#he will feel obligated to prove to others and himself that HE is the special one among them
iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I think it's funny that Connor can adapt to work with pretty much any human team, but if you form a team exclusively of RK800 models, I imagine it to be kind of a mess. All of them would strive to be the leader and would see other Connors as competition and it'll stress the hell out of each of them. No, they'll accomplish anything they ought to accomplish, they'll work as a powerful team together if necessary, but man they'd be so dead serious and uptight about it, they will start overheating just from the stress of a pressure they put on themselves to be the best one.
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DPXDC prompt: Spiritual Siblings
Bruce: My assassin kid can't be that normal!
Damian: Well, I’m completely emotionally stable by Amity Park standards. The problem is with you. Obviously.
Damian had long found peace and home in Amity, so he did not worry that the new family and Gotham might not accept him.
Sure, Al Ghul had lived without any contact with his biological father all these years but he could safely say that he had a happy childhood. First years were hard and he was raised more as a weapon than a human being. Even so, after that a ghost who decided to become his brother appeared and everything changed.
Damian still does not know what Ra's owes Phantom but Danny has a right to take him, without prior notification, to live with Fentons, to visit Aunt Alicia at her farm, and to make Vlad’s weekends much less calm and boring. Danny jokes that he just steals him as a hostage when Al Ghul does not pay taxes for using Lazarus Pits. Whatever the reason, he already has a family that loves him.
However, he still wanted to make an effort to fit in this one too. The model of conduct certainly was his older brother. No, not the oldest, of course. To be honest Dan wasn’t the kind of a man that could charm you from the first minute. But Danny, in Damian’s experience, had a calming effect on people. So he tried to act like him.
And, yeah, for lack of experience, he was more fun!Danny at home and super!Danny on patrol but he also really tried not to get any of his own assassin personality in his new-self and was tired of it. He couldn’t get a 100% match. Fine. Still doesn’t look like anyone in this house really likes him, so whatever.
Damian understood why Bruce didn't like his company. Jazz had long ago explained to him the importance of voluntary consent. His mother did a terrible thing. Al Ghul was not a child and therefore he was ready to admit it. However, he also understood that children were not responsible for the actions of their parents.
As a biosocial being, he wanted to be more than just a painful reminder of what had happened to Bruce. Wayne's ignoring of his existence was rude. But Damian wouldn't force this man to spend time with him just because he was legally obligated to take care of his well-being. He wasn't going to prove anything to Batman, and he definitely didn't need his attention. The care of his real family is enough.
But Damian really tried to get along with new potential siblings. He even shared Sam's and Danny’s special jokes with some of adopted kids 'cause he didn’t want them to feel like he put himself above them. He wasn't good at showing emotions but he was as open as the assassin could afford to be to strangers.
But they all obviously expected something from him. And it reminded him of the League in an unpleasant way. It was easier with Fentons. Almost everyone in Amity Park was saying what they thought, and Damian didn’t have to waste time decoding potential conspiracies.
Damian missed movie marathon nights with Sam, Tucker, and Danny. And he hoped Dani had time to bother Vlad in his absence.
It was so weird here. When Danny and Valerie were fighting, they would gather at the dinner table anyway. When Damian wanted to have combat training with Drake here, he was forced to stay in his room. A very strange punishment. And undeserved one too.
Al Ghul felt quite calm and fine sitting at his easel and painting the people he left behind. An unusual subject for his paintings. But, Ancients, he missed Amity.
He missed Jack's bone breaking hugs, Maddie's Ecto-Contaminated food, arguments of Sam and Tucker, cozy art class with Mr. Baxter and even Vlad's done look. He missed Danny telling him about the stars. He also missed sword practice with Dan's boyfriend Fright Knight and he missed Dan's stories about his other youth. He missed literary evenings with Mr. Lancer, Clockwork and Ghost Writer. He even missed the hours-long Jazz lectures. He missed the dance of death and life. He missed being looked at without expecting anything from him. He missed the crowd. In the league, he was never at one with himself and in Amity he was always surrounded by people who were not afraid of his fate as the heir to the said League. This Manor was full of people, but for the first time in his life he felt lonely. Damian has to admit that he felt left behind. Of course, he understood that people needed time to build relationships, but he could have sworn that even he didn't need that much time to connect with Fentons. Maybe this is one of the tricks of the Clockwork? Then this one is not funny at all.
~~~~~Phone call~~~~ Damian: Mom, I want to go home. Maddie: I'm so sorry to hear that, sweetheart. What happened? Damian: Just…Nobody likes me. Why was I sent here? I'm not weak. And my brothers are quite capable of protecting me from Raas. I don't need Batman for this. Maddie: We'll figure it out, champ. Moms love you, remember? I'll talk to Talia, okay? Your brothers and sisters are already on edge and ready to steal you right during the patrol. Damian: It would be nice, but it would put a bat on their tails. So lock them in thermoses if they bother you too much. Maddie: But that won't stop Jazz. Damian: I missed the part where that's my problem. Maddie: Well, it will be your problem if she comes to your doorstep with your childhood photos and moralizing.
It's his birthday. And he was always excited about it. But now, looking at the pile of gifts, he realizes that these people don't know him at all.
And this is the family of the best detective in the world? Maybe yes, but none of them bothered to really find info about him or ask him about his likes. Damian's a stranger here, and that's obvious.
The lunch container, which he will obviously give to the Boxing Lunch when he's in the right time interval, tennis rackets that Youngblood might like, The Graveyard Book…
Valerie had already read it to him and Dani before it was published. Thanks to Clockwork for his little miracles. The book reminded him of home.
Obviously this one is from Jason. And well, Damian doesn't think it was a pun on his life in Amity, more like Hood's inside joke about death but Dami will definitely leave this thing in the room at the Manor and maybe take it with him to the GZ or Amity Park.
When they gather at the festive table, Damian realizes that he has to make some kind of speech. He tries to be as brief as possible in his report.
Damian: Todd, your gift is appreciated. And I found a potential use for items that were given by others, Bruce.
Damian never called Batman his father. With Maddie and Talia, calling both moms wasn't weird, especially when Jazz explained to his biological mom that he wasn't trying to replace her. But with Wayne, it was different. Both women took care of him, they deserved this title. Wayne provided for his needs, but his core heart didn't feel like they were close. Surely there's nothing wrong if they're just Bruce and Damian? Obviously, they both don't enjoy each other's company.
Jason: So, do you like books, little demon? Damian: Sometimes reading is quite relaxing, I should point out. I'm not indifferent to Stephen King and Lovecraft. Jason: Personal recommendations? Damian: Cujo is one of my favorites. Jason: Not a common opinion, huh. Damian: It reminds me of my family. Damian tries to smile like Danny does, but Jason's twitching eye clearly indicates that he screwed it up.
~~~~Dick and Jason synchronously drop their forks as an excuse for a conference under the table.~~~~ Dick*whispers*: How's the situation? Jason*whispers back*: If the boy asks for a dog, don't be fooled. He will be happy to dance on our graves.
~~~~Cass knocks over their heads, urging them to return to their seats.~~~~
Damian: So how good you are at fading and sliding,Todd? Jason: Why did you ask? I can't, of course. Damian: Because you're dead. It seemed to me that this was a completely understandable interest. Jason: Wow, what a jerk. Damian: I wonder why your own incompetence makes me a jerk? Even my sister could do this when she wasn't dead for even a month.
Jason, for some reason, looks awkward, although he has never been embarrassed before by the idea that a girl could be stronger than him.
Jason: Your sister? How old was she when... So it's all about age. Damian rolls his eyes.
Damian: We're the same age. It seems like it was four or five years ago. To be honest, I don't remember. I wasn't around then. I'll ask Danielle the next time I go to the cemetery to visit her. Dick: I'm so sorry, Dami. Where is she buried? We can take you. Damian: There's no need. She has no grave, as there was nothing to bury. Bruce sighs loudly and covers his eyes with his hands. Damian: It's just easier to contact the afterlife in places like this, you now? Duke: We are very sorry, dude. Damian: Don't be. People come and go, and then come back if they haven't finished annoying you. There's no point in regretting the past. Her creation was not the most ethical thing but everything is going as it should. At least that's what Grandpa says. Considering that the old man is older than time, I prefer to believe him. No one plays with fate without his permission unless they want to get hit by the clock. Tim now looks like he's going to throw up and Damian hurries to move his plate closer to him. Jason: Yes, Bruce, this is definitely your son. Damian: Did I say something wrong? Dick smiles faintly at him but still doesn't find anything to say. Damian shrugs and goes back to eating asparagus. People outside of Amity are so weird.
Signal looks at Damian suspiciously as he carefully rearranges the plate of soy sausages away from himself. Did he take him for an idiot? Everyone knows that even vegetarian sausage bite and fight no worse than those with meat when they come back to life. It's not Damian's fault that he doesn't have an ectoblast with him and wants to have extra distance from the opponent.
~~~At the same time, in the walls of Wayne Manor~~~ Dani: The operation codenamed "Get Haunted Idiot" is declared open. Danny and Dan *salute*.
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~~~Several Days Later~~~
Damian: So, this is Dan. Danny says we keep him as a GIW repeller. Dick: And Danny and Dan are.. Jazz: His brothers. I'm Jazz by the way. Elle and I are his sisters. Damian: I feat the criteria to participate in their name cult, so they took me. Dan, Danny, Dani and Dami. Dan *ruffles Damian's hair* : I prefer to call this biting threat Damn, to be honest. Dami: Shut up, DaNtE, they almost wrote Dark in your passport, you idiot. I can't believe I thought I missed you. Danny: Wow. Rude. Your grandpa would be disappointed. Great job, lil one.
~~~Several years later~~~
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selfishdoll · 8 months
❛ a lesson...❜ ━━ ft. vamp! sukuna
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SUMMARY ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ
humans & vampires weren’t all that different huh? sukuna taking it upon himself to ghost you after the intense and quite addictive night he gave you. with a month of radio silence you decided to move on, you had no loyalty to him after all. except, the moment sukuna saw you in the lap of a vampire that wasn’t him.. he was beyond pissed off.
sukuna ghosting (rockstar life fr) | jealous! sukuna | possessiveness | biting as a way of marking | rough sex | oral sex (f. receiving) | degradation (use of the word slut) | praise | ooc sukuna ofc i’m not gege | multiple orgasms | dumbification | sukuna having conflicted feelings | ‘fwb’ to lovers | blood drinking ofc | mean dom! sukuna | he mocks your moans | etc. if i forgot something please inform me.
NOTE ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ
i guess vampire sukuna is plaguing my mind much more then i thought. this is a continuation of the “favorite groupie” fic. enjoy & as always, please excuse any typos or grammar mistakes.
Were you obsessed? Maybe delusional? How exactly could sex have such an impact on you? When left unintended your mind would drift, flashbacks of Sukuna absolutely ruining you plaguing your mind. How he effortlessly pulled orgasms out of your tiring body, the dirty words that bordered on mean, and yet giving you the sweetest kisses as if he wasn’t plowing you into the cushions. That night changed the trajectory of your life— as dramatic as it sounded.
You struggled letting him go, wanting nothing more than to lock your hand around his wrist and tug him back to you. But, that would be far too greedy. Besides the vampire promised to visit your city, visit you after the last few days of the tour. You had no reason to disbelieve him, waiting so patiently for his return.
However, one week turned into two, and then so on until an entire month passed with no sign of him. He had your number, your social media— yet any message you sent was never read.
Sukuna’s attempt to prove that him and any human man were different was disproved rather quickly given his ghosting. You were upset, embarrassed and frankly pissed off. You felt as if some special thing to you was snatched away without care or your say. Granted you aren’t obligated to sex, but still. You were allowed to be mad, right?
Mad enough that you decided to seek someone else out— another vampire. Sukuna wasn’t totally special, it just had to be his species, you tried to convince yourself while aggressively gliding the tube of gloss across your lips. You smacked them together, assuring the delicate colors look perfect upon your two-toned lips. For attire you wore something simple; a black pleated mini skirt, a white top, black fishnets, and nice boots.
You hummed along to the music surrounding the bedroom as you delicately pulled the gold plated necklace of your name around your neck. Assuring it was in perfect place, you took one last look at yourself in the vanity before nodding.
Your attention was directed elsewhere the moment a honk came from outside, your hands moving quickly to grab your phone and purse. You rushed out of your bedroom, down the stairs, and out your house— locking the door on the way out. You grinned at your best friend rolling down her window, cat calling you like some pervert.
“Stop..” You hissed softly, opening the passenger seat door and entering the vehicle. Closing the door, you reached for your seatbelt. The other woman pulled the car out of park the moment the seatbelt clicked, pulling out of your driveway and down the road.
“Can’t believe you had one taste and now you’re a verified fang-banger.” Your friend spoke, grinning the moment she heard you suck your teeth. “Yet you were the one to always make fun of me.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the door with your palm holding your cheek. “Whatever.. just be happy I tried it.” You spoke, smiling at the chuckle that escaped your friend.
The rest of the car ride was filled with music flowing from the radio and conversation from your lips; anticipating how the night would end. You needed this, deserved this you continually told yourself. Sukuna had his chance, and he fucked up. You weren’t gonna wait for some drummer that probably had multiple women a day.
No matter how much the thought stung.
The two of you reached the bar rather quickly, a new one— different from where Malevolence played that faithful night. You breathed, pulling the mirror down and staring at your reflection; flurrying the chest length boho braids. A hum escaped you the moment you were satisfied, closing up the mirror and turning to exit the car.
Your friend was right behind you, shutting your doors at the same time and waltzing over to the bar interest; arms locked. Reaching the door, you flashed your cards to the vampire occupying the threshold— him giving the information a quick once over before nodding with a toothy smile.
“Welcome, ladies.” With a wink he sent you to off, stepping to allow you inside. You entered the bar, smiling and looking around. It was simple, similar to the first one you went to. But different— given Sukuna wasn’t here.
The two of you made a beeline for the barstools, sliding on top of them and ordering two shots each. You turned in your seat, looking around the area. “Hm..” You hummed softly, leaning to rest your cheek into your hand. “How do you tell which vampires want to fuck you and which ones want to eat you?”
You friend snorted, sliding the shots closer to your forms the moment they were placed down. “That’s what makes it so fun, (Y/N).” She replied, lifting a shot.
You rolled your eyes at her claim, reaching for your own and clinking the glasses together. You threw back the shot easily, smoothing a finger across your lip to catch any droplet of alcohol. You resumed your scanning, searching for someone that popped out within the sea of vampires and humans. Your eyes finally landed on someone. He was handsome, decently so; adoring a shaved haircut and dressed in black.
Your gazes locked, you giving a small smile before turning back to the bar, grasping your second shot. You downed it, pulling back and hissing as the alcohol burned your throat. A good burn, one you felt was melting your restraints away slowly. You gently pressed your lips together, savoring the taste of the alcohol.
Which was interrupted the moment another glass was placed infront of you, your eyes switching over to the bartender; question clear on your features. He flashed you a simple smile in return, hands focused on cleaning a glass. “The gentleman over there.”
You turned to where the worker had motioned, eyes landing on the man you were just staring down. He lifted his glass to you, lips curled to showcase pearly white fangs. You smiled back, turning to your best friend. “Free drinks?” You spoke in a low tone, fingers curling around the shot glass.
Your friend snickered, coming close. “Better get your ass over there before he finds someone else to spoil.” She drawled, gently shouldering you.
Ignoring the nagging feeling, the anxiety; you stood, pressing the bottom of your skirt down and grabbing your shot. You moved towards the man, careful not to step on toes or bump into someone. Finally you approached him, stepping so you were just two feet away.
An acrylic tapped against the glass, smiling down at him. “Thanks for the drink.” You mused sweetly, lifting it to your lips and taking a sip. The man sat up a bit, legs spreading and rocking slightly.
“Anything for you.” He spoke, head tilting as his eyes not so secretly danced down your form. Satisfaction was clear in his face, placing his cup down on the table beside him. “Need a seat?” He questioned, smoothing his hand down his thigh, eyebrows rose.
Your lidded eyes followed his large hand, a coy smile plastered on your features. With a lean you were placing your empty glass to the side, stepping between his legs and sitting down on his thigh. His arm snaked around your waist, securing his hand there so you didn’t slide off. “So sweet.. are vampires always so polite?”
He chuckled at your words, “I can’t speak for all of us, but I— am a gentleman.”
“Clearly.” You spoke, leaning closer. Conversation between you and this stranger, filling the air endlessly. Your eyes would follow the way his tongue glided across those pointed fangs, clearly desperate to bite you.. maybe more. The thought caused excitement to brew, though wondering why he was hesitating. Was there a clear reason?
