#ou and just kept walking like HELLO??????????????????
the-acid-pear · 6 months
really forgot i saw harry's backstory on my first playthrough of 3 like first time i opened the game. No good deed (being a curious little boy) goes unpunished (the most depressing info dump) i guess.
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bigball-thefrog · 2 months
The Calm After The Storm: Law X Reader
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Hello hello, I'm back again with something else this week! Now that I'm finished with Dressrosa I can finally start writing for Law which I've been wanting to do for awhile so here, have this and I hope you all enjoy!
Spoilers for Dressrosa if you haven't finished it
Narrator POV
It was the day after the events that took place in Dressrosa. You, the Strawhats, Law and a few others were all hiding in Kyros' cottage, recovering and staying away from the Marines.
The you thankfully didn't receive any major injuries so you could move after a few hours. Which helped since the cottage was a bit cramped and noisy. The cottage was situated in the middle of a large and beautiful flower field. Making the excuse of watching out for marines, you left the cottage and wondered around the field, you found a nice shady spot on the edge of the field and sat down to watch the clouds. A calm breeze hit your face and you closed your eyes, everything was perfect, Doflamingo was in jail, the citizens of Dressrosa were happy again with their old king, the marines hadn't found you... Everything right now, was just right. Until you heard footsteps coming close to you. You readied your Haki/devilfruit/weapon in case it was the marines attacking. Luckily when you looked up you saw that it was just Law walking towards you with a small limp.
You instantly relaxed and lowered your guard again. Law made it next to you and sat down. "Glad to see you moving around" you said as you leaned back against a tree. Law was slightly hunched over a bit as he spoke, "Mm... I knew you weren't really sitting out here for lookout and decided to steal your idea of coming out here for quiet." you chuckled have looked back at him. Your eyes wondered around his figure and landed on the bullet wounds where Doflamingo shot him. Your hand instinctively reached out to feel around him but Law moved back and raised an eyebrow at you. You lowered your hand and mumbled out an apology, Law relaxed again but still kept his eyes on you. You raised your hand again, "May I?" Law debated but sighed and agreed. Your hand reached out and began to gently trace the edges of the bullet wounds. Feather soft touches, gently grazing around the wounds but never over them. Law's body instinctively twitched a few times but you felt him relaxed when he let out a quiet groan and leaned back against the tree behind you two. "I don't know how you can walk after injuries like this, I know that little fairy princess helped but it must still hurt a lot..." you said and finally took your hand away. Law looked back at you, a small smirk tugged at his lips, "It's not the worst pain I've been through. If you have enough emotional pain it numbs the physical pain." "Well you're stronger than me, I probably would've still be stuck in bed if I went what you went through yesterday" you chuckled and Law's smirked widened.
You both fell into a comfortable silence for a but until Law spoke up, "Do ou mind if I take a nap here?" He asked. You nodded and said 'of course' since this was a perfect place to rest. What you didn't expect was for Law to move closer to you, take off his hat and lay his head down on your lap. You were very surprised but didn't move him. Law's eyes closed and just watched as he began to relax and sleep on your lap. You sat back and relaxed in the moment. Everything was calm... Everything was peaceful... Everything was perfect... You ran your hand over the grass and a flower got caught between your fingers. You carefully picked it and examined it, a small white flower, how cute, then your eyes landed on Law and an even cuter idea came into your head. You gently placed the flower in Law's hair close to his ear, Law almost instantly noticed this and looked back at you. "What are you doing?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes at you, "Oh, I'm just playing with your hair.... If it's okay with you...?" You said as you tried to maintain eye contact and not look at the flower in his hair. Law seemed to believe your lie and simply nodded before laying his head back onto your lap. Seeing he believed you, a smirk grew on your face as another idea grew in your mind.
Flower after flower, you kept picking them and carefully placing them in his hair. Small ones, bugger ones, and each time Law thought you were just playing with his hair. Pretty soon, his hair just looked like a bouquet of flowers, you gently ran your hand over them which caused Law to stir. He sat back up and rubbed his eyes, "We should probably get back before they fund us..." He said and reached out to put his hat back on. Not wanting the flowers to fall out you quickly grabbed it and put it on yourself, Law raised an eyebrow and you awkwardly smiled, "I think it looks better on me! Ehehe...." Law scowled slightly and mumbled something under his breath before getting up and walking back to the cottage.
You breathed a sigh of relief and took a minute to calm your giggles before going back yourself. Once you got close enough you heard echoes of laughter coming from the cottage and Law standing frozen by the door. You quickly hurried up and saw Law looking distressed while everyone in the cottage laughed at him because of the flowers in his hair, eventually when everyone calmed down Robin handed him a compact mirror and Law opened it to see all the flowers in his hair. His distraught turned to anger as he quickly shook all the flowers out his hair then slowly turned towards you. You gulped and took off running back to the field but it didn't help when Law used his Devilfruit to teleport right in front of you and grabbed your arm. You screeched and froze, Law then let go of your arm but grabbed your face and squished your cheeks tightly. He looked like he was about to kill you so you just started sputtering out apologies but he remained quiet as he reached out and took his hat off your head. "You're lucky you're cute..." He muttered so only you two could hear before squeezing your cheeks again then letting go. He put his hat on and looked back at your now confused look, scoffed and walked back. You stood there bewildered and your heart racing, you just got away with pranking him and he even called you cute! Your cheeks heated up and you looked back at Law, a small smirk tugged at his lips as he went back inside after leaving you flustered.
If I don't have any requests by next week then I'll post the last part of my Slasher Lucci X Reader but don't be afraid to request because I'll still happily write it! See you all next week
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theinvitation-bot · 2 years
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺
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After you received an invitation with your new outfit that Wednesday evening, you’ve been unable to see any of the kings. You assumed that since the party was so soon they’d be pretty busy with their assigned duties. The party started a few minutes ago and you could see the celebration set up outside, you heard they were celebrating the lucky couple as it was now two weeks away from the wedding. As you were looking amongst the people, you saw a few familiar faces but also some new ones, they seemed to be royal as well but not from this kingdom.
It was only getting later and you decided it be best not to be late like instructed in the invite. You exited your quarters and were greeted by your usual maid, she smiled and lead you downstairs and to the party. You tried looking around for any sign of him but you found nothing, you were nervous, was he not coming? did something happen? An uneasy feeling sat in your stomach, you imagined yourself entering with him but once you reached the archway and heard the castle’s steward announce your name, you had no choice but to walk in to the event.
All eyes were on you as you walked through the lighted archway, it was dark outside and there wasn’t much light besides the fairy ones hanging around which made you feel more secure. You made your way to get a drink but then suddenly ran into a girl, she was smaller than you and had a friendly smile “hello! you must be Y/N, K/N has told me so much about you! I’m yuna!” she giggled before hugging you. Yuna seemed unusually happy to meet you, a stranger she just met but you figured that was just her personality. It wasn’t long after when another female had came up from behind her, having more of a dark, cold aura.
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“Forgive my sister, she can get too excited sometimes” she said to you before pulling her sister back and glaring at her “so you’re Y/N? You’re more scrawny than I’d imagine, surprise my cousin is interested in you” she lightly scoffed making yuna gasp and smacked ryujin’s arm “don’t be so rude! just cause they’re scrawny to you, doesn’t mean the same for our cousin.” she scoffed making ryu narrow her eyes at the younger before turning back to you “anyways, I take it the wedding planning is going well, this party isn’t bad so i expect the wedding will be better” she said again with a condescending tone. Before she could continue though, the steward had called for everyone’s attention as the monarch’s arrival was announced.
“Please welcome K/N” he announced each name in order as everyone applauded them, each brother had spoke a little bit, thanking everyone who had been helping with preparations for the wedding. Unfortunately, the lucky couple wasn’t able to join them tonight but before passing the mic back they made sure to thank you and mention your hard work, “and before we start dancing, I’d like to praise our wedding planner, y/n” he sent a small smile your way before continuing “she/he/they have been such a big help, even through thick and thin, they’ve been able to pull through and comply with every assignment we give them. Thank you Y/N” he toasted to you before the music began again.
K/N wasted no time making there way over to you, he was wearing a suit that matched yours very well but made sure that you stood out more, just like he intended. He kissed the back of your hand and lead you to the dance floor for the first dance of the evening.
⚔️ - “my my, I must say you look stunning in this dress bun, it seems I’ve kept you waiting too long huh? you unfortunately ran into this trolls” he glared at his cousins “leave them, let’s go dance @writingstuffandmore
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🏹 - “now where did this pretty flower come from?” he hums pulling you in close, holding you by the waist as his lips hovered over yours “how are you darling? hope these two didn’t reveal too much” he chuckled “shall we dance?” he asked @honey-beaut
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☕️ - “what a show off” he scoffed lightly, tsking as he eyed you in the outfit he picked out, admiring how it looked ten times better on you, “let’s dance bone boy” he winked, teasing jung slightly. @halloween-idols
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🦇 - “the deep red color is my favorite, especially on you” he hums while biting his lip, looking up and down, “mm like fine wine my darling” he pulled you close and kissed you cheek “come dance” he said before glaring at his two cousins. @jayswritingcafe
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🔪 - “hi ace, you look s-so pretty in that skirt” he smiled admiring the outfit, each aspect fitting his frame so well “we’re matching! or almost hehe, I tried my best” “sorry I’ve been gone for the past couple of days, a dance to make it up?” he offered before noticing ryujin and yuna “oh, hi yuna!” he cheered, then shuttered when he greeted ryu “let’s go ace” he said briefly @livealittleoc-cb
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(Disclaimer: ryujin and yuna are only side characters meaning they’re not gonna be added to the blog as official muses or anything, you can only interact with them when they are mentioned in a rp or update like this one. I was supposed to post this like 5 hours ago but got busy 😅 Please enjoy 🫶🏻)
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jaynahh · 2 years
congrats on 200! :D scaramouche + zombie costume + child reader?
Scaramouche and Child!Reader
200 follower event
Purely platonic. Reblogs appreciated.
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Scaramouche didn't care for Halloween. The only reason why he was sighing and staring at his costume in the mirror right now was because the 12th fatui harbinger bribed him into it.
Both harbingers made it to the city. "Well, I'm going. You better not run away." Childe disappeared into the city.
Getting blackmailed was worse. Scaramouche was pushed outside to go to Inazuma city. "For what reason?" Scaramouche almost whined. "Oh come on, Balladeer." Childe was careful not to ruin his own costume. "You need to stop acting so grumpy. Today's a holiday! Just relax and go up to people's doors and ask for candy."
Scaramouche squinted, blinded by the bright Halloween themed lights in contrast to the dark night.
He resisted scratching his neck, which felt tingly due to the sloppy green paint. A sigh fell from his lips as he reluctanty started making his way through the crowds, knowing that Childe wouldn't let him off the hook if he ditched Halloween.
Halloween was pretty boring so far... Until Scaramouche felt a stare. It seemed like an innocent stare, so he tried to ignore it. It was hard when the presence kept getting closer.
"Hey, mister..?" It was a child. Scaramouche stared down at you. "Are you a real zombie?" He was hesitant to answer, not knowing how to deal with kids. After a few moments he slowly nodded.
"Oh, it is a real zombie!" You tried to contain your excitement, looking up at the zombie in awe. "I heard that zombies don't talk, so I know you're telling the truth." Welp, guess he's not allowed to speak anymore.
Scaramouche internally sighed. He knew full well that you definitely wouldn't leave him anytime soon.
You told him to follow you so you could "help him trick–or–treat." Rambling mindlessly to him, you noticed he was only walking behind you. You came to a halt, and so did he.
"Oh I remember, zombies walk slow." In truth, Scaramouche didn't trust you enough to walk beside you. "Well, 's okay. I can help." You stumbled on your words innocently as you took his hand in your smaller one. The zombie had no choice, now walking beside you, hand tense.
"Look!" You pulled out your candy bag. "'s a lot of candy!" Hearing your little giggle, Scaramouche couldn't stay mad at you for long.
After knocking on a few doors to ask for candy, the harbinger got used to you dragging him around. When you were done trick–or–treating, you sat Scaramouche down at a restaurant.
"Hello! Would you like to order anything?" A waiter came up to you two. "Uhh, water! 'Cause it can get rid of cavities, right?" You looked at the waiter, the zombie, and back. "Of course! Anything for you, sir?" Scaramouche closed his mouth as soon as he opened it. He shook his head no.
When the waiter left, you suddenly went quiet to enjoy your candy. You offered your new zombie friend one, and Scaramouche surprisingly accepted the candy. You looked up at the stars. "Ou wait. I think I gotta go home now," you pouted.
"...Are we friends now?" You faced Scaramouche. He thought for a moment. Well, if it would make you–a child who was kind towards him–happy... He nodded his head.
You smiled. "Yay! Now I know we will see each other again!" You jumped off your chair, holding your bag of candy. "Bye mister!" The zombie slowly waved goodbye, watching as you ran back to where you came from.
The harbinger was dumbfounded, staring at his hands and thinking about everything that happened. Soon after, the same waiter gave him a glass of water. Scaramouche didn't touch the glass, only stared at it.
"Oh? What do we have here?" Tartaglia greeted the zombie and took a seat on the chair you used. "I saw everything. But, you probably already know that." The ginger laughed softly. "I truly didn't expect the almighty Balladeer to go soft for a child."
Scaramouche glared at the taller male. Childe raised his hands in defense. "Alright, alright... I'll get to the point." Scaramouche let out a little "hmph" and rest his head on his hand.
"You know, I actually know the kid you were hanging out with." The Balladeer raised his brow, side glaring Tartaglia. "Their past is sort of tragic, but I won't get into full detail."
Childe rest his head on his hand aswell, getting a better look at his fellow harbinger. He hesitated to continue. "You know, Scaramouche... I've never actually seen the kid happy. I've never even seen them smile. But, tonight was..."
Scaramouche stared at the glass once again, remembering the way you often smiled up at him. "Ah, but you get my point already. Anyway, there are kids waiting for me to trick–or–treat with them. See you at work tomorrow." And just like that, Tartaglia disappeared into the city once again.
The Balladeer stared at his hand that was painted green, turning it around to observe his palm. He could see some of the paint has been messily wiped off, like another person's hand was holding his.
He used the same hand to drink the glass of water before calling it a day and heading home.
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just-an-introvert · 1 year
Hello!! This is kind of a funny one but could I request kaeya x reader (established relationship) with her finding out that her sign/mbti type is incompatible with kaeya and is upset about it and knows it's ridiculous but can't help feeling this way lol have a great day/evening ♡
Who knew MBTI’s could cause such mishaps
Pairing/s: Kaeya x reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationships
Word count:985
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it! And feel free to request more ;)
“Hey, you’re home early!”
“Yeah, Jean let us go home early.” Kaeya mused from his spot from the front door.
Walking over to the couch he leaned down to give you an ‘I’m back’ kiss.
“Oh? That’s generous of her. Have to thank her for letting you go so early.”
“Yeah, I kept in her words ‘whining that I miss you dearly’, so she let me go home~” Kaeya spoke as he sat down on the couch and pulled you in his lap. “Speaking of work, we had to do a fun little test today.”
“Oh, fun, how so?”
“We had to take the MBTI test, something about who works better with whom. Turns out I’m an ENTP, who would’ve guessed.” Kaeya laughed in his breathy tone.
“Yeah, who would’ve…” You rolled your eyes in a joke-y manner. “Definitely not all of us~”
Huffing, Kaeya pulled you closer and began peppering your neck with kisses as his fingers deftly began tickling your sides.  Laughing along with you, Kaeya let ou a startled gasp as he almost fell to the floor as you pulled him down.
“Okay, okay you win, now go wash up, you stink from work.” Laughing you spoke, ushering him upstairs.
