of that whisper of a kiss.
You didn’t look at him when he climbed out behind you.
You watched the others and saw their faces pale when they saw him brush his jacket straight.
“Sir!” The gruff voice cried, almost bowing. You looked around saw all of them shake with fear. “I-”
The man couldn’t complete his sentence, as he shook in fear, his eyes low.
You turned back to Jaebum confused, “What’s the fuss?”
“Y/n!” You heard Naina call, before grabbing your elbow and pulling you away. You shot her a confused look, making her give you a horrified one in return. She pointed to the screen on the wall, and there you saw him.
Im Jaebum flashing on the screen, Director of Mediana Firm.
You turned back to Jaebum who gave you a cheeky wink. Your mouth fell open as Naina dragged you away.
“No way.” You muttered.
“Exactly! No way you got trapped with the new hot Director!” Naina cheered, her cheeks blushing for you. She giggled as you blinked processing everything.
“God,” you finally spoke, “I guess Pam wasn’t wrong this time.”
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
Nines Deviating cus Connor is doing something wrong
Observing the surrounding and assimilating information from behavioural patterns was part of Nines’ programming. He had spent enough time at the DPD to be able to claim he had a good working knowledge of human relationships. On top of that, he had done research during his down time, cataloguing and filing appropriate responses from various sources of media. Which is why he was extremely confused as he observed Connor flitting around Lieutenant Anderson.
When he had a moment, he pulled his predecessor to the side with a hissed “What are you doing?”
He didn’t expect Connor to blush and look away like some newly caught out deviant. Even worse was when the reply was “I’m trying to court Hank.”
A quick run-through of Connor’s actions against his registry of wooing a potential mate makes the world sickening red. Brushing it all aside, Nines gives Connor a stern look.
“You’re doing it all wrong. To attract a mate, you do not make them happy, you do not do them favours. Watch this.”
With that, he marched over to Gavin was was unsuspectingly playing on his phone, utterly unaware of what was about to happen.
“You!” Nines yelled at him, making him jump. He slammed a coffee cup down on his table. “You require your midday caffeine intake.”
He stormed back to Connor looking pissed and angry at the world at large.
“Step one,” he said calmly. “Take care of their needs but do not make them feel like you’re going to just roll over for them.”
Peering around his shoulder, Connor watched as Gavin took a cautious sip and then smiled into his mug and looked up at Nines.
“Step two,” Nines intoned seriously. “You make them jealous.”The next moment, he was crowding against Connor, leaning close as if he was going to kiss him. “Is he watching?”
“And frowning like you’ve broken his phone and spilled coffee on his favourite hoodie,” Connor replied.
With an airy “perfect” Nines stepped back. He didn’t even glance towards Gavin as he ran through the steps again for Connor’s benefit.
“So, the first two steps are a success though you may have to repeat them with creative iterations. For example, I may offer to charge Gavin’s phone because he plays too much on it. It demonstrates that I am aware of what he does and pay him attention but also shows I am disapproving of his bad habits.”
Connor tried to interrupt him but Nines was on a roll. He was ready to demonstrate step three, the final move to wooing a human mate as according to his research. With an air of haughty disinterest, he was back at Gavin’s side and towering over him.
“Your nutritional intake is absolutely appalling. I have taken it upon myself to book us a table for this evening at the restaurant you like. Please dress suitably and be prepared to take things further if we are both amenable to the prospect of sex with each other.”
While that was going on, Hank sidled up to Connor’s side with a small smirk and they stood next to each other, watching the whole debacle unfold.
“Just for the record, you don’t need to do any of this, I hope you know that,” Hank muttered quietly. “I have noticed your efforts and appreciate them, was just working up the courage to ask you out myself.”
“I’m glad,” came the equally soft reply. “I don’t think Nines’ methods are particularly efficient.”
A thoughtful hum later, Hank opened his mouth. “Well, Reed looks both terrified and turned on. I’d say they’re working alright.” Then he yelled across the room. “Hey Nines, did you actually want a boyfriend or are you jerking Reed along with all the promise but no follow through?”
They watched as Nines blinked, looking down at Gavin with a small frown. Gavin’s lips moved as he said something, Nines’ LED turned a brilliant red before he reached for Gavin’s hand and was pulling him towards the bathrooms.
“We’re skipping dinner!” Nines announced to the bullpen at large and disappeared around the corner.
237 notes · View notes
msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 8x09 Brain Dump
It was...not all bad. I really want to like this. I love Mia, William and FTA. I want to enjoy BS like I did in S7. I want to see Dinah written consistently with any kind of actual character. Well, at least my love for FTA is still intact 😂😂
Kat was brilliant in this episode. Her leading lady really jumped out 😂😂 Her emotional moments hit the mark, and I think she juggled her post-Crisis new life with her old memories brilliantly.
We opened on her waking up in the Queen mansion(!), with a very yummy Diggle Jr in her bed, only it’s JJ not Connor 😱😱 She’s also surrounded by adorable family photos, showing that Oliver got his wish of her and William growing up together (and confirmation that the Olicity Love Cabin still existed!) Basically, she’s living the best life that Oliver could have wished for her, without him in it, of course 😭
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Probably the most notable change in ‘new Mia’ (other than her being infinitely happier and living in a crime-free city) was her social poise. She’s been brought up in Oliver Queen’s old world, and is quite the socialite, only without any of the haughty frivolity that one might expect (I imagine we have Felicity for that 😍). She loves her life and her friends, and she defends them, especially in the face of Laurel, who seemingly does nothing but scoff at her lifestyle for the whole episode 😒 I loved her addressing the press!! That was pure Queen! Maybe the influence of a certain Aunt Thea?
