#p: katie
ftbhedges · 1 year
[the things we lost in the fire]
liturgy iii
            Max ordered her out of the house three days past Lydia’s funeral, with those steady eyes and blunt mouth.
          There was some non-combantant Aurors with a face so pretty it made Katie’s head hurt lurking around her people, around Lydia’s department.
          Evangeline had called her cell phone. There were several letters unopened on her kitchen table Hogwarts friends. There was a concerned message in her work inbox she’d immediately ignored upon seeing the handwriting. There was a photo of her exiting the Funeral Hall splashed on the front page paper:
          All staring at her, morning, noon, and night. Lydia’s profile. Katie’s profile. Max’s profile. A rotating triad splattered through the pages intertwined with images of Seren.
          Katie burned that, watched the Daily Prophet single the edge of her loose white shirt, the cursemark growing daily as Katie expended more magic to continue to comb the forensic scene. Her squad back home running after Killer leaders. Her Majors back on their jobs. Her Max in the office dealing with attacks from all sides that Katie was still split on whether or not she deserved.
          All of Katie’s attention was here, on the ground, kicking at literal rocks and shuffling through invisible strands of magic. She reached into her jacket pulling from it a flask that was filled with Wide-Eye potion and took a long glug from it, feeling it fill her brain, as if she’d washed her eyes out with peppermint. Momentarily Katie was sure she could see the spells in the air –
          Eyebright, Katie thrust her hand into her coat pocket and opened a pack and began to shuffle through. She had to have at least a gram of it… she hadn’t ever used it in the last year of fieldwork. It was too expensive for the Department to allot in their yearly supplies, too expensive for even most security firms to get a hold of, nearly impossible to find on the street. The ground up bones of a Dhampir, the dried blood of a Changeling, and lastly the most damning ingredient the brain matter of a Hippocampus calf only 30 days old and slaughtered.
The going rate for a gram of Eyebright was 10,000 galleons.
          The perks of being a Crime and Forensics Investigator included the raids. Katie was no Roland Sidewinder with his shiny Silver Raider badge, but she had her sleight-of-hand and when a gram of Eyebright popped up in the field two years ago any Auror in her Department would have snatched it up. No question they’d all lifted one or two of the rarer ingredients from their crime scenes once it’d been cleared as not being part of the gruesome murder before her. Katie knew for a fact that LaPlante sported Werewolf Fang blades that she kept straped to her wrists, Jansen had managed to pillage a dozen half-born giants one year (which had lead to internal review but still he managed to keep them), what was a gram of Eyebright?
          With a triumphant smirk Katie pulled the clothe-of-gold from her pack, and set the pouch onto a table, carefully undoing the string and letting it come open.
          The powder was iridescent, it shimmered over the clothe-of-gold, lighter than air it began to hover above the fabric and Katie hovered her fingers over it.
          Eyebright did what nothing else could it made faded magic visible, it make the unseeable noticeable and it caused a type of blinding pain that only someone who desperately wanted it could use. Lydia admitted to using Eyebright during the War in her most desperate time, the ability to see spelled traps, shaded alchemy, the cause of potions, view the true shape of transfiguration – Wix were not supposed to do that. The strain of it had landed it’s prolific users in St. Mungos, and it’s stupider ones being driven made to see the thousands of layers of magic within the community.
          Katie pressed her three fingers into the powder smearing it until it stuck to the grooves of her fingerprints, stuck against her sweat and closed her eyebrows.
          Ashworth would have never allowed a Hunt to go unfinished.
          She smeared the powder over her eyelids, the left, then the right, and waited with baited breath for the world to snap into place. But she greeted only darkness, and for a split second Katie feared opening her eyes.
          Lydia would have told her to fight the fear, was she a Gryffindor or not?
          When the Captain’s eyes opened the entire house was blinding – the scars of magic left bright traces in the floor, blood magic hanging like stains, Katie stared as she found traces of spells that had never been recorded used that night. Then carefully began to step around a crime scene so carefully plotted that Katie could recite it back to her trainers like a trail.
          But instead, she was greeted with Magic she didn’t know existed, at least not in practice.
          “Voodoo huh…” Katie leaned down to examine a working table that had been thrown to the ground, finding strange magic she didn’t recognize, the use of blood wards and something most called ‘deity’ magic. A type of magic that worked in dedication to a greater magical being. Salazar had practiced this so-called deity magic to Basilisks it was rumored. The earliest of dragon-tamers had started as worshippers. From every corner of the world Wix had used their magic as power and prayer, though prayer and devotional causes of Magic had fallen aside. Though, Penny recalled, the Hawkins wolves and other Clans referred to the Moon as a God of some kind. It wasn’t often studied, but Katie had seen the laboratories of wizards attempting to call on the Beyond for necromancy, seeking out what muggles would call demons or monsters who existed in the Underworld.
          It was all a bit too existential for Katie, even when she studied necromancy and practiced it quietly to herself.
          “Now what have you fuckers been up too…” Katie knelt beside the fallen alter and followed the traces of magic, the thicker strands of obviously a powerful Witch… some of those traces exited the property and didn’t double back. In each strand an essence of magic fluttered, whether it was a particular scent or gloss to the thread.
          This thread was knotted and gold, it wrapped and snaked through the doors like a great serpent, a cobra striking out and where the magic left the cord it splintered and crackled around like lightning.
          Katie’s skin was buzzing, with the interest of a scientist Katie proded the meat of her inner arm and found it bleeding under the lightest of pressure. The skin around her face was growing tight, it felt as if it were melting and when Katie reached to touch her cheekbone she found muscle and bone waiting, skin acting like wax and the Gryffindor let out a hazy sort of giggle.
          Too much Eyebright then.
          Nothing to do for it now, not when this magic was sprouting like a seed before her, flowering, each layer like the ring of a cut tree. Katie’s head was pounded, the beat of war drums in her head as she followed each strand, her body swaying and sweating blood and viscus. Eyebright always went for the face and arms first, then the back, the stomach, thighs, calves and feet for last. It ate you up, using your body and energy and magic to allow you to do the impossible, acted in sacrifice to the magic you called upon.
          Katie could pay Lydia her body a thousand times and still do it again with an apolgy for not being better.
          The Gryffindor found the room, where the girl and boy had witnessed Lydia’s death. Where Athena had watched Ashworth fade into a nothingness that no-one knew the true outcome of. The cord was splintered like roots, sinking into the place where they’d staked the form of Lydia’s both, all rigid muscle and a tight spine.
          The coffin contained a half-gram of the body, Athena had managed to retrieve a gram and turn it over. The only thing Katie would ever thank her for, even as she promised quietly to bright hell around her ears. The other half-gram was tucked into a vial, and it had hung from Katie’s beltloop for the last week and a half, taken from the mortuary she’d slipped into and been allowed privacy. The last link to her Commander, the last aspect of her body.
          The last aspect of magic that could tell them how it happened.
          Katie knelt, knees creaking and opened the vial.
          It pulsed with the same knotted magic; it was intertwined so deeply in the purple of what Katie knew to be Lydia that it seemed like it was consuming it. Swallowing the essence whole, stealing and storing its power – her power, her magic, her lifeforce.
          Katie reached for the clothe-of-gold and took off the last of the Eyebright, clenching the packet her hand as the pain wreaked havoc through her body.
          But the golden knotted magic remained in her Mind’s Eye, as if seared, as it burn. Katie flicked her tongue out into the air as a serpent might, tasting it, the muddy clean that belonged to soaked mud and storm air. In that fleeting second as the Eyebright finally faded, Katie knew she’d always have the taste of Lydia’s murderer in her mouth.
          The door behind her creaked open, and Katie, a bloodied mess of a woman, half the skin of her face slouching off, eyes shot through with broken blood vessels, blood flowing freely from her nose, ears and the corner of her mouth turned. Her entire left arm, from the tips of her finger to her elbow covered in black, searing deeply into her skin, smoking and consuming her inch by inch.
          “Now, what the fuck do you think you’re doing here?”
