#otp: when it felt like he did
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Your finger on my hair pin triggers Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth Broken and blue, so I called off the troops That was the night I nearly lost you I really thought I lost you We can plant a memory garden Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair And we will never go back To that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the worst was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
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dylanconrique · 7 months
tim "i'm not trying to be romantic" → gets his girlfriend a 1st place trophy before she even takes the detectives exam because he believes in her so much, and then writing in a little '7' next to it after she notified him that she didn't do as well as she had hoped SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING ROMANTIC TO ME.
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
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#Leia's ‘oh shit i might be in love face’
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too-deviant · 6 months
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jackie and wilson.
previous | next masterlist.
pairing: luke castellan x unclaimed!reader
summary: you haven't been given a quest, but you have made it your personal mission to make luke castellan smile
word count: 6.2k
content: very juicy chapter. is all im gonnna say.
notes: i cant stay mad at my otps i fear
PART IV — better yet, she wouldn’t care 
“If I have to hear one more handjob joke, I’m gonna lose it. So please tell me you have good news.” 
Lee Fletcher’s dark blue eyes flitted up to yours, his lashes tickling just under his eyebrow when he did. His hands were fiddling with the bandage that wrapped around your hand, but they slowed when you spoke, “Bare with me, newbie.”
You sighed deeply, fighting the urge to fall back onto the cot that you were sitting on — you’d had the stupid bandage wrapped around your hand and wrist for what felt like eternity, but was really only five days. You should be thankful, really, since the last time you’d broken your wrist you’d been walking around with a thick blue cast on for a month, but you couldn’t help but be a little peeved. Capture the flag was today, and you hadn’t trained nearly as much as the others had due to your injury — when you probably should’ve been training twice as much, only because you were new and unfamiliar with the game. 
It was their fault for hyping it up; if they had just shut up about it, you wouldn’t have been as excited about taking part, broken wrist or not. But alas, demigods were barbarians — barbarians who thirsted to beat each other up in a controlled battle. Barbarians who didn’t have any regard for the new camper when they were climbing all over each other to see the freshly posted team setup, and trampled all over their perfectly good wrist. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been standing right in front of the notice board.” Luke had been saying all week. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have asked me to accompany you there, then.” You replied every time. 
Lee narrowed his gaze, flipping your hand around carefully in his, kneading at curtain parts of your skin while checking you for reactions. When you showcased nothing but annoyance at your own shit luck, he leaned back with a cheeky smile, “Well, it’s looking good. I don’t think you need this anymore.” 
He lifted up the knot of bandage he’d removed from your hand and threw it with perfect precision into the trash can on the other side of the room, before turning and grinning at you. You couldn’t help but grin back, “You’re the best.” 
“I’m told.” He shrugged, feigning a humble demeanour. You stood, and he did so with you, looking at you pointedly, “But you should still take it easy today. It’s your first game, and you’ve been here for a week. Nobody is gonna judge you for stepping back today.” 
You scoffed, rolling your newly healed wrist around with a small smile, “I’m not stepping back for shit, Fletcher. I’m beating the hell out of Chris Rodriguez.”
“He’s on your team.” 
“I don’t care.” You rebutted. Lee rolled his eyes, but ultimately let you off with a wave. “See you later!” 
The past five days had been fairly tame. When the team setup was posted on Sunday afternoon, everyone went immediately into prep mode for the game. You knew they took it seriously, but you didn’t realise how seriously they did until you found yourself being pulled out of your sleeping bag at five in the morning so you could get a headstart on training with Luke. Although you didn’t see the relevance — after you’d broken your wrist, the boy hadn’t even let you look at a spear, so you woke up at the asscrack of dawn to…sit around and watch him train. 
Thankfully, Hermes had paired up with Ares for once, and Clarisse wasn’t letting you off easily. Whenever she could, she was dragging you to the arena and teaching you how to fight one-handed. So you were more than ready, skipping down the infirmary steps with an easy smile. 
“I think I see you here more than I see you anywhere else.” 
You paused, looking up and spotting Evan, leaning gently on the porch railing. You rounded the steps and stopped in front of him, “Hey. I’ve only been here twice.”
“In…” He checked his imaginary watch, “One week. That’s gotta be a record.”
You narrowed your eyes jokingly, “Okay. I’m still learning, leave me alone.” 
“We’ll see how much you’ve learnt later today.” He quipped, running a hand through his hair. He smirked at you, “Good luck.” 
“Thanks.” You slid out, sarcasm evident in your tone. He laughed, and you smiled, rolling your eyes. 
“Come on, clumsy. Let’s get to training.” He began to walk off, and you followed, presumably to where the Hermes team were gathering for last minute preparations. 
For this game, they’d paired up with Ares and Athena, Apollo taking lead for the blue team with Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Red team also had Demeter, and the boys of cabin twelve were on the blue team. It seemed like a pretty good split; or at least you thought it was, judging by the reactions of everyone when they read the pamphlet. You might have been reading it wrong, though. After all, you were crying out in pain and cradling a shattered wrist when it happened. 
Athena was always a good cabin to pair up with, was what Evie had told you when she was taking your measurements for armour. You presumed so, goddess of war and all. But you were a little wary about the Cabin Ten girls — Aphrodite was also a warrior goddess, after all. 
Evan led you around the back of the pegasi stables and through a mudded path. The only reason you hadn’t taken off running in fear that he was leading you to your imminent death was because the wood nymphs were out and about, milling around like bodyguards. They eyed you up at first, but a few of them recognised you from your impromptu baseball session with Luke last week and told them to back off. 
“Here she is, the woman of the hour!” Clarisse exclaimed when she saw you break through the trees. A few people glanced back and smiled at you politely, a sentiment you returned as Evan led you to the front of the crowd where she stood. 
Luke was beside her, and only nodded at you. You nodded back, a glimmer in your eyes that made his hands twitch. 
“Okay, now that our whole team is in attendance, we can begin.” The Ares girl said, conviction prominent in her voice. She was made to lead, that much was obvious. “You all know the deal. I won’t repeat it, not with the blue team so close by, but…” She sent a meaningful look around the whole crew, “You know where to go. We’ve been practising this, and in a couple of hours it’ll be time to bring home yet another win.”
“It’s pretty much all in the cards for us.” Luke cropped himself into the speech, “Cabin Nine have their special machinery but we’ve got wit, power and numbers. We’ll be fine.” 
“Speaking of cabin nine.” Clarisse hopped down from the wooden crate she was standing on, “I grabbed this from them just before the teams went up. Had to make sure they didn’t sabotage it.”
She pulled a long spear out from behind some other boxes, and let it shimmer in the light. It was beautiful, and you couldn’t keep your eyes away from it. Despite it being made from celestial bronze, the forger had clearly done something to make it shine a mesmerising silver. You could see your reflection in it as it glistened under the sun. It was double ended and if you squinted, you could see tiny spikes coiling around the first ten or so inches of each end. The shaft was smooth and engraved with something you could only make out when she walked over and handed it to you. 
“Wait.” You took it out of instinct, weighing it in both hands but giving a shocked look to Clarisse, “This is mine?” 
“You’re damn right.” She smirked, “Jake was having a field day making that thing, couldn’t stop talking about it. Especially when he added these,” She poked one of the spikes that coiled around the shaft and rubbed the tips of her fingers together with a wince, “They’re lethal. You’ll be unbeatable out there with this thing.” 
“Cool.” You gave it an experimental swing, and everyone in your vicinity took a long step back. You shrugged, smiling anyway, “Whoops.” 
You felt very powerful with your new weapon, and now that you had it in your hands, you could marvel at the engravings. They were images, battles fought — a lot of them recognisable. There was Perseus killing Phineus and Polydectes with Medusa’s head, Heracles and the Nemean Lion. There was even an engraving of Tantalus stealing the ambrosia and nectar from Olympus, for some reason. You’d have to ask Jake about that later. 
“We have two hours until we need to gather at the pavilion, so we won’t bore you with details.” A young girl who you’d seen around camp before stood up and addressed the crowd. She was very little, but she exuded authority even at her young age. “But if I see you lazing around, I’ll put my dagger through your foot.”
There was a chorus of nods and murmured agreement, so the little girl stepped back and nodded at Luke, who told them all to go get ready. The crowd dispersed, but you stayed firmly put as the boy made his way over to you, the little girl following behind him. 
“Sunny.” He tried not to smile, but you saw his lips twitch. He gestured to the girl beside him, “This is my little sister Annabeth. Newly appointed Counselor of Athena.”
You raised a brow, impressed, before looking down at the girl with a smile, “Hey, Annabeth.” You introduced yourself, trying not to show her how kind of scared you were for her to not like you. 
Luckily she nodded, “Hi. You better be good with that spear.”
“I’d like to think I am.” You joked. She didn’t laugh, simply telling Luke she was going to brainstorm and left you both alone in the clearing you’d been gathered in. You raised your brows at him, “I think she gets her stoic indifference from you.” 
He cracked a smile then, grabbing your spear from you and weighing it in his own hands, “Yeah. She’s a firecracker.” He looked at you firmly, “Think you’ll be good for this game? It’s not too late to back out.”
You snatched the weapon right back from him, rubbing his finger prints from the shaft with your sleeve and sending him a half-glare, “You just want an excuse to use this instead of me. I’m fine, JoJo.”
He raised a single brow, “Fine. But if you end up back in the infirmary, I’m not gonna kiss your wounds better.”
You smirked, backing away and pointing your free finger at him daringly, “You wouldn’t be able to hold back.”
He laughed, hand on heart, “Right.” 
You were quick to retreat to the Arena where you knew Clarisse was waiting for you. A good chance to break in the new armoury and swing a spear around that wasn’t made of styrofoam or rotten wood. You caught yourself a good sweat in an hour and a half, and Clarisse was covered in bloody dots from those spikes. Even if you were injured, they still didn’t stand a chance against those. It was a comforting thought. 
