#otp: as sweet as sugar
theautisticcentre · 7 months
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A group of my 4 MHA OC's, the Assassin's Academia group! Their names are:
Chiyo Todoroki
Kei Jirou
Etsuko Kaminari
Bennu Khalifa
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litlunacy · 6 months
Date night pt. 3 (post date. i'm sobbing)
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The druid treehouse answer is adorable. Her response is adorable. That's their canon retirement to me now.
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And now she's about to cry, and I'm about to cry, and this whole night has been so emotional and -
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This is a wonderfully powerful sentiment and beautiful heart wrenching moment, but NO that will NOT be the last thing you do! We are gonna save you and fix your engine and live the dream life in that treehouse with Scratch and the owlbear and Yenna and Grub and have a happily ever after!
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dexter-erotoph · 4 months
i need skid and pump back so bad i could cry
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jooeeydee · 2 months
We know how Sara Lance likes her coffee, black with lots of sugar! We learn that early on in Legends Season One. You might like your coffee differently and that's fine, so is artistic liberty in matters the show didn't elaborate on but if the show gave us the answer, stick with it. And the shows gave us several people's coffee preferences. Sara drinks it black with two sugars, Oliver likes it black, Felicity drinks a none fat latte with extra sugar (that makes zero sense on a nutrition level) just to name a few. We got the info. So do your research. Use another methaphor. Sorry things like that just really annoy me. But then again, I spend hours working out the smallest detail and researching things like Max Fuller's wife's name...
She doesn't like her coffee bitter, like her relationships and dirty martini, the woman mainly drinks scotch!, like do your research if you use it as something to make a point about a character and their actions.
And Sara was not sleeping with whoever tickled her fancy during her time with the Legends. There were a few choice people she hooked up with but she wasn't sleeping her way through time as so many Avalance people would like to make it out.
And who the hell thinks Ava's sweet while Oliver is bitter? It's like the exact opposite. Oliver's the sweetest person on the planet, Ava is so fucking bitter it's not even funny anymore.
And I don't why I'm over here ranting. Blame it on all the people tagging fics as Canarow simply for mentioning the fact that Sara used to date Oliver. That's a fact, you don't need to tag it that for two sentences.
I swear I get heat for also tagging a Canarrow story Olicity because technically in the story Oliver is with Felicity as in the present but Avalance and Olicity people tag a story Canarrow just because Sara and Oliver having been together is mentioned or they break up in the first chapter and them actually being together is never shown in the story.
Make it make sense and stop tagging your toxic bullshit with my ship! There are so few Canarrow fics out there don't throw your anti-fics in there I don't want to see those toxic ships under my happy tag.
I think I'm done now.
And where are my fellow Canarrow writers at? I sort of want to go through with "there can't be a none Canarrow ship at the top of the Canarrow tag" but I'm one person, my muse is flakey and given the amount of Avalance and Olicity people that are currently falsely tagging their fics Canarrow I will not be able to do that.
Wow this post just turned into something entirely different.
Anyway... I hope everyone has a great day.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
"I mean I still COULD continue to be the bad guy if it's let's you blow off some steam and vent out your frustrations. I'll be your personal punching bag even! don't worry you have every right to be mad. I agree! I am indeed a horrible person!"
"SO KICK MY AS- I mean..."
"punish m-"
"no that came out wrong... sorry-"
"I don't even ask forgiveness! I just wanna like… hang out you know? I'll do anything you want. reset. go to hell and bring Satan back… do a hitless pacifist run blindfolded... break the barrier with my teeth alone... you name it!"
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HAHAHAHAHAHA xD oooh my god i'm laughing so hard :'D
you're so real for this istg<3333
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monthgirl · 2 years
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I think that you're rather unique Perhaps you're something new And if you'd like to oblige I'd like to get to know you too.
I hope you won't mind if I say I'm smitten by your nutty smile I hope you like all my sugary sweets and that you'll stay for a while.
I'd gab that your taste is grand At least what I understand It seems your stickyness rubs off It's better than I planned.