“And here I though you loved me.” Pouting the lanky blue haired man walked slowly up the stairs, looking back at you with a pout occasionally.
After he was gone, you cozied up back on the couch and flicked through your phone. Tapping the edge of the phone a few times in though, you searched up the quiz and took it.
What’s the harm in this?
“I’m an (mbti)…We…we aren’t compatible.”
“Hm. What did you say?” Kaeya’s voice startled you.
Turning around, you saw him walking towards you, towelling his long hair and wearing a comfy pair of black sweatpants.
“Oh nothing, nothing.”
Sitting back down onto the couch, Kaeya peered over your shoulder to look at your phone screen.
“Oh, cool. You got (mbti).”
“You know nothing about this, don’t you?”
“Guilty is charged. Come on, I think (show) is starting soon.” Kaeya said as he pulled you back to lie against his toned chest and watch the show on the TV.
While watching the TV you couldn’t help but feel down. It was silly being upset over something as trivial as having an mbti that doesn’t match with your partners. Plenty of people have healthy relationships where their personality types aren’t compatible.  So then why did this hurt so much?
As a few days went on, Kaeya could see that something was wrong, but whenever he approached you on the topic, you brushed him off with a smile, saying that nothing was wrong, or you were just tired. But Kaeya, being your partner of more than a couple of months, did not take those answers and began getting more worried.
So here was, in Lisa’s library drinking tea with her.
“So you’re telling me you’re little cutie has been distant? Any idea what caused it?” Lisa said as she poured him yet another cup.
“Well, not really, but before the shift, we were talking about the mbti’s. She seemed to not like her results…” Kaeya answered.
“Oh, what were her results?”
“And you’re an ENTP?”Lisa chuckled.
“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“Everything silly. By mbti standards, you aren’t compatible.”
“That would… explain some things…” Kaeya quickly drank what was left of his tea and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me I have to go find my darling!”
With a wave of his hand Kaeya bolted out of the library leaving behind a chuckling Lisa, shaking her head.
“Hey, hey there you are! Can we talk for a quick second?” The sound of Kaeya slamming the door open startled you from your place in the living room.
“Uh sure, but shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Not important.” Kaeya said as he gestured you to sit down at the dinner table. “Does it bother you that our mbti’s aren’t compatible?”
“Where’s this coming from Kae?” you chuckled nervously.
“I was talking to Lisa and she mentioned that it might be that. And it made sense, so I rushed over here.”
“Look, I’m not mad. But if it is that, then you have to let me know, so I can get Diluc off my back, because I swear he thinks I did something and is probably plotting how to get rid of me  and make me atone for my mistakes. ” Kaeya joked to try and lighten the mood.
“I know it’s silly, but I got really worried, I know it’s something trivial, but I got so scared you would leave to find a better match.”
“Hey, we’ve been together for how long? And nothing has happened. Do you think I really care about some arbitrary letters that say what kind of person you are? I know who you are, and you are a kind and caring person, who lights up my world every time I look at you. You stood beside me even after you found out about my lineage, and after you found out about my past. So why would I ever leave you because of some silly 4 letters?”
Kaeye pulled you in close in a tight hug. He held on to you as hard and as long as he could, making sure you could feel his love oozing out of him.
“I know, I know, it’s why I felt silly to be so upset over it.”
 “Don’t be, we all get like this. I’m just happy it’s nothing major. Now how about I take the rest of the day off to reassure you I love you.”
“How about you go tell your brother to stop preparing your funeral? Joking, joking. I’ll gladly spend the rest of the day with you.”
“Good, don’t forget I love you regardless of anything.”
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themirrormarches · 2 years
you want angry mainframe realizing his dad is shitty? you can have angry mainframe realizing his dad is shitty.
(tw for: some swearing, verbal abuse, mentions of war, mentions of death, anxiety, physical abuse.)
The Weekend War had finally ended.
It was all over.
And in the aftermath, there Mainframe sat on the workbench, blankly gazing into nothing with his one functioning eye. After the explosion, the left half of the robot’s face had been completely blown off. Chunks of his arms, legs and tail were shattered and destroyed. He couldn’t walk without support and could barely speak. He was scared. He felt lonely. Where was Rabbit? Where was The Spine, and Hatchworth, and The Jon, and-
His thoughts quickly ceased when he heard the voice of his creator somewhere in the distance. 
“I’ll have to... rebuild his entire faceplate, his legs, his tail... damn it, if I end up destroying the robot in the process of remaking it, I will not be so upset. He is an absolute pain in the ass to maintain. He isn’t that important.”
Not... important? Why would his creator think he wasn’t important? He heard the footsteps tread closer. His hand anxiously twitched. “Hello, Mainframe.” The robot didn’t reply. The man bent down to look at his core. It was slightly cracked. He sighed as he got back up. “I... have to repair your core. Now stay still.” The robot twitched again for a moment. There was silence. A slight clattering of tools, and a hiss of steam from Mainframe’s vents. Until there was fractured- but understandable- speech from the robot.
“... f-f-father.. am-am I..I u-usele-ess?”
“Useless? You are not useless. You were an absolute menace on the front lines of the war. You did so much good work-” “n-n-o.. i’m...u-useless...y-you can-t m-main..mainta-tain me,” Mainframe disjointedly spoke, his voice glitching and stuttering through his words. “It is true that you are harder to maintain than the other robots, but that does not make you useless,” Peter responded. Mainframe’s body jerked and twitched for another short moment, and he shakily sighed. “y-y-ou could have-have left m-m-me to... to die... and you wouldn’t have care-” “Be quiet. I’m trying to fix you.” As the robot spoke, his body kept flinching and jerking about, making it harder for Peter to fix his cracked core. Mainframe’s thoughts only raced more. Until it stopped on one.
“Father hates me.”
His worries turned to anger. Rage. Remnants of a rage he thought were gone, remnants he thought receded along with the war. His empty gaze drifted towards his clawed hand, a leftover prosthetic he’d normally use for tearing through metal like it was paper. He lifted up his hand and turned his gaze back to Peter, who was still working on him. “Great job, Mainframe, just keep staying still,” he absently mumbled. He stood back up and focused on the robot, who looked angry now. “You’re angry. Why? I haven’t done anything to you-”
“Y-Y-You h-ha-ate me. Y-You n-n-never c-care-d.”
He reached out his clawed hand towards Peter. Trying, struggling desperately to grab at his arm. Peter recoiled in shock. “I-” “I’LL KILL YOU!” The man knew he had to defend himself. He took a screwdriver and jammed it into the robot’s glowing blue core. Twisting and wrenching it around, widening the gash in the cover. He knew it was hurting him. He didn’t care. Immediately, Mainframe stopped. He sharply recoiled back and let out an awful screeching sound. Peter ripped out the screwdriver, liquid blue matter spilling out of Mainframe’s core.
The man’s heart was racing. He took a few deep breaths and sighed. “Voice Activated Commands: Subject Mainframe. Commence Shutdown Procedures,” he grumbled, setting the screwdriver back down on a table. Mainframe tried so hard to fight back, to show Peter that he was bigger, but he felt any control over his body and voice being torn out. “Voice Activated Commands: Accepted. Shutting down…” His system replied, as he felt his body slow to a stop. His eyes began to close, only now seeing the scowl on his creator’s face that was starting to form.
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Ben x Reader: (UNTITLED)
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff, ig
Reader's Relations (Non-Biological): Best friends with Evie and Mal
Reader's parents: Hans' daughter (cause I find the severe lack of Frozen a crime)
Warnings: ig spoilers for the first film?
Other notes: I slightly changed this from what I told my Discord friend cause I thought this was a better idea…also this will include at least one of my Descendants ocs…. Elyna (who is Anna and Kristoff's daughter) This oneshot starts part way through the first film, like when they have the Parent Day (or whatever they call it)  cause idk how to write the start of the plot idea I have for this oneshot…
"It's you! Your father tried to kill my mother you litt-" before I could comprehend what was happening, Elyna had pounced on me. I was warned she had a bad temper, but it still confused me. She kept slapping me in her rage until she was pulled off me, "Calm down, Elyna!"
"Let me go, Dad! I need to teach her a lesson."
I then noticed a hand out the corner of my eye and smiled when I realised it belonged to Ben. I accepted the help and he pulled me up, wrapping an arm around my waist, "Elyna, what have we been talking about? Whatever her father did, you shouldn't take it out on (Y/n)."
"N-no, Ben, she's right, I've been horrible to some of the people here, I know. Just-would you give me a minute?" Without waiting for an answer, I ran off, not noticing Mal and Evie following me until I felt a hand rubbing m back and another pair holding my hair back as I threw up in the toilet.
"ou feeling okay, (Y/n)?"
I looked to Mal in the brief moment the sick feeling stopped, giving her a, "you think?" look, before facing the toilet and throwing up again.
I raked my hands through my hair pacing in the dorm room I shared with Lonnie, "What is wrong with me!? That's the third morning in a row I've thrown up!"
"Any other symptoms?"
I rolled my eyes, "Want me to list them all? There's the morning sickness, my appetite has increased, I've been more tired than usual, the mood swings and last of all, my damn period is late!" Jay and Carlos' faces turned slightly pink at the last bit, Mal and Evie looking at each other before their gaze turned to me, "Well, there's no easy way to say this but-"
"(Y/n)!" Lonnie shouted, bursting through the door, "I need you for an experiment!" I noticed the small box in her hand as she grabbed my wrist with the other hand, "Come on."
"Whoa, I'm in the middle on a conversation! Can it wait like 2 minutes?"
Before Lonnie could reply, Evie had stood up, placing a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), I think Lonnie's experiment is going to tell you the same thing we were going to tell you, go with her."
"(Y/n), have you told Ben yet?" Evie asked as I reached into my locker to get m Chemistry book out. I shook my head, "Of course not! Evie, are you crazy? This is going ruin his life! Seriously, like how do you think that's going to go? 'Hey, Ben, I'm pregnant, you're going to be a dad!' 'Oh that's great (Y/n)! We're totally ready for children!' No, he's going to hate me, and his parents are going to hate me-why's your face white as a sheet?" I cut myself off asking her.
"You might want to look behind you…" she trailed, before running off. I closed my locker and turned to see Ben standing there, wide-eyed. A million curse words were running around my head begging to be let free as he walked over, "Hello, (Y/n)."
"Uhh… hi, Ben… You didn't hear that conversation did you?" I asked, 'nervous' written all over my face. He nodded and hugged me, "Yes, I did." I froze and broke away, "I-I gotta go!" I dashed off, back to my dorm and packed all my stuff into a bag, well just the things I'd need on the Isle, and left, leaving a note on Lonnie's bed for her to explain; "Gone home, DON'T tell my friends, and especially don't tell Ben, it's better I leave, (Y/n)."
-----------------LONNIE'S POV
When I got back to the dorm I shared with (Y/n), I was surprised to see her half, kind of sparce, and I saw a not on my bed. I picked it up and red it before dashing off to Mal and Evie's room, "GUYS! (Y/n) went back to the Island."
"W-what? Why?!" Mal asked, standing up from her bed, "For what reason?!"
"She didn't say, just left this note," I showed the two of them the note, letting them read it before Evie spoke up, "I'll bet I know why this is. This morning, I was asking her if she'd told Ben she was pregnant yet and she said she hadn't. What she didn't know was that he was standing right behind where we were talking so he heard the whole conversation. I'll bet (Y/n) left because she didn't want to either A) feel like a burden to him, not saying that she is, just saying this is what's going through (Y/n)'s mind, or B) that she doesn't want the whole of Auradon to hate her, I mean, a new girl comes in who is also a VK, gets the Prince of Auradon to fall in love with her, then gets pregnant with his child? The whole of Auradon is gonna think that she's been a bad influence on him and that she's doing this to get the throne, because isn't that what her dad did? Try to marry princess Anna and kill her sister so he could take Arendelle's throne? (Prob spelt wrong)"
"True. We should tell Ben, he's going to start wondering where she is eventually."
"Have you guys seen, (Y/n)?"
We all turned to the door to see Ben standing there, a worried look on his face.
"NO!" we all shouted at the same time, "Haven't seen her at all since yesterday…" I continued.
"Lonnie, she's your dormmate you must have seen her last night."
"Okay… fine, maybe we do know where she is… she… she went back to the Isle," Mal spoke.
"W-what? Why? Actually nevermind, I'm going to get her back, who's with me? No, seriously who is coming with me, I have no idea how to navigate the Isle."
-----------------YOUR POV
"Stupid feelings, why does this have to happen to me?"  I sighed, lying on the sofa before placing a hand on my stomach, "You  are a little troublemaker."
"(Y/n)? You here?"
My head shot up at the sound of Ben's voice, "W-what are you doing here?!" He walked over and sat down beside me, "I came to get you back."
I rolled my eyes, "Ben please, think about it; You know what my father did, the whole of Auradon probably believes that I just want to take the throne, like my father tried to do in Arendelle! If the people of Auradon find out I'm pregnant, they're going to hate me and believe even more that I just want the throne!"
"(Y/n), please. Trust me, I'll be there for you if that happens."
I sighed and stood up, walking over to a small table in the hideout. I picked up the small cupcake, walking back over to Ben, "Eat this, please."
He took it from my hand and took a bite as I took a deep breath walking off, "Ben, please go back to Auradon." All I got in reply was arms wrapped around my waist, "Not without you."
"Ben please, tell me, do you feel anything towards me?"
"Well, we'll see. Just let the love potion effects wear off."
I looked at him wide-eyed, "HUH?!"
"Washed off in the enchanted lake."
I blinked several times, my face going bright red, "S-so you meant everything that night?" Instead of replying he just hugged me, "Yes… please come back."
I smiled, "Okay." We walked back down, and I walked a few steps behind Ben, wanting to surprise my friends.
"Ben, is (Y/n) coming back? Did you find her upstairs?"
"I did… and I talked to her-"
I made my entrance, "Think you could get rid of me?" I spoke walking down the final few stairs.
I took a deep breath standing on the balcony, standing beside Ben, his arm wrapped around my waist, "I-I can't. I can't be the queen of Auradon, but I can't turn my back on the Isle. A decision was made," I paused and took a deep breath, "to close the barrier forever and it was my idea, however, I was.. Wrong. I have learned, that you can't live in fear because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. It's impossible to know where the bad is going to come from and you never know where the heroes are going to come from either. Without my friends, Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone, and without Hades, Audrey would be gone. Everyone is capable of good and bad, no matter what side of the barrier we come from, which is why, if I am to be the queen of Auradon, I need to be the queen of the Isle too. It's time to take down the barrier forever."
The barrier was brought down and I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach, "And Evie, while I remember, I think my dress might need some adjustments."
------------------------END OF ONESHOT
I'm ending this before I get carried away. I hope this is good as my first Descendants oneshot, the request form is up now on my bio, please request oneshots for Descendants.
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suugrbunz · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a BoB ship since they’re open <3
I don’t know what info you need so have the entirety of my personal file; Appearance: 5’6, black hair just past my shoulders which I’m trying to grow out (I miss my long hair). It’s either up in a ponytail or bun for day-to-day practicality but I let it down at night. Big brown eyes which I’m learning to love. I don’t handle compliments well (makes me akward) so when people complimented my eyes, I grew to resent them. I’m learning to try to love them. I don’t wear a lot of makeup. When I do, it’s minimal and kept to a natural state. My skin tone is annoying. It’s a nice olive-bronze tone in the summertime because – beach lover – but it pales in the wintertime due to lack of sunny weather.