You would’ve practised the whole time had it not started raining — something that confused you greatly since the camp had a controlled climate. Clarisse just rolled her eyes, though, claiming that Chiron was upping the dramatics for the game. You were unsure that the centaur could just…make it rain, but you went along with it. You’d only been a demigod for a week after all. 
Not wanting to be completely soaked by the time the game started, you retreated back to the Hermes cabin, shortening your spear down with a click and tucking it into your belt loop before you sat down. You were still on the floor, still next to the six year-old who almost always rolled on top of you in the night — you had now perfected your rollover technique to get him off you without waking him up. 
You were re-lacing your combat boots when two shadows loomed over either side of you. Without so much as a glance away from your foot, you said plainly, “Stolls. What do you want?”
A twin pair of scoffs sounded and you just rolled your eyes. The one on the left spoke first, and you thought it might have been Travis, “Bold to assume we want anything.” 
“I mean, we do.” Connor added from your right, and the indisputable sound of a hard slap came right after. “Ow! Asshole.”
“Cut to it.” You moved onto your other shoe now that the left one was wound tight. You were always pretty speedy at tying laces, a fairly random skill but a skill nonetheless. 
“Well…” Connor started. 
“Luke put us on second offence.” Travis continued. 
“But we sorta hate doing second offence.” 
“Yeah, it’s way too much work.”
Connor leaned over your shoulder so his stupid grin was visible in your peripheral vision, “And we heard that you are on side offence. Which has a much lower maiming risk.”
“So you wanna swap spots?” You deducted, looking up from your feet and giving them a blank glance. They nodded, and you sighed, “Ok, first of all, there’s two of you and one of me. You’ll have to find someone else to swap with too.”
“Already done.” Travis nodded, “Sabine loves second offence.”
“Second of all,” You sent them firm looks, “Luke isn’t going to let you change the layout right before the game. Neither is Clarisse and neither is Annabeth.”
“Which is why we aren’t telling them.” Connor said like it was obvious, holding out his hands like he’d presented you with the best idea ever conjured, “Luke and Clarisse are on first offence and Annabeth is on last defence, right by the flag. No one will know.”
“Plus,” Travis sang, wiggling his eyebrows, “This is a perfect opportunity to prove to everyone how badass you are.”
“Yeah, Luke’s had you on a leash since you hurt your wrist.” Connor raised a teasing brow, “Why not show him what you’re made of?” 
You looked between them, and the silence that stretched seemed to serve as an answer because they were smirking at you and pushing themselves up and out of the door before you could utter a word. 
The rain hadn’t settled — Chiron and his dramatics, although it appeared Mr D wasn’t too much of a fan. God or not, he still got wet with the rest of them. You stood between Luke and Clarisse, the former shielding both your heads with his black jacket — Annabeth ended up squeezing between the two of you when she couldn’t keep up with her I’m too good to hide from the rain facade. You took it as a win, she was warming up to you! 
“Welcome to our first capture the flag of the summer!” Chiron bellowed, pausing for the cheers that resounded. “The usual rules are enforced. Magic weapons are permitted, the flag must be prominently presented with no more than two guards no less than ten yards from the flag! No killing or maiming, and no gagging or bounding of prisoners. Let the games begin!” 
There was a loud echo of cheers and battle cries as the first conch sounded — they only had twenty minutes to get into position and then they would be permitted to cross the creek into enemy territory. Annabeth was quick to gather up the flag guards and send them off to their agreed location with nothing but a sharp eye before she was pulling together the defensive lines and sending them off too.
“Hey.” Just before you could walk off, Luke grabbed your attention, levelling his eyes with yours as best as he could from under his helmet. He adjusted yours and patted your shoulders, “You got this, Sunny.”
You nodded, “Damn right I do.” 
It was hard to navigate the woods in the rain, which was still pouring almost torrentially over them. The forest floor had grown slippery and wet with the new downpour, but the campers traipsed through it roughly, boots squelching as they moved. You followed the side defence through mud and grass, dodging branches and puddles until you couldn’t hear the chatter of Luke and Clarisse from behind you. Then you stopped, and just ahead of you, Sabine did the same. 
It wasn’t long before Connor and Travis were pushing through the trees and greeting the pair of you with wide grins. Sabine rolled her eyes, “Shove off, punks.”
Then she was storming in the direction they came from, and you had no choice but to follow. It was hard to keep up with her long strides, but whenever you lost her in the fog you just followed the sound of her annoyed mutters. 
“Stupid kids. Can’t be trusted on last offence let alone second. It’s not fair. I punch one kid for cheating and Luke sends me to side defence. Side! Stupid punk has been out of it for too long, needs a reality check.”
You didn’t bother responding — whether you were going to agree or come to Luke’s defence, you had no idea. You just followed her to the edge where the second offence was lined up just past the edge of the shore. Evie and Evan gave you the same confused look. 
“Those Stoll fuckers wanted an easy out.” Sabine spat, pushing a stray curl back under her helmet and heaving her giant club over her shoulder. 
The twins didn’t question or fight the decision, simply shrugging and going back to where they were tracing their own tic tac toe game into the wet sand. You stood idly, hands fiddling with your belt buckle before the second conch sounded. Almost immediately did the first and side offences cross the creek and disappear into the woods, while you pulled your spear from the ground and followed the twins and Sabine across the water moments after they were gone. 
Then it was a waiting game. 
“Fuck Apollo, Marry Athena and Kill Hermes.” 
Evie scoffed, shaking her head, “No. No way. Athena would be way controlling as a wife, you gotta bag Apollo.” 
Sabine hummed, “No. I think Athena and I would be unstoppable together.”
You looked up from your shoes and between the three that stood before you. It had been two hours and the most action you had was seeing one of your own teammates get flung right back over the creek by some cabin nine contraption that you were not too keen on meeting. Your spear rested across the back of your shoulders, your arms swung around the shaft at either side as you contemplated your own answer. 
“No, see —“ You huffed, “I couldn’t marry Athena, but only because she conjures babies with her brain. I could never win an argument, I know that for sure.”
“But we all agree on killing Hermes, right?” Evan butted in with a laugh that was immediately shared by the rest of them. He settled down and squinted for a moment, “Ok. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Iris, Nemesis and…Hypnos.” 
There was immediate discourse, everyone speaking up at once with their own opinions. Sabine thought Hypnos would be a terrible lay — He’d fall asleep halfway through! — but Iris would be overbearing as a wife. Evie said Nemesis would be the best wife, she’d never let anyone hurt you, and you were just about to add on that Iris could let you eavesdrop on other people’s conversations whenever you were bored when a loud crack echoed through the trees. 
Then it was quiet. You all shared silent looks, baring your weapons and facing the enemy side. 
Another crack, a snap of a twig. Then a crash, like something being dropped onto a pile of leaves. 
A scream, and a manic son of Aphrodite breaking through the trees and aiming a large Kopis at Evan, who was quick to defend with his dual wielding swords. His teammates followed, and the rest of you jumped into action — you were only slightly panicked when you realised your opponent was a Hephaestus kid who was nearly double your height. 
You’d seen him around sometimes, he was only a year or so younger than you. Same age as Clarisse, and definitely the same level of skill in battle. What made him even scarier was that he fought with nunchucks…fucking nunchucks! And he was good with them, too. 
But you had been taught well. You were quick to defend your body and use both ends of your spear to deflect each nunchuck from making contact. At one point, he clipped your arm pretty hard, and that was when you realised they were ribbed along the edges making for a harder hit. You bounced back though, swinging every which way and not letting him touch you again. 
Briefly, you could hear your peers’ own battles. There weren’t any shouts of pain, or cries for help, so you put all your focus on the boy before you. He had a height advantage, and swung his weapon down on you fairly often, which left your torso open when you held your spear over your head. But your reflexes were like lightning, and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t land that second hit. 
Fuelled by his own frustration, he lunged forward and tried to wrap the chain of his chucks around the shaft of your spear. He attempted to no avail a couple of times, but then he clicked a button on one of the shafts and released a crackle of energy along it. You were shocked momentarily by the reveal of his electric nunchucks that you faltered in your defence and he managed to wrangle your weapon in his own on the third try. You pulled back hard, trying to regain control and prevent his disarm, but he just pressed that damn button again and this time the volts ran through his chain and up the entire length of your spear. 
The crack that resounded was huge. Too huge to have come from those tiny nunchucks.  
Where you were expecting a sudden and painful shock through your hand and arms you instead felt a massive give. You stumbled back, shocked, but regained your footing before you could fall onto the wet ground. Your spear was in your hands, and the nunchucks were still wrapped tightly around the middle. You looked up from them to see their owner crumbled in a heap on the ground, nursing his painfully red hands while the rainfall soaked his clothes even more. 
You’d completely forgotten you weren’t alone until one of his teammates dropped their shield and ran to his aid. You looked up, expecting to meet the dumbstruck eyes of Evie and Evan, only to see their gazes fixed elsewhere. You turned your head. 
There in the grass was a giant streak of black, stretching along the shore for nearly five metres. It took a second for you to realise that it was embers — the ground had been burnt completely from where you stood to where it ended. And standing just before it was Luke and Clarisse — the blue team's flag in hand. They weren’t moving, they were staring at the burn in the floor, at you.
Your chin wobbled a little until the echo of the other team reached your ears. You looked at the pair urgently, “Move!”
And they did. Even when the blue team kids you’d been fighting  before tried to stop them, they were held back and Luke and Clarisse led your team to an easy victory. 
They cheered, and the conch sounded. Chiron emerged through the wood and smiled at them in congratulations — the whole spark debacle was nearly forgotten, campers too busy either cheering or groaning to notice the burn streak on the floor. Chiron did, though, and soon though the short lived celebration quieted down as he asked about it. 
Eyes turned to you. You shrugged, “I don’t…I don’t know what happened, it just —“
But then there were gasps. All around you. And suddenly Chiron wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at the space above your head. And then so was everyone else. 
