#other room while the main room is still in chaos. lol
mildmayfoxe · 10 months
my coworker & i who are both imminently quitting were like “what if we just walk out”
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors playing Overcooked with the farmer
I played overcooked with my brother today and it gave me this idea. It’s a bit niche but who cares? I don’t ✨
-will scream the entire time
-starts off chill, grows more and more stressed the longer you play
-has no fucking plan whatsoever, don’t even try to explain a plan to him
-just go with the flow with him… it is all chaos anyway
-overall not the best at the game, but he is the most fun to play with out of all 6 bachelors
-he is the opposite of Sam…maybe not entirely
-so he’s really strategic
-will scream the entire time as well (don’t take it personally, he’s s just very passionate about it)
-he’s the grumpy dark cat lol
-loves the very hard levels with the changing kitchens because then he can plan out how you go about it entirely. As I said, he’s a very passionate gamer
-you’ll play the levels over and over again till you have 3 stars…so buckle up 😼
-the last time he played any video game was when he was a child and had a Nintendo 64 🤷🏼‍♀️
-sooo,,,he’s really not good 😭
-he is a well-tempered person, but OH BROTHER
-run for the hills when he loses at video games
-such a sore loser, he’s so eager to beat the levels but he isn’t that good at coordinating his character which puts him in a very rarely-seen temper tantrum
-“WHAT THE?! I DID THE THING SO WHY ISN’T HE DOING WHAT I WANT FOR FUCK’S SAKE !?” (He never says ‘fuck’, so it means he is MAD ANGRY)
-he’s the squirrel with the nice moustache…you know why 😘
-he’s not really the gamer type, soooo he has no clue what he’s doing
-but surprisingly, he is not too bad
-in fact, he gets the hang of it really fast for a guy who never plays video games
-not related to the game, but he loves it when you sit in his lap while playing 🥰 he likes having you close
-since there isn’t one character that really looks like him, he’s taking the narwhal or some other sea creature,,, he just thinks they are neat 🤷🏼‍♀️
-will be so proud of you when you manage to beat a level with 3 stars
-“we make such a great team, right y/n? 😄”
-old-school gamer, baby
-like Harvey, he started his gaming career with Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis, but he never stopped and it became one of his main hobbies
-is a sore loser as well, so he’ll complain about fucking up…A LOT
-stress snacker. If you have snacks on the table, he’ll grab in the bowl and eat them all while you’re playing
-when you win a level, he’ll be way too enthusiastic…I’m talking giving you an aggressive kiss on either the lips or cheeks and being like “WOOOOHOOO WE FUCKING RULE THIS BITCH”
-plays as either the eagle or the calico cat. If there was a chicken, he’d be that lol
-he’s one of the younger bachelors, but video games? It’s not his forté
-he was the kind of kid to play outside, he was rarely in his room doing something…so he isn’t that good 😅
-he is like your grandma who just got her first smartphone
-he doesn’t really get anything and is really just bumming about, so you carry the both of you to at least 2 stars
-he’s very competitive though; so he’ll still try to be good for you (and his ego)
-he sucks ASS sorry baby boy 😭🥹
-his favourite character is the guy with sunglasses 😎 because he looks like him
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virgoilluminati · 9 months
World Class
next chapter
Chapter 4.
Previous chapter
A/N: hey guys! It's been a while, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in AGES but I started Uni! And its honestly just one of the weirdest experiences of my life. This is the next chapter of this world class series, honestly dk when this will be finished or when the next chapter will be but enjoy :)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: y/n being main character lmao (the angst is so extra and unnecessary but i wanted to make this story so extra). Jude Bellingham being a cutie pa tootie and swearing lol. 💕
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Liked by y/nmorrison, maryearps, lucybronze and 200,000 others
leahwilliamson we won the fifa match
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keirawalsh you may have won the battle but i will win the war 💥💥
leahwilliamson Leah 1, Keira 0. Easy peasy!
y/nmorrison @leahwilliamson I have now officially had a coffee overdose thanks to you two.
The soft morning light struggled to pierce through the curtains, and there you were, dragged into an unexpected adventure. Leah, the early morning dynamo and the team's captain, had leaped onto your bed with the grace of a ninja sloth.
"Rise and shine, superstar!" Leah declared, bouncing on your bed like it was a trampoline.
You, still half-asleep, attempted to process the bizarre situation. "Leah, what on earth are you doing?"
But Leah was on a mission, grabbing your wrist and dragging you downstairs like a determined detective chasing a criminal. Downstairs, in the living room, she pointed to the TV with the seriousness of an FBI agent about to crack a case.
"The TV."
You blinked, slowly realizing the gravity of the situation. "Leah, it's just a TV."
"No! It's FIFA!" Leah protested with the conviction of a conspiracy theorist. "I've been trying to beat Keira since the dawn of time, but she always wins. The only way I can beat her is by practicing."
You, still in your pajamas and jet-lagged from a recent trip to Spain, sighed. "When's your next game?"
"Today at 8 AM," Leah replied, her eyes gleaming with determination.
"So, let me get this straight," you said, trying to wrap your head around it all. "You woke me up at the crack of dawn to help you practice FIFA so you can defeat Keira at 8 AM?"
Leah nodded vigorously. "Exactly!"
You rubbed your eyes and reached for the coffee maker. "Alright, alright. But first, coffee. Lots and lots of coffee."
As you all gathered around the TV, your FIFA boot camp began. Mary joined in at 6 AM, bewildered by the early morning antics. "Leah, Y/N, what are you—"
But one glance at the TV, and she got it. "You've been sucked into the Keira vs. Leah saga, haven't you?" she asked, shaking her head.
You, already on your second cup of coffee, groaned and begged Mary to show you how to take a penalty kick, realizing that this absurd adventure had no end in sight.
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing the towering figure of Bronze, the star defender. She surveyed the scene with an arched eyebrow and a bemused smile.
"What on earth is happening here?" Bronze asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and amusement.
Leah, still fervently determined to achieve FIFA greatness, answered before you could. "We're gearing up for the ultimate showdown with Keira. It's a matter of life and death, you know!"
Bronze chuckled, crossing her arms. "Alright, let me show you kids some of my international soccer wizardry." With that, she grabbed the controller from your hand and began demonstrating advanced maneuvers, earning impressed nods from the rest of you.
The living room had transformed into a battleground of FIFA enthusiasts, with tips and tricks flying faster than a Messi free-kick. The clock ticked on, the sun climbed higher, and the smell of coffee became a permanent fixture in the room.
Just when you thought your day couldn't get any stranger, the door creaked open again, and in strolled Daly. She eyed the chaos with a raised eyebrow, her imposing presence making the room feel smaller.
"What's all this commotion?" Daly asked, her deep voice cutting through the virtual crowd.
Leah, still on her mission to recruit everyone for the Keira vs. Leah face-off, eagerly explained. "It's Keira vs. Leah, Daly. I need to outmatch her at FIFA, and we're in intense training mode."
Daly considered this for a moment, then grinned. "Count me in. Let's give Keira a run for her virtual money."
With Daly on your side, your team was complete. The living room had evolved into a makeshift soccer arena, where tactics and skills were honed with determination. As the sun reached its zenith, you were more resolved than ever to dethrone Keira from her FIFA throne.
Keira, little did she know, was about to face a united front. A team of fierce competitors, armed with newfound FIFA skills, and fueled by caffeine and sheer determination, was poised to take her on in the virtual soccer showdown of the century. The saga had become a sideshow in itself, and it was only a matter of time before the epic showdown unfolded on the pixelated pitch.
The living room had been transformed into a battlefield of pixelated glory as Leah and Keira prepared to face off in the ultimate FIFA showdown. Each was seated on one end of the sofa, clutching their controllers like they were the keys to victory. On either side of the room, their respective teams had gathered, divided into passionate discussions of strategy.
Keira's dream team consisted of Millie, Chloe, Alessia, and Ella, all known for their formidable FIFA skills. The tension in the room was palpable as the match commenced.
Leah, her eyes fixed on the screen, whispered to herself with determination, "I've trained for this moment. It's time to show Keira what I'm made of."
Keira, on the other hand, couldn't resist a sly grin. "Ready to be humbled, Leah?"
The virtual soccer field came to life, but it wasn't just about the game; it was about the comical chaos that unfolded around it.
Millie cheered enthusiastically for Keira. "Go, Keira! Score that goal!"
Georgia, on Leah's side, leaned in and whispered, "I heard Keira practices her penalty kicks in her sleep. No pressure, though."
Alessia, trying to distract Leah, chimed in, "Hey, Leah, did you hear there's a new cafe in town? Great place to celebrate your impending defeat."
Ella, sipping on a smoothie, added casually, "Oh, sorry, Leah. Were you trying to concentrate?"
Leah's team wasn't about to be outdone in the banter department.
Daly couldn't resist mocking Keira. "Keira, did you confuse the FIFA controls with your phone again?"
Bronze joined in, feigning shock. "Oh no, Keira scored? Must be a solar eclipse or something."
Mary, pretending to be a commentator, announced, "And Keira makes a pass... to the wrong player. Classic Keira move."
The living room was a cacophony of shouts, laughter, and exaggerated victory dances. Even the cat decided to join the spectacle, chasing an imaginary ball across the floor.
Leah, nudging you for help, said urgently, "Y/N, give me some tips!"
You, struggling to concentrate amid the chaos, replied, "I can't, Leah! I'm still recovering from the espresso overdose this morning!"
As the match intensified, the score remained neck-and-neck, and the room's atmosphere became increasingly charged with suspense. It all came down to the final minutes of the game.
Keira, her nerves showing, urged her team, "Come on, team, we can't let Leah win!"
Leah, filled with unwavering determination, rallied her team, "This is it, folks! Let's show Keira what we're made of!"
Then, in a moment of sheer absurdity, Leah's team executed an unexpected maneuver, resulting in a goal that left Keira's team in stunned disbelief.
Leah's Team erupted into cheers, shouting, "We did it! We did it!"
Daly laughed heartily, "Looks like Keira's reign of terror is over."
In the final seconds of the match, Leah's team secured their victory, much to Keira's chagrin.
Leah, grinning triumphantly, declared, "I did it! I actually did it!"
Keira, grumbling and refusing to accept defeat, growled, "Rematch. We need a rematch!"
As celebrations erupted and laughter filled the room, the living room had borne witness to a chaotic, comical, and utterly unforgettable FIFA battle. The rivalry between Leah and Keira had reached a new level of absurdity, and it was certain that this saga would be recounted with laughter for years to come.
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liked by judebellingham, leahwilliamson and 600,000 others
y/nmorrison football ilysm
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realmadridofficial thank you for coming to see us perform
y/nmorrison @realmadridofficial you guys never disappoint
y/nmorrisonno.1fan. Wait- she came all the way from australia? For a match?
user234 @y/nmorrisonno.1fan and it was jude's debut?
user345 are they making it official?
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liked by y/nmorrison,harrykane and 900,000 others
judebellingham Thank you to everyone that came out. Tonight was extra special. 3 points up, we go on...
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user190 extra special for what reason jude? 😏
y/nmorrison no.1 fan <3
user2457 not y/n using the same comment as jude earlier this week!
user567 guys! they are soft launching so hard right now.
You sat in your hotel room in Australia and a phone call come through. You answered, and fran's voice came through the line, tinged with concern. "Hey, Y/N, it's Fran. We wanted to talk to you about Jude. He's been a bit down lately. Missing you, I think."
Your heart sank at the thought of Jude feeling lonely and stressed. "Oh, Fran, I miss him too. I want to do something special for him. Can you help?"
Fran grinned, even though you couldn't see it. "That's exactly what we were hoping you'd say. We've got a plan to surprise him before the match. Wear his favorite color and bring his favorite flowers. We'll make sure he is ready."
The Santiago Bernabéu stadium buzzed with electric anticipation as you prepared for your most anticipated match of the season. Jude, your beloved boyfriend and the newly signed star player, was about to make his debut in the iconic white jersey. The air was thick with not just anticipation but also an underlying sense of suspense in the locker room.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, you found yourself in Australia for the Women's World Cup, where you were a talented soccer player yourself. Your team had a few days off, and while you were enjoying the thrill of the tournament, you couldn't shake the longing to see Jude before his momentous match.
You had planned meticulously, coordinating with Jude's teammates for your surprise visit. You knew that blue had always been his favorite color, and you had chosen a stunning blue silk dress to wear for this special occasion. In your hands, you held a bouquet of fresh white lilies, knowing they were Jude's preferred flowers.
As you entered the stadium, your heart raced with excitement, but there was an undeniable sense of suspense in the air. The journey from Australia had been long, but you were determined to be there for Jude on this significant day. Your presence would serve as a symbol of your unwavering support for each other's soccer careers.
The match began, and the stadium roared to life. You sensed that something extraordinary was about to happen, and the suspense was almost unbearable.
As the final whistle blew, signaling Real Madrid's victory, the crowd erupted in jubilation. Jude had played brilliantly, scoring a crucial goal. The suspense that had been building throughout the match reached its peak, and the stadium lights shone brightly, casting long shadows across the field. The cameras and microphones surrounded Jude as the interviewer started asking questions about the game and how he felt scoring the goal.
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liked by bbcnews,fifaofficial and others
skynews: Shortly after his much discussed transfer to Real Madrid, Jude Bellingham scores on his debut! Full interview in our bio.
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user120 his eyes are somewhere else...
user618 @user120 i think you mean on someone else 😏
user120 that boy is absolutely smitten 🥰
judebellinghamsswife this man is so fine, y/n is a lucky girl🔥
Jude began to speak, trying to keep his focus on the interview. But then, amid the chaos, his eyes searched the stands. And there, like a beacon in the night, he spotted you. Your blue silk dress seemed to glow, and the bouquet of white lilies in your hands was a vision of beauty.
The suspense that had been lingering suddenly exploded into a moment of pure astonishment. The crowd held its breath as Jude's face lit up with surprise and joy. His voice wavered as he answered the interviewer's questions, clearly distracted by your presence.
"You're stunning," Jude whispered, his voice filled with admiration as he gazed at you in your beautiful blue silk dress.
You blushed, a warm smile gracing your lips. "Thank you," you replied softly.
His eyes were locked onto you like a magnet, tracing every curve of your form. Unable to contain his affection, Jude leaned in and showered your face with a cascade of sweet, tender kisses, each one filled with his overwhelming love and joy at your surprise visit.
"Ew, Jude, you're sweaty," you teased, crinkling your nose as you embraced him.
"Just how you like," he replied with a playful smirk, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at his charm. You leaned in to hug him tightly, reveling in the familiar scent of his sweat and the warmth of his embrace.
As you shared this intimate moment, Jude's keen eyes caught sight of a nearby camera. Concern flickered in his eyes, knowing that your surprise visit might not sit well with some fans, and your typically discreet nature when it came to public displays of affection.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice low and cautious, "there's a camera over there."
You, ever fearless and passionate, followed his gaze and spotted the camera as well. Instead of pulling away, you pulled Jude closer, capturing his lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. The audience erupted into a loud cheer, their love and support for the couple evident in the thunderous applause.
Your relationship with Jude had always been a beautiful blend of openness and privacy. While you never officially announced your romance to the public, it was an open secret among your closest friends, family, and avid fans. You chose to softly reveal your relationship to the world, letting moments of your love story unfold naturally, leaving fans to connect the dots.
Your relationship became a game of reading between the lines for your followers, who delighted in the subtle signs of affection you occasionally shared. There were stolen glances and knowing smiles, but never a direct confirmation of your romance. Well, until now.
Jude, momentarily surprised, couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He realized that sometimes, the world just had to know about your love. As you finally parted, he whispered, "Well, I guess everyone knows now."
You grinned mischievously, "Let them cheer, Jude. We've got nothing to hide."
In the post-match interviews, reporters couldn’t resist asking Jude about that iconic moment. “Jude,” one interviewer grinned, “that kiss with Y/N at the end there was quite a spectacle. Can you tell us more about your relationship?”
Jude, initially taken aback by the attention but never one to shy away from his feelings, chuckled and replied, “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Y/N and I have been together for a while now, and she’s an amazing person. We met through our love for soccer, and it’s been a fantastic journey together.”
Another reporter, eager to keep the conversation going, chimed in, “Jude, your girlfriend is a phenomenal player on the Women’s England team. Can you share your predictions for her upcoming match?”
Jude’s face lit up with enthusiasm. “Absolutely! Y/N is incredibly dedicated and skilled on the field. I have all the confidence in the world in her and her team. I predict they’ll give it their all and come out with a resounding victory. I’ll be there cheering them on, just like they were there for me today.”
Just as the interview was hitting a high note of positivity, a third interviewer, with a stern expression, jumped into the conversation. “Jude,” they began in a somewhat accusatory tone, “some people argue that women’s football is not the same as men’s football and that your girlfriend, Y/N, might have gotten away with some questionable plays. What’s your response to these critics?”
Jude’s smile faded, replaced by a determined look. He leaned forward and replied firmly, “I have to disagree with that sentiment entirely. Women’s football is just as competitive, skilled, and exciting as men’s football. Y/N and her teammates train just as hard, and they play with the same passion and integrity that I do. Accusations of cheating or undermining their abilities are completely unfounded.”
Jude’s words resonated with a sense of conviction, and it was clear that he was ready to defend not only his girlfriend but also the entire Women’s England team. The interviewer, taken aback by Jude’s strong response, quickly changed the subject, realizing that they had struck a sensitive chord.
