#ouabh fanfic
sweetingseva · 10 months
Do you have any fanfic recommendations for OUABH? Preferably long ones? Thank you bestie!
Most of the ones I've read have all been one shots. But here are all of the available evajacks fanfics on ao3!
That's where I've been reading them 😅💕 They're easy to read and I recommend all of them, although do beware of the tags and ratings! I know a few of them are rated Mature!
No problem! 💖💖💖
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moobell55 · 1 year
The Thunder Of The Storm (Will Never Match The Thunder Of My Heart)
~A very sweet fic about married life with Evajacks including the Fox children, fluff with a tiny bit of angst, and a bit of childhood trama~
The Prince Of Hearts would proudly claim he had never feared anything in his long existence. He was a ruthless killer who claimed countless lives simply because he had the need too.
What possibly could a Fate who lived a millennium fear?
But Jacks the husband and father learned he had many things to fear in his life. Like one of his children getting hurt, they were so young and the world was so big compared to them. He feared him or his wife getting sick and leaving their children orphaned just like Jacks was when he was a boy.
But one fear remained from his childhood, one that he never seemed to get rid of no matter how well he hid it.
And as the distant sound of thunder began to close in around The Hollow Jacks once again felt like the scared little boy desperate looking for shelter in the woods. Each low rumble brought chills and painful memories across his body.
The feel of his small coat becomes drenched among the rain, his bare feet gathering small cuts from the frozen and cold ground. The rumbles of his empty stomach went unheard for once as the sky roared in anger.
But most of all, the sound of the storm ragging outside returned the feelings of his childhood loneliness he hadn't felt in years.
It wasn't like he cursed years where he roamed Valenda, searching for his (seemingly) mythical true love to free him of his misery. This was the emptiness of his childhood, where he had no parents to care for him or even siblings to care for.
And even looking at his slumbering wife, who peacefully slept unbothered the cracks of lighting, he still felt the sense of dread.
He wanted to wake her, but she needed to rest.
She'd been feeling unwell lately and Jacks had a small suspicion that his dear wife was pregnant with the forth addition to the Fox household.
Jacks decided he could wait out the storm if he needed to, he had dozens of times before. But it felt different now than it used to. Now he had a wife who loved every inch of his existence, and the most perfect children in the world who Jacks couldn't possibly love more.
He hadn't felt like this in ages it seemed like, a bit over eight years, at least not since he first met Evangeline.
Evangeline, his wonderful Evangeline.
Evangeline loved him and cared for him every day like it was their last. She stayed with him, fought for him like he fought for her if not harder. Who gave him a family of his own to love, so he'd never know this kind of despair another day in his life.
Jacks was nearly so lost into his thoughts and memories that he almost didn't hear the small group of footsteps running through the hall.
It seemed to be that all three of his Kits were up and awake because of the storm.
He quickly slid out from under the warmth of their bed, before quickly placing a kiss against his slumbering wife's head.
The Hollow's floor was cold, winter had fallen over the kingdom in the last week and the grounds were already covered in snow. Quickly he turned the door and was met with the sight of all three of his children standing outside the door.
Eleanor the oldest of the three was standing in the front, her braid was coming out of her golden blonde locks and tiredness shown across her face.
As thunder cracked overhead the small girl flinched, and her two brothers drew closer to her.
Max and Teddy were more visible with their fear, and dried tears shown on their identical faces that made Jacks heart hurt.
Quickly he pulled all three children into his arms and held them tightly, he could hear their frantically beating hearts and wondered if they matched his own.
No words needed to be exchanged in this moment, his children were tired and scared and Jacks pushed his fears away the minute he heard the patter of feet.
His children needed protecting so nothing else could possibly ever matter as much.
Carefully he walked back into his and Evangeline's dimly lit room, only a few candles sat by the window sill.
He gently placed his children on his side of the bed, laying the twins closest to Evangeline and Eleanor right next to them.
He then carefully slid into the bed next to them in the small amount of space left for him. He would've given them his entire half it he could, but he needed to hold them right now as much as they needed his comfort.
His long arms carefully wrapped as far as they could around them, he wouldn't mind his arms being half dead in the morning.
Another crack of thunder boomed overhead and Eleanor buried her face into her fathers chest, whilst the small twins tightly held Jacks arm.
Slowly the storm seemed to die down, leaving only the sounds of the calming rain.