About Me: I grew up with childhood trauma (sexual and domestic abuse. I’ll admit it. I ain’t no snowflake) but that placed a real distrust towards men, which still stands to this day. So trusting people, men included, is a major deal. And I don’t forgive once that trust is broken. Sadly, because of this, anything involving intimacy (bedroom spice) will require patience. So I grew up too quickly which has probably caused me to be such a hard-ass and feel too vulnerable or weak when I TRY to let myself be soft. But I think it’s because I must still be trying to protect that soft, innocent little girl who didn’t deserve the cruelty of the world. Only select few are privy to the real me. But even then, I wonder who I am…y’know? But I just keep going on about my day-to-day life as best as I can and each day is one day away from a fateful day in 2019 that almost had me not breathing on this earth after an almost-attempt. It's been a few years and I’m learning to be proud of me with each day. PTSD’s a biatch. I get the occasional panic attack and nightmares still grip me, causing insomnia issues. But I deal with this quietly on my own. I struggle to lean on others or seek others for comfort. I should. I’m there for others but I don’t let them be there for me. It’s not good for someone who goes to the bathroom to cry…and walk out moments like with her head held high like nothing happened. Is it bravery or stupidity? We’ll never know.
Hobbies: I love reading. I love going for long walks, particularly at sunset. Summer beach sunset walks melt me. I also adore the idea of being kissed on Christmas Eve with the snow softly falling (is this me being soft? The thing I said I struggle to figure out who I am???) I love organising things. I stress out if they’re not organised. Or, I organise things when I’m stressed. I love listening to music. Literally everything and anything. I hate cooking but I love cleaning, so I probably wouldn’t make the ideal 1940s housewife. I adore hosting (but not cooking!) summertime barbeques! Having guests over with that friendly get-together vibe. Which, again, is a big deal if I host it as I don’t trust those easily and very selective of who I would welcome into the safe space of my house. Anywho, I think I turned this into a therapy session. I’m sorry. I just want to be paired with someone who would take the broken parts of me into consideration, y’know? Thank you my darling!
I ship you with ...
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Don Malarkey
He just seems stable & like someone who could take care of you. Of course, there might be others but we will proceed with him !!
He seems deeply empathetic & as if he has the ability to be deeply calming to someone.
Especially someone who has experienced rough parts of life... After all, he has as well.
So you two can bring comfort to each other when needed.
You two go to beaches to calm down, though he has the tendency to burn. Crispy ginger man.
Music!!! I also listen to everything and anything. I just made a playlist entitled that and it's 22 hours long!
You definitely make playlists together just because
Using the collab option on Spotify like no one else does (not that anyone really does anyway)
He'll cook for you. Idk how it'll come out but good luck.
He'll kiss you on Christmas eve
Making your wishes come true is his favourite pastime.
Had a nightmare? Time for midnight tea.
He'll try to stay up with you as long as he can. He may pass out, but it's the thought that counts.
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tallulahneale · 21 days
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Title: Who really lives their dream?
Summary: Vince as a pharma tech, alternate reality!
A/n: This is a fluffy wuffy story. A lot more Creole in this chapter, translation at the end.
Part Five 1/2
3 weeks since Vince was sent away and Lula misses him; work wasn’t as lively anymore, she had to pick up her own coffee and she’s eating sandwiches again. She was tired of the questions and stares when she brought her homemade meals. P-P was doing amazingly of course, she was surprised that Vince only made as much as he did over the 2 months. Not that it was a competition, but she made double his figure in 2 weeks. She took note of the payments and always kept his share intact. Lula couldn’t believe how much she was saving and the projected profit for the next 11 months. She refocuses on work and the chatty coworkers who thinks he can replace Vince. As if! You didn’t even get the coffee right she mutters, nodding and smiling passively at the stout man.
On her way home, she gets a text from someone called Anita. Then a call comes in.
“Hey babygirl, it’s Anita. Are you still at the pharmacy?”
“Nah, I just left. Sorry but I don’t recognise your voice.”
“Se matant ou.”
“Matant mwen? Oh! Aunty! I’m sorry.” Realising that she is speaking with Vince’s mom.
“It’s fine pitit fi, just wanted to pick up some vitamins at the pharmacy.”
“I can drive to CVS, it’s on my way home.”
“That’ll be perfect, I’ll send you my address. Just push the gate and let yourself in.”
“Ok matant, see you soon.”
Lula stop at cvs to pick up a bunch of multivitamins, groceries and a bottle of red wine for Anita. “Can’t go to a Haitian house empty handed, mama raised me better than that” she nods, happy with the selection of things.
She inputs the address and heads to Anita’s house. She rings to let Anita know that she’s at the gate.
“I told you to push the gate, it’s open” Anita says hanging up. Definitely a Haitian mom, Lula giggles and heads into the house with the groceries. She meets Anita for the first time and is stunned.
“You’re so young and beautiful” Lula blurts out, excited to meet Vince’s mom. Anita laughs “I should be saying that to you, come give me a hug”, Lula drops the grocery bags in the kitchen and embraces Anita.
“Kijan ou ye?” she asks Lula, with a deep smile.
“Mwen byen. Just tired and bored at work”
“Leave your things in the kitchen, ou konnen yo pral koute” Lula nods leaving her purse on the counter, following Anita to the living room.
“Have a seat baby.”
“Thank you.”
“So how’s the business coming along?” Anita asks “You look like a smart lady, I’m sure it’s going smoothly.”
“Wi,wi” Lula laughs, “it’s been busy but manageable. I’m glad to be part of it. We are helping a lot of people.”
“I’m glad” Anita nods, “I have to ask… Are you and Vince dating?” Lula cackles loudly, before covering her mouth.
“No no no, definitely not matant.”
“Why not?”
“Huh?” Lula looks at Anita blankly.
“You heard me. He has feelings for you.” She spills, “Vince doesn’t trust anyone, especially not with his money.”
“I was surprised when he asked me to manage everything in his absence, but I guess it’s a Haitian thing.”
“Oh yes, he mentioned that you’ve been encouraging him to explore his heritage. Mèsi.”
“I’m glad that he is learning, most people his age would not bother.” Lula says proudly.
“And this is why I ask if y’all are dating. He talks about you constantly!”
Lula smiles at her. “I guess I’m just a breath of fresh air from his usual routine.”
“Maybe. But a mother knows Lula, a mother knows” Anita says patting Lula softly on the shoulder.
Anita goes to a cabinets beside the tv, “Family photos?” Lula asks excitedly.
“Yes, but don’t tell Vince you saw these!”
They laugh together and reminisce on past times. Lula looks out the window, the sun has gone down. Anita senses her need to leave.
“Thank you so much for coming dear. You’re welcome whenever.” Anita says, walking Lula to her car.
“Thank you for inviting me, I really needed this” she smiles. “Let me know if there’s anything you need.”
Lula gets in her car, waving as she drives away. “Today was a good day” she beams.
Part Six link
Translations: (n/b not fluent in Creole)
It’s your auntie = Se matant ou
My auntie = Matant mwen
Daughter = Pitit fi
How are you? =  Kijan ou ye?
I’m good = Mwen byen.
You know they will listen = ou konnen yo pral koute.
0 notes
earitei-lore · 10 months
November Week Four: Gaming And A Clingy Girlfriend
Darkurra clicked at the keys of the keyboard. The silver fox was about to wrap up her work for the day, but she had gotten caught up in bug fixing, like she always did. She paused her typing to save her work, and gripped the edge of her seat while watching the cursor spin.
Please save, please save, please save… Darkurra grew more and more desperate as the cursor kept whirling around.
Moments passed in silence, and the program finally said that her code had been saved successfully. Darkurra exhaled, letting out the breath she’d been holding for almost a minute now. She stared at the screen for a few more moments, wondering what to do next. 
Should I fix the bug I found in that one area earlier? Do I fix the error with the map system? Do I fix the shortcut that allows you to skip the boss later in the game? Darkurra mentally went over every bug she knew of in the game, and felt her stomach start to churn. Why were there so many of them? 
In the end, Darkurra decided to shut down her computer and leave the bugs for her future self to worry about. At least, in theory. In practice, she kept trying to figure out how she was going to fix them as she walked away from her desk. The churning in her stomach wouldn’t subside if things continued like this.
I need something to distract myself with, thought Darkurra. Oh yeah, I haven’t played that one online game in a while, I should play that.
Darkurra walked into the living room and turned on the TV. She switched the HDMI over to her console, unplugged her controller, and sat down.
“Hey Darkurra, what’re you doing?” she was startled by Inez’s voice, not realizing she was there.
“Uh, h-hello Inez…” said Darkurra. 
“Oh, sorry for startling you!” The pale blue cat sat down beside her. “Anyways, whatcha up to now? It seems like you just got out of your work-cave.”
“I’m about to play this one online game I used to play regularly. I need to distract myself.”
“Oh? Can I watch?” Inez let out a mischievous laugh at the end of her sentence.
“Of course, just don’t be too much of a distraction.” 
Darkurra gave her girlfriend a kiss on the forehead and turned her attention back to the screen. She didn’t even get past the title before she felt a head fall onto her shoulder. She ignored it. Instead she started her first match for the day.
Darkurra was much worse at the game than she remembered being. Maybe it was just because she hadn’t played in a while, or maybe it was because her shoulders were too tense. That, or maybe Inez constantly trying to lean in for a kiss was distracting her too much.
“Inez, please stop that, remember what I told you,” said Darkurra.
“Fine, fine, I’ll stop,” Inez gave her a dejected look and pulled away.
Darkurra kept playing, and gradually started to regain her previous skills. Inez kept trying to cling onto some part of her body, but she learned how to ignore her pretty quick. She fell into a trance, completely absorbed by all the different mechanics in the game. After what felt like a brief second, Darkurra finally won her first match in the game and found herself pulled into a tight hug.
“Yay! You did it! That’s my amazing-and-adorable girlfriend!” said Inez.
“Inez, you’re gonna crush me…” 
Darkurra took on a scolding tone, but she felt her face heat up at all the love she was receiving from Inez. Still, part of her wondered why she was being more clingy than usual today. Normally, Inez would at least be able to leave her alone when she was doing something, but she seemed determined to stay latched onto Darkurra now. Had she forgotten something? Darkurra looked over at the TV and remembered that the game automatically put her into a new match after the last one ended.
“Inez, please let go, the next match is about to start…” said Darkurra.
“Aww, but don’t you like having me here?” responded Inez.
“I do, but it’s a bit hard to play when you’re blocking my view.”
“Aww, okay.”
Inez pulled away, with her energy disappearing out of nowhere. Darkurra felt regret start to stab at her, but after a few moments she got an idea.
“Alright, alright. Inez, if you can get through this match without distracting me I’ll give you a kiss,” said Darkurra.
“You will?” asked Inez, ears perking up.
“Yes, just don’t block my view, alright?”
“Ok!” Inez gave her a thumbs up.
Darkurra focused her attention back onto the screen. She realized that her opponent must’ve been waiting a while for her to confirm that she was ready for the match to start, and felt a bit of guilt stab at her heart.
“Hold on, that username looks familiar!” said Inez.
“What do you mean?” asked Darkurra.
“That username, RvSln0043, doesn’t ‘RvSln’ sound like Renevir Salnerah?” 
“That’s probably just a coincidence, he doesn’t seem like the type to play online games like this.”
“Good point, guess I’ll ask Flint about it later.” 
Darkurra went back to the game, not wanting to make her opponent wait any longer. Luckily, they hadn’t disconnected the match, so they were able to start playing right away. From the corner of her eye Darkurra noticed Inez fidgeting, her claws buried in the arm of the couch. Darkurra wished she’d pay more mind to not damaging the furniture. At least her plan had worked. The match continued without any interruptions, with both players racking up a lot of points. In the end, Darkurra won the match by a slight margin. She heard Inez cheering beside her, and made sure to back out of the game to fulfill her promise.
“Did I do well?” asked Inez.
“You did great.” 
Darkurra cupped Inez’s cheek and closed the distance between their lips. Inez was clearly trying to stay in the kiss for as long as possible, but she eventually pulled away to gasp for air. Darkurra couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.
“Hey, what’re you laughing at?” said Inez, elbowing Darkurra’s chest.
“It’s nothing, really.” Darkurra smiled and felt her face heat up.
“If you say so.” Inez gave her a mischievous smile. “Anyways, can we cuddle now?”
Darkurra glanced over at her screen before looking back at her.
“Alright, just for you, I’ll keep playing later.”
“Yay! Thank you, Darkurra!”
The two of them curled up on the couch and started to cuddle. Before Darkurra buried herself in Inez’s chest she asked a question.
“Inez, why are you so affectionate today?”
“Our anniversary is tomorrow, silly,” Inez responded. “I might have forgotten before today, so I wanted to show you that I remembered.”
Darkurra had also forgotten before that moment. She felt her cheeks heat up while Inez stared at her with a quizzical expression.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Uh, I forgot about our anniversary before you said that,” Darkurra responded.
Inez giggled before she planted a kiss on Darkurra’s forehead.
“It’s not like I can judge you for that, hehe.”
Darkurra pouted a bit before she relaxed and allowed Inez’s warmth to consume her. She felt guilty for forgetting something so important before now, but at least her clingy girlfriend had been there to remind her. It was odd, considering that she was usually the one who remembered this stuff. Maybe she’d just been so stressed lately she forgot. Darkurra allowed herself to shift around a bit more before she felt sleep start to overtake her.
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fictionalworldd · 1 year
"Light in his darkness"
Part 2
Ivan: AND WIO AREeee…….. u.
He suddenly stops while shouting.
Hazel: So mister why were you shouting on these children. See know they got scared. You shouldn’t shout like this. Calm down a bit man.
She was scolding him while he was not able to hear any anything. He was in his own world.
Hazel: “snapping fingers’ Hey are u even listening.
Ivan POV
While I was scolding these brats. When Someone shouted from behind. I turn to look who is that. But I don’t know why nothing came out of my mouth. I was not able hear what she is speaking. I came out of my thoughts when she snaped her finger at me.
Hazel: children are you ok. Are u hurt somewhere.
She started checking them around. Hazel: Next time before shouting take a look if they are ok or not. Children what are u doing here. And what’s your name.
Child: Mmyy n n name is Ryan and sh she is my si sister Sara. We w eere going t to my mom. She is working in ou u rr shop.
That child said this while stammering and shuttering.
Hazel: Ok clam down heart. Its alright lets go to mom. I will take u hmm.
She turned around.
Ivan POV end.
She tuned around and looked at Ivan.
Hazel: “Oh God” you’re hurt. Come with me let me treat you sir. Please come with me.
Hazel said and started to walk towards a bench were she kept her bag.
Ivan didn’t move a inch. He was so lost that from start he didn’t even said a word.
Hazel stopped and turned around to look if he is coming or Not.
Hazel: Sir, EXCUSE ME SIR.
She said loudly. Ivan flinched came back to reality.
Ivan: Hann.
Hazel: I said Please come with me we have to treat your wound. Otherwise it will cause infection.
Ivan: Oh no it’s ok I am good. I have to go know.
He hurriedly started to walk towards his car.
Hazel: But…
Before she could even say something he drew away.
Hazel: What a strange man. Let’s go kids.
Hazel also took a bus and went away from their taking kids.
Ivan POV.
I immediately got away from there after coming a little away from there. I stop the car. I myself don’t know why I didn’t said anything to that women when she was shouting and scolding me. I was so lost in her that I don’t even know what said the whole time. What wrong with you Ivan have u lost your mind or what. Have u forgot what women and love did to you In the past. I shouldn’t even like her or any other women.
Ivan POV ended.
He reached office and got out of the car. He got inside the building. Everyone bow to him while he just walk. He sat on my chair and someone knocked on door.
Ivan: Come in.
His secretary came in and started telling his schedule.
Secretary: Sir U have meeting with Mr. John Smith. And then we have to visit a site.
Ivan: hmm, What about the armed base.
Secretary: The work is still going on. We will get it our hand by end of this week.