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Source: feilcityqueen
More below the cut…
Basically this Mia is smart and loving and happy, and Oliver gave her a warm and otherwise full life, save for finding her true purpose (which is gonna be vigilanteing, of course). So of course BS and Dinah rock up and upend it all 😂 I really liked how they made the returning of Mia’s memories a source of conflict, as well they should. It was so brutal to just return them with no preamble, to destroy what happiness Oliver had given back to her, just because, what? BS couldn’t complete her own fucking mission? (More of that later lol) Then Mia standing up to BS when she went as far as to mock Mia’s new world, just gave me life!!!
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Anyway, with her memories restored, and bad guys to track down, of course Mia couldn’t resist her heroic calling and suited up, then proceeded to be the epic badass that we have grown to love.
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Source: kathmcnamara
I loved seeing her struggle with her memories returning, and the guilt that they brought with them of not living up to Oliver’s legacy. At the same time, she appreciates what Oliver did for her, that all he wanted for his family and the city was to be safe and happy. She ultimately decides to remain the Green Arrow, taking up the guard of her city in her father’s memory, to protect the new world that he sacrificed himself to create.
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Source: felicityqueen
We’d seen she’d developed her ‘street smarts’ in the flash-forwards, so I think she’ll end up bringing these together with her new social skills, and badass moves, and be an unstoppable force!! Hopefully that will include her old FTA team as well, and not just the two feathered ones 🙄
God this needed more FTA.
We got a small amount of William, more of JJ, what with him being Mia’s fiance (!!), and little more than fleeting glances of Zoe (!) and Connor. The disrespect!! 😂
William (who even knows his surname in this new life?) continues to hold my whole heart in his hands 😍😍
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Source: oliverxfelicity
LOOK AT HIM!!!!💗💗💗
He seems to have been least affected in terms of his character, post-crisis. It’s implied that he’s running Smoak Tech, and that he and Mia grew up together and are basically each others’ ride-or-dies 😭😍😭 
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I truly hope if the show is picked up, that they increase the William content by a solid 1000% 😂 He brings so much heart and a certain humour and lightness, just like Felicity brought to Arrow, and Ben is such an amazing actor. The new show will need a William. BADLY. He really seems to have his shit together (in the very limited time we have seen him of course 😒), but I’m hoping that that doesn’t lead to Mia keeping her memories from him for long (although remembering who their Dad is, I’m guessing she could take a while 😂😂).
So JJ proposes to Mia at the beginning of the episode!!!! Apparently they are the love of each others lives here. Dig clearly learned from what Connor told him, and steered JJ away from becoming a murdering gangster...YAY! Although it seems that in doing so, our darling boy Connor ran into a few issues of his own 😫😫 It looks like there is no love lost between him and Mia, that he has been in and out of rehab, and is now somewhat of a bad boy 😏😏 But when they first lock eyes there is still definite history and heat there and, just HJJHDFVGDFK 🔥 BACKSTORY IS NEEDED!! Then at the end, JJ has his memories restored by scary-dude-in-cloak (who I was totally hoping would be Dig or Oliver tbh 😂), so I’m super interested to see how he copes with his dual memories!! So now Mia loves JJ, but knows he was evil and killed Zoe, and she hated Connor, but now remembers they had feelings for each other and that he is a beautiful soul, and all the shit is gonna hit the fan!!! I usually hate love triangles, but this is so exciting, with the good boy/bad boy switch up, and then the opposite memories being returned...YAAAAASSSS!! Although I’d like to make it clear that, whilst I’m going to enjoy the drama getting there, I am firmly in the SmoaknHawke end game camp!! 
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And as excited as I just got, all of this took up just about 5 mins of screen time 😫😫 It reminds me of what Arrow was lacking in its early episodes...heart and hope. They lucked into it with Felicity/Emily, but they have it here, ready and waiting, and are so far not using it.
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Kat knows what’s what. This is the show we deserve. 
There was a lot of bird action. Apparently in shaping a perfect future, Oliver saw fit that Mia never met BS or Dinah...this is why we stan 😂😂 Dinah has also seemingly been erased from the history books 😬, waking up after Oliver’s funeral (😒😭) 20 years in the future, so naturally becomes a bohemian, opens a bar and sings a lot. Cool, I’d probably do the same 😂😂 Laurel, it seems, went off to spend time with Sara, and has apparently become a solo time-traveller, trying to stop 2041 from becoming a really bad year. Righto. 
Dinah was actually ok in this episode, if not hugely out of character, but that in itself has been inconsistent throughout the show, so here’s hoping that the zen-filled peacemaker that she was in this episode continues! Dinah’s new-found peace and bearability seemingly comes at the cost of Laurel being utterly awful. She rocked up in the future like Billy Big Bollocks with a huge chip on her shoulder, just sneering her way through the episode. She had such bitterness, disdain and anger directed towards Mia (and Dinah, at times) for no apparent reason, when they seemed to have somewhat bonded previously?! She spent the majority of the episode sauntering around looking down on everyone, portraying a bitchy-tomboy type, deeming anything vaguely typically feminine or not hard-moody-’badass’ as beneath her. This is not #girlpower. Fuck off.
