#otp: the moon and the eclipse
1000punks · 5 months
hi this is just a screencap dump because i played bg3 for two days solid
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god okay yeah, so he's evil!durge and i'm fuckin obsessed- it was a little touch and go at the beginning but that's where the roleplay comes in
cut here for a surprise (act 3 spoilers too)
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hello festé, fancy meeting you here! :0
i went through the trenches for these screencaps ^ i had to do this dialogue four times before i remembered what option got you know who to change to you know what and i gotta say, tentacle porn is Not My Kink
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moonlit-dreamers · 2 months
eclipse/sunbeam (eaps sun :3)
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darlingdeer21 · 9 months
And for the Eclipse?)
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seekerstone · 6 months
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
Imagine the moon turning red during lunar eclipses bc its upset its being blocked from the sun
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freetobeafcknriot · 1 year
🌙 * ― silly little unique trivia about your otp.❫
who fell first, and who fell harder?
their hypothetical godly parents (or a deity they could embody in a mythological setting).
soldiers, poets, or kings?
the olive theory according to them (and their palate).
who's the ‘good old-fashioned lover boy’, and who's the ‘killer-queen’?
go-to pet names they have for each other, if any.
what are their star signs? (i know nothing about astrology, but it's funky so out with it!)
their sexual orientations and/or gender identities.
soulmates by fate/chance or by choice?
their hypothetical hogwarts houses, either traditionally speaking, so to say, or following the sortinghatchats method. (alternatively, if you'd rather: their alignment by dnd standards).
who's more likely to do stupid, impulsive, or random stuff, and who's there being like, ‘regrettably, that's the love of my life’?
one to three songs that remind you of them.
who's the “tell me i'm pretty” one, and who's the “you're pretty fucking annoying is what you are” in the relationship?
their love languages.
sun, moon, stars, earth, or eclipse?
three to five non-sexual acts of intimacy.
who's the “i could beat the shit out of you” one, and who's the “i know” one?
one to three other ships from other pieces of media that may remind you of them.
who's the dog person, and who's the cat person? (other pets or animals may also apply.)
their absolute favourite thing about each other in the whole wide world.
do they ever match in any way?
their own little way (or ways) to say ‘i love you’.
who's the “i wouldn't marry myself either” one, and who's the “i would marry you with parer rings” one? (alternatively: i'd marry you with paper rings vs. i'm rich. i'll get you a diamond)?
coffee or tea?
one to five tropes they embody or could pull off in an AU.
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mothytheghost · 3 months
I love my otps sm I wanted to make small scenarios
light rays
I wanna see Sun and Solar hug each other as Sun is so thankful he's in his arms again. I missed his boyfriend and he couldn't live happily without him. He's the best comfort he's ever had in his life. Old Moon was shocked to see him this emotional over someone he loves. But he's happy and proud
Shadow planet
Earth loves helping Eclipse with finding a hobby he might enjoy that calms him down. He likes to let her teach him and holding his partner close to him. Especially during relaxing times
Twilight sky
Ruin Tries his best to make Earth happy. Dude is litterly the little spoon of the relationship. He enjoys light flirting and sharing affection. Ruin loves cuddling and would keep her resting with him longer if he wants to stay close to her!
Bonus: Light orbit
Eclipse is the middle one in the relationship. Being in between Earth and Ruin. Poor dude is in a never ending puddle of Cuddles. There's times Ruin just put lipstick on everyone just to be silly so when they kiss each other they're covered in kiss prints. Eclipse gets the most.
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h-didanart · 4 months
How do you feel about TSAMS ships? All the way from Earth x Monty (canon/generally liked ships) to Sun x Bloodmoon (not canon/rare or generally not liked ships)?
Don't ask how I know Sun x Bloodmoon exists btw
Ooh, SAMS ships eh? I’m gonna list all the ones I know about, if I miss one you’re curious about just let me know, k?
Again, I will list the ones I know about.
(This is gonna reveal my lurking habits on ao3 god fuc—)
Mearth, Monty X Earth - cute, I like the dynamic they have.
KidsCove, Foxy X Sun - I like this one. I do. I understand the vas are sick of the jokes tho, bit ironic considering they’re still dragging the jokes around, but oh well. It could be cute to see develop, and lead to improvement to both characters general health. At least I’d like to think it would
GlitterGolf, Monty X Sun - in SAMS? No. Monty is a jerk towards Sun, I don’t like it when Monty is too rude to him. Generally hate that type of thing anyways. In canon Security Breach however…… Ye :3 Is my otp.
