#palak reads
divinefeminine-card · 7 months
What requires your immediate attention right now?
Today, in this general reading we shall know what requires your immediate attention right now. Please, take what resonates. Choose the card or cards which appeals to you the most or jumps out to you the most, or any other method if you do one.
Please like and reblog if this pac resonated with you in any way!
Good Luck 🤞����🍀
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Pile goes from left to right.
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Pile 1
Hello Pile 1!
Let's get into your reading~
Cards: The Lovers, 10 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles.
I believe your immediate attention is required by your personal life. Your relationships. I am not even saying any specific one. It's for all. Your romantic relationship, your friendships and your family relations and every relationship which you adore. This needs your immediate attention. Maybe you have been ignoring this due to workload, stress, anxiety and what not. Please try to refocus on your personal life. You will get some clarity for good. And some much needed rest from all the chaos. Your people are there for you pile 1. No matter the actual relation, your people are your family. There are two 10s, so I believe your personal life sort of completes you~ (whatever you perceive it to be 💕)
All the very best 👍🏻
Pile 2
Now onto my pile 2!
Cards: 9 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, King of Pentacles.
My pile 2, the energy I got from you guys was a scattered one, a stuck one. I feel like, you guys are badly out of touch with yourself. You might need to seriously reconnect with yourself. Even with nature. Do you like animals? Perhaps. You might get significant joy from being in blissful solitude with yourself. Take some time out. Go somewhere, anywhere, even a simple walk will help you. I am getting this again. Do you guys have pets? If yes go with them. Pet, animal energy is very strong with this pile. I believe your spirit guides are looking out for you. Trust in them and have trust in yourself love! You are good, you are gonna do good.
Have faith in yourself 💕
Pile 3
Hello my lovely pile 3~~
Cards: 2 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, 9 of Pentacles
What I am getting is, your immediate attention is required by your work life I believe. You might have several tasks at hand. You might be juggling between them so much so that there is a great disbalance in your life because of that. Your mind is so occupied with all the work you have in your hands that you might not be even giving as much as you want to, to your work and even life circumstantially. The thing you need to do is, clear out your mind. Try to organise anything you can. Take small steps and start from there. Then, maybe the daunting and never ending may not be so horrifying. Balancing is the key here. Take only how much you can do. Might have to say no to a few offers.
You can do it pile 3! 💕
Pile 4
Hello my pile 4 🤗
Cards: 8 of Pentacles, 8 of Wands, 7 of Cups, Death ♾️ Rebirth.
This pile is giving me high school, college, any educational or vocational institutions vibe, AND anyone in a transition phase of their life regarding their career.
So as I said, your immediate attention is required by your studies, decisions and skills. For most of you I sense, you all are working hard and burning the midnight oil lamp. And I am so proud of you for that. I also, sense you might have many options on which way to go. It's just all too confusing. I connect with you deeply on this. What I suggest is, you can and will be awesome at whatever you are passionate about. Like listen, if you like something you are willing to work damn hard for it, you know passion ignites the flames so high and beyond in you all!! This transition phase will prove crucial to you. Think and think thoroughly, calmly.
Wishing for the best 🤞🏻
Pile 5
Hello my pile 5 :D
Cards: 6 of Cups, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, 8 of Swords.
My pile 5, you guys might be feeling, very much out of control I think. Might as well be feeling very very much suffocated with everything going around you. You know when the present comes to bite you, sometimes retreating back to older times, to where your heart lies is the best deal you can do/choose. And that's what you need to do. People from past, from whom you haven't talked to in months, years. Seeing photo albums, physical, online. Reminiscing about the past and thinking about the good times might be what you just need to do. Go deep in your mind and unlock the golden memories, who knows you might be in more in tune and control than you think.
Your heart is supposed to be in tune with you ❤️
Pile 6
Hello my lovely pile 6~~
Cards: 7 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 3 of Wands, 8 of Swords.
My pile 6, have you been getting distracted from your path? I understand, it can get difficult and lonely while carving your path with patience meticulously. But, no one knows better than you on how much this all means to you. No one knows better than you on how hard you have worked for this, and how far you have come with so much resilience. I saw 11:11 right now, this might be the confirmation. Your brain, mind and intelligence will take you far and wide. Have trust in them and in yourself. You are a warrior. Like really, I am getting the vibes. The one who knows all the tactics and looks at the obstacles with eyes of determination. This is what you are. Keep working and going ahead, rest once in a while. You will do good, you will get better. Nothing can stop you now.