Out of all the hedges in the FTB safehouse, Rue had spent the most aggregate time in the company of Zombie Ralph.
It took some trial and error, but eventually they figured out that even though Ralph wasn’t an Inferius, he still wouldn’t fuck with fire.
Which made Rue the optimal candidate for little chats with the monster. She’d sit inside the upstairs closet, surrounded by a ring of fire as a barrier, for hours and hours on end—especially after Seth was exiled.
It wasn't that Rue didn't agree with Nate’s decision to kick Seth out of the safehouse, after what they’d done. It’s just that Seth had been Rue’s last tie to their lives before; they’d grounded her, balanced her out.
So with Seth gone, Rue was going rogue.
This Ralph was different, Rue soon discovered, from the one they all knew and loved. He was sarcastic, and bitter, and oftentimes outright aggressive. Most of the time, it was like talking to a monster that was simply wearing Ralph’s face and eyes.
But every now and then, there’d be a flash of the real Ralph hiding inside the monster, just out of reach; a downward tug of his eyebrows, the way one cheek would dimple within the creature's grotesque grimace that made it almost seem to echo Ralph’s dreamy, gentle smile.
Painstakingly, Rue started to gather information. With effort, and patience, she was able to get Zombie Ralph talking more readily. Ralph told Rue that he remembered every minute of being cremated, that he could still feel the flames licking at his skin. After that story, Rue took care to temper the flames that shielded her in his presence.
Ralph told Rue that he remembered being remade—his body, his essence being woven together again, thread by thread.
“What’d you see, while you were gone?” Rue asked, and what she meant was, did you see loved ones again, on the Other Side? Did you meet Yvonne?
But Ralph told her his soul, his shade, his lifeforce—whatever it was, it was no longer with him. Only the barest ghostly trace of it existed within the thing that he was now—remnants of it, like a handprint on fogged glass.
He knew, somehow, that the rest of it had not been destroyed. But he didn’t know where it had gone.
Ralph remembered the Daughter who had lured him in, manipulated him before planting that overdose curse on him like a venomous kiss. Inez, she was called; the one from the Instagram photo.
And most importantly, Ralph told Rue where to go looking for her.
The exterior of the Daughters’ safehouse was a run-down secondhand shop. The front door had been blown clean off, and everything in the front room had been destroyed or looted. Fragments of glass littered the floor, crunching beneath Rue’s boots like sand as she walked through the ravaged, abandoned place.
A curtain of hanging beads clacked together as Rue parted them and was led into a long hallway, with floors made of dated linoleum. To the left was a sitting room—or at least the empty carcass of one, left to rot. Bits of broken ‘70s furniture were toppled and strewn about, bleeding out stuffing, with upholstery bearing the scorch-marks of magic.
To the right were bedrooms, all minimally furnished save for some orange-brown shag carpeting and bare beds. Some of the nightstand drawers had been left ajar, clearly emptied. It was all too eerie to look lived in; someone had made a hasty run for it.
Adjacent to the last bedroom, there was a big open room with a kitchenette and dining table. This room looked to have suffered the worst, with dried blood and gore staining the floor and the walls, the windows all blown out. Rue skipped this room, for the moment, in favor of a tiny sliver of light that was coming from a crease in the wall at the end of the dead-end hallway. Rue held up her palm and summoned a bouncing little flame to hover there, casting light around Rue like a torch. She studied the wall, and then shoved against it; it gave way with a groan, revealing a hidden staircase, made of black iron and spiraling upwards.
She crept up the stairs, cradling her fireball, feeling like someone from Scooby Doo. As if just around the next corner, a demonic beast with slobbering black fangs would jump out to fight her.
But the upstairs room—though clearly nicer, and not demolished as the rest of the house was—was, again, empty. This room stank of magic—thick stuff that stung your nose and scratched at your throat, like a perfumed apothecary perched at the mouth of hell, battered with brimstone gone stale. Yellowed skulls and bones lay on low tables, and vials of all sorts of colors and shapes and sizes lined hexagonal shelves on the walls. Upon closer inspection, Rue gleaned that every vial was full of thick, viscous blood—bright red in some vials, and so dark it was almost black in others.
“Yeugh…” Rue muttered in disgust, before a hissing sound behind her made Rue stumble as she whirled around, dropping the vial in her hand to shatter at her feet and toppling others on the shelf. “What the—”
Stretching down, suspended from the rafters, was an absolutely massive, gargantuan snake, as thick as Rue’s arm. “No, nope. Fuckin’ fuuuuuck that…” she said to the snake, who was still hissing at her menacingly, before scampering back down the stairs.
She’d barely set both feet back on the ground floor when Rue heard another presence in the house.
Immediately, she flattened herself again the wall, disappearing into shadows as she held her breath. There was someone moving into that big room, the one with the kitchen. Rue scaled along the wall of the hallway on silent feet, falling easily back into the muscle memory; in her old life, before she’d joined up with the Free Traders, Rue had commonly been a runner for her old gang, tasked with casing potential houses to steal from and squat in, to route exit strategies and carry out petty theft operations to provide herself a few days’ worth of food and shelter.
She peered around the corner and saw a small-statured woman in uniform, doing—something. The longer she watched, the harder it was for Rue to make sense of what she was seeing. The woman was muttering to herself, ambling around in drunken paths along the stained linoleum, occasionally shuddering and emitting unhinged bursts of laughter like the certified neighborhood crackhead.
And Rue was about to leave the nitty to it—what did she care who doped themselves into insanity in this funhouse of blood and decay?—when the woman stepped into a patch of light, and turned, and Rue recognized her—despite the fact that half her face looked like it was puddling off like some melted gelato.
“Oh Captain my Captain…” Rue acknowledged, striding into the room without a single trace of fear or apprehension. She flashed Katie her hedge witch ranking tattoos, black stars that climbed up Rue’s forearms, merely out of habit, many years ingrained with the particulars of safehouse courtesies and etiquette. “…I got unfinished business with these bitches, we go way back. Seems like they split, though…say, bruv, are you gonna be a’right? Don’t take this the wrong way, but it looks like Satan herself chewed you up and shat you dead out, innit.”
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misandriste · 4 months
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KATIE McGRATH as MORGANA merlin ⧽ 1.01, “the dragon's call”
839 notes · View notes
bloodmoonlich · 1 year
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Sophomore Album Appreciation
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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Truth or Dare w Arsenal part 1 of 2 18+
Y/n x Leah Williamson x Katie McCabe x Steph Cately x Kyra Cooney Cross x Lia Walti and Jordan Nobbs
Word count: 4,276
Warning: Smut, Sexual dares, ehh it’s all in the fan fic. Haha just gotta read it 😉
A/n: So I decided to give you guys this fan fic as an apology for no other updates. This week I’m gonna be super busy and won’t have any time to work on fan fics. I’ll be back next week, hope you guys are doing well! Sorry again, thank you guys hope you enjoy the fan fic.
*Y/n's pov*
It was the third day of camp. Leah and I are roommates. Some of the girls had the great idea to play truth or dare but I didn't wanna play. I was tired and honestly I just wanted to go to bed. Leah was trying to convince me to play. "Leah I'm tired. I don't wanna play I just wanna go to bed." I say and yawn.
"Come on Y/n it'll be fun." Leah says pouting. "Please please play for a little while and then you can leave."
I sigh and give in and nod. "Fine only for a little bit though." I say.
Leah smiles. "Sounds good to me."
Leah nudges my shoulder, we leave the room and head to Kyra's and Jordan's room. As Leah is walking in front on me, I can't help but look at her ass. Leah turns to make sure I'm following her, she smirks when she sees me staring at her ass.
She outs more sway into it as we continue walking. I smirk and look at her ass as she sways her hips. We get to Jordan's room and knock on the door. Jordan opens the door, she smiles when she sees me. She lets us in.
"Look who agreed to play." Leah says.
I playfully shove her. "Oh shut up." I say.
The girls all laugh and cheer, I giggle and shake my head. I sit on one of the beds with Leah.
"Who's starting then?" Leah asking looking around the room.
"You can since you were the first one to speak up." I say making a smart ass comment.
