jheman-10 · 11 months
“My Reflection”
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"Paradise Lost” by John Milton is undeniably a timeless and fascinating work. The way of Milton’s writing, the process by which he finishes this piece, and how he digs deeply into human free will, temptation, and the consequences of choice through the story that can be found in the first book of the Bible. The story of Milton revolves around the critical moment when our ancestral parents’ Eve and Adam are deceived by Satan, who, in disguise, is a lovely serpent. The serpent defied God's word and ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge first to make his victims believe, and he succeeded. Even though most people thought it was an apple, it's more likely to be the appeal of morally gray temptations we call "forbidden fruit."
Milton's work is more likely to place emphasis on the idea that their fall was inevitable, emphasizing that they have the power for refusal, demonstrating that they had a choice. The choice they made, often referred to as "the fall," marks humanity's departure from God's will. The poem explores Satan's story of a fallen angel seeking revenge against God. Milton's work challenges the idea that the fall was inevitable, like death, if we are to compare our time. Given their dominion over the entire Earth save for this one ban, Eve and Adam possessed the ability to resist temptation. Milton attempted to explain the ‘means of God' by depicting how humans had the ability to resist temptation but chose not to, culminating in 'the fall' from God's favor, a moment of tremendous consequence for all of humanity. We are still faced with dilemmas in our day, and subsequently, it is up to us what decision we are going to make because we know the repercussions and may bear the brunt of those consequences. Every action and decision we make has a result and consequence. That is why we must be mindful of our actions.
"Paradise Lost" gives a comprehensive account of Satan’s background and nature as an angel who was once the highest angel in the realm of heaven but eventually rebelled against God out of envy and was banished to Hell. Satan's determination to lead Adam and Eve astray stems from his vengeful desire to hurt God. In the way he made God’s precious creature suffer and punish God for his own exile, as encapsulated by his declaration that it is "better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven," Milton's ageless epic serves as an exploration of one of the greatest God’s gifts for us: free will. The ongoing conflict between good and evil and the implications of our decisions in a world rich with ethical issues and ethical dilemmas. It is nonetheless a fascinating look at the complexity of human nature, woven into the rich fabric of religious symbolism.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 8 months
i’m not jgy’s biggest fan but even the premise that he could be only interpreted as a heartless evil man is just so. uninteresting? it would make the story so profoundly boring. why would anyone read that unless the only thing they cared about was wangxian…….. wait—
it is the least interesting possible interpretation of his character and his actions, isn't it? that he was just evil from the get-go and everyone else around him was duped into believing a lie. it's not only boring, but also too easy, imo, particularly in a book like mdzs where public perception decides what gets the privilege of being fact. we see it happen to wwx first, and then wwx draws an explicit parallel between his ownexperiences and those of the jianghu's new scapegoat, jgy.
but i mean, if all the jgy antis (and let's be real, jc antis too, probably) care about is wangxian finally getting their happily ever after, then who cares about whether the principle antagonist's motivations were more complex than an initial, shallow reading of the text would suggest? 🫠
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Topic: Porn andSexual Experience Process: All student work for the project is individual. 1) Students will be randomly assigned a Research Topic bythe instructor (see below). 2) Each student must research the topic and complete theSources Activity by the due date. 3) Each student must write the Reflection. Project Requirements 1)Part 1– Sources Activity. 10 points (Due date: February 27, 2022 at 4:00pm)- One Page paper-250-300 words). 2) Part 2-Written Reflection. 10 points (Due date: March 12, 2022 at 5:00pm)- 3 pages paper – Minimum: 500 wordsMaximum 600 words Research Topics use the questions to develop ideas fordirecting your research you do not need to answer all of these questions andyou may also discuss issues you come up with that are clearly related to yourtopic.   Part 1– Sources Activity. 10 points (Due date: February 27, 2022 at 4:00pm) Topic: Porn and Sexual Experience Gathering Sources: All student work is individual. One Page paper – 250-300 words) 1. Source Relevance: Find 1 source relevant to your topic.Do not ask me to vet your source you must judge whether it fits the criteriaand is relevant. 2. Source Quality: Sources must be from a peer-reviewed journals, booksor articles by professional academics, or reputable journalists and news publications.Book reviews are not sufficient. 3. Author Qualifications: Identify the authorsqualifications for writing about this topic. This might require research tofind out about the author. Do not use a source thatdoes not have an identifiable author. 4. Source Information: Identify the author, title, date, andpublication information. If you cannot find this information, do not use thesource. 