It's the start of something too great It's really much too profound I'm glad we ventured a chance It's frankly hard to expound.
You've caramel toppings soft as feathery down Wide eyes to look into Such strawberry chocolate taste and vigor for life!
I am your chocolate waifu!
That makes my poor heart burst with glee! Please promise that it's true! That you would deign to choose me!
I am your sugary sweet  waifu!
You know that I love you too! You feed me sugar sweets Can't say what more could I want, your my candy waifu!
I'll be there for you every day and night!
And I will be there too! You are my very best friend And I'm your sweet sticky waifu!
Dear you are the flavour of life! I know that we'll get through!
You're everything that I need! I am your my nutty husbando !
Because I know that I'm your kinda taste
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Which Classic Novel Should You Read Based on Your Fave Snape Pairing
Snily - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (1847). Let's see, a low class and abused, brooding Byronic leading man? Check. Madly in love with a woman who ends up marrying a snobbish rich man who looks down on our hero? Check. Obsessed with her even decades after her death? Check, check, and check. Oh, and let's not forget that the child the woman has with her husband shares her eyes. Hm, suspicious.
Snames - Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson (1740). So, as a fellow snames fan, let's be honest with ourselves: all of our fics can be boiled down to "I can change him." We want James to be despicable, inhuman, and cruel to Severus, and then we want James to realize how disgusting he is and grovel at Severus's feet, because we are all basic bitches. So basic that one of the earliest novels in the English language is basically this. Pamela originated this trope.
Snirius - Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith (1957). Snirius fans are unafraid of dark, toxic relationships and unhappy endings, and, well, here's a book for you! Deep Water is about as toxic as you can get. It's about a man who murders his wife's lovers.
Snucius - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (1913). Alright, alright, so this isn't a novel, this is a play, but fans of this pairing definitely seem to be into the whole sugar daddy/"I can turn this feral street child into an elegant gentleman" kind of vibe, and this is what this play is all about. Audrey Hepburn is fantastic in the film adaptation My Fair Lady (1964).
Snupin - Bear by Marian Engle (1976). You Canadians are probably like, "What the fuck? Is my OTP a joke to you?" The answer is yes, but that's beside the point. Hear me out. The main character is an archivist who is very bad at relationships and kind of shuns society in general. Like our Snape. She ends up in the Canadian wilderness on an assignment going through a dead person's belongings. Also, this dead person kept a pet bear that our heroine now has to take care of. Our heroine begins to yearn for something wild, our pet bear is a literal bear, but also incredibly pathetic and docile just like Lupin. Anyway, the two fuck. Literally, she fucks a bear. THIS BOOK WON THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S LITERARY AWARD. THAT'S LIKE CANADA'S PULITZER I THINK. None of you werewolf-fuckers should act shocked and dismayed by this. We all know how you really think Sirius's prank should have gone (in which instead of James rescuing Snape, Moony makes sweet sweet love to him).
Sorry, guys, no Snarry or Snamione. I don't really read those pairings so I can't give an accurate recommendation. But if you've got thoughts, add to this!
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emyn-arnens · 8 months
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I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Aegnor/Andreth fics and put them into a rec list. Some are sweet, some are heartbreaking, some are a little of both, and all are beautifully written. Please leave a kudos and comment if you enjoy!
Note: Works marked with “character death” either begin with one or both of them dead, or one or both of them die during the course of the story. Links lead to AO3 or the SWG.
Across the Gulf by Antiheld (T, 3.1k):
A brief moment of rebelling against fates. Andreth/Aegnor Oneshot, AU(ish)
A Few Good Years to Spend by Verecunda (G, 4.7k):
“Tell him not to be reckless. Not to seek danger beyond need!” Once, Aegnor turned away from the desires of his heart. But when Finrod gives him a message from Andreth, the love he gave up so long ago will no longer be denied.
All in Patience, All in Haste by EilinelsGhost (G, ~700 words):
A month or two after the Athrabeth, Andreth receives another Arafinwëan visitor.
