demobatman · 2 years
the thought i just had before dozing off and maniacally jotted down in my notes app so i wouldnt forget it: "the fly...... on papa....... while hes dying....... in the desert......... fancam......"
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
Dana’s last ‘fuck you’ to Disney
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He/they collector
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Genderqueer/bi-gender papa king
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TWO girlfriend kisses
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Onscreen mlm kiss
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Implied aladarius
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a happy ending to the bi/enby couple
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A happy ending to the aro/ace character
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Death to the white Christian puritain
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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not that we didn't already Know belos was full of shit, but it's even funnier knowing the titan was still alive the whole time and probably judging him
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kaereth · 1 year
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A kofi gave me free reign to redraw a scene from TOH and I've been thinking about this since we found out King's dad has been watching and loving him this whole time - I'm 100% sure he said hi back 🥺
(bgs are edited from the show)
[Image Description: Six drawings. The first three are a redraw of a scene from The Owl House. King sits on a ship and looks out at the body of the Titan. He raises an arm and says “Um… hi.” The next three drawing show the Titan watching the scene on a cube in the In-Between Realm. He tenderly replies, “Hi.” The piece has a watermark that reads “kaereth. Do not repost.” End Description. Description by quailfence.]
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catfindr · 1 year
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flexscene · 8 months
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Phodi Papa-Adams via Instagram
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bravesaboteur · 3 months
The more I think about it, the more Laios and Falin's different perceptions of their parents are a case of "same parents, different childhood".
Whenever someone asks Laios about his and Falin's family, he comments on how they treated Falin but never comments about how how their childhood affected him - in fact, he kind of glosses over it. It's Falin that everyone is rallying to save, it's Falin that's Marcille's friend, it's Falin that everyone has a positive opinion of - he's just the weirdo brother that gets to share some of her light sometimes. He's the one who's only tolerated when he's useful in a dungeon. Falin's treatment is a large part of the reason that he left, but it's the symptom of a larger issue.
When we see Laios' thoughts of his parents in his nightmares, it's all about the expectations that he's supposed to live up to: the expectation to stop being "childish", the expectation to get married (to who his parents picked) and have children, the expectation to take over from his father as the village chief, the expectation to adapt to something that he isn't able to be in the way that people want him to. And these are all things that he has had to be told in some way: he had to be told that Shuro didn't like him, he had to be told that told that the gold-peelers were taking advantage of him - these aren't thoughts that just appeared on their own, these are all failures that someone has explicitly pointed out to him and they haunt him. Some of the things he considers his biggest failures are his failure to provide for and protect Falin and those have very tangible examples he can point to.
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We get a glimpse of what happens when he fails to live up to his father's expectations when Falin is born. He expects a certain reaction from Laios and when he fails to give that reaction he physically puts him down, dismisses him, and underestimates how much he understands.
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And that's something that's shown to be a bit of a sore point for him - people thinking that he doesn't understand something because he doesn't express himself like people expect. The few times we see him snap at people are because people think he isn't understanding something because he isn't reacting "normally".
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On Falin's side, the expectations seem to be a lot different - she's the younger one, for one, she's a girl, and she was so young when the fallout from her having magic happened. She too had an arranged engagement, but that was broken off when she was sent away to magic school and since then, their parents only seem to be passively involved in her life. She's mostly been freed of the expectations that their parents had for her in her village - she won't be coming back after all. She understands why they sent her away, she wasn't completely oblivious to the villagers treatment of her and it was, arguably, for the best so she is at peace with what their relationship is for now. But she still wants to go to her hometown and see for herself with adult eyes because she has never really had the space to do that.
I don't think their parents are inherently evil people - the truth is probably somewhere between Laios and Falin's version of the story, Laios' side tinged by too much cynicism and Falin's by too much naivete.
It just strikes me that when he tried to provide the "normal" way he failed, but given the space to do something similar to what people expected of him, but in his own way, he succeeded. He isn't perfect but his efforts are ultimately fruitful and he is able to carve out a place for himself, Falin, and others who had been ostracized like them to call home.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Young Seraphim
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waywardsunlight · 6 months
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Watching and Dreaming (April 8th, 2023, Colorized)
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kenchann · 4 months
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doodling the shrouds fam cause i love them
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inkjetpaladin · 2 months
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Morning routine with baby gummi
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
father’s day is funny in my family because my dad is so angry this holiday exists that it’s the one day of the year i am NOT allowed to call him. we are officially estranged for 24 hours a year. wishing him a happy father’s day is a declaration of hostilities.
and like he is a good dad with a good dad, there’s no traumatic backstory to this, he just hates The Man telling him what to do so much that it’s a personal affront that someone decided that anyone is supposed to feel a thing on a specific day or, god forbid, spend their hard earned dollars because shaving commercials tell them to. if a dad did his job right (be a good father who unconditionally loves his kids), his kids should love him 364 days a year but FUCK the 365th day to spite hallmark and gillette specifically and you know what. i respect it.
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ventique18 · 2 months
Ooooooooooh they have the same laugh 🛐
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Don't you love it when the son inherits his parent's mannerisms aaaah it's so cute 😭 Manifesting Mama Zigvolt having the same loudmouth expressions as Sebek!
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justc2world · 3 months
This was the most precious moment of a father being extremely proud of his son
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tatakaeeren · 11 months
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Geto and our his girls 💖
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lyzpuffs · 3 months
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This is exactly what I imagined when i read it at first.. inspired by @em0bussy ‘s post
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