#otherwise it's just spamming our notifications
eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
Just a reminder that I am not a meme source.  If you want to reblog memes from me atleast send one in, if not please reblog from the original poster.
@mcnecter @memcirs @wcstenra
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actual-changeling · 6 months
A small 'this is how you use tumblr' for the people that haven't been here very long. These are in no particular order, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Since I probably did not mention a lot of things, you are welcome to add to this post with your own advice.
a) Reblog posts. if you like it, reblog it. even if you have zero followers and ESPECIALLY if it's art or writing of any kind. We will see the reblog in our notifications and that alone brings joy. One reblog can start a chain and push the post onto many people's dashes.
b) Tumblr is not a very functional website, if you want to survive without losing your mind, there are two things you need: xkit rewritten and dashboard unfucker. Play around with the settings until it is to your liking. Additionally, change to firefox if you haven't already and install ublock origin to get rid of ads, tracking etc.
c) If you go to your settings (account! not blog) you can find this under dashboard at the bottom. Turn off at the very least 'best stuff first' since that will fuck up your dash and not give you posts in chronological order.
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The rest are a perfonal preference but it will keep your dash tidy and easy to control if you turn them off, too.
d) Apropos settings—get a profile picture, a header, write something human in your bio, anything. Otherwise people will assume you are a bot and block you on sight.
e) Blocking! Do it generously and whenever you want, this is how you keep whatever remains of your sanity. It's not a lethal offense, it is (usually) not even seen as rude or anything along those lines. You block people and they block you and everyone is happy.
f) Under account settings you will find this:
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Just like with blocking, use both options to your heart's content.
g) Tumblr is not like other social media platforms, spam liking & reblogging and going three years deep into someone's account is NORMAL and encouraged. You can search a blog by post type, tags, or even go to the archive and scroll through the posts there.
h) Lastly—interaction. We already went over reblogging (I mean it, REBLOG), but there are also replies and asks. If you add something to someone else's post please behave like a kind human being and don't be an asshole; based on my experience, that's easier said than done. On top of that, the tags are ALSO used for communication, go unhinged, ramble, leave your thoughts, or simply use them for organisational purposes. Everyone loves a good insane tag wall.
An open inbox (either anonymously or with your blog attached) is to be used! Please send people asks if they have them active, use it like DMs or a comment section, use it to recommend something, ask questions, participate in an ask or prompt game—we love asks here.
(We do not like harassment in our inboxes, same rules as above.)
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oddogoblino · 6 months
Hallo! Hi! I'm Odd, the goblino whomst owns this blog!
Basic Info
•Age: 18
•Pronouns: he/him it/its
I mainly post about
•Camp Camp
•Saiki K
..And other little fandom things I remember I like every now and then
My Main Tags
•oddito ramblinos <- my casual text posts
•oddito answerito <- my answered asks
•OddityGoblity <- my art tag
•Forlorn Half-Lights AU <- DCA focused au
Sonic AU Tags
•Words Hurt AU <- a sentient zombie apocalypse au
•Labhog AU <- an au where sonic's entire hero life has been artificial & planned to combat eggman
•Boom!Hog AU <- an au where Boom!Sonic has found out he is a born werehog hybrid
Characters You Can Send Asks To
•The Stars (DCA ocs)
•The Two (cough cough Eclipses)
•Sergio (nightguard oc)
•WH!Sonic & friends
•Labhog!Sonic & "friends"
•Boom!Hog Sonic & friends
•My listed OCs in this post in general tbh-
•Ehehhh- I mainly made this bc I realized how unorganized my blog is otherwise ahaa-
•I have issues of maladaptive daydreaming
•I struggle with art commitments
•I am fine with notif spam and mildly sexual comments on things I post but don't be graphic abt it
•I'm cupiorose and on the nonbinary spectrum.
•All hail our lord and savior Sonic The Hedgehog.
• If the DCA or Sonic wouldn't support what youre into/doing, why would I? Aka, basic dni list of no predatory or oppressive people of any sort, whether the matter be against races, sexuality, gender, disability, age, etc.
•"Pr*shippers"/C*mshippers/M^Ps. Disclaimer, i mean this for the ones misusing the label as a Trojan Horse to justify sexualizing children (fictional AND real life) as grown adults. The ones that go by the actual definition are fine. I'd just rather leave the label in the dni rather than leave room for ppl to consider I support that stuff.
•I usually block default PFPs and PFPs of pretty women bc they're always bots unless they like my posts beforehand
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
Just read the shit out of your master list (again) tonight, cuz no one can get into a character's head and nail down their mannerisms like you can, and it scratches an itch I otherwise just can't seem to reach.