There was. Or rather, his hesitation came from a person currently staring the two of you down.
Red eyes were fixated on the scene, various emotions swirling in its gaze. Sukuna couldn’t believe the disgusting sight before him, rather he didn’t want to. The moment you entered the bar he was staring, watching the way your plump ass would peek out under that poor excuse of a skirt, your lips against the glass, and so much more. The glass of alcohol infront of him was long forgotten, completely focused on you and nothing else.
The vampire wondered whether to approach you, or rather how to. You were bound to be upset given his month’s absence, probably even ignore his presence. So for now he sat glued to his seat, running through his mind for the perfect words. During his little dilemma you had risen from your seat, switching over to someone.
Some vampire. Some vampire that wasn’t him.
If he knew any better Sukuna would think you were doing this to get back at him. But you hadn’t even noticed him, despite the way his eyes were basically burning holes into the back of your head. You were so focused on him, on that poor excuse of a replacement. The man could feel his annoyance grow, eyebrows pushed close with his hand closed tight.
Why was Sukuna so pissed? It wasn’t hard for him to get his dick wet; just previously being interrupted by some random groupie — which he declined rather harshly. So why, why exactly did seeing you cozied up to some random piss him off so bad?
Sukuna didn’t know the answer to that question, which annoyed him even further.
Your hands trailed down the man’s chest, humming a little to his words. You had long tuned him out, trying to figure out how to get him in a secluded place. Whilst thinking over your little plan the man suddenly stopped talking, stiffening. You blinked, pulling back to glance at his eyes; spotting them glued on something behind him. “You ok—“ You yelped the moment a tight grip wrapped around your wrist, easily being lifted from the man’s lap.
A cool arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a familiar body. Your heart pounded against your chest, gaze trailing from a black shirt up to Sukuna’s hardened features, knees going weak the moment you noticed the harsh glare he was giving you. You looked for snarky words, maybe even an annoyed comment; but nothing came out. With just one look the anger you felt had washed away, replaced with anticipation and want.
Sukuna took one look to the man sitting down, releasing an amused scoff. “Didn’t take you for a desperate slut, (Y/N).” He spoke freely, ignoring the way you lightly hit his chest. The vampire turned, leading you away. You tripped up a bit, quickly following, trying to keep up with his speed.
“I’m not a sl—“
“Shut up.” He murmured harshly, watching your pretty glossed lips clamp up quickly. The man lead you to the back of the bar, approaching a door. With ease he opened it, entering and releasing you to turn to lock.
You realized he lead you into some random private room, similar to the one before. Except a bed laid in the middle of it, a lamp, and a dresser. You decided not to question it, especially when his form brushed your back, hands reaching over to grip your front. Before he could speak you were turning quickly, pressing your hands against his chest.
“No, you don’t get to ghost for a month and then snatch me away from some guy you’re jealous of.”
Sukuna snarled, hands falling to the back of your thighs and tugging you flush against him. “If you think I’m jealous of him, I must not have done a good enough job at teaching you the difference between me and some other man you lay with.” He pressed forward, leading you backwards.
You scoffed a bit, ignoring the soft blankets hitting the back of your knees. “You said that for humans, he was a vampire.” You countered, flashing a small smirk. You regretted your words the moment you felt a hand leave your thigh, a small gasp escaping you as strong fingers gripped your cheeks.
“Oh, you’re right..” Sukuna mused, hand trailing to cup your chin, thumb pushing against your lips and intruding your mouth. “Guess I’ll have to drill the fucking lesson into your head then; you’ll never meet someone that can fuck you as good as I do.” His last words came out harsher, pushing to lay you out on the bed.
You attempted to press your legs closed but he was quicker, large form stepping between them all while pushing his thumb farther down your mouth; listening to the music of your gags.
“Keep your legs open, don’t even think about closing them.” Sukuna spoke, pushing at a thigh to spread you even wider. Thumb and hand still occupying your face, his other hand moved to flip your skirt up, eyes zoned in on your cunt covered by the thin fabric of your panties and fishnets. The man shook his head a little, a subtle grin taking over his face. “Such a needy thing, walking around a vamp bar with barely anything on.”
The small whine of embarrassment you released went unnoticed, Sukuna instead focusing on tugging the fishnets you wore and in one swift motion; tearing them right at the crotch. You grabbed his wrist, pulling his thumb from your mouth to let out an annoyed; “Sukuna! Don’t ruin my clothes!”
“What, you gonna do something about it?” The man dared, tugging on the thong you wore for a moment before ripping that too. He grinned at the whine that escaped you, pulling the ruined garments off your body. “Thought so. Just lay there like a good slut and take what I’m giving you.”
Two fingers glided up and down your slit, your essence slowly escaping from the gentle touches. So delicately, barely even grazing you. The vampire was fucking teasing you, spreading you open slowly before slipping his fingers away before you could even think of moving your hips. You hissed as his thumb brushed your clit, attempting to chase the feeling but him moving away far too quickly.
Your hands clung to the small shirt you wore, glossy eyes staring at the man. “Sukuna— come on..” You drawled out, a gasp of frustration escaping you the moment he pushed a finger in before removing it. Your eyes widened however the moment his palm slammed against your pussy, your back arching off the bed as the pain and pleasure mingled into a single feeling. “Fuck.. please, please—“
“Wasting all that breath begging.” Sukuna spoke lowly, hand rising to slap your pussy again. Your legs shook as his fingers caught your clit, walls fluttering around nothing as your arousal continued to trickle down. Your whines were music to his ears, pushing your thigh once again before you could close your legs. “Needy fucking pussy..” The man murmured, fingers creeping down— plunging inside without warning.
Your walls clung to his thick digits, groaning the moment he began to scissor them inside. They rubbed against your gummy walls, pressing against a spongy spot inside you. Your eyes were pinched close at this point, hips moving to chase your orgasm. Some nagging feeling told you he would deny it, so you did the best you could; riding and maneuvering to feel his fingers deeper.
The man just let you, watching you completely ruin yourself on his digits; lips curled into the sickest smile. Your walls were clenching tight now, the intensity of your hips increasing to meet each thrust of his fingers. A mantra of swears escaped you, the band inside ready to burst at any moment.
“Already gonna cum aren’t you?” Sukuna questioned despite already knowing the answer, the wet squelches of your pussy following his words. You whined out pleas to come, hand falling to his wrist to keep it there. His lips spread even wider, fangs on display as not so surprisingly; removed his fingers.
You released a dramatic whine, tears pricking at your eyes as you gripped his wrist. “Fuc—fuck.. why’d y— mm!” You raised body met the bed the moment he slapped your messy pussy, knees knocking as the tears trickled down your cheeks. Sukuna cooed softly, grabbing the inside of your thighs and pushing them wide once again.
“Such a fucking crybaby..” The man teased, pushing your legs up, allowing your thighs to brush your chest. Wordlessly he leaned down, tongue poking out to glide across your slit. His grip tightened the moment you flinched, nails digging into your skin and simply keeping you there. The thick muscle glided up and down, tasting your arousal as if the finest wine. Sukuna adjusted you so your heat as flush against his face, nose bumping into your clit while his tongue spread and toyed with you.
Your hands gripped the blankets underneath, legs trembling in his hands as bellows of pleasure escaped you. It began to hurt so good the moment his tongue furiously flicked against your sensitive body, the pleasure racking through you. Your hand traveled down gripping fluffy pink tresses for leverage. Your hips rose into his face, grinding so languidly the man chuckled; the vibrations hitting your pussy in all the right places.
Sukuna released a thigh allowing his arm to press both legs up before his hand traveled, knuckle circling your fluttering hole. With zero effort he was pushing two inside, curling the digits whilst taking your swollen bud between his lips.
The thought of his fangs sinking into your most sensitive area entered your mind, completely washed away the moment he began to suck. Your back arched, gripping his hair hard as all fear left you completely. His name came out in strangled gasps and moans, legs withering above you.
His pace quickened the moment he felt your walls tighten even more, pressing his fingers deeper inside you. You begged to come, shameless pleas that you would surely be embarrassed of later. But for now, you didn’t care; desperate to paint his face with your arousal.
Luckily, Sukuna was just as desperate— smirking as he continued his movements. All too quickly you came, messily grinding on the man’s face as you rode the high. Your pussy spasmed, come tainting his palm as his fingers slowed down before pulling out completely.
Sukuna lapped up your arousal, ignoring your sensitive whines before releasing you over the torture. He moved his arm to allow your legs to land on the bed, rising and crawling over your body. The vampire grinned down at you, watching your eyes struggle to stay on him. “Look at that,” He mocked slowly, hand gliding to grip your cheeks. “— all that talk and you’re already tired. What a joke..” His face moved to neck, tongue dragging across your heated skin. The way you shivered had the man reeling, mouth opening even wider as his fangs easily broke the skin.
You gasped out, clinging to his shirt as the pain flooded your body. “Su—sukuna..” You whined, feeling his lips press against your skin; slowly delving on your blood. The pain slowly withdrew, pleasure replacing the moment his hand trailed back between your legs, thumb pressing against your clit. The sensations fought for dominance, your lip trembling and caught between your teeth. Your hips rose into his hand, stopping the moment he punched your swollen bud, however.
After minutes of his drinking Sukuna was satisfied, dragging his tongue along the indents of his fangs to seal the wound. He licked your blood from his lips, eyes closing for just a moment. The man refused to admit how much he missed not only you, but your blood— and how fucking good it tasted.
Finally his eyes opened, red gaze focusing on your face. Your eyes were closed, soft breaths escaping your glossy lips whilst gripping him so harshly. Sukuna was well aware he fucked up waiting a complete month before seeing you, but was beyond happy you were so pliable for him.
You craved him just as much as he craved you. A fact neither of you could ignore.
Sukuna carried his hand away from you, traveling to grab your neck gently. He rose your head from the bed, snatching your lips in a deep kiss. The faint taste of your blood had you returning the liplock with equal intensity— hand moving away from his back to instead wrap around his wrist. “Missed me so bad, didn’t you (Y/N)?”
You moaned softly against his lips in response, groaning the moment his fangs dragged across your bottom lip, threatening to pierce the skin. Except he didn’t, continuing the intense kiss; tongue curling around your own and sucking.
With one hand occupied his other lowered to his pants, flicking the button open and slowly pushing them down. His boxers followed, garments hanging on his nicely shaped thighs as he crowded in close, dick resting against your lower stomach.
A soft whine entered his mouth the moment he pulled back, gliding his shaft between your folds. The man gave another thrust, brushing your aching bud so nicely. But not perfectly. Your hips rose to somehow alert him you needed more. Sukuna grinned against your lips, pulling back whilst releasing your neck. His hands carried down, pressing your hips against the bed all while fucking himself between your folds.
With each grind your stomach was caving, desperately searching for friction he was withholding. His name exited your lips in a pathetic gasp, hands moving to his arm. You pleaded silently, glossy gaze staring at his own amused one.
“Mm.. use your words.”
You breathed deeply, skin hot and completely needy— slightly fed up with his teasing. But you knew better then to test him, knowing the man would have no problem pulling his pants back on and leave you stranded there. Your teeth bit the inside of your cheek, attempting to ignoring the buzz of pleasure you felt from his shallow thrusts.
“Su—sukuna, please..”
“Hm?” The vampire questioned, heading tilting as he leaned to hover over your body. His hand gripped your chin, turning to force eye contact. “Speak up, (Y/N).”
You struggled to keep your eyes focused on him, a pathetic whimper of; please Sukuna, fuck me! escaping you. A toothy grin was sent your way in response, Sukuna resting on his hunches.
“That’s it.. such a good little slut for me.” He spoke on bated breath, grasping your thighs. Placing your legs onto his shoulders the man nudged forward, cockhead pressing against your entrance before entering with minimal effort— given what a complete you already were.
The stretch hit you just like before, the pressure building in your stomach as your walls clung to his fat length. Your toes curled, head leaning back as strangled gasps escaped you. You were slightly grateful, given the man was pushing in slowly— but you were sure this was done to tease you, and nothing more.
“Taking me like you were made for me, sweetheart. Fu..fuck, did you seriously clench from that?” Sukuna groaned, lips still curled into that shit-eating grin. Soon enough he was all the way in, eyes focused on you split around him.
You were only given a moment to relax, a single one— before the vampire was pulling his hips back, plunging them forward far too quickly. The pace started out relentless, unforgiving; hands gripping your legs as he shoved you deeper into the soiled sheets. Your hands gripped them tightly, continuous strings of moans escaping your bruised lips. Something that Sukuna ate up completely.
“Such a mess, so fucking ru— ruined for…—” Sukuna hissed between groans, gritting his teeth at the way your walls fluttered around him; squeezing his length perfectly. “— anyone but me. No one else could fuck you like this, could they?”
You shook your head quickly, voice far too focused on moaning to even respond. But that wasn’t enough for Sukuna— no, he needed to hear the words spill from your mouth no matter how shaky they were. So he leaned down, forcing your legs up; ankles tainted in your strawberry cheesecake perfume brushing against your ears.
“Use your fucking words, (Y/N). You’re mine aren’t you?” His thrusts became even rougher, drilling you into the mattress and watching you completely lose yourself.
The babbles of confirmation began, stumbling over your words and repeating them. The most distinct being a high-pitched; “Ye—yes, fuck-! Only yo..yours!”
Sukuna’s grin only deepened, face falling to your collarbone. “Mm.. all fucking mine.” He rasped against your sweltering skin, sinking his teeth in without a single warning.
That was enough to push you over the edge, coming all over his length, essence trickling down his balls. Despite how much you panted, how your tired body ached— you knew you were far from done.
Pulling back, Sukuna licked up the drop of crimson that escaped the bite mark. His eyes trailed down your form, enjoying the way your chest rose and fell from the heavy breaths that escaped you, your glossy eyes focused on him, and so much more. Perfect. You embodied every single aspect of the word.
And Sukuna just adored ruining such perfection.
“Not done..” He muttered more to himself than anything, slowly pulling out of you— ignoring the whine you released. With a single hand he was turning you onto your stomach, walking off the bed to stand at the edge of it. There, he gripped your ankle to drag you down. “On your knees sweetheart.. that’s a good girl, so obedient.” A cool hand grasped your warm cheek the moment your knees were pressed against the sheets.
To your surprise Sukuna grasped your wrists, pulling your arms back to fold behind you. Your body rested above the bed, looking back at the man who was still grinning.
“Sukun—!” Your words were interrupted the moment he sunk into you, resuming the previous pace as if never leaving in the first place. His hands kept a tight hold on your wrists, leaving you with no place to move or run from his thrusts. Each one shook your entire body, the impact causing your ass to shake. Your head went slack between your shoulders, crying out as he angled his hips just right; plunging against the sensitive spot within you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Hah…—“ You gasped for air, trembling as his hips never faltered. You felt another orgasm brewing, eyes squeezing shut as your hands moved uselessly in his hold. “Gonna come, gonna come!” You managed to squeal out, eyes widening the moment he released a wrist to reach around and rub quick circles on your clit.
“Go on, don’t hold back; make a fucking mess.”
With his permission you were creaming all on his dick, entire body going limp and hitting the bed the moment he released your arm. Your legs shook from the aftershocks, reaching back blindly as tired moans escaped you. Sukuna snickered, swatting your hand away as he leaned over your body; front flush against your back.
Right in your ear the man mocked your moans, fangs tracing the shell of it. “Can barely keep your eyes open, huh? You got such a big mouth for someone that can barely last a single round— ha..” Sukuna groaned cruelly, pinching you with his teeth just to hear you whine.
His arms slid around your middle, bullying your insides as he chased his release. Sukuna bit down on your shoulder hard, relishing in the hoarse cry that escaped your raw throat.
The vampire was so close now, thrust uncoordinated with his gaze getting hazy. His lips were still attached to your shoulder, sucking you while continuing to ruin you. As if you weren’t ruining him, too.
A drawn out moan escaped you, coming around his cock for the final time that night— gasping the moment warmth flooded into your pussy; his thick seed painting your walls white.
Heavy pants escaped you, completely fucked out and simply resting against the bed. It took a moment to gently swat the man that was still sucking your blood, whining about you getting dizzy. Sukuna finally let up, pulling back and licking the wound.
He removed his arms from around you, watching your tired body slump against the bed. Rolling off you, he laid on his back, reaching over to pull you to lay on his chest.
A comfortable silence entered the room, your face placed in his neck whilst his hand was on your waist; groping every once in a while.
