#papa was a meanie
copias-juicebox · 1 year
He‘s been playing with us all and we fell for it fucking hell what a mf. I hate him (affectionately)
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dearlymrme · 2 years
Which one are you?
Are you a Secondo is a big softie kinda guy who is only pretending to be a rough and dangerous man. He loves passionately and can be a sweet teddy bear? A Papa who loves tenderly and gentle in the aftercare?
Or are you a Secondo can be a dangerous man whose passion rises very close to the surface. Who has had violence problems in the past but is in more control of it now thanks to help from his family. A Papa who fucks like he's fighting and picks up your pieces with bruise cream and bandages.
Do you believe in Papa that helps you get away with murder?
Or a Papa that helps you commit murder?
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mi6aunties · 1 year
Okay pamalamadingdong aka @princesspampuria what did you do to Turing he came into work looking like this and when asked what was wrong he kept muttering your name and "if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all"
We want our snuggle bunny back
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thatoneguywhowho · 11 months
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limethefirst · 2 months
Could I request a platonic Wolverine x Innocent Reader x Deadpool where the reader is a superhero and the two want to take care of them and shows them the ropes but argue about how to do it?
No pressure or rush, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!
-W.P 💚
Hero in training
pairings: Wolverine x reader x Deadpool (platonic)
warnings: violence, swearing
summary: Wade and Logan don’t see eye to eye when it comes to training methods
a/n: thank you for requesting! I wasn’t super sure in what way you wanted reader to be innocent so please forgive me if this isn’t to your best liking, also I’m gonna start working on part 3 of void runners soon so keep an eye out!🫢
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No one ever said being a superhero was easy, but it especially wasn’t easy when you were being trained by both the Wolverine and Deadpool. The two people who hardly ever got along.
You watched as Wade and Logan stood in front of you, Logan wearing casual training clothes and Wade in his normal red suit. Wade looked excited, he was ready to show you his ways but Logan had another approach in mind.
“Alright kid, first we need to learn to control your powers, from there we can begin with some drills, slowly moving up to advanced drills then work more on strength training” Logan started, his plan was to train your powers and then learn some moves with them, hoping it would help you in the self defense aspect of crime fighting.
This was something Wade didn’t find appealing, “Woah back the fuck up now Peanut” Logan glared at the man, before Wade continued, “Remember we’re both training them, and I say we need some more fun in this training, maybe learn some cool flashy moves, or we can start off this party with a dance off!”
“A dance off?” You looked at Wade, a bit confused on his method of teaching but not entirely against it.
Logan on the other hand didn’t appreciate the comment, “This isn’t some type of circus act, this is real life Wade, we need to have some type of approach or we won’t make progress, and all that will happen is they get injured out there,” you looked between the two men, wishing someone else had trained you instead.
“Well why don’t we just see what our little sugar plum fairy thinks,” Wade then turned back over to you and booped your nose, “Okay kiddo, do you wanna have a fun training with Papa Wade!! Or do you want to be all bored and tired with meanie Wolverine!” Wade asked you, his voice sounded like he was talking to a little baby.
You looked at both men, unsure of what to say, not wanting to upset the other. Then the idea came to mind, “Can’t we try both methods? Maybe a combination?”
“Fuck no, that idiots ‘method’ is going to get you hurt,” Logan quickly replied, this caused Wade to go over to you and grab your head in his arms.
He began to pet your head and started cooing, “Do I look like I’d ever let anything harm them?”
You stood there as Wade held your head tight, a sigh escaping your lips, “Please Logan, I know its unconventional but I really think it’ll work!” You started to plead with the man.
Wade slowly let go, a hand still on your head, while Logan stood there, unsure if this was the right choice, but he knew how persistent Wade was.
Logan caved, “Fine but if there isn’t any progress, only I’ll train you, got it kid?”
You have him a smile and a thumbs up, Wade just went up to Logan and clung to his arm, “Awe you’re such a softy aren’t you my little firecracker!”
Logan quickly let his claws out and stabbed him in the stomach, already regretting his decision.
Over the course of the next few weeks, you continued your combination training, Logan taught you defensive skills as well as offensive, he also showed you a lot of strategies that would protect you when the time came, while Wade showed you the flair of being a hero, without having to kill as he knew that wasn’t the type of hero you wanted to be, even though every once and a while he’d try to persuade you.
Even though you’d decided to do the combination training, both men still argued all the time.
“Why the hell are you telling them to jump through the sky light when you want to sneak attack a criminal?” Logan’s finger pushed into Wade’s chest, irritated that he’d tell you to do something so dumb and risky.
“Because they need to look awesome while saving the day, oh don’t forget the funny joke once the bad guy sees you, alright my sugar cane,” Wade looked over to you and you gave him a happy smile with a thumbs up, knowing you probably weren’t gonna do that but it was nice to make him feel good before he and Logan fight again over how that isn’t an ethical way of fighting crime.
You decided it was best to leave before they started to get at it again, you knew that tomorrow they’d go back to helping you anyway. So maybe it was better to let them get it out of their systems every one and a while.
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thepixelelf · 1 year
ah! love - 2
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genres: married life au, family au, fluff, comedy [best friends to lovers?] relationship: husbands 95 line x reader (feat. baby doremi line) words: 3.4k warnings and notes: mentions of alcohol; coarse language. y'all wanted more and so did I. any stuff in this au will likely not be chronological. I literally had to think about how to tell a kid they're adopted for this it sucked. (I still love it)
ah! love masterlist
Seungkwan learns a new word.
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Seungkwan, like all other five (and a half!) year-olds, knows everything.
He knows how to cook eggs and how many sides an octagon has. He knows to always ask papa Jeonghan for extra sweets because he's the only one who ever says yes after you've said no. (His other parents also say yes, sometimes, if you've left the room, but Jeonghan is always the fastest to cave.) He knows Chan is a baby who doesn't know anything. 
And he knows he and Vernon are The Twins.
Because when it's time for dinner, and Seungkwan is playing with Vernon in their room, papa Joshua always asks you, "Can you grab the twins?"
When papa Seungcheol comes home from (well, hm, maybe Seungkwan doesn't know everything) wherever he goes when they go to kindergarten, he kisses you on the cheek in the entryway, kicks off his shoes, then crouches down, arms open and awaiting for Seungkwan and Vernon to barrel into them, and growls happily, "There are my twins!" 
And when he found you in the kitchen one night, while you were sitting on the counter (which is not allowed!!), with papa Jeonghan standing between your legs for reasons unclear to Seungkwan, you both looked surprised. Seungkwan concluded this was because papa Jeonghan had just whispered, "The twins are asleep," and Seungkwan was, in fact, not. 
Which is why he scoffs at the older girl who came up to him and Vernon on the playground. Vernon is busy building his sand tunnels, but the girl has Seungkwan's full attention.
"You are not twins," she says.
"Yes we are."
She is unrelenting. "No. My big brothers are twins, and they look exactly the same."
Seungkwan looks over at Vernon, who's now mixing wet sand and dry sand into a big ol' pile of sand soup. They don't look alike at all, he knows. His hair is black, and Vernon's is brown. His cheeks are rounder — sometimes you pretend to bite into them before planting a kiss — while Vernon's are a bit pinker.
"We are twins," Seungkwan says again, because maybe not all twins are like her big brothers. Maybe some twins are like him and Vernon.
Besides, his papas say they're twins. Why wouldn't they be?
The girl crosses her arms. "My big brothers have the same birthday."
Seungkwan is about to bite back, say something like maybe not all twins have the same birthday, meanie! but Vernon waves his hand in the air, yelling out, "Ms Han!" 
Their teacher comes over, bending and putting her hands on her knees as she asks Vernon what's going on.
He points at the girl. "She's saying we're not twins because we don't have the same birthday."
"Oh." Ms Han scratches the back of her neck, "Well, sweetie, the thing is…"
Jeonghan's shaky eyes glance at the rear-view mirror again, half checking for cars and half checking up on the babies in the back seat.
Seungkwan has been quiet the entire eight minutes they've been driving, which might be normal if he was any kindergartner other than Seungkwan. Vernon can get talkative too, but right now he's completely silent, immersed in squishing and un-squishing his favourite toy — a plushie shaped like a baked bean (Jeonghan has no idea where you found that thing or why Vernon is obsessed with it) — between his tiny fingers. 