"Fine." Leah says. She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Truth or Dare?"
I sit there and look around the room waiting for one of the girls to speak up and say truth or dare. Jordan is the first one to speak up.
"Dare." Jordan says.
"I dare you to show your most embarrassing video on your phone." Leah says.
Jordan blushes, she pulls out her phone and shows us a video of her giving Katie a lap dance. Katie blushes darkly in embarrassment.
"Oh my god." Leah says.
"Jordan." Kyra exclaims.
"Damn girl." Steph says.
"Dirty girl." Lia says teasing Jordan. Jordan blushes darkly and gets annoyed.
"Oh fuck off, I was drunk." Jordan says.
"You don't say." Leah says laughing a bit.
"Y/n your turn. Truth or Dare?" Jordan says.
"Umm." I pause for a moment. "Dare."
Jordan smirks, "I dare you to make out with me."
I blush a bit and nod. "Sure."
Jordan gets up and comes over to me. She leans out and makes out with me. I decide to spice it up, I pick her up and set her on my lap as I make out with her.
Jordan slips her hand under my shirt and traces my abs with her fingers and scratches them a bit. I groan in the kiss as she plays with my abs, Jordan smirks in the kiss and grinds a bit making it more heated.
I moan in the kiss as I get hard. My boner rubs against her ass, Jordan moans as my dick rubs against her folds from over her shorts. I moan, I can feel some of her wetness soaking through her shorts a bit.
She breaks away from the kiss after another 10 seconds of making out she blushes and looks at me. "Y-You have a boner." She whispers in my ear.
I blush darkly and nod. "I know, can you sit on my lap so the others don't see? I don't want them to judge me or think of me differently."
She nods. "Of course." She whispers.
"Thank you." I whisper back.
I look around the room. "Kyra. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
"I dare you to take off Leah's shorts." I say.
Kyra shrugs, she gets up and walks over to Leah. Leah lays on the bed and lifts her hips, Kyra grabs the waist band of Leah's shorts and slides her shorts down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
Kyra sits on the bed next to Leah. "Steph. Truth or dare?" Kyra asks.
"Dare." Steph says.
"I dare you to take off Katie's shorts and make out with her." Kyra says.
Steph smirks at Katie. Katie smiles and motions Steph over, Steph gets up and goes over to Katie. Steph gently guides Katie down on the bed, Katie lifts her hips and Steph slides her shorts down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
Steph leans in and kisses Katie. Katie immediately starts kissing back.
*Steph's pov*
I take off Katie's shorts as I make out with her. Katie pauses but immediately starts kissing back. I lift her up and place her on my lap as I continue to make out with her.
I feel Katie's juices through her panties and feel her juices in my thigh. I finally break away from the kiss, I smile a bit and rest my head against hers.
"You're so wet love." I whisper in her ear.
Katie blushes darkly and cutely hides her face in my neck. "S-Shut up." Katie cutely stutters.
*Y/n's pov*
"Y/n. Truth or dare?" Steph asks me.
"I dare you to give Katie an ass massage." Steph says and smirks.
Jordan smirks and whispers to me. "Try not to get hard. I want that dick first." Jordan whispers to Me.
I blush a bit. Jordan lets me get up. Katie comes to me and lays on the bed. I gently sit on the back of her legs, and start to massage Katie's ass. Katie moans as I massage her ass.
"Fuck Katie you got some cake." Leah says slapping Katie's ass.
Katie moans, I bite my lip as I get hard as I continue to massage Katie's ass. My boner rubs against her folds from behind. I bit my lip as I can feel how wet she is through her panties.
*Katies pov*
Fuck! I can feel myself getting wet after Leah slapped my ass, shit I really loved her touching my ass it should've been Leah giving me an ass massage instead of Y/n.
I moan as Y/n continues to massage my ass. I suddenly feel something rub against my folds from behind. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Oh my god Y/n is hard. Wait!! Y/n has a dick?! I blush darkly as she confirms to massage my ass. I moan as her dick continues to run against my folds from behind.
"Times up." Steph says.
The girls gasp when they see Y/n's bulge. Y/n sits on the edge of the bed the girls start asking questions.
*Y/n's pov*
"Yes i have a dick." I say. I answer their question and we continue to play the game.
"Lia. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"Dare." Lia says.
"I dare you to eat out Leah." I smirk.
Leah blushes darkly, Lia smirks and walks over to Leah. Lia lays Leah on the bed next to me. She slides Leah's panties down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
She lays on her stomach in between Leah's legs and licks Leah's clit. Leah moans in pleasure and lays her head back on the pillow behind her. Lia continues to eat out Leah.
Leah moans and runs her fingers through Lia's hair. Leah moans loudly as Lia slips in a finger and slowly fingers her as she continues to eat Leah out.
"Shit Lia... just like that." Leah moans.
I laugh and watch Lia eat out my best friend. Leah's eyes roll to the back of her head as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure. "Fuck right there.... Just like that." Leah moans out.
"Mmm Lia I'm close." Leah moans.
I giggle at her reaction, Leah wraps her hands thighs around Leah's head and shoulder and slowly grinds against Lia's face.
"Fuck. I'm close." Leah moans loudly in pleasure.
Leah cums all over Lia's face. Lia licks up Leah's sticky mess, Lia helps Leah ride out her high. Lia pulls her finger out of Leah. Lia licks and sucks Leah's juices off her finger. Lia smirks and kisses Leah.
Leah smiles and kisses back.
"Leah your turn to pick love." I say.
Leah nods and looks around the room. "Kyra. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
Leah smirks. "I dare you to take off your shirt and bra and let Y/n run one out and cum all over your stomach, abs and tits." Leah says.
Kyra blushes darkly and nods. She takes off her shirt and bra and lays back on the bed. I take off my shorts and boxers and set them off to the side.
I join Kyra on the bed, I gently sit in Kyra's thighs, I spit on my dick and slowly stroke my dick. Kyra bites her lip and watches me jerk off. I stroke my dick a w bit faster. Kyra places her hands in my thighs as I continues to jerk off.
I stroke my dick faster and faster. "You gonna cum? You gonna bust your load all over my tits and stomach?" Kyra asks seductively.
I moan in pleasure and nod. "Y-Yeah. I'm gonna bust my load all over tits and stomach." I moan as I stroke my dick faster.
Kyra smirks and bites her lip and watches me jerk off. "Come on baby, give me that load." Kyra says seductively. "Fuck I bet you wanna fuck my tight pussy and shoot your load deep inside me." Kyra says.
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. I stroke my dick a bit faster.
"Come on baby, give it to me. Your massive 12 inch dick shooting your massive load into my tits and stomach." Kyra says.
Kyra bites her lip and watches me as I continue to stroke my dick. Kyra looks over at Leah. "C-Can I help her?"
Leah smirks and nods. Kyra licks her palm, and wraps her hand around my dick and strokes my dick. I moan as she does Kyra smirks and strokes my dick faster and faster.
I moan and lock eyes with her. "Fuck Ky, just like that I'm gonna cum buckets." I moan.
Kyra smirks and massages my balls as she continues to stroke my dick. I moan in pleasure as Kyra strokes my dick.
"Mmm I can feel our dick throbbing, fuck baby your dick is so hard. Someone really needs to cum." Kyra says as she strokes my dick faster.
"Mm fuck, I need to cum so badly." I moan.
"Yeah baby? You gonna bust your load all over my stomach, tits and face?" Kyra asks as she continues to give me a hand job.
I moan. "Yes, I'm gonna cum fast and hard if you keep doing that."
After another 2 minutes of an amazing hand bob I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Kyra baby I'm gon-" I'm un able to warn her in time.
I can't take it anymore. I bust my load all over Kyra's face, tits and stomach and abs. Kyra smiles and giggles as my cum continues to shoot onto her face, tits and abs.
"Fuck look at that thick cum." Kyra says.
She scoops some of my cum up with her fingers and outs what she can in her mouth. "Mmm your cum tastes good."
I moan and smile coming down from my high. The last of my cum oozing out of my dick and onto Kyra's abs. I look over at Jordan.
