#oversized overcoat
broadcastbabe · 2 years
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An unprecedented snow fall brings us both outdoors onto our adjoining patios at dawn. The air is crisp and smells of a cleansing freshness, the scant fall of snowflakes barely frosts the yard beyond the bricks, as we test our exhales into visible puffs of vapor. I had grabbed an old flannel coat to cover myself from the chill, draped loosely over my shoulders, for a warmth I thought I would need. Once our eyes meet, instantly raising an aroused perspiration on my gooseflesh, I open it to cool and expose myself for your inspection. Standing shirtless, the cold snap has hardened your nipples, but I am fascinated by how your low-slung sweats defy the gravity that teases them past the V of your sculpted hips. Both of our smiles broaden at the unexpected treat and I sense a twitch between your thighs as we linger in our unspoken gaze. Our solo expeditions have left exhausted lovers asleep just steps away, and they are all but forgotten with this chance encounter. Slowly, we edge toward each other, magnetized by a desire for contact and an inate assurance that the other will be an ultimate pleasure not to be missed. This will need to be silent and swift in its execution for fear of waking our abandoned partners, or losing the moment to any moral hesitation. As our faux-smoky breaths mingle in the intimate closeness between us, becoming quicker with anticipation, we reach to grasp a fistful of each other’s flesh to caress as we kiss. It is a gloriously forbidden, threshold-crossing kiss that deepens as our lips part so our tongues can intertwine. I am further thrilled by my grip of your twitching manhood, knowing it has recently inhabited another, quite deeply I surmise. Your hand has found a rump cheek to knead and grind as you search the cleave for other arousal triggers. Then just as suddenly, we step back from each other, breathless with need, recognizing more time… much more than we have presently, will be needed for this union of promising perfection. My body drips in readiness and I can see your excitement is nearing full growth beneath your sweat pants. A telepathic vow is made to meet again, under more opportune circumstances, to resume this mercurial meeting. We dutifully return to our oblivious others, revitalized by the taste of a stranger still on our lips to savor amidst the wintery backdrop.
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themancorialist · 5 months
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St Peter's Square, Manchester.
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kuroo-hitsuji · 11 months
Surprise, another Lucifer drawing orz
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I was thinking too much about his dumb shoulder coat and how frickin Big it is asfsjdhsjdh
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 6 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
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Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: Simon is out at a stag party for Prices upcoming wedding when he comes how early with something important on his mind that he needs to see you to say. Is he just drunk or is it something more?
Word Count: 3.8 k
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Author's Note: I just needed a little more fluff smut, so here is this. I have some other things planned for variety coming soon soon.
The ringing vibration of the front door opening and shutting with a bit of force caught you by surprise as you lay in bed, the phone in your hand the only light in the room as you bundled yourself under the covers to shield out the cold of that winter night. Eyes flitted up to the clock in the corner of your screen; you hadn't expected him to be home yet as you were sure there would be no sign of Simon until at least sunrise if past experience when he went out with the team was any indication.
Heavy stumbling footsteps sounded throughout the small apartment, getting closer with each passing second, before two distinct thuds of something weighted falling to the floor followed from Simon removing his shoes. The footsteps continued on a bit quieter now until they stopped just right outside the door to your bedroom. With a click the door was opened to reveal your boyfriend standing there, eyes searching for your form in the darkened room as he blocked out the light in the hallway from taking up the majority of the door frame.
Reaching up you flicked on the bedside lamp to illuminate everything in a soft yellow glow. Even with the dim light, brown eyes had to blink a few times to adjust as he propped himself up against the door frame until he could see properly. Setting your phone down on the bedside tabletop you gave him the once over as you untangled yourself from your sheet burrito.
“Is there any booze left out there or did you sorry lot clean out the entire stock?” you chuckled as you rolled over onto your back, eyes trailing him as he crossed into the room to stand at the foot of the bed. “Didn't think you'd be back so soon. Aren't stag nights supposed to go till the sun rises? I seriously doubt the boys were done yet.”
“Had to call it quits early,” he drunkenly strung his words together, accent thick and slightly slurred as the whiskey ran through his veins. 
Odd. “Why? Something happen?” you questioned curiously as you watched him throw off his overcoat and rip off his thin balaclava, short, dirty blonde hair springing back up from being crushed under the fabric as he reached to the back of his neck and gripped the collar of his t-shirt to pull it up and over his head, tossing it to the floor so that he stood before you bare-chested in his dark wash jeans that clung to his sizeable thighs. 
That bulky, broad chest was flushed pink in the center to match the staining through his cheeks, a product of his drinking mixed with the stifling warmth inside the string of bars the 141 found themselves venturing to in celebration of Price’s upcoming wedding. A playful grin crossed his pale lips as he stalked over to the bed and grabbed at the bottom edge of the bedding, pulling the sheets and comforter out from their place tucked under the mattress up so that he could climb in, letting them fall over him as he crawled underneath up towards you.
Parched lips weathered by the frozen air outside caressed your ankles and calves as that giant mass of man traveled up through the covers, taking his sweet time. Over your knees, thighs, and hips he peppered sloppy kisses along the skin as he went until you felt Simon’s rough fingertips brushing against the panties covering your pelvis as he tugged at the hem of your oversized sleep shirt, pulling it up so that he could shove himself inside it as far as he could go. Warmer kisses now made your stomach flutter where they were placed along your torso as his nose nuzzled into your abdomen until your warmth covered his face and heated his cold features.
“Nah, nothin’ like that. Fuckin’ needed to get home to ya is all,” he breathed those need-filled words into your skin under your clothes as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Had a fuckin’ ridiculous cravin’ to see my beautiful girl, so I made up an excuse and told the boys I had ta go.” 
A large hand ran up and down the length of your right hip tracing pathways that he knew by heart, tempting smooth skin with his touch while his padded torso pressed itself over your thighs. He held on tight as if it had been days since he had last seen you in person. Over the years you’d been together you came to notice that whenever those arms were around your body you could pinpoint the exact moment when all the tension he always held in his shoulders would ease and his entire form would relax into you as if he had been holding his breath until the moment he touched you.  
You shook your head with another chuckle; it was always a delightful surprise just how he was even more affectionate when he was drunk. “You weren’t even gone that long. Miss me that much?” you questioned playfully as Simon kissed in delicate circles around your navel, lips eventually trailing upwards over temperate skin towards your ribcage to caress the delicate underside of your breasts with his mouth. 
“Always,” he returned, voice muffled by lips against your body. 
Everywhere he went your skin lit up, reacting to the prickly stubble on his cheeks as his face glided over your body until you were entranced by the feeling of him. Your hands kneaded at the muscles in his shoulder as you writhed beneath him and he would have continued to turn you into a puddle, but there was something he needed to do first; the real reason he had rushed home.  
Slipping out of your shirt he emerged from the top of the sheets, cropped hair tousled and cheeks even more pink. The scent of whiskey was on his breath, accentuated by the sting of tobacco and the frosty winter night. He moved up onto his knees between your legs, kneeling over top of you, sunset eyes drifting down your form from your face to your torso. 
“What?” you questioned as he sat there, taking you all in with gentle eyes that softened the longer he gazed. 
“It’s always been you and me, ya know,” he said as his hands wandered to find yours resting by your sides. Spreading them open with his fingers, he slipped his palms up against your own so that he could interlace those long digits between the empty spaces. “Through all the bullshit, all the long deployments and late nights, all the nightmares and the bad days. You’ve always been a fuckin’ rock for me through it all.”
Simon lifted your hands still wrapped in his and moved them up over your head as he laid himself over top of you until his face was mere inches from your own. 
“Well yeah, I love you ya know,” you agreed, unsure of why he was saying such things now. “But where is this coming from, baby?”
“Conversations tonight got me thinkin’ things again,” he admitted.
You raised an eyebrow. “What kind of things, hmm?” 
“Things I’ve been thinkin’ for a while now, just didn’t think I could make ‘em happen… or that maybe I shouldn’t. But maybe I can…maybe we can…” his words tripped over themselves with the quickening pounding of his heart.
“Simon, what are you trying to say?” 
He paused with a smile on his lips, sighing contentedly. His inebriated mind had nothing but the truth to give him as a response and so he spoke the words he never thought he’d get to say to anyone, but he was surprised how easily they rolled off his tongue now. “I’m tryin’ to say that I’ve been thinkin’ about how I wanna fuckin' marry ya, luv,” he stumbled out, copper gaze lingering on your eyes shimmering in the low light. “Don't want no one else to get a fuckin' chance to snatch ya up before I come to my senses and make sure your mine foreva’.”
You laughed it off, caught completely off-guard by his words. They say that drunk words are sober thoughts, but this was more than you had ever expected from him tonight. It wasn't that you hadn't thought about the possibility of such a future with Simon, you'd been together for long enough now that it was something you had hoped for, yet whenever the subject was approached the few times it was before it was met with hesitation on his part. There was no question that you knew he loved you, that you loved him, but taking that next huge step had never seemed like a priority and you were fine with that. Hearing him say it aloud so assuredly made your stomach flip with anticipation.
