#oughghghghgh not for me.
I feel insane for thinking Nim//ona wasn't that good asdfasfd
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hinderr · 1 year
nature/nurture enjoyers pls pls pls listen to eight, sleeping at last and think about post rescue grogu djarin PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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jokerlennon · 1 year
i do not think i can justify seeing frankenstein again but the fact that i could is at the back of my mind. btw.
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pinkseas · 9 months
thinking about boy best friends again dhmu
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hershelchocolate · 2 years
Pitching my Thesis project to a panel today 😳 I am so so terrified but at the same time someone BETTER as me about my 30k word outline
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cerealxperimentslain · 2 months
the agony of not being able to remember in which youtube let’s play they said the funny thing that’s on loop in your head……
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exculis · 4 months
bro i want a fine gauge knitting machine. are you kidding me. i would be making my own fabric.
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gravitycoil · 4 months
hellooooo everyone if i was a bird i would be a fish owl x great horned owl x bearded vulture thanks you
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
i just got a vision
kaiser x reader au where kaiser is transformed into a fluffy cat by a curse. reader finds him, takes care of him, and kaiser grows to love reader. at some point, reader kisses cat kaiser on his little forehead and he returns human.
now reader keeps kissing kaiser on the forehead. he thinks it's cute, when reader actually wants to turn him back into a cat
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you're finding it hard to deny your attraction to kaiser nowadays. which is only a problem because you're used to him being your pet cat, not a handsome young man who you broke free from a curse with a kiss. surely there's a way to turn him back into a cat?
gender neutral reader
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There has to be a way to turn him back.
“Ahahaha! Awwww, darling, do you really like kissing me that much?”
There has to be.
“Do you want me to kiss you too? Is that it?”
You pushed yourself away from the man seated gleefully in front of you, distancing yourself as far as you could from him in the split second warning you had. Kaiser puckered his lips up, and the boy made exaggerated smooching noises towards you before you let out an audible gagging noise.
You should have known it was too good to be true. When a golden-furred cat showed up, abandoned in a cardboard box, outside of your door, you didn’t have the heart to turn it into the shelter where he might be miserable for the rest of his days. Raising a cat would be no cheap nor easy endeavor, but whenever the kitty flashed its wide blue eyes at you or pawed at you endearingly, you had no choice but to lend your heart to the creature.
And you most definitely should have known when the cat was a little too well-behaved in comparison to other cats. You swore up and down to your friends that your cat acted like it could understand you. When you tried to name him, he vehemently clawed at you and hissed down any suggestion you had until you propped open a history book. He then proudly sauntered over, took a few glances at the page before smacking his paw twice on two different words.
Michael Kaiser.
So your cat was named. You were quick to find out how picky he was and how much of an attention-whore your newfound pet was. The moment anything didn’t go his way, he’d yowl and howl at you as if you had personally conspired against him and his entire bloodline, only to be quelled over easily with some yummy treats and you promising him that he could sleep in your bed for the night, rather than the catbed you bought for him. A quick kiss would usually solve most issues you had with him, and Kaiser would melt into your lap and be the happiest feline in the world so long as you lavished your attention onto him.
It was these kisses that would be the key to unlocking your personal nightmare. You weren’t even exactly sure how it happened. One moment you were playing with your pet, wiggling Kaiser’s favorite toy and smothering his face with smooches, and next thing you knew, you were flat on the ground with a full-grown man sitting on top of you.
After a great deal of screaming, some threats to call the police, and hours of explanation followed by even more intense questioning, you were finally able to meet the real Michael Kaiser. The cursed-to-turn-into-a-cat Kaiser. The cursed-until-kissed-on-the-forehead Kaiser. The kiss-has-to-one-of-true-love Kaiser.
He insisted that he was in your debt and became a roommate as equally selfish as the feline partner you had grown used to, and while you wouldn’t mind hosting him, you wondered if there was a way to turn him back. After all, a cat was soooooo much cuter than some man who ate all your food and acted like he owned the place. 