And as quickly as they had awaken the Fox children had once again drifted off to the land of dreams.
Teddy's soft snores filled the room, while Max began to move in his sleep, and Eleanor was busy drooling across Jacks favorite pillow.
He quickly lifted his head to see Evangeline who had been roused from her sleep for a brief minute to give him a soft smile. Before quickly lying her head back down to join their children.
Jacks heart felt heavy, dread no longer filled his chest.
Instead was a brilliant sense of love and joy that had only increased every day in his life for the past eight years.
And Jacks knew this feeling would never stop growing, everyday he was thankful that he'd been lucky enough to win Evangeline's heart.
That she loved him, and she gave him a family to so he'd never know loneliness again.
And at last with peace in his heart Jacks diffed off with his family into a peaceful slumber.
Knowing that the sweetest dream he could ever have was the one he lives everyday with Evangeline and their children.
-Baby Fox's are often referred to as "Kits, Pups or Cubs", I thought Kits sounded the best.
-I head-cannon Jacks as calling their kids and being like "Oh these are my Kits."
-Eleanor is about 5 in this story and her name is based of the Former Empress Elentine who Jacks was "Friends" within Caravel
-Max is named after Evangeline father Maximilian, he's the second oldest Fox child and Teddy's identical twin
-Teddy's name isn't based off of any character in particular but I thought it sounded cute
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lyra-brie · 2 years
EvaJacks "Who Are You?" Fanfic
I don't normally write fanfiction, but my hyperfixation is really strong with Once Upon a Broken Heart, so this is an exception.
It takes place shortly after the end of The Ballad of Never After. It's loosely based on a lot of my random theories and stuff, mainly that Apollo was the reason that Eva sees Jacks's blood at the end.
These characters belong to Stephanie Garber, they're from the Once Upon a Broken Heart series.
Heavy spoilers for both Once Upon a Broken Heart and The Ballad of Never After.
My wrist started burning. Right where that tiny white broken heart scar was. Apollo avoided my questions about it, and now it suddenly started burning. I needed to find a way to figure out what it was or what it meant.
Don't trust anyone but me. Something bad happened to you, and we aren't sure who did it. Everyone is dangerous, Apollo had said.
But it felt wrong. Like he just wanted to keep me to himself. He dodged all my questions and wouldn't tell me much of anything about what happened before I lost my memories.
My door opened, and I jumped. No one should have been coming in here, and yet, there he was. His blond hair was almost gold, and his skin seemed to glow. Something felt off about him. Something I felt like I should've known. He looked at me as if he could see into my soul while he came closer.
Regret shined in his icy blue eyes as he said, "I'm sorry, Little Fox." The nickname was both familiar and strange, especially coming from this odd, almost-glowing man, who I had no memory of at all. Something like hope outshined the regret, and I felt like that was unusual for him. It lit up his face so beautifully. "I didn't mean what I sad at the arch. I never should've left you alone with him. We can make this work-"
My tongue finally decided to work as the question I wasn's sure I wanted to ask slipped out. "Who are you?"
He froze. His hopeful look dropped away. His hand shook just a little bit. Something I felt no one else would notice with the confidence he was practically oozing.
"What do you mean, 'Who are you?' It's Jacks. You have to remember." He seemed like he was almost pleading with me to remember who he was. I couldn't. The name barely even sounded familiar at all.
"I-I'm sorry, but I really don't remember who you are. How did you even get in here?"
"I told the guards to let me in." My eyes narrowed in suspicion. Apollo told them not to let anyone in. "The guards like me. What's the last thing you remember?"
The last thing I remember is my dad dying, but I don't want to tell him that. Apollo said not to trust anyone else, and he just seems strange anyway. But I did have a question for him.
"Do you know what this is from?" I lifted my wrist to show him the odd scar that had started burning when he came in. I wouldn't tell him it was burning, just in case, but I wanted to know, and Apollo wouldn't answer my questions about it.
Jacks smiled for a second, like he was just glad I was still talking to him, before it faded away.
"That's from when we first met."
"How did we meet?"
The corner of his mouth turned up again. "Let me take you out of the palace. I'll tell you everything, as long as you promise to hear me out. It'll help if I can show you the places we were together." Fear outweighed my curiosity. Apollo said leaving the palace wasn't safe. I don't know this Jacks. He could be lying about all of this just to get me out of my safe place.
