#otp: anchors
liesmultixxx · 7 months
percabeth underwater kiss lives rent free in my mind
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bonus: everyone losing their shit because percy and annabeth are FINALLY together like c’mon guys ABOUT DAMN TIME
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beastologist · 5 months
One other reason why I'm more inclined toward Buck & Tommy? They understand each other's line of work, but they are NOT working in the same firehouse. They WON'T be constantly attached to the hips all day at work and outside of work. Just like Hen, Bobby and Chimney do have their significant others outside the 118 firehouse, I would prefer for Buck to have a significant other outside the 118 firehouse, too. Remember how Hen basically said Buck doesn't have anyone outside the 118? That's a potential difference and improvement Tommy could make for Buck.
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redpensandgreenarrows · 3 months
Wait... I just had a thought...
Care for some Sophie Beckett speculation?
I've seen some posts on Threads where people are speculating that the maid we get a glimpse of at the Cowper residence - the who Cressida asks for help from - might be Sophie. I couldn't remember who they were talking about, so I'm currently rewatching episodes 7 & 8. (Episode 7 is where we see the maid.)
And not to quash anyone's theories, because this truly is all just speculation, but the maid's performance just doesn't scream Sophie to me. In my mind I'd expect more timidness, stiffer, stilted speech, a more unhappy look on her face, and possibly a gaunt countenance. Maybe even fear or wariness the second Cressida asked her for help. Idk, I just don't think that was her.
BUT! Now I'm on epsiode 8, and just got to the part where we meet the Aunt come to take Cressida away to the countryside. And simply by her tone, remarks, and countenance we know this woman is a BITCH. Cressida's mother (remember, who is named Araminta) even remarks that she forgot how horrible a woman this aunt is. SO, what if the "Araminta from the books" character is kind of split into two: Araminta Cowper & this Aunt.
Sophie is still a bastard, Lord Cowper is her father, and he's pawned her off on his sister - the Aunt - to live out in the country where he doesn't have to deal/see her. Both Araminta & the Aunt know who Sophie really is and both hate her, but we need someone doling out some truly horrible treatment and that could fit the Aunt's personality.
This also gives Cressida more storyline, because truthfully I wasn't sure how they were going to bring Cressida back in after this season. BUT having Sophie at the Aunt's house gives Cressida plot out in the country that can also loop in Benedict & the Bridgerton's since this is obviously their stories. And as we all know, there is Benedict/Sophie plot out involving the countryside, so that helps too.
Idk, this all literally just popped into my head and now I'm word-vomiting it here. Anyone else see the plausibility? Thoughts?
Tagging some people, but anyone is free to comment! >> @silverhallow @tilly-tilly-2827 @sophiamariabeckett @queen-of-the-misfit-toys
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fishandships · 1 year
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thank you YET AGAIN @singingdeepinme for this mental image that has been living in my head rent-free for days ;w;
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whitedahlia13 · 6 months
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She remembers how his eyes fluttered open when her small hand slid over his larger one. She remembers how he released the blanket he was clutching to grasp her palm.
She tells him about the drowsy but rather adoring way he gazed up at her when he sighed, “You came back.”
“You’re supposed to be sleeping,” she weakly reprimanded.
“Thought I told you... I sleep better when you’re with me.”
Not bothering to suppress a smile, she recalled, “You did say that, didn’t you?”
“Mmmwhat are you waiting for then? Get in.”
“Stiles, there’s hardly any sp—”
She remembers the droplets that leaked from his eyes when he appealed, “Please. We can share. I wanna... I wanna share everything with you, Lyds.”
And she was done for.
Read more: ao3 & ffnet
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thestreamweaver · 3 hours
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They are so cute 🥰😍
Though I'm not going to lie. If I saw him coming up a mountain looking like this, I'd about jump off... 😅
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karahalloway · 5 months
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 20 - Steal Me Away
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Drake is back... but that doesn't mean that it's a happy reunion...
Word Count: 4,300
Rating/Warnings: M (shouting, guilt-tripping, dangerous driving, swearing in multiple languages, one over-heated kiss)
Chapter theme song:
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Chapter 20 - Steal Me Away
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I whirl around in disbelief. "Drake...!"
He's stood before me with two days' worth of stubble, regarding me with a long-suffering look.
But it really is him.
And I feel my heart swell, even though I can tell that he's not exactly best pleased to find me in a random antique shop in the middle of Rome.
The muscle in his jaw twitches. "I turn my back for one goddamn minute and—"
"What are you doing here?" I blurt.
"I can ask the same of you, Gale..." he counters, folding his arms over his chest. "Because this sure as shit ain't no bridal boutique."
My chin lifts on its own accord. "I decided to make a detour."
"Jesus fucking—" He rakes his hand through his hair. "Did you leave your brain in a ditch somewhere in the process?"
My eyes widen. "Wha—! No! I—"
"The city is crawling with paps!" he almost shouts, jabbing a finger towards the door. "Who are looking for any excuse to make a meal out of you! Did you not think for one second that—?"
"What?" I counter heatedly, stepping up to him. "That I should cower and hide instead, like I'm to blame for it all? I told you — I refuse to let these people—"
"Well, it would've been a damn sight better than making me chase you across half the fucking city!"
"Why were you even chasing after me?" I demand, my own ire flaring. "You're supposed to be in Dubai!"
"Been there, done that, got the jet lag to prove it," he hits back sarcastically. "But just because I'm gone doesn't mean you suddenly have carte blanche to fuck off on your own."
"Says the person who walked off without so much as a 'see you later'..."
His mouth hardens. "I didn't want to—"
"Also, I'm not on my own," I continue testily. "Allard and Schweitzer—"
"—are fucking fired," he cuts in, suddenly darkened mocha eyes flashing. "They should never have—"
"Ch'è qualche problema?"
"No!" Drake and I snap in unison.
The old man falls mute before muttering something disparaging under his breath.
I continue staring at Drake, heart thumping and chest heaving in the wake of our dust-up.
He glares back unblinkingly, jaw clenched as the tension rolls off him in palatable waves.
I reach up to adjust the strap of my tote indignantly. "So much for trusting each other, huh, Walker?"
"Dammit, Gale," he growls. "That's not what—"
Grabbing the wrapped box off the counter, I stomp past him without a backwards glance. "See you back at the embassy."
He has some nerve, showing up out of the blue t—
I barely make it two steps before he's grabbed me by the arm.
I open my mouth to retort...
...but I'm not given a chance to get a word in edgeways, because in the next instant, he's slammed me against his chest, laying claim to my mouth with a ferocity that's on the verge of being savage.
The fight whooshes out of me as my arms fly up to wrap themselves 'round his neck, even as I feel his fingers dig against the soft cotton of my dress, pulling me to him like a long-lost ship to anchor.
"Christ, girl," he growls against my lips. "You send me off the edge of reason..."
"I'm... sorry..." I gasp, clinging to him helplessly as he trails down the line of my jaw. "I didn't mean to—"
"Ah... l'amore... non è bello se non è litigarello."
Drake starts as he gets clapped roundly on the back.
Peeking up, I see the shopkeeper smirking at us conspiratorially as he ambles past.