“How am I gonna walk out without panties, Sukuna?” You questioned after a while, lifting from his neck to glance down at him. Sukuna turned to face you, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t know what to tell you..”
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reblogs & comments are appreciated <3
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seokgyuu · 1 year
hello mitchie beloved 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ how abt joshua and consensual free use/somnophilia <3 i'm in dire straits rn and i actually need to get used by this man for his own pleasure 24/7 🫶 /hj
++ hugs and kisses for being one of the sweetest people ever actually !!
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A/N: kai, my beloved! i hope this is to your liking! thanks for the request, i loved writing it!! sending you love and hugs and kisses back <3
PAIRING: Joshua x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: free use/somnophilia, fingering, unprotected sex, degradation (usage of the word slut) creampie
Request are open! Check out my 1k special!
Smut under the cut
the thought of your boyfriend using you for his own pleasure has always been one that extremely excited you. joshua was sweet, a true angel most of the time. funny and kind and always trying to make you feel good, to take care of your needs before his own. for the longest time you felt almost ashamed of wanting him to use you whenever he wanted, but at some point you decided that the worst thing that could happen would be him saying he wasn’t really into that. and you’d be fine because it wasn’t like your sex life wasn’t fulfilling enough. 
what you had not expected was him growing beet red, his eyes wide in something like shock when you tell him. he is baffled, speechless really. and it takes him a few minutes to regain his composure. you smile at him, caress his hand and reassure him that it is just a thought. he is not obligated to act on your wish if he doesn’t feel comfortable. when he asks you what exactly you mean when you say whenever he wants, your answer makes him swallow. it makes his cock twitch in his underwear. it makes his mind go wild with thoughts he normally wouldn’t allow himself to have. you were his princess, his everything, so precious and good. you deserved to be pampered, to be treated like a queen. never would he ever allow himself to… but now this. now you’re telling him you want him to use you and it begins a process in his brain. 
a few days go by and you think joshua might just not be into it. and you’re cool with that. you go through your day as you usually do until one evening you come home from work and joshua is sitting at the dining table with his laptop and work notes scattered around. he looks up at you when you enter the room and gets up, his ears as red as his face a few days ago.
“baby,” he begins, his hands finding your hips and he kisses you once, twice, before placing his forehead against yours. 
“josh, what is it?” you ask, worried, one of your hands cupping his cheek. he licks his lips.
“what we discussed the other day… about me and you and…,” he looks at you and you know what he means, a small smile on your lips as you nod.
“well i was thinking … do you- do you really mean it when you say i can use you when you’re asleep?” 
your eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but you are quick to nod. just the thought of it alone makes your cunt clench. 
“yes, honey, i mean it. i really… really would love for you to use me when i’m sleeping, or… any time at all, really. just want you to feel good, joshy.” 
your sultry voice and the way you look at him almost make him bend you over the table, doing as you wish right there. but there is still a report he needs to finish and so he just nods, kissing your cheek with a semi hard cock in his pants before sitting back down. 
he lays awake that night while you’re sound asleep. he had been worried you might not be able to sleep after what you’d discussed but here you are now. soft and cute snores proving you are really gone, one hand tucked under your cheek while the other lays flatly on the mattress. you are laying on your side, your backside turned to joshua and he contemplates. his cock has been hard for hours he feels. his heart is beating rapidly, even echoing in his ears and he thinks back to the words you had said a few days ago as well as tonight. you want him to use you. want him to feel good. so you would definitely be okay if he-
he finds himself pressed against your ass five seconds later. his cock is right there between your cheeks, still behind his boxers, but, god, does it feel good. he moans quietly, one hand moving to the front of you, touching your tit over your (his) sleep shirt. he wonders if your nipple will harden when you touch it. another moan escapes his throat when it does. he lets his hand slide underneath your shirt, thumb and index twirling your nipple, his cock growing even harder against your backside. he kisses the back of your neck, licks the spot underneath your ear and finally moves to touch you between your legs. 
joshua loves your pussy. loves it so much he literally can’t get enough of it. ever since your first conversation about this topic, he hadn’t touched you, so he’s a little scared of coming sooner than later. still, he feels your folds underneath your panties, letting a finger get coated in your juices to eventually push it inside, your tight walls clenching around him right away. he groans again, beginning to rock his hips against your ass, the friction making his eyes roll back. he ruts against you, free hand getting his cock out to actually feel your skin against his hard length and, fuck, it feels heavenly. he soon adds another finger, stretching your cunt open, letting it get adjusted before he’d finally sink into you and fuck you until he filled you to the brim. 
“so good for me even when asleep… my perfect princess,” he whispers, softly shoving you onto your stomach, leaving your cunt open for him to access. he licks his lips, lets his hand pump his cock a few times, before finally pulling out his fingers and replacing them with his leaking cock. 
the moan he lets out when he feels you around him almost wakes you up. just almost. your body reacts accordingly to what is happening - your pussy sucking him in as it always does, dripping onto the sheets as if your subconscious knows how fucking hot you find this. it probably does. joshua bottoms out, his hands are on either side of you, his hips rutting against your ass, cock now going in and out of your pussy in a speed that has him see stars. 
“f-fucking hell, such a good, perfect pussy, sh-shit,” he can’t keep his voice or his noises down and it doesn’t come as a surprise that you wake up with arousal shaking your whole body, all sleepiness gone within mere seconds. you cry out, your hands gripping the bed sheets as your cunt clenches around joshua’s cock over and over again.
“j-josh!” you whimper and he looks down at your face, sees your eyes staring at him, the hotness radiating from you. something inside of him shifts and his angelic demeanor disappears once and for all as he moves one hand to push your head into the mattress, his thrusts getting harder.
“such a slut, wants to get used like a toy doesn’t she? wants her cunt to be nothing but a cumrag, wants to wake up in the morning with it still dripping out of her, fuck,” he hears your cries against the mattress, feels you coming on his cock, the waves of pleasure almost getting him off the edge too.
“o-oh my god- j-josh, don’t stop!” you know there is more, know he can make you come at least one more time and joshua picks up his pace again, letting off your head and instead wrapping his arm around you to press his thumb down on your clit, your whole body jerking as you arch your back.
“what a good slut i got myself, such a good filthy slut, isn’t that right?” his eyes can’t stay open anymore, his hips moving at an uncontrollable speed and the second you cry out that, yes, you are nothing but a filthy slut, his cum shoots out his cock and into you, his moans music to your ears as he gets you over the edge once more, fucking the both of you through your orgasms. 
josh collapses on top of you, heavy breath against your ear and you feel sweat rolling down your forehead. your pussy is still pulsating around his softening cock and joshua jerks forward once again, kissing your neck.
“you’re incredible,” he mumbles against your skin and you chuckle, turning your head so you could see him a little better.
“i know,” you grin back and joshua laughs before pulling out of you and going back to his angelic self, walking to the bathroom to get you a warm wet cloth to clean yourself up.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
Me and You, & Your Uncle Wayne — part two.
Summary: Eddie tells his Uncle Wayne about him and Steve. Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Content Warnings: Period-Typical Homophobia Read on Ao3 Part One || Part Three Masterlist
It takes a week for Wayne to meet Steve Harrington for the first time.
He's at Melvald's, trying to pick up a few things they needed for dinner and the lightbulbs Eddie keeps reminding him to find. It was supposed to be a quick trip, but then he sees the source of all his anxieties himself. Joyce Byers is struggling with a box from the backroom when Steve Harrington walks into the store, and the boy doesn't even hesitate before he's jogging over and lifting the box out of her hands, even nodding for her to add a couple others to the load. Where Robert Harrington was all cruel smirks and judging eyes, Steve appears to be wide smiles and soft looks, hair falling in his face messily as he nods emphatically at whatever Joyce was saying.
Wayne Munson generally likes to keep to himself. He's not one to pry into anyone's business, and certainly not in this town. But he finds himself moving to the aisle closest to the pair, busying himself looking at garbage bags and little plastic storage bags he doesn't need so he can hear better.
"Will just keeps asking when the two of you can go on another college tour. I don't know what you told him but he seems excited again," Joyce was telling Steve. Wayne knew Will Byers, had heard of the kid who'd gone missing for weeks only to appear alive and well even after finding a body. He remembers all too well the days he and Eddie joined the search party, desperate to find the kid that everyone thought had been taken by his deadbeat dad. The whole time Wayne couldn't help but think that, just a few years ago, that could've been his own boy they gathered search parties for. Will Byers was a handful of years younger than Steve, and as far as Wayne was aware there wasn't a familial connection to link the pair. It didn't make sense for the guy to be driving Will out to college campuses, not when there surely had to be anyone better for the job.
Steve shrugged, setting down the boxes and beginning to unload one of them. "Nothing special. We played catch on the lawn of Purdue, talked."
"It's special to me, Steve. It really has Will excited to graduate again. Johnathan and I have tried to hard to get through to him, so thank you." The pair continued to chat, but Wayne was struck by the oddity of the encounter. Steve, the rough kid who bullied others and shoved his daddy's money in everyone's faces was driving the Byers kid to college campuses and playing catch to make him feel better about the upcoming change—and it didn't make sense, not really.
But maybe it did make a little more sense, after all. Because Eddie was a good kid with a heart of gold, he wouldn't have fallen for mean stares and harsh words. He wouldn't have been drawn in by the promise of money and a distant husband, he would have fallen for this—Steve, taking time out of his day to help Joyce Byers, spending his weekends comforting a scared kid he had no obligation to. Eddie would have fallen for the kindness.
Wayne is struck by it again in the parking lot. He thought Steve had already left, but the kid was leaning against Wayne's car when he exits the shop. "What can i do for you, kid?" he asks, trying to shove as much as he could into those words. He hadn't seen much of Eddie that week, and what he did was pure shut-out. He couldn't get two words in to prove that this was a misunderstanding, that there was no reality in which Wayne didn't accept and love his nephew, his son, as he was.
"I know it's hard to think about," Steve began, arms crossed and eyes turned to look to the side instead of at Wayne. "That whatever life you had thought up for Eddie isn't possible, with me," Steve continued, voice lowering at the last two words though there was no one else around to pick them up. "But please try. This is crushing him, having to pick between me and you. I don't want to be the reason he loses you, so if you can't get the idea of him being...you know, then I'll step back. Just please, don't kick him out."
"I'm not above kicking your ass if you do that," Wayne found himself saying, huffing out a laugh at the deer in headlights look Steve gave him. "There's no pickin' between us, son."
"I don't—I'm—what?" the Harrington boy forced out, looking as confused as Wayne had ever seen a person. And just standing there looking at him Wayne has himself wondering how he'd ever doubted Eddie's thought process here. Because sure, Steve was the spitting image of his father—big hazel eyes and that Harrington nose Robert used to brag about, a letterman tossed over whatever he was wearing because Wayne wasn't sure there was ever a time when a Harrington wasn't on all the varsity teams. But the way the kid stood now, unafraid to be seen with someone who lived in the trailer park on the edge of town, entire expression soft in a way he's sure Robert's had never been as he begged Wayne to please just never stop loving Eddie, Wayne wondered if Steve was related to Robert at all.
"Let me get one thing straight, there is nothin' that boy can do to lose me," Wayne got out, shaking his head and sniffing to cover up the slight waver in his voice now. Because Eddie was hurting, and he didn't know how long he'd been hurting wondering how Wayne would react to any of this. Then he'd gone and said the wrong thing, and now he had Steve Harrington of all people asking him to do better. "Nothing. You hear me?"
Steve nodded slowly, but there was no sense of clarity washing over his face yet.
"You know this town better'n anyone, son," Wayne tried again, hoping to get the point across without having to say it out loud. "What d'you think they'd do to my boy if they found out who he loved. Better yet, what would they do if they found out he'd 'corrupted' the Harrington boy?"
"He didn't corru—"
"You know that. I know that. But d'you really think they give a shit? They've been waiting for an excuse to get rid of him from the day we moved back here." Wayne took a step forward then, nodding when Steve finally moved away from his car. "I've never cared what Eddie does as long he's happy. But I do care about you doin' anything that'll hurt him."
"I won't," Steve protested quickly, forcing eye contact to prove just how much he meant what he said. "We've been through so m—I won't ever hurt him, Mr. Munson. I can promise you that."
Wayne watched the boy for a moment, trying to see if there was any hint of the guy who threw insulting slurs around like they were nothing. Instead all he saw was that fierce love he'd always wanted for Eddie, he saw someone who was ready to protect Eddie in the way the kid always deserved. And sure, Wayne would have never guessed Eddie would have ever picked Steve Harrington, but he supposed he understood why now.
"It's Wayne," he corrected simply, raising a brow as Steve nodded and started walking away. "Hey, if you're comin' to dinner you might's well hop in," he offered, nodding back to his own car.
"I'm coming to dinner?"
"You are now. Eddie can introduce his boyfriend properly."
tagging some people who interacted with part one (sorry if this bothers anyone!): @jbnfo @tsukiwashere @innocentbi-stander @r1ver-6 @2btheanswertothequestion @sapphirecobalt-1 @justice-for-eddie-munson @absentlurker @route1961
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k-s-morgan · 22 days
TGSTLTH related
Ok so I decided to do it here cuz I don't know will AO3 allow me to write essay hahahahah 😂😂😂
I don't even know how to start this. I've been reading fics for 13 years straight, like I don't remember the period of my life where I didn't read them cuz I always have some ship active and I'm crazy BL fan. Only a small number of them can make me crazy to the point I don't wanna sleep, eat, skipping my obligations, killing the pain and your sebaciel did everything. I haven't felt like this reading fic..,maybe ever? This is totally another level of me being fascinated by some writer.
I adore sebaciel, I'm in fandom since 2016 but the biggest problem I had with their fics is that - either people go too much OOC with them orr they rush up the things between them, going quickly with sex and feelings. It bothered me so much so I was crawling for good SC fics as crazy!!
After some break with SC, I came back to ao3 and saw your long fic. I started reading it but I dropped it after 3 chapters, I got bored cuz I thought you are gonna just re-type manga and do classic thing which another people do. Quickly, I got disappointed with another one and idk how but I decided to give your fic one more chance and dear lord......that was one of the best thing I have ever read. Maybe even the best.
Like, how smart are you? What's your IQ? Your manage to explain me some things about Kuro plot which I haven't udnerstand by myself. And the way you write Sebaciel relationship. That's everything I have ever wanted. Everything. They have normal conversation and that's it, that's all I need cuz there is everything. I feel electric every time when they talk, fight, do things together, goood the little touches svbjhsdjvbvbvbvbvbsdjvhbdf. I was tense whole fic. I read it for like 10 days, abandon everything until I finished it and now I feel sad ahahhaahha. But you are really something special, cuz I always used to say that manga itself is the best fiction cuz Yana knows the best how to create good Sebaciel energy. You, next to Yana, did the best job. You kept them as they are, never broke the character, and that's what I am most grateful. Slow burn, with drama and angst, love and attention, all misunderstanding, you put all necessary spices for 5 star meal. My fav part is when Ciel told Sebastian to add slamming doors to his most dramatic moments of his life ahahahahahahhaha 😂😂 I laughed like crazy, they are so precious♥ And I really wanted kiss to happen when Ciel lied Sebastian about another demon, that was sooo svbjhsvjhjhvbdf. But okay, you know the best, I trust you fully with this♥
The fact that they are ready to kill each other before they have normal conversation about their feeling is my fetish. I am in love with toxic things. Ciel ready to throw all game just to prove Sebastian that his value is not only his soul, right after he told himself for 1000 times he needs to stay on distance..... I LOVE ITTTT!!! I also need to say that you find PERFECT balance for good plot and romance. Your games and their cases...I just don't know, deep bow for you queen🔥💯After all, you didn't retype drama ahahaha but you manage to keep it canon without changing anything but still adding your spices so it's not ordinary Kuro plot we see every day....
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I just have one question. From time to time, I was like a Bard ahahhaha, so sick of their games and my head hurting me, but on a good way. I am clear about Ciel but what about Sebastian and his disgust for Ciel's nicer, soft, emotional side? I know Ciel doesn't have it a lot, but would Sebastian still be grossed out about it as he was at the beginning of a contract or not? Keeping in mind that he is more and more obsessed with a boy?
So, that's all. I don't know how to use Patreon/PayPal, but for you I'll try cuz I only have credit card and that's all I know ahhahaha, I like to keep money in my hands😂 I'm sad about the situation in your country and all under - war countries. It's not bringing any good for anyone, specially for civilians. I hope you are okay and I wish you alll the best, the good karma must hit you really quickly cuz you made one person really, really happy here♥
Looking forward how will you finish this story, have a nice day❤
PS - this is the longest comment for fic I have ever left ahhaha, it's crazy how you got me sooo hyped up bjcvsdghvbds.