I believe in you ❤️
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Thank you everyone who saw and participated in this pac reading! Mind you, this was my first pac. Please, any kind of feedback is always very very appreciated!! Whatever resonated, didn't resonate or anything you might want to say with this. My ask box is open.
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foodwithrecipes · 11 months
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Matar Parantha. Whole Wheat Parota provides many important nutrients like fiber, minerals, protein and antioxidants. When you consume wheat paratha, Read full recipe https://foodrecipesoffical.blogspot.com/2023/07/319-food-recipes-matar-parantha.html… http://foodrecipesoffical.blogspot.com
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masonreds · 28 days
girly I need you to write a whole fic on desi reader because your insta au is soo good I wanna like read something cute and desi with mason in it obvs.💕
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(I think it means that anyways)
mason mount x desi reader
theme: fluff
word count: 1,9k words
so I tried with this and I can’t tell if it cringe or not but it’s the first time I wrote a desi reader fic so i’m expecting it to flop so if it does it doesn’t matter cause I probably won’t be writing another one of these but I felt inspired by this song and when I was writing this it had no relevance to the song but oh well take it as you wish. This is the quickest time I’ve written a request and I’m kind of proud of how I finished this in a week but other than that I don’t really like this. Feedback is always appreciated 🩷
It was wedding week, and that meant no rest until the wedding was actually over but luckily for you today was the reception, the last day of the wedding week. It would’ve made it a lot easier for you if it was a far relatives wedding but it was none other than your sisters wedding.
So that meant all the stress and pressure handed down to the siblings aka you as you’re the second oldest, you were also the maid of honour so you had a lot running on your plate. To add on to your stress your boyfriend was attending and this was the first event of the week he was attending due to busy schedules which you understood, he had met your family before, including your cousins and the rest of that lot, he just hadn’t met the judgy aunties which you had no time to stress for because before you knew it your cousin, Alina was calling you over, ‘Y/N? Can you call your mum over, it’s her turn to get her makeup done.’ You responded with a nod, not being able to get a word out otherwise you’d think you breakdown from all the stress.
You were all getting ready professionally by a makeup artist before the event started, your mum was the last person to get her makeup done and that’s when your nerves started kicking in knowing that it was closer to time for Mason to meet all the aunties you didn't like but you just hoped and prayed that nothing would go wrong tonight and that it wouldn’t ruin your sisters reception otherwise you’d feel awful about it.
Mason was coming to the house before you all left for the venue mainly because you knew he was nervous too and you wouldn’t have time to comfort him at the venue but your plan went out the window anyways because as soon as he arrived at the house it was all packed with your cousins and you really underestimated how busy you would actually be also your cousin brothers weren’t helping the situation by teasing how red you had gone when you saw him.
You were truly living your bollywood moment when you say you felt as though everything slowed down around you and all you focused on was him, ignoring the background noise and the people, it was just you and him. That moment was rudely interrupted when Alina rudely screamed into your ear as you had gone into your own daydream land, but that’s how it was whenever you were with him. It felt like you were living your dream.
It felt too good to be true.
Soon enough you were at the venue, guests were starting to come in and before you know it the venue was packed waiting for your sister and now husband to make their entrance. You couldn’t help but look for Mason but as soon as you found him your heart was warm at the sight you saw, he was laughing away with your cousin brothers and you felt like your cheeks were going to hurt from how hard you were smiling.
This was a special moment for you, not only because you wanted Mason to get on with your family but also you were really close with your family and it would’ve hurt if they didn’t get along in any way, you were just thinking how perfect this night was going and how it will burst your little bubble when the judgy aunties make their silly little comments, you knew they couldn’t keep their mouth shut so you knew it was coming just didn’t know when but you figured you weren't going to let it ruin your night.
The evening had gone pleasantly well, snide comments here and there from some aunties that couldn’t be helped apparently but all in all you expected worse if you were honest. Most of the people were eating as the bride and groom had now made their entrance, you on the other hand found yourself looking for Mason again and you grinned when you succeeded in finding him. Soon you find yourself standing in front of him. He suddenly leaned towards you, his lips touching your ear, ‘come with me for a minute,’ he said in a cheeky tone and you had to stop yourself from crashing your lips on his there and then thinking that you didn’t need an audience.
Before you know it you were walking side by side to wherever he was taking you, whilst you were walking you were thinking about how you were nearly done and soon this whole week would be over which you were glad about as you hadn’t spent much time with Mason and you had missed him.
You saw one of the groom's friends walking towards you both, and it's like a sense of confidence washed over Mason wanting to claim that you are his as he held your dupatta (scarf) and pulled you closer to him. You were taken aback by this side of him that you rarely saw. You looked up at him in surprise, ‘what are you doing?’