A Moth in Amber by Mithen (G, 1k, character death):
Andreth and Aegnor had one spring together, and each of them carried it in their hearts the rest of their lives.
Burnt Sugar by @sallysavestheday (G, ~200 words):
Aegnor and Andreth and fires in the dark.
Candlelight On Tapestry by amyfortuna (G, 1.1k, character death):
In the Halls of Mandos, Aegnor spends his time staring into memories and dreams, until he's shaken out of them by an unexpected meeting.
Clear Visions by @hhimring (T, 1.2k):
Aegnor sings to Andreth of Valinor.
For One Year, One Day, of the Flame by @cuarthol (T, 1.7k):
Andreth prepares for the approach of midwinter, while Aegnor seeks to right a choice from long ago, before it is too late.
Sharing by Ruiniel (T, 1.4k):
The concept of ‘mind-pictures’ in The Nature of Middle-earth is interesting to explore, applied an interpretation of it to this short scene featuring Aegnor and Andreth (trying to get back into writing for Tolkien). "In any case indemmar were by Men mostly received in sleep (dream). If received when bodily awake they were usually vague and phantom-like (and often caused fear) [...]" Slightly AU take on this one.
Though We Shall Not Leave by LadyBrooke (T, 5k, character death):
Aegnor died, but that does not mean he left Andreth's side for long.
Whither you go by Ruiniel (T, 1.3k, character death):
'Whither you go may you find light. Await us there, my brother - and me.' - from Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, J.R.R. Tolkien Months ago, tried a short ghost story about souls meeting again in a time out of time. Featuring the saddest OTP. The AU is on me (apologies).
Who will pity the candle and the moth? by @hhimring (T, ~200 words, character death):
A very brief encounter between Andreth and Aegnor after death. Maybe Nienna had her hand in it, allowing Andreth to linger for a short while among dead Elves. Or maybe not?
worth the candle by arriviste (G, 1.2k, character death):
“I cannot linger here,” Andreth says. That is a truth she knows. This is only a doorway. “Still we might snatch a little time,” says Aegnor. - Aegnor and Andreth meet in the Halls.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Hi!! Gin for the ask game?
Yay Gin!!!
Favorite thing about them: Oh man there's not much to talk about in canon outside of the oc I made from them. But I still think they're very cool!! I also find them felling affection for Ryuunosuke to be very sweet, they're the only character in the whole series together with Higuchi who's ever shown to genuinely care about him.
Least favorite thing about them: How they weren't given a personality outside of “Akutagawa's sister”. Like, I love Gin, but being honest, it's more of loving the character I built pretty much from scratch for them in my mind, because canon literally never gave them a personality. Also, I don't like the voice actor choice for them… I don't know if I'm being conservative with this, but I find that kind of hyperfemininity they're depicted having sometimes (their high-pitched voice, the onsen scene in Wan) pretty stereotypical, that taste of “all tough girls deep down actually want to be delicate and femminine” from old medias I don't really vibe with.
Favorite line:
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This one, because it's funny, and specifically because it's a non-verbal line. I like the idea of Gin using their sword more than they use their mouth.
brOTP: Look, I'm weak for siblings dynamics. They're always my favourite thing. I don't remember ever having an hyperfixation that didn't include siblings dynamics. I love love love the Gin / Ryuunosuke relationship and could talk about them for days. ALSO the Black Lizard in general I've already talked about them here I care so much about them. I really like tachigin platonically too. And I like Gin's dynamics with Higuchi, I actually like them better platonically.