"Jordan. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"Dare." Jordan says.
I smirk. "I dare you to lick my cum off Kyra's face, tits and abs."
Jordan smirks, she gets up and comes over to Kyra. Jordan licks up my sticky mess, slowly licking my cum off Kyra's face, tits and abs.
I blush darkly and get hard as I watch Jordan do this. Jordan smirks and winks at me. Jordan looks around the room.
"Leah. Truth or Dare?" Jordan asks.
"Dare." Leah says.
"I dare you to eat out Katie." I Jordan says.
Kyra giggles and tosses my shorts and boxers off to the side. "May as well keep these off. I'm sure the girls are gonna want some of that dick." Kyra says.
I Blushed darkly and nod. Leah gets up and walks over to Katie. Leah lays Katie on the bed, she slides Katie's panties down her legs and tosses them off to the side. Leah lays between Katie's legs, Leah kisses and sucks on Katie's inner thighs teasing her.
Katie moans as Leah does this. Leah licks Katie's folds, Katie moans and rests her legs on Leah's shoulders as Leah licks her folds and eat her out.
"Mm fuck." Katie moans in pleasure.
*Katie's pov*
Holy fuck Leah can eat pussy. I moan and run my fingers through her hair, I moan as she slips in a finger and slowly fingers me as she continues to eat me out.
"Mm fuck, right there baby." I moan.
Leah fingers me faster as she continues to eat me out. Leah spits on my pussy and continues to go to town on my pussy, she slips in a second finger and fingers me faster.
"Fuck... Leah baby I'm gonna cum." I moan as I feel a knot in my stomach.
My legs shake and buckle in pleasure and grip the sheets. "Mmm baby, I'm close." I moan as I feel that familiar knot coming in my stomach.
I moan, I can't take it anymore, I cum all over Leah's finger, face and chin. Leah helps me ride out my high, Leah licks up my sticky mess. She wipes my juices off her face and chin and licks my juices off her fingers.
Leah smirks and licks my folds. "Mmm you taste amazing baby." Leah says.
I blush darkly as she says this. I'm speechless as I pant and try to catch my breath. "Fuck that was amazing." I pant out.
*Y/n's pov*
I gently grab Katie's hand and help her it up. Katie puts her panties back on, "You're so pretty." I smile.
Katie smiles and I side hug her. Leah giggles and pecks Katie's cheek. "I wish I was eating you out. I'm throbbing just from watching Leah eat you out." I whisper to Katie.
Katie smirks at me. "Don't worry baby you'll get your turn." Katie says rubbing my bulge.
I moan and bite my lip. "Fuck I bet you want this dick. Don't you baby?" I tease her.
"Mmm yeah I wanna feel you balls deep inside me." Katie says seductively. I smirk we continue playing truth or Dare.
Leah looks around the room. She looks at Jordan and smirks. "Jordan, truth or dare?"
Jordan blushes and shrugs. "Dare."
Leah looks at me and smirks. "I dare you to give Y/n a blow job and make her finish in your mouth. And you have to swallow her cum." Leah says.
Jordan blushes and nods. Jordan gets on her knees and sexily crawls towards me. Jordan licks her palm, she wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick.
"Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure, Jordan smirks. "Just like that baby."
"Like that baby? Me jerking you off?" Jordan asks seductively.
I moan. "Feels so good."
Jordan smirks and continues to stroke my dick, once I'm hard Jordan takes my dick in her mouth. Jordan slowly bobs her head, she chokes and gags a bit as she bobs her head. The tip of my dick hits the back of her throat.
I moan and run my fingers through her hair as Jordan slowly bobs her head. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure Katie smirks and rubs her folds as she watches Jordan give me head.
"You like that baby? Jordan sucking your massive throbbing dick?" Katie asks seductively as she fingers herself.
"Mmm fuck, it feels really good." I moan in pleasure.
Katie giggles and continues to watch Jordan bob her head a bit faster as she sucks the soul out of my dick. "Mmm fuck I'm gonna cum buckets if you keep doing that." I moan.
Katie giggles, she reaches down and plays with my balls as Jordan continues to give me head. I moan and massage my boobs.
"Ahh fuck." I moan.
After 5 more minutes of an amazing blowjob I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Jordan baby, I'm gonna cum." I moan loudly in pleasure.
"Cum baby, finish in Jordan's mouth." Katie says seductively as she plays with my balls. Katie giggles and kisses me, I moan in the kiss.
I moan as my balls tighten.
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in Jordan's mouth. Jordan chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth. Jordan swallows my load.
I smirk and gently rub her chin. "Get all of it baby, swallow every last drop."
The girls moan and bite their lips as they watch Jordan swallow my load and clean up the rest of my cum and swallow it.
I moan and come down from my high, the last of my cum oozing inside Jordan's mouth. I moan and pant trying to catch my breath, Jordan smiles and swallows the last of my cum getting every last drop.
The girls giggle and we continue playing truth or dare. Jordan looks over at Kyra. "Kyra. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
"I dare you to finger Steph and make her cum." Jordan says. We giggle and watch as Kyra holds Steph from behind while they sit on the bed.
Kyra snakes her arms around Steph's waist and kisses Steph's neck, as she lowers her hand in Steph's shorts and panties and moves her hand in a circular movement.
Steph moans in pleasure and leans back against Kyra.
*Steph's pov*
I bite my lip as Kyra kisses my neck and giggles with my shorts. Kyra slips her hand in my shorts, and panties and swipes her finger up my folds collecting my juices. I moan as she does this.
Kyra slips in a finger and slowly fingers me. I moan and lean back into her touch and spread my legs giving her full access. Kyra slips in a second finger and fingers me a bit faster.
"Mm fuck." I moan, Kyra giggles, she kisses my neck and massages my boobs as she fingers me a bit faster and rubs my clit with her thumb. I moan and grind against her finger desperate to cum.
"Mmm F-Faster." I moan in pleasure.
Kyra grants my wish and fingers me faster. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure. "Mmm fuck..... fuck." I moan.
I moan as I feel that familiar knot in my stomach. "Mmm fuck, I'm close." I moan.
"Cum baby, cum for me." Kyra says as she rubs my clit faster with her thumb. I moan as I feel myself getting closer.
"Mm fuck, Kyra please." I beg. "Please let me cum." I beg becoming a moaning mess.
Kyra smirks. The girls watch, their mouths hang open a bit as they watch Kyra finger me and touch themselves. "Let go baby, cum. Cum for us." Kyra says seductively.
I can't take it anymore, I cum all over Kyra's fingers and hand and cum in my shorts and panties. Kyra giggles and kisses my neck.
"Good girl." Kyra says, Kyra helps me ride out my high. Once I come down from my high Kyra pulls her fingers out of me. Kyra licks and sucks my cum and juices off her fingers.
"Mmm you taste amazing." Kyra says.
I moan and pant once I catch my breath I kiss Kyra. We continue to play truth or dare. I blush darkly as the girls smirk and wink at me.
"Lia. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
Lia shrugs. "Truth."
I smirk. "Okay I like the change up. Be honest, who in this room would you fuck with a strap on?" I ask her. Lia blushes as I ask her this question.
*Lia's pov*
I blush as Step asks me this question. I honestly wouldn't mind strapping Y/n but I don't know if she's into that sort of thing though. I definitely wouldn't mind strapping Katie, I mean have you seen her ass?
Fuck I moan and bite my lip as I get wet at the thought of me fucking Katie's ass with a strap on. "I would strap Katie." I say blushing darkly.
Katie giggles and cutely blushes. "Mm well I'm sure we can figure something out. We can definitely arrange for that to happen." Katie says interlacing our fingers and smiling looking at me. Her eyes full of Lust. Katie smiles and pecks my lips, we continue playing the game.
*Katies pov*
We continue playing truth or dare. I look over at Y/n as she smiles and watch the girls play the game. "Hey Y/n can I ask you a question? I'm gonna ask you truth or dare but first I wanna ask you a question." I say.