“C’mon,” Kaiser’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. A poised hand cupped your face, and you held your breath as the man drew closer. A pair of golden-blue ombre cat ears twitched atop his head, clearly amused by the flustered reaction he drew out of you. “You’re always showering me with kisses. There’s nothing wrong with me returning the favor, is there?”
“Y-You’ve got the wrong idea!” You spluttered, waving your arms to signal your surrender. “I’m doing uh- uhhhh- a science experiment! Yeah, a science experiment of sorts!”
There was no way you could tell him that you were actively trying to turn him back into a cat. It was clear the man was absolutely smitten with you: constantly draping himself all over you, waking you up by stroking your face and hair, teasing you about how stupid humans were in comparison to cats… You weren’t sure how he’d take it if he found out that you were less keen on having him as a human lover as much as an adorable kittypet. 
Kaiser raised an eyebrow as if he wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t press on any further. “Well, darling, if you’re ever interested in having your favors returned… You only need to say the word.”
He winked at you sweetly, and you cursed yourself for the way your heart skipped a beat. You hated how ridiculously attractive this man was, enough to make your face heat up and your palms sweat. You debated going to a religious leader the first week after he turned into a man, wondering if being attracted to your former-cat-now-hot-ikemen roommate was some kind of sin. Or if it’d make you a furry. You’d spent hours surfing the web for any answers, only to come up with nothing.
But your attraction to him was there nonetheless. You couldn’t tell if Kaiser got careless on purpose or genuinely, having gotten used to life as a cat and all, but there were times he surprised you in the most unconventional ways. He’d rub his cheeks against you possessively, and if you tried to refuse, he’d simply pin you down on the nearest flat surface and affectionately rub his face all over yours until he was satisfied. 
(You later found out that that was how cats marked their territory.)
Sometimes he’d straight up wander around butt naked, and when you’d throw him some clothes and yell at him, he’d only grumble back about how dumb it was to even be clothed in the first place. You ended up having to wrestle him into a t-shirt and sweatpants, which only led to Kaiser misinterpreting that as a form of love-induced play fighting and ended up with him tackling you for half an hour straight.
But the worst of it all had to be how downright handsome he was. Even as a cat, you had to admit he was beautiful. You debated on whether or not you should enter him as a showcat. His golden fur was more like a beautiful lion’s than that of a cat, and his icy blue eyes peered up at you with swirling mischief and unmistakable fondness every time you entered his sight. He knew just what to do in order to tug at your heartstrings, and every time you saw your beloved kitty waiting patiently for you to return by the door, your heart melted.
His gorgeous features were only more accentuated as a human. He was so, so fit, with a body that could put any of the celebrities you ogled at on social media to shame. Every time he stepped out of a shower with barely anything on, all you could do was hide behind your phone and stare awestruck at his toned chest and sculpted abs. The little streams of water that ran down his bare skin did little to keep your head calm, and whenever the young man swept his long hair back, your stomach did somersaults. 
You never knew that Kaiser had a tattoo either, not until he turned human. He teased you relentlessly about it, asking if you liked seeing it and if you were interested in getting a matching one. The blue was a stunning copy of his pretty eyes, and when he was fast asleep, curled up next to you in bed, your fingers itched to trace over all the swirling thorns and stems. Ever since he found out that you had taken such a liking to his tattoo, Kaiser went out of his way to show it off to you whenever he can, just like how he nagged you to constantly brush and smooth out his sleek fur when he was a cat.
“No thanks,” you quickly refused. You squirmed out of his grasp, awkwardly trying to wriggle off of the couch you were sitting on with him. It was a forehead kiss that undid the curse and turned him back into a man. Maybe there was a way for you to reverse the curse reversal. Maybe if you kissed him on the forehead enough, he’d go from being the suave yet irritating man he was back into the cat you’d grown to love. “The last thing I need from you is a kiss.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? If my research about human courtship is correct, kisses usually indicate a romantic interest. And you’ve been doing nothing but kissing me all day, every day.”
Heat rushed to your face again, and you instinctively got defensive. Even if you were harboring a bit of a crush on your pet-roommate-amalgamation, you’d never admit it out loud to someone as conceited as him. “Did you not hear me earlier? I said it was for a science experiment!”
