Lol I adore the Jenny Nicholson tvd video. It's so good! Genuinely one of the best "unnecessarily long rant about obscure tv show" videos out there. But I had watched a couple seasons of tvd before I gave up on the series so the concepts weren't entirely new to me. I'm really curious about your thoughts in general about what you saw. Also, as someone with 0 knowledge of tvd before, what were your top 3 most unhinged things about the series?
It... it sure was a CW show, huh.
I will say though the amount of couple shuffling and bed-hopping that goes on feels excessive even for a CW show. When she said "turns out you don't have to be delusional to watch this show, you'll have the same experience either way" she really meant it because I felt rather delusional myself by the end.
I'm not surprised but I am disappointed that they didn't stick the landing on Elena's arc re: her survivor's guilt and so on. Big missed opportunity there. There were also so many random funny things like the way they seemed to be trying to softlaunch Candice King's singing career by having Caroline randomly sing in episodes? For paper-thin plot reasons?
the racism in general though holy shit
Oddly though it did seem like the series finale managed to tie it together in a mostly-satisfying way for fans which is not what one would expect. Good for them, although to be fair it's not a high bar to clear compared to the likes of Supernatural, The 100, and Game of Thrones.
Also the amount of dropped plot threads and plot points I'm. I'm in physical pain. It's so clear they're constantly making stuff up as they go along and thanks I hate it.
[pause for a trailer about the TV series that brought women to the frontline...]
I would say the three most unhinged things were:
The guy who was "the Devil" and was burned at the stake? And he created his own world with a psychic blast? I'm??? It's hell but it's not hell???
Everyone getting possessed by everyone else!? All the time!? What? Doppelgangers? Everyone trying to act as like three different characters that had to be a headache.
Caroline's dad torturing her in some kind of fucked up conversion therapy arc what the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. AND HE WAS GAY??? BUT DOING METAPHORICAL CONVERSION THERAPY ON HIS DAUGHTER???
Anyway it sure was an experience! I know so many things I cannot un-know! h e l p !
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yangfleurs · 1 year
stray kids reaction: they call you clingy
maknae line
(hyung line pt.1 is here)
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what you liked most about being with jisung was that it was never complicated with him. you two seemed to always be in tune with each other, knowing when to keep your distance and when to show your affectionate sides. but you knew jisung was an introvert, through and through, and there was nothing he loved more than his time alone. and so you left him to himself when he needed you to; you and him both knew it was good for couples to have their own lives and interests outside of each other.
it was one of those days with jisung, where he needed to spend some time with himself to recharge so he could be his best self at work the next day. you didn’t mind, obviously; you were a busy person yourself, and between school and work, there really wasn’t any time for you to let loose with jisung today anyway. 
you spent practically the entire morning after breakfast sat on the living room floor and glued to your laptop, fervently typing away on a paper you definitely should’ve started earlier. but if you pushed through it the whole day and only took a few short breaks, you were sure you’d be done by midnight. you were ready to take your first one of those planned breaks to make lunch and eat, but a wave of laziness washed over you. you didn’t feel like cooking at all, not after pouring your brain’s contents into your work for so long. you started convincing yourself you could work through your designated lunch break and just eat a big dinner when jisung came out of the bedroom, bundled up in his puffer jacket.
“I’m going to the convenience store.” he grumbled out, shuffling towards the door.
why didn’t you think of that? you could grab some cheap, prepared food to eat there, while also getting some fresh air on your skin and a little bit of time to spend with jisung. “let’s go together! I need to grab something to eat, too.” you said, rushing to your bedroom to grab your own jacket. you quickly scrambled through your closet, finding your own puffer, before heading back into the living room. when you came back out though, jisung was nowhere in sight. you figured he was just downstairs and hurried to throw on your shoes so he wouldn’t grow impatient waiting for you. if there was one thing jisung hated, it was waiting, you thought to yourself as you skittered down the stairs.
when you got out of your building, jisung was already walking towards the direction of the convenience store, clearly not waiting for you. you ran to catch up with him, a little embarrassed at how he left you behind.
“hey, why didn’t you wait? I literally only took two minutes.” you mumbled, a little bummed out by his attitude.
“I wanna get back to my show, y/n.” he said with an over-exaggerated sigh which made you roll your eyes. 
“you’re always so serious about your shows, it’s cute.” you giggled a little, leaning towards him and reaching for his hand. just as you were about to hold it, he briskly tucked his hand into his jacket pocket, keeping his eyes straight ahead and away from you. you coughed a little and turned your face the other direction to hide the humiliating red crawling up your neck and onto your face.
you arrived at the convenience store in complete silence, immediately going your separate ways to grab your food. you grabbed a triangle kimbap for lunch and then a ramen you could make quickly later in the night for dinner. you made yourself an iced coffee too, hoping some caffeine would help you focus in on your work and ignore the tension between you and your boyfriend. you found him already at the counter, putting his things down. you put your things down to the side of the counter so you could search for your wallet. you pat around your pants and then your jacket, but you don’t feel it anywhere on you.
“shit, shit, I forgot my wallet.” you groaned.
"we’re together.” he muttered, pushing your things with his and handing the employee his card. you thanked him quietly, hiding your smile by looking down. there was your jisung, considerate and always looking out for you. 
“you forgot your wallet on purpose, didn’t you? y/n, I know you’re on the clingier side, but don’t you think that’s too much?” he huffed as he waited for his card to go through, “I asked for literally one day on my own and you just had to follow me to the convenience store and then you just conveniently didn’t remember your wallet? seriously?” he rolled his eyes.
you were stunned, to say the least. the employee looked at you both awkwardly, coughing a little and turning away so she didn’t embarrass you. but it was too late for that; as he started to put the food in his bag, you yanked him by the arm to turn him to face you. he looked at you, completely bewildered at your aggression. you didn’t care, though---if he got to give you an earful, you should return the favor.
“who do you take me for, jisung? god forbid I forget my wallet while rushing out to catch up with my boyfriend who’s running away from me like I’m some sort of fucking plague,” you seethed, “I haven’t eaten in hours, jisung. I’ve been working my ass off, not once even trying to talk to you. I am not as obsessed with you as you’ve deluded yourself into thinking.” you spat, shoving your food into his arms. “and since you’re so concerned about the what, ten dollars, you had to spend on me? take the food. I just lost my appetite.”
you walked out of the convenience store and away from him in the opposite direction, so you could both hide the tears that you were bound to spill as well as to go anywhere but back to your shared apartment. 
you headed to your school, figuring you could finish your paper at the library there. you had already wasted so much time, and an all-nighter was soon going to be inevitable. you also knew you had a limited amount of energy left in you on an empty stomach, hearing it growl as you thought of your situation. you quietly groaned, sniffling as you trudged along. you’d kill to just have your boyfriend comfort you and support you through this grueling assignment, but instead, you were burning with humiliation at being berated by him in front of a complete stranger.
you walked slowly, counting your steps and hoping you’d hear jisung’s heavy footsteps running to catch up with you any moment now. but that moment never came, not even after you’d barely walked half a block in fifteen minutes. you had both, literally, parted ways. and it made you wonder if it symbolized something more than just a small argument.
you were walking backstage to meet your boyfriend, felix, and his members to cheer them on for their final music bank performance of the season. this was a tradition for you; at the end of all of their final comeback performances, you would bring them as well as their staff a well-deserved, expensive meal to end the comeback strongly. it wasn’t burdensome for you; if anything, you were always thankful to them for taking care of felix and you wanted to express your gratitude through feeding them some delicious food. 
you walked in clumsily, stumbling a little as the boys’s manager let you past security. you greeted him politely, handing him the food that was meant for him and the staff. you greeted the staff as well, bowing deeply at all of them like you always did; you knew they were practically family to your boyfriend, so you treated them with as much respect as you would his actual family. you turned to their manager again to speak.
“I’ll take the food for the boys in myself.” you let their manager know with a smile. he nodded, thanking you for the food for the millionth time before freeing up the hallway for you to go down. you bowed one last time before heading to the waiting room. as you turned the corner, you saw changbin coming from another direction .
“oh, hey y/n!” changbin waved, immediately grabbing the heavy bags out of your hands. “I just got out of the restroom, let’s head to the waiting room together.” he said, smiling. you nodded, thanking him for his help. you both chatted as you walked down the hallway, catching up on each other’s lives and listening to him explain how excited they were about upcoming plans for the group. you listened with a smile, making a note to bring it up to felix later when you got some time to talk to him in the waiting room. 
you made it to the door of their waiting room first, and noticed the door was left slightly ajar. you overheard a familiar voice, chan’s, addressing your boyfriend.
“so how are things with y/n?” you heard chan ask felix. “she should be coming with the food any time now. she’s so sweet.” you smiled at his compliment. you shushed changbin as he caught up with you; you needed to hear what felix would say.
“well...she’s clingy for sure.” he chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever dated someone who needed this much attention, hyung.”
 you were taken aback. is that what he thought of you? were you just some needy, clingy person pestering him for his attention all the time? you were a little embarrassed, but not nearly as much as you were hurt. you and felix both loved each other’s attention, you couldn’t believe he would say something like that. you gulped, grabbing changbin’s arm and heading backwards to the corner you had just turned.
“y/n, I’ll talk to him.” he said, distressed. you knew changbin, and you knew he would try to fix the situation like the good friend he was.
“no, you won’t. you’re going to tell him I was busy today and only had time to drop the food off. I’ll figure it out later, okay?” you said in a rush, wanting to get out of the building. the whole place suddenly felt suffocating, you couldn’t stand being there, somewhere you clearly weren’t wanted. you didn’t want felix to think you were any more needy than he already thought you were. your insecurities were slowly creeping in on you, and it was distressing.
changbin hesitated but finally relented when you promised you would talk to felix about it when he came home tonight. you practically ran out of the corridor, giving nothing more than a cursory bow and goodbye to the staff and manager, shabbily covering most of your face with your hand to hide that fact that you were on the verge of crying.
you got into your car and let yourself let go. the tears flowed freely, and you had no intention of stifling them. your relationship with felix was the closest thing to perfect you’d ever experienced. you adored how attentive he was to you---he never, not once, missed a birthday or anniversary. he was the first person to congratulate you when you passed your exams, and the first one to comfort you when you didn’t. there was never a moment when you were both home that he wasn’t following you around, trailing you even to the bathroom sometimes just so he wouldn’t be apart from you. you loved it and you thought he loved it, too. and the attention wasn’t one-sided, either---otherwise, you wouldn’t have even come here, arms overflowing with expensive food for practically everyone that interacted with him. 
you sighed, satisfied with the release of emotions, and wiped your eyes carelessly. you drove yourself home, not even bothering to listen to the radio or try to calm down from your rush of feelings. you got home, unlocking the door and plodding into your apartment, feet feeling weighed down by how heavy your mood had become. you chugged a whole glass of water; all that crying had made you thirsty---and exhausted. you slid your jacket off and onto the ground before plopping down right there on the couch, not even bothering to change or wipe your makeup off. you didn’t want to do anything except stop thinking about the words your boyfriend had said about you to his friend earlier. you drifted off to sleep just like that, with mascara tears and a broken heart.
there were a lot of things that went unspoken between you and seungmin. that was one of the best parts about dating him---you could both show your love for each other in the way you were most comfortable with. for both of you, that happened to be doing things to make the other’s day a little easier. 
seungmin took the trash out early in the morning so you wouldn’t have to do the heavy lifting on your own. you made him his coffee before he left. you would order lunch to where he was, whether it be the company building or at the dorm with the boys, in advance so he wouldn’t have to bother with cooking anything. he would stop by during your lunch break at work with your coffee order and a small bite to eat in case you didn’t pack food that day. he has your favorite show ready to play as soon as you’ve washed up after work and you’re always ready to greet him with open arms after a long and tiring day at practice.
you both anticipated what the other needed, and that made you guys always in tune with each other. you’d never even had a serious fight, the worst one being a five-minute quarrel about seungmin buying the wrong shampoo on your grocery list, which was easily resolved by him driving to the store after work and exchanging it for the right one.
tonight, you knew seungmin would come home exhausted. he had practice from sunrise to sunset, with only a short break here and there to eat or use the bathroom. the choreographer for the comeback they were preparing for was one of the best, but she was known for being incredibly detail-oriented (which was, of course, what made her the best), and according to your friend and seungmin’s, hyunjin, she was especially keen on ironing out all the tiny mistakes seungmin was making. she was the reason your boyfriend was exhausting himself for endless hours and the reason he was going to come home tonight like a walking corpse.
you stuck a gatorade in the freezer to chill it quickly, knowing he would need the reminder to replenish himself. you warmed up the food on the stove, laid out his sleep clothes on the bed, and started cleaning up your home so the both of you could head to bed right after you both ate dinner and he showered.
you started putting your hair up and walking back to the living room after washing up yourself when you heard the jingling of keys outside of your front door. seungmin was home.
the door creaked open and seungmin came in, looking pale and drained of life. he didn’t greet you, which you didn’t blame him for---you knew he just wanted to get his rest as soon as possible.