Y/n smiles and nods. "Of course." By now the girls attention is on us as they are curious to know what the question is.
I smirk, I bite my lip and look at her. Y/n nods. "What's the question?" Y/n asks.
I smirk. "Have you ever nutted inside a girl?"
Y/n's eyes go wide, she blushes darkly. "Y-You mean like finish inside a girl?" Y/n asks stuttering a bit.
"Yeah have you?" I ask.
"Ugh no I haven't. I always pull out." Y/n says.
I smirk. "Well today is your lucky day."
Y/n looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" She cutely asks.
I smirk and look at her and look down at her bulge. "Y/n. Truth or dare?" I ask her.
Y/n blushes and pauses for a moment. "Dare."
I smirk. "I dare you to fuck me and finish inside me." I say. The girls giggle and cheer.
I lay back on the bed, Y/n hovers over me. "Are you sure about this?" Y/n asks. "I don't have a condom." Y/n says.
I smile and nod. "Yes I'm sure." I quietly moan as Y/n rubs her tip through my folds. "Mmm fuck Y/n just put it in." I moan.
Y/n nods, she slowly pushes the tip in. I moan as she slowly pushes the first 3 inches in. "Mmm." I moan.
She moans and pushes the next 4 inches inside me. "Mmm are you all the way in yet?" I moan and ask.
"Mm almost baby." Y/n says.
"That's 7 inches already." I moan.
Y/n giggles and slides the rest of her length deep inside me. "Oh fuck you're really deep in there." I moan.
"Tell me when to move." Y/n says.
I moan and nod, I take a moment to adjust to her size. "M-Move." I moan.
I moan loudly in pleasure as Y/n slowly thrust in and out of me. "Fuck you're so deep inside me." I moan in pleasure.
Y/n cutely moans in my ear and kisses my neck as she thrusts in and out of me a bit faster. I moan as her balls slap against my skin.
"Mmm fuck...fuck feels so good." I moan in pleasure.
I moan as I feel that familiar knot forming in my stomach. "Mmm I'm gonna cum." I moan.
*Y/n's pov*
I moan in pleasure as I feel Katie's walls clench around my dick letting me know that she is close to cumming. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm I'm gonna cum." Katie moans.
"Mmm fuck." I moan and go at an angle. I pound her g spot.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Katie squeaks out with each thrust.
Katie moans and cums all over my dick. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Mmm Katie baby I'm gonna cum." I moan.
Katie wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me close to her leg trapping me so I can't pull out.
"Mmm yes, cum in me. Cum in me." Katie moans.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. The girls gasp and moan at the sight of me stuffing my dick deeper inside Katie as I fill her up.
"Fuck that was sexy." Leah moans and blushes darkly.
Katie and me both moan as I pump her full of cum. Katie smiles and moans. I help her ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Katie moans, thick cum oozes out of her and drips down her folds and onto the bed and sheets. "Mmm fuck." Katie moans as my cum continues to ooze out of her.
I see Jordan staring at Katie's cum glazed pussy. "Jordan. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"D-Dare." Jordan says.
I smirk. "I dare you to lick my cum off Katie's thighs and folds and eat out her cum filled pussy."
To be continued in Part 2!!!
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heynhay · 9 months
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glamemo · 2 months
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readthephible · 8 months
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perfectday1972 · 3 months
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muna via instagram
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serqphites · 29 days
Not a request but just a thought.
Lee Harker is the type to like HOLD YOU TIGHTLY while having her head buried in your chest or shoulder/neck while you are riding her out.
Also she’s the type to rest her head miserably on your lap while you’re sitting in a chair and she’s on the ground.
Like that one scene from Challengers where one of the main characters looks so pathetic in bed.
oh my god yes.
bouncing on her strap, mouth agape with her hands resting on your hips, pulling you down and forcing herself so deep tears begin to build behind your closed eyes. lee's face is buried in your neck, pathetic whimpers muffled against you as her mouth attacks your skin, marking it to make sure everyone knows just how good you have it with her. yet she's still so fucking gentle, making sure to not suck too hard and always letting go when she knows she's getting carried away.
also i am a firm believer that lee harker enjoys her pats. chin resting on your knee, eyes fluttering shut as your hand comes up to stroke her cheek delicately. she's like ice on a summers day the second she feels the warmth of your palm against her skin, soft hums falling from her lips when she feels your hand ever so carefully pat against her cheek a couple of times. this is just what she needs after a long day. not a long day of work, just a long day of being away from you.
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minamorsart · 10 months
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More Plance AU!!!! 💦🌱 Pidge and Lance are the central couple of this story, but of course I can't resist inserting some Lotura hehe~~ 🤭
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dustzvacuumcleaner · 1 month
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So I got acw ppl into clone high
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missm0rgue · 6 months
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AFYCSO moodboard cause this album has me in a chokehold currently
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rileyh20 · 16 days
Voltron AU, except their all dancers for the singer Allura
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 months
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Loser strips with Arsenal part 1 of 2 18+
Y/n x Leah Williamson x Steph Catley x Katie McCabe x Alessia Russo x Lia Walti x Frida Maanum x Lotte Wubben-Moy x Beth Mead
Warning: Smut smut smut! Sexual tasks and sexual content!
Word count: 5.5k
*Y/n's pov*
It was the 3rd day of camp. We had the next two days off. I was the new girl on the team, I was hanging out in my room. I was scrolling through Netflix trying to figure out what to watch.
My phone goes off, I grab my phone and check it. I see that I got a new text massage from Leah.
Leah: Hey Y/n. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?
Me: No I'm free all day, What's up?
Leah: I was gonna do a movie night with some of the girls. Me and Katie were gonna do it in our room. Did you wanna join us?
Me: Sure! I'm down for a movie night. What time should I come over.
Leah: Sweet. Let's shoot for 4pm. We can also do a late lunch/ early dinner.
Me: Okay, sounds good. See you guys at 4 pm.
I swipe up and turn off my phone. I look at the time, it was currently 2 pm. I grab new clothes and go into the bathroom, I shower and get cleaned up. Once I'm done in the shower I turn it off, I get dried off and get dressed.
I lay back in bed, I still had time to kill. I put on a random movie until 4 pm rolls around.
*Leah's pov*
I smirk, I turn off my phone and look over at Katie. "She's in."
Katie smirks. "Perfect, I'll tell the girls."
I smile and nod, little did Y/n know that we had a plan in mind. See we have a special tradition Y/n doesn't know about. We play a special game with the Rookie and give them a nice warm welcome.
Katie makes a group chat with her, me, Lotte, Lia, Alessia, Steph, Beth and Frida. I grab my phone and check it as it begins to blow up.
Katie: Y/n said yes. We are on with our plan, you know the rules. We are playing loser strips. Let's give Y/n a warm welcome. After the game you guys can stay in mine and Leah's for the night.
Steph: Yes Please!
Alessia: I've been waiting to play this with you.
Frida: There's a rumor going around that Y/n has a dick.
Beth: She does, I can 100% confirm that she does.
Lotte: Fuck I want to feel her inside me so bad.
Lia: Beth you are such a tease. Stop teasing us.
Beth: I'm just saying Frida mentioned the rumor. All I'll say is that she has amazing dick game.
Me: Alright girls that's enough, save it for the game.
Katie: She'll be here soon, we told her 4 pm. It's not 3:30, we'll see you guys soon.
I swipe up and turn off my phone. Me and Katie McCabe had originally started this tradition. When Katie first joined Arsenal I gave her the same welcoming. I strapped her and put her in her place after she tried proofing to me that she was a Dom.
Me and Katie welcomed both Alessia and Beth the same way. So on and so forth, All the girls on the team know that tradition because we've all done it with them. The only ones who didn't know about it are the coaches and trainers.
The girls come to our room at 3:50 pm. Now we are just waiting on Y/n to get here.
*Y/n's Pov*
3:50 pm rolls around. I put my shoes on, I grab my key card and phone. I turn off the tv and head to Leah's and Katie's room. It was now 3:55 pm, I know on the door. Leah opens the door, she smiles and lets me in.