Hi! Ooh, thank you so much for your amazing, wonderful essay! I can't tell you how happy it made me! I think the electricity was already started being cut off when I got it, so I could see I have some really lengthy ask, but it wouldn't load. It was the torture of the most delicious kind :D
Like you, I've been reading fics for ages now, and the moments where I find some fantastic story that won't let me sleep or work or even blink are always the happiest and the brightest spots I remember. So it's extremely flattering to know that my story has become something similar to other people.
I love writing about smart characters, but most of them are definitely smarter than me! The benefit is that since I'm writing, I can think and plan everything in advance. In real life, I only wish I were as quick-witted and inventive. Alas, the best ideas and arguments come to me when they are no longer needed.
I love slow burns, and I love characters who abhor the idea of expressing their feelings, so Ciel and Sebastian have the most perfect dynamic in my eyes. I feel like I could spend the eternity just enjoying their Gothic world with their games, arguments, plots, and so on. Them antagonizing each other only to instantly team up against the common enemy is my most favorite thing in the world.
As for your question, right now, Sebastian would be thrilled if Ciel were to show a softer and more vulnerable side - at least in relation to him. Well, a part of him would feel the automatic need to mock him for it anyway, some habits don't die easily, but Sebastian's feelings have evolved a lot, plus Ciel is cold more often than he is not. So Sebastian treasures every word of praise, every hint of appreciation and need because they are so rare - he's come to crave them, and he has memorized all known cases of them by heart.
And no worries about supporting me! I really appreciate you taking your time to leave such a fantastic review, it made my day!
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undercoverpena · 1 year
the effect you have
simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader
(helen!reader/ medic!reader)
wc: 2.5k warnings: helen and simon post proposal as things shift for helen. bit of angst, bit of fluff, bit of reader struggling, mainly softer!ghost. summary: ghost enjoys how you always look up at him like he’s something special—like he matters.  it’s evolved and transformed in time. a softer look in your eyes now when you stare at him, your hand gripping his cheek
simon ghost riley masterlist
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You remembered when he had ignored you like he hated you. 
Doing so intentionally as if proving to himself that it meant nothing outside of the moments he pulled you into dark corners.
Even if it was he who lifted the mask—brushed his chapped lips over your neck, blew his breath over your skin until it prickled and raised.
It meant something now.
Seeing the evidence of it as you remove your gloves—eyes catching the ring he placed on your left hand. It had meant something for longer than it had been there, pulsing around the two of you. 
When he’s not on base, your memories are what keep you warm until he returns. Remembering how his bare fingers had felt fanned over your hip, the sound of how his slow breaths had filled the air, darkness blanketing the room as you wished the night never ended. 
You’re growing tired of spending more hours away from him than together. Not just because you miss him, but because you’re tired, drained…
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There’s a calmness Ghost feels when you’re close.
As though, by seeing you, he doesn’t need to look for you or wonder if you’re safe, if you’re unharmed and your heart is beating. 
He doesn’t believe it when people tell him—he has to see it. He needs to. Otherwise, the little voice grows louder until it’s shouting, shrieking and using his skull as a hammer. 
It’s different when he’s alone with you. Then, he likes how you look when you’re under him. 
Ghost enjoys how you always look up at him like he’s something special—like he matters. 
It’s evolved and transformed in time. A softer look in your eyes now when you stare at him, your hand gripping his cheek—or on his shoulder—when he curls his fingers inside you. 
He relishes in watching you come apart. He likes knowing it’s him that’s doing it—that he gets to for as long as there’s air in his lungs, and you’ll have him. 
Simon likes that he barely has to lift his mask over his nose before your lips find his—hungrily, desperately like you crave him. As though you want to consume and be consumed. 
Almost like you don’t understand that you’d consumed him so long ago. You’d left a hole in him that added to the many others. 
It was just that yours could be filled—and filled it was, when Ghost managed to hold you again. When years ran their course, and you were there, showering the air with your laugh, smile and wit. 
He thinks he’ll deserve you. Ponders over it when you're lying in front of him, thinking how you’re a literal piece of art when you’re spread in front of him. When your limbs are bare, there’s the lightest sheen on your skin. 
He knows every curve, every scar. He knows the feel of every part of your body. He knows how your smile feels under his thumb and the tears under his knuckles. 
Every part of you, every emotion—he’s seen. He’s held you close and pulled you even closer. He’s watched you fall apart and placed shards of you back into place. 
Not out of obligation, but need—want. 
The same as you do to him, for him. Both of you have become excellent puzzlers over the years. Each time he’s been granted the pleasure of fucking you, he’d committed it. Written over what he managed to mentally absorb, ensuring he has the perfect render of you living in his dreams. 
Ghost still did it now, even though now you’re his. You chant it like a prayer when he pulls you close.
Yours. Yours. Yours. 
His beacon—the light that leads him. You’re his moon, his sun—the thing he never wanted to orbit but does all the same. He won’t admit it. Not a whisper of it. Not any of that or that you’re his escape, a welcomed retreat. Something dangerous in the day and sweeter at night. 
He’s always loved that about you. That when the day is done, your walls come down. The fire inside of you slowly smothered so people could get close. He’d walk through your flames if they ever rose around him, storm through until he stared at the soul in the middle. 
He wouldn’t lose you again. 
Wouldn’t squander the chance of being loved by you.
It’s why his eyes linger on the ring on your finger. The one that had been a welcomed weight in his vest, but suits being on your hand even more. 
The hand which is splayed across his stomach, the sun slowly rising, shimmering its orange hue across his base room. 
“I can hear you thinking, Simon.” 
His lips twitch as he closes his eyes. Wanting another minute, another hour, another day. 
“Go back to sleep.”
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You look for him in your nightmares. 
The ones which happen nightly, more frequently than they’ve ever done. 
Your hands are dripping with cherry red, the sound of a flatline being the soundtrack until he arrives. You expect him, need him—practically call for him even if your dream-lips don’t part, and your dream-chords don’t scream. You wish for him, secretly plucking a chord for him to arrive. 
And he does. 
Whether it’s his projection appearing to pull you from the darkness, no mask on his face as the shadows and smoke swirl around his boots. Whether it’s his hand spraying across your body, pulling you back to the physical world. 
He saves you, over and over.  
Your map home, your light, your reason. 
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Sometimes he feels he can keep you safe.
He pulls you from your dreams, when you��re sweating, shaking and whimpering. He holds you when your eyes mist over, your light flickering as he guides you to the shower, watching crimson wash down the drain. 
Other times, he wonders if he’s imprisoned you—shackled you to a life he can’t protect you from. 
Irrespective of him, you’re in the centre of danger—a member of 141, all the same. Your hands keep the team together, doing your bit to keep the wheels turning and the operations ticking. 
He has no part to play in you still being here. That’s a choice you make, and one he has nothing but respect for. But it’s outside of that. 
When he watches you trace his scars in a shoddy bed or when you say nothing but tighten your fingers when the two of you walk down a street, off duty. It’s those moments he wonders if he’s trapped you—made you carry his fears, carry the weight of his grief. 
Doubt rears its head then, smothering over nicer moments as he wonders if the past will take away his future. Whether he’s condemned you to a half-life because there’s only half of him left. 
He feels it when there’s a noise in the darkness. The flat the two of you live in groaning and creaking—whether it's the pipes or the floorboards. It grips his heart, and makes him kick his legs from the sheets. A need to keep you safe, to protect. 
There are times you find him, sleep in your eyes, weariness in your bones as you take his forearm and pull him back to bed. Others, he returns to find you curled in on yourself, a need to pull you close, feeling your warmth smother over him as he tries to close his eyes. 
That same feeling roars when he’s running through the dirt, kicking up dust, yanking his comms from his ears. He hears you call for someone through the comms, your whimper, your pleading. 
Ghost knows why you don’t call for him. He’s the reason you don’t—his silent request you abide without ever being asked. 
And that fills him with fury, the fear exploding into a panicked rage that would give him the strength to tear whoever came in his way. He’d rip through it, them—whatever attempted to stop him, person, moment, world—in two. 
Something in him taking over, the killer in him, the Ghost. That part of him dispatching one after the other as they fall, allowing Simon to hunt for his Helen. 
You’ve been hurt before. Too many times for his liking. He’s stroked his fingers over the scars, and traced them with the tip of his tongue. His ears have captured whimpers that turned into moans. He should be used to it, but he never is.
The twist in his chest at the sight of you on the floor, knocked back from an explosion you should never have been near. Still, your eyes land on his. Finding him—seeking him. Lips parted, hand to the back of your head—
Even concussed, you look for him. 
A sight and thought which renders him breathless. Something which stirs in him, making him find you, even in the middle of an operation. He’d do what he needed to do, take the lives that were necessary, and collect or extract what was required of him before.  
It’s what you’d want. And he’s also nothing but dedicated to the cause. But after, when the main objective is complete, he will begin his second. You curl into him, finding the spot you usually have when the two of you are alone—pulling you close, not caring about the odd looks, as he lifts you easily. 
“Keep your blood in you, Helen.” “Roger that, Ghost.”
Your eyes flick over him as though unsure if you’re dreaming or in reality. Keeping them on him, your training appearing—the usual thing you tell those who you’re taking care of:
Eyes on me. Do not close them.
He doesn’t need to tell it to you, doesn’t need to remind you of your famous words—you’re doing it already. Continuing to do so until you’re in a bed in your own workplace—a machine beeping, white bandages covering you where necessary. 
Sometimes he feels he can save you. Sometimes he feels he’s always too late. 
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It’s gnawing. 
Worsening, as you call another time of death again. 
Like you have done constantly since the 141 had managed to hijack space on another base. Your expertise is needed in the medical area, watching more light fade from eyes than your heart can handle. The death is more constant than you’re used to. 
Your hands are good, but not great; your brain is quick, but not quick enough. 
Confidence wavering, determination squandered. 
In truth, it’s the damage, the injuries too severe. But your mind is a liar, a cage of deceit that reminds you you’re not good at what you do. That you lose, over and over again…
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The reason he’s so good—why he can and used to work alone—is that he notices things.
Ghost spots things, the tiny flicker of reflection, the tyre marks, the kicked-up sand and oddly placed buildings when they scan satellite images. 
It’s why he knows you’re running on nothing. Something has changed inside of you. Something had been broken—ripped in two and left dangling, withering in your chest where hope once was. 
Often, a break helped. You mended and sowed yourself back together with the same magical hands you save lives with. But the last two-week break at home didn’t do that. Your body was small, curled up in bed for reasons he didn’t like. The smile he loves to bottle stares at him, all forced and different at the edges. 
He should have asked, but feelings aren’t his strength. He fixes, builds and repairs…
Ghost isn’t sure how to fix this. How to heal you. So he doesn’t, even if he should. 
A part of him praying you’ll blink one day on base, and he’ll see the embers in your eyes. His prayers are unanswered, watching more of your fire being taken, more of your body slumping, a tiredness sleep couldn’t fix. 
“Think we should buy a house.”
He nods, holding your hand in your office. Tired of watching you dwindle, shrink and wane. Forcing his way into your office, just like he always does. He waits for the usual smirk, pauses for it. Watching as he finds a soft smile there instead, replacing what he usually knows.
He’ll take it. 
Fuck, he’d take anything you gave him. Forever lucky to have a speck of you, never mind all of you.
Rolling your hand between his gloves, he doesn’t miss how you sigh contently. “Somewhere quiet. A fixer-upper.”
“You gonna be fixing it up?” 
Smiling, he looks at you. 
Does so until the seconds bleed into a minute, watching the walls come down—the sheet of pretence—watching that tiredness return. The one you try to hide, but he sees all the same. 
“Think y’could do with a project.”
“You do, huh?”
He grips your hand a little tighter, more purposeful. “It’s alright that sometimes enough, is enough. Y’know?” 
He watches as you bite the inside of your lip, blinking—a shimmer growing in your eyes as you try to hold it all back. He studies you and keeps his eyes fixed until you sweep your tongue across your bottom lip. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, Casper.” 
He nods, loosening his grip begrudgingly on your hand before he pulls it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your skin. Savouring the softness, feeling your ring under his thumb, before he lets it go, watching you, watch him. 
“You remember when you used to hate me?”
“Never hated you.”
Smirking, you fold your arms. Keeping your left hand—the one which sparkles—on the top. On display.
“Jus’ wanted to keep you safe.” 
Your smirk drops, blending into a smile, as your head tilts and you let out a heavy breath. “I prefer how you keep me safe now than you did then.” 
He knows. Feels it too. Has kept you safe differently since he had you back then he did before. Then it was about keeping you out, now it's about keeping everyone else away.
Swallowing, he nods, picking up his balaclava from your desk, turning it in his hands as he stares at you. “Me too.” 
You drop your eyes, shoulders sinking as he stands from the chair. It creaks, the noise disrupting the quiet of the small room the two of you are hiding in as he begins to put his balaclava on. 
He halts, the fabric coming down to his nose as you lean forward, pressing your lips to his before wiping a finger to remove any chapstick from his lips. 
“You should ask Soap to be your best man.” 
Snorting, he shakes his head. “Not a fuckin’ chance, Helen.” 
The fabric coming down over his face, the Ghost smothering over Simon as your fingers help slide the bottom into his top. 
“I need to cut your hair when you’re back.”
"Thought y'said you're not doing that anymore."
Shrugging, your hand cups his fabric-covered cheek, his head turning, pressing his lips against it as he watches something light in your eyes. 
“Be safe, need you back with me if we’re doing house viewings, Casper.” 
He smirks, hoping you can see it, lifting his hand up, showing one finger, then four, then three. 
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birdhouseblog23 · 29 days
Yugioh DSOD Headcannons because DSOD is just that good of a Yugioh movie
○Yugi works as a game designer and co-partner to Kaiba's company. He works a 9-5 and is living off ofcaffeine, a brownie, and the will to fight the God cards to get his work done. Yugi comes to the space station 3 days every other week to play test new holographic gaming systems for critique for Kaiba.
○Yugi and Kaiba slowly but surely grew a partnership and friendship overtime. It was a long long LONG process for kaiba to open up, luckily mokuba is there to help fix the awkward space between them mentioning other hobbies besides dual monsters kaiba and yugi can talk about up at the space station.
○After coming back to the afterlife Kaiba kinda understands why yugi and atems bond is very special. Sure, such emotions is not befitting of a CEO of a multi-billion dollar gaming company. That's just crazy.
But seeing how the events unfolded after the whole Plana and Diva situation, and reuniting to one final duel with atem in the afterlife he starts to see a new perspective in life. Kaiba at that admitted to himself that he missed atem, not just as a rival but as a friend that understood him on a deeper level. Kaiba has much to learn about freely expressing his feelings, but it's only a matter a time. A long long LONG time. But a nice pace of time.
○The moment Kaiba came back to the world of the living Mokuba gave him a verbal lashing he said his first curse word. It left Roland speechless.
○Yugi asked if Kaiba won the duel in the afterlife. All kaiba did was smirk leaving the office saying yugi to "Your the King of Games, imagine it yourself."
And imagine yugi did because yugi made a PowerPoint presentation of a hypothetical duel outcome he presented in their morning meeting the next day. It was a 2 hour long presentation.
○Joey visits yugi at Kaiba Corp much to Kaiba dismay. Just because he's warmed up to yugi doesn't mean the SHEER disappointment he feels looking at Joey helps brighten his day. But through some convincing from yugi to promote Joey career as a duelist kaiba obliged to have Joey sign up for the yearly Kaiba Corp grant for college. For 4 months.
○Joey play test new cards for kaibas games. Just to piss him off Kaiba cranks the difficulty meter on the dueling bot. Obviously it's one reason test Joey seeing how much Joey skills proved to kaiba he is a great and competent duelist. The second reason? Kaiba likes to screw over Joey for s#### and giggles. It keeps Kaiba's boredom at bay.
○Anzu face time Yugi and the crew to show them photos of various locations and landmarks in New York. Mai made a surprised visit on the voice call staying at Anzu place for a while for a girls day trip. One time on a face call Anzu accidently jump scare the boys and Mai wearing a spa mask and cucumber on her eyes. It became a meme in their group text.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
if you're too shy- send me a character and a scenario and I'll write a little baby blurb for it
Co-workers to lovers with Spencer Reid, please? Thank you! 😉
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none <3
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Spencer was sitting on his desk, reading over some paperwork as the rest of the team filtered into the office, talking among themselves as he waited patiently for you to come through those glass doors as well, uncharacteristically late, making him sweat a little as he stole a glance at the little box he left on your desk.