Apologies for the endless notification spamming I caused this evening, but you kinda brought it on yourself sooooo.... 🤷‍♀️
💜 much love, like always.
Omg no I love the spamming!!!! 😌❤️
Error please, you are literally an angel!! This is like the highest compliment I could have ever asked for. 🥺 I do try to take a lot of care with our blorbos' characterizations lol, I'm so happy you vibe with them!!! I can think of many other writers though whose characterization I would say is aspirational for me lmao, but I will take the compliment all the same because it means so much to me 😌😌😌
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pblumpkins · 8 months
hi chat is funny time
SO some of you might remember the Roblox (yes we're going there) group 'True Colors' which was a support / hangout group for queer roblox players. A lot of the players were closeted and did really need a space to be queer. Or at the very least be able to say they were queer. (This was important because for trans Roblox players, having an avatar that slightly aligned with your true gender could be seen as suspicious to family members, so if you did do that it'd usually have to be a character from a media. and with modern day Roblox, your nickname usually would have to be set to a name that aligns with the gender you're pretending to be. So having a space where you could be called the right name and pronouns was important for trans kids on Roblox.)
'True Colors' has been around for a LONG time. It's not a new group by any margin and a lot of old, inactive accounts that belonged to queer kids are in that group. I know my ex-boyfriend's account is. And Roblox groups, for those who are unaware, function like forums. So people did make friends on there, friends that did matter to them *a lot* and that went from online to irl friends for people who are now adults.
Hell, a lot of members in that group *are* adults now. That's how long it's been around.
HOWEVER, recently, like a month or year ago, something BIG changed.
People who were in the group woke up to a pretty nasty notification on their accounts that was alerting them that the name of 'True Colors' had been changed, now being named 'True Colors in Christ.'
For a lot of people they'd click on the group and at first assume there's been a hacking. Changing queer online groups to be all about Christianity wasn't new at all. Trolls would spam the boards with COMPLETELY random Bible verses, like, COMPLETELY random. Not just the usual ones queerphobes quote. Just random shit.
BUT here's the thing, it *wasn't* hacked. Admins and the owner herself confirmed that this was a deliberate decision made by the owner, VeganEmpress.
Now, Vegan had slowly changed during the groups lifetime. She had gone from queer-accepting to only tolerating queer people to barely tolerating them at all.
She had, at one point, identified as a queer woman. But she had these two friends who, somehow, managed to convince her she was straight. Now I'm not sure if she actually is straight but their involvement says otherwise.
Those two friends both were EXTREMELY Christian and got her DEEP into Christianity. And they were the hateful type of Christian. At some point she gave ownership to someone else and said that she would keep the group as being about pride, she just wouldn't be the owner anymore.
But then at some point AGAIN those friends got her to change the group to be about Christianity and had a lot of control. It became VERY tolerant of queerphobic Christians and queerphobic beliefs, making a lot of queer people have to leave the group.
It was pretty shocking for everyone from the outside, as Vegan had said over and over again that she wouldn't change the group or put her own beliefs into the group.
So a lot of former members are very obviously upset with Vegan. She had sold merchandise that had queer flags on it, and it felt like to a lot of people she had just profited off of people she didn't support at all. True Colors *was* their safe space and it had been turned into just a bigoted echo chamber.
Now here's the thing... On the surface, the group states it's accepting of queer people. That they're allowed to be in the group and participate on the meetings the group holds on Sundays. Despite that the mods and group as a community hold the opposite sentiment.
former members aren't banned and can still join the group and the expirences the group owns.
Idk how to segueway into this, but a lot of members have a plan to take back the group and restore it to its final state.
The plan is called "Project Color" or "Reclaim Our Safe Haven" because duh
The basic idea it has is that Roblox players will enter the games on Sundays and act like the group never changed. As in, standing around the map and just talking about gay shit. No raiding spamming messages, just group conversations about queer topics.
Which means yes, the plan is to stand in the church and talk about the bicon that is Kit Connor or queer shit you personally made. Including books, arts, series, basically anything queer that you yourself have created.
Dew it. You know you want to.
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public-ccfinds · 2 years
Sorry to bother ya'll, but is there a way for us to send in submissions as to not spam ya'll with notifs? (unless you're okay with that!) I work with a blog that's made overrides for all packs and I didn't want to overwhelm ya'll with @'s
Hi! We don't mind the spam, so feel free to do so. Otherwise you can just send links in bulk via text in our submission box :)
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enbyvampsystem · 21 days
Enby Vamp System Boundaries~
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I will be linking all of these large about me posts into one master intro post, but I am finished with this part so up it goes.