"I'm not supposed to leave the palace."
"Do you just listen to everything Apollo says?" He said it like a challenge, daring me to go with him and see what happened. To step out of the box Apollo had put me in.
The box is to keep you safe.
But is it really?
"So you think I'm just going to trust you because you say you knew me and that we share some memories? I think I'll take my chances staying here." His expression didn't change as he turned away from me and started walking toward the door. I realized with a start that I didn't want him to leave.
He looked over his shoulder as he spoke one last time, "Alright. It's up to you. I'll be at the cemetery (A/N: it was the only place I could think of lol) if you decide you'd like to find out what that scar is." His voice was confident he knew what I would decide, but he still seemed so much dimmer than when he came in. With that, he left just as quickly as he came. I felt more alone than I had been before he left.
I paced around my room for a few minutes, arguing with myself about whether or not I was going to do this very stupid thing and leave the palace to meet a man I don't know. But I already knew exactly what choice I was going to make.
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herundone-prince · 1 month
@beabeebeee @fayrie24
The stars were silent in the north as a piercing scream tore through them. It was an almost human girl, crying and shaking as she struggled to reach the body of the body that lay on the ground in front of her, an arrow through his heart.
The same girl with the blonde pink tinted locks, the same one that screamed and cried and shook like nothing else, she was the one that held the bow. A not quite human man, with blue eyes and blonde hair held her back as a woman with pink locks tried to soothe her. 
It was no help. 
The Ballad of the Archer and the Fox would continue on for as long as a person that carried it lived. 
The girl had killed her love, and no amount of crying would bring him back.
Even the stars wept, as they had done the first time.
I tucked my final lock of blonde hair into my updo, looking at myself in the mirror. Pale grey eyes stared back at me, still showing the pain that I could never actually keep hidden. 
My hair still constantly had that pink tint to it, raising a few looks, but it didn’t bother me. Mum gets them too, much more often. I had on my favourite top and bottoms, a silk top and black bottoms.
I looked astonishing.
My foots creaked against the wood floors of the hollow, my home. I ignored my bags on my bed, not wanting to think about it. I didn’t want to think about the fact that I was leaving. I had no choice, but that played no part in that.
A glance to a clock showed it said 9:30. Mum would be up then. Dad and Lyric would not. The clock also said ‘Orange Juice and French Toast’. Mum must have bribed the hollow. 
It was my favourite meals, one of the less common occurrences to appear on the clock. My hand runs down the cracked staircase that leads downstairs, the glossed handrails a texture so familiar.
A head peeks out from the open doorway that leads to the kitchen, Rose gold hair shining through accompanied by one of my favourite smiles. 
“Angela!” She said happily, walking out to greet me. “How did you sleep?” She asked. 
I smiled back at her, my pale freckled skin creasing.
“Morning Mum. It was fine. Did Lyric wake you up again?” I asked. Lyric was my love. He was my younger brother, and I would die for him.
His nightmares never ceased.
Mum did not reply, letting out a low hum as I stared at the eye bags under her eyes. It wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t have stopped it. 
I knew it. I knew it wasn’t my fault but I was sure there could be something I could do to help. Maybe if i win this.
I took a step past my mother, away from her and the book she had been hiding. She didn’t want me to see it, that I knew. A book on psychology, ptsd and nightmares. Me and Lyric combined in one. Splendid. 
The wooden chairs, hand painted, foxes and stories carved into them slid out for me as I approached. I slid into the seat, picking up the envelope on the table.
I knew what it was, of course I knew. Didn’t make it anymore fun to open.
“Dear Miss Prince,
Below you will find enclosed the ticket for your entrance to Caraval, in celebration of the Crown Princess’ 18th birthday and search for a partner. We hope to see you there. 
And remember, 
     It’s only a game.”
That was all the letter contained, save for a slip of paper that was my entrance ticket. I knew practically nothing about the Crown Princess of the Meridian Empire, only that her uncle was Legend himself. 
Dad had soured up whenever I asked, and Mum knew no more about Legend than I did. She was telling the truth when she said she had met with Princess Donatella and Empress Dragna-Santos, but I doubt she had ever had the chance to meet their husbands.
That was a long time ago, regardless. She said she had not spoken with them since she came to live in the North. 
She didn’t speak much of her time before Dad, before the North except for stories of my grandparents, who I was partially named after. 
