#papyrus: okay i was expecting this to be more fun
zarla-s · 2 years
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Off to adventure! No Handplates still isn’t over, haha. There’s still some more to go!
Papyrus disappointed that Gaster isn’t staying with them, he wants everything to be fixed and happy now! Even though he himself is still struggling to deal with what happened. But he told Sans he wasn’t going to hurt him or push him so he lets it go. The Great Papyrus keeps his promises!
Ugh all these backgrounds are really slowing these down... that’s probably going to be the case for a while...
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blinddreams24 · 13 days
Monster Under the Bed
Night 1. Dust
Inspired by @starzeah123
(Mention of possible drug use)
You weren’t a troubled child growing up. Monsters were a mere fantasy to you until they came out of the mountain and definitely not what you’d expected. The fairy tales you were told were of scary beasts that hunted disobedient children and ate them.
These monsters looked nothing like you’d imagined.
Sure, their king was a little intimidating. But he always had such a sad smile on his face that your eight year old self couldn’t find it in you to be scared. You’d hugged him when you met him and he’d cried.
The others weren’t so scary either.
The big fish lady acted scary but when Papyrus was nearby, she just roughhoused him and made you laugh.
It was fun growing up in the generation that got to meet the monsters first.
Back on topic, the idea of a “monster under your bed” had never really scared you. You even started leaving pillows under the bed as cushions.
You still kept that habit. Even though now, you lived in your own apartment. Your bed was further off the ground than normal. It was almost a bunk bed without the bottom bunk. Though it might as well be.
It was a very spacious area where you piled spare pillows, blankets, and the occasional plushy if you managed to get your hands on one. You had a tendency to lounge on the cushions in your free time, scrolling on your phone, reading, or drawing.
Nothing ever happened at night. You never expected anything to.
Tonight was very different.
A thud that shook the bed and a curse woke you up. There was a moment of silence and then angry mumbling.
“Shuddup. Let me think.” Growled a gruff voice from under you.
You froze. Was there a robber in your room? Was he talking to you or did he have a buddy? Oh stars. Your baseball bat was on the floor next to your bed. There was no way you could reach it in time to ward off the intruder.
“Papyrus… please…”
Papy? Papyrus?
Suddenly your fear was forgotten. Maybe Papyrus’s brother had teleported the wrong way again and got stuck in your room instead of his actual destination.
You could offer your help.
“Excuse me?” You started, carefully peeking over the railing of your bed.
The room went silent.
Two glowing dots stared up at you, blue and red.
Ah, maybe Papy’s brother was high or something. Could monsters get intoxicated? He sure looked high.
“Uh, you kinda teleported the wrong way, I think?” You smiled. “I can help you get home if you’d like.”
The eyes only stared at you, unresponsive, for several minutes. He didn’t move a muscle, or, well, bone? He didn’t move an inch as he stared and you slowly got more and more uncomfortable.
What kind of crack was this guy on? Did he even see you?
“…Hello? Are you okay?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “…You’re not even startled.”
“Well… kinda. You did really scare me for a second. But you’re Pap’s brother, right?”
He flinched and glanced off to the side, like he was looking at something. You couldn’t figure out what. “What’s it to you?”
“Well, everyone knows Papyrus.” You dragged yourself out of bed. “And he’s always talking about his brother and his “lazy” ability to teleport. If you accidentally, I don’t know, teleported the wrong way, I can help you find your way back. Also, I’m awake now anyways so would you like anything? Water? Coffee?”
“……water’s fine.”
“Perfect. You can follow if you want.” You open the door to the living room and walked into the kitchen. “Make yourself at home.”
“……” He didn’t respond. Just stared at you.
Turning on the light so you could see, you reached into the cabinet and pulled out the only cup inside. “I hope you don’t mind, I only have one cup. I can wash it again if you want?”
“…s’fine.” Oh stars, when did he get behind you?
You filled the glass at the sink and offered it to him. He looked at you. Then the glass. Then back at you.
A little nervous, you gently pushed it an inch closer.
He finally took the cup and immediately drank all of it. He did that satisfied gasp thing and started staring at you again.
“…When’s the last time you drank something, sir?” You asked.
He looked like he was calculating something. “……few days. Didn’t think ‘bout it.” He handed the glass back to you.
In the sink it went. “…Are you okay?”
Finally ending the staring contest, he looked away. “M’fine.” His hand found its way to his hoodie and the dusty red scarf underneath.
Aw! Did Papryus give him his old scarf?
You smiled fondly and looked away. That was definitely something Papy would do. “Well. You seem a little… out of it right now. I recommend resting before you head out. If you want, feel free to crash on the couch. There’s also… where you came in. If you don’t mind sharing the room. Or I can take the couch. Just… let me know what you’re okay with.”
He started staring again. “………You’ll just let a stranger take your room? Got a death wish, kid?” A wicked grin split his face and his eyelights flashed.
You blinked the spots out of your eyes. “Not a death wish. I just want to help. If you have somewhere else you can go, I won’t keep you.” You gestured at the door.
Eyes narrowed, he glanced between you and the front door, back and forth, until he finally turned and walked back into your room.
. . .
Okay then.
Well, you have a guest now. Time to… be a host, I guess.
You followed him into your room and waved away his threatening glare. “I’m not staying. I’m just grabbing my bedding. I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” You pulled your blanket and pillow off the bed and headed back towards the door. “Sleep well, sir.” The door hid those red and blue eyes with a click. You sighed quietly. His staring was intense. He must really be out of it.
The couch wasn’t as comfortable as your bed as you curled up on it but it worked as intended and you started dozing quickly. You set an alarm to make breakfast hopefully before your guest woke up and then let yourself pass out.
You could deal with getting him home tomorrow.
. . .
Something felt… off.
You slowly woke up and groaned, not ready to start the day. There was something different today wasn’t there? You couldn’t remember.
Rubbing your face, you opened your eyes and froze.
Oh yeah.
You had a guest.
And he was staring at you.
You blinked at the two eyelights above you in the darkness. What time was it? “…Hey.”
No response. Just intense staring.
“……Can’t sleep?”
“…Uh… Are you hungry? I can whip somethin’ together real quick…”
He didn’t seem to hear you, as if he was listening to something else. Or someone else. You noticed him mumbling words under his breath that you couldn’t quite hear.