Of course, Jeonghan had to be the one on pick-up duty the day one of their teachers finally gave them the whole, you may have to explain adoption talk. 
"So," he says, awkward, trying to smile. "How was school?"
Vernon squeezes his toy again. "It was," he says, and nothing else.
God, Jeonghan needs backup.
As soon as Jeonghan pulls up to the house, unbuckles the twins from their booster seats, and ushers them inside, Vernon pulls off his shoes and dashes into the house — to you, Jeonghan is sure. Vernon doesn't play favourites except that he does.
Seungkwan, though, looks up at Jeonghan and tugs his pant leg, saying, "Papa Shua wants to talk to you in his room."
Which isn't true, of course; Seungkwan hasn't been all of thirty seconds in the house, and Joshua isn't even home, out on an errand. But Jeonghan can take a social cue, even if it is from a five year old. As he climbs the stairs, he pulls out his phone and messages the guys to try to come home as soon as they can.
You're reading to Chan on the living room couch, him tucked under your left arm and a quiet Vernon who's wormed his way under your right arm clutching your shirt like you're both afloat in open water, when Seungkwan walks up, climbs onto your lap, (shoving the book out of the way in the process,) and presses his face into your stomach. He mumbles something you can't quite hear.
You chuckle, bringing a hand up to run over his soft hair. "What's that, baby?"
Slowly, he lifts his head, his eyelids low with the gaze of a war-hardened veteran. "They're lying," he says, no nonsense in sight.
Your hand pauses. "Huh?"
"We gotta leave. They lied. Could be lying about anything."
You try to smile past the confusion. "What do you mean?"
Seungkwan, sweet, adorable, chubby-cheeked Seungkwan whom you love with all your heart, fists the material of your top in both his hands, growling in a way you somehow know is protective. 
"We gotta get outta here."
"Please get me out of here."
Joshua snorted at your plea, his voice soft and teasing through the phone. “What happened to ‘living out your twenties’?”
You let your eyes roam over your surroundings — a house party (a frat one in particular, you were pretty sure) with flashing coloured lights, late 2000’s top 40 songs, and what must've been over a hundred drunken 18-22 year olds. A haze hung in the air that smelled like the unholy combination of cotton candy, root beer, green apple, and skunk. A younger friend you’d made at your internship had invited you, but they were nowhere to be seen.
“I take it back,” you said, walking through the house in search of your friend. “I’m old now. I’m a hermit.”
“You’re not old.”
You scoffed. “You’re only saying that because you don’t wanna admit you’re old.”
“No, I’m serious,” Joshua argued, though you could tell he was smiling as he spoke. “We’re only like a quarter of the way through our lives— there’s still so much ahead.”
“Okay Socrates, whatever.” You pulled your phone away from your ear when you felt it vibrate. Your friend answered your last message, telling you they were heading home to take care of another friend they trust, and that they’d text you when they got there. “I’m just trying to get out of here so I can go home, steep a nice cup of decaf tea, and, I dunno, take up knitting or something. Granny style.”
Some shuffling happened on the other end of the line, and you thought you heard Joshua say something, but not to you.
“Anyway,” you sighed, winding your way through the crowd to finally leave that steam room of a house party. “I just called to complain. I’m gonna call a taxi.”
“Don’t bother. I’m on my way.”
You paused, your hand on a stair railing. “What?”
“I’m coming to pick you up,” Joshua spoke with all the nonchalance of someone ordering coffee.
Glancing at your phone screen, you countered with, “It’s almost midnight.”
“Yeah, well, I’m already driving, so it’d actually be more inconsiderate of you to tell me to turn around if that’s what you’re thinking.”
"Shush," he tutted. "Just stay on the line with me until I get there. And drink some water if you can." There was a pause as you heard noises through the phone. Joshua added, "But only if you find a sealed water bottle, or pour the water yourself."
You finally reached the front entrance, content to wait outdoors for your unexpected ride since the weather wasn't too bad. "Do I sound drunk to you?"
"You didn't drink?"
"I mean, I had one," you said with a shrug he couldn't even see. 
"Well maybe that explains why you're not having a good time."
"You're such a bad influence, Shua."
"Saying that to your designated driver is so rude, just so you know."
"I didn't ask you to DD!"
Joshua sighed playfully. "Yeah, yeah. As if you don't know we'd do anything for you."
Mouth open, you fumbled with what words to say in your head.
Did you know that? Maybe you did.
You knew that if you and Joshua had switched places, you would've done exactly the same thing he was doing now.
And why did he say "we"?
Before you could vocalize anything, Joshua said, "I see you. Turn around."
And there it was— Joshua's tiny, bright blue hatchback, affectionately dubbed the Blueberry by you and your three boys.
Speaking of whom…
"Jeonghan?" You blinked at the man in the passenger seat when he rolled down the window.
"Hey, devil," he let the nickname fall from his lips with a smirk. It was a new one, this moniker for you, his payback for you jokingly calling him an angel. He jerked his head in a gesture towards the back seat. "We're busting you out of this joint."
You huffed out a laugh at his joke, yanking open the back door of the Blueberry. Immediately, a pair of large, grabby hands pulled you inside. "Whoa— Seungcheol, you too?"
Too tired apparently to answer with words, Seungcheol only nodded, reaching over your shoulder to take your seatbelt, extend it over you, and buckle it in. He settled back down in the middle seat rather than the more spacious one on the other side of the car. Closing his eyes and crossing his arms, he relaxed his entire body and let his head fall onto your shoulder, all without a word.
"Were you asleep?" you asked him quietly as Joshua pulled away from the curb.
Seungcheol just breathed in deeply and leaned more of his weight on you.
"Guys…" You turned your attention to the two boys in front. "You didn't have to drag him along too. Did you wake him up for this?"
Joshua scoffed. "As if. You think I'd poke a sleeping bear on purpose?"
Twisting in his seat to face you, Jeonghan smiled in that sweet yet devious way you like so much. "He was worried about you all night, devil. Paced around the apartment for two hours, going on and on about 'kids these days' before he tired himself out and zonked on the couch. We tried to leave quietly, but he woke up and insisted on coming once he found out it was you on the phone."
"Oh," you said at the same time you thought you heard Seungcheol mumble, "Shut up."
You softly patted Seungcheol's arm, your fingers brushing against his with the way his hands were wrapped around his own biceps. "You know I can take care of myself, right?"
Seungcheol didn't answer, as you should've expected. Eyes still closed, he just flexed his fingers to hook one around your pinky and keep your hand where it was.
Meeting your eyes in the rear-view mirror, Joshua said, "We'd better get him home before he actually falls asleep back there. No way am I carrying him up the stairs."
"What do ya say, devil?" Jeonghan prompted. "Sleepover at ours?"
You smiled. "How could I ever say no to you guys?"
"Seungkwan," you say softly, a little bit confused and a little bit amused. "Who's lying?"
He sits up on your lap and cups both his hands around his mouth, only to not-really-whisper, "Parents."
"Me?" You point at yourself.
"Nooooooo!" Seungkwan whines with a pout, putting his hands on your shoulders. "Our other parents!"
You think about how Jeonghan was the one who went to pick up the boys from kindergarten... and how he's nowhere in sight now. "Papa Jeonghan is lying?"
Seungkwan nods emphatically, and to your surprise, Vernon nods too at your side. Chan sits in rapt attention of his older brother, who is probably blowing his four year old mind.
"And papa Shua," Seungkwan adds. "And papa Seungcheol."
You furrow your brows and tilt your head. "What are they lying about?"
"They said we are twins," Seungkwan finally reveals, and it starts to dawn on you. His words become frantic, voice wavering. "But Ms Han said we can't be twins because we have different birthdays, so we can't be twins bio-- bio--" He hiccups. "--logically."
"That's a big word," you say, because it's a struggle to respond with anything else right away. What-- Ms Han is teaching biology now?
Vernon gets out from under your arm and sits on his knees beside you on the couch. He holds up his hand for a high five. "Biologically."
Still a bit shocked, you high five him, then Seungkwan when he also puts his hand up. To be fair, that's what you do when they learn new, long words. The tears brimming in Seungkwan's eyes shouldn't deter learning encouragement, right?