Mum leaned on the back of my chair, peering over, looking at the letter and ticket. 
She didn’t say I was lucky, didn’t spout any nonsense that the one girl from the town had done when she found out I was going.
She knew just as much as I did that I was going to find a way to break my curse, to stop Lyric from inheriting it further, not for fun. 
“I’ll miss you.” She said instead.
She turned away from me, grabbing two cups of orange juice as I placed the letter down, taking one from her.
“I’ll miss you too.” I replied. 
She smiled again, though it never really faded. I rarely saw her have a reason not to smile. 
I moved my arm, reaching across the table for some of the French toast as two small arms grabbed my leg, holding on tight.
My mum smiled again, knowing it was Lyric without looking, reaching to grab the French toast herself.
“Hey Lyric!” I picked him up gently, placing him on my leg. His blue eyes were rimmed with bags larger than my mothers, his pink hair ruffled. 
My smile dampened. 
“Another bad dream?”
He nodded. For an 8 year old, he didn’t speak much. He never really has. He just nodded and hugged. That's alright. We can speak enough for him. 
“Are you leaving today?” He said, his voice very quiet.
Mum placed a plate on the seat next to me, food for lyric. 
“Yes..” I trailed off, a large frown appearing on his face. “I’ll be back soon okay? You won’t even notice I’m gone.” 
He didn’t say anything more. He crawled off my lap and sat in the seat next to me, grabbing a fork to start eating.
My smile fell as I stared at my mother. How was I the cause of so many issues in the family?
‘It’s not your fault.’ The voice of my father echoed in my mind. I turned around, seeing him leaning against the wood where my mother had said hello to me earlier. 
He yawned, not having bothered to change out of what he slept in, making his way towards Mum. 
“Morning Little Fox. Morning, my angels.” He ran his hands through mum’s hair, sitting down next to her. He didn’t reach for any food, just the letter. 
He read it briefly, then simply flipped it over in his fingers. Over and Over, like a child plays with a pen. I’d imagine he would ask if I had to go, if I could stay, but he knows better than anyone else that I must.
He knows that there’s only one way to break this curse. That the one person left capable of curing it, of wishing it away was Legend.
“Are you all ready to leave?” My mother spoke, asking quietly. She sounded cheery, but she was no happier than the rest of us.
“Of course.” I paused for a brief moment, debating whether or not I should say it. It wasn’t a terrible question, but it would tiptoe around a sore subject for dad. He felt guilty enough as is. It wasn’t even his fault. It was mine.
“How long did the last Caraval take?” I asked. It wasn’t loud, nor was it quiet. Just there. I could have expected my mother to freeze, the hollow to go quiet had my life been a work of fiction, but it didn’t.
Lyric continued scraping at his food, Dad continued playing with the letter pitifully, and Mum couldn’t decide whether to look at me or Dad sadly.
“It lasts a week, regularly.” 
That wasn’t terrible. It wasn’t excellent, but it wasn’t terrible. I could survive 2 weeks without my family. This was for my family.
“Havelock will be here at 11 to pick you up Angie.” My mother said. It wasn’t an add on to what dad said, but it was there. She knew he didn’t like talking about it.
“Thanks.” I did my best to smile. I really, really, really didn’t want to leave. I ran my hand through Lyric’s hair, combing it over best I could.
I wasn’t in the mood to eat much, regardless of what food it was. 
The chime running through my ears indicated it was 10. 
I stood up, and walked out. I didn’t bother putting my dish away. There was no need, since the hollow was here. Would I have to do that in Caraval? Where would I eat in caraval? Did they provide food? 
I needed to breathe. 
“Is it alright if I go out into the garden?” I asked. Dad didn’t look up, flipping the card over and over. 
“Of course.” 
I felt shaky, for no reason at all. I smiled again, despite not wanting to. My feet needed to go faster. 
The door to the back garden creak a bit as I opened it, unused for a bit. My footsteps sped up, quickening with the pace of my heartbeat.
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
OUABH Drabble #1: Crush
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“You had a crush on me before, Little Fox? You’re so cute.”
“N-No. That was a slip of the tongue. You know, silly me.” Jacks deviously grinned at her as he hid away in the crook of her neck. Liar.
   Evangeline flushed. Of course it was a lie. She was lying bigtime, she liked him for a long time. In fact, from the moment she knew of the Fates, he was her favorite. Almost destined, so it seemed. I might just agree with that. He was smirking now and a shiver went down her spine. 