When you looked up, squinting past the rain, and your eyes fixated on that glowing lighting bolt that floated above your head, the world went quiet. A week of hearing everything about the glory of being claimed — how at ease you would be, how reassured you would end up. None of it was true. Because for some reason, the symbol that hung above your head sent nothing but trepidation running through you. 
You almost missed Chiron's next words,  
“Zeus. Law Maker. Striker of Lightning. King of Olympus. All hail.” He shouted your name, but it didn’t feel right in your ears, “Daughter of the Sky God.”
When you couldn’t stand the sight of it — when it started to make you feel sick, when the picturesque summer camp you were finally finding yourself in started to feel tight and uncomfortable, you looked down. Everyone was kneeling, eyes on the ground. It was comforting that they weren’t staring at you anymore, but when you searched the crowd for those baby brows that held you down, they were fixated firmly on the mud. 
After your claiming, Chiron dismissed everyone sharply. They left, all talk about the capture the flag win long left behind and replaced by canards about you and your family. Your lineage. You were very prepared to stand frozen on the other side of the creek for the rest of the day but the centaur ushered you into his office in the big house just as the rain stopped. 
The next hour was a muffled blur. You felt as if you had just been plunged underwater and all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears — you vaguely registered Chiron and Mr. D asking you a load of questions about your childhood and whether there were any signs of your parentage along the way. You couldn’t answer that. 
They Iris-Messaged your mother — who was in her office and jumped up startled when the call came through. You might have been in a hazy funk, but you could tell the surprise on her face when Chiron informed her of your claiming was genuine. She’d had no idea. That, out of all things, angered you the most. 
“This new information will have caused quite a stir in Olympus.” Was one of the last things he said, “But you should be fine, since you’re seventeen.”
“Why does me being seventeen mean anything?” 
Zeus’ Cabin was subpar to say the least. Alright if you’re only going in there to worship the guy, not so alright if you’re planning on living there. There weren’t any beds, but there were alcoves lining the walls that you tucked your sleeping bag into so you didn’t have to look at the giant statue of Zeus that stood at the end of the room. For good measure, you chucked a spare blanket over its head — he could smite you for it, you didn’t really care anymore. 
You zoned back into reality when a knock sounded on your door, and you realised it was nightfall. Dinner time. You stood from your perch on one of the many benches that sat in the room — you thought they’d have better use in the pavilion, where Hermes kids were practically falling off the benches there were so little of them — and headed over to the huge double doors, heaving one open and breathing deep at the workout it took just to see who was at the door. 
It was Evie, and for some reason that made a pit of disappointment form in your gut. You sent her a weak smile nonetheless, “Hi.”
She smiled back, full of pity, “Hey. Just thought I’d come check on you, we haven’t seen you in hours.”
“I didn’t like them staring at me.” You said plainly, stepping out into the open air. The rain had stopped now, the sky clear, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, I get that.” Was her heartfelt reply. You felt bad for being so plain with her, but there was really only one person you wanted to see, “But, um, it’s dinner right about now. Wanna…come with?”
You didn’t really wanna, but you were starving and almost certain that nobody would be bringing you any food, so you shrugged, “Sure.” 
The large door shut on its own when you stepped away from it, and Evie jumped at the sound. You folded your arms and walked alongside her in silence until you were forced to part at the pavilion. She tried to say something — maybe a goodbye, a good luck. Maybe a we can’t be friends anymore because you’re forbidden. You didn’t stick around to check, walking over to the empty Zeus table where you unfortunately belonged. 
You filled your plate, hungry from the workout of capture the flag and exhaustion from the day, but your appetite was ruined when you saw Luke walk in and avoid your eyes completely in favour of sitting at his usual spot at the Hermes table. You hadn’t seen him all day, he hadn’t seen you, and yet here he was; ignoring your existence like he used to. It sort of hurt. 
So you dropped your fork, leaned your elbows on the untouched wood and stared at nothing. Only hours earlier were you at the top of your game, happy and ready to use your skills in capture the flag, show your friends what you could do. Now? You were completely alone, completely miserable, and completely ready to go back to Vermont. 
You wanted nothing more than to climb into your bed and cry. 
People started to stand. Heading in the direction of the campfire that you were definitely going to skip. Some Hermes kids stood, Luke included, and started a slow stroll down there too, past your table and down the hill. Chris was talking animatedly to his friends on either side of him, but Luke didn’t look very happy with whatever it was he was saying. Before you could build up the courage to call out for him, beg him to look you in the eyes and still stay your friend, he was shoving Chris roughly, the boy falling into your table with a grunt. 
“What the hell, man?” He sneered, brushing himself off. Luke just glared. He scoffed, “You’ve changed, bro. And not for the better.”
Then he was walking off in a huff, and his friends were following him. Luke met your eyes for half a second before storming off in the opposite direction — and with the influence of the tug on your heart, you followed. 
He was halfway to the Hermes cabin when you caught him, and you were thrown back to the time he got into that…thing with Dean from Ares and you chased him all the way up the hill. This time, it was down, and you were a lot less out of breath when you reached out and tugged on his elbow. 
He turned to you, “What?”
You paused, hand falling to your side. You swallowed, shrugged, “I…uh…”
Luke tightened his jaw, eyes flicking above your head like if he looked at you any longer his facade would break. He took in a deep breath and met your gaze once more, “Go to the campfire.”
“What —?”
“Go to the campfire.” He was backing away, “Entertain your fans, give out autographs. Conjure some more lighting. I don’t know. Do something, but don’t do it here.” 
You weren’t having that. Your gaze hardened, “Hey. You’re not allowed to say that to me after you ignored me all day.”
“I —“ He went for a rebuttal, but came up short, licking his lips in frustration. “You disappeared.”
“I was in the Big House, being interrogated.” You explained, annoyance clear in your tone, “I would’ve liked it if my best friend was waiting for me when I got out but unfortunately he decided he hated me like everyone else and I had to cry alone in my cabin.” 
He paused then, taking slow steps back towards you and meeting your saddened gaze. His brows furrowed, “I’m your best friend?” 
You cracked a tiny smile, “Of course you are, idiot.” 
His nod was barely there, but you saw it. You also saw his smile, small like yours and gone in a flash. “I don’t hate you.” He said, “I don’t care that Zeus is your dad. It’s just…”
“He forgot about me.” 
You shrugged, folding your arms. There, standing in the middle of the cabins and staring at Luke Castellan, you admitted out loud what you’d been avoiding since you left the Big House, “Zeus. He forgot about me. That's why I never got attacked by monsters, because my deadbeat father was so busy turning his kid into a tree that he forgot he had another one.” 
Even under the tears brimming in your lids and through the lump on your throat, you saw Luke flinch. A minute movement, but you caught it like you caught all of his other details. The freckle on his eyebrow, the scar on his forehead that other people missed because they were too busy staring at his big one. The flinch when you brought up the tree. Thalia Grace, is what Chiron had called her. 
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” He said in a low murmur. “Thalia was a friend of mine and Annabeth’s. Brought back some rough memories.” 
“Oh.” You breathed, “Oh, gods. I’m so sorry.” 
You stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his torso before you could think about it. Big bad Luke definitely didn’t like hugs, but there you were; hugging him and staining his camp shirt with your salty tears. You couldn’t help it — you were so full of emotions that a single hug that he hadn't even reciprocated was bringing you to tears. 
Then he hugged you back, and you started bawling. 
Bawling like a baby into his chest while he stood there and held you. Crying about your dad who forgot about you, your sister who died while you lived a happy life, your nonexistent purpose in life because you were over sixteen now and there was nothing for you. Maybe being a forbidden kid was enough, but not really. You weren’t forbidden enough for them, apparently. 
“Sorry for shoving Chris.” He spoke into your hair. You pulled your head back enough to meet his eyes, “He was saying shit about you and Thalia and it pissed me off. I know that you want me to be better, happier or whatever, and I am trying but…”
“I don’t care.”
His lips shut with a smack, “What?”
You let out a sad chuckle, “Be miserable. I don’t care, I like you for who you are. Plus, I get it. Y’know? This isn’t the happiest life.” 
Luke looked at you with an expression so genuine and heavy that it sort of scared you, but you let it burn you. You’d let him burn you forever more. Then he let out a breath, tinged with relief, and relaxed his forehead onto your own. You stayed like that, heads pressed together and arms wrapped around one another, until footsteps bled into your ears. 
You pulled away from each other and spotted Annabeth, who was making her way over very quickly, trudging through the grass that was still wet from earlier. 
“Anna Banana.” Luke squinted, his new way of smiling, “What are ya’ doing over here?”
The girl stopped between the two of you and ignored her brother in favour of looking at you, “So, you’re Zeus’ kid.”
“I knew your sister. She was my sister, too, for a bit.” She said, and you thought it sounded sad, but the girl hid her emotions well. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You shrugged — it wasn’t anyone’s fault but Zeus’. You sent her a kind smile. 
She returned it, glancing at Luke then, “Don’t call me that.” 
He chucked, patting her on the head and yanking on one of her braids. She huffed and smacked his hand away, but smiled nonetheless. Then she looked back at you, “You were good with that spear today. Maybe Athena could pair up with Zeus for the next game.”
“Maybe they could.” You nodded. 
She nodded back, before announcing her departure and heading off. You looked at Luke with a proud grin, “She likes me.” 
He smiled fully, amused, “She does.”
“You like me.”
A little sheepish, “I do.”
“So who cares if daddy dearest doesn’t?” You settled on, tilting your head, “We got each other.” 
Luke nodded, and you admired the way he looked. He was handsome, that you knew, but he seemed particularly beautiful under the moon, alone with you.