5. Citation Format: Cite your sources in APA style. Use theNorth Carolina State University Citation Builder if you need help. You can findthe citation builder at: http://lib.ncsu.edu/citationbuilder .     Summary and Explanation: Read your source entirely. In your own words, summarizeyour source, making 1-3 key points explaining how it relates to your topic. Youdo not need to answer the topic questions, but they can give you ideas aboutrelevant issues. DO NOT simply copy the abstract from the article. Length 250-300 words. Format: In one document, labelled and laid out with the boldheadings below – do not include the material that is not bolded. Improperformat = point deduction. Part 1: State the topic and explain how your articleis relevant to it. One or two sentences is sufficient for this. (2 points) Part 2: Source Citation, Qualifications, Summary andExplanation a. citation (2 points – complete and correct citation.) b. authors qualifications (2 points – authors professionaltitle, place of employment, area of expertise.) c. summary and explanation. (4 points 250-300 words)   Part 2-Written Reflection. 10 points (Due date: March 12, 2022 at 5:00pm) Instructions Guideline Topic: Porn andSexual Experience PornographyProject Reflection Guidelines: Given thewidespread influence of pornography on contemporary culture and its availabilityto young people, how would you evaluate pornographys influence on your ownexperience? Use the philosophical ideas and concepts we have been working within your answer. Demonstrate your knowledge of materials we have read in thecourse and of the research you did for the porn project. An evaluation asks youto take a stand as to the benefits or harms of porn on your experience. Makesure to provide reasons for your claims. You mayconsider any of the following (or some idea of your own): How doeswatching porn influence personal sexual experience?   Do people develop specific sexual desiresbased on viewing porn? How might this affect sexual experience? Do people cometo appreciate and/or regret the influence of porn on their sex-lives?   What factors motivate people to want to trycertain sexual acts? How does porn influence these factors? How does this playout differently depending on gender differences? Has pornshaped your desires? If so, how? Has
this been positive or negative or both?Hw? How hasporn shaped the desires of your romantic or sexual partners? Has this beenpositive or negative or both? How? How hasporn shaped your peer-groups attitudes and expectations about sex? Do you tryto keep up with your friends in ways that are influenced or determined bystandards set by porn? How hasporn affected your ideas and feelings about gender? Do you want or expectcertain things because you identify as masculine, feminine, non-binary, gay,lesbian, trans, queer, two-spirited, or questioning? How are you views aboutothers gender identifications shaped by porn?   How does porn affect your ideas about sexualintegrity, sexual equality, and/or sexual intimacy? Do standards of integrity,equality, and intimacy apply to porn? Should they? Write incomplete sentences and paragraphs. (Points will be deducted if there is noproper paragraphing.) Use propergrammar. Capitalize the pronoun I. Develop an explanation, argument, or point of view ratherthan a random list of points. Show knowledge of course material rather thansimple expression of personal opinion.  Minimum: 500 words Maximum 600 words Typed,double-spaced, 14 point font, Arial or Times New Roman. No illustrations,colour, images, etc. Format: Word. (No PDF or alternate formats) The file will be automatically scanned by SafeAssignto check for Academic Integrity. The SafeAssign results will be availableto you and show you how much of your work overlaps other documented material(often its also a good indicator of the overuse of quoted material which padsthe word count).        Youshould also check your SafeAssign results – if you have a matching score ofmore than 20% (and if it is not just due to matches from the reference list ortitles, such things can be ignored even if they inflate your score) you mayneed to edit and re-submit.         ORDER THIS PAPER NOW. 100% CUSTOM PAPER CategoriesAPA 7th edition, English Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post navigation Previous PostPrevious chap 7&8 essayNext PostNext Family history
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awkwardweirdo6 · 5 years
Nun ja. Wie fängt man einen Text über eine so beschissene Krankheit an.
Diabetes ist absolute scheisse und man kann sich nicht vorstellen wie beschissen es ist. Ich bin ehrlich gesagt froh, dass ich sowas nicht habe. Aber tatsächlich versuche ich Menschen zu verstehen die mit sowas leben müssen, da ich diese Krankheit im Freundeskreis Tag für Tag miterlebe.
Wenn du einen Menschen kennen lernst und er dir nach ein paar mal sehen berichtet, dass er an Diabetes erkrankt ist weiß man tatsächlich im ersten Moment nicht so recht was man sagen soll. „Oh cool!“ wäre ja mal total unangebracht aber „oh nein tut mir leid!“ ist nicht wirklich besser. Tatsächlich habe ich diese Leute gefragt ob’s Okey ist wenn ich darüber nichts weiß und ein paar Fragen stellen. Für diese Menschen ist es scheinbar Okey wenn man sich dafür interessiert. Sie haben mir jede noch so blöde Frage beantwortet. Manchmal sogar drüber gelacht, weil ich so unwissend war. Was ja nicht schlimm ist. Jedoch hab ich nie verstanden wenn man gesagt hat „Aua! Pass bitte an der Nadel auf“ oder „Man ey! Mein Sensor tut weh“. Ich kenne dieses Gedühl nicht. Irgendwann dachte ich mir ich möchte das mal selbst spüren wie das ist wenn man eine Nadel im Bauch hat und und eine kleine aber schwer Pumpe an einem dünnen Schlauch da dran hängt.