“hey seung, rough day?” you asked gently, earning a passing grumble as he walked straight past you to the bathroom. you sighed, walking to the kitchen to fix him a plate and pulled out the gatorade so he could eat quickly. he could be as moody as he wanted, you weren’t about to let your boyfriend go to sleep without dinner, especially after the hours of choreography he had just gone through. 
the water droplets of the shower softly padded against the walls of your apartment for a couple of minutes before it was quickly shut off. seungmin stepped out right after, lazily drying his hair with a towel as he walked straight into the bedroom. you hummed, waiting for him to come back after changing into his sleep clothes. but a couple minutes soon became ten, which soon became fifteen. you got up from the sofa and walked into the bedroom, worried as to what was taking him so long. you found him lying in bed, scrolling through his phone.
“coming to bed?” he mumbled, not looking up from the screen.
“I made dinner and put out some gatorade for you, come eat.” you said, tugging his leg a little as a sign for him to get up.
“not hungry.” he sighed, turning a little in bed.
“come on, seung. I know you and you definitely skipped lunch to practice more. you need to eat well if you want to do your best tomorrow.” you told him firmly but gently so he knew you were serious.
“why are you so pushy, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, “you’re not my mom. I’ll eat whenever I want.”
you cringed a little at his rudeness but persisted. “seungmin, just eat something. and then we’ll go to bed, it’s not that hard. just do it for me?” you asked.
“oh my god, you are so pushy and clingy. please just leave me alone, you don’t need to always be on my ass.” he groaned, turning off his phone, and turning his face into the pillow.
you were bewildered. seungmin knew you were the type to look out for him; if anything, he should be sympathizing with you, considering he would’ve done the same for you after a rough day. his words felt like being slapped, the hurt fresh and confusing. you turned around and left the room.
“where are you going? can we please just sleep.” he whined.
“I’m sleeping on the couch, I do not want to be next to you right now.” you muttered, heading to the living room.
“seriously? dramatic much?” he groaned, “whatever, suit yourself.” he mumbled turning off the bedside lamp to sleep. you sighed, closing the door behind you.
you covered the food you had ready for seungmin before plopping down onto the couch. you pulled the living room throw blanket on top of you and tried to fall asleep. your legs were cramped together on the too-small couch and your neck was in an awkward position that you knew would hurt in the morning but all you could do was accept your fate and sigh. you shuffled a little, closing your eyes tightly. but with seungmin’s words still reeling in your mind, you knew there was no way you would be getting any sleep tonight.
jeongin was your best friend as much as he was your boyfriend; teasing and poking fun at each other was a natural part of your relationship. it wasn’t uncommon for you to take light jabs at each other; you both knew not to take it too seriously---or to take it too far.
it was an unusually quiet evening at the dorms. a bunch of the guys had gone out for a drink and dinner, save for jeongin, who stayed back to spend time with you. you guys were sitting on the couch, stuffed to the brim with a bunch of takeout---you had gotten a promotion at work and jeongin was keen on celebrating. jeongin laid down in your lap with a whiny groan.
“remind me to never order food on an empty stomach ever again.” he mumbled into your lap, making you giggle.
“thank you for treating me, baby.” you hummed, running your fingers through his hair.
he shot up to look you in the eyes and smiled sweetly, pulling your face closer to his and kissing you gently.
“ew, jeongin!” you heard felix yell from the door.
“in the living room? our innie’s an adult!” lino laughed.
jeongin practically flew to the other side of the couch. neither one of you had heard the door unlock and open, nor had you seen all the members pile into the room.
“he has a way of surprising people,” you chuckled a little, patting him on the cheek, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, be right back.” you winked at him as the red on his cheeks only grew brighter from your teasing.
you headed to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, laughing to yourself thinking about the hell the members were probably giving jeongin right now. you quickly used the bathroom and cleaned up your appearance a bit before you headed back. you straightened out your clothes as you walked back. before you turned the corner, you heard jeongin’s voice loudly defending himself to the boys.
“and besides, y/n’s super clingy and needy for attention. she wouldn’t have left me alone until I gave her a damn kiss! leave me alone, you guys are the worst.” he huffed angrily.
“so you’re just going to make shit up about me and blame me for a kiss you initiated? what, so your friends won’t tease you a little? grow the fuck up.” you rolled your eyes, feeling the irritation start to make your skin burn.
he sat there silently, not even bothering to correct himself or apologize. the boys dispersed immediately, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of your (albeit justified) explosive temper. you scoffed at his immaturity, turning for the door and angrily shoving your feet into your shoes and grabbing your coat off of its hanger.
“call me when you decide to stop acting like a dumb kid who can’t handle his friends seeing him act like a boyfriend to his girlfriend.” you spat. you slammed the front door behind you, still coming down from the adrenaline rush your confrontation with jeongin gave you. it hurt you; how could jeongin of all people make you into a needy, annoying girlfriend? all of that, for what? to save face in front of his friends? you sighed, deciding to just head home to your apartment and call it a night.
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
When nerds come together…
Summary: April finally introduces her “normal” friend. Although, she’ll have to redefine her definition of “normal”.
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When Donnie first met you, he had his doubts. Apil introduced you as her "normal" friend. But this was April. "Normal" for her was in the 0.0001 percentile. Not impossible, but you might as well have thought it was. You, being introduced as such, was within reason of suspicion. In his initial observations, you were shy and borderline introverted. It was evident with you hiding behind April as you greeted them all. You spoke with so much uncertainty that you even stammered. To put it simply, Othello Von Ryan was not impressed.
"You're going to get along great," she said. "You both have so much in common," she also said. You told April prior that this wasn't going to work out. Not because of this whole...situation. Okay, so maybe a little. Luckily, she briefed you a week before heading down to the lair. But it was mainly because of who you were as a person. You weren't exactly a people person. You often find them loud and messy, and even illogical. For example, pineapple on pizza. An abomination of the truest kind. It's for reasons like this that you preferred being cooped up in your laboratory. It's quiet, spotless, and promotes a higher level of thinking. Hence, the creation of your darlings. Beautiful works of art made from metal, programming, and a boatload of caffeine.
Of course, being a genius, people aren't fans of you as much as you are of them. The teasing, you could handle. After all, you had an armada of anti-bullying technology made by yours truly. It was the social interactions that got to you, i.e., April. Who somehow barged into your life. She found you working on your tech in the library once, and ever since, she has been your self-proclaimed best friend. She mentioned her turtle buddies only recently. When she walked into the same place, and saw you tinkering with your oozequito tracking goggles. She knew she had to introduce you. Particularly to a certain purple-clad turtle genius. Of course, you wouldn't say yes immediately. But after saying the words “mystic” and “mutant” in the same sentence, she had your attention. So that's how you found yourself here, in the NY sewers. Being scrutinized by four color-coded mutant turtles with epic ninja skills.
Mikey, being the overly-friendly orange turtle, hugged you in greeting before asking you for your pizza preference. A large Cheesy Supreme. Leo was next, laying on the charm thick. The cringe was real. Raph went third. The eldest, the leader, and whose mission plans always start and end with punching like a boss. And lastly, and somewhat reluctantly, was Donnie. Eyeing you over with his goggles, rather than offering his hand to shake like a normal person, a robotic one popped out of his battle shell instead. Carefully, you shook it, admiring the intricacy and sophistication of the details of the automaton.
"Is this t-titanium grade 4 alloy?"
The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. April, quite desperately too, wanted you to be friends with her...teenage mutant ninja turtle gang. And, from experience, nobody like a smartypants. You were definitely not making a great first impression. But at least you tried. It's the effort that matters, right? You could feel the beads of sweat rolling down your back and, most likely, drenching your shirt. When he replied, it definitely wasn't what you expected him to say.
"Well, of course! Only a miscreant would use anything but the best quality!"
He isn't going to laugh at me? Or look at me weirdly? Could this turtle, in all of his purple glory...be a nerd? Description-wise, April had only revealed that “you two would get along” and refused to clarify any further. There is only one way to put a theory to the test.
"You know, i-if you used uranium as an e-energy source, you could level up these darlings b-big time."
You saying nerdy stuff? Donnie definitely didn't expect that. You didn't look the type. And, not to be judgmental, but you didn't seem the type. But you were. And you understood his sentiments exactly. He couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up inside him.
"I know, right?! Think of all the upgrades I could do with even just an iota of uranium! I would be unstoppable! But sadly, papa rat won't let me have some.”
Donnie got a good tail slap to the back of the head for that. Feeling a bit more comfortable now, especially with the science talk, you bravely continued. A smile slowly starting to spread on your face.
"What if you had more than an iota of uranium?"
At this, April’s head did a 160 from something Leo had said to you.
"Wait a minute, didn't you say that your nuclear stable thingy was in beta? Which, you so thoroughly said, meant that it was 'Off Limits'."
Pulling up air quotations as she quotes you saying the same thing to her no more than a week ago when she bugged you about your oozequito goggles. Smugly, you smiled at your best friend as you reached into your bag and pulled out the glowing device.
"You mean my beautiful portable nuclear stabilizer? Yes, yes it was. 'Til now. "
"You brought uranium to the lair?!"
"No, I brought uranium to the school, April. Which ended with you dragging me here before I could stow it away in a safer location. A.K.A., my lab."
You hear the gasp of horror behind you as you turn to face Donnie once more. The device in your hand had an ominous green glow that eerily illuminated his face. It was quite beautiful. The turtle in question had stars in his eyes with how excited he was. He made gimme-gimme hands before coming to some sort of realization at the last minute. Taking a deep breath, he recomposed himself.
"You're just going to hand me the uranium? That sounds suspect. What's the catch?”
The small shy smile that had adorned your face before spread wide. Almost menacingly.
"As I said, uranium is a wonderful energy source. If I am to give you some of mine, it must be for a worthwhile cause. So, I want to be co-creator. From frame, to wiring, to programming, alpha, beta, and testing. Think of it as means of securing my investment."
“And if I decline your conditions?”
“Then prepare to say your sweet farewell.”
"I see. Begrudgingly, I accept. However, I will have to demand that you keep my lab as prestine as possible."
