#page 780
professorlegaspi · 9 months
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I’m normal and can be trusted with Indaba equating gratitude with service
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ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 780: The sprint at 100m left!!
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Pag 1
1: Hakogaku and Sohoku finally caught him!! They lined up to Gunma!!
There are 100m left until the sprint line!!
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Pag 2
1: We caught up to you with the solidarity of road racing!!
2: Seriously? This situation is really bad!!
3: Get out of the way!! MTB guy!!
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Pag 3
1: The next 100m!!
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Pag 4
1: Are for us top sprinters!!
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Pag 5
2: They lined up to me and then moved ahead right away!!
3: To avoid doing that, I'd move back when we're all in a line and count “three seconds”!?
4: Whoa!! They saw through me!!
5: As expected from the speed experts!!
But aren't you forgetting something?
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Pag 6
1: It has nothing to do with road racing or MTB
If someone is running in front of you, you want to chase them
2: That's an “impulse”
3: that everyone who rides a bike has!!
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Pag 7
2: I won't let you do as you please either!! San-na!!
3: I've worked for a year for this
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Pag 8
1: I ran in the storms, facing the wind!!
Horuaaa will you lose!?
2: 100m left!!
I'll win!!
I'll win against you!!
3: For sure!!
I'll make you say “I'll get my revenge”!!
4: 70m left!!
5: 60m left!!
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Pag 9
2: My legs!? They hurt so much!?
3: But I'm not worried!!
I haven't raised them to be so soft that they would stop just for something like this!!
4: One more time
Bloom, “golden yellow”!!
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Pag 10
2: I won't yield to you either, Orange!!
3: I won't yield to anyone!!
I've come 'til here!! I'll take it!!
4: I'll win the first result two years in a row!!
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Pag 11
1: Doubashi-san!!
Please take it, Masikyo-senpai!!
2: Hosoda, Kajimoto, Mori, Taniguchi, and even the Saimon siblings – you're all here?
3: Watch this, you all
Inside the course at Hakone Academy...
The meaning of running here
4: It's neither honor nor authority
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Pag 12
1: It means to win and prove Hakogaku's worth!!
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Pag 13
1: Three people are pushing on!!
2: Pedal!!
3: Pedal!!
4: Pedal!!
5: 50m left!!
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Pag 14
1: Here, Gunma, who had a late start
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Pag 15
1: caught up to them again!!
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Pag 16
1: Huh!?
2: You...
3: They're lined up again!!
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Pag 17
1: 40m left!!
2: 30m!!
3: Seriously!?
4: I thought we left this guy behind earlier!?
5: I thought we brought this to a one-on-one between me and Orange!?
6: Does he want to prove MTB's worth so much?
What is he running for
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Pag 18
1:It's so hard he's breathless and his body is shaking!!
2: Why are you trying so hard to win!?
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Pag 19
3: Well
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Pag 20
1: Because there's a small kid cheering for me!!
3: Amazing.....!!
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steakbatter · 9 months
I have a ton of scattered The Secret History thoughts that I've already seen touched on by a lot of discussion threads (Camilla being idealized by Richard and having zero personality, it's unfulfilling how small of a role Julian played in the end etcetc), but something that's bugged me and I haven't seen brought up often is that most of the fandom treats Bunny like an all american idiot? He's the only one of the six who wasn't disillusioned with the allure of aesthetics and maintaining a very specific rich image. I want to go out a limb and say that it feels like an intentional subversion on Tartt's part to make Henry, the most academic inclined one, the one most susceptible to the seduction of a worldview where morality isn't confine to reality, whilst Bunny, the dyslexic idiot who can barely write legibly, the one to be the most well adjusted and functions well in a regular society
Idk I feel like TSH readers have such an uncharitable view on Bunny's intelligence because of 1. his bigotry and 2. we're seeing him through Richard's very biased measurement on intelligence, and it's a bit nutty that so many people just take Richard's words for it because "Richard is an unreliable narrator" is literally one of the main selling points of the novel
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drusilla-carstairs · 2 years
I just need you guys to know that I will not be speed reading Chain of Thorns in a day/two days. I will probably take a week. I’m going to savor that book. I will tag spoilers and I will also block the spoiler tag during that time!
Shout out to my slow readers/readers who want to take their time. This one’s for you
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nicollekidman · 2 years
i FORGOT about the orpheus and eurydice test in the auction skdfjh wah 
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whatlurksbean · 3 months
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What Lurks beneath- chapter 29 page 780
(Read WLB on Comicfury! or read up to page 792on Patreon!)
