#ozpin bashing
lunatriense · 3 months
Ozpin is the definition of asleep at the wheel.
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So volume 2 pretended Ironwood was bad for literally no reason too, good to know.
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soapofbar · 1 year
the staff of creation is really bad because it makes everyone who was even slightly aware of it's existence look like an idiot but it especially makes Ozpin look like an idiot because he literally could've solved his problems at any point he had it and the lamp.
You have a lamp which can answer any question about past or present knowledge and you have a staff which can make anything as long as you have a blueprint for it. Even if Oz isn't personally smart enough to figure out how to make some kind of cage for Salem he could just, ask Jinn.
Oz: "Hey Jinn, how can I use the Staff of Creation to stop anyone from entering or exiting the continent Salem lives on?"
Jinn: detailed instructions
Oz: "Hey Ambrosius, build that."
instead we made rich people float, and I don't think that was ever explained why.
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howi99 · 5 months
Ren: ... Someone is approaching!
JNPRR: *readying their weapons*
Tyrian: *jumping from one of the houses* Oh? I see i was expected, wasn't i? *Giggle*
Jaune: *eyes flash to brown* Damn it, just what we needed. A psychopath with too much time on his hands. What are you here for? *Point crocea mors at Tyrian*
Tyrian: Aw~ you want to be the one i play with? Too bad! I'm here for the girl. *Point at Ruby* But... You intrigue me. You seem to know of me?
Jaune: *eyes flashing to blue* I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know who you are, but i can say that you will regret going against u-
Tyrian: *with a lot of agility, goes on the offense, trying to cut Jaune leg, which he blocks with difficulty* Good~ you know how to use that shield of yours.
Ruby: Jaune! *Shoot at Tyrian, who parries each bullet without too much difficulty* Don't be this impatient little one, i'll be here soon~ *leap to Ruby using Jaune shield as a platform to get himself more momentum* Missed me? *Use multiple attack to try disarming Ruby*
Pyrrha: No you won't! *Use her semblance to remove Tyrian weapons from his hand*
Tyrian: *cackling* You think this will help you? *Dodge Nora's attack* Woah there! Almost got my head!
Nora: *gritting her teeth* That's the idea! *While continuing to put pressure on Tyrian, Ruby uses Electric Dust to boost nora* Take that! *Hit him square in the chest, making him fly through the clocktower*
Pyrrha: You got him?
Tyrian: *maniacally laughing* Oh! That's what they call a homerun! *Dash quickly from the tower, kicking Nora in the guts, breaking her aura*
Ren: NORA! *Goes to her, looking if she is alright*
Tyrian: *shrug* Toys aren't as durable as they used to be i see.
Jaune POV
//Use my power//
Jaune: *blinking* What? Wasn't that-
//concentrate and imagine a gust of wind//
Jaune: *panicking* Who are you? What's going on?
//*sigh* Of all the host why must i have gotten a chatty one that i can't switch place with. You have magic. Trust me, point at your ennemis and imagine a guat of wind. Or fire. Or anything that will hurt him. I'll take charge of the difficult part//
Jaune: Your voice, aren't you-
// yes, it's me, Ozpin. Now stop asking questions and save your friend.//
Jaune: ... *Nod, then concentrate on making a ball of fire*
// By the gods, with how much aura you have, you could almost be a mage.//
Return to the fight
Tyrian: *fighting both Pyrrha and Ren by himself* You are good, but you both are still lacking in technique and bloodlust!
Jaune: *opening his eyes* FIRE!
*a ball of fire around the size of a basketball goes straight to Tyrian face*
Tyrian: *jumping out of the blast trajectory* Well well well! I even found you at the same time!
Jaune: *panting like if he ran 5 miles* That *huff* was *huff* really hard!
// well, i did just wake up. It's difficult to transform aura into magic, you know!? Gee... Anyway, you should dodge//
Jaune: What? *Sees Tyrian stinger going straight for his throat* OH GOD! *Deflect the stinger away clumsily with a shield bash*
Tyrian: *smiling* Now what should i do? Should i take the girl? Or the ghost?
Qrow: *descending from the sky, attacking Tyrian with his scythe* How about neither, pal?
Tyrian: *dodging with a somersault* Hm... Maybe i should get serious? I am disarmed and now the crow has finally shown himself.
Qrow: Kids! Leave the area! I'll take him on!
Ruby: Uncle Qrow!
Qrow: *turning to Ruby* Now!
//He does have a point, you all are keeping him down and it would be wiser to leave for now//
Jaune: *nods* Let's go team! You heard him!
NPR: *nods at Jaune*
Ruby: But he needs our-
Qrow: *still attacking and dodging Tyrian* I can't fight at my best with you here! Go, now!
//He needs to be alone to use his semblance against an enemy//
Jaune: Ruby! Believe in your uncle damn it!
Ruby: ... Fine.
Qrow: *rejoining team JNPRR* He got away. But he shouldn't be going against us for now.
_NPRR: *looking intensely at Qrow*
Jaune: ... Hey, you old sack of feathers, when i was recovering, it didn't come to you it would be nice to tell me i had a ghost in me!?
Qrow: *Wincing* To be fair, i didn't know how to tell you the information.
Nora: And you didn't tell us he could use magic!
Qrow: ... No, that's news to me too.
Jaune: *sigh* the voice in my head is telling me it shouldn't be possible, but with how much aura i have and my semblance-
Ren: You discovered your semblance?
Jaune: *shake his head* Apparently it regenerated my aura so we are assuming here.
Pyrrha: Go on.
Jaune: Well, basically Ozpin can channel his magic through my aura, making it far more potent than it would normally be.
Qrow: ... Does that mean-
Jaune: Before you ask, yes, that apparently makes me like one of the maidens.