He blinked at you and his eyes seemed to focus on you. He didn’t answer and the staring was back.
“……Is there something I can help you with?”
It was your turn to blink at him. “…Are you having trouble sleeping? You seemed pretty out of it…”
“…………sleep walk…”
“Oh.” That made sense but he seemed suspicious with the way he answered that.
“…” You glanced away. “Uh, since we’re both up, would you like to eat something? I have some leftover spaghetti.” You offered.
His eyelights flickered for a moment. “……sure.”
You pulled yourself off the couch and stretched before walking into the kitchen. Checking your phone, it was 5am. At least you didn’t have work today. You pulled the spaghetti out of the fridge, put it in a bowl, and popped it in the microwave. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as it spun.
“……You really aren’t scared.” Came the voice of your guest behind you. “What if I’m a murderer?”
You yawn. “I’d figure it out… besides, you’re pretty chill all things considered.”
“………You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve been told. I’m not crazy though. People my age just aren’t as relaxed as I am. I don’t see a reason to freak out over something so simple. You’re a guest. I’m a host. Simple as that.”
The only sound was the microwave “vrrr”ing until it finally reached 0:01. You popped it open before it could beep and offered the bowl and a fork to your guest.
He looked at it and then back at you. “……You’re not eating?”
Sigh. “I’m not hungry right now, it’s too early. And I only have one fork. So unless you’re up for sharing-”
He took the spaghetti and fork out of your hands and sat at the small table. His arms curled around the spaghetti as if he expected you to take it from him. Unfortunately, you couldn’t muster up enough energy to laugh but you still thought it was funny so you smirked. “You act like your brother steals your food.”
He glanced to the side and then back at you. “……Kind of.”
Sounded interesting. You sat at the table with a sigh. It seemed out of character for Papyrus to steal food. Especially from family. “How is Papyrus doing?”
“……” He glanced to the side again as if something caught his attention. “…He’s fine.”
You frowned. Odd. He almost sounded… sad. “…Did something happen?”
He shook his head and sat back, pushing the empty bowl away. “Nothing. Don’t ask about it.”
You watched him stand. “…Okay. I won’t push.” You picked up his dish and started washing it. “Feel free to do whatever until morning. Unless you want me to drive you home now? I’m okay with that if you-…” You turned around and he wasn’t there.
Maybe he’d gone back to bed.
You check your room and it’s empty. He’d vanished as if her was never there. The only proof you had were the dishes in your sink.
You rubbed at your eyes. It wasn’t worth stressing about. He probably teleported away while your back was turned. You went back to bed and slept in. Answers could wait until tomorrow.
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havockingboo · 2 years
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Oh man this au already got me in a death grip noooooo I know y’all are looking at me like “king……bro 💀 what are you doing with these poor skeletons” I’m literally so sorry I made another au to cope with DJDFKDVM IT WASNT MY INTENTION
so yeah if you haven’t guessed, this au will heavily focus on papyrus being the older brother in the family, high expectations that were pushed onto him since he was a kid. Was proud of himself at first for being the oldest and being the most mature one and being the responsible then!! Doesn’t realize that will have long lasting effects on him as he grows up being a perfectionist, horribly controlled emotions and some pent up anger and temper. Oh yeah, it’s one hell of an au.
Has a dad that practically feels like he’s absent, emotional neglect, family issues that are buried or completely ignored and thrown out but then bite you in the ass at the worst times!! Oh what an au this will be..
Sans doesn’t smile very much in this au, he’s uh. hella tired himself with all the bullshit his family has to deal with in itself. As the youngest, you’d figure you’d be given more attention and care but no, with a dad like his and a brother that can barely take care of himself mentally and emotionally, he wasn’t getting any of that. He even has a bit of a temper himself but he actually controls it better than his older brother does. That doesn’t stop him from being sarcastic(which a lot of people still mistake him being serious, it’s the never changing expression on his face and tone) He goes through a lot in this au too, on the surface he appears done with everything, anti social, forever resting bitch face but bro!! He still is a very fun guy to chat with, he still got a lot of jokes to tell he just uh…wishes people would notice when he talked or well..even paid attention to him anyway. again being the youngest ain’t easy.
And Gaster…………………………………we don’t talk about him SDJSDKDFLMF ah yes the typical “father who thinks his love for his children will be enough, giving the basic necessities and every now and then ‘praise’ before he disappears for 3 days or a whole week to do work.” He figured, I raised these boys myself!! they know how to take care of themselves without me! which is true but little did he know he should’ve given them more hugs when they were younger lmao. Now they’re messed up!! He loves Sans and Papyrus. He really does he just, failed to show the proper love and attention he was meant to give but woo. Gaster himself also has a temper EVERYONE IN THIS FAMILY HAS A TEMPER but his?? Oh it’s bad. Those long shifts then coming home late at night can be like walking on eggshells. That’s why Papyrus is always on his best behavior when he’s around!! Before he runs to his room and never comes out until he’s asked for something. Sans is always cooped up in his room, wanting to avoid any interaction with his dad. Gaster wishes his sons talked to him more, but he messed that up a long time ago…
Whew okay uhhhh…… that was a lot!! But yeah this family has a loooot of issues that will never get fixed cause they can’t handle emotional problems for shit. Besides Papyrus but well I that’s another thing ha
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recklesslycaffeinated · 3 months
Sans and Alastor
I’ve been thinking a lot about Sans and Alastor. Or Sans versus Alastor. But not who’d win in a fight (Sans) or who’d win Eurovision (Alastor). I’ve been thinking about them as characters, because that’s what I do.
At the heart of it, it boils down to this. Sans is a fundamentally good person living in a fucked-up world just doing his best. Alastor is a fundamentally evil person living in a fucked-up world also doing his best.
Dorks – Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way - they’re both dorks. Come on, both pun! Okay, Sans puns ad nauseam and Alastor claims he does in Hell’s Greatest Dad. Alastor has the dork part more than covered by his massively adorable poses when he’s just hanging out.
Big Smile, Scary eyes! – These loveable dorks are all fun and games. I mean, look at them, they’re always smiling! Until they turn on the scary eyes and you know not to fuck with them. This is the peek behind the curtain. The warning. Obviously, they could kill you right there and then, but why expend the effort when a dose of scary eyes will do the trick. Then it’s right back to a big old smile.