However you also knew he wasn't in a state to be thinking clearly and you didn't want to get ahead of yourself just yet. Tomorrow he could wake up, head pounding, and not even remember you had had this conversation in the first place. Best to wait until he could sober up before discussing such heavy things in any more detail. 
“You're drunk, baby,” you chuckled as your hand cupped against him and lingered on his face, thumb tenderly stroking his cheek. “We can talk about this later, okay?”
Closing his eyes he melted into your touch, so soft and silky against his rough face; it was like magic how you were his comfort. It was effortless, your love, and that was something he had never known. Everything had always been a struggle, an uphill battle that he had to sacrifice for, but being with you was the first time he had ever understood when people would talk about someone being their other half because you truly were his. 
“Maybe I’m a little fuckin’ sloshed,” he conceded, “but I ain't gotta be sober ta know that I’m tired of pretendin’ I’m some kind of cold-hearted monster that doesn’t want ta have some type a life outside of my work; like I haven’t been wantin’ ta give ya the title of missus, maybe start a family with ya and all that. Things I didn’t think I’d be able ta have till ya came along and fuckin’ changed everythin’.” 
Fluttering open his eyes they locked onto yours and there was not an ounce of apprehension to be found in their depths. “You’re serious?” you asked, watching for any subtle change in his face as you struggled to find air to fill your lungs.
Again he leaned into you, capturing your mouth within a kiss that spoke volumes of love into you so that the synapses in your brain misfired the longer your lips danced and worked to make your body feel as if it was floating. “As a fuckin’ heart attack,” he breathed against your mouth. “I sat there tonight listenin’ to Price go on and on about not wantin’ to waste anymore time denying tha life he wanted and it made me realize I can’t keep bein’ afraid to take tha plunge. Ya deserve someone ta be better than that, sweetheart. And do ya know what it is that I really fuckin’ want?”
Speech failed you in that moment as his lips brushed across yours, electricity sparking over them as he took a deep breath to fill himself with your scent as his grip on your hands above your head tightened. It was so easy the way you could become consumed by him; his touch, his words, they cast their spell over you in an instant to fill your heart to nearly breaking. And yet all you wanted was more.
You swallowed to gain control of your vocal chords, finally finding your voice. “What?” the simple question barely audible under your breath.
“What I fuckin’ want is for ya ta be my wife.”
You stopped breathing completely for a moment, heart fluttering frantically as the certainty in his statement filled up all that secret yearning in your soul, the one that desperately wanted to be claimed permanently no matter how much you denied it didn’t bother you not to be. 
“Are you asking me or telling me?” you stammered out in a whisper, afraid that this was all an illusion that would break apart the moment you got too loud. 
“I am askin’ ya right now if ya want to be Mrs. Riley,” he answered with a smile. “And don’t fuckin’ say I don’t know what I’m doin’ cause I do, luv. I do.”
Releasing you from his grasp he stretched himself all the way over to the chest of drawers near the bed and pulled open the one that contained the lockbox for his pistol. Pressing the numbered buttons on the front in the correct order he opened it and grabbed something out of the inside that you could not see before he set the lockbox on the ground. Sitting back upright, he held out his hand and inside was something small and square.
You sat up straight in the bed and looked from the velvet box up into his face with a gasp as he flipped the lid open to reveal a ring. “Got it a couple months back,” he admitted, “just wanted it ta be the right time. Kept fuckin’ talkin’ myself outta it cause I thought ya deserved better than me. But I want ya, sweetheart, I wanna make ya mine so fuckin’ bad if that’s what ya want too.” 
All you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat in your ears that drowned out everything else as one of Simon’s large hands cupped around your cheek. “Will ya marry me?”
“Simon,” you said his name so sweetly that it rendered his mind numb as tears pooled in your eyes and time seemed to stand still as he waited for you to finish your answer. “There’s nothing else I want more than to be married to you. Yes, my answer is yes.”
Simon’s reaction was visceral as he hurriedly leaned back down into you with back arching and crashed his lips upon yours, greedily drawing all the love from your mouth that he could as he captured your mouth over and over again. Unconsciously the ring box was discarded on the nightstand as his hands desperately needed to be filled with the being that made up his entire world; that was all that mattered. 
“Whatever the fuck I did to deserve ya I hope I continue to do it to keep ya,” he moaned into your open mouth while he pulled you onto his lap and you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck to keep yourself steady as you sat down on him. “You’re the only thing I’ll eva want.”
You let yourself sink into his embrace as his hands kneaded at your hips and ran over the curve of your ass, overcome with so many emotions that it was impossible not to get swept up in them all. “I’m yours,” you responded in a moan. “Not going anywhere.”
The sound of your soft, breathy voice creating music out of the tender sounds as his fingers sent shivers down your spine made the collected and stoic soldier crack at the seams and any trace of the disastrous thoughts that had plagued him about how this interaction would happen fell away; a fire roared to life in his chest, spreading throughout his limbs until his fingertips prickled with desperation as he lost himself in you until nothing else existed except what lay inside the bed.  
Simon was a moth drawn to your flame and if it killed him, then he knew now that he would happily burn.
His fingers went caressing along the lines of your body over your t-shirt as if he were ravenous, as if he hasn’t touched you in years: over hips and thighs, circling over the fullness of your backside, up and around to your back where he flattened his palms to run them up the length of your spine all the way to where he ran coarse fingers through your hair at the back of your head. A tangled mess of limbs and lips, raw and wanting, as his hands descended back down into your lap.
Grabbing the hem of your sleep shirt with his exploring fingers, he released your mouth for as long as it took to rip it off over your head and toss it somewhere onto the floor. “There she is,” he breathed before mouth was diving into all that newly exposed warm flesh. Simon’s mouth left your kiss-flushed face and traveled to your jaw, adorning it with his lips as he dragged them along the length and trailed them down to your neck where they meet his fingers who took over and followed down the line of your neck to your chest and around the soft tissue of your breasts.
Securing you to him with a strong arm around your waist, bare chest against bare chest, his hand rubbed across the length of your thighs until he decided to slip it in the crevasse between them. Up against your panty-clothed pussy he pressed his hand sending chills along your skin so that you’d buck against his hand and you could feel a smile grow on his mouth that now rested at the crook of your neck.
“I fuckin’ love makin’ ya feel good baby,” he groaned. “Christ, you’re so fuckin’ perfect… so perfect, pretty girl.”
Simon pushed his fingers up through the cloth until he was sure he had your petals pressed into your clit so that he could grind into it over and over until you began to ache something fierce. Your hips mirrored the work of his fingers as you rolled them over his hand, the excitement of the moment and the giddy feelings heightening all sensations so that the slightest bit of effort had you dripping.
Suddenly you pulled away from his mouth, leaving his lips missing your touch. “Take off your pants,” you said.
“Only if ya take off these tiny things,” Simon smiled as he pawed at your pelvis.
That was a deal easily made.
It was a mad scramble to remove the rest of the clothing that kept you apart, his jeans being ripped off in a flash as you pulled off your panties, but you were quick and resituated yourselves back in that intimate position of facing one another. His cock throbbed hard, the veiny appendage swollen and aching and ready to slide into you. With a firm grip he helped you situate yourself kneeling over his cock and then held onto you as you slowly lowered yourself onto the engorged tip.
Breathing strained and muscles tensed along his abdomen as Simon slipped inside, your body taking him all in down to the base of his cock. Your arms locked around the back of his neck to keep you from falling off his lap, delicate whimpers dripping from your lips as his cock nestled securely inside to stretch you good and full to the brim. The stretch of him was heaven, only slight discomfort that immediately gave way to ecstasy as it pulsed and throbbed against your walls like a heartbeat deep in your core, its rhythm making your body tremble to the cadence of a dance that only you two had perfected.
“I love you,” the emotion-laden words left your lips.
“I love ya too, sweetheart,” he returns without missing a beat. 
There were no more words that could be said as you both devolved into beings created solely for the pleasure of the other, the sounds of grunting and moaning filling up the room. The longer you went the harder you ground your hips into his pubic bone to engage your swollen clit like you couldn’t get enough of the way it felt. Your fingertips tingled with the prickling sensation of them running over the cropped bottom of Simon’s blonde locks at the back of his neck as you rode him, every part of you from your head down to your toes in pure bliss. 
Simon let you take the lead, so worked up that he was barely hanging on by a thread the moment he was inside you, the overwhelming sensation of love being shared the catalyst that drew you both closer to the precipice of release. Tender snaps of his hips upward into you helped to engage that region inside your core that felt divine. Mixed with the rubbing of your clit against him and you were quickly being made to come undone. 
Head falling forward, your eyes closed as you moaned into his face. “Yes, mmm… yes.”
“Come with me baby,” he groaned as he leaned forward so that your foreheads were pressed tightly against one another, “I know you’re close. Come on, you and me, together.”
Your hands around his neck squeezed harder to match the feeling as his grip wrenched down on your hips, your mouth hung agape as you desperately focused on your breathing. The coil wound tightly in your abdomen pulled taunt, body vibrating with pleasure, your orgasm within reach. It wouldn’t be long now and Simon was straining to hold on till the end.
“That’s it,” he coaxed gently, keeping his movements at a steady rhythm. “Just breathe; we’re almost there.”
