#oughg i really like this
sortarapunzel · 2 years
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clawing at the walls every time i come across a new sansûkh song. this time maybe by half alive
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ev1lmorty · 11 months
doing bad (been sick n struggling to breathe for 4 months now n i may not be able to see a doctor until december AFTER a family trip that requires me being actively walking for 8+ hrs for a week)
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suenitos · 5 months
something that really pisses me off and that i also love about dnf in that spain stream is when they get recognized and theres like a part of the stream that turns into a giant meetup like its so apparent dnf love their fans and even if they feel like maybe they shouldnt stay or have to keep it moving they still feel the need to have conversations and greet everyone even with the big crowd just so everyone gets a chance to talk to them and get a picture and its just oughg. theyre so considerate :(
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blacktobackmesa · 7 months
do you have any more thoughts on benrey and gordons eldritch4eldritch relationship in Streamman? I just remember you talking about gordon chilling with his webcam on and benrey also in his 'true form' and also gordon being able to just leave his body w benrey- it's such an interesting dynamic that's really cute!!! it would be awesome to hear more on it
So I had a response to this written out, like, the week this ask was sent in December. And then I left my computer for a few minutes and the computer went into standby and the text ate itself. If I was thoughtful I would have replied to this for Valentines Day but Happy Six Days After Valentines Day! The stores are all sold out of discount chocolate now and are set up for Easter.
Being able to "demask" around each other is a real comfort. The parts of them that are scary and alien are different from each other, but when in each others presence, there's no pressure to hide it. For Gordon, being something so vast that his friends can't comprehend his presence is a big vulnerability. For Benrey to think his true form is straight-up sublime to look at takes away that shame.
Benrey, on the other hand, doesn't have a true form. He was created without limits, expectations, or a personal history-- his antagonistic behavior and hang-ups on rules nobody else seems to get are how he tries to find structure. It's hard for him to admit he's sensitive about being unable to relate to others and live up to their standards. Once Gordon understands that, he can encourage Benrey to be more true to himself and break the mold he's tried to fit himself in. You don't have to be people-shaped if you don't want to be, man, try new stuff!
Turns out "New Stuff" can sometimes use up too much processing power and crash the PC.
"Hey, it's okay! It happens! We're learning together. Maybe on our next date I can toy with the graphics settings so we don't fry the graphics card trying to render your formless mass of colors and lights."
"oughg, i think i need to not move for a week. too much. too much benny."
"Well, you're one hell of a fireworks show."
"next time my final true ultimate form can be. a turtle. or a glass of milk."
"Whatever you're feeling, babe."
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tezzbot · 6 months
🎧 I don't actually know your music taste. SO. Either take this as the go-ahead to gush about your music interest, and/or tell us if you're the kind of person who associates music with a character to help write them better. (I used to do that all the time)
Oughg okay umm
I wouldn't necessarily say I have "good" taste in music, I mostly just really enjoy things I can dance or sing to? Upbeat music is usually my go to but I've started appreciating slower songs more and more as I've gotten older (makes me sound ancient I'm only 22 DSFDGF)
I'd say my music taste is pretty eclectic in general, like it's rock and pop and pop punk, crooners and swing, musicals and scottish trad stuff and video game soundtracks I'm really all over the place
I do prefer simple lyrics though, I'm a bit of a "[X song] meaning" googler JKGHJF like just in case I misinterpret or something...
I am constantly having blorbo thoughts when I listen to music, like the hoops I will jump through to connect the two dots (I didn't connect shit /ref) is sometimes silly but it's a lot of fun, it's actually how I came up with my Underground AU that came about playlist first HKGJFG (I've tried making a playlist for Team Sky but it's really not clicking as well :/)
Though, I wouldn't say that associating music with a character helps me write them better? I would say that applying a song To a character is more just another method of expressing my understanding of a character? if that makes sense?
There's like different ways of applying a song to a character/set of characters for me: a song that makes me think of them, a song I can picture them singing/thinking from their perspective, and I guess the middle of that venn diagram would be a song I can imagine an animatic to LOL
I can post some examples holdon (Spotify links sorry lol)
A song that makes me think of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy ^_^
A Sonic song :D
A Tails song :')
Chaotix in general but mostly Charmy GHJGFH
I have so many Sonic and Tails songs idk which one to pick uhh This one's cute :P
This song is suuuuch a my version of Sonia song like down to the voice, I think Kristin Stokes might be my Sonia voice claim HGJH And it's a keys focused song, accompanied by drums and guitar!!(+bass which is what I imagine the second part of Sonic's medallion is like you know how he has one of them double guitars I picture one part of it being bass and he's just fast enough to play both at once GHKFJGH) but like. I actually think it also could work as an Amy song? Like her getting fed up of being left behind all the time? Woagh double meaning song
ANYWAY YEAGH music I like it smile
OH people were asking what song I could imagine Sonic Sonia and Manic singing in that one post it was this song!! I ws embarrassed to share bc it's technically from a musical but again it's got guitar, keys and drums and three people singing it and it's heartfelt and about them working together.. I am a simple man... HGJHF
EDIT: I LINKED THE WRONG SONG FOR THE SONIA ONE OTZ it should be fixed now tho qwq
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ofmd s2e2 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post, not quite a liveblog. this post is gonna be unpolished and messy bc this is the only way i know to process my emotions abt these episodes enough that i can actually start talking coherently about them.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
did not notice the first time around that buttons is sleeping with his legs sticking up resting against the side of the ship. king.
oh god the face stede makes after he breathes out all wistfully is so pained... ogughuhg heartbreak......
why is the groom cake topper dirty ed were you kissing it. ed. edward.
