masked-ragdoll · 2 months
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Commission from @owletry
hehehehehehe ty friendo for commissioning me to draw them :3
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Free for All!!!
Karina - @sky1ite
Salem - @huffle-dork
Elliot - @charii-o
Xavier - @oatmeels
Ezekiel - @breezyzephyr
Penumbra - @owletry
Thanks to everyone I fought this year for a great fight!
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pythonmelon · 2 months
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Artfight fursona group attack with Crash for @quesadillawizard , Mallow for @owletry, Germ for @hccupit , and Con for @allislaughter ! (Also a little Antlers in the background)
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lawlielawlaw · 1 year
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wohoo pouflons art! Owletry helped me with the background
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lumberjack-halt · 4 years
Seeing your name as well as your description you have re ignited my love for the rangers apprentice but also gave me the wonderful idea or cursed idea (since I have little to no stamina to carry out a au) of the dream team in a RA au, Its nice to see another ra fan!!
RA was one of my favorite series when I was younger, so I’m super excited to meet other fans! :D
And honestly a Dream Team RA au?? Let me just:
Dream - ranger. No doubts about it. He’s definitely one of the wild cards of the whole corps, but he gets the job done. He was raised to be a knight but decided to become a ranger instead, so he’s very good with a sword
Sapnap - knight. He grew up with Dream and they wanted to be knights together, so he was sad when Dream went to be a ranger, but they still get along like a house on fire so it’s all good
George - courier. Once got sent on a random mission with Dream and Sapnap and they all came back as inseparable friends. Now when the kingdom needs a good ranger-courier-knight trio for some mission they send the Dream Team in
Not sure if I’ll go anywhere with this other than maybe some doodles but man is it a fun idea!! An RA au just fits so well, like Dream’s off-the-cuff plays and his careful plotting would fit him as a ranger so well!
Also as a bonus idea, Badboyhalo would also be a courier who sometimes gets grouped with the Dream Team!
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storm337 · 4 years
For the prompt thing!! “Sneezing is just ridding yourself of demonic possession.” With uhhhh Janus/Dee, Patton, Virgil and Logan?
“So...why do we sneeze?” 
The question is innocent, but Virgil can see trouble coming a mile away. Mostly because it wears bright yellow and was lounging on the couch until Patton asked. 
“I don’t know Pat,” Virgil tries to dismiss the question, noticing out of the corner of his eye that the snake has started to sit up. “Logan probably knows.” 
“Yeah! He knows everything. Lo-” 
“I know,” Janus interrupts, propping his elbow on the arm of the couch and settling his chin into his gloved hand. He bats his eyelashes up at Patton, sweet and innocent as a deadly serpent can be. 
“You do?” Patton looks overly excited to get his answer, and Virgil glares at Janus from over Patton’s shoulder. He bares his teeth and makes a throat-cutting gesture for good measure. 
“I do,” Janus inspects his other gloved hand, as if he were looking at his nails. “It’s rather simple, actually.” 
“It is? Well...why do we sneeze, Janus?” 
Don’t do it, Virgil thinks, narrowing his eyes and meeting Deceit’s. The snake quirks an eyebrow and Virgil wants to strangle him. Don’t you fucking do it. 
“Sneezing is just ridding yourself of demonic possession,” Janus states with a completely straight face. “The more powerful the sneeze, the worse the demon you are getting rid of.” 
Did it, Janus’s eyes say, as Patton’s eyes start to widen considerably, mouth dropping open into an expression of panic. 
“That’s not why we sneeze,” Virgil desperately attempts to salvage the situation, turning Patton back towards him and away from the evil serpent. “Just because he told you his name doesn’t mean he isn’t Deceit, Patton. He’s lying to you.” 
“Oh am I?” Janus slides a hand up Patton’s shoulder from behind, maintaining eye contact with Virgil as he does so. “Why else would we say bless you after someone sneezes?” 
Patton gasps deeply, like all of the dots are finally connecting into the bigger picture. He hugs himself, the dawning realization making him start to quake. 
“Thomas has been possessed so many times- his room must have been crawling with demons! He sneezed so much while cleaning it last week.” 
Virgil slaps Janus’s hand off of Patton’s shoulder, dragging the father figment into his arms. Anxiety bares his teeth at Deceit, hissing viciously as the snake relishes in his victory. “He’s lying, Patton, he’s Deceit, it’s what he does.” 
“But-but that makes sense!” 
“Doesn’t it?” Janus bats his eyelashes again and Virgil growls, tucking Patton under his chin. 
“You, shut up. Patton, just summon Logan, okay?” 
Logan rises up at the lift of Patton’s hand, arms folded and eyebrow raised as he takes stock of the situation. It is not a particularly good situation, considering Virgil looks ready to bite Janus, and Janus is poorly disguising his amusement. 
“Hello Patton, Virgil, Janus. How may I be of assistance?” 
“Why do we sneeze? Janus said that it’s because we’re getting rid of demons!” 
Logan blinks once, twice, three times. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and directs his attention to Virgil. Virgil only has to nod to confirm. Janus inspects his glove again, a bit proud if his smirk is anything to go by. 
“Janus is incorrect, Patton. People sneeze as a way of clearing the nasal cavity of irritants, which are trapped in the naturally occurring mucus.”
Patton’s brows furrow, but his expression of horror is starting to lighten, “Then why do we say bless you?” 
“Ah, yes, that. It was once believed that sneezing did indicate evil leaving the body, as Janus stated, and thus people would bless the one who sneezed to protect them from becoming susceptible to other evils or the evil that just left them. The saying has merely been passed down to present day, where it is still commonly used.” 
Janus openly pouts as his explanation is destroyed, “Well that’s boring.” 
“I am ignoring that comment. Does that answer your question, Patton?” 
“Yeah, it does. Thank you Logan!” Patton beams at the logical side, all of his prior fears and nerves dismissed. However, he turns and looks at Janus with a very ‘disappointed dad’ expression. “Janus, why would you lie to me like that?” 
“.....is that a rhetorical question?”
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beerecordings · 5 years
okay but like also marv just booking it around the house at 4 am and staring at empty spaces intently
Jackie: fuck I always just find him awake late at night... and I hear him, I swear I hear him like sprinting around the house at night or something... sometimes he stares, stares at the corners of the house where nothing moves or down at the panes of the window’s glass or across the unmoving table... it’s magician stuff, I know.... too much power pent up in his blood, strange spirits shifting in the corner of his -
Marvin: *sprints into the room, eyes wide, pupils completely blown, staring at Jackie*
Jackie: alskdfndkj hi??
Marvin: *sprints back out so fast he nearly trips over his own feet like a dumbass*
Jackie: okay maybe he’s just a fucken moron, idk, somebody get me the spray bottle -
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everyday-jackieboy · 5 years
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Hope this boy comes back soon cause I’ve barely started drawing these guys.
Art by @owletry
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
#38 with hmmm Chase and mmmmMarvin
38. “Let’s take a deep breath…”
“S-sorry about this,” Marvin muttered.
“Wh—no, it’s no problem, dude!” Chase hurried to say. “Just tell me what’s wrong. What can I do to help?”
Marvin was currently sitting on Chase’s couch, huddled against the back. He’d shown up at his house freaking out about something, and stuttered out that he wasn’t feeling so good.
“I-I-I—I don’t know,” Marvin said, stumbling over the first syllable. “My-my heart is fluttery, I can-can’t breathe, I don—I don’t know what’s happening. I probably should’ve called Schneep, but—but—but—”
“Hey, calm down, bro.” Chase took one of Marvin’s hands in his own and squeezed it. “Let’s take a deep breath, okay? That’s always a good place to start.”
Marvin closed his eyes and breathed in sharply.
“No, not like that. Like, slowly. Trust me, this helps a lot. In for about five seconds, okay? And then out for the same.” He demonstrated. “Do it with me, okay?” Marvin followed along. They continued for about a minute until Marvin seemed to calm down. Chase smiled. “Alright. Now, what did you say was wrong?”
“I...I still don’t know.” Marvin folded his arms, picking at the edge of his sleeves. “I think I’m sick, or something. Am I having a heart attack? Shou-should I have really called Schneep?”
Chase hummed. “Bro, I think you just had a panic attack.”
“I...had a what?”
“Or maybe an anxiety attack. I dunno the difference between them. But, like, you look okay outside of freaking out. And unless you have, like, allergies I don’t know about, or ate something funny, I don’t think there’s a reason? So yeah, guess you were just panicking.”
“...oh.” Marvin looked away. He seemed to be thinking, lost in thoughts or memories.
“Uh...” Chase shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t hang out with Marvin a lot, at least compared to the others. But that didn’t mean he was going to leave him stranded. “You must have been thinking about something before this happened. Want to...talk about it?”
Marvin’s eyes widened. His chest started to rise and fall quickly.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to, it’s okay.” Chase placed a comforting hand on Marvin’s arm. “How about, uh...I could make you tea? No, you don’t like tea, uh...I have some hot chocolate mix. I usually use it for the kids when they’re over, but this seems like a good time.”
After a while, Marvin nodded. “I’m...kinda cold,” he said slowly. “That would be...nice.”
“Great! Uh...there are some blankets in the hall closet too, if you want to grab one of those while I get the chocolate ready.”
“Thanks,” Marvin said softly. “Do you...would it be okay if we turned on the TV or something?”
“How about we go one step further? I have my Xbox set up, we could play a game.” Chase had never had a panic attack before, but he knew that if there were thoughts you didn’t want to think, then the best thing to do would be to distract yourself with something a little less passive than staring at a TV show. Even if that was a video game. “You can choose.”
“That sounds good. Thanks, Chase.”
“Hey, no problem. What’re friends for?” He stood up. “You stay here while I get everything ready. I’ll be back in a minute.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
goodness I can relate with jj, that ufo ride (the one that spins really fast and has you stuck to the walls of it) at the carnival was not my friend that day
Oh boy, I remember riding that one time! I wasn’t feeling that great afterward either >.>
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owltried · 5 years
So, that galaxy winged Logan... I want to hug him very much he looks like comfy boo with big purdy wings.
Ahhh thank you Im glad you liked that drawing so much!! If you want to see more of that, that drawing was actually for a DTIYS in Instagram for the user @/bakakxz they are posting more art of galaxy winged Logan!! I dont take any credit for the idea but it was a ton of fun to draw Logan’s wings
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So I did a thing or two...
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BIG thank you to @owletry for making the fantastic art that made these boys in the first place!! And thank you again for letting me use your art in a different medium!
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lythariwolf · 3 years
I just wanted to show off these beautiful commission phone screens that my friend @owletry did for me! They definitely delivered with these beautiful Anubis portraits ^^
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fleetwoodmoth · 3 years
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I was tagged by @tekstelart and @northern-wolf6 to share a WIP! 
Drawing my cowboy au Vesper <3
Tagging: (and if u were double tagged don’t worry about it ahdfg) @owletry @unluckyopossum
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lumberjack-halt · 4 years
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Ranger’s Apprentice AU: Dream teaches Sapnap how to commit crimes and George teaches him how to do them correctly
Gotta credit it @owletry for helping to put this AU into my brain lolol
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storm337 · 5 years
“Wait! Please— I’m sorry, just— wait.” ***platonic*** Remus and Roman sometimes you just need to apologize to your siblings
Patton gasps, a deep sound of horror as his lungs fill to capacity. Virgil visibly cringes, shrinking back into his hoodie and pulling the strings to hide his face. Logan has one eyebrow raised, but his eyes are wide with shock, disbelieving in what he’s just heard. Thomas bites his bottom lip, looking uneasily between him and Roman, who….
Who looks like he’s going to cry. 
“Wait-” Remus starts, reaching for his brother, but Roman sinks out before he can say anything else, vanishing back into the mindscape. 
Then it’s just the five of them, and all eyes are on Remus. It feels like getting up on stage to a play you never signed up for, and you don’t know what any of the lines are, and then the audience starts to throw knives at you and you’re pinned to the curtains as your blood pours down the stairs- 
“What the hell dude?!” Thomas snaps, and Remus shakes himself out of his thoughts, bewildered and dazed. It’s like a bug pinned under glass, but it’s still just him, and the needle is going straight through his heart and they’re all laughing at him as they watch him pitifully squirm to get free while bleeding out- 
“Stop it!” 
“I didn’t mean to,” Remus finally says, words but a hoarse whisper. The others look surprised, but he doesn’t stick around to find out what for. Remus sinks down, guilt heavy in his stomach like he ate broken glass. 
“Please- I’m- wait!” 
Roman runs from him, because of course he does, and Remus gives chase because he isn’t sure what else he’s supposed to do. Roman is faster, he always has been, and he makes it to his room long before Remus even turns the corner. He waits there, Remus knows, to watch him come around, to see the look on Remus’s face when he sees Roman slam the door shut. 
Maybe he should have been more focused on that, the clear indication that he’s not wanted, but Remus just remembers the sparkling tears rolling down his brother’s cheeks. 
“Wait!” He screams, even though the door is already closed, the chase already lost. “Wait! Please- I’m sorry, just- wait. Roman, I’m sorry!” 
No amount of banging on the door helps. No amount of screaming gets his brother to come out. Remus starts crying too, and he slumps against the wood, at a loss. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it- Roman I’m sorry…”
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