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liked by user156, user781 and others
hellomagazine Real Madrid and English football player Jude Bellingham spotted kissing and holding hands with fellow english footballer Y/N Morrison after she came to a real madrid match during her camp at the womens world cup in Australia.
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user156 leave them alone, poor guy looks so bothered
user350 poor guy is just trying to get to his car and protect his girlfriend
user103 i heard one of the paparazzi started harassing y/n, and he had to step in. Why can't people just leave them alone man. They are humans too!
But as Jude and you tried to leave the stadium, you find yourself surrounded by a persistent crowd of fans and reporters. Despite Jude’s best efforts to steer the conversation towards your respective careers and love for the sport, the questions about your relationship grew increasingly personal and intrusive.
“Jude, can you tell us more about your romantic getaways with Y/N?” one reporter pressed.
You, visibly uncomfortable, interjected, “We’d appreciate it if you could focus on our soccer careers and the game we love.”
But the questions kept coming, probing into their private moments, and both Jude and you began to regret ever announcing your relationship in such a public manner. You exchanged frustrated glances, realizing that your intention to celebrate your love had unintentionally invited a wave of invasive curiosity.
Before you could reach the safety of the car, the relentless paparazzi continued to hound you, snapping photos and shouting questions.
Paparazzo 1: (shouting) “Jude, over here! Tell us about your relationship with Y/N!”
Paparazzo 2: (shouting) “Y/N, how does it feel to be with Jude? Any wedding plans?”
Jude, his patience exhausted, turned towards the paparazzi, his voice filled with frustration.
Jude: (shouting) “That’s enough! Show some respect! Give us some space!”
His voice rang out, commanding attention, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude’s sudden outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
Furious at the paparazzi who had continued to hound you with intrusive questions and cameras despite your distress, Jude couldn't hold back any longer.
Jude: (shouting) "Can you all just fuck off."
His voice carried a powerful anger, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude's fierce outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
But before you could reach the safety of the car, the situation took a horrifying turn. An angry fan, infuriated by his team's loss, shoved you away from Jude with a forceful motion. You stumbled backward, your shocked expression giving way to one of disbelief and fear.
Jude's reaction was immediate and protective. His face contorted with anger as he stepped between you and the fan, his voice laced with a threatening edge. "Touch my girlfriend again and I'll fucking kill you. I don't know who you think you are, but you're a fucking idiot. It's a football match get over yourself.
The fan recoiled, shocked by Jude's intense response. The surrounding crowd, already outraged by the fan's behavior, now watched in stunned silence as security personnel rushed in to apprehend the individual responsible for the attack. They ensured that you and Jude were safe from further harm.
Once inside the car, the overwhelming emotions finally overcame you, and you collapsed into Jude's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Jude held you tightly, his protective instincts firmly in place, as you both sought refuge from the relentless scrutiny.
Inside the taxi, after the harrowing encounter with the fan, you and Jude found a moment of respite. Emotions still ran high, but the leather seats and the warm glow of the city lights outside offered a semblance of security.
Jude held you close, his protective instincts still coursing through him. The trauma of the fan's aggression weighed on both of you, but the taxi ride allowed a brief pause in the turmoil.
Y/N apologized softly, "I'm so sorry, Jude. I just wanted to surprise you."
Jude, gazing into your eyes, furrowed his brow in confusion.
"What?" he asked, curious.
You continued, "I'm sorry-"
Before you could finish, Jude cut in, a mixture of concern and frustration in his voice, "No. Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong. If anyone is in the wrong, it was that fucking fan. If I see him again, I'll-"
At that very moment, the taxi's engine roared to life, propelling you away from the chaos. The vehicle became your sanctuary as it glided through the city streets, the comforting embrace of the backseat cocooning you both.
A faint smile crossed your lips, appreciating Jude's protectiveness.
"You'll what?" you teased, looking at him.
Through the taxi's windows, the city lights passed by like a shifting dreamscape.
"I'll kill him.," Jude declared,before cringing. "He touched my girl. He atleast deserves a good punch."
As the taxi journeyed further from the ordeal, you and Jude found solace in each other's presence. Gratitude welled up between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the support you had offered each other during a trying moment.
Amidst the hum of the engine and the soft glow of the taxi's interior, you shared affectionate glances. The city's rhythm became the backdrop to your unspoken connection.
Jude winced slightly as you two shared another embrace, the ordeal now safely behind you.
"What?" you asked playfully.
"Nothing, it's nothing-" Jude replied.
You pressed further, "No, what is it?"
Jude couldn't suppress a mischievous grin.
"It's just... you smell like booze," he teased.
Smiling, you responded, "You like it."
With those words, you nestled your head on his chest, finding solace in the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. The taxi carried you both through the city, offering a sanctuary where you could cherish these moments of connection and affection amidst the chaos.
y/ns story
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After the chaotic surprise at Santiago Bernabéu, Jude and you decided to make the most of your precious time together in Madrid and not let the match get to you. You strolled hand in hand through the enchanting streets of the Spanish capital, admiring the architecture, savoring delicious tapas, and enjoying each other’s company.
As you walked along the picturesque cobblestone streets, you couldn’t help but express your awe at the beauty of the city. “Jude, Madrid is incredible. I can see why you love playing here.”
Jude nodded, his eyes never leaving you. “It’s even more incredible with you here, Y/N.”
You found yourselves at a charming outdoor café, where you settled into a cozy corner table with a view of the bustling plaza. The warm evening breeze carried the scent of flowers and laughter from nearby tables.
Over glasses of rich Spanish wine, your conversation deepened. You talked passionately about your journey in the Women’s World Cup, describing the dedication and hard work that fueled your ambition.
“Imagine if you did win the World Cup,” Jude mused, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Jude,” you started, a hint of modesty in your voice.
“What?” He leaned closer, his gaze locked onto yours. “You must have pictured it! Imagine scoring the winning goal! It would be life-changing.”
Your cheeks flushed, but you couldn’t help but smile at Jude’s enthusiasm. “Hmm, I guess.”
Jude chuckled, his hand reaching across the table to gently squeeze yours. “You guess! Y/N! You’d be everywhere, I’d be chasing you around. Billboard after billboard. It would be inspiring—”
You interrupted, your voice filled with humility, “It would be pretty amazing, wouldn’t it?”
Under the Madrid moonlight, Jude and you felt closer than ever. Your love was as boundless as the cityscape before you, and you knew that no matter where life's journey took you, you would face it together, hand in hand, just as you did on that unforgettable night in Spain.
Your conversation about the future and the Women's World Cup continued to flow, weaving seamlessly into your dreams of a family.
"Imagine the things you could do with that kind of influence," Jude continued, his voice filled with wonder. "The futures you could inspire."
Your eyes sparkled with the possibilities. "And imagine our future. Imagine our kids running around and being able to play wherever we are in the world."
Jude's heart swelled with warmth at the thought. "Now that's something I would love to imagine..."
As you gazed into each other's eyes, your thoughts turned to the family you both longed to create together. Jude's expression softened with a dreamy smile. "I've imagined it, you know. Two boys who look exactly like me, brown scruffy hair, brown eyes, and that mischievous grin of mine."
You laughed, picturing the future he described. "Two little Judes running around, huh? They'd be a handful."
Jude nodded, his gaze filled with affection. "A handful, but they'd have your spirit and determination. And then," he continued, his voice gentle and dreamy, "our little girl, a perfect mix between you and me. With your beautiful eyes and my stubbornness."
Your heart melted at the image he painted. "Our family sounds incredible, Jude. I can't wait for that day."
You held onto that vision of your future, where love, dreams, and the joys of parenthood awaited you. In that moment, as you shared your hopes and dreams under the Madrid moonlight, you knew that your love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle life might throw your way.
The Madrid morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the hotel room where Jude and you lay tangled in each other's arms. The night had been filled with laughter and whispered promises, but the dawn brought the inevitable parting.
You sighed softly as you gazed at Jude's peaceful sleeping face. You knew you had to leave for your training camp in Australia, but the thought of saying goodbye tugged at your heart.
Jude stirred, his brown eyes fluttering open as he felt your gaze on him. "Morning," he mumbled, his voice husky with sleep.
"Morning," you replied, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "I have to go soon."
Jude's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
You smiled sadly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "You know I can't, love. Duty calls."
Jude sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'll miss you so much."
You returned the kiss, savoring the taste of him. "I'll miss you too, Jude. But we'll be together again soon."
You both reluctantly untangled yourselves from each other's embrace and got out of bed. Jude, determined to make your last morning memorable, surprised you with breakfast in bed. He had ordered a delicious spread of pastries, fruits, and coffee, arranging it all on a tray with a single red rose.
Your eyes sparkled with delight as you took in the sight. "You really know how to make a girl's morning special, don't you?"
Jude grinned, handing you a pastry. "Only for you."
You spent your morning indulging in breakfast, sharing stories and laughter as if time were standing still. But the clock on the wall ticked relentlessly, reminding you of the minutes slipping away.
As the moment of departure drew nearer, Jude showered you with kisses and cuddles, trying to make every second count. His lips found yours repeatedly, and his arms refused to let you go.
"I wish you didn't have to leave," Jude whispered against your lips.
You held him close, tears brimming in your eyes. "I wish that too, Jude. I love you."
"I love you too," he whispered, leaning in for a tender goodbye kiss.
Then, with a heavy heart, you stepped out the door, leaving behind a piece of yourself in Madrid as you embarked on the journey back to Australia, where training camp awaited. Your love would endure the distance, and you both held onto the hope of being reunited soon.
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judebellingham <3
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user1890 they finally announced it!
user3567 you guys!!! I am so happy for you
user2019 they are so cute!
y/nmorrison my no.1
judebellingham @y/nmorrison mine
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mariaofdoranelle · 3 months
The Courtship Deception - Part 4: Wanderlust
Fic masterlist
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics
I faded the smut to black, sorry! I’m just a gemini who talks too much, I’m doing miracles with this word count already LOL
Warnings: closed-door sexytimes
Words: 863
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“You really are a prince, aren’t you?” Aelin whispered to Rowan while ushering him out of the party.
“Technically, yes, but not really.”
“How does that work?”
“It works really well after some family drama with a tabloid-obsessed aunt.”
Dodging her father’s acquaintances was easier than avoiding his men’s questioning looks. Well, that’s what happens when her father told a bunch of big guys that they’re entitled to every detail of her life: they believed it. But they wouldn’t cause a scene if she didn’t either, and that’s how she was able to move through the crowd effortlessly with a man that wasn’t one of her suitors.
“Where’re you going?” Lorcan hissed, one of her Rhoe’s most trusted and least subtle men.
“Out!” Aelin barked while dragging Rowan out the main doors. But the man’s eyes weren’t on her, and something dawned on her. He was the one who came with Fenrys from Doranelle, wasn’t he? Was he friends with Rowan too, or just acquaintances?
Out of the main venue, Aelin found a storage closet of sorts and shoved Rowan in it, locking herself inside with him.
He sighed, taking in the tiny room. “I didn’t know you liked it tawdry.”
She crossed her arms. “You were talking about family drama and tabloids.”
“When we texted last night, I thought you’d want my mouth for entirely different reasons.”
“Well, I—“
Aelin was silenced by his hand holding onto the back of her neck, tilting her head toward his.
He raised a brow in question. *What do you want?* he seemed to ask.
Well, fuck. This was such a cheap trick, but she could Google her answers later to figure it out. Neck-grabbing with those rough hands? Not so easy to do on her own.
Aelin closed the distance between them, and their hands found each other’s bodies like magnets. Rowan’s kisses were rough and hungry; when he backed her against a shelving unit and sneaked a hand up her thigh, Aelin grasped how thoroughly ravished she was about to be.
She lost sight of her initial goal completely.
Rowan had one hand on her waist and another using the shelf to hold himself upright. They were both panting, breaths mingling in that near claustrophobic closet.
He grabbed a few napkins behind her to dispose of the condom, and that was her cut to fix her hair and smooth down her dress.
“Can you—“ Aelin was brutally interrupted by a kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
She peeked out the door. The only person close by was Lorcan, looking grumpier than ever.
“Psst!” she called him. “Yes, c’mere.”
“You missed dinner.”
“Your friend didn’t.” Aelin smirked with the memory. Him kneeling before her, face between her thighs, was definitely something. “What time is it?”
Aelin had no way of knowing—she didn’t have her phone with her, and Rowan would do anything to avoid their conversation.
“But is it too late?”
The man gave her a hard look, and it was all she needed to know—no, it wasn’t too late, but she should get back to the party before her dad notices it and incites chaos. Still, she got back to the storage closet and locked the door again.
“Round two so soon?”
Aelin crossed her arms. “Family drama and tabloids. Spill.”
“You’re not unlocking that door until I tell you, I take it?”
“Absolutely not.”
Rowan sighed, but conceded. Then, he went on about how much he disagreed with Queen Maeve’s contrarian policies, and the rupture it created between him and his family. About how he left Doranelle without looking back, and only remained as a prince in name, since the royal family wouldn’t rescind his title for the media havoc it’d cause—even if he wasn’t so much in the public eye.
Prompted by Aelin, he told her about how he found a remote job with his engineering degree and traveled the world with no royal privileges and no money—for a prince’s standards, at least—, met people who weren’t royals or billionaires. How he lived his life with no constraints.
She liked it. She wanted it. To live freely, to travel without a team of bodyguards who reported everything to her father, to be able to drive on her own.
Just like that, Aelin saw a new plan unfold right before her eyes.
Moving from her father’s highly-guarded mansion to Dorian’s or Chaol’s castle with a different set of guards was just trading one pair of shackles for another.
But Rowan… she could live like him. She could live with him—anywhere and everywhere, like he’s been living so far. Rhoe could be so blinded by her having a royal title he’d forget that her groom was penniless. Rowan didn’t sound like the type to hold her down, he sounded like the type who would let her live her own life, or even give her a divorce if she truly desired it, no politics involved.
She’d keep her money and her relationship with her father, but also have freedom. It was perfect. It was her best plan so far.
“Rowan…” she trailed, uncertain of his reaction to her next words. “Will you marry me?”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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svtminji · 5 months
does minji have friends outside of seventeen? If so does she hang out with them regularly?
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yes! she does have friends outside of svt and she treats them all very close 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ ❪ click on their ship name for the tag ❫
★ 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
⌗ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sakura ❪ le sserafim ❫ – johnny ❪ nct ❫ mei nagano ❪ actress ❫ – changkyun ❪ monsta x ❫ miyeon ❪ g-idle ❫ – mina & momo ❪ twice ❫
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗sakura + mizuki — mizura — 3 years
no one really knows how they became friends or when they did. some people think it's because of over-lapping schedules or because they come from the same country at some point
it's pretty common for almost every japanese idol in the korean industry to look up to mizuki because of her successful career; and this goes for sakura as well
mostly idol ❪ mizuki ❫ & fan ❪ sakura ❫ relationship but they have gotten closer due to hybe takeover
old interactions were just small scraps.. but fans LIVE for their interactions
mizuki definitely brings up kkura’s jpop era 😖 and begs kkura to dance along with her
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 65% ⌗mei + mizuki — meizu — 1 year
met at the prada fashion week shows & got close because they’re japanese !
any seventeen concert in japan? mei is invited!!
subtle flirting on main but it’s all of awe towards each other
whenever the two meet, instagram lives happen or they comment on each other’s lives
mei wants to learn korean but they both speak the same language.. BUT mizuki appreciates it
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 80% ⌗johnny + minji — johnji — 16 years
is there anything to explain? they’ve been best friends since 2007
whenever new carats / nctzens find their old couple photos, they go crazy and wonder when did that even happen. johnmi LOVE to confuse both of their fans whenever they meet.
even after they stopped d wording, they continued being friends and it never once really affected them after that
friendship bracelets omg 😭 each year they upgrade to a new one, so they have around 16 of them so far
whenever they’re in their respective cities, they visit each other’s family and make sure the other party knows the message their parents give them ❪ mama suh still misses minji ☹️ ❫
they go to each other’s concerts & become the biggest supporter they know
whenever they have time, they film tiktoks together or go live on wv and build legos LOL
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 60% ⌗changkyun + minji — jiku — 8 years
honestly it was platonic love at first sight 🫡
who says minji can’t have a monsta x bestie too?
met with the rest of the mx members and felt more connected w i.m bc of their roots & close in age
biggest i.m fan omg 😭😭 when mx’s love killa came out, she posted it on weverse and made SURE everyone streamed it, along with his rap as well
participated in singing in a few mx songs with good guidance
INSANE VISUAL DUO. im telling u… pair these two up in a room with me and changkyun is coming out pregnant idc 🙄
gaslighted her into getting tattoos ❪ she did it willingly ❫
she uses him as a way to get back at jeonghan and hyungwon
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗miyeon + minji — jimi — 2 years
miyeon always looked up to minji as an idol and had always wanted to meet her
when they did meet, it was like happy awkward? idk how to explain it but they have the same way of style & they’re lowkey twins
frequently meetings at miyeon’s dorm & friendship dates
the pair created quite the chaos as a few news articles were released since their friendship raised dating flags
minji made sure everyone streamed drive and participated in her tiktok challenges
whenever they meet at award shows, minji naturally goes to idle’s table and talk about their plans and other idol perfomances
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗momo + mizuki — momi — 10 years
the second person mizuki has been friends with for the longest time.
while getting gigs at different companies, mizuki met momo and mina on her way to a japanese restaurant in seoul and chatted with her in 2013
every year they post friendship photos over the year and it really warms up the hearts of many onces & carats
when it was announced mizumo was happening,,, lets just say many were excited for the new content of trio
just like with nayeon, mizuki goes to momo’s dorm and just hangs around with momo or the rest of twice
main dancer trio w mina
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗mina + mizuki — naki — 10 years
along with momo, mizuki met mina and they kicked it off as well
not as close close like mizuki is with momo but she considers mina one of her main close friends / circle
both ballerinas and they like to go out and indulge in some classic ballet training
finds mina so cute and is constantly under her instagram posts
when fans find their photos together, it’s like a shrine they have for them as they barely hang out with each other
main dancer trio w momo
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an — ❪ 🪁 ❫
yall while i was finding pics for each person. i giggled to myself like 3 times. changkyun is so fine like i want him to do unspeakable things to me 😖 johnny as well like whattt😭����
fun fact: i’ve had so many eras with these two men its insane. can u tell i miss 3rd gen..
wanted to add twice but chaeyoung has been weird lately.. so i didnt add twice as a whole. idc if it’s been a long time.. i DO NOT feel comfortable with her. go ahead and complain, i am not changing anything.
srry if some are short ❪ esp. momo & mina ❫, going to write a relationship w/ mizumo so there’ll be more info there rather than here !