With a gleaming and potentially dangerous device in hand, you marched alongside the turtle as he led you toward his beloved laboratory. The other five, completely forgotten and left out of the conversation, looked at you two in confusion.
"What just happened?"
"I think Donnie just made a new friend!"
"Ugh, April! You said that this one was normal!"
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄P.S. School has been so hectic lately (°▽°) I haven’t written anything almost 2 weeks. Here is some platonic? Rise!Donnie x reader. Might make a more romantic part 2 if y’all like this. And again, thank you so much for all the love my stories have been getting! Please enjoy!
P.P.S. The gif isn’t mine
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solcorvidae · 5 months
Modern Witcher AU: My Headcanons: (part 3 of ?)
Geralt smells of coffee, caramelized sugar, kerosine, and mineral oil. The sugary scent is from his favourite fragrance (Vanilla Woods—The 7 Virtues) and it mingles well with his natural body chemistry and environmental scents. It’s very subtle but distinct and it works shockingly well for him.
Jaskier is determined to figure out what fragrance Geralt wears but is looking in all the wrong places. He assumes some of the “masculine” notes from the environment that linger on his skin and clothes are a part of the perfume. It takes Geralt explicitly telling Jaskier to look in the feminine and/or the unisex sections (of fragrantica) for him to actually do so and finally get put on the right track.
Jaskier smells of lavender and chamomile. His hair also retains the smell of his shampoo exceedingly well so he always smells clean. He uses solid fragrance that’s reminiscent of “Chamomile and Lavender Milk Tea” by The Dua Brand. It has notes of honey and raw almond milk that gives it a good balancing effect and works well with his body chemistry.
Jaskiers extended family organizes regular family reunions at grossly lavish locations at least once a year. Most of his family besides his parents and a few cousins don’t know about his cross-country road trip… or Geralt. When Jaskier brings Geralt along one year to a reunion at a rented out ski chalet he wants to make sure Geralt makes a good impression. Little did he know, most of his family would adore him and think he is such a doll. Geralt had no less than two people at any given time chatting with him for the vast majority of the weekend. As an introvert, he was exhausted by the end of each day. Jaskier is secretly convinced his family loves Geralt more than him after just a few days; however, Jaskier is more than happy to show him off so it never really bothers him much.
Geralt has a stiff gait. It stems from extremely tense muscles in his hips and lower back as a result of so many hours on the road and not enough proper stretching. Jaskier makes it his personal goal to get Geralt into physiotherapy and at the very least, flexible enough to touch his toes comfortably again.
Geralt’s nausea inducing alcohol of choice is tequila. Eskel’s is flavoured vodka. Lambert loves to get a reaction out of them over it.
Geralt can't have tequila (especially margaritas) anymore because of the near-two day hangover he had after drinking with his brothers on New Years Eve one year. Not even the night he came of age could compare to the sheer amount he knocked back that night.
Eskel's grievance against (lemonade) vodka started after a night out at the bar in his early 20's. He doesn't remember how many times he threw up that night (and he doesn't really want to either).
Lambert can hold his alcohol well but gets hangovers extremely easy, unlike Geralt and Eskel who rarely get more than a headache that's readily manageable with a single ibuprofen capsule. Lambert started keeping a bucket under his bed for this exact reason. He doesn't have a gag-inducing alcohol because if he did, all options would be exhausted with the amount of times he has been ill after a night out.
Geralt’s personal vehicle is a baby blue rust bucket of a pickup truck. It’s a sturdy but rough looking 1990 Ford Ranger.
Eskel drives a grey 2013 VW Jetta that was not taken care of too well by it’s previous owner. It’s a secondhand shitbox but it’s his secondhand shitbox.
Lambert refuses to buy his own car and when he’s not working, he makes Vesemir or his brothers drive him places when he can’t/doesn’t want to catch the bus.
Eskel gets extremely bad caffeine withdrawal symptoms since he has a much lower tolerance and rate of consumption than Geralt, who has a worrying dependency. Geralt says he's fine, but his blood pressure says otherwise.
[Modern AU Headcanon Masterpost]
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marmotish · 5 months
(If you ever heard of and/or watched the music video "Take on Me" by aHa)
I WAS initially going to ask how Freyja would react being in the role of the introverted comic reader girl being whisked into her current comic and being bemusedly charmed by whoever was her comic book hero........
The idea of Chester aimlessly skimming through his Rodger’s comic (seriously? Who brings that to a tea/coffee shop instead of a nice book) out of sheer boredom while waiting for his younger brother to return from the restroom (Rodger got distracted on his way back), only to suddenly be whisked into the comic’s black and white paneled world + find himself face to face with or sprawled to the ground and looking up at Rodger’s favorite heroine (a biker-riding, leather-wearing, wrench-wielding, and overall 80’s anti-hero-flavored Freyja). The prim and proper suit and slacks-wearing Chester is all parts confused, most parts terrified, (and the remaining parts reluctantly smitten?).
Rodger is convinced that after he returned to his seat only to find his usually pristine and sophisticated brother askew by the cafe/tea shop’s waste bin, who then ran out the place clutching Rodger’s crumpled comic (BRO, that’s a vintage original copy!!) , and was found back at their shared apartment sobbing over the comic’s ending, that Chester had too much caffeine in his system + was clearly not sleeping enough…
Was too irresistible to NOT ask about 😅
ok but Take on Me is one of my fav music videos - like the blending of live action and animation? ✨👌🏼✨
I just had to try and replicate it ((to some degree anyway because i don’t have the patience for even semi-realism…))
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And while Roger’s not used to being the sibling who’s got it together (in this moment anyway), he tries his best to comfort his sleep-deprived mess of an older brother.
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chubbletea · 4 months
I'm bored. mcsm hcs time
jesse (any prns, bday dec 31st)
reuben helped them sleep, so after they lost him, they had trouble sleeping for years upon years
their music taste is anything and everything. they will go to listening from k-pop to death metal and be unfazed
jesse was fairly little when they met reuben (thinking abt 4-ish??)
they have brightly colored highlights in their hair, and it's style is short and fluffy/messy-looking
only child
doesn't want to get gender surgeries or take hormones or anything
played trumpet in middle school marching band. I'm so sorry for doing them dirty like this but it's the vibes
probably survives off of caffeine. however, this habit got better after they got radar to help
they couldn’t sleep for at least a week after reuben's death, but then they started sleeping with a plushy (probably of a pig), which slowly helped them get back into a semi-regular sleep schedule
they have a nametag necklace with reuben's name engraved on it
petra (she/her, bday feb 20th)
girl kisser. likes kissing women on the lips.
deathly terrified of getting sick. if she got lethally sick before the witherstorm event, she would be like "I'M FINE IT'S NOTHING" but after the witherstorm event if she gets a small cold she freaks tf out
she's a system bc I'm a system and I said so. she has abt five members and has rare splits
her childhood was all over the place
she likes heavier music like green day, blink-182, rob zombie, babymetal, etc.
did several martial arts and sports as a kid bc she couldn't find one she liked
Idk if I can see her doing marching band but if she did she would be an alto sax player, but like angry section leader alto sax player
lukas is her cousin. she's the only one who gets to call him luke bc that's what he originally went by before changing it to lukas
she's abt three years older than lukas, and she was very present in his childhood. they basically did everything together bc their parents were either fuckasses or straight up not there (L + ratio tbh)
lukas (he/him, bday july 24th)
trans guy. just the vibes
he's a writer. he's into WEIRD GROSS GRAPHIC SHIT. he does not faint when he sees blood or whatever.
while writing his memoir(?) abt the witherstorm journey, he writes so many graphic descriptions abt stuff like petra's illness, inside of the witherstorm, the endermen and other mobs, etc. and asks jesse to read it for criticism and such and then they end up scarred and are like "HUH?? WHO HURT YOU????"
he likes holding his cat like a baby
he's the certified "music nerd" of the group. he thinks his taste is the best
speaking of, he likes stuff like will wood, tally hall/miracle musical, lemon demon, etc. and if anyone ever asks for music recommendations he just fucking appears without warning and talks abt music for three hours
whenever lukas is handed the aux he's like "YOU GUYS WANNA HEAR A BANGER?" and plays 2/3 of a song and talks abt it for another half of it and just does it over again with several songs in a row
played clarinet in middle school-high school band and never wanted to switch bc he was very attached to his instrument
he was also probably a theatre kid. and DEFINITELY a creative writing kid. maybe an art kid too
eventually he started playing electric guitar after school
he used to be *extremely* asocial and introverted, only willingly interacting with his cousin, petra, until he met the ocelots and slowly opened up in his late middle school/early high school years thanks to them
his parents weren't very present in his childhood
throughout most of his childhood he experienced lots of autism related speech loss and was nearly completely nonverbal, but after he started becoming friends with the ocelots, he slowly gained the ability to speak. he still experiences the occasional speech loss to this day, but he's much better than he was a while back
he's the youngest member of the order
one year on t
took a few classes with olivia at one point, but they never rlly talked. he might've glanced at her one or two times tho
picked up traditional art as an extra hobby, still mostly focuses on writing
he has severe gender dysphoria and has had top surgery, but refuses to get bottom surgery, simply bc he doesn't want to.cdespite this, he stills makes jokes abt having a cock
axel (they/he, bday may 7th)
met jesse before olivia met jesse
his music taste consists of only meme songs. the first time he was handed the aux, he played two trucks. the second time he was handed the aux, he rickrolled everybody. he is now banned from the aux.
he's the oldest member of the order
has no idea how sympathy works (real!)
olivia (she/they, bday apr 12th)
former gifted kid vibes. definitely went to a private school at some point
has always looked up to ellegaard since she was little
took a few classes with lukas at one point, but they never rlly talked. olivia prolly thought abt trying to talk to him at one point tho
major art kid vibes
3-4+ years on e, got bottom surgery a little more than a year ago
she drew jesse a picture of reuben shortly after his death to try and cheer them up
radar (he/they, bday oct 16th)
bisexual and questioning if he's non-binary
it's said that he is both jesse's assistant and and intern, so that could mean he's in high school. I debated for a little bit whether he would be a junior or senior but I decided that he would be one of the older juniors (around 17 years old)
sometimes he has to miss/be late to help jesse with work or whatever bc he has schoolwork to do
definitely a hardcore theatre kid.
it's also sorta implied that radar has some sort of crush on jesse so I like to imagine that jesse is like his celebrity crush or whatever. ofc that's never gonna go through as an actual relationship or whatever
radar does mention at one point that he loves seafood so I like to imagine he encourages jesse to try seafood with him and stuff. he also definitely isn't scared to try and actually likes some of the "weird" stuff (ex. tako)
he rlly trusts jesse and likes talking to him bc he doesn't rlly have a good outlet. I like to think jesse just listens/lets him vent
he tries to go help jesse as much as he possibly can bc his home life isn't particularly great (by that I mean it's terrible)
he's the type to go "SO FUNNY STORY-" and then traumadump like it's nothing (srsly get him some therapy)
definitely has a squishmallow collection AND keeps all the tags
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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The full monty on Slipknot’s pint-sized drum demon Joey Jordison
Kerrang #796 April 8 2000
“Oasis suck dick and we want to fight them…”
(google docs link)
What is your nickname and why?
“Superball. Because one time we played this terrible show and I was so angry that I was bouncing around the room. It had to be seen to be believed. Dude, I was so fucking mental I could have given Michael Jordan a run for his money.”