My first try at putting more action in a scene, though i did cut the fight in the middle since there wasn't going to be much dialogue and i'm not the best at representing a scene, so multiple would be hard af lol.
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howlingday · 25 days
RWBY as Bo Burnham
Summer: I wasn't sure about leaving him alone with my girls, but then I noticed his facial hair. Phew~!
Oobleck: I believe there is nothing more manly than five men showering together. It's true! Look back through the ages to our ancestry to the days of Cro Magnum, all wandering through the fog and scrubbing each other's backs. No homo~.
Jaune: Yeah, I wrestled in Beacon and there was this one match that I lost... my virginity~.
Cardin: Fellas, don't you hate it when you're blowing a dude and he turns out to be gay?! UGH! You mean I've been blowing a gay dude this whole time?! THIRD TIME THIS WEEK!
Ren: In the name of the father, son, and holy ghost, heads, shoulders, knees, and toes, turn up your nose, strike that pose! Eyyy, macarena~!
Nora: Woo!
Ren: Fuck you!
Yang: Don't act like you're ahead of me! I will maintain my advantage over you! I still hold the element of surprise! (Tugs cheeks) BLEH~!
Weiss: Thank you, that's called "Dad".
Blake: I'm...
Blake: ...horny.
Pyrrha: What did I do last night~?
Penny: According to my calculations, and let me crunch the numbers one more time- Yep! You're a pussy!
Whitley: What?
Winter: I'm sorry!
Whitley: I'm not.
Qrow: Women are stupid! (Crowd cheers)
Cinder: And I masturbate because I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to FUCK ME!
Kali: Tell me what you think of this; professional writer, actor, producer, director, dancer, crab fisherman, slut~!
Ilia: I put a chameleon on a red dildo~!
Oscar: Where are all the sour patch parents~?
Mercury: Haters gonna hate. Lovers gonna love. You need to reject both sides of the spectrum and find a healthy middle.
Emerald: Everyone hates moist. It's unoriginal. And it's stupid. And stop saying that like it's interesting. My least favorite word, by the way, is INJUSTICE.
Neo: I feel like shit~!
Neos: OH SHIT~!
Neo: Feelin' like a saggy, massive sack of shit~!
Neos: Oh! Shit!
Neo: Big ol' motherfuckin' duffel bag of shit~!
Neos: Oh... Shit...
Ozpin: Ah, yes, Hamlet! Shakespeare! Yes! The young prince whose father died at the hands of his uncle with whom his mother lied. Sound familiar? IT'S THE FUCKING LION KING!
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bestworstcase · 2 months
In general I'm far more partial to your thoughts on whatever Ruby & Yang's dad is up to than the fanon-consensus fall vault guard angle, though I do wonder about, say: Oz having the crown stashed somewhere outside said vault so whomever else is in on this could play keep-away with it. Of course that has no shortage of logistical drawbacks, though Raven sort of rejoining the fold does open up handy rapid-evac options so long as Salem doesn't catch her directly. Still, the 'dragon dad has totes noble rational Reasons, not that deep' conclusion does seem damn simplistic.
tbh i think the fanon presumption that tai MUST be guarding the crown is equal parts
1. the fandom completely failing to engage seriously with the (very obvious by now) factor of summer rose being alive – by which i mean, a huge swath of the fandom has grokked she’s still around in some capacity and treats this as little more than a trivial detail meant to twist the knife for ruby (and to a lesser extent, yang) in a shocking way, rather than, you know, the load-bearing pillar it clearly is in this given how her fate has been one of the central narrative questions since the beginning. which is to say that i think a lot of people are just brushing past the possibility that tai’s absence in vacuo is directly related to summer being at beacon, because they’ve either not added two and two to figure out where she is or they have but don’t consider that to be salient to the question of tai’s motives.
2. kneejerk backlash to the cyclical tai parenting discourse, with people who read him as a decent-to-good father getting defensive in reaction to the discussions that circulated after B4 revealed that his whereabouts are more or less unknown. it does in fact look Really Bad for tai to not be in vacuo for unclear reasons! which is why the subset of fans who read him as a good parent were predisposed to assume that he has a justifiable, crucial reason to stay in vale, namely guarding the crown. and then any other speculation on the subject of why he isn’t in vacuo was instantly conflated with the tai-is-neglectful reading and thence dismissed out of hand as "character bashing."
eyeroll. the point being, i think this defensive reflex toward tai resulted in a lot of people circling the wagons around the first snap assumption they made even though tai guarding the crown doesn’t make a whole lot of sense even if one accepts the fanon presupposition that he’s The Best Dad.
because he quit working for ozpin after summer disappeared (and to judge by the 9.10 flashback, didn’t have much respect for oz before that!) – we know this because,
it’s a notable enough change for ruby to comment on it when tai starts going on missions again; he’s been off active huntsman duty for over a decade, meaning he wasn’t taking any assignments from oz during this time (which is a point in his favor re: the question of his parenting and i think it’s really funny that people in the “good dad” camp were the loudest voices pointing out that tai clearly wants nothing to do with ozpin right up until the boba incident)
ruby and yang had no idea that ozpin had any particular connection to their family beyond having been headmaster when their parents were in school; they didn’t even know that qrow worked for him. tai kept him so much at arms length that he was just a random public figure to the girls.
tai is explicitly not involved in glynda’s effort to reclaim beacon, nor do port and oobleck seem to have any expectation that he should or will be once yang is back on her feet. they’re his friends, but there is zero professional or collegial relationship.
and frankly after tai watched his team implode and lost not one but two of his loves at least indirectly because of ozpin, why in hell would he want anything to do with that man ever again? did we forget him seething at qrow in v3? did we forget how palpably he wanted to just smack ozpin in IQ? hello?? if we’re starting from “tai is a loving dad who would move mountains for his kids” then i simply do not believe he’d stay in vale while qrow led ruby to round two with salem just because that’s what ozpin’s “in case i die” plan said he should do. like that’s flat nonsense.