hNNNG ed pushing the painted bride figurine closer..... im gonna throw up
like i can literally feel the tears burning in his eyes. the way his chest starts shaking with sobs but he's managing to keep the sobs in for like one more second. he's trying so hard to hold it in and i've cried like this before and it physically HURTS
also oughg the song. run from me baby... run my good wife... run from me baby..... you better run for your life........ ED THINKS THAT'S WHAT STEDE DID!!! RAN AWAY FROM HIM!!!!! and he thinks that was stede running for his life bc like, he thinks he's inherently monstrous and unlovable and hnnnnnnnnngggg. ed teach go to therapy challenge.
the crew responding to zheng's wake-up bell is so relatable. me when my alarm goes off at 6am
ok so the running bit where stede's crew has never heard of China before. is kinda weird to me. and honestly it kinda runs back to what zheng said in the last episode "one thing i've learned in my time here: you people know so little" about nobody knowing how valuable indigo is. like the show is portraying your average caribbean pirate as really ignorant and only like, ed stede and fucking ricky are on par with zheng yi sao. and i mean knowledge doesnt equate to intelligence so like the indigo thing i didnt really bat an eye at but when it was played for comedy with olu not knowing how to pronounce china i was like... hm. but the season's just started so maybe im reading too much into it but idk. it's a weird writing choice to me.
loving how at the start of last season the crew almost mutinied bc stede was a soft captain but now roach is out here embracing how all of them are "tender as hell."
love how lucius and pete have their romantic reunion chat just. fully in front of an audience
stede looks. so upset. watching lupete kiss. this man misses his boyfriend so fucking bad
lucius not even trying to hide how much he Does Not want to be stuck with stede in towels
also hi the sky in this scene is so pink. it was blue when buttons was doing tai chi so i guess this is sunset. day one complete.
buttons confirmed sea witch one of the best scenes in s2 so far. intrigued by auntie saying "i have looked for you far and wide" like are there other sea witches and auntie only wanted buttons?? or is buttons literally the only sea witch in the world. i want the lore.
ed. eddie eddie edward. ed my beloved babygirl. i would fuckinggg die for you
ok but also there is literally no way frenchie didnt see ed when he walked in like ed is standing Right There. i love when directors do stuff like this tho it's so funny to me. "ok joel just walk in there and pretend like you dont see taika standing literally right in front of you"
just noticed ed was polishing the handle to the wardrobe (the main wardrobe) right there. he's tidying up. getting his affairs in order before he— *i break down into inconsolable sobbing*
i wont like tho it was very funny to me when we finally got this full scene and ed's "and no more stede" turned out to be "no more izzy." very fun for me
god i LOVE when we get pirate code shit. none of these rules ever make sense it's always just whatever works for the plot's sake. "that's the code of the sea: the new first mate always kills the old first mate. it's always been like that" i don't think it was literally ever like that i think the writers decided that making up this bullshit rule would add drama to the situation. it's like how pirates can win duels by rendering their opponent's sword inoperable (as if pirates ever had like ritualistic duels). or next episode when zheng yi sao is gonna kill them for mutinying against ed. i love how all the logistics of the plot are always some handwavy-bullshit bc the show just Does Not Care about this shit. this is the ed and stede show and everything else is just superfluous set dressing
we were all fixated on lucius living in the walls none of us predicted that it could be izzy living in the walls
"start with his leg see where it goes" frenchie what does this MEAN
archie thinking jim was asking which leg to cut off and just. answering the question genuinely. is so fucking real lmao me too girl
archie when izzy's leg starts gushing: aye yai yai!
stede telling everyone in laundry abt his whole romance with blackbeard. and stede telling zheng and auntie abt blackbeard when he thought they were just soup sellers. you KNOW stede's been telling literally everyone he meets abt how he's looking for his beloved ed.
lol ok but cuba was not written on the map in the one shot and then stede says "oh, hang on, he might be in cuba!" and it cuts back to the map and he underlines the word "cuba" which somehow mysteriously appeared on the map while stede was chatting. 10/10 no notes
also GOD do i relate to stede so hard sometimes. it did not even occur to stede to ask lucius how he's been until lucius points it out and then he's like "oh! right! how are you??" and he does genuinely care but he was just so absorbed in his own shit it did not occur to him to ask. like. ohhhh baby does that hit home
LLOOKING OVER HIS SHOULDER "oh, yeah. now you care?" AND THNE SHAKING HIS HEAD AS HE WALKS AWAY god i LOVE this soap opera
ok but buttons looks very confused when auntie says "i see you've adopted the humble form of a man" and then she hands him the book abt shapeshifting. like did she know that he doesnt know how to change form or what.
auntie asks buttons to bless their travels. anyway this is how stede somehow didnt get everyone killed in e1 despite the fact that they were at sea for a few months and he had no idea what the fuck he was doing.
LOVE auntie's little... yell? whimper?? before shuffling away nervously. incredible performance.
also the spellbook thing is in chinese. pretty cool how buttons knows how to read chinese.
ed jumpscare 2!
love how irl frenchie using the wrong hand for that throat-slitting pantomime would be unimportant but the show acts like that's something that could actually give frenchie away bc they need to really nail home the fact that Ed Is A Fucking Genius
another thing ed is: INCREDIBLY HOT. he is being intimidating and evil to frenchie rn and i am very very into it.
obsessed with archie casually picking some random gore off her hand
also obsessed with how jim is just poking at izzy's leg. they learned how to butcher animals as a kid tho so i guess they're not really grossed out by severed body parts lmaoo
also also obsessed with how izzy would absolutely have not survived this at all. i love this show
list part 2:
ok im sorry but "he's our dick" does not feel earned to me. like they use that fantastic shot of the whole crew in episode 6 last season but what's crucial abt that shot is izzy isn't hanging out with the crew. he's sitting away in the corner monologuing abt how he thinks maybe ed might not want to kill stede.
i do think it's significant tho that jim wasn't there for izzy at his worst aka threatening to withhold rations for laughing at him. like they weren't part of the vote to mutiny against izzy. but frenchie was and frenchie was like "start with his leg see where it goes" which does not seem like he's really that invested in keeping izzy alive.