Ivan: hmm. Please bring me a coffee.
Secretary Left from there.
Hazel POV.
After he went from there. We got inside a bus and went to the location these kids told me. Thank God they know the address or don’t know how much struggle it would have caused. We reached the location. And kids started run towards their mom.
K/M: Ow. hey what u both are doing here. You know how dangerous is this. How you both even got here.
Hazel: Hello mam.
K/M:   Hello.
Hazel: Actually I got them here. I fond them on road. They were coming to you.
K/M: What! Kids why were u coming here. Didn’t I left you at grandma’s house then.
Ryan: Mom after you left us uncle came at home he started to fight with grandma. We got scared and ran away. I am sorry.
He said and looked down feeling guilty.
Sara: Mom I also got scared.
K/M: It’s ok baby. Let’s go to grandma’s house. Thank you mam for bringing them here. I am grateful to you.
Hazel: ow no no it’s totally fine mam but please look after them. And kids next time don’t runaway ok. Call mom immediately, call police or take help from someone when u sense danger ok. Now bye.
She waved at them and went to bus  stop.
Thank God. They are safe and I found them otherwise don’t know what would have happen to them. But that man was so strange. I am grateful that he immediately pushed the breaks. But the way he shouted at them was a bit too much.
I reached college and got inside. When I was going towards my class.
?? : Hey, sweetie..
0 notes
rahulblog89 · 2 years
Swamp thi g
The Swamp Thing
Louisiana swamps summer nights, full moon- that’s where it was.   Micha and me we used to go out in the evenings on the pontoon boat searching for beauty.  It wasn’t hard to find.
On one particularly beautiful night, the stars and mon shining, we went to the lake and jumped on a boat.  The temperature was just right, so we paddled out deep past the dock.
The mangrove trees framed the beautiful dark waters.  Birds and secadas provided a soundtrack for a perfect little outing. 
We saw some gators roll by.  We said hi… and kept moving
Then suddenly we saw a green glowing alcove out in the middle of the lake.  It shined bright green luminescent in the backdrop of the night
We were drawn to it, like some kind of magnet.  We docked the boat and got out, moving closer to the cave.
We couldn’t see the source of the light.  But more than jus the light there was an energy , equally brilliant to the bright colors.
We saw the opening to the cave and slowly decided to walk in , using our phone flashlights, empty, we saw nothing, but in a corner, surprised, we saw a man sitting.  We could see the whites of his eyes’ curled up. His face contorted into a smile, and his eyes returned to their place. 
Hello my friends he whispered. 
We saw that he had a fire lit near his feet and was chanting a prayer. 
He then instructed us and told us to chant the name of shiva.  We did and alsowly we became connected to the frequency he was putting gout…pure blisss….
That night set the pace for the rest of the summer….we left the cave elated and high on divinity, and we moved into the wilderness with a place of hope trying tnot oto hit and be nice to your family there is no reason you cannot do well at the job try hard and it will come always be greatefu for what you have if you need ight think of  of the bowling ball in your head…they need the light to live so don’t hit them they are trying to access you through the sould inside you. Ou just need to tell them how to see if they are trying to change the city to your frequency the words an d they are too englihtedned to eat the smell of feces is bad..never lie,..cover your head don’t cheat on your finances. Always be kind to other people you meet don’t eat meat the teacher is in you…always telling you want to know…I am trying to control your thoughts so I can help you come up to find the high er soul. 
Don’t hange the pace you are working at.t hey care not really entertained gola la u mama team of giants
The smell of power is too strong..it makes us feel incompetent I don’tknow why you feel like you can’t express yourself properly it’s all interesting they tryi to be like you but they can’t they know not to but they see headiness in your soul the Brooklyn vibe is a collection of energies sent out to dominate people that’s why you don’t have it… Brooklyn is a beautiful place with a lot of light so is virginia but nyc is too mas…no mean…. They told him he wasn’t allowed to come to the tryouts because he was too jolly.
Not good
The sisters of helvingsdale would emerge very rarely..they were like the wind….you just knew when they were around but they had the flow of goddesses they had the sunshine inthem h8t moon too
Who got the yams who’s in the pkan this manb walking down is rady to slam.
Bam abm abm lets togo to the flam tambourine city on the jimmy jam
Shiva sharamnam shiva you are the wildest the strongest ,the most effulgent, shiva please enter my soul and take control shiva you are the warrior spirit but only light..nothing wrong they know that you have the power to ocntorl the indriyas..36 tattvas they say to reach you..strive we will to find your matted locks to be one with your spirit merge into your consciousness take no time to pray see what happens they won’t take it so easy if you don’t…the highest light is shiva shiv shankar the great the one who carries the light for ht epeople. Only hope takes it on..we hoope for the best
Om namah shivay
Teach me how to get close to you shivane to be one with your power,, to merge and learn only you to understand only ou to communicate with you to help others through you. Without losing an ounce of my connection
Save me…great warrior  …ii will ride for you…I will be the champion of your requests I will bow to every word you utter vibrations communicating torough my tired mind…only you can dsanve us and we hope you do.
0 notes
drmflm · 2 years
: a strong desire to hold a person in your arms
—summary: your grandmother always told you to always pursue the things that made you happy, and you didn’t know how to break it to her that sometimes…you have no choice but to let them go. but then again, isn’t grandma always right?
—pairing: jungkook x gn!reader
—word count: 1.7k
—genre: angst, happy ending
—au: exes-to-friends
—rating: pg-13
—warnings: mention of diabetes, an elderly character has dementia, loneliness
—note: this was inspired by my old job in healthcare! i saw so many lonely old people and it reminded me to cherish what i have 🥰 so let’s take this time to remember all of our precious ones in long-term care homes and hospitals 💖 also, fyi i call my grandmother “lola” irl , not cuz it’s her name but because it’s an honourific! that’s where her name comes from lol
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The sterile hallways always felt long, much too long for your liking. People looked at you as though you didn’t belong—a fresh-faced youth in the midst of carts and wheelchairs—and you never really understood why. You could never understand why it was so unheard of to see someone so young in a place so old.
That was until that day a lonely old lady begged you to stay by her bedside, until that old man whimpered when you left, until the residents in the dining hall smiled at your presence.
The first time it happened, it was Leo—a diabetic man who preferred two Splendas in his porridge. He always asked for Vanilla Ensure to the trainees, thinking they’d give it to him blindly because the rest know he couldn’t have it…
You smirked at the memory as you walked down the familiar hall in your familiar garb, up until you reached a familiar door…
You knocked loudly, announcing your presence and waiting for confirmation to enter before opening the door to reveal your paternal grandmother. She was sat up in bed, head turning to face you. There wasn’t a flash of recognition in her eyes, but she waved you in anyways. As if you were an old friend of hers.
“Hello dear,” She greeted, looking troubled. “Do you know where I am right now?”
“You’re at Happy Smiles Home, and I am here to play some sudoku with you now,” You said warmly, holding out the book of puzzles your grandmother favoured over the daily newspapers.
“But my grandchildren, they’re too young to be left alone, I need to go back home,” She replied urgently, but you just kept your cool and smiled, “Shh, it’s okay, Y/n is doing just fine right now, and so is your grandson. Don’t worry, they’re both taken care of.”
“Are you sure?” She asked worriedly, “Is Jungkook taking good care of Y/n? Why don’t they come visit me anymore?”
You grew silent at the mention of his name, trying not to wince at the sting her words engraved in your heart. You smiled weakly, before pulling down your mask, “Lola, I’m here, see? I’m Y/n.”
She squinted at you, before you handed her the picture you two took a few days ago. Her eyes lit up with recognition, and she said, “Oh! I didn’t recognize you for a second there sweetie! How are you doing?”
You entertained her for a little while, but you felt stifled under the weight of the grief you were carrying. The memories of him swaddled in you in an embrace of grief and the loneliness rose up your insides.
Back when you were young, and your grandmother remembered more, she always used to tell you to always pursue happiness, to always do the things that sparked the most joy…
She had a spark in her eyes that never dimmed and never settled for anything less than what she deserved.
And yet, she was wrong. So terribly wrong.
You didn’t know how much more heartbreak you could take. The first time you told her, it tore you apart, to see her grieve the loss of the boy she loved like her own.
But worst of all, it hurt you because every time she forgot. And every time you thought she was getting better, getting more lucid, you had to tell her the one thing that you couldn’t. You had to tell her the tale of your misery.
When you walked out the door of the facility, your heart felt burdened with the responsibility of breaking up with him. You didn’t leave him out of a lack of love, you left him because your union made you less happy. It decimated your joy when you kissed him, when you felt pressured to touch him.
You were meant for kinship, closeness. Not romance, never romance.
So it came as no surprise that you were more unhappy without his friendship, despite the amount of distress it caused you to date him. Rather, you were torn on how ambivalent you were when it came to him. How unsure you were when it came to the man you knew since you were young.
“Y/n?” A voice called from beside you, familiar eyes twinkling. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” You replied, looking at him warmly. “Long time no see Jimin. What’s new with you?”
“Nothing much, just work,” He sighed, tucking his phone away. “Haven’t seen the rest of the guys in ages.”
He didn’t know.
“Hey, Y/n?” He mumbled, not looking at you. “Jungkook hasn’t really been talking to me lately. To any of us, really. Do you know what’s up?”
You paused, knowing that if Jungkook didn’t tell his friends then he had a reason not to. Besides, it hurt to say the words out loud. It was easy to tell your lola, because there was the assurance that she’d never remember. But to him? It’d just drive a wedge between you.
“It’s not my place to say,” You said kindly, sitting down next to him and gently taking the cigarette from his hand. “But don’t worry, he just needs some space right now. It’ll take him a bit to process everything.”
“Okay,” he whispered, angling his body to face away from you. “I trust your judgement, Y/n. It’s just that these days have been so busy at the hospital, I fear that I’m not spending enough time with him—“
“Jimin, please trust me on this,” You said, throwing the unlit cigarette in the trash and grabbing his hands, “Please.”
He looked at you, and you withered at the vulnerability that showed in them.
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You didn’t want to step back into that place. You despised the memories that entangled themselves around your chest as you came face to face with the door that led to your past.
Pressing the doorbell, you were fraught with the fear that he would be the one to answer it. You feared you would be caught before you could explain—
“Y/n?” Seokjin asked quizzically, opening the door wider to let you in. “What’s up?”
“I need to see Jungkook, right now,” You whispered, trying not to break down or let your anguish show on your face.
“Of course,” He said, turning around and heading into the direction of the kitchen.
You didn’t know what the others thought about you, or your relationship with Jungkook, but you were sure they had their speculations. It didn’t take a genius to see what had become of you two.
When he came into view, he looked a little worse for wear, dark bags camping beneath his eyes, hair matted and form swathed in stained loungewear. If you were to take a guess, it was probably leftover ramen.
“What are you doing here?” He whispered, gently pushing you closer to the door.
You held him back with your hands, “I’m here because I need to talk to you,” You replied, voice unusually steady. “Right now.”
“Y/n, it’s 11PM at night, I want to sleep,” He groaned, trying to nudge you towards the door.
“So what? Clearly you haven’t been sleeping, and I doubt you’d start now,” was your snarky reply, instead pulling him past the dining room where the others were gathered, and into the living room.
“Just tell me what it is you want to say,” He sighed at last. “It probably won’t be what either of us want to hear.”
“You’re right, it’s not,” You said with a grimace. “But it’s a good alternative.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”
You took a deep breath, “Lola always told me to pursue the things that made me happy, even if it meant that it had to hurt a little while.” You dropped you gaze from his intense eyes to the floor. “And it’s true, being with you romantically didn’t make me happy. But not having you around makes me feel even more miserable, Jungkook.”
You felt soft hands on yours, and you braved the courage to look into his eyes, surprised to find in them same conflict that ravaged inside your heart. Yet, most strikingly, you witnessed the smile that graced his lips.
“I missed you too, Y/n” He sighed, bringing you into a hug, and it wasn’t till that moment that you realized how much you craved the feel of his warm embrace until then.
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“Lola, I’m here with Jungkook,” You said one afternoon, Jungkook’s hand linked with yours. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good,” She said, before squinting at Jungkook. There was a flash of recognition in her eyes. “Ah ha! You my boy! You’re the one who visits me after hours.”
“What?” You asked, looking between the two as Jungkook avoided your gaze. “You’ve met him before?”
“Lots of times, I remember when you first started dating, and when he comes and visits me,” She said, scratching her chin slowly. “He’s precious to me.”
Jungkook’s cheeks reddened, “I missed her a lot when you were gone, you know,” He whispered, still not looking at you. “She’s part of my family now.”
You wanted to hold him right then and there, and it seemed that the universe agreed with you, because not a few moments later, lola called you over for a picture, where you rested in that warm embrace of his, satisfied.
You longed to stay there for eternity, you longed to hold him in your arms until your arms existed no longer.
Because you were each other’s sign to continue, the foreshadowing of the wonderful future that was yet to come for you both.
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© 2022 svt1117 . all rights reserved.
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rosesdrabbleblog · 3 years
I’m Having Sex With A Ghost
Pairing: Ghostbur x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, cursing, 18+ content, wholesomeness?
Notes: Ghostbur my beloved, how is this the first time I write for you? Sex With a Ghost fits his vibes a lot and I just had to use it.
You were sitting in your armchair reading one of your various novels when you heard a rapping at your door. You set the book down on your table gently before walking to the door, opening it. You were a little shocked when you were greeted by Ghostbur, the sweet ghost man who wandered the streets of L’Manburg. While you hadn’t known him when he was alive, you were almost glad from stories you had heard.
You had moved to L’Manburg shortly after the country had been nearly blown up. “It was Wilbur” various residents had told you, “he went mad and blew it up.” You never heard of him before this, which is why you were confused when people regarded Ghostbur as a friend and sort of ally. When you asked why they did if he was the same person, they would either shrug it off or state that they were different people. The whole thing confused you greatly.
You first introduction to Ghostbur was when you saw him struggling to lead a blue sheep around. You went over to offer your help before realizing you could see through the man. Startled, you had backed away and tripped on something, falling onto the ground with a pained cry. The man whipped around at the sound, looking at you with worry. “Oh dear, are you alright?” he asked, his eyes wide. Still in a bit of shock, you nodded and got up slowly, regarding the site in front of you.
From his transparency, you assumed he had to be a ghost. Despite this, you could see his features clearly. His hair was on the shirt side and curly, a soft brown color. His eyes were white, which was something that would catch anyone off guard. He wore a light yellow sweater with a white buttoned shirt. Despite behind afraid of him at first, you now began to realize he was actually rather cute.
Sensing you were a bit startled, he smiled widely and offered a hand. “Hello! I’m Ghostbur! I don’t know if I knew you when I was alive, so apologies if that’s an issue. I seem to have some memory problems since my passing,” he said almost sadly. Before you could get a word in, he continued, “oh! Here, take some of this!” The ghost offered a small blue material, which was a bit confusing. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Have some blue! How it works is it pulls the sadness out of you!” he explained cheerily. You looked at the dyed material in your hands, wondering why it was already blue. The blue staining his hands explained why that was the case.
Since that moment, he regarded you as a friend. He introduced you to his blue sheep whom he had named Friend, and you even offered to put up a small area for him. Ghostbur acted like that was the kindest thing someone had done for him, and he cheerily showed Friend the area. When he had to travel and hand out blue, he left Friend with you. You had taken a liking to the blue sheep, feeding it and keeping it company whenever Ghostbur was away. Your life felt a lot less lonely with the two around.
You smiled at the ghost on your doorstep, “hello Ghostbur! What brings you here today?” You took in his sight, noticing he was holding something behind his back. After a moment, the man moved his hands and showed that he was holding an array of flowers. Not the kind you would purchase from a store or vendor, but the ones that were picked just for you. You noticed that the array had many of your favorite flowers in it. You couldn’t remember if you even told him what your favorites were or not.