"Err... Sì," coughs Drake, pulling back from me. "Sto certamente imparando che a mio spese..."
The man laughs in response. "Non capita a tutti?"
"You speak Italian?" I gawp, feeling a flush creep up my cheeks as the old man throws us a wink over his shoulder.
"Uh... Yeah..." Drake mutters, running his hand over the back of his head somewhat sheepishly. "With Bast."
"Oh." I glance between him and the old man. "What did he say?"
"An old proverb," Drake says, looking just as embarrassed as I am feeling about the fact that we'd inadvertently let our dirty laundry rip in the company of a complete stranger. "Love is not beautiful if it does not quarrel."
My cheeks redden further. "I-I see..."
"It's kind of a compliment..." he admits, shooting a sidelong glance over at the man, who's now busy dusting some shelves. "But we should probably get out of his hair."
"Definitely...!" I chirp, diving towards the saving grace of the exit.
"Err... La saluto," offers Drake on his way out. "E scusi il disturbo..."
"Eh!" comes the scoffed response. "Chi non risica non rosica. Ma è meglio stare attenti con lei! Donna buona – vale una corona."
"Lo so..."
"Everything alright?" I ask as Drake joins me on the baking pavement.
"Yeah," he assures me, not quite meeting my eye. "Just giving his two cents..."
Something flashes across his face, too fast for me to read.
But before I can ask him about it, he's already marching me across the square.
"What about Allard and Schweitzer?" I protest, trying to squint behind me as Drake navigates us 'round the incessant stream of sightseers. "Are they—?"
"I sent them back to the embassy," Drake replies, yanking me back as a pair of kids dart out in front of me.
"You didn't actually fire them, did you?" I gasp.
"Sure as hell thinking about it," he mutters, moving us forward again.
"If it's any consolation, they did try to talk me out of coming out here..."
"Clearly not hard enough."
"I can be very persuasive when I want to be," I remind him.
He lets out a low breath. "Don't I fuckin' know it..."
"Look," I say, coming to a stop and turning to face him. "I get you're pissed—"
"That's putting it mildly."
"—but don't take it out on Allard and Schweitzer," I tell him flatly. "They didn't do anything wrong... and I actually get along with them."
He holds my gaze for a long time before answering. "They're not your friends, Gale."
"Maybe not in any conventional sense," I admit. "But getting me a security detail had been your idea, Walker. And I know I was against it initially, but Allard and Schweitzer have been able to be there for me when you haven't."
His mouth hardens.
"And I know that grates you," I continue quickly, before he can cut me off again. "But we knew from the start that this was going to be the case, so if you do need to leave, then I'd prefer to be left with people I can trust. And I trust Allard and Schweitzer — with my life. Which is actually saying a lot."
He holds my gaze for what feels like a full minute before answering. "I'll think about it."
"That's it?" I demand in disbelief as he grabs my wrist to pull me after him again. "After all that, you're just going t—?"
"I said I'll think about it."
I glare at his back. "You're a dick."
He rounds on me like a wolf. "I'm a fuckin' realist. And the reality is that Allard and Schweitzer messed up. Big time. And I don't care how much you like them, or how many times you've braided each other's hair—"
My eyes narrow. "That's not—"
"—because none of that fucking matters out here! What matters — the only goddamn thing that matters — is keeping you safe. From the paps, from the aristos, even from your ownfucking self, if you're about to do something stupid. And at that, they've unquestionably failed. So, no. I'm not about to cut them a break. Especially not on your say-so. Because the stakes are too fucking real, and I'm not gonna let anyone play dice with your life. Least of all the people whose one job is to look out for you. Got it?"
I force myself to blink back the sudden tears in my eyes. "Yeah..."
"Good," he grunts. "Now get on."
Glancing past Drake, I spot what is very literally the last thing I'd expect to see him with.
I scoff up at him. "In your dreams, bud."
"Gale," he warns, reaching for one of the helmets that's hanging from the black and white moped's frame. "I'm not in the fucking m—"
"Well, neither am I," I hit back tersely. "So, you can take that deathtrap of a Vespa and shove it."
"First off," he counters, tossing the helmet at me. "It's a Piaggio. Second, the only reason I had to resort to this is because you decided to bail."
I catch the helmet irately. "So, you're saying that this is my fault?"
"Damn right, it is," he confirms, extracting a second helmet from the storage compartment nestled beneath the seat. "It's got all of 50cc so it's underpowered as fuck."
"Then why the heck did you get it!"
"Because it's the fastest way to get around the city."
I snort at him. "You mean, it's the fastest way to get into an accident..."
He prays for deliverance under his breath. "Gale, for the love of Christ, will you just—?"
"No," I declare, folding my arms. "The last time you conned me onto the back of your motorbike, I literally thought I was going to die. And after seeing how everyone in Rome drives, I have no interest in—"
"You drive, then."
Drake's unexpected offer pulls me up short. "Wait. What?"
He pulls a set of keys from his pocket. "It's a one-time offer, Gale. Either you take the wheel, or I do. But you've gettin' your ass on this sorry excuse of a bike, one way or another."
"I..." I swallow thickly. "I don't know how..."
"I'll walk you through it," he assures me. "There ain't much to it."
"Somehow I doubt that..."
"Clock's tickin', girl..."
I heave a breath before shoving my head into my helmet. "Okay, fine. I'll do it."
"Figured you would," he murmurs, holding the keys up. "You know where these go?"
"Up your ass," I retort, snatching the keychain from his hands.
The corner of his mouth twitches — whether in amusement or annoyance, I can't tell.
Not that I really care. I can be a jerk, too. But, I figure that at least with me driving, we won't rack up any speeding tickets or near misses on our way back to the Cordonian embassy, which is where we are staying for the two nights that we are in Rome for.
Walking up to the moped — admittedly with more swagger than I'm actually feeling at this moment — I grab the handlebars and swing my leg over the middle of the frame.
After a quick inspection, I locate the ignition switch and slot the key in.
But before I have a chance to try and turn the engine on, Drake's hand appears in my line of sight.
Reaching between my legs, he opens a hidden compartment in the frame. "For your bag."
"Oh," I say in genuine surprise, taking my bag off so I can tuck it away. "That is actually kind of neat."
"Last thing we need is for you to lose your stuff..." he drawls, shutting the glove box back up.
As he straightens again, his arm brushes the bare skin of my knee. And despite (or maybe because of) the unresolved tension shimmering between us in the wake of our heated reunion, I can't help but feel a familiar zap of electricity course through my nerves at the inadvertent contact.
"No kidding..." I concede, somewhat hoarsely. Clearing my throat, I add, "So... umm, what's next?"
"Grab the break and turn the key over as far as it'll go."
"So, kind of like a car," I surmise, following the instructions. "Why isn't it starting?"
"Because you only turned the electronics on," Drake advises. "To kick the engine off, you need to disengage the kick stand, and then press the start button."
"Jesus Christ, this is complicated..." I grumble as I scoot off the seat so I can try to figure out how to do what he just said.
"No more complicated than sailing a yacht," Drake counters, watching my antics from the safety of the pavement. "Just give it a shove ."