‘I saw the way he was looking at you when you were talking to your cousins and I didn't like it.’ a small pout on his lips. The pout and the small tug on your dupatta (scarf) told you everything you needed to know, how he was feeling.
He’s insane but you love him.
‘You were watching me? That’s not creepy at all,’ you playfully joke.
‘No, taking care of you from a distance,’ you felt like your heart was going to explode from the amount of love you have for him.
You were only walking for a short while until you found yourself at the balcony of the venue, the view from up here was beautiful, the sun was starting to set and it felt peaceful here with him and also a bonus that you knew no one would interrupt the little moment you got together because they were busy eating.
You were standing in front of each other and you could see the longing feeling in his eyes, you wished he could see the same feeling in your eyes too because his eyes were truly magical, you could find yourself getting lost in them almost forever. You took a step closer to him and he pulled you in by your waist, his hands touching your bare skin, a quick shiver ran down your body while you were looking at him. He looked unbelievable today and you couldn’t wait to show him how good he looked later.
‘It feels like I haven't held you in forever, I‘ve missed you.’
‘I’ve missed you too, Mase,’ you told him with a smile.
‘You look gorgeous, It’s impossible to take my eyes off you.’ Mason told you and you instantly blushed having missed his compliments and missed being in his hold in general. ‘Especially in this beautiful lengha,’ he added before you had a chance to reply to his first comment but your heart wanted to explode with how much love you have for him.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment, just appreciating being in each other's hold. Until you heard the change in the song and you both looked at each other with loving eyes, knowing that the first time you showed him this song it’s like he understood the meaning and had a deep attraction to it, ever since then you had labelled it as one of your songs. Whilst you were both staring at each other, your bodies started reacting to the music and you started dancing to it slowly.
Your head was resting on his chest whilst his chin rested on top of your head, swaying slowly. It was like the perfect moment and you had just wanted to stay here forever if you could.
Everything felt so perfect, it felt like you were telling each other a lot of things without actually speaking, and that was enough for you to communicate. We didn’t need to say anything, sometimes our actions and silence is enough to understand what we want to say and the song in the background basically spoke your heart out.
You were back in his hold, finally alone and you didn’t have any intention of letting go anytime soon. The wedding week was finally over and after the reception had ended and bidded your sister goodbye you went straight back to Mason’s and you instantly got out of your heavy lengha and finally put your pj’s on before meeting Mason in the living room, he had his arms out ready for him to draw you into his chest.
A few minutes had passed and you broke the comfortable silence, ‘I have a little surprise for you.’ you spoke and Mason tilted his head in curiosity, his gaze fixed on you and leaned back so he could face you properly. ‘And what would that be?’
You put your hands out towards him before speaking again, your gaze fixed on your beautiful mendhi, ‘Do you remember that tradition I told you about? The one-’
‘You wrote my name in there?’ A toothy smile started to form on Mason’s face and he gently pulled your right hand towards his face and started searching for his name.
‘Just your first name,’ you smiled. Your eyes were on his face that was filled with excitement. He remained focused on your hand as he used his finger to follow a spiral from the centre of your palm outward.
‘This will be so easy.’
‘If you think it’s so easy, maybe we should add some rules to make this a bit more interesting,’ you suggested. You tried to sound like you had just come up with idea but you had thought about it beforehand. He cocked an eyebrow up at you as he looked up, always in a mood for a challenge. ‘If you don’t find your name in the next three minutes, i win - in which case, I get to write my name on you, in the name spot.’
‘Okay, deal,’ he said softly, smiling to himself as he set a timer before looking back down at your mendhi. Your heart swelled with affection as he moved his touch along your forearm to check there. He met your eyes momentarily, shaking his head as if to say, ‘not this one.’
Picking up your left hand, he repeated the process, starting from the centre of your palm and working outward. He paused briefly midway through tracing your fingers but continued, biting his bottom lip to conceal a grin.
‘You have a terrible poker face, babe,’ he pretended not to hear you, so you wiggled your fingers to get his attention. ‘I know you found it.’
‘You’re so sentimental that i knew exactly where it was going to be,’ Mason admitted, curling your left index and middle fingers forward to reveal, among the scallops of the design, MASON written along the length of your ring finger. ‘But I know you want to write your name on my hand.’
‘Oh, who’s the sentimental one now?’ You rolled your eyes, giving a playful push to his shoulder.