“I wanted to bring my friend some flowers! Friend is not with me today, but he misses you greatly,” he said with a smile. You took the flowers from him gently, returning the smile. “Aw, that’s awfully sweet of you Ghostbur. Would you like to come in and have some tea?” you offered. The man nodded, and you stepped aside to let him in. The young man floated slowly into your house, looking at all the intricate things you had in your various bookcases. His hands running softly over volumes of novels, whispering the names to himself. Ghostbur loved books, and you often found you were missing books when he came by. How he got away with it without you nothing, you never knew.
He turned to you, a shy expression on his face. Realizing why he looked confused, you gestured to the couch, which he sat down on. You stared a bit too long, trying to figure out how a ghost could sit on the couch like that. Nevertheless, you went to your kitchen and began making tea.
As you made the two of you a cup of tea, you could hear the clap of excitement followed by the strum of a guitar. It seemed he found your guitar by the closet. Soon the random string plucking turned into a tune that seemed almost nostalgic. You had never heard it before, but it was quite lovely. You took the two cups of newly made tea and walked back into your living room. Ghostbur sat on your couch, fingers gliding over the strings of your guitar. His face scrunched as he concentrated on getting the notes right, letting out a small “fuck” every time he messed up.
He glanced up at you after a moment, blinking at you as he continued playing. Soon, he he began to sing along to the tune he was playing. You couldn’t really hear what the lyrics were, as he was singing them so softly, but you didn’t mind one bit. He suddenly stopped, staring at the guitar for a moment before starting again. Ghostbur began playing a differ song, his voice now loud enough for you to catch a few of the lyrics.
“I'm gettin' hickeys from my bed bugs
I'm gettin' busy with a bad perfume
I'm stickin' kisses to a pen drug
I'm makin' friction with a sad vacuum.”
You set down his cup of tea in front of him, and he stopped playing it again to grab at it. As he drank the tea, you really began questioning how ghosts worked. You sipped yours as well, finishing it quickly and setting it onto the coffee table in front of the couch. Ghostbur set his down as well, looking into his lap as he held onto the guitar.
“Wil-Ghostbur, why are you here?” you asked. The flowers he had given you now sat in a large vase on the dining room table, right by a window for light. The man looked up, a slight blush on his cheeks. You didn’t expect him to answer. “I- I feel that the two of us have gotten awfully close. Now, I can’t remember if I had any affairs when I was alive...wait no, there was Sally,” he said, his words trailing off after he remembered he had a fish mistress at one point. You weren’t sure if that story was even true, but hell, you had met Fundy. That made the fish story even more confusing. “I can’t remember anything about kissing from when I was alive, but I do think I would like to do it with you,” he continued as he took one of your hands into his.
I'm getting jiggy with a rifle I'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed Hoping to hit you somewhere vital And when I miss, you come and kiss me with a smile
You were a bit shocked at that. Ghostbur didn’t seem the type to want physical affection like that, but then again, he was an ever changing man due to memory loss. You paused before responding, “I think...I think I would like that too.” And with that, Ghostbur leaned over and kissed you. His lips were cold, not like ice, but more like the air of a crisp October morning. One of his hands made its way to your check, clutching it lovingly. You practically melted into him. You pulled away to take a deep breath, and you laughed quietly at how flustered he looked. Well, as flustered as a pale ghost would look. You could swear you could see his cheeks reddening, but you hadn’t the time to double check because he pushed you into the couch, latching his mouth onto yours again hungrily.
You felt his hands rest at the side of your shirt, and he pulled away panting to ask “can I? Please?” You nodded, grimacing as he almost tore your shirt right off. Ghostbur did nearly the same to your pants, his fingers shaky as he unzipped your pants and threw them off the couch onto the floor.
Ghostbur began to tease you through your underwear, “look at you...so beautiful...” he whispered to himself as he tore them off after just a few moments. He sunk a finger into you gently, watching you intently to make sure you were still okay with everything. “Let me know if I need to slow down, love,” he said softly, his finger pulling out before being pushed back in. You nodded, letting out a small moan. He kept at this for a moment before sticking a second one in, expertly thrusting them into you and hitting all the spots that made you whine.
I'm havin' sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a
Sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a ghoul
Ghostbur began thrusting them into you at a faster pace, desperate to see you cum. His own pants were tight as he watched you come apart on his fingers. They finally reached the spot that made you cry out, and his eyes lit up as he realized. He kept thrusting them there until you nearly sobbed out “Ghostbur, I’m gonna-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you came on his fingers, hiding your face in the couch. You panted out as he slowly removed his fingers, and looked up to find him licking at them with a face of pure lust and bliss. He removed his own pants and boxers at once, desperate to be inside you. You could see how desperate he was, watching his hard cock spring out. You reached out and stroked it slowly as he unbuttoned his white shirt, smiling as he let out the neediest whimper. He threw the last of his clothes onto the floor, moving your hand off of his cock gently. “Please, need to be inside you, I need you..” he whimpered out, positioning himself at your entrance. You moaned as he thrust against you a couple of times before his cock sunk into you. You gasped at the intrusion while he let out a whine, clutching at you desperately as he stilled, letting you get adjusted. Not even a minute later, you rolled your hips against him, “please, please move Ghostbur.”
The man pulled out of you before thrusting in again, whimpering out, “god, you’re so tight, love. I just- fuck you feel so good around me.” Ghostbur began to thrust into you harder, leaning down and biting at your neck. You moaned into his ear, not caring about the bruises you’d wear tomorrow. Why would you when he was fucking you so good? One hand gripped at your hip, pulling you into his thrusts while the other grasped at your hand. When you took his hand into yours, he let out a groan and his thrusts became erratic. Ghostbur eventually found that spot he knew made you cry for him, and he pounded into it without a care in the world.
He could feel himself get close, your whimpers and cries for him sending him spiraling down. But he was a gentlemen. He didn’t want to cum until you did. And he knew you were close from the moans you let out. So the hand that was gripping your hip moved down to circle your clit roughly. The pads of his fingers surprised you, and you came before you could warn him. You tightened around him, making the man cry out, “so good for me love, so good. That’s it, that’s it. Milk my cock love... oh fuck.” And with a few more sharp thrusts, he came inside you, moaning into your ear. He continued thrusting as he did, overstimulating the two of you. He nearly collapsed onto the couch, slowly pulling out of you before settling beside you. He stroked your hair, whispering how much he adored you, about how good you did. You fell asleep soon after with a smile.
Ghostbur watched you with interest as you slept. He continued to stroke your hair and whisper to you. Ghosts didn’t need to sleep, after all.
You would never know how much the man truly adored you.
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
Never Too Late - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n- hey lovely people!! i hope you’re all doing well:) i’ve been working on this one for a while, and i’m super excited to finally share it! because it’s Chris’ birthday, i wanted to have some fun with this, so in the story, chris says 3 things that are quotes / paraphrases of some of his characters’ quotes (like 3 things his characters said in movies lol). see if you can find all 3 of them;) enjoy<3
Summary: Romance is an illusion. Unattainable. Absolutely unrealistic. No one can have a fairytale love story. But maybe, you don't need a fairytale. You just need each other. (In which you and Chris have each given up on romance, but then you meet, and… sparks fly.)
Word Count: 9.6k (hello longest oneshot i’ve ever written!!)
Warnings: some curse words, (responsible) alcohol consumption, slight angst?? honestly it’s just obliviousness, slow burn!!!
This was a waste of time.
I'm sorry, the text read, something came up. Raincheck? ;)
Douche. He was the one that asked if you could do this today instead of tomorrow, so you moved your meeting. But apparently, that didn't matter, since he wasn't planning to show up anyway.
You blocked his number, leaving your place at the bar and heading towards the exit. You were in the middle of typing out a furious message to your friend who set you up on this blind date, when you collided with someone in your path quite harshly. You rubbed your arm where you bumped into the person and gazed upwards to meet his eyes.  
"Sorry," you both said in unison.
The man let out a chuckle. "Sorry," he repeated, his amused eyes gazing into yours.
"No, I'm the one who should apologize," you said, "I wasn't looking where I was going," you lifted up your phone, gesturing to the reason.
"I'm sure it was important," he made a dismissive gesture with his hand, "don't worry about it."
"It really wasn't. Again, sorry," you grimaced.
"It's fine," he reassured you, "I was actually on my way to get another drink so it's not like I spilled anything, no harm done," he smiled.
"Well, I'm really glad. Have a good rest of your night," you smiled back. Thinking that was the end of it, you turned to continue your walk towards the exit, opening your texts to write that message to your friend, but as you were turning around the man reached out and grabbed onto your wrist, not harshly but enough to make you turn around to face him once more.
He immediately let go of your hand, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, it's just… you seemed kind of upset when I bumped into you, are you alright?"
You sighed, shaking your head with a smile, "I'm fine," you looked up at him, "just got ditched by this blind date. Guy didn't show, so I was writing a furious message to my friend who set me up," you chuckled, "that's why I wasn't paying attention."
"Sorry," he said with a sympathetic grimace. "So why were you writing to your friend and not to the guy? I mean, he's the one who bailed."
"No offense, but I learned not to expect as much from the male species," you smirked, and he chuckled in return. "Got bailed on one too many times to have high expectations. Honestly, I was only willing to go on this date cause my friend said this was a great guy and, according to her, I was 'on the sure road to becoming a spinster'. So, I appeased her," you shrugged. Your confession left your lips with such ease, you were almost taken aback by how easy it was to talk to this complete stranger this openly. Maybe, it was easier because you were strangers.
"Ah, I know what that's like. I mean, not the spinster part, the part about appeasing your friends," he chuckled. "They're over there," he gestured to a table a little to the back, "to 'cheer me up'. Said I needed to leave my house more. Although I don't know if they're still sober enough to remember that's why they're here," he smiled affectionately as he looked at his table. Sure enough, the guys looked pretty drunk, but the man didn't seem to resent them for it, he was just amused.
"What did you need cheering up for?" you asked once his gaze went back to meet yours.
"Well, I got dumped. We were together for a few years. I even had a ring," he raised his eyebrows, "but she said it wasn't working out anymore. At least she didn't know about the ring yet," he smiled bitterly.
"Small victories," you nodded sympathetically.
"Yeah," he chuckled, "anyway, she just finished taking the last of her stuff from ou- my place. She was really lingering with it, we broke up like a month ago. Didn't have the heart to rush her."
"I'm sorry," you put a comforting hand on his shoulder, albeit a bit awkwardly. He seemed to appreciate it anyway. "Your sob story's way worse than mine," you joked, getting a small huff of laughter out of him.
"I guess," he said. "But that means I get where you're coming from on the whole no dating thing. It just seems pointless," he shrugged.
"I'm sure this is the part where anyone else would've told you that it'll be okay and you'll find 'your person', but since I'm shittier than that I'll be honest – romance is dead and we'll both probably die alone," you said flatly.
Your blunt tone made him smile, which in turn made you smile, and you nodded as your words sank into the silence between you. You started giggling, and soon he followed, and you were both laughing softly for a while.
"I'm sorry," he said, still grinning, "I don't know why I'm laughing. It's sad."
"Very sad," you agreed, a grin on your face as well. "to be fair, spinsterhood doesn't sound that bad. Except for the cats thing. I'll never be a crazy cat lady," you shook your head, "they hate me, every single one. I'd get dogs though," you mused, "have a little army of 'em."
"Sounds fun," he smiled.
"Right?" you smiled back, "I'm telling you, it's not as bad as people make it out to be."
Wrapped up in your conversation, you were both still standing next to the bar, and another man pushed past you to get to the bartender. The bubble around the two of you exploded, and you remembered that you were still in public, at the bar.
"You should go get that drink you were here for," you said, gesturing towards the bar.
"Alright," he chuckled. Just then, the man finished ordering, so he told the bartender what he'd like to have, then turned to you.
"Hey, romance might be dead, but chivalry isn't. Let me buy you a drink," he grinned.
"Be still my beating heart," you feigned emotion, before a smile crept back onto your face. "I'll have whatever you're having," you shrugged, and waited as he told the bartender to bring you two another drink.  
"So, if you're buying me a drink, I feel like it's only fair I should know your name," you smiled.
"That does seem fair," he sent a small smile your way. "I'm Chris," he put out his hand and you shook it, telling him your name in return.
"So, you come here often?" he smirked, prompting the both of you into another fit of laughter.
"For real though," you said once you got your drinks, "I'm really not looking for anything romantic right now. I hope that's okay."
"Of course," he reassured, "I'm not either."
"Okay good cause this is like, really tasty, so I wouldn't mind having a couple more," you held up the drink he got you with a grin, making him laugh.
You did have a couple more, with Chris. You ended up sitting at the bar, his friends not really noticing he was gone, and talking about anything and everything. You were almost reluctant to end the night, but you really should get home, which is what you told Chris before getting up and getting your wallet.
"Hey, no," he said and gestured for you to put it away, "I was serious, I'll pay."
"Really? I mean, this wasn't a date so I just thought-"
He shook his head adamantly and you put your hands up in surrender and smiled. "Okay. Thank you," you told him as you put your wallet away.
"You're very welcome. Although, there is something I still want to ask you. Can I get your number?"
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could he spoke up again.
"Nothing romantic, I swear," he chuckled, "but it was really fun hanging out tonight. We should do it again. Completely platonically." He smiled sincerely.
You narrowed your eyes in mock suspicion before laughing. "Alright. Sure, you can have my number," you said, and he grinned before giving you his phone. You put in your number and gave it back.
"See you around, Chris," you smiled before leaving the bar, the smile lingering on your face all the way back to your house.
And when your friends asked you how the date was, you told them he bailed and you went home, never mentioning meeting Chris. You knew how they'd see it, and it wasn't like that, so you just… kept it to yourself. For now.
On your way to Chris' house, you picked up the takeout from the place he told you about, before texting him you got it and you were almost there.
It's been a couple of weeks since you met him, and so far he was proving to be a great friend. You texted back and forth most days, but never found the time to meet up again, until today, that is.
You had texted him about your crappy day at work, and how happy you were this week was finally, finally over, so he invited you t his house, and suggested you watch a movie. And well, you accepted. A movie night with a friend was just what you needed to put this shitty week behind you.
"Hi," you greeted him once he opened the door.
"Hi!" he took the takeout bags from your hands and gestured for you to follow him inside, and into the kitchen. "So," he started, while taking out the food, "I realized forgot to tell you; I have a dog," he smiled apologetically, "I don't know if that's a problem, he's in my room upstairs, I won't-"
"Are you kidding?" you nearly squealed, "of course that's not a problem! I told you if I could I'd be a crazy dog lady," you giggled. "Can I meet him?"
"Great!" he chuckled at your enthusiasm, "sure, I'll go get him."
As he went upstairs, you stood there, looking around his kitchen. You weren't sure what to do, it seemed like he got all the food, and it wasn't your house, so… you just stood there.
Fortunately, you soon heard the patter of footsteps, and just as you were about to call out to Chris to ask him if there was anything you could do to help, you heard him yell out.
And just then, a big whirl of movement came towards you, and before you knew it a large dog was resting his paws on you, nearly knocking you back. You regained your footing before you crouched down to your knees with a beam.
"Hey," you cooed at the excited dog, who was wagging his tail and still trying to climb onto you, apparently. "Hey," you repeated yourself, rubbing behind his ears affectionately. "It's so nice to meet you," you kept cooing and stroking his fur. He propped himself up and licked your cheek, making you giggle. "Thank you, you're so cute," you scratched his neck affectionately.
"Sorry about him, he gets excited around new people," Chris came into the kitchen apologizing.