🏷️ @katherines-imagines @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry @jennapancake @cobaltskiez @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @m00ng4z3r @ma1dita @woodlandwrites @tsireyasgf @theo-notts-doll @iammightsadyall @fennecswife @csifandom @evilwrongdoer @blueberryjune @dancing-inasnowglobe @acidaciruela @solshaven @rosieandthethorns @sofiacblair @obxstiles @lukecastellanirl (comment to be removed/added!) (also sorry if some of these didn’t work idk what’s going on)
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 9 months
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*.of all base passions, fear is most accursed.*
(i think, that one of those reasons why i always adored the scarecrow, even as a kid, not only bc of his horror aestetics, but also bc....fear is generally such a facinzting topic. such a vivid, mundane, yet awfully powerful thing. an' jonathan seems to view himself as both the master n' the slave of said emotion. or more so, he claims that he used to be overpowered by it as jonathan crane, but the scarecrow is the one, who holds it within his palm. an' i mean, both of those things are true an' co-exist. but in this instance, i only took the set-ups, where he's a scared, panicked lil animal. just how i like him, aside from him being absolutely nuts and' vicious as hell. bc i very much love those set-ups too!
but ahh, both drawings weren't planned. like not in a way, they are now at least. i was doodling idli an' sorta wanted to draw some sketchy spooked jon, then somehow other jons came into existence lol. so i just made a collage of them. drawing scarecrow an' scarebat stuff is cathartic for me. i just had to commit an' finish them. an' then make another art, just bc it felt right. or more like, i drew jonathan all distressed an' spooked, an' wanted to give him a comfort after being kinda mean to him. an' ah, yeah well….about that. i guess, one can say, that i kinda did it, but it still looks like a nightmare lmao. aka jon's main nightmare, where he associates batman with headless horseman. but it *batman* gives him a bit of comfort this time. it's kinda shippy, but also kinda not fully? as a shipper, i naturally see it as a nod to my otp, but honestly, this also can be just that. the bat being nice to jon, bc he's depressed an' intoxicated by fear an' mumbling things under his breath. at this point, it's my set-in-stone hc, that batman babysits him sometimes, when he's like this. so if i will draw it for like, third time at some point….then, i will draw it for third time, yea.
bc shippy or not, i just want bruce to pat poor sackhead on the shoulder, since he literally have no one to provide him any comfort / sympathy / pity, like ever. an' bruce can also finally see someone, whose life sucks way more than his own, so it's a win'win. not to mention, that batman's saviour complex prob always hella confused around jonathan. like, he's gotta smack him in the face, cuz' jon is evil, but he's also so sad an' kinda deplorable, that bruce wanna *or gonna* lecture his bullies for him lol.)
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sockmeat · 6 months
hmm Angel Dust you say? What if his boyfriend bakes him a cake for his birthday? Or maybe give the spider boy some massages cause god knows he needs some love.
Also hihi, I hope your day is great my friend!
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 (𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍)
(𝐰𝐜): 710
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Angel comes home from work, you greet him with his favorite cake
(𝐀/𝐍): Helloooo my day has been going good :) I hope yours has as well!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Reader's still a hunk, some sexual talk, felt a little crazy and wrote some scenario (don't get too excited it's like 5 paragraphs), gave angel's bedroom a table so they wouldn't sleep on the food lol
♡ Charlie had already organized a birthday celebration, but you wanted to make a more intimate celebration for Angel after that one
♡ Charlie's plan was similar to every other event she's planned, it had a lot of group activities, corny decorations, and a cake
♡ While you knew Angel would appreciate it all the same, you wanted to shower him with attention meant specifically for him, not just made for him and the general public (the hotel)
♡ So while the others buzzed around to get his party ready while he was away at work, you did your own thing
♡ The very first thing you did was pick up a custom sleep gown you got for him. You knew he'd love it because it was pink, dramatic, and had a tasteful amount of fluff on the edges of the sleeves and skirt. You also got a pair of babydoll lingerie that matched with it
♡ (^ Talking ab the one in that meme that's like "your otp" and one is a grandpa gown with a candle and the other one is an extravagant pink one but I can't find the image for the live of me)
♡ Then, you went to the local bakery and picked up Angel's favorite dessert, tiramisu, and some strawberries with chocolate dip
♡ You knew Angel would have had his fill of decoration and attention by time he got to your gifts, so you decided to let your gifts speak for themselves
♡ The celebration itself went well, just as expected
♡ Angel was pleasantly surprised with the party, he had a blast playing the games Charlie planned and getting drunk with his beloved boyfriend and friends
♡ The whole time he was hanging off you, whispering in your ears and asking what you were going to do to him later for his gift
♡ Of course, you'd just give him a kiss and tell him he'll have to wait and see. You couldn't just spoil the surprise!
♡ It kept him on his toes until the party finally ended and he practically hauled you to his room
Angel sprints up the stairs and through the hallways like a desperate man, completely forgetting about his fatigue. "Slow down!" You laugh, but he doesn't listen. No man could've possibly felt as much excitement as he was in that moment.
You're almost blown away he was going so fast, but alas, you catch Angel before he reaches his room and slow him down. He opens the door with a bated breath and coos at the display.
His bed is made as it usually is, but displayed on it is a serving of tiramisu, a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries, and two pink articles of clothing. Fat Nuggets greets Angel with his usual enthusiasm.
"Baby," Angel whispers, letting of your hand and scooping Nuggets into his arms to look at the array of items closer. For a moment, he stares in awe. He only breaks his ogling when you wrap your arms around him. "All this for little ol' me?" He teases, bringing a hand up to your face.
"Of course," you hum. "Who else, if not my gorgeous boyfriend?" You peck his lips and hand him one of the strawberries. He bites into it with a delighted (and slightly exaggerated) moan, subtly eyeing you, though he could barely keep his eyes open. He wavered where he stood while he finished the strawberry.
Snickering, you come out from behind him, taking Nuggets out of his arms and setting him down and moving his gifts to the small table in one fell swoop. As you are, Angel scoops the tiramisu into his mouth and slides under his mountain of blankets. Almost demanding, he lifts his hoard and slaps the mattress next to him, cheeks puffed as if he was a squirrel. "I'm coming, I'm coming," you hurry yourself under and scoop your boyfriend into your arms.
Angel sighs, melting into your chest the second you make contact. "You're so good t'me," he mumbles. You smile adoringly and rub circles into his back, paying close attention to his more tense areas. It doesn't take long for Angel to fall asleep and begin snoring.
"Goodnight," you kiss his forehead.
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bro-atz · 7 months
otp [bro's 500 — mingi]
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[work rivals, smut, idol!au, mingi/afab!reader]
requested by: 🍒
word count: 1.6k
content: smut, dressing room sex, lowkey aggressive, mingi's kinda a tease?, completely consensual!
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Mingi was pissed. He was done with you. Seriously. He didn’t think he’d come to resent someone like you— well, he never thought that he would be an Inkigayo MC, and he certainly did not think you would be his co-MC, so all the events leading to him being annoyed with you were just twist after relentless twist.
The two of you were done with recording, but before you could even think about going back to your dressing room to get into your street clothes and go home with your manager, Mingi grabbed you and pulled you into his dressing room, his chest heaving as he tried to calm his angry breathing.
“What the hell, Y/N?!” he hissed as he pinned you against the door— and, no, not like kabedon, but painfully with your shoulder blades being pressed in an uncomfortable way against the door. “Are you trying to make me look like shit right now?”
“Why? Is it working?” you asked cheekily with a scowl on your face.
“Shut the fuck up. This isn’t funny, you know.”
“I thought it was hilarious.”
“Making me look like an absolute idiot on TV is not fucking funny— you tricked me with that question, and you know it,” Mingi huffed out. He let go of you abruptly and nearly started yelling, “What is your problem?! Why are you suddenly acting like this, anyway! We were fine up until a week ago, so what the hell?”
“I just think we should stop being fake on camera, you know?” you told him. “Fans are starting to write fanfiction about us.”
“What do you mean “so”? I don’t like that we’re being shipped when we clearly hate each other.”
“We hate each other?”
“Of course we do! What the fuck— we’ve been at each others’ throats since we both debuted! Do you think that’s not hate?!”
“You hate me?”
“Well, it’s clear that you hate me because why else would you be so rude—”
But before you could even finish, Mingi grabbed you again. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you fiercely, his hands grasping your waist desperately as he made it very clear he had no intention of letting go. And, instead of fighting back, to his delight, you kissed him back. You held onto the back of his neck and pulled him even closer to you, your kisses getting more feverish by the second.
“Y/N, I…” Mingi breathed out, his lips leaving yours to convey his thoughts. “I don’t hate you.”
“And I’m sorry if I made you think that I do, but that’s not it at all… I mean, you annoy the fuck out of me sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I hate you or anything, it just means—”
“Mingi,” you interrupted.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
A growl rumbled in the back of Mingi’s throat as he pulled you into him, his lips passionately tangling with yours as you commanded. His hands went under your thighs and pulled you up so that he was carrying you, your legs wrapping around his waist and your fingers getting tangled in his hair as you clung to him.
He carried you to the vanity table and pushed aside whatever was scattered along the countertop to sit you down, your back pressing against the mirror as he leaned so far into you that you nearly hit your head against the mirror. His sloppy kisses persisted as he flipped up your skirt and groped your thighs with so much intensity you felt like he was going to rip your muscles off.
“You— You got protection, right?” you gasped out when you felt his fingers stroke your pussy through your wet panties.
“Of course, darling,” Mingi smirked against your lips. “Now, tell me. What did those fanfictions say?”
“You had to have read them if you know they exist. Tell me— what did I do to you in those?”
Mingi pulled your panties off one leg and pushed that leg up, forcing you to let it rest on the table. His fingers continued to stroke your cunt, his nails teasing you slightly as they slipped in and out of your folds.
“I d-didn’t read them, Mingi,” you whimpered.
“Then tell me this,” Mingi’s low voice somehow got lower. He kissed you sporadically as he started to focus more on making your pussy happy as he continued, “What do you want me to do to you?”
“Fuck me silly,” you groaned lightly as you clung to his shoulders, his fingers slowly slipping into you. “I want you to be rough and fuck me so hard that I can’t walk.”