Mason reached behind himself to reveal a mendhi cone, a proud smirk on his face, ‘might be me,’ he handed you the cone and put his left hand in yours.
‘It’s definitely you,’ you leaned forward, pressing a small kiss onto the corner of his grin.
You missed these little moments you had with him but you’re so glad the two of you are reunited again. It’s always this little moments that would make your relationship stronger and you always appreciate the things that he does to make you happy.
If it wasn’t him it wouldn’t be anyone else.
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Thank you @harpothemarx <3 <3 <3
1. 3 ships: Newmann! (forever!) and lately Guy of Gisburne/Robert de Rainault (Sheriff of Nottingham) and Tomgreg
2. First ever ship: Han and Leia I guess but also maybe Bert and Erie or Frog and Toad?
3. Last song: The Path of the Wind (Instrumental) - Joe Hisaishi
4. Last movie: Miss Marple: Nemesis (1987) - a beautifully made tv movie.
5. Currently reading: The entire Sherlock Holmes canon. Got through A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four, and now I've started A Scandal in Bohemia.
6. Currently watching: The Hound of the Baskervilles 1988...again. Like right this minute. But also Colditz.
7. Currently consuming: Made myself palak paneer from scratch again. Just finished my allotted caffeinated beverage of the day, my usual Earl Grey.
8. Currently craving: Palak paneer....hence me making it for the second time in a week.
9. people to tag: @thetookasnest @sharky857 @jimgandolfini @pokemonandcatsmostly @spengnitzed @slowburncowboy @patster223 @dagrans @bamfcoyotetango @thesundaytea @problemwithtrouble @stalksships @safetytree @ladylier @trifoliate-undergrowth
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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BUDDIE + desi playlist (pt. 1)
(for @oneawkwardcookie @midnightseddie @captain-hen)
image description under the cut:
[Image ID: six rectangular gifs of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from 9-1-1, desaturated of all colors except their skin, with an emphasis on the shadows. Each gif is made of a Spotify layout of a South Asian song, and has the album name at the top. The song name is written around the middle, a green heart at the end of that line, and underneath is the artist name. Below the play buttons is "Buddie's Airpods." At the bottom of the gif is a gray box for lyrics, and they are written alternatively in white text for the original lyric, and blue text for the English translation:
GIF 1: Buck watching Eddie with amusement as Eddie turns his head to look up at him in 6.04 as they listen to the forest ranger's conversation. Eddie scoffs out a laugh, looking away as Buck looks up towards the ranger. The album name is Jannat, the song name is Jannat, and the artist line reads, "Ezu; Harshdeep Kaur."
The original Punjabi lyrics read, "Kal mahi di akhan naal akhan char ho gaiyan, othe jannat de dekh darwaze aaya main, dekh jannat de darwaze aaya main." The English translation reads, "Yesterday, I looked into the eyes of my beloved, and it was as if i was at the doorway of heaven, look, i've come to the doorway of heaven."
GIF 2: Eddie watching Buck, Christopher and Denny fondly before ducking his head on a smile in 3.10 blended with Buck smiling widely at Eddie reuniting with Christopher in 4.14. The album name is Ik Lamha, the song name is Ik Lamha and the artist line reads, "Azaan Sami Khan."
The original Urdu reads, "Dil savarta hai tere khayalon se, jagmagata hai tere ujaalo se, raqs karta hai dil tujhpe marta hua." The English translation reads, "My heart is adorned by thoughts of you, it is illuminated by your light, my heart dances as it pines for you."
GIF 3: Buck's gaze dropping away from Eddie after their kitchen conversation like it's painful to look at him, blended with an exhaustedly-smiling Eddie telling Buck that he needs to move on because Eddie has in 5.11. The album name is Sanam Teri Kasam, the song name is Sanam Teri Kasam and the artist line reads, "Ankit Tiwari; Palak Muchhal."
The original Urdu reads, "Tere bin naamumkin, apna guzaara hai, har dua mein maine, tujhko hi maanga hai, tera jaana jaise koi baddua." The English translation reads, "without you it is impossible for me to live on, in every prayer I have asked for only you, you leaving is like a curse."
GIF 4: Eddie laying on the pavement after being shot in 4.13, his hand stretching out towards Buck, blended with Buck with a blood-soaked face, breathly harshly as he watches Eddie's eyes flutter closed. The album name is Marjaavaan, the song name is Tum Hi Aana (Sad Version) and the artist line reads, "Jubin Nautiyal."