"No worries," you grinned as the large dog laid down on his back, exposing his stomach to you in a silent request for belly rubs which you willingly provided. "He's adorable," you looked up at Chris, who was grinning back at you.
"He really is," he agreed, going to finish putting the food in plates before lifting them.
"Can I help with anything?" you asked, still crouched down and petting Dodger.
"Nope, all set," he smiled, "let's go."
He led the way to his living room, where he set the plates down on the coffee table and picked up the remote. "So, what do you wanna watch?"
"Oh, I don't know," you shrugged as you sat down on the couch, "you can pick."
"Well, I would, but we're here because you've had a shitty week, so you should pick whatever you want."
"Ugh, don't remind me. See, Dodger would never do this to me," you turned your gaze to the dog, who has settled at your feet, and started petting him again. "Right? Of course you won't, you're the cutest dog," you cooed.
Chris burst out into a short laugh. "Are you going to steal my dog?"
"It's a very real possibility," you said dryly, shrugging. You turned your gaze to him, your hand still petting Dodger, and smirked.
"Okay, so are you gonna pick a movie now that we've settled that?" he asked, smiling.
"I don't know what to pick," you admitted, "I don't wanna put on anything you don't like, I guess," you mumbled.
"Awwwww, it's fine," he assured with an easy smile, "pick whatever."
You caved and put on a movie you really liked – The Princess Bride. As he realized what movie you were putting on, Chris chuckled.
"Really? That's what you're going with?"
"See? I told you I'd put on something you wouldn't like. Forget it, we can just-"
"No, no!" he cut you off, "I really like this movie," he grinned, "I just wouldn't expect that from someone who claims romance is dead, that's all," he chuckled.
"Well, movies have… dragons in them. Do you think dragons are real just cause they're in movies?" you reasoned.
"Okay, I see your point," he raised his hands in mock surrender.
A comfortable silence stretched over the both of you from that point, the only thing filling it was the sound of the movie playing and the occasional shuffling sound when either of you, or Dodger, shifted on the couch.
A bit later, Chris spoke up. "Hey, want a beer?"
"Uh, I probably shouldn't have any. Driving myself home and all," you shrugged.
"Yeah, that's smart," he chuckled. You were both lowering your voices, as if not to disrupt the movie which was still playing. "Mind if I have one?"
"Not at all," you answered truthfully, "It's your house."
He let out another short chuckle, nodding before getting up. When he heard Chris getting up, Dodger lifted his head from where he was laying, and swiftly followed him into the kitchen.
When they returned, Chris brought you a glass of water, and gave it to you before sitting down. Dodger jumped back up onto the sofa, curling up beside Chris, laying his head on his stretched-out legs.
"Awwww," you softly smiled, "that's adorable. He really loves you."
"Not nearly as much as I love him," Chris replied, smiling and fondly rubbing Dodger's head.
"See, that's good love. Love that lasts," you remarked. Thinking that was the end of it, you turned your head back to the movie.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Huh?" you turned your head back to Chris.
"What did you mean by that?" he repeated.
"Oh, nothing," you shook your head. "Just, you know. I know I seem very opposed to romance, but I'm not against love. I love my family," you shrugged, "because they made me the person I am today. They're a part of me. I just don't think that a love between two people who aren't family can last in the same way."
"Yeah. You're probably right. What about dogs though? They're certainly not blood related to us," he joked.
"Certainly," you laughed, "But dogs aren’t as fucked up as humans, so it's not really comparable. Dogs don’t stay up thinking about something embarrassing they did five years ago. Dogs probably don't even get embarrassed, really. They don't have as many doubts and… restrictions. Barriers. They don't have to make everything complicated."
"But humans do."
"Bingo," you chuckled dryly.
"We really do, don't we?" he sighed. "No one really knows what they're doing or who they are. How can you know someone else enough to truly love them when you don't even know yourself?"
"Exactly. You get it," you toasted your glass of water against his beer bottle. "it's too much effort for something that lasts so little."
"Not necessarily little," he suggested, "but never enough. You know, in movies, love is this big force of nature that draws two people towards each other so strongly… it's undeniable, unavoidable. Meant to be," he chuckled. "That feels so far away from anything I've ever experienced."
"Me too, if that's any comfort," you grimaced sympathetically. "Maybe we're just meant to be alone."
"Maybe. Anyway, that's grim," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry."
"No, it's fine," you smiled. "Every time I talk about it with my friends, I get told I just haven't found the right person yet, and to keep on hoping and everything will magically be sunshine and rainbows," you fluttered your eyelashes cynically. "It's fun to know there's at least one more realistic person out there," you sent him a small smile, which he returned.
You both turned back to watch the movie, which was heading towards the end at this point. The handsome prince saves the brave princess. He's not really a prince, but, you know. Same difference; it's a fairytale, a legend.
Something no one can ever truly have.
Chris and you had developed a habit of calling each other on Mondays, since they were the worst, and you both needed to vent. You were in the middle of one of those calls when something he said made you abruptly stop making your dinner.
"How come I didn't know it was your birthday?" you asked, surprised, at his admission that his birthday was yesterday.  
"It never came up," he said. "Besides, it doesn't matter. The party's on Friday anyways, if you wanna come. You can bring some friends too, if you want. There's plenty of space."
"Yeah, okay," you smiled to yourself, "sure. Happy belated birthday, Chris."
"Thank you," he chuckled. "So you'll come?"
"Yeah, I'll be there, I guess," you sighed dramatically, prompting him to laugh.
"Great! See ya Friday," he said.
"See you."
After you hung up the call, you returned to your dinner, but not before texting your friends to invite them along. If you were getting on so nicely with Chris, you assumed the rest of his friends were nice people, so would in turn get along with your friends. Who were also nice people, obviously.
Or maybe, not so obviously.
There was an immediate flood of messages asking about who Chris is and how you met and if he's cute.
You ignored them in favor of finishing making your dinner, and only then sat down with your food and answered their questions, except for that last one.
He's a friend of mine I met not long ago, nice guy, you replied to the group chat.
And?? one of your friends texted.
And he invited me to this party he's throwing for his birthday, and told me I could bring friends, so now I'm inviting you guys. Hopefully, I won't regret that.
But is he cute???
I don't know, and I don't care. You know I'm not looking for anything right now!!
You're no fun. Fine, we'll come and see for ourselves ;P
You scoffed to yourself and continued to eat your dinner, unbothered. Maybe they should come, you mused, just to see that it's possible to make friends without dating them, like a sane adult.
"Happy birthday!" you exclaimed as Chris ushered you and your friends into his house. "I brought you a wine," you extended the bottle and he took it.
"Thank you!" he said loudly, to overpower the music that was playing. "Is it good?"
"How should I know? I didn't drink from it, it's your gift!" you joked. He laughed before giving you a one-armed hug and waving at your friends. "I'm gonna put this away," he pointed towards the kitchen, "But you should go to the living room, everyone's there."
You gave him a thumbs up and led your friends towards the living room.
"He even laughs at your bad jokes," your friend cooed in your ear, and you sighed and rolled your eyes.
"We're not a couple!" you reminded her.
"Maybe not yet, but I'm just saying you'd make a good one," she shrugged, a twinkle in her eye.
You ignored her, and continued walking. On your way to the living room, you did see a whole bunch of other people, but still, the party wasn't huge, especially compared to Chris' large house. There were no more than probably about 80 people there, not including yourself and your friends.
Pouring yourself a drink, you sat down next to your friends, who were already making small talk with another group, and joined the conversation.
Some time went by before the conversation turned to romance, and everyone started sharing funny stories about their significant others.
"What about you?" asked a woman from the other group. She seemed friendly, an easygoing smile on her face. "Everyone has a story to tell."
Before you could answer, one of your friends chimed in. "Oh, she doesn't do romance," she teased.
"Sounds mysterious," the woman laughed.
"Yep," you smiled, amused, "that's me. Dark, brooding, and mysterious."
As you were all laughing, Chris came down to sit next to you. "Having a good time?" he asked the group with a smile, a model host.
"Yeah," one of your friends answered, "we were just talking about how this one never dates anymore," she pointed at you, and you caught Chris' look, amused. "What do you think about that?" your friends asked, oblivious to the silent exchange.
"I think she should do whatever she wants to," he answered with a smile.
"Oh, don’t be diplomatic," she said, "don't you think she should find someone?" she pressed.
"I think she should do whatever she feels like," he persisted.
"Whatever," your friend rolled her eyes with a smile. "Every pot has a lid. Sooner or later, you'll find yours," she said, your words pointed at you now.
You were quiet for a brief moment before speaking up. "Oh, you're done talking about me like I'm not here. Sorry, you were saying?"
The entire group burst into laughter, and you caught Chris' gaze again.
Sorry, you mouthed, shrugging.
It's fine, he mouthed back with a small smile.
The urge to kill your friend subsided when you saw Chris didn't take her pestering too seriously.
For the rest of the night, you proceeded to have a good time, making conversation with a few other people and only running into Chris one more time.
"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, toasting his cup to yours.
"Yeah. You throw a great party," you smiled.
"I'm glad you think that," he returned your smile.
After that you returned to your friends, and a little while later you all decided to head home. You searched for Chris, thanked him for hosting the party and wished him a happy birthday, and went home.
"You're telling me there's nothing there?" your friend asked you on the ride home.
"There's nothing there," you sighed. "I don't know why you all want there to be."
"We just know what it's like being in love. And we want that for you. It's fun," she smiled.
"Parkour also sounds fun, that doesn't mean I can or am going to do it," you retorted. "You know what I think about being in love. Different people have different paths and abilities. I can be happy without a sweeping romance."
"I know, you're a strong independent woman and you don’t need no man," she rolled her eyes. "Just… don't close yourself off to the opportunity. That's all I'm saying."
"Okay," you shrugged.
Shortly after, she dropped you off, and you went to sleep, thinking nothing of the whole ordeal.
She came by today.
When you got the text from Chris on Wednesday, you were puzzled for a few moments before you realized. His former fiancée. I mean, almost fiancée.
Is everything okay?
It only took him a couple of seconds to reply.
Yeah, I guess.
On an obviously unrelated note, wanna come drink?
You chuckled before texting him your ETA, quickly changing from the already rumpled clothes you had worn all day, and driving to his place.
You texted him when you were outside, and when you walked up to his door it was already opened, and he was waiting for you, a bottle of beer in hand.
"Aw, you drove yourself here?" he asked, before ushering you in, "I told you we should drink."
"Yeah," you chuckled, "but it's not like there's anyone I can ask to drive me on a random Wednesday. It's fine, you drink."
"But I don't wanna drink alone," he whined. "Can't you just spend the night then? I have a guest bedroom."
You opened your mouth to refuse, but then assessed it again. You were in pretty comfortable clothes, you were starting work a little later than usual tomorrow, and well… he needed a friend, and he asked you.
"Okay, fine," you chuckled, "gimmie one of those," you gestured at his beer.
He made a little celebratory motion with his hand before going and getting you another beer.
"So," you started as you took a swig of your beer, "how was your day?"
He let out a short, bitter laugh. "Great. Yeah, just… just great," he took a large gulp of his beer. You waited, giving him the space he needed to speak again. "She wanted to get back together, actually," he scoffed. You frowned, but still refrained from speaking.
"You know, I… I still have the ring," his voice broke and he cleared his throat. "I still have the ring because I wanted her to come back. But when she finally did I… I couldn't say yes to her. Because it's forever or nothing. And I don't think I'm meant to have a forever. Certainly not with someone who broke up with me anyways," he took another sip of his beer.
"If it's any comfort, I don't think there's such a thing as forever," you shrugged, and he looked at you quizzically. "I told you," you said, "all romance is momentary."
"Maybe that's true," he sighed again. "At any rate, I am now stuck with this ring, which is just… fantastic. Really awesome."
"Can't you bring it back to the shop?"
"Tried to. They won't take it back, say it's been too long for their return policy. That money's lost," he took another sip of beer.
"Well, you know, if it's lost anyways…" you smiled, "I think I have an idea of what to do with it. but first," you raised your beer in a toast, "we do need to be a little drunker for this."
A few too many drinks later, you and Chris were stumbling in a park near his home.
"How do you know where we are?" he asked, before nearly tripping on his face, making you giggle as he managed to catch himself on a nearby tree.
"I've been here before," you explained, a little less drunk than he was but still positively buzzed. "It's really pretty."
"It is," he agreed, taking in the trees around you as you kept going. "It's also very isolated. Are you going to kill me?" he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"No," your loud laugh rang through the park, breaking the silence of the night. "I'm not gonna kill you. Promise. Now c'mon, we're nearly there!" you beckoned him to follow you as you ran forward.
The rest of the way went by quickly, the both of you striding hurriedly, or as hurriedly as your inebriated minds would allow, engulfed in the comforting silence of the night. Finally, you got to a clearing with a large lake.
The crescent moon reflected in the water, and the lake was shimmering slightly as the wind disturbed it. The only sounds were those of your slightly labored breath, the soft trickling of the water, and the occasional flap of a bird's wings. The silence surrounded you, but it wasn't suffocating, it was as clear as the water in front of you.
It was finally broken when Chris spoke up again.
"You got me drunk so you could drown me in a lake?"
You burst into another fit of laughter. "First of all," you said in between giggles, "if anyone got anyone drunk it's you convincing me to drun- drink."
It was his turn to laugh at your mix-up. "Shut up," you said, slapping his arm lightly. "Now c'mon. You have the ring, right?"
"Yep," he said, fishing it out of his pocket. "But why did you want me to bring it?"
"Well, the fact I'm not gonna drown you in the lake doesn't mean we're not drowning anything."
"My ex-fiancée?" his mouth dropped open into an o shape.
"No!" you facepalmed. "The ring. You're gonna throw the ring in the river!"
"I am?"
"God, I'm starting to think I got you too drunk," you rolled your eyes. "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna think about your relationship. You're gonna reminisce about everything, good and bad, and you're gonna put it in this ring. In your head, of course," you added before he could chime in.
"So I can let go," he nodded in understanding.
"Exactly," you smiled. "We don't need romance. Fuck romance. Fuck forever. You're better than that!"
"Amen!" he said, toasting an invisible glass in the air, making you laugh once more. It was probably the alcohol, but you hadn't laughed like this in a while. It was fun to laugh loudly, freeing. You wondered why you didn't do it more often.
"Alright!" you clapped your hands once, shaking from your thoughts. "Let's get this show on the road!"
You both stepped closer to the lake, and then Chris held out his hand in front of him, his palm open with the ring on it. He stared at it intently for a few moments, then his gaze snapped up to meet yours and he nodded shortly. You didn't speak, you just reached out and closed his fingers around the ring, before stepping aside and gesturing for him to go ahead. He stared at his fist for another moment before taking a swing and throwing the ring as far as he could. You held your breath until you heard the sound of the ring hitting the water, which made you release a breath full of awe.
"You did it," you said softly.
"I did it," he slowly repeated. "I did it!" he yelled out and you laughed in surprise. "I did it!" he yelled again, and in a few short strides he was next to you, picking you up and spinning you around in celebration.
"Put me down!" you shouted at him between fits of laughter, "Lunatic!"
He put you down, grinning widely. "I can't believe I just threw that ring into the lake. That was so stupid."
"It kinda was," you laughed, breathless.
"It was your idea!"
"I know! It's still stupid," you kept laughing, nearly doubling over. "Felt good though, didn’t it?"
"It really did," he let out a bewildered laugh. "Fuck. It really did," he said, and started laughing, which made you start laughing again, and before you knew it you were both laying on the grass, laughing until your cheeks hurt.
"My cheeks hurt," you pouted.
"Awww, I'm sorry," he drawled, reaching out to pinch your cheek, making you swat his hand away, glaring at him. He just giggled again, laying on his back and looking up to the sky.