It was hardly the first time he'd left something there, in fact he'd been leaving little gifts for you since you'd been transferred to this department. It started out simple, a box of the chocolates he saw you eating on the jet, a refill of your favorite coffee, a little note inspired by the book you'd told him about while taking the elevator together, some flowers after a hard case- it was a habit by now, something he didn't need to put all that much thought into, he'd learn something new about you every day and his mind was ever willing to store that information into a little Y/n folder for when he needed it.
For a while, he'd considered that maybe you were still unaware who it was from, unaware that the secret admirer who seemed to know you so very well was the one sharing a desk with you, the one fighting to sit next to you on missions, the one insisting on walking on the outside of the sidewalk with you, but he also had a nagging feeling that you had solved the mystery from the very beginning. You had, of course, knowing no one spent nearly enough time with you to be so perfect at spoiling you, except for Spencer, it was merely a game of chicken, who'd mention it first, who'd call the other's bluff first, who'd admit their crush first.
"Pretty boy," Derek mused, of course the first one to pick up on Spencer's fidgeting, on his flighty behaviour. "Waiting for your crush to show up?" he teased and Spencer was close to objecting, already discarding the file in his hand to do so when you skipped into the office, smiling brightly as you handed everyone one of the lattes you picked up on your way in.
"Someone's in a good mood," Emily noted and you shrugged, lifting a finger to boop her nose as she looked between you and the travel cup in her hand.
"Drink up, Em, made it extra sweet just for you, " you said simply and she laughed lightly, giving in to the little side hug you offered her before walking up to Spencer, showing him the last cup in your carton tray, a special sticky note with instructions stuck to the side proving that you knew his very specific order by heart. "Morning, Spence," you breathed and the smile on your lips was infectious, spreading to his own lips almost instantly.
"Morning," his reply was a controlled stutter, barely keeping it together as your thigh accidentally brushed against his knee where it was resting twisted on the desk. He accepted the latte with a whispered thank you, your eager eyes and gentle swaying from the heel of your feet to your toes telling him you were waiting for him to taste, and he happily obliged, licking his lips after a quick sip.
"Did I get it right?" you demanded carefully and he was eager to nod, eager to let you know it was perfect. only making your smile larger as you giggled in satisfaction. "I made the poor lady redo it three times," you admitted and he breathed a soft laugh, honestly just entranced by the way you were looking at him, so happy, so pleased just because you got something right, something right for him. "I figured it should be perfect."
"Why is that?" he leaned forward, so did you, bodies moving at their own accord as he rested his cup on his knee, darting his gaze over you, analyzing you, you let him.
"It's a thank you," you began, nervous now, almost looking back to see if the others were looking at you but stopping yourself, forcing yourself to push through, be brave. "For all my gifts," you explained and he couldn't help himself when he scoffed, he didn't need a thank you, it wasn't why he did it, but that smile on your face, that absolutely addicting look that made you seem all but ethereal, that's why he did it.
"You don't need to thank me, Y/n, I'm just glad you like them," he insisted and you shrugged, not thinking, not processing because even though you were sure it was him, there was that one percent chance that it wasn't and how unfathomably embarrassing would it have been if you were wrong.
"I know, " you nodded and you were moving before you could stop yourself, leaning into his chest for a quick hug, almost melting right there and then when he circled an arm around your waist, hugging you back and you were mentally screaming because he really, truly, genuinely hugged you back. "Thank you," you breathed next to his ear and you were on fire as you pulled away, smiling shyly as your cheeks spread with heat, ignoring every single comment, every daring stare as you walked to your desk.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 4 months
ᴛʀɪᴀɴɢʟᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ || ᴄʜᴀɴɢʙɪɴ (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs) ɴɪɴᴛʜ!ғ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
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It's a special ferret boys' birthday! And two very special people are dying to give him the most special gift one could receive! But what happens when these two happen to be fated rivals for the ferrets love, and when this special gift suddenly goes missing?
ෆ contents - cursing towards the end, drags on a bit, arguing, fluff, crack?, kinda lazy writing
ෆ word count - 903
ෆ notes - can you tell i ran out of ideas 😭 i really tried my best with this one i swear, its just i dont really know binnie as well as the other members but that doesn't mean i dont love him im ot8 i promise🤞
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"When are you going to accept my feelings, Hyunjin-a.." Came the flirtatious words of a certain pig-rabbit. The latter braced himself for what he knew was about to happen. A well aimed plastic water bottle flew across the room and hit Casanova on his shoulder, "Ow! Okay that one was uncalled for, Ai!" The smirking maknae broke into a fit of giggles as she, once again, foiled Changbin's plan for Hyunjin's affections. Ever since Hyun and Ai had been confirmed to be dating, the interactions between the two and Changbin have become comedy gold. As previously mentioned, the rapper does any thing and everything to "flirt" with Hyunjin, from making comments, to romantic gestures, and even preventing other people, including Hyun's own girlfriend from stealing his affections. Obviously this is all a joke, Changbin would never do something so heinous, so Aiko never took is seriously and even bought into the joke. Now the three have become involved in some sort of love triangle.
Outside of fighting for Hyunjin's love, Changbin and Aiko often had small quarrels about other small things, not as much as Ai does with other members, but enough to earn a eyeroll from anyone within earshot. "I thought you had it!" "No! Chan told me you had it!" "Well obviously it's not in my hands, so why do you think I have it?!" "Guys! Arguing about it isn't going to find it!" Another day, another petty kindergarten argument. But it wasn't just a normal day, it was Hyunjin's birthday! And for the ferrets special day, Aiko and Changbin decided to pitch in and get a gift for him from the both of them. An art set that had a lot of supplies Hyunjin had been wanting for his artwork. They had both bought it and decided to give it to Channie to hold onto, because they were aware that one of them would be dumb enough to lose it. And they did.
"Hyunjin's party is in 30 minuets, what are we going to do? Show up with no gift?!" Aiko panicked, she personally didn't like it when things didn't go to plan, especially when it came to the love of her life's birthday. "Well, we'll just go out looking for it! It's not like it grew legs and walk away!" Changbin suggested, hopeful as always. "You're making it sound like that's what it did! Ugh, let's go look where Chan said he put it, it couldn't be far from there." The pair set off to the confined room, desperate to find the gift to prove who loved Hyunjin most once and for all.
While the two desperately searched, Hyunjin had already arrived. "Where's Ai and Changbin?" Hyunjin had asked, noticing the absence of his most valued admirers. "Oh! They're looking for a gi-" "They're looking for something! Don't worry, they'll be here shortly!" Han quickly hushed Chan, persistent on keeping the gift a secret. Hyunjin obviously didn't buy the act but obliged, he turned away and looked around, waiting to see what the two were doing, hoping that they weren't killing eachother in the process.
"Dammit! We're 30 minuets late looking for this cursed ass gift, we should just give up and show up fuckin' empty handed!" Aiko had enough, clearly, and her mouth spoke faster than what her brain could think. As his younger companion cursed angrily to herself in one corner of the room, Changbin searched frivolously, hoping to any God out there that he'd find this gift. Not only for himself, but for both Hyunjin and Aiko. "You don't think Chan hid it.. right?-" Aiko suspected, it was the only other explanation. "No, Chan isn't like that, there has to be another way this happened. The two sat against the wall in silent defeat, wondering what the hell they were going to do. Both had too much humility and guilt to just show up to one of their closest friend's party empty handed. As they sat in self pity, Aiko looked around and noticed pieces of paper and a few markers scattered around the nearby table, had someone.. set this up? "Oppa, I have an idea." Aiko got up to grab the paper from the table. Changbin looked over to see Ai start folding the paper the several ways. It didn't take long for Changbin to realize what she was doing, "Oh my god you're a genius! Let me get some too!" The two giggled to themselves and hurried to make their newest plan.
Downstairs, a certain birthday boy was still waiting for one of his closest friend and love of his life (though one can argue is both of them) make their way to the party that was slowly dying out. Without two of the loudest members there it was left to Han and Felix to keep up the mood. A sudden burst open of a door made everyone jump as the long awaited Dweakki-Cat duo loudly made their way to the party an hour late. "JAGI! LOOK WHAT I MADE FOR YOU! IT WAS MY IDEA!" Aiko exclaimed as she showed Hyunjin what she did, before being shoved aside by her more stronger older brother, "Nonsense! Mine are clearly more expertly crafted!- Ow!-" Changbin yelped as Aiko kicked him from below. As the two once again started they're usual banter, a fond smile was placed on Hyunjin's face, They had made him paper hearts.
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Always keep in mind that nothing in this series and in my posts are real! So anything that may seem 'out of character' should be considered as part of a fake universe! <3
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k7l4d4 · 22 days
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 23
Hello all, time to see the episode where the writers give up on making their writing believable in favor of cheap, uninspired emotional appeals!
Now, with this episode, I could take my time ripping into the show fixating on this fantasy in its head that Chloe is a genuine threat... but I'm not going to because that topic has been talked to death a hundred and one times. Instead, I'm gonna focus on the moral of this episode... and how it utterly falls apart.
Namely, the episode seems to be pushing the narrative that you can't wait around and rely on people to solve your problems for you, you have to do it yourself... or at the very least just reach out and let others KNOW you need help. Why does this fall apart? Because in addition to the fact that Chloe being a problem at all is forced by the writers blatantly ignoring how she has no real power and the police could just drag her out of office whenever they like... Adrien does literally nothing this entire episode to solve HIS personal problem about his dad forcing him to move.
He never mentions it to any of his friends OR his girlfriend (who he can hold down a long-distance relationship with if it DOES come down to him moving, as his and her video-chatting in the prior episode demonstrates), and the one time he bothers to acknowledge that there's nothing that can be said to his dad to make him change his mind, it comes off more as a lazy excuse on his part not to share how he's feeling. Throughout this entire episode, and all the episodes in which this plot has been leading up to now, Adrien takes the worst decision every time towards opening up and sharing his problems while also doing nothing on a personal level to help himself. He just... stands around, feeling sorry for himself.
How can you push the idea that people need to stand up to injustice themselves when you can't even have one of the two main leads stand up for HIMSELF?
I could add more details... but I think this gets my point across nicely. Thank you, and now, onto the review! As always, warning for any profanity on my part.
Episode 23: Revolution
Okay, and we get the opening scene of "Mayor Chloe" talking to Nadja that she has "Outlawed Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Monarch." Because outlawing someone who is already a terrorist that nobody can find and the only people capable of stopping him is SUCH A GOOD IDEA FOLKS!!! God fucking dammit. I'm not too pissed off yet, but the fact that nobody in law enforcement is dragging her out of that office and calling her out on her BS of being Mayor because her dad was Mayor is utterly stupid. If this is meant to be some kind of jab about "the rich are the new nobility/royalty" or something like that, it fails. Miserably.
Nadja asks if "this will last long" without actually specifying what "this" is, with Chloe having to be fed lines by Lila over an earbud so as to not blow it already. She also fumbles "democratic" TWICE. News flash Astruc, Dumb Blonde jokes have been in bad taste for a few decades by now!! Chloe then ends things while declaring that her new robots will be upholding "her law in Paris," never mind that not only is her position totally illegitimate, Mayors DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO ARBITRARILY DECIDE WHAT IS OR ISN'T A LAW.
Now, we get to the heroes, with Chat pointing out that they have a moral obligation to stop Chloe, and Ladybug saying that they can't because she's not Akumatized... which is bullshit, as both the specials and incidents like the fight against the flying dinosaurs proved. Yes, they can't attack her... but why the hell would they NEED TO ATTACK HER? Literally just going in, marching her out to the ACTUAL police and having them detain her would accomplish literally the exact same thing. Saying "they'll look like the bad guys" is a completely bullshit non-answer.
Aaannnd... they passed the buck onto "adults, an authority figure" to handle the problem. Because clearly that's a good lesson to teach kids, don't stand up to what you see as a systemic problem in the world or an abuse of power, even if you have the means to oppose it, just leave it to someone else. THAT'S what you should be teaching kids, not that doing what is right, even if it's hard, is important.
Now they head back home, and Marinette is watching videos on the news reporting what's going on and citizen reactions. First up, a pair of ladies who I'm thinking that Astruc had designed to give off the same vibes of "smug, elitist, rich white person" vibes as Chloe is meant to give off, saying it's a good thing that Chloe is in power because she's a "young person, like us, representing us!" Next we get the racist cop who denounces superheroes as pointless due to not stopping Monarch yet, and then publicly airing a conspiracy theory that they are all in on it together. Then we get another adult, who points out how utterly stupid having a teenager declaring herself Mayor is.
Now it's on to Adrien, I wonder how he's doing? Staring at a picture of Marinette on his phone it looks like. And once again all that's going on is that he's angsting over telling his girlfriend that he's moving. After all, it's not as if he can HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP, or, I dunno, PRACTICE TELLING HER BY TELLING HIS OTHER FRIENDS!!! Seriously, do Nino, Alya, and the rest of his classmates mean NOTHING to him in terms of telling this info? Does he honestly believe they'd have no advice to share!? What is wrong with this guy!?
His answer on why he's not saying anything? He's hoping he'll be able to convince his dad not to send him... fuck that. Dude, FUCK. THAT!! For absolute FUCK'S SAKE THIS IS THE GUY WHO HAS DONE NOTHING BUT BE AN UTTER BASTARD TO YOU FOR YEARS, YOU AREN'T GONNA CONVINCE HIM!! HECK, HE MADE IT CLEAR HE'S DOING THIS TO SEPARATE YOU FROM MARINETTE!!! JUST RUN AWAY ALREADY!!!!
Okay, now we got Plagg, the guy the show has made repeatedly clear LOATHES and is annoyed by romance, shilling Marinette as "the most amazing girl in the whole universe." Please give me a moment while I hurl; it's not even over how utterly fucking CHEESY this is, it's how unironic they are at shilling the girl who has dropped the ball REPEATEDLY, and has routinely violated Adrien's boundaries without his knowledge. This is disturbing to me. At least he's stating the simple solution of asking someone for help... still fucking pissed that it's all centered around MARINETTE rather then exploring his OTHER FRIENDSHIPS that are a lot closer than whatever tangled mess he has going on with Marinette. You know, like his best friend that the narrative conveniently forgot about as soon as they could?
And upon a call from Marinette, NOW he decides that this is the right time. It's really fucking ironic that all of Adrien's scenes and relevance to the plot this season is all about Marinette, whereas Marinette's scenes actually DO SOMETHING towards expanding upon what's going on around them all. And it is immediately derailed by Marinette asking him to watch the news. So much for her call being "a sign." Now we get more reactions to Chloe's dictatorship, Hooray! First off is a guy saying she can't be worse than her father... yeah, she absolutely can, seeing as her dad was corrupt, but she's corrupt AND a literal teenager with no qualifications. And another guy brushing off any issues since they'll have an election soon. It's really, REALLY fucking stupid how these people are both taking her at her words, and ignoring how A TEENAGER DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO ASSUME POWER AT HER OWN SAY-SO!! SHE IS NOT EVEN AN ELECTED OFFICIAL!!!
"Someone's bound to do something." Nope, no one will, never mind the fact that CHLOE NEVER SHOULD'VE EVEN GOTTEN THIS FAR! Oh and Marinette interrupts Adrien's attempt to explain his situation by calling everyone to do something. Clearly this can't possibly go wrong and will have an actual meaningful impact! Surely it will. /s
Now we get a scene of Chloe playing with her toys testing the incredibly advanced "police robots" Gabe and Tomoe are bribing her with supplied to City Hall, once again having the narrative IGNORE HOW NONE OF THIS IS EVEN REMOTELY LEGAL!!! Oh, and Audrey is present too for some reason. She also fires that one butler that is more prominent than the rest of the staff because she's got robots now... whatever happened to her words at the Diamond Dance, what was it again, something about how the robots aren't as fun because she can't boss them around or something?
Gabe proceeding to layer the flattery on thick with Chloe... wonder how that'll go. Probably terribly. "All the superoffenders have disappeared." BITCH IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A FUCKING WEEK YOU ASSHOLE!!! But that's also the perfect thing to say to Chloe in this scenario, she's too much of a self-centered idiot to spot the obvious fault in her decision. Oh, and it looks like Lila had Chloe recording the meeting.