I close the door behind me and lock it. The girls smile and greet me, I smile and greet them back. I take off my shoes and set them off to the side with the others. I notice Leah's ass and how good it looked in her shorts.
Leah turns to me, she sees me looking. She smirks and gives her ass a little shake. I bite my lip and check out her ass. The girls clear their throats and giggle, I blush darkly.
We order food to the room and eat our late lunch/ early dinner. We turn on tv and put on a random movie. I notice Leah look at the other girls, they smirk and nod at each other. Leah grabs the remote and turns off the tv.
"Do you guys want to play a game?" Katie asks.
We all agree. Beth, Frida and Lia giggle and whisper to each other. "So should we play this game Y/n? Girls you all want to play right?" Katie asks.
"Oh Yeah." They all say in sync.
I get a bit nervous and chuckle. "Um what game did you guys have in mind?" I ask.
"You know the game Loser strips?" Katie asks eyeing me a bit.
"N-No. what is it?" I ask stuttering a bit.
"Well we will all play the game whoever loses has to take off a piece of clothing." Leah says explaining a bit.
Leah smirks as the others giggle. Katie players with her hair. "Come on Y/n it'll be fun." Katie says.
"You won't regret it." Alessia says.
"I don't know girls..... I thought we were doing a movie night." I say.
Steph and Lia were already staring at my crotch and undressing me with their eyes. I blush darkly and adjust my shorts as my bulge becomes visible and the girls notice it.
"Come on Y/n, it'll be fun." Lia says.
I sigh and weigh my options. "Okay, where do you guys want to play the game?" I ask.
"We can play on the floor and on the beds there's plenty of room to play." Katie says.
I nod. "Alessia how should we start?" Frida asks getting straight to the point.
Alessia smirks and looks at me. "Last one to touch Y/n bulge loses their shirt." Alessia says.
"Woah wait, are you girls sure about this?" I ask.
"Yes Y/n we are sure." They all say.
Katie smirks and reaches down and places her hand on my dick over my shorts. She bites her lip. "Mmm you sure are packing." Katie says.
I blush at her comment, Leah giggles and does the same thing getting a feel in. "Mmm fuck babe, you're huge." Leah says.
"T-Thanks." I say stuttering a bit.
Alessia pushes Lia out of the way and grabs my dick over my shorts, I moan. "Mmm if you fuck any of us daddy I want this dick first." She says.
I blush darkly and nod. "S-Sure, N-No promises."
Alessia giggles and kisses my cheek. Lotte was the next one to touch my dick over my shorts. "Mmm I wanna feel you deep inside me." Lotte says.
The girls continue to take turns rubbing and touching my bulge over my shorts. Steph grab my dick over my shorts then Lia, then Frida. Beth was the last one to touch my bulge over the shorts.
Lia looks at Beth and smirks. "Looks like you lost Mead. Lost that shirt."
Beth blushes, we whistle and cheer as Beth takes off her shirt and tosses it off to the side. "S-Shut up." Beth says stuttering and blushing darkly.
Beth your turn to pick the next task." Lia says.
Beth nods and looks around the room. She looks at Katie and smirks. "Last one to kiss Katie's v line loses their shorts." Beth says.
Katie smiles and blushes a bit. Katie lifts her shirt up a bit and lowers her shorts and panties exposing her V line. We all bite our lips and get on our knees and kneel in front of Katie.
Beth is the first one to kiss Katie's v line. Katie bites her lip and runs her fingers through Beth's hair, Katie quietly moans as Beth continues to kiss her v line. Next up is Leah, Leah decides to spice it up and sucks on her v line leaving hickys.
"Mmm fuck." Katie moans.
Leah smirks and kisses Katie's pussy over her shorts. Katie moans as Leah does this. Next up is Me, I kiss her v line and rub Katie's clothed pussy. Katie gasps and moans as I do this.
"Oh fuck..Fucking hell Y/n." Katie moans.
I suck on her v line adding more hickys. I lick her v line. I smirk against her skin, I continue to rub her clothed pussy. I smirk as I feel her juices through her shorts and on my fingers. I give her v line one last kiss.
Next up is Steph, then the Lotte, the Frida, the Lia, Alessia was the last one to kiss Katie's v line.
"Looks like you lost Alessia. Lose those shorts baby." Katie says.
Alessia blushes darkly as she takes her shorts off and tosses them off to the side. "Alessia your turn to pick the next task." Katie says.
Alessia nods and looks around the room. Alessia looks at Leah and smirks. "Last one to shove their face in Leah's tits loses their top and bra." Alessia says.
Katie smirks and taps my ass. "Doesn't that sound like fun Y/n? Why don't you go first and get those tits ready for us."
Leah smirks, she takes off her shirt and sports bra and sets them to the side and sits on the bed. Leah smirks and motions me over with her finger seductively, I bite my lip and walk over to her, I bite my lip. This didn't feel real this felt like a dream.
"Come on baby, shove your face in my tits." Leah says seductively.
I do as she says and shove my face in her tits Leah moans and throws her head back. "Mmm fuck Y/n." Leah moans.
I stop and kiss her boobs. Next up is Katie, Katie wastes no time and immediately doves in, Leah moans as Katie shoves her face in her tits.
"Mmm fuck." Leah moans in pleasure.
Next up is Alessia, then Steph, then Beth, the Lotte, then Frida. Lia was the last one to shove her face in Leah's tits.
"Lose that shirt and bra baby girl." Leah says.
Lia blushes darkly, she takes off her shirt and bra and tosses them off to the side. We whistle and cheer Lia blushes darkly. "S-Shut up." Lia stutters.
I giggle. "Lia your turn to pick the next task." Leah says.
Lia nods and looks around the room. "Last two to spank Alessia's ass loses clothing of Alessia's choice." Lia says.
Alessia blushes darkly at the task. Leah smiles, she grabs Alessia and bends her over her leg. Katie giggles and holds me back. "Hey no fair. Let me go, this is cheating!" I say.
The girls take turns spanking Alessia's ass. Alessia moans as the girls take turns spanking her ass. Katie and I are the last ones to spank Alessia's ass.
Alessia smirks. "Looks like you two lost. Lose your shorts and shirt."
Katie and I smile, we take off our shirts and shorts and toss them off to the side. "Y/n how about you pick the next task." Katie says.
I nod and look around the room. I look at Beth and smirk. "Last one to slip their hand in Beth's shorts and panties and tease her clit loses their shorts." I say.
Beth blushes darkly as I say this. I wrap my arms around her and hold her from behind. I slip my hand in her shorts and panties and tease her folds with my fingers.
Beth moans as I do this and leans back against my touch. "Mmm fuck." Beth moans in pleasure.
I smirk, I slip in a finger and slowly finger her. Beth gasps and moans as I do this. I finger her for a couple of minutes then take my fingers out of her pussy.
I take my hand out of her shorts and panties. "Open your mouth slut." I say.
Beth does as I say and immediately opens her mouth. "Lick and suck your juices off my fingers slut." I say.
Beth licks and sucks my juices off her fingers. She moans as she tastes herself on my fingers. Next up is Alessia, I hold Beth from behind as Alessia slips her hand in Beth's shorts and panties and teases her clit.
"Fuck Lessi." Beth cutely moans.
I giggle and kiss her neck, next up is Steph, then Lia, then Lotte. Frida is the last one, Beth giggles. "Looks like you lost Frida. Lose them shorts baby." Beth says.
Frida blushes and takes off her shorts and tosses them off to the side. "Frida your turn to pick the next task." Beth says.
Frida nods, she looks at Alessia and smirks. "Last two to lick Alessia's clit loses their shorts and shirt." Frida says.
Alessia blushes a bit, she smirks and takes off her shirts and panties and lays on one of the beds. I go first, I lick her folds. Alessia gasps and moans and rubs her fingers through my hair as I lick her clit.
"Mmm fuck." Alessia moans.
I smirk and begin eating her out, Alessia gasps and moans as I do this. The girls giggle, I eat out Alessia for another 2 minutes then stop. Next up is Lia, Lia dives in and immediately lick Lessi's clit. Alessia moans, her legs shake in pleasure as Lia licks her clit.