Obviously we know we can’t actually force anyone to follow any of these things, nor will we try to play enforcement. We will speak up if something makes us uncomfortable. If that is ignored, we will block and/or take space. If you are blocked and don’t know why, refer to this list. We reserve the right to build whatever space makes us comfortable and happy, and will not be taking notes or arguments on these matters. I have a team of advisors, and you are not on it.
Fronting matters. We struggle very heavily with amnesia, and will not tolerate being talked down to or having our struggles ignored. Please take fronting into consideration when addressing us.
We will not give attention to reactivity. It is ok to ask a good faith question, but accusations or leading questions and bad faith interactions will result in a block.
If you’re going to troll, make it funny. If you do want our attention for your bad takes, at least make it meme worthy.
I am not obligated to respond immediately. If I am being spammed with the same comment, question, criticism etc multiple times I will ban freely. Check the comments before blowing up my notifications.
Do not quietly block then unblock without reaching out. We will give some grace for time needed to process or distance, and we understand we can’t actually force people to follow this. But we are sensitive, and do not have the energy to constantly be guessing. My dms have always been open, and I am willing to give out discord without question or reason. Failure to follow this will result in a block.
Do not argue in the comments. We do not have the patience or desire to make a difference of opinion or interpersonal conflict a public performance. Again, our dms are always and have always been open.
Do not vague post about us, especially if you know we’re following you and can see it. I will just block without question. It’s hurtful and petty.
Do not speak over our experiences. Being a system does not mean you know what’s best for us. Being older does not mean you know what’s best for us. Being more well read does not mean you know what’s best for us. Good faith questions and intellectual conversations should not be condescending or patronizing.
No unsolicited advice. Unsolicited advice is criticism, and unless you are feeding me, financing me, or fucking me, your opinion should only be shared with consent.
No unsolicited trauma dumping. If it is relevant to the post I make an exception because I make my spaces a safe space. But if it is only marginally related or in dms, ask first.
No unsolicited lewds or nudes of the personal, artistic, or meme variety. You may ask.
No unsolicited friend requests. You may ask.
I will respect the safety of the collective before the safety or comfort of the individual. You are not welcome in my space if you give any part of my intersectional communities reason to be uncomfortable or afraid.
MA requests: we accept all mutual aid without bias. This is the only exception to circumventing blocks, and all requests will remain anonymous unless otherwise specified.
Littles can not consent. Our littles have caretakers actively looking out for them and advocating for them, and their boundaries are negotiated in collaboration with our bigs. Unless you have spoken directly to a big, you do not have consent from a little.
We have a zero tolerance policy for lying. We believe lying to be intentional telling of mistruths or omission of details to mislead. Amnesia and false memories do not count as lying, but we do still expect an acknowledgement of harm.
No is a complete sentence
Do not tell us who to associate with. Informing of behavior patterns is welcome, but we take thorough communication and privacy very seriously, and will not tolerate being told what to do.
If you feel unsure about my presence in your feed, don’t follow me. I don’t have patience for wishy washy and indecisive, and this relates back to the random blocking and unblocking. This also means that if we find you have expressed opinions of us to people that do not match our interactions, we will block you. It’s fine if you don’t like us. Just don’t lead us to believe you do.
Do not announce your departure from our spaces. It is petty and hurtful, as well as extremely self centered.
You are welcome to reach out to request reasons for blocking or understanding and compromise. As long as you don’t come looking for an argument or validation, and the conversation can remain respectful and open, we are ok with talking things out.
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enruiinas · 8 months
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an independent, private, semi-selective low activity roleplay blog ft. Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law from One Piece. Written by Saro (she/her - 29). MOBILE RULES BELOW.
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♥ RP BESTIE, MAIN SHIP, RIDE OR DIE: @climatact / @horonomi. ♥ ♥ AFFILIATES: @gumpistol / @cptnslog, @infloresco ♥ ♥ CREDITS: Pinned post, banner, promo, & icon border: @enjomo ♥
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All of your standard RP etiquette things apply. No godmodding, don’t be a jerk, no forced shipping, etc. These are the things I think of as common sense and don’t currently feel the need to elaborate further, but I’m sure I’ll be proven wrong and need to update this eventually.