“And what if I say no?” he teased.
“Mingi, you better fucking do it, or I’ll make you look way worse on camera next time.”
“You should be careful with what you wish for, princess,” Mingi’s voice rumbled as he roughly shoved three fingers into you, making your back arch and your entire body move towards his.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back as he trailed his lips down your neck— his mouth was partly open as he did so, and it looked like he was going to leave a trail of hickeys in their wake, but no. He teased the everloving shit out of you. While his fingers were completely tearing you up inside— his massive rings definitely making things feel so much more intense— his lips just ghosted over your skin, building the irritation and tension in your stomach.
He finally stopped teasing you when he pulled up your shirt, and he left painfully sweet hickeys on your breasts, in your cleavage, your under-boob, and along your ribs. You did your best to stifle your sighs of pleasure the more Mingi catered to you, your nails digging into his shoulders in the process. You could feel your head begin to enter the clouds, and your vision started blurring, only for the man to keep you from cumming when he quickly withdrew his fingers.
“Fucking Christ, Mingi— you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? Hurry!” you complained.
“Just wait, Y/N,” Mingi grunted as he grabbed his wallet from his pocket.
He quickly grabbed the stashed condom in there and tossed his wallet aside before hurriedly rolling the condom on, your eyes widening as you got a good look at his immense size when he whipped his cock out in the first place. Then, without so much of a warning, Mingi shoved that immense size of his into your pussy. You almost screamed, but Mingi’s lips consumed yours before you could, your cries getting muffled in his mouth.
“You need to stay quiet, darling,” Mingi hushed— he had yet to move, his throbbing cock just beating away between your tight walls.
“Hurry, Mingi, just move already,” you whimpered as shifted your own waist slightly.
One hand on the vanity countertop and the other under your thigh, Mingi held on tightly as he began to move. He wasn’t fully pushing his length into you yet, and he was taking his sweet time. You would’ve yelled at him to go faster, but you stopped when you saw the dark, intense look on his face. He was looking up at you, seemingly glaring, but he was huffing slightly as he showed an insane amount of self-restraint. His hold on you was getting tighter with every thrust, and after doing his best to ruin you gently, a single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, breaking the guy.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, I can’t hold back,” Mingi hissed before holding you with a firmer grip and ramming his waist into yours.
Your entire body lurched, and loud screams and cries threatened to escape your soul as he thrust into you so hard that the entire vanity shook. You clung to him for dear life as he thrust upwards, his cock hitting your cervix perfectly. Instantly, your vision went blank, and you came hard, your pussy convulsing and clenching tightly.
“Oh, shit,” Mingi gasped and choked out as the feeling of your pussy squeezing his cock just right sent him over the edge.
Within seconds, Mingi’s cock shook and trembled, cum oozing into the condom as he shoved himself as deep inside you as he possibly could. The two of you remained in place as you panted and caught your breath, Mingi’s arms pinning you in place. You unlatched yourself from his shoulders and attempted to move away, only for his hands to swiftly wrap around you and hold you against him tightly. He pressed his lips against yours at first desperately, but then sweetly, his lips threatening to pull into a smile as he kissed you over and over again. You brought your own arms over his shoulders and kissed him back, unable to get enough of his soft, plump lips.
“For someone who hates me, you seem to enjoy this a lot,” Mingi couldn’t help but tease.
“Oh, shut up,” you retorted, a hint of laughter in your voice. “You seemed to like it way more for someone who was pissed with me earlier.”
“…Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah, okay.”
You giggled slightly and pushed the man away from you, noting the slight frown on his face as you put your clothes back together. After the two of you got fully dressed, you stretched out a little. Your waist and back were extremely sore— though you tried to make sure Mingi didn’t notice— but your legs were solid.
“Hey, Mingi?”
“I can still walk,” you said as you started walking to the door of the dressing room.
Before you could leave, Mingi pinned you against the door, and this time, it was definitely kabedon. He tucked his fingers under your chin and tilted your heat up to meet his gaze— his sincere, intense gaze.
“I guess we’ll have to do this again sometime, darling.” 
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bro's 500 event | bro's 500 event masterlist
bro's 500 taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @nakiiko @haebaragisworld @hyukssunflower @aaasia111 @k-hotchoisan
network: @cromernet
apply for the taglist here!
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writing-for-life · 9 days
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Finally, finally I manage a Calliope/Morpheus fic (the Sandman Rarepair Fest had to come along to kick me into gear). It’s just a short vignette, but I hope I did them justice because they will always be the OTP to me. The prompt is Hurt/Comfort.
You can read on Ao3 or here. And no matter where you read, your kudos, comments, shares and reblogs are so appreciated and help writers to get their stuff discovered 🖤
Lupē (616 words) by Writing-for-Life Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calliope/Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Calliope/Dream of the Endless, Calliope & Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Reconciliation, Past Relationship(s), Rare Pairings, Canon Compliant, During Canon, Canon Related, Canon Rewrite Summary:
Calliope had wept for him so many times, and she felt the tight grip of grief resurfacing. She had mourned the laughter that would never echo through these halls again, the stories of his father he would never pass on to children of his own, the promise of a future shattered. […] And she was tired of mourning, of a grief that felt like it was hers alone to bear.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon the twisted spires of the castle. She had not returned here since that fateful day.
The Gatekeepers stood before her, eyes like onyx reflecting the aeons they had witnessed. Last time, they had been impassive, their voices cold as they denied her entry.
But tonight, something had changed: They recognised her.
"Calliope," the wyvern’s voice echoed through the mist. "You seek the Lord of Dreams."
She nodded, and her throat felt so tight she could barely swallow. "I come to speak to him."
Calliope's fingers trembled. She remembered the bitter words they had exchanged—the accusations, the tears. Later, Oneiros had been unyielding, her attempts to speak to him ignored. She was not even sure what would have happened had he acted differently then; the thought of bringing forth an apology entered her mind and was as quickly dismissed. She felt her hands ball into fists, bitterness resurfacing.
No, this is not the time.
The guardians exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "Why are you here, muse?" the hippogriff asked.
She hesitated. "Our son's absence binds us, even in sorrow."
There was no more talk, no further interrogation. The gates just creaked open.
Calliope stepped across the threshold, and her footsteps echoed on the stairs and the marble corridors. With every step, her heart picked up pace until it was racing so fast she could hardly catch a breath.
The door was as she remembered—unchanged, the wood dark and polished, etched with symbols whose meaning she understood and yet didn’t.
Just like him.
But that wasn’t true. He had been changed when last they met. Familiar yet different, faint echoes of what once she loved—and hated.
Calliope pushed the door open, and the air itself seemed to hold its breath. For a moment, she wondered what she had expected to find. How she had expected him to greet her. And then she knew that this was exactly it:
His back turned on her, no sign of movement, frozen in space.
She crossed the room, her breath catching in her throat, unable to speak.
She didn’t have to.
"Calliope," he whispered, still not turning. There was a rawness to his voice, even in that whisper, that caught her unaware.
She reached for him, without any hesitation, and while it surprised her, it felt right. As her hand touched his shoulder, he flinched subtly, but he didn't pull away.
When he finally turned, his eyes held galaxies, and their shared history was etched on his face—the pain, the longing—it was all there, laid bare.
And it was hard not to see Orpheus in him. Hard not to remember how he had told him stories, his voice like a melody spun from darkness and light, stardust and moonbeams, while the boy’s laughter would echo through the halls of the castle, and his cries for more brought a moment of happiness to everyone who heard it.
And then it was gone.
Calliope had wept for him so many times, and she felt the tight grip of grief resurfacing. She had mourned the laughter that would never echo through these halls again, the stories of his father he would never pass on to children of his own, the promise of a future shattered.
She had sung dirges and sought solace in memories, but they only deepened the pain.
And she was tired of mourning, of a grief that felt like it was hers alone to bear.
In that moment, his eyes searched hers. “You came.” And perhaps, they were seeking answers and forgiveness.
“You called.”
And perhaps, they were also holding the faint glimmer of hope…
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sanchezsimp · 2 months
Okay, I'm just gonna be reeealll straight and honest with y'all here-
Warning: I'm not going to tag this post, because there aren't any actual spoilers in it, but these were my thoughts after reading it. Read if ya want.
I, personally, never shipped it. I also never had a problem with others shipping it. I respected it and still do. Perhaps more now. It was sort of a "whatever, do what you want, like what you like, don't care" ship for me. BUT!
NEVER, in a million years, did I think the Book of Bill would get me into it rather than the goddamn fandom.
Okay, let me be more specific here...
I didn't see them as properly being in a relationship. It's not my OTP or anything like that, and it sure as hell wasn't healthy or sweet.
Bill was abusive, and Ford was a victim.
But I do believe that, despite using him, Bill actually felt connected with Ford, and they had some good times... And he was real upset when the only person he felt that connection with left him.
That doesn't make it any less toxic or wrong.
I wouldn't say I ship it now, per se, but I definitely see it, because it feels canon.
To me, it was a one-sided, maybe-romantic thing with Bill, and he was hurt. This does not excuse the fucked up shit he did.
Maybe it wasn't truly romantic, but there was some element in there, if you ask me.
To anyone who disagrees and thinks it definitely was or definitely wasn't romantic-- Alright! You're entitled to your own opinion.
But, y'all, I did not expect the Book of Bill to be about Bill and Ford's toxic yaoi, and hell, I'm not opposed.
It was great, I cannot explain more how much I fucking loved reading it.
Tumblr, please don't hate me-
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moethewriter · 10 months
could you do number 27 with finnick from the otp prompt list? i love yours fics!