You laid back as well, staring up.
"I wish I knew something about the stars," he said out of the blue.
"What do you wanna know?"
"Oh, just anything. I don't know jack shit about 'em."
"Well, I'm pretty sure that's Orion's Belt," you said, pointing up to a group of three stars. "So now you know that about the stars."
He said your name, making you turn your head to look at him. "You're a good friend," he smiled.
"You're a good friend too," you smiled back at him.
"No, I'm not. All I ever do is moan about my stupid ex."
"I'm sure she wasn't stupid," you reasoned.
"She was! She was stupid with two o's," he mumbled in disdain. You giggled at his words. "I'm not hung up on her," he continued. "I'm just… disillusioned. I thought she was the one. And now that she's gone… I don't know if there's gonna be a one. Which is sad. So I've been sad," he said matter-of-factly.
"I was sad too when I started thinking that," you whispered, sobering up a little. "But we don’t need 'a one', Chris. Romance is dead, but life goes on. We're on our own, but that doesn't mean we can't make the best of it."
"I spent so much of my life looking forward to spending the rest of my life with someone. And now that I realize that might not be the case… I guess I just realized that this is it. The rest of my life. I needed to throw that ring to make peace with that."
"Glad I could help," you gave him a half-smile, taking his hand in yours and giving it a small squeeze.
"Yeah," he returned a squeeze of his own, "me too."
"C'mon," you said, leaving his hand and getting up, before helping him to his feet as well. "We should get going."
You stumbled your way home, leaning on each other for some parts of the way. Sleepy and still a little buzzed, you finally got to his house, and he led you to the guest bedroom.
"Goodnight," he said, smiling.
"Goodnight," you whispered back, before he turned and walked up the stairs. You listened to him climb, and heard the sound of another set of footsteps, soft cooing coming from upstairs, and then heard the sound of a door closing.
Dodger, you thought with a smile, before closing your own door and plopping down on the bed.
In the last minutes of your wakefulness, you thought about how lucky dogs were.
"So, are you dating him?"
"No!" you said indignantly, "have you listened to a single word I said?"
"Oh, so you're just not putting a label on it? you're a little too old for those games if you ask me, but suit yourself," your friend shrugged.
"Come on! He's just a friend," you huffed.
"If that's what you wanna tell yourself," she smirked, but then her look became more sincere. "Look, I know you. I know that every time we talk about him, you're happy. Why can't you admit that you like him?"
"I do like him, as a person! I like all of my friends!"
"You're impossible," she rolled her eyes with an affectionate smile.
"You're impossible," you retorted weakly before smiling at her.
"You know we all just want you to be happy, right? That's all we want."
"I know," you said softly, "and I appreciate it. I really do. But I am happy, on my own."
"If that's the case, then I'm happy for you," she sighed. "I don't want you to feel like a third wheel, especially with Sarah's wedding coming up. You're the last of us who hasn't tied the knot yet."
"I'll be fine at Sarah's wedding," you rolled your eyes.
"I know, I know," she raised her hands in surrender, "But I'm just saying, I know you're anti-romance, but I also know you're not anti-company. Maybe you should bring Chris. As your friend, if you insist" she added when she saw you open your mouth to object. "Just, you know, everyone's coming with someone, and I don't want you to sit alone."
"I appreciate you looking out for me, I do, but seriously, I think you're underestimating my social skills. You do realize I can talk to people I don't know, right?"
"I know," she huffed. "Just… consider it, okay? For me?"
"I'll think about it, I guess," you shrugged.
You had no intention of following through on that. Except, well, it did come up when you were talking to Chris.
"What are you doing Friday?" he asked, his voice mechanical through the phone. "I thought we could finally see that movie you're always talking about."
"Nope, can't do Friday," you said, the phone pressed between your shoulder and your ear as you were folding your laundry.
"Aw, that's a shame. I was really looking forward to you finally shutting up about it," he teased, making you chuckle. "What're you doing Friday then?"
"First of all, if you'd listen to me and see it, you wouldn't wanna shut up about it either, because it's awesome. Second, I'm going to a friend's wedding. I'm gonna sit aside, drink some wine, and make fun of all the drunk couples."
"Sounds like a real fun night," he teased.
"Yeah," you said sarcastically. "I am really happy for her though. I know she wanted it for a long time," you said, sincere now.
"Hey, um, if you want, maybe I could come laugh at drunk couples with you? So you'll have some company," he offered.
"Oh, you don't have to," you dismissed it, "I know it sounds like a bummer, but really, I'll be fine."
"No, really. No one should have to sit alone at weddings," he said.
"Another friend of mine told me that as well."
"Well then, this friend of yours is smart. Believe me, as a veteran of many sit-alone weddings myself, I can confirm it's indeed a huge bummer."
"Fine," you chuckled, "I guess if you want to come so badly you may," you said, making him laugh.
"Great, text me the details?"
"Yep," you smiled. "Talk to you later?"
"Sure, bye!"
You hung up the phone to get up and start putting all your clothes into the closet. After you were done with that, you sent Sarah a text to let her know you will be bringing a plus one at the end, asking her if that'd be okay.
Is it Chris????
Then it's fine!! :)))
You chuckled to yourself and kept putting away your clothes.
The night of the wedding, as a close friend of the bride's, you arrived at the venue a couple of hours beforehand, along with all of your friends. Chris came some time after guests started to arrive, and it didn't take you long to spot him in the crowds, looking a bit lost. You excused yourself quickly from the conversation you were in with some of the groom's friends and went to greet him.
"Hey!" you waved as you walked towards him, "Chris!"
Grinning when he saw you, he also began moving towards you, until you finally met in the middle.
"I'm glad you could make it," you smiled.
"I am too," he said, "seems like a nice wedding."
"Yeah. C'mon, you're just in time. They're gonna start the ceremony soon," you explained as you grabbed his arm and started leading him towards your seats.
"Oh-kay," he chuckled as you dragged him forward with surprising determination.
As you took your seats, you waved at your friends, and they freaked out over Chris being there, but you paid no mind to them, as Chris was leaning towards you, whispering, "You know, for someone who doesn't seem to enjoy romance, you sure do seem excited about this wedding."
"Well, I'm happy for Sarah. I've learned that me and my friends have a different outlook on that, and that's fine, it's useless to argue about it or whatever. I'm just happy she's gonna have what she wanted, even if I don't really believe in it."
"So how does that work? If you don't think romance is real and bring joy then how come you're happy your friend has it?"
"Chris, if one of my friends told me they found a way to adopt a unicorn, I'd be happy for them, no questions asked. Everyone should do what they feel like," you shrugged. "Now shhhh, they should be starting every minute now."
The ceremony was a beautiful one, and Sarah looked gorgeous in her white dress. As she walked down the aisle with a beaming smile, Chris' words echoed in your mind.
If you don't think romance is real and bring joy then how come you're happy your friend has it?
Despite your quick answer, you didn’t really know. The short answer was the one you told Chris, but the long one…
For the longest time, you believed romance just wasn't durable. Wasn't real. But maybe you just didn't believe that you can have that kind of romance? You just never really had someone to challenge your perception like that, because no one ever took it seriously, they just told you you'd find your person.
But that wasn't something you wanted to think about now, so you filled it away for later.
"It was a beautiful ceremony."
You and Chris were a little far out from the dancing crowd, somewhere a little quieter, but you could still see the dance floor from the bench you had found.
"Yeah, it was," you agreed with him.
"Not beautiful enough to make you cry, I guess?" he teased.
"Ha ha. I don't cry at weddings."
"I could've guessed that," he chuckled. "So what do you usually do at weddings? I mean, all your friends are married, so I'm assuming you've been to quite a few."
"What I'm doing right now. Sitting aside and drinking," you raised your glass in mock salute before taking a generous sip.
"Solid plan," he nodded slightly. "So you've never like, danced at weddings or anything?"
"No," you frowned, shaking your head slightly, "Why would I? I'm not a dancer, really.
"Well, how 'bout we go and change that?"
"Excuse me now?"
"I'm just saying, if you're really happy for your friend, maybe you should show her that. Enjoy yourself."
"I am enjoying myself," you deadpanned.
"Do what people are meant to do at weddings," he rolled his eyes.
"I thought you were here to silently judge everyone with me. Don't make me regret inviting you," you jokingly waved your finger at him as if you were telling him off.
"That's still the plan. We could just probably still do that on the dance floor," he shrugged. "Your call."
There was a short-lived silence before you sighed. "Fine. One dance," you warned.
Getting up, he offered his arm to you, which you took, and you made your way o the dance floor. You started dancing to the end of the upbeat song that was playing, but just then it changed into something a little slower, and people were pairing up.
"This is the money time," Chris winked, and offered you his hand. You took it, almost instinctively, and you started dancing to the song, his other hand on your waist while yours was on his shoulder.
"What do you mean money time?" you whispered.
"Okay. We're gonna turn around, and you're gonna look at the couple that's gonna be behind me," he said, turning the both of you around casually as you danced.
"Oh my god," you suppressed your laughter. "That's… I don't even know what to say. Are they even a couple or is he her da- oh nope, he just kissed her on the lips. God," you grimaced as Chris laughed at your expression. "I at least hope he's rich for her sake."
You both chuckled, and it was only a couple of moments later that you gasped with a smile. "Don't be obvious cause they're pretty close, but look at the couple to my right."
"Oh shit," he chuckled. "Remind me not to go to any secluded corner of this wedding. These two are probably this close to running off to do things I definitely wouldn't wanna see."
"Right?" you said, amused, "They're practically eye fucking. Have some decency!"
You both laughed again, and then Chris nodded his head subtly in another direction. "Look at those two."
They were a couple that wasn't dancing, they were sitting at a table close to the dancefloor, their foreheads touching, seemingly murmuring to each other.
"Betcha they're the kind of couple who does the whole 'no you hang up!' thing," Chris continued with an amused grin.
"Oh they so are!" you burst into laughter. "They probably share a single spaghetti from both ends."
"Lady and the Tramp style," you both said at the same time, prompting you to tear your eyes from the couple and look at each other, giggling.
You continued dancing through the next song, and the next one, and the one after that. For pretty much the rest of the night, you two danced together, continuing to invent silly stories about the people you saw, laughing at each other's cheesy anecdotes.
When it was getting late and the party was winding down, Chris offered you a ride home, since he hasn't drunk, and you gratefully accepted. You came here with your friends, and they were all probably staying longer, but you were getting a little sleepy, so you decided to call it a night.
"Let's just go say goodbye to Sarah," you said and he nodded, letting you lead the way.
"Hey, I'm getting pretty tired, so we're gonna leave. Congratulations," you smiled once you had gotten to the table the happy couple was sitting at. As Chris was shaking the husband's hand, you had bent down to wrap your arms around Sarah in a tight hug.
"So you admit you're a 'we' now? You and Chris?" she teased, whispering in your ear.
"We're not," you rolled your eyes.
"Whatever you say," she smiled knowingly. "Thank you for coming," she said louder once you let go of her.
"It was a pleasure, congratulations," Chris smiled at the both of them, and you all gave your goodbyes.
On the way back, you were already lulling into sleep in the passenger's seat, and Chris smiled to himself.
"Chris," you mumbled from your half-asleep state.
"Thank you. For coming with me today. You're right. Dancing with you is better than sitting alone."
"Wow, what a compliment," he drawled sarcastically.
"Yeah, don't let it get to your head buddy," you chuckled, before shifting around in your seat so your head was leaning on the window. "Can you wake me up when we get there?"
"Sure," he smiled, "Sweet dreams."
"Thanks," you yawned.
When you got to your house, Chris gently nudged your shoulder a few times to wake you up. You woke up, confused for a second, but quickly regained your composure and thanked him for the ride.
You went into the house, barely changing out of your dress before plopping down on the bed.
It was kind of weird, honestly. Usually, no matter how tired you were, you wouldn't manage to fall asleep in a car, or a plane. Even a bed that wasn't yours was sometimes harder to sleep in.
But you were in your own bed now, so you didn't have a lot of time to mull that over before you sunk into a deep sleep.
"Hey," Chris greeted over the phone one Monday.
"Hi! How's it going?" you smiled.
"Fine. I mean, actually, do you wanna come over?"
"Right now?" you frowned.
"I mean, why not? Have the Monday chat in person."
"Um, sure. Yeah, I'll be over in a bit," you said. Hanging up, you didn't think too much of his invitation. He sounded fine, and he said he was. He was probably just being nice.
Soon enough you were knocking at his front door. It opened to reveal a very excited Dodger pouncing on you, and you giggled as you crouched down to pet him. "Yeah, hi Dodger! How's the cutest boy doing?"
"Ouch," Chris joked from the doorstep.
"Hello to you too, I guess," you said dryly, but with a grin on your face.
You all went inside, and Dodger went straight to his bed, curling up. "Your knock woke him up," Chris explained, smiling at the sight.
"Oh, sorry," you gave him a small smile.
"It's fine. As you can see, he has no problem going right back to sleep," he chuckled.
"Yeah," you giggled. "Is everything okay? I mean, is there a reason you wanted me to come except to enjoy my magnificent presence?" you teased.
"Well, that was mostly it," he laughed, "but actually, I did want to talk to you about something. Wanna go outside?"
"Um, sure," you said, frowning slightly before forcing yourself to smile again.
You stepped outside into his garden, sitting in the big lawn chairs.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" you asked, turning your head to look at him.
"That's Orion's Belt, right?" he evaded, pointing at a group of stars in the night sky.
"I'm pretty sure it is," you shrugged.
For a moment, you were both quiet.
"I've changed my mind," Chris started. "This isn't the rest of my life. It's just my life."
"Okay," you said, not getting where he was going with this.
"You know, all these cheesy couples we made fun of at Sarah's wedding? I think they have it right."
"How come?"
"They realized that romance isn't about forever. It's about right here, right now. It’s in the little things. I've been so opposed to romance lately, and I was constantly thinking about how I wouldn't have a forever, so much so that I forgot what's going on now."
"And what's that?" you asked softly.
"Something much simpler than that. Happiness."
You stared at each other in silence, a slight frown still on your face.
"You make me happy," Chris admitted in a soft voice. "You make me really happy. And I don't want to lose your friendship, but I have to ask you this, because otherwise I don't think I'd forgive myself. Do you really not believe in romance? At all?"
"I don't know," you whispered. Clearing your throat, you continued a bit louder. "I don't believe in everyone's version of it. The happily ever after, forever. I don't need anyone to complete me either."
"There's always a middle road. Maybe not everyone has someone, and we don’t need romance, but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to want it. We shouldn't have to sit alone at weddings," he said sincerely. After a breath, he continued. "I'm not asking you for forever. I don't want to. But I want to ask you for now. And I don't think I'd complete you, just like you don't complete me. But you do make my life a whole lot better."
"Chris, you know I'm not looking for anything, I told you that when we met," you said weakly.
"I know. I also wasn't looking for anything. And yet I found… something. And I'd be a coward not to pursue it. We can make our own kind of romance; not a happily ever after, but a happy here and now. No big cheesy gestures, or unreasonable promises, just… being together. And that means I can't promise you it'll work, that it'll be perfect. Hell, it'll probably be messy, and hard, and mundane, at times, but that's how life is. But I can promise I'll try. And even if it doesn't work out, I'm willing to regret you for the rest of my life."
You thought back to every romantic relationship you've had. Every date you've been on. A lot of them were disappointing, but some of them were good.
None of them made you as happy as being with Chris did. Not one of your actual dates managed to top just hanging out with Chris. You didn't know why, but you felt safe with him, like you can be entirely yourself. You felt happy.
You didn't want to risk that. You didn't want to lose that. But what if taking this one risk would make it all that much better? You thought back to all of your friends, how happy they were with their significant other, how in love. What if putting your heart out on the line, for the first time in a long while, would make you happier than you had ever imagined?