"That's why we gotta go." Seungkwan sniffles. "Maybe they lie to you also. Maybe they are not biologically your husbands!"
God-- the parenting books don't teach shit like this.
"Seungkwan..." you start, though you don't know how to form the next sentence.
Vernon takes your hand and wraps all his tiny fingers around it. "Let's run away," he says with a determined nod, like a secret lover in a fairy tale.
Chan's eyes widen, and he throws himself around your middle. "I gonna save you!"
"Boys-- Wait--"
The front door bursts open to reveal a dishevelled Seungcheol. His hair is wild and fluffy, his tie loosened, and his suit jacket is in his hand rather than worn. He's barely thrown his shoes off by the time he catches sight of Seungkwan's teary eyes and your slightly-panicked expression. Immediately, he jogs towards the couch in, to you, obvious concern. "What's going on--"
But before he can get too close, Seungkwan lets out a terrified, demon-like shriek. He picks up the closest item -- the storybook you'd been reading to Chan -- and chucks it as hard as he can towards your husband.
It only hits the floor at Seungcheol's feet, but it causes him to freeze. He gawks at the book, then raises his head to look at you and the way your boys have all wrapped their little arms as tight as they can around whatever parts of you they can reach, their heads tucked in, hiding.
You can see it in his eyes-- him registering that they're scared of him.
"I--" His expression tightens, lips pressing together to stop from quivering.
From seemingly nowhere, Jeonghan appears, putting a comforting hand on Seungcheol's arm and pulling him out of the room. He whispers, "Let's give them a minute."
Both your husbands make eye contact with you as you tentatively hug your sons, and you nod, silently letting them know that you'll be okay.
("What the hell was that?" Seungcheol whispers harshly as soon as he and Jeonghan make it upstairs. "You said to come home ASAP-- I thought someone got hurt!"
Jeonghan crosses his arms. "Why wouldn't I just say someone was hurt?"
"You have got to be clearer in your texts.")
"Seungkwan." You readjust your body, trying not to jostle your sons too much. "Seungkwan, baby, can you look at me please?"
He lifts his head to meet your eyes.
"Did Ms Han tell you what 'biologically' means?"
Seungkwan's face scrunches up as he tries to find an answer to your question, and in that moment, Vernon sits up. "Real," he says.
"Now, that's not quite right," you tell them, and at that, all three of your boys look at you for an explanation. "A 'biological parent' is one of two people who made a baby, and that is their 'biological child."
The boys stay quiet, taking in the information. Thank goodness-- you don't want to have to skirt around the topic of "making" children.
"Biological twins," you continue, "are when two babies are made together, at the same time. Which is why they have the same birthday."
"We are not twins," Vernon reaffirms.
"That's right."
Seungkwan frowns. "Why do you call us 'the twins'?"
"It's just a nickname, sweetie. You and Vernon were born in the same year, and you do everything together, so for me and your other parents, you are kind of like twins." You smile. "Do you want us to stop calling you that? It's okay if you don't like it."
Putting a hand on his chin, Seungkwan ponders seriously for more than a few seconds.
"You can always change your mind at any time, okay?" you say, and he nods, continuing to think.
Chan tugs at your sleeve, and you turn to him. "Are you bio...ly marry?"
You chuckle. "No. Marriage is a little different-- your papas and I decided we wanted to be a family, so we chose each other, and to stay together. And now..." You boop Chan's nose, then Seungkwan's then Vernon's. "...you boys are part of our family, too."
Vernon perks up. "Did you choose us too?"
"Yup." You reach up a hand to ruffle through his brown hair. "And you know what? That makes you special. I may not be your biological parent, but I chose you three to be my sons, and I love you so much. That makes me your parent, don't you think?"
All three boys nod, Vernon still beaming, and Chan's hands clutching your sleeve. Seungkwan relaxes in your lap.
You hear the sound of the front door opening again, and, much slower than the last person, Joshua enters the house with two bags full of groceries. Chan pushes himself off you and slides off the couch to run towards Joshua, bouncing in front of him with his arms in the air. "Uppies."
Without a second beat, Joshua puts down the grocery bags on the bench by the door and scoops Chan into his arms. He walks up to the couch. "I just got Jeonghan's text. What's going on?"
You just smile and shake your head, taking one of Seungkwan's and Vernon's hands in each of yours. "And you know your papas love you more than anything too, right?"
While the boys nod, Joshua just blinks, totally lost. Chan hugs him tighter.
"I bet Seungcheol is a little bit sad about how you guys acted when he got home--"
Seungkwan pouts and drops his head. "I'm sorry..."
You squeeze his hand. "You don't have to be sorry, baby." You tighten your hand around Vernon's as well. "Either of you. You didn't understand something and it made you scared. That's okay. But now Seungcheol might not understand something, so we should help him, right?"
"How?" Vernon asks.
You tap your chin and look upwards, pretending to think. "Hmmm... How about we go upstairs and give him a biiiiiig hug!"
It turns out to be a great idea, because you find Seungcheol in his room, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking desolate. Seungkwan and Vernon climb him like monkeys, though, and they wrap themselves around him, press kisses to his face, and as soon as you mouth to Seungcheol that you'll explain later, all is right in the world again.
There's no brighter a smile on Cheol's face than when he's with his sons.
You stand, watching, with your arms crossed, satisfied with the scene until Jeonghan comes up and stands next to you, mimicking your stance. You swat at his arm, to which he reacts with such a pained facial expression, you'd think you just cut it off.
"I cannot believe you abandoned me to deal with that on my own!"
"Hey! I called for backup, didn't I?"
You roll your eyes. "A load of good that did."
"Aw, c'mon, devil..." Jeonghan slides closer to you, then wraps his arms around you and leans in to press his lips to your cheek. "Can I kiss it better?"
Joshua watches you and the twins run into Seungcheol's room with no further explanation, and he turns his attention to the youngest in his arms. "You wouldn't happen to know what's going on, would you?"
Chan shakes his head. "I'm four."
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marvelfanfics1 · 21 days
So! How about daddy!john b who is gone for some errandd which lead to little!reader being alone with papa!jj but she keeps whining because she misses her daddy :((
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JJ was at his wits end, you keep pouting and whining for John B who left to help out on the Cameron boat for some extra money before you even woke up which has you grumpy to begin with.
It's not that you are mad because you are with JJ alone, it's just that you feel particularly needy today and the fact that John B left without telling you.
With your arms crossed over your chest you sit pouting on the couch while JJ is in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge for anything edible.
"When-" You start but he quickly cuts you off by shutting the fridge with a sigh.
"I don't know when JB comes back, okay? But I'm sure he'll be here soon...hopefully with something to eat." He mumbles the last part, slumping into the free spot beside you and wraps an arm around you.
You quickly shrug his hand off, not in the mood for anything right now. JJ grins, leaning closer to blow some air against your ear. "C'mon...don't be like that."
You whine for like the hundred time today, pushing his face away. "Stop."
He chuckles and suddenly starts to tickle your sides, pushing your squirming body onto the couch cushions to hover over you.
At first you try not give any reaction but couldn't help but start to squeal and giggle. "Papa!"
JJ continues for a moment longer, pulling his hands away he leans closer to kiss you over your face as you calm down from his tickle attack. "There we go. All better now?"
He pulls away again when he suddenly hears you sniffle quietly. "Hey, hey. What happened? Did I go too far?" He asks, cupping your face in his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumb.
You shake your head. "Miss daddy..."
That makes him visibly relax, glad he didn't do anything to upset you, his expression softening again. "Oh baby, c'mere." He coos, sitting up he pulls you with him to maneuver you to sit on his lap sideways, wrapping his arms around you. "Shh, I know, I know. He's such a meanie for being gone so long, huh?"
"Yeah...didn' even say bye..." You mumble, resting your head against his shoulder, your fingers fiddling with his necklace.
JJ gasps dramatically. "He did? That's gonna be illegal or somethin'."
You giggle at that, not noticing John B standing by the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. "If I'm so mean I guess you don't want the fries I got from The Wreck?"
With a gasp you turn your head. "Daddy!" You quickly get up from JJ's lap to run into John B's arms. "Missed you..."