The coil of arousal compressed in your core finally snapped and with a shudder your orgasm rocketed through you fiery hot, making you whimper closed mouth into his face as your hips bucked harshly into his. And before you could even finish through a second of your ecstasy, Simon locked his mouth onto yours as he let go and came fast and rough, mixing his groans with yours in the space created by your mouths.
Remembering what started this all he stretched his arm over to the nightstand and reached for the ring inside the box, taking your left hand to place the delicate band around your finger. He held up your hand before you both to admire the look of it, watching the gem glint and gleam in the light as he turned it back and forth. Never in his dreams could he imagine something so perfect being his to keep.
Simon’s hands stayed locked to your hips as a natural rhythm rocked you both back and forth through your high, just breathing until you could both come back down. He didn't want to let you go and you were more than content to stay nestled in his arms for as long as possible just to feel him. Eventually his heart rate slowed enough that he could breathe normally again and as he did he eased you both down to the mattress, you resting atop his chest. Your finger drew lazy patterns through the hair along his chest as the pair of you clung to one another.
Simon brought your hand to his mouth and placed gentle lips to it. “Can’t believe I get to ‘ave her as mine for the rest of my life,” he said as he pulled you into another toe-curling kiss, as happy as one person could be.
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junosswans · 7 months
FMA sketches by Ace Attorney's character designer, Iwamoto Tatsuro
For the past week, Iwamoto-san has been posting sketches of FMA characters on his twitter as a part of his daily sketching challenge and they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I really want to share his art over here and also translate his posts for you all because I think his commentaries are quite insightful for people who are interested in character design!
[Those who know their AA lore would recognize him as who voiced Edgeworth (Mitsurugi) in the games :3]
Anyways, below are his FMA sketches he's shared on twitter so far! (Contains: Ed, Hughes, Kimblee, Mustang, Breda) You can click on the dates to see their original post. I will add to this post if he shares any more sketches, it seems that he has been on an FMA roll xD
If you draw your favourite things out you will know them better! So, this is Edward Elric from #FullmetalAlchemist.
Even if you have decided on the pose you want to draw, it is better to sketch out these three first:
the moment before the pose is struck
the pose itself
the moment after the pose is struck
then decide which image works better for your art. I learned this from a really great senior of mine, and it is very solid advice.
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29/11/2023 (Translator's note: I decided to move this one to the top because it is my favourite. No I don't accept criticism.)
I have been drawing Ed's automail again.
I like it when the machine part has a distinctly different silhouette compared to the human body, so I added some original ideas to the design.
What design should I draw next? Perhaps I should draw the military uniform?
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# (combined two posts because they’re the progression of the same piece.) #
Again, it is the time of "drawing your favourite things to know them better!"
It feels so good to draw such great characters...
My Photoshop has been crashing for mysterious reasons the whole morning, and I tried to troubleshoot in the afternoon and it was a PAIN. Computers are really difficuuuuuuuult--
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Iwamoto-style drawing Masterclass: Bonus!
It is the "Give the leather and metal items a bit of flare/shine to immediately make the drawing look more complete"-jutsu!
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I wanted the clothes to give off an oversized, loose impression.
Canon Hughes didn't seem to be wearing a shirt underneath... hmm.
I am beginning to understand the structure of the military uniform better...
Realising the butt flap/cape didn’t actually connect to the upper jacket is a shocker to me.
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A continuation of yesterday's sketch
...or so I thought, until I realized how King Bradley and Kimblee during the Ishval war had a different overcoat design, in which they actually wore a single long coat instead of a separated upper and bottom set.
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When his clothes were unbuttoned, there was something that looked like an additional button on his right chest... I wonder if it could be fastened from the back?
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(Translator's note: sorry, I have no idea what button he's referring to here lol)
I like how each character's personality was expressed through the way they dress. Contrary to his appearance, this person was very intelligent, which makes him such a great character.
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bindeds · 4 months
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✦﹒ .𓈀 willy wonka x reader nsfw headcanons (+18) — thank you so much for the love on the last post, here’s another! as always, gif credits go to @thisgameissonintendo ! dialogue is at the very bottom, thank you!
mlist. requests. general wonka headcanons.
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he’s into a specific kind of bondage; he likes tying you up using ribbons, usually only on the wrists but would tie other parts of you if he’s pent up.
DEFINITELY talks you through it, especially if you’re the one who’s pent up
glances at you across his shop while he’s working, and it’s the type of glance where his head is hung low as he’s talking to customers but he’s looking up to give you a knowing look, something you knew all too well; you are definitely doing it in his office later.
one time, he had a small piece of chocolate hanging between his teeth as he was jotting something down on a clipboard. You asked him innocently about what he was doing, and he said he was testing his own samples. You said you wanted to test them out as well, and went ahead and bit the other end of the chocolate. He went ROUGH on you that day, but now every time either of you have a piece of chocolate hanging from your lips, the other takes it as a sign that they’re in the mood.
he’s very hands on and LOVES biting you everywhere—your neck, shoulders, thighs, breasts, nipples, you name it
that being said, he is also very much into hickeys, too. something about biting then sucking the sore spot to soothe you … it was almost like you’re his personal chocolate; not something he made but something made for him. By the end of it you’re always covered in bruises, but he makes sure to bite you only where the sun doesn’t shine UNLESS you’ve done something to make him jealous
speaking of jealous, he’s definitely not the jealous kind EXCEPT when it comes to other performers or, even worse, the other three chocolatiers. If they were still allowed in the chocolate business, willy always pulls you along by the hand if you ever so much as look at the other chocolate shops. Oh, and going over earns you ten more hickeys on your neck.
Despite not being the jealous kind, I’d still imagine after a long day, if he knows you spent it with other people he would definitely mention it in sighs as he presses his lips on your skin.
Other times, he prefers to worship your body. To treat it like porcelain, to lay you down on his bed as such. He’s indecisive when it comes to this; he loves seeing you unscathed but tasting your skin makes him feel like you’re truly his.
if you ever do it in public (which is going to be a very rare occurrence because unlike his chocolate, he does not like sharing you with the world) he would definitely put his signature overcoat on you to cover as much of you as possible, he could care less about him being spotted but you? that was the same as letting you down, selling you off when you both vowed to be loyal to each other with pinky promises.
would put on music using a record player if you both are at home. He hums to the tune absentmindedly up until he’s on you and loving you. He loves old romantic songs specifically, and some jazz never hurt anyone. though if you don’t like it, he’s more than happy to stick with elvis presley and paul anka, and some other artists too, of course.
LOVES an abundance of contact, skin on skin, physical intimacy—the works. Because of this, he doesn’t usually opt for taking you from behind but if you ask for it, he would bend down with you, covering your back like a blanket as he whispers sweet praises into your ear, or perhaps nipping at your jaw or neck. On missionary, he can barely keep his lips from your own, too.
forehead touches!!! He loves pressing his forehead to yours, something about it is just so intimate and so meaningful to him
keeps his dress shirt on but completely unbuttoned out of habit, but he just looks so good in his slightly oversized shirt so you don’t complain
he loves what you love, and has nothing against you grabbing his hair as he eats you out. But relating to my very first point, he definitely appreciates when you let him tie your hands back so he does all the work. He likes taking his time, similar to making chocolate, eating you out has its stages and he cannot afford to rush any of them even if you are pent up or impatient.
he doesn’t like talking about your relationship with noodle. Seeing as noodle is a smart girl, he’s always afraid that she might think about these things and he likes to preserve her innocence, especially with the things they have been through. He wants her to experience what’s left of her childhood to the fullest, so even the faintest mention of you and willy being in his office sends his hands over noodle’s ears.
loves when you ruffle your hair if both of you are in an intimate position such as missionary.
He likes seeing the aftermath of just how much you do to him later on, from the crumples in his clothes to the scratch marks on his back.
definitely is a service top, as someone who grew up knowing how to please and catch the audience’s eye, he’s just so used to living for the reaction, and you’re no exception. Every moan he draws out of you is a token he keeps in his coat pocket for the difficult times.
is into begging, specifically begging you for anything. He’ll beg to bite you, beg to enter you, and sometimes he uses this to let you know it’s completely fine if you ever change your mind, but he never whines. He always keeps his composure about it.
“Oh honey, you’ll let me mark you all over, won’t you?” He asks, brown eyes heavy with the twinkles of the quiet night. “You know I can’t stand to leave you hurting. It won’t hurt for very long, just a taste.”
“What’s that now, darling?” while he’s pumping you full of his fingers
“That’s it, deep breaths,” he would say breathlessly as he sinks into you. “You can take me, can’t you princess?”
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos as he’s picking up his pace after hearing that oh-so familiar whine you let out that told him you were close. “I’m coming too, angel.”
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chocsra · 10 months
"I'm glad you understand me, though."
15! Dazai x fem! doctor! reader
a/n: sorry I haven't been posting! school starts on tuesday and i am not prepared to deal w these shitheads 🤧 (update, its friday and they are no new fine boys 😔😔)
to all my dazai fans 🫶🫶 also im working on a 15! chuuya x reader oneshot atm too!
also @sosograndii who wanted a dazai fic 😭 also lmk if any of you want a platonic! fem! reader x pm! dazai where its like "when I say I like all women you might actually be the exception" bc that would be hella funny
content: being teenagers, oneshot, swearing, mentions of suicide, injuries, dazai being dazai, reader is lowkey suicidal too, Mori is kinda creepy beware 😨
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"Yes, Dazai?"
The brunette adjusted his white cast, scribbling doodles on the supposed paperwork he was supposed to do. He currently sat across from the Port Mafia boss, Mori Ougai, who was folding Elise's clothes attentively in his leather seat. Dazai shifted and set down the chipped pencil he usually chewed on, facing him properly.
"Do you think there is anyone else in the mafia who rivals my skills?" The Demon Prodigy asks, it may seem like an arrogant or overconfident question, but the boy has been used to being a genius at such a young age; it was rather a question out of genuine curiousity.
"Besides me?" Mori 'charms' with a smile, not so charmingly earning a scowl from Dazai in return. "Yes, besides you." He grumbles begrudgingly, slumping in his seat thinking what to draw next. "No, not at all." The mafia boss states with full confidence, "You are my pupil, afterall." Dazai groans again, dropping the pencil yet again before yawning. "Not every intelligent person is of your work, Mori." He retorts with a bored face, causing the grown man to exhale loudly. "Fine. I suppose there is one person who may be up to your level."
Dazai's ears perked up, turning to Mori interested. "Who?" The man in the white lab coat adjusted his purple tie, fluttering his eyes shut mindlessly. "A girl your age, she wants to be a doctor just like her Boss." He smiles genuinely, causing Dazai to sigh in irritation.
Is what you thought as you stare at the lanky boy who rested on your procedure chair. He was battered and bruised, previous bandages and a large cast wrapped around his left arm stained with sweat and blood; you put on a pair of gloves before grabbing a few tools to clean him up. He was a boy about your age, or so you thought, he was tall and lanky, a black suit with an oversized black overcoat messily draped upon his shoulders. He had messy brown hair thst framed his face, one eye wrapped around bandages along his face; shame, his eyes were a pretty sight.
"Where is your boss?" The brunette asks, watching you attentively as you grab his hand and begin to wipe his beaten knuckles, pushing the bandages wrapped around his hands up. "Out. I'm supposed to take over Mori's job while he's gone." You inform, scooting your chair closer in order to clean all the gashes on his hand. "Oh. So you're that girl?" You cock a brow, turning to look at him.
"That girl?"
"Mori's pupil."
You finish wiping one of his knuckles and dispose of the cloth, motioning the boy to remove his arm bandages before the cut bleeds again. "Oh. I guess." You quip, causing him to tilt his head in interest. "What's your name?" The brunette asks, complying and removing his stained arm bandage, placing it gently on the chair; you picked it up and disposed it yet again, grabbing disinfectant wipes as you wipe his knuckles once more. "[Y/N] [L/N], you?"
"Dazai Osamu, I'm fifteen." You nod politely, wrapping a new set of bandages around his hand. "Cool, me too." Dazai's eyes light up a bit at your responses, "I know." he nods, extending his other hand to repeat the same process.
"So," you pause, carefully applying the new bandages on his other hand, they were quite cold to the touch. "what happened to you?" Dazai sighs, tapping a nimble finger on the hospital chair. "I was trying to kill myself," Your eyes widen a bit at the honesty, giving a casual nod as if it were an everyday occurrence. "However, I didn't know that there were a few men who held grudges against me at the end of the river, so I had to take care of that." He answers, you gave a listening hum at his story.
"That's interesting." You reply, causing him to raise his brows a bit; looking at you as you get up and lift his messy bangs, urging him to take off his facial bandages. "Yep, I'm assuming you get a lot of cases like me?" You wipe his bleeding forehead, causing him to pinch a brown eye shut, "Not exactly; but I mean, I understand you."
Dazai tilted his head in confusion, crimson blood collecting on the abrasion on his forehead; he seemed rather amused yet surprised. "You do?" the boy asks, you nod your head in response, finishing cleaning the wound. "Elaborate, please." he requests, his brown eyes almost sparkled into yours. As if you two weren't terrifying mafia members, as if the world just for a second; stopped to understand a few dumb teenagers in weird situations.
"Who wants to live in this world anyway?" You ask rhetorically, chuckling a bit as you grab a few bandages and carefully guide them around the side of his face. The brunette for a second, was caught off guard; no one underestimated the Demon Prodigy, the greatest mistake for Dazai's enemies is that, they're Dazai's enemies, no? But, this time it was different, just one sentence and accomodating gesture, and he felt a knot tighten in his stomach. Weridly enough, Dazai hummed in satisfaction and fluttered his eyes shut.
"I see." He replies, you finished wrapping the bandage around his head and take off your gloves, feeling satisfied with the mutual agreement. "[Y/N], right?" the brunette asks casually, causing you to nod your head in agreement. "Yeah."
"Would you like to elope out of the mafia with m-"
Dazai Osamu, that fucking womanizer.
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frogs-in3-hills · 11 months
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[Image description: Digital fanart of Vera Misham from Ace Attorney. The lineart is wobbly and expressive, and the shading places particular emphasis on the wrinkles in the clothes. Vera is shown from the waist up, looking off to the side with a small smile. She wears her usual pink bandana on her head, an oversized blue overcoat, a striped salmon pink button up shirt, and brown high waisted pants. She holds a blue sketchbook under one arm. The background is purple and is filled with heavily stylized vines and lilies of the valley. Two tall, wobbly leaves frame her on either side. End description.]
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OP I am new to twisted wonderland but I saw the binding hc post and I uuuuuh have a request if that’s okay. My request is basically like, MC/Yuu who is AFAB and NB or Trans Masc who isn’t out. They get sorted into dorms or something and refuse to wear the uniforms because Tiddies are More Pronounced and that’s not cash gender of them. and they basically get into a fight with the dorm leaders that lead to them coming out while yelling and then just. The dorm leaders are like ???? Well shit that’s fixable why didn’t you say that earlier ??
Trans Yuu
Yuu is a trans dude in the middle of transitioning at the worst place to do it— NRC.
Notes: went in a wild direction lmao. Anyways FTM Yuu. Shitty jokes and cringe.
You are a 2010 Stefani Canturi Barbie and God is a mother going through her kid's toys to donate to the Bratz section at goodwill, you are sure of it. There is no way in hell it was coincidence that you ended up in an all-boys school filled with the stupidest people you met otherwise. Perhaps god just assumed you were both dolls so it doesn’t really matter what toy pile you were put in, and you don’t know if that is the biggest compliment you have received— to be compared to cis dudes— or an insult (these men fucking suck).
With all the running around you had to do the first day, no one was able to sniff you out, yet. Still, it didn't last that long, and it didn’t. Deuce was far too kind and dense to really tell what you were, and Grim was Grim. Ace on the other hand almost seemed to side-eye you at times. You tried to ignore it and pray to the goodwill mom that he doesn’t say anything, and surprisingly he didn’t, you got that stupid gem, celebrated, and went over to your crow overlord (who doesn’t even notice your predicament either) to turn it in and go the fuck home. Perhaps the only break you got was the fact that people here spoke a sort of similar language to you even if it was a bit… strange. Whatever, you can think tomorrow, right now you can make yourself comfortable and finally sleep uninterrupted.
And then that fucker from before came to you at one in the morning, after you have unbound yourself and got comfortable begging for you to let him sleep in your bed, strange collar on his neck. “No, Ace. You can make yourself comfortable on the couch.” You crossed your arms over your chest nervously and thankfully the dumbass didn't notice.  “C’mon, c’mon, I’m super skinny! I won’t take up any space!” Ace pleaded. You and Grim looked at each other tiredly then back at Ace. “No.” You said before sighing and heading upstairs. 
“Awwee!! Cmon!!!” “Cry about it.” You sneered, but as you ascended the steps you notice Ace watching you with that look in his eyes from earlier. He knows doesn’t he…
You may not know Trey and Cater well, but you owe them your life. The dumbass trio you were with despite living in this world their whole life could not tell you the most basic shit about it for the life of them. And even worse, despite two of them being selected for this university and one choosing to sneak in with plenty of time to research it beforehand (hell, Ace has a brother who went here), they both decided to go in completely blind and not understand anything at all. 
Thankfully, your dear juniors seemed to take pity on you and actually took time to explain the bare fucking minimum for all four of your sakes. Yet as they explained everything to you in such sweet simplicity, you notice Trey look over to your form that you kept nervously wrapped up in the only oversized overcoat (that all Yuu’s in the manga have) to hide your figure. “Are you alright there Yuu?” He asks and you freeze. 
“Yeah, it's just…” Trey frowned and adjusted his glasses out of concern. “Did Crowley provide any resources for you? It must be difficult being stuck here as a girl and all.” You pause and before you can speak you are interrupted. “YOU’RE WHAT.” The dumbass trio all yelled at once making you, Trey, and Cater all shut your eyes pensively. “Dude! I mean bro— I mean— Ugh!” Ace sputtered, and Deuce looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die with how much he was overthinking. Looking over at Trey, the regret on his face was obvious, and you can only assume he thought you told the other three. “You didn’t tell us you're a girl!” Ace yaps.
“I’m not, I’m a guy, I just…” Cater speaks up. “They got the wrong body babes, it's nbd.” The ginger strikes a selfie pose, “That's a thing???” Deuce stared wide-eyed. “Exactly!” You speak up. Trey clears his throat, looking even more ashamed. “Ah, my…. I’m sorry Yuu I didn’t know.” “It’s fine, you didn’t know, plus I guess it was obvious.” At that, the group around you went quiet. 
“Uh no it wasn't ?” Ace crosses his arms. “Have you seen the guys in this school? Some of them straight up look like chicks!” “I thought you knew 'cause you were looking at me weird yesterday!” Ace’s face becomes slightly flustered. “I wasn’t staring—“ Ace stopped his excuse when he saw you and Trey glare. “Okay, fine I was! You happy?” “Why were you staring at them?” Grim asks unimpressed.
Ace gets even more flustered. “It's cause, well you know—“ Cater raises his brows and suppresses a knowing smile and a laugh to the best of his ability as he looks over at you. Ace huffs, “How did you not know Grim? You share a bed with them!” “Haaah? Don't change the subject—“ “Okay that's enough.”
Trey sighs. “Once again, I am very sorry about that Yuu, I thought—“ “It's okay Trey, you didn’t know… But also how did both of you know?” Cater winks, “Oh he’s just like that, babes. Trey-Kun attracts all sorts of fruit to him.” You snort and not how Trey seems to sigh, “Are you one of them?” Cater's eyes widen for a moment before he gives a chuckle. “Good one, but we’ve dealt with enough people in this school to tell by now, though. “So you both just have a gaydar, got it.” “Ooh I like that word, I’ll steal it from ya!” Cater winks again.
“In any case…” Trey adjusts his glasses again. “There's no need to sweat over it. You’ll fit in fine here, Yuu, however, I recommend that you bother Crowley for a spell or potion to get you switched to a new body as soon as possible so this conversation doesn't happen again.” Trey is putting on a brave face to hide his mortification of how he accidentally outed someone. “Crowley can be a real pain sometimes, but he will deliver on that at the very least. Until then you could probably get something from Sam’s for a temporary fix, though they will cost a small fee since they’re home-brewed, or brew your own potion.”
“Oh yeah, you guys have magic here for that stuff… that's crazy…” “Oh yeah, there’s no magic in your world huh Yuu-Kun?” Cater thinks for a moment, “Healthcare here includes that sorta care, but I imagine it’ll be a little difficult to apply for it since you're not from this world and stuff. Kinda hard to do that stuff if you don't exist here, huh?” Cater muses. “Alright, now let's get back to telling them about the dorms Trey!”
“Ah, one more thing, all of you.” Trey’s expression becomes more serious, and gestures to a table where two people— twins with teal hair sit together. “Be careful with Octavinelle students,” he warns, “especially those two. They work for their dorm leader, Azul. They’re scam artists, do not ever make a deal with any of them, especially you, Yuu. Do not tell them what you are.” “Why?” Cater nudges you. “They’ll totally be like ‘We can help you transition Yuu!’ And then your soul is theirs!”
“That’s no different from where I’m from.”
Ace and Deuce were a bit weird with you for the next few hours, before Grim got annoyed with them acting overly cautious and insulted them, which in turn made them all have an annoying argument that you got involved in, in which they treated you like one of the bros. You have to make a note to get Grim the world's most premium tuna for that later. 
And when it came time to grab the tuna, you also had to check out Sam’s potion brewery, where you learned that Sam was a real cool dude. He’s a salesman at the end of the day, always looking for a profit, but at least he was fair. He never overpriced things and always knew how to make a good deal. And though you were prepared to drop nearly your whole allowance on a potion Sam seemed to stop you.
“Hey there little imp! Before you pick one of those out, what form are you lookin’ to take?” You look around for a moment, making sure no one was nearby. “I’m looking for a transitioning potion? I wanna be a dude…” You mutter. Anxiety brews in your gut as Sam leans in, keeping eye contact with you. The salesman then bounces back to his feet in an animated and theatrical manner. “Well, we got those iiiiiinnn STOCK! Lucky for you, we have all sorts to choose from!” Sam says before taking out crate after crate.
“Please, pick that one that calls to you.” You look at the vials nervously before pulling one out of the velvet casing they were carefully placed in. The liquid inside has the consistency of a purple, glittery syrup. “That's a great one!” Sam says. “One small issue though.” Oh god here it comes, by picking up the vial you probably should your soul to him and you're gonna be doomed to work here the rest of your life.
“That's gonna be temporary, little imp! Not good for the long term. The Mystery Shop cannot sell permanent potions for these unless you have a prescription, but my little friends from the other side say that you ain’t from these parts.” Sam smiles. “Take 4, on the house! And drink them all at once, that should give you around 4 and half months in that form!” “Really? Are you sure!” Sam nods, “Course! It's not a loss at all either, I get compensated to give em out anyways! Do be sure to tell Crowley to get you a permanent one though! Or it may be quicker to ask that professor of yours!”
“Thank you Mr.Sam! I’ll keep it in mind.”
Crowley is an asshole, a real bitch, and one of the most annoying people you know. But at least he can be reasonable once in a blue moon. When bringing up needing a potion he merely went on a 30-minute rant on how he’ll get a prescription for you because he’s “oh so generous” and totally not because he’s probably a fruit too like everyone else in this school. 
You expected this process of getting a prescription to be a very annoying and long wait, just for you to receive the paper later allowing it less than an hour later. Sam did say that asking Professor Crewel for a good potion would be better than asking him since he’s certified to make them. Given how extra he is with everything too, you're sure any potion by him would be insane. So here you were, head down and begging that this man help you, one alphabet soup to another. 
“Let me get this straight. You want me to make you a prescription potion for you, rather than get it from Sam’s because you think I would make a better one.” You nod, and Crewel could tell there wasn't any flattery behind your words, you truly believed what you said. “Sam didn’t put you up to this did he?” “I mean he mentioned you could help but that’s it, why is he plotting something?” “He’s been trying to get me to make him a batch of these for ages, saying that he only wants the highest quality products for his customers.” “Seems like I was right to go to you.”
Crewel almost lets out a sigh, before tapping his whip against his palm. “Fine then pup. I’ll give you a private lesson for potionology because you will be taking notes and helping me as well.” “Really?” “Crowley did say there is no record of you existing anywhere. Consider this the pre-lessons you were supposed to learn in high school.”
After an hour of work, you have successfully created three giant bottles of the stuff Crewel guided you to make, and now in your notes, you have the recipe just in case something happens to them. “Listen here.” Crewel commands and you whip your head to him. “Wait until those four months are up on the serum you are on before taking these. Take only 15 milligrams of each a day until you are all out. This way, it’s permanent and you don't have to worry about someone turning you back so easily.” The professor smiles and taps his baton in his other hand.
“Any questions?” “Why am I on the serum then, sir?” “That one prepares your body for a more permanent change, especially if you show any complications with the magic used.” “Got it, sir, that’s all the questions I have.” “Good, now clean your workspace, and go back to your dorm. I expect you to be fully awake in the morning for class.” “Yes, sir” “And I also expect that you will be more responsive than your peers in class because of this.” “Of course, sir.”
Carefully putting the bottles in your bag, and using your jacket as a cushion for each one you braved your way outside nervously. Sam did say that the vials you took will take a while to take effect since your body isn’t used to magic…
The final thing you learned in these past two days was that the misogyny here is very much inclusive, you can't tell if that’s a sign of progress or not. The second you walked out of that door you had your very first instance of bullying (Aside from Ace) since arriving in this world. A few Savanaclaw jocks standing by seemed to immediately look over and snicker.
You stood your ground as they approached, knowing walking away would make it worse and if it got bad Crewel was still in that room. “Tch, you’re the new kid huh?” One said in a very stereotypical stupid school bully way. You’re half surprised they didn’t include some insult like “dweebus” or something. “Hah, bro doesn't even have good pecs, what a fucking girl.” One says. “Never knew they made exceptions for girls!” The other says.
“Uh, yeah, it's gonna take a while for this potion to take effect.” A cat boy scoffs, “What potion.” “The one that’s supposed to make me a boy, it's taking a while.” The group went silent for a moment, the weird wolfman sniffs the air at you for a moment before beckoning his bros to lean in and listen. After a painfully awkward moment, the cat boy leader comes back to lean into your face. “So you are a boy! Big deal! You still don't have pecs!” He says, changing his whole tune. “Yeah well you may be a boy but you're… your…” The fox boy pauses, trying to find a proper insult, just to be interrupted by the wolfman again. “But you fucking suck at being one!”
“YEAH!” All three cheer together as they finally find the right niche to bully you in. Suddenly the door next to you opens. “You three! Silence! Leave them alone, it's curfew! Or do you want me to put you to work?” Crewel reprimands, leaving the three running off with their tails between their legs. “You too Yuu.” And you nod and take it as your sign to leave.
You were gonna have a great time learning how to be a boy
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violettduchess · 26 days
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A/N: I was a wee bit annoyed yesterday at the anon that seemed to be lamenting writers "suddenly" having OCs. So I wrote a short fic with mine because a) IT'S FUN and b) I felt like it. OCs are awesome and we should celebrate the creativity they represent!
My OC Leyla Quinn x Silvio, established relationship
One shot: Silvio and his fiancée on a rainy night in Rhodolite
WC: 1k
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The ornate door to one of the royal suites inside the elegant Rhodolite palace swings open, bringing with it the scent of orange blossoms that always precedes Silvio’s fiancée. Leyla herself follows a moment later, shaking the rainwater out of her hair and kicking the door shut behind her. She had already removed her muddy boots before setting foot back inside the grand palace, walking barefoot through the palace and back to the suite, much to the servants' astonishment. Most people would not have been that thoughtful.
“God damn, who knew you’d get rain like this so far away from the sea?” Water drops fall from her like tiny pearls, littering the rich carpet with little dark spots.
The newspaper Silvio has been attempting to read is thrown aside as he shoots to his feet, annoyance written in every line of his face.
“Where the hell have you been?” His tone is sharp with displeasure, loud with irritation. It would have sent many others a step backwards in surprise, flinching with unease.
Leyla doesn’t even look away from wringing out her long, dark hair.
“Down, boy. Watch who you’re barking at.” She straightens up, but doesn’t stop moving, unbuttoning the front of her damp navy blue overcoat with quick, practiced fingers.
“Woman, you said you would be back before dark and that was an hour ago.” He’s watching her with narrowed eyes as she peels off her coat, then turns, walking into the bathroom, but not before revealing a quick glimpse of a white blouse now covered in tantalizing, transparent patches.
He breathes out, collecting his thoughts. Don't get distracted, Silvio. She had him fucking worried. He's pissed. She's gotta know that he was sitting here, watching the storm through the windows, wondering if she was ok. So yeah, stay focused. Focused.
When she returns, she’s hung all of her wet clothing over the rim of the large porcelain bathtub and is now wrapped in a fluffy white oversized bathrobe with a charming red Rhodolitian rose embroidered above her heart. Her hair is still damp with rainwater, a curtain of dark waves that smells like springtime and daydreams, spilling over her shoulders and down her back. 
His breath catches in his chest. She's so damn beautiful.
“I lost track of the hour as I was visiting Oliver in his lab and he was telling me about his latest-”
Fuck staying focused.
“Don’t care.”
Silvio crosses the room in just two long strides, wrapping an arm around Leyla’s waist and pulls her to him, overcome with the desperate need to feel her against him. He ducks his head, closing his eyes as he breathes in deeply, orange blossoms and rainwater, desire and love.
Feeling the way his strong hands hold her close brings a smile to her face. With Silvio, it never feels like he’s trapped her. It’s possessiveness, yes, but never a cage. It’s protection and want. It’s security and comfort. It’s a promise to never let go.
His mouth eagerly travels the line of her neck, brushing aside her hair for better access. Hunger spreads like wildfire through her veins but his kisses also carry something else, something more delicate, something vulnerable and silken within their heated depths.
Leyla grins slowly. “Missed me that much, did you?” 
His “Shuddup” is muffled as he kisses his way up towards her mouth and she starts to laugh. Even now, after all they have been through together, he still gets flustered, reluctant to reveal that tender part of him that she knows is there, the one that belongs to her and only her. 
“Aw, pup, were you pining for me? Counting down the minutes until I returned, each one an eternity as you ached with–Ahh!”
Her teasing is cut off as he swiftly hoists her up and over his shoulder, turning and stalking towards the canopied bed with its red and gold bed covers and gold satin pillows.
“That’s enough out of you, wench,” he grunts as he tosses her down, the sound of her delighted laugh filling the room and warming him more than any fire ever could.
He wraps his long fingers around her wrists, pinning them up by her head. She looks up at him, sky-blue eyes flashing with something just as bright and brilliant as the lightning outside, the echo of her laughter lingering as a smile.
“Hey Silvio?”
He doesn’t know where to settle his gaze. Her hair is a pool of ebony waves around her, her luxurious robe has slipped off of one shoulder to reveal an enticing amount of skin, and there’s still that smile on those lips….
“Yeah?” The word is a rasp from the back of his throat.
“Guess who loves you.”
His cheeks flush and he looks away, his chest rising and falling with every quick breath he takes.
“Goddamnit, sea witch, why–”
“No really, can you guess anyone? Cause I certainly can’t. For a prince, you’re rather annoying and loud and–”
She’s cut off as he lowers his mouth to hers with a growl, stopping her teasing words. More laughter bubbles within her chest as she hooks one leg around his and kisses him back with all her might. She can get away with teasing him like this because they both know the truth: they were two souls adrift in an endless sea of doubt who, despite the odds, have found safe harbor in each other’s arms. The journey may have been long, but now that they have conquered the darkness and the hidden perils of a dark ocean of uncertainty, she knows their hearts are so entwined, there is no untangling them.
He releases her wrists, intending to make quick work of her robe when she catches his face in her hands, holding him still. Her thumbs lighty stroke over his cheekbone as she searches his gaze.
“Hey.” One little word, soft and sincere, perhaps odd to any outsider but to them, it carries a weight far beyond its three letters. It’s the softest part of her heart reaching out to him, saying hello love of my life. Hello.
And he’s lost in the light of her eyes, the dulcet sound of her voice, the velvet of her touch. 
“Hey,” he murmurs quietly in return. I hear you, the word answers. And I love you too.
She smiles and closes her eyes as he leans down, pressing his lips to hers. An unspoken promise renewed on this rainy, Rhodolite night.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
@redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey
@mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight
@ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics
@justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating
@portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing
@nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss
@keithsandwich @ikeprinces-stuff @bestbryn
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courtmartialme · 3 months
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it's the second time i accidentally post an ask while i'm replying to it and don't know what to do about it so i have to delete it in shame so here's a screenshot of the ask instead. @sonofcarnelian
FAVORITE EVER is riza's promised day outfit... i prefer her hair up usually but i also really think the blood with the disheveled hair down add a lot to the look because i love to see my beloved baby miserable <3 the oversized jacket is very moe and cute. there should've been more blood
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also her "default" outfit that is the turtleneck + gun holsters + either uniform pants or the black pants she uses when undercover. peak riza to me, you can tell by the amount of times i've drawn it lol
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her summer outfit from fma mobile also changed my brain chemicals irreparable she's so cute they did such a good job with it. i love the way they respected her character in how she wouldn't want to have her tattoo showing and that it didn't stop them from giving her a cute outfit... she's sooo........ i love Her
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honorable mentions:
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-riza's paperboy outfit.. so gender!! made for me specifically.
-riza with the black overcoat. it makes her look so round i wanted to see her wearing that more.........
-and also riza in her pajamas looking so mom it cured all my parental issues. i love her
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Could u do a quickie with minju with glasses and thighs
Phone: Return of the Angel +1
Male Reader x Kim Minju x Yeh Shuhua
Length: 2055 words
Tags: THIGHS, thigh fucking, thigh riding, cumming on thighs, also blowjob, cunnilingus, squirting, finger fucking, threesome, game, competition, horny!Minju / rival/Shuhua
Inspiration: the request PLUS an @friskyriskywhisky​ ask. The source of all hooni lmao
(A/N: Phone being revived and I have more ideas for it planned. But first of, enjoy this thigh goodness!)
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>@you, better be ready! I have company ;)< Sent by Angel
You didn’t know when she would strike, how she would do it and most importantly, who she would bring along, so you were on your toes. The message popped up shortly after you left Honey Julia’s house, who’s bratty act was actually nothing but a facade, a character she liked to play. After your sessions she was very sweet and offered you to stay the night, but a suspicion, a feeling urged you to decline her offer. However, you will definitely visit her again one day.
It’s been a couple of hours since Minju sent the message. The sun is already setting, a cold breeze softly hushes through the streets and everything seems so peaceful and calm. You know this is the case now, but as soon as someone knocks on the door, it won’t be quiet for the entire night. Luckily, it won’t annoy anyone and you still have a couple of days of vacation left, so it’s going to be fine—
“Hello~ Minju is back~!”
She didn’t knock. She walked straight through the door, probably expecting that you would have unlocked it beforehand. Unlike last time, a pair of glasses lay on her small nose and bring out a new side to her gorgeous face. Most of her body is once again covered by the black overcoat you saw on her first trip to your house. The only part that is visible are her long, smooth-looking legs and high-heels you would only ever see on a prostitute. Wait, is she never cold?
“My God! Didn’t your parents teach you how to knock?”
“Sorry, Daddy, “ Minju gasps out her apology in between deep, rapid breaths, “but Minju needs you right now.”
“You needy little thing,” you sigh in played annoyance. Suddenly, footsteps make you refocus your horny brain from Minju to someone else. Unlike the slutty Angel, they walk in with slow, confident steps in rather quiet sneakers instead of clicking heels.
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“It’s different from what you’re thinking.”
Her voice is seductive. Her dark hair is wavy. Her skirt is short. Very short. Underneath them two massive thighs protrude and their firm looking skin makes your mouth water. Her focused and fierce gaze rests on you as you inspect her delicious body, not daring to complain about her intrusion. A stranger she may be, but she is a very hot one.
“We need your opinion,” she starts and Minju interrupts her hastily.
“You need to decide whose thighs are better: Minju’s or Shuhua’s,” the horny Angel says, before pressing her palms on your chest and pushing you down onto the nearby couch. As you fall into the cushions of the warm, black fabric, Minju removes the warm, black fabric that is her overcoat and lets it drop to the floor. 
Given what you know about Minju, it shouldn’t have shocked you as much as it did, but when she straddles you, you not only see but also feel that she was only wearing an oversized T-shirt underneath. Her wet lips rest right above the zipper of your dark jeans that struggle to keep your erection from bursting out.
“Uhm, s-sure. Just close the damn door. It’s freezing outside,” you groan as Minju fidgets with the hem of your pants for a second. In her position it’s almost impossible to get you undressed, so you decide to help her out. Gently, you grab her sides and try to move next to you onto the couch. She resists.
“No, please, Minju wants to go first!”
“You can go first, dummy, but if you sit like this, they will never come off.”
“Hmph, fine.”
You stand up and get ready to pull down both jeans and boxers, but Minju is faster. The second she has forced the garments around your ankles, her lips are around your cock and she takes in your entire length in one go. You shout out your blissful arousal with quick curses. Before you completely succumb to the feeling of Minju’s deepthroating skill and the sound of her gags, Shuhua rushes back from closing the door.
“Yah! Minju, you idiot! We had a competition, you cock hungry whore!”
“Hm, right,” Minju mumbles, your tip still on her tongue. Once again, she pushes you into the couch and gets in position. This time, nothing is in the way of your manhood and her glistening pussy and voluptuous thighs. After a bit of shuffling and adjusting, Minju sits on your crotch sideways, your cock in her perfect gap. 
“Okay! Minju is ready~” the girl shouts out in lewd delight and Shuhua nods.
“Good. You got five minutes to pleasure him with your thighs only, then it’s my turn. Whoever makes him cum wins. Ready, set, go!”
The few seconds you were allowed to savor the hot, motionless feeling around your cock is gone with the end of the countdown. Minju goes all in from the start to create friction in the tight opening right in front of her pussy. Its juices provide enough lubrication for her to easily go up and down your shaft. She wouldn’t be the horny Angel however without an extra trick up her sleeve.
With each stroke, she flexes and relaxes her thighs. Pressure all around your throbbing cock becomes suffocating at quick intervals and you can’t help but groan at the tightness. Minju’s rapid, mindless jumps cause her to not only release those girly, cock-hungry moans you already are familiar with, but also more of her juices. She goes faster and faster.
"Fuck," you groan and reach for her hips to make her slow down. If you come in the next few minutes, this won't even be a competition and all the fun would be over, so it is in your interest to hinder her enthusiasm. Although Minju fights it, you can decrease her pace. She is not happy about it and let's you know.
"No, Daddy! Minju wants to cum, Minju needs to cum!"
"What a slut," Shuhua groans under her breath and sits down next to you on the couch. Her soft hands reach for yours and your hold on Minju's wide hips is loosened.
"Let her go. I want to see more of this."
Your brief confusion leads to Minju immediately seizing the opportunity to go all out. She leans forward to kiss Shuhua's lips or cheek or somewhere on her gorgeous face, but she backs off. Minju whimpers and puckers her lips for kisses that are out of reach.
"No-oh," Shuhua says in a mocking tone and pushes Minju away at her forehead, "focus, or you will lose, pretty bitch."
At this point, Minju is actually about to win. The sight before you and her never constantly constraining thighs make your head throw back on it's own. You need to direct your gaze up to the ceiling, the boring, dirty white ceiling to not cum to the sensation of Minju's thrilling, smooth pale skin.
Suddenly, Minju adjusts herself and you feel your dick rub next to her clit and up to her shaven pelvis. The sensation might not be as pleasurable as before because her thighs don’t create the same friction, but you understand why she did this. The stimulation on her hard nub makes her climax and squirt hot juices all over your cock. The girl cum runs down your shaft and thoroughly covers your balls and the couch. 
“You’re so selfish!” Shuhua complains. You catch a mischievous glimpse in her eyes from the corner of yours while your main focus is on a screaming and moaning Minju enjoying her orgasm in rapid twitches. She gets interrupted by a sudden thud.
“My turn,” claims Shuhua, and like a Rugby Pro, she tackles Minju off of your lap and onto the cushions. It’s either a perfect calculation or a downright miracle that your hard member escaped unscaved, still you release a surprised yelp.
You a frozen in shock for a second or two, however long it takes for Shuhua to remove her drenched panties and take her approach on a thigh fuck. She is face down, in almost a right angle on your lap and her ass is right at your crotch. A few adjustments later, the pre-cum leaking tip of your cock protrudes from her thigh gap. 
“Fuck,” you groan ou through gritted teeth as Shuhua begins to sway her hips slowly side to side to massage your dick. Unlike Minju, she isn’t rash and uncontrollable or constantly flexes her pronounced muscles, instead she uses all the liquids on your cock (and her own) to make each movement go smoothly. 
Comparing their thighs is like comparing their styles: impossible. There are things to like about both and you could not imagine preferring only one for a long stretch of time. Minju’s enthusiasm, constant lubrication and mind-numbing moans are good for some days and Shuhua’s carefulness, natural tightness and soothing mewls are for the other days. 
It’s again time for you to look away from the action between your legs. Shuhua’s tiny skirt is already (intentionally, of course) bunched up around her waist and her round ass-cheeks need to be squeezed. It must not be part of your judgment, all that should count is the sensation of her thighs. 
You direct your eyes to the right, where Shuhua’s head rests right next to Minju’s spread legs. The girl in glasses has her T-shirt bunched up (intentionally, of course) above her breasts and plays with her own nipples, while the black haired girl uses tongue and finger to tease Minju’s clit.
“Shuhua, d-damn,” you groan, “you are so good at this, fuck.”
“Are you about to cum?” she says in a serious tone while huffing hot air on Minju’s glistening heat. 
“No,” you two moan in unison.
“Then I’ll change that.”
A burst of speed in her thigh-cock-massage and rubs over Minju’s slick labia are Shuhua’s first step at achieving her goal, but she is definitely not done yet. The moment she thrusts two fingers into her friend’s squeezing pussy, she begins to thrust her hips up and down on your lap. The thigh fuck is even faster than Minju’s and a sight to behold. How her voluptuous ass crashes down and the way all of her curvy goodness wiggles and ripples is not only a sight to behold, but also incredibly loud.
The only thing louder is Minju. Her screams could drown out a nearby fighter jet. Shuhua probably knows all her spots and fingers them violently, not caring if she overstimulates the brunette. Her thumb swipes over the hard clit and you can see in Minju’s teary eyes that she is about to climax again and again. 
The same goes for your cock. The tip peeks out repeatedly and it looks like it’s about to combust, burst, explode and all your efforts of holding back are just a pain. Sometimes you have to surrender. 
“Fuck, Shuhua, d-don’t stop!”
“Cum already! You’re dick is so hot, I want it to spray my ass.”
Shuhua becomes rougher to the point where you and the angel immediately collapse. Your seed gets fucked out in ropes that either shoot in the air and cover Shuhua’s ass from the top or it creams in between and all over her thighs. 
It is somewhat comparable to Minju. Shuhua finger fucks every last drop of squirt out of the breathless, convulsing girl. The juices cover herself, the couch, Shuhua’s face and digits. She dives into lick it all up and makes Minju whine with an eager tongue on her sensitive entrance. 
Deep breaths fill the room. No one is really moving or making an attempt to clean up. It’s a mess and you feel the urge to complain. The couch was only a year old and now it’s probably ruined, unusable. However, the hypocrisy of your own actions—after all, you did not make an effort to change the setting of your fucking—is so obvious, even your mushy mind can understand it. 
“So,” you say, looking at Shuhua, rather trying to look at her and not at the shaven cunt right next to her face, “what is the punishment?”
“Of losing the game, dummy.”
“Oh right,” Shuhua smirks in a unique playful yet devilish way, “the game.”
(A/N2: Fuck, this woman-)
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axeboy666 · 4 months
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Greetings fandom...
this au that i have been calling 'ineffable shenanigans' has been more developed by my partner and i. he made the designs for aziracrow and i made shoddy ref sheets while my laptop was broken (the reason as to why that image is not particularily pleasing to look at).
so i introduce to you...
Archangel Aziraphale and Lord Leviathan, the bureaucrats and overseers of Heaven and Hell.
Archangel Aziraphale – aka Archangel fucking Aziraphale (by himself, ONCE.)
Presents masculine. Any pronouns. 5'10 in stature.
Outfit similar to the one he had in Heaven after being discorporated in 1-04. Bright glowing freckles(?)
Personality reflects similarly as it does in canon, though she has a tendency to be passive aggressive and a bit more sarcastic. Otherwise, a joy to be around.
Probably in love with their 'opposite subordinate', but nobody knows that.
Prince Leviathan of Hell, Lord of the Snakes – aka Crowley (by Aziraphale), The Serpent (in the Bible), Lord Leviathan (by other Demons)
Presents androgynous. Any pronouns. 6'1 in stature.
Outfit consists of dark colors with red and yellow accents. His overcoat is long and frayed/tattered stylishly at the end. She wears a gray scarf-like necktie that is lazily tied near the middle. Their hair is worn half up-half down and they have a black and red anaconda who can, somehow, shrink down in size to fit neatly around his neck like a scarf. The snake is called Bentley.
Personality reflects similarly to canon, just harsher. More Beelze influence. Hisses when she speaks.
Undoubtfully, horrifyingly, insanely, undeniably in love with her 'opposite subordinate'. They pine. They yearn. Nobody has ever yearned harder than him.
I have tons more art of them on my tablet however I do not have access to Bluetooth on it so when I'm able to, I'll post those ;)
Enjoy!! <3
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fleetn-crab85 · 6 months
this is one of my favorite moments in classic who. the second doctor just causally talking. jamie and zoe powerpoint transitioning out of reality. the brigadier just standing there. it's fantastic
Video ID under the cut
Video I.D.: A clip from "The Five Doctors" serial. The Second Doctor, and older man, is seen in a black bowtie, white collared shirt, and an oversized fluffy brown fur coat. His hair is black with hints of gray. He says "But how do you know who we are?". While he says this, the camera cuts to Jamie and Zoe, the Doctor's previous companions. Jamie is a young man in traditional Scottish attire, a black coat, frilly white shirt, and tartan sash (I think it's a sash??). He has black hair and is looking at the Doctor before turning to Zoe. Zoe is a young girl with blackish/brown hair wearing a sparkly-plastic like dress over a long-sleeved blue dress. She has a black belt around her waist. She and Jamie look at each other before screaming until they fade out of the scene. The camera cuts back to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, an older man with brown hair. He wears a large brown overcoat with a red tie and white collared shirt. He has a bewildered and confused expression on his face. End I.D.
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youareabird · 1 year
Breakfast Date
CW: Slight Fluff
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 The caffe bustled with noise, groups of older and younger chatting uo the air. The dim lighting brought a sense of comfort to those who walked in, searching for warmth in the harsh environment. You sat alongside Bella, at a little table in the corner. The wood was adorned with white tablecloth and candles, bringing the ambience of home with it. She sat across from you, sipping silently on the tea that she had ordered. 
                   You decided to go on a breakfast date that morning, searching for a place to sit and eat while you wind down. Bella was done for press for the moment, finally having a chance to catch up. They were clad in an oversized shirt, Jeans adorning her legs. A small hat laid on the table beside him, accompanied by a pair of gloves. Their thick black coat laying on the back of their chair. You were dressed similarly, t-shirt and jeans. Chunky black boots shielded your feet from the snow that had fell and a Large overcoat was sat on the chair behind you. Gloves sitting silently on the table beside.
                   While the caffe was busy, everyone seemed to stay in their respected groups. Silence feel between you two, silently listening to the conversations that floated around you. Haste footsteps sounded, growing louder as they got to the two of you. Hands slamming against the table, you and Bella look up. Not expecting any loud noises to be sounded where you sat.
                  The hands belonged to a young girl, eyes bright with excitement. She smiled largely at the two of you, "I am such a huge fan!" she speaks loudly. Two more people joined her, standing behind her as they bounced on the balls of their feet.
                   "Oh my god, I love you guys."
                   "I love you so much!"
                    Bella's eyes widened with surprise, brown orbs bouncing widely between the kids and then at you. A small smile finding its way to their face as they looked awkwardly at the group. "Thank you guys." He says lightly.
                   "Can we get a picture?!"
                    "Yeah can we?"
                    Bella laughed while looking at you, their big brown eyes meeting yours. You gave a slight nod before looking at the young girls before you. They were around fifteen, slightly younger than the ladder but not by much. "Sure." Bella said enthusiastically.
                    Pushing themselves from the table, you followed suit. Standing up and walking away from the table. One of the girls went to give you hug, the others copying her move shortly after. Letting go, you and Bella form the little group, someone pulling out their phone in the process. 
                     Jumbled up into a group, everyone strikes a pose. Someone holding up bunny ears to one of the girls, another making a silly face, finger guns and smiles. You opted to stick your tongue out, eyes wide open while Bella made a kissy face to the camera. The lights flashed, momentarily blinding anyone who was looking. And the phone was pulled down from its position.
                     The owner of the phone opened the photo, bright faces filling the screen. Nodding to herself, she showed it to the others. "That's great!"
                  "I love it!"
                 "Thank you, guys."
                "Yeah of course."
               "Have a great day!"
               "You too!"
               Finding the chair that your belongings resided, you sat down. Scooting the chair close enough to the table to rest your elbows on. Bella sat across from you, picking up her glass of tea and sipping it. The warm liquid smoothly making its way down her throat. "That was eventful." you say lightly, bringing your hot beverage to your mouth. Blowing slightly before taking a sip.
             "You're telling me." they reply. Silence filling your little group once again.
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ellapastoral · 6 months
Oasis Springs Royals CC list
Queen Sundari
Face Details 
Face Shadow:  SimMandy Spotlight 
Face Contour:structure by faaeish
Eyebrows: Pralinesims Eyebrows
Edges: Setsuki — full scalp with edges
Hair: BEADIE by simstrouble
Hair Overlay: zombietrait: willoughby hair overlays
Faceshine: sims3melancholic highlight 
Eye Sparkle: xx
Earrings: Pralinesims Earrings Mirror L
Full body dress: Base game
Bracelet: Base game
Nails: Base game
Lips: [NorthernSiberiaWinds] LIPS  
Necklace: Vintage Sapphire Necklace
Eyelashes: 3D lashes
Formal Part 1 
Hair: Yara hair
Crown: Flower Gem Tiara
Eyeshadow: Homology Eyeshadow
Hair Bindi: Sindor Bindi
Bindi: Jaya bindi
Eyelashes: Maxis Match 2D Eyelashes 
Dress: patreon exclusive by karieamel
Earrings: Ahmed’s gift
Necklaces: saesha necklace
Formal Part 2
Hair: yara hair from above
Hat: Hurrem Sultan Magnificent Green Hat, patreon exclusive ???
Bindi Jewelry:  Mother of Pearl Headpiece
Dress: Kosem Blue Sparkled Dress
Cape: sultan cape
Lip gloss: gravity lip 
Shirt: base game
Pants: base game
Dress: base game
Hot Weather 
Dress: Marjorie dress 
Necklace: pearl necklace
Earring: PralineSims
Cold Weather
From Game 
P.C. Jai
Face Details 
Skin Details:
Face Shadow: [JOSH JO SE OH] Lighting Overlay 
Hair: basegame
Lips:  [NorthernSiberiaWinds] LIPS N37
Green and yellow outfit: base game
Military Outfit:
Formal Part 1 
Crown: either lazycat or karieamel
Full Body: either lazycat or karieamel
Shirt: Belaloallure_Nas top
Pants: ????
Nightset: umm from a kit i think
Dress: same as formal wear
Turban: ????
sims4 [AxA] MattTrucks Solids
Hot Weather 
Dress: from game
Cold Weather
Prince Sanjay
Face Details 
Skin Overlay: Wanderlust Skinblend and Male Skin 13
Face Shadow:  SimMandy Spotlight 
Eyebrows: Curved Eyebrows | NO 3
Hairline: Hairline 03
Hair:  maybe from the game
Hair Overlay: zombietrait: willoughby hair overlays
Eye Sparkle: xx
Blush: squeamishsims moomoo 
Earrings: Pralinesims Earrings Mirror L
Full body dress: Base game
Watch: Base game
Lips: [NorthernSiberiaWinds] LIPS  
Hat:  Ottoman Sultana Big Hat & Veil 
Dress: either lazycat or karieamel
Cape: sultan cape
Shirt: ???
Pants: gian shorts by amelylina
[AxA] MattTrucks Solids
Bottom: Yoga Sweatpants
Top:  [AxA] JonSweater Solids
Hot clothes
Oversized T-Shirt (&Hanging Sunglasses)
Cold weather
Princess Veda
Face Details 
Face Shadow: Face Shadow: [JOSH JO SE OH] Lighting Overlay  
Eyebrows: sims4 Pralinesims Eyebrows N155 Engan
Edges: Setsuki — full scalp with edges
Hair:  19th century snood by melancholy maiden
Hair Overlay: zombietrait: willoughby hair overlays
Random details
Eyelid overlay 
Eye Sparkle: xx
 Pearl Jewel SET
Maryjane shoes
Clarissa Earrings Kids
Formal Part 1 
 Crown veil
 Pearl Jewel SET
Dress by Karieamel or lazycat
Outfit: Djunariii sims 4 Dress can’t find the link
socks:Socks 04
Engla Swimsuit (Short)
Engla Swimsuit (Top)
Hot clothes
Basilia Dress
Cold weather
1890s coat with military cape for girls
 sims 4 Madlen Bernard Boots (Child)
Princess Aditii
Face Details 
Same as veda01
2D Eyelashes | N27 | All Ages
 Pearl Jewel earring
 Sarah Kids Vest
Light Up Shoes
Formal Part 1 
 Dress by Karieamel or lazycat
Outfit:  leo turtleneck by amelylina cant find pants
Bryson Short 
Hot clothes
Anja Dress
Cold weather
 Big Girl Dress 
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