The original Urdu reads, "Khatam hogi nahi mitke, kahani yeh kabhi jaana, kahin aisa na ho jaaye, bina deedar main marjaavaan." The English translation reads, "This story won't end upon being erased, my love, may it not happen that, i die without laying eyes on you one last time."
GIF 5: Eddie saying "Almost" in 2.18 in response to things getting back to normal, blended with Buck telling Carla that "the team feels off without Eddie" in 4.14. The album name is Guru, the song name is Tere Bina and the artist line reads, "AR Rahman; Chinmayi; Murtaza Khan; Qadir Khan."
The original lyrics read, "Tere bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyan, o sajna, rookhi re o rookhi re, kaature kaate kate na, o hum dum bin tere kya jeena." The English translation reads, "without you the nights are tasteless, o beloved, they are dry and withered, they don't pass by, o beloved, without you, what is life."
GIF 6: Eddie tersely telling Buck that "You're 100%. Lawsuit proved that, right?" before walking away, blended with Buck watching Eddie leave as his lips flatten into a sad expression. The album name is Malang - Unleash The Madness, the song name is Phir Na Milen Kabhi and the artist line reads, "Ankit Tiwari."
The original Urdu reads, "Chalte chalte karta salaam aakhri, rab se ab toh maangoon bas dua yahi, hum phir na milen kabhi." The English translation reads, "I give my final goodbye while walking away, now the only prayer I ask from God is that, may we never meet again."
/end ID]
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nena-96 · 8 months
What the Flip Lily?!
@jilytoberfest @jilymicrofics Week 4 prompts: Blip, Flip, Clip, Rip, Trip (my schedule in rl is a bit hectic, but here's a little Jily domestic family fluff)
Summary: Lily was enjoying the special moment with Harry in the nursery of Godric's Hollow... that was until James had decided to say some colorful words.
read below or on A03
His green eyes were so beautiful and full of love that Lily could do nothing but smile, as she cradled her little Harry in her arms. He’s so tiny, with his tiny fingers that reached and squeezed her finger as he gurgled a little laugh, as he kicked his tiny feet. Sitting here in the nursery, as she rocked on the ancient rocking chair, had become one of her favorite places to be here in Godric’s Hollow. Even with the war looming above them, as they hide in this house, she knows that there’s still beauty in the world, one of the reasons is the adorable look on Harry's face. Loving the way he giggled at the way she “booped” his nose with her finger.
While her little Harry, her adorable son would always end up blowing a raspberry at her, making Lily’s eyes fill up with tears of happiness.
A world where the war is over and Muggles and Muggleborn are safe to live their lives free of fear and pain. Harry’s green eyes are a reflection of her own, yet the messy black hair is definitely all James. If she were to really focus, she could see the glimmer of mischief within those beautiful green orbs. It was times like these in which Lily realizes that there can be peace in the wizarding world. One look at the child in her arms proves that her statement is real. No matter the time of day or night, Lily knew for certain that her little Harry will always be safe in her warm embrace.
So pure, so innocent, her little Harry James Po-
“Son of a Bit-”
Lily whips her head towards the nursery’s door, at the sound of her dearest husband’s outburst, the door knob jostles a bit before it turns slightly right and the door gets pushed open. As James limps into the room, while muttering obscenities, “I see you still haven’t moved the end table from the living room, Lils.” James said as he walked across the small distance to the nightstand. “I told you that I’d do it later, and no swearing James, I don’t want Harry to learn such words,” Lily scolded him, while making a show of covering Harry’s pink ears. “Oh, come on Lils you know more than I do that you have a sailor mouth”, James retorted, “I recall that you had quite the colorful vocabulary this morning that would even make an Auror blush.” With a roll of her eyes, Lily focused her attention back at the gurgling child in her arms, “No swearing, isn’t that right, sweetheart,” she cooed at Harry, making him giggle and his eyes brighten with happiness.
“I’m going to prepare some Palak Paneer and some Chicken Tikka Masala”, James said momentarily pulling Lily away from Harry, before she could ask how he got the ingredients for such a lavish meal, James waved his hand at her. “Relax, I used the Invisibility cloak and I can assure you that nobody saw me,” he said with certainty that the only thing that Lily could do was nod her head and smile at her husband. Lily watched as James walked towards her and give her a gentle kiss on Harry’s forehead before moving to kiss her gently on her soft lips. Before he moved away, he leaned down and she felt his breath tickle her skin as he whispered a promise into her ear, “I won’t let anything happen to either of you and I promise to tell you next time when I’ll go out for food.”