the only way i could even consider that as a possibility with any seriousness is if i were convinced that tai straight up just Didn’t Care That Much about his kids, because that kind of coldly pragmatic decision-making—i’ll let my teenage children fight on the front lines while i putter around home keeping an eye on things for a dead man, because the crown is the most important thing—does not track with a man who gives a shit about his kids.
but i think tai does in fact care a lot about his kids, however dysfunctional the family relations may be, so like
the explanation that makes the most sense to me is that he figured out summer was alive and with salem in some capacity sometime in v2-3 and he’s been torn between the two sides of his family ever since. does he go after ruby or does he try to save summer? <- isn’t that a lot more balanced. a lot more understandable. potentially a lot more sympathetic, depending upon exactly what the circumstances are and how much he’s learned. for him to be Just Some Guy having to choose between His Kids and His Wife?
like?? i firmly believe that if the good-parent-tai crowd hadn’t immediately dismissed every other theory besides dragon-guarding-the-crown as hysterical character bashing then within a few weeks at most someone in that camp would’ve remembered that tai fucking hates ozpin and they would’ve eventually landed on “oh. duh. he’s staying in vale for summer” – because it is both obvious and casts him into a much more tragic, sympathetic light versus the stiff upper lip sorry kids it’s for the greater good crown guard angle.
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madman479r · 11 months
Jaune laid on his bed, a comic of X-Ray & Vav, a cold soda beside him and the warm sunlight through the window. Today was one of the few times he had him personal time alone. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends and team but growing up in a home of 10 people can leave a person, especially a young man, wanting some alone time.
Jaune sighed, feeling peace and tranquillity. Nothing could spoil this mo-
"Heyfearlessleaderyouwouldnotbelievethedayihaddidyouknowsapcanbereallystickyandhardtogetoutofhairifanyoneknocksdontletthemit!" Nora burst into the room, nearly breaking the door off its hinges and slammed the door the door just as quickly, speaking a mile a minute, not even stopping for breath as she started to move her bed in front of the door.
Jaune sat up as he tried to decipher what Nora had just said. "Nora-- wait-- slowdown, what are you doing? What did you just say?"
Before Nora could say anything, a thunderous pounding came from the door. "NORA, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!"
Jaune slowly turned to a sheepish Nora who tried to look innocent. "...If anyone knocks, don't let them in." Nora said in a high pitched voice.
Jaune gave another sigh, this one in mourning at the loss of his alone time. Jaune crawled over to Nora's bed which was blocking the door and gingerly put her ear up to the door. "Yang? It's Jaune." He said through the wood.
"VOMIT BOY! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Had Jaune's head been a few inches to the left, he would have had his head bashed in by Yang's furious whack on the door as it bent the wood slightly on Impact.
"Holy fu--" Jaune swallowed his fear and tried again. "Yang! I won't open this door if you attempt to hurt Nora. So unless you take a breath, calm down and promise you won't hurt Nora, I'm not opening this door and don't even think about breaking down this door because you and I both fear Miss Goodwitch more than I fear you." Jaune said.
A few tense seconds passed, Jaune wondering if Yang was too enraged to fear the threat of Glynda before he heard a deep inhale and exhale.
"I'm. Calm." Yang didn't sound too calm but Jaune had known Yang long enough to tell when she was willing to listen even when angry.
"...I promise I won't permanently injury Nora." That was probably the best he was gonna get.
"Here goes nothing." Jaune muttered and moved the barricade out of the way and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Before him was a crimson eyed, flaming and seriously pissed off huntress-in-training who was glaring at him with crossed arms.
So far he hadn't had his face caved in nor been violently moved out of the way so that was a good sign.
Jaune motioned for Yang to come in which she did but Jaune made sure to at least keep himself between Yang and Nora. "Okay, can you explain to me what exactly happened." Jaune asked.
Yang glared at Nora as she spoke. "This fucking idiot got sap. In. My. HAIR!"
Jaune paused mand looked up at Yang's golden locks, not seeing anything wrong with it. "I don't see any--" Yang turned around and lifted up her hair to reveal the underside was stained and ruined with the red sticky substance.
"Oh." Jaune lamely said.
Yang turned back around and growled. "So either you ask Ozpin for a new member of your team or both Ren and Pyrrha are gonna need new partners." Yang gave her ultimatum and advanced toward Nora.
Jaune quickly got between the two again. "Wait! Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait!"
"Out of the way, Vomit boy." Yang set her eyes on Jaune now.
"I can fix it! Your hair! I can fix it!" Jaune said loudly.
Yang paused at his words before snorting. "Bullshit."
"No!" Jaune got in front of Yang again. "It's true. I've cut hair before."
"Pubic hair doesn't count." Yang scoffed.
"No, I mean I've cut my sisters' hair before. Our usual barber wasn't available anymore and they needed it done for a family photo. Ever since then I've been their hairdresser. I-i actually have my gear with me." Jaune explained.
Yang's eyes, still red with anger, looked at Jaune with scrutiny before she closed her eyes and gave another growl, this one not sounding as scary as before.
Yang walked over to the chair at the desk and dragged it back to Jaune before planting herself onto it with crossed arms.
"If I don't like it, you die before Nora." Yang left the threat hanging in the air as Jaune gulped loudly.
"S-sure. Nora, could you-" Jaune looked to find Nora had disappeared while he had distracted Yang. Jaune sighed again and went to get his scissors and such.
Jaune nervously backed away from Yang once he had finished, waiting for Yang to decide his fate, so far Yang had kept her eyes shut, not yet seeing his completed work. "A-all done."