Then we have that clusterfuck of a scene at the exhibition 🙈🙈 where BS tries to tell Mia that she used to date her Dad, before quickly correcting herself to “some version of him, anyway”, as if they were one and the same 🙄 Laurel’s continual need to imply that she knows, or has history with our Oliver is infuriating as hell. E2 Oliver died on the Gambit in his early 20s. Even if he was similar in character to E1 Oliver up until then, that person bears no likeness to the man he became. Her past with her ‘Ollie’ is entirely irrelevant to the man that was Mia’s father, who she barely even got to know at all save for a couple of episodes in S8. And not only the implication that she knew him, but then to actually try to trash him as well, to his kid?! All to push her idea that all versions of people are the same (which was refuted when JJ doesn’t even turn out to be behind the Deathstroke mask anyhow)? NO! At least Dinah and Mia were cringing along with us 😂
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It’s just astounding, the turnaround they’ve managed with Laurel/BS. They already did the unthinkable in S7 and got a lot of people from this side of the fandom to empathise and warm to her, without pissing off her existing fans. I really did grow to like her in S7 (check my reviews, I still can’t believe it 😂), she was snarky, but not bitchy, and showed some heart and vulnerability. So it’s mind-blowing how they took all that growth and just obliterated it this season, and then even more so in this episode where she is just plain nasty and unlikeable. 
I do think, however, that giving BS and Mia a tempestuous relationship from the off was a good idea, cos let’s face it, you can tell there is no love lost between them. But they could have made them clash in a better way than BS just being an arsehole to Mia for most of the episode. My best guess is her anger comes from Mia coming out of Crisis with a life untouched by violence, whilst her earth was still lost? (Was it? I can’t actually remember if E2 came back.) She can’t complete her self-appointed mission on her own and knows she needs Mia’s help to do it?? I don’t know. She had a lot to say about JJ supposedly being a ‘homicidal manic’...pot, kettle much?! She also seemed to find the notion of Mia initially wanting to just appreciate the peaceful life she had been given and not becoming a vigilante reprehensible, but why? BS is the one that needs to atone for past sins. Mia does not. 
Stray thoughts
That cliffhanger!!! WHO TOOK OUR WILLIAM?!?!?!
The music was...not good. Especially during the fight scenes. Arrow was always so on-point with its score. I don’t understand how this can be so bad?! I did like hearing Mia’s theme in there, though, that was a nice tie-in the old flash-forwards.
Who is this Kevin that cheated on William? He must be destroyed!😡
Some of that future make-up was really something 😬😬 2040 is all about the severe/dead and unblended looks, apparently. The fashion was fabulous though!
The dialogue in the action scenes was soooo hammy.
Who is the mysterious, villainous “she”???
“Frack you!” and “I’m not interested in joining your Canary club” YAASS MIA 😂
William and Mia’s “pet rock” talk was super cute 😍 
Oliver’s statue!! 😭😭😭
Hopes for the future, if series gets picked up:
Increased focus on Mia/FTA. We have such a fresh, interesting, diverse cast, with intertwined back stories ready to go for this show here already, waiting to be used. USE THEM.
A deadly outbreak of avian flu 😂🙊
Failing said outbreak...keep the birds in the background or MAKE THEM LIKEABLE. This is a chance for a clean slate!
I wanna see Papa Dig so bad. David had said we’d get to see 2040 Dig in Arrow, but looks like that isn’t going to happen now, and I’d just love to see how he is. I can also imagine David being entirely done, and not wanting to be a part of this, however, but a cheeky little cameo would be amazing 😂
SmoaknHawke to RISE 🔥🔥🔥
As it stands, I’ll watch if it goes to series, but for how long remains in question. I just know I cannot get on board with the faux feminist “heart/vulnerability/girly is ‘weak’! Let’s be hard/edgy/angry badasses and fight men and show the world we’re strong pow pow pow” narrative that BS in particular, but also the general tone of the show overall, is trying to portray. I really think that if the show is picked up that they should look to see what is working and what is falling flat on its arse. It’s in dire need of more heart and fewer birds imo, but we can have both, if they’d just write them as better people.
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers 😘 Any uncredited gifs are mine.
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connorssock · 5 years
Magical DPD
The DPD was an equal opportunities place of employment. They didn’t discriminate, no matter the origins of someone. Even a plain old human like Gavin could get hired with the right skills were demonstrated. Though it was rare to have a human on the force, they were generally considered too vulnerable to magical influence even if they were hardier than some other creatures.
Still, Gavin worked hard and he made the grade, became a detective, even became friendly with Tina, one of the fae on the force. She and Chris, a suave incubus were his friends though Hank made for a decent boss, especially as a werewolf. His need to form a pack translated well into helping the precinct gel as a unit, especially when his Alpha tendencies showed. As an ogre, Fowler was better suited as Captain, he willingly fought for his subordinates with words, only old school ogres were sticklers for clubs and fist fights.