OTP: I dig everything tachigin, I really like them and the “I'm not who I say I am but you know me better than myself even though you don't know my true identity” deal they have going on. I also like the idea of Gin and Naomi 👀👀👀 talkative gf x gf who's never said a word their whole life. Also my personal crack ship Gin × Paula ThePromisedNeverland
nOTP: ... I don't really dig higu/gin. Higu/gin friends, please forgive me. I just think that starting dating the person your brother has repeatedly abused would be super awkward, and I don't think I really like the idea of Higuchi basically dating Ryuunosuke's sister as rebound guy. Also it's just a thing with me and not being a fan of vanilla / sugar spice and everything nice wlw ships. I do acknowledge they have their fair share of scenes together and that they're perfect to be interpreted romantically!! The latest volume 23 omake especially, it can perfectly be taken as romantic. It's just not something that does it for me, and tbh I like them better with having a kind of sisters dynamics, with Higuchi being this kind of very exuberant and silly self-assigned older sister and Gin who just likes her and enjoys hanging out with her.
Random headcanon: Oh boy, may I introduce you to my Gin brainrot. I really have so many ideas about them. Apart from what I've already mentioned, I really like the idea of them having selective mutism, especially as it's shown in Wan. I don't think they're someone to talk in general. The Akutagawas household must be death silent 24/7 lol.
Unpopular opinion: I just wish people would give them more flaws. I'ver read my fair share of Gin fics, and in all of them they're always this kind of sassy / funny / witty / pretty / confident / charismatic / overall perfect person. As result, I find them quite boring to read, and they particularly pale in comparison to Ryuunosuke; especially since at least for me it's his flaws that make him such a compelling character. I wish we'd extend some of his flaws to Gin too. They're bad at communication and expressing their feelings. They're aggressive and pessimistic. Idk, anything that makes them a little more human.
Song i associate with them: How To World Domination by Neru. Just the overall imaginary it evokes of two siblings close in age fighting together in a world that is both violent and war-ridden, and terribly domestic and mundane. The feeling of being lonely together. Them both fighting to become a better version of themselves, a kinder version of themselves, even, before my heart grows numb from the cold. This song really is one that always evokes the Akutagawa siblings in my mind whenever it comes on shuffle. Also, Re-education by Neru, for similar reasons.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card: (Band Gin you will always be famous)
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Send me a character?
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thatwildnya · 10 months
Very few of the boys actually respect mc's privacy when it comes to them be nude. The most you'll usually get is a knock before they come in.
That sounds like a NIGHTMARE omg, fight or flight instinct kicks in and I'd be accidentally throwing shit at them or hit them in the face😭😭
Wild: When it's really hot out mc will go commando and walk around in one of Idia's hoodies. The house does not have air conditioning and the coolest part is the basement where the octo trio lives.
Silver gets very jealous of the fact mc prefers Idia's hoodie over any of his top wear. Mc just likes that they smell like his hair, which has a nice smokey sweet scent because of all the sugar he eats.
Idia finds it funny. He likes watching Silver trying to subtly convince them to wear his very nice, well kept, expensive hoodie he bought with money he earned himself just for them to use. The dynamic reminds him of two anime characters he really likes. (he also ships them a lot they are his OTP)
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impromptu-sketches · 9 months
Hi, how are you? I just started reading BL manga/manhwas this year and I kinda confused on what to read and when I found your tumblr....Thanks for sharing your recs (it helps me a lot). Can I ask for BL recs (if you don't mind)? I'm still new in BL fandom but I'm already a fan of a lot mlm fanfics for anime series.... Do you mind if I ask for BL recs if I like this couples : Bakugou/Deku from BNHA, Eren/Levi from SnK and Iwaizumi/Oikawa from Haikyuu (this 3 are my otps)?
Sorry for this long ask, feel free if you want to give BL rec just from either one or all three couples....
This is super late, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer but I'll do my best! (I put a flower next to the ones I especially think fit their vibe/dynamic)
Bakugou/Deku | childhood friends but also so hot & cold with each other. I feel like and someone's gotta have anger issues or what's the point.