This blog is low activity, mutuals only, and highly selective. Mun works full time and is also in school, so time for replies is limited and I tend to  follow my sporadic muse wherever it goes when present. I am (regrettably) NOT a good match if you’re looking for fast replies, replies “in order” of things received, or if hyperfocusing / a preference for affiliate interactions will upset you. (These are the people I chat with the most OOC. When my time and muse is limited, they are often the interactions I focus on because these are the muns  I’m most comfortable writing with & replies tend to come a little easier. It is not personal. )
The mun of this blog is 25+. Smut and many dark or triggering themes will be present on this blog (hence the minors DNI). I try to tag everything appropriately and all smut will be hidden beneath a NSFW banner + a read more, but if you need me to tag something specifically, please don't hesitate to let me know!
DNI: Minors, transphobes,  racists, proshippers, homophobes, writers of incest or non-con materials.
IC interactions are for MUTUALS ONLY. If we are not actively following each other, please do not send memes, interact with my open starters, etc.
If we are mutuals, feel free to interact with open starters, send memes or unprompted starters whenever you like (the sky is the limit, I love and prefer having multiple things going on at one time so SPAM AWAY!), crawl into my IMs to chat about our characters, plotting, pick my brains' muse for potential interaction things, etc! Mutuals may also add me on Discord (@ misfitsandmusings): just send me an IM to let me know who the request is coming from so I know to accept it!
I LOVE talking to my mutuals ooc as well as in character! Please don't be shy if you want to talk outside of RP. I've found interactions come far easier with those muns I chat ooc with the most so I promise it's not going to bother me!
Mutuals are more than welcome to reblog things off me; notification spam isn't a thing I feel particularly strong about. You don't have to send a meme if you rb one off of me, but it is appreciated!
This blog is multiship, but does feature a MAIN SHIP with @climatact's Nami. All ships will take place in their own verses, but unless otherwise stated (or we're shipping & writing in our own verse), Law's relationship with Bunny's Nami is considered CANON to my Main/Unspecified Verse interactions. It may not feature in every thread and I don't expect anyone else to acknowledge or play into it (although you're more than welcome to if you wanna!), but as a general rule, if we've made no shipping arrangements and no verse is specified for a given interaction, it's to be assumed that interactions are taking place in a verse where they're a thing or will eventually become one.
Shipping is selective and requires a good mun connection (including ooc interactions) as well as muse chemistry. All ships MUST be discussed and agreed upon by both parties beforehand. Even if you write a muse I'm known to ship Law with, please DO NOT assume I'll automatically assume our muses are in a ship. Likewise, I won’t do this to you, either.
I will occasionally tag memes I reblog as "active ships only". This means we've talked about and agreed to explore a ship ooc. I am more than happy to timeskip/bounce around on a timeline, so if I consider you an active ship you can send those even if the relationship hasn't unfolded in our interactions yet. If we're still figuring things out, I might sit on those memes for a while until I feel them/have a better grasp of how they fit into our muses' dynamic.
Ship Biases & Intrigue: I have ship biases for Law x Robin, Law x Nami, and Law x Zoro, and am intrigued by Law x Ace and Law x Sabo. This list is not exclusive: so long as it's not on my "WILL NOT" ship list, I'm happy to discuss the potential for others, or bounce thoughts to see if it's one I'd be interested in.
Ship WILL NOTs: I will not ship Law with any of the Heart pirates, either Donquixote brother, or Luffy. (I don't mind that people ship LawLu, it's just not one I myself am interested in exploring beyond a platonic nature.)
My Law is demisexual and demiromantic. He's far more focused on his ambitions than he is on relationships or physical pleasure; do not expect an extensive history of past lovers/experience or for any intimacy to take place without some semblance of feelings involved.
The Law novel features heavily in my portrayal. I try to tag specific spoilers but am not the best at it. If you haven't read it but are interested in doing so, I can direct you to a translation of it!
I stay up to date on current manga events, but will admit my grasp on New World lore is a little lacking since I speed read the entire manga over two months last year after being MIA from the fandom for 15+ years. I'm slowly making my way back through it (rereading with @climatact, currently on ch. 339), but may be slow and need to research certain arcs or events. It's safe to assume that I'm aware of ongoing events in the manga, though, so no worries about any spoilers there.
Blog Roll: @spiritedawake (WIP multimuse; will feature muses from One Piece, Fairy Tail, Howl's Moving Castle, Fullmetal Alchemist, and more.) / @scribbleswithsaro (meme & writing prompts account!)
Draft Count: 53 | Inbox: 129 (updated 3 June 2024)
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fgallo7 · 9 months
Dear Microsoft - This Blog is Not Spam - It Is a Recording of Frank's Excellent Adventure - September 17 ,2023
Have you missed getting blog announcements? At first it was a mystery to me why so many of my posts were getting kicked back to me. And then I finally read the fine print. If you have a Gmail address, Microsoft has decided that my sending blog notices to you is spam. Apparently they have a whole regulation on this. I tried to read it but it was boring and the fix was way beyond my interest or ability.