Lily nodded as she tried her best to not think of exactly how far the man, she loves would go in order to protect them, she doesn’t want to entertain the thought of losing him because he sacrifices himself in order to save them. No, a world without James is simply not a world she wants to live in, they made a promise and she will do everything in her power for the three of them to come out of this war alive. There’s simply no other alternative, she will not let anyone rip her family away from her.
James gives her a soft smile, his dimples showing before he turns to head out of the room, so he could show off his culinary skills, something that Lily could never achieve. Although, in her opinion there is nothing sexier than a man cooking up the most delicious curry and having the dishes cleaned and put away afterwards.
However, it has seemed as though luck wasn’t on her husband’s side, since he ended up tripping over the corner of the rug that was sticking up and ended up banging his toe onto one of the legs of the crib, as he was now hoping on one foot as he bit his bottom lip in frustration. Yes, it was moments like these in which Lily debates whether she indeed married one of the most talented wizards ever, or the biggest toe-rag ever.
Lily’s eyes widened as she glanced at Harry before looking back at her husband, who if you ask her is making quite the show of hopping around on one foot. Before James could finish his sentence, Lily managed to bring out her wand from under Harry’s blanket and quickly muttered a spell and sent it directly at her husband.
“Blipping, flipping clip!” James had shouted in confusion, “Slipping, ugh flip.... Lily, what the flip did you clipping do?”
“I told you, no swearing around Harry”, Lily said in between giggles as she listened to the words spilling out James’ mouth. The look on his face was priceless as he licked his lips, and closed his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts as he did his best to ignore the way both Harry, and she were giggling uncontrollably now. Their faces-tinged pink as James continued muttering silly-obscenities as he turned and made his way out of the room.
“Dagnabbit…. Son of a monkey…. Merlin’s beard…. Flipping heck, Lily”
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bakerysnake · 9 months
tagged by @kyghostly
top 3 ships: xingyun, suntan, dtk x blackstar (dunno what they're called)
first ship: percabeth heh
last song: TAKIN OVER BY COZMEZ (i love paralive sm <333)
last movie: i don't rly watch movies
currently reading: paralive voice drama translations
currently watching: paralive mvs
consuming: like eating? nothing rn but i'll have lunch soon and it's roti and palak paneer if it's abt consuming media, it's smth or the other related to paralive or omori or genshin
craving: anything, i'm v hungry
tagging @cupiditis @avid-idiot @kiiraes @blob-the-gay-of-destruction + anyone else who wants to!
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felinemotif · 2 months
thank you sm to @bi-bats & @waffleinator-inator for the tag mwah
fav color: forest green. it's the color of my bedroom walls, my wardrobe, my desk, my bedding, etc. the color is very soothing.
last song i listened to: nothing can change this love, sam cooke. i've been really into oldies lately.
last movie i watched: as i type this i am 10 minutes into ghost ship (2002).
currently watching: for a tv series i'm rewatching s5 of the walking dead.
currently reading: rereading no longer human by osamu dazai. whenever i get into a reading slump i open it back up. as depressing as it is (maybe because it's depressing), it's a comfort read.
sweet, savory, or spicy: spicy if my sinuses aren't clearer than glass by the second bite i don't want it.
current craving: aloo palak. i'm forever craving it. i put kimchi on it last time and saw god and she said to tell you to try it.
coffee or tea: i'm a tea girlie. it got so bad that i didn't want to keep getting up a million times at night to go to the kitchen for another cup of tea so i went and set up a tea station in my bedroom.
relationship status: single & NOT wanting to mingle.
current obsession: running! which is why i barely am on here lately. been getting about 45 miles total each week it's been fun.
@ragnarokhound @thesandsofelsweyr @hexgh0ul no pressure tag ofc
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Nine people tag
I was tagged by @mrbexwrites & @squarebracket-trick. thank u <3
LAST SONG: deadmau5 - Let Go
LAST MOVIE: It's been so long since I watched a movie atp, I don't even remember.
CURRENTLY READING: @sunset-a-story Arc 1
CURRENTLY CRAVING: palak paneer, ice cream, and for it to not be 7000 degrees
LAST THING YOU SEARCHED FOR WRITING PURPOSES: Do agents count? Otherwise, stuff related to the inmate classification process in US state prisons.
Tagging: @snehithiye, @isabellebissonrouthier, @mjjune, @sam-glade, @kaiusvnoir, @catchingbigfish, @joeys-piano, @rbbess110, @calicoy
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divinefeminine-card · 6 months
Hello Everyone!!