also it's weird how we don't see fang at all for this bit with hiding izzy in the walls. like he would be the one i'd expect to have the strongest connection to izzy bc he knew izzy before the show started and he was hugging and comforting izzy last episode.
anyway imo jim keeping izzy alive is more abt them missing when they were on the ship with olu and the whole crew and the ship was like a family, not necessarily abt feeling loyalty to izzy specifically. i could be wrong tho who knows.
one thing i do know is that it is VERY important to point out how jim is struggling really hard with everything, archie is not. she wasnt there for the co-captaining era at all and she seems to be rolling with everything like it's all expected. this includes the wedding raid and ed pointing a gun at her last season and stuff. even now she's mostly just confused by why jim is bothering to try and keep izzy alive. but she acts like the amputation and the violence are all what she expected.
yay kissing!! with the shit stuffed up their nose and covered in blood and jim still holding the leg GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW
hnng when archie says "you have... hope" jim's jaw tenses and they visibly swallow after the word "hope." god jim is going through it
"the wooden demon boy that thirsted for life" god i love this game of telephone that the show is playing with pinocchio it's so fucking funny
archie definitely still says a few syllables after "no i was cleaning up blood" while jim was leaning in for another kiss but none of it forms a coherent word. relatable.
ed's "ohhhhohoho. ohoho" is so funny to me. this man is so jealous that other people are getting to kiss ppl they like but not him.
hm archie and jim are not actually kissing when we cut to the shot of ed standing in the stairwell. i imagine this is an editing goof or something
jim and archie pulling away like two kids who got caught kissing under the bleachers during gym class or something. incredible. one of jim's nose plug rags is mysteriously missing now. i think archie ate it.
ed shushing frenchie. nothing to say here but "i need him carnally"
"take the fuckin leg" ed does NOT like mess!!!
"he was your friend" well jim. he might have been ed's friend. but he had a very strange way of showing it.
why does it sound like ed has spurs on his boots
also. i want to know about auntie's filing system. ahead of it's time, you say?? tell me more. hi my name is jess and i love sorting things
ah yeah olu mispronouncing china moment
olu and zheng are cute tho ngl
roach is having an orgasmic experience drinking soup. very relatable.
love that stede called the broth "insane" like fics so often get stede's voice wrong bc he will randomly say casual slang in a way that contradicts his general s1 vibe of stuffy frilly rich guy. but he's more like your average dad whose general grammar when speaking is pretty outdated but he's also trying to use slang to fit in with his kids
oh god stede is trying so hard with lucius it is giving SUCH awkward dad vibes. "when i was young and edgy" and "mr. cool" STEEEEDE
"my spicy little rat boy" im so sad that lucius hates that pet name bc this is the funniest thing black pete's ever said
aw nooooo the way pete jumps when lucius yells at him :(:(:(
yo wee john has like a wristband with all these sewing needles and shit stuck on it that's such a cool costume detail
the first thing izzy says after waking up is "my leg" and in my head im hearing it in the spongebob meme voice
first: very funny how ed responds "yeah!" like, laughing about the whole. amputation thing. and then secondly i am obsessed with "up in Leg Heaven" he is so fucking quirky. i love him.
"have you come to take the other one" yeah you'd probably enjoy that huh izzy.
love ed's dangly earring. gender.
smthng abt how izzy is instantly exhausted and dismissive when ed tells izzy to take the gun vs how ed was also bored and dismissive when izzy said "i have love for you." idk if there's anything there im just making tenuous connections in my head rn
help. ed clenching his fists when he's standing with his back to izzy. he really wants izzy to do it but also even deeper than that he really doesn't he wants to live
izzy starts to laugh the same way he started to cry last episode with like a really loud sudden gasp of air. also he laughs so weirdly jesus christ
also jesus this is so fucking dark. i mean obviously but im fucking reeling right now from ed trying to get izzy to kill him and izzy's response is just "do it yourself you fucking pussy." fuck.
more thoughts on this scene here
"i loved you... best i could" i actually dont have a lot of thoughts abt this at all aside from it just seems like a weird thing for ed to say. idk. i have a few metas abt this saved that ive been meaning to read so maybe that will help me deconstruct this but i think i'd need more time to figure out why this line feels weird to me. it could literally just be that i dont like blackhands at all but idk. probably not gonna unpack my feelings for a while tho bc in terms of everything i want to dig into from these 3 episodes alone this is at the bottom of that list lol
love how ed tells frenchie "go live" right before he steers them into a storm and tries to doom everyone on the ship.
"two messed-up kids probably" i know this is one of those things that some viewers are just always gonna have a problem with but it's so fucking funny to me how stede is like. never seeing his children again. and is like "yeah they're probably traumatized by how i was a bad father. well that's for mary and doug to deal with!"
lucius winking when he calls stede quite the fuck-up. i love this snarky gay
anyway for how fucked up the vibe is on ed's ship at least they weren't playing human puppet or making people catch rats with their teeth
shit this is longer than the last post. anyway list part 3:
ok i completely forgot abt this scene where the crew back on the Revenge is talking in the hallway before they go confront ed but i think it's rlly interesting how jim is the only one who says anything abt how ed's sudden cheery mood is NOT a good thing. fang is like "do we think he's better?" and jim's like "fuck no!" and frenchie's like "idk he seemed pretty calm to me." like this is so fucking juicy to me. jim knew this wasn't "better." i think this is because jim kinda gets it. they know what it's like to be told you're only meant for violence. and they know what it's like to want something softer. last season i probably wouldnt have said jim understood ed's suicidal tendencies but the way jim KNOWS that this isnt better makes me wonder if they understand this, too.
altho when they go outside and ed is like "it's a bad storm! and i took the wheel! and im gonna fire into the mast! we're all gonna die!!" jim yells "what do you want, you piece of shit!" (in spanish) so maybe they dont get the suicide bit of it. but they did understand that ed wasn't better.
oh ed's voice in "what do i want?" is so whiny and sad. babygirl is fucking going through it. good thing the rain is hiding his tears ahaha. ha.