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 month
Four Swords Adventures Manga Fan Comic: Four Swords Returns
Chapter 25: Dream's end
Pages 780-785
Start | Previous | Next
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*Whispers softly into Vio's ear*
Vio...my guy- he's trying to be vulnerable with you about the fact he's also had trauma that affects him in the here and now but he's also emotionally constipated-
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cj-schlatt · 3 months
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Pairing: Schlatt x gn!reader (no pronouns, no use of y/n)
Word Count: ~780
Summary: What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
Content: Fluff, pet names (angel). Schlatt and reader are childhood best friends who recently reconnected :)
A/N: Hi! This is my first attempt at writing for Schlatt. Let me know how I did! :)
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You’ve been stressing ever since you flipped the calendar page over this morning. Your first anniversary with Schlatt is this month, the date marked with a heart, and you have no idea what you’re going to get him.
What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
You’re in your parents’ attic, helping them to clean it up a bit, when you find the answer to your dilemma.
You come across an unmarked cardboard box, which by itself isn’t unusual; you’ve already sorted through a dozen just like it. What makes it special is what you find inside—it’s filled with VHS-C tapes from your family’s old camcorder. You’ve just stumbled upon a treasure trove of memories.
You know for a fact that there is footage of Schlatt within these tapes, from birthday celebrations to stupid “movies” the two of you made together. As you pick up a tape, labeled with both of your names and the date it was captured, you start to form a plan.
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Your childhood bedroom is exactly as you left it when you moved out, down to the old CRT TV and combination VHS and DVD player. After some quick Googling, you’re turning on the TV and popping the first tape, along with a blank DVD, into the player.
Static. Then, a picture comes into view: a grainy scene of a much younger version of you in front of a birthday cake, Schlatt right at your side as he and the rest of the party-goers sing “Happy Birthday” and you blow out the candles. You can’t help but smile at the display.
The video continues, showing you tearing into your birthday presents (with Schlatt right there to help you, of course). You’re transported back to that day, long forgotten until now, where you almost had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and tissue paper than the actual presents you received.
Soon, the first tape ends. If all went well, it should be copied onto the DVD now. You stay up well into the night converting tapes, too excited revisiting old memories to want to continue later.
The next day, phase two of your plan begins, with you uploading the new DVDs to your computer and putting your video editing skills to the test. You’re grinning like an idiot when it’s finally done.
You just hope Schlatt will like it.
You’re pretty sure he will.
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It’s a few weeks later when the big day finally arrives. You can’t even count how many times you’ve had to hold yourself back from giving him his gift early, so excited to see his reaction.
You’re practically vibrating when you lead him to the living room and turn the TV on.
“What’s all this about?” he asks, plopping down on the couch.
“You’ll see,” you say, smiling as you connect your laptop to the TV.
You watch with him as little you and Schlatt are projected onto the big screen. You join him on the couch, listening to your younger self introduce your imagined audience to what the two of you creatively titled “The Dumb Idiots Show.”
You glance over at Schlatt, who is completely glued to the TV. You think you see that his eyes are glistening a little, reflecting the light of the screen, but you don’t say anything, just let the video continue.
The video came out pretty damn good, if you do say so yourself. It had been so much fun reliving these memories, and it’s even better now that you get to share them with your best friend, the one who was with you for all of it.
Eventually, the screen fades to black, and the room falls silent.
“Wow,” is the first thing Schlatt says. He leans back into the couch, running a hand through his hair.
“Did you like it?” you ask, not quite able to keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Are you kidding?” he asks, voice tinged with disbelief. “I loved it.”
“Really, angel,” he says, pulling you in for a hug.
You sink into the embrace, relief flooding through you.
“I’m impressed,” he says when you part.
“Looks like I’m not the only one with video-making skills around here.”
You grin at him. “I mean, did you see my camera work on episode two of ‘The Dumb Idiots Show?’ I’ve always had a knack for it.”
He laughs. “You oughta start your own channel.”
“Maybe I will,” you say with a little smirk. After a moment, your face softens. “Happy anniversary, J.”
“Happy anniversary,” he echoes, a lovesick smile on his own face as he leans in to kiss you.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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star-girl-05 · 9 months
The Bet
James Wilson x Reader
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He thought there was no way he’d lose, it seemed like a sure thing. That's the only reason he agreed to the terms, he should have known better. Never bet something you're not willing to lose, yet he did and now he has to go to work like this. Gosh House is going to ream him when he sees him. 