Dirty fighters – Paragons and Paladins need not apply. Both Sans and Alastor know the important thing about a fight is that they survive it. If that means avoiding a fight with bad odds, when it becomes unavoidable, using every trick in the book, that’s what they’re going to do. There’s no honour here. Sans is going to get in a massive attack before you’re even able to click a button and Alastor is going to hurl his minions at Adam – go get ‘em, boys!
Always a bigger fish – So far you’d think these guys have it all. Not so. These guys are living in an oppressive world and they’re not the top of the heap. If they were invincible, we wouldn’t be rooting for them as much. No need for cheerleaders if you can’t fail. I can’t tell you how many Let’s Play Genocide Runs I’ve seen where the Player is screaming for joy when they finally kill Sans… only to look suddenly horrified and miserable at his death. Alastor got his ass kicked by Adam, but I’m thinking more of the reveal that the big bad bully who scared Husk half to death is, himself, in a deal and isn’t happy about it. I’m sure that gave a lot of people immediate empathy with him.
Thinking outside the box – Sideways thinking has always been a trait of interesting characters and we’re invited into their minds to see a little of how they view the world. As a deal making demon, this is kind of Alastor’s whole shtick – he’s always finding the angles. For me, I think it’s the moment he gets Charlie on a deal which won’t involve her ‘harming’ anyone – which is a loophole so large you could drive a double-decker bus through it.
The best example for Sans is the fact that he and he alone of all the Monsters dodges. This is clearly not something Monsters understand or do. I have my own pet theory for why this is, but either way, Sans is not thinking the way he’s expected to.
Ultimate power – Sans and Alastor who could literally destroy you and everything you’ve ever known. They’re adorable silly boys with the power to bend reality.
However, this is where a key difference comes in. Because what’s important is their goals. In other words, what they’re using their ultimate power for. On the Genocide Run, Sans is trying to frustrate the Player long enough that they give up and Reset, bringing back his friends and family. Alastor is after hell domination. Maybe in series to come, we’ll find out it’s actually to ensure that bunnies and kittens can roam free… but I doubt it.
Does this make Sans better than Alastor? Well, ask a Player who’s been trying to win Sans’s fight for years who annoyed them more, Alastor in Hazbin of the Sans on their computer.
This isn’t me, FYI. I can’t do the Genocide run. If I had to hurt Papyrus, I don't know what I'd do. Turn off the computer and never use it again. I also almost cried when I accidentally killed Toriel on my first run. I immediately Reset and Flowey mocked me for it. Bastard.
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petthebunfluff · 7 months
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okay!! first form is his original appearance in his universe (underchestra), second form is when he first glitched and third form is after he was rescued by ink keep reading for more info on drawing him and his lore!!!!
likes do nothing so please REPOST
about ti
ti was just a normal sans who lived in underchestra, a universe where all monsters were intertwined by music. ti mainly plays the trombone, but has also learned to play the flute. his personality is similar to classic, but he has social anxiety and tends to be more secluded because of it.
about underchestra
it's an au where all monsters share a passion for music. most monsters play instruments typically found in orchestras. here's what the characters will play so far (i still need to decide the rest):
frisk: flute (uses it as a weapon in genocide. can be used as gun or dart shooter)
sans: trombone (secondarily, flute. learned from frisk)
papyrus: trumpet
toriel: harp
asgore: tuba
ti's lore
on a random day, ti was kidnapped by error. frisk managed to tag along with him. while they were in the anti-void, ti's creator gave up. his universe was being destroyed. core frisk managed to get everyone to safety, but noticed their absence.
frisk and ti glitched the anti-void. a horrible screaming noise could be heard, not just coming from them, but their code. the anti-void turned blue.
error did not expect that. he instantly let his strings go off him, in disbelief. the noise was as if their code spoke to him, as if they were alike.
core soon managed to arrive with an ally: ink. ink rescued ti and frisk from the anti-void, leaving error in a semi-glitched domain. the anti-void would soon go back to normal.
ink helped core take care of ti, as he found him to be very interesting. over the next few days, ti's glitches would reduce to a something he could live with without being in complete agony. frisk managed to recover with minor errors, due to not interacting with error directly.
ink gave ti new and funky clothes: pants, sneakers and a small cape. at the time, ti didn't have a name... he was only sans. ink was very fascinated by ti, and when he learned ti could play the flute, he gave him one. due to the nature of it being ink's flute and to his glitches, it made him able to travel the multiverse. he soon got to be known as flutist sans (ti for short), for traveling through aus with his flute.
for everyone who wants to draw him
both second and third form have the incorrect DOS version BSoD image overlaid over them second form uses burn on 50-60% and third form uses screen on 20-30% second form uses the same incorrect DOS version BSoD image for his eyes, but with a filter that makes it look like the blue is darker on the second and third form, the amount of chromatic aberration is up to you, just keep in mind that the second form has more chromatic aberration than the third
fun references i put on him
the 0x0000007B text on him refers to the (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE), which means the system is unable to boot from the hard drive,,, which would fit on his lore since his au was abandoned while he was in the anti-void, leaving him with an unaccessible path to his au (which would be the equivalent to a hard drive)
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centipedelightning · 2 years
Hello hello again!!! I was wonderin if i could please request Black and Mutt (and/or Gold and Pawn if you’re up to it 👀) separately with a they/them reader that likes to cling to the skeles arm while walking bc it makes them feel safe? (And can the relationships be romantic please? Ty!!!)
And fluff is preferred but I don’t mind if ya throw a lil bit o angst in there 👁️ 👁️
(Sorry my brain is also crashing while I write this so idk if any wording is weird or not so feel free to message me if something confuses ya JSJDKDK)
WAHHH I DIDN'T SEE THIS IM SO SORRY 😭 You know despite Gold and Pawn being my ocs, I’m still not sure how I plan on characterizing them. Also this took an extra week bc I wanted to get Gold’s reference sheet into the world first so my comment about his face made sense. this isn’t proof read sorry…
References for Gold (official) and Pawn (outfit isn’t official)
| Fellswap!red and Fellswap!Gilded Sans and Papyrus x gn!Reader || romantic headcanons || fluffy!
cw/tw: none || words: 1280
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He's such a cornball <3
He's a bit confused the first time you do it, but catches on immediately.