"all love dies im just hastening the process" objectively this is fucked up but also it is so funny to me that he's like "i got dumped so now nobody else is allowed to be happy and in love." he broke up all the couples at the end of s1 and he raided a fucking wedding. babygirl i love you. you are so unwell
VERY RANDOM THOUGHT and i would have to go back to last episode double check but i dont think any of the background crew are women?? it's just archie??? which kinda bums me out a bit like i dont only want female rep in the main cast i want to see random background women too. i could be entirely wrong abt this tho just in this scene i only see dudes in the background
anyway archie being like "alright i guess we're fighting" bc this is archie's normal. archie is just kinda resigned to her life being shit.
stede crossing out "dead" and circling "alive" is so fucking funny to me hfjkhdjvgdfjk like. manifesting.
but also he does kinda manifest that in the next episode doesnt he?? he loves ed back to life ahaha oh god oh fuck *starts sobbing*
"looks like he's gotten back into arson" okay and??? wee john's an arson enthusiast also, cmon lucius dont judge a man for his hobbies
stede's fucking face when he considers what lucius said abt "maybe his time with you is the best it's gonna get for him" like i think he tries to think abt it and just. cant. he cant fucking accept that. god im gonna throw up.
i cant get over how archie is like. yeah bro it's fine. it's cool just kill me im not gonna hold it against you.
jim's like "YOU WERE GONNA DO IT ANYWAY!!" and ed's like "teehee yeah :3 u got me"
oh bro some of the random background crew people just fully go overboard huh. damn. rip those guys.
ok so im choosing to believe that izzy fired a lucky shot there bc the man couldn't even shoot himself point blank in the skull but im supposed to believe that he got ed right in the arm from the other side of the deck in the middle of a crazy storm and the ship rocking like crazy and izzy's probably suffering from like, insane amounts of blood loss?? i dont buy it. i mean it doesnt matter at all but i think he was trying to hit ed's general torso area and if ed didnt have his arm held out izzy would've missed. like i said tho this makes no fucking difference. it's just a fun little headcanon hehe
love how ed laughs like an absolute maniac here. babygirl u are so unhinged.
wait it's fucking wild how in the middle of all this we to cut to auntie putting the map back together and then we see that zheng is bringing her fleet over land. anyway this is foreshadowing obviously but like considering the song choice and cutting this between ed's suicide attempt and then the crew mutinying. is a choice. and idk why they made that choice yet.
it is a pretty dramatic reveal tho. i didnt appreciate that the first time but holy shit. she's just pulling her ships all the way to the caribbean. girlboss.
and then the mutiny. the relief on ed's face hurts me so fucking much
other thoughs about this scene here
so first of all. auntie saying olu can be allowed to clean up random hairs around the desk and zheng being like "there's not that much hair" girl you know you're lying. her hair is so long and so gorgeous and you KNOW random strands end up making scary-ass hair spiders if somebody doesn't regularly sweep things up
second of all: olu pretending there's a carrier bird with a messege for zeng to give her a break is SO CUTE. OLU. OLU YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART.
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frozenjokes · 3 months
i just wanted to let you know that the cubscarian hero au reminds me of the song ego by daysormay and i cant stop associating them with each other.
oughg this song is Stimmy as hell it hurts my brain (good? emphasis on ?) anyway that’s really sick. I love when people are thinking about my guys. Typing this I
Has taken so many tries oh my god this song is filling my brain . It really does feel like being hit with pots and pans. /hesitant positive
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snoozedraws · 3 months
snooze, bro (girl? idk what your prefer lol) idk what it is about your art but i swear it keeps eaving me hungering for more. expressions and coloring, the various body shapes, they're all so appealing. I wish i had better words for you but, but regardless, thank you for giving us these delectable pieces of masterworks
OUGHG?!? thank you anon that really means a lot to me!!! Q_____Q im ngl i feel like ive been sortve in a funk art-wise so hearing this is a huge pick-me-up ;;-;;
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
hi lee!!!! ummm thinking of interesting things and questions i just woke up hmm.. ok i’m curious about any of your ocs in like. a opddmh situation… like either they ran away or they’re the one like sheltering a younger dr participant. could be with another one of your ocs could be with a canon character.. are there any combinations there that would be interesting for you? hopefully this makes sense i’m still sort of asleep so i think i worded it sort of clunkily lol :) hope you get less bored soon!!!