Free readings are open~
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spikybanana · 2 years
jegulily week day 3: food: Regulus visits the Potters' house pls tell me if I fucked up indian-anything [masterpost here] [prompts here]
When Regulus and Lily came in from the Potters’ garden, it was to find James sitting at the dining table alone, happily digging into a frankly astonishing spread of Effie’s cooking. 
Regulus froze in his tracks. Not at James and his hooligan-ish table manners— that he’d long been acquainted with— but hitting him face-first was an overpowering wave of warmth that was so much more than the rich aroma of spices that permeated the air. Regulus had seen pictures, heard descriptions from James and Lily, but to step into the house and see for himself everything that screamed home and wrapped around him the way a metaphorical warm threadbare blanket might— because of course it’s nothing he’d ever known beyond an idea. But even the quietness of their arrival, the absence of fanfare (which Regulus suspected was deliberate but appreciated deeply) made it feel like they already belonged here. And the food, more unassuming and welcoming than even a Hogwarts dinner— there’s so much of it Regulus couldn’t imagine how many people it’d take to finish it all. 
"What's all… this?" he muttered.
Lily turned to him amusedly, and James laughed out loud.
"Food! What do you think it is?" James grinned, scooped another mouthful of curry and naan before promptly reaching out with his buttery hands to drag Regulus to the table. "Real food, Reg! Not whatever poncy bullshit you’re forced to nibble your way through at home, or the piss poor attempts at dal by Hogwarts kitchen—” 
Lily sat down with him. She was biting back a smile at how James buzzed with excitement, rambling on and on as he flicked his wrist to send a wandless cleaning spell at their hands, “Come on, then, get your sleeves rolled up and dig in.”
“Where’s everyone else?” he asked slowly, still overwhelmed. He looked between his hands to the basket of warm naan and felt a strange urge to cry.
“Sirius and Remus are in the kitchen trying to help mum.” James shrugged.
“Trying.” Regulus repeated pointedly.
Lily snorted, “Yeah, you get it, that’s the keyword. Though I bet they’d be doing better than you and I would.” she added with a wink.
“Good thing dad actually likes his naan a bit burnt.” James said breezily, before his excitement returned, he leaned forward, shoved bits of naan into Lily and Regulus’ hands, “Well go on, try some now we’ll wait for them later— holy shit Reg, I can’t believe you’ve never had mum’s cooking before— here, do you want the dal or the palak paneer? Don’t worry about the bread, there’s more coming. Oh you’ve got to try the curry, it’s your colour and everything—”
Lily was laughing and Regulus was shouting James’ name and protesting before the boy could shove the whole table at him. Coincidentally, that happened to be the moment Mrs Potter entered the room, and Regulus was so embarrassed he sprung from his chair and stood up, stuttering out a greeting to her as he slowly dropped the bit of naan back onto his plate.
“Oh love.” Effie smiled, and even Regulus couldn’t interpret it as anything other than warm and loving. “Sit, sit. Eat what you like, don’t listen to James.” Her hand went to ruffle James’ hair even at his indignant cry. “Bless your heart, dear child, Sirius had reacted the exact same way.”
Her voice betrayed something wistful. Anger flashed for a moment in her eyes then was gone. Then, she was doing exactly what James did, piling naan and scooping curry into his plate, setting off on a motherly ramble the likes of which Regulus had only read in books. By the end of it, Regulus felt his face burning to the tips of his ear but he couldn’t bring himself to complain. Sirius and Remus and James’ father had gathered around the table as well, everyone chattered openly and pretended to not see when a tear rolled down Regulus’ cheek. Family, he heard in every laughing, loving gesture, and this was all so— different. Under the table, Lily’s soft fingers threaded into his and squeezed, and Regulus felt it like a squeeze in his chest right around his heart.
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therealjambery · 5 months
Tagged by @carcrash429 thanks friend!
Last movie: The Portable Door
Last Show: finished Letterkenny (so sad to see you go!)
Last Song: Offspring - Gone Away
Song Stuck in my Head: Vampire Weekend - Bryn
Favorite Color: Red
Currently Reading: Listening to A Woman of No Importance by Sonia Purnell
Currently Watching: Fargo and GBBO as a palate cleanser with the housemate, slowly rewatching Shadowhunters by myself
Next on Your Watchlist: I might be really nerdy and watch that documentary mini series about Cary Grant
Currently Consuming: nothing at the moment but I had palak paneer, roasted cauliflower, and pomegranate cider for dinner, with homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Living the good life.
Currently Craving: frozen custard (always)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet
Current Obsession: hockey, more specifically the new professional women's league (PWHL)
3 Favorite Foods: pizza, ice cream, blueberries
Last Thing You Googled: estate sale
Dream Trip: South of Spain and Morocco to get my seventh continent!