As a human, Gavin was used to being one of the smaller beings on the force. It had its advantages at times. People whispered in surprise at how easily Gavin seemed to resist the near constant lure of Chris’ nature. And how delicately he navigated around Tina’s questions in a way that never left him open to any kind of vulnerability. There were unasked questions that Gavin didn’t really fancy talking about so he left the gossips to wonder.
The day the haughty centaurs deigned to join the force, Gavin was seething. They had resisted lowering themselves to such mundane works as policing and were generally considered standoffish at the best of times. To have not one but two of them arrive at the precinct and be fawned over was all but spitting in his face. Centaurs were lauded for their acquiescence to join while humans had to bust a nut. It wasn’t fair. To add insult to injury, Gavin was partnered with one, at least until Nines got into the swing of things.
To an outsider, the initial face-off between Gavin and Nines would have looked ridiculous. Gavin stood there with his chest puffed out and ready to pick a fight with Nines who towered over him. The disparity between their appearances was quite drastic too, Gavin in his slightly shabby clothes, leather jacket and jeans while Nines was brushed and shiny coats with a sharp shirt covering his human half.
It was a sight most people grew accustomed to; the two of them facing off, Nines seemingly passive and calm while Gavin was all but spitting fury. Yet any attempt to separate them, break their partnership was met with stubborn resistance on both sides. Gavin maintained that to separate them would mean he was admitting defeat while Nines simply asserted that his learning curve was not yet at a plateau so he was loath to be removed from his partner. A deeper understanding of their partnership was gained when Gavin was sent out to a domestic disturbance.
The call had come in, requesting a single officer to intervene between a human couple. As per department procedures, a human detective was sent out. When a second call came in requesting backup, Nines was already half out of the precinct, annoyed he had been left behind in the first place. The report of an officer down shortly followed. Nobody quite knew what had happened, one minute, there was the bustle of an arrest, the next, Gavin was on the floor, blood pooling around him from the stab wound nobody had expected. The ambulance was too far out for Nines’ liking. He broke all social standards as he helped swing Gavin onto his back and raced to the hospital in record time. Some said he even made the siren noises just to get a laugh out of Gavin.
After that, things between Nines and Gavin shifted. There was a comfortable camaraderie between them. More often than not, when they faced off, it ended with Gavin on his tiptoes and Nines leaning down for a soft kiss. Rumours began to spread which neither of them bothered to even acknowledge.
It was only when Nines was confronted by Connor that certain things came to light. Not that anything Nines confided in his brother went far but somehow the truth had its way of getting out, along with a few candid pictures.
Most nights, Gavin and Nines left separately, nobody paid them much attention. Which suited them just fine. Especially since their routes home were exactly the same. Nines’ house had more space and was converted with centaurs in mind. Over time, it gained a few stools and portable steps so someone of shorted stature could reach the top shelves too. And at nights, Nines bedded down on a nest of blankets and pillows, curled around Gavin who was more than content to snuggle in and leach warmth.
“So, he’s half horse and hung like one, how does it work?” Tina asked bluntly one lunchtime. Gavin shrugged around a mouthful of hot dog. “Oh come on, you know I won’t tell anyone.”
“I don’t know,” Gavin finally muttered. The outraged muttering from Tina wasn’t the most encouraging but he ignored it.
“So you’re telling me, you have him all to yourself and you haven’t...” she trailed off as understanding dawned. “Oh.”
Gavin smiled sweetly at her. “I didn’t tell you so you can’t use it against me.”
“Like I ever would,” she scoffed in offence. “But you and him. Never?”
“Don’t need it. I like what we have as it,” Gavin assured her and he straightened from the table as he felt a warm presence approach from behind. Arms wrapped around his chest and Nines leaned down to nuzzle his hair.
“Guessing that’s our not quite secret is out?”
Gavin nodded and turned to crane his neck, silently asking for a soft press of lips against his. Having been given it, he smiled contentedly. It didn’t matter if nobody else understood what he and Nines had. Or if they made wild assumptions which, in his eyes, were laughable. As he’d told Tina, he and Nines were happy as was, they didn’t need anything more even if others thought otherwise.
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illumose · 5 years
i’m no sweet dream  [ kim taehyung ]
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× genre : fratboy!taehyung au ; angst ; badass! reader.
× pairing : kim taehyung x female reader | words : 1,3k
× sum up : in which the reader decides to make Taehyung pay for his bad actions.
× author’s note : this scenario is inspired by Halsey’s new song ‘Nightmare’.
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The cold wind hit your face as you wandered aimlessly in the street. From time to time, the window of a shop would catch your attention, but you wouldn’t stop walking. There was something soothing about walking, you didn’t mind the slight tiredness.
Two months afo, your life was perfect. You were dating what you had thought to be the love of your life, and you had a reputation untouched by sins, rumors and gossips. It was insane to see how things changed so quickly. Your life had been turned upside down, because of a single man. He dragged you down, making people believe that you were just a slut in seek of attention.
People talked shit about you, without knowing anything about what you went through. That’s what happen when you’re too nice, they eat you alive. Now, you wouldn’t make the same mistake. Kindness is weakness, it became your new mantra.
Kim Taehyung could have been the love of your life if he was not a complete douchebag. After all, your friend warned you about his past of bad boy. He manipulated you, he used your kindness at his own advantage. You were blinded by love, when all he cared about was your body. You’ve trusted lies and men, but this was over. This was the last time you would allow people to hurt you, to break your heart.