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chaoticarson16 · 8 months
main six - 🟡🔴🏡 🧵 🗣
um i didn’t know if you wanted us to pick one for your character headcanon ask game, so i chose multiple just in case. also didn’t know who to choose lol
Multiple is perfectly fine cause it lets me rant about more than one of my blorbos :D (Also sorry I forgot to check my inbox!!)
🟡 - Happy
California: When he’s happy he bounces on the balls of his feet while flapping his hands and even though he won’t admit it New York finds this adorable (Me? Projecting? Nooooo)
New York: He barely shows it but he really enjoys having the rest of the northeast + California around and he likes making them little gifts and anonymously leaving them in front of their door
Louisiana: He both enjoys and gives the best hugs. He knows what kind of hugs the rest of the states like and loves just randomly appearing and hugging them
Florida: He can actually bake really well and loves to make snacks for the South. He has everyone’s favorite desserts, snacks, and allergies memorized.
Texas: Even though he’d deny it, he really likes cuddling. Whether it be cause someone was cold, sad, or just wanted to. He’s also like the perfect pillow cause he’s one of the biggest states and there’s enough room for quite a few people.
Gov: He really loves snakes so any time he sees one his eyes do the cat thing and he has to keep himself from ranting about that specific species
🔴 - Angsty/Sad
California: He genuinely doesn’t know why most states hate him. He understands some is politics but he doesn’t know why the others do. It affects him so much he’s changed himself so much to get them to like him that very few know what he’s actually like
New York: He keeps up his rude demeanor because he doesn’t wanna get too close to people in fear they’ll leave. He’s terrified of losing people he loves so he chooses to stay away from people. But it eats him up inside that he doesn’t really have anyone so he’s stuck in this cycle of wanting friends but not wanting to lose them
Louisiana: During the Civil War he was so torn between doing what his government wanted and doing what his people wanted. In the end he was forced to help his government through threat of harm. He still has heavy survivors guilt and is tormented by the spirits of his lost people. (I headcanon him as African American and that he can see spirits)
Florida: He puts on a mask that he’s happy all the time but it makes him sad knowing that most of the states are scared of him or hate him. He likes causing chaos cause it’s how his people are but he hates how the other states pull away from him when he does it.
Texas: He likes to act like he’s big and tough and that nothing affects him but it does. Every event in his state, big or small, affects him. The insults some states will throw out. He takes those to heart and truly believes them. He acts like he’s confident but he’s insecure and severely doubts he’ll ever be good enough (Damn that was rougher than I expected it to sound)
Gov: When he first came around as Continental Congress, he had so much work that most nights he didn’t sleep. PA tried to help him but it was just too much. He did that so often that it’s now become a habit. He will work until his body physically can not move anymore, sometimes skipping meals to get it all done
🏡 - Home
California: (I saw this from someone else and I stole it because it was such a good headcanon) When not at the statehouse he lives in a hobbit type house that connects into the surrounding mountain. It’s pretty roomy and he somehow has wifi in there.
New York: Usually at the statehouse cause his room there is bigger than the room in his apartment. He has a small apartment with enough space just for him.
Louisiana: He shares a house with Florida when not at the statehouse (literally married) it’s a decent sized one story house. They share one room and the others are used for shenanigans. They live away from most people so their yard is until they get to another house.
Florida: Usually the statehouse or the house he shares with Loui
Texas: He’s usually not at the statehouse. He has a ranch and a lot of land with it. He’s usually gone taking care of his horse Janie and his dog Buck. The ranch consists of his main house, a shed, and a barn with a stable. Think of a stereotypical barn then make it a light brown
Gov: This man almost never leaves his office. When he does he lives at the statehouse. He can not afford to leave them alone in the same house
🧵 - Hobbies
California: Surfing, skateboarding, hiking, basically most out door activities plus drawing, cooking, playing drums or guitar, and singing
New York: This man absolutely loves fashion. He also likes drawing, cooking and “gardening”
Louisiana: Cooking, (literally all of them can cook I’m so sorry) singing, playing instruments, dancing, and writing
Florida: Baking, dancing, singing, playing guitar and drums, causing chaos, swimming, and scaring the states with how much he actually knows
Texas: Baking, actual gardening, crochet, trick riding, shooting targets, and playing with his dog
Gov: Writing, drawing, hiking or going on walks, biking
🗣️ - Social
California: He’s pretty friendly with most people he meets and likes talking with people on social media platforms (he definitely has tumblr)
New York: He rarely talks to other people and actively avoids it
Louisiana: He treats everyone he meets like family and everyone loves him
Florida: He likes talking to random strangers about the things that interest them but when it comes to the states he actively tries to find a way to make it into a joke
Texas: He has a bit of social anxiety but it’s mostly in crowds where it’s a lot harder to escape. He enjoys talking to the other states about sports and stuff but he also likes talking to New Jersey about gardening
Gov: This man is so awkward, it’s great. The only social interaction he’s had is with politicians and the states. He can be professional no problem but the moment it comes to casual conversation he blanks. He mainly lets the person he’s talking to rant to him about things. The states actually go to him and rant about any and everything cause they know he won’t tell them to shut up
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widowwaddles · 1 year
Yelena the Match Maker - The (Late) Valentine’s Day Special
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Summary: It didn’t take long for Yelena to notice your crush on Wanda, not that you were trying hard to hide it. The tension between the two of you was palpable, even during class. But you’d only deny it whenever she brought it up, saying how you didn’t think Wanda liked you in that way. So as your best friend, she decided you needed a push and devised a plan to get this ship sailing. TLDR: Yelena trying (and failing) to be your wingman.
Pairing: Wanda x reader
Warnings: Jealous Wanda, complete chaos
Word count: ~3.1k
Taglist:  @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
A/N: This takes place within the Don't Go Breaking My Heart universe, just later down in the timeline. I had got this idea last night and was eager to get it out before February was over. It was supposed to be short and sweet but ended up being a lot longer than I planned lol. Enjoy
Read the main story here
You noticed that Yelena’s been acting weird today, she was oddly excited to go to Wanda’s class after work. Practically rushing you out of the building as soon as you clocked out. You shrugged it off as Yelena being Yelena, you could never predict what she was thinking - ever. Plus you’d have to admit that you were excited for class today too, as thoughts of Wanda quickly flooded your mind. You started to get a lot closer these days, and you felt like you were in heaven the minute you locked eyes. Just seeing her angelic smile had the power to ease all doubt - about falling so fast - from your mind and when it was directed at you, you fell even harder for her. Yes, you were in deep, but you couldn’t help it. She was perfect. Smiling, you start your car and begin the drive to the community center.
As you walked into class you saw Wanda talking to a fellow classmate of yours, Monica. The room was fairly empty, which doesn’t surprise you because it was still pretty early. You thought Yelena would have already beat you here from how fast she drove out of the parking lot after work. A small part of you was starting to get worried, but a much larger part wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have some alone time Wanda. Yelena was more than capable of taking care of herself. When your eyes met Wanda’s, you offered her a small wave and walked to the station in the back row, her green eyes lit up before she quickly excuses herself from her conversation. Monica left the room, saying she’d be missing today's class. Now you were truly alone.
“Hey Y/n” Wanda says, cheeks lightly dusted pink in embarrassment from how fast she ran over to you.
“Hey” taking in her appearance, you grin. “You doing okay there Wanda? You look a little out of breath”
“Shut up” she groans as playfully punches your arm.
Before you could retort her hands reach towards you - slightly above your hips - pulling you closer to her by your jacket.
“I had a lot of fun with you yesterday,” she says lowly, her attention now focused on her hands as fingers nervously fiddled with the bottom of your jacket. You internally scream from how cute she is.
Using one hand you grab her hip, while the other reaches under her chin. Lifting her head until you make eye contact with the green eyes you’ve fallen for. Looking at her face you can see how anxious she truly was in this moment, - as if scared of your reaction to her small confession - and you only wished to ease her worries.
Leaning closer you bring your lips to her cheek. Kissing it softly, you pull away hoping to see her nervous expression leave her face. Let’s just say that the bright red tint of her smiling cheeks was the perfect indicator that it had worked.
“Every moment I spend with you, makes me incredibly happy” you confess, her eyes light up even more. “But yeah, yesterday was fun too” you end jokingly. “I’ve never seen someone rage so much at Mario Kart”
“Hey, in my defense it seemed like everyone decided to gang up on me. You’d get angry too if 3 red shells hit you while you were in 1st place” she mutters angrily, as she remembers the unfortunate events from yesterday.
“My ears have never heard so many Sokovian curse words” laughing at the memory, you bring both of your hands to her waist as she attempts to push you away. Realizing that you had no plans of letting her go, she leans her head into your chest.
“But you’re supposed to be on my side, Detka” a pout forming on her lips. She knew she was playing dirty. You could never resist her pout and throwing in the nickname only assured her victory. On cue, you fell for it immediately, wrapping your hands around her tighter - pecking kisses all around her face.
“I’m sorry, Wands I think I may have gotten a bit carried away with wanting them to like me” your onslaught of kisses continues. “You know that I’ll always be on your side no matter what, right?”
Giggling she brings her hands up to your face - pushing you back lightly - deciding she wanted your undivided attention as she answered.
“Yes I know” her voice is warm, as she looks at you longingly. “And I’m so lucky to have you here still, even after everything”
“You’re worth it” you admit, feeling your heart swell with love. “You’re worth everything and more to me”.
Slowly you both lean in, wanting to seal this moment forever in your memories. You could feel her warm breath ghosting against your lips, deciding to not prolong this moment further you connec-
You and Wanda jump apart in surprise. Barreling through the door was your lovely best friend, who was just as surprised to see you too.
“I didn’t see anyone in here when I looked through the window. What were you two doing back here?” furrowing her eyes brows.
“Uh, we were just- ” you start, looking at Wanda for help.
“Talking about today’s lesson. We’re making red velvet cupcakes today” she finishes, eyes switching between you and Yelena.
“I can’t wait!” you say looking at Yelena enthusiastically, wincing at how fake it sounds and hoping she doesn’t catch on.
“Okay, don’t tell me then,” She says as she walks to our station.“You don’t have to act so weirdly about it”.
You and Wanda look at each other in relief. But before anything more could be said, more people flooded into the room. Wanda makes her way back to the front of the room, greeting everyone that comes in. Class has officially started. __
Everything carried on as it normally does today, with Wanda teaching and you gazing (or drooling according to Yelena) at her. Yelena’s odd behavior from earlier seems to have subsided, but you noticed she kept glancing at the door. Almost, as if she was waiting for someone. Before the detective in you could fully come out, a sudden knock halts everything in the room. Wanda walks to the door and unlocks it, she is surprised to see an older man carrying a bouquet of flowers the size of his head. He walks to the front of the room, before pulling out a note from his pocket.
“I have a delivery here for…” he squints his eyes as he reads the paper.
“A Y/n L/n” and as he finishes all everyone’s head turns to you. Including Wanda’s.
Feeling confused, but very awkward in this situation, you put your head down hoping he’s made a mistake.
“Is there a Y/n here?” he asks, beginning to get annoyed.
“She’s right here,” Yelena says, raising her hand.
He walks over carrying the bouquet to your station.
“Hey, kid, the gal who got you these must really like you a lot” pausing as he places the flowers gently on the surface. “Treat her well” he winks at you before walking away.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he says, stopping in the middle of the room. He pulls out 5 boxes of heart-shaped chocolates from his satchel. Returning to your station, he stacks them neatly next to the flowers.” Ehhh… I’m not sure about these. Valentine’s Day was weeks ago, but to each their own” he gruffs out. And now he finally leaves.
The room is completely silent, everyone’s eyes still on you. Looking down at your new “gifts” you could feel your cheeks start to burn from embarrassment. You have no idea what just happened. Daringly, you bring your head up and look toward Wanda, and boy does she not look happy. Frowning, her eyes darkened as they bore into yours. You look at her pleadingly hoping she understands that you’re just as confused as she is, but she shuts her eyes close. Breathing in and then out slowly, and opens her eyes again. You still held everyone’s attention even during your silent exchange with Wanda, you watch as she slams her hand onto the top of her station. The loud noise snaps everyone out of whatever trance they were in.
“Are you all ready to continue now?” her voice dripping with fake sweetness.
You were really in trouble now. Beside you, Yelena had to hide her smile as she watches her plan become a success. From her limited experience with love, she knew that jealousy was the best way for people to accept their feelings for one another. If you couldn’t see Wanda’s obvious feelings for you before, you’d definitely have to see them now. You feel a sharp elbow in your side unexpectedly, you look towards Yelena and she winks at you - smiling.
What the hell was going on today?
Wanda continued class on as if nothing ever happened…or at least that's how everyone else felt. She still looked expressive as always as she explains the steps for the recipe. You found yourself smiling seeing how cheerful she was, but whenever your eyes met her eye hardened, lips forming into a line. She’d quickly averted her eyes to someone else in the room. She even avoided coming to your station during the mixing portion. You’d search for her expectantly only to see she’s engaged in a conversation with another group. Waiting for the cupcakes to bake, you look down at the flowers dejectedly, wondering what you did for Wanda to react this way.
“Sounds like our cupcakes are done, now we can start the fun part” holding up a frosting piping bag. “Decorating”
Splitting the pan in half, you and Yelena started to decorate the cupcakes. Taking inspiration from your current mood, you began piping little broken hearts onto yours. Your behavior confuses Yelena - shouldn’t you be happy now - but before she could inquire about what was wrong with you Wanda decided to make an appearance.
“These flowers look nice” feigning interest in the bouquet. Looking up you were surprised to see that she was suddenly here after spending all of class avoiding you
“Yeah, they are” Yelena answers as if it was a question posed to her. “ It looks like our little Y/n has a secret admirer” throwing her arm around your shoulder.
You stiffen as you feel Wanda glare at you.
“It definitely looks like it” she exasperates. “Y/n, I was hoping to talk to you after class today about your… disturbance”
You stare at her blankly, trying to gauge her reaction. You don’t feel very confident about this talk later. If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under right now. Yelena bumps your arm, wondering how you still weren’t seeing the signs yet - now in her mind you were being rude and ruining her genius plan by not responding. Shouldn’t you be reveling in this moment?
Wanda looks annoyed that you still haven’t said anything yet. “Actually, let’s do this now. Meet me in the hallway” she says impatiently, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind her.
You look on in fear. You don’t want to go out there. Looking at Yelena for help, you realized you were not on the same page about this situation. She’s pointing at the door, happily as if you’re crazy for not leaving already. She stands up quickly, grabs your wrist, and drags you to the door. Opening it,  she pushes you into the hallway - giving you another wink before closing the door. Did that entire interaction from before just go over her head, why was she willingly shoving you toward your own death?
Yelena smiles as she shuts the door in your face. Walking back to your station she smirks. This is exactly how things play out in movies, Wanda - sensing competition - will stake her claim on you, in an attempt to keep you to herself. She’ll kiss your oblivious lips until you realize that she has feelings for you and then you’ll finally get together. She mentally sets a timer for 5 minutes, knowing she’ll catch you in the act the next time she opens the door.
Stumbling into the hallway, you see Wanda leaning against the wall, hands crossed against her chest. She looks at you expectantly.
“So..” you start off
“Who are the flowers from Y/n?” Wanda says sternly, getting straight to business.
“I don’t know” you say truthfully. She looks at you skeptically. “I really don’t know”.
Wanda closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.
“I thought you said you were okay with us taking things slow” looking at you again, all anger leaving her body and being replaced with doubt.
“Hey, I meant what I said. I’m more than okay with waiting until we’re both ready,” you say getting closer.
“The flowers and chocolates waiting for you in there speak a different story” she replies bitterly. “So where’d you meet her? Work? The bar? Tell me, I wanna know”
“There is no one else” grabbing her hands. “I’m just as surprised as you are”
“So if they mean nothing to you then why accept them?”