    “Are you gonna give in and admit it?” Jacks whispered. She knew she was only lying to herself; they both did. The more she continued to war with herself, the quicker she would implode so she slumped her shoulders, giving in. His grin grew wider. 
    Sighing, she said, “I don’t know what I was thinking. Clearly I was too young and naïve to truly fathom the trouble you’re worth.” 
    “Oh, is that so?”
    “Mhmm, very. I can’t think of any other explanation and I chastise myself daily for my foolishn-” Evangeline gasped when he nipped at her neck. Then he soothed the bite with a kiss before rising up and smiled at her roguishly. “Wanna reconsider that? Hmm? I’ll even let you take it back.” He leaned down and nuzzled his nose against hers before pulling back again. His smirk was a smug one; like the story curse, ever shifting. 
    She narrowed her eyes at him. Stop teasing. Jacks chuckled lightly; a pleasant shiver went down her back. Stop lying. She huffed, pouting at him. He only laughed harder.
    “It’s okay, Little Fox. I know it’s hard to not admire me at times. Even I myself have a har-” Evangeline smacked his chest. “Stop. You’re not helping.” “Alright, alright.” But that didn’t stop him from smiling widely, all open boyishness about it with the blue in his eyes twinkling with mischief and unsaid promises and Evangeline thought that she was getting a rare glimpse at the boy he used to be when he was one of the Merrywood Three. So handsome. 
    I know. 
    “Jacks!” She smacked his arm this time and he laughed merrily; it was too endearing that she couldn’t stay mad at him for long. However, she still turned away from him in a show of mock anger, crossing her arms.  
    “I’m sorry, love. Would a kiss suffice in rectifying the damage?” Once he stopped laughing, Jacks went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Hmm?” He planted another kiss on her neck. 
    “...Yes.” Jacks smiled slyly as she turned around, twining her hands into his golden locks, pulling him down into a long kiss. He was all too happy to oblige. 
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onceuponaneverafter · 10 months
i’ve had SPECIFICALLY the lyric ”you kiss me and it stops time / and i’m yours but you’re not mine” (Taylor Swift - Say Don’t Go) stuck in my head for a few days now and,,,
is it just me or is that The song lyric for evajacks??
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heyo-428 · 10 months
the found family potential of the fates is actually crazy. it would be like a dysfunctional family.
i have an idea for a modern AU with this idea maybe i’ll get into writing it??
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hazelporterwrites · 9 months
Fanfic: Evajacks return to The Hollow... 🌶️
Note: Long-time fandom member, first-time fanfic contributor! This is the first section of an ongoing Evajacks fanfic I've written — the first part (3k words) is live and SPICY. ENJOY! 18+ What a year she’d had.
At just 17 years old, Evangeline Fox felt like she’d lived one hundred lives a thousand times over. 
She’d lost count of the number of times she’d almost died between leaving her father’s curiosity shop and ending up here, at the Hollow.
And yet, there were still more adventures to be had. Evangeline had a feeling one such adventure would begin that very night.
When she’d received the invite to LaLa’s latest ball, Evangeline had been surprised. It hadn’t been long since her engagement to her latest beau, Lord Slaughterhouse, had ended. Surely it wasn’t yet time for the Unwed Bride to debut a new fiancé?
With just a few hours before she needed to be dressed and ready, Evangeline sat at the vanity in her bedroom, running a brush through her rose-gold hair. Around her, all was silent, besides the tick of the grandfather clock in the hall and the call of the birds outside the window.
Her dress for the ball hung from the top of the four-poster bed. It had arrived with the invite, picked out by LaLa herself. She really must ask her friend where she found these dresses, Evangeline thought. It was time she began selecting her own clothes.
The dress was a froth of silver and purple fabric, with a heart-shaped neckline and long, sheer sleeves decorated with intricately embroidered pink flowers. She hadn’t tried it on yet but knew that with its nipped-in waistline and long, flowing skirt — Evangeline’s classic silhouette — the dress would fit like a glove.
A creak from the staircase outside broke the silence, sending Evangeline’s eyes shooting towards the door. Her heart immediately began pounding against her ribcage. Not because she was scared — nothing could get to her in the Hollow — but because she knew who stood on the other side of the door.