At school, were you a dunce or a teacher’s pet? “More of a pet, because there was this one teacher that I had a real crush on and I’d always drop my pencil to look up her skirt. I got decent grades, but I mostly hung out by my locker with my headphones on. I hung out with nobody – I was really introverted.”
What was your first shag like? “The girl was 14, I was 17. She was mental. I go over to her house and she starts throwing shit at me while cranking Madonna out of the stereo. She turns out the light and throws a rubber at me, which hits me on the forehead, and then she goes, ‘Now it’s time’. The thing is, she had a broken leg and I’m trying to get her pants off like a moron. I get in there, do three or four strokes, blow my load and say, ‘We shouldn’t be doing this’. I pull out, leave her standing there with her gimp leg, walk home with the condom on, clean it out with water, and let out the biggest scream of victory you’ve ever heard. It’s the best sex I’ve ever had. I fucked a charity case.”
Who’s your best friend? “My Mom. She’s always supported me from day one.”
What’s the best pet you’ve ever had? “I had a tom-cat that liked to fight dogs and he always came out a bloody mess: trails of blood through the house, tail ripped to shreds. I called him Not My Cat. He ruled. I used to dress him up, hang cigarettes from his mouth, crazy shit.”
Have you ever been arrested? “No, but next time I go to Australia I probably will be.”
What would you be if you weren’t a rock star? “I’d be trying to get as close to the stage as possible by being a drum tech or sound man.”
How would you describe yourself on a blind date form? “I’m cheap!”
What’s the most extravagant thing you’ve ever bought? “My car, but that wasn’t very expensive. It’s a 1990 two-door red Chevy Blazer.”
Who’s gagging for a shagging? “Fiona Apple. I’m completely and utterly obsessed with her. I met her once and she flirted with me. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, she definitely flirted with me.”
Who’s gagging for a smacking? “Fiona Apple on her ass when I’m doggy-styling her.”
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? “I’ve never really had one. I’m in one of the finest bands ever.”
When did you last call home? “We haven’t been on tour long, so I haven’t called home yet.”
What was your most embarrassing moment? “Once in grade school, we were watching a movie with the lights out and I puked all over my desk. I was so freaked out that I tried to scoop it all up in my arms. It ruled, though, because it caused a ‘vomitory’ – three or four other people puked.”
Who would you least like to see naked? “My tour manager Danny. It might turn him on.”
What’s the best rumour you’ve ever heard about yourself? “That it was me who got Rayna from Coal Chamber pregnant. It was all over the Internet at one point. I’ve never even met her.”
What’s in your wallet right now? “A credit card, Kiss plectrums from when I met them, keys to these handcuffs that I got for the chicks, and a rubber.”
What’s your favourite joke? “Oasis. Those guys suck dick and we want to fight them.”
If you were marooned on a desert island without food, which member of Slipknot would you choose to eat first? “Chris (Fehn, percussionist), because he eats the most.”
Which Slipknot song would you choose to donate to a compilation album called ‘Crap Songs Of Our Time’? “None of them. Zero.”
What’s your drug of choice? “I don’t do drugs. Caffeine, I guess.”
What does God look like? “He’s the guy with the beard and the white robe. Or he looks like Kiss.”
When you die, how would you like to go? “While slamming at the drum kit or doing Fiona Apple.”
Words: Ben Myers
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eds6ngel · 10 months
Hello angel! I was thinking maybe introvert Eddie with an extrovert reader! Like they date and then they’re out at a restaurant and his food is wrong and he doesn’t want to say anything so she does? Just something cute like that with maybe a few other instances as well! Your writing is perfect by the way 💙💙💙
hi sweetheart!! firstly, thank you ever so much for the compliment! this is such an array of emotions, but i think it encapsulates what introverted!eddie would feel like in a relationship <3
warnings: fem!reader. pet names. swearing. food mentions. satanic panic rhetoric. mentions of su*c*de. mentions of eddie being poor. mentions of ab*se (eddie's past). eddie and reader cry together :'). a lil bit of hurt. comfort. tooth-rotting fluff!! [2.3k].
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If there’s one thing that Eddie fails to share with everyone, it’s that he is actually extremely introverted. You already assumed this when you first met him, the boy screaming on top of cafeteria tables about how “conformity is bullshit” and how its “killing the kids” and whatnot.
But, when you started dating, he sure showed that his apparent extrovertedness was seemingly a completely lie.
For your first date, Eddie took you out to Benny’s Burgers. Your friends kept telling you how it was a mistake and how that was no way to show a girl you fancied her, but the location didn’t matter to you. Everyone in Hawkins knew that Eddie lived down at Forest Hills Trailer Park with his uncle, so you assumed money issues played a huge deal in his upbringing. So, as someone a bit more well-off, it wasn’t for you to judge how he spent the little money he had. Although, it didn’t matter to you in the slightest.
As you guys look back now, it’s insane how much you brought him out of his shell over the months. But, reflecting back on your first date will always be one of the funniest moments.
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“So… what you thinking of getting?” Eddie asks shyly, looking up at you from behind the menu, immediately avoiding eye contact the second you look back at him.
Your mom had always taught you that if someone else was offering to pay, you should never go for something expensive, and you took that on, always ordering or purchasing something low in value.
So, you chose the cheapest meal on the menu, “I’ll just take the hamburger and fries, and just a water to go with it. I’m trying to calm down on the caffeine intake,” you softly laugh.
The problem is, Wayne always taught Eddie never to order higher than the girl, saying that it’s a way to make them feel special and as if they’re the main attraction there.
So, Eddie replied, “Yeah… I’ll take the same…” he mumbles, shutting the menu and laying it on top of yours to the side.
But, what Eddie failed to let you know is that he wasn’t the biggest lover of salad in his burgers. The patty, cheese and a bit of ketchup will do him perfectly, perhaps a little bacon if he’s feeling fancy.
So, when the waitress brought you your meals, you began munching into the burger, talking away about how good it was and complimenting Eddie’s choice of diner, trying to lift his moods since he seemed extra nervous. But, after a few minutes of talking, you see Eddie’s plate still completely full, minus a few fries which he had picked up with his fingers and nibbled on. He hadn’t even added any sauces or seasonings to his meal.
“Eddie, is there something wrong with your food?”
He looks up, scratching the back of his head, but quickly retracting it as he realises that is his grease-covered hand, “Um… No, nothing’s wrong at all…”
You lay your knife and fork down, looking into his brown orbs, “You know you can be honest with me, right? I know I may come across as a bit much, but there’s nothing to be scared about.”
Eddie connects his eyes with yours, sighing out, “It’s just… I don’t really salad in my burgers…”
“Oh, that’s fine!” you say, “I’ll just get them to replace it for you!”
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just take it out myse—”
But, before Eddie can argue against you, you’re calling over the waiter, explaining to them, “I’m so sorry, my date here forgot to order his burger without the salad. Is there any chance you could replace it for him?”
“Of course!” they smile, taking Eddie’s plate and replying, “I’ll be back in five.”
Eddie sighs, seeping into his chair in embarrassment, “You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve just taken it out myself…”
“Nonsense!” you wave off, “It would’ve been cold by then! Besides, it was no big deal at all. Now you’ll have just as nice of a meal as me.”
And that was just instance number one. Eddie was shocked that you ended that first date with a kiss to the cheek and the planning of date two. He was surprised you liked him that much after the fuss he made with some goddamn salad.
The second time you widely recall is when you introduced him to your friends.
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You weren’t exactly popular at Hawkins High, but people knew of you and treated you with respect, the same as with the rest of your peer group. Sadly, your friends weren’t as open-minded as you were. They were quick to believe rumours and judge people instantly, but after meeting their parents, it was obvious as to why. Indoctrination was a real asshole.
So, when Eddie ditched his Hellfire group and joined you on the other side of the cafeteria for the day, he was anything but happy. Sure, he was excited to meet your friends, the ones who you spoke mostly highly of, but it was the interacting that he was unimpressed with.
“So, Eddie…” Sandy starts, chewing loudly, “What do you like to do? Like, your hobbies and stuff? Apart from playing that weird cult game or whatever.”
You smack her shoulder lightly, “I’ve told you a million times San, those rumours are bullshit. It’s just a bunch of nerdy guys throwing some dice around a table, nothing Satanic about it.”
“I don’t know,” Ellie sings from opposite you, “My mom said that two boys killed themselves because of it.”
“Don’t you think that’s just an unfortunate accident? Like, I’m sure two people who listen to pop music have killed themselves before too. But, you don’t see Cyndi fucking Lauper being banned from every radio station in America,” you roll your eyes, Eddie slowly sinking in his seat at the end of the table next to you, awkwardly nibbling on a pretzel.
You softly touch his arm, “I’m sorry about them baby. Go ahead, answer their question,” you smile.
Eddie coughs, sitting back up straight in his chair, “Um… I like Bon Jovi…” he shyly says, an obvious answer to try and fit in with your peer group.
“They’re okay…” Betty replies, “But, Madonna is way better in my personal opinion.”
“Betts!” you yell at her, “I thought you were here to get to know him, not judge him more!”
“I’m not judging!” she shouts back, “I’m just saying that Madonna is better than Bon Jovi. Besides, he’s obviously lying. He listens to that other Satanic shit, the metal stuff.”
You scrape your chair along the floor, standing up and grabbing Eddie’s hand, dragging him up with you, Sandy yelling out, “Where are you going?”
“Back to his friends that’s where,” you retort back, “I’m not gonna sit here and let you berate my boyfriend like that! Besides,” you smirk, “Metallica is fucking amazing.”
And with that, you spent the remaining twenty minutes of your lunch break with your true friends, your former ones merely a memory of the past.
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The final, most prominent moment was towards the end of your first year of dating. By this time, Eddie had definitely come a lot more out of his shell, not just with you, but in public too. No longer scared to correct people at restaurants, being able to talk to strangers a little more easily, even freely making the phone calls he needed to.
But, there was one thing he hadn’t needed to battle yet. A situation he avoided at all costs.
“Ah, shit,” Wayne swears from behind you in the kitchen, you and Eddie snuggled up on the couch, watching a random sitcom that was airing on the channel you had flipped over to.
“You alright Wayne?” Eddie asks, keeping his gaze upon the small TV in front of him.
“Son, I know you’re hanging out with your girl right now, but my shift starts in less than an hour and the fridge is bare. You wouldn’t mind if I made a quick list to nip over to the store and grab some things would ya?”
Eddie looks down at you, asking with his eyes for a confirmation to which you happily agree, “Sure Wayne, I don’t mind helping out for you guys, if Eddie wants to go now, of course. Yeah, baby?”
Eddie nods, “Sure, best time too. Late at night, the store is practically empty. Much easier to get around.”
But, what both you and Eddie failed to recognise was what time of the year it was. The date was December 22nd, three days before Christmas. So, as Eddie pulls into the grocery store parking lot, there’s a lot more vehicles present than usual.
“Shit,” Eddie mumbles, “It’s fuckin’ Christmas ain’t it?”
You sigh, “Yeah… But, you got this,” you say, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand where it was perched on the joystick, “You’ve accomplished so much this year in terms of your shyness. We can knock another one out the park tonight, can’t we?”
He parks up in an empty space, turning off the ignition and lets out a sigh, “Yeah… I got this.”
“That’s the spirit!” you exclaim, pressing a kiss to his cheek and jumping out of the passenger side of his van.
However, as you enter the store, both of you grabbing onto the shopping cart, Eddie tenses up at the amount of people wandering around. The aisles are crowded, the sounds of beeping from the scanners flood his ears and the clicking of heels against the tiled floor make him want to crawl out of his own skin.
You put your hand on top of his on the handle, “Baby, deep breaths, okay? You got this.”