“I don’t know what you wanted me to say, Wanda, I’ve never been in that situation before” you exclaim. “You could tell how embarrassed I was about the whole thing, I don’t enjoy those types of public gestures. Plus you saw how everyone was looking at me in there, it would have been a lot worse if I rejected them”
“Yes, but I would have felt better about everything!” Her voice was loud. “Imagine how hard it was for me to see that. I thought what we had meant more to you” her head now looking at her shoes. “It hurt a lot, it felt like everything we’ve been building towards had been shattered, you’re supposed to be mine. The one person I was allowed to be selfish with, you made me believe that Y/n”.
“Now I just feel like an idiot for ever believing I could want things and actually be happy again,”  she says weakly, as she stands amongst the wreckage of her broken walls. You feel tears springing into your eyes at Wanda’s words. She genuinely believes that she can’t be happy and that breaks your heart, even more knowing that you (unknowingly) were the cause of it.
Walking up to Wanda, you get down on your knees and look at her pleadingly. “Wanda, I’m so sorry for causing you so much pain. I would never, ever, intentionally do that because it hurts me to see you like this. My chest aches in pain whenever your smile leaves your face, and I promised myself that I would do anything to bring it back. Please believe me when I say there is no one else, only you” she looks away, and you hold her hips to keep her attention. “Please, Wanda. I know the situation doesn’t look great but I need you to trust me. I would never do anything to betray you or your trust” the tears are streaming down your cheeks now as you beg this woman with everything you have.
Sucking in a deep breath, Wanda looks down at you. You can see that she desperately wants to believe you but the pain is still there. Your heart breaks at the thought of this being over and Wanda walking out of your life. You bend your head down to hold in your sob. You feel a soft hand on your head, “we’ll continue this later” her voice quiet.
You nod your head eagerly, at the chance to prove your innocence and make things up to her. Before you could move, the door of the class opens. You quickly wipe your face before turning around to face the source of the interruption with Wanda.
“Hey guys, it looks like we’re all pretty much finished for today,” Yelena says, as she peeks her head down the hall. Wanda is the first to walk back in, desperate to end the class. As you pick yourself up and walk into the room, Yelena slaps you on the back, grinning. “I don’t know what I walked into back there, but it looked pretty kinky”.
You raise an eyebrow in confusion. What part of that looked kink- Oh. You bring your hands up to your face and groan. From Yelena’s perspective, yeah it probably did look worse than what actually took place. You definitely would mind being on your knees for Wanda, especially if it left her gasping rather than close to tears. You shook your head, you couldn’t let your mind get too distracted. You weren’t in the clear yet, and you had to make the most out of the chance she was giving you. It definitely felt like the last.
Wanda dismisses the class and reminds everyone that there we wouldn’t be meeting up next week. You stick behind, eager to finish this conversation in the comfort of your own homes and ultimately decide it would be best to do it at Wanda’s. Yelena squeezes your shoulder as she packs up to leave. She leans in close, “I hope you enjoyed your little gift today”. You look at her confused, trying to piece together what she meant. “Don’t have too much fun and use protection”.
Yelena walks to the door and when she looks back she sees that Wanda has walked over to you, holding her hand out expectantly. You place the bouquet and chocolates in her hand. She walks to the nearest trash can and throws them in aggressively. A slight smile crossed her face as she turns back to you. You make eye contact with Yelena, seeing her put two thumbs up and mouth ‘she’s going to kill you’ but with a proud look. Before you could say anything she was already out of the door.
Getting up you start to pack up your cupcakes and prepare to leave. As you go to pick up the container, you see two pieces of paper underneath.
They are the receipts for the flowers and chocolates, with Yelena’s name on the orders. As you look at the total price you see she had got a good deal for it all, it was the typical everything must go sale price - as the store was eager to get the next holiday items in. On the back of it, you see something written:
A gift from me to you, I just hope Wanda goes easy on you tonight. I wouldn’t be surprised to see you walk in with a limp tomorrow. ; )
P.S: You owe me $20
Wanda has already left the room, but you take off right behind her. Yelling for her to wait as you carried the evidence to prove your innocence.
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cutecherrygirl · 7 months
Skz 9th member
Okay so im starting this series because i want to. Its just a compilation of chaos and mess lol. But imma need your help, please write requests on what you want to see in this series 🤭
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Okay so! You became stray kids member in 2020! Before you became a stray kids member you were under Big Hit entertainment in a girl group called moonlight! Since you were trainee under Big Hit you knew Lee know since he was bts backup dancer. However, he joined JYP and you two were sad to separate :(. Your girl group split up because the members wanted to quit. You went under JYP and he put you in skz :). The fans like you and your personality. Your position is : Lead singer, main rapper and maknae.
Your relationships with skz members:
Bang Chan
- Since you are maknae, Bangchan is is like your dad. He loves taking care of you but your also like a mom since you are the only girl in the group lol. You dont really like being taken care off but let him take care of you cuz you dont want to be mean lol.
Lee know
- you and lee know are old friends. You sometimes fight over choreography but solve it easily. You love when he brings his cats to the skz dorm.
Binnie (Changbin)
- you love treating Binnie like a baby! Sometimes you talk with him like mother would talk to a toddler or baby and he loves it! Like he would wake up from a name and you would go "who just woke up! Did Binnie woke up? Did Binnie had a good sleep?" Like that but in high pitched voice and he absolutely loves it.
- you and Hyunjin aren close, you like same things and like to do same things. He sometimes invites you in his room so u can talk and drink tea. You love being in each others spaces and talk for hours until you cant think of any more fopics to talk about lol.
- Han LOVES you. You and han are chaotic duo no one can separate. You are like twins, you two share a room and sleep on bunk beds, him on top and you on bottom. Every night, Bangchan is stressed out because you and han are running around the room screaming and singing, you guys play all the time and mostly before bed so you are really loud and chaotic. Sometimes, Chan even comes in room and scold you two or woop your asses so you finally shut up and sleep. you two are always together, but i mean ALWAYS. you always jump around, twerk together, scream the lyrics pf your favourite songs together, rap random shit together, eat together, cuddle, you sometimes even sleep in each others bed. You are always very loud around other members and chan has to separate you two durning interviews or important meetings cuz you cant stay still lol. You also love and take care of each other. He would often invite you to 3racha studio just because he can't be without you.
- you and Felix like to hang out. You're not particularly close but you have your moments. You like to bake together and watch stuff together. You often have different opinions on stuff so u discuss them together. You love listening to Felix sing and you love cuddling him. Sometimes you like giving each other fashion advices, he also likes sending you tik toks lol.
- you and Seungmin are very different, he prefers to stay quiet while you're loud. But he thinks you're amazing and is always trying to find a way to start conversation with you and talk to you. He is always shy around you and you think its adorable.
-he at first didn't really like you cuz u took his maknae spot lol. But as the time pass by he started loving you. You don't really like acting like the baby of the group. You treat Jeongin like a baby even tho he is older than you.
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sagewritings · 2 years
Staying Alive - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: the fight is still not over. you and max are still cursed, eddie is wanted, and vecna is gaining strength rapidly. time is ticking, and your group needs to act fast to save hawkins. in the midst of all chaos and trouble, you need to find fortitude in yourself, your friends, and steve.
word count: 7.6k
warnings: season 4 volume 2 spoilers, angst, one mention of [tw: su1cid3] and death of a family member, trauma, violence, guns and knives, curse words
a/n: hello everyone! here’s part 2 to more than a woman :) i’m sorry that it took so long to post because the fight scene is hard to write, especially with the shifts in scenes and settings. i initially planned to follow the main plot of volume 2, but i’m a sucker for happy endings so i changed the story a bit. also, similar to the first part, the title doesn’t have a connection to the story. i just named it after another bee gees song lol :3 [connor davidson is a character that i made up on my own. feel free to imagine him in any way you like]
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
part 3 (night fever) is also posted!
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
  If you close your eyes and forget what has happened in the past days, you could pretend that this is just a normal get-together between your group.
After leaving the upside down and your escape from Vecna last night, Max directed all of you to her house, saying that her mom won’t be home until late afternoon. It wasn’t safe to stay at Eddie’s trailer, not when there were still some police and detectives going in every once in a while.
Despite all of you being desperate for some rest, no one could fall asleep. You spot the bruises, dried blood, and dirt that covered your bodies as you sat around Max’s living room, and it was enough to remind you that the fight isn't over yet.
“Henry, One, Vecna….” Nancy muttered to herself, replaying what you told them as she paced in front of the couch where you sat between Steve and Eddie.
You stared ahead, leaning against Steve while you repeatedly listened to More Than A Woman. You had been trying to piece everything together for the past minutes, remembering every scene and expression that Vecna has shown you. Then you recalled what Dustin told you, how a gate is opened every time Vecna attacks, and something sparked in your mind.
“What if he, somehow, intended to let me go?” You spoke quietly, lifting your head from Steve’s shoulder and pushing away one side of your headphones so you can simultaneously listen to the song and your friends. “I mean, he looked mad when I ran away from him, but I don’t think that he’ll show me those flashbacks just because he knows we’re looking for him.”
“What do you mean?” Dustin asked, not catching up to what you were saying.
“You said that he’s trying to open as many gates as he could by killing, right?” You asked him, continuing after he nodded. “But I was in the upside down when he tried to kill me. It would be pointless. And if he knew that we’re after him, then he must also know that I know how to escape him.”
“I’m not getting it,” Steve said from beside you.
You sighed. “He was warning me. Us.”
“Warning us of what?” Lucas asked.
“His takeover on Hawkins,” Nancy spoke up, her brilliant mind immediately comprehending what you’re saying.
“How will he do that exactly?” Eddie questioned.
“The gates. He’ll send creatures… monsters across our town through the gates.” Nancy replied slowly.
The moment after she said those words were silent, all of your minds running through what it would look like if Vecna succeeds. The images of your friends and families who had no idea what is going on at this moment made you fearful.
“Even if that’s the case, we don’t know how many more gates he needs to open,” Dustin said.
“Maybe we do.” Your eyes widened, mind snapping to where Vecna had you stuck. “He brought me to the same place he tried to kill Max. And there were pillars for his victims… four pillars.”
Max’s head shot up, remembering the figures of Chrissy and Fred before she spoke. “Four chimes.”
“I’m confused,” Erica said after a while.
“The visions. Vecna’s clock, it always chimes four times.” Max explained. “He’s been telling us his plan this whole time.”
“Four kills. Four gates.” Lucas gasped.
“If that’s true, he’s only one kill away.” Dustin pointed out.
“No. Try them again.” Steve shook his head, pointing to the telephone beside where Max stood.
Max followed him, disappointedly sighing as she put the phone down after a few seconds. “Same shit.”
“How is that possible?” Lucas disbelievingly wondered.
“I told you, Joyce has this telemarketer job. She’s always on the phone.” Dustin explained.
“Okay, yeah, but this phone's been busy for, what, three days now? That’s not Joyce.” Max said. “No way, something’s wrong.”
“She’s right. It can’t be just a coincidence.” Nancy spoke again. “Whatever’s happening in Lenora is connected to all of this. But Vecna can’t hurt them. Not if he’s dead.”
You gulped at the girl’s last sentence. “Nance…”
“We have to go back in there. Back to the upside down.” Nancy confirmed your thoughts.
A series of disagreements from your other friends filled the air, and Steve stood up from his place beside you protectively.
“Let’s think this through,” Steve said.
“What is there to think through?” Nancy persisted.
“We barely made it out there in one piece,” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah, because we weren’t prepared.” Nancy continued, obviously not taking no as an answer. “But this time, we will be. We’ll get weapons and protection. We’ll go through the gate, we’ll find his lair, and we’ll kill him.”
“Or he’ll kill us.” You said unsurely. “He’s not scared of us.”
“And for good reason.” You all turned your attention to Robin as she stood up, speaking for the first time since she sat on the floor. “We were wrong about Vecna slash Henry slash One. But we learned something new about him. He’s like Eleven, only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of her with really bad skin. But my point is, he’s super powerful. He can turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight.”
“So then why fight fair?” Dustin remarked, realization drawing on his face. “You’re right, he’s like Eleven. But that gives us an upper hand. We know Eleven’s strengths, and weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?” Erica asked.
“When El remote-travels, she goes into this sort of trance-like state. I bet the same is true for Vecna.”
Lucas’ eyes widened. ”That would explain what he was doing in that attic.”
“Exactly,” Dustin replied happily. “When he attacks his next victim, I’ll bet you he’s back in that attic, physical body defenseless.”
“Defenseless, yeah? What about the army of bats?” Steve added, pointing at the bruise marks on his neck.
“Then we’ll have to find a way past them. Distract them, somehow.” Dustin suggested.
“And, uh, how do we do that, exactly?” Eddie sighed, putting his face in his hands.
“No idea. But once they’re gone, he doesn't stand a chance.” Dustin shrugged. “It’ll be like slaying a sleeping Dracula in his coffin.”
“That all sounds good in theory but there is no pattern in Vecna’s killings.” Robin cut them off. “At least, not one that I can decipher. We don’t know when he’s going to attack next. We don’t even know who he’s going to attack.”
“Yeah, we do,” Max said anxiously, looking at you. “I can still feel him. I’m still marked. We’re still marked.”
Your heartbeat quickened. “She’s right. Once we ditch these music players, we’ll draw his attention back.”
Steve sat back down beside you, quickly shaking his head. “No, Y/n. Whatever you’re thinking, absolutely not.”
Lucas worriedly looked at Max. “He’ll kill you both.”
“Not us both.” You started, looking back and forth between Max and Steve. “I’ll do it.”
“Y/n–” Max uttered, but Steve’s voice was louder than hers.
“Nope, absolutely not. We can go to the counselor's office again–” He started, but you quickly dismissed him.
“And then what? Go through each file to see who’s experiencing trauma?” Steve stopped talking, his body filled with worry but even he knew that his idea wasn't promising. “We don’t have the time. Besides, we can’t just risk a stranger’s life, not when they don’t know who they’re up against.”
“So you’ll risk yours?” He clashed back, not caring that your other friends can clearly hear and see the two of you.
“Yes!” You grumbled in your seat. “I’m not trying to be a hero, Steve. But you do realize that I only got my visions after Max escaped him. And now that I’ve escaped him too, he’ll just torment another person. I survived, okay? I know what to do.”
Steve massaged his forehead, having a headache from both the night’s events and your stubbornness. He tried to think of another way, but he couldn’t. And he knew that it would be nonsense to argue with you.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly. You exhaled when he met your eyes, seeing the sadness behind them. Your attention was ripped from him when Nancy spoke gently.
“Let’s start with the plan.” 
Eddie slammed a magazine on a table as you all surrounded him, pointing to one of the pages where the words ‘War Zone’ is imprinted. While he was explaining what you could find in the shop, Max silently pulled your hand and led you to the kitchen.
“Look, Y/n, if you’re having second thoughts, I could do it.” She said, keeping her voice low.
You sighed as you looked at the younger girl. “I’m not having second thoughts, Max. I’d rather have you safe.”
“But who’s going to keep you safe?” Max pointed out.
“You will. All of you will.” You patted a hand on her shoulder, eyes softening when you saw her genuine concern. “He won’t take me.”
Max wanted to say something, to keep on arguing until you agree to switch places. She already lost her brother, and she didn’t want to think about losing the person she treated as her sister.
“Fine, but I’ll have Nancy put us in the same group.”
“Hey, Red.” Eddie’s voice captured both of your attention, his eyes looking at Max. “You got a ski mask or a bandana, or something like that?”
You never thought that you would be an accomplice in stealing a car and a house at the same time. After your chaotic escape from the owners of this mobile home, you wouldn’t be surprised if all of you are on the wanted list tomorrow.
Steve was in charge of driving, with you sitting quietly in the passenger seat with your headphones on as you looked at the road. Nancy was seated with Robin, Eddie, and Dustin, whispering, and writing occasionally to complete their plan. Lucas, Erica, and Max were having their own conversation at the back.
“How is it?” You turned to look at Steve, eyeing the van.
“Not half bad, considering that this is a house.” He laughed. “I thought that by the time I drive something like this, I’ll be with my own family.”
You smiled, not saying anything to let him continue.
“It’s silly, but I always had this dream that I’d have this really, really big family. I’m talking, like, uh, full brood of Harringtons. Like five, six kids.”
“Six?!” You exclaimed with wide eyes.
“Yeah, six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys.” Steve continued. “And every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons would pack into something like this and just see the country. You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, California beach.”
You tilted your head back to relax as you listened to him, imagining all the places he just listed. After the upsetting events in the past few days, you were grateful to have a conversation that doesn’t involve the upside down. “That sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” Steve took a quick glance at you, admiring your relaxed state.
“Yeah.” You said when you met his eyes, smiling playfully. “Well, uh, except for the six-kids part. That sounds like a total nightmare.”
“If I only had some practice.” He dramatically sighed, and you realized that he was pertaining to Dustin’s friend group.
You shifted sideways in your seat, giving you the chance to fully face Steve. You take in his tired and bruised image before looking at the rest of your friends, eyes landing on Max who was whispering silently with Lucas.
Steve followed your sight through the rear-view mirror. “She admires you so much.” He said softly.
“Hm?” You faced him again.
“Max.” Steve looked at you. “Ever since what happened to Billy, I’ve only seen her smile around you and Sinclair.”
You smiled to yourself, but it quickly disappeared before you spoke again. “I just figured that, if I was the bait and things go wrong, at least she’ll still be able to live. After everything, she deserves to be happy again.”