"How will that—?"
"It's got a rear-mounted kickstand," he says. "You disengage it by rolling the bike forward."
"Right," I grumble, feeling like a total idiot. "Because that's so obvious."
Maybe I should've let Drake drive, after all...
"You still holding the break?"
I snap my head up as I give the handlebars a hard push. "Huh?"
A squeal erupts from my mouth as the moped suddenly lurches forward beneath me, and I have a moment of sheer panic as I wrestle with the hunk of metal to keep from crashing to the ground.
"I told you to hold the break..."
"You could've been more specific!"
He lets out a low breath. "You good?"
"Yeah," I huff, finally managing to find some semblance of balance with an uncooperative moped  stuck between my legs.
"Turn her on, then."
I scan the buttons in front of me. "Err..."
"The one by your right thumb."
Shifting my grip, I extend my thumb out to press the button...
"You still holdin' the break?" Drake asks.
I quickly tighten my hold on the left-side break. "Yes."
Drake eyes me unconvincedly. "Just checking..."
I stick my tongue out at him.
"Hey," he objects. "You're the one who wanted to do this, Gale."
"Yeah, everything is my fault today..." I grumble as I press the start button.
The moped sparks to life beneath me, and I feel a massive rush of achievement.
"I did it!" I cry, meeting Drake's eye with an unadulterated grin.
He quirks a brow at me. "Y'know you're still stationary, right?"
"Shut up."
Drake steps up to the bike with a shake of his head and flips out the passenger foot rest. "Last chance to bow out gracefully, Gale."
I glance over my shoulder at him. "If you're trying to pull some kind of reverse psychology on me, Walker—"
"Wouldn't dream of it..." he assures me dryly, mounting up as well. "But my word is gospel, y'hear?"
"Aye-aye, Cap'n," I say sardonically... while trying to ignore the heat of his body and the instinctive urge to lean back into it as he settles down on the narrow seat behind me.
Because as much as I missed him, and as glad as I am that he's back, our volatile reunion has served as a stark reminder that we never finished our conversation back in Applewood. Not only that, but thanks to the almost break-neck speed at which things have been happening, the list of topics for discussion has only grown since then.
And the last thing I want is for us to fall down the same toxic hole that we did in the wake of Christian's surprise reveal in Valtoria.
I just have to hope that we'll be able to squeeze in some much-needed couple time before even more things pile up between us.
Not to mention, I'm desperate to know what had happened with Tariq in Dubai... and whether Drake's record-fast turnaround is a sign of some much-needed success, or even more demoralising failure.
But, first things first: getting back to the embassy in one piece, without the paps chasing us.
I feel Drake roll his eyes at me. "Wrong salutation, but never mind... Now. We're gonna do this slowly and gently. There's a lot of people around, and we don't need you on the front page of the Sun again because you accidentally torpedoed a toddler."
My throat constricts. "Y-You saw that?"
"You'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't," he mutters. "But right now, your focus needs to be on driving this thing. So, eyes up front and ignore everything else."
I swallow down my nerves. "Okay..."
"Your right hand controls the throttle. Your left hand controls the break," Drake instructs. "For the love of God, don't mix that up, or I'll be on the phone to your patents explaining why you suddenly need skin grafts."
I wince involuntarily at the gruesomeness of that particular image. "Got it."
"It's a mistake you'll only make once," he warns grimly. "To get going, twist down on the throttle while slowly easing up on the break. Don't jerk it, or you'll face plant into the speedometer."
"Anything else?" I ask, somewhat nervously.
As anticipated, driving a motorbike is a lot more nuanced than Drake made it look back in Cordonia. And I'm having some serious second thoughts about this whole thing...
"Keep your feet off the foot-stand until you've got enough momentum to stay upright."
"How will I know that?"
"You'll feel it," he assures me. "Like on a bike."
I bite my bottom lip.
"Hey," he says, brushing his fingers across my hip. "You got this, girl."
The familiarity of Drake's touch — even though it's fleeting — unwinds something in me. Because it's an unspoken reminder that no matter what may be going on around us... or between us, it's not going to come in the way of the promise that he made me.
I suck in a steadying breath. "Okay. Here goes."
Readjusting my grip on the handlebars, I twist my wrist down. Feeling the engine start to rumble with increased vigour, I gentle ease up on the break.
The Piaggio begins to creep forward.
"Watch the road, not the instruments," Drake cautions from behind me.
Lifting my eyes up, I carefully navigate us 'round the oncoming pedestrians, keeping my feet suspended alongside the moped, in case I need to make an emergency stop.
But, as we move away from the iconic landmark, the crowd starts to thin out, and the street widens. Passing a fruit and vegetable stand, I let go of the break fully, the bike pulls forward eagerly. Feeling slightly more confident, I add a bit more gas so I can finally lift my feet up without capsizing our delicate operation.
"Not bad," Drake approves. "You just gotta relax a bit."
I flush inadvertently. "I am relaxed."
"Your shoulders say different. You're driving like Quasimodo."
"Oh." I make a concerted effort to straighten my posture. "Better?"
"Yeah. But now you need to drop your elbows."
"So much for this being easy..."
"It is," he insists. "Once you get the hang of it."
"You and your technicalities, Walker..." I grumble.
"Everything's got a learning curve," he reminds me. "But we just might make a Hell's Angel out of you yet."
I snort back at him. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Evil Knievel. We haven't made it back to the embassy yet."
"Then you might wanna knuckle down for this next part."
"Why? What's—?"
I get my answer as we round a corner and come parallel to a busier-looking road.
"Right here, then first left," Drake advises as we approach a somewhat complicated-looking three-way intersection.
"Umm... Okay..." I mumble, eyeing up the noticeably faster-moving traffic on the main road with more than a bit of trepidation.
"No one's gonna give you room, so you'll have to gun it," comes the no-nonsense tip from behind me. "The indicator is by your left thumb."
A Fiat whizzes past, but the next car is some distance away. Taking a breath, I flick the indicator on and twist down on the throttle to merge into the gap.
"Move over one more," Drake shouts over my shoulder. "You're taking up the bus lane."
"Where the heck does it say that?" I demand, casting my head around in confusion.
"On the sign we just passed..."
"Was it invisible?"
"Hey," counters Drake. "You wanna argue with me, or a cop?"
"Neither," I concede sourly, making the switch to the left-side lane after a quick check in the mirror. "But they could've made it more obvious..."
Drake scoffs. "It's Rome. The bastards are trying to catch you out."
"Clearly," I agree, taking a left at the traffic lights...
...straight into a two-way fork in the road.
"Umm... What now?" I squeak, trying to hedge my bets as much as I can in the rapidly shrinking room that I have to make a decision before I run into the curb.
"Stay left."
I start to turn the bike, only to yank it back violently with a yelp as a car that I hadn't realised was trying to overtake me blows past with a scream of its horn.
"Vaffanculo!" yells Drake, throwing his hand out angrily at the other driver.
"Ohmygod..." I rasp, my entire body shaking in the wake of the near miss.
"Fuckin' asshole," gripes Drake. "You okay?"