He really does try his best, trying to focus on finding the groceries Wayne had written down, but like every other store, they changed their layout, making it impossible to find the required items in a timely manner, further adding to Eddie’s stress.
Once you get to the pet aisle, the atmosphere is a lot quieter, not many people seemingly having pets in Hawkins. You stop moving the cart and turn to Eddie, looking up into his eyes, “You wanna head back to the van, don’t you?”
He sighs, rubbing his hands over your arms, “I really tried, sweetheart, it’s just… It’s so overwhelming in here. There’s so many people, like, why did everyone leave everything so last minute?”
You chuckle lightly at this, “I mean… It’s a bit ironic coming from us, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but…” Eddie looks down disappointedly, “We’re not getting Christmas food, you know?”
You frown slightly at Eddie’s words. You found out very early on that the Munsons didn’t do a traditional celebration of the popular holiday. Frankly, they were too poor to go all out, the only reminder that Christmas was coming up being the twenty year old faux tree sitting weakly in the corner of the trailer.
You cup his cheeks, his hands immediately moving down to your waist, “Go and wait in the van, my love. I’ll take care of this.”
Eddie sighs, opening up his wallet and passing you the $20 note that Wayne had given to him, “Just… don’t spend more than that, okay? Wayne’ll kill me.”
“Got it. Take a breather, calm down, I’ll be as quick as I can,” you say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before Eddie walks back out to the entrance of the store.
But, Wayne couldn’t kill Eddie if his budget wasn’t broken, nothing could be done if the limit was exceeded by the money out of your pocket.
So, when Eddie saw you walking towards the van with four bags instead of the usual two, he sits there shocked, you opening up the back of his van and placing them neatly against the side.
“I said don’t go over the limit,” Eddie says, a scared look across his face as he takes in the sheer capacity of food you had purchased for the two men, you jumping in the front with one of the bags in your lap.
“You and Wayne deserve a treat for how hard you two work, so I dipped into my own,” you smile softly, rendering Eddie speechless. “Plus, I thought you could make that classic Christmas meal a reality.”
Eddie looks at you with wide eyes as you place the bag in his lap, him shuffling through to find everything from a turkey, to potatoes, to vegetables, to gravy, everything to make a perfect Christmas dinner.
Eddie mouth opens wide as he stares at you, cupping your cheeks and bringing you in for a loving kiss, a smile being felt as the tears falling from his eyes land on your cheek. He places a few more on your right cheek as he gives you a bone-crushing embrace, the tears spilling onto your shoulder.
“Jesus Christ, I love you. I love you so goddamn much. Thank you sweetheart. My sweet girl, thank you.”
And his words can’t help but let a few tears slip from your eye also, the moment feeling so surreal and intense, so full of love and admiration. You knew of Eddie’s past, of how much he had been through. His memories of Christmas reminded him of getting beaten by his dad or feeling poor as the other kids rambled about their time of giving at school the next semester. So, you wanted to change that for him. You wanted to be the one to finally show him what it was like to feel loved at Christmas.
And when Eddie brought you around the day after Christmas, Wayne wrapped you in his arms, muttering into your shoulder: “Thank you darlin’. We’ll be forever grateful for what you did for us.”
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i literally got emotional writing this towards the end :') i hope you enjoyed <33
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I read ALL of your dnd honor among theives fics recently and oh my god!! You're such a good writer!! Your prose is brilliant! I love the way you write characters! They have dimension!! And depth!! I loved how in all your fics Xenk is secretly very funny and a bit snarky and sassy, Ed is really smart and Xenk being into that (this is basically canon), and I loved how you write the platonic relationships too! Your Ed & Holga dynamics are great! I also love how you write Kira!! Thanks!! ❤️❤️
Oh my goodness you are so kind! This warms my heart. YES in my opinion Xenk being turned on by Ed's intelligence (escaping the dragon? hello?) is 100% canon. When Ed whispers "I hate you" and Xenk smirks I started internally screaming because XENK FINDS IT FUNNY. XENK HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. HOLY SHIT. And off I went to the races and haven't been back since.
I'm really glad to hear that you like how I wrote the platonic relationships as well. Ed and Holga's relationship is deeply important to both of them and I wanted to make sure I showcased that. Kira was terrifying to write! It's been so long since I wrote from the point of view of someone that young. I'm grateful you feel I did her justice.
Thank you again for this kind message, it warmed my heart. ❤️
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saiyansweetheart45 · 7 months
Ideas for the Coffee Shop AU
Hey, everyone! Later this month and throughout December, I'll be releasing the first chapters of my newest story idea! But for now, here's the layout for this lovely (if I do say so myself) new idea. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
The Full Moon Brew Coffee Shop is more than just a place to get a cup of coffee. It’s a haven that offers a break from the day-to-day chaos in the city of Calatonia, presided over by one Koala Connoisseur, Buster Moon, a coffee enthusiast as well as a master showman. The Full Moon Brew is a nook of coziness and even creativity. With the air teeming with coffee and creative encouragement, it’s no wonder the place hosts such an eclectic bunch.
Up and coming rocker Ash goes there at least twice a week to get her caffeine fix, but also likes the atmosphere because it helps inspire her songwriting.
Sweet-obsessed and sass-filled Nooshy likes to busk down the road (before meeting the rest of the gang) for extra pocket money to afford her cream and sugar-loaded coffees. And it combines the two things she loves: dancing and coffee. She also enters the occasional contest held at the shop.
Then there’s introverted British newcomer Johnny who spends anywhere from half an hour to sometimes even half the day, at the place, ordering at least three cups of coffee, all while reading or writing songs as well. It’s like a haven in the new city he's moved with his family to following his dad and uncle’s being transferred for a job. Occasionally, on their lunch break, the three older gorillas stop in to get a little bite of the pastries the place offers and of course an espresso-loaded cup or two. Each. They don’t ever stick around long, but they can see why the youngest member of their clan loves the place so much.
Then, we have the equally shy Meena, whose small family business supplies the baked goods to the coffee shop, and Meena occasionally visits both to subtly network for her family’s business, and to try to become more social, since coffee shops are great for being both social and withdrawn. And she loves their smoothies, and is trying to acquire a taste for coffee, but can’t quite do it.
Enter Rosita, the on-the-go mother that does it all, but always makes some time to get a little pick-me-up for herself and do a bit of work to help her husband, for whom she always orders a special cappuccino before she heads to pick up their extensive brood of piglets.
The tea-loving theater legend Nana Noodleman happens to be one of the top investors for Buster’s shop. The place is small but makes a pretty profit, what with having fresh, homemade treats, along with beverages one can’t get just anywhere. And Buster always makes sure to keep a steady supply of fine teas at the ready for Nana. She even has a special table with a high-backed purple velvet chair by the window just beside the patio overlooking the ocean.
The excitable bundle of Piggy Power Gunter occasionally visits the shop, drawn by the musical selection and the open mic nights. Though by his own admission, he comes less for the singing and more for the dancing. And of course, a caffeine fix here and there is needed for such dedicated dancing.
Another new kid enters. Meet Ryan Collins, a student in a nearby dance academy, who happens upon the coffee shop by complete coincidence. He finds that while he doesn’t much care for coffee, he enjoys the chill atmosphere, a welcome reprieve after his hectic classes under the iron fist of Klaus Kickenklober. Plus, who doesn’t occasionally love a Toasted Vanilla or Hazelnut Steamer?
Two new faces also enter this colorful Coffee shop mix, we have the two rich kids Eddie and Porsha, both of whom are working their first jobs ever under the watchful eye of Miss Crawly. Don’t let her age and dottiness fool you, the old Lizard Lady is a brewing MASTER.
Both prove straight away to be a bit…unskilled to say the least, but they slowly start to adapt, with Porsha even scoring huge brownie points when she creates a new drink for the menu.
And finally, the dutiful, efficient, and long-suffering Suki Lane occasionally stops by the shop to get coffee for herself, but also (reluctantly) for her image-obsessed boss who doesn’t like coffee but is quick to associate himself when the little shop starts to gain more attention.
Suki herself may not particularly like Buster, but she does like the coffee. And she does secretly loathe Crystal's dismissal of it. And dismiss it he does. At least until it starts to gain more popularity, at which point he tries to buy it out. But that meeting goes as well as you'd expect.
This version of Buster has a few slightly different traits; poised, knows his worth, and won't sell himself out for a few beans. He knows why Crystal wants the business and is having none of it. First off, because he knows the price Crystal offered is insulting given the profit the place brings in. Second, and more importantly, because his father bought the property, had the building built with his own money, and personally let Buster design the place, the menu, everything. This place is a symbol of everything his dad worked for and gave him. All the while the man was hiding a terminal illness. This last project was a distraction from the inevitable. And Buster will NOT trivialize that sacrifice.
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zaewriteshere · 4 months
Late Night Confessions
AO3 Link
“Fade, if you ever run out of nightmares, seek me out. I will gladly share mine.”
Deadlock’s words kept on being repeated over and over in the dream seeker’s mind.
It wasn’t often that somebody offered their own suffering and trauma to Fade, much less eagerly or even so nonchalantly.
It took her off guard.
She didn’t expect to take her on the offer as well.
When Fade joined the Protocol, while she knew and was warned that it would take a while for her to gain the trust of the agents, she didn’t imagine just how hard it would be to even have a singular person she could consider a friend.
Sure, she was certainly in Omen and Cypher’s good books, as far as she could tell, but besides them… Nobody was very much willing to be close to her. 
During missions, the other agents would not lose too much time during communications, and that was probably the only time they spoke to her. 
She wasn’t going to lie, it stung. She was aware that what she had done was wrong, but she also didn’t know any better. Now she did, and was willing to do anything and everything to make it up to those she wronged.
The other agents were not as eager as the dream seer however. So, when new agents came after her arrival, she started to gain hope.
Unfortunately for her, her introverted nature and her resting bitch face didn't play in her favour most of the time. 
She did manage to make a neutral acquaintance out of Harbor, since she was working for Realm as well before joining the Protocol. They managed to bond over it, and for a while, it was enough for her. 
When Gekko came around, she thought she could bond with him and his little critters, just as she did with the newest addition to the controllers. 
Unfortunately, Fade wasn't right. The newest initiator was immediately told about the nature of her powers, and that was enough for him to be weary about her. 
It kind of aggravated her, this tendency that the other agents had with her. Maybe it was coming from a place of care, but she felt truly isolated, more so now than ever.
Her frequent nightmares certainly didn't help her situation, forcing her to stay awake for longer and longer as she consumed more and more coffee each day. 
Of course this behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Cypher, and most importantly Sage. The latter immediately pulled her aside as she started to question the dream seer about her lack of sleep and addiction to caffeine. 
So, Fade had to put all of her cards on the table and be honest about what exactly was the price for her to commune with nightmares. Empathetic, the healer offered her help in those sleepless nights, or to be there to assist in case she couldn't stay awake any longer.
Fade simply shrugged at the offer, not truly believing the Chinese agent's words. She was used to empty words and promises about her situation, after all.
It was too much to ask.
It was always too much.
She didn't hold it against anyone, however.
It was often too much even for her, so could she really blame anyone but her ?
When the new agent, Deadlock, joined Valorant… Well, Fade and her didn't really interact with each other much, if at all. She heard rumours about her upbringing, and there was always… 
This shadow looming around the sentinel. 
The dream seer knew what it was.
The newest agent was filled with nightmares, just like her. 
It made her wonder what her bad dreams looked like.