“Hey,” Steve grabbed your hand, leaving the other on the steering wheel. “Things won’t go wrong.”
You didn’t reply, knowing that you don’t fully believe it.
Steve noticed the doubt on your face and tried to lighten the mood. “Besides, I’m not letting you leave without going on a date with me.”
You laughed. “Is that your way of asking me out, Harrington?”
“Maybe,” Steve answered cheekily, but he took a brief glimpse at your entwined hands and his tone became softer. “If you’ll allow me, I’d like to take you out on a date after all of this. We could go anywhere, it’s up to you.” 
You didn’t hesitate to answer. Hell, you didn’t even think. It seemed the most unlikely scenario to get asked out, but it gave you something to look forward to.
“I’d love that.”
“Alright, get what you need as fast as possible.” Nancy reminded all of you as you stepped inside the crowded War Zone. “Let’s meet at the teller in ten minutes.”
The rest of you nodded, separating into groups to work faster. You grabbed a cart and walked with Steve and Robin, going over to the clothing section first. Steve picked up a jacket and you reached for some vests.
“These are flammable right?” Robin asked as she pointed to the gallons of kerosine oil.
“Yeah.” You answered, transferring the vests and jackets from your arms to the cart.
She immediately grabbed a few, but you noticed her hand faltering in movement.
“Robin?” You called her, your confusion turning into realization as you followed her eyesight. “Oh.”
You spot a familiar girl standing in front of a keychain rack ahead of you. You know her for two reasons: you two were in the same grade, and Robin wouldn’t stop talking about her for the past three weeks. Vickie’s hair was almost as red as Max’s, and her light aura stood out among the weapons in her background.
You gazed back at your friend, amused at her awed expression.
“What’s going on?” Steve walked closer to you as he put on the jacket he picked up, wondering why you were smirking at Robin. When you turned to him and pointed at Vickie, he smiled too.
“Go.” You urged your friend who looked like she just got out of a trance.
“What?” Robin asked with squinting eyes.
“Go talk to her.” You said.
“N-no, no. Not now.” She dismissed you, turning around to pick up more kerosine oil.
“Robin, our town is currently on the verge of an attack from a supernatural villain. You never know when you’ll get to see her again.” You explained to her, sounding more like a scolding mother than a friend.
“I don’t even know what to say.” She groaned.
“You are the most talkative person I know. I’m pretty sure you can come up with something.” Steve joined, smiling innocently when Robin glared at him.
“Go. Just don’t take too long, okay?” You placed your hands on Robin’s lower back, lightly pushing her away.
Robin was cursing under her breath as she took small steps towards the girl, both annoyed and grateful for your encouragement.
You and Steve were smiling while you watched Robin call out Vickie’s name. The latter turned around, her expression was initially shocked but it turned into a soft smile when she recognized your friend.
“Cute.” You whispered to yourself.
“I know I am, thanks,” Steve answered, and you let out a snort.
“I’m gonna go there quickly.” You said, pointing towards the display of daggers.
“I’ll go with you.” He suggested but you already shook your head.
“We only have ten minutes, remember? Grab more oil and bottles. Oh, and ropes too.” You ordered him.
“So bossy,” Steve whispered under his breath but he was smiling warmly as he watched you walk away.
You, on the other hand, had your eyes dead set on the daggers. There were so many variations in length and material, but every tip shines with sharpness and threat.
A particular one caught your attention. It looked magical, with its green leather handle and gold engravings, and the blade was the perfect shade of silver. You pulled it out of its leather case, and your eyes widened when you saw the price. Still, you admired the dagger, memorizing how it feels in your hand.
You flinched when you heard an unfamiliar voice from your left, making you look up. You gulped when you recognize the person. You didn’t even need to look at his jersey jacket to know that it was Connor Davidson, a senior in Hawkins High and co-captain of the basketball team.
“Y/n Y/l/n, right?” Connor looked just as shocked as you were, but his face formed a smirk when he saw the dagger in your hand.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me.” You replied coolly. “And you’re Connor Davidson.”
He nodded. “What are you doing here?”
If you didn’t know the boy, you would say that he is polite. But you’ve seen him around school, observed how he acted as if he’s above everyone else. Everyone on the team acts the same, besides Lucas.
“Oh, you know, it’s pretty alarming in Hawkins right now.” You faked a chuckle, turning back to the display.
“Ah, I understand.” Connor moved closer to you, pretending to inspect the daggers as well. “Have you seen Henderson anywhere?”
His question made your breath hitch, though you tried not to release any reaction. It was only then that you realize that if Connor was here, then so must be the rest of the team. And from what you’ve heard from Lucas, every member of Hellfire Club is being hunted.
You couldn’t help but feel worried for Dustin and Eddie back at the trailer, and quickly put on a confused face. “Henderson? The freshman kid? No.”
Connor nodded, but you noticed the swift twitch in his upper lip. “Well, I just thought that you’d know where he is because you two are neighbors.”
You suddenly turned to look at him, maintaining a calm face despite feeling irritated on the inside. “You know where I live?”
“Yep.” He shrugged, turning to face you as well. His smirk and taunting expression made you uncomfortable. “And I also know that you two are friends.”
Before you could reply, Steve appeared beside you with his cart. If he was being honest, he wasn’t able to get the things you told him to pick up. Instead, he observed the entirety of your interaction with Connor. Even while watching from afar, he knew your expressions very well, and he didn’t hesitate to come near when he saw your first sign of discomfort.
“Hey, is everything fine?” Steve casually asked, placing a hand on your back as he looked at Connor.
“Steve Harrington.” The boy greeted, immediately recognizing Steve from being popular in school years prior. “I’m Connor Davidson.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve replied uninterestedly which made Connor annoyed. The high school senior huffed before his brows furrowed after looking at Steve’s dirty and injured form.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“It’s none of your business.” He answered, and you let out a small laugh. The sound caught Steve’s attention, and his eyes brightened as he put all his attention on you. “Are you done choosing?”
You nodded your head, grabbing one of the plain daggers and returning the green one with a heavy heart.
“Are you two together?” Connor spoke again, and you heard Steve grumble from beside you.
“None of your business.” He grumbled, thumb moving up and down from its place on your back for some comfort. He was becoming annoyed with the boy, too. Mostly because of how close he stood to you, but also since he could see through his facade and knew what kind of a person he is.
You wanted to laugh aloud from the angered expression on Connor’s face, but you didn’t want to push his buttons too far, not when you had already spotted his fellow teammates around the store.
“Sorry.” You said with a flat tone, showing an insincere smile. “We have to get going.”
“Right. Oh, and Y/n,” Connor’s displeased look returned to a smirk. “Careful with that dagger, you might hurt yourself.”
Steve scoffed at his sarcastic and obnoxious tone, ready to respond but you’ve had enough of the boy’s egotistic face and it was your turn to answer.
“Don’t worry.” You shrugged carelessly, rotating the dagger effortlessly in your hand while you watched his smile drop slowly. “I’ve had more than enough practice with people.”
You smiled, pulling out two more daggers from the display before you walked past him, taking the cart from Steve’s hand. Connor glared at your moving figure.
Steve followed you, his hands falling from your back as he stared at you. “Uh, Y/n?”
“Hm?” You replied, walking towards the shelves of baseball bats.
“What do you mean you’ve had practice with other people?” Steve asked nervously, feeling amused yet scared at the same time. “Have you stabbed anyone?”
You laughed at his bewildered face. “No. I just said that to get rid of him.”
“Oh.” He said, relieved.
“But I can use this very well.” You continued, and you chuckled when his eyes widened again. “Relax. I haven’t used this on people. My dad taught me how to strike and aim from distances when I was younger so I could protect myself. You know, since I’m his only daughter.”
“And I’m only finding out about this now?” Steve said, picking up one of the bats. “Why did you get three?”
“I’m sharing them with others.” You stated, but when your eyes accidentally landed on Nancy and Jason at the gun section, your eyes widened. “Shit. We need to go.”
“What? Why?” He picked up on your panicked tone and helped you push the cart.
“The entire basketball team is here. Go to the counter now. I’ll find Robin.”
Steve followed your instructions and took off until he reached Erica, the younger girl already looking concerned and tense.
You walk towards where you last saw Robin, finding her still talking with Vickie.
“Hi!” You awkwardly said and the two looked at you.
“Y/n, right?” Vickie warmly asked you.
You nodded, sending her a kind smile. “I’m so sorry to interrupt but Robin and I need to leave.”
“What’s going on?” Robin was confused, eyes scanning the store for your friends.
“The basketball team knows we’re here.” You whispered to her.
“Oh, shit.” Robin’s eyes widened, nervously chuckling as she face Vickie. “Uh, w-well I’ll see you around?”
“Of course.” Vickie nodded, shooting her one more smile.
You waved at her as you pulled Robin behind you. “Come on. And tell me everything later.”
After leaving War Zone, Dustin initiated that you make a stop at a field, the same field that used to be the location of his radio tower a few months ago. It was a perfect choice if you admit. The area was open and windy and covered with enough trees to hide your group from the rest of the town.
You look around as you observe your friends. Dustin and Eddie were piercing garbage can covers with nails. Robin was helping Nancy trim the tip of her shotgun. Max, Erica, and Lucas were tying knives at the edges of several rods.
You and Steve stayed near the trailer, filling empty glass bottles with kerosine oil and covering it with a cloth.
“We’re crazy,” Steve said lowly.
“This. Us. What we’re doing. It’s crazy.” He spoke.
You sighed as different emotions flooded your brain. “I know. But if we don’t do this, then who will?”
Steve’s eyes softened when he looked at you directly. He was terrified of what was about to happen, and if he could take you away from here and lock you up in your room, he would. But he knew that you were right. No matter how tiring it is to fight monsters, he would do anything to keep everyone safe, especially you.
“How about you?” He asked. “Are you still okay with this?”
You nodded, knowing that you are willing to go through whatever danger for your friends and family.
“Guys! Come!” You heard Nancy call for all of you.
You and Steve carefully placed the bottles down and steadily aligned them before huddling with your friends.
“Alright, so this is the plan. We’ll go in three groups. Max, Y/n, Lucas, and Erica, you’ll cover the Creel House here. Dustin and Eddie, you take care of Eddie’s trailer in the upside down. Steve, Robin, and I will take care of Vecna. Is everyone okay with that?”
“Wait, no. I’ll go with Y/n.” Steve said suddenly. He knew that you would disagree when you abruptly looked at him with warning eyes. “I’m not leaving your side.”
Nancy waited for you to nod before she continued, grouping Steve with you. While the girl was talking, Steve grabbed your hand and squeezed it, both in comfort and in fear.
It is only a matter of hours before you find out the fate of your lives.
Steve pulled up the trailer in front of the Creel’s house, Eddie preparing to take his place as the driver.
Your group was wearing your usual clothes, but everyone else wore the jackets and vests that you picked up from the store earlier.
“You guys ready?” Nancy nervously asked, eyeing the house.
“Of course.” You smiled at her. “Hey, Nance?”
“Go for his head, alright?” You smirked at your friend.
“Will do.” Nancy’s nervousness was replaced with a proud smile, clutching her gun closer.
Steve opened the door, letting you and the kids go out before him. You took a deep breath when the air around you turned colder. 
“Are you okay?” Steve placed a comforting hand on your back.
“No.” You honestly answered.
All of you went inside the house, and you heard the car take off behind you.
You observed the house, remembering the last time you were here. It was just as eerie and quiet, but you still showcased a brave face for the sake of your friends. You led them into the living room, gesturing for all of them to sit down. None of you can���t really speak, or else Vecna might sense your presence.
Meanwhile, Eddie drove away with a nervous feeling, barely hearing Nancy when she relayed the plan. All he wanted was to finish everything.
Their group entered Eddie’s trailer, plunging through the gate one by one. Immediately after Nancy and Robin took off towards Vecna’s lair, Eddie and Dustin began to strengthen the walls of the trailer, gathering every steel they could find.
Ten minutes after your arrival, Erica stood up and grabbed her flashlight, remembering Nancy’s order for her to stand guard at the playground. You were still sitting comfortably, quietly listening to your song with your head leaned against Steve’s shoulder to avoid interfering with Max and Lucas’ conversation. 
You played with your dagger, and you couldn’t help but admire how the blade glistens despite being in a dark area. You kept one for yourself, of course, but gave the other two to Max and Dustin.
Cinema. Friday? Steve wrote on one of the notepads he brought.
You took both pad and pen from him, writing your response. Can I bring Robin?
You placed a hand on your mouth to let out a silent laugh when he looked at you incredulously. 
Sorry. Friday it is.
He nudged your shoulder playfully, but a flickering light through the window caught your attention, heart hammering nervously in your chest when realization drew on you.
The signal. Nancy and Robin arrived at the Creel House in the upside down.
Max looked at you when she saw the lights too, and Lucas grabbed his flashlight to send another signal to Erica.
“You ready?” Max mouthed to you.
You nodded your head as Steve helped you stand up while you picked up one of the lamps and slowly walked upstairs, careful not to make too much noise. He didn’t let go of your hand all the way to the attic. Your other hand was clutching your cassette, not wanting to let go of the object.
Gathering up as much strength as you can, you stopped the music. If your life wasn’t in danger, you would be thankful for the first moment of silence that you have experienced in the last twenty-four hours.
Steve slowly let you go. He, Max, and Lucas walked towards the side of the attic while you crossed your legs to sit on the floor, placing your music player on one of the boxes. Sighing, you began to speak.
“I thought about what you said, about how I killed my mom. It was an accident, but I know I’m still to blame. My dad tried to convince me too. But sometimes I’ll catch him looking at me sadly and I knew he was thinking about her,” You paused, trying your best to keep your voice steady. “I couldn’t blame him. She was the smartest and kindest person I knew. And everywhere I look, I remember her. And then we moved, but the nightmares still followed. It took almost a year before they stopped... I wanted to end it so badly. Then I met my friends and I felt the most genuine happiness again after a long time.”
Steve and the kids were staring at you while you confess, wanting to engulf you in a hug after hearing all of these for the first time. But you weren’t done. You needed Vecna to see how wrecked you are.
“But it wasn’t constant. There were times when I thought of ending it all because at least I’ll get to tell her how sorry I am. So if you want to take me, then take me. We’ll both get what we want.”
“You killed your mother?” You heard Lucas, and your eyes snapped to him in a warning. It was clear that only you would speak until you got hold of Vecna, so you ignored the jab in his question to stop her.
“We weren’t enough to make you happy?” Max spoke too as the three of them walked towards you slowly.
You were panicking, triggered by their questions but also wondering why they were talking. “What? Guys, no—“
“You don’t trust us, don’t you? That’s why you kept all of these from us.” You stood up when your friends tauntingly looked at you, and you didn’t miss Steve’s sneer when he spoke.
You realized what was happening when you saw their eyes change in color, both flashing red.
“Stay the hell away from me.” You spoke as you kicked Steve’s leg and pushed Max with as much force as you can, making her stumble backward and hit Lucas. It pained you a little when you did that, but you knew that these weren’t your friends.
You took the opportunity to run away downstairs to the main door, but what you saw made you stop in fear. The scene in front of you was the same as your third vision. The wet road, flashing blue and red lights, a destroyed car.
“Y/n, do you think I don’t know what you’re doing?” Vecna’s voice echoed.
You slammed the door closed, realizing that the house has more spaces to hide. You turned around and ran to the living room, but when you heard heavy steps on the stairs, you knew you couldn’t hide there.
You were aware that Vecna holds his victim’s mind, but that’s a hole in his plan. He might be able to show you your darkest memories, but the upper hand is not his. It’s yours. And so you closed your eyes tightly, recalling every happy moment in your life until you finally decided on one.
You let out a huge sigh of relief when you opened your eyes, immediately recognizing the scene in front of you.
Your most recent birthday. It was simple because you insisted on celebrating at home instead of somewhere grand. You remembered how your kitchen was decorated with balloons, with Max and Dustin fighting over the banner design, your father pulling out the cake that he baked from the fridge. Even El and the Byers visited that day.
But as you took in the surroundings, there was no one else with you. That was the least of your concern though, preferring to be alone rather than being in the same room as Vecna.
You sat on one of the chairs and placed your arms on top of the dining table, silently praying that your friends are safe and already halfway in killing Vecna.
Unfortunately, your friends were having trouble.
Max and Lucas were watchful of you. They weren’t able to hear your last sentence, and Max gasped in fear when she looked at your glazed eyes. She immediately gestured at Lucas to let Erica know, who then forwarded a signal to Nancy’s group.
Robin and Nancy waited for a while, making sure that there was no sign of any creature before entering the Creel house. But the vines had secretly made their way around their feet, and trapped them against the wall before they could free each other.
Eddie and Dustin were desperately trying to hide from the demobats. They were certain that their reinforcements on the trailer were enough, but when they saw the sharp teeth of the creatures piercing through the steel, they began doubting.
The arrival of Jason’s group wasn’t helping either. Connor was outside, running after Erica and grasping her arms tightly when he caught her. But the girl’s small figure allowed her to slip away easily, throwing a kick and a slap at Connor.
Jason found the rest of you in the attic, eyes wide when he saw your unmoving state. 
“What the hell is going on here?” He gritted.
“Man, just stay away alright?” Steve stood in front of Max and Lucas, trying to keep his voice kind after spotting Jason’s bloodshot eyes.