You had broken down, but you had put yourself back together. The first week, you were a mess. You cried yourself to sleep, you did not eat, you did not go out. You had blamed yourself. The week after, a friend came over, informing you of the rumours, the gossips. It was when you realized that he had wrecked you, that it was all a game for him. You had decided to take your revenge for the damages he caused to your heart.
You would not allow him to have power over you, to destroy your life. Your reputation had been torn apart because of Taehyung, but if you had to drown, then he was going to drown too. After all, he did not show any mercy for you when he spread the rumour that you were a whore addicted to sex without any morals.
He was the one who started this, and you would end it. Tomorrow. You were tired and angry.
The next day, you entered the university, walking confidently. The students’ curious gaze made you smile. You knew that he would come to you first, he had no other choice.
"Y/n." You heard his voice, calling you out from the other side of the hallway. He was probably wearing his leather jacket, the one you used to steal because it looked good on you.
You stopped only when the two of you were in an empty classroom. "What?"
"They suspect me and Connor of having cheated on the admission test." He said, leaning against the door frame. What he did not know was that you, accidentally or not, spilled out that his little secret.
"And? It isn’t my problem." You scoffed, rolling your eyes. It amused you, he seemed cocky. It would not last, though. You were going to shatter his life, to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Taehyung stared at you, in disbelief. He had never witnessed this type of behavior coming from you. He had expected you to beg him to take you back. He had thought you would be worried, but apparently, you weren’t. "They will take my scholarship away. We’ll be expelled."
"Will you? And, what do you tell me this? Your little toys cannot help you, can’t they?" You answered, walking closer to him. He raised an eyebrow, a smirk displaying on his lips. He won’t smirk for long.
"They’ll ask you questions, to see if we’re lying or not. Don’t tell them anything." He demanded, believing that you were still a compliant little toy. He had no hold on you anymore. People always believed that you would stay the kind and compliant woman who put her own self second for others. They pushed you, again and again, until you could not take it anymore. He belittled you, having no consideration for your feelings.
"Fun fact, I don’t owe you a goddamn thing, Taehyung. You’re a douchebag, and this is what you deserve. Perhaps the past girls you wrecked hadn’t had the guts to make you pay, but I ain’t them."
Your laugh resonated in the whole classroom. You’ve learnt to grow from the heartbreak, the shame and the judgement. It changed you in so many ways, and perhaps, without Taehyung, you would not have found the strength to be tough. In some way, you were thankful for what he caused.
"You made a mistake when you thought that I would come back, crawling and begging. I trusted you, and you betrayed my trust, but it’s okay." You added, defying his gaze. "You tore my reputation apart. You told them I was a slut, that there wasn’t someone more disgusting than me. You and your group of jerks are rotten to the core. I’ve got a lot of things to say about you, because don’t forget that we dated for one fucking year. It’s a lot of time." Your tone was threatening, it was so pleasing to hold the power.
"Is it a threat, sweetheart?" He chuckled, approaching you.
"Someone like me can be a real nightmare. My old self would still be crying her eyes out over a man without any values. You’ve done things that are far worse than cheating. The university won’t be the only one going after you, Taehyung."
Taehyung eyes changed, he was no longer amused.
"You can act cocky all you want, you can threaten me, but the truth will be heard. I ain’t giving you the pleasure of enjoying your life when you did horrible things. You’re gonna pay for your actions. I’m no sweet dream, I’m your worst nightmare.” And with that, you stepped out of the room, walking past him. He stood there, frozen and baffled.
Your eyes slid over to take one last look at Taehyung, and you left. Once back home, you took everything that Taehyung had left in your apartment to the trash, definitely deleting him from your life. You were relieved, and in peace with yourself.
You’ve tolerated Taehyung horrendous behavior with others for a whole year, letting him do whatever he wanted with your heart. Unfaithful and distrustful, he ruined the love you two had. His friends were just like him, a group of douchebag without any consideration for woman and other people. They gave looks of haughty disdain to those who weren’t as wealthy as they were.
You had hoped that Taehyung could change, what’s greater than helping the love of your life change into a better person ? You were so wrong, and regretted getting involved with him. It was a nasty shock when you had found out that he took pictures of you naked on the bed, and that he allowed his friends to see them. It was a nasty shock when you had found out that a girl he used to date committed suicide because he ruined her life.
Nonetheless, he was finally paying for his actions. You had pressed charges against him for the nudes he had stolen and you had revealed to the police what he did to the poor girl. The cheating scandal was only the beginning of his fall.
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What's the quickest way to provoke an angry old drunk? Gavin mused rhetorically to himself as he reeled back from Anderson's sucker punch, blood already draining from his nose. Easy. Insult his fuckbot.
In all honesty, Gavin's hatred for the lieutenant and his plastic twink had waned to the point of nonexistence since he had been forcibly partnered with Nines. His hatred for his own partner had vanished as well, in a surprisingly short amount of time. It was hard to keep despising someone who had already taken a bullet for you. Gavin had even agreed to lay off Connor at Nines' request--firm insistence, really-- and the two detectives and their androids had been making slow steps towards coexistence. 
Not that any of that mattered as Gavin's head snapped back from another sharp blow, the lieutenant's grip on his jacket and shirt collar the only thing that kept him from stumbling backwards.