Of the 15 people who are on my regular email blog notification list, 8 of you have Gmail addresses. That means that every time I sent out a blog announcement, Microsoft kicked back 8 of them. Along with the rejection I received (8 times with each posting) the following note from Microsoft: "Your message couldn't be delivered. Despite repeated attempts to contact the recipient's email system, it did not respond." THIS WAS ACTUALLY BS. I was confused because I checked with several of you and no one's system either received or rejected anything from me. And then I read on and, believe me, at the end of their message, in the smallest possible "shaded"print, this is what I found: "Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our Gmail users from spam, mail sent from your IP address had been temporarily rate limited." WTF?
So here is my work around fix. I will no longer send out emails announcing a new blog post. Instead I will simply send you a text with the words "Frank's blog." I will also re-post the blog address once. Just let me know if you lose that link and I will re-send. Otherwise, you will just get the brief text.
As before, I will also send blog alerts periodically from Facebook.
Of course if you don't want any of this, just let me know and I will take you off the list.
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stellaccelerate · 11 months
ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥
Hello, I'm Mango. I'm 25+, my pronouns are she/her. I live in Canada and my timezone is PST.
This is an indie rp blog for Yusei Fudo of YuGiOh 5Ds. Sometimes I use animated icons, sometimes live action. Yusei's FC is Haruma Miura.
Below are some handy links:
About (wip) | Memes | Headcanons
Rules are below the cut.
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠:: I'll have days where I'll lack muse and I'll spam the dash with pretty gifs of my muse's face. It's just how I roll but I figured I'd be up front about it so people who consider following me know what they're in for.
The Basics
I’m a selective/mutuals only blog. Mutuals are people I’m following and who are following me back. If one of us is not following the other, we’re not mutuals. All starter calls, memes, opens, etc. are for mutuals.
If you want to continue an rp that started over an ask, please make a new post instead of reblogging it. It’s neater that way.
Please trim your posts.
Do not reblog rps you’re not a part of. It messes up my notifications.
Don’t godmod.
Original Characters.
Love ‘em. They gotta have an about page I can read otherwise I won’t follow. I’m not going to rp with an oc that keeps me in the dark.
I write in past tense, third person. Sometimes I’ll write in the present. I’m not fond of first or second person, I find it confusing. I also format my posts in small text but you don’t have to.
Discord is for mutuals only, same goes for tumblr IMs. I prefer discord and it is the best way to reach me.
I prefer my partners to be 18+ for my own comfort. If I happen to make a mistake concerning this, let me know and I'll unfollow. I don't like soft-blocking but I realize it has become a "necessary evil" in the rpc. Many people request to be soft-blocked if you wish to no longer remain mutuals and I respect this.
Don’t nag me to reply. It’s irksome and I’ll get to our rp when I can. Sometimes muses are fickle and only want to do certain threads. I also have a job so I may forget.
Gentle reminders are okay, impatience is not.
Don’t send me or my mutuals hate.
Don’t send me chain asks like “pass this onto x amount of people.” I consider it to be spam and I’ll delete it.
If you wish to reblog a meme, please do so from the source.
I am open to shipping, however there has to be some chemistry. Discussion is also welcome but not always necessary. Certain ships may require some discussion beforehand. Malk is a difficult character to ship with due to his past experiences with abuse so please keep that in mind.
lavaliere, duelers/mai. @ygoicons
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otogiryuji · 1 year
ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥.
Hello, I'm Mango. My pronouns are she/her and I'm 25+. I live in Canada and my timezone is PST.
This is an indie rp blog for Ryuji Otogi of the YuGiOh series, mostly centering around the manga.
About (wip) | Memes | Headcanons
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠:: I'll have days where I'll lack muse and I'll spam the dash with pretty gifs of my muse's face. It's just how I roll but I figured I'd be up front about it so people who consider following me know what they're in for.
The Basics
I’m a selective/mutuals only blog. Mutuals are people I’m following and who are following me back. If one of us is not following the other, we’re not mutuals. All starter calls, memes, opens, etc. are for mutuals.
If you want to continue an rp that started over an ask, please make a new post instead of reblogging it. It’s neater that way.
Please trim your posts.
Do not reblog rps you’re not a part of. It messes up my notifications.
Don’t godmod.
Original Characters.