Yang took off the tarp that covered her and stood up. "Sorry, VB, all you did was give Nora a head sta-" Yang finally opened her eyes and saw her reflection in a nearby mirror. Her hair... wasn't ruined. If anything... it looked... Good! Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail but still kept her wild, fluffy like locks with her fringe untouched, the part of her hair that was ruined by the sap was cut off, with a 180 undercut that didn't look terrible. (Source/artist unknown)
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Yang continued to examine her new hairdo and remained silent, turning to Jaune with an unreadable expression.
Jaune flinched back and closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.
Jaune suddenly felt a hand grab his collar and nearly cried out until a pair of soft lips pressed onto his.
After a few seconds, Yang pulled away and Jaune looked at her with wide eyes.
Yang smirked and winked. "Not bad. Lover boy. Maybe I should have you be my personal barber." She laughed and exited the dorm, hips swaying as she did, feeling more confident than usual.
Jaune stood starstruck and wondering what exactly just happened. But his mind couldn't move away from how soft Yang's lips were and how they tasted of strawberries.
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psyga315 · 8 months
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Volume 6 was literally about Ozpin telling the girls to go to Atlas and after doubting his leadership and even finding out he's a lying son of a bitch with a zero-sum game, go to Atlas anyways and promptly continue spreading his lies, fucking over everyone in the process.
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They literally spent Volumes 4-8 doing exactly THIS but what separates it from Cal's fix?
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Oh, is it because you constantly want to use "straight white male" every time you want to bash anything that's a RWBY fanfic, but you can't this time because the writer this time is actually a woman?
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swapauanon · 4 months
"Ozpin lied to Hazel about Salem's plans to trick him into sacrificing himself."
I find it amazing how people can say this and then get shocked when I ask them to tag their Ozpin bashing.
Besides, Hazel was murdering innocent people just to get back at Ozpin, over something his twin sister he constantly infantalizes chose to do.
Like, yes, Ozpin is a self-loathing wreck who blames himself for everything that's gone wrong, but in the end he didn't say ANYTHING about Salem he didn't believe was true.
Remember, what Salem said was: "Why redeem these humans when we can simply replace them with what they can never be?" meaning she was either plotting eugenics and genocide or had horrible grammar. Given that Salem's shown to be EXTREMELY careful and deliberate with her word choice, I'm going to assume it was the former, because it would be REALLY frustrating for the entire conflict of the show to be based on bad grammar.
But NO!!! We need Ozma to be an evil baby-stealing monster who tried to kidnap Salem's children because she wasn't religious enough! Even though, y'know, one of the first things Oz did after coming back to life was disobey Light by seeking out Salem.
But sure! It TOTALLY isn't bashing Ozpin to suggest he just tried to kidnap his daughter's from Salem, let's just ignore the ACTUAL grammatical structure behind Salem's words to make Oz look as evil as possible!
And besides, even if Ozpin DID lie to Hazel, SALEM WAS COMMITTING GENOCIDE IN ATLAS!!! She was siccing her Grimm on civilians at that point! And Hazel was complicit in it, and blaming Ozpin for his choices, claiming it was all in the honor of someone Salem had killed for trying to oppose the "Grimm eating children" party. But sure! Let's erase Hazel's misogyny in order to paint HIM as a poor, helpless victim of Ozpin's manipulations when he desecrated his sister's memory by helping the monster she died fighting destroy even more families!
"No more Gretchens, boy!" said the man who robbed a child of her mother JUST to "stick it to Ozpin", and has left countless Gretchens in his own wake.
Hazel even ADMITS that the only reason he's going after Ozpin is that he can't hurt Salem! So I don't think the show is going to be resolved by Team RWBY deciding "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" when it comes to the whole "How do we deal with Salem?" thing, because every character who's done that has been treated as being IN THE WRONG with no exceptions!
And let's not ignore the fact that, y'know, Oz had just gone through an entire character arc about being more open and honest. Him lying to Hazel to get him to dance to his whims would, from a narrative standpoint, be like if Ilia had joined forces with Salem to get back at Atlas. It would have rendered all of his prior development a waste of time!
So, rather than Salem plotting against the gods, i just think she's learned she CAN'T hurt them and so is doing what so many people (such as Hazel) have chosen to do when coming face-to-face with her, lash out at the people she CAN hurt because she thinks fighting the Brothers is a fruitless endeavor. The show isn't going to close out on vindicating Salem's methods, and she's not a fucking "anti-hero" as I've seen some people unironically call her: She's an unrepentant villain who lashes out at people she believes have no chance of fighting back, because she can't hurt the people who actually wronged her. That is what makes her Ruby's evil counterpart: She gave up while Ruby is still looking for a new solution!
But sure, let's just ignore the structure of the narrative and paint Ozma as a baby-stealing monster who abused his wife for religious reasons and drove her to villainy. Even though, y'know, his rhetoric is completely antithetical to Light's idea of a perfect world and he went out of his way to disobey him at the first opportunity he had.
The narrative has laid out who Oz and Salem are countless times now: Oz is a flawed-yet-well-intentioned man who blames himself for all of the world's ills (regardless of how responsible for them he actually is), and Salem an unrepentant monster who lashes out at the world around her due to being unable to harm those who actually wronged her.
Trying to paint Ozpin as being just as bad as, if not WORSE than Salem ever was is disingenuous at best.
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maripr · 1 year
I must say I'm not pleased by the amount of Ozpin bashing I'm seeing during vol 9. This ain't the show's, fault, it's the viewers not understanding shit.
Specifically that the leader speech that Ozpin gave Ruby and fucked her up (and the same Ruby gave to Jaune, fucking HIM up in turn) is one that he also applies to himself 100%. We saw the consequences of that in vol 6, now we're seeing the consequences for Ruby and Jaune now.
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spahhzy · 1 year
It just went into my head and poof.
Jaune stood across from the Possessed Neo, who had an eerie grin on her face.