Of course I can anon! Super excited for this one, I had the best time writing it! Lot's of angst and fluff! TITLE: The Light In The Dark WORD COUNT: 1.5k PAIRING: Finnick Odair x Reader WARNING: None! TAGS: Lot's of angst, and fluff! (As always please let me know if you think anything needs to be added) lot's of introspection and reflection from the reader! A/N: I was so so so excited to write this one! And I think it's such an amazing prompt! Thank you so much for requesting it and as always I take constructive criticism! -
District 13 was not a place you particularly enjoyed. It was safe, and secure and far better than being stranded in an arena forced to kill other people. But you weren’t as content as you had hoped you would be. When you were rescued along with everyone the rebellion scooped up, you had kept telling yourself that everything was going to be okay. You had to keep faith that whatever the next step was, was going to end all of it. 
Finnick had been rescued alongside you, and he offered a comforting ear. It was so strange being close to him again. It had been a year since you two had broken up, and though it had seemed like yesterday, you were no longer the same people you once were. So much had changed, you had changed. 
Though you knew once you both had been reaped that you were going to ally yourself with him. There really was no one else you would rather have at your side. Despite the separation, he had you trust and you knew he was far more capable than a lot of people gave him credit for. 
There had been tension between the group, that you knew, no one got along well unless it was with Mags. You knew the other’s could sense a different type of tension between you and Finnick, one filled with unresolved feelings bubbling below the surface. It had only gotten worse after you heard his voice through the jabberjays.
Johanna had tried to talk to you afterwards, even sent Katniss your way but you wouldn’t budge. You didn’t need to have a friendship circle and talk about how you longed for Finnick and how he still had your heart. No one needed to know that but you, though you sensed Johanna had always known, she had known you better than you knew yourself most days. 
There had been no major fallout with Finnick, no giant blow up that ended in destruction and despair. It had been so amicable … you had both been so busy, the life of a Victor always was. Not to mention the separation by District had been a struggle. You had been the one to bring it up, despite the pain it caused you. Finnick had agreed with you the moment you finished speaking. You hugged, and he left and then you stood there alone. You were both heartbroken over it, that much you knew. 
You had cried for weeks after it, though you felt you had no right to do that. No one was able to console you, despite Johanna trying her very best too. You knew she wasn’t the best with comforting people, she had grown colder after what had happened to her family, but you appreciated the effort she had put in. Seeing Finnick on TV doing interviews, going to parties and generally being in the Capitol had upset you the most. It was hard to look at him, you knew he was hurting so much more than anyone could tell. You wanted to reach out, but you knew it would have been a bad idea. So you stayed silent and watched him from afar, and kept your thoughts about him to yourself.
Though you hoped he thought of you too.
And in a blink of an eye, months had passed. You had both been mentors for the 74th hunger games, though to no avail as your tributes had passed in the arena. You didn’t speak to him much, and he did his best to avoid you. It was strange but you knew he was coping in a far different way then you were, so you couldn’t blame him,
The universe was funny though, bringing you both together again under far different circumstances. He had come to your door days after you had been reaped for The Quarter Quell to form an alliance with you, and you were both informed together about the rebellion by Haymitch Abernathy. You were hesitant but agreed to help, as long as Finnick was there too. There wasn’t anyone else you’d want as an ally in those games. Some small part of you was thankful that he had been there.
“Penny for your thoughts.” A familiar voice broke through the jumbled mess of memories you had been reliving. “Not much in there right now.” You chuckled, turning to meet Finnick’s gaze, he seemed relaxed, and adjusting far better than most people. “Just wondering about what the next step is, thinking about all that needs to be done.” The lie came easily to you, but you knew he could see right through it. He had always been able to see past you.
“That’s not the Y/N I know.” Finnick smiled, leaning against the wall. He looked like an angel in white against the steele gray. “The one I know is simply far too deep in thought about too many things that they’re overwhelming themselves with it. Am I wrong?” He raised a knowing eyebrow. 
“You know me far too well, Finnick Odair.” You snorted, crossing your arms in defeat “I was thinking about the past.” You said, quietly, almost hoping he wouldn’t catch what you said at all.
“About us?” He questioned, a strange look crossing his face.
You couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking at that moment, but you knew there was no point in lying. You didn’t want to lie to him anymore.
“You could say that.” You nodded.
“I hope it’s all good memories.” He said, meeting your eyes once more. “I know I still think of those on my dark days.” He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“You were one of the best things that ever happened to me.” You told him, earnestly. “I loved you more than life itself.”
“So you don’t  regret it at all?” Finnick questioned, and you weren’t quite sure if he wanted your answer by the way his voice quivered.
“No. Not one bit.” You told him. “I don’t regret having you because you made the sun shine brighter and you made my life worth living again. You put a smile on my face anytime I wasn’t feeling myself. You were the only one who loved me when I thought I couldn’t be loved. You changed me for the better in so many ways. You were, and always have been a star amongst the darkest of skies, Finnick. That little light that kept going even though the world tried to beat it down. You have always been one of a kind. I could never regret you. I would never regret a single thing because if I didn’t have you forever at least I had you at all.” Your voice was thick with emotion, finally saying all of this to him.
You had bottled it up for so long, kept it so tight to your chest that you felt like you were going to explode into a million tiny little pieces. You knew you would always love him, but a second chance at loving him had seemed impossible.
“I don’t regret breaking things off either.” You told him. “It was the best thing we could do for both of us at the time. You and I both know that.”
“I know.” Finnick nodded, a sad smile crossing his face. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t cry for weeks after it happened though. I missed you severely during those first few months. I’m sorry I never reached out, I wanted to but I didn’t know how.” 
You could see him fidgeting with his thumbs, something he only did when he was nervous, it was a quirk you thought had been adorable when you first noticed it. He had an anxious energy to him that could be hard to spot if you didn’t know him.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, sniffling a little. “That wasn’t your job anymore to be there for me.”
“You were never a job, I loved … love you and I always wanted to be there for you even when we were over.” Finnick said. “You’re the love of my life, you always have been, Y/N.”
“I’m still the love of your life?” You asked, wiping the stray tear from your eye.
Nothing could have prepared you for this conversation, but you were glad that you could air everything out. There was no one else for you but Finnick. You loved him, and you still wanted to be with him. He was the first person you thought about in the morning, and the last person you thought about before you slept. He was still the love of your life too. 
He was always with you, even when he wasn’t.
“Yeah.” He said finally. “I don’t think there’s anyone else for me.”
You made a tentative step towards him, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He was tense, you could feel that, but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around your waist. He was warm, he’d always been built like a furnace in contrast to your cold body temperature but you two still fit together perfectly, like two halves of a whole.
It’s like you were always meant to be in his arms.
“I still love you too.” You told him, letting yourself get lost in his arms.
“When this is all over …” He whispered into your ear. “I’m going to take you on the best date in the world, got it?” 
You could hear the smile in his voice.
“Got it.” You said, hugging him tighter.
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thoughts on episode 2 (SPOILERS)
Oh don’t  tell me we get Sylki this episode 
oh god no not Brad 
Mobius you’re such a dummie
Mobius is gay panicking
*sings along to the theme song*
Ohhh b15 you’re lookin fine
There’s a jail in the TVA??? I forgot about that
bring it to my son
Aww he talks to himself that’s cute
So smart
He’s gonna get so fed up with people bringing shit to him when he wrote a whole book about it
Sweet Casey
Married couple Lokius building their IKEA bed
I’m going to fight Brad
Brad is so right about Lokis character but damn Mobius going to defend him is kinda gay
Why do I feel like Brad is talking directly to me when he’s talking to-
The sass on lokis tone I’m going to cry
Mobius reign in your boyfriend
Loki is scaring me actually
That sounded kinda sexual Loki my man
Yeah Mobius who were you
Oh jeez
Mobius is about to flip out
Loki caring for his husband <3
Following each other <3
Awe Loki with his little legs crossed he’s so adorable around Mobius
Yeah you lost it baby
Comfort your husband Loki
Talk about your feelings Mobius
Why would you thank him for kidnapping you Mobius?
Felt that about bad and good lemme tell ya
Would you quit it about Sylvie
Don’t get hurt baby I’ll cry
Uh oh
Is he dead?
Aww man he’s alive
Round two of what babe
Big machine
He’ll torture you babe
Remembering things for their husband this is cute
Uh oh Loki what are you doing
stop asking about Sylvie for the love of god
Mobius you’re so sweet
Kill him hon maybe we won’t have to deal with his dumb ass
Terrible awful things 
He’s lost his shit I love it 
Loki please this is going too far
Okay nice we made Brad suffer and Loki is being everything Mobius could want in a boyfriend
Mobius was in on it?!
oh no world is dead
*sings McDonald’s jingle*
Where’s my wife
Awww she’s so proactive I love her so much
One Unhappy meal please
Talk less Loki 
Can Sylvie drive
Leave her alone Loki please
“It’s cinema thank you very much”
call your boyfriend Casey
Don’t hold hands
uh oh
Bye bye Sylvie :)
Oh she’s back
What are we looking at
Oh no…
Those are people!
Uh oh Sylvie’s angry
I might as well just make a harem of marvel women I want to wife me up 
Don’t pull that Sylki bullshit on me
Mobius is sad Loki go comfort him
At least Sylvie had her life
Does she have a friend?
What’s going on between those two?!
I’m so confused
Post credits???
Why not?
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mosaickiwi · 3 months
Fall Unto Me (epilogue hehe)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Demon!Ren and Angel!Angel my otp!!! I think saying I won't write anymore compels me to write more somehow................... sowwee I just keep lying :3c
cw// religious themes
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
Moonlight gleamed on the gentle waves pushing back and forth to meet the shore. You sat at the water’s edge with your lover, legs curled under you to lean against his side, your fingers drawing shapes in the wet sand that only lived a few fleeting seconds, then washed away in the water's wake. 
The blue eyed demon kept an arm around you for warmth. You still felt cold, sometimes even during the day. It bothered him more than you. Ren silently watched you etch shapes, though they didn't pay as much attention as usual. He was lost in thought.