Love ‘em. They gotta have an about page I can read otherwise I won’t follow. I’m not going to rp with an oc that keeps me in the dark.
I write in past tense, third person. Sometimes I’ll write in the present. I’m not fond of first or second person, I find it confusing. I also format my posts in small text but you don’t have to.
Discord is for mutuals only, same goes for tumblr IMs. I prefer discord and it is the best way to reach me.
I prefer my partners to be 18+ for my own comfort. If I happen to make a mistake concerning this, let me know and I'll unfollow. I don't like soft-blocking but I realize it has become a "necessary evil" in the rpc. Many people request to be soft-blocked if you wish to no longer remain mutuals and I respect this.
Don’t nag me to reply. It’s irksome and I’ll get to our rp when I can. Sometimes muses are fickle and only want to do certain threads. I also have a job so I may forget.
Gentle reminders are okay, impatience is not.
Don’t send me or my mutuals hate.
Don’t send me chain asks like “pass this onto x amount of people.” I consider it to be spam and I’ll delete it.
If you wish to reblog a meme, please do so from the source.
I am open to shipping, however there has to be some chemistry. Discussion is also welcome but not always necessary. Certain ships may require some discussion beforehand. Malk is a difficult character to ship with due to his past experiences with abuse so please keep that in mind.
@ygoicons for icon material.
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rakept · 1 year
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠:: I'll have days where I'll lack muse and I'll spam the dash with pretty gifs of my muse's face. It's just how I roll but I figured I'd be up front about it so people who consider following me know what they're in for.
The Basics
I’m a selective/mutuals only blog. Mutuals are people I’m following and who are following me back. If one of us is not following the other, we’re not mutuals. All starter calls, memes, opens, etc. are for mutuals.
If you want to continue an rp that started over an ask, please make a new post instead of reblogging it. It’s neater that way.
Please trim your posts.
Do not reblog rps you’re not a part of. It messes up my notifications.
Don’t godmod.
Original Characters.
Love ‘em. They gotta have an about page I can read otherwise I won’t follow. I’m not going to rp with an oc that keeps me in the dark.
I write in past tense, third person. Sometimes I’ll write in the present. I’m not fond of first or second person, I find it confusing. I also format my posts in small text but you don’t have to.
Discord is for mutuals only, same goes for tumblr IMs. I prefer discord and it is the best way to reach me.
I prefer my partners to be 18+ for my own comfort. If I happen to make a mistake concerning this, let me know and I'll unfollow. I don't like soft-blocking but I realize it has become a "necessary evil" in the rpc. Many people request to be soft-blocked if you wish to no longer remain mutuals and I respect this.
Don’t nag me to reply. It’s irksome and I’ll get to our rp when I can. Sometimes muses are fickle and only want to do certain threads. I also have a job so I may forget.
Gentle reminders are okay, impatience is not.
Don’t send me or my mutuals hate.
Don’t send me chain asks like “pass this onto x amount of people.” I consider it to be spam and I’ll delete it.
If you wish to reblog a meme, please do so from the source.
I am open to shipping, however there has to be some chemistry. Discussion is also welcome but not always necessary. Certain ships may require some discussion beforehand. Malk is a difficult character to ship with due to his past experiences with abuse so please keep that in mind.
lavaliere, tehseto, talesfan, emeraldocean, duelers/mai. @ygoicons
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many-but-one · 2 years
Sorry for spamming your notifs if I have been, all your content is what I’m looking for so much like all of it is yes this this thing absolutely
Sending love and apologies 😅
That is quite alright, we don’t mind that at all. You were actually quite tame in comparison to some of the folks that come across our blog😂
Though I think you may have our main blocked—either on accident or on purpose—as we cannot see your account when we click on it. Our main is @bone-marreaux
Of course if you want to continue having our main blocked that is just fine, but we would be interested in following (or at least viewing) your blog as well, which isn’t possible if our main is blocked. Tumblr may also be glitching in some way. We have found before that our mutuals have accidentally blocked our main or our main has somehow ended up blocked even though they did not want that at all.