I hope you're okay with public disturbance because if you do it for the first time in a crowded area, many people will hear Black gloating about how he's so strong and amazing and you can cling to him anytime you get scared in public.
Please stop him that definitely won't help your anxiety, or maybe it's exposure therapy. Who's to say...
After that though, he's very nice about it.
He likes taking evening walks around the park, and he has gotten into the habit of offering his arm to ask you to join him.
It's such an ego boost by the by.
He loves that you find him safe. He is so proud that you know he's capable of protecting you. Did you have any doubts in the first place? Of course not no, but Black appreciates a clear physical confirmation. His grin always gets a bit more self-important whenever you cling to him. It also makes him look scarier than usual.
He's so insufferable I love him
He loves to rub your arms with his free hand. Just light touches with the tips of his claws. He finds your company very soothing, not that he'd ever admit it (yes he would he's a sap at heart)
He does it mostly when you two are just loitering somewhere. Like waiting for your order or the bus. Stuff like that.
He'll also jumpscare you with a little kiss if you aren't paying attention. It's not necessarily to get attention back on him as much as he just likes to make you jump. He's a bit of an ass tbh. But he's your ass and he loves you very much.
Depending on your height, his primary location of attack is either your cheek or shoulder. They might be a bit malicious but Black always kisses lovingly. Even the quickest, tiniest goodbye pecks are dripping with his love and affection.
If you wear jewelry that's another thing he'll mess with if you guys are just standing around. He likes to just fidget with whatever rings, bracelets, or bangles you have on.
He won’t publicity humiliate you! Yep! He, unlike his brother, has no interest in shouting to the heavens how you should cling to him if you ever feel scared.
but… he will give you a look that tells you he is about to very lightheartedly make fun of you.
I promise he means nothing by it and if you tell him early in the relationship that you’re not into playful mockery, it won’t happen at all. If you give him the green light please expect to be teased a bit.
He’s actually very good at knowing where the line is and not crossing it.
He loves when you grab onto him
Not to mention it’s very comfortable to do so. He usually sports heavy jackets and thick sweaters, so there’s a very comfortable cushioning.
As you two walk he likes to use his free hand to hold yours. Mutt is a sucker for casual, small acts of intimacy.
He also taps little rhythms while he holds your hand and like to have you guess them.
On less busy sidewalks he likes to walk like an asshole and jostle you around. He’s not swerving all over the place but he is sidestepping randomly, just enough to make you trip a little.
If you aren’t steady on your feet, guess what? Mutt is right there to save you! He is conveniently ignoring how it’s completely his fault you were almost making out with the concrete but hey, you love him!
In a similar vein to him tapping rhythms on your hand, if ya’ll are just standing around somewhere he likes to trace pictures and have you guess what he’s making. Hint: it’s very often either a sun or a fish
It depends on which side you grab him from. His almost full blindness in his right side makes sudden grabs a bit… threatening…
If you grab him from the left he’s gonna swoon a it. He really likes that you trust him so much and will definitely make a joke about it
He’s very touched starved btw. Jut letting you know….
Listen if you give him a pat on the back he’ll swear his life to you, so you grabbing onto him?? You just got a protector in this life and the next.
There is one exception for holding onto his left and that’s if he trusts you to protect him as well.
If you make it clear to him you have any capability to offer safety or protection he will gladly offer his right arm to you when on outings. If not, he’ll keep you on his left.
He adores walks around with you, especially if you live in an area that gets decent snow. He loves walking around parks or shops when they are all decorated for the season.
Plus he loves warming up with your body heat.
He is so proper and stiff. He is a man with a lot of responsibilities, I don’t think he’s relaxed in his life. Point being that he is so respectful when you grab him. Perfectly poised arm with his hand laid over you arm so lightly you’d think it wasn’t there. You need to tell him if he can touch you at any capacity.
Even if you say he can touch you and he’s good to go, he’s still only going to rest his hand on top of your hand or arm.
There’s one exception: He will grab you hand every once in a while to kiss it. Not for any reason you can figure out, but there seems to be one.
You will get the most shit faced, conniving smirk you’ve ever seen in your life.
Judging by the incessant jokes, he loves it.
He’s also a sucker for intimacy, so it’s no wonder he loves having you hang off his arm all the time. He’d just hold your hand if you weren’t the type to grab onto him.
In the grand scheme of things he doesn’t actually make a big deal out of you looking to him for safety. He’s pretty used to watching out for people in Snowdin and around the Underground as a whole.
That’s not to say he isn’t flattered of course, he’s just not super surprised
I will say… he doesn’t Reek, but his main gig is fixing and selling stuff he gets from dumpster diving. Not every dumpster he hops into is a beacon of sanitation.
Also watch out for pointy edges in his coat. There’s absolutely a few pins and needles he missed when fixing a hole or sewing on a patch.
You can cling to him, but do it at your own risk I guess.
So you know how I mentioned Mutt will drag you around a bit to mess with you? Yeah, Pawn is full on worm-walking.
As long as the sidewalk is clear, he will be walking like a drunk ma just to terrorize you. It does technically mean that you are less likely to fall on your ass because he’s pretty consistent, but it’s still obnoxious.
I love him <3
When ya’ll are standing around and he doesn’t need to pay attention, he likes to follow any bumps, moles, or freckles on your arm like a connect the dots.
You asked him once and he claimed to not know what connect the dots is but you still think that’s what he’s playing. he’s a dirty little liar.
If you are to the point in your relationship where he starts gifting you gold (in this case jewelry), and you wear it, please know he will play with it nonstop with a tiny flush on his cheeks.
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lime-ether · 6 months
So for research purposes since you’re more familiar with the bonehead crew’s characterization than me. What would they think of these three from The Living Tombstone?
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From left to right
zero_one / The Coded / First appeared : Chosen
DrunkGuy (yeah I’m dead serious that’s his canon name) / The Alcoholic / First appeared : Drunk
SkullGuy / The Hero / First appeared : Love I Need
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Okay, I didn’t expect anyone to approach me like that, but it seems to me that at least the boneheads will be interested in these guys? Like indie-rock it's cool
It seems to me that this will be especially familiar to Lewis (because of all the guys he is the youngest and died in a rather modern time than, for example, Daniel)
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Brook, I don't know, Soul Rock????.....