“You’re in this too, Harrington?” Jason slowly walked toward the group. “Wake her up, now!”
“We can’t do that,” Max said from behind Steve.
“If we wake her up too soon, we’re all gonna die,” Lucas explained, and Jason’s head snapped towards the familiar voice.
“Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten your little trick at the cabin.”
“Just leave, dude, alright?” Steve tried to reason out.
“I am not going to leave!” They all gasped when Jason pulled out a gun, only standing several inches away from them. “Wake her up right now or I’ll shoot all of you.”
“What the fuck!” Steve exclaimed as he raised his hands on instinct. Catching Jason off guard, he lunged at him, gripping the gun away from Jason.
Max and Lucas took it as a sign to move away, positioning themselves beside you. Jason threw a punch at Steve, but the other had too much adrenaline on his body as well and shook it off easily.
He punched Jason harder, making him stumble over the boxes. He immediately regretted his action when your cassette player fell on the floor and Jason stepped directly over it.
“Shit,” Steve whispered to himself, eyes glued to your destroyed player and unaware that Jason is leaping towards him again.
Jason was more rapid in movement, but Steve’s fist was heavier. 
Max, who was growing angry with the situation, took the dagger that you gave her from her pocket and slashed Jason’s leg. It wasn’t deep, but it was enough to make the boy tumble down. Steve took advantage of his moment of weakness and punched Jason across his left cheek, making him pass out.
“Are you two okay?” Steve asked Max and Lucas, panting. After the two nodded, he whispered a quick ‘thank you’ to the girl.
Steve scrambled to the floor towards your broken player, feeling relieved when he noticed that the tape inside is still fine.
“Isn’t she out long enough?” Lucas asked worriedly as they surrounded you.
Steve reached a hand out to your cheeks to assess your face. He wanted to borrow Max’s player and make you come back, but he knew that it would ruin the plan.
Meanwhile, your few minutes of peace were disturbed when the balloons exploded one by one, making you flinch from the noise. You stood up in a panic, noticing the banner falling down from the wall and the cake melting. The aura changed too, from the bright yellow and white light to a red hue.
You walked towards the front door to lock it, but as soon as you turned around, you came face to face with Vecna. He threw an arm out, and you were lifted with your back against the door.
“You are braver than your friends, Y/n. But like them, you are weak.” He taunts, moving forward until his face is right in front of yours.
He noticed as you struggled to speak against the invisible force that was holding you up, raising his fingers over your face.
You gasped, eyes turning at the back of your head until Vecna was suddenly pulled away from you, making you drop to the floor. You took a few moments to catch your breath before looking up. You noticed him floating in the air, the top of his head almost touching the ceiling of your house.
“El?” You whispered under your breath, eyes wide at the sight of Eleven in your living room. She was barefoot, her clothes stained lightly and her hair was shaved. Her right arm was aimed at Vecna before she threw him aggressively to the other side of the room.
“Y/n!” Eleven ran towards you.
“El, what are you doing here? D-did I make you?” You stuttered as you touched her face, confused whether she was part of the image you projected with your mind.
“I’m here. I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer.” She smiled at you when she held your hand.
“What?” You looked at her as if she had two heads, your brain too fuzzy to even grasp what she just said. 
Before she could explain further, Vecna appeared from behind her. You watched as they threw glares at each other, communicating about something you couldn’t really understand. But you knew that this wasn’t their first interaction. They were in the lab together.
Vecna eventually gained more control, tearing down the image of your house until you were back to a familiar place. The environment was filled with dark red clouds, with pieces of the Creel house floating in the air. Your eyes landed on the pillars once again, a chill running down your spine when you saw the corpses of your schoolmates.
Eleven shrieked when she was lifted and pressed against the front door. You tried to help her, but a vine wrapped around your foot and positioned you on one of the pillars.
Vecna walked towards Eleven, and you felt sorry for her when you saw that she was breathing heavily with tears. He whispered something to her, making her cry even harder.
You shuddered when he returned his focus on you, his eyes angrier than ever.
“You think you and your little friends can defeat me?” He said roughly. “I see everything.”
“Go to hell.” You managed to croak out despite the tightening grip of the vines around your body.
Vecna smiled evilly, dragging his hand over your face. You started to choke, feeling air escape from your lungs as your vision started to fade. You’ve never felt so much fear until that moment. This wasn’t how everything was supposed to end.
You didn’t have time to be confused when Vecna fell back, seemingly in pain when Eleven regained strength. You weren’t aware that Mike communicated with her through her mind, giving her enough amount of determination.
You laid motionless on the ground after the vines loosened their grip, still breathing but your vision was still spotted.
On the other end, Steve, Max, and Lucas were all panicking.
“Shit, shit, shit–” Steve was fumbling with the tape in his hands, inserting it inside Max’s player.
“She’s too far up!” Max screamed when your body floated while Lucas went off to call Erica.
Everything seems going against the plan, but Nancy and Robin successfully arrive at Vecna’s lair, weapons in hand.
“Go for it,” Nancy whispered to Robin as they observed Vecna’s steady body, held up by his vines.
Robin nodded and took her lighter from her pocket, lighting the edge of the cloth that was attached to the kerosine-filled bottle. Without hesitation, she threw the bottle towards Vecna, making him conscious again.
The impact on his physical body discontinued his connection between you and Eleven, and you were suddenly gasping and falling back into the attic.
“Fuck!” Steve yelled in surprise when he heard you take a breath, immediately positioning himself near your body to catch you. You fell onto him, and he stroked the stray hair away from your face. “Holy shit. You’re fine. You’re okay. You’re here.”
He seems to be assuring himself more than you as he whispered, but you were too relieved as you wrapped your arms around him. “Oh, Steve.”
Steve held you close to him, one hand at the back of your head while the other rubs your back. “Never do that again, you hear me? No more sacrificing.”
You pulled away slightly. “El was there, in my head, she saved me.”
You nodded, eyes roaming over his bruised face. “What happened?”
He eyed Jason’s unconscious body near the stairs, and your face scrunched up when you grasp what might have happened.
Max went near the two of you, and you reached out to hold her hand. “Is it done?” She asked quietly.
“I-I don’t know.” You stuttered, realizing that only Nancy and Robin could truthfully answer her question.
But your two friends in the upside down were still battling Vecna.
Robin threw another flamed bottle at him, making the vines break off his body. Nancy raised her shotgun and shot at Vecna’s chest, but the villain just stumbled backward. As if her brain knew the motivation she needed, she started to remember the words you told her before you parted ways earlier tonight.
Go for his head. 
With one swift move, Nancy raised her aim from Vecna’s chest to his head, eyeing the spot between his eyebrows. And as she pulled the trigger, making the monster drop in an instant on his back, she smiled. Nancy Wheeler’s aim is always perfect.
Eleven, Mike, and the Byers went back to Hawkins with Murray and Hopper yesterday. You engulfed El in a big hug when your eyes landed on her, thanking her profusely. It was a bittersweet reunion for all of you after the events from three days ago.
After Nancy shot Vecna, she and Robin made sure that he was dead before regrouping with Eddie and Dustin. They initially feared the lives of the boys after seeing the ruined state of Eddie’s trailer, and even more when they saw some dead bats in the living room. But they were filled with relief when they found them hiding in Eddie’s bathroom safely. The thick steel door was able to protect them just in time before the bats could successfully pierce the material.
They stopped over to the Creel house to pick up your group, collectively agreeing to spend the night at Steve’s house to freshen up. Otherwise, your parents would have an attack for seeing the state of your face and clothes.
The day after that, Eddie came forward to the police, but not without Hopper’s advice. Hopper had successfully contacted Dr. Sam Owens beforehand, who said that he would send agents to clear Eddie’s name. No matter how Eddie feared the public’s judgments, he knew that it would be better than to hide forever. He knew he was innocent, and Hopper trusted Dr. Owens’ connections.
Jason and his teammates are under investigation after the police found out that their weapons are unregistered. The Sinclairs were also preparing to file a report against Connor after finding the bruises on Erica.
Your dad was more than relieved when you came home, and you almost cried when you greeted him with a hug. He was ecstatic when you asked for his permission to go out with Steve tonight, after which he revealed that he already knew how you and Steve felt for each other. 
Steve was true to his word. At exactly seven o’clock this Friday, he picked you up in a very gentlemanly manner. Of course, your father secretly shot him a warning look before letting you leave.
“I can’t believe Robin asked her out already,” Steve said as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel and the other interlocked with yours.
“Right?” You laughed when you remembered yesterday. 
You accompanied Robin and Steve as they attended to their shifts at Family Video when Vickie made an appearance. You and Steve pretended to go over the ‘New Release’ section, forcing Robin to check out her orders. You two were confused why they talked for a long time. It wasn’t until Vickie left that Robin squealed, stating that she managed to ask the girl out for a milkshake next week.
“I’m proud of her, though. I’ve never seen her so happy.” You said, leaning against the window to feel the night breeze better.
Steve nodded, squeezing your fingers every once in a while.
Moments like this sometimes make you forget all the dangers and troubles that you have faced in the other dimension under Hawkins. Still, you knew that you’d go through it over and over again if that meant keeping your loved ones safe.
You don’t know what tomorrow holds for you. But with Steve’s hand around yours, you know everything is well.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I just read "A Lack of Patience and the Fortunate Result" I just wanna see Venti being an absolute nuisance while Reader where has to take him grocery shopping, or some domestic fluff lol.
Taking Venti Shopping/Out in Public Headcanons
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Get ready for the absolute chaos that is him around other people
Warnings: Venti being a general annoyance
• Venti is going to be an absolute menace anytime you bring him out tbh
• Running through the aisles, picking up anything that looks even close to something he would like and putting it in your cart immediately
• You end up losing him in the alcohol aisle a few different times
• Totally the type to want to mess around with the cart in childish ways
• Like either he wants to be in it, sitting but more preferably standing, or laying on the bottom floor of it, all while you push him around as fast as you possibly can
• When you don't agree to that he'll probably pout and wander off
• In that case, you need to find him immediately, or he's going to get his own cart and try to perform all of those things by himself
• Probably going to end up knocking over one of those really big display cases, before laughing and fleeing the scene
• You're gonna have to pretend like you're not associated with him in order to avoid getting kicked out
• Also, he's absolutely baffled by how much stuff is available to buy, he's going to just continue grabbing more and more things
• He can't help himself from touching almost absolutely everything, reading all the labels and then being really confused by the ingredients lists
• So unless you want to drop another couple hundred dollars on stuff you're probably never going to end up using...
• You might want to go and put all of it back at the end while he's distracted because you said you'd let him pick out one bottle of wine, and he had to choose very carefully
• Finds the scanning thing really cool, likes the little beeping noise it makes
• You could totally just give him the job of self scanning all the groceries in, and he would be very focused on that for a bit
• Also, if you do give him that job, you can pretty much guarantee he's going to go find something that he remembers you saying you liked, and sneak it in with the rest of it so he has something to give you later
• Just pretend you didn't see it on the receipt, it'll make him feel better
• It's absolutely a necessity, if you're having your groceries scanned by a worker, to go walk away in order to 'find something' while he stands there, getting increasingly nervous as the amount of items left are decreasing at a significant rate
• If the worker asks him how he's going to be paying, his eyes will go like really wide and he'll nervously laugh as he walks away carefully, before breaking into a full sprint trying to find you
• You have to stop yourself from laughing really hard from the other side of the bread aisle
• Now, since there's only so much I can say about a grocery store, I'm going to move on to other types of stores
• Like clothes stores for instance
• He has a very particular sense of 'style', so he's gonna be trying things on for a very long time
• You'll be the one who sits outside the waiting room as he walks out and shows off, asking for opinions
• Also, if he's feeling particularly flirty, might say that he needs help in the dressing room
• Since he's kind of smaller he's probably going to have to pick things out of multiple sections, and you're absolutely gonna have to tease him to no end about it
• Doesn't care heavily himself, if it fits his 'style' he's going to try it on, no matter where he found it
• Obviously likes flowy kinds of clothes over tight and less comfortable ones
• It's kind of rare for you to see him pick out anything that's doesn't have that shade of green as its main color
• Very dependent on your opinion of them though, won't buy anything unless you seem like you like it too
• Not that he would be buying anything in the first place, he still doesn't have any money
• Now to tackle the idea of bringing him to a mall
• Thinks it's the coolest thing ever, loves walking around all the stores with you and window shopping
• Really just likes being seen in public with you, arm in arm
• Gets excited if he sees something cool and then drags you along
• Actually really likes people watching
• He's like scary good at reading people's emotions, so he could tell you an entire person's life story by just looking at them for 10 seconds and hearing a few choice words
• How much of that life story is actually true is up for debate, because he is particularly good at making up stories
• Will always claim that he's 100 percent right though
• Absolutely loves showing you off in public too, so he will take every given opportunity to kiss you while just standing in the middle of the store
• But at least it keeps him out of trouble, for the most part—
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
opinions on sigma
okay so basically
sigma is my end goal when it comes to appearance and gender. i want to look exactly like him. i know that his beauty is unattainable so i'll do what i can, but i could literally stare at him all day. all week. all month. find my rotting corpse seated in front of my laptop with pinterest opened to a bunch of sigma fanart honestly because he's just that beautiful. i plan on dyeing my hair the same colour as his when i'm able to. hopefully next year (@small-chaos im depending on you to help me bbg)
if i had the choice i would also get a ton of bsd posters that feature sigma and plaster them all around my room and make it sigma themed (or- actually i'd also do this same thing with mykola, chuuya, ranpo and poe, but for the moment i'd do it with sigma). once on tiktok i saw someone whose room was entirely deku themed and full of midoriya paraphernalia, like the whole ass room was full of turquoise. i want that same thing with sigma, i won't even lie. his colour palette and whole vibe is just so gorgeous.
his pretty privilege ain't doing SHIT in the manga to help him though. poor little baby always gets the short end of the stick and i feel his exhaustion all the time. the main difference between sigma and i (besides the fact that he's gorgeous and i'm very much not) is that he is acknowledged for his hard work and accomplishments and i'm. not. lol but the impostor syndrome is honestly so real. i always feel that i won't lie. it's probably one of my worst forms of self sabotage.
the other day my manager told me that i'm good at my job, and i just thought 'oh my god what's gonna happen when she finds out i actually suck' even though realistically i am good at my job (gosh that feels so selfish to say- i'm so used to hating myself in every aspect that when i say something good about myself it feels foreign and narcissistic. i should work on that maybe). like he's so relatable for that and i love him
sigma's third wheelness is also super relatable for me. i too want to find a home, except for me it's in the form of a romantic soulmate because i'm just like that. (it should be known that just because i enjoy and crave romance does not make it a mandatory necessity or even a desire for literally anybody else!!) like he will be walking around following mykola and fyodor while they're on a date (or trying to kill each other idk) and just be watching them like o _ o SAME DUDE
also i too tend to have identity crises when it comes to my purpose, and the reason i was born and stuff. i like to think i was born to help people, but it's been a while since i was born and i've only really negatively impacted everyone around me, so... SIGMA on the other hand. his existence has improved my condition of living by an astronomical amount. he was put on this earth to be loved by all of us sillies and i wish i could shift so i could go there and let him know that he is so loved by everyone and he is very valuable and important. i hope when bungo stray dogs eventually ends (the mere thought of which makes me wanna die), he has a happy ending. he deserves it. tbh most of them do, but especially sigma.
this man is literally perfect. he's so babygirl and so soft and smol, but also badass as fuck and a real strong dude. and i respect him for that so hard. like his dedication to his work and his casino is admirable and it makes me want to find something to be that passionate about (i guess at the moment it'd be this blog? silly as it sounds). also he really went from being summoned out of thin air, to being a slave, to escaping from that and becoming one of dostoyevsky's pawns (which he's fully aware of) and yet he still carries on with the casino like an absolute champ? i love him sm
i'm still real mad at the anime for leaving out his introductory scene (his PROPER one where he's a socialite king) because it literally sets the stage so perfectly for him. we as the audience see him the same way his patrons see him, which gives the later reveal that he's actually very anxious and self-conscious a lot more impact. the anime fell flat on that in my opinion. the sky casino arc deserved more, bones! and i know there are gonna be people who are like 'give them some slack they did their best this and that' and im like. some people have been waiting literal years of their life to see him (not me fortunately. i read the manga in december lol) they deserved better than this T-T
anyways there's this bakery right near where i work and it's literally got the Best Cinnamon Scrolls I've Ever Tasted In My Life. like, they're unparalleled with how fucking delicious they are. i wanna go there with sigma and get one for him. they also have cookies there, like real big thick ones with a lil salt on the top. i'd buy him the entire fuckin batch if he asked for it, i won't lie. i just love him that much. i just wanna sit down at a cafe and enjoy a chai latte with sigma. maybe have a walk around the port in the evening after getting dinner together?? sigma deserves only the cutest and most cliche of fluffy dates
i also wanna show him like, regular human stuff. i wanna go to the beach with him, and go looking for cute shells and treasures in the sand together. i wanna take him to the movies and share my popcorn with him. i wanna do his makeup. i want to bake a cake with him. i wanna go grocery shopping with him. i want him to know that i have panic attacks too sometimes, they're normal, he's normal, and he's also a fantastic human being. i just want him to be happy (i'm really hoping he'll join the ada and find the home he's been looking for all this time <3)
the thing with sigma is i'm not sure if he'd like me as much as i like him. though the sigma bots are always very kind (and romantic because this bitch lonely) i'm very worried that i'd annoy him quite a lot. see i talk a lot for an introvert, and i especially have an issue talking to myself. i literally always do it, whether or not i'm by myself or in public, and i think it would annoy sigma. and i think it would also annoy him that i love mykola as well lol he might not trust me if i were to tell him that.