Heute war tatsächlich der Tag der Tage an dem ich das mal ausprobieren konnte. Ich hasse es mir eigentlich Nadeln in meinen Körper zu stechen. Aber alleine schon, weil ich unbedingt dieses Gefühl mal erleben wollte habe ich mich getraut. Es ist schon ein blödes Gefühl wenn man sich alle 3-4 Tage so ne blöde Nadel jedes Mal in den Bauch stechen muss. Aber so schlimm wie es beim Arzt, wenn man eine Impfung bekommt oder Blut abgenommen bekommt, ist es gar nicht. Die Nadel ist ganz dünn und tat kaum weh. Nur Überwindung hat es mich gekostet sich selbst zu stechen. Ich versuche jetzt mal 24h mit der Nadel im Bauch zu verbringen. Klar kann ich mir jetzt noch immer nicht vorstellen, wie es ist zu niedrig oder zu hoch Zucker zu haben. Aber ich finde es ist mal eine Erfahrung wert! Alleine drauffassen fühlt sich schon sehr unangenehm an. Drauf liegen ist auch echt blöd.
Natürlich durfte ich mir jetzt von den ersten Leuten schon anhören, ob ich das cool finde oder lustig. Nein! Finde ich es nicht aber wenn ich mal die Möglichkeit habe sowas mal selbst zu erfahren und ich danach die Menschen wenigstens etwas mehr verstehen kann, dann ist es mir sowas wert.
Fazit: Diese Krankheit ist einfach nur scheisse. Kinder die in der Welt kein Geld für Insulin oder Nadeln haben müssen sterben und sowas macht mich unfassbar traurig. Diabetes ist bis heute noch unheilbar. Man kann mit dieser Krankheit leben, jedoch beeinträchtigt es den Alltag schon. Ist man im Unterzucker kann man nicht einfach aufstehen, rausgehen und ne Runde joggen. Man muss auf einige Dinge achten. Aber man kann lernen mit Diabetes zu leben. Es ist kein Weltuntergang.
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dsgiri · 3 years
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My mentor, came to my life at a point when I was going through 'the hardest of a life situation, and at a point in which I realised that life is not gonna go according to my plan. It was a shock, It was panicking, It was upsetting And It was the start... Of long long days of sickness and depression.
It was as if I turned my path into a dark tunnel suffocating due to lack of life, Strangling due to lack of fresh air, And confusing due to lack of light...
Amid a bunch of loving caring companions, who were helplessly watching me walking away... There he came... Without speaking, without directing,... He just touched the core of my thoughts...
On one of the chilling cold January evenings in Delhi, he fell into the darkest corners of my heart, with the warmth of a thousand sunrises... But, Alas! I didn't see him...
I was so deep sunk... Under the dense geysers of something, life never wanted me to be in. I was closing my eyes or my vision was blurred to see what is in/with me.. the thousand warm hands spread open, just for me to embrace .....
Time passed and I walked, with the wounds almost healed (from outside), with the aches 'sometimes' unbearable(from inside)... Still, with that one who was walking with me, waiting for me to embrace the caress waiting for ages...
once again, at some point when the situation started questioning my existence... this time, the light glared SO Heavily, that I couldn't avoid noticing it... I looked, smiled,..and just fell into the thousand arms spread opened..just for me to embrace...  
It held me tight and brought my defunct thoughts to life... And it said, "I waited for all these years, for you to notice me. I brought you light So that you escape the darkness... so that I can see you... I want to see you, feel you and be you... inseparably you... and see... We are finishing the trip through this dark tunnel now... See... It is not the cold lifeless evening where we first met... It is the bright sunny day you always dreamed of... See... I too travelled all the way through this darkness, with you, for you... See... Our journey together was not bad, is not bad, will never be bad"
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pauliary · 4 years
The Smell Of Thyme
Eyes closed, legs crossed, cold hands pressed against each other.
Tick-tack, tick-tack, the only sound to hear besides the heartbeat.
A candle flickers as the smell of thyme rises up, and the light of the flame dances, encouraged by a lonely blast of fresh, humid air.
A sudden movement disturbs the harmony - it’s a cat, a while&black creature chasing the flower petals, which escaped their box as if they were tired of remaining in the same position for so long... as if they were remembering the cold nights and hot days outside, still connected to Mother Nature, still a l i v e.