XXX Buddy
4 Week Lovers ❀
A Man of Virtue
Wagging the Tail
You Get Me Going
Megumi and Tsugumi ❀
Love Shuttle
Bane of My Existence
Sweet and Cold ❀
Eren/Levi | quiet badass leader x soldier who is mentally unstable with yandere vibes. Hmmm
Wet Sand ❀
Under the Green Light
Miscreants and Mayhem
Fate Makes No Mistakes (side couple)
Anemone Theater
Iwa/Oikawa | super cute childhood friends & teammates
Killer Crush
19 Days
Dekoboko Sugar Days
Frenemies: Thicker Than Blood ❀
Scandalous M
Mad Place ❀
I Became the Lousy Side Top
Third Ending
Unintentional Love Story
Karasugaoka Don't be Shy!! ❀
Engraved on My Heart
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theautisticcentre · 7 months
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Keiyo (Left is Chiyo, right is Kei)
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lordkingsmith · 3 months
Sending hugs always!
002 for your favorite character please and thank you!
You might be interested to hear that I might be getting a picture with the original pink ranger at comic con.
Hugs always appreciated thank you so much 😊
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Oh my gosh! You might meet Amy Jo Johnson? I’ve heard from everyone she’s ever met she’s a complete sweetheart. If you meet her you’ll have a great time. Regardless if you meet her or not I hope you have a great time at the con!
Ahh I have a lot of favorite characters, and they rotate but given you’re possibly gonna meet AJJ, I’ll do a power rangers one :)
Spike Skullovitch from Power Rangers Samurai
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How do I feel about this character:
There’s not enough of him! He deserved way more! So if you don’t know this is the son of Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch. In the show he was…I wanna say as old as the rangers so mid to late teens. This retroactively makes his dad from MMPR a teen father. Kind of a doofus and I loved him for it. He just seemed like a really sweet character and it’s a shame we haven’t seen him since. I wanna know how he’s doing guys. Kid’s a pure cinnamon roll in love with the pink ranger. I adore this guy I have fics for this guy and an entire LIST I’m working on of his partners (well ok-I’m working on individual lists for them and he’s on a lot of them but you know, semantics) I ship him with and hypothetical kids. I’m doing this for a bunch of power ranger characters for funsies but yea, lol. Love him, wish we had more of him-did you know he was originally meant to be the gold ranger before they changed the plot of the season? We got robbed
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ok here we go lol
Lauren Shiba
Jayden Shiba
Mia Watanabe (ranger he’s canonically got a crush on and ngl it’s adorable)
Antonio (I have a test fic in the works about these two, given Antonio is the canon gold)
Prince Olympius
Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman
And several others but list shouldn’t get too long lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I…am gonna be honest. I multiship so everyone listed is simultaneously a platonic and non platonic ship for me for him. I gave up with the OTP stuff a long while ago. But my current favorite? It’s between Lauren and Mia
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character:
my OTP:
It’s currently between Mia, Olympius, and Ziggy
My crossover ship:
Technically…any season is it’s own universe so I could say Ziggy but. I’ll choose something not power rangers. Hilariously I used his actor in a descendants rp once, his Disney villain descendant counterpart got with Allie, Alice Liddel’s daughter.
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Her. I still have a soft spot for the pairing ngl
A headcanon fact:
This is…an odd one but my friend @augment-techs and I came up with the idea he’s a putty hybrid. Rita Repulsa decided to do human experimentation and chose Skull to kidnap and do the experiments on. Through her meddling he…gives birth to a human-putty hybrid and names it Spike and that’s how his son is born! Very VERY not canon but it’s been fun playing with.
A more mundane “for every version of this character” fact is: he hates chewing gum and sweet things in general. Is not a sweet tooth. This is not going to happen. Prefers savory things over sweet things. Sugar makes him gag. He’ll eat it if someone gives him something sweet because he doesn’t want them to feel bad but..no he’s not a fan.
Thank you so much for the ask and again I hope the con is fun!!
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invisibleraven · 3 months
Imagine your OTP where both partners want to surprise the other one with a wonderful date but all of their cleverly thought-out plans fail and it looks like this is going to go down in history as the worst Valentine’s Day ever. + if it’s actually not that bad in the end /Jayla
Kayla looked over her gathered supplies, ticking each one off in her mind-citronella candles, blanket, basket, food, sunscreen. Everything was there, ready for an amazing picnic with Julie to celebrate their first Valentine's Day together.