I swallow thickly past the lump in my throat. "I... think so."
"If you need to pull over..."
I shake my head. "No. I'm fine. I just..."
"...get a kick outta playing chicken?"
"I don't do it on purpose!"
"You sure?" he asks dryly. "'Cause you definitely seem to be making a habit of it..."
I open my mouth, but quickly think better of it... as Drake has a point. I have had a few too many near misses lately. "Sorry... It isn't intentional. I thought that since I'd left the indicator on, that—"
"I know," he assures me, laying a hand on my hip again. "I'm not blaming you. But all the calls you've had have been too close. And..." His fingers tighten against the material of my dress. "I just don't want you to—"
"I know," I concede softly. "I don't want that either. And I'm not normally this accident-prone, I promise..."
"Except when your blood sugar's low," he corrects wryly.
His words cause me to clench my eyes together in consternation. "Damn it, the croissants..."
In the whirlwind of Drake's surprise reappearance, I'd forgotten all about the primary reason for sneaking away from the bridal boutique.
"What croissants?" queries Drake.
"The pistachio ones I was supposed to get from this little bakery next to the fountain that the Italian President had recommended."
I feel Drake's disbelieving gaze knife into the back of my head. "Seriously? That's the reason you were out playing hooky?"
"One of them, yes..." I reply evasively.
"Putain de merde..."
"Apparently they're very good..."
Drake mutters something under his breath. "Pull over."
My eyes widen. "What? Why?"
"Because it's past noon, and you're clearly starving."
"I'm fine," I insist, even though the only thing of substance I've had since this morning was the cup of coffee on Olivia's jet. "I'll just grab something when—"
The Piaggio lurches to a stop as Drake slaps a hand on the break. "No. You won't."
My eyes widen as my feet fly out on instinct to steady the suddenly stationary moped. "Why not?"
"Because the staff at the embassy already have their work cut out pulling together tonight's dinner, so the kitchen is off-limits," he explains, hopping off the back. "And you won't be able to take two steps outside to grab a sandwich without picking up a pap tail."
"Then why have we stopped in a dead-end alley?" I ask in disbelief as Drake pulls the moped it onto its kickstand while I'm still sat gaping at him from the seat.
"Because we just passed one of the best restaurants in Rome," he states. "So, I'm buying you lunch."
His cinnamon-laced eyes meet mine, and I see a sudden flash of rawness in his gaze... a silent plea entreating me to say yes. Which means this is about more than just food.
"Okay," I accede, wondering what could've prompted such a sudden change of heart. "But what about the paps? Aren't you worried we'll get spotted?"
"See any people?" asks Drake, reaching across my lap to turn the ignition off.
"No, but—"
"Exactly," he affirms, pocketing the keys. "This is one of the few places in the city where you ain't gonna bump into a reporter."
"How do you know?"
"Because apart from the fact that Sugo actually makes its own pasta, it is also a stone's throw from Parliament," he explains, offering me a hand to help me off the bike. "Which means that pencil pushers from every level of government come here to ink deals over carbonara, so no one — staff included — is gonna mess with the status quo."
"Sounds like something out of a mafia movie..."
"Where d'you think Hollywood gets its ideas from?" he drawls, pulling his helmet off to stow it in the under-seat compartment. "Places like this. Which is why no one will bother us here. Especially not the paps. It'd be a death sentence for this joint if their tight and discreet ship suddenly sprung a leak."
"Good to know," I acknowledge, unclipping the clasp of my own helmet. "But how did you even find out about this place? Let alone got in?"
"Leo," Drake replies, taking my helmet to clip it onto the handlebar. "He's on a first name basis with the chef."
I quirk a brow at him. "Sounds like there's a story there..."
Drake extricates my bag from the glove box with scoffs. "It's Leo. There's never not a story. But let's get you inside first. Before you pass out on the pavement."
"I'm not going to—" My stomach rumbles in pointed disagreement. "Okay, I am hungry. But where exactly is this place? There's nothing here apart from the back-ends of buildings..."
"Have I ever let you down when it comes to food?" he asks with a raised brow.
"Then trust me."
The story continues in Chapter 21 - You Give Me Reason
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A/N: Translations for the Italian below:
Ch'è qualche problema? - Is there a problem?
Ah... l'amore... non è bello se non è litigarello. - Ah, love... It is not beautiful if it does not quarrel.
Err... Sì. Sto certamente imparando che a mio spese... - Err... Yes. I am definitely learning that the hard way.
Non capita a tutti? - Don't we all?
Err... La saluto. E scusi il disturbo... - Err... Farewell. And apologies for disturbing you.
Eh! Chi non risica non rosica. Ma è meglio stare attenti con lei! Donna buona – vale una corona. - Eh! No risk, no reward! But you better take care of her! Good woman – worth a crown.
Lo so... - I know...
Vaffanculo! - Fuck you!
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @mywildheartremains
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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starboy-acer · 3 months
Note: I don't ship Niklaus with any of them, but I really really like the names, so I keep them. if the ship name is pink then that means i actually ship it/love it amen (aka it prolly is a rarepair developed by a mutual that i fell in love with). some of these i may not ship and plenty of these can be taken as platonic only! these are just ship/duo names for characters (using & means i see it only as platonic/familial/a duo/trio name with no romance elements at all.
fish and chips: chip/gillion [otp]
navyseal: jay/gillion
mockingjay: chip/jay
poly pirates: chip/jay/gillon [otp pt 2]
sailorsong/scarlet captains: chip/jazz
fools gold/bargaining chip: chip & niklaus
drunken sailors: chip/caspian
chiptune: chip/queen
stoneflame: chip/igneous
treble theft: chip/jazz/queen [liam someguy thank u for this]
women in STEM: jay/ensa
pistolwhip: jay/lizzie
sharpshooter: jay/kira
bloodshot: jay/anastasia
sheshells: jay/edyn
artemis anchor: jay/aslana
jay's harem/let's go lesbians: jay/her many girlfriends (ever changing, always evolving)
high noon: jay & ichabod
swordfish: gillion/caspian [only person other than chip i can see him w]
dealbreaker: gillion & niklaus
sea shanty: gillion/queen
the moist ones: gillion & felipe & goobleck
buddycops: DOPPLE Gillion & Kira [thank u mast]
fish squared and chips/sea sharp: chip/gillion/caspian
manlet, manwhore, manslayer: chip & gillion & niklaus
deal with the devil: chip & jay & gillion & niklaus
bardic inspiration: chip/jay/gillion/queen
full ensemble: chip/jay/gillion/queen/jazz
watergun/writer's block: drey/finn
robopanda/cybershot: alphonze/gryffon
cattlepunk: drey/ichabod [I ADORE THEM. thank u liam someguy]
whitefeather/widow duo: ichabod/ella teach [LOML. made & rp'd this w jynx]
dead husband society: drey/ichabod/ella [u can literally only understand this if you’ve read The Cattlepunk Fic]
starshine: drey/ella [thank jrwi reset]
pearlescent: aslana/edyn [thanks to jynx for putting me on this]
lamprey: anastasia/aslana
meta duo: felipe & goobleck
sea serpent: price & edyn
sea witch: niklaus/edyn [hangout actor au put me on this...]
waning crescent: lizzie/ava [CANON. LOVE THEM.]
rose tides: lizzie/edyn
guns n roses: lizzie/jazz
singing the blues: jazz/caspian
jam session: jazz/queen
beatbox: jazz & la alma (shoutout hangout actor au rp)
soundwaves: caspian/queen
rosewater: lizzie/caspian [tbh... i love it]
polyberry: lizzie/caspian/john/rudith (all the grandberrys)
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 3, Side B, Match 8
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propaganda under the cut!