Of course, it could also make you devastated. It could crush you. But that's the risk, isn't it?
There isn't any other person you'd rather take that leap with, you realized. In the few months you knew Chris, he already managed to become one of your favorite people in the entire world. You trusted him, cared about him, more than you'd let yourself realize up until now. And like he said, not exploring that would make you a coward. And you're not.
You took a deep breath. Chris gave you the time you needed, simply looking at you softly.
"I haven't dated anyone in a while. I might be rusty," you chuckled finally.
"I'm willing to take those odds," he smiled. "Is that a yes?"
"Yes," you nodded, a grin slowly making its way onto your face. "If there's anyone I would do this with, it's you," you admitted softly.
He grinned, getting up from his chair and extending his hand out to you, and you accepted. Gently, he pulled you up on your feet, using his momentum to bring you to stand closer to him and wrapping his other arm around your waist. Slowly, you two inched closer, until, finally, his lips were on yours.
There weren't fireworks, or butterflies. There was just this moment, right here, right now. No doubts, or hesitations, it was peaceful. It felt right.
This moment was all you could ever ask for. All you'd ever need.
"You look so beautiful in the mornings," Chris murmured, burrowing his head into the crook of your neck.
"You too. Happy birthday," You whispered back, weaving your fingers into the hairs on the nape of his neck. He hummed in response, and you giggled, feeling it tickling your neck.
You laid there for a while more, just basking in each other's company. But when you looked at the clock, you started nudging Chris away from you. "We should get up," you said softly, "We have a party to prepare for."
"The party's not until the evening," he whined, "Stay in bed," he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him.
You ended up leaving the bed at noon, eating a big lunch before tidying up for the party. A few minutes later, you slipped away, to set up your surprise.
"Hey Chris?" you called from the other room, "Can you just come over here for a second?"
He entered to find you and Dodger in matching little party hats, and you were holding one out for him too.
"Wow!" he burst into laughter, putting the party hat on his head. "What's all this for?"
"I thought we should celebrate a little before the guests arrive," you shrugged. "And, you know, Dodger looks so cute in that little hat."
"He does," Chris cooed. "How did you manage to put it on him? He would never let me put anything."
"Well, he just likes me more," you smirked. Chris scoffed amusedly. "Okay fine," you rolled your eyes, "I may have bribed him with a treat."
Dodger's ears perked up at the word and you both laughed at the suddenly interested dog.
"I shouldn't have said that," you giggled.
"Probably," he agreed. "Thank you," you put his arm on the small of your back, nudging you closer to his side.
"You're welcome. Happy birthday," you smiled, tilting your head up to press a soft kiss to his lips. He cupped your cheek in his hand, deepening the kiss, but before it could get any further Dodger was barking and putting his front paws on the both of you.
"Yeah, yeah, don't get jealous. We love you too," you and Chris laughed, petting his head affectionately.
Honestly that day was a perfectly normal day for you and Chris. Being in love for the two of you didn't mean big highs and lows. You had your moments, but most of the time, it was just this peaceful bliss.
Later that night, the party was already in full swing. You and Chris separated from each other at some point, but you were making the rounds, so you knew sooner or later you'd meet up again.
In the small crowd, it was easy to spot your friends, sitting with the same group they did last year. You smiled to yourself, going up and greeting everyone warmly.
"How's everyone doing?" you asked, sitting down for a moment.
There was a chorus of "fine"s and "good"s before the conversation continued. You joined in, talking to your friends and catching up with the other group.
"Hey," Chris' voice was suddenly next to you. He came up and wrapped his arms around you from behind, talking softly next to your ear. "I'm gonna get myself another beer. You want anything as well?"
"Um, yeah. Can you bring me one too?"
"Sure," he smiled.
You tilted your head so you could reach and kiss his cheek, "Thanks."
As he walked away, you turned your attention back to the rest of the group, only to find them all looking at you with knowing grins.
"I thought you didn't do romance," said the woman you had spoken to last year, a teasing smile on her face.
"I didn't. I guess I changed my mind," you smiled softly, watching Chris’ back as he dissappeared into the kitchen.
Maybe romance wasn’t so bad after all.
did you catch the three references? tell me:)) i hope you like it, and if you stuck through this entire story, thank you so so much for reading!! as always, i’d love to hear your thoughts, and remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself<3 happy chris day!!
special shoutout for @animnerd who gave me some motivation when i needed it<3 
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds @wintersoldierslut @iceebabies  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree @kaitcordx25 @bequeening @steve-barry-damon-logan @itscrazycherryblossomcollection @hollandxmarvel @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12 @starlightcrystalline @procrastinatingsapphictrash @imvivian
Chris & co. taglist: @patzammit
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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crystalirises · 3 years
People just finding out Fundy has a kid, like Niki was just walking around when she noticed Fundy with a child and then she found out that child was his kid. Tubbo finding out and trying to play Micheal playdates, Phil and Techno hear it form Ranboo. Tommy hears it form Puffy. This also brings the question of who the father is
Hello! Ooohh I like this concept, it's def fun, though slight canon divergence cause Tubbo was around when Fundy found Yogurt and asked if Yogurt was his kid. Also a bit OOC of Tubbo since I'm pretty sure he canonically stated that he would never let Michael and Yogurt have playdates. Big oof.
Anyway, I will not make this Fundywastaken in lieu of Fundy's recent change in his boundaries. While the boundary change was regarding fanart, I cannot continue to write shipping fanfic out of respect for Fundy's boundaries until we get clear clarification that character shipping is allowed or shipping fanfic is allowed. And to be fair, Yogurt is canonically adopted anyway so it's not much of an issue.
This is a bit different from my usual writing style, but I hope you're okay with it. I needed to change styles cause I cannot cope up with full-length one-shots due to the demands of college.
But yeah, hope you like it!
I. Niki
It took about two days for her to glean any information about Fundy's whereabouts.
She had asked everyone she knew, but either they didn’t know or they refused to give her the answer (thank you, Quackity!). She huffed, holding the basket full of freshly baked pastries close to her chest, eyeing her surroundings with narrowed suspicion. It didn’t sit well with her to go look for Fundy, after all, it should be his responsibility to apologize to her. However, she was turning a new leaf, and if Fundy refused her friendship then so be it. She was used to betrayal from him. Maybe this time he’d throw her basket to the ground and stop on them. That would hurt less than burning the flag she’d made or leaving her after promising to be her friend again.
No one knew where Fundy was, and it was only a coincidence that she found him walking near the forest… with a child by his side. She ducked behind a tree, praying that the fox hybrid didn’t hear her footsteps. She peered from behind the trunk, watching as Fundy walked with his… kit?
She nearly ‘awwed’ at the sight of the mini fox hybrid, their hair completely except for the tips which had begun to fade into an icy blue. Their tail was wagging behind them, a white fluff of fur with an icy blue tip. Fundy looked tired, but he tried to keep up with the kit’s excited energy, watching carefully as the little one pounced on flowers or even a patch of wild grass. Niki took a step forward, but stopped once she stepped on a branch. The fox hybrids stopped, and then the kit sniffed at the air, eyes widening at what she assumed was the scent of sugary sweet pastries.
She left the basket, and took off running before she could be spotted.
II. Tubbo
“You can’t enter Las Nevadas.”
“Then I— Just call Quackity!”
Tubbo rolled his eyes, watching as Fundy shrugged. If he had a sword on him, he might have threatened Fundy to grant him access, but somehow, his sword had been stolen right from his sheath. He’d blame Fundy, but the fox hybrid hadn’t moved from the spot. He tapped his feet against the stone floor, ruffling the front of his hair. “I need to speak to Quackity about the ou—”
“Papa!” A small voice cut him off, and before he could turn his glare towards the newcomer, a white blur ran past him and entered through the hole of the small boundary that kept Fundy and Tubbo separated. Tubbo stared at the arctic fox kit, his sword held tightly in their hands. “Look!”
Well… at least he knew where his sword went.
III. Michael
He placed down the chicken plushie.
His cousin - Bo said he had a cousin named Yogurt! - placed down a fox plushie.
They stared at each other awkwardly, before glancing down at the plushies. He didn’t like that Yogi - he decided to call his new cousin Yogi! - was drooling at the sight of his chicken plushie. He was a fox… maybe he was hungry! He looked around the room, catching sight of the trapdoor that was always kept locked. Bo and Yogi’s papa had left them in the room, telling them to be nice to each other and that they’d be downstairs if the two of them ever got hungry. Michael stood up, waddling towards the trapdoor. He couldn’t open it, but he could try to knock. He was about to knock on the wood, but then he realized he’d left his chicken with Yogi. Oh no!
He looked back, tears in his eyes as he expected his chicken to be a tattered mess on the floor. Boo had killed his first chicken by accident, he didn’t want to see his new friend die. Instead of cloth and cotton, he found Yogi holding onto the chicken, his claws withdrawn back into neatly trimmed nails. He was holding the fox plushie in his hand, and much to Michael’s joy, Yogi made the two plushies hug. He waddled back over, Yogi handing him the plushie with a shy smile. Michael held his chicken close to his chest, snorting happily as he and Yogi began to play.
He liked his new cousin.
IV. Ranboo
It was hard to see Fundy again after everything they’ve been through.
He’d tried to avoid the fox hybrid at all costs, but it looked like he couldn’t avoid him forever.
“Uh… hi.” Fundy nervously smiled, holding the small kit closer to himself.
Ranboo’s eyes wandered over to the child, brain short circuiting for a whole minute at the thought that… Who… Who was the father? Ranboo would ask but he wanted to cut the conversation as short as he could. He shuffled on his feet, glancing past Fundy to see Tubbo and Michael passed out on the couch, Tubbo’s hand wrapped around Michael. Instead of the chicken plushie, Michael was holding a fox plushie. Ranboo sighed in defeat, “What’s your kit’s name?”
“Yogurt.” Fundy nuzzled the top of his child’s head. “He’d like you.”
V. Phil
“Did you know Fundy has a kid?”
Phil stopped, dropping the emerald that he was holding.
“Uh… Can you repeat that, mate?” He nervously chuckled, picking the emerald back up. He and Fundy hadn’t seen each other since he’d told his grandson the news of Wilbur’s return. That was a few months ago. He could feel nausea rise in his throat. He chuckled again, shaking his head.
“He has a kid. Yogurt, that’s the kit’s name. He’s an arctic fox hybrid, but he’s still a fox. Phil, I don’t know where he got the kit from.” Phil hummed underneath his breath, placing the emerald inside one of the chests, realizing only later that he’d placed it in the cobblestone chest. He turned back to Ranboo, putting on the best smile that he could. He worried about Fundy, even if they didn’t get along all that well. Where had Fundy gotten a kid from? Who was the father?
Damn the gods, he wasn’t ready to be a great-granddad yet!
VI. Technoblade
“Why is this information vital to me in any way?”
“Because… Fundy is your nephew?”
“No.” He stared down at Ranboo, continuing to sharpen his sword even though Ranboo had stopped pacing. The enderman hybrid looked away, an awkward air filling the room. They were both finished with training, Ranboo had nearly beaten him. Nearly. He chuckled at the memory, maybe if Ranboo hadn’t hesitated on the swing. Maybe. He dragged the stone across the blade, wondering why Ranboo had told him about Fundy… and his new kid. “Why does this matter?”
Ranboo glanced down at Techno’s sword.
“If it doesn’t matter… why are you sharpening your sword like you want to kill someone?”
VII. Puffy
“Oh… Hi, Fundy!”
The fox hybrid looked up, hand paused above the little arctic fox kit that was gorging down on a pile of berries. There were dark bags underneath Fundy’s eyes, and he’d blinked at her like he wasn’t truly seeing her. After a few seconds, a weary grin crossed his face. “Hey… Puffy…”
She knew the signs of sleep deprivation, and as the local therapist - even if she had retired for a bit - she knew it was her duty to reach out and help him. She took a professional stance, opening her mouth to invite him over to her office, when her attention turned back to the kit. Fundy was twenty-one years old, and the kit looked about five… Her heart quickened in her chest. “Who?”
“Huh? Oh! Ya, you mean Yogurt? He’s my kid.” Fundy smiled, filled with adoration as he ran a hand through the kit’s hair. That wasn’t the answer to her question. What she meant to ask was: who’s the father? mother?? DID YOU HAVE THAT KID WHEN YOU WERE SIXTEEN?!
She took a deep breath, “Fundy, do you have someone to talk to?”
VIII. Tommy
“Wha— What the fuck do you mean he has a five-year-old kid?”
“Tommy, we need to stay calm even if it is startling news.” 
Tommy sputtered, nearly choking on one of the cookies that Puffy had laid out on the table in front of him. He’d decided to go back to his daily therapy session when he’d heard that Puffy was back, but he did not expect this to be his news of the fucking day. He leaned back against the couch, brain taking in the news. Wow, the furry got game… He felt a bit of pride at the thought. That was his nephew, and now Fundy had a kid. Damn, he hadn’t even seen the kid yet. 
“I wanted to share this news because Fundy wanted to tell you himself, but with… Wilbur being mostly near you, he couldn’t find the proper time to do so.” Tommy nodded. At least Fundy thought to tell him, of course, Wilbur just got in the way as usual. He leaned forward again, resting his elbows on his knees. He was thinking about it even more. Fundy had a kid now… 
IX. Wilbur
It was wrong.
He paced up and down in front of the cottage, the sun setting in the distance as the growl of monsters began to reach his ears. He didn’t want to go inside until he’d wracked his mind about the issue, the fluffy little issue. He ran a hand through his hair, yanking until the noise in his head began to die down. He didn’t know what to make of the problem, that childish little problem.
But, he wasn’t mad at his grandson. He would never be, he hadn’t even met him yet. Wilbur was angry, angry at who… He didn’t even know who he was supposed to be angry at. He sat down on the porch steps, hands still wrapped around his hair. His son had a five-year-old kid, he had a five-year-old kid. He was still alive when Fundy had been sixteen… but Fundy had turned sixteen during the Manburg era. When did he…? How did he…? He was extremely worried.
Someone had to face his wrath, preferably the other parent who was non-existent, apparently.
He wished Fundy knew he could go to him for help… but he knew why Fundy would stay away.
X. Fundy and Yogurt
He tucked his son into bed, ready to head back into the living room for the rest of the night.
Fundy had spent a whole week coming across people who either gave him toys for Yogurt or food, or sleeping potions (he appreciated Techno’s gift but he threw all of them into lava the moment the piglin hybrid had left). For the entire week, people had done nothing but gawk and stare at him like they were finally seeing how much of a sleep-deprived wreck he was. All he’d wanted to do was go back home or go to Las Nevadas where nobody would ask him any questions. That was the worst part about the week, the endless questions. They felt intrusive, and he’d left all of them unanswered. He shouldn’t… He shouldn’t have to defend himself damn it!
Ranboo had warned him about Phil and Techno (which did not help his rising anxiety after days of limited sleep). Phil had pulled him aside at one point, asking how “it” had happened and if he was okay. Techno had… he had stared at him for a long time before he’d asked who Fundy needed him to kill, he ran away after that. Puffy was kinder about asking him questions, she was his therapist now, but the questions were confusing. Tommy… he asked very personal questions.
Fundy sighed, shaking his head. It was the end of the week, and maybe they’d forget about whatever issue they wanted him to answer after this week. He wouldn’t be surprised. They’d forget him, as usual. Fundy took a deep breath, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Yogurt’s head. His kit frowned up at him, one hand grasping onto his shirt as the other patted the space on the bed beside him. Fundy winced, terrified of going to sleep again. But… He looked into those wide icy blue eyes, the same eyes that had lured him into adopting the poor little kit.
He could never say no to his little Yogi.
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