Unfortunately for her, she was too introverted to ask. It was also hard to tell if this question would be taken well or not ; even though the Norwegian agent was blunt and didn't mince her words, Fade wasn't really wanting to ruin her chances with someone so soon. 
By a stroke of luck, Deadlock's first missions always included the dream seer as well, and they got to know each other through them. 
Once back from the third mission, Deadlock finally spoke to her for the first time since she became a member as she was about to go out of the Falcon : 
“Fade, if you ever run out of nightmares, seek me out. I will gladly share mine.”
She didn't even get the chance to reply before the sentinel exited the aircraft to go to who knew where. 
To say that she wasn't expecting the offer would be an understatement. 
She didn't think that anybody else offered this since she joined the Protocol all those months ago. 
It intrigued her. What did Deadlock see in her ? Or was it just in the hopes of getting rid of what haunted her ?
Either way, she kept the offer in mind. 
So much so, in fact, that Fade regularly found herself thinking about those same words, and stealing glances at the new agent.
She thought – and hoped – that she was being sneaky about this change of behaviour.
Unfortunately for her, Cypher noticed.
“My, my little dream seer, you seem to have taken an interest in our newest addition, hm ?” He observed, his tone teasing, a laugh in his voice. She tensed, then forced herself to relax, knowing very well she wouldn’t be able to hide anything from the spy.
“I’m just curious, that’s all,” She answered, not meeting his gaze. She heard him hum in contemplation, before he seemingly dropped the subject.
He probably knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of her that easily.
She sighed to herself, shaking her gently. 
She would need to either be more stealthy in her staring, or come up with a reason satisfying enough for the sentinel to not continue poking at her motivations.
One evening, the dream seeker was just walking around the base, bored out of her mind, when she heard a muffled scream coming from one of the rooms. 
Worried about a colleague being in a state of danger, she rushed to the source of the noise. 
Slamming the door open, she quickly scanned the room, fist clenched and ready for a fight.
When she saw nothing out of the ordinary, she looked around for her colleague.
Finally, Fade noticed a figure curled up beside the bed, shaking as she heard quiet sobs. 
She would recognise this blond hair anywhere.
The fact that Deadlock hadn't taken note of her arrival until now was alarming to the dream seer.
“Deadlock ?” She hesitantly called out, slowly inching closer. She didn’t see any change in behaviour.
So she repeated herself once again, louder this time while trying her best to not startle the Norwegian woman. 
It wasn’t until she slowly and gently put her hand on the sentinel’s shoulder once she sat down that she finally took notice.
She gasped, startled, as she was trying desperately to wipe her tears away. 
They both knew that the initiator saw them, however.
The blond probably just wanted to save what remained of her dignity.
Wordlessly, the brunette assessed the situation of the woman in front of her.
She seemed shaken up, her lips still trembling and her eyes still watery. Shaking from head to toe, it was obvious what had happened.
Despite being someone who was used to communing with nightmares, Fade wasn’t someone who knew how to comfort someone after a nightmare. 
Not knowing what to say, she stayed quiet, staring into blue eyes.
“Did I wake you up ?” Awkwardly asked Deadlock, finally tearing her gaze away from hers.
“I don’t tend to sleep very often, don’t worry,” She replied, trying to sound reassuring. Realising that she didn’t give a clear answer, she quickly added : “And no, you didn’t wake me up. I was already awake when I heard your scream.”
Her interlocutor winced, curling up on herself tighter. 
Alarmed at such different behaviour than she’s used to seeing in the woman next to her, the dream seer felt herself panic internally.
So, she decided to try and help the way she knew how : 
“Want me to try to commune with it ?” She enquired hesitantly. 
She didn’t answer immediately. 
“What would it do ?” She retorted, glancing back at her.
“Sometimes it can help to face your biggest fears, or nightmares, in a controlled environment,” Fade answered, trying to appear nonchalant. 
She wouldn’t want to admit it, but seeing the sentinel so vulnerable and scared did something to her.
She didn’t like the sight.
The woman took a moment to consider it, alternating between looking at the initiator and the void.
After a while, she slowly nodded, hesitance clear in her eyes but determination written on her face. 
“Alright, let’s do this,” She announced, trying to sound confident.
“I have to warn you, it is intense. We’re going to go deep. It isn’t for everyone,” She replied, her tone serious.
Deadlock paused.
“Do you think I’ll be able to handle it ?” She questioned, searching for something in her mismatched eyes. 
She took her time to consider her answer.
She could be truthful, and say that she didn’t know. 
No one could, after all.
But telling her that she knew the Norwegian was strong would not be a lie, either. 
She decided to play cards on the table.
“I don’t know. It depends for everyone, and making assumptions will be detrimental,” She saw the hesitance in the sentinel’s gaze. “What I do know is that you are strong.”
“I just hope that I’ll be strong enough,” The woman muttered, looking away from Fade.
“If you don’t feel ready, or in the right mental state… Hell, even if you don’t want to, just tell me. It’s okay, since there’s no time limit for it,” She finally stated, trying to sound empathetic.
It was not like she wasn’t empathetic, she had just a very hard time expressing herself as well as her emotions. 
Nodding, Deadlock didn’t immediately give her answer.
The dream seer could feel her weighing the options presented for her.
After another minute of silence, she locked gaze once again.
The hesitance in her eyes was gone, replaced by a determination and sense of will at its purest.
There it was, she could finally see the sentinel she grew attached to and respected.
Nodding as she let a small smile creep up on her lips while she gestured the sentinel to lay down on her bed. 
Doing as told, the Norwegian was clearly very stiff and tense. 
“I’ll need you to go to sleep, so please relax and close your eyes,” The initiator said as gently as she could.
“Will you be there ?” She immediately asked, panic clear in her eyes.
That was new.
Never before had someone asked if the dream seer would be present to help them through their subconscious struggles.
Taken aback, she studied Deadlock’s expression carefully.
She could see worry, fear… But also desperation, as if she was terrified of going to sleep alone.
Considering her options, she took a moment to think.
Fade technically could be present in the dream, but if she wasn’t used to it and could easily get overwhelmed by the intensity of the host – in this case, Deadlock – if she wasn’t careful. 
“I’ll be there if things go south. I’ll always be watching over you though, promise,” She replied, trying to sound confident and reassuring.
She felt like she was doing a very poor job at that, but she decided to ignore that feeling.
The sentinel smiled weakly, before slowly relaxing onto the soft bed and evening her breath as the initiator watched quietly. 
Once asleep, she didn’t make a move immediately, simply watching over the agent peacefully sleep.
It was dreamless – she could feel it – but there was something about it that she couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
“Nightmare,” She called out with a whisper as now she could feel their presence in the room. “I’ll need your help.”
“Like you always do, dear host,” They giggled while Fade could feel their presence wrapping around her body.
She suppressed a shiver.
“Go on, touch her. I’ll help you, like I always do,” She could hear the smile in their voice, but she complied despite uneasiness.
It didn’t take long for the demon to take action upon Deadlock’s dreamless slumber. 
Slowly, the dark room changed form, morphing into a familiar area ; the Valorant Protocol HQ. 
The sleeping sentinel wasn’t alone in her dream as the dream seer heard the familiar but alien noises of Gekko’s critters. 
She expected to see the cute and goofy looking little friends, but when the initiator looked over the direction of the noise, she felt her eyes widen.
That wasn’t what Wingman normally looked like. 
His appearance was now pure nightmare fuel, his then tiny cute claws were ginormous, and he all but looked like a monster. 
Was this the host’s vision of the little Wingman ?
Speaking of which, she was staring in disarray and horror at the monstrous form, terrified out of her mind.
Was this always what she dreamt about ? 
Wingman being the monster that she always thought he was ?
What a saddening sight.
Fade heard gunshots, and some grunts of pain.
Deadlock was shooting at the monstrous form, and the dream seer could tell it wasn’t what she was supposed to do.
But she guessed that it was a reflex, how she’s always dealt with it, how she was coping with her nightmares.
She thought about how to proceed and communicate that violence wasn’t the answer in this case without disturbing the natural course of actions.
“Deadlock, you have to stop shooting, you’re only making things worse,” She tried, unconfident in her communication.
“I’d like to see you face something like this,” She immediately replied, shooting her last bullets in her panic.
She then braced for impact as the monstrous version of Wingman leaped on her, sensing her fear and aggression.
She was screaming in pain and in rage, and Fade knew that she wouldn’t get through to her like this.
Deciding to take a physical form, she appeared next to the two of them.
They both barely paid her any mind at all, too engrossed in their fight. 
She took a while to gather her bearings, the fear and anger overwhelming her for a minute or two.
She needed to focus.
“Deadlock,” She started as they both froze, slowly looking at her in sync. Ignoring the weirdness of the movement, she continued, trying to hit at the solution. “With aggression you are just going to repeat what always happens. Try something else.”
“I’d like to see you try with this creature trying to eat you alive,” She muttered, wincing when Wingman bit down more on her arm.
“Look at him. He’s just as scared as you are,” The initiator continued, gesturing vaguely to the beast.
After a while of staring at each other, it finally seemed to click for Deadlock as she understood what she was supposed to do. 
She slowly relaxed onto the hard concrete floor, and as if on cue, the monster changed appearances, morphing into the wingman Fade was used to seeing.
Now on her belly, the little critter looked up at the host curiously, as if assessing her once again. 
She could tell she was doing the same to him. 
Slowly, the radiant creature presented his hand to her, as if he wanted her to shake it.
Hesitantly, the sentinel did so, and the dream seer could tell the dream was ending as Deadlock was awakening. 
When they both opened their eyes, she immediately locked gaze with the Norwegian agent, a small smile on her lips.
“How do you feel ?” She asked after a minute of staring.
She didn’t get an answer right away as the woman looked lost in thoughts, assessing her state.
“I’m… Okay. Better,” She finally replied after a while. 
“Good, good,” She nodded, about to leave her side to let her sleep, but she was stopped as her hand got grabbed.
“Will you stay ?” The new sentinel asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.
She didn’t answer immediately, weighing her options.
She could accept and risk having a bad dream if she fell asleep – which she did not want to happen – or she could leave and risk Deadlock having another nightmare.
While the chances of the latter happening were slim to none after this small session, she knew that the woman wasn’t asking her for reassurance, but mayhaps company.
She shrugged in acceptance, laying on the bed next to the blond. 
Keeping her distance, she gasped softly when the other immediately wrapped her strong arms around her and nuzzled her nose into the crook of her neck. 
“Thanks for helping me today,” She said, sleepily.
“No worries,” She replied after a hot minute, not knowing what to do with herself.
She relaxed a bit when she could feel the other agent sleeping peacefully, and resigned herself to just watch her sleep as she could feel Nightmare’s presence in the room.
Fade didn’t know how this relationship would blossom, and frankly, she didn’t really care.
All she knew was that she probably got herself a good friend that night.
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helloescapist · 5 months
Can you do romantic modern au HCs for daki and a female y/n the same age whos kinda nerdy and introverted but very patient and affectionate towards daki? Kind of like an opposites attract sort of thing, like maybe they met in class and get paired together for a group project, and things slowly escalate from there? Like Daki eventually grows a soft spot for y/n
hello, hello, 🐼
I kind of love the idea of Daki falling for a shyer personality, one that struggles with socializing, and easily nervous. Specifically, when we consider that Daki was a oiran in her human life as a means of survival, and even continuing the line of work in her demon rebirth, Daki essentially is predisposed to considering other women as threats whether its status or financial. Oirans are terrifying--- just imagining Daki with a female she can actually grow to trust and love over time is wholesome fluff I need.