They had both agreed not to plan anything, as everything would be crazy and booked, and a quiet night was all they needed.
"Why celebrate our relationship only on special days?" Julie had asked.
But Kayla had always been a romantic so she couldn't not do anything. She figured a nice picnic was a great date and special since it wasn't something they did often.
Unfortunately, Julie was not home yet. She had gone out this morning to help Flynn get ready for her date with Carrie-a date which Kayla knew they were both planning on proposing on. But she had expected Julie back long before now.
"I'm home!" Julie said, finally entering the house a half hour later. "Sorry, Flynn lost the ring and then Bobby lost Carrie, and it was a whole thing. You look nice."
"Thanks," Kayla replied, accepting a kiss. "Go get ready, we have lunch plans."
"I thought we were just staying home?" Julie asked, a nervous expression on her face.
Kayla shrugged. "Figured I should put in some effort. Nothing fancy, but a nice lunch, just the two of us."
"That sounds nice," Julie replied. "Be back in two shakes."
"One... two..." Kayla drawled as Julie raced to their bedroom, earning her a glare. Though soon enough Julie was back in a nice sundress, her hair flowing freely. Kayla spun her around with an exaggerated whistle, then grabbed her horde of stuff and lead them towards the car.
The park was a little more crowded than Kayla had counted on, but she managed to find them a spot under a large maple tree, setting out the blankets and candles before instructing Julie to sit, laying out the food.
"This is delicious," Julie said, digging into her container of salad. "Hope the ants stay away."
"That's what the candles are for," Kayla replied, peeling her clementine and popping a segment into her mouth.
No sooner had she said that, but an errant ball hit one of the candles, knocking it over, the flame catching the edge of the blanket and the picnic basket. Kayla swore, stomping out the flame and dumping her water bottle over the rest.
"Well fuck," Kayla grumbled. "Guess I'm not getting my deposit back."
"It's okay, we have plenty of food left," Julie assured her.
Kayla nodded, but mourned the now ruined cupcakes she had in the basket. There were more at home, but these ones had the perfect little love hearts on top and now they were a mushy pile of melted sugar and boot prints.
"Hey, you wanna dance?" Julie asked as they finished their food. There was a guy playing guitar nearby, giving them the prefect soundtrack.
Kayla grinned, and pulled her up, the two of them swaying with shared smiles as the songs progressed from soft to boisterous. Even after the playing ended, they still danced, though Julie glanced off to the side where her phone was blinking with messages on the blanket.
"You waiting for Flynn to text?" Kayla asked.
Julie murmured her agreement then shook herself. "Yeah, sorry. A little distracted." She kissed Kayla then; a sweet, lingering thing. "I'm all yours."
Kayla was about to reply when the heavens opened up, soaking them both in a deluge of rain. They had been so wrapped up in each other that they hadn't noticed the gathering rain clouds and darkened sky. They dashed for the shelter of the tree, but it didn't offer much protection. So they threw the blanket over themselves, gathered up their things and ran off to the car.
"Well that was a bust," Kayla said, biting back a giggle at their waterlogged appearances.
"I dunno, up until the rain, it was okay," Julie replied, but then shivered. "How about we head home and dry off?"
Back home in dry clothes, hair wrapped in towels, they ventured into the kitchen where Kayla found a plate of ceviche waiting for them.
"Tia?" she asked.
Julie's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, I asked her to whip up something for us for tonight, that was the other half of the messages on my phone. There's arroz con pollo and pastales in the fridge to warm up. She just left, so this should be fine to eat."
Kayla had never eaten ceviche before, but found it was pretty good, liking the bite of the citrus and fish together. However, a few bites in, she started feeling itchy.
"Jewel, what's in this?" she asked.
"I made sure to buy the good imitation stuff, why?" Julie asked, then gave a little sneeze, then another. "Stupid rain."