So far, I'm mostly just banging my head against a wall over how stupid this entire plot is. THERE IS NO SITUATION IN WHICH A TEENAGER IS GOING TO HOLD THE POSITION OF MAYOR. EVER. Tomoe and Gabe proceed to plot about how they are going to use Chloe's incompetence as a Mayor (STILL IGNORING HOW SHE CAN'T LEGALLY HOLD THE POSITION!!!), and at least acknowledge that there isn't a chance in hell Chat and Ladybug are gonna ignore this for good, before Monarch personally visits Chloe... instead of, you know, sending the Butterfly and communicating with her directly, something he is FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING!!! Meaning the guy is deliberately waltzing into the lair of someone who has declared him an outlaw. Not as if she couldn't just have her robots capture him, take his Miraculous for herself, and establish herself as Queen of Paris in truth, but that would require the writers to think these things through and for Chloe to be allowed to have a brain.
Oh look, they actually had Chloe be smart enough to have her robots target Monarch! Now if only he wasn't LITERALLY STUPID ENOUGH TO SHOW UP IN PERSON. And we learn that as the creator of them, Tomoe has an override of the system... how in the world did she even see the screen targeting Monarch? She's supposed to be blind, right?? Can she hear them targeting through the screen or something!? And just as Chloe is about to do the smart thing and refuse Monarch's offer for an alliance (YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE THERE IN PERSON, IDIOT!!!), Lila tells her to accept... ugh...
And we learn the specifics of the deal is that Monarch will Akumatize her, yadda yadda yadda, make it look like she's not an Akuma, yadda yadda yadda... NONE OF THIS EXPLAINS WHY HE IS IN THE FUCKING ROOM WHEN HE CAN COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE!!! HECK, HE COULD HAVE GIVEN HIMSELF THE POWER TO COMMUNICATE AT A DISTANCE!!! The obvious answer is that they wanted an excuse to keep Monarch from learning about Lila feeding Chloe lines, but that if anything just shows how weak their efforts in making Lila a threat are. If she's only a threat when they actively keep the antagonist from knowing she's in the know, then she's not a real threat.
Oh, we also get the stupidity of Chloe's robots having multiple powers. Not even gonna get into that bullshit.
Now we are back to the school, and Adrien announcing his determination to tell Marinette everything... because obviously it's only Marinette that deserves to know that his father is forcing him to move to London, and not any of his other friends. (Rolls eyes)
Apparently Marinette, Alya, and Mylene came up with some kind of protest...? Watch and be amazed as it amounts to nothing when Chloe shows up in her "covert Akuma form," with once again NO ONE OBJECTING TO THE FACT THAT A TEENAGE GIRL IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE THE FUCKING MAYOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Oh, and Chloe also lying to the news about giving limitless freedom to the citizens of Paris... I'll be honest, I could actually see her doing something like that, not out of any kind of goodness of her heart but more due to just being too ignorant to understand the consequences of basically letting everyone do whatever they want, no questions asked, and doing so would make her own life easier as well.
And it turns out the protest is over Miss Bustier... because their fired teacher, who the Mayor NEVER HAD THE AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE THE FIRING OF, is the real issue over the fact that one of their classmates is illegally holding a position of power. Also, them calling her "Miss Bustier the Great" is pretty cringe. It's blatantly forced just to make the rhyme work.
WHY should Chloe CARE that none of you want to go to Class!? SHE DOESN'T!!! Oh, right, Lila is talking in her ear. Also, I don't know why Chloe singled out Zoe for "pretending to be her sister" since I'm pretty sure that isn't exactly public knowledge!? She didn't even CALL YOU her sister, so why are you bringing it up!? Also, them shoe-horning "libertarian" in there; that... amounts to nothing.
...She's seriously calling them willfully sabotaging their own education "holding the school hostage"? This is... this is moronic. That is the only thing I can call it, this is utterly MORONIC. Aside from her blatantly slandering Miss Bustier, her throwing shade at Damocles' obsession with acting like he's a Superhero is spot on as he's shown that he hasn't learned his lesson, and how it negatively impacts his work; her refusing to reinstate him (not that she even COULD) is one of her few smart decisions.
The protesters do point out how she's twisting the situation stupidly, but it falls apart since this ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT is held up by tissues and prayers by writers high off their own farts. Seriously, why is Lila even BOTHERING to try and manipulate Chloe? Chloe can't even keep up an act good enough to last TWO SECONDS when around anyone who doesn't enable her BS, this entire thing is stupid as fuck. What is the point? What is supposed to be going on!?
Okay, the one interesting thing going on is that Chloe tried to burst Marinette's bubble about what Adrien is being made to do... seriously, DO NONE OF THESE IDIOTS REMEMBER THAT A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP IS POSSIBLE!?
Mylene and Ivan disappear after having publicly stood up to Chloe, Hmm, I wonder if there's a connection!? We also see that Chloe SOMEHOW managed to get a gold statue of herself made. HOW!? WHEN!? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!? Oh, and Chloe literally having Ms. Mendeleiev prove to be a fucking disaster of a teacher by spoon-feeding her her own propaganda.
Yet another case of Adrien trying to tell Marinette only to clam up when she asks him to talk to his dad to get him to stop Chloe... it's funny how this episode is ignoring that Gabe is a fucking terrible person, ESPECIALLY MARINETTE!! Girl, HE THREATENED YOUR FUTURE IN DESIGNING AND IS A TOXIC CONTROL FREAK!! YOU KNOW THIS!!! WHY THE HELL WOULD HE EVEN CARE ABOUT STOPPING CHLOE EVEN IF HE WASN'T MONARCH!!!
"Talking to my father won't solve anything." That's the most reasonable thing anyone has ever said this episode. And just as he's about to elaborate, Chloe shows up in a helicopter and yells at the Ice Cream Idiot if he got his permit, which he said he doesn't need. THIS is one of the very few good things she did this episode; over dramatic or not, you shouldn't EVER have someone without a permit selling food, especially not out of a fucking pushcart!!!
"No one can ever prevent you from bringing so much happiness!" What happiness? He's an annoying idiot who is hyper-fixated on relationships and throws a temper tantrum bad enough to get AKUMATIZED whenever he's "wrong."
And now Alya's missing!! What could ever be going on- oh for fuck's sake, it's obviously Chloe!! Seriously, how in the world is it that hard to wrap their heads around the idea that Chloe is snatching up and arresting anyone and everyone who she dislikes!? Even without Akuma powers, she could probably get it done by just hiring some shady goons!!!
And apparently Chloe sent the Dupain-Chengs to Detention... whatever the fuck that's supposed to be, for the crime of expecting her to pay like everyone else. Why the fuck is that even a dealbreaker for her!? HER WHOLE DEAL NOW IS THAT SHE'S RICH SO SHE DOESN'T NEED TO WORK OR DO ANYTHING, SO FLAUNTING HER WEALTH SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM FOR HER!! Seriously, I'm pretty sure they only did this to ensure Marinette "got on the right track."
Honestly, I'm genuinely confused on what Chloe's end goal is even supposed to be. She's just getting rid of anyone that annoys her. What is she gonna do when there's no one left to make go away?
Now FINALLY Adrien catches on that something is weird, and it looks like everyone is missing by this point, and when he finally goes to confront Chloe... her big "threat" is just to tell Marinette that Adrien is leaving to go to London at his father's insistence, which, again, even ignoring how she has no way of knowing that Chloe couldn't possibly know that he's been trying to tell Marinette ever since this nonsense started, LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS ARE A THING!! I GUESS that the fact he's been lying to her would put a strain on things, but not THAT big of a fucking strain!!
Also, while it's meant to be mean-spirited mockery, Chloe is basically spot-on that Adrien's been acting like a spineless puppet for who knows how long by this point. Even ignoring the whole "He's a sentimonster" thing, he has been completely spineless and a wet blanket regarding Gabe and refuses to actually stand up to himself for real.
We get a look at what "Detention" looks like, and apparently she even sent Andre there. I can't tell if Chloe deliberately designed the place without an exit, or if she just forgot. She's been made so stupid I wouldn't put either one past her.
Honestly, it's a bit weird that Chloe would have her screens say "I'll protect you, you can always count on me." Like, it honestly sounds GENUINE when the screens say it. If I didn't know that it's meant to just be a sign of how EEEEVVVIIILLL she is, I'd say that it's a reflection of her own deluded belief that she's the good guy and is in the right for her actions.
Okay, ignoring how Chloe somehow has this weird facility just... IN PARIS for some reason. Not even gonna acknowledge how much of a blatantly stupid cop-out it is. I'm just baffled how no one collapsed from hunger if she's had them literally doing nothing but walking in a huge-ass loop for hours?
I'm sincerely baffled how anyone would buy that Chloe has made "Paris utterly better then how it was before." She's basically done NOTHING, and why the FUCK would Chloe think anyone besides her mom and her mom's cronies would actually BUY THIS!? FOR GOD FUCKS SAKE!!! THIS ENTIRE BULLSHIT IS RUNNING OFF OF EVERYONE IGNORING THAT HER ENTIRE POSITION IS BULLSHIT!! WHY THE FUCK HAS THIS EVEN LASTED THIS LONG!? GET THIS THE FUCK OVER WITH!!!
At this point, I think there won't be anything more of depth to be said, so to spare my blood pressure, I'm just gonna wait for when she's defeated and I can unleash my rage on the ending.
Oh, and the entire plot of "we can't wait for someone else to solve this problem, WE should've been solving it from the start" doesn't work even remotely because CHLOE NEVER EVEN SHOULD'VE BEEN A FUCKING PROBLEM THIS EPISODE!!!!
"I'm sure the people of Paris would love to have a Mayor like you!" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK UP!!!!
Huh, they actually had Chloe show an extremely brief moment of regret and vulnerability when looking at Sabrina's photo in her phone, too bad that won't amount to anything, especially when she immediately starts flicking over to Marinette's contact! Speaking of which, why the hell does she even HAVE Marinette in her contacts?
And Adrien never actually manages to tell Marinette he's leaving, what a WONDERFUL resolution to this stupidity thus far! And once again Nathalie proves to be a spineless worm in her refusal to actually stand up to Gabe's abusive control of Adrien and enabling his crimes.
And we get to see Adrien having an argument with Gabe about him living his own life. Wow, it's almost as if he's both forgotten that he can have a long-distance relationship AND can just, you know, run away?
If this scene of him calling Marinette with tears in his eyes is meant to be sad, it's ruined by the fact this show has utterly squandered Adrien's character by reducing EVERY FUCKING THING IN HIS LIFE UP UNTIL NOW TO BE ABOUT MARINETTE!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GUY WHO BROKE OUT OF HIS OWN HOUSE TO GO TO SCHOOL!? WHY IS HE STRUGGLING NOW OF ALL TIMES TO STICK UP FOR HIMSELF!? WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT OF IT ALL!?
I'm seriously baffled why Gabe's current plan requires Adrien to be away in a different country "to be safe," because it's not as if Adrien being safe has ever fucking factored into any of his plans prior to now!!!
And.... they kiss. Now. On the entryway to a plane, after WHO KNOWS HOW FUCKING LONG of teasing this bullshit. Also, HOW THE FUCK IS THE GORILLA AND A GROWN MAN STRUGGLING TO SEPARATE TWO FUCKING TEENAGERS!?!?
Now we are at the moment Chloe tries to tell Marinette the truth to hurt her, and it ends in Chloe crying alone on the plane when Marinette shuts her down by revealing she already knows (too late) and that she's fed up with Chloe's bullshit, despite having already said that in Season 1, and the entire thing ends on Lila trying to pry open the laptop she stole from Tomoe.
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5eraphim · 1 year
Engineer and the reader are both engineers, and basically like rivals. At one point, Engie starts to feel like the reader might actually be smarter or better than him, and this makes him feel terrible. What would he do?
Like, he's conflicted. She's caused a lot of damage to his ego and sense of self worth, but he also has feelings for her.
(Please I want power over him)
Character: The Engineer 🦦(Team Fortress 2)
Rating: T
Content Warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationship dynamics, possessiveness
Word Count:  1.8k
Master List
Song Inspo
(This was partially inspired by this other one-shot I made for Engie which can be found here. It’s not exactly a re-hash or a prequel, but they do fit quite nicely together.)
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Given how long he'd worked in this industry, Engie thought he'd seen it all, working harder than anyone to get where he was today, and he was proud of that. Sure he came from a long line of some of the best Engineers in the industry, and he loved his family more than anything, but he knew he didn't need their help to make it far as an engineer.
He was no stranger to newcomers coming hot out of the gate. The type of people who thought they were ready to revolutionize the field just because they were the new guy. Engie was always prepared to challenge this type, joyfully knocking them down a peg. Not in a cruel way, but more in a tough-love sense. Healthy competition could do wonders for motivation.
Needless to say, when he first met you, or even beforehand, he was just about positive you were the same type. Though, he was still ready to welcome you with traditional southern hospitality.
Imagine, in this scenario, he doesn't actually meet you for the first time face-to-face but hears about you after learning you'd been training under his own father. His father, the infamous recluse, hardly ever took on mentorships, let alone newcomers to the field, as the old man was well-known for keeping his secrets and tips of the trade firmly to himself.
Even before he met you, hearing that you mentored under his father only spurred his competitive side. When asking his father why he decided to start training now, he merely shrugged, claiming it was "just one of his last projects before settling into retirement, nothing special." Though this low-key explanation did little to quell his rising interest in you.
For almost all his life, Engie considered his father's work a family secret. What right did some stranger have to that information? While he wouldn't exactly call this feeling jealousy, it became more difficult to maintain his typical optimism to meet you in person. Caught between the feeling of obligation to warmly welcome a new friend of the family and holding you at a distance until you proved yourself able to keep up with the rest of the Conaghers.
When the two of you eventually met in person to work on a project, Engie expected he would need to hold your hand and carefully walk you through the process, as this was your first real job out of training. Regardless of who trained you, he didn't want you to feel intimidated and wanted to offer as much help as you needed. Engie might've even expected to do most of this work himself, which he certainly wouldn't complain about.
Though Engie found it harder and harder to remain kind and accommodating when you decided to not only forge ahead without consulting him first but were just about disregarding his advice altogether.
This sort of thing pissed him off, but he did his best to remind himself of how common this kind of behavior was. Rookies were constantly showing up to their first day on the job, acting as though they knew everything. You were nothing special. While it bothered him at the moment, Engie believed all he needed to do was be patient. All he had to do was give you time. Hotshots always cracked under pressure eventually, and it was only a matter of time before you got yours.
As much as he wanted to believe he could keep his composure, his indecisiveness continued to torment him. Usually, the more brazen and overconfident the newcomer, the more satisfying it was to watch them fall, but it wasn't so simple when it came to you. As much as he wanted to think of you as his rival and nothing more, another part of him wanted to befriend someone already in his family's good graces. It wasn't like you were trying to fight with him. You just preferred to follow your own method. Engie knew he didn't really have a valid reason to hate you, but he simply couldn't ignore the suspicion you weren't to be trusted.
Damn it, none of it made sense! Why was it so hard to be nice to you? This sort of thing almost always came so naturally to him! He hated working with you, feeling like you were constantly trying to one-up him, but for some reason, watching you work with others and all the attention they gave you pissed him off even more. Engie wishes you would just leave already, but he knows not even that would give him closure.
The anger he felt watching how friendly you were around the others only amplified his jealousy and guilt. His mental state only worsened watching others express interest in partnering up with such a promising worker. Watching others take his place was the only thing worse than working with you.
With you taking up so much of his attention, a near-constant distraction, he began making little blunders in his work. He knew he'd never make these careless mistakes if it weren't for you.
As much as he tried to bottle up these feelings and hostility, you knew how on edge he acted around you. It was impossible to tell if he liked you or hated you. As the son of your mentor, you likely felt a similar obligation to make a solid first impression with him as he did to you. But you couldn't ignore this unsettling behavior and began opting to work alone, hoping a little space would mellow him out. You also worried trying to have a friendly relationship outside of work would only further complicate things, so you mostly avoided him off the clock.
Not to say you were trying to "fight back" per se or anything. Still, the constant scrutiny you felt working around Engie seriously got under your skin, and you became less cooperative and efficient working with him. Of course, you studied hard under his father and weren't trying to show off, but you were no pushover and wanted to show how hard you worked to prepare for this job.
Engie couldn't take any more of this. He hated feeling so distracted around you and decided he ought to contact his father and learn more about you, and he wanted to know everything. Better to figure out this way than suffer in silence and let his insecurities get the best of him. He had a feeling in his gut, an unshakable intuition you weren't just another rookie, his father must've seen something special in you, and he wanted to know more.