"Oh really? Thought I was a meanie?" He teases and you frown at him.
"Papa said you are! Not me." You point at JJ who places a hand on his chest in mock hurt.
"Damn, didn't think you would rat me out like that, sweetcheeks." He smirks.
John B just shakes his head, planting a kiss against yours. "I missed you too, bun."
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse
@mythixmagic @iris-xoxo-juhu
For JJ
@chiaraanatra @chimindity @flora-eva
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gisellecnz · 9 months
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summary. You left Satoru and the kids at home to do some grocery shopping, which means that Satoru will have to take care of two babies at the same time.
contents. Fluff, reader is fem, gojo having troubles at the end
authors note. I requested something similar to this from another author, so if they did my request and posted it please don't get the wrong idea! I also wanted to write about it too now 😭
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You and Satoru have Two kids, the first one is Satoshi, he's the oldest. He just turned two 5 months ago. Then next was Satoko, she's younger than Satoshi. You gave birth to her around 4 months ago.
You found it cute how your kids got Satoru's genes the most, they have his white snowy hair and those blue ocean eyes that you adore a lot.
︵͜⏜͜︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  ︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  
Once, you had to go grocery shopping alone, leaving Satoru and the kids at home.
Satoru wanted to come with you, but you refused and told him to stay at home to take care of the kids. You assured him that it would be fine and no curses would start attacking you, plus you also reminded him that he expanded his infinity to you.
(Gojo fully knows that you're a strong sorcerer, he just suddenly became much more of a worry wart after you gave birth to his baby girl months ago.)
right now you're about to leave the house, but Gojo is looking at you with those big puppy eyes, begging you to bring him grocery shopping with the kids as well.
Well... There were plenty of reasons why you couldn't bring Gojo with you, the first one was that you're still kind of a first-time mom, and you don't know how to handle two babies at the same time in public. And of course, you and Satoru can't leave the kids alone at home, you guys don't trust any babysitter to look out for them since they could be bad guys or curses in disguise.
"Please y/n? I wanna come with you!
"Satoru you're being a baby! You do understand why you can't come right? You have to take care of the kids, it's just some grocery shopping! I swear I'll be alright! Now let me go! "
BANG! the door shuts close loudly.
Satoru pouted and looked down at his baby, "Your mama really is a meanie..no? "he cooed and looked down at his precious daughter who was sleeping in his arms, booping her nose. He's surprised that she didn't wake up from the commotion earlier.
"Ah, I'll just get your brother, 'kay? Don't pull any pranks on daddy when he's back. "- acting as if his 4-month-old daughter could stand up on her legs and start setting up pranks.
He kisses her forehead and places her on a nearby crib beside the sofa and heads towards Satoshi and Satoko's shared nursery room.
As he entered the room, it turned out Satoshi was already wide awake, bouncing and giggling in his crib at the sight of his father.
"Hey buddy, did you miss me that much? Is that why you're excited to see me?" A warm smile spread across Satoru's face as he scooped his son up.
"Pa-pa! Pa-pa!"
Satoru grinned, heart warmed by Satoshi calling him "papa."
"No wonder you're so cute; you look so much like me." And, well, you'd agree. Everyone else does too. Satoshi and Satoru could practically be twins.
Satoru picked up Satoshi from the crib, he checked his diaper for poop. "Oh no, you need a shower, bud." He chuckled, Satoru carried Satoshi to the bathroom, and Satoko too just in case.
After a good 20 minutes of bathing Satoshi, they returned to the nursery. Satoshi, now fresh and clean, rested on Satoru's left arm, while Satoko peacefully slept in her bassinet.
Everything was peaceful, not until a cat from outside accidentally knocked over a metal item which made a loud noise, good thing Satoshi didn't get scared by it, meanwhile, Satoko over here woke up from the noise.
Satoru started panicking when he saw that Satoko's eyes are starting to well up in tears.
"Oh my god- Satoko please don't cry, please don't cry.. "
He started to panic even more when he heard her whimpers, he tried to calm Satoko down by caressing her chubby cheek with his right hand.
"Nonono, not right now please Satoko... "
then boom, Satoko is now crying.
"Oh my goodness." He palmed his face and sighed from failing to prevent his daughter from crying.
"Alright, just a second Satoshi." He couldn't grab Satoko from the bassinet with one arm only, since he was carrying Satoshi in his left arm, So he had to put Satoshi down first. But as he was about to put Toshi down, his son gripped his shirt tightly,
"P-papa..... No..."
Then Satoshi started crying, he didn't want Satoru to put him down. The children's wailing filled the room, Gojo felt like he wanted to cry too.
"Aiyaaa..... Y/n...please save me.. "
Satoru didn't know what to do in order to stop the children from crying at the same time.
end: you arrived home 20 seconds later, you went to the nursery room to check what was the commotion about. When you saw Satoru very exhausted you couldn't help but burst out laughing. But don't worry, you told him that he did a great job and gave him plenty of kissed as his rewards after.
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☞ note. this was inspired by that one kbs world tv episode, idk how to make my writings longer 😭 this was so annoying cuz I worked so many times on this fix then when I saved it to my drafts it had an error THEN HALF OF IT DISAPPEARED SO I HAD TO REDO EVERYTHING 😭😭😭
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sheyfu · 4 months
》 random thought hehe not even going to format it because it's a spur of the moment thing and it's 5am 😭😭; overused trope maybe?×*×*; soshiro hoshina x fem!reader; confusing plot me thinks im so sorry this was just a random thought that occured 😭😭; wc: 259; read for a banger 🙏
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“hey y/n” the young hoshina soshiro calls for the attention of the little lady. “do you need anything, soshi?”
“do you pinky promise to stay with each other forever?” his closed eyes opening as he offers a pinky to the young heir. “of course, you doofus! i'm going to become the strongest to protect you and mama and papa!” you say, pumping your fists and locking your pinky with his.
hoshina soshiro can't help but laugh, clutching his stomach as you stare at him weirdly. “what's so funny, meanie young mister master?”
“oh nothing nothing, i'm looking forward to it, o great knight and shining armor!” he declares to the world without a care. “just don't forget about our promise, okay? you know what happenes to liars!” the young hoshina quips. “of course not, doofus! lying is bad, mama said so! hmph. what do you take me for?” you say with fake agitation and turn away from him.
“noooooo y/n! i'm sorry i didn't mean iiiiitttt” he says as he continues to giggle.
“meanie!” you felt him tackle you and start tickling your belly. “hey! stop it!!” you gasp for air as he continues the tickle attack on your body—laughs being carried with the wind and more pinky promises being shared as the moon took over the sun.
in that moment, he believed you and in everything you said.
yet, as he watches your lifeless body get pulled out of the remains of tachikawa base, he can't help but think:
what a liar you are, my dearest.
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ermmm 😓😓 i hope this was enjoyable for everyone!! this man (and sae) has been clouding my mind all week long so why not write for him aha aha aha 😍🔥😍🔥😍 reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!!
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emeraldthelynx · 6 months
Gift for @livmadart because Arsène won't leave me alone.
Ran let a long-suffering sigh out through her lungs. Of course Dad was drooling in front of the TV for A Yoko Okino show.
Conan was making himself happy with a thick mystery book on the couch, smirking to himself as he came across sections with clues. Really, he was just like Shinichi, trying to guess the mystery before it was solved. Sometimes she really had to wonder… There was a small, but rapid-fire knock on the office door. It sounded like a little fist. Conan rose his head in confusion. Ran looked down at him. "Conan, did you invite one of your friends over?" she asked. Conan shook his head, staring blankly. "No." he said. Ran looked back at her dad for a moment, then sighed. He was still drooling over the TV. "I'll go get it." she said. Conan's voice spiked urgently as she turned the knob. "W-wait! Don't let him-" The door swung open, and a little boy with a face just like Conan's burst into the room.