Lumini, Lunar X Gemini - I feel neutral. It’d be cool if it happened, but after all these three have gone through it probably won’t. And I’m fine with that
EclipseXSun - I think this is the most popular one. I don’t know how to feel about it. On one hand, there’s canon, and canon says Eclipse is and always was horrible to Sun, and that makes it an immediate no. I like my ships healthy. But then comes in Eclipse Redemption stories, and I suppose it’d kinda make sense in those? I don’t know man
BloodySun, BM X Sun - iiiii don’t knooooooow. See, BM has done a lot of shit, they’ve traumatized the family so much. Sun hates them. It would never work out. But then there’s this one fic, this one, where Sun finds Original crying in the vents over his twin, and he helps them. And— and— and it’s a BloodySun fic, and it establishes character parallels so well, it shows their feelings so well, it makes it make sense! I- I don’t KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
SolarMoon- ……………. I’m scared of saying anything about this, I don’t want to get death threats
MechShark, Solar X Ruin- YEEEEEEEAHHH CANON CANNOT HURT ME WHERE IM GOING— uh— ahem— I like it. I cannot explain why but I’ve shipped them since Ruin started messing with the arcade machines. I like to see people still shipping it even through the doomed angle, there’s just something about this that makes it click, y’know. I myself have an au where MechShark is somewhat canon, it’s one sided and stays one sided, with Solar telling Ruin he’s aro when it confesses, and then they stay friends. Because I don’t care if they’re lovers or friends, I just like the idea of them being buds.
Eclipse trio, Eclipse X Solar X Ruin- this is actually kinda funny? I don’t know, this feels like a crackship, no offense to anyone, that’s just the vibes I’m getting. Don’t feel in any particular way about this one
Earth X Nebula- interesting, I guess. We haven’t really seen much of Nebula and I can’t really build a concrete profile for her from what we know, but I guess it’d be cool?
KillCode X Sun- I don’t like the sound of this one. KillCode caused (and helped cause) Sun a lot of trauma, it just wouldn’t feel right. That said, there is a fic that has this ship and develops it in a healthy way, and that one I like.
PumpkinGuts- next question
KillCode X SolarFlare- I can see it, kinda. Don’t hate it, but also don’t love it
Eclipse X Moon- no. I don’t care what you say about enemies to lovers, this one just doesn’t vibe with me.
GolfDrop, Monty X Moon- ehh, no. Don’t really like it, can’t see Moon wanting a relationship with them (or in general), they’re both fine as friends. I don’t even ship this in Security Breach
Forkface X Ruined Monty- I am saddened I didn’t see the content of them before the death, I wanted to experience this, I wanted to see them :(
Soppet, Solar X Puppet- sure? Don’t think much about this one
ShadowPlanet, Earth X Eclipse- I don’t really like it. I don’t like how fast it turned into a thing. I can see the appeal and what dynamic they could have, but I just don’t like this one
Solar X Sun- interesting pairing. Don’t particularly like it. I just feel like Solar’s trauma would likely get in the way. They both weren’t very close anyways, which is a real shame I would’ve loved to see them be at least friends.
Lunar X Helpy- Ehhhh? Don’t feel anything about this one :P
And that’s all I could think about and remember.
No hate to anyone who ships these, these are just my opinions, and opinions are subjective. Let’s all just have fun with these characters, yeah?
AO3 scares me
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Of all the zvtara favorite stuff “the Sun and the Moon” trope seems pretty harmless compared to the other bullshit, yet it enrages me very much.
Like, try to retell the book 1 finale, except you are not allowed to mention that Yue sacrificed herself to save the Moon Spirit and became one herself. Actually, I would like to suggest this a challenge to all the shippers who likes this trope. You cannot mention Yue becoming the Moon Spirit in any way if you think that Katara is the Moon. Does the narrative still make sense?
If it does not, and if you are okay with that, then, apparently, one Zuko’s “now I have an upper hand in our battle and not you” line outweighs the whole damn actual plot of the show for you. And it sucks.
It’s not “just aesthetics”. It’s straight up telling you actually don’t care about the show without explicitly saying that you don’t care about the show. And I fucking hate this.