Gavin deserved it, really, had known that this would happen the moment he opened his mouth. As far as coping mechanisms went, Gavin knew that his were painfully underdeveloped. The case he and Nines had been working hit another dead end. Literally. Another body turned up, another android torn apart and left strung out, limbs and torso and head connected only by several feet of unraveled tubing and wires. It bothered Gavin more than he cared to admit, especially as he heard the android's human partner wailing miserably, trying to fight the officers that held her back, kept her away from her dead lover. But the entire scene was scrubbed clean, and Nines voiced his theory that the AX400 had been killed somewhere else. No DNA. Not even a trace of thirium anywhere at the scene, he said. 
Gavin had moved a few feet away to slam his fist into a part of the brick wall that wasn't being combed for nonexistent evidence. It was the third murder following the same M.O., and each scene had gotten cleaner and cleaner. They had a DNA sample from the first scene, matching no one in the system, a tire tread from the second scene that happened to be from a default tire on the most popular car model in Detroit, and absolutely jack-all from the most recent scene. The detective couldn't stand the look on Nines' face as his bloodied his fist against the wall. Hated the concern, the complete lack of judgement, the way he leaned too close and wrapped a too-soft hand around Gavin's wrist to stop the next blow. 
The way he didn't react when Gavin answered the kindness by taking a swing at him with his free arm instead. Nines just let himself roll back with the punch, minimizing the damage to Gavin's hand. 
Nauseous with anger--at the lack of a lead, at himself, at Nines' unwavering loyalty and the way he just unflappably bore whatever undeserved bullshit Gavin threw his way-- Gavin's instincts switched in an moment from fight to flight. He wrenched his wrist away from Nines' grip with far too much force, given how lightly the android was holding it. Nines didn't even have the decency to look offended, just confused. Concerned. 
And Gavin had left his partner standing just like that, snow lightly gathering in his dark hair, on his shoulders, on his eyelashes, looking like a goddamn model except for the thin trail of thirium that slid from the corner of his mouth. Nines had ridden with Gavin to the scene, as he always did, but that didn't stop Gavin for an instant. Whether Nines had called a cab or gotten a ride from another officer back to the precinct, Gavin wasn't sure, but the android reappeared at his desk later with a cup of coffee for him, as if nothing had happened.The damn tin can only ever brought Gavin coffee when he had made a complete ass of himself. Which was frequently enough to be a near daily occurrence. Fuck if Gavin knew why his partner did it. Could've been a peace offering, or a show of forgiveness, or even-- maybe it was just a subtle way for Nines to show his concern for the detective. A friendly gesture. Gavin couldn't fucking deal with it, with the undirected anger, with the guilt. So much guilt. Gavin wanted to put his fist through the wall, to overturn his desk, to scream his lungs out. 
Anderson had just been an easy outlet. Gavin knew all the right ways to piss the grizzled lieutenant off, get him mad enough to swing first. It was a low blow, targeting his relationship with Connor, insinuating that the android wasn’t much more than an over-glorified flesh light, that Hank was using his partner like the object Connor had once been. The object he still was, deviant or not; that had been the insult that had done the trick. Connor was only one of the detective's many sensitive topics, but even Gavin wasn't a big enough piece of shit to bring up the kid. There were some lines he knew not to cross, even in his red-blind anger. Besides, it just wasn't necessary. Hank swung, popped Gavin right in the nose and a starburst of pain lit up behind the detective's eyes. 
Another punch, and another, and Gavin pulled his own punches, only doing so because he knew the lieutenant would stop swinging if he wasn't retaliating. He thought he heard Connor shouting something, panic edged in his generally cheerful voice. Gavin closed his eyes, readying himself as Hank pulled his arm back again…
And suddenly Hank relinquished his hold on Gavin's clothes, and Gavin did some ungraceful stumbling to save himself from falling flat on his ass. He opened his eyes, staring at the broad back of Nines' Cyberlife jacket rather than Hank's red, furious face. Black flecks floated through his vision for a moment as he stabilized himself. 
"Lieutenant Anderson," came a voice like a knife, and the entire room dropped into near-silence. Gavin couldn't see his partner's face, but he knew what it looked like from the sound of the android's voice. Hard and almost devoid of emotion, except for the flash of restrained anger brewing in his grey eyes. "Any further attempts to attack Detective Reed will be met by immediate restraining." "Fuck off, Nines," Gavin half-panted, pained and angry. "I can fucking handle this."
"Connor, I suggest you keep your human away from mine," Nines growled, not acknowledging Gavin's protests in the slightest. Connor obeyed immediately; Gavin hadn't realized how close the softer android had moved once Nines' had intervened, but now it only took him a single step to get between Hank and the others, pulling him away with a hand on his arm.
Hank was hurling insults the entire time. Very rich of Gavin to talk shit about Connor, the old fuck announced loudly, when his own robot nanny came to his rescue every time. Gavin didn't even have the energy to retort beyond a single extended middle finger. 
The detective straightened his jacket with a false sense of pride, suddenly aware that the scene had drawn the attention of the entire department. Their colleagues didn't even have the decency to look like they weren't watching the drama. His desk was on the other side of the bullpen, a decently long walk of shame, and Gavin was prepared to take it with his haughty dignity more or less intact. 