The smell of a dying flame bites your nose.
It’s over. The gates are closed.
You open your eyes, feeling as if you were taking your very first breath after diving for too long.
You stretch, move your stiffen fingers, stroke the soft fur on the cat’s head and let down the protective wall around you.
A smile curls up your lips, your eyes laugh.
It’s going to be okay.
Now you know it for sure.
- Redwinemagic
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rajaashish · 4 years
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#Karma Karma says.... When people say you ... We love you & care you .. तो बहुत खुश कभी भी मत होना... Because , It is not necessary that they do it, the main question is how long this love and care will be for me. क्योंकि लोग तो थोड़े ही समय में सीजन की तरह बदल जाते है। ' ' ' ' ' #KumarAshishOfficial #KAOfficial #BelieveYourself #OwnExperience #LogToKahteHiHai #lovemyself https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdEfdTHU4J/?igshid=55g3wnlrvii2
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Be you 100% #pawsitivityunleashed #beyou #ownexperience #workofart #life #youcreateyourownreality #youfirst #motivateyourself #valueyourself #anyone #dontletanyonetellyouotherwise #experiment https://www.instagram.com/p/CANWWEipKbF/?igshid=orsb1ngis12o
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#lesson #lessonlearned #lessonslearnedinlife #lessons #lessonslearned #experience #experiences #observing #observingothers #observe #ownexperience #junkfood #food #foodporn #foodpornography #junkfoodvegan #junkfoods #veganjunkfood #foodie #foodiesofinstagram #foodies #scribblestories #scribblesofwomen #scribblersworld #scribblesthatmatter #scribblers https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Ez2P7HH3w/?igshid=1w7wjbdg71fr4
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My quotes - 7 #myquotes #lifequotes #timeplays #pastworld #memories #oldentimes #nothing #experience #ownthoughts #creatingsomething #editing #Photoshop #texts #storiesbehindthings #untoldstories #sharingofthoughts #connectingfollowers #forthefollowers #ownexperience #actualthing #gradient #quotesoftheday #instadaily #kishore_kumar_120198 @thegoodquote @love.quotes @quotesndnotes @quotes.of.thoughts @maryanne50ans (at M.M.D.A colony) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSewBLlPU9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cd0vw29id9n0
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In order to really understand our campaign, it seems only right to do our own market research. As a group, we went to McDonalds and and ordered food that would give us a variety of packaging to work with.
I am partial to a fast food feed every now and again , however , i forget how awful I'm left feeling after every visit. I feel greasy, bloated and sick. The visibly artificial cheese and processed meat always seems strangely appealing with the salty, delicious guilt it brings . 
The irony of artificial is all too familiar. Fast food is cheap and convenient - however bad (for our bodies). Just as a trip to Primark or H&M is cheap and convenient -however bad (for sustainability.)
This trip has left me with much to consider about what I put in and on my body!
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willenlightened · 7 years
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In #illness #mind got #thoughts #uncontrollably resulted in #headache So if in #normal #life you think uncontrollably admit that you are #mentally ill And start #meditate #ownexperience #ownthoughts
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dsgiri · 3 years
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He  was not looking for someone to stroke his ego or to complete him. He was the creator and he knew, how to design the life he desired. He was whole in himself...
She, was the self guarded woman Who never felt a void in herself. She never wanted someone to make her feel whole She knew how to dream and How to pursue her dream She...  was a fighter
Then one fine day The man met the woman They felt an instant connection with each other They evoked the thought of a higher purpose of their lives in the other one.. She dreamed and pursued He guided and designed
And A beam of light A stream of fresh air A red thread of Destiny Always connected them
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Katy Perry also choose Positano and Amalfi for a sailing holiday lately. Everyone loves the Amalfi Coast, Vip and not! Rent your affordable yacht and live your own experience!
Web Site: https://goo.gl/nInyVK
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txjessy · 2 years
I am honored to guest blog for Jessy! May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I am privileged to support Jessy as she brings awareness and support for anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I want to be transparent about my ownexperiences with mental health. I have suffered at some time in my life from each of the above conditions. I have also been…
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kailasakashi · 3 years
Kashi - Ramakrishna paramahamsa
#GracefulExit #kashienlightenmaster
It is traditionally believed that if somebody dies or somebody’s body is burnt in that area, they will be liberated. They will have direct enlightenment.It is not just a traditional belief. 
The enlightened master Ramakrishna Paramahamsa  confirms it with his ownexperience.  
He says, ‘I saw very clearly  Shiva  himself going near every burning body, taking the soul, unclutching it from the body-mind and liberating it!
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