Fuck, poor Yue is not even a threat to this ship, my god…
To be fair, the point of that quote is not that they are the actual sun and moon. It is about who has the higher ground at that moment in the battle - Katara, as a waterbender, had the advantage during the nightime, but once the sun came out, Zuko, like any firebender, had the advantage.
And THAT is what kinda baffles me about zutarians acting like this is some crazy foreshadowing/romantic set up for their OTP. It's exclusively about battle, doesn't apply solely to these two characters, and it only comes back on the day of the eclipse, with ALL the heroes using that as a way to try and gain the upper hand against the Fire Nation.
Even the two times we saw Zuko and Katara working as a team, this never became factor - probably because this quote actually means that they are more useful APART, with one acting during the day and the other at night. Sure, in the context of the Gaang it is still team work, but it still highlights that these two are NOT a duo. They wouldn't really get in each other's way, but in the context of battle it means that, unless their group is in a situation in which they need to use every resource they have, making them work SEPARATELY, in a "day shift, night shift" way, would be the ideal, since they'd be saving up energy to go all out when they have the advantage and end a conflict more easily.
Not only is this too impersonal to be special and too "practical/militaristic" to be romantic, it also shows that they are more useful acting alone, or being paired up with other people, than they are playing off of each other. I genuinely don't get how this is a win for Zutara.
Sure, a battle tactic says nothing about how good or bad of a match they'd be romantically, but since the shippers constantly conflate "Awesome battle duo" and "literal soulmates/opposites attract" it is crazy to think that their "evidence" for it is a quote that literally means "Pairing these two up is a waste."
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brightstar2000 · 2 months
What are your favourite TSAMS ships?
Eclipse/Sun is my favorite. Not the first 2 Eclipses, but the third version specifically (who i renamed to Ember). I would have probably shipped the current Eclipse (who i named Phoenix) with him too but he comes off to me as aroace and not interested in seeking anything at all relationship wise. I know v3 didn't either but he had a much shorter life, leaving more openness for him in my opinion. I refuse to ship OG Eclipse or v2 with him because i see those Eclipses as related to him, plus they were abusive. But v3/4 were made from Solar's code and I don't see Solar as related to them with the way i view their relations. Like, if they all descended from the dca base code then they're related, but different dimensions mean different dca base code, thus it isn't connected. However they still are allowed to choose their relationships with eachother as long as all participating parties come to an agreement on it.
I'm okay with Solar/New Moon (not Nexus), but it's not like an otp for me. I do find them kinda cute, but i personally view them as more like best friends. As well as brothers if they agreed on that in the show.
Earth/Eclipse bounced around in my head a bit, but i prefer them as friends. Still cute together though.
Monty/Earth isn't a favorite of mine, but i accept it since it's canon.
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1000punks · 5 months
hi i need to point out something very important
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i changed roiben's hair so that he was the dark gothic drow of our dreams
and then i had a thought: astarion is pale and silver like the moon, and roiben is dark, bloody and foreboding like an eclipse
and that kind of describes their relationship; to roiben, astarion is a force worth protecting, and roiben would be happy to lead a slaughter for anyone who wants to hurt him- astarion is a force worth protecting and roiben is a force to be reckoned with
and astarion is happy to use his trigger-happy bhaalspawn consort as a murder pet that he keeps not-so-tightly leashed- provided he keeps degrading himself and kneeling for the vampire lord
think gomez and morticia but actually it's gayer and evil
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paramountpetrichor · 4 months
hate that i cant send asks on my side blog-
but hi! im void! and im absolutely Obsessed with ur art and the ships u talk about and- and-
*clears throat and tents hands together calmly* im here to lose my mind a bit :3
some Rambles of a few ships that i just. love a lot OTL