“Come on out James” your sing-song tone just made him want to lock himself in the bathroom forever. “Would you stop being a baby its not even that bad I could have made you do something way worse”
You weren't wrong, you could have made him do something long lasting like shaving his head. It was still bad though. He heard you call his name again, he was going to have come out or he’d be late for work. So finally after gathering all his courage he opened the bathroom door. As soon as you saw his face you were laughing. Wilsons' face lights up like a Christmas tree and he's covering his face in hopes you'll stop laughing. 
“Oh James, I’m sorry it's just” you find yourself laughing again “Don’t hide from me James I want to see your pretty face” That just made him want to hide more. He’s been in love with you for almost a year, always dropping hints he's in love with you, yet you never seem to pick up on them. House says it's obvious the two of you like each other but Wilsons isn’t so sure. 
“James” god he loves when you say his name. You pull Wilsons hands away from his face you do your best trying to hold in your laughter. “Wow you look..hm” your eyes study his face or more importantly the glued on mustache that now rests on his upper lip. 
“Don’t, it looks horrible” he was right it was bad he looked much better clean shaven. Though even with the ugly mustache he was still pretty. 
“It’s just for one day” it is true its just one day but Wilson didn’t just have to wear a fake mustache, every time someone asks about said mustache he owes you ten bucks. Easy money since you know every one he talks to today will be focused on it. 
“Maybe but I’ll be paying for weeks” that's true you're going to make quite a profit off today. 
As soon as Wilson enters the hospital eyes are on him even patients that have never seen him give him a funny look. House is the first to say anything, throwing a file on the nurses station and staring at Wilson with his mouth comically open. “Wilson, I think you got something there. ” He gestures at his face. Wilson rolled his eyes today's going to be a long day. 
“It's a really interesting story” you egg on trying to get House to say the golden words. 
“Okay I’ll bite what’s with the fake mustache” Wilson cursed under his breath pulling out his wallet and handing you the first ten of the day. House eyes the exchange getting even more curious about what's going on. “Hold up, what was that?” 
“Me and Wilson made a bet he lost and now everytime someone asks about his mustache he owes me ten bucks, I’ll give you two bucks if you help” House was agreeing instantly, happy to mess with Wilson in any way. Wilson on the other hand was anything but thrilled. He was objecting right away but it fell on deaf ears.  
Wilson spent the rest of his day getting paged to the clinic where patients asked about his mustache. At the end of the day Wilson owed 780 dollars. 
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by Matti Friedman
The little book may have been kept by a Jewish family in Bamiyan, the curator suggested, with different people adding new texts as the years passed. The hands of at least five scribes are evident in the pages. They were influenced by ideas and writing coming from both major Jewish centers of the time—Babylon, which is modern-day Iraq, and the Land of Israel, where Jewish sovereignty had been lost seven centuries before and whose people were now under Islamic rule.
The previously unknown poem shows the influence of a familiar biblical text, the erotic Song of Songs, according to Professor Shulamit Elizur of the Hebrew University, the member of the research team in charge of the poem’s analysis.  But it also shows the impact of an esoteric Jewish book that wasn’t part of the Bible, known as the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel. This book is thought to have originated in the early 600s, when a brutal war between Byzantium and the Sasanian empire of Persia generated desperate messianic hopes among many Jews. Whoever wrote the poem in the Afghan prayer book had clearly read the Apocalypse, Elizur said—giving us a glimpse of a Jewish spiritual world both familiar and foreign to the coreligionists of the Bamiyan Jews in our own times, 1,300 years later. The previously unknown poem shows the influence of a familiar biblical text, the erotic Song of Songs, according to Professor Shulamit Elizur of the Hebrew University. (Museum of the Bible)
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Chapters of the book’s journey from Afghanistan to Washington are unclear—some because they’re simply unknown even to the experts, and others because that’s the way the people in the murky manuscript market often prefer it.  
When the book was discovered by the Hazara militiaman, according to Hepler, the tribesmen didn’t know exactly what it was but understood it was Jewish and assumed it was sacred. The local leader had it wrapped in cloth and preserved in a special box. At one point in the late 1990s, it seems to have been offered unsuccessfully for sale in Dallas, Texas, though it’s unclear if the book itself actually left Afghanistan at the time. 