“I’m not convinced at all, darling,” he cooed. Your stomach twisted into a flurry of nerves at his slightly lowered eyes and the seductive batting of his long lashes. He chuckled, bright eyes lighting up like a predator closing in on its helpless prey, and your mouth went dry as he crawled over to where you were sprawled out onto the couch. 
You gulped when he placed a hand on either side of your head, easily looming over you and casting a shadow onto your form. 
You clenched your eyes shut as Kaiser closed in, and the boy bit down on the tip of your nose playfully. You yelped at the sudden stinging pain, and he laughed haughtily to himself watching you squirm and bat at his chest to no avail.
“Cats don’t like it when their prey doesn't fight back. We’re natural born hunters, you know. Weak prey means it's usually not worth our time. We like it when you struggle a bit, make us fight for our prize…” He traced a finger down your jawline, and you swore your heart was going to give out right there and then. The strict logic in your brain to always keep him at an arm’s distance wavered, and for that split second, Kaiser knew that he had you playing around in the palm of his hand. “And, boy, you’ve done nothing but make me really work for it. Was it fun? Hmmm? Pushing me away when you loved me so shamelessly as a cat?”
“That’s not-!” You knew deep down that your denial would only take you so far. Kaiser was hungry, starved, for your love, and only feeding him crumbs seemed to make him that much more ravenous to take from you. 
“Go ahead. I’m listening,” he purred. “If you can really tell me that you don’t feel the same way as I do, I’ll back off. I’m not interested in forcing someone to love me against their own will.”
You paused, biting your lip. Your gaze wavered, unable to look him straight in the face. The more tenacious part of your mind screamed at you to deny him, to cast him aside as you always had ever since his transformation, but the tightness welling up in your chest told another story. Your hands weakened their grip against his chest, and Kaiser grinned triumphantly to himself as he gobbled up the way you averted your eyes and hung your head.
“See? That’s more like it.” He leaned down, and with his sharp teeth, he nipped at your neck. You cried out once more, and you could feel him smirk into your skin as he lapped over the small bite marks he left you. “You’re so cute when you’re finally being honest.”
“I’ll get you for this, Kaiser, I will!” You swore vehemently. “I’m not going to lose to you like this!”
His fingers ghosted over your lips, and your words died in your throat when he pressed his thumb down your bottom lip. You swallowed thickly, only able to stare up at him as he bridged the gap between the two of you in one swift movement. 
His eyes sparkled like pure diamonds. “You’ve already fallen for me once, darling. It’ll be a piece of cake to make you fall for me again.”
Then he kissed you.
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darealsaltysam · 29 days
(Took me like an hour of deliberation and acknowledging how insane this will sound to even send this stupid ask. Hope it's not creepy or anything I am gejuinely just this ill)
ok to be less cringe thru being more cringe. requiem ma na mnie taki uścisk, że odkąd odkryłem ten fic codziennie refreshuje email. wczoraj po 6 godzinach na wynncrafcie refreshuje i patrze. Kurwa. Update. Jest 2 w nocy. Nie powinienem. Ale... update. Oczy ledwo mogłem skupić ze zmęcznia, ale siedzę i czytam. The guilt... the. The wszystko. Lari. AUGHGHG dlaczego ty mi to zrobiłaś dlaczegooo napisałaś ten fic. Umrę. Umieram. Każda chwila bez tych chorych debili to każda chwila mojego życia zmarnowana tbh (<- hiperbola ale . You get it)
TLDR: Requiem to dla mnie ultimate autism blast, innymi słowy
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kurwa nie mam klawiatury polskiej na tym laptopie dobra nie wazne bedzie prowizorka ALE DZIEKUJE BO TO TAK DUZO ZNACZY SLYSZEC COS TAKIEGO O CZYMS CO NAPISALAM AAAAAAA
requiem to byl projekt o ktory sie bardzo martiwlam bo myslalam ze jest zbyt no nie wiem,,,, mroczny ???? nie wiem nie sadzilam ze cos tak porobanego sie nawet ludzia spodoba ale widzac te wszystkie mile reakcje,,,,, OUGHGHGHGHGH NIE WIEM NAWET JAK TO OPISAC ALE BARDZO SIE CIESZE ZE ZNALAZO TO JAKIS CZYTELNKIOW XDDD
bardzo duzo czasu spedzam piszac ten fic i dziekuje za te mile slowa bo naprawde to mi pokazuje ze ta praca jest warta czegos :') mam nadzieje ze cala reszta tez sie spodoba bo bardzo duzo jest zaplanowane <3333
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capeline-cutemeister · 8 months
Mrs. Pemberton for the Temeraire ask meme!
Oughghghghgh the consequences of my actions. Theres so little about her in general, even less than characters like Odea, who are at least not gone from the main cast for half of a book, and then barely mentioned afterwards First impression: I didn't really have much opinion of her, other than that shes kinda a strong, badass woman? Imagine going to fucking Australia for any reason, let alone just because your husband was going there, who shortly died anyways. And when given the opportunity to go back she just goes "no thats boring.
Impression now: My opinion hasn't changed much, but in my defense, shes kinda a fucking awesome badass woman. I mean she reminds me of Lathebo. She just seems utterly fearless, or at least so dedicated to her responsibilities that she doesn't much care if a twenty ton dragon gets annoyed at her. Can you imagine? Imagine yourself, trapped in the depths of the Amazon, struggling along with your shipmates through a shitty situation that you put yourself through because you had rum or whatever; and theres this woman just calmly and imperiously attending to her duties without any signs of complaint. I mean she sacrifices her petticoat for one of the sailors shroud too, which isn't some toss away detail like it may seem. Thats like, an entire layer of clothing. An entire layer designed to make the exact situation of horrible sweat inducing environments more tolerable. Like shes a really calm, kindhearted, badass woman.
Favorite moment: Undoubtedly when she forced the french ambassador (Deguine????) to bring her back to Laurence and co.
Idea for a story: Honestly I dont really have much ideas for a story, but i think that she would make the worlds coolest, most improbable dragon captain ever. She could at the very least handle courier duty if she was allowed to and wanted to- but frankly i see no reason that she couldn't manage a crew for a larger dragon, minus her age.
Unpopular opinion: Are there opinions on Mrs Pemberton?
Favorite relationship: I don't really have much in the way of any favorite relationship for her, i think its kinda part of her charm that shes widowed. Like its not like she *couldn't* remarry. She very much so explicitly avoided going back to Britain where she could marry someone of proper stature, just because it would be too boring. I dont think romance is on her list of priorities. And i know that there are a lot of other types of relationship but i mean like. What do you want me to say. She has like one real relationship, and thats with Roland, and I do like that- but it feels a bit like cheating. Oh well, she does want to learn to shoot so thats more points in her favor
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bunnyboy-juice · 4 months
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hinderr · 1 year
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@limnsaber HEY. HEY. HEY. HEY-
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lord-prey · 8 months
I have 16 sketchbooks at the moment and like oughghghghgh
Anyways I lose a lot of drawings/don’t post for a while sometimes because of that :’)
For today I’m looking for a specific drawing to finish so it resulted in me flipping through most of em to find what I need. Need to fill these up fully n then take them apart n save what I want. Currently also have 3 folders where I save my older artworks that I take out/cut out of the sketchbooks I use.
First of them is filled with old old stuff, back when I was like, in middle school, it’s in a plastic bag cause oughgh 😭
2nd one is highschool n a bit of college, in a folder but it doesn’t close with all that’s in it/some drawings are too tall
3rd one is filled with current works, stretches up to 3 years ago at oldest. So it’s more up to date, albeit I do need to break down more stuff to add to it. Drawings are stored a lot neater and stuff is actually cut out n put inside of it at times
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
wait WAIT
did you guys know thats what got me into playing the kalimba? oughghghghgh
gotta find it
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bigboobyhalo · 2 years
I just got the best fucking idea for some egg arc art but I'm still in school and then I have a club meeting afterwards oughghghghgh let me out LET ME OUT
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