obviously love eclipse/earth. theyre just. its perfect! eclipse Really needs someone to pamper and take care of him sweetly but also Not tolerate his bullshit while also being gentle. his main drive is getting the reaction he wants, so wut if he doesnt get it? well then he has to find other ways to make ppl react how he wants and earth shows him how to get that satisfaction while not hurting ppl! its really easy to get a quick reaction out of ppl when u just give em a quick kiss. a small peck or two. like a small harmless prank! and she cheers him on as he (consensually) kisses the entire family. ofc he kisses her too. earth is the big sister that hes always needed and DAMNIT is she gonna help him get better <3
another earth ship but... solar/earth. AGAIN. SOOO MUCH POTENTIAL!! THEYRE SO CLOSE AND BONDED AND SO FUCKING FLUFFY!!!!!! im surprised how little ppl talk about solar/earth despite HOW FUCKING GOOD AND EASY ITD BE TO SHIP THEM. they were gonna make lil stuffies with each other and she was gonna make a bunny and he was gonna make a snake and theyd be friends!!!!! GGAAAAAAHHHHHH OTL and dont even get me STARTED on how she cried and said "i wanted to ask if he wanted to be my brother" FUCK DUUUUDDDEE
okayokayokay.. moving on...... i think we all know of moon/eclipse. literally the tension between them HURTS to witness. "want me to get on my knees back there sweetie?" "want me to bark for u?" "kiss my boot while ur at it" LIKE????? ECLIPSE STFU STOP BEING GAY!!!!!!!!! i can just imagine HOW MUCH that flusters moon and he tries SO HARD to hide it but. its *so* obvious. ALSO the added bonus of the whole enemies to lovers thing??? also wut u talked about earlier in ur own post about how their relationship would slowly develop is SO GOOOOODDDDD
sun/moon.... always the classic. the otp of them all. can never escape them. something i wanted to ask YOU was how do u think moon/sun realized they were attracted to the other?? i bet itd be something like super small like the other doing something silly and them just going "oh *shit*" AND I AGREE that theyd be SOOOO TOUCHY!!!! hugs and kisses and cuddles and hand holding ALL THE DAMN TIME!!! u can NOT EVER separate them! they r a packaged deal!!!!
im a HUGE sun/eclipse shipper tho i usually dont imagine them as being incestuous but... its fun to consider 👀 he gets redeemed and added back into the family and UH OH- he has feelings for the sun :] wut will he ever do!!!! (obviously kiss him. clearly the only correct answer) BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS i think itd be a Really Good slow burn between the 2. i feel like eclipse would be Super ashamed of himself for having a Crush on his Brother of all ppl!! but.... it wouldnt hurt too much, would it? i feel like in general the family would already be a big mess of polyamory but eclipse doesnt Know for a while. they THOUGHT it was obvious that like- its normal for them to kiss each other. but he didnt know!!! so hes like. super fucking shocked to maybe like one day walk in on a pair of them kissing the other (i say sun n moon :3c) and being super fucking confused and conflicted like. THIS IS A THING?? THIS IS NORMAL FOR THEM???? honest to god i wanna write this as a silly oneshot maybe- but dw! bc in the end sun and eclipse DO KISS!!!! THEY GET TO BE GAY IN THE END!!
this is getting so fucking long and im so sorry so ill limit myself to only ONE more ship- solar/jack. on my main i say "oh no it isnt incest i just like creator/creation" but... we all know y we're here/silly TJERES SO MUCH POTENTIALL!!! jack/everyone is great but i ESPECIALLY love solar/jack bc jack Really needs the gentle guiding hand of a parent to help him understand the world better. sweet baby boy needs a bit of help understanding things. but dont worry! solar is here to help!!
also just in general. lunar is a little shit. he goes after Everyone. no one is safe from him. there is no escape from the wrath that is lunars affection :3c
i would ramble more but this has gotten So Fucking Long and its like 1am and im not even gonna go back and spellcheck/edit this so im just sending it and hoping it makes sense :'3
rubs my grimy little hands together. ive been WAITING for time to answer this big boy ask and now I've got it muahahaha
well actually first off, ADHDKAFAJSGA THANK YOUUU 🥺🥺 <3 the whole ass reason i create things is bc i like seeing people's reactions to what my silly little mind cooks up, so knowing you like my gay kissy robots simply makes me wanna create More >:3 and yes please feel free to lose your mind in my inbox any time, any hour /gen