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OH MY GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boredom cured forever and ever always and ever . you are the best for this one. wrote WAY too much hfjkdsgk
(opddmh refers to this fic btw!! this will make zero sense without context LMAO)
ill try to assign them a person and give them a bit of an arc i think.......... in other words ill try to map out what i would do with them if they were in the actual story as another pov >:))
billie: in my mind she is definitely one of the more obvious candidates for a story like this just because soooo much of her character depends on other people and how they influence her personality... and because of this there are a LOT of options regarding who could take her in. i would most likely write her arc around getting better rather than getting worse LMFAO which means a few people would get crossed off of the list right off the bat--- immediately coming to mind is the hiyoko/mahiru/ibuki gang for some reason. i think theres a lot to explore there !!! billie could definitely take influence from ibuki's style, her impressionability/mirroring of other people's personality could definitely lead to trouble around hiyoko considering they are both stressed out, mahiru would be in so much strife about suddenly getting shucked into this caretaker role she's been so adamant on escaping since her killing game and there would be a LOT of parallels to hiyoko there. especially since yknow. billie is copying hiyoko a bit. i can see those three taking in this moody ass teenager with so many illnesses. so many awful influences its great
erin: OK so i am going to assume this is a situation where every season 50 participant is 16-17 again in this hypothetical scenario where they run from the hospital LOL. dear god i can see erin SPRINTING away. im gonna give her to sayaka on this one hands down. sayaka finds erin dead at night just walking absolutely nowhere with this very disorienting smile on her face LMAOO. i think erin's arc in this story would absolutely benefit from somebody who is able to relate to her as a performer and somebody who has this "persona" they need to maintain. erin is such a huge personality and her whole crisis is so huge that her guardian definitely needs to mirror her and learn from her or else they'll get a bit washed away i reckon ghdfksjghfdkjg. i can see the sayaka+erin pairing SO clearly too... like this is a sayaka who has been performing this character for years, probably to the extent where she hardly realises it anymore. throwing erin in with her, a teenage girl with identity issues that managed to actually go through with a plan that sayaka had during HER killing game .....Oughg. i can see them getting so stressed out by each other and i can see them getting just so sad at everything theyve lost
mika: hmmmmmmmm. mika is definitely one of the more practical characters and i dont think she would be hit as TERRIBLY hard as her classmates with the whole "we aren't real" thing. in fact there might even be a bit of relief from it at first. like...... youre telling me one of my biggest insecurities isnt even real because ultimate talents dont even really exist??? AND i dont have to get locked into one interest my entire life??? she's absolutelyyy traumatised and fucked up however i don't really think she'd leave that hospital in the first place LMFAO, i think she's smart enough to realise she doesnt stand much of a shot against team dr. if she made it out she would get paired up with another one of her classmates (like a ryoma+rantaro situation) anddddddddd hm. hm hm. imposter could be very very interesting. here is somebody that is constantly changing, never set in stone, and here is a teenage girl who is stubborn in her own reality and has come to realise her place in life a WHILE ago
naomi: this scenario is so so funny because it implies that somebody CAUGHT her hgfkdghfkdgkjfhgsdkl. there's not a doubt in my mind that she went sprinting out those doors the second she woke up from the simulator but naomi has always been a character with one foot out the door ready to leave. NEVER in one spot. especially in a postgame scenario, where she is extremely traumatised and honestly experiencing psychosis, it's hard to imagine her willingly going home with a stranger.... i think her scenario would DEFINITELY be a bit unconventional, with her constantly leaving and returning. akanes arc to the extreme HFGKGJ. i'll treat this as if naomi would be added to the existing narrative, meaning whoever her "guardian" is can't be EXTREMELY similar to akane so the whole "running away" theme would come second to themes of culpability and punishment i think. she would benefit from having somebody that also felt immeasurably guilty hmmmmmm. i can honestly see hajime. he's already busy as hell with everything he has to do for team dr, only to have to take time out of his day to help this tall ass teenager. their meet would have to be REAL unconventional in order for naomi to have stopped enough for him to help her lmao. as in "she ran out in the middle of the road in the middle of the night during some kind of panicked haze and he very nearly ran her over" type of unconventional. he patched her up, gave her some water and she was GONE. and then she comes back two days later like Heyyy 😍 So about that Guilt
rie: first things first i would throw her with ryobe hands down HGDFK. the amount of hijinks those two could get up to. fantastic. they would really benefit from having each other around and their friendship could be beautiful and real. with that being said these two are definitely a bit more difficult to pair with people just because immediately they have similar arcs to erin and naomi with both of them having difficulty accepting their identities and (ESPECIALLY RYOBE HERE) dealing with punishment/culpability. they would also need more than one guardian i think........ just for ryobe alone LMFAO. i reckon a few season one people could know about them tbh. for the most part they stay with aoi and her kid, which opens up a LOT of interesting avenues concerning whether rie and ryobe should leave for the sake of the kid's safety!! aoi and rie would pretty easily get along, especially if they both kinda keep each other at arms length with their people pleasing personalities they've accumulated over the years (aoi having developed it during her time as a team dr spokewoman). and then one day rie gets caught in complete distress and aoi realises "Oh Huh y'know what maybe this constant stress to perform under threat of violence against both me and my family isn't Healthy" and they both start trying to have more fun. go to the beach or smth. aoi swims for the first time in AGES and she has a total blast
ryobe: soooooooo fucked up postgame and would definitely stress aoi and rie out further without a doubt ghfdskg!! especially so close to the reveal that everything isnt real ryobe would definitely be in complete denial angie style. but more in a "hahahahahaha none of that actually happened!!! that was my brain playing tricks on me and actually i can hardly remember it anyways now that i think about it!!!!! this is definitely because it WASN'T real and NOT because my body is trying to protect me against everything that happened to me". he just reverts back to this goofy guy who always seems like he's on the verge of SOME kind of breakdown, and rie would be no help to him in those first few days, likely going as far as to AFFIRM nothing happened just to keep him from running off without her. i can see aoi bringing in some help for him--- it would probably be another survivor and i can REALLY imagine the dynamic between him and toko. komaru loves him but toko HATES his annoying ass ghfdkjghsdfkghgfjkdsg. they would definitely have a looooooong chat at some point that sends ryobe on the right track. also side note ryobe would be fantastic with aoi's kid however he would definitely teach that toddler a bunch of stupid pranks
sae: so sae is 34 which means she would definitely be the guardian in this scenario gdfjkg so it comes down to which v3 kid would make for an interesting parallel hmmmm hm hm.... immediately coming to mind is kaito. i can see himiko joining him potentially. sae is somebody who has trained herself to be extremely patient and believes anger to be a weakness of sorts. enter kaito who believes the only "strong" emotion he can convey right now is anger because he would be DAMNED if he started crying about that killing game gfhsdjgk. they'd have a lottt to learn from each other, and i think the entire scenario would definitely push sae to a lot of her limits. i mentioned himiko just because her arc of emotional repression could be a mirror to sae possibly, but because this is a postgame scenario i think himiko would be SO absolutely fixated on being seen as useful and helpful and energetic that she throws herself into whatever work sae can give her. and of course sae the workaholic has a lot of work to give her LMFAO. they pass out at the same time
yoshito: similar to mika it's hard to imagine him leaving the simulator just because he is the protagonist and they'd be keeping an eye on him however if he DID. he would need somebody who is constantly in his ear like Aren't you mad .....Don't you want to go apeshit ......mondo and leon are coming to mind. they're really teaching that kid how to let loose. shatter some glass, go fucking wild!!!! and while we're at it, let's all examine how our reckless behaviour might be a method of self harm we have developed for ourselves after our killing game but make sure not to tell the kid ok. make sure nobody tells yoshito, who has been trained on helping people his entire life and just needs to think about himself for ONCE
andi: hhehehehhehehehheh. computer thang. even though she is ageless there is no universe where she becomes a guardian and it's really really funny to think that somebody grabbed her computer chip and ran. i think it HAS to be chihiro. something fantastic and vaguely homosexual going on there
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hershelchocolate · 2 months
What are your favorite "chapters" or scenes from each of your stories? Are some of them really long sections while others are short individual moments? Why are they your favorites, and what emotion is does each section aim to make you and/or the reader feel?