After the al-Qaeda attacks of 9/11 triggered the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, the book disappeared for about a decade. In 2012 it resurfaced in London, where it was photographed by the collector and dealer Lenny Wolfe. 
Any story about Afghan manuscripts ends up leading to Wolfe, an Israeli born in Glasgow, Scotland. I went to see him at his office in Jerusalem, an Ottoman-era basement where the tables and couches are cluttered with ancient Greek flasks and Hebrew coins minted in the Jewish revolt against Rome in the 130s CE. It was Wolfe who helped facilitate the sale of the larger Afghan collection to Israel’s National Library. “The Afghan documents are fascinating,” he told me, “because they give us a window into Jewish life on the very edge of the Jewish world, on the border with China.” 
When Wolfe encountered the little prayer book, he told me it had already been on the London market for several years without finding a buyer. In 2012, the year he photographed the book, he said it was offered to him at a price of $120,000 by two sellers, one Arab and the other Persian. But the Israeli institution he hoped would buy the book turned it down, he told me, so the sale never happened. Not long afterwards, according to his account, he heard that buyers representing the Green family had paid $2.5 million. When I asked what explained the difference in price, he answered, “greed,” and wouldn’t say more. (Hepler of the Museum of the Bible wouldn’t divulge the purchase price or the estimated value of the manuscript, but said Wolfe’s figure was “wrong.”)
The collection amassed by the Green family eventually became the Museum of the Bible, which opened in Washington in 2017. The museum has been sensitive to criticism related to the provenance of its artifacts since a scandal erupted involving thousands of antiquities that turned out to have been looted or improperly acquired in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. The museum’s founder, Steve Green, has said he first began collecting as an enthusiast, not an expert, and was taken in by some of the dubious characters who populate the antiquities market. “I trusted the wrong people to guide me, and unwittingly dealt with unscrupulous dealers in those early years,” he said after a federal investigation. In March 2020 the museum agreed to repatriate 11,000 artifacts to Iraq and Egypt. 
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
We love you too Mommy
pairing⁀➷ lando norris x fem!reader
word count⁀➷ 780 give or take
summary⁀➷ You visit your parents with Lando and your baby daughter
warnings⁀➷ parenthood, female reader, fluff, (good) relationship with parents, (this is not my best work, sorry lol), use of y/d/n (your daughter’s name)
a/n⁀➷ (tell me if I missed a warning pls!) This was one of the very first one shots l've ever written and it shows, sorry for the bad grammar...
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Last week has been wonderful, you thought. Lando just came back from his race in Portugal so you decided to go for a little walk. Your little one was dressed in a cute Teddy Overall she got from Lando and the sun was shining through the trees. It was a bit cold but that's England.
"Are you ready to see Grandma?" you lifted your daughter out of her baby seat and she smiled at you like crazy.
Lando came around the car to help you get her out so you could get the diaper bag. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips before walking towards the door.
Once the doorbell of your parents' house rang, all three of you were welcomed with warm hugs and kisses. You haven't seen your parents in a few weeks due to Lando having two race weekends in a row, so they were really happy when the both of you called them.
"Hello, sweetheart." Your Mom took y/d/n into her arms after greeting you and Lando, and y/d/n giggled.
Your Dad was already deep in conversation with Lando and they were going to the living room while your Mom and you were still in the entrance.
"So, how have the last races been? I watched the one where.." you could hear your Dad talking to Lando. You giggled, he’d loved Lando ever since you two announced that you were dating and he enjoyed having 'a man to talk to', as he likes to say.
"Lando, do you know where the diaper bag is?" you shouted from the entrance. "I got it!" he shouted back as you went to the living room with your Mom, holding your daughter in your arms.
You were nearly finished with having dinner when your Dad got a Newspaper from the couch table and gave it to you and Lando. "Have you two seen the article about you yet?" he asked. What?
"Uh, no we haven't." You said as Lando's face was equally confused as your own.
"Oh don't be scared, it's only positive things!" your Dad said to calm the two of you. You both had a look at the article he gave you. Two large pictures were covering the page with the headline saying;
"Lando Norris' girlfriend in cutest partner look with one-year-old daughter"
"So we weren't as alone as we thought we were." You chuckled. But to be honest, that article was cute. The picture showed you and Lando with your baby in the stroller.
It was shot when Lando told you about his last race and all that had happened.