YAYAYAYA ECLIPSEARTH YAYAYAYAYA!!! god you're so right, they are Objectively good together and i Can't be convinced otherwise. Earth won't take Eclipse's bs, but she also won't go about calling him out on it in a mean way. she politely asks why he's Like That, what she can do to help, and then she just has to stand there Confused when Eclipse runs away cause his ass is NOT used to genuine sincerity and his mechanical heart starts beating out of his chest at even the slightest sign of it!!! also just ascended to the heavens over the thought of Eclipse kissing Earth for the first time (cause i feel like Earth would initiate all the kisses at first :3c) and Earth just explodes into giggles and stims. Eclipse is even more flustered- he's grumbling and hiding his face away as Earth tries to kiss his rays cause "you were supposed to be embarrassed- not happy!!!" andand one more thing- the thing where you said how Earth would encourage Eclipse to go give everyone kisses? *Inhale*. HELL FUCKING YEAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!! ourghhh Eclipse and Moon are bickering per usual and then Eclipse just shuts hi up by kissing him... and now Moon is thinking about that for Days. then Eclipse pulls that on Sun. and Lunar. and on every Other celestial until he's kissed everyone, and then he approaches Earth like a proud cat about it, explaining who he kissed and how he did it all while preening like a peacock. (he wants kisses from her as a reward, dammit!!!) agajsgqja eclipsearth hhh theyre so cuteee hhh i need to draw them smooching so bad hhh
KWGIWGIQGA YES NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT SOLAR AND EARTH. and tbh i think the reason so Few peeps talk abt them is Because (as much as i love it) of the fact that Earth canonically considers Solar her brother. that pushes many Normies away from even making au's where they're together, which is what solarmoon's normally do bc they were shipping solarmoon Before Moon ever even though of Solar as family. the content-craving part of me brain kinda wishes Earth never called Solar brother bc there would've been sooooo much ship art of the two after that episode if so istg. ...but the proship brain LOVES that she called him brother cause now i have more reasoning to make them kith >:3 i bet when Solar comes back (bc he will and if he doesn't i'm gaslighting myself into believing he is <3) he and Earth are gonna have little playdates with the things they crochet together... their bunny and snake end up on a little date and Earth and Solar are giggling like teenagers whenever they flirt w each other through their respective plushy <3<3<3 and then at the end of it whenever the two plushes bonk their heads together in a kiss EA&SO KISS TOO and JAFUSFAIGA AUGHHH THEY'RE SO CUUUTEEE
anon i will literally /p marry you. you just gave me an excuse to yell about mooneclipse. *Ahem*. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!1!1!!1! I FUCKING LOVE MOONECLIPSE!!!1!!!11!!1! ik i've previously screamed about how i think their relationship would develop, but i haven't talked about the slowburn enough yet. sooo... hi not to make this a Lil raunchy but: Eclipse saddling up behind Moon while Moon's in p&s, Eclipse presses his chest against Moon's back, wrapping his arms around his torso and murmuring teases mixed in with Very Family Friendly things in his ear. Moon is torn between leaning his head back to start kissing the sonuva bitch, or if he should smack Eclipse's head 180° around with a wrench. (spoiler: he goes with the first option :3) mooneclipse Also good whenever i can shove Sun in there bc if Sun ever walked in on the two making out he'd never recover. that's all he'll be thinking about for the next year, and the year after that if it happens again. he wants to be in-between them so baddd afaksfaksfaga
SPEAKING about Sun, SUN/MOON YEHAHAHAHAHAH!!! and oh ohh i TOTALLY agree with the Super Small thing. i think it was a fell first, fell harder situation with Specifically Sun and New Moon. Sun fell first, and N.M fell harder. thas' because S&M were already a Thing during the Old Moon days, sooo Sun already had them-there feelings, and New Moon, in all his dorky, smart, trying-his-best glory, just MADE THEM WORSE doing the tiniest little things. like, y'know that high-pitched screechy laugh Moon does whenever he's laughing too hard? Sun heard him do that for the first time and the urge to kiss Moon struck Sun so hard he got a lil dizzy. there were so many times before the two got together where Sun would just Stare at Moon, not listening to whatever tf he was saying and just admiring every inch of him. and Sun only snapped out of it whenever he heard his own rays whirring a mile a minute isgsigsogaoga. BUT. but, New Moon fell harder. if i were to assign a canon moment in the timeline where i think he realized his feelings for Sun, it would be when Sun comforted him during his breakdown over Solar. like Moon, on the verge of passing out, feels himself being cradled into Sun's chest as he carries him to bed and oh no oh fuck oh shit this isn't brotherly love he's feeling it's not it's not. and then whenever Sun brings him sushi the next morning Moon accidentally starts thinking of it like a lil breakfast date and that thought has him shaking and JAFAUFIAGIAG they're so CUTE and AWKWARDN and SOSOSO cuddly whenever they finally get together. Sun has to be on Moon's lap at least once everyday or else he'll be Pouty.