Submission 1
they are the cutest thing ever with 5 books of slow burn
Submission 2
Submission 1
They're the ogs. They're in every tumblr ship poll. They spend five years making love eyes at each other, have a massive messy breakup, get back together after 2.8 years and get married. They're idiots and I love them. They invented every trope. I've written so much propaganda for these guys I've lost all ability to be coherent. Just trust me on this and put them in, they'll get far
Submission 2
They are so gentle and teasing with each other. They work side by side and then when their shifts are over they still hang out together and play chess and such. They respect the hell out of one another and trust each other completely. They're literal soul mates. T'hy'la forever :) <3
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dangermousie · 1 year
Pre-Joseon Sageuks: a Biased and Incomplete List
So, as promised way earlier, a post on pre-Joseon sageuks that I’ve either watched or plan to watch so am aware of them. I am sure there are others but here is what I got. Obviously my takes on them are subjective blah blah blah.
Jumong - arguably the Daddy of all Traditional Sageuks, this one ran for over 80 episodes and had insane ratings. It follows the rise of the mythical founder of Gogureyo tho it takes fantastical elements of his story and changes them for historically plausible ones. It’s very long and very meaty and politics/battle heavy and has a large cast of complex characters (including pretty nifty women and a LGBTQ supporting OTP) but it is anchored by the incredible performance of Song Il Gook as the titular character as he slowly but believably grows from nothing to a hero if at the cost of losing his marriage.
The King of Tears Lee Bang Won - this is basically a half and half beast as (you can tell by the title), it’s set in the last days of Goryeo and early days of Joseon. The time period covered is the same as in My Country and Six Flying Dragons, but this is the most traditional take of them all, even more so than 6FD. Not a single pretty face in the cast (tho Joo Sang Wook is a mighty fine man, emphasis on “man”), this is for the real fans of traditional sageuks. I enjoyed it a lot but if you want to check out pre-Joseon sageuks but have mainly watched youth sageuk stuff before, you should probably start with another drama on this list.
The Great Seer - set in the reign of King Gongmin, the last proper king of Goryeo (his son King U is technically the very last but there are questions as to his status), this is for those of you who want to watch Ji Sang in a sageuk. It’s centered around seers but don’t expect mysticism, this knuckles down to politics.
Shin Don - hi there, another story set in the reign of King Gongmin! From the title, you can tel it centers heavily on the powerful monk who ruled for the King at one point. This has been on my to-watch list forever because this appears to devote a decent chunk of its time to Gongmin X Noguk and I am dying for a proper drama for those two. This is from 2005 so if you do watch, keep that in mind in terms of visuals etc. That cast is lit!
Bicheonmu - this is sort of cheating because it’s pretty much set in China but it involves Koreans so. It’s a drama take on the same story told in a pretty awesome movie. Tragic love, battles, young Joo Jin Moo etc. i am very fond of it. This said, find and watch the Chinese version, Korean one was shredded.
The Iron Empress/Empress Cheon Chu - set in Goryeo, this was another of women ruler centric dramas that had a mini popularity peak in late 00s/early 10s (a trend I wish continued.) it got overshadowed by Queen Seonduk but by all accounts is a solid drama. It’s on my list but I haven’t watched it yet.
The King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang - by the writer of The Rebel and My Dearest. Have I got your attention? Another woman centric ruler tale set in Baekje. Yes, there is a love story. That cast is great, to boot. I have started and liked what I’ve seen but got sidetracked. Need to get back to it. Before you look at the ep number and faint seeing the number 108, keep in mind that the eps are half an hour long so it’s an equivalent of a normal 54 ep sageuk so if you can watch eg Empress Ki, you are good with this.
My Country: The New Age - Lee Bang Won but make it gay. OK, I kid, sort of (not really) but this is smart and passionate and heartbreaking. If you want a wide scope or lots of politics, probably not a take for you (Six Flying Dragons is RIGHT there), but if you want an intense, emotional tale, come right in!
Six Flying Dragons - to me, this is THE drama about Lee Bang Won. It’s smart and emotional, deals with politics and has heart. It has a large cast of characters I got invested in, OTPs that will blow your mind etc etc.
Faith/The Great Doctor - if you are a fan of old school shoujo like Red River, Basara or Fushigi Yuugi, this or Moon Lovers are your best bet on this list. A time traveling tale with other fantasy elements about a modern day plastic surgeon who ends up being kidnapped into Goryeo during the early days of King Gongmin’s (hi!) reign by a tormented, oath bound warrior played by Lee Min Ho at his hottest (and playing historical General Choi Young. Do RPS at your pleasure), this one is one of my all time favorites.
Seodonyo/Ballad of Seo Dong - I am actually currently watching this one tho I haven’t been posting about it. Set in both Baekje and Silla, this is an angsty love story with a side of politics. It’s filmed in 2005 and looks accordingly but if you don’t mind dated visuals, this is pretty great!
Emperor of the Sea - set in Silla and Tang, this was a huge hit and deservedly so. Our protag is a slave and gladiator and a great naval hero. This is grim and smart and epic. It’s from 2004 so once again, if dated visuals are no-go, skip, but if you want a great story and performances, this has your name on it.
The Kingdom of the Winds - an epic cursed prince narrative, our ML (Song Il Gook at his sexiest) rises from abandoned prince and slave and abused assassin to general, royal and king, sparing time for an angsty delicious love story with an enemy princess. This has serious sageuk bits AND the best shoujo tropes in the business, plus enough whump to keep anyone happy.
Gye Baek - Lee Seo Jin, another sageuk stalwart, stars as the title character in this tale of a Baekje commoner, war slave and general. This is grim but glorious.
Soldier/God of War - this is a traditional war-centric sageuk and grim as hell. Another slave to general tale.
King Geun Chu Go - this is on my watch list; it’s about a warrior king of Baekje. Haven’t seen it but heard good things.
Ja Myung Go - smart and unrelentingly tragic, featuring Jang Ryeo Won and Jung Kyung Ho as doomed lovers and Park Min Young in an evil role, this is great and has deeply flawed characters in the very definition of doomed by the narrative tale.
Arthdal Chronicles - this is obviously a fantasy but the tale of prophesied twins, magical priestess, wars and mysticism is clearly set in a pre-Joseon in terms of aesthetics world.
Alchemy of Souls - like Arthdal this is pure fantasy but also like Arthdal, a lot of its styling is pre-Joseon so on this list it goes.