"I think your aunt might have used real shrimp," Kayla replied, already feeling the swelling and hives. "Benadryl please."
"You need your EpiPen?" Julie asked, rushing to get the pills.
Kayla shook her head, swallowing the pills. "Nah, that's only for nuts. Shellfish is uncomfortable, but not deadly."
Julie nodded, biting her bottom lip. "I am going to be having a talk with tia later, I swear she knows you're allergic!"
"Hey hey, it's okay," Kayla assured her. "But maybe go get the calamine lotion so I don't scratch my skin off?"
Julie nodded, then let out a litany of sneezes before rushing off.
So they ended their night with Julie sneezing and sniffling up a storm, Kayla swollen and itchy, and demolished cupcakes littering the table.
"Some Valentine's Day huh?" Julie asked, clutching the box of tissues to her.
"A banner one that's for sure," Kayla replied, popping another allergy pill. "Though I mean, we had two nice meals, if we ignore the one that caused all this."
"We got to dance," Julie added. "Even if the rain had other plans."
"And we spent it together, which is the most important part," Kayla concluded. Julie grinned, leaning in to kiss her cheek. Or whatever part of her face wasn't broken out without giving Kayla the cold she had developed.
"Maybe next year we go to a restaurant anyways?" Julie suggested with a giggle.
"Definitely," Kayla replied with a laugh, and snuggled into Julie as much as she could, reaching for another cupcake for them to share as the both of them squealed when Flynn finally texted them both, showcasing a picture of her and Carrie wearing engagement rings and promising to tell them the story tomorrow.
And Kayla resolved to make sure when it was their turn to get engaged... she got Flynn to plan it all.
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queen--of--maggots · 11 months
(as soon as I saw the words Top 5, I was hooked lol)
Top 5 death note headcanons? It can be ones widely accepted by the fandom or not, silly little quirks or major aspects of a character... you choose!
Ok, here are my top 5 DN hcs that I’ve read somewhere (at least from the ones that came spontaneously into my mind) in no particular order. (ask game)
Light can’t drive. Idk why but the thought of Mr. Perfect not having a driver’s license or being able to drive amuses me.
Mikami is shredded af. He goes to the gym on a regular basis, so this makes sense to me. And I like the thought of the nerdy guy with glasses who hides a six-pack under his coat.
L also eats other things than sweets. If everything he eats is sugar and fat with no nutritional value, he wouldn’t live long enough to reach his 40s.
The tennis match in the manga/anime is the idealized version of the events in L and Light’s head. Both have no muscles whatsoever and are terrible at tennis. This is one of my absolute favs.
And because it’s one of my otps, I like the hc that Light developed a bit of a soft spot for Misa at one point. Not that he directly loved her, but he felt some affection for her.
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
3 Ship Questions: Zekina!
Ship It
What made you ship it? so funny enough i didn't even consider these two at all when i started watching the show. i found Zeke charming if not a little gross but didn't think about them. but then i saw one of @tallgirl14's tiktoks of them and my brain went "oh! oh." then i was like "what if we looked up fic for them? for shits and gigs?" and then i read almost every fic in the tag and wanted MORE. then i got to Midday Run and it was game over for me. i've been on the good ship zekina ever since and i don't see myself ever getting off lol.
What are your favorite things about the ship? i love how they're both themselves around each other. Tina has a tendency to put on a show for the guys she likes but with Zeke there is no pretense. she can just be her awkward dorky self and he accepts her. he's also real with her and doesn't sugar-coat things, and imo everyone needs that person in their life. but he's also just so sweet to her and it makes my heart melt okay. they have such a fun dynamic and i kick my feet every time they're on screen together.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? i never want them to be fully canon. never. i think it would ruin it, honestly. i like getting to imagine the what if, that's half the fun of shipping imo. also hi if you ship them YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN PEOPLE WHO DON'T. or people who also ship her with someone else. shipping is supposed to be FUN and i think some shippers have forgotten that. stop bashing other Tina ships, that's how you make people not like your ship! anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk lol.
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