Otherwise, I am glad you enjoy our system content. Welcome to the Many crew😂
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vibewint · 2 years
Dr earman meme
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Doing so will result in a deletion of the post, and possibly a ban, depending on the severity. Derogatory comments on religious or political matters (both highly sensitive issues) will not be tolerated, as it almost always leads to massive hate-commenting and negativity.(Especially not by Daddy Derek and Cool Cat.) Playing mature games, flirting, or using sexual connotations with minors is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate, unwarned, permanent ban and possibly a notification to the authorities.Being sexually flirtatious will not be tolerated.If you yourself or someone else you know is feeling suicidal, please direct yourself to this list of suicide prevention emergency hotlines or if in the USA, this hotline.Encouraging others to commit suicide will result in an immediate, unwarned and possibly permanent ban.ANY form of death threats will not be tolerated.Pornographic material will not be tolerated.Impersonating other users will not be tolerated.And as mentioned above, don't be rude, unreasonable, or overly argumentative. Also, try to keep forum threads on point, and not veer off-topic. If you wish to add very long posts, create a forum thread about the topic, rather than spam the character pages.If a user is banned from this site their " user profile" will be removed for the time being to avoid unnecessary conflict.You can leave comments below if you want to argue about a character's power or point out things that seem wrong, but don't be rude, obnoxious or unreasonable.However if you want to seriously add a character, bold the name and add a link to the discussion thread to help others differentiate between joke and "serious" matches. Jokingly adding characters to the notable victory/loss section is okay.Likewise, please do not add victories or losses to an OC unless the person gives you consent.Even if they are inaccurate in accordance our "official" ranking system. Do not edit OC's that do not belong to you (without the author's consent).However, if these criteria are not met, the profile will be deleted. Simply put, original, transformative, high quality and sufficiently distinct profiles from the others under the same name are allowed. Making a profile for a character that already has one is strongly discouraged, unless it brings something new to the table.Parodying established characters or celebrities (Superman, Naruto, Justin Bieber, etc.) is fine, but making profiles that personally mock/attack others or their OC's will not be tolerated.Also, if a user adds their own real name to a profile, and becomes inactive, the JBW staff reserve the right to delete the name for safety and privacy reasons. We respect the privacy of people here, and as such, using someone's real name, address, phone number, email, family, etc, on a profile, as a profile, or publicly in any way, shape, or form is forbidden unless the user says they're allowing their name to be used (other information is automatically forbidden from being used for privacy and safety reasons) or they themselves inserted their own name.Using sockpuppet accounts (especially to circumvent blocks) ain't cool and will result in an extended ban.Most characters that otherwise wouldn't be allowed on the two sites listed above are welcomed. Adding serious stats to YouTube personalities (AVGN, JonTron, etc.), popular online characters, or obscure non canon characters (such as from the Dragon Ball games) are allowed as well. Now just because this is a wiki mainly for joke profiles, does not mean all profiles or characters have to be jokes/nonsensical.Please do not make profiles of characters whose only purpose is to be overpowered.Please do not make profiles of OC's you want to be taken seriously.Please do not make serious profiles of established characters.Being overly graphic or vulgar can result in a warning or even a ban. Making jokes/references about sex, drugs, and using profanity is allowed, but to a moderate degree.This page is meant to just be innocent fun. Trolling, spamming, threatening, personally attacking members, using hate speech/offensive slurs under any circumstance (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, disabled, religious, etc.) will NOT be tolerated.Please utilize proper swag to the dankest degree possible.
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bitcofun · 2 years
Elon Musk has actually supposedly made a brand-new deal to purchase Twitter for his initial agreed-upon rate of $5420 Photo: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg Key Takeaways Elon Musk apparently composed to Twitter to state that he was interested in purchasing the business. Musk recommended that he might get the business for $5420 a share, the rate initially concurred upon in April. Dogecoin rallied over 9% following the news. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has actually apparently composed to Twitter with a deal to purchase the business at the rate both celebrations concurred upon back in April. Musk Reconsiders Twitter Buyout Elon Musk's Twitter buyout offer might not be dead. According to a Tuesday Bloomberg report pointing out sources acquainted with the matter, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO just recently composed a letter to Twitter proposing to get the business for the very same cost as formerly concurred upon--$5420 a share. Musk had formerly made efforts to get Twitter for $44 billion. The Tesla CEO later on implicated Twitter of controling some of its information concerning user numbers, declaring that much of the social network's reported user activity came from bots. In May Musk required the business show that less than 5% of its user accounts were phony. Ultimately Musk took out of the offer, which led Twitter to consequently take legal action against the billionaire for breach of agreement, looking for $1 billion in charges. The revival of Musk's Twitter offer caused a market craze. TWTR increased 17.3% on the news from $4283 to $4981, then returned down to $4793-- at which point the New York Stock Exchange stopped the stock's trading. Dogecoin, which Musk has actually promoted on numerous events, likewise leapt 9.1% on the news, presently trading at $0.065 Over the summertime Musk had openly mentioned that Twitter might check out incorporating crypto payments into its social networks services. Just