Moon Lovers/Scarlet Heart Ryeo - ok I think if people have heard of only one drama on this very long list, it’s probably this one. Modern time traveling heroine ending up during the reign of Goryeo’s King Taejo, in the middle of his sons’ fight for the throne, having an epic but doomed romance with shoujo catnip tortured bad boy Lee Jun Ki.
Shine or Go Crazy - if you want a more historical take on Moon Lovers succession fight but still with plenty of hotness, angst and doomed romance, come right in. This baby stars Jang Hyuk, so you know it’s bound to be good. I actually started it and enjoyed it but got sidetracked. Need to get back to it. Fun fact: while Moon Lovers was hugely popular internationally, domestically Shine or Go Crazy (they aired around the same time), did much better.
The Legend/The First King’s Four Gods - for a long time this was my favorite kdrama of all time and is still probably in my top 10. Ignore the odd first episode, the rest is perfection. Expensive and wonderfully written, this was Bae Yong Joon’s last drama before he retired to rest on his pile of money (if you are young, you probably don’t remember what a big deal he was, bigger than all the Hallyu stars nowadays put together. He basically was singlehandedly supporting the kdrama industry at one point), but what a worthy way to go out. It’s an epic Goguryeo fantasy tale of a prophesied prince coming into his own, with such amazing characters and relationships and OTPs and battles and points about destiny versus free will. It is everything and I kinda want to rewatch now.
The Blade and The Petal/Sword and Flower - ostensibly a star-crossed Gogureyo love story, this really is more about politics. It’s a mixed bag. The visuals are insane but Uhm Tae Woong, while always solid in modern dramas, is out of place in a sageuk (in QSD Kim Nam Gil stole his thunder; there is nobody to do so here but that doesn’t help him.)
Queen Seon Duk - probably the most famous entrant into female power sageuks, this was a mad hit and centered on the titular character’s rise to power and fight for the same with her female nemesis Mishil. If you want love stories, angsty fighter Bidam propelled Kim Nam Gil to stardom as he stole the leading man mantle from Uhm Tae Woong.
Empress Ki - currently rewatching this. It’s set in the waning days of Goryeo but takes place mainly in Yuan. Still, the FL is Korean and a lot of the story revolves around one of her suitors’, a deposed Korean king, attempts to get his land back. As you can tell by my rabid posts, this is a great drama - politics, romance (I ship FL and the Yuan emperor like mad), murder, dysfunction and everything good.
Hwarang - it’s so brain dead it might as well be a brain-eating amoeba in drama form but it did give us both Park Hyung Sik and Park Seo Joon before they made it big in drama world. It’s terrible tho, stay away.
River where the Moon Rises - I have such a love/hate relationship with this drama - I loved the beginning, with our tormented assassin heroine slowly being warmed by the loyal rustic ML with his own trauma. And then Ji Soo’s bullying scandal happened and he was replaced by Na In Woo, aka the actor I like least from any country in all my close to two decades of watching dramas. I tried but I simply couldn’t and I am still mad. This said, if you don’t share my NIW allergy, it’s probably worth a watch.
The Great King’s Dream - if you liked QSD and can’t get enough of the period but want an even more traditional tale, you can do worse than this drama. I liked what I saw but this baby is 70 eps and lacks Bidam so I peaced out. Maybe I will get back to it sometime, but probably not.
Jeong Do Jeon - as you can tell by the title, centers on JDJ and the last days of Goryeo. Not really my bag (time period been done plenty in other dramas and I don’t have that much interest in JDJ) but supposed to be solid.
My Only Love Song - a short silly mess but still probably better than River (which tells the same story) because it doesn’t have NIW.
King Gwanggaeto the Great - 92 eps. I can’t!
The King Loves - delicious love triangle (that goes ALL ways), angst, prettiness, a side of bodyguard romance. What’s not to love in this Goryeo tale?
ETA: this post was so long that when I tried to tag every drama I mentioned, tumblr told me you hit the tag limit of 30 tags no more tags for you. Oh well, sorry dramas that ended up I tagged!
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rayetherna · 10 months
Reached my boiling point after Fontaine AQ & all the consumed fan content, and decided to dive into my dream-based post-canon/ canon divergent dragon!Aether AU, in which the Traveler "unlocks" himself a dragon form through [4.2 AQ spoilers]. So I snatched a liner to not get "stuck" in sketches, and found him during work breaks ^^
Think of this AU as taking place after the final (successful) war with Celestia, in which Aether participated in the form of that huge eldritch gentleman from the last sketch page. Also, most of my Genshin content revolves/will revolve around my polyamorous Kaeya/Aether/Ajax (Kaetherajax) OTP in any dynamic. Although "my" Aether is far more on a leading side, a "connecting link", and an anchor for Ajax and Kaeya - all three ultimately being a secret safe space for each other.
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So wth did this come from:
I once had a dream about Aether being stuck in the dragon form in a different world xD He looked similar to a dragon OC of mine, as if he +- belonged to the same species but with his own quirks. In the dream he looked somewhere in-between the "condensed" (was also a liiiiittle bit bigger than that) and "uncondensed" versions. The twins found themselves in a "classy fantasy" world with different branches of magic, and Aether turned out to be a metamorph-healer. They helped to alleviate this world's global crisis, but a fragment of something connected with the local "dark side of the force" got lodged in Aether's chest, seized control over him and forced him to slip away in an unknown direction, stuck in the form of a dragon. Lumine and the local Chaeya set off to search for him - and succeeded! He almost R.I.P.ed them, but came to his senses in time. Most memorable moments:
Aether's appearance - he had three eyes, and when he was under control of the shard, the right and third eyes were just rolled back white, while the left had multiple pupils, similar to a demon from my bw pict attached. But he was overall incredibly creepy in this "possessed" state.
When Aether began to struggle for control, he moved like... I don't know how to describe it, but it was SO fucked up - it was clear from the movements that two entities were fighting for the "seat at the helm", and the body looked like a marionet at times. The closest I can think of is the monkey boss from Sekiro in its headless phase, when it does plunge attacks and forward dashes with a sword x'DDD The sight was absolutely chilling.
When Aether "surfaced" and allowed Lumi, Kaeya and Ajax to get their hands almost elbow-deep into his chest and try to pull out the shard. But while it was budging, it was burning their hands almost to the bone, even despite Lumi's healing and the combo of water-ice cooling from Cheya. In the end it tossed them all aside by some sort of shockwave - so Aether dove into his own wound while he was still "lucid", and ripped the shard out with his own teeth, for Lumine to destroy it.
And the last but not the least was the most hilarious scene of licking the wounds of the companions - Aether was capable of healing almost any damage but in such a strange way, 'cause dragon incarnation enhanced all the abilities, but something about its "composition" influenced "magic conductivity" xDD He carefully used Kaya's palm as an example for what he had in mind (he had a hard time speaking in this form). Kaeya immediately bared Childe's nasty wound (on his side) from Aether's claws, and Childe was instantly alarmed for the most ridiculous reasons:
Сhilde: Nononono wait - he's her brother, right? A human! Another very human man licking me! How is that okay?! Kaeya: ... Do you HAVE to make things even more awkward than they are? Lumine: does a discreet eyeroll
Turns out it was very much okay, but there was one very awkwardly fluffed up Aether licking the wounds of a tomato-grade red Childe, who was hiding his face in his hands.