"The Rusted Knight here to once again try and save the day," Neo said as she brought out Hush.
"You should have let Alyx kill you...alas I will enjoy finishing the job," Neo said, but Jaune just said nothing as he pulled out the broken sword of his family lineage.
"Alright, you guys... go save Ruby, this is between me and the Cat" a thump on the head as Jaune looked up to see Juniper looking at him and the back at the cat.
"No, Juniper, you take them to the tree they need you right now," Jaune said as he donned the helmet.
The jackalope whined as Jaune put his head to the animals ear .
"You've been very good to me, my friend...thank you and please do me this one last request okay," Jaune said to Juniper, who still whined but moved to where Yang, Blake and Weiss was.
"Jaune... you better be careful, " Yang said as she and Blake raced into the tree, Weiss looked hesitant, looking back at Jaune, she saw that Jaune was giving her a thumbs up and Weiss nodded to herself and haven't to go help save her leader.
"I tire of this story Rusted Knight truly I do...and who knows maybe when I'm done with this body...I'll take yours next!" Was all Neo said before charging forward as Jaune brought up his shield and prepared for what could be his final fight.
*I can't write a fight scene*
Jaune panted as Neo came in for another blow. Jaune brought up his shield before trying to bash the Possessed Neo's face, only for her to shatter before being kicked from behind.
Jaune fell down to the ground in a heap, and he was slow to get up.
"Why, Rusted Knight, why...why do you it?" She asked as suddenly more copies of Neo sprang forth each, turning into someone Jaune knows.
... Pyrhha.
...and finally Weiss.
"Why, why get up?" they all said as Jaune shut his eyes, trying to drown out their voices.
"Do you believe you're fighting for something?" said Ozpin behind him as Jaune tried to swipe weakly at him, but Ozpin vanished
"Can you tell me what it is do you even know?" Ren said to him as Jaune weakly swiped back at him, but he too vanished.
"Is it freedom or truth?" Ruby said, standing in front with a smirk as Jaune just stared at her before she kicked him down again.
"Perhaps peace?" Oscar said over top of him as suddenly he kicked Jaune in the stomach who groaned as his aura flickered.
"Or maybe you fight for love" Came the voices of both Pyrrha and Weiss as They both came into his view, and Jaune felt his breath hitch as he felt two weapons pressed up against his chest before they fired.
Jaune was sent flying, and his aura shattered.
Jaune weakly got up as he saw all the copies suddenly vanish as Neo stood infront of him.
"Illusions Rusted Knight, constructs of your broken mind, feebly trying to justify his own actions," She said as she began to stalk up to her prey.
"Can't you see it, Rusted...no Jaune.. it's pointless to go on, you can't win. " Jaune just breathed as he shakily stood back up." As Neo gritted her teeth.
"Why, Jaune, why why? Why do you persist!?" Neo shouted out in frustration as Jaune struggled, catching his breath before looking Neo with a small smile.
"Because I choose to"
The cat heard enough, and Neo, with Hush in hand, closed the gap as Jaune stood still with no movement whatsoever.
Hush found its way through Jaune chest.
Neo smirked.
"Now, Jaune, you can die, and I can go visit your friend Ruby -" Neo was cut off as suddenly Jaune hands grabbed onto Neo's shoulders.
"What the-" Jaune smashed his helmet into Neo's face, causing her aura to flicker.
"Stop! You what are you-"
Jaune smashed his head against hers once more, causing Neo's aura to shatter.
Neo could say nothing as Jaune hands began to glow as suddenly Neo could feel a warmth within her as Jaune aura flowed through her.
"Wh-what how are you doing this!?" Curiosity Cat screamed out in pain as Jaune said nothing but continued pushing forth his aura as Neo/Cat screamed out loud.
Suddenly Neo's eyes glowed and out the same way he came in, the evil Cat was expelled from Neo's body.
Curiosity Cat looked at Jaune and Neo, the latter still processing what the hell just happened.
"Damn you, Jaune Arc!" was all the cat said as he ran in the direction of Team RWBY.
Neo looked at where she had hush and pulled it out of Jaune's chest and tried to keep Jaune upright.
"Heh-glad to see your back to yourself," Jaune said as blood dripped from the open wound.
Neo said nothing but had a look that said, 'why?'.
Jaune chuckled.
"I really... really hate that cat," Jaune said as he fell off Neo's shoulder, alarming the girl.
"Sides...you...you've been strung around by people... you know the truth now... your anger is misplaced at the wrong person.. I think you deserve a chance to try and be better. " Neo just frowned as Jaune just layed flat on the ground as he looked up at the tree.
"Go..help fight" Neo shook her head and pointed at him.
"Don't worry about me...go help them all for me" Neo eyes were downcast, but he nodded to him before starting to run in the direction of where the cat went.
Jaune breathing was beginning to get labored as he heard the sound of that damn cat screams fill the air as suddenly the tree began to glow bright.
"Heh... Curiosity really killed the cat"
"Mr. Knight?" Jaune weakly turned his head, and to his shock, their was Alyx looking at him with a soft smile.
Jaune just turned back to the big tree and chuckled.
"I really am dying, aren't I?" He asked himself as the form of Alyx sat down at his side to which she nodded solemnly.
Jaune just laughed.
"I'm sorry, Jaune." Said Alyx ceasing Jaune's laughter.
"You...ain't got nothing... to be sorry for," Jaune told her, and Alyx just shook her head.
"I do...I just don't know how to go about fixing it," Alyx said as Jaune didn't say anything as he was starting to feel very sleepy.
"Hey Jaune?"
"What do you think you'll ascend to?"
"Up to the tree.."
"I know, but..what do you want to re-birth as"
Jaune eyes were vacant as the glorious glow of the tree was the only thing filling his eyes.
Alyx nodded to Jaune as she heard the sounds of footsteps coming her way, using the time to make herself scarce.