And all of a sudden—I’m just going to have to break this into two parts. That’s really all there is to it. Oh the wellllllll
Sincerely, | Daki
Word Count: 2382
Setting: Daki x fem!reader
Content Warning(s): suggestive, ecchi content, reader is a low key perv (but like, who isn't in their teen years), will have mentions of assault in parts to come, girlxgirl, yuri, modern AU
Summary: an unlikely train encounter, and questionable tutoring.
A/N: the amount of effort I put into calculating how tall Daki would likely be is just… why am I like this? Spoiler alert, she is likely around 5’2-5’4, but as she appears tall for her era when you take away her shoes, such as when you view her height in comparison to Koinatsu, but for the purpose of adapting her to a modern AU, I would put her height at 5’6, as statistics show the average female height to be 5’4. Part II , headcanons
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The clench of your bag in your hand, as your other hand fought to reach the handgrip. The reach just escaping your grasp, the tips of your fingers brushed against pull. The sea of bodies that pressed against your form, jostling you to and fro despite the reach of your fingers. The cram of suits, the buttons threatening to break skin as it scraped across your cheek. Early morning commuters, businessmen and women alike operating on late hours, and caffeine. Dedicated to daily survival, murmured of yawns, dreary in their stark existence. Old men that sighed into newspapers, flipped through pages and drew exhaustion upon weary bones. Their fatigue met only by the civil servants that mentally prepared themselves for the hour to come. Laborers corralled next to office workers, college students shuffled between members of the workface, their discussions of lectures hollow against the weight of data, and meetings. Ironic in the experience against the new to the world; the rare high school student such as yourself lost amongst the crowd. Victims to the push and pull of the fluctuation of passengers, your low status upon the totem pole revealed by the flutter of your school uniform as you fought against the sea of bodies, the grit of your teeth before managing your weight to the tip of your toes, the thread of your fingers secured at the caught of the metal in your palm. The rattle of the train, the murmurs of the morning as you allowed the breath to release from your lungs Struggled to multitask holding your belongings, the train rail, and push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. The murmuring of giggling girls drawing your attention out of sincere curiosity. The press of the back of hand from one to another, snickers that fell pass distinct neckties, and khaki blazers. Pressed uniforms, meticulously maintained as their fingernails, hair styled and fashioned as their sneers fell upon glossed lips. Fresh faces that fell upon haughty glares upon a girl seated amongst the crowd. Having secured a rare seating opportunity though the lecturers glances of the older men that lamented near the seats hinted that the opportunity had not afforded itself. Yet, the group of onlookers merely whispered ideal gossips, painted a portrait of a whore amongst faculty members. Murmured poisonous accusations, and delved details shameless of their surroundings. The clench of your jaw, fumbling upon the bag in your hand as your eyes caught upon the victim of their scandalous discussion.
              Moonlight kissed hair that drew the breath from your lungs, threatened to smother you with its vision. The high of her ponytail reminiscent of the beauty of oirans of the past, intentionally placed hair pins that met the curls that formed at her hips. Thick locks that captivated every curve, danced upon ever trace of her silhouette. Shuddered the chill of winter down your spine. The reveal of her breast, openly exposed, the buttons of her white uniform blouse intentionally left undone, snug against the cup of her form, the peak of—lace? W-why?  S-she was clearly a high school student, was she not? Ah, n-no maybe it’s a costume. The small shift of her hips reflected the sheer material of her thigh highs as she rolled her pelvis into the seat. The adjustment having drawn a small scrap of fabric, a skirt, and its pattern that drew the heat of your cheeks in one swift strike. As though you had been slapped with the reality of its familiarity—n-nope. Not a costume, the telling pattern back and red plaid patterns, the thin strip of black that drew at the pleating of the skirts. Her brown loafers school issued as the very ones you wore. Though your uniform had never… left such a lasting impression as the one she adorned. The fairness of her skin that the peeks of her uniform provided despite the chilly weather February provided was delicate as though she was a portrait painted by Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto. The celestial god the only one capable of providing such beauty upon the earth, the draw of her breast and the distinct hiss that rumbled at the base of her throat.  The meticulously draw of kitten eyeliner dipped into shades of crimson rouge, and the press of her lips into a disapproving scowl. Lush, summer grass that threatened the very existence of winter’s chill upon your spine. Rattled your bones with the press of her painted lips together as her eyebrows met a furrow.
“What, are you look at?”
Her beauty unescapable, deadly as delicate. Caught amongst her glare, the point of her sharp eyes, becoming aware of the ends of her Chrysoberyl hair that appeared as though it had captivated her hiss, and robbed you of your own voice. The small shiver that met at your shoulders as you dumbly found yourself drawing your finger to your face, “M-me?” The horrific realization that you had been caught ogling her, only amplified by the chuckles of the girls that had drawn you into this situation. The sharp tint of her eyelashes, long and lush as they captivated your own. Willing your glasses at the tip of your nose to shield you from her edged lour. The flare of her breast, i-it was not your fault that you gaze had drifted as you forced your hand from the pull, tucking your finger tips to fumble with your eyewear. Struggled to choke down the lump that formed in your throat, aware of her flaring temper as she pulled herself to her feet. Abandoning her seat, and ignoring the appealing way that older men traced her steps. The shameful realization that, perhaps she was accustomed to men leering at her, and found your wandering gaze a peculiarity. Though you had not the opportunity to rationalize why she had fault with yours, nor how horrified that you were on pare with perverted old man. Fumbled with your glasses, tucked awkwardly at the strands of your hair that fell to your ears, as you attempted to find any way out of this. The draw of her pointed glare down upon you, standing a few inches taller than yourself. The hint of osmanthus followed a spice you could not name tantalized your senses, the sputtering realization of how hard her perfume had hit you left you choking on your lips.
The ding of the station, hitched upon the knot of the track. The rock of bodies, pressed every which way, the shutter of the girl before you rocked backwards, pinioned against you as you struggled to find your footing. The slam of your hand into the window pain at her head. The bend of her knees, and the shocked quiver of her pupils. Rattled at the pinion of her body pressed beneath your own lsot amongst the shuffle of passengers. All of the shoujo-ai you had read in your lives could not have prepared you for this moment. K-Kabedon?! The internal screaming upon your heart, shattered your brain. Short circuited all thought presses, blissfully unaware of the growing wrath that seethed beneath you alongside the ding of the train doors. Foreboding, and impending the girl before you descent to the platform. The rattle of her skirt hiked up, the rack of your form pressed into her. Old men that chuckled as they rushed to their offices; college students that lingered far longer than you’d prefer. Prayed that none of the snickers, utilized cellphone cameras, nor instilled this moment for later purposes. The rattle of your heart, the spread of her hair beneath you despite the obvious seething wrath that immolated across her doll like features. The green strands of her hair that coiled beneath her, the scathing glower that caught amongst your own. The scream of fury that threatened the cull of her throat, quivered her bones as the veins began to pop in her forehead, only furthered by your insufferable, incoherent apologies. Fumbled over your belongings. Snagged your bag, shoved your glasses up the bridge of your nose, and retreated.
If there was a god, he was laughing. Delighting in your misery. Savoring the anguish, ignored the prayers you uttered in horrified internal screaming, begging him to allow the earth to swallow you whole as your teacher stood before you. Ignorant to your obvious apparel, all bartering from your swearing off meat to joining a nunnery intentionally ignored for sheer folly. No, no god must be a woman, it was the only explanation to the sight before you. Aoki-sensei’s clueless smile, eyes shut, and proud of his own suggestion. Tutoring, assisting another student’s preparation for college exams, and the very subject before you. D-daki, he had said with such delight upon introducing her. Absolutely blind to the turbulent forces that circled around him. The coil of a viper posed and agitated. Her green eyes flaring the grit of her teeth. The small slip of her canines against pursed rouged lips. Her freshly manicured nails rapped against the desk before digging into the wood grain. Twitching eyebrows, wrinkled nose, as the green mamba hissed, “Are you fucking kidding me?”
              No, no it appears not.
              Who says that the gods do not have a sense of humor?
It had been a few weeks of—could you really call this studying? Any attempt to navigate course material fell on deaf ears. Was muddled by the click of her nails against the desk, the pop of bubblegum, or the occasional flip of a fashion magazine. The evidence of her bubbling rage at each pointed glare she shot you when you attempted to stutter for her attention. The break of your voice, a higher pitch due to your duress than you’d like to admit, and yet despite the notable hostility, she had continued to attend the— “study” sessions. Her irritability having reached an all time high today as her bubblegum popped, the twitch of her lip-enhancer glossed lips quipped with the wrinkle of her nose. The vein in her head practically throbbing with each nervous fumble you could conjure. The chalk practically shaking in your hand as you attempted to demonstrate the proper algebraic equation. The searing lesions her vision threatened to brand into your back as the chalk nervously rattled against the chalkboard. An incomprehensible tapped scribble as you forced an awkward smile, attempting to find your voice. The cup of your hair cut off at your ears and utilizing the opportunity to press up your glasses in an attempt to avoid her eye. Each movement betraying your nervousness had only tempted her ire. The dodged glances when Daki sought your gaze, frail voice that lacked any resolve. She had even witnessed your knees clatter against one another, the height of her panty hose unable to shield the obvious state of tremors that rolled up your spine every time she watched your back diligently scribble incomprehensible. A flush guaranteed to kidnap your fatures, and your gaze from her own when the taller girl successfully met your gaze—what fucking help were you supposed to be to her?
              You couldn’t even help your fucking self.
              The knot of a mocked sticker—an immature attempt at humor from one of your female classmates that had escaped your notice. Successfully implemented when she had patted you on the shoulder before your tutoring session had begun, the smug grin and how boldly the little bitch had met Daki’s eyes had been enough to piss her off, but met face to face with the rainbow flag and homophobic slur stickered  to your collar had her boiling. The grip of her magazine crumbled between clenched fists; she had attempted to remove it. She had, but ever action had a reaction. Her close proximity regardless of how perfectly timed, or well intended, resulted in you trembling and babbling. It only pissed her off more. How were YOU supposed to help her? With your little insult sticker, and inability to even make eye contact—fuck how pathetic must she be to seek your HELP? The thought had dropped her brows to the point that they dipped at her enhanced eyelashes, threatened to simmer over as though she were a neglected pot. She could feel her temper boil, and her teeth scrapping against one another before she allowed it to steer her.
              “What the fuck is your problem?” Daki seethed, slamming her hands to her desk, forcing her chair back in a rattling screech of her chair across the floor. Tremored your bones and drew your attention to her in shock worthy of some B horror film. The click of her school issue indoor shoes clapped harder and harder with each step forward, as you attempted to position the podium between the two of you. “Are you screwing with me? Pisses me off seeing you worm around like this?”
              Manicured nails caught the collar of your school uniform, her height foreboding against your own as she leaned forward. Daring your averted eyes to catch her own, pressing her gaze against you as the vein in her forehead threatened to burst the longer, she glowered at you. The clench of her canine teeth against one another before shoving you from her sight. Exasperated pursed rogued lips that grunted dissatisfaction with your response, “Whatever, I don’t need this.”  Daki’s absence in the classroom marked only by the quite of an abandoned lecture, the most peculiar sticker discarded in the trash on her way out, and the sinking pit in your stomach that something, something was wrong.
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outcastpack · 2 months
Tagged by @transdunbar @chasing-chimeras @thiamsxbitch @ksbbb
Are you named after anyone
I am the like unknownouth [redacted] in a long line of [redacted]
When was the last time you cried.
In general- just over a week ago when i watched 7x2 911. If we talking breakdown kinda crying....... also last week.