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redpensandgreenarrows · 3 months
How to turn Genevieve Delacroix into Sophie's Fairy Godmother...
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Okay, so this is kind of a spin off from this post that I made yesterday: Sophie Beckett Speculation + ruminating on some of the responses I received on that post.
So, using my speculation that Sophie is currently a maid at Aunt Joanne's (& all her fabrics) home, how do we get Sophie to Mayfair to "attend" the Bridgerton Masquerade Ball?
Here are my thoughts: Sophie becomes Cressida's lady's maid while she is staying with her Aunt. When the following year rolls around, based on Joanne's opinion and her parents father's "allowance", Cressida is permitted to re-enter society to be given a second chance by her parents as well as the ton. Sophie accompanies her because Cressida begged for Sophie to continue to be her lady's maid (they actually get along in private, and I'm also going to say Cressida is unaware of Sophie being a bastard). Sophie comes to Mayfair!
In preparation for the Masquerade, Cressida and her mother go to the Modiste to select their costumes, and Sophie accompanies them. While Cressida and her mother are off discussing fabrics, Sophie notices a dress form showcasing a simple but elegant silver dress (or maybe not the silver dress yet, maybe Sophie will be surprised with that during the "fairy godmother scene"). She walks over to admire it, captivated by its beauty. Madame Delacroix clocks Sophie admiring her work, and feels a connection to Sophie just by looking at her. Gen knows and understands that sad, longing look Sophie has. There is a kinship there. Gen goes and talks to Sophie, but the conversation doesn't get very far when Lady Cowper snaps at Sophie for becoming distracted and touching things that don't belong to her. Why should she even bother looking at anything in this shop, it's not like she'd ever get the chance to go to the masquerade!
Sophie is chastised and apologizes to Gen; Gen's all "no harm - no foul", but really wants to punch Lady Cowper in the face. Then, Gen suddenly has a lightbulb moment, and the next time the Cowpers are distracted she makes her way over to Sophie and says lowly, "Want to live a fantasy just for one night? Meet me here after everyone has left for the masquerade."
Cut to the night of the ball, Sophie - deciding to live recklessly for one night - slips out of the Cowper house as soon as she can and gets herself to the Modiste. Cue Bridgerton version of Cinderella's Fairy Godmother scene: getting Sophie dressed and dolled up, providing her with transportation, saying she needs to leave by midnight so she can get back to Gen's to return the dress and then return home before the Cowper's get back.
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This idea has me excited. I think it could work!
Thoughts!? Love it? Hate it? Other ideas!? Share away!!! 😁
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fishandships · 10 months
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@singingdeepinme victimized me with an imagine that i HAD to drop everything and draw (based off a scene from Aladdin)
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whitedahlia13 · 2 years
So now that the teen wolf movie is over and done…what are your thoughts? I’m trying so hard to burn the whole Stydia break-up thing out of my system but ughh it’s so frustrating. Didn’t even watch it just saw the spoilers on twitter and I was so heated. I need to meet the man who gave the green light for this script cause like wtf. How do you suggest we get over it cause I’ve been an emotional mess since seeing it. After 6 years… this is what we get 😢 so much pain
I don't really have any thoughts on it. I didn't see it, and I won't. I am sorry it upset you so much though. I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I watched TW in real time, and I never forgot what that was like. It's definitely not easy to have people trying to shred something you love for the sake of profit or ego or whatever.
Just remember... There is always fanfic to read, and there is always the REAL Stydia. The two people who were so perfect for each other that they turned a "side story" into the main draw for the show. Nothing can change what they have meant to us all this time. I truly believe that this movie is going to be forgotten, but moments like these are forever...
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kosmicdream · 3 months
answered some OTP questions from some post i found for Knife/Spoon, altho specifically Knife/Scissor.. more of a little writing exercise i guess
How did they meet?
Knife hunted him down for his space crimes. It was kind of an unusual target because Knife usually doesn’t go back to DMTIA, but Simon kicked up enough fuss to draw attention across the solar system, as well as claiming to be a McGold. Obviously, once they met Knife made arrangements to get Simon hired by thumb instead of imprisoned. 
How long have these two characters known each other?
Honestly its changed a couple times bc i’m bad at math, but im pretty sure its around 80 years. 
What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
Simon was excited to meet Knife and wanted to make a big impression because of his fame but was initially really disappointed with Knife and kind of threw a tantrum. Because he was already throwing one because Nail ruined his plans by fighting Knife first. Not having things go exactly his way with the encounter made him spiral and impulsively do things. He complained the entire flight back to the stars and Knife had to keep him restrained because he kept trying to fight or like crash the ship into an asteroid. Knife thought Simon was the kind of weird funny freak that would work well at Thumb and be a good asset to the team, plus he was so pathetic he kind of felt bad for him and squishing the worm friend he had. 
Their impressions now are kind of ?????.. How would i even summarize it.. Umm.. In a strange way I think Knife idolizes the aspect of Simon’s personality that seems unaffected by guilt, without really understanding that Simon is affected by guilt and is constantly propelled by his own panic. He just avoids accountability and has a facade he upholds. I would say Simon is still very good at adapting to unusual situations on the fly, despite how extreme they are, but his upbringing caused him to be accustomed to overstimulation. The reason why Knife idolizes this false perception of how Simon copes with his guilt is because I think he wants to be able to be a bit more like Simon and reach some kind of moral clarity, even if its not an appropriate or even “good” one. In some ways, i think he wants Simon to fix what’s wrong with him somehow. I would say this isn’t the attitude Knife had in the entire course of their relationship, at first he wanted to maintain a really different dynamic between them and ruled it with an iron grip - before things got too complicated. But at this stage in the story, Knife’s very emotionally lost and is using Simon as an anchor and thus putting him in a bit of a pedestal. He is actually physically sick though and does need help there, which Simon probably is the only person who can provide that care. 
Simon’s opinion of Knife is that he’s generally very frustrated with him because of how stubborn he is, which has always been difficult to obey the RULES because Knife’s rules have been contradictory. At this point he’s kind of on edge, because um. Knife came back to life suddenly, is also sick and also apparently is more malleable in his plans than ever before.. Which up until this point, has never really been his thing. It makes him a bit suspicious but he is curious what else has changed. He also is straight up terrified about it but he has to deal because this is possibly his last chance with making things right between them. 
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Knife isn’t gonna say anything fdkhfg Simon would just complain and insult Knife if asked. But that’s all fake you know he would go on rants about how perfect Knife is and the reason he’s still alive. 
Do they get along? Why or why not?
Do they????? The boys have a lot of relationship problems RN that have stacked up for decades but i’m still inclined to say yes. They at least are able to work as a team on the fly if the situation is tense enough (like anal prolapse.) 
Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
Murdering.. I guess.. JK they do dance as a couple which both enjoy. They also enjoy racing videogames but Simon almost always wins. 
How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?
I mean they used to live together, so they saw eachother every day. Even when they were living separately while Fork was growing up, They’d visit frequently or see eachother at work. It was usually Knife going to Simon’s place in the middle of the night though. 