He could be cruel and mean. Punishing and immoral. But underneath, Evangeline had known there was more to the Prince of Hearts.  Read more here: https://www.wattpad.com/1410627171-return-to-the-hollow-jacks-and-evangeline
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catapparently · 5 months
Please drop fanfic requests (with a plot too not just the fandom) , no smut pls 🙏
Fandoms: whole grishaverse, the inheritance games, the naturals, once upon a broken heart Caraval, the folk of the air, the empyrean (fourth wing), genshin, love and Deepspace, tears of themis, HSR...
If there's any I didn't name but you still have a request of, please still request it, maybe I just forgot to add it 🤍
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memyshelfandi234 · 11 months
But fr, why Jacks can't answer a simple question? I wanted him to detail what the apples were for, not make us come to the conclusion ourselves🙄 I swear, this boy.
Ap*llo's ending was AMAZING. I feel complete😌
Jacks and Eva finally getting their happily ever after was so heartwarming, I cried so bad I love them🥺
I think we can all agree that Eva and Jacks are finally official "enemies to lovers"
Is anyone else here loving the story curse? I feel like no one talks about it, but I love the story curse's POV.
On that note, I'm on to AO3 cuz I will not allow it to end there. I need to read evajacks life after all of this 😁
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littlexfic · 1 year
A/N: this is about eva being cold and jacks trying to help her even though he thinks he doesnt want to❤ idk when it takes place but its cute :)
It's definitely winter. If all the horrible Christmas decorations outside don't make it obvious, then the blizzarding storm outside certainly does.
    I don't really care for winter, I'm always cold anyways, so the weather outside doesn't change much for me. I don't really care about other people being cold either, they can suck it up and stop complaining. They deserve to be cold.
    I wonder where Evangeline is. Wait no, no I don't. I don't know why I thought that in the first place. I do really hope she's not too cold though. Maybe I should go check on her. No, what am I thinking? I really don't care about her, or about how cold she is. I'm just going to get to bed, it's late.
Knock Knock Knock
Ughhh, who could be coming here right now? I'm not even going to answer it
Knock Knock Knock
This person really doesn't want to go away, do they? I'm still not going to answer it.
    Then I hear the door creak open. Great.
Who wants to see me this desperately that they decide to barge into my house uninvited?
    "Jacks?" I hear an annoyingly adorable voice ask. I know that voice. Evangeline.
    "Jacks are you here?" She sounds cold. Oh no. I need to help her. I quickly get out of bed and- wait. What am I doing? I don't even care about this girl. There's no way I'm-
    "J-jacks? W-where are y-you?" She's definitely cold. That's it. I'm helping her. Not because I care about her, but no one deserves to be cold.
    I walk out into the living room, where I see Evangeline wearing one of my shirts and wrapped around one of my blankets, she's sitting in from of the fire, but it's not even turned on. She's also still shivering.
    "Little Fox, what are you doing?" I ask her, I sound annoyed, good. She can't know- I mean- think I care about her, because I don't
    "I'm sorry Jacks, I had no where else to go. My house is too far and it was too cold out. I can leave I'm sorry." She started to get up off the couch and towards the door.
    "Evangeline, wait." I didn't mean to tell her to wait. The words just slipped out. She turned around and looked at me.
    "Oh, your shirt, and your blanket. I'm so sorry. My dress was just really uncomfortable and-"
I couldn't take it. She looks so sad and scared and I'm not just going to make her walk around outside in a blizzard.
    I took a deep breath. "Evangeline, stay here tonight. You can give my shirt back in the morning."
    "really? thank you so much, Jacks." She said, smiling. I wish she wasn't so dang ador- no, no she isn't adorable.
    Then she walked up to me and hugged me. She was hugging me. I don't know what I was doing, but I was hugging her back. I don't know why. She just felt safe. She made me feel warm. She tried letting go but I pulled her back in. What is happening to me? I don't want to let her go. I can't her go. I need to be with her.
    She looked like she was falling asleep so I walked her over to the couch and layed her down. I put the blanket over her and was going to go back to my room, but her hand reached out and grabbed mine.
   "J-Jacks, I'm c-cold."
    "L-Lay with me. P-please"
     So I did. I don't know why. I think I'm just tired. I laid down next to her on the couch and wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled up into my chest and closed her eyes. I looked down at her and-
maybe I do care about her.