Just gonna do this for ones I have figured out enough to answer for-
Villain School: I daydream about the end of year 3 a lot still. It was such a good payoff for stuff hinted at from year *1* (I've already made some of the foreshadowing. At least one person had already guessed it) but also there's so many moving pieces. Wally finally gets the peak of his arc. Maple gets fucking decked harder than she's ever been. Savannah gets confirmed best friend status with Wally (bestie of the besties) and cries about it while everyone is dying. That whole sequence is still so fun, it was going to be the most hype thing ever if i ever rewrite the villain school I'm not changing it
Also this one bit in year 4 where Carmen fucks up trying to do something cause he didn't realize Savannah has gone through 4 years of being the main character and just. COMPLETELY fucks up the evil thing he was trying to do in the worst way possible for everyone involved it's the only time he's genuinely worried about getting caught and it's so funny. Shame about the everything else tho
Whisper Court: many. So many. First one that comes to mind is any scene where anyone dies tbh. It's the same "Oh noooo character is dying :(" kinda sequence but all of them are so uniquely fucked up and horrifying. I don't want to spoil Who Gets Got but man. Man. Oughgg. Fuck dude. I've been hinting at one for ages and I can't wait for everyone to get mad at me
The Hallowed: IRENE GETS TO KILL AND MAIM LET HER KILL!! SHE DESERVES IT!!! I've got an animatic to it in my brain for Can You Hear Me Now by The Score it's so fucking cool. Again. I hesitate to say literally anything about it but it fucks I promise. That's supposed to be the biggest YOOOOOOO GET HER ASS!!!!! moment in the whole series I'm so worried about nailing it tbh. Oughg
Angel Wings: a little odd cause it's a game and that's hard to pinpoint moments for but. Ending 4-2. I will not elaborate. Center Stage by Vocacircus okay there you go that's your hint
Locked Love: Lif scene. That entire sequence. Their whole deal is so. Ohghg. "Alright fine I'll become the antagonist" but it was never supposed to go this way. They should have died before things ever had a chance to go this way. What does it mean to be the consequences of a God suffering from the sunk-cost fallacy. If it costs you your humanity. If it never meant anything at all. It was never supposed to be this way. They can't even be mad
Solitarius: the beginning of the end. They can't even bring themself to be surprised this time, it was a weird run. It was never going to end well, they couldn't even be bothered to pretend. Everything is crumbling to dust but they remain stable. They've died this death a thousand times, it doesn't faze them anymore. The loss she's suffering isn't even close to the lost they've felt and yet they can't help but feel a twinge of regret that she's unknowingly had to live this moment over and over throughout time. There was no way to stop it though, so why bother caring?
Alphabet RPG has a moment like that (it was all intentional? Were we ever worth more to you than this?) And so does Halloween Town (if I had known, would I have stopped it? Maybe not.) But those aren't solidified enough for me to try going in depth about them
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land-of-holly · 7 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 6 Liveblog
Are we going to try to hit every plotline this episode? I really think that's too many
Nice soundtrack. Go Arondir!
Shagrat and Gorbag 0.5?
Welp, guess they'll never get their happy retirement.
Are mice allowed in the forge? Seemse dangerous
Tell him, Mirdania!
He doesn't know her name??
Are we getting to the 'gaslight' stage, Annatar??
AUGHHH Charles E is so good, why am I only now getting to see this?
Never give Annatar a task, he will find some way to do it FOR EVIL
Where'd you get those feathers, Annatar?Runes? Carved into the body? Yikes???
You know how those Feanorian smiths get...
Where is who?? Sauron?
Dinner at Adar's house!
GIRL WHERE DO YOU GET OFF Can you just admit he got you but good?
Refusing to admit you have anything in common with Adar will do you no good
'Children' Oh yeah, that can definitely be taken A Way
The spikey crown of murder!
Okay good call not fucking talking to him about the rings tho. Opsec ffs
I do appreciate that this entire season's plot rests on information not getting to Eregion. Modern writers often underestimate the power and necessity of reliable communication
I'm interested to see how they'll write the various players' reaction to what is obviously a sham trial
Like they all basically have full mutual knowledge that Pharazon is lying out his ass, right? Are they gonna be dumb and cringe about it?
Pharazon certainly knows how to play a crowd
Well, Elendil is certainly making use of the stage he was given. Good on him
Yeah I'll buy that. No dumb or cringe here.
Trial by ordeal??
Nori's got a nomad's perspective. She has to learn about being attatched to places
They are cute together, sure
Stop it. Slapping your hand. This is not a quote insertion contest. It's not even appropriate. Of course the only good path is to save your friends.
Just surrounding himself with piles of gold
Tell him Durin Jr!
Oh right, he's ACTUALLY doing his job. Evilly.
Selling arms to the highest bidder is a long Dwarf tradition, come on!
See, 'It's mine. Belongs to me.' is how you create resonanance without being dumb and cringe.