How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
I feel like this is a complicated one to answer but I’d say that Knife allows and even gets pleasure from Simon hurting him, which he doesn’t really enjoy pleasure without that context. Alternatively, Simon doesn’t enjoy tenderness unless its from Knife. Even if he has a positive relationship with Cash, if she gets too into feelings it gives him the ick. So that’s usually only saved for serious moments, which usually have the mood deflated by a joke or something to balance out things from being too genuine. But with Knife he can be really tender and genuine without hating the experience. 
What is one quality they have in common?
What is one major difference between them?
Simon loves Knife but Knife does not love Knife, which causes a lot of problems. Knife Loves Simon but Simon doesn’t really know himself, so he thinks whatever Knife loves is whatever he is doing so he wants to keep doing that right so Knife loves him. 
Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
Oh probably. But if you ask me I’m not exactly sure what it is yet since there are so many foils and narratives in ffak lol
Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?
Knife climbs into Simon’s skin and Simon goes “squee!.” Also Simon does boring mundane life stuff with Knife to help him have that “normal life fantasy” that he craves so much. 
Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?
Oh sure they do. Knife feels betrayal for the cheating, but Simon feels betrayal for Fork replacing him and you know Knife faking his own death. Knife shows it by avoiding all his loved ones for years i guess. Simon doubles down on bad behavior to upset Knife worse but that only makes everyone more miserable.
Do they share the same goals in life?
They used to have the same killing everyone goal yeah, but not anymore. At least for Simon, he’s got new ones.
Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
IDK .. they both navigate “trust” in a really toxic codependent twisted way, but at least in their minds they “completely” trust eachother - but that also kind of includes the aspects of the other they trust is very unpredictable and unclear. Instead of open communication, they’ve kind of accepted it as an aspect of the other person rather than trying to change it or properly address it. I’d say at this point, Simon does not trust Knife as much as he used to, by a severe amount. Knife at the moment is putting too much trust in Simon, without realizing that he might be mislead or lied to about things, because he feels he’s the one who has wronged more in the relationship at this point. (even with Simon’s cheating.) 
Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?
Well, I’m not gonna say how they’d react! But both of them are keeping secrets from eachother, although Knife is very willing to lay it all out on the table finally. He isn’t really giving Simon enough breathing room to process it all. 
Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
They were keeping their relationship a secret from Fork. Which Simon hated doing, but was serious about keeping it for Knife. 
Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
Both view it pretty permanent. I think that’s something that’s been maintained even before they dated and the roles were more mentor/student. Simon fixated into the “devoted follower” role faster than he realized. 
Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
They were very satisfied, now its a mess and has been that way for decades. Both wanted to make it back to what it was but Simon sees that as impossible, so he wants to make it into something better - at least hoping that growth will be the best answer to their problems than trying to recreate their old dynamic. The hardest part will be actually letting go from that, which is easier said than done and Simon already can tell he’s going to struggle keeping that goal in mind. 
What is their best memory together?
Hard to say, cause its not really specific. More like “walking around somewhere with him” is probably what they both think of the most. 
What is their worst memory together?
The big “kicking you out” breakup. Or Knife discovering Simon’s sexual relationship with Cash LOL. That was an ugly fight. Simon’s worst is uh, I guess Knife dying and fixating on their last encounter, which he thought was their last one. 
When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
Hard to say, they’ve certainly been vulnerable plenty of times. 
Do they have any mutual friends? Mutual enemies?
Knife doesnt have any friends LMAOOOOOO yeah they probably got 1 billion mutual enemies. Nail/Mop is probably one which comes to mind the quickest.
How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
Well in public they’re kind of vaguely distant with obvious tension, in private its very mushy gushy romance. 
If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
I dunno, they’d probably assume Knife hated all the affectionate attention Simon gives him. He’s just a tsundere. 
How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
They’d be surprisingly okay for a while. Although i think Knife would start to have a traumatic panic attack and hurt Simon idk.
How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
TOO far. Of course they’d risk their own lives!!!!! this is anime!
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askew-d · 2 months
Hello...Have you watched Haikyuu movies? It's great....And we got lots of Kuroken moments and "that"one Kagehina moment.... So, as Kagehina shipper, have you ever ship Hinata or Kageyama with other character? For me, I have read Kageyama with Oikawa fic (I enjoy it but not really into that ship, all the time thinking of Iwaoi) and Hinata with Atsumu fic (one of my friend love that ship, wrote a fic and asked me to read them). And as much as they're all good, my otp will always be Kagehina. Like they were made for each other and it has to be them...
Do you also have other ships that you love from MDZS and TGCF? Sorry, if you asked me this, I have at least 8 ships in total from those two series, all of them are non canon (Xuexiao, Xiyao, Zhuiling, Beafleaf, Fengqing, Quanyin, Peihuang, Xuyue)....
Sorry for this random and long ask, hope you don't mind....
hello, anon!! sorry i am late for this, hope you understand. life has been crazy, haha. anyway, let us go: i did watch the haikyuu films and recently in was at the cinema with a friend watching the dumpster battle, let me tell you i was OVERJOYED!!! heavens, i could not control my anxiety. though my friend also likes the anime, she isnt as obsessed as me and didnt even finish the last season when we talked about watching the brand new release, so i had the OUTSTANDING experience of rewatching it with her so we could buy the tickets after!! i lost count of how many times i watched it and how many times i made other friends try it out (at some point, i recommended it to even one of my students during a totally unrelated discourse, hahahaha, hope he shares his opinions once this winter break finishes).
since i watched haikyuu about... five years ago? i must have rewatched some seasons more than ten times. its my comfort show! love every film also. about the ships, kagehina is my endgame, but i definitely love kuroken, iwaoi, bokuaka and sakuatsu (though i consume kagehina content much more). of course every ship is valid, i cannot judge anyone, however, i personally cant see hinata or kageyama with anyone else and do not read stories too focused on other relationships :) i can comprehend why fans see something with oikawa and kageyama, or even oikawa and hinata (considering their interaction in rio), but i do not settle with it in my heart. its just profiles and options, anyway! dont mind, dont mind.
i agree with you. for me, they are soulmates through and through. perfect for each other. one is the promise, the other is the anchor. they might be one of the couples i have seen anywhere that matches each other's vibe the best.
about mxtxt works, my favorite side ships are moshang and beefleaf. i can see the appeals in each one you mentioned, but i just never quite got interested to the point of reading about it, sorry!! some of them maybe its because they did not have a finale extra shot, or at least they were not as spoken/seen together as they were individually. for fengqing, though i like them as a side couple in hualian fanfics, i never quite got engaged in their story together, many times they just annoyed me (god, im scared of saying that and people coming at me, but there you go). but i know they have their values and some interactions i could almost forget my light, petty resentment for their actions and laugh along. beefleaf though? mobei-jun and his creator shang qinghua? heavens, i wanted to see more of them.
so, this is it! do not worry about asking whatever and whenever you want to ask. i love coming here to answer them when i have the time. thank you!! hope you can spot a nice sunset and take a relaxing shower today.
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