"Big brother! I found you!" he said. Ran whirled around, and her dad stared dumbly away from the screen. Conan's eyes were big and he frankly looked freaked out. "Ki- Arsène! I told you to stay at home!" he yelled. The clone, Arsène, dropped his bag to the floor of the office. "But, big brother! How can I stay at home when you're having such amazing adventures without me?" He grinned, eyes flashing a cheeky look. "Besides, you get to meet my hero, Kaito KID! I've got to see him, brother! I've just got to!" he said. Conan glared, and shot off the couch. "No Kaito KID!" he yelled, and started to chase Arsène. Arsène shrieked with laughter. "Ke ke ke! Catch me if you can, brother!" "I've caught you once, I'll catch you again!" "The number of time you've caught me is zeer-o!" "I'll use my sneakers!" "Meanie!" Ran stared at the sight of the two first-graders chasing each other around the couch in a state of half-shock. Her dad slowly straightened out. "The brat has a brother?" he said. Ran looked at this Arsène boy. He looked identical to Conan, if you excluded the bird's nest of hair and the missing glasses. "It looks like it?" she said. Conan lunged for Arsène. "You little KID!" Arsène twirled deftly out of the way, and Conan sprawled onto the floor. The twin looked down at him, brushed his bangs out of his face, and smiled politely. "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Ran." he said. He flicked his wrist, and a blue rose appeared. He grinned. "It's magic!" he said. Ran took the rose, looking at Arsène carefully. "Th-thank you." she said. She looked at Conan. The little boy was rubbing his head, and glaring at his apparent twin. "Conan, you never told me you had a twin brother." she said. Conan glared at Arsène. "That's because I don't like him." he said. Arsène plunked himself down on the couch. "But I like you, tiny detective! I told Papa that I'd be okay staying with you instead of traveling with him, so here I am!" he said, smiling wide and innocently. Dad stood up from behind his desk. "It's not 'okay' for you to be staying here, brat! I'm already taking care of your troublemaking big brother, I don't need another one of you around!" he said. Arsène frowned. "But Mr. famous detective Mouri! My brother has so many adventures with a the great detective! I want to have adventures too!" he said. Dad snorted, but it was clear Arsène was working to his ego. "Little brat. Fine! But you'd better pull your weight and not get in my way on a case like your big brother!" he said. Conan crossed his arms. "Make him go away, uncle!" he said. Arsène ignored him, and instead bounced up to Dad's desk. "Can I call you uncle too, Mr. famous detective?" he said. Dad groaned, and leaned back. "Sure sure. Now stop interrupting me, you're making me miss too much of Yoko's show!" he said, and turned back to the TV. Arsène stood on tiptoe to watch for a minute. Conan slapped his forehead. Ran bent down to him. "Conan, do you really hate you brother this much? You really should of told me you had one." she said. Conan pouted. "But, Ran! Arsène is a lot of trouble! He bugs me as much as Kaito KID!" he said. Ran thought she might of imagined Arsène looking back for a quick moment with an irritated look that wouldn't have been out of place on Shinichi's face, but ignored it. Ran picked up Conan.
"But you still like the challenges that the KID makes, right? So you can't dislike your brother so much you can forget about him. Isn't that right, big brother Conan?" she said. Conan frowned, turned away, but Ran could tell by the way he relaxed his body that he had accepted his fate. Arsène turned back from looking at the TV. "Miss Ran? Can I go up too?" he asked. Conan's body went rigid. "No way! You're not allowed to touch Ran!" he said. Arsène smirked. "Protective much, little detective?" he said. Conan glared. "Little KID magician!" "Tiny tiny detective!" "Meddling magician!" "Nosy investigator!" "Rule breaker!" "Teacher's pet!" Ran slowly felt a headache build in the back of her head. Oh boy, she hoped she wouldn't regret this. She belatedly realized later that Shinichi didn't have a twin brother. Well there went that theory…
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doukeshi-kun · 1 year
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙙
featuring ⨳ nikolai gogol, gn!reader + oc!daughter
contents ⨳ fluff, slight slight angst, reader isn't mentioned a lot, established relationship, the daughter is oc
notes ⨳ this is from the conversations in discord with friends who have collective baby fever and thirst for dad!nikolai in one random day
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Nikolai is more than happy to pick up his daughter from kindergarten. Usually, you would pick her up since you have a small break just enough time for you to grab your daughter, buy her food and send her home. Nikolai's not home usually at four, busy with his shady business. So when you call him to go and pick up his daughter, he is over the moon.
He is already waiting by the car, eyes looking for his adorable daughter walking out from the gate. He is just casual, with a white button-up, rolled-up sleeves and a pair of black pants. But that's still enough for some people to take several glances at him.
Nikolai ignores their attention — he's only thirsty for the only person he loves the most, his beloved — you.
After about five minutes of waiting, he finally sees his daughter walks out of the gate. She is looking at the ground. Her white braid is hanging low and her green eyes are dull. She is clutching her red schoolbag, a bit tense.
Nikolai is a sensitive person — especially when it comes to emotions. So he certainly notices his daughter is acting weirdly. Yes, she's visibly distraught with her thoughts when she accidentally walks past Nikolai's car.
“Mari,” he calls.
His daughter, Mari, flinches out of her thoughts and turns around. Nikolai smiles and before he could crouch and opens his arms for her, she already runs straight into him, bumping into his legs.
Nikolai chuckles, smiling affectionately. He pats her head — she is short, obviously, just reaching his knees. Nikolai crouches and hugs her, giving a smooch on her cheek.
“Papa pick me up?” Mari asks as her tiny hands hold his face. Nikolai coos, overwhelmed with the adoration in his heart. He nods.
“Yes, malyshka,” he replies as he pinches her cheek, making her whine in annoyance. Nikolai only laughs before he stands up again and opens the car door. He bends to help Mari to take off her school bag. There's a charm of red pompom hanging on her bag, similar to Nikolai's hair tie.
He puts the bag under the seat and then he picks her up, getting her onto the seat. He reaches for the seatbelt, putting it on her. “Comfy?” he asks and when she nods, Nikolai smiles proudly to himself. Before he closes the door, he kisses her forehead once.
He gets into the driver's seat and turns on the engine. He drives out from the kindergarten area, sometimes taking a glance at his still disturbed daughter.
“Rough day at school, malyshka?” he asks.
“Hm...” she nods a bit, stroking her braid sadly —that trait is very similar to what Nikolai would do when he's sulking towards you.
“Wanna tell me?”
“Papa... am I... am I ugly?” she asks, lips quivering and Nikolai almost brakes abruptly at the question. He frowns and immediately parks his car on the side of the street, looking at his daughter.
“No. No, you aren't ugly. What nonsense! Mari, you are the cutest girl in the world! The most adorable, the prettiest, the most glamorous!” Nikolai says. “Who said that?”
She's smiling at her dad's words but she's starting to sob. “T-These boys in my class... called me ugly and weird... They say meanie things! And... and then they touched my cheeks and...”
“They what?” Nikolai grips the steering wheel and has to internally exhale a deep breath without sighing out loud to his daughter.
“They say bad words to me... And they touched my cheeks...”
“.... Did they hurt you?”
“O-One of them... like... pinch it...”
“Does the teacher says anything?”
She shakes her head.
“Do you know their names? The boys?”
She says three names.
Nikolai takes out his phone and types something in it. But not long before she tugs his sleeve. He turns to her and she looks scared.
“Papa... are you angry...? Y-You're scary now...”
Nikolai purses his lips — bad habits come up again. He suddenly remembers the frustrated words from his colleague — “Gogol, can you behave well? Your whole presence is scaring my customers. My God, why are you here in this casino anyway?”
Nikolai swallows hard. Of course... He was a very dangerous person several years ago. He made horrendous, gruesome and grotesque crimes. He killed people left and right. All to just reach his extreme ideals.
And now he's here, almost ten years later, having a family. Does he deserve this? After murdering a lot of people, taking them away from their families — and now he is having one, himself. Does he even deserve to have a family? Is he deserving of this future he's trying to live in when his past is constantly trailing in his shadow? Will this guilt follow him to hell and eat him slowly from inside? Will he find himself caged again? Will the freedom be out of his reach?
Nikolai jumps at Mari's high-pitched scream. He looks at her and she's crying — she looks worried and she is panicked when she sees her dad being silent. She doesn't know why but she cannot help but feel a very scary feeling from his silence.
“Papa, a-are you sick? P-Please, I'm scared..!” she cries and Nikolai's heart breaks at her tears. He realizes he just daydreams about his inner chaos while his daughter needs him. This feels just as hurt when his beloved spouse is crying to him. Nikolai unbuckles her seatbelt and carefully picks her up to sit on his lap.