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Papyrus would be interested in these guys too, especially in Skullguy ( he might think, that guy wearing combat armor)
But it also seems that zero_one I would also like to show hi strength
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And Drunkguy Well, obviously he would have teamed up with Sans and maybe he would have liked his pun, maybe
In any case, if these guys know how to have fun, then maybe the boneheads won't mind the singer-company
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(although these three guys aren't even skeletons)
But yes, I read what you wrote about these guys and it’s quite interesting, I’d read more~~
Honestly, I’m not very keen on The Living Tombstone... And I never followed these guys because I had a different taste in music, but I'm glad that they are still creating music and are alive and well.
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megaderping · 2 years
A fun Undertale role swap AU concept I talked about on twitter. Basic premise: Gerson is the “encounter” in the last corridor instead of Sans. However, instead of a fight, he sets up a shop in the loading zone that would normally lead into the Throne Entrance area. Because of this, you cannot progress into the next room. You can buy items, but there are no opponents left to use them on. You can talk to Gerson, and he’d be every bit as sassy as you’d expect from him on the no mercy run. If you leave the shop and backtrack, you’re treated to an endless barrage of “But nobody came”, even more aggressive than before. The few remaining shopkeepers have nothing new to say. Sans is nowhere to be found- like in neutral, he simply disappears when you kill Papyrus, perhaps instead helping Alphys with the evacuation. You can return to Gerson. Talk to him some more. He makes a cheeky comment like, “Wa ha ha... Face it, kid. I know what game you’re playin’. This ain’t something brute force can fix. It sure didn’t help us in the war. But now you’re stuck. You can’t hurt me. I can’t hurt you, but I can wait until the end of time.” That’s when it hits you. Gerson is old. You go into your PC settings. You set the clock forward. First a few days, just to see what happens. Gerson’s dialogue doesn’t change at first. You still get the line about waiting until the end of time. You try a few months. Eventually, you try a few years... Eventually, when you enter the shop, Gerson is gone. You get... * But nobody came. You can steal and take like you would in any other empty shop, but a shop still remains. Along with it, a note. “You thought you could wait it out, didn’t ya? I figured it might’ve come to this. I don’t have much time left, but that’s okay. By now, any remaining monsters are long gone. Don’t bother looking. The evacuation was years ago. The human SOULs are long gone. As for the surface... you’ll never see it again. Guess I never will, either, but I accepted that long ago. But you might as well take a nice, long walk and reflect on your choices. There’s nothin’ left for you now, save for your regrets.” Just like before, backtracking only yields * But nobody came. Burgerpants and Temmie are gone now. There really is nobody left to talk to. The Underground becomes a hollow walking simulator with an endless barrage of “encounters.” Eventually, you reach the Ruins door. A message greets you, in red, should you interact with it. The same message appears on save points. Failure. When you return to the shop, should you not close the game in frustration, Flowey greets you in the shop. He makes some snarky comments about how he might’ve been on board with killing everyone at first, but once he realized you’d probably kill him too, he decided to let Gerson have his fun. You can talk to him about a few things. The plan, why he’s still down here, what happened to the monsters. A lot of the dialogue prompts yield responses like, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He’s not scared at all because he has the shop screen to hide behind, allowing him to reflect on how empty this whole experience was and how you might as well reset at this point. There’s nothing beyond this point. Eventually he gets tired of providing new dialogue. Everything yields, “Don’t you have anything better to do?” ... Well, don’t you?
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tainted-by-skeletons · 6 months
Age regression in Underswap! (Final Part)
The next morning I woke up to find that Sans and Papyrus were both gone early for sentry duty. I checked the time to see if I had slept in later than usual but I didn't. It was odd for Papyrus to be at work on time. Usually he had to be dragged out of bed an hour after his shift was meant to start. I took the opportunity to sneak out again. I hated being cooped up inside. So I got dressed for the warm day and headed for the forest in Sunnedout. Sans and Papyrus did their sentry work there, but I knew how to avoid them. Well, I knew how to avoid Papyrus. Sans doesn't care if I'm outside when I'm not supposed to be. He understands what it's like to get antsy when you're inside all day.
“Hey! Human!”
As I made my way through Sunnedout, I ran across some of the canine unit. The guard dogs that worked for the queen stationed in Sunnedout. One dog had really roughed up looking ears, and the other was one of those giant fluffy white dogs wearing big armor.
“Ummm. Me?”
Letting them confirm I was human was my first mistake.
“Yeah. You. You've met our queen. Right? If you haven't, we really ought to take you to her. It's important.”
“Nooo… no thanks.”
I tried to back away, but I only took a few steps before my back foot stepped in something wet. I was next to a small pond. The shock of the wet feeling and the fear affected me more than I expected. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
“Awww you sure? Well. If you don't wanna go yet we'd be happy to entertain you for a while.”
“No. I don't want to…” I barely whispered.
“Come on, have some fun with us.”
“You want fun? Go fetch!”
A long white thing hit the dog guard in the side of the head.
“Aaaaggh! What the hell?!”
It was Papyrus, somehow he had seen me and he snuck up while the dogs and I were talking. I stumbled back more and fell into the pond. Instantly half my body became covered in mud.
“Get outta here. This is our territory.” Papyrus said.
“Fine! Just wait until Alphys hears about this.”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
The dogs turned around and walked away. I reached up my hand, hoping Papyrus would pull me up so I wouldn't have to sink my hands into the mud. But he didn't turn to me.
“Why do you think I told you to stay inside.” He said harshly.
I pushed my hands into the mud to pick myself up, but I went too fast and my right palm was pierced by something.
Finally Papyrus turned around. I lifted my hands from the mud and pressed a dirty thumb over the wound in my other hand. Tears started to form in my eyes. The pain, uncomfortableness, and embarrassment hit me all at once. I started sobbing.
“Uh- H-hey. You don't have to-”
I covered my face with my hands. Not wanting him to watch me cry. I gained a big brown hand print on my face before I realized there was still mud on my hands.
“Ohh hey. Come here.”