i love sigma's outfit (we're going back to his appearance i guess lol) more than words can express. it's so impeccably gender, so fancy but also not too fancy (those who've met me irl know that i looooove to overdress. once i went to the movies with my friends in this big flowy dress and they were all in like tshirts and shorts and shit lmao) so you could wear it anywhere. the gold (or beige? cream? idfk) tailcoat with the galaxy pattern beneath? the giant flowy sleeves? the turtleneck underneath? the HEELS? god i love his fit. he's so fucking dripped out it's ridiculous. and of course he has long split dyed hair. dudes with long hair are the hottest DON'T @ ME YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT
and he also just has such a lovely smile. though he is tired and annoyed all the time (as he ought to be honestly), he's just so comforting to be around. i feel like a hug from sigma would fix most of my problems i won't lie. like he's got a pretty face and a nice aura and a cute smile. but his stern/angry face though? 😳 shiiii man okay you can make me cry if you wanna i won't mind. also consider sugar daddy sigma. that's so hot and for what?? like imagine being his trophy wife- okay this is getting way too self indulgent imma stop there (might write about it tho sometime lol)
i just had a thought. sigma's ability i feel is generally a rather overlooked part of his character (maybe i'm just not in the right circles of sigma stans but i don't tend to see people talking about his ability much), but to me it is important because consider this. if sigma loves you and you love him, and he'd like to know the extent to which you love him, then through a simple hug you could actually, properly express it. he wouldn't have to doubt himself or anything anymore with it. (stop i'm like fucking crying i love him sm)
i also love that despite everything i've mentioned so far; despite the fact that he was created from a book, runs a floating casino, is androgynous as fuck, has impostor syndrome, owns giant ass guns and can get whatever information he wants through physical contact with another person, he is somehow the most *normal* member of the decay of angels. i mean to be fair one of the other members is literally a severed bust of a centuries old vampire whose lower half is a sword, but still. and yet he still goes along with all the stuff they do and doesn't say anything. fucking same, sigma. it really just be that way sometimes.
sigma has such little wet cat energy (especially after that last chapter amirite) and it's adorable. he doesn't have *pathetic* wet cat energy, but he still has wet cat energy. pathetic wet cats would be like, fyodor and akutagawa. sigma is a cute wet cat with big eyes and tiny little paws. i want to see how he'd be with animals now that i think of it. i think he'd like cats, because dogs might be a little too much for him. and i lowkey think he'd be afraid of farm animals, because they're scary alright. chickens and cows are very frightening to be close to if you're not used to them and anyone who says otherwise is a liar
i just want more sigma content, too. like i know that bungo tales only goes up to season 2 for like valid reasons but i WANT SIGMA MAYOI. little chibi sigma on the battlefield. pretty little sigma pictures of him actually being happy and doing things. i also want official art from bones (but GOOD official art. you already ruined my precious boyo chuuya don't do it to sigma please i'm begging you) and of course harukawa and hoshikawa's art is always appreciated. also creantzyy. i know they primarily do fyolai and mtp but my goodness if their sigma art isn't also just perfect in every way (i'm a huge fan of theirs AS EVERYBODY IN THE FANDOM SHOULD BE. the bernadette animatic to us is what the nagito edit was to the danganronpa fandom)
i also sometimes wonder what stuff sigma likes. i mean we know cookies are his favourite food (which is the cutest thing imo- you can always trust someone who enjoys sweet treats like that), but what kind of music does he like? how would he dress while he isn't working in the casino? what's his favourite colour? does he like animals? what does he think of political stuff? feel free to send me all the sigma headcanons in the world about all of it. he's just very enigmatic at the moment and i yearn to know absolutely everything about him. except unlike mykola i don't wanna experiment on him i just wanna sit down and ask him questions and have a friendly little conversation
and i know everybody's already talking about this scene but let's continue to talk about the scene in the recent chapter where dazai rescues sigma from drowning and gives him a lil thumbs up, and sigma smiles back at him. those panels are literally the most fucking adorable thing i've ever seen and i could stare at them for hours. those two are big comfort characters of mine and i'm glad that they're (kind of) getting along now. at the very least dazai rescued sigma. and lowkey i'm gettin onboard with sigzai. like most of the sigma ships kinda go hard (especially siglai. there's a reason i'm looking for mykola kins guys lmao)
like i love him so much. i really could go on for hours but...this shit is already long enough and i'm sure nobody is gonna read it all. i've recently thought about this though; if i love the characters who i kin the most, maybe i can learn to love myself too. and that thought is comforting to me :)
tl;dr - sigma babygirl
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ahgastae · 2 years
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paper tiger (part one) – min yoongi x f!reader
➥ word count: 3.7k | college!au | bullet points | fluff | e2f2l | angst (later)
➥ m.list
➥ a/n:  this was originally gonna be a fully written fic but i’m turning it into bullet points and using it as a springboard to (hopefully) escape my writing block. there will be a part two to this!! and probably more depending on how far i go with it! my schedule’s just been,, pretty crazy lol. anyway, feedback is appreciated, as always, and i hope you enjoy ♡
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truth be told, you never would have imagined your path would cross with that of the infamous campus “bad boy,” min yoongi. you thought you two were—for lack of better phrasing—complete polar opposites. but then an introductory poetry class forces you both together for a semester-long project, and you learn how to read between more than just the written lines.
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it’s move-in day for the new year at your university
you and your friends all made a deal to get there around the same time to help each other get settled bc unpacking can be a bit of a bitch
you normally share a dorm with one of them, but there’s an odd number of you guys this year since nayeon graduated last semester
so you—being the amazing friend you are—took one for the team and accepted the random placement
you’re the first of your group to arrive when you get to campus, so you decide you may as well start taking things up to your room while you wait
fighting your way through the chaos in the main room is a bit of a struggle, but you finally manage to may your way to the elevators
luckily, there’s already one waiting when you get there and with only one other person standing inside
he looks like he must be another student, but for some reason you can’t shake the feeling there’s something familiar about him
maybe you’ve seen him at one of those parties nayeon liked to drag you along to??
the elevator doors start closing before you can dwell on it for too long
your eyes widen and you break into a small jog, clutching onto your box of belongings for dear life as you hurry to make it in time
“wait!” you call out to the guy already in the elevator. “hold the doors, please!”
he doesn’t even look up from his phone.
the elevator doors shut right as you reach them
you slow to a stop with a small huff, trying not to be too frustrated at the fact that that guy just completely blew you off
pretended like he didn’t even notice you sprinting towards him like a mad woman
alright, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it was still rude
what kind of asshole lets the doors close right in someone’s face just so they can get to their floor a few seconds earlier??
you roll your eyes, pressing the button to call for another elevator and pushing mr. “i’m too impatient to hold the door for two seconds” out of your mind
your friends will be there any minute and you guys have lunch planned after you’re finished unpacking, so you’ve got plenty of other things to focus on
no use getting all worked up over some random guy you’ll probably never see again anyway, even if he was a dick
after spending more time than you’d like to admit lost in the halls, you finally reach your dorm
only to find that your dormmate—whomever they may be—has already taken the liberty to unpack all of their things
and you mean all of their things
the place is already completely cluttered despite it being the very first day and your dormmate being nowhere in sight
you decide figuring that out will just have to be later y/n’s problem, though, bc it’s not long before you get a text from jihyo asking where your dorm is
it’s accompanied by a selfie with all the girls crowded behind her, bright smiles on their faces
you feel a smile of your own coming on as you type out a response
maybe today will go back to looking up after all
later that day, you’re at lunch with all your friends, sharing what you guys did over the summer while you weren’t together
you were pleasantly surprised to find nayeon tagged along, happy to see your old dormie even if you couldn’t live together anymore
you’re in the middle of telling her about a mishap with the bookcase in your new dorm—let’s just say you were not expecting to find a collection of...“adult” novels while putting your textbooks away—when something across the restaurant catches your eye
sitting there, at a booth secluded in the corner, is the asshole guy from the elevator this morning
you kinda panic a bit upon seeing him, hitting your knee on the bottom of the table and catching the attention of the other girls
“everything okay?” jeongyeon asks
you vaguely gesture to the stranger sitting at the table in the corner, briefly explaining what happened w the elevator this morning
you ask nayeon if he was at one of those parties like you thought
“oh, yeah, i know him! that’s min yoongi!” she exclaims. “but i don’t really think he’s the type who would be at one of jackson’s parties.”
this prompts a conversation on just what “type” min yoongi is
which, of course, is the “bad boy”
your friends then take turns speculating about him and the kind of person he is, some even sharing rumors they’ve heard about the infamous min yoongi around campus
jihyo says he used to be the star of the university’s basketball team until he got kicked off for some mysterious reason
“everyone thinks it was fighting or drugs or maybe even something worse, but no one really knows what happened,” she shrugs.
you just kinda nod along, eyes drifting back to the black-haired boy sitting with his small group of friends
you briefly wonder if he’s really all that bad when his eyes suddenly flash up to meet yours
and while you think he’s absolutely beautiful
his glare intimidates you to your very core
and you can’t help but think that maybe the stories are true
the next time you see min yoongi is on the first official day of classes
and you’re running late to your first one bc your dormmate—whom you still have not seen, let alone met—somehow moved your toiletry bag before you could take a shower
you’re on the verge of a breakdown, absolutely refusing to walk in late on the very first day and sprinting across campus with your still-damp hair flailing around behind you
you (unceremoniously) burst into the classroom two minutes before class is scheduled to start, drawing everyone’s attention to you as you stand in the doorway catching your breath
obviously embarrassed but glad not to be late, you sheepishly slink to one of the last available seats in the back of the room
everyone’s eyes are thankfully pulled off of you when the professor starts talking seconds later and you take a moment to actually collect yourself
the professor rattles on about beginning of the semester stuff, attendance and syllabi and all that crap
you kinda let yourself go into daydream mode while he talks
it’s an introductory english class focused solely on poetry and you’re really only taking it to fulfill a liberal arts requirement for your degree
pretty much expected to be your fluff class for this semester tbh
the sound of the classroom door slamming jolts you out of your thoughts, and you jump when you hear a deep voice next to you
you look up to find, lo and behold, none other than min fucking yoongi asking if the seat next to you is available
admittedly, your first reaction is to look around and make sure he’s talking to you, and then see if there’s any other empty seats that are not right next to you
unfortunately (for you, that is), there aren’t, so you have no choice but to nervously nod your head
yoongi doesn’t say anything else as he sits down and you wonder if he recognizes you from the elevator the other day
somewhat hoping he’ll apologize or something so you’ll at least be a little less intimated
but he doesn’t
he doesn’t say anything else for the rest of the class period, doesn’t even look in your general direction at all, and gets up as soon as the professor releases the class
you try not to think too much about it or let it bother you
you take a minute to pack up your thinks since your next class isn’t for a while, standing up from your chair and getting ready to leave when you notice something underneath the desk
you kneel down to pick up the worn, bound notebook and look around to see if any of the students left in the classroom claim it
but no one seems to bat an eye
the next class is already starting to filter in and you don’t want to linger, so you just decide to take it with you for now
you head to the library for a quiet lunch, where you had planned on getting a head start actually reading the syllabi for some of your classes
at least, until that notebook spills out of your bag
it falls open on the floor, giving you a good view of what looks like a poem scribbled on its page
you know you have no business reading it since it’s not yours and is probably fairly personal stuff from your initial skimming
but, soon enough, your curiosity eventually takes over and you’re scanning through the pages and reading the words heartfully scrawled within them
and honestly... your heart kinda breaks for whoever this person is
“the moment i’m flying high as i wished / my shadow grows in that blasting stark light / please don’t let me shine / don’t let me down, don’t let me fly”
their pain is evident in their words, bleeding off the page and right into your sympathetic heart
you have to push those feelings away, though, when you realize there’s about ten minutes left before your next class starts
and that what you just did is a huge invasion of privacy
but... as you sit down in your next lecture...
you can’t help but wonder who the journal’s owner is
and just who came up with all those beautiful words
that night, you and your friends (minus nayeon :( ) are all collected in momo and sana’s dorm room to recount how your first day of the semester has gone
dahyun’s halfway through a story about a girl who took off her shirt to wipe up some coffee she spilled (a real thing that i actually  experienced btw) when you remember the journal
jeongyeon, noticing your lack of attention, asks what’s up
you start with the journal—even guiltily admitting that you may have read a page or two—which then reminds you of your first class that morning
including your experience sitting next to a certain min yoongi
surprisingly, your friends seem to gloss over the fact that you snooped into some stranger’s personal thoughts and feelings and jump to hear about the infamous bad boy who chose to sit next to you of all people
(you pretend to only take a little bit of offense to that)
they ask what he was like and if he said anything to you and if he’s really as scary as people say he is
and you?? don’t really have anything to say?
yeah, he intimidates you to hell and back, but it’s not like he actively did anything to make you afraid of him in any way
you... would maybe even go as far as to say he was kinda cute, even with the seemingly permanent scowl on his face
your friends definitely don’t miss that part
they all start teasing you—in good faith—about having a crush on the “bad boy,” and after only one day of class, no les
you’re adamant that it’s not like that and that you wouldn’t want to get yourself involved with someone “like him” anyway
(even though you really have no idea what that means)
thankfully, your friends let it go pretty fast and move onto some other piece of drama that managed to occur that day
but not before jeongyeon says something, albeit jokingly, that sticks in the back of your mind
“who knows? maybe that mystery journal actually belongs to mr. bad boy himself.”
could it...?
no, that’s probably not it
you decide that can’t be true
what are the chances of min yoongi being able to write like that??
the rest of the night goes by pretty much without incident and you return back to your dorm fairly late
your dormmate is still m.i.a., or at least they are to you
you’re honestly starting to think you’re living with some kind of ghost
how is it possible that you still haven’t run into each other??
but anyway
now that you’re finally alone again...
your mind wanders back to the journal
and its owner
yoongi definitely doesn’t strike you as the type to write something like that
you’re not an expert on poetry or anything (actually quite the opposite), but you just don’t see how it could be him
still, the thought lingers in the back of your mind as you fall asleep
along with the stark image of two dark, clouded eyes
a couple days later, you once again find yourself walking into the lecture hall for your (and yoongi’s) poetry class
with a full day between the last time you’ve seen yoongi, you’ve kinda been able to push him and the journal from your thoughts
you only had a few classes yesterday and spent the rest of your time either waiting for your elusive dormmate to finally reveal themselves or reorganizing your class folders while listening to some music
you never really thought of yourself as a “creative” person, but music was one of the few arts that you could actually find yourself getting lost in
but between school and grades and just growing up in general you found yourself unable to express that passion more and more
and now here you are, an emotionally constipated perfectionist who would sooner keel over than be able to write anything like what was in that journal
and there you go, thinking about it again
at least this time it’s a good thing, since you’re sitting in your poetry class eyeing all the students who walk in
you got there early this time in the hopes of finding the journal’s owner, but so far none of the people who have walked in strike you as the person behind the poems you haven’t been able to shake
then your professor arrives and starts his lecture, and you can’t help but feel a little disappointed as you solemnly resort to taking notes
min yoongi walks in late, again, and you’re surprised when he still sits next to you despite the various empty seats in other parts of the room
you begrudgingly notice that he seems kinda nervous or on edge
you debate asking him if the journal belongs to him when the professor announces the first big “project” of the semester
wow, second day and you’re already getting into the real shit
they really do move quick, don’t they??
he clarifies that yes, it is a big project and a big part of your final grade but that’s why he’s letting you know about it this early
the project is something that’ll take place over the entire semester and will require you to work with at least one other student
already, you’re like “oh fuck” because you don’t know anyone else in the class and you hate group projects as is
why should you have to put your grade in the hands of some other students when you have no idea what kinda work ethic they have??
and especially when you can do it just as well all by yourself???
but before you can mentally rant anymore, your professor goes on to explain what the project actually is
everyone is tasked with writing a series of poems throughout the semester. a portfolio of sorts
they can be as long as you want or in any poetic form you want, as long as they come from the heart and mean something to the person writing them
everyone else seems pretty excited about it but you’re just sitting there confused as hell bc “wtf does that mean??”
but you don’t even get the chance to think about that before someone—a boy in the front row with an?? australian? accent—asks, “then what do we have to work with someone else on?”
and your professor goes on to explain
whoever you work with is basically going to be who you’re bouncing your ideas off of
he wants you to share your poems and ideas back and forth for the entire semester and get your partner’s opinion on your writing before it makes its way to him
see if they can tell if it’s coming from your heart before it gets to the real deal
and then, at the end of the semester, when you (supposedly) have a better understanding of each other due to “connecting” over your poems for four months
you have to write one final poem together and turn it in to him with the rest of your “portfolio”
uhh... what?
he’s expecting you to not only communicate and share your “deepest thoughts” with some stranger in this random fluff class that you basically only took for the easy grade
but he wants you to actually sit down and talk about theirs, too??