Not that you haven't watched it, but it's always different when he tells you about it later. He was gesturing with one hand while the other was holding the stroller and y/d/n was looking up at you two from her seat. Your hands were buried in your teddy-like jacket.
The second picture was even cuter. Your daughter was smiling at you and Lando. Your heart melted by the look of that. These were the good sides of the press, they could be so rude and sometimes pretty annoying too, but whoever captured this moment really did a good job, you thought with a smile.
You and especially Lando ensured that your little girl wasn't in the media very often, but the press is part of dating Lando, part of your life as a family, and you just had to deal with them being everywhere. So having such a positive article was a nice break for both of you.
After dinner, you decided to split the work, so the men were bringing everything to the kitchen as well as entertaining your youngest family member, while you and your Mom did the things left to do in the kitchen.
"The picture is so cute, love. You can see how much she adores you two, you know." Your Mom smiled at you as you were cleaning the last dirty dishes. You could hear Lando and y/d/n giggle in the living room. "| do love them. So much." You said with a dreamy smile.
"We love you too, Mommy." You heard a whisper from the kitchen door. As you turned around, you could see Lando holding y/d/n in his arms, peeking through the door. She was smiling and giggling as they 'ran' towards you.
Lando gave you a kiss on the lips before he said "Very much. Especially me." He whispered the last part, pretending to not want your baby daughter to hear it. You just giggled and gave him another kiss. "I love you too, you Muppet." you whispered back with a chuckle, playing along with him.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reblogs are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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race-week · 1 year
What's spygate?
Ahh someone who is unfamiliar with this incredible piece of F1 history
I’ll try to keep it brief (because I have a habit of rambling about this) but BBC did an 8 episode podcast about it (Sports Strangest Crimes - Spygate) it’s about 4 hours in total but very good and I also made a post on it a few years back but that is kind of shit.
Essentially in July of 2007, 780 pages of confidential Ferrari documents were brought into a photocopy shop in Surrey by a woman of the name Trudy Coughlan (wife of MikeCoughlan - the McLaren senior design engineer) and she requested that all 780 pages be copied onto a CD.
The man in the photocopy shop recognised the Ferrari logo on the documents (and whilst he completed her request) he also sent an email to one Stefano Domenicali (the then Sporting Director of Ferrari)
A bunch of other stuff happened - not to mention the fact that there was an insane amount of tension in the McLaren team that season because of Lewis and Fernando competing for the title
Initially McLaren claimed to the FIA that the data went no further than Mike Coughlan and he was ‘a rouge employee’ but it was later discovered (over the summer break) that there was a series of email chains indicating that the data had spread further.
In the end McLaren was fined $100,000,000 for possessing confidential Ferrari data.
And the guy in the photocopy shop (Gary) got invited to the secret Ferrari end of season party.
If you are interested the data leak came from Nigel Stepney who was the Ferrari chief mechanic and at the time he felt a bit frustrated in his job and felt as though he’d been passed over for a promotion and as such he shared the documents (as well as some other info about the 2007 Ferrari) with his friend Mike Coughlan (the McLaren Senior Designer) who he knew from when they worked at Lotus back in the 80s
Honestly if you are interested in Spygate listen to the podcast and you can also look up the transcripts from the 2 FIA hearings - they have some absolute gems in them
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vestaignis · 1 year
Саммеццано — красивейший замок Италии. Sammezzano is the most beautiful castle in Italy.
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Замок Саммеццано (Castello di Sammezzano), расположенный в регионе Тоскана, на территории коммуны Реджелло, на окраине Флоренции и рядом с городком Леччио (Leccio) (Италия).Замок был построен в 780 году и за долгое своё существование принадлежал многим знатным семьям.
Имение Саммеццано до 1488 года принадлежало флорентийской семье Гуалтьеротти, затем усадьбой завладели Биндо Альтовити и Джованни де Медичи. В 1564 году великий князь Козимо I установил вето на охоту и ловлю рыбы на обширной территории, прилегающей к замку, а заем преподнес в дар имение своему сыну Фердинанду, будущему великому герцогу Тосканы.