He hadn't even taken the first step when Nines whirled around on him, fixing him with a stare that was cold enough to freeze the hardened detective in place. His LED was yellow, yellow, yellow, pulsing erratically. More than just scanning the detective. Gavin scowled right back at him, lacking any authenticity. 
"You require medical attention." Nines said through his teeth. Gavin wondered if everyone else could tell how difficult it was for the android to keep his cool; could they all see the added tenseness beneath Nines' already rigid stance, or the vibration of energy that thrummed from his hands as they twitched, threatened to curl into fists? 
"No I fucking don't," Gavin shot back, challenging. He lost, because Nines had all the intensity of a storm in a bottle, glass prison threatening to shatter at any moment. Something hidden in Gavin ignited at the way Nines' face twitched, only just managing to stay neutral. Nines didn't need to use force to intimidate Gavin in just the right way. The detective's protests died in his throat, any notion of arguing lost. The android hadn't needed to touch Gavin to overpower him. When Nines turned without another word and strode out of the station, fury quickening his pace, Gavin followed. 
They made it all the way to the parking lot before Nines spun around, grabbing Gavin by both sides of the jacket in a way that was far rougher than the android had ever touched him before. It was always light touches, contact barely there. Never enough to scare the detective, or to hurt him. This time, Nines pressed his balled-up, fabric-fill fists against Gavin's chest, shoving him backwards until he was pinned between the aggressively tall android and the side of the building. 
"Let me go," Gavin grunted, trying to sound tougher than he felt. It didn't work, exhaustion spreading through the words until he just sounded resigned. "Fuck you, Nines, let me go!"
There was a long, tense moment where Gavin couldn't tell what the android was going to do. Then his fists unclenched, flattening against the detective's chest in a way that still kept him restrained, but far less aggressively. "Why do you insist on dama--on hurting yourself, detective?" Nines' tone was too soft, too pained, and his hard, intimidating expression slipped. He looked…bewildered. Hurt. Vulnerable. Gavin didn't have an answer. 
Because it makes me feel better, he thought, but that was a lie, wasn't it? Slamming his fists against walls and provoking people he actually wouldn't mind being on friendly terms with into hitting him didn't make him feel better. It just felt…justified. A punishment, of sorts. What he deserved for being a such a shitty person who has pushed everyone who might care about him away because he knows they're too good for the massive fuck-up that is Detective Gavin Reed.
He shoves the android's chest, hard, but Nines barely sways. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Gavin." Nines threatened. Except it didn't actually sound like a threat; it sounded like a promise. 
Gavin had to look away. If he kept staring at the undisguised affection in the android's face, he was going to…to…
To cry. The tears were already chasing hot trails down his cold cheeks, unbidden and unstoppable. His face turned hot with embarrassment, but Nines' hands ran lightly up his chest, fingertips brushing his throat, settling on his face. Large, soft thumbs wiped at the tears that just kept flowing down Gavin's cheeks, warm palms cupping his jaw as the rest of Nines' fingers stroked the back of his neck. 
Fight or flight, fight or flight, fight or--Gavin collapsed forward, burying his wet face into Nines' chest. Nines' arms slid around to rest gently on his back. When he pulled away, the android's shirt would be soaked through with tears and blood, but Gavin pushed the thought from his mind. It wasn't difficult, when the warmth radiating from Nines' embrace was soaking through to his core. Comfortable. Safe. Undeserved, but so, so good.
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localteaaddict · 6 years
ModernGods!Nines & Connor/OldGod!Reader AU (RK900 X Reader X Connor)
Pairing: RK900 (Nines) x Female!Reader X Ruthless!Connor
Warnings: None, other than a pre-agreed ménage à trois and one F word.
A/N: Based on one of my most favorite books, American Gods by Neil Gaiman. This was originally going to be Nines/Reader but I got somewhat sidetracked. And I don’t really like love triangles ‘cause honestly, why choose one when you can get both? So yeah, there we go.
I’ve never spoken with her but I’d like to dedicate this ficlet to the wonderful @the-darklings, whose Vampire AU with the RK brothers inspired me in turn.
“What should we call you?”
It’s the one with the silver eyes that speaks first. You seriously consider tossing your glass of whiskey in their faces, because really, you make me come here and keep silent for the ten minutes just to ask me that, but make do with throwing the question right back at them instead.
Leaning comfortably against the cushioned sofa, you knock back half of the drink in one go. “I believe the more important question is,” you point at them idly with the glass, “What should I call you?”
You don’t miss the glance they share between each other before they focus on you again. They are near-identical, right down to a tuft of dark hair on their foreheads, and you have no doubt they are as deadly as they are beautiful. You can appreciate that; it’s hard to get them in just the right mix, but somehow humanity has outdone themselves again with these new gods. Kids these days, you muse to yourself before putting the glass down on the ebony table between you and them. They don’t make ‘em like they used to, but this is a nice throwback to the old days.
The private room shields you from the hideously psychedelic lights in the dance floors of the club, and also from the noise. It’s one of the many prestigious establishments owned by the brothers and as much as you are loathe to admit, you haven’t been to a place this fancy in a long, long time.
You turn your gaze back to the brothers sitting across from you and take in their mirroring symmetry again. Shaped like the latest technology they embody and represent, they could be mistaken as androids at a first glance, from the shining LED on their temples to simple, utilitarian attires. But their jackets are missing the model numbers standard-issued android clothes usually sport, nor do they wear neon armbands.