I love them so much. True OTP. Poor Durin.
Okay but this Trial by Abyss had better have more to it than just spectacle.
Earien, if you didn't want leopards to eat your dad's face...
It"s called having principles, girl
Earien has gotten on her knees for Pharazon confirmed (Sorry.)
Where have they been stashing Miriel, anyway?
So we're really doing this? I'm not categorically opposed to the ship, but it seems a little superfluous. Best left to fanfiction IMO
My boy Narvi!
Theory one, Narvi can't even recognize stone singing. Theory two, he knows enough about it to know Disa wasn't doing anything dangerous.
Well that would look like an inviting ocean ready for a swim if not for the threat of sea monster
Ulmo give her back
Woops that didn't go as planned
Damn the Numenorean aristocracy are more easily swayed than the clan leaders in MDZS
Dude what are you doing to that palantir. I think that'll void the warranty
One more for the harem
Galadriel's so good at making this sound like it was her plan all along
I mean numbers aren't going to win this battle. It's all about narrative supremacy.
It's like thinking you can outsmart the devil. You can't
Battle time?
Oughg he's pulling out the big guns. Full immersion illusion, and absolutely beautiful. Elf extras galore!!!
I mean, from a Doylistic perspective Sauron is not wrong about which works are more well known GOD I HATE HIM SM
The Eregion scenes this season really have been everything I wanted
Damn they sure have some seige weaponry
This episode was actually fairly well-paced in my opinion! We checked in with everyone (except Elrond rip)(and technically Isildur ig) and were able to make some serious progress on a couple of storylines.
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hymnic · 1 year
HOWDY i know you from one of my sideblogs and you are very cool very based too. i’m not gonna lie this was the first charlie stream i’ve ever caught live simply because of timezones and MAN the experience is so different with a live chat, knowing i’m losing my shit along with everyone else.
i’m sure it’s been said but charlie’s just. the perfect target for the code. he’s already kinda isolated and is only just getting used to growing close to others again. wasn’t around for the gegg arc but i assume charlie still has yet to feel accepted for himself and not as gegg, so there’s that too. and on a meta level, he’s missed a lot of stuff esp to do with the federation and all (me too tho), so he definitely doesn’t know what he’s getting into with all the code stuff even if he was around for code chayanne and tallulah. and. like. his willingness to do absolutely anything to get flippa back, to just be around her is gonna play likely a huge role in not only isolating him from others but maybe also turning him against them, or at least getting charlie to be willing to do harm to other qsmpers. the code has something up its little ones-and-zeroes sleeves and i do not like it one bit.
also apart from the lore progression itself, charlie’s acting was SO good. like i did know prior that he can cry on demand but it doesn’t make the impact any less. i’m quite sure he was crying towards the end of the stream and. man. me when emotions. he also built up the suspense really well, like when the lights first started going off and all i got genuinely scared. his character’s cluelessness really played up the audience’s fear of the unknown i do think.
and just. oughg. slimey goopy guy feelings. it was a really good stream and quite a solid one to be my first ever live charlie stream, but it did leave me very much distraught and desolate. my heart is in pieces, crying sobbing etc. seeing the chat live was wonderful though, and the rest of the stream was really sweet. i hope charlie has the best birthday after putting on an insane performance for all of us at an even insaner hour.
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barrenclan · 1 year
I DIDNT get the notif for the new page and only stumbled on the babies refs and started chanting BABYES BABYESBHAYBES as I frantically scrolled through the blog to find the new page :o) oughgh I love the new babies so much oughg they are so cute and they do not deserve any of that :o( (cootstorms. Everything) I hope blacknose remembers this and tells her family. I want that beast (cootstorm) shunted from the clan forever. Also bluebellkit is so cute and based off her personality on her ref it sounds like she and daffy would get along so well :o333 (mayhaps her mentor when she’s older 👀)
Anyways wonderful page as always and I look forward to the next one!!!!!!!!
That's the reason I always try to leave off my post-issue asks on either a drawing or something that makes it obvious there's a new issue, so people can go catch up. I really wish Tumblr had a better system for alerting people of a new page. Using the "issue" tag on the blog (you can find it in the pop-up on the search bar, since searching doesn't work anymore) will take you straight to it if you don't wanna scroll through all the asks.
Bluebellkit and Daffodilpaw would be the BEST mentor-and-apprentice duo. Glad you're enjoying the story!
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iaus · 3 months
So I've been crying and screaming and throwing up, thanks for rewriting my brain chemistry! You mentioned that you wrote the ending of epilogue first, but which scene specifically birthed the rest of the fic? Obsessed with the idea that it could only ever have ended one way but we sing it anyway
oughg thank you for sticking with me this whole time!! <3
so. i know i have this mentioned in the author's note on epilogue itself but this fic was what set EVERYTHING in motion
i started with the mental image of jace straddling porter's corpse and him fusing porter together. it was so vivid in my mind. and i knew i had to build up to that. so i literally started in the middle of my ending scene!! then i built everything around that.
because once i had that mental image i was like... well. how does he get the corpse?
and i was just struck by the idea of jace starting this corpse heist all on his own and then i thought about how... you can get away with a lot if you are crying/grieving visibly like. people aren't going to ask a crying widower can you show me pictures of your wedding? can you confirm this? ESPECIALLY if they start crying louder. but i didn't write those scenes much later.
the order really goes:
resurrection scene -> jace contemplating how the hell he's going to do the resurrection (ending with just. sitting on porter) -> the opening scene with ankarna -> jace contemplating committing suicide via drowning
and then everything else kind of. fell together in increments. i have never written a story so non-linear it was crazy i had so much anxiety about it being cohesive.
i think the funniest thing was coming back to 15 and being like. i have to delete some of these paragraphs because i dedicated a chapter to how porter has so much of jace's shit in his house.