recently advertised text in between Musk and Twitter ex-CEO Jack Dorsey likewise exposed that Musk had actually thought about the concept of utilizing cryptocurrencies-- especially Dogecoin-- in order to combat spam on Twitter. Musk's quote to take control of the business got assistance from crypto market leaders, most significantly FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, both of whom revealed interest in economically assisting the billionaire complete his acquisition. Update: Twitter has actually accepted Musk's restored deal. The Twitter Investors Relations account specified that the business had "got the letter from the Musk celebrations which they have actually submitted with the [Securities and Exchange Commission] which "the intent of the business is to close the deal at $5420 per share." This is a breaking story and will be upgraded as additional information emerge. Disclaimer: At the time of composing, the author of this piece owned BTC, ETH, and a number of other cryptocurrencies. The info on or accessed through this site is acquired from independent sources our company believe to be precise and dependable, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any info on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer individualized financial investment suggestions or other monetary guidance. The details on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the info on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or unreliable info. You must never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the info on this site, and you must never ever translate or otherwise count on any of the details on this site as financial investment suggestions. We highly suggest that you
speak with a certified financial investment consultant or other competent monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment guidance on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline payment in any type for examining or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete conditions Elon Musk Completes Twitter Takeover in $44 B Deal Musk now owns a 100% stake in Twitter. Elon Musk Buys Twitter Elon Musk, the wealthiest individual worldwide with an approximated net worth of $270 billion, has actually ended up being ... Twitter Secures October Trial Against Elon Musk News Jul. 19, 2022 Twitter has actually been approved an October trial versus Elon Musk, who just recently canceled his strategies to purchase the social networks business. October Trial Date Elon Musk might not leave ... Elon Musk Hints at Crypto Plans in First Twitter Meeting News Jun. 16, 2022 Elon Musk held his very first complete conference with Twitter staff members on Thursday. There, he discussed his prepare for cryptocurrency and other modifications following his organized takeover of the social media ... Read More
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organiclascl · 2 years
How to turn off email notifications on iphone 6
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It doesn’t mean that the message or alert is gone when you hide any notifications. What happens when you hide notifications on an iPhone
Tap Show Less if you want to close a group notification.
To view or reply to specific notifications, swipe right on them and tap them open.
You must first tap on the group notification if you want to see individual notifications from a group.
How to respond to notifications on your iPhoneįollow these steps to quickly reply or dismiss notifications on your phone:
If you’re using iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, or iPhone SE, you can also close the Notification Center by pressing the Home button.
Close the Notification Center by swiping up from the bottom.
Swipe down from the top center of any screen to get to the Notification Center.
Here’s a quick and easy way for you to see all the notifications on your phone: How to see all notifications on your iPhone Are most of them important? Or can you live without some? The first step is to check how many notifications you’re usually getting, and who have been sending them. What we have to learn is to filter the messages appearing on our phones. If you’re waiting on news about an important family or business matter, turning them on can be handy. In fact, they can be really useful to help you keep your life on track. Of course, notifications are not all bad news. And what if you’re planning a surprise party for a friend and a notification about it pops up on your phone? If anyone else sees it, then you would have ruined a good surprise. Messages coming into your phone should be read by you and you only. Everyone has the right to digital privacy. You have to consider company emails or texts meant for your eyes only. We’re not just talking about sensitive photos or correspondence. Those PINs become exposed to hackers since they appear as notifications on your phone. Sometimes, when you use your credit card, they also send you a one-time PIN to complete transactions. If you’re signing into an online account with two-factor authentication, you’ll be getting your PIN via your phone. Aside from that, your boss and colleagues may not appreciate it if they keep hearing your phone go off. With your phone constantly buzzing with notifications, it’s unsurprising if you find it difficult to avoid taking a peek every once in a while. It may not seem like a big deal but turning off your phone notifications can make you both safer and more productive. Why it’s important to hide notifications on your iPhone Remember, these steps are applicable for the latest versions of the iPhone unless otherwise stated. Best of all, it’s jargon-free, personalized, and easy to use. It's a multiplatform problem-fixer that protects your entire digital life through a single app. Enhance your mobile security with the instructions below.
When you hide your notifications, not only are you making yourself free from constant distractions but you are also preventing a potential security threat.
We’ll also teach you how to turn off preview, hide alerts and other messages. In this post, we’ll tell you why you should turn off your notifications to enhance your security online. Some users may appreciate this, especially when new items become available on your current favourite game you’re addicted to playing!īut did you know you can help protect your identity by hiding any iPhone notifications?
Did you know the newest Apple Store update allows apps to spam users with marketing messages?
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