Personally, you never saw the appeal in the androids, just thought great, humans are at it again, they’re too lazy to do their own recycling and actually put in efforts to make friends so they’ve created sentient vacuum cleaners with limbs when the first android models came out.
Although now, you think you can appreciate them a little more.
“You can call me Nines,” it’s the one who’d spoken first; eyes the color of full moon, dressed in a white jacket and a black turtleneck. There’s something about his haughty, cold smile that makes you want to either punch him or kiss him. Probably both―why choose one when you can do both? “As for my brother......”
“Call me Connor,” says the other, and you notice just then his frame is slightly smaller, leaner. His eyes are brown but no warmer than his twin’s; his jacket and shirt are more preppy, and the black tie held down precisely with a tiepin makes you want to laugh. Is this guy for real?
You let out a snort instead, crossing your legs and lacing your fingers together. Connor and Nines, huh. You suppose those aren’t too shabby of a name the two of the most powerful new gods, the rising threat in this upcoming war, would give themselves. There are always worse monikers to give oneself, after all. You’re not too particularly fond of your own either, and you didn’t even get to choose it yourself.
"As you may know, I have many names,” you say slowly, “but from what most of my believers are calling me nowadays, you can call me......Reader.”
Connor smiles, surprisingly softly; Nines gives a shit-eating grin that is no doubt his own version of the same. You think about growling for good measure, but decide against it, just letting out a tired sigh. You’d gotten enough shit about your new christening from ‘Hank’ and ‘Gavin’ as well, but at least you’d been able to retaliate. Not with these ones, though.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, will you,” you say irritably, “why’d you call me up for this tête-à-fucking-tête anyways? In case you didn’t notice, I thought we were at war right now. Doesn’t that mean we should be―I don’t know―trying to kill each other? Or at least pretend to?”
“Would you like to?” Nines asks, suspiciously gentle. You shrug. He relaxes again, and this time it’s Connor who opens his mouth.
“It’s their war, as far as we’re concerned,” he sounds disinterested, contemptuous even; you blink. “We want no part of it.”
“I bet The Boss Lady isn’t too happy about it.”
“She’s not,” Nines agrees, “but not even Amanda would be able to force us, once our plan succeeds.”
You mull over the remaining whiskey in your glass; you can almost feel them staring at you expectantly. Sighing quietly, you drain the remaining alcohol before popping the question. “And I’m guessing I am part of that ‘plan.’”
“We know that you’re none too enthusiastic about this war as well,” Connor  smoothly takes over the rein of conversation from Nines, “despite being one of the more powerful Old Gods. Many of them have lost their strength over time, but......not you. Your power has only renewed over each age, even with the shifts in cultures and civilization. It―you―might fluctuate and change, but never fade. You are unique.”
“This war is a waste,” Nines doesn’t mix words; practical and straight to the point, just like the invention he looks like and symbolizes. “If stepping away from it makes us traitors, so be it. No one will dare try to stop us, if we have you by our side.”
“Why me, though? There are other Old Gods who are still as strong as their heydays if you looked hard enough. Why’d you choose me?”
You freeze when they stand from their seat in sync. Slowly, as if to reassure you they mean no harm, the brothers settle down on the sofa with you between them, not too far but not too close either. You can smell their colognes, rich and subtle; you suddenly have difficulty breathing.
Their cautiousness annoys you for an indeterminable reason; I won’t BREAK, you want to snap at them, but choose to give them a chance. 
“You are the Dreamer,” murmurs Nines, his eyes raking over your face, neck, shoulder; whether in scrutiny or something else, you don’t know. “The Self-Created, and the Representation of Many and One. As my brother had said, you and your power are unique. There is none like you.”
Connor is the bolder one; he cautiously takes your hand, first glancing at your eyes for permission, then carefully covering your right hand between both of his. His palm and fingers are smooth in artificial perfection. It sends an unexpected shiver up your spine. “Your power is especially compatible with ours. After all......”
He throws a pointed look at Nines. “You have no reason to Fear the advancement, nor Worry the evolution of technology might supplant you.”
“In fact, they will only benefit you,” you gasp when you feel silken lips whispering against your ear, large hands covering your shoulders like velvet shadows. “With the Efficiency and constant Enhancement, they......we will only continue to create more diverse desires, countless objects of lust and passion humanity will delve into further and further. It is a bottomless, insatiable hunger and you know it.”
Yes; yes you do, you of all people know it the best, because ultimately, that was what created you, wasn’t it? Desire for never-ending improvement, to be harder, better, faster, stronger, so you can have whatever you want, whatever that may be?
With that realization, you don’t resist when Nines wraps his arms around your waist. Connor covers your cheeks with his hands and you don’t push him away. Somehow, it all feels right. It’s as if the missing pieces have been found and everything is in its place. You are where you were meant to be, with these different resemblances and repetitions of yourself, you and these young Gods complementing each other. At last, at last.
“So do we have a deal?” You can’t tell if it’s Connor or Nines speaking anymore. In the end, though―does it matter? You are where you want to be, where you were meant to be. 
In the end...why choose one when you can have both?
You laugh softly; you lock your left fingers with Nines’s, and take Connor’s chin with the other hand to pull him closer for a kiss. “Yes.”
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