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insanityasides · 1 year
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hi! i’m sera, all pronouns. this is a sideblog for some of my fandoms and other miscellany, enjoy your stay :D
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some of my interests:
just roll with it
studio ghibli
slimecicle cinematic universe
good omens
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tag guide:
#an insane aside -> stuff i say
#save -> posts i love
#asks -> asks
#adding this to my magpie collection -> pretty things that i hoard like pebbles
#oughg fish man feelings -> gillion posts that evoke Emotions (both happy and sad). started as a joke tag but now i use it regularly.
#tumblr folklore -> uniquely tumblr stories
#sera shut up -> what it says on the tin. stuff i really should shut up about. usually simping.
#language -> language, languages, and communication in general
#sillies -> the funnies. the silly goofies. amusing posts.
my tagging is quite organized here, block anything if you don’t like it (including me). i don’t usually tag triggers if og post has tagged, but always feel free to ask to tag!
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mutuals and honestly anyone really, come talk if you wanna! dms and asks are so welcome. you wanna come and tell me your headcanons and predictions sooo bad. u wanna ramble about fandoms u wanna infodump pspspspsps
more of my mcyt posting can be found on my main @hymnic. fair warning that the tagging there is more haphazard.
no dni, i will block as needed.
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(banner credits in rbs!)
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
4 hour sleep gang but sooo worth it.. lancer rpg. blinks wildly. im. 3-session long bossfight, fucking INSANE. hardest fucking fight we've ever dealt with, surrounded by webs of bombs and mines, and the Fool is a literal stand user and she fucking summoned it to kick our asses. actual hell on earth.
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became this at some fucking point 😭 EVERYONE WAS SO FUCKING TIRED OF HERRRRRRRRR SHE WAS DOING SOME MIND GAMES SHIT WITH INVISIBLE MINES ANDIT WAS GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE DONE!!!!! YOURE OVER! such a good fucking battle though, albeit.. [TREASURE] and kuruushi got really fucked up throughout, im pretty sure more than half of us structured at some point. i fended off a bit better cuz i kept a distance, since my balor's a long distance mf. i love my superheavies. but yeah it was. bad. because even after we kill her stand basically, she's still puttin up mines and shit, and we realize. Oh we have to do a systems check.. we have to see the mines. and WOW its bad. its bad. we're completely and utterly surrounded. one fucking step in any direction, and either the Fool or [TREASURE] is getting blown to BITS. so we're freaking out... eventually though, [TREASURE]'s got rapid jet system or summat like dat, and he fucking bolts the shit out of there, but he's STILL NOT SAFE!!! BECAUSE SHE KEEPS TARGETING HIM.. THOUGH now she realizes the mines aren't gonna work (except on kuru, who at this point has exploded on those mines and structured like 30437498494 times now... it was miserable), so she hops out of the mines and right into us and we're like AHA YOU ARE SO SURROUNDED. AND WE DO. for [TREASURE] unfortunately, she's permainvisible and so a GOOD portion, if not all of his hits, don't land :( shitty fuckin rolls, it happens though tbh. im able to get a shot in at her regardless of missing, cuz cyclone has reliability tag of 5, and tellius basically grabs a spear and forces it into her mech, making her immobile and slowed. and THEN, i ram right into her mech and slam it into a nearby pylon, and force her prone. we're all fucking dogpiling her - but then we realize, thats WHAT she wants, because she grabs her grenade launcher and points it at the ground beneath all of us, knocking back the party a good amount and im pretty sure someone NEARLY structured from that. i dont get pushback thankfully, but im not the one who does the killing blow either. tellius rams himself back into the fight and fucking grabs his drills and forces it right into where he thinks the cockpit is, and lo and behold, there is a gaping hole in the thing. and it just keels over. and in the rubble and the dust thrown about, she's still alive. she's crawling out her mech pit, barely alive, bleeding from her midsection. this is *new.* we. won? i guess. the party, particularly skink and tellius get their words in, i know it gets revealed where the people who fucked telly over are, so thats OUGHG. thats. not good is it....... we will see.. but. the fool looks up at yves and is like. "Well? What are you waiting for? Do it." and yves does not need to be asked twice. he crushes and mangles her body under the heel of his mech, like he's killing a bug. and he.. doesn't feel anything. it's not satisfying. at all. and god it makes me so sad. when all of it is said and done, [TREASURE] picks up the parts of whats left of her, and just. holds them gingerly. it barely looks like anything. its so fucked. ooc i feel so bad abt it.. we really could have saved her. if we wanted to. we could have. but i know yves wouldn't let that happen. he has no reason to. yk. the military comes in, and they just kinda cat_blink.gif at us cuz like. ermmm are you guys okay lol. No. Not really. and the party's tryin to ease the tension, and make jokes and shit, but yves is like. Shut the Fuck Up. Shut the Fuck Up. and getting riled up and upset, because he just. doesn't feel anything. and its not funny anymore. none of this is funny. and elias kinda pipes in from the back like... hey man maybe we should calm down. yk? and i wont lie to you, yves's first instinct was to start screaming and kicking his cockpit, but realizing it's elias saying this, its kinda like. You Know. and they have a whole scene and... oh :(. well. yeah. i. well. yeah. its bittersweet. he's able to calm yves down, and it's just. really sweet.
im like.
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its fucking over man. hes not wrong. but also, like i was telling flore, yves is a ticking time bomb, and the fear far outweighs anything but at this very moment, its fine. its fine. he's not wrong. shit is changing. it has to mean something. even if its doing this forever and ever and ever and ever. and dont get me wrong, he loves elias a lot, but he CAN'T do this forever. not anything personal with elias, elias is. more than he ever thought he could have, just. vague hand moments. all of this. if he could get away from all of this with just elias, he would. he'll do this forever if thats whats gonna happen, but it's not preferred, even having elias there. thats the bitter part. you can love someone, but it doesnt change the horrors. but the love makes it easier. if anything. yeah. nothing changes, the horror is still lingering, but the love is there
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