The tall skeleton stepped into the mud and lifted me up by under my arms as if I was a little kid. He wrapped my legs around his waist and put an arm under my butt so I wouldn't fall. I gasped a little. I was sure I would slip into little space if I didn't get my emotions in check. But being carried somewhere in someone's arms like that made it hard for me to remember how to be an adult again.
“I'm… sorry. I guess you don't like being cooped up much. Do ya always come out to the forest to watch us at work?” Papyrus asked me in a soft tone I didn't recognize.
“Mnn- *sniff* hmm.”
“Alriiight. Alright. Let's get you home. Okay?”
I gripped Papyrus’ orange sweater as my emotions overflowed. I cried off and on into the soft fabric during most of the way back to the house. Papyrus didn't make any comments about it. He almost seemed like he thought it was normal.
“Hold on tight okay?”
Papyrus let go of me with one hand so he could open the door. He went through and closed it behind him quietly before heading to the stairs. I wasn't particularly light, so I was surprised he didn't seem tired carrying me up the stairs. Finally, he reached the bathroom and he set me down on his blue fluffy rug. I sank my hands into the soft wooly coils but was disappointed to find I couldn't feel them through the mud. I looked up to Papyrus with a pouty expression. He was already testing the water temperature.
“Oh. Do you not like baths? I'm sorry but Sans is gonna have a fit if he sees mud. I honestly don't like the idea of you running around getting mud everywhere either.”
I already knew the skeleton brothers didn't have any genitalia, and therefore didn't understand or care about nudity. But I never would have thought one of them would try to undress me. Not that I even cared. Getting help undressing for a bath seemed normal at that moment.
“Hmmm. I don't like the idea of leaving you alone… I'll wash these later.” Papyrus said to himself as he set the clothes aside.
The noise of the bath faucet spraying water into the open drain was loud, but such a familiar and nostalgic sound. I crawled up in curiosity and felt the temperature with my finger. It was quite cold.
“Mmnnnn!” I whined.
“I don't really “feel” like you kiddo. I'm all bones. Why don't you help me?”
Papyrus coached me through the hot and cold settings until I figured out how to get the water to an acceptable temperature. Then he picked me up under my arms again and set me in the bath. The tingly feeling of the strong water stream on my toes made me giggle.
“Aah. So ya do like baths. Good.”
Papyrus gently grabbed my hands and guided them to the water. I flexed my fingers uncomfortably as the stream pushed against them. But I was happy to watch the mud wash away. While I was distracted, Papyrus grabbed a large cup and a towel, and brought it over to the water. I scooted back to let him fill the cup with water, so he could pour it over my legs while he rubbed the mud off them. Then, he wet the washcloth and gently scrubbed the mud off my face. I almost became convinced that he was going to be entirely sweet and caring before he gently grabbed my foot… and then held it firm under the stream of hot water.
“Eeeeee! Ahahaha! Eeeeee!”
I kicked and giggled and wiggled around but the tall skeleton was surprisingly strong. He beamed as he watched my tortured fumbling. When I almost kicked the spout he finally let go.
“Careful kiddo. Those are sharp. I don't want you to get hurt.”
I pouted and turned my back to him.
“Aaah. What a little brat ya are.”
Papyrus filled the cup again and started washing the mud out of the tips of my hair. The process took a while and I started to shiver from the water droplets cooling my skin.
“Hey. What's wrong? Ah. You're cold huh?”
I nodded and gave him yet another pouty face.
“Okay. Okay. I'll be done.”
Papyrus turned off the water and grabbed a big yellow towel. It was a beach towel, so it wasn't all that good for drying, but he was able to wrap me in it warmly. This time, he carried me princess style to his room. His room was warm, and the darkness of the space made me feel more comfortable. Papyrus set me on his bed and went to his dresser to get me some boxers and one of his hoodies.
“It won't fit super well but at least it will stay on ya and keep you warm.”
I made grabby hands for the hoodie. That made the skeleton chuckle lightly and hand it to me. It took me a minute to figure out how to put it on by myself. Watching my struggle, it seemed like that's why Papyrus decided to help me into his boxers.
“You have a pacifier in Sans' room. Right Kiddo?”
I nodded.
“Okay. I'll get it for you.”
A while later, Papyrus came back with my pacifier. I yawned and made grabby hands for my paci.
“Hmhm~ Sleepy?”
I nodded again as I took the pacifier out of his outstretched hands.
“I've got something for that.”
Papyrus went away again, and came back with a children's book with a bunny on the cover. He held up the blanket for us both to crawl under. Then he settled in next to me.
I nodded and leaned on Papyrus’ shoulder so I could look at the pictures.
“Peek-a-boo with Fluffy Bunny.”
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mar64ds · 11 months
You've probably thought/been asked this a lot, but what do you want/expect from DR Chapter 3?
apparently it's going to be a very different chapter, less story-focused and more gameplay variety, so i'm very interested in seeing how this will play out. I think people might worry that this chapter might barely have a story but that's not what toby was saying, have you guys replayed the first two chapters a lot? i have, and there is dialogue in practically every room, i love it but you can definitely notice how dialogue heavy the chapters are, so i'm totally okay with a chapter that tries to have more gameplay and disperse the dialogue a bit more. This doesn't mean there will be little story, i think there will still be plenty of story and dialogue, toby tends to sell his games short, i remember he called chapter 2 a 'silly chapter' and i think we all know that's not true lol i really would not worry about this chapter having little story, i bet we'll be surprised with a lot that happens here
Since this is a tv world + an entire house, the possibilities for different gameplay mechanics are huge, this might be the most fun chapter to replay if the gameplay is really fun, they have been working on it for years so i'm sure it will be worth it
Now of course what i look forward to the most in chapter 3 is Toriel, I refuse to believe she's not playing any big part in this chapter. There is a chance for either Undyne or Napstablook or both to be involved as well, but the one I'm hoping for the most and the one that has the closest chance to be included in this dark world is Toriel
I'm really looking forward for Tenna as well, there is a lot of build up for this character
It makes sad to say this but we will probably not go to Castle Town in this one! So no Seam.... :'( and I doubt we'll walk around Hometown either, so no Papyrus.... :'( Chapter 4 most likely starts by visiting both places, something we haven't been able to do before! It's exciting but i'll miss not being able to go to either in chapter 3! It is a different chapter after all so it is what's expected
Anyway, I'm super excited, i know it might not come out this year and that's completely okay! but i like believing it will :')
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“Fun” fact, I never really had a particular opinion on papyton until I considered uf papyton. Not to say I disliked standard papyton, I’d seen fanworks I thought were cute, but I just wasn’t really drawn to it much…but then I saw content of them in underfell and was like whoa. Okay. I get it. I get it now. Smth about their potential dynamic as two people who have both been through waaay too much but come out on the other side of it with room to heal and relax, both being able to drop their respective schticks and figure themselves out, who they want to be rather than need to be…effervescent.