THE WAY YOU FLAVORED THIS SPECIFIC VERSION OF SUNECLIPSE MADE ME ISGIAFIFAIGAIGIA. YESSSSS. Eclipse feels so bad about catching feelings for his new brother, but... the Celestials are already More physically affectionate with each other than normal siblings are, and Eclipse Swears he sometimes catches them all coming out of each other's rooms wearing each other's clothes, and most importantly why does it seem like Sun is flirting with him all the time??? (< cause he Is lmao) Eclipse walks in on S&M making out- Sun having his whole ass legs wrapped around Moon's waist and Eclipse fucking just.🧍‍♂️. "hELLO???!?! HELLO!!?!?!?!1?!" and then S&M Still take like a solid minute to Fully pull away cause. whaaat d'you waaaaant Eclipse can't you see they're busy??? ...unless you wanna Join them, ofc :) (< Eclipse explodes on the spot /vpos)
ON MY KNEES. FINALLY, ANOTHER WHO SEES MY SOLAR/JACK VISION. i'unno if you are a Reader of my Ao3, but if you Aren't, then you should know i think jack starts doing romance stuff alllll thanks to Lunar. he is a Horrible influence. Lunar tells him about kissing, flirting, seduction, the Things That Come After That that i can't say in interest of keeping this post Tame uagigaigaigs. aaand then Jack wants to try all those things on Solar!!! cause who better to love on then your own creator!!! someone walks in on Solar with Jack in his lap one day, and they are very close together, Almost kissing, and then Solar Shrieks and tries to act like he wasn't about to kiss Jack. he's just- he's just doing repairs!!! that's all!!!! thaaat's all!!!!! (Jack is so confused- is he a bad kisser? what did he do wrong :( [< he did Nothing wrong Solar just has Anxiety usgwgigwigw])
AAAND last but not least, yes, Lunar has gone for everyone once, twice, thrice, and probably even more for Some. if someone were to ask him his body count he'd have to Swiftly change the subject out of fear of Never Living Down The Truth Igiahagaig
it took me like over 3 hours to write all this out AHAHHAHAH hope i matched your Hype when it comes to these ships cause theyre all AHAHHJHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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sapphicdib · 9 months
FIRST: Looks to the Moon! And if you want to Hunter as well?
Fav thing about them:
Moon: Her. Just her. Her entire adorable being. Her structure, how calming it is to be inside it. The way she hangs upside down on her rig a lot, especially when examining you. Her cute nicknames for you. The way she thanks you for bringing her things. Her lil beepy voice she has before giving you the mark. Everything. Her personality, her puppet, her breathtaking structure. I can’t choose one and I will not.
Hunter: Her story! How selfless her mission is, and how she’s a little creature doing her best to save someone she’s never even met before. She uses her limited time to save someone who suffers the same fate as her—body breaking down, seizing and collapsing. I also like that she’s pink :)
Least fav thing about them?
Moon: Impossible. Nothing.
Hunter: I guess…how neglected she is? She’s never anyone’s favorite campaign (just get good at the game, scrubs), and she was the only scug that didn’t get an updated ending/attention in downpour. Obviously artihunter means she’s popular within the fandom, but game-wise a lot of ppl seem to forget about her, when it’s honestly a REALLY fun campaign!
Favorite Line:
Moon: “And so clearly, this forced broadcast is directed to you, Five Pebbles.”
Idk what it is about this line specifically, but I legit cannot read it without bursting into tears. I managed to hold it together but I read that line in her broadcast and just lost it. I cried for like 30 minutes and had to go hug my mom.
Hunter: Obviously she doesn’t speak in the game, but here’s one of my fav line(s) from a fic Im writing:
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She’s very proud of her name :)
Moon: Is it weird to say Moon and Ruffles? It’s so cute that Moon named her and Ruffles seems to stay around even after the campaign. I headcanon that Rivulet struck out on her own to find out who she was, and after many adventures, decided that Ruffles was who she was.
Hunter: Ruffles too!! I see them having a cute sibling dynamic thanks to lilypad :3
Moon: LILYPAD OF COURSE!! DOOMED YURI MY BELOVED !!! Sig n Moons personalities work together so well and I love them sm ;-;
Hunter: APPLE JUICE!!! Monk x Hunter!!! I would have said artihunter but apple juice has captured my heart so hard i can’t help it.
Moon: I don’t rlly like Eclipse but that’s just cuz I hc Moon is a lesbian. Also Waning Crescent/Slivermoon just doesn’t do it for me.