Almost a year had gone by since the dreaded night that wouldn't leave their mind in peace, when heaven had burned away all you’d ever known without a care for the loneliness you felt afterwards. A nightmare that was sure to stain decades of eternity with you. Centuries past his own damned fall from heaven's gate, they still found a way to punish him.
Your heart healed quickly with his doting and comfort, but the physical scars remained. Each morning was a glimpse of heaven and hell. He was always awake before you, but to ever leave your side would pain them like nothing else. So he waited. You'd open your eyes, smile at him as if he was the paradise you'd treasured dearly—how could you still choose to grace a monster like them with your sacred beauty? Your presence? Your love?—then crawl from the sheets to stretch and start your day. 
The two jagged streaks of seared flesh on your back greeted him like a cruelly blinding sunrise. He could only wonder where everything went wrong.
He hadn’t meant for it to happen so soon. Your fated fallen angel had already waited millennia to meet you again, and he was intent on waiting infinitely more until you were ready. Because they knew you’d eventually come to desire him, to yearn for their embrace above all others. But you’d fallen—both in love and divinity—faster than he dared to wish for. Nevermind a thousand years, you were taken with him in barely a day, even if it took you much longer to realize the gaze you set upon him in the setting sun was more than just curiosity. 
It must have been destiny’s twisted attempt at design. He didn’t expect you that day in heaven’s library, but they were meant to belong to you from the moment— 
“Ren,” you spoke as softly as the ocean’s gentle breeze. Still, they heard you loud and clear through the muddled sea of their mind. You were the only being who could ever pull him ashore. Or astray. 
“Yes, little angel?” he answered. The nickname burned in his heart to use now, but the way your eyes glittered with love like the moon and stars above when they said it… he yearned for that happiness to last as long as it could.
“Did I spell it right?” He cast his gaze to where you pointed. Just out of the crawling reach of lapping waves, you’d written something in the starlit sand.
They’d written your name thousands, maybe even millions of times over and over to keep him sane enough to find his only solace in you. Seeing it here, finally in your own handwriting was something else entirely. He’d commit it to memory.
“Exactly right,” Ren smiled down at your handiwork and leaned over to write the three letters of his name under yours. They were all he could remember of the real name heaven had stolen away. Though it’d been so long that he wasn’t even sure if they were correct.
You stared for a moment, then drummed your fingers on your thigh. “Your real one was certainly longer than this,” you muttered to yourself. 
Your companion absently nodded, those innocent words haunting him with another memory. He’d spilled his heart out months ago in a moment of weakness, one morning when the sight of your scars broke him. About the real first time you met, his own fall from grace, his sinful intentions to take you with him some day. Everything that he feared would make you hate him. It was a way to punish himself further. Heaven’s permanent reminder wasn’t enough—but you forgave everything with ease like the angel you truly were. 
I’d go through it all again if it meant you’d be mine, you told him. As if it was a simple choice. You were more upset to hear that you couldn’t call his true name. That worthless excuse of a god had made a mistake to let you go—one Ren would never even think to make.
The demon had developed an odd habit of brooding. You kissed his cheek to get his attention, one hand lacing through theirs. “Ren, there’s nothing to worry about. Why don’t we go swim? Or take a walk?”
He meant to answer, but a harsh shiver suddenly tore through your body. You felt cold again, even to him. A lance of pain from his own ill fated guilt, and he carefully stood, lifting you into his ink-stained arms. “Let’s go home.” You were clearly about to frown, and he had to correct himself. “Little angel, let’s go home.”
Not even the moon could outshine the immediate smile you brightened his world with.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 3 months
turtely's OTP challenge
read day 21 on ao3!
prompt: buying flowers for the other
summary: John finds flowers and poems in his locker. The notes are signed with 'SH', but John has no idea who his secret admirer could be.
Gen, 880 words, Fluff, AU - High School. Secret Admirer, Love Poems, Flowers, Shy Sherlock Holmes
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or read it here (because i miss posting my ficlets on tumblr):
John opened his locker and reached for his French workbook. His hand stopped moving halfway there. A french daisy lay on top of his books. A note was wrapped around it...
"You love me,
you love me not..."
"What the...?" John mumbled, staring at the daisy in his hand.
"John!" Mike crashed into him from behind. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"
"I... uh I think someone left a daisy in my locker," John held it out to him, but kept the note.
"Oh my gosh, is it a secret admirer?!"
"What! No!" John waved that idea off.
Three days later John just finished his rugby training when he came back to his locker. He opened it and rose petals flew over him. A note was amonst them.
"Roses are red,
violets are blue.
I might be mad,
but I like you.
John grunted and kicked his backpack softly. Whoever thought it was romantic to put roses in his locker forgot about the mess they made along with it. He cleaned it up, but sone small part inside him queried who "SH" was...
The next time there was an actual flower bouquet in it. Tulips. John had to smile, he loved tulips. He caught himself looking for a note. There, behind his English workbook, he found it.
"I dream of tulips,
yellow, blue, the leaves are green.
I dream of my lips on your lips,
no inbetween.
John laughed. The poems really weren't that great... however he couldn't help but wonder, who the secret admirer was. SH... Sabrina Hollen from his English class? Susanne Heeling from biology? Sabrina constantly joked around with him and Susanne seemed to stare at him but whenever he tried to look her in the eyes... she looked away, cheeks pink.
Or could it be... No, no way the serious chemistry nerd would hide flowers in... but what if? Doesn't matter. It's not him... and besides, John wasn't gay.
John hadn't noticed he had crumbled up the note in his hand. When he flattened it again, he saw a PS on the backside.
"Meet me tomorrow. 3pm at Speedy's."
"Just don't get killed," Mike said over the phone.
"I'll be fine," John allayed. "Okay. I'm here. I'll text you."
"Alright. Enjoy. No murders!"
John rolled his eyes, "I'll do my best to not get murdered."
"That's my man. Don't forget to text!"
"Yes, yes. Bye now!" John hung up.
He was here. At Speedy's. Going to meet his secret admirer (not his murderer, he hoped).
He sat down on a desk in the back, but he could overlook everything and he was close to an emergency exit - just in case. By now it was 2:57 and John was getting nervous. Would his admirer actually have the guts to show up?
The time passed and at 3:04 he slowly started doubting his decision to come here. He wasn't sure what - or better, who - he was expecting even.
'My lips on your lips, no inbetween,' an inner voice whispered.
Just in that moment the door opened and the chimes above it jingled. A shadow stood in the frame... and then it moved towards him, with a confidence, John admired.
When the shadow turned into a human with a face... John gasped...
"Sher- Sherlock?"
"Hello, John," the tall boy stood in front of the small table, where John had sat down.
"I don't- are you... did you put all the flowers into my locker?" John suddenly felt extremely nervous upon seeing Sherlock Holmes. He knew him from chemistry class, they did a few experiments together and had a great time. John had loved how the serious boy's face lit up when he tried out something new and it worked.
Sherlock twisted his face as if in pain. "It was Irene's idea. She was sick of me whining at her about how I wanted... want to know you better."
That made John relax, he asked, "Want to know me better as in," a huge grin spread on his face, "'my lips on your lips, roses are red, tulips are green, no inbetween' way or a... platonic way?"
Sherlock - still standing - just stared at him. He looked slightly in shock. "I never wrote that."
"Eh, close enough," John leaned back, waving dismissively with his hand.
"You clearly have no idea about poetry, John."
"Well you better be glad, otherwise I wouldn't be here on this date with you," John smirked.
The stiff expression on Sherlock's face melted and turned into a smile. He plummeted onto the chair opposite of John and sighed, "Alright, fair enough." Then he blushed. "Date," he pointed out.
John laughed. "You wooed me with flowers and poems, what did you expect?"
Sherlock smiled, his cheeks turning even redder when he laid a hand over John's. "I wasn't sure it was gonna work. Thanks for coming."
John felt his hand starting to sweat underneath Sherlock's, so he pulled it out and slapped his thighs. "I'm gonna grab a coffee. Can I get my date something?"
"Oh, uh... coffee. Black, two sugars."
John got up. But when he walked by Sherlock, he leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I am so happy my secret admirer is you."
Then, he headed to the counter to order.
i would be SUPER happy if you gave this ficlet some love on ao3 as well! 🥰
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind
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patchofgrey · 3 months
Welcome to Part One of my head cannons for my OTP:
Nejiten Head cannons; Part two , Part 3
Tenten Head Cannons | Neji Head Cannons | Nejiten Family Head cannons
I have a few head cannons for these two that I wanna throw out there; Writing these two for like 10 years has made me realized that no matter what situation they are in (if writing in character) they are the idealistic couple. Sure, they argue and fumble the bag sometimes, but their dynamic is FIERCE. You cannot tell me that his most trusted friend, partner, and balanced scale IS NOT IDEAL? These are my head cannons that I base my stories on while writing them in character (which took a long time to do honestly, writing in character with characters who are not fully developed is hard as fuck. But you take whatever crumbs you get.)
Plus, I would’ve changed a bunch of things in this anime but that’s besides the point
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Follow me on my delulu because it’s the only solulu:
1. Neji started liking Tenten prior to the second round fights of the chunnin exams. It started as admiring her skills, but grew to an emotional level as time went on. He asked her specifically to train with him because he felt that she was able to keep up and offer him a challenge in a realm he was not skilled in; weapon handling and evasion. This is going off of the fact that in one of the video games, Tenten had beat both Neji and Lee in evasion training, which in my mind, means that Neji saw Tenten for her skills and held her in very high regard even if she got clapped by Temari (which he didn’t fault her for! It was a bad match up). While they trained, Tenten would push conversation with him to the point where they started talking about their personal lives and led to Tenten finding out about the curse mark, his father, and his blind spot. Tenten had shared her deep insecurities about never being able to match up to them, or to be good enough to be like Lady Tsunade (especially after she fumbled the medical ninja training). To that, Neji ensured her that she was a great match up to himself and Lee; which is why he asked her to help train him in the first place. Since then, Neji has made it his priority to ensure that Tenten did not fall into a deep depression and would always praise her with the “you are good enough as you are.” He would shower her with subtle affection by buying her sweets when she was in a bad mood and spending some of his days off with her. In fact, it wasn’t until Gai-sensei had pointed out that Neji was attached to her, and was doting on her to make sure she kept a smile on her face. Neji would roll his eyes (as most 13-14 whatever’s they were) but kept at it well into their late teens.