I also just love the idea of UF Papyrus being an absolute nervous wreck about it at first bc he’s had a crush on Mettaton for years probably and Mettaton finding him cute and funny and coming to find he feels more relaxed around Papyrus than most others, like, he doesn’t expect anything from Mettaton, he’s just enamored of him for like. Existing. And it helps Mettaton come to terms with who he’d rather be faster, as well as encouraging Papyrus to trust he doesn’t expect anything from him either, and that he just likes spending time w/ him, and Papyrus like. Struggling to process that??? But they work on it and they’re very cute and very gay and probably a little dangerous bc I 100% feel like Mettaton loves how creative Papyrus is with his death traps, and Papyrus takes great pride in impressing him and they probably both love chainsaws so like make of that what you will
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Can I have a Match up? I am very creative, I love to draw, cosplay & write creatively. I am a very private person when it comes to how I feel but when someone else is sad I make sure they are okay. I am very hard on myself but I try to encourage others even though im not good at socializing, ive been told that I have a big heart and very caring. I am not good at social events. I love to make people smile and laugh. I am very quiet at first but the more you know me the more outgoing I am
You sound a lot like me, ironically.
Boyfriend Match: Ink 
Was it surprising that you’d manage to get the artist to adore you as much as he does? Sure, he’s not too sure on emotions, but with you at his side, he’s willing to try to traverse these strange, new feelings. Y’know, he got quite lucky being with someone like you, someone who’d be patient with him, someone to make sure that he is comfortable with these new overwhelming feelings... He’s more than lucky to have you as a s/o. 
Romantic Interest: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus)
He’s pretty mellow, someone that’s grounded and dependable. If you’re ever struggling, he’ll keep you anchored, he’ll remind just how amazing, and wonderful you are. He may not say it as often as you’d think, but boy, that doesn’t change how he sees you. You’re definitely the more outgoing of the two, but you know what they say? Opposites attract. 
Best Friend Match: Undyne 
Seriously, you two are chaotic, and a force to be reckoned with. Two dorks coming together makes everything better! She’s pretty understanding if you don’t want to talk about more personal stuff, like, it’s totally okay! She’ll introduce you to all of her friends, and, well, you better expect movie nights, game nights, art nights, etc, because boy of boy, there will be fun to had!
Girls game nights usually include girlish screaming, and, well, girls hang out means gaming and art, as well as getting beyond plastered with me and my sis- so I lowkey based that off of things I think Undyne would do with you. 
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Can I request some headcanons for Underswap, Fellswap Gold, & Lusttale with a mage S/O who has the ability to create and control “different types of floral plant life”? AKA am they can control plants?
And while that doesn’t sound very powerful at first glance, S/O can control where the plants bloom and what type of plant they are. This means that they can make flowers bloom in peoples lungs, can secretly make someone eat fresh belladonna, or trap someone in razor sharp rose thorns if you mess with their loved ones (don’t fuck with florists, lmao that’s an Ao3 reference)
(Hell yeah, we stan badass flower people)
Floral Mage S/O
Blue: He finds it to be fascinating, but don't be surprised when he uses it to be suave. Expect compliments to come out of nowhere from him about how you look like a flower yourself and shouldn't make all the others in your garden so jealous-While he does have his fun with it, he also doesn't want you to harm people or take advantage of your abilities.... Well, as long as you don't summon the flowers in the person itself, maybe making them sit on a non poisonous rose with thorns gets a pass from him-
Stretch: (He's so awkward, I apologize on his behalf) Stares at you for what feels like a solid 10 seconds (it really was just 5.5 seconds-) before shooting finger guns and making a lame pun. Okay, so, he's a little nervous about the fact that you can control something that can literally spawn anywhere and everywhere ( to be specific, he's thinking about cactus-). I think, with enough reassurances, he calms down and is pretty supportive, like he does enjoy the pranks you pull and is more than happy to join in. He'd also be a super blush mess if you choose to be extra and gift him flowers when he least expects it-
Wine: What a combo. So ethereal yet dangerous, he'd even say it suits you perfectly. While Wine is already past his not at all dangerous time in the underground, he can't help but be charmed and even impressed by your abilities. Though, depending on how responsible you are with said abilities, he may or may not always divert you away from meeting Coffee until he's sure he can trust you. Besides that, though, he would even give you suggestions on what to grow if you haven't yet, maybe add a few more flowers that have a soothing scent to knock people out-
Coffee: His background is such that it doesn't really phase him about the violence part. Honestly, thinks it's really fuckin neat how something that looks so tender and sweet (like you) can be so deadly. While he's more of a pacifist now that he's up on the surface, that doesn't mean he doesn't do the occasional plotting with you, just on a much, much more harmless level- (bonus if you can summon vines, either trip people up or tie them up by surprise really gets him going-) Is so easily flattered and would melt when you use your abilities to be affectionate with him
Orchid (LS Sans): His hero. No, he's not being sarcastic, genuinely thinks it's low-key kinda hot that although you aren't using brute strength, you can still beat the shit out of someone. For the most part, he's pretty chill with you using your abilities as long as its for the right reasons. He knows, it's so easy to make that person eat a poisonous flower but he'd rather you don't have blood on your hands- If you were to gift him flowers, will keep them in his room away from everyone in a pristine condition
Spice (LS Papyrus): Instead of danger, why not use it to just flirt with him ;) No, but in all seriousness, he does think it's a lovely gift to have for such a lovely being like you. While he does enjoy the occasional prank (where it's mostly harmless-) he's quite the cheeseball with your gift, maybe even taking it upon himself to read on what some flowers mean for the cute aspect of it- He doesn't need to tell you how to use your abilities, he trusts that you'll know what to do with it
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gorbo-longstocking · 3 years
going to the beach they pass by their friend they weren't aware was also at the beach who's standing with the water about mid shin height with a black umbrella above their head (it is not raining) staring out into the ocean
all the bois ;V
this kind of just devolved to beach day with the skeletons i am so sorry bro, a majority of them are too oblivious or just too good at minding their own business to ask about the umbrella or the mysterious behavior
sans – this is a nice surprise, he’s kind of relieved you’re here. it’s always good to see you. although he’s going to give you your space. you’ve obviously got something going on. he isn’t sure what it is, but whatever it is, he’s just happy you’re having fun.