Imagine how floored he would be to learn his father and you maintained correspondence.
"We still talk, you know. She said she likes you just fine but doesn't understand why you're so tense. You ought to lighten up, son. A woman like that is hard to find. You two could be good together, but not if you let her slip away. You're a smart one, boy, always have been. I trust you'll make the right decision."
Upstaging Engie at his own craft was one thing, but keeping contact with his sullen, stoic, practically cloistered father? Now that was the real accomplishment here.
Finally, he felt he had hope of ending the awful indecision once and for all! His father offered him a call to action, a suggestion to act on the possessiveness he harbored for you. Perhaps this was inevitable, and it was only a matter of time until his darker side won over, though he reckoned it was all the same now.
Engie never thought of himself as the possessive type before, but by God, did it feel good to act on this impulse. So he devised a plan to stage an accident. Nothing too dangerous, but enough to send a message. Just minor property damage, starting a fire where you were working on one of your latest machines. You wanted to work alone so bad, so be it. He hoped you were ready for that kind of accountability.
You were so stubborn about following your own method, so content to work apart from everyone else. It was easy to stage the fire at a location you worked alone to properly ensure no one would take the blame for the event but you.
After the fire was extinguished, no one was injured, but the damage was undeniable. You knew you would never recover from this. Even if you worked hard to befriend the other engineers, and even if they thought you were a good person, they could not overlook your comparative lack of experience now. As well as the evidence of your contraption at the crime scene. All the goodwill you built up for yourself was snuffed out in a matter of hours as you were labeled a liability and untrustworthy by the others.
As much as the betrayal hurt, you couldn't blame them. While you were sure you deactivated the machine before clocking out, the evidence spoke for itself. No way in a million years would you make a mistake so preventable as this! It didn't make any sense, but you were forced to accept your fate all the same as all the evidence was stacked against you.
None of this dismay came close to the despair felt upon realizing your only hope to cut it as an engineer now was to swallow your pride and beg Engie to take you back on as his partner. You planned to try and contact his father first, though. If Engie really hated you as much as you feared he did, you hoped having his father in your corner would be enough to convince him to go easy on you.
Even if you couldn't make sense of the event, you felt the shame all the same and didn't have the heart to look anyone in the eye the following day. This only intensifies your hopelessness. The man you'd been avoiding like the plague before now would take enough pity on you not to kick you out.
Your drive and ambition were just as diminished as your reputation. The excitement and creativity you'd always felt before tinkering away at the workshop simply wasn't there anymore. Now everything felt like a grim reminder of what once was- what happened, rather than what could be.
Whenever Engie micromanaged or insisted you follow his method, you complied, no longer having the fire and passion to fight back like you used to. Not when he invaded your personal space or kept you working late into the night, knowing you'd fall asleep and he'd take it upon himself to take care of you.
Work never felt as rewarding as it used to, now that you were forced to bend the knee and obey your new boss' direction. Fortunately, he was less tense around you now, or maybe you just stopped caring about how overly personal he acted around you. Socialization with others was practically nonexistent beyond the Conagher family. It felt all too expected when you were eventually consummated into the family.
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grimalkinmessor · 8 months
How do you feel about hanahaki AUs? either for lawlight or meronia.
I'm a complete SUCKER for almost any type of AU because I have constant "What If" brain, but Hanahaki is one that I adore in a very special way :3
I'm someone who very much enjoys one-sided attraction—REAL one-sided attraction, not misunderstandings and poor communication dolled up as it—so Hanahaki has a very special place in my heart 💕 I love the angst and heartbreak and grayed lines or morality it presents: if you know someone is in love with you and is dying because you don't love them back, does that make you responsible for their death? Are you morally obligated to try your hardest to fall in love with this person to save their life? Is the person who loves you morally obligated to keep it to themselves, so as to not burden you with the choice? Should they suffer in silence just so you can have peace of mind?
OH and the drama potential of removing the flowers removing memories?? I love that shit. Imagine going about your day and all of a sudden someone you're close to has no memory of you. Imagine becoming half of the person you were because you removed all your memories of someone you've grown up with since childhood.
Imagine going through all that just to fall in love with them again :) And getting Hanahaki again :)
Plus,,,,the flower symbolism?? Top tier shit on God. I love flower symbolism, I have a whole chart for it in my google docs like—if there's ever a flower in my fics or art there's meaning to it. I love the subtlety of it 💖
As for Hanahaki in relation to Lawlight and Meronia...I have several fics bookmarked, is all I'm gonna tell you. My preferred people to catch it are Near and Light :) Just because I see Light as a creature of eternal self-denial and Near as a creature of eternal quiet desperation.
Light would rip the roots out, again and again, without hesitation, only to find them growing back in the grooves of the ones that came before. He would never give into it and he would never be able to get rid of it completely. The fun part here is whether or not L would notice.
Near would nurse it quietly. He'd find it beautiful, proof of his own humanity, and he'd either attempt to persuade Mello to love him to the point that it drives them both mad or he'd die quietly without ever speaking a word of it to anyone. It's a fifty-fifty toss up with him. He wouldn't even consider getting rid of it an option.
BUT if I take the alternate route with Mello and L: I think Mello would go through the fifty stages of grief fairly rapidly. It's a huge toss up here whether he'd get it removed or not, because honestly Mello would agonize over it himself for a long time. Because on one hand; good. Get rid of the little shit, Mello doesn't want to have feelings for Near, and the option to control that heavy burden he carries around in him in relation to Near would look like an intoxicating sort of freedom to him. On the other hand; he grew up with Near. Near is a part of who Mello is at this point, a huge part. If he loses Near then he not only loses everything he's ever fought for, he loses why he even fought for it in the first place. Would the freedom from Near be worth the risk of not being himself anymore?
As for L...well, he's very much not a creature of self-denial. He's a creature of hedonism. Oh, he'd be pissed and sulky about it for a bit, but he compartmentalizes fairly quickly—he'd move on to one of two things. One, planning to end the Kira case before the Hanahaki kills him, and getting it removed afterward, but having to deal with it until he proves that Light is Kira. Or Two, making Light fall in love with him. Through any means necessary. He wouldn't get it removed before the case closed, however, because he'd see losing his memories of Light to be too much of a gamble in the end—in love or not, L is here to win. Again, by force if needed 💗
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Undiscovered, Underground
A/n: this was supposed to be a short thoughts post, now it's fic length so enjoy lol. A special thank you to @sovaghoul for fueling my thoughts about Delta.
TW: brief discussions of death, brief allusion to animal death (none depicted), excessive prayer, vague descriptions of an infirmary stay
Word Count: 2,075
Thinking about Delta returning from his transition and they can tell something's not entirely right about him, but the ghouls still love him and care for him all the same. Until he starts saying things that are a bit... off. At first they chalked it up to the after affects of going through such a drastic change, a shift in magick types that would scramble anyone's brain.
Until his strangeness continues, the ghoul effectively isolating himself from his loved ones simply by saying what he sees in the stars. What he feels in the streams. What the tea leaves at the bottom of his mug spell out. His pack had abandoned him, the ghoul becoming a shut in, a recluse. All until one of the earth ghouls returns from town with that year's Farmer's Almanac, proving everything he said to be true, albeit still strange.
It's the way the now quintessence ghoul seems to stare through them as they apologize. Even though his pack feels guilt for their actions, they do not embrace him how they used to when he was water. Their touch runs cold, even Alpha's hands are hesitant when they find his shoulder, the grip weak.
Only Pebble looks on at the changed ghoul with a reverence, the same love behind his eyes that used to be mirrored by the ghoul. His calloused palm resting atop Delta's hand, the quintessence ghoul's claws curled around the skull of a jackdaw. He knew Pebble was the ghoul who brought the Almanac back from town, the one who tried to clear Delta's name. Yet he withdraws his hand from Pebble's grip, watching as the light fades from the earth ghoul's eyes.
"Delta, you have to trust me. I know none of us have given you a reason to do so, but please." Pebble sighed before rising from his position across the table, "I'm going into the garden, you can find me if you want. But you're not obligated to."
Delta sat alone in the kitchen, his pack had left him once again. The ghouls had scattered like animals at the sense of an impending landslide. The air hung heavy in the den, tainted by the ghoul's new strange aura. It wasn't his fault that he had come back wrong. He had no control of what horrors he had seen throughout his transition. Returning from death is apt to make anyone the slightest bit crazy, but they didn't understand it. Maybe Alpha did, the pitying hand laid weakly on his shoulder. But even then, their pity and guilt wasn't enough. He wanted remorse, a sign that they still had a shred of love for their family member.
Pebble figured his offer, like everything else he felt for the ghoul was a lost cause. The earth ghoul was knelt down in the mud of the strawberry patch, fussing over the slow ripening fruits. There was no rhyme or reason to his actions, just an effort to keep his hands busy and his mind off the loss of his companion. That was until he felt a presence, a strong rush of quintessence the ghoul was still learning to control. The earth ghoul kept his eyes down, examining the leaves of a worsening plant and attempting to make a mental note to consult his mentor about it in the morning. The sun was too high to change the care routine now.
"The winter was too dry, berries will fail this year" Delta spoke softly, almost hoping that Pebble's hearing aids didn't catch the frequency at which he spoke. The ghoul feebly searching for an excuse to leave until the small earth ghoul's eyes met his.
"I told Gamma it was foolish to plant, but he insisted. At least the birds and the bugs will get a treat, we might be living off the stash of canned fruits from last season" Pebble spoke, the soft emerald green eyes searching the other ghoul's face. There it was. That spark, a glimmer of the ghoul who once was. Trust. Compassion. Hope. It was all still there, under the swirling surface of stardust and horrors, water was still there. Rushing below the surface, like an underground river that was previously unknown to mankind.
The quintessence ghoul watched his companion, his demeanor slowly softening and allowing the earth ghoul in. "I'm sorry, I know I've said some off-putting things. Made myself untrustworthy, a pariah. I never intend to say them, it just rushes out of me" he tries to explain, feeling those emerald eyes boring into his soul.
"I understand, you've seen things that none of us are still yet to comprehend. Things that would drive any one a little nuts to know, but you had no right to shut me out" Pebble sighed, turning back towards the dirt as a caterpillar began to cross over his hand. The earth ghoul rose slowly, taking the caterpillar towards the stalks of milkweed that grew wild along the side of the planters shed.
Delta didn't say anything, he didn't follow, he didn't attempt to beg for forgiveness. Why would Pebble forgive him? When he was rejected despite spending his every waking moment defending the quintessence ghoul, clinging to imagery of the water he once loved effortlessly. He was at a loss, no one had told him that this would happen when he faced his transition between elements. Maybe no one knew of the effects, a transition to quintessence had never been successfully completed before Delta.
"Pebble, I..." The quintessence ghoul started and then stopped, his words failing him "Why do you still care?"
The earth ghoul stood over him once again, his body language defensive and fearful. It was foolish to show fear in the face of such an unpredictable ghoul, especially when the part of himself that was clinging onto the hope he would find himself again was rapidly waning like the moon. Like the tide receding far into the ocean before a tsunami.
"Maybe you should go play in the creek bed or whatever it is you do now. If you don't find the answer there then I can't help you."
The voice that came out of him was foreign, lacking the adoration and tact that the earth ghoul typically spoke to his pack with. The words dripping in a venom reserved only for those who have committed acts of harm too great to forgive. His voice shook, the weight of the words too great for such a small ghoul to bear.
Delta found himself alone for the third time that day, watching the last vestiges of his home walk down the hillside towards the chapel. A part of him knew that Pebble had a point, that if he couldn't find the answer then he was hopeless. The venom that soaked his words hung in the quintessence ghoul's system, like a neurotoxin laced spear driven into his abdomen. Even when hurt, when terrified and broken, the earth ghoul still showed others a mercy they didn't deserve. Delta sat on the hillside until the earth ghoul was nothing but a speck, yet he could still feel the emotions afflicting the ghoul through their bond. Something he regrets not having broken before the ceremony.
It was sunset by the time he reached the creek bed, finding it had dried from the weeks they've gone without rain. Yet the quintessence ghoul found himself kneeling amongst the jagged stones, the pain radiating through his joints was well deserved. The ghoul knelt in prayer for hours, the feeling his lower extremities faded into a dull ache before giving way to total numbness.
His gesticulations never faltered through the sensations, believing he was deserving of the pain and more. If only he had declined the transition. If only he had backed out of the ceremony. Then his pack would still be there, they would still love him. It wasn't until the moon reached it's peak in the night sky when he stopped praying, exhaustion curling it's dark fingers around the ghouls mind.
He crawled weakly from the creek bed, finding cramped shelter under a collection of bushes. Comfort was not something the ghoul deserved, a menace like him should not feel safety or satisfaction knowing what he has done. A dreamless sleep rapidly took over the ghoul, keeping him under the brush for a few days.
Delta only awoke when familiar voices cut through the sleep that had engulfed his weakened form. He wanted to bury himself further into the bushes, but two of the voices wouldn't allow him to do so. Slowly pulling the ghoul from the bush, lifting his weak, hunger addled body from the ground. He didn't feel the touch of the third voice until they had lain him on an infirmary cot, the antiseptic scent awakening his senses like a jolt of electricity.
The third voice stayed by his bedside for an unknown amount of time, it could've been a few days or even weeks. Delta knew nothing of the time that passed, delirium and fear gripping his body and soul like a vice. Yet that presence was always next to him, the soft scent of honeysuckle, the calloused hand that held onto his in a death grip, the gentle pressure of a cool damp towel across his brow. The tears spilled, the voice going from watery when pleading for something to be done for the quintessence ghoul, to hoarse from the choked sobs that left it. Soft, loving eyes that caressed the quintessence ghoul when hands could not.
When the fever broke, the delirium began to fade. Once again Delta had passed through the shadow of death and survived, albeit this time he was not concerned if he would come out of it to tell the tale. It was then when he learned that the presence alongside him was Pebble, that he had organized the search party for him. That he spent those nights in the chapel, sleeping in the pews only when the exhaustion was too overwhelming to continue his pleas to the Dark Lord for Delta's safety.
"Why did you stay all this time?" Delta asked softly, his voice gravely and rough from the days spent screaming himself mute.
He felt Pebble's fingers gently pry open his clenched fist, before he felt an all too familiar sign pressed into his palm. I love you. It was repeated over and over until Delta closed his hand around Pebble's, holding onto the earth ghoul tighter than he ever had before.
"That's my one flaw on this Earth, that I will stay. No matter how much pain it will cause for me, because I love you and I refuse to let you break that bond" Pebble spoke, voice quivering with emotion as tears threatened to spill over yet again.
Delta knew he was right, that was the reason he found when he was knelt in the creek bed, crying out for answers. The pain he had felt in those hours and in the weeks in the infirmary were nothing compared to the aching chasm he had left in the earth ghoul's chest. The chasm widening each day he forced the only one who cared away.
"You can't bear all of this alone Delta, you've got to let us help" he said, tears spilling from the emerald eyes that never left his.
"I don't want to be a burden, I've already driven you all away. Why would anyone help now?" Delta spoke coarsely, tears brimming in his own eyes.
Pebble drew in a shuddering sigh before speaking, a hand coming up to card through the few untangled strands of silver hair on Delta's head. "You're not a burden, not to me. Not to us. We always wanted to help, but you didn't allow anyone the grace to face the horrors with you"
Delta's eyes shifted from the earth ghoul's face, forcing the tears down. Attempting to swallow down the pain he felt, the fear that constantly grips his mind. "I don't deserve that, I was barely strong enough to survive the ceremony. Why would anyone care to be saddled with the weight of my mind?"
"It's simple, the same reason I'll come back each time. We love you, truly, we still do despite it all" Pebble cupped his face in his hands, as if pleading him wordlessly to look into his eyes "because I love you. And I dont want you to ever forget that"
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chaoscheebs · 7 months
It's Midnight, Cinderella, chapter 1
In which Seto Kaiba meets a mystery man at a masquerade and things just click, but who could this man be...
(Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Fic Tag)
Sometimes, being a CEO sucked.
Once again, Seto Kaiba had to fulfill some inane obligation to attend a gathering of people who he either found intolerable, were seeking to use him to gain a step up in life, or worse, both. The worst part of it was this was supposed to be a masquerade, but no one seemed to bother putting in the effort to at least play up the one fun part of the concept and were largely in generic formal wear except for him. Pathetic.