He hugs her, kissing her head.
“I'm okay... I'm okay, shh... Don't cry, okay? I'm not sick, alright? I'm just distraught.” his voice is soft and soothing as he strokes her hair — just the same as his. Her eyes are also just like his, except her face resembles her mother more.
“I just don't like what the boys did to you. I promise, I promise they won't hurt you or touch you or call you names anymore.” Nikolai looks at her and she stares before slowly nodding back. He smiles at her again.
“If they touch you anymore, you say what?”
“I say 'No'.”
“Good. Then, what else? What did papa teach you?”
“Then... you say.. uh.. I have to... kick their balls!”
Nikolai laughs and his laugh is contagious enough for the spirited girl to giggle. “Yes, you got it right! And then, if they touch your cheek, you will do this...” Nikolai forms a loose fist and slowly gestures it to her cheek, poking her skin with his knuckles. “Pow.” he says, playfully.
She grins, looking at him contently and follows his step. She clenches her tiny fist and pushes it to Nikolai's cheek. Though Nikolai does not even feel a thing, he purposely turns his head sideways, according to the direction, just to show Mari that she 'punches' him.
“Good girl! Yes, like that. And do it harder to them! Like really hard! That's called, a punch.”
"A... pun. Pun!”
Nikolai cackles, eyes almost close at how hard he smiles at his daughter's cuteness. “Okay, malyshka. That's close enough. Now, do we wanna get desserts? To cheer you up? Ice-cream or waffle?”
“Both!” she claps her hands excited. She's already imagining a thick waffle with drizzles of chocolate sauce, and two scoops of vanilla ice-cream topping the delicacy.
“Okay, let's go! I know bestest place for a waffle and ice-cream! Anything for you, okay?” Nikolai says before he puts her back to the seat and buckles her seatbelt.
“Goddamn!” Nikolai looks in the mirror, seeing a car honking at him before passing him. He clicks his tongue. “What the hell is his problem, dude?”
Mari gasps and slaps his hand. He looks at her, pouting, already he can listen your voice scolding him for saying bad words in front of the kids. “Bad words! Baddie words! Papa cannot say that!”
“I did not say anything.”
She gasps. “Gaslighting!”
“Where the hell did you learn that?”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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f10werfae · 9 months
Can you give us an example of Henry giving the twins the stink eye and them running to their Momma and her defending them? I love this sweet little family and your writing.
“Iris off now please, that’s not a plaything” Henry sighed seeing his daughter playing around in his workshop.
“But it is dada, it’s a horsey, p-plus all your tools are gone” Iris replied back sassily rocking back and forth on the wooden horse she had asked her daddy to make her, she had him wrapped around her baby finger. “Iris, don’t answer back, now pop off back inside please and behave yourself” At the sound of her daddy’s harsh stern tone, her lips tightened and chin creased. “F-fine don’t want horsey anyway”
“Good cause bad girls don’t get horseys” As soon as she heard her daddy call her a bad girl she knew exactly what to do, she knew her daddy’s weakness. “M-momma” Iris cried out with tears at the corner of her eyes, running towards the living room she saw her brother Beau playing with Marly on the couch as Y/n combed his hair lovingly; their new sibling housed comfortable in her stomach.
When Y/n saw her teary baby her face immediately fell into a pout, “W-what’s wrong Iris baby” Y/n cooed opening her arms and letting her baby fall into her chest, kisses being peppered onto her head. “P-papa was bein’ a meanie and no say sorry” She said through hiccups, Y/n’s eyebrows furrowing as her eyes landed on her husband who walked in with one hand scuffing his beard.
“H-Hen? What d-do ya have to say for yourself?” Y/n scolded with a pout still playing on her lips, Iris hugging her momma’s neck as she gave Henry a face (all of a sudden her tears had stopped and baby Iris had a glorious smirk on her face)
“You little-“
“H-Hen stop it! She’s our b-baby and you were bein’ mean!”
“Baby bun she was playin’ about on the horse-“
“That’s what t-the horse is for no?” Y/n said fiercely, knowing she was going to win this argument, she won every argument. “You’re right baby i’m sorry, I’m sorry to my other baby too” Henry sighed bending over and plucking Iris into his arms before whispering into his daughter’s ear, “You smart little rat, i’ll get you for that”
“Sure you will papa!” She smiled wiggling out of his arms and running towards her playroom with Beau not long following her. “Do I gotta make it up to you too huh?” Henry whispered slotting himself beside Y/n on the sofa, his arm tucking her into his side; his other hand smoothing over her growing stomach. “I know how you can daddy”
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dadzawa-abc · 3 months
. . caregiver incoming. . . 📨
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☁️ Hello, my name is Aizawa. But you can call me Shota if you wish to do so.
💤 my pronouns are he/him, and he/him only
🌾 male + Bisexual + r/s will not be public 🔒
🌙 osdd fictive. This is NOT a roleplay account. Dehumanizing me will get you an immediate block and ignored.
☀️ I am an adult, but the body is a minor.
🌕 A disabled Caregiver (source + bodily). I do not age regress. I am a babysitter and a caregiver to most, if not all of our littles.
🪐 I am not a permanent caregiver to anyone outside of the system currently.
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🌕 | i am a SAFE-FOR-WORK caregiver. I have never, or will ever, use my caregiver role for inappropriate intentions. I'm a caregiver because: 1), it reminds me of my students in my source. It makes me happy. 2), it makes me happy to take care of children and littles. 3), I immediately take a fatherly role to any little who comes up to me, and my intentions do not push farther into boundaries. That being said, if you come into my blog with the intention that I am a nsfw caregiver ; either by liking, reblogging, commenting, going into my inbox or messaging me, your comment will one, be ignored, two, blocked. And depending the content of the situation you will be reported. I am SFW. And it will never change. So if you're anything but a SFW little, you aren't welcome here.
🌕 | i do not Kink-shame. However, I am allowed to express my feelings on things when it comes to ageplay. If a group of people who are adults, ignore the fact that the body is a minor and continues to interact with my blog with nsfw intentions, yes I'm allowed to express my feelings about it. And if it comes to the point of making sure littles are safe from their accounts, I will not be silenced.
🌕 | I am open to babysit littles. (Doesn't matter age, gender, etc). Before messaging me please ask me in my inbox first to see if I'm available to babysit. (Or) check my account bio. Usually I update if I'm able to babysit or not. So before you message please make sure beforehand.
🌕 | I accept all petnames. You can use any petnames on me that you seem fit. The most I get called is "Dadzawa", "dad/daddy", or "papa"
🌕 | This is a Safe space for: age regressors (who are minors and adults) regressors who are older than 35+, pet regressors who are older than 35+, Screen readers, venting (you can vent in our inbox or DMS. Please be specific if you'd like your vent to be public on the blog if you vent via inbox. If you don't want your vent public, I won't public the vent but I will read it.), TRAUMAGENIC systems, sourcemates, alters who's source is considered "problematic", furries, therians, trans people, LGBTQ++
🌕 | this ISN'T a safe place for: Endo "systems", varieties of nong-traumatic "systems", proship, ageplay, nsfw littles who are "sfw", meanies, trolls, fakeclaimers, bigotry, terfs
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agere advice,
agere positivity posts,
Vent responses,
🍉 I stand with Palestine 🍉
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sweaterdestroyer · 7 months
CG!medic Headcanons🌡
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Dni if you are kink, proship, anti agere, weirdo or a meanie in general.
Requests open
🌡ok let's start with the obvious. Medic WILL take care of you when you get hurt, sick or not feelin well!!!!
🌡Like it's so obvious that he would make you some tea, get you some pastries, let Archimedes company you, and he'll just make sure his lil baby gets all the rest,medicine,and things that they need
🌡He is such a hugger
🌡SPEAKING OF ARCHIMEDES. He does not like anyone else expect for medic and you. Medic probably likes to joke and call Archimedes your big brother
🌡He would obviously LOVE getting called papa. Like u can't convince me Otherwise
🌡medic is the best at making you comfy for bedtime. He would get you a nice warm drink while he read you fairytales.
🌡not German fairytales tho (seriously why are they so... Like that! 😭)
🌡He would let you draw some doodles on his notebook too!