     "I care about you too, Jacks" she said softly,  and then she fell asleep.
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sweetingseva · 10 months
Hiiiiiii! I finished ACFTL for the second time and now I need more! I've really only read the books and just got into the fandom on Tumblr recently, are there any fanfics that are like THE FANFICS that the fandom loves? I just need so much more evajacks!! Thank you! ❤️
Anything written by @missroller15! Her fanfics were one of the first to catch wind on tumblr and ao3. I'd say to start reading them because they contain all of the fluff and domestic evajacks 💕💕💕
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moobell55 · 11 months
Since ACFTL came out today I’ll now be taking fanfiction requests for anything Acftl or that could possibly happen after
Here’s a prompt sheet for ideas for my next fic because I’m in a slump because of the ending
Please vote on what y’all would like to see!
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lyra-brie · 2 years
EvaJacks Bunny Fanfic
Have some short, fluffy EvaJacks.
(This one was entirely self-indulgent lol)
The characters are Jacks and Eva from Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber.
The river water hissed as it crashed against the banks, throwing the poor bunny around like a feather. The white ball of fluff kept struggling, trying desperately to get to the surface.
"Jacks! There's a bunny drowning!!" I pointed to where the bunny was still being flung around by the water.
"How sad." There wasnt an ounce of sympathy in his tone. He didn't even look at it. I stopped walking next to him and crossed my arms.
"We have to do something-"
He sighed and turned around to face me. "We have to go meet Chaos and LaLa in 20 minutes."
"We have to save the bunny. LaLa will understand. Chaos will get over it."
"You seem very certain about that."
I started speed walking toward the river. "Okay I'll just jump in the water by myself-" Jacks caught my wrist before I made it five steps away from him.
"Absolutely not. I'll go get the stupid bunny. You stay here."
I gasped and feigned heartbreak. "You called my bunny stupid. How could you?" I sniffled.
He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Little Fox. I'll go get the bunny for you. Just stay here, please? I'll be right back."
He jumped into the water and for a second I was legitimately worried he wouldn't be a good enough swimmer to catch the bunny in these waters, but, of course, he was basically perfect at it.
He climbed back on to the river bed out of breathe and soaking wet, along with the bunny.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm cold and wet and I have a bunny," he complained. He was fine, so I grinned.
"Thank youuuu."
"Uh huh. Now I have to go back home and change. We're going to be very late."
"We have a bunny!!"
"We are not keeping that."
"Why not?" I bring out the puppy-dog eyes.
He sighs. "You're taking care of it."
I'm totally open to suggestions if you guys want more! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed 💖
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rottennsiren · 6 months
might have to start writing a ouabh fanfic because i’m NOT satisfied
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riddles-n-games · 11 months
Can't Lose You Too
A/N: SPOILERS AHEAD from A Curse For True Love so reader beware. This is a rewrite with content from Ch. 41. And Happy Birthday to our one and only favorite apple-eating scoundrel with unfair dimples!
    Glass shattered. He’d dropped the jar—and as soon as he did, the kiss took on new life. It felt like stars colliding and worlds ending. Everything was dizzying and spinning. He kissed her harder. She held him tighter, fingers bruising on the back of his neck before slipping into his soft hair.
    Evangeline never wanted to pull away. But she was starting to feel light-headed. Her eyes were closed. But she could see stars.
    “Little Fox—” Jacks’s panicked voice broke the kiss.
I'm all right, she said, or she tried to say. Evangeline couldn't quite get out the words. Her head was spinning too fast. The stars were spinning, too. Little constellations behind her eyes.
    Her legs gave out.
    “No!” Jacks cried.
    Then Evangeline felt his arms catching her as she fell. She tried to stand, tried to move, but her head would not stop spinning.
    “No!” Jacks screamed. “Not again!”
    He dropped to the ground with Evangeline in his lap. She could feel his chest shaking as he held her.
    Jacks—she thought his name. She couldn’t speak quite yet, but she could open her eyes again. The stars had left them and now the world was slowly  coming back to focus. First the sky, all indigo and violet. Next, she saw the tree, all glowing and gold.
    Then there was Jacks. 
    He looked angelic and anguished. His beautiful face was drained of color. Tracks of blood fell from his eyes down his pale cheeks. 
    “Don’t cry, my love.” She carefully wiped his tears with her fingers. “I’m all right.”
    She gave him a wobbly smile.