"JAUNE!" Came the voice of Weiss as she rode in Juniper.
"No," She whispered, seeing Jaune laying down and not moving.
She got to his side and gently raised him up before giving him a hug as tears fell down her face.
Suddenly, Jaune's body was enveloped in a ray of gold as he suddenly began to lift up away from Weiss grasp.
She tried futility to hold on, but she knew the truth.
It was his time to ascend.
And so...
She let him go.
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lunatriense · 6 months
This. Ozpin.
Tumblr media
The image belongs to @peregrinvs
Yuuuuuuuuup, absolutely.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Dragy I need to ask something and hopefully this idea doesn’t come across as bashing a character:
Me and my friends were trying to come up with another story for another fanfic and we’re trying to apply team shuffling and consequences in the story.
When we got to the initiation part a few of had a debate if jaune should have die in the beginning: don’t get me wrong I don’t hate jaune but truthfully looking at how he could have died (falling to death, neck snap by Pyrrhas spear, killed by grimm etc).
Rule of cool can be good if it makes sense. From what I seen in rwby there are some things that should had consequences.
Do you think we are being to harsh to jaune or does it actually make sense?
It's fine you came to a certified Jaune HaterTM.
The thing is, what's the point of killing Jaune at the start? I always hated that theory because it doesn't do anything besides makes Ozpin look incompetant, and it just feels like a waste. It's not like if Jaune died instead of Pyrrha in the FOB, because that comes with the same impact as Pyrrha, and none of the death flags because you expect a character like Jaune to survive while the invincible girl who's well loved is death walking.
Plus, if he dies so early, why would I care? If I was reading it, why would I care about this nobody who dies at the beginning, unless I'm a Jaune fan, in which case I would just leave.
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dowhatteverer · 2 years
An honest critique of FRWBY by someone who actually watched it and was willing to give it a chance
Ok so LF and CS have proven themselves to be disingenuous liars who go out of their way to make rewrites of RWBY look poorly written and bigoted because they have diluted themselves into believing that the show doesn't carry all of the same problems that they accuse these rewrites of having. That being said, Fixing RWBY does happen to carry over a lot of problems from the original show. While I personally believe that Fixing RWBY is a better story structurally from RWBY proper, that doesn't mean that it didn't keep many of the flaws associated with the original show. This is not a defense of FRWBY, nor is it really a bashing because I will come right out and say that I do actively enjoy it and am excited to keep up with its version of volume six. I wouldn't recommend it to any of the people I interact with a lot on Tumblr simply because it's definitely not something they would like very much.
It's impressive how much passion is put into this project honestly, seeing all these fans come together to take the time out of their days without payment just to create something they care about. I definitely think the art and animations are some of the best parts of FRWBY. And I think the story does a far better job of utilizing the amount of characters that the show already had without constantly adding new ones that are completely unnecessary. It also makes a lot of changes to the characters interactions and relationships with other characters that I appreciate. I like that Weiss's time in the Brawnwen was changed from being held prisoner and threatened, to being a taste of freedom and potential new life for herself that she eventually had to ditch for the sake of her friends and the mission. And I really liked Changing Vernal to be Yang's secret half sister and having her develop a friendship with Weiss, it did a lot more to make her death feel more impactful by making her a character that the audience has to care about because these other characters care about her, and goes a long way of proving how selfish and short-sighted Raven could be where her own arrogance and desires ultimately ended up getting her own daughter killed and the tribe she chose over her own husband and first daughter to leave her. And I'm actually quite happy with Roman being Ozpin's host, I think it's handled pretty well and in a way that doesn't overshadow Ruby at all. One change that I thought was pretty cool from a story and representation perspective was having Neo use ASL and have Yang also learn it with her during her recovery period (which was actually a recovery period thank God, not just a showcase of her suffering and then just being fine without seeing her journey). And one thing that I like by default is it going out of its way to humanize Ironwood. That's always an A+ in my book as an Ironwood fan.
Now let's get into the bad stuff that is actually worth criticizing and not just sweeping under the rug just because LF and CS are lying liars who lie.
First and foremost, the Faunus plotline.
I don't like it.
There was very little effort put in to change the actual problems with the Faunus plotline in the actual show. The White Fang are still the bad guys, Blake is at the same time, still a rich princess with parents who love her, and Racism in Remnant is explicitly stated to be an individual to individual thing (though in a Livestream Celtic Phoenix said that racism in Atlas is systemic, so I'm holding out a little bit of hope that will at least be treated like a big deal) and still far more fighting against civil rights activists than fighting actual racists.
There's some interesting stuff in the beginning with Cardin starting out pretty racist, but after being forced to do some actual research on the subject and finding that his views have no historical or scientific basis quickly changing his mind about it and growing into a better person, but that's not enough to forgive the rest of it.
Effort is being put in to make Adam a more dynamic character who seems to have an explicit tragic backstory regarding the racism he faced (and not just implied with his nasty hate crime scar) but that actually makes the whole thing kind of worse. Because I kid you not, in the final episodes of the volume 5 rewrite, when the White fang is defeated, Blake tells Adam, "this isn't the world your mother grew up in anymore" and I'm just like, Adam's mom is implied to have been a Slave woman who was abused and possibly killed by her owner! Who is Blake, in her mansion on an ethnostate where she never had to face racism or cruelty or worry for a family member's safety, to tell Adam how he should react to Racism?! And I know that the reason she has to stop him in the rewrite is because the White Fang are trying to stage a cou that would lead to a war that would cost far more faunus lives than do good for them, but that doesn't change the fact that it's extremely tone deaf that it was Blake who is telling him this when her backstory hasn't been changed at all.
Either make the White Fang the good guys, or make Blake an orphan who has had to experience racism and cruelty her whole life, because you can't have both and still have a story that doesn't feel jarring and pro establishment as hell.