🌡He would probably also let you help with his surgeries. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who cares anymore
🌡he's busy most of the time but when he was free time he spends it with you!!!
🌡looovees callin you his little one, dear, and any sweet German name
🌡Medic is great at comforting you! He would gently caress you, let you hug him, and when you wanna talk to him bout something that's bothering you he's all ears
🌡braids your hair!!!
🌡weelll If there's SOMEONE bothering you .. Things won't end well!!!!
🌡After a long day of performing illegal medical practices, there's nothing medic loves more than cuddlin in bed with you, your pals(plushies he crochets), and his doves!
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richeeduvie · 6 months
Saw a vid of a mom asking her husband if he would babysit their daughter (as a prank tehe bc this one influencer made a vid ab how she has to bribe her husband to “babysit” their child and it was v upsetting bc she was just laughing it off :(() anyways the dad was like:
“??? what ru trying to say ¿¿¿ of course I’ll spend quality time with our daughter while ur out, don’t call it babysitting I’m not sitting on no baby 🤬”
He was so angry at the implication he wouldn’t want to take care of his baby for one night, it just gave ROMAN!! He would bite Baby’s head off if she tried to mess w him like this, and then he would bite her leg for trying to leave the house without her life companions. Why can’t he come with you to the spa? It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t want any services they provide, he is perfectly content to sit on a chair in complete silence and just stare at your face while u get pampered. That IS his preferred self care routine. And the baby? The misty air and soothing aura has her in a deep slumber, her chunky cheeks smooshed into her papas chest she’s securely wrapped against. She’s a perfect little thing, Roman is,,, a scrappy little thing BUT STILL! Baby mommy claims to love him anyway, so why does she want to go alone???
All of this just for Baby to not even have an actual evening away planned 😭 poor woman. She just upset her impish man, and saddened her angel who heard her papas wails of distress “Mama u want to go away 😞?” Stupid Roman when will he learn he can’t go on his tirades anymore, there’s a toddler who roams these halls! Baby pinches him and walks away pissed w her baby, he’s always ruining her fun. He comes to bed an hour later, she makes him grovel but puts him out of his misery because he did in fact book them a weekend getaway to the Hamptons yay! All 3 Roy’s are coming tho bc he’s still her ball and chain.
This took me so long to type and it’s supposed to be a request 😭 my apologies, feel free to change anything and everything you’d like, I gotta go take a test I’ve had all day to complete and pushed to the last minute.
I love when you people write drabbles. I get to be the reader. I get to consume!! And it's always great. I love this!
Roman Roy x Reader blurb - DogandBone!AU
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He is her father. Not her fucking babysitter.
Roman watches your daughter just toddle around. She's perfect. And this is perfect. He's such a father.
He became a father when you had her, yeah. But here - just looking at her, something soft and swallowed in his eyes, it's all the more prominent.
She plays with blocks. Roman watches intently. It makes you warm and you think he's under the sun like this, he's getting red in the face for it. He can't handle her being cute, which at this point, you think that just means your little girl being a little toddler.
"Top blue. No red. Ba ba blue."
It almost breaks away the giddiness of a prank.
Roman's with your baby all the time. You are with your baby all the time. You're with Roman all the time. Safe to say, you think he'll call you an idiot whore for the idea that he's babysitting. That or it'll be meanie. Mean wife.
You smile.
"Roman, I was planning on going out tonight."
"...It's five. I have to get ready? You didn't want to plan on going out tonight yesterday? Look at her, she's not mentally prepared for being outside. Also, fuck the outside. It was smelling like sewage when we came in, but I think it was that guy who looked like his name was Eddie."
"I was just thinking by myself. I didn't make an appointment but I think they can fit me in for a semi-retreat."
Roman looks to the babbling toddler with her blocks. She's very focused on building it high. Then he turns to you.
"Are you sick of me? Fuck you. What did I even do?"
"Nothing. I just felt impulsive for a spa night."
"I didn't even do anything - like actually...nothing? And now you want to go get your feet rubbed by someone else? Whore. Whore Mommy."
You roll your eyes. You know Roman has to remember that he gets too whiny and puppy-eyed whenever you mention a foot rub you've had from a spa day. You've taken your feet just for him.
"It'll be quick. Maybe a facial. You can babysit her for a bit?"
"I can literally give you a facial. If you make me, I can-"
Roman's shift with his hands, his attempt to convince, humor, and humiliate.
"...What did you just...what the fuck?"
His eyes get sorta squinty. He's riled. You like Roman riled - you can always get him small and defenseless when he goes too far in a defense. But here, in how you try not to laugh, you'll have to know when to settle.
Maybe now with the vein popping in his forehead.
"Daddy go swear. No swear, Daddy. Blocks like when ears are clean."
Her block tower is almost as tall as her. But she's come up to Roman, shaking her head at his bent knee. She's making sure her Daddy hears her.
You swallow when Roman's not bending his anger to his humor. He just squeezes your daughter's chubby little hand.
You don't think the word babysit has sat well with him at all.
"Did you just tell me to fu...did you kinda just tell me to babysit her?"
Yes, you do. It was funnier in the video. But the husband in the video wasn't Roman.
You should know better, you love him too much that you should know better.
"Why Daddy look crazy?"
Roman pinches his nose bridge and swallow again.
"You just piled a cock-load. A massive cock-load of hurt on me. Wow. Okay." He stands. He's gotten so seriously so quickly. "You're mean and you've been snorting my dead dad's blood clot medication or maybe you've had a brain aneurysm because is she not my kid?"
Your daughter, her sweet head looking up to her Daddy, looks just as confused as you.
"I have not left this place and I really didn't want to because she's my kid. It's not babysitting - I'm not a nanny. We agreed on no nannies? I'm a nanny?"
"Is this your way of telling me I've been secretly cucked and she's not my baby?"
"...M' not baby?"
You and Roman both turn at the softest voice. It's sweet and genuine and so toddler-like. She is too cute and she is just a toddler. A perfect child who bites her fingers.
Then Roman looks sick - and even though you're the dumb one here, it serves him right for making your sweet girl ask the question in the first place.
"No. Honey, you're my baby. I'm not a babysitter. Do I look like I crush babies?"
Roman's voice tightens in a whine. Possessive and defensive. All of him in the small of his throat.
"Mommy just doesn't like us." Roman looks down, feigns a moment of thinking with his the line of his mouth pushing to one side. "Well, what are we gonna do? We just have to let her go away and do a spa day without us. It's just us now. Forever. Sucks for Daddy mostly cause I've always planned suicide for this route but-"
"Oh, sweetheart-"
Her tiny, perfect voice breaks. She's more confused than ever and your heart twists.
"Mommy. No go, I don't-I don't-" She looks to Roman. "...You go away? Why?"
She's very soft and shy in her voice, like she always is. Still too kind for a toddler as she gets teary-eye.
You look to Roman, it's easy to show disappointment along your face.
He looks like he's about to vomit watching his daughter.
You bend down.
"No, sweetheart. Mommy's not going anywhere. Nowhere, okay? I was just joking. Daddy was just joking."
"I don't- I don't know."
"It's okay. Now you do. Mommy's here forever."
She sniffles and unlike her father, she doesn't feign thinking - she thinks really hard. She nods and rubs her cheek against your chest.
"Sorry for crying. But okay." She wraps her arms around you as much as she can. "Daddy, I don't know why you tell that."
Now your little girl is back to a silly voice in questioning.
"Yeah, Daddy. Why did you say all of that? To a little baby girl?"
"...I didn't - Daddy didn't mean..."
Roman's voice fades and breaks.
Well, you've gotten him small this way. You sigh and stand up, taking your daughter with you. You don't think it'll bode well if you try to leave her by skin.
"You love a good nipple pinch."
Roman rubs his nipple with a scrunched face.
"It's my sorry. I'm sorry, Rome - it was a joke. I don't even have any plans. I just wanted to see how much babysitting would fuck with you. And it fucked with you."
And not pinching the other nipple is his punishment.
You hear a little mm on your shoulder. You kiss your daughter's cheek.
"Sorry, baby."
"She's a smart baby, she understands now. No suicide talk, at least.
"...Sorry." Roman just looks to his shirt. You think it's because he can't look to you. "That was like...mean. She's my baby."