Hunter: Cherrypie…sorry cherrypie enjoyers I just can’t see it :( I feel like gourmand would see Hunter as more of a daughter figure.
Random Headcanon:
Moon: BEEPS! She beep-snorts when she laughs and often tries to hide it but Sig has made it her life mission to make Moon beep-snort-laugh as much as possible hehe
Hunter: She acts a LOT like Sig. Despite her ferocity in battle, she’s pretty goofy and playful during less intense moments. She also considers herself as Sig and Moon’s daughter (as do they)
Unpopular Opinion:
Moon: SHE IS NOT JUST “BORING FEMALE CHARACTER.” She has personality! She’s insanely stubborn when it comes to using her seniority privileges and obviously takes her role as local group senior very seriously. She is “nice and kind” but that doesn’t make her flat/stereotypical. Of course she’s gonna be nice to the player, you’re a little helpless animal.
Hunter: PLAY HER CAMPAIGN. PLEASE. It is not as daunting as you think it is, ESPECIALLY if you’ve beaten downpour cats! It IS challenging, but for me it really brings back the spirit of the original game: youre a helpless little creature. You can’t generate spears out of your ass, you can’t make explosives, all you can do is run slightly faster and throw spears slightly harder. You have to use your wit and skill to get through it, but it is so worth it.
Song I associate with them
Moon: Afterlife by Shadow Cliq
Hunter: No Mercy by DeathByRomy (it’s an artihunter song but god it goes hard)
Favorite Picture of Them:
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And not to suck my own dick here or anything but this is my fav drawing i’ve done of hunter, my new year’s resolution was to learn to draw scugs so here’s my fav drawing of her i’ve done so far :3
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its-chelisey-stuff · 9 months
here's the extremely biased recap of my 2023 in dramaland:
also, happy holidays and merry christmas to all who celebrate!!
favorite drama: Because I can never pick just one and I know, it's a weird combination lol:
Moving (kdrama) Perfect, from beginning to end. Breaks your heart and heals it at the same time. Delivers on action, plot, family and romance. SO much romance.
Dr Romantic (kdrama) saw S2&S3 back to back. If you're in pain, you only need Teacher Kim and the Doldam team.
My School President (thai drama) still obsessed with the ost till now. A simple coming-of-age love story, executed perfectly. On par with Heartstopper. There, I said it.
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I spent my time rewatching instead of making posts about any of these lol
Favorite Male lead: Jang ShinYu (Destined with you, kdrama). Excuse you, that show had 99 problems, but Rowoon wasn't one of them.
Runner Up: Seo Woojin (Dr. Romantic, kdrama).
Favorite female lead: I'm gonna be honest, I think they did dirty most female leads, especially in Korea, but the women from Dr. Romantic were all exceptional. So they're my pick.
Favorite OTPs: DoHa&YoungHwa (Moon in the Day, kdrama). ALL the ships in Moving. TinnGun (My School President, thai drama). KiHo&MokHa (Castway Diva, kdrama).
Favorite period drama: Under the Queen's Umbrella, (kdrama).
Runner Up: The Forbidden Marriage(kdrama) Also, i have just realised I didn't see many period dramas this year, but many dramas had a past life, that has to count, right?
Best chaebol romance: The third finger offered to a King (jdrama). Shame on you Korea, you failed to deliver on your area of expertise.
Runner up: A boss and a babe (thai drama). My Demon (kdrama)
Best makjang to keep you at the edge of your seat: Perfect Revenge Marriage . Runner Up: Celebrity. I know it's not exactly a makjang, but idk how else to describe it.
Best Mother: The Queen (Under the Queen's Umbrella, kdrama). Half of her problems were created by her own children, poor woman.
best father: Adoptive dad, Castaway Diva (kdrama). The man was a saint.
Runner Up: Kim Sabu, Dr. Romantic. He has like 20 children among his medical staff lmao
Best Daddy: Joo In Sung, Moving. I don't have to explain lol
Most intense high school romance&story: The Eclipse (thai drama). Runner Up: Never let me go (thai drama)
Best Musical drama: My School President (thai drama).
Runner Up: Castway Diva. Park Eun Bin can do everything. What a Queen.
Best Cohesive storytelling imo: My Lovely Liar. Not the best, but pretty good overall. Runner Up: Sountrack No 2 (kdrama). Worst thing about this is that it was so short, I needed more!!!