2. Tenten is oblivious as fuck to Neji’s affection. I used this a lot in my Sleepless Nights fic, and sprinkled it in for some oneshots as well as hinted at it in Frequency. Tenten is an over thinker and can get inside her own head very easily. She thinks Neji is just being a good friend; arguably, she considers him a best friend since they are with each other all the time. She’s been so focused on her work that she never even considered the possibility that Neji liked her in anything past a friend. To be fair, Neji doesn’t seem like the type to make it obvious when he likes someone. And we’re about to get into that…
3. Neji is awkward as hell when it comes to anything emotion related but his love languages are Acts of Service and Gift Giving. Neji is alright with quality time, but he is a protector before anything else. I see Neji more as a “how can I help?” Or “Let me know if you need me.” He probably also gets snapped at by Tenten when he instinctively helps her and does things for her without asking if she needs help. She very much “I can do it myself” type of girl. Like I said before, he dotes on Tenten by buying her sweets and things she likes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he followed her around different weapons shops while they were on missions and helping her add to her enormous weapons collection. We also saw the acts of service come out of him when he shadowed Hinata (which was really sweet honestly. It showed his softer side and he maybe felt a bit guilty for treating her like garbage after his father died and was trying to make it up to her).
4. Tenten started realizing her feelings when they retook the chunnin exams. C’mon we all saw the look on home girl’s face when Fuu grabbed Neji’s hand and asked him to be her friend. It screamed LET GO OF MY MAN. Tenten hasn’t seen or experienced Neji interacting with other girls besides herself and Hinata (excluding Sakura and Ino who they were all friends with, but only interacted with on occasion). She didn’t like the idea of Neji getting attention from other girls.
5. Both are the jealous type. I know, I didn’t think Neji would be either, but it makes sense to me; Why would she be with anyone else other than him? Was he not her best friend? Who they shared all their deep dark feelings and secrets with? How dare someone else look at her partner in such a way? How dare they talk to her like that in front of him! For Tenten I don’t see it running extremely deep, but maybe a touch of it like stated above.
6. Lee was in on it. He absolutely knew. There’s no way Lee is so oblivious to his rival’s feelings. Especially since Gai has VERY loose lips. I wouldn’t be surprised it Lee was there when Gai had pointed out Neji’s affections for Tenten when they were gennin. Lee wanted them to be together and wanted to see them happy; Neji found comfort in knowing Tenten was alright. Tenten found comfort in Neji by trusting him with her feelings and not being harshly judged for it. I can see Lee purposefully hanging back and watching the two of them spar.
7. Neji only genuinely smiles around Tenten. Sure, he would offer a small smile of a smirk most of the time. But, around her he can actually pull his guard down and feel happy. He does offer small smiles and half smiles around Hinata and Naruto, however those big cheesing moments are usually kept in the presence of his bunheadded teammate.
8. Neji struggles to keep his feelings towards Tenten in check. He feels as though he doesn’t want to ruin their deeply rooted friendship and tends to keep a straight face when they are with a group. Tenten-again being oblivious- thinks he is just being an egotistical jerk around everyone when he’s not really like that when they are alone. He keeps some physical distance towards her as well unless they are fighting together, to prevent any mistakes and obvious signs of his affections. Perhaps he’s not into PDA either.
9. They argue. A lot. But it never ends in them feeling unheard or disrespected; these two have strong personalities and are very opinionated anyway.
10. Neji confided in Hinata about his feelings on Tenten, and Hinata promised to keep it a secret. (more on that in part 2 of my headcannons)
11. Neji tries to encourage Tenten to use her Taijutsu skills for close combat more. There’s a post circulating right now about how Tenten’s close combat abilities surpassed everyone but her team’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tenten felt discouraged by the fact that both boys on her team were already close range fighters and struggled with her gifts of long range fighting; she overthinks and puts herself into a box. Neji probably has attempted to strictly train with her (think Shippuuden…17-18 years old?) on her taijustu so she could gain some confidence. In fact, he has brought up to her that she would have beat Temari years ago if she would’ve show cases her taijustu abilities.
12. Their fighting style is more like a dance in flow. Tenten is very flexible and since her and Neji have been training since they were gennin, it would only make sense that they are so insynch with each other it almost look graceful.
I have more but imma stop there lol. I have ideas on how they first kissed, slept with each other all that stuff; how he would’ve proposed; It’ll be a very long post especially if I get into the whole “if Neji survived the war” which I do have a fanfiction on right now 👀 look at my pinned post for the link.
Thank you for joining me in my delulu 🫡 Here's part two, and Part three
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
Could I please get "mojito" with Zib and "long island" with Wick?
My two fav lackadaisy boys<3 (is it only me or is there not enough content with them?😭)
And btw remember to hydrate! :3
A/n: I love them both! { and you're right, they both need more love }
*ೃ༄ cocktail-inspired otp prompts ˚◞♡ ⃗
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•Dorian Zibowski•
[ mojito ] - to cap off an arduous day, they hit up a club to go dancing
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Zib wasn't known for dancing or going out to clubs, sure he played music but he'd much rather stay home and spend his time with you but when you mentioned how much you wanted to go dancing at the new club he could hardly turn you down. You looked so pretty all dressed up and he couldn't help but feel proud knowing he had you hanging off his arm.
Nothing beat the night dancing with through out the night. Giving you a little twirl as your laughter echoed through the bar. Zib loved how your body pressed in perfectly into his, he loved seeing the smile and the sweet taste of alcohol when he kissed you.
Sighing, you rested your head on his chest as his arms wrapped securely around your waist. "Thank you for this Dorian...you didn't have to do this."
Letting out a snort, Zib removed his hat placing it on your head. "You don't gotta thank me for anything beautiful."
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•Sedgewick Sable•
[ long island ] - one muse picks the other from a bar, late at night
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Wick never liked these places, he was never good at dealing with being in a place like this. Shifting his body, the man felt relief flood his body the moment he saw you enter the bar. Nearly slipping off the stool the man stumbled towards you.
"Thank goodness."
A small snort escaped your lips as you caught the man in your arms. "I said I would be here, I'm sorry it took me so long." You muttered.
Shaking his head, Wick clung to you as he pressed his face into your neck. His eyes peering up at you for a moment as he gave you a weak smile. "Can we please go."
Humming you nodded your head weaving your arms through his own. "Have you've been drinking?"
"Only a little! I'm out of my element here."
Letting out another laugh you shook your head giving him a teasing grin kissing his cheek. "You're so cute Wick, we'll get you home soon enough okay."
"Hmp...fine." He did his best to ignore the warmth spreading across his body but he was just happy you were here.
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pinkomcranger · 7 months
my thoughts on Saga Anderson and the lack of spotlight on her in fanworks
Hmmm…this has been bothering me since I waded into the fandom after AW2 dropped. WHY DOES 99.9% OF THE FANDOM SLEEP ON SAGA WHILE IT'S HALF HER GAME???
I DON'T understand the fixation on Casey (even though I adore him and he's the other half of my OTP), or Zane to the point that when Saga is in ensemble art, she's relegated to being the "bro". And for what purpose? She has just as much build up and storyline as Alan himself. She certainly has more screen time than FBI Casey. I see posts going "oh, I love Saga so much, she was so badass" and then almost nothing when it comes to fan work.
Do y'all understand, how, as a black woman, this frustrates me to NO end? I go to her tag on AO3, see new fics, get excited...just to see she's the bro or footnote to CaseyWake. I've literally been brought to TEARS over this. Saga was written with SO much love and care, and it's so obvious. She was not the stereotypical sassy, angry, loud black woman that we tend to get when we're even thought of at all.
And it's genuinely PAINFUL to see all of the love, all of that care, ALL OF THAT RESPECT, IGNORED by fandom because you want to focus on the white men. Because why? I get it, het is so icky for most of you, fine. But to not even give her fanart/fics just on her and her daughter? It's terribly egregious.
Saga Anderson is genuinely a role model. She's smart, warm, funny, dedicated, sympathetic and passionate. She will change REALITY just to save the ones she loves. She's NEVER had to deal with anything like the Bright Falls situation and she came through it with such GRACE. She saved the fucking day. She did what Alan couldn't do in THIRTEEN YEARS. And she gets no recognizance in fanworks?
And I know the majority of this fandom happens to be made up of women, at least for fanworks. You truly mean to tell me you can't, at all, even a little bit, relate to this woman? You can't make her the focus, instead of a background character? The white men are easier to understand and draw/write for?
I can't tell anyone who to like, or who to ship, nor would I ever try to, because on the internet, it seems like het is icky despite how amazing the woman is. But I've seen comments towards andercase fanart going "Saga, no, you're married!" But shipping CaseyWake in the same breath, despite Alan being married and getting back to his wife being the main motivation for Alan to do anything at all.
It comes off as hypocritical, it comes off a wee bit "I don't know what to do with this black woman...hmm, let's just make her root for CaseyWake" I'm left feeling that Sam and the team love Saga more than the fans ever do or will. And that fucking sucks. Because to put so much thought into a character and love the character, just to be ignored?
That hurts, really really badly. I genuinely enjoyed feeling like I was represented. I loved having a character I could relate to, one I could understand. But it feels like I'm in the minority. When she tells Alan he's not alone in this, this is THEIR story...well, that was the truth for me, and I wish others felt the same way.
I genuinely adore the works Saga has gotten that focus on her, and I see so much love and care put into them. It just somehow feels like fandom made this game into CaseyWake 24/7 and it's icky.
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