В начале XVII века усадьба была куплена королем Хименеcом Арагонским, а затем в 1816 перешла по наследству к семье Панчиатики в 1816. Именно маркиз Фердинандо Панчиатики Хименес Арагонский между 1853 и 1889 затеял реконструкцию усадьбы в необычный и привлекательный замок, выполненный в мавританском стиле, увлеченный восточным искусством, получившим широкое распространение в Западном Средиземноморье между концом одиннадцатого пятнадцатого века. Если фасад замка Саммеццано напоминает индийский мавзолей Тадж-Махал, то его внутренние украшения навеяны дворцом Альгамбра в Гранаде. Многочисленные и все абсолютно разные залы замка поражают роскошью отделки: среди них выделяются Павлиний зал , Зеркальный зал, зал Лилий, Белый зал и небольшая часовня, поражающие взгляд невероятным сочетанием ярких цветов. Всего замок насчитывает 365 комнат, по одной на один день года.
На сегодня, как ни прискорбно об этом говорить, роскошный замок Саммеццано продолжает пребывать в состоянии заброшенности. Формально замок находится в фазе реставрации, однако фактически работы в замке не ведутся.О нём заботятся волонтёры, и экскурсии в нём проводятся крайне редко.
Sammezzano Castle (Castello di Sammezzano), located in the Tuscany region, in the territory of the commune of Reggello, on the outskirts of Florence and near the town of Leccio (Italy). The castle was built in 780 and over its long existence belonged to many noble families. The Sammezzano estate belonged to the Florentine Gualtierotti family until 1488, then Bindo Altoviti and Giovanni de' Medici took possession of the estate. In 1564, Grand Duke Cosimo I vetoed hunting and fishing in the vast area surrounding the castle, and a loan gifted the estate to his son Ferdinand, the future Grand Duke of Tuscany.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the estate was purchased by King Jimenez of Aragon, and then in 1816 it was inherited by the Panciatici family in 1816. It was the Marquis Ferdinando Panciatici Jimenez of Aragon, between 1853 and 1889, who began the reconstruction of the estate into an unusual and attractive castle, made in the Moorish style, fascinated by the oriental an art that became widespread in the Western Mediterranean between the end of the eleventh and fifteenth centuries.
If the façade of Sammezzano Castle is reminiscent of the Indian mausoleum of the Taj Mahal, its interior decorations are inspired by the Alhambra Palace in Granada. The numerous and all completely different halls of the castle amaze with the luxury of decoration: among them, the Peacock Hall, the Hall of Mirrors, the Hall of Lilies, the White Hall and a small chapel stand out, striking the eye with an incredible combination of bright colors. In total, the castle has 365 rooms, one for each day of the year.
Today, no matter how sad it is to say, the luxurious Sammezzano Castle continues to be abandoned. Formally, the castle is in the restoration phase, but in fact no work is being carried out in the castle. Volunteers take care of it, and excursions are held extremely rarely.
Источник: http://italia-ru.com/page/zamok-sammetstsano-mavritanskii-oazis-serdtse-renessansnoi-toskany,
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thepeculiarbird · 10 days
Meeting someone irl who writes and they already wrote 780 pages while you're at 40
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blackstarchanx3new · 3 months
Ease of reading in mind
Season 1
Chapter 1: PG 1-20 Four Heroes Return
Bonus Chapter "Name"
Chapter 2: PG 21-31 Back Home
Chapter 3: PG 32-57 A "Walk"
Chapter 4: PG 58-81 Library
Chapter 5: PG 82-108 A Promise
Chapter 6: PG 109-128 Memory Lane
Chapter 7 PT 1: PG 129-155 A Hero Playing a Villain
Chapter 7 PT 2: PG 156-177 A Hero Playing a Villain
Chapter 8: PG 178-197 Dark Mirror's Shards
Chapter 9: PG 198-210 Triforce of Power
Chapter 10 PT 1: PG 211-222 Uncontrollable Curse
Chapter 10 PT 2: PG 223-244 Uncontrollable Curse
Chapter 11 PT 1: Unfinished Business Pages 245-259
Chapter 11 PT 2: Unfinished Business Pages 260-278
Chapter 11 PT 3: Unfinished Business Pages 279-308
Chapter 11 PT 4: Unfinished Business Pages 309-338
Chapter 12: Home again Page 339-360
Chapter 13: Darkness and Vaati 361-370
Chapter 14: A Waking Nightmare 371-386 Part 1
Chapter 14: A Waking Nightmare 371-410 Part 2
Chapter 15: Split 411-424
Chapter 16: Dark Link and Green Pages 425-446
Chapter 17: Dark Link and Green 447-457
Chapter 17: Going Further 458-468
Chapter 17: Going Further 469-492