papyrus – he is instantly by your side asking what you’re doing and inviting you to play beach volleyball with him. if you don’t know the rules, he’ll be more than happy to have you on his team. he’s an excellent teacher!
red – he wolf whistles at you from his beach chair. red’ll wave you over and offer you a drink from his cooler. as soon as you sit down, you’re pretty much stuck in place until red decides to stop talking, which is never. not that that’s a bad thing, the two of you spend most of the day joking around and people watching. red might even join you in the water, staring into the horizon if you try hard enough.
edge - “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” for such a tall guy, edge is surprisingly light on his feet. he, unintentionally, sneaks up on you, beach ball held under his arm and an expectant look on his skull. you’re both at the beach, why aren’t you hanging out? it’s up to him to remedy your blatant friendship blunder.
blue – runs toward you, waving his hands over his head and calling your name. a beach day was fun, but a beach day with you is even better in his book! he’ll invite you to join him and he looks so excited you can hardly say no. surprisingly, blue prefers to spend time on the boardwalk than on the beach. he’ll drag you around, taking in the sights. he’s also crazy good at arcade claw machines, you’ll go home with several new stuffed animals (although he’s going home with even more.)
stretch – as soon as he sees you, it’s over. he’s got a water gun pointed directly at your head and he is ready to shoot. stretch will try to recruit you on his team, the two of you can use your umbrella as a shield “and kick some total tailbone”. maybe thirty seconds pass before you’re both disqualified for cheating.
lord – he sees you almost instantly and, like sans, ultimately decides to give you space. if you see him and want to join him, he’d be more than happy to share the snacks he packed with you. if not, he is also just fine enjoying his time on the beach alone playing puzzle games on his ipad and sipping his cocktail.
mutt – you notice him before he notices you. mutt is a constant victim of murphy’s law and quite possibly the unluckiest guy on the planet. its not that hes unobservant, because lets be honest, you’re hard to miss, its the fact that as soon as he stepped in the water he got taken out by a wave. you’re gonna have to forgo staring out towards the horizon to make sure he’s okay.
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Howdy! So, i wanted to do the curly haired S/o ask again- but a bit different.
Soo, S/o with curly hair. But, they dont care about their hair at all? Special products? pfft. Special pillow case? those exist? Like- they are just so fed up with their hair (and low-key intimidated by it) they just let it do its own thing most of the time. Wanna brush their hair for them? good luck. A. It will look like they where dragged through a bush backwards afterwards. B. It is EXTREMELY painful for S/o. And dont even get started about how much it falls out- S/o could be running their fingers through hair then BAM! Ten strands of hair come out! (its dead hair, it gets stuck in the curls.) Anyone says "i wish i had curly hair!" S/o will just look at them and say "No you dont." before doing whatever they where doing before.
Sorry if this is alot qwq, i took this from personal experience and how i am when it comes to my curls XD
Hey, don't worry about it! This one was a lot of fun to write :D
Sans: He really doesn't mind if you don't do special stuff for your hair, the only reason he would help out is because it could get painful if you don't sometimes. If you're fine with how it is, and don't want to bother with it? Then okay, he doesn't mind. Still expect him to play with your hair whenever he's bored and you're either beside him or sitting in front of him. He won't try to pull it or brush it, just mess with it. He's pretty good at getting knots out without pulling your hair though. It's like he's... magic >w>
Papyrus: Y/n! You should take care of your hair! The only reason he says that, is because he has read a lot of stories of people getting things caught in their hair and not finding out until it's too late. He would buy you things that you need for your hair, and would even try to brush it out for you! He would be really careful with it, and even take off his gloves. It's strange... he has lines on his hands that look like circles but they're very faint. Eh, it's most likely nothing. 
Blueberry: He really does think that you need to take more care of your hair but since it is your body, he won't force you to do anything. He might buy you special things for your hair as random little gifts but other than that, he never really brings it up. Sometimes his hands get stuck during the night and it's always a little worrying to wake up like that. Luckily, he's always really careful! You almost never wake up because of it and he always wakes up first.
Stretch: Man, he does not mind whatever you want to do. He doesn't really care much for hair. Sure, it's fun to play with but other than that? Eh. Just do whatever makes you happy or comfortable and he's happy.
Red: The loose hairs annoys him, and he tells you that you gotta do something about that but he doesn't say anything else about it, and doesn't try to get you to do anything... it really doesn't bother him all that much. He just dislikes getting the hair in his mouth, it feels weird. 
Edge: He would most likely be the one to buy you things for your hair just because he thinks that you should take care of it. It is a part of you, and you cannot let your hair control your life! Now, if you tell him to stop, he would, but he still thinks that you should do something about it... he thinks your hair is very pretty.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okay, okay, Undertale AU now. 
So... I’ve been playing Undertale again... as I do once a year since it came out. It’s tradition. So I was kind of thinking who from the Dsmp whould fit which role... and yeah... 
(I also wanted to add that none of the characters who are in a romantic relationship in the game are in this au. As a matter of fact, no romance in general here!)
First of all, we gotta give the role of Frisk to Ranboo, not because he played Undertale, but because of that one time that he told the story of how he flirted with his opponents in volleyball (was it volleyball? Maybe another sport. It’s irrelevant!) and that’s simply a very Frisk thing to do...
Then first monster we encounter is Flowey and... I mean... that’s c!Dream right there. All the focus on “fun” and “power” and seeing life as a “game” and the bloodlust... yeah, no that’s definitely Dream right there. 
Then Toriel comes in! Yay! Puffy is Toriel, no doubt. Both of them have a focus on protecting the children and they’re both really kind, but can get hella scary when angