#owls of gahoole nyra
thesleeplessdream · 6 months
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So.. who was your first cartoon/animated crush? xD
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ottulissa-times · 10 months
I’m a big fan of Nyra’s design in the movies, but her eyes just kinda bugged me. The yellow is not terrible, but hypothetically what if she had regular barn owl eyes?
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The eyes are a pet peeve that’s probably been brought up before, and were done for emoting or somethin
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Really quick and low quality edits by me!
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feather--down · 1 year
Nyra portrait!
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arthurian-owls · 1 year
Was working on another analysis and like,,, can we talk about the fact that Nyra was probably groomed by the old High Tyto?????
"She had picked [Kludd] out when he was just a nestling. True, she was older, but what did it matter? She was not that much older. She had been so young when she was with the old High Tyto."
wee woo wee woo that's the sound of the police
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My blood for your safety
Nyra was viciously attacked by several owls of a specific breed and was saved by none other than her beloved husband, Metal Beak. He paid dearly for daring to disrupt his brethren during their hunt.
However, Nyra is safe and sound. And as long as that is the case, every wound would be worth it.
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worrysomegus · 1 year
WHY is nyra so hard to draw GNHGH
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anyway I'm only on book 7 but she is quickly becoming my favourite character I lvoe vher
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dllewiswriter · 2 years
Nyra is a beautiful Barn Owl from Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'hoole.
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arynowl · 6 days
#kludd #nyra #gahoole
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owlbabeart · 3 years
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Back on my owl shenanigans
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mossgroveart · 5 years
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hahaha. Bitch.
Wanted her to look like both the book and the movie rendition
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incorrectguardians · 5 years
Nyroc: If I died, how much would you miss me?
Nyra: It's cute that you think death can get you out of this family.
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And now we have some more simply lovely owls, and yes, thank you for asking, I did hate the movie designs why the fuck did they give Nyra makeup in the movie
Commission Info
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Nyra was no good in the movie. Yeah she was pretty but I wanted to make a more book accurate version of her (and species accurate)
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noquelle · 7 years
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Comission pack - Kludd Nyra and Coryn for 2 part of Legend of the Guardians
not official (fan art)
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The Lost Quill (Metal Beak/Surtr x Nyra x Unknown)
Summary: Nyra lost her quill and now searches for a solution. Luckily, her husband saves her, though he needed a bit of convincing to do so.
Characters: Lord High Tyto Metal Beak/Surtr, Queen Nyra
Relationship/s: Metal Beak/Surtr X Nyra X Unknown
Warnings: None
Important: I'm not a native English speaker, so please excuse any grammar and spelling mistake.
Nyra and her quills did not have a good relationship.
She lost them quite often and not rarely, they had disappeared for days and had reappeared in the most absurd areas. The forge, the kitchen, the training hall...heck, she even found one in the dining hall once!
Metal Beak has gotten...used to it.
By now, hearing the question "Where is my quill?" has become a part of his life. When Nyra needed to write something down, which, to her credit, was rare as she excellent memory, he knew that it would be asked the second she got her talon on a piece of paper.
And today, when it was early in the morning, it was no different.
"Surtr, my love. Where is the quill?"
Metal Beak sighed and looked up from where he was waxing his mask while drinking his cup of morning tea, his dominant talon, the right one, halting in its current movement. His seeing eye blinked, his pupil shrinking as it readjusted to the light of the room, which was dim since the sun has yet to rise, and the lit candles were few and far between.
"Again?" he asked, rising his bushy eyebrows. A nice touch on his, for Nyra, still very handsome face.
"Yes, again." The female hissed as she walked over to yet another nearby desk, searching through the drawers with hasty movements. "I swear it's around here somewhere. I wrote down some notes last night, so it has to be!"
"Are you certain that you have used your own?" Metal Beak asked, rising his eyebrows further. Nyra stopped in her tracks and shot him a look.
"Yes. Yes, I am." She shot back, beginning to grab the items within the drawer, putting them onto the wooden platform that was covered with a beautiful tablecloth in an attempt to finally find the missing quill. "I hardly doubt that our beloved would use one that is barely the size of MY talon. Let alone HIS!"
Metal Beak hummed, his eyelids lowering. Good argument.
"Very well. Where did you use it last?" He asked, finally setting the tools down, ready to help her to spare her hours upon hours of solo searching. Nyra stopped in her tracks, blinking as she tried to remember the events of yesterday night. It was a bit difficult, given that she had been so tired that she had fallen asleep on her chair. She could barely remember her husband forcing her to get up and go to bed.
"I...believe that I wrote something down at my workstation yesterday." She hummed, squinting her eyes. "That is when I recall last holding it. However, I'm unsure if I used it afterwards." She glanced at him, her golden/blue eyes meeting his golden ones. "Did you see it when you brought me to bed?"
Metal Beak stopped, trying to recall the state of the desk as he had pulled his beloved from her hobby. However, he could only shake his head. "No, my love. I have merely visited your workstation to get you to bed. I have not paid any attentions to the utensils laying on its surface." He answered, blinking when Nyra huffed in annoyance.
"The hagsmire! Where have I put it?" she hissed as she switched drawers, clicking it beak as she opened it to grab the key, her movements growing hastier as her rage grew. "I need it! The notes do not take themselves!"
"Can you not just take one of the hundred other quills that I have had made for you?" the Lord High Tyto asked, watching her storm over to the door that led to her workshop.
"If I could find one that works, yes!" she huffs as she unlocks the door and storms inside. Seconds later, he heard loud noises emitting from the dark room, telling him that she was now at the conjoined wooden desks, tearing through them to find it. Oh his beloved wife, he loved her, no matter how clumsy she was with her quills.
With a small, rare smile on his beak, he turned back to his mask, reaching for his cup to take a sip before reaching for his cloth. He continued to work on it for about 20 minutes before she stormed out of her workshop, still quill-less. The look on her face mirrored the frustration that she felt deep within her core.
"Did you find it?" he asked her, not looking up. He already knew the answer, but he could not help himself.
"No." she said bluntly, shaking her head. She sounded exhausted now, and since his face was hidden from her view, he did not even try to stop the smug grin that spread over his face. She walked over to him and lowered herself onto one of the many seats. "I cannot find anything in that mess."
"So you finally admit that you need to tidy up your workspace." he asked, finally lifting his head to glance at her again, his face back to normal.
"Surtr, it is not always like this." she pointed out, reaching for the teapot to pour herself a cup of tea. She needed it. "I am simply working on a project. Once it is done, I will return it to its clean state. But I simply cannot clean up every single time the night comes and I am in the middle of it. It would take me forever and would cause nothing but inconveniences."
"The illusion of delusion." he said, watching as she blew at the surface of the hot liquid before taking a careful sip.
"Not everyone can be so focused on keeping everything spotless." she shot back, though there was no real heat in her words. "As soon as you get a little bit of blood on any of your weapons or armor, you spend so much time cleaning it. I am surprised that you haven't scrubbed anything out of existence yet."
"I am merely focusing on keeping them presentable. I am the Lord High Tyto, Nyra. Appearance is important." he argued, watching her take another, longer sip. She closed her eyes as the taste, finally letting herself enjoy it. Beautiful. "Additionally, these blades were a gift from our beloved, and I do not want it to be soiled by an unworthy's blood."
Those words brought a genuine smile on her face and for a moment, everything was silent, the two owls mourning the absence of their beloved. While temporary, it still weighed heavily on them. However, it was soon interrupted by Nyra's soft, angelic sigh.
"Well, while I appreciate the small change in subject, it does not change that I require a quill for work today." she began, slurping a bit more of her tea. "And I still cannot find one of mine that works."
"Have you truly misplaced all of them?" Metal Beak asked in disbelief as he himself drank a little more. Nyra sighed and nodded with a troubled expression on his face.
"Yes, sadly I did." she admitted, her words accompanied by a soft nod. "They are...somewhere, spread throughout the entire palace. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them is in the dungeons."
He snorted, shaking his head. "A fortune for so many quills, and you have managed to lose all of them."
"My love, you bought 20, and I am constantly on the move. It is a little easer to lose quills for me than it is for you. Most of yours are here, in your private studies or in the throne room, after all. And if you DO take them with you, you attach them to your body as if they are a part of you." she argued, rolling her eyes as she reminded herself how overly careful her husband was with all of his possessions.
"Nyra, the reason I have rarely ever lost one is because I give each quill a purpose. I have four of them, one for here, one for my private studies, one for the throne room and one for on the move." he explained probably for the hundredth time, enjoying the look of utter annoyance that now became visible in her visible features. They had this conversation more often than she could count. "You, on the other hand, just take one quill, take it with you wherever you go with no order whatsoever. Additionally, you have this infuriating habit of setting them down on the nearest surface instead of strapping them to your body or to the list. This results in you forgetting them."
The look his wife gave him almost made him laugh. She looked downright enraged. "Surtr, you are my leader and my beloved husband, and I adore and respect you to the stars and back, BUT..." she took a deep breath, pressing her wings tightly against her side. "No, just no."
Metal Beak grinned smugly, unable to hide his expression this time. He had known that this reaction would follow his words, it always did. Nyra hated to be reminded of her bad habits, as few as they were. It irritated her, brought her blood to boil. This one in particular, though, angered her the most because it caused direct inconvenience.
"Your denial is exceptional." he snorted, drinking a bit more of his tea before he reached for the cloth again. He continued to work on his mask, listening to his wife's words as she continued to speak.
"And this old lecture annoying." she shot back, but there was no real heat in her words. "Can you not find any other response when we speak about this? Something more original? Or do you have to repeat yourself like the lyrics of an alcoholic's melody."
Metal Beak chuckled roughly, shaking his head, though this time, he did not look up. He had to get this done soon to be able to leave his quarters and get to work. The stacks of paperwork and the responsibility as a leader was not waiting for him, and he had to tackle the tasks before they would stack and become overwhelming. It happened once and he didn't want it to happen again, as this would not only take countless of hours of his already scarce free time but also prevented him to spend time with his beloveds. And that was something that REALLY irked him.
"Same old issue, same old lecture." he replied simply, rubbing off a speck of dirt that he oversaw earlier. "If you want to hear something new, create a new issue."
"You say this as if I purposefully create problems to make our lives harder." she said, giving him another one of those looks. He looked up again and grinned a little.
"Maybe." he teased her, and Nyra reached for a napkin to throw at him. Something she would NEVER do in the open, as she knew that the consequences would be severe then. But this was not public, this was their private life. They were not the Lord High Tyto and the Ablah General right now. They were simply husband and wife who loved and, occasionally, teased each other. 
He, of course, caught it and used it to wipe some liquid off of the side of his beak that had managed to escape, something he had to do quite often as the large missing part of upper beak made it quite difficult to drink and eat without slobbering like a hatching that has not yet figured out its body.
It had been embarrassing in the first few years, but by now, he and both of his beloveds were used to it. He just ate and drank with extra napkins.
Nyra rolled her eyes at the causal demonstration of his skills, a love drunk smile on her beak as he folded it and elegantly placed it beside the plate on which his teacup stood. She doesn't comment on it though. Not today at the very least, or else they wouldn't leave these quarters for a few more hours.
A several more minutes of silence followed in which Nyra tried to figure out what to do. She closed her eyes, her brow furrowing as she strained her big, highly intelligent brain in that pretty head. She reopened her eyelids when she came to a conclusion, eyeing her husband as he finished up the last bit of work on his mask. She waited a bit further, watching as he took another sip and wiping his broken beak before leaning back, enjoying the taste of the tea before he would drink a second one.
There were always two morning teas, one to wake up and one to get enough energy to actually start the day. It had been a routine she had ever since she knew him, and it had been consistent, even when he had to switch teas because there was not enough for the second round.
Once he leaned back forward again and grabbed the teapot, pouring the still boiling hot tea into his cup, she finally decided to speak, knowing that this conversation could become a little difficult now. Welp, she hoped she learned how to handle him in the last few years.
"Surtr, my love, my dear husband, I may have a solution to my problem." she began, eyeing him as his facial features twisted into one of interest. He lifted his head, now directly looking at her, the pupil of his non-blind eye focusing on her own.
"Oh? Speak then, my dearest wife." he asked as he tilted his head, his blind eye blinking rapidly. She loved when he did that, even if it was involuntarily. It was...almost cute. And she also loved to tease him about it.
"I want to borrow yours." she said, watching as his expression fell. Those were words he did not want to hear, and she knew it. However, she still continued.
"Nyra, don't." he said, almost immediately, his voice hard and cold. She could see him tensing in rage, ready to argue if he had to. It was always like this when someone mentioned "quill" as his mind always automatically assumed someone meant a very specific one. One that was maybe used once or twice a year, one that was special. One that Metal Beak protected with his life and soul.
"I don't mean the sacred one!" she huffed, trying to clear the air before he could become enraged. A reaction that might have seemed extreme to others who don't know the history, but she did, and as such, she did not blame him. "I have no interest in that! I don't want to be skinned alive by you and hung out there for the bats to eat me during the last hours of my life when I lose it! I'm talking about the one you use in your studies here!"
Those words immediately calmed him, and while he still didn't look particularly happy, the anger in his seeing eye faded. He straightened his back, prepared to listen to her. Nyra had to repress the huff of victory that wanted to escape her. "Go on." he demanded, taking the teacup and lifting it to his beak, taking a good sip while he waited for her to continue. She didn't waste any time.
"Okay, so." she shifted in her seat a little, taking a sip of her own tea. "My plan is borrow your quill that is here, in the studies of our private quarters, for today only. As soon as I'm done with my duties, you'll get it back and I'll continue to search for one of mine that actually works." She leaned back, watching as his eyes narrowed in thought. "It's only a temporary solution, but it's he only one I can think of that does not delay me in my duties. Plus, you don't need it today, as far as I am concerned."
"You are correct about the latter. I am planning to finish this week's paperwork today in the royal studies." the Greater Sooty Owl grunted, taking yet another sip of his still steaming cup. "However, I am...not pleased with knowing that it is you who is in possession of one of my precious, desperately needed quills."
"Surtr, it is only for a day. How likely is it for me to lose a quill in a day?" Nyra huffed, though she knew that she kind of played herself with that question. She only realized after he gave her a certain look, though.
"Very likely, my love. Very, very likely." he pointed out, ready to remind her of a particular incident. "Who lost three quills in the course of 20 hours two weeks ago and broke a fourth in the evening? I do recall it being you who..."
"Okay, okay! Fair point." the white barn owl huffed, taking a sip of her tea with a grumpy expression. She hated being called out like that. Metal Beak smirked. Ugh! That man...
"I just need it for one day. If it helps, I'll wear one of my necklaces and attach it to it to make sure that I won't lose it." Nyra continued, and it irked her that she was almost begging for it, but she didn't have any other choice. She really, really needed a quill today, she couldn't find one, and she had to leave in 30 minutes. Additionally, she still had to make herself presentable. Her feathers were a mess from sleeping and she had to redo some eyeliner. She was a mess, even though her husband would beg to differ.
She was as beautiful as ever.
Metal Beak sat in silence for a few seconds, clearly thinking about it. He wasn't a good sharer, mostly because almost every single thing he owned had sentimental value - the special quill is one of the most important ones - but he did let his spouses take a thing or two from him if they promised to return it as soon as possible. If they would lose something, all hagsmire would break lose. Metal Beak got angry quickly but it was hard to reach a point of absolute rage. Losing his things was one way to do it.
"Come on, Surtr. Please." There, she finally said it. It was surprising, even to herself. Metal Beak's eye widened and he lifted his head to stare at her intently once again, a spark of worry in his orb now.
Wow...his wife was truly desperate, wasn't she? Well, in that case, he couldn't say no. He didn't want her to be stressed out. Their days were stressful enough, especially due to the absence of their beloved. With a final sigh, he nodded, adjusting his position in his seat before he spoke.
"Very well. You can have it for today." he grunted, his heart skipping a beat when he saw the relieved smile on her beautiful Barn Owl face. Oh, how gorgeous she was. How had he gotten so lucky twice? He didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask in case this was just a tumble of fate. "But I expect it back by tonight!"
"You WILL get it back then!" Nyra laughed as she drowned the last bit of tea, jumped up, walked around the table to grab his face into one of her talons and pulled him close, pressing a long, hard kiss onto his broken beak. A jolt of pain shot through Metal Beak's scarred side as she accidentally brushed against exposed nerve strings, but instead of pushing her away, he pulled her closer and kissed her back, enjoying those few seconds of affection before she pulled back.
"I have to get ready too." she said, nuzzling against him. "I trust that I will see you tonight? At dinner?"
"Yes." the Lord High Tyto confirmed. "I shall send you a message as soon as I am done so we can meet. I am curious what you will prepare for us tonight."
"Oh, it'll be a pleasant surprise." the Queen chuckled as she walked towards another room, ready to make herself presentable for the hours to come. "I know that tonight, you will eat! It's too good to miss out! Even for you!"
"Those are powerful words coming from a powerful being." the Tenebricosa huffed, but there was a smile in his voice. There always was. "I hope that they align with the truth. It would be a shame if I would believe a lie."
Nyra laughed, and her melodic voice echoed through the private quarters of the High Tyto and his mate. Metal Beak's smile widened. "They do, my love. They do." she purred, glancing through the doorway before she winked at him.
The Lord High Tyto chuckled roughly before he took the last sip of his tea as well, swallowing the now cooled liquid before he hoisted himself up with a grunt. He grabbed his mask, carefully putting it on and securing it before reaching for his battle claws, putting them on as well, flexing his digits afterwards before setting his talons back down. "We will see." he hummed, walking over to her so she would not have to break off her morning routine. He had already finished his, long before the tea had been prepared. He pressed another kiss to her beak, picking a stray feather out of her neck. "However, now, I have to leave. I shall see you tonight."
"Very well. I will see you then. I trust the quill is on the table?" she asked, unwilling to pull away, though she knew she had to.
"Yes." he agreed, taking a step back as son as he was free of her grasp. "When you return, just put it back there. I trust you, Nyra, don't disappoint me."
"I won't." The response was immediate, hard, stern. She meant it. She wouldn't disappoint him. This quill would be back by tonight.
He gave her a nod, his beak stretching to the edges of his face. Then, finally, he turned around and left, disappearing out of the entrance and walking past the two guards on duty, who bowed their heads upon the sight of their powerful leader. Metal Beak nodded at them, then, he continued his way down the hallway, making his way to the royal studies.
Meanwhile, Nyra continued with her morning routine, cleaning herself before grabbing the eyeliner, applying it in front of the elegant mirror. Then, she redid her markings, cleaned and sharpened her claws and slickened back the unruly feathers on her head, picking out the few that were lose. It didn't take long for her to be done, and once she was, she took one last glance into the mirror. She let out a pleasant hum at the sight of her beautiful form, a smirk of pride coming to her face before she turned and made her way towards the private studies of Metal Beak's private quarters.
She opened the door and stepped inside, walking to the other side of the room and pushing the curtains open so the light of the early morning sun could brighten the usually dark room. Once she did that, she walked over to the desk and grabbed the quill that was neatly kept in a small holder that had been handmade by their beloved.
She put it into her beak, holding it carefully before she left the room as well. She grabbed her clipboard which she had left on the drawer yesterday and attached it to it, putting it underneath her wing and securing it there before, too, approaching the entrance, opening the door before closing it behind her, locking it. Upon the sight of their queen, the guards bowed to greet her as well, who caused her to copy her husband's movement. She began to walk away, aiming for the yard where the soldiers were most likely already waiting for her.
 And so, the day of the Lord High Tyto and his beloved began. Hours of work were to be done, and they were carrying their own responsibility each. However, they knew that tonight, they would be reunited, and then, they would be able to spend time together.
And maybe, their beloved would take part too, even though right now, he was only able to do so through letters.
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shrikeicee · 3 years
For the owl au
i’m probs just gonna Loosely follow the normal guardians of gahoole plot but it’ll be funnier cause this is turning into a a comfort au lol time to whip out a plot summary uhhhhhhhh
big spoilers for guardians of gahoole!!!
so tommy is soren (kind of) and dream is nyra/kludd, dream pushed tommy out of the nest and tommy got taken to st aggies where he met tubbo, a borrowing owl. they also meet wilbur who watches over the library and flecks and he teaches him how to fly and escaped with them, so basically grimble except he doesn’t die. brother figure: acquired.
they flee to the great gahoole tree where they meet ranboo, techno, whose kinda of like ezylryb, and everyone else
tommy gets weather interpretation chaw so techno teaches him, wilbur gets navigation chaw??? idk i think he’d like it, and tubbo gets gahoology cause in this au the tree has bees :D
and then that’s all i have so far cause i barely remember the plot and i just finished rereading the second book n i’m bouta start the third
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