trans-androgyne · 6 months
I’m so exhausted with the pattern of trying to stress how bad trans women and transfems have it by downplaying what trans men and transmascs deal with. Don’t just guess that transmascs must experience the opposite of transfems, actually talk to some of us for once. And no, not just your White, skinny, stealth, binary trans male friend Max who started T at 16 or whatever. The transmasc community is diverse and so are our experiences. Transfems have things bad and we should support them, end of sentence. We don’t need to overgeneralize or make things up to support that fact. Even if we don’t agree on other things, can we please agree on this.
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radioactive-dazey · 1 month
Overgeneralizing Sanders Sides fanfiction, PT 2: Prinxiety edition
Virgil: oh god. Oooooh god. WHY. WHY HIM? Why did I have to go get a crush on that self obsessed, pop-tart for a brain man >:( You know what? It's fine. It's not a problem, in fact it's FUNNY how much of a "non-problem" this is. I'm not gonna do anything about it. Then I will just sit here, not doing anything, except feel sorry for myself for potentially missing out on a great opportunity. I would have messed everything up anyway. I have no chance, he doesn't like me in the same way.
Roman: Oh god. Oooooh god. WHY. WHY HIM? Why did I have to go get a crush on that-- Edgar Allan Woe >:( he's unreasonably pretty, who let him do that? OK. It's fine. I'm going to stay in my lane. He probably doesn't want anything to do with me anyway, or with anyone for that matter! He's such a loser lovely person and if I try to force it, all I'll be doing is driving him away. *not even a full ten seconds later* What are his favorite flowers? Does he like pasta?
Meanwhile, in the Canon:
Virgil: Yo. I'm gonna watch a movie. Do you want to join?
Roman: ... You're inviting me to hang out??? :')
Virgil: eugh. Nevermind, you ruined it.
Roman: how did I ruin it- Virgil WAIT- WHAT MOVIE?!
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 8 months
One thing that gets me is that people will say they want flawed characters, but when said character exhibits said flaws, suddenly Ladybug is a bad person for undervaluing Chat and Marinette is a bad main character because she--
*checks notes*
--shows symptoms of ADHD, and had symptoms of PTSD from years of constant bullying.
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valtsv · 2 years
they really should just rename horror to the bisexuals covered in blood genre at this point
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deansass · 1 year
kid who reads too many books -> young adult who reads too many fanfics -> adult who gets back into reading books
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spitblaze · 8 months
You ever see something that is meant to be like...an overgeneralized statement for the sake of entertainment or comedy and not at all serious but it's about YOUR special interest and you are just sitting there trying not to explode with an entire explanation of why it's such an overgeneralized statement and the depth of the topic
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abeautifulblog · 8 months
Hi! You said you could help talk me through feudal worldbuilding, and I’d love to pick your brain!
Absolutely! Probably easiest to hit me up over discord (I'm _gremble) and then I would be happy to talk your ear off. 🤣 My wheelhouse is very narrowly focused on mid 9th century England (re: what Anglo Saxon society/military/governance looked like when the vikings rolled up), and iirc, some of the features you mentioned being interested in are more the product of later medieval political structures. I cannot help you with those, but I can probably help with some of the overall mental shifts, because a lot of the things we take for granted in the modern era were just............ not the way things worked back then.
In particular, the word "general" in your initial ask jumped out at me, because it brought up one of the exact issues that I'd run into. The character I was working with had been presented in canon as "the king's top general" -- not those words, but definitely those vibes -- that he was The Guy In Charge Of The Army. Except as soon as I started researching military structures in that period, I found out that that's not how armies worked. When the king needed to go to war, he would call on all his top landholding nobles to round up a bunch of their dudes -- which would be a large number of armed peasants, and a smaller number of fulltime warriors -- and bring their portion of the army to bear.
But these various segments of the army remained under the command of their various lords, marching under separate banners. The lords, in essence, were the generals -- there's not one guy commanding the entire army as a single unit (except for the king, sort of), and there's certainly not any non-noble who doesn't own any dudes getting to call the shots and dictate strategy. Talented and successful warriors might well get rewarded for their service, and given land grants that would generate tons of money for them and put a large number of conscriptable peasants under their control -- and might have the ear of the king if they're known to be good at tactics -- but they don't have authority over anyone else's forces.
The politically neutral, career military guy that we think of when we hear the word "general," who has no independent power of his own but receives a paycheck from his higher-ups to command their men for them, didn't exist yet.
It's a bit of a paradigm shift, because we're used to the military as something separate, that's subordinate to civilian leadership and works in service to it, not for those to be one and the same. We're also used to a norm of strong nation-states with one centralized army, which was very much not the case throughout feudalism/manorialism -- at least in the Anglo Saxon period, power was decentralized and delegated, and being king involved a lot of herding cats wrangling your nobles, not exercising direct control. The king was the guy who could get the most other guys to back him up.
(In the same vein, early kingdoms also tended to be a patchwork of other, smaller kingdoms that retained a great deal of their own autonomy and identity. The modern nation-state that we're so used to, with a single national identity, is an astonishingly recent invention.)