Next, the cultural appropriation. Taking inspiration from multiple Asian cultures for Mistral is kind of unavoidable since Mistral itself is fundamentally meant to be based on a multitude of Asian cultures. (I personally try to mitigate this problem by having different parts of Mistral be based on different Asian countries, and do the same for the other kingdoms too) but I think we all remember the thing about the Brawnwen tribe from a few months ago. Since the Ainu people are heavily discriminated against in Japan and stereotyped as being bandits and thieves, having the Brawnwen tribe be inspired by them in some aspects is definitely a bad thing. It was especially a problem when that cultural appropriation was also misinterpreted and used without fully understanding the culture of what the traditional bear was. And then the attempt to crack down and defend that was just a bad look altogether.
And to bring up the Shay D Mann and Ren and Roman bathroom scene, these are things that I think the creator just didn't realize could come across as queerphobic or a bad look for the character. The joke about Roman not realizing that Ren is a man and then having a conversation about all of tells that would have tipped him off about Ren being a guy and then having them be rebuttaled (at one point pointing out that Weiss has small boobs and that doesn't make her less of a woman, which while I think was well intentioned was just uncomfortable in general) was just in poor taste. And Shiloh (as he's called in FRWBY) didn't need to still be showcased sexually harassing Yang. He was actively physically and verbally abusing the man at register anyway in the rewrite, Yang could have just done the heroic thing and punched him to protect the civilian, instead of trying to ignore him while he comments on her figure and then saying something incredibly abelist about her prosthetic before being thrown out by Neo and her umbrella. Although It's not necessary to make all of your important characters good people. So I guess this has a lot more to do with how you feel about bad people still being important and sympathetic characters. Though I wouldn't say Shiloh is that important to Volume 5, all he really does is provide some Vernal backstory, serve as some comic relief, and is the one who ultimately decides for the tribe to leave Raven after she gets his daughter killed.
If I were to defend these choices, instead of trying to claim that Shiloh didn't sexually harass Yang (which was honestly far more present in the rewrite, no actual dialogue but he is described as complimenting her figure) and that lesbians are stupid, I would instead say that a character doesn't have to be a good perfectly squeaky clean non problematic person to be a character who isn't necessarily a villain. Or alternatively I could just acknowledge that it was unnecessary to have him actively sexually harass a girl his daughter's age because there was already something else that could have been used to show that he wasn't a good person and end up bouncing right out of the gas station anyway.
I think that's everything I want to talk about, because combing through all of it would be like rewatching an eight hour show and taking notes the whole time and I don't have much time for that.
But all in all, FRWBY isn't above criticism just because it's a rewrite of RWBY and has some aspects that deserve to be criticized, but it's also not the worst most biggoted thing in the world. I like aspects of it, but I honestly like other rewrites better. It honestly just feels like watching the original show if the original show had a more coherent story but didn't change any of the more problematic aspects.
So yeah, there's my review. I'll tell you how I felt about Volume six when it's over.
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strqyr · 11 months
I think, Salem, is a wonderful gal yknow, she's seen the rise and fall of humanity, the good and bad, I think if all of humanity needs a villain to hate, she'll take that role. Is she bringing back the gods, to finally die, or is she ready to remove them, what good has the gods done to her and her people, all of them lived a life forsaken. I have no idea what I'm mumbling about here, but basically everyone in the rwby fandom hates Salem because she's a woman with a mixed moral compass, and thus must been seen as a bitch, she's 'evil' so she must of course have all these flaws, but in reality, remove the context and compare her to Oz, and you'll find similarities, if the genders were swapped, I think Salem would have been someone the fandom praises, for being a hot immortal man
i've been along this ride since day 1 and lemme tell ya, at this point it's mostly just funny to watch the absolute pretzels people will twist themselves into to "prove" their point, like.
salem (allegedly, can't exactly say for certain at this point of time) lying to her followers about her true goal is manipulative, but ozpin lying about salem being immortal, the actual reason he was made to reincarnate by light, and the true nature of this war (it's unwinnable y'all) isn't. he's just some guy :( he has trust issues, of course he wouldn't trust team rwby with everything right off the bat even when yang made it clear that she'd follow him as long as there were no more lies and half-truths... eh, qrow branwen? never heard of him! yeah he's made some missteps but he learns from his mistakes!!... let's just ignore how he's been running in circles for who knows how long. he's doing his best :( and he cares about people :( that makes everything he does actually okay, right? at least, you shouldn't bring his mistakes or fucked up things up or blame him! that's bashing :(
salem though. what a bitch, she should have accepted the death of the only person in her life who truly cared about her (pyrrha and penny though, they're coming back any day now, even if it's in someone else's head). it's not like watching humanity get wiped out and the utter solitude she would have lived in for thousands, hell, millions of years afterwards would have some effect on a person. no sir, she's always been mean and manipulative and evil and have you considered her father kept her locked up since she was a baby for a reason????
the last part about her father is a hyperbole... i think. i hope.
anyway. the double standards are funny.
there's also the aspect of people taking a simple statement like "salem isn't planning the destruction of the world and instead wants to fight the gods and this is a good thing bc the gods are the main problem here", read way too much into it and end up turning it into "so you think salem's the actual good guy and oz is the villain???" and it's like. no one said that but you. like, man...
my dog has a better reading comprehension than this, and he's five months old and chews walls. c'mon.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
I don’t know what it means but.
Ruby talking with Qrow (I believe) in V7 when she compares herself to Oz, and Qrow saying “No you’re better than him you’re waiting to see who you can trust vs never giving anyone the chance to be trusted”
And now Ruby saying what’s the point of anything if Salem has the relics now and Yang saying “That’s how Ironwood thought. You don’t mean that”
The WAY Oz and Ironwood carried out their plans was Bad but they didn’t start at the deep end. Their thoughts didn’t spawn all of their actions. Ruby having doubts and seeing Oz’s perspective of being wary of who to trust doesn’t mean she’ll turn out like him. Ruby showing she’s upset and mad that things seem to be turning out useless despite their efforts doesn’t mean she regrets saving the people they saved. Or trying to save them.