    His eyes went wide and as blue as a clear sky after a storm.
    “How is this…” he trailed off.
    It was a little endearing to watch. His sulky mouth gently parted as he seemed to forget how to speak.
    “I already told you. You are the love of my life. You are mine, Jacks of the Hollow. And you’re not going to be the end of me.”
    “But you were dying.”
    “No,” she said, a little embarrassed. “I just forgot to breathe.”
  Jacks stared at her for a long moment, mouth still agape in shock and disbelief but the bloody tears stopped and he was gripping her for dear life. She gazed back at him, caressing his cheek but it looked as though the poor boy was not processing anything. 
    It was too much and she understood why. Every other girl, except Donatella and now her, that had been in this position sadly succumbed to his kiss and didn’t get to rise from his arms again. The Prince of Hearts’ kiss of death was no more. 
    But the longer he remained motionless, she started to worry. “Jacks? Are y-”
    Before Evangeline could finish, he was cupping her cheeks and pressing kisses everywhere; her lips, her forehead, her temples, her jaw, her eyelids and eyebrows, the tip of her nose, the pink apples of her cheeks. She flushed at the sudden, unexpected show of affection which was entirely unlike him but took it happily all the same, letting him shower her with his sweet kisses. 
    When he finally stopped, giving her a final, long and lingering kiss on the lips, Jacks allowed himself another look at her, stroking the sides of her face gently as if she were a glass figurine, delicate and too fragile. He gazed at her with a sort of lost awe and hope, a shimmer of a bright future ahead, for once. Again, she tried to prompt him to speak. “Ja-”
Once more, he cut her off. He'd wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his face into the crook of her neck, not wanting to face her. She also brought an arm around his upper back while the other went to his waist. They stayed like that for another few minutes. But she couldn’t resist.
    Jacks? She sent through their mind link as she tried peeking at him from the corner of her eye; he only shook his golden head in response. Evangeline tried to pull back slightly but he squeezed her tight in retaliation. Sighing quietly in defeat, the hand that until that point had been rhythmically rubbing up and down his upper back traveled to the nape of his neck, slipping into his hair and she mindlessly ran her fingers through his blond locks. 
    He let out a content sound and she smiled, continuing the motion. You’re not playing fair, Little Fox. 
    “I learned from the best,” she answered aloud. She felt him smile into the curve of her neck, pressing a kiss to her collarbone before he withdrew from his hiding spot. When he looked at her again, she saw a small mischievous grin but his eyes gave away the wariness he was clearly feeling. She brought her hand back to his cheek and he leaned into it, closing his eyes for a moment. Then they fluttered back open with sudden clarity.
    “Don’t do that again, please. I thought I lost you.”
    “I’m sorry,” she blushed in spite of herself. It was rather unfortunate that their first kiss was ruined by her dizzy spell but it was still just as swoon-worthy and perfect and sweet and lovely as she imagined. More. His fingertips brushed her jaw as he tilted her head up so they were face to face. He leaned forward and captured her lips softly; she cupped the back of his neck in return. 
    After they parted, he whispered, every word a caress, “Never again, Little Fox. Never again.”
    That we are in agreement, she replied silently. He leaned his forehead against hers, exhaling in relief with his eyes shut and a heartbeat passed, two before he spoke again. “I love you.”
    She smiled brightly, saying, “I love you, too.”
    “I’m never going to let you out of my sight.”
    “You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.”
    He pulled away and they were both grinning widely at each other, too stuck on the feeling of this newfound happiness to really do anything more. He loved her. She loved him. And it wasn’t doomed.
    The Archer and his Fox had found each other again.
    Jacks leaned down again and pressed his lips against hers, his golden hair falling into his eyes as he hugged her tight to him. Evangeline tangled her fingers in a fistful of his locks and pulled, getting lost in his all consuming kiss.
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    Once upon a time, there was nothing but kissing, and everything was perfect. And then there was even more kissing.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that! This was a bit of a rewrite or rather, an elongation, of the first kiss from Ch. 41 in A Curse For True Love that was inspired by a review of the book from @thedrunkenreadersreviews. They mentioned their want for Jacks giving Eva relieved kisses all over when he realizes that she isn't dying from their kiss and I thought it was a cute idea so I added that on. If you do read this, @thedrunkenreadersreviews, I hope you liked it and thank you for the inspo!
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