Lia kisses her pussy and then stops. Next up is Frida, Alessia moans and slowly grinds against Frida's face as Frida licks her clit. Alessia moans and grips the sheets. "F-Fuck." Alessia moans. Frida smirks, she licks her clit one last time.
Next up is Beth, then Katie, and then Steph. Lotte and Leah are the last two to lick Alessia's clit. "You two lost. Go head and lose those shirts and shorts." Alessia pants out.
"Leah your turn to pick the next task baby." Alessia says.
Leah nods and thinks for a moment. "Last one to kiss my abs loses their shorts." Leah says.
Katie gets on her knees, Leah smirks and takes off her shirt. Katie is the first one to kiss Leah's abs. Then me, then Frida, then Alessia, then Beth, then Lia. Steph was the last one to kiss Leah's abs.
Leah smiles and makes out with Steph. Story is shocked at first but then starts kissing back. Leah slips off Steph's shirt and tosses it off to the side as they make out.
Leah breaks the kiss and smiles. "Your turn to pick the next task baby." Leah says.
Steph smiles and blushes, Steph thinks for a moment. "Last one to massage Beth's tits loses their shirt and bra." Steph says.
Beth smirks. "I'll make it even better for you guys." Beth says. She takes off her shirt and bra, we whistle and cheer as we check out her tits. Beth blushes and smirks.
I get hard and massage Beth's tits from behind. Beth moans as I massage her tits, Beth giggles. "Mmm you're really hard baby. You must really be enjoying this." Beth says.
Beth presses her ass against my dick and slowly grinds against me as I continue to massage her tits. "F-Fuck." I moan as Beth slowly grinds against my dick.
I moan and finish massaging her tits. next up is Leah, then Katie, then Steph, then Alessia, then Frida, Lia is the last one to massage Beth's tits.
Beth giggles. "Looks like you lost Walti. Lost that shirt and bra." Me and Beth say.
Lia blushes darkly and nods. Lia takes off her shirt and bra and tosses them off to the side. "Your turn to pick the next task Walti." Beth says.
Lia nods. "Last two to rub my pussy over my panties loses 2 pieces of clothing of my choice." Lia says.
We agree, Lia takes off her shorts and sets them off to the side. Lia bits her lip and moans as Katie rubs her pussy over her panties.
"Mmm you're so wet love." Katie says.
Lia blushes. "S-Shut up." She cutely stutters.
Katie smirks as Lia's juices leak through her panties and onto her fingers. Next up is Leah, Leah smiles and swipes her finger up Lia's folds over her panties teasing her.
Lia gasps and moans as Leah does this. Next up is me, I smirk and kiss Lia and rub her clit and tease her folds over her panties. Lia moans in the kiss as I do this, I smile and break the kiss.
Next up is Beth, then Lotte. Steph and Frida were the last two to run Lia's clit over her panties.
Lia smirks. She looks at Frida and Steph. "Frida lose your shirt and bra." Lia says.
Frida blushes she takes off her shirt and bra and tosses them off to the side. Lia looks at Steph and smirks. "Steph lose your bra and shorts." Lia says.
Steph blushes darkly and takes off her bra and shorts. She was only in her panties now. Both Frida and Steph were only in their panties now.
"Steph pick the next task babe." Lia says.
"Last two to eat out Lotte loses a piece of clothing of Lottie's choice." Steph says.
Lotte giggles, she takes off her shorts and panties and lays on the bed and gets on all fours. I go first, I move behind Lotte on the bed I spread her ass cheeks and immediately start eating her out from behind. Lotte gasps and moans and grips the sheets as I continue to eat her out from behind.
"Oh f-fuck." Lotte moans. She pushes her ass back against my face as I continue to eat her out from behind. I smirk, I lick her ass hole and folds and kiss her folds and stop.
Next up is Steph. Lotte moans loudly in pleasure as Steph immediately dives in and starts going to town on Lottie's pussy. Next up is Katie, Katie slips in a finger and slowly fingers her ass as she eats her out.
Next up is Alessia, then Lia, then Frida. Leah and Beth were the last two to eat out Lotte. Lotte puts her panties back on. Lotte looks at Beth and Leah and smirks. "Leah lose your bra." Lotte says.
Leah smirks, she slips off her bra and tosses it off to the side. Lotte looks at Beth and smirks. "Beth takes off your shorts."
Beth slips off her shorts and tosses them off to the side. "Good girls." Lotte says. Beth and Leah blush and smirk.
"Leah pick the next task baby girl." Lotte says.
"Last one to eat Frida's ass loses their bra and panties or other two pieces of clothing of Frida's choice." Leah says.
I smirk and chime in. "First girl to lose all their clothes gets eaten out by 2 girls of their choice and gets fucked by me." I say. They giggle and nod.
Frida takes off her panties, she gets on the bed and gets on all fours. Leah is the first in to dive in and eat out Frida's ass. Next up is Lotte, then Beth, then Katie, then Steph, then me, then Alessia, Lia is the last one to eat Frida's ass.
"Lia you still got too many clothes." Frida says putting her panties back on. "Lose your shirt and shorts."
Lia blushes darkly and bites her lip, she takes off her shirt and shorts and tosses them off to the side. "Lia pick the next task babe." Friday says.
Lia nods. "Last one to ride Katie's strap on loses a piece of clothing of Katie's choice." Lia says.
Katie smirks she takes off her panties and slips on her 11 inch strap on. She lines it up and lays down on the bed, Leah straddles Katie's lap she pushes the tip in and slowly sinks down on it taking all 11 inches deep inside her. Leah moans in pleasure, she takes a moment to adjust to the size.
Leah moans and slowly slides up and down on Katie's strap. Kate bites her lip and watches as Leah slowly slides up and down on her 11 inch dildo. Leah moans and rides Katie's strap for 3 minutes and then gets off.
Next up is Frida, Frida moans loudly in pleasure as she rides Katie's strap on after 3 minutes and then gets off. Next up is Lia, I smirk and watch as they take turns riding Katie's strap on next up is Steph, then Beth, Then Lotte.
Katie looks at me and smirks. "Ride my strap baby."
I blush darkly, I straddle her lap. I put the tip in my ass and slowly sink down on the rubber dick. I moan in pleasure as I slowly slide up and down on Katie's dildo, my dick was throbbing.
Katie places her hands on my hips and helps me slide up and down on her dildo. I moan in pleasure, I ride her dildo for 3 minutes and then slowly slide off.
Alessia was the last one to ride Katie's dildo. Katie smirks. "Lose that shirt baby." Katie says.
Alessia blushes a bit. She takes off her shirt and tosses it off to the side. I smile and wrap my arms around Alessia's waist and hold her from behind. I smile and kiss her neck and shoulder and shoulder.
Alessia smiles and leans back against me. She smiles and quietly moans as I kiss her neck. "Mmm you're so beautiful." I say.
Alessia smiles. "Thank you love, so are you." Alessia says.
I hold her from behind and kiss her shoulder. "Your turn to pick the next task babe." I say.
Alessia nods and looks around the room. "Last one to grind and get off on Lia's thigh loses their underwear or bra. Lia's choice." Alessia says.
Lia smirks. She takes off her panties and sets them off to the side and sits on the bed. “Do you guys keep your panties and boxers on? Or are you guys taking them off?" Lia asks.
Alessia smirks. "Take them off."
We blush and take off our panties and boxers. Alessia sits on Lia's leg. Lia smirks as she feels Lessi's juices on her thigh. Alessia bites her lip and slowly grinds against Lia's thigh and moans in pleasure. Lia bites her lip.
"Mm fuck baby. You're soaking wet." Lia says.
"S-Shut up." Alessia cutely stutters she moans and grinds against Lia's leg faster.
"There you go baby cum, cum all over my thigh." Lia says seductively.
Alessia moans and grinds against Lia's thigh faster. "Mmm fuck, I'm close." Alessia moans she roughly massages her tits and continues to grind against Lia's thigh.