The way Ruby hasn’t been able to openly doubt herself around others or say things that others see as “thinking like Ironwood” or “you’re better than Oz” is so prominent in episode 7. And I’m not saying she was wrong in anything I’m on her defense squad rn from ppl who are doing what the characters in the show did. They are Hearing her words but they aren’t Listening. WHY is she better than Oz when she thinks she’s doing the same thing. WHAT has caused her to Think like Ironwood. Why can’t she mean what she says why can’t she be negative. Where is the person to lift her up about herself. Not the plan not the team but just Ruby Rose
I don’t think I’m explaining this properly I’m not mad at anyone bc they didn’t know how she felt. I’m just trying to point out connecting things in the show and how “We’ll be better than blank”, in Ruby’s mind, can’t just be something to say when Qrow is mad at Oz (rightfully) or Yang is worried she sounds like Ironwood (the man they just had to save a kingdom from)
V9. Misinformation. Miscommunication. Blinded by your own emotions. Resistant to change. Not listening. It’s felt so Real it’s been so good I hope what I said makes sense it’s just the Be Better Than The Old Mentors vs just bc we won’t do things the same way doesn’t mean we won’t ever feel like they felt or have the same doubts or worry that what they did might’ve been The Best in their mind at the time. Lack of perspective. How you can be the villain to those you’re trying to save. It’s a lot sorry I rambled so much
pushing pause real quick here, anon, the anxiety pouring out of this ask about being misinterpreted as bashing this or that character is really palpable and bc of that i just want to like directly affirm that analytical discussion of character flaw or the narrative construction of a conflict isn’t accusatory or condemnatory of the characters themselves. in this household we go buckwild for characters whose human imperfection is fully and honestly realized by the narrative <3
anyway yeah yeah exactly like
ever since these kids got looped into ozpin’s cult they’ve just been in this emotional vortex of—don’t be negative, don’t spread negativity. salem wants to divide us. we can’t let salem divide us. LOOK at how terrified they were in V8 of not being in unanimous agreement about whether to prioritize a long-term or short-term goal, how much jaune’s proposed compromise scared them. it’s profoundly dysfunctional. they don’t know how to differentiate normal, constructive debate and infighting, or critical self-reflection and harmful negativity, so they are constantly hyper-vigilant constantly monitoring and policing each other for the smallest sign of bad thoughts, bad feelings, because this war they inherited isn’t a war against salem, not really, it’s a war against this nebulous idea of division, of conflict, of negativity, of the bad things that will see humankind condemned to extermination when the gods come back.
and like:
YANG: Okay, Ironwood wants Penny, otherwise Mantle is done for. So, how do we stop him?
BLAKE: Qrow and Robyn are still in his custody, and May said that the Atlas security drones are watching the crater, so they’re trapped too.
OSCAR: And Salem isn’t going to stay gone forever.
RUBY: So then it’s impossible.
EMERALD: See? If Miss Hero with all the answers doesn’t have an answer, then we have ours.
WEISS: Shut up.
YANG: Why don’t you just leave?!
OSCAR: Can we please just give each other a chance? Emerald’s not with Salem anymore, and Ozpin is back. All this doubt and worry and distrust, it isn’t getting us anywhere—
RUBY: Then nothing has CHANGED! We’re in the exact same spot we were yesterday, arguing what to do while the kingdom waits to die.
^ she ran away then, too. and yang went after her thinking that ruby needed a pep talk, needed to be told that sure things are bad and risks don’t always pay off, but the mom who abandoned them both for the world’s sake is still her hero—when what ruby actually, desperately needed to hear, what she’s PLEADING for now, is for someone to tell her it’s okay to feel bad, it’s okay to have doubts, it’s okay to just be overwhelmed. that it ISN’T FAIR for the fate of the world to sit on her shoulders and that the world will not end if she admits that it’s too fucking heavy, if she asks for help, if she puts it down.
and that’s what makes it sting so much when her doubts and fears and frustration get brushed off like those feelings don’t matter or aren’t true or, worse, like it’s wrong for her to feel this way at all—it’s a manifestation of this, like, existential terror of Innate Badness that lurks in the heart of ozpin’s cult, don’t feel bad don’t think bad thoughts or else—or else what? “salem will divide us” but it’s so easy for that line of thinking to shade into “only bad people have bad thoughts,” because feeling bad IS bad in and of itself, right. like fundamentally this is how the strict ideological delineation between hero, villain, and passive narrative object enforces itself: the villains surrender to negativity and so become themselves agents of this Badness while the heroes stand as beacons of hope and inspiration to the defenseless masses—who otherwise would of course succumb to negativity (“panic”) and be obliterated. baked into the cult’s ideology is an unspoken but perilously thin line between feeling bad and being bad.
you don’t mean that. that’s how ironwood thought. (you can’t mean that. only bad people think that way.)
and the real world just doesn’t fucking work that way—the world of remnant does not work that way—so this is an emotional poison, it’s toxic, they’re swimming around in a noxious soup of unspoken ideas that seeped into all of them to varying depth but percolated right down into the very bedrock of who ruby is—and while it killed them slowly it ate ruby alive. and now the bones of her are poking through the cracks and she has nothing left to give so the only way to move forward is to claw herself out of the soup!! (<- this metaphor ran away from me a bit.)
which somewhat ironically given what the first layer of her crisis is about, means ruby is going to lead the way out of this festering mess of a fairytale cult. by way of the desolate howl that this way of thinking is dehumanizing and inhumane
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