Chapter 18: Reality 493-506
Season 2
Chapter 19 Shades of Blue
Chapter 19 PT 1: Shades of Blue Pages 507-510
Chapter 19 PT 2: Shades of Blue Pages 511-514
Chapter 19 PT 3: Shades of Blue Pages 515-518
Chapter 19 PT 4: Shades of Blue Pages 519-522
Chapter 19 PT 5: Shades of Blue Pages 523-526
Chapter 19 PT 6: Shades of Blue Censored Pages 527-530
Chapter 19 PT 6: Shades of Blue Uncensored Pages 527-530
Chapter 19 PT 7: Shades of Blue Pages 531-534
Chapter 19 PT 8: Shades of Blue Pages 535-538
Chapter 19 PT 9: Shades of Blue Pages 539-542
Chapter 19 PT 10: Shades of Blue Pages 543-546
Chapter 19 PT 11: Shades of Blue Pages 547-552
Chapter 19 PT 12: Shades of Blue Pages 553-556
Chapter 20 New Friends
New Friends Part 1 Pages 557-560
New Friends Part 2 Pages 561-565
Chapter 21 Link's Bedroom
Link's Bedroom Part 1 Page 570-574
Link's Bedroom Part 2 Page 570-574
Link's Bedroom Part 3 Page 575-578
Link's Bedroom Part 4 Page 579-582
Link's Bedroom Part 5 Page 583-586
Link's Bedroom Part 6 Page 587-591
Link's Bedroom Part 7 Page 592-595
Link's Bedroom Part 8 Page 596-600
Link's Bedroom Part 9 Page 601-604
Chapter 22 Cloudy Kitchen Thoughts
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 1 Page 605-610
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 2 Page 611-616
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 3 Page 617-623
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 4 Page 624-630
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 5 Page 631-637
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 6 Page 638-644
Cloudy kitchen thoughts Part 7 Page 645-649
Chapter 23 The Woods
The Woods Part 1 Pages 650-655
The Woods Part 2 Pages 656-659
The Woods Part 3 Pages 660-667
The Woods Part 4 Pages 668-673
The Woods Part 5 Pages 674-677
The Woods Part 6 Pages 681-687
The Woods Part 7 Pages 688-694
The Woods Part 8 Pages 695-700
The Woods PT 9 Pages 701-706
The Woods PT 10 Pages 707-712
Chapter 24: Secret keeping in the darkness
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 1 Pages 713-718
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 2 Pages 719-723
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 3 Pages 724-729
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 4 Pages 730-735
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 5 Pages 736-741
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 6 Pages 742-747
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 7 Pages 748-753
Secret keeping in the darkness PT 8 Pages 754-756
Chapter 25: Vio
Pages 757-762
Pages 763-768
Pages 769-773
Chapter 26: Dream's end
Pages 774-779
Pages 780-785
Pages 786-791
Pages 792-797
Pages 798-803
Pages 804-810
Chapter 27: Turning point
Pages 811-815
Pages 816-820
Pages 821-826
Pages 826-832
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mamabearwonders · 3 months
Forgotten Victims of the Holocaust 🪽: Functioning Labels Origin. Memory eternal. 🕊️ 🕯️
CW ~ N@zi Germany, e@genics, ableism
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Do you recognize these people? Perhaps they could be your neighbor, your friend, your coworker, your cousin. Maybe they liked gardening, music, bike rides, getting ice cream in the summer. Had they gotten the chance to live, most of these people would be enjoying their golden years around a fireplace telling stories of the lives that they lived. Unfortunately, most of these people pictured probably did not survive.
In Nazi Germany, you always picture Jewish people. But Nazis also hated disabled and autistic people (some consider it a disability for themselves some do not). The guy who doesn't even deserve behind the Asperger's diagnosis sided with the regime. Now I'm not bashing on anyone that has Asperger's. I'm focusing on the functioning labels.
He ran a clinic. Anyone he considered high functioning who could mask was spared or just painfully hiding autistic traits. Anyone that was considered low functioning was killed because they were deemed unworthy of life. He sent at least 780 kids to the camps. Even today, doctors use low functioning to deny folks with higher support needs accommodations, autonomy and dignity because they don't see them as people.
This is why I don't use functioning labels. I see myself in them. They were literally erased from the pages of history and deserve to be remembered. It wasn't that long ago. Survivors from then are still alive. Very old, but still here. 🌌
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