Anyway, hands-down the most useful and eye-opening book I've read on the subject is Clifford J. Rogers' Soldiers Lives Throughout History: The Middle Ages. It's like $80 to buy (😭) but the pdf is on Anna's Archive, and it's invaluable. It is, essentially, a social history of medieval warfare -- most military histories focus on the politics of a particular conflict, or the technology and tactics involved, but this book is all about what life on the ground looked like. A+++ resource for anyone writing war and military logistics in a medieval (or medieval-flavored) setting.
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a-passing-storm · 6 months
I don't know how to articulate this, but like! Was I already kind of irked by the like... dare I say the TikTok-ification of Autism, or like, the "haha quirky" thing, like... or how people are like "acoustic" or whatever. Like all of that was annoying and whatnot (the TikTok-ification somewhat less so because people may just be misinformed) but!!! Today!!!
Today some kid in class offhandedly mentioned that he was Autistic, right, and then everyone in the class did that, like, "WOAH!" thing in the "you did not just say that" way like if someone had said a slur and it was infuriating to me! Like... I dunno... I dunno how to articulate it (I could but I'm very tired), but it's like...
I think jokes about Autism are fun and can be done well, but they aren't done well and now Autism itself is seen (by some people) as a joke to the point that you cannot seriously mention it without other people assuming that you are joking. I don't know! It just struck me as fucked up.
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milksnake-tea · 5 months
Why did ppl hate topaz?
it was back in the aetherium wars event over in belobog, tldr she comes in to retrieve an age old debt that belobog has to the ipc, does the typical ipc thing of offering to assist (aka turning belobog into one of the ipc's planets or smth along those lines) with the eternal freeze; however she doesn't really mention that the thing only has a 66% success rate.
people didn't like her because of the colonizer (i think? i don't remember exactly) vibes she was bringing and to be fair she was an antagonist in that event, but in the end she does agree to hold the ipc off after seeing belobog put itself together, and even takes a demotion as a hit so i wouldn't say she's that bad, she's just morally grey and very misguided (she sees the ipc lowkey in rose tinted glasses) and sometimes people don't like that and categorize characters in good and evil - and topaz got stuck with evil
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hollowslantern · 27 days
"movies are inherently less good if they're sequels or remakes/reboots" is such a take to have
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mrdarcysdadbod · 3 months
Me writing posts abt trends in an author's work but Not wanting to post them bc I haven't read her Entire Oeuvre yet. I can't just say things willy nilly or I'll look like a fake fan
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electrosquash · 20 days
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god forbid people who know about their empathy issues tackle it in a methodic way instead of just flipping the switch on duhhh
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radioactive-dazey · 1 month
Overgeneralizing Sanders Sides Fanfiction, PT 3: Logicality edition
Patton: Golly! Logan sure is something special isn't he! He's usually pretty serious but he cracked a smile at one of my puns the other day, and started making his own when I was feeling down this morning! Somehow, he brings balance to my life. I dunno if it's some crush but I do care about him deeply. He completes me. And I hope he feels the same.
Logan: I am feeling an emotion that is making me emotional. What is this... Lauve? Lorve? No. I can't say it. I am incapable of such feeling, it's a complex word with a complex meaning. But *sigh* Patton does something to me. My heart rate elevates greatly when I'm with him, and I go out of my way to spend time with him. I lose my figurative train of thought when he walks into a room, and I find myself thinking of puns in my spare time. Is there something wrong with me? Am I broken?
Meanwhile, in the Canon:
Logan: ALL of this because Patton can't let go of one person?!
Patton: Logan can you stop? Please?
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skymagpie · 3 months
If I see this dumb post one more time I swear, I will stop being so polite
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Rewatching the goat scene from yesterday because I wanted to clip Donny-boy and. I somehow missed that in the initial cacophany right after the murder while Chetney is beginning to saw apart Jerry and Deanna is shearing and Imogen is full on sceaming and sobbing "what the fuck!!!", Deanna, hands presumably bloody*, looks up and cheerfully goes "This can't be the worst thing you've seen! Your dreams are bad!"
*From Chetney's uh, disassembly, let the record show that shearing doesnt generally draw blood, afaik. .........And Chet's butcher bib is probably not helping.
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notedchampagne · 11 months
Double Gemini with an Aquarius moon and no earth placements..... that's is so intriguing. You're chart suggests you social, charming, and naturally curious. While also being impatient and struggling to convey your ideas at times because you simply have to many. Thoughts?
HEYO so true its interesting when zodiacs and stuff call me charming and charismatic (esp w the gemini stereotype being like very outgoing and spontaneous? i think?) because i usually consider myself introverted first, like theres a circle of influence where i get to inflict psychic damage on people like this:
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i truly do not think before i speak very often i will say something that sounds out of topic and contextless because i am thinking of... minimum 3 trains of thought at the same time. when i make aus and ocs i barely keep myself up with a linear "canon" i mostly like playing around with different situations and what-ifs like theyre sandboxes instead. i cannot keep up with myself god bless <3
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