"Let go slut. Let go and cum all over my thigh." Lia says seductively.
Alessia moans and continues to grind against Lia's thigh. After 5 more minutes Alessia moans loudly in pleasure, she and throws her head back and cums on Lia's thigh.
Lia smirks. "Good girl."
Alessia blushes and smiles, next up Is Steph. Steph moans as she slowly grinds Lia's thigh. Steph bites her lip and massages her tits. Katie had basically edged all of us with her strap so that's why all the girls are cumming within 5 minutes.
Lia smirks and bites her lip as she watches Steph grinds against her thigh. Steph massages her tits and grinds against Lia's thigh faster.
"G-Gah fuck feels so good." Steph moans.
Lia smiles. "Good girl, mmm you look so sexy grinding against my though." Lia says seductively.
After 5 more minutes Steph moans loudly in pleasure. "F-Fuck." Steph shouts in pleasure as she cums all over Lia's thigh.
Next up is Katie, then Beth, then Lotte, then Frida. I go next, I sit on Lia's thigh. Lia giggles. "Fuck baby, you're huge." Lia says.
"T-Thanks." I stutter.
Lia smirks, she bites her lip and watches me grind against her thigh. The girls moan and touch themselves as they watch me grind against Lia's thigh.
I moan and massage my tits roughly as I continue to grind against her thigh. Fuck I was throbbing and really needed a release. Lia smirks and bites her lip as my precum leaks out and drips onto her thigh.
"Cum daddy, bust your load all over my thigh." Lia says seductively.
I moan, I massage my tits and grinds against her thigh faster. I moan as I feel that familiar feeling in my balls. "Mmmm fuck, I'm close." I moan in pleasure after 5 more minutes I can't take it anymore.
I moan and cum like crazy. Cum spurts on Lia's thigh, cum shoots onto her abs, on her folds, and on her inner thigh. I moan as cum continues to ooze and spurt out. Lia bites her lip and giggles.
"That's it baby, let it out." Lia says.
I moan and come down from my high, the last of my cum oozing on Lia's thighs and on her folds and on the sheets. I moan, Lia smiles and kisses me. I smile against her lips and kiss back, I get off her thigh, Lia smirks and looks at Leah,
"Lose those panties baby." Lia says.
Leah blushes, she takes her panties off and tosses them off to the side. I look at Leah and smirk. "I meant what I said. The first one naked is gonna get eaten out by two girls of their choice and then fucked and Creampied by me." I say.
Leah blushes darkly. "C-Can I request Alessia and Katie to eat me out and have you fuck me and fill me up with your cum afterwards?" Leah cutely asks getting shy.
I smile and nod. "Of course."
Leah smiles and nods, she lays back on the bed and spreads her legs a bit. Alessia and Katie smirk and join Leah on the bed and lay between her legs.
*Leah's Pov*
I bite my lip as Katie and Alessia join me on the bed. I bite my lip and spread my legs giving them full access to my pussy. I moan and run my finger through Alessia's hair and grips the sheets as she kisses and sucks on my inner thighs and leaving hickys.
I moan and gasp as Katie spits on my pussy. Both her and Alessia begin licking my folds and eating me out. I moan loudly in pleasure, they look up and lock eyes with me as they eat me out.
"Mmmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Alessia and Katie continue to eat me out. Katie slips in a finger and slowly fingers me as she eats me out.
*Katie's Pov*
I slip in a finger and slowly finger Leah as me and Alessia eat her out. I feel Leah's legs slightly wrap around us. Leah's moans growing louder, I watch as her stomach begins to clench and flex at each movement of mine and Alessia's tongue, her chest rises and falls rapidly.
Leah moans loudly in pleasure. Leah shouts mine and Alessia's name. Leah breaks eye contact and throws her head back, her mouth wide open one fist gripping the sheets and the other fist gripping my hair. Leah cums all over mine and Lessi's face,
We let her use our mouths as she works through her orgasm and comes down from her high. Leah's legs shake in pleasure as we help her ride out her high.
Alessia and I lick and clean up her sticky mess, I slowly pull my fingers out of her, I lick and suck her juices off my fingers. Leah bites her lip and moans as she watched me lick and suck her juices off my fingers.
*Y/n's pov*
I smirk. "Alright ladies, thank you for getting her pussy ready for me." I say.
They blush and giggle. "You're welcome daddy." They both say.
I smile and kiss them both. They smile against my lips and kiss back. I smirk and tap their asses, they giggle and sit back down. I take off my shorts, shirt and boxers.
My dick springs out once it's freed from its confinement. Leah blushes darkly and checks out my dick. "Fuck daddy you're huge." Leah says.
The girls bite their lips as they also check out my length. I giggle and blush a bit at her comment. "Thank you baby girl." I say.
I look at Leah and smirk. "Get on all fours baby girl."
Leah blushes and smiles she does as I say and get on all fours. I join her on the bed and get behind her. "I'm gonna do you one better baby."
"Okay daddy." Leah says.
I grab her and lay back in reverse cowgirl. Her back was to my tits, I spread her legs a bit with mine. I tease her folds with my tip.
"Y-Y/n...Don't tease just put it in. Please baby I need you." Leah says begging.
I smirk and slowly slip my dick inside her. We both moan as she takes me deep inside her, I moan as her walls immediately clench around me.
"Mmm so tight and warm." I moan.
Leah giggles. "Tell me when to move baby." I say.
Leah nods and takes a moment to adjust to my size. She moans and leans back against me. "M-Move." She's says.
I place my hands in her hips, I spread her legs a bit more with mine and slowly thrust up into her pussy. "Mmm fuck, right there ugh just like that." Leah moans.
I moan and thrust up onto her faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. Fuck her pussy felt so good. She had amazing grip, her pussy felt like heaven. Mmm so wet and warm.
"Fuck baby, you're so tight and warm." I moan.
I their up into her faster and harder. Leah screams in pleasure and grips the sheets. I make her look at me and make out with her, we both moan as I continue to bottom out in her pussy.
We break the kiss, and rest our heads against each other's. "Feels so too. Don't you dare fucking stop, don't you dare stop. We don't stop until you bust your massive load inside me." Leah moans.
I smirk. "Yeah slut? You want my cum deep inside you?" I ask teasing her.
"Yes give it to me. Give it to me. I've been such a good girl." Leah says.
We both moan as I thrust into her faster and harder. "Fuck I'm going to squirt." Leah screams in pleasure.
I smirk, I slap and tease her clit. Leah moans and shudders as I do this. Leah moans in pleasure and squirts, I smirk as I feel some of her juices go on my thigh. She moans and squirts on the blankets and sheets.
We both moan as I continue to thrust up into her faster and harder. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. "L-Leah baby, I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't stop, don't stop." Leah moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. I rub her clit, with my thumb at a slightly fast pace.
My breathing gets heavier letting Leah know what i was close to cumming.
"Yes, cum in me. Cum in me." Leah moans.
I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel my balls tighten.
*Leah's 1st Creampie*
I can't take it anymore, I thrust up into her and bust my load deep inside her pussy. Leah moans and cums all over my dick, we both moan as cum oozes and spurts inside her painting her walls white.
I slowly thrust up into her. I help Leah ride out her high, I slowly thrust up into her the last of my cum oozes and spurts inside her.
I moan and slowly pull out, my dick falls limp. Cum immediately pours out of her. Cum coats her folds, and drips onto the blankets and sheets.
"Mmm fuck there's so much. I feel so full with our cum inside me." Leah moans.
I smirk and kiss her one more time. "Let's continue playing the game." I say.
Leah smiles and nods, the girls giggle and agree. The girls were touching themselves as they watched me fuck Leah and fill her up with my seed.
We sit back down and continue playing the game. "Leah pick the next task baby." I say.
Leah nods and looks around the room. Leah looks at Steph and smirks. "Last one to strap Steph loses their panties or boxers and bra." Leah says.
To be continued in part 2!
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gryficowa · 4 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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writesinsthenwelltalk · 3 months
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Save me Katie Kay and Dusty save me….
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