Or he was alone in caring about style, until he spotted him. Soft blond curls falling softly to just above his shoulders. A carefully-tied cravat around his neck, ruffles adorning the bottom of his sleeves, shining buckles on his shoes, looking like he was a prince who walked out of some fairy tale. And judging from his frown and the way he looked around the venue, he was every bit as disappointed no one else was pushing style boundaries as Seto was.
Seto was hardly a social butterfly, but this man looked at least less insufferable than the rest of the people there, so he decided to walk over and strike up a conversation. If it turned out this man was just as dull as the rest, he was perfectly capable of walking away, after all.
Or he was going to strike up a conversation, but the man in question spoke first. The man looked him over, then smiled. “Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who took this seriously. I was thinking about going home to change…” His voice was soft, but deeper than he expected for a man his size. It almost reminded him of…
Never mind what it reminded Seto of. The past was in the past, and he needed to remember that more often. “Hmph, don’t let others dictate what you do, especially when it’s clear you’re the one in the right. It’s them who wouldn’t know style if Special Summoned a monster right in their faces.”
The man laughed. “So you play Duel Monsters too? Glad to see I’m not alone there either.”
Seto faintly smiled. Well, now, this is shaping up better than expected. “Oh, really? Are you in the competitive scene?”
“Mm, sort of?” the man said, tapping a finger to his chin and tilting his head slightly to one side. “There’s someone who’s… I want to call him a ‘rival’, but is it really a rivalry if the other person never acknowledges you? Anyway, I’m looking to defeat him and prove myself to him.” He laughs weakly. “Kind of pathetic, don’t you think?”
“Only if you think of yourself as such,” Seto replied, frowning. “You’ll never defeat him if you have no confidence.”
The man laughed again. “Oh, I have plenty of confidence in my gaming skills! It’s just everything else that’s the problem.”
“Even that can have an impact,” Seto told him. “Walk tall like you mean business, even if you have to fake it. It’ll come naturally with practice.”
“Talking from experience?” the man asked with a smirk.
Seto took a half-step turn away from him, crossing his arms and scowling. “Do I look like the kind of man who needs to practice that?”
“With a reaction like that, yes,” the man said, stepping out so he was in front of Seto. “It’s kind of cute, though, in a tsundere sort of way~”
“‘C-cute’?! ‘Tsundere?!?’ What—?!” Seto sputtered indignantly. On what planet was he, Seto Kaiba, cute?!
“Extremely cute~” the man teased, raising himself on tip-toes to get closer to Seto’s face. “Adorable, even~” Seto turned his head with a “hmph”; a clear signal for the man to stop teasing him. “All right, all right, I’ll lay off now. Even if you are cute~”
“Anyway,” Seto interrupted forcefully, “what brings you here tonight? I don’t recall seeing you attending one of these things before.”
The man rubbed under his nose, suddenly feeling bashful. “Ahahaha… A friend of mine, who runs a small indie game company that’s been trying to break into the mainstream recently got an invite, and he sort of dragged me along, saying I need to ‘make more connections’ in the industry.” He looked around, frowned, then sighed as he gestured to a man with long, dark hair pulled back into a high ponytail, who was currently flanked by several women. “Unfortunately, he immediately decided to go flirt with girls instead of helping me with that.”
Seto smirked at the man’s dismay. “You know women can work in the gaming industry too, you know.”
The man rolled his eyes, or at least Seto presumed so, judging by the displeased tilt of the man’s head. “Well, yeah, of course, but I also know how he works. There is almost zero chance they’re talking about Dungeon Dice Monsters, believe me.” He shook his head and muttered, “And he knows I’m not the best at this kind of thing either…”
“You seem to be doing all right with me.”
The man heaved a sigh. “That’s different, you came up to me first. I never know where to start and how not to sound like a game-obsessed weirdo to people. It’d be one thing if this was a convention, but this is…”
“Full of stuffy executives who wouldn’t know a fun game if it noclipped through them and ragdolled in front of them?” Seto suggested.
The man smiled. “You. You get it.”
“I’d like to think so,” Seto said, smirking, “but I am more hands-on than most people in my position. Maybe if things had been different…” He trailed off abruptly. What was he thinking, he had just met this man and he almost started telling him his life story.
“Oh? ‘If things had been different’?” the man asked. The mask had some sort of tinted lenses obscuring his eyes, but somehow Seto could feel the concern in them coming through the lenses anyway.
“… it’s nothing. We’ll just say I’m fond of tinkering and leave it at that.”
The man frowned and started to reach out a hand, but thought better of it and let it drop. “… OK. If you’re not comfortable talking about… whatever it is… then I’m not going to pry.”
“Thank you.” Seto’s eyes briefly darted away, then returned their focus to the man. “I… appreciate the concern, however,” he muttered, almost too quiet to hear over the background chatter all around them. “Anyway. Duel Monsters,” Seto ever-so-smoothly changed the subject to, “What kind of deck do you use?”
“A control deck,” the man answered, “I like seeing how I can make weak monsters actually viable, y’know? It’s a fun challenge.”
Seto raised an eyebrow, not that is was noticeable behind his own mask. “Really? I know someone else who uses one, and he’s regarded as a formidable opponent.”
“Ahahahaha, you don’t say…” the man said, looking away as he absently tried fixing some imaginary flyaway lock of hair.
“He wouldn’t happen to be your would-be rival, would he?” Seto asked. “If so, you have an uphill battle ahead of you. For all the… difficulties between us, I would be lying if I thought just anyone could take him in a duel.”
The man, suddenly looking startled, waved his hands in front of him. “Oh, no, no, no! The man I’m after uses a beatdown deck and has this thing for dragon cards in particular! I’m not—I really couldn’t—!”
“Dragons, hm? Sounds like a man with taste,” Seto said approvingly.
The man’s eyes (Seto presumes) traced over the Blue-Eyes White Dragon embroidery adorning Seto’s suit, the head of the dragon resting over his shoulder. Pointing at the dragon’s head, the man says, “You’re a fan of dragons too, huh? Wouldn’tve guessed~”
Seto smirked. “You haven’t seen the best part of this yet, either.” He glanced around him, mentally calculating if he had enough space for what he was about to do, then reached into his jacket and flipped a hidden switch. White dragon wing materialized behind him, flapping gently for a moment before wrapping around him like a cape.
The man’s jaw dropped, then raised his hands just below chin-level, curled into fists. “That. Is so. COOL! Oh my gosh, that had to take a lot of effort to get right, especially with the energy consumption! I mean, whatever’s activating that has to be smaller than the compartment in a duel disk that contains the battery, right?!?”
“Correct,” Seto affirmed. “Unfortunately, that means there’s an issue with battery life that needs to be worked out still. This was only a side project I did for fun, after all.”
“’For fun,’” the man repeated. “Haaaa, I’d say that’s a weird idea of fun, but I’ve literally forced myself to learn coding and game engines so I could join month-long game jams, so I shouldn’t judge.”
“Really? What kind of games do you make?”
“Horror ones, mostly,” the man said. “At least in my indie work, anyway. I like trying different styles of game in the genre.” A thought struck him, then he quickly fished a card holder out of his pocket and pulled out a card to hand to Seto. “Here, in case you wanna check them out later.”
Seto accepted the card, nodded, and tucked it into a pocket without looking too closely at it; something he would later regret. “I’ll look into them, then.” The holographic wings flickered, causing him to sigh. “And that would be the battery life issue…” he grumbled, reaching into his jacket again and flipping off the switch.
“Ahaha, you at least got it working! That can be half the battle in itself,” the man said.
“True,” Seto admitted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Still, there’s room for improvement, and one way or another, I will get this so it can stay on for a full night, damn it.”
The man smirked at him. “You’re the stubborn type, huh? How cute~”
Seto rolled his eyes, scowling but feeling faint heat building his his cheeks and ears. “There you go with the ‘cute’ nonsense again.”
The smirk became a wide grin, and somehow, Seto couldn’t bring himself to deny it was, dare he say, ‘cute’? “Sorry, sorry,” the man said, without even the faintest hint of remorse. “There’s just something about you that make me want to tease you a little~”
“You’re nothing if not bold,” Seto replied, very pointedly not meeting the man’s gaze. “Most people wouldn’t dream of attempting that.”
The man shrugged. “I spent all of high school trying to hide,”—he muttered the next part bitterly—”and apparently failing at it—” he then resumed his normal volume, “that I was bi; I vowed nothing was gonna shove me back in the closet now~”
Seto’s mask may have hidden part of the now-deepening blush, but he just knew his ears were giving it away. Damn it. “I… see. So you really think…”
“That you’re cute? Absolutely~” the man said, looking infuriatingly smug as he stood on tip-toes to close more of the height distance between them. “It’s not every day you find someone smart enough and passionate enough about his hobbies to make holographic wings for himself and who’s also charmingly dorky on top of it~”
“First I’m ‘cute’, now I’m ‘dorky’?”
“The dorkiness is part of the cuteness!” the man insisted, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. Mask or no mask, it was clear he was enjoying himself and it infuriated Seto that he wasn’t infuriated by it.
“Ugh, why are you charming?” Seto grumbled to himself, earning a cute squeak from the man.
“Y-you think I’m charming?!” he said, his previous teasing bravado fleeing in a heartbeat.
Looks like he can dish it out but can’t take it, Seto smugly thought. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t still be standing here. I don’t tolerate wastes of time.”
The man looked at the floor, shyly rubbing his arm. “Ahahaha, I guess you wouldn’t, huh…?”
Some small part of Seto recognized this as somehow familiar, but that thought was shoved aside in favor of enjoying watching the man squirm. “Anyway, do you happen to have your deck on you? I want to see what you’ve got.”
The man frowned, then shook his head. “Unfortunately, I left that at home. Apparently most people frown on dueling during formal events?” he said, like this had either happened before or he had been scolded before he had a chance to try. Probably both, Seto thought; this man looks like the stubborn type.
“Sounds like it’s a ‘them’ problem and not yours,” Seto said before pulling out his phone and unlocking it. “How fast could you assemble a functional deck if you were provided cards?”
The man looked up and tapped his lips in thought. “Only functional? Probably not that long. It wouldn’t be that good, tho’. A good deck needs time and care.”
“True,” Seto agreed, tapping out a message on his phone. “I suppose in the interest of fairness, I’ll be making one up on the fly as well. It’s no fun crushing an unprepared opponent with the big guns.”
“Yeah, it’d only—what?” the man said, abruptly changing gears when the penny dropped. “Are you seriously—?!”
He didn’t need to finish the question; as if on cue a man appeared, carrying a large and very familiar briefcase. Satisfied, Seto tucked his phone back in his pocket and started to walk away in the courier’s direction. “I am. Come along now, time’s wasting.”
The man stared at him for a moment, laughed softly as he shook his head, almost as if he was used to this sort of thing, then went to follow Seto.
“Haaaa…” The man made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sigh as he set down his hand of cards. “Told you it wouldn’t be a good deck.”
Gathering his cards up, Seto replied, “True, but it put up a better showing than expected. You might have a chance against your mystery rival.” They had long since moved to a private room at the hotel the event was held in, because apparently it was considered rude to play cards during a non-card game event. And they dare call themselves professionals in the gaming industry; pathetic. Maybe if they would actually play a game every so often they could come up with something interesting.
“You really think so?” the man asked, doing the same after adjusting his mask. He seemed anxious about removing it, so Seto let it go and thus there it still sat upon his face.
Seto gets it. He doesn’t always want to be himself either, so he left his own mask on in some weird sense of solidarity. “I do. It takes a significant amount of skill in of itself to make a functioning deck in such a short time frame, let alone one that could actually give me pause.”
The man’s lips curved up into a smile—a genuine one, not a teasing one this time—and Seto found himself wanting to see more of it in the future. “That really means a lot to me; thank you.” The man then set his cards aside, stretched across the table, a hand on the table for stability and the other on Seto’s shoulder, and kissed Seto on the cheek.
The man lingered for a moment, and that’s all it took. Maybe the rush of winning got to Seto, or maybe the man’s teasing flirtations finally won him over, or maybe the man was just that damned attractive, but Seto found himself reaching out and pulling the man into a proper kiss on the lips, earning him a cute squeak of surprise from the man.
The surprise faded quickly, however, as that hand on Seto’s shoulder curled itself into a fist, clutching Seto’s jacket tightly, unwilling to let go. One kiss became two kisses, two become more, until the man climbed over the table and onto Seto’s lap.
Well. At least Seto knew where the man stood on continuing on. One hand buried itself in those soft blond curls, the other rested on the man’s back, slowly sliding downward until it found the soft curve of his ass and squeezed.
For having such a dull start, this was turning out to be a good night.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Seeing your last post about Levi and ships, I totally think Yams made Levi's character dirty with the vow haha. I think this is one of Levi's curses.
Reading other people's opinions in that post made me think of something, but with your last post...I couldn't say it any better.
I definitely think there's a difference between making a vow to someone and making a vow for someone. Erwin and the new recruits basically give their life so Levi could complete the mission, giving him a chance to kill the beast titan. Levi acknowledges their sacrifice and he even says sorry to them.
At Erwin's last moments, I think Levi understood the weight Erwin's dream had in him...at that moment, Erwin's dream was something that was corrupting him, so Levi let him rest. For me, the reason he still recalled the goal to kill the monkey is because, if there was a part of Erwin still listening, Erwin could rest thinking his death wasn't in vain. Just like Levi told the recruit he would exterminate all the titans, Levi wanted Erwin to feel at peace.
Also, I've always felt that Levi wanting to kill Zeke has different meanings along the story. First, Zeke was annihilating the SC, later Zeke turned Levi's squad into titans forcing Levi to kill them, and lastly, according to Hange's theories, killing Zeke meant to stop the rumbling. You can love him or hate him, but Zeke was a huge asshole throughout the story, especially to Levi, so I don't think the resentment Levi holds to him is because of only one person. That's why I don't buy the whole Levi is oBsEssEd with killing Zeke, because Levi had multiple chances to kill him if he wanted, and the only time we actually see him aiming at that is when Zeke turns out to be a nuisance.
I'm sorry for the rant, I also have two brain cells and they don't work that well, so I'm not even sure I made my point clear. Anyways, everyone be happy and stream Bauklotze.
Haha, no worries, I understood all your points perfectly.
Indeed, lets say there are multiple benefits to killing Zeke. And certainly, Levi was never obsessed or even primarily driven by wanting to kill Zeke. As you pointed out, as I've done several times as well, Levi had numerous chances to kill Zeke, and he purposefully held back because he knew it wouldn't, at the time, be beneficial to the majority to do so. That's a loud and clear indication that Levi wasn't "blinded by revenge" or whatever nonsense haters want to spew.
And yes, Levi making his vow specifically to Erwin doesn't at all equate to him making the vow for Erwin. Erwin was Levi's commanding officer. Levi took orders from him. So, naturally, he would make the vow to fulfill his commanding officer's final order to said commanding officer. Levi's criticism of himself for not being able to fulfill Erwin's final order has less to do with Levi having some sort of special relationship with Erwin or being especially beholden TO Erwin, and more to do with Levi's duty AS a soldier. He chastises himself over failing to complete the final task set to him by Erwin, because up to that point he's always been a good soldier, able to do his duty without issue, to follow orders and commands dutifully and with precision. He's frustrated by his bungling the effort to kill Zeke on more than one occasion. He doesn't understand why he keeps messing it up. Levi isn't used to that. Again, this has nothing to do with Levi's relationship with Erwin, and everything to do with Levi's feelings of obligation to use his strength to help others, to be an effective and useful soldier in the cause. He says "I've never bungled one of his orders... Not even once... And yet, for some reason, his final order is the one that I just can't..." This is Levi taking himself to task for failing to follow his commanding officer's final dictate to him. That's all it is. It isn't proof that Levi wanted to fulfill the vow for Erwin and Erwin alone. I think the pages and panels I posted more than prove that Levi wanted to fulfill the vow for ALL his fallen comrades that day, even if the vow was made to one, single officer in Erwin. Again, Erwin was Levi's commander. Who else was he going to receive his orders from? Who else was he going to make the promise to?
And certainly, Levi wanting to kill Zeke was in part a manifestation of his desire to see, not only Erwin rest, but all of the soldiers who died that day rest as well. Levi's whole drive to fight is predicated on his desire to honor the lives of others and to ensure that their lives weren't wasted, or given up in vain. As you said, Zeke was a major asshole throughout the story, and especially to Levi. There were multiple reasons for why Levi hated Zeke, all of them justified. But again, it wasn't revenge Levi sought (though he would have been justified in doing so), but rather closure for his fallen comrades. He didn't want their sacrifices to have been for nothing.
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