Swetest down to earth love story: Hidden Love, cdrama.
Runner Up: HeartLiming in Moonlight Chicken (thai drama). And basically all the other couples in there. The Last twilight Series (thai drama).
Most tragic love story: Moon in the day, kdrama. The competition was strong, but I think falling in love with the man who killed your whole family and caused the downfall of your kingdom is hard to top. Plus, she had to kill him in the end. And it took 1500+ years to get their HEA.
best wtf did I just watch but why was it so fun: My man is cupid (kdrama). Runner Up: Fish Upon the Sky (thai drama)
Best Live Action: From me to you, jdrama. Cute coming of age story. I still prefer the 2010 movie though.
Dishonorable mentions:
Biggest what if: Justice in the Dark (cdrama). I can't talk about this without crying lol Runner Up: Till the end of the moon. I need cdramas to be 40+ eps again!
biggest disappointment: It is with a heavy heart that I must say the Legend of Anle (cdrama). Still, I had my fun with it. I will always be biased about GongJun lol Runner up: King The Land, i mean where was the plot??
messiest past lives story, the theme of the year in kdramas: See You in my 19th life. Runner Up: Destined with You.
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segasys · 9 months
“send me a character and ill list” redeem yourself and do srs again
favorite thing about them: i like the character development of them, how they start to get more attached to their messanger, as well as noticing their errors, and feeling guilt for it. i also like the fact that they are scared nsh will leave them, they have already lost everything else, even their messanger. you can see that they do start to fall into a depressive state during the event of spearmasters campaign "You're right. I guess I'm just scared of losing them. I've grown more attached than I could've expected...If I lost them as well, I don't know what I'd do." "Please respond to my messages. I don't want to leave it like this. I need someone to talk to." i also really like the designs where they have the fluffy collar and cat ear looking antennae :D
least favorite thing about them: ofc theyre like, my favorite iterator soooo...., and they dont have a slugcat campaign i can say i dont like an aspect of, but i do dislike some portrayels of them from other fans
favorite line: "I'm just so frustrated. I feel like I've doomed not one. but two iterators." graaaaah!!!!! like i said before in the character development part
brOTP: NSH and SRS are pretty silly, the besties ever
OTP: im a sunstone shipper
nOTP: eclipse, i just dont see any appeal for it, plus no reason to ship them thats based on canon [though that doesnt really matter for ships, you guys have fun] i guess its just partly because i ship them with pebbles anyway, which is moon's brother, sooo.....
random headcanon: since i like the cat like designs i like to think they have some cat behaviors too, at least with spearmaster they will bonk heads, srs makes purring noises lol, if i made an off the string au they would be very touch starved and love affection, they love to climb things and get up high, and they have times when they would rather be alone [overstimulation, or if you dont respect their boundaries, like a cat, they just need to take time away, theyre not mad though]
unpopular opinion: people need to shut up the pronouns shit and leave people be. i also dont really like evil suns AUs, idk i just feel like it takes from the character and twists them around, just a huge dislike for it but no hate to the people who do like it
song i associate with them: i havent gotten one yet, besides maybe the songs ive assigned to an OC that i made based on some thoughts ive had for suns headcanons
favorite picture of them: theres only one piece of official art :(
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sigery · 1 year
Who Is Who
Not Alone AU (offshoot)- Atlas (Eclipse back up, Lunar's head mate) Lunar Rogue (Blood Moon) Rascal (Harvest Moon) Citrus (Eclipse back up, twins' head mate)
Remorseful Lord Eclipse AU (offshoot)- Envy (Eclipse, Lord) Gluttony (Lunar, heir) Wrath (Blood Moon) Sloth (Harvest Moon) Lust (Sun) Pride (Moon) Greed (Monty) Gore (alt Blood Moon, gladiator verse) Glory (alt Harvest Moon, gladiator verse) Chaos (Kill Code)
Stolen Data AU (rewrite verse) Periwinkle (Lunar) Rusty (Blood Moon)
Brother Location (alt dimension)- Solar "Glitch" Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon "Scarlet" Eclipse Sun Moon
Other unrelated extra buds Alli Gator (Eclipse back up, inprinted on Monty)
'Very Sad Eclipse' (Killed Lunar for the star, immediate regret)
Lil Lunar (Found star disguised as a toy)
Lord TC (half joking half OTP)
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