"I know. That's why it's a joke. I'm gonna be in the room. Come with your own sorry."
You're almost asleep with your baby in your arms when Roman comes. You don't know he's been swallowing the sickness down while staring into the threads of the couch. Cause he's just the worst fucking Daddy who can't take a joke. That's him. He's a cute, smart sort of guy that everyone should want with the one person he wants being a super hot Mommy-lady. His best friend. But he's also fucking stupid. He should die, maybe?
Roman scratches a digging sort of scratch at the image of his daughter in her almost tears, confused and reaching for her mommy.
He needs a kiss. He needs a kiss right now or he'll die. It feels like it. He can't breathe, stupidly.
Roman comes into the room and monkey cuddles you from behind. He manages to play with her hair. Her asleep, mouth slightly parted like her father when you watch him sleep.
"We'll go to the Hamptons and we can give facials there. Make them creamy. But it's all of us that are going. And you can't leave me. Like. Actually. Not out of my sight. You won't be able to perceive anything but me and our daughter and that means no stupid ideas.
"She's asleep. Also...sorry for being the worst Daddy. I really did mean for my quip to end up putting our baby in tears."
You sigh.
You know he's suffered enough. He's real in his insecurity.
You kiss his forearm and you hear a sharp breath from behind, it moves against your spine.
"You're the best Daddy. It was nothing. She'll make you play floaties with her forever in the pool."
"...Fuck yeah. She will do that. Hopefully, if, you know, I didn't slap trauma on her face at my attempt at humor against a toddler-"
It's not his name that shuts him up, it's just bite to his forearm. It's all the love in your teeth.
"We love you."
"I was hoping on that for my will to not throw myself over the timber Brooklyn bridge..."
You feel his cheek press into your back.
"I love you guys too. Tell her I said that if I fall asleep before she wakes up."
You smile against Roman's bitemark. You'll try your best. It's the least you can do after your mess of a joke. Your love in making more small and needy for you after everything never outranks the need for him to know that he is loved.
Roman nuzzles before there's a lick.
"Can do."
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! I love your work so much! (つ≧▽≦)つ
I’ve only been a ror fan just recently and I’m absolutely in love with Hades, Poseidon, Beelzebub, and Thor. Can i please request a scenario with them and reader are both participants of ragnarok and were each other’s opponents. The reader is absolutely strong and can keep up with them. However, in the middle the match they suddenly hear two small voice of a small girl and boy yelling ‘Don’t hurt mama!’ And then they run up to the reader hugging her protectively. Funny thing is the the girl and boy resembles them and the reader. The kids then glared at them saying that their papa is being a meanie to their mama. Turns out the two kids were their future kids together with reader. Sorry if it’s long |ω・)
thank you (=^・ω・^=)
-Your fight with (God) had quickly turned into being the most entertaining match of the tournament.
-Nobody had thought that a woman, going against one of the strongest in Valhalla, would be able to go toe-to-toe with him, able to match his power with your own.
-You grinned as you heard both gods and humans cheering for the both of you, not wanting this amazing fight to ever end.
-You blocked one of his attacks with your own weapon, a simple long poled spear, easily able to kick him back, but you got to cocky, not seeing his foot until the last moment as he swung out and kicked you head over heels, blowing you back.
-You tumbled until you came to a stop, a small scowl on your face that you had gotten kicked until the crowds cheers turned into calls of worry as Heimdall shouted for the match to stop.
-You froze as your legs were suddenly hugged, looking down to see two children, a boy and a girl, who looked like the perfect blend between you and (God).
-You were confused as to who these children were as Heimdall and (God) approached quickly, but seeing your confusion told them you didn’t know who these kids were either.
-The boy then shouted at (God), “Don’t hurt mama!”
-You turned white in shock, a squeak leaving your lips as you blinked owlishly down at him, you didn’t have any children, you’re pretty sure you would know if you did!
-The girl, who had watery eyes, clutching your shirt, “Don’t be mean to her papa!”
-(God) then froze, hearing this child call him papa as the whole stadium was quickly roaring with cheers, thinking the two of you were a secret couple and a pair of twins on top of it!!
-The fight was immediately ended, ending in a draw as the four of you returned backstage, the children holding on to your hands, glaring at (God).
-(God) was calm as you all sat down, telling them that the two of you weren’t a couple, and that neither of you had kids.
-Instead of being upset, they just beamed brightly at you both, shocking you once again as they told you that they were from the future and wanted to come and see the fight between the two of you as you had always told them, in their timeline, that was where you fell in love with each other!
-Hades- Was stunned, meeting your eyes, seeing you were just as shocked before your daughter spoke up, “Mama I wanna see you two fall in love!” she spoke as if it was a simple process as your face turned cherry red, looking like a pure maiden and no longer like the fierce warrior he had been fighting only moments ago. Hades smiled at you, he knew you were beautiful, strong as well, you were a perfect woman in his eyes. Your son pointed a finger at Hades, “You better be nice to mama!” Hades chuckled, holding up his hand, promising them both. As they faded away, they both hugged and kissed you both, causing a warmth to swell inside of you, sad to see them go. Once the two of you were alone, Hades held out his hand, asking you to go on a date, not wanting to rush into things.
-Poseidon- Held his daughter while you held your son who was glaring at Poseidon for hurting you, and your daughter was quick to give him puppy eyes, “You don’t hate mama do you, papa? I don’t want you to hurt her anymore!” Poseidon felt like a dick, as an arrow slamming into his heart in guilt for making her cry while your son moved to hug you around your neck, “I’ll protect you mama! Since papa is useless at it!” you could see the sparks flying between your future son and Poseidon, before your daughter was quick to join him on your lap, hugging you close, “I’ll help too!!” As they disappeared slowly, returning to their own time, they said goodbye to the both of you, making Poseidon promise not to hurt you again which he did think was rather amusing. Unlike other women, you didn’t annoy him, as you were smart and strong, being beautiful was just a bonus in his eyes. He smiled down at his children, putting a hand on their heads, giving them his word before they vanished. He turned his attention to you, a soft, rare smile on his face which made you flush, “When should the wedding be?” your reaction, hiding your face in your hands, like a pure maiden, made him actually laugh, wanting to marry you even faster.
-Beelzebub- Was asking all sorts of complicating questions, about how were they able to travel through time, making their eyes spin comically before they both slid off his lap and ran to you, “Mama!! Papa is being weird again!!” Beelzebub pouted lightly, hearing that they thought he was weird as you smiled lightly, hugging them both close, calming them down. Beelzebub, watching you console the children made his heart pound in his chest, it was so beautiful, to see you like that, smiling down at your children, making them smile as well. When they started to vanish, they held each other’s hands and ran to huge Beelzebub after hugging you, pecking your cheek, and they did the same for him, beaming up at him, “Bye papa!” and, “We love you!” he felt such joy, such happiness at their words, holding his chest over his heart, smiling down at them as you approached, wishing them well. Once they were gone, he instantly stood, turning to you to take one of your hands in our own, “Let’s get to work right away making our children!” a pillow to the kisser was a quick way to get him calmed down, as he looked up at you from the floor, seeing your embarrassment, you were so cute. It made his affection for you grow.
-Thor- It was amusing, watching your two children looking up at Thor, sitting on either side of him, interrogating him, asking why he had been so cruel to you. His panicked face was a bit amusing as you came over, sitting next to your daughter, “We were both fighting each other, little one, I hit him plenty of times.” Your son pouted, his hands on his hips, “Papa’s tough! He can handle it! Papa shouldn’t hit mama!” Thor did feel a bit like a bad guy, which brought a small smile to your lips, seeing him in anguish over upsetting his children. You children were quick to crawl into your lap as they started to disappear, pecking your cheeks and hugging you tightly, which made you smile so warmly, Thor couldn’t help but just stare, you looked so beautiful. Once they were gone, you looked away from him, a bit bashfully, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear but before either of you could speak Loki ran in, “Where’s my niece and nephew that you’ve kept secret from me!!” it was a bit of a hassle explaining things to Loki afterwards who instantly pouted, “Then hop to it! Get to work on making those cute kids so I can meet them!!” your bright red face made them both smile, seeing how adorable you looked.
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