Anything I Want Right Now: the ability to stop time
Tagging anything who wants to play!
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whentherewerebicycles · 5 months
okay. I slept badly last night for some reason and am really dragging today but sigh I can do this I can face the day. also ughhh for some reason ruthie is regressing in her house training again which is so annoying. I think it’s mostly that it’s been so rainy out and she hates going outside when it’s wet, but also I haven’t been as good about keeping her close to me so if she’s a whole floor away I miss her restless ‘I gotta go’ cues. it’s just so different from Pip who will reliably come find you and bark at you until you take him out. but I can address this by keeping her under closer supervision when I’m home and gating her into the little library room when I leave. she also does backslide when we come back from my parents’ for whatever reason so maybe a few weeks of reinforcing will help reset her.
anyway here we go here’s the day:
7:15-8:05 coffee/lounge
8:05-9 shower/get ready, breakfast
9-10 grants mtg
10-11 therapy
11-12 break—eat lunch (not sure what I have in the fridge hmm maybe I have soup) and take the dogs out again
12-1 drive to work and do a quick marketplace pickup on the way (12:30ish)
1-1:30 break
1:30-2 ughhhhhhh C mtg
2-2:30 break—input budget numbers
2:30-3:30 LK mtg
3:30-5:15ish faculty talk
5:15-6 drive home sigh it’s gonna be sooo dark and cold
maybe a short walk with dogs but I also might not have it in me and that’s ok…
watch TV and make palak paneer or veggie enchiladas
read for 20-30 min before bed… fifth season is picking up a little bit which is good I’m very determined to finally finish it
bed by 9:30
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antoine-triplett · 1 year
- Tag nine people you want to get to know better -
Tagged by @jenniferiawrence & @sanjarka - thank you, it was nice to get to know you both a little better from your lists :)
three ships - Olivia/Peter (Fringe), Chidi/Eleanor (The Good Place), Everlark (THG) 💕
first ship - Probably Bangel in 8th grade. I amassed a huge collection of Buffy novels that were my pride and joy throughout my pre-teen/teen years. Most of them were set in seasons 2 and 3 when Bangel was at its peak. 💖
last song - Dirty Harry by Gorillaz 🎧
last movie - Return of the King 🗡
currently reading - A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami 📖
currently watching - Ted Lasso and Yellowjackets but I’m behind on both by a few eps 📺
currently consuming - coffee ☕️
currently craving - Been strangely obsessed with eating palak paneer lately 🍽
Tagging: @avacolemn @sulietsexual @ettadunham @roamingbadger @highqualitymercy @gingerpeachtea @thelettersfromnoone @daisyssousa @saracamerons if you feel like it!
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athenswrites · 8 months
People I Want to Know Better
@n1ghtcrwler and @olive-riggzey tagged me in this one! I'm gonna leave it an open tag for anyone who wants to play!
Last song - Tank! by the Seatbelts. It's my get work done song
Last movie - IDK if this counts but I watched an entire Wendigoon episode so
Currently watching - Gen V on Amazon Prime (it's fucked up y'all)
Currently reading - Hearth & Home Witchcraft by Jennie Blonde. Looked interesting so I picked it up at the local used book store
Currently craving - Palak Paneer, but I just had it last night
Last thing you searched for writing purposes - ....The University of Georgia for this post because I forgot the name of one of the buildings (that I didn't even mention in the post)
(Blank template beneath the cut)
Last song -
Last movie -
Currently watching -
Currently reading -
Currently craving -
Last thing you searched for writing purposes -
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babblingstacey · 1 year
Tagged by @memoirsofasim, thanks friend!
Relationship Status: 16 years with my partner, we own a house and a cat but marriage has never been an importance in our lives (much to my family's disappointment)
Favorite Color: Green, especially blue/greens. I've also been really into gold/yellows lately
Three Favorite Foods: Pozole (green preferred), palak paneer, fries (in any form)
Song stuck in my head: "Celebrity Skin" by Hole, pretty much because I dug out my CDs after finishing Yellowjackets and it's been there ever since.
The last thing I googled: 28 Days Later, because my partner & I were having a discussion on zombie movies and I was trying to remember the actress's name in it.
The last thing I listened to: In a pub right now and they are playing awesome hip-hop from the 90s. I believe it was "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy and I'm loving it.
Anything I want right now:my fries I ordered to counter act the amount of beer I've had.
Honestly too tipsy to tag anyone but if you are reading this, I'm tagging YOU. 😁
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