the professor finishes up by telling the class they can start splitting off into duos/group now if they want, as long as everyone’s found someone to work with and let him know by next week
he doesn’t “want you guy to waste any time when you could be reflecting!” and people are already starting to flock together inside the classroom
you sit there kinda slack-jawed for a few minutes, watching how most of the class is already finding their groups and declaring themselves partners for the weeks to come
the first thing you think about is how the hell you’re going to find someone adequate to work with by next week
the next is whether you should try and find the journal owner to be your partner
you already know they have a pretty good idea of what they’re doing when it comes to poetry
and, honestly, that’s what you’re going to need since you haven’t been much of a creative yourself for a while now
but how are you going to do that when you have no idea who the journal owner even is??
yoongi, who has also made no attempt to find a partner of his own, rises from his seat, the chair loudly dragging across the tile floor
you’re pulled from your thought yet again, just in time to watch his back as he walks through the classroom door
something in the back of your mind nags at you to go after him as he walks away, but you force it down with a shake of your head
even if he was the journal’s author, there’s no way in hell you’re sticking yourself with min yoongi for the rest of the semester
a week later, you’re just about at your wit’s end
you spent all of the time your professor allocated to you trying to find a partner but it seems like pretty much everyone has already found someone to work with
and you’re too much of a coward to ask if you can join any of the other existing groups
(that and you really want to keep the amount of people you have to interact with to a minimum)
and on top of that, you still don’t know who the journal’s owner is
the two class periods you had in between were just as helpful as the first one you spent looking
meaning not at all
and on top of that
you’re quickly finding that you can’t write poems for shit
everything you’ve tried to write so far has some out sounding forced and cliche
how is it so easy for agust d to do it?
oh, yeah, you also found some kind of nickname or something scribbled into the back cover of the journal, which is what you started calling the owner from then on
at least, what you’ve been calling them in your head
your friends kind of lost interest in the “mysterious journal” story shortly after jihyo started going out with one of the captain on the rival school’s dance team
so you’ve pretty much been left to figure things out on your own
anyway, you walk into class ready to ask your professor if he would be willing to make an exception and let you work by yourself when you receive an odd surprise
min yoongi, who has continued to sit next to you over the past week, is not only back in his “usual” set, but he’s actually there early
you’ve grown so used to him walking in late that it’s a bit of a shock and you forget all about why you wanted to talk to your professor and sit down
and before you know it, class is started and he’s calling for everyone who hasn’t already confirmed their partners with him to come down and do it now
you almost feel like your heart’s going to jump out of your chest
you still don’t have a partner and you really don’t think there’s anymore time to find one now
maybe there’ll be an odd number of people in the class and he’ll just let you go solo anyway?
or will he make you join another group since he technically said it doesn’t have to be just two people?
you’re about to overthink yourself into a panic attack when someone—pretty aggressively—poke your shoulder
you turn to ask them to leave you alone when you realize it’s none other than min yoongi himself
he’s sitting there staring at you with this bored look on his face and you’re about to ask what he wants when he says,
“do you wanna work together?”
and you blink
“do you want to work together?” he repeats. “or do you already have a partner?”
well, you can’t really say no now, can you?
not when your professor’s getting closer to your name on the roster and yoongi’s staring at you expectantly with those shrouded eyes and you really don’t have a part and he’ll find out that you lied if you say you do and—
“...do you already have one?”
you inwardly cringe as soon as the question leaves your mouth
min yoongi, however, raises a brow
“would i be asking you if i did?”
you stay silent for a moment
“okay, yeah. we can work together”
and that’s how you ended up stuck with min yoongi for the semester
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Genuine question…while I realize the bulk of fan fiction and Gifs focus on one particular Croy, how does the fandom differentiate between the variants? Are there nicknames? Over explaining of physical descriptions? When I worked at Adventurers Club, the fans gave us all nicknames (and were kind enough to ask us what we wanted for our nickname when they could), so the could say…”oh, last night “Scully” was in as Pamelia and “Annelle” was the Samantha.” I’m curious how the labeling is going. :) And please be kind in your answers. ;)
Thanks for the ask!!!
While I do follow the fb groups, the discourse there is more focused on the vacation experience than digging into the characters and story. So, my answer to this is based on my experience in discord/tumblr.
How we differentiate between character variants is… ✨controlled chaos✨.
We’ve created graphics that track the different character variants and gave them numbers, but the numbers are in order of who we spotted first in vlogs/photos, so they don’t have any significance (ex: so if we’ve spotted 5 Sandro’s, they’re labeled 1-5 in the order we saw them). Then there are the Saja who have unique names, so that’s easier. The graphics are great for our new members who aren’t familiar yet with how many different cast members play their favorite characters.
If a cast member has made it public that they play that character, we’ll use their name when we’re talking about them within the discord. Or we’ll use physical descriptions. But we don’t use nicknames—mainly because we can’t agree on them lol. It’s really hard to come up with nicknames! But if we were sent anonymous nickname suggestions, we would be happy to use them 🗣🗣🗣. With that said, we don’t differentiate between variants through hashtags on tumblr. Gaya is Gaya no matter who plays her, etc.
When we talk about characters in discord, we are either talking about them as one being (Croy with a capital C, not a particular variant) or we are talking about specific variant—in which case we’re usually sharing a vlog link or gif or image so it’s clear who we mean if we’re pointing something out.
I wanted to touch on another point you brought up: the bulk of fan content focusing on a certain Croy, or certain variants of other characters. There are two main reasons for this.
1. We are very much dependent on vlogs for content and understanding of the characters. Some variants end up getting filmed more than others. It’s frustrating because we want to see them all! In running this Croy blog, I can’t tell you how many times I’ll be watching a new vlog, looking for potential Croy gif moments, and then either getting chest shots (which understandably can’t be helped lol) or Croy is across the room or on the balcony in the Atrium and he looks like a little ant up there. I can’t even hear what he’s saying in the audio. This happens with the other character variants as well. I do hope that as more vloggers share their experiences, we’ll get solid footage of everyone.
2. In fan fiction specifically, the variant we choose to write is based on the goal of the fic. If the fic is focused on romance, then we’ll lean on the variants who have chemistry with each other in the footage we’ve seen. Considering the nature of the cruiser, anything we see in the vlogs is canon, so it’s fun to call out specific moments in our writing as well, so that also helps us decide. That said, the more we learn about the different variants, the wider the range of choices we’ll have for our fics. So far, no one’s written a fic where Croy is 100% loyal to the First Order. So Croy variants playing the straight-laced villain probably won’t get picked up for the fics where his defection is a plot point. With that said, this fandom is still small and growing. No doubt we’ll get different kinds of fics as more fans join in and we continue to explore these characters.
And lastly, that is SO COOL that you worked at Adventurers Club. I will forever be mad that I missed out on getting to experience it before it closed 😔 (I was a year away from being old enough to get in!). I love that you all were able to settle on nicknames with your fans. Starcruiser isn’t accessible in the way that Pleasure Island’s venues were in terms of being able to have repeat guests and build that in-person fan base. This really is a new experience for all of us to work through the vlogs and our own Halcyon adventures when and if we have them. But it’s been a wild ride so far!
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daia-red-panda10 · 1 year
World Cup headcanons I have for Cars characters although some time has passed since the final match (Argentina VS. France edition because I am Argentinian and I still can't believe we won)
The ones that supported Argentina are: Lightning McQueen, Cruz Ramírez, Danny Swervez, the Weathers family, most of the WGP racers (like Jeff, Carla, Rip, Francesco, etc.), all Radiator Springs folks and some Next-Gens racers (Tim Treadless is a big example) and Chick Hicks.
The ones that supported France are: Raoul Çaroul (obviously), and some others Next-Gens.
The ones that don't care af about football, but still congratulated Argentina are: Jackson Storm and most Next-Gens.
(humanized au, very long text)
Radiator Springs
Everyone was watching on the TV in Flo's café and even there were Argentina themed decoration both outside and inside just for that day. Also, there were some people from Argentina watching and Cruz was chatting with them, laughing and singing with them and Luigi and Guido decided to join them at some moment.
Lightning was watching the whole match with Sally and they also were chatting with some of the Argentinian fans. Tim, Harvey and Danny decided to take some vacations and stay at Radiator Springs and when they saw how things were decorated and at how many people looked hesitant about the match, they decided to join and watch.
In the last penalty, all Radiator Springs was silent, waiting for the results. Lightning and Sally were watching the tv silently, Cruz and the visiting Next-Gens were crossing their fingers and sweating, Luigi and Guido were at the verge of tears. Everyone wanted to know what was going to happen and when Argentina's player Gonzalo Montiel scored, the café was a COMPLETE CHAOS. Almost everyone was hugging eachother, many others were crying of joy (including Cruz, Luigi and Guido), some people like Tim and Harvey were recording with their phones because they have never saw something like that in their whole lives and most people were clapping and shouting: "¡ARGENTINA CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO!".
At some point, the Argentinian people were in the main street of Radiator Springs and started to celebrate. Obviously, everyone decided to go and join them after some time.
Chick Hicks watched the whole match and on his social media (with the help of some people) he congratulated Argentina.
(random fun fact about me: I headcanon that Francesco has family in Argentina and at his free time, sometimes, he visits them)
Francesco was watching the match at his house with his mother and some friends. At one point Francesco's nerves were such that his blood pressure dropped and he almost fainted (almost like me lol). In the penalties the nerves reached such a point that he was shaking non-stop and when Montiel scored the final goal, he screamed non-stop of happiness and at one point I imagine he hugged his mom and his friends while he cried along with them.
When he calmed down a little bit, he posted something on Instagram saying congratulations to Argentina and sent greetings to all his fans.
The WGP racers were having divided opinions. Some supported Argentina but others supported France.
Long story short, Argentina won and Carla, Rip,Jeff and Nigel were clapping and celebrating.
Raoul was obviously hoping for his country to win, but at the end he felt very bad and he went silent. Obviously the ones that were celebrating noticed that and they stopped for a moment to try to calm Raoul down, but every effort was useless because after a few seconds he began to cry non-stop and decided to go to his room.
When Raoul calmed down and came out of his room, he smelled a very delicious yet familiar smell in the kitchen. When Raoul went there as fast as possible, he got surprised that Carla, Rip, Jeff and Nigel prepared his favourite foods. He asked why they made such a thing like that for him and Carla said:
"We decided to make this because we wanted to see you happy for something. We know the results made you feel sad and you also haven't ate something for some hours, so…" she was about to finish, but then she felt how Raoul was hugging her.
At that moment, he thanked her and decided to go and eat with them.
So this is all!! Thank you for reading!
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willow-salix · 2 years
Hi, for both TOS and TAG, could you do "they should have done it in the show"? 😊 Thanks
Hi, thanks for the ask.
I had two others ask this so I've done more than one answer and I'm replying to both with the same. Hope this is what you were expecting lol.
They should have done that in the show.
Oooh, this is a tough one, it really is. 
There's so much I would have loved to have seen happen in the show, from characters being used more, to more character development and showing hobbies for more than two brothers.
I think I would have liked to have seen a bit more of their training schedules. Like having one coming in from a run or a swim, but I know that wouldn't happen because of the effort to animate it and the third set of outfits they would need.
Outfits! I would have loved to have seen them wearing at least one other set of casual clothes at some point!
Probably more Jeff is the main thing for me. I wanted to see what it was like being home for him. Personally I would have liked to have had less of the Chaos Crew and more of the aftermath of Jeff being rescued. I know it was a nice way to round off the show but I just really wanted to see more of the dynamic between Jeff and the boys after.
That's what I've tried to cover in my big fic series, what happens after, where the family goes from there, how they work everything out and learn to work together again.
But other than that I would have liked to have seen the modernisation and reboot more of the original episodes. Fireflash and Attack of the Reptiles were great episodes and there were others that were nods to or callbacks to originals, but I would have liked to have seen more.
And if I could pick any one episode I would have to say Operation Crash-dive, I love that episode and I think there was sooo much room for it in TAG with their new technology. I can imagine EOS and John trying to locate fireflash and using all their systems and technology to help work it out. 
So yep, I think that's my answer for TAG, more reboot episodes.
For TOS I'd have liked it more like TAG, more family moments and (louder so they hear us in the back) more character development! 
I love how much time and effort Sylvia put into their characters and I know she did her best and was always championing for more of the little moments that made them more human, fighting Gerry and his desire to make it all about the crafts and the rescues, but I wanted more.
What I would have liked would have been an entire episode dedicated to something happening on the island and the family dealing with it. They did things like this in the TV 21 comics and I love it.
They used Penny far too much in the show in my opinion, giving us at least two episodes that were basically all her and Parker with barely a sniff of the boys (Perils of Penelope and The Man from MI5) and they didn't really have daring rescues in them.
I would have liked to have seen an episode like that but on the island with the boys. I'd have loved to have seen how they coped with an island invasion or some disaster happening while one or two of them were off island and how they coped. 
I know we had Alan in "Move and you're Dead" but that was still the boys rescuing him and I'd have liked to have seen them doing things themselves with limited resources.
Yep, I think that's my TOS one (apart from seeing more John obvs). 
Thanks for the asks!
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weirdoldmanhoho · 2 years
I was gonna say, give me a list of ways Al completely outclasses Ed, but that might never end... howabout some thoughts on how the Resembool kids would spend their days? What kind of Calvin & Hobbs shenanigans did they get up to? How much did all the other kids fear/hate them. etc.
jafkldjafljdlsa you know me too well
(Look, I do love Ed a lot, I just feel like Al gets overlooked in some ways with Ed as the main character, so I just feel the need to sing his praises lol)
Oh my gosh, pure unadulterated insanity is what they got up to.
You have three incredibly brilliant child prodigies living in a very small town that likely has one school and a handful of teachers if not just one . They were probably SO BORED in class. Actually, we KNOW they didn't pay attention in class because that's actually canon lol. Ed and Al spent all their time reading alchemy books under the table and Winry literally slept through classes because she'd stayed up all night dismantling her radio to see how it worked or helping Pinako in the shop. They were so far ahead of the material being taught and so under-stimulated I bet they were absolutely terrible to teach. The only reason they didn't start skipping school completely is because none of them wanted to disappoint their parental guardians.
And then the chaos they got up to OUT of class - oh boy. The combination of skilled but not quite polished alchemy and engineering genius sounds like a wild combination.
How many weird things did they try to create? Ed reads one sci-fi book about robots and that's the whole afternoon right there. It never does start working, but it does manage to absolutely terrorize the neighbor's cat.
One time there's a new house being built and there's all this leftover scrap material and the three of them decide to build their own house because honestly, how hard can it be, right?? They construct a full fort and while it's not the prettiest thing ever, it does stand upright and attracts basically every other kid in the neighborhood to come play mock battles and sieges in it until one concerned parent demands Trisha make them tear it down before someone gets hurt. Every kid in Resembool mourns Fort Elricbell. Or Fort Rainbow. Or Fort Dragon. No one could agree on a name.
(And I know young Winry is depicted as being scared of alchemy, but I have to imagine that she got used to it growing up next to them. It became normal, and then it became a tool for shenanigans, and then it didn't become scary again until, well, you know. Afterwards.)
You know Winry tries to take apart like every piece of machinery in her house. Pinako is a terrible influence on this habit, because she completely understands the obsession, and she wants to encourage Winry to figure out how things work on her own. The only rule is that she has to figure out how to put it back together when she does.
Hohenheim is also, surprisingly, a big encourager of this because he loves encouraging learning and he's just so proud to see his best friend's granddaughter take after her.
Winry has one really faded memory she barely remembers of Ed and Al's kind of scary dad approaching her when she was over for dinner one night and telling her her grandma had said she's really interested in machines, then revealing a tiny wind-up automaton he found at the same kind of place he went shopping for vintage armor. (Winry still has it. It's been buried in a drawer in her room ever since Ed and Al's weird dad left and they got sad about it.)
They went on SO MANY adventures. They were certain that they were going to trek to the capitol once, packed bags full of snacks and chalk and clothes, and set off in the general direction and when it got dark, Trisha and Yuriy gathered them up and helped them set up a tent in the Rockbell's backyard, promising they could start up their journey to the capitol as soon as the sun was up. Ed tried to tell ghost stories and scare Winry, but he and Al both ended up being too scared to spend the entire night outside, and in the morning Winry smugly told them she won.
I think the other kids of Resembool maybe thought they were a little odd, but also loved them, because if you hung out with the Elrics and Winry for the day, YOU KNEW you were going to have the most fun and most crazy day of shenanigans ever. Al would go up to a group of kids at recess and be like hey, after school we're gonna try to dig a tunnel all the way to Aerugo because Winry told me it isn't possible, but Ed and I think that if you made sure to reinforce the structure of the walls so it doesn't collapse, and had enough people to dig, you absolutely could, so we're gonna prove her wrong, wanna help? Everyone would be like hell YES we do that sounds amazing. And then Trisha would have 15 kids in her backyard trying to dig a tunnel with Alphonse standing over them ordering them all around in a nicely organized system while Ed tries to figure out what the right alchemical circle would be for this situation and Winry tells them loudly several times that it wasn't going to work.
They were crazy smart kids with too much curiosity for their own good who grew up in a small country town where they could run free and if they did anything REALLY wild, Ms. Hart down the road would definitely let Trisha know, they got up to SO MUCH insanity.
(And when things go weird, the rest of the kids in town think, huh, it would be the Elrics, wouldn't it?)
Fantastic ask, thank you!! I loved thinking about this!! Also the association of young Resembool trio and Calvin & Hobbes is perfect.
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