Do you have kids
Does my doggo count?
Do you play/have you played sports
Years and years ago. I mean does swimming count as sports?
Do you like sarcasm
Si yeah. I may not realise its been given to me personally but that's just cause I'm an oblivious fuck.
What do you notice about people when you 1st meet them
Erm probably their eyes or hair... depends on me in general coz otherwise I'm staring at the floor being an introvert.
Eye colour
💙💙💙 - Blue eyed gang
Does causing brainrot and encouraging the brainrot count? Also, does slowly ageing @transdunbar with my caffeine and lack of sleep count? I occasionally do the writing thing too but thats still up for debate on if its good or not.
Where were you born?
Liverpool, England. Just a lil British boy.
Writing, (as of rn) Playing Pokemon, Mass effect, cyberpunk and Starfield.... erm not much else tbh. Used to include drawing but on a loooong block for dat
A doggo and a Lizard
OK so I've genuinely forgot so.... I'm pretty sure it was like 5'8 - 5'9.
What are your favourite school subjects?
I liked art and the part of my IT cause in college that let us do creative stuff with illustrator and photoshop. Enjoyed history too for my inner lore tycoon.
Dream job
-Currently unknown-
@equallyloyalandlethal @wolfboy88 @de-constructmybones and anyone else that wants to. (Sorry if anyone's already done it)
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hisownworstinvention · 3 months
Hi guys. My splatoon agent headcanons if you even care ALL OF THEM ARE AROACE FOREVER
Captain / Agent 3 - they/he/she aroace genderfluid, 19yo
5'10" Inkling
He's not mute she just. Prefers to not speak because their voice is very quiet and they don't like raising it so they prefer to use sign language
They like to keep to themself and she avoids talking to others unless he Has To. He is awkward as all hell and she dreads the idea of Interacting With Other Beings oooohhh the googlies
SHE'S TRYINF HER BEST. AS CAPTAIN. He has never done this in their life they're NEW TO THIS guys
Still feels guilty as hell about the fact they almost beat Eight to death and they apologize for it as much as he possibly can
Caffeine drinker 4000
People look at her and go like "Girl what happened to your face" and he shoots them a death glare and they shut up
Agent 4 - they/she aroace demigirl, 16yo
Shortest of the agents. Like 4'11". Pipsqueak Inkling
Im going to be honest she doesn't know what she's doing but they try their best so it's ok we forgive them
AUDHD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
They have a loud voice and people have to tell them to be quiet and it makes her sad
Her favorite activity is frolicking /j unless
They tried to smuggle an Octarian (specificslly an Octoball, which they heard about from Captain then promptly ran off to find) to keep as a pet and moped for like weeks when they were told that they can't do that and it isn't legal
She really really likes talking to people and goes on for hours about the randomest shit ever and people love her for thst
SLEEPS LIKE A DEAD PERSON like. In the family guy death pose too. It's ok guys they're alive
Has vocal stims like "YOU USED TO CALL ME ON YOUR CELLPHONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" and "I'm 1! Boioioing" (I am projecting)
Full of childish whimsy and wonder
She's surprisingly tough for someone so small
Agent 8 - they/them aroace nonbinary, 16yo
5'7" Octoling
Selective mutism. Sometimes they talk sometimes they're like ☝️☝️☝️☝️👂👂
Inklings SCARE THEM. The googlies. They arent scared scared but very intimidated
OTH #2 fan only second to Agent 4 who is the world's biggest fangirl
AUTISM ✌️✌️✌️😇😅😀😃😆😀😅😀🤣🤣🤣🫠 And anxiety and ptsd too I think
Shy as all hell I think they'd rather get crucified than make a phone call (4 usually helps them with that since theyre like. Roommates or something isnt that canon I forget)
They really like gardening even though theyre kind of bad at it there's just like a bunch of dead plants all over their house (they don't know they're dead)
They can't play piano. At all. Theyve tried so many times they can't do it
After the events of Side Order they have gained a strong dislike of gelatin
They keep insisting it's fine and they're not mad at Captain but he does NOT listen and keeps apologizing
Neo Agent 3 - they/it agender aroace, 14yo
5'4" Octoling
AuDHD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Completely mute. Doesn't really know sign language either and doesn't show any interest in wanting to learn because apparently everyone understands them just fine
It zones out really often and kind of just. 😐😐😐😐
It is SCARILY flexible. Them after contorting their body in ways not even squid jesus could imagine (it thinks it's funny)
Smuggled a Smallfry out of Salmon Run and is banned from Salmon Run (Also for beating the shit out of Mr. Grizz and squidbagging him after)
They draw pictures of their friends a lot and everyone's (especially Captain's) walls are covered in little doodles of them
It looks up to Captain a lot. They think 4 is nice and they think 8 is just. Really badass they also want to save the world not once but twice
It squidbags people it doesn't like COUGH MR GRIZZ COUGH
Introvert (as far as everyone is aware)
The end 😝😝
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jilychallenge · 1 year
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Thank you for signing up for April Jilychallenge Letters & Texting 
This months pairings: 
@lynnelupin  💖 @efkgirldetective
@sapphire1616  💖    @arianatwycross
@blitheringmcgonagall  💖 @sosohh 
@practicecourts 💖 @joyseuphoria  💖@annasghosts 
@wearingaberetinparis   💖 @ohmygodshesinsane
@sirenicc   💖 @mppmaraudergirl
@dizzy--bird   💖 @writtenonreceipts 
@over-caffeinated-introvert  💖 @annabtg
@chierafied 💖 @abihastastybeans 
@harryissuchalittleshit   💖 @call-me-the-cassie
@sunnywhileitrains  💖  @charmsandtealeaves
When posting your work please tag this blog as well as @jilychallenge2023
Feel free to add your work to the ao3 collection jilychallenge 2023
Check your Tumblr DM or visit theJily Challenge discord for your prompts (they should be there whithin the next 24 hours!) Have fun!
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kquil · 8 months
🧁: cupcake
tell me about yourself, as much or as little as possible and i will ship you with whichever marauder i think you will go well with!
hi! congrats on 1k!! i love reading your writing <33 this is my first time requesting :))
i have lighter brown hair that has a few natural blonde highlights from the sun and blue/gray eyes. i’m about 5’3” and am really quite pale. i would describe my style to be a mix between whimsigoth and dark academia. i have 2 tattoos, one of my star sign constellation (pisces) and one of a hibiscus but i am definitely going to get a lot more. i am more on the introverted side and really appreciate my alone time but when i’m with my friends i could hang out forever (probably bc of my crippling FOMO tbh-). i love music and making playlists and i actually play the bass and sing a little. one of my major hobbies is theatre and acting- i love being on stage. i’m a slytherin but definitely have a little hufflepuff deep down. i love watching criminal minds and horror movies but also appreciate really cheesy romance movies. i have a major minor caffeine addiction- both coffee and tea. i love travelling and reading and writing occasionally. id say my love language is quality time with a little side of physical touch and maybe a little bit of words of affirmation.
anyway i think that’s about me in a nutshell ! thank you so much and once again congrats 🫶🏻 !!
Thank you for the congratulations, darling and thank you for sending in this request, i hope it’s to your liking despite it coming very very late (。Ó﹏Ò。)
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i ship you with, Remus Lupin
i. you often ‘borrow’ remus’ fluffy and thick sweaters on especially chill days. they were so big that they swamped your frame but that was how you liked it and you liked that they fit your dark academia aesthetic too. remus doesn’t mind, but acts like you owe him for being so generous with lending out his clothing — “you’re nice and toasty because of my sweater so you should help keep me warm,” was his most common excuse but that often led to you cuddling up against his chest, between his legs and on his bed while you read separate books. it was the perfect way to spend an evening together. 
ii. compared to remus, you’re quite short but he loves that about you, especially when you’re dressed in your whimsigoth attire. he thinks you’re adorable and always has this urge to hold you to him – like you’re his own pretty fairy, small and beautiful and someone he doesn’t think he could ever live without – but doesn’t want to come across as clingy so he usually just ends up fiddling around with the fabric of your clothes. you’ve come to see the gesture as a sign that remus needed to be cuddled so whenever you feel a slight tug on your clothing, you immediately turn to cuddle up against your boyfriend.
iii. when you and remus first got together, you were quite nervous about meeting his friends, especially because you knew how close they were. But, over time and with some prompting from remus, you’ve gotten just as close with the boys as remus has; you share a lot of sweets and inside jokes with peter, you help sirius with styling his hair and clothes and james likes to ask you for advice with lily. the boys often refer to you as ‘the missus’ or ‘remus’ girl’ or their ‘sister in law’ because you were all practically family to each other. 
iv. the time remus discovered your tattoos, he was entranced by them, he thought they looked beautiful on you and he’s grown to habitually kiss them whenever you two were intimate with each other. you’ve told him how you debated getting a tattoo dedicated to him, which he blushed at. he was incredibly flattered that you would want something of him permanently on your skin. you were strongly against getting a full moon however; you didn’t want something that caused him so much grief to represent him on your body, instead, you opted for tattooing a matching scar of his onto your own body – it was a favourite of yours and perfectly placed across the upper right side of his abdomen. “Why?” he asked you in disbelief when he saw your new tattoo, tracing it with his finger gently as his other hand moved to press against the matching scar on his own body. “because i think it’s beautiful,” was your answer and ohhhh how you made him melt!
v. one summer, you and remus decided to go on holiday together for a week before the full moon and he fully got to appreciate your love for coffee. you woke up to do mornings with coffee, spent the evening with tea and remus, being the loving and observant boyfriend that he was, helped brew you tea and coffee whenever that time of the day came along. It took you one time to show him how you liked your tea and coffee for him to nail it over and over again. he’s your little barista~
vi. your holiday together was spent in an airbnb located in a countryside village, watching criminal minds, horror movies and cheesy romance films in bed together, going on long walks and reading and writing at cute cafes. It was so relaxing and you had never felt so at peace… until the marauders decided to crash the party and surprise you two with a spontaneous visit of your little get-away together. It wasn’t an unwelcome visit, in fact, you were just beginning to miss the boys and they showed up just in time. “I knew it! I knew you missed us!” james cheered and sirius laughs with his arm thrown over peter’s shoulders, the three of them grinning widely at yours and remus’ cuddled up forms.
vii. as much as remus loved having the boys around, however, he wanted to be alone with you more so he set about planning a scheme to encourage their departure without making it too obvious — his plan: to be as lovey-dovey with you as they were willing to stomach and amping it up every time.
viii. “you’re so beautiful today, my love,” remus coos into your ear before pressing a kiss against your cheek. “No no no, let me get that for, my dear,” remus insists, hurrying to open the door for you to enter as he leans his face down and smiles expectantly. with a giggle, you kiss him sweetly as thanks and enter while the boys in the background pull faces at the lovey atmosphere you two were setting. “we can share the blanket, darling,” remus calls and opens his arms so you could run up to cuddle into his chest with the blanket wrapped around both of you. you were already wearing remus’ thick sweater but cuddling with him made you feel especially warm, which was needed for the chilly night. The rest of the boys glare at the two of you, feeling especially lonely as they look on with their marshmallows over the open fire and glaring when remus looks up from kissing you and smirks at their pathetic, shivering appearance under unbearably thin blankets.   
ix. by the end of day 2, they were packing their bags. “remmy…” you sighed and narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend after the two of you waved the boys goodbye. “yes, sweetheart?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek after taking a strand of your blonde hair behind your ear. “i know what you did! i didn’t know you could be so devious!” he grins as you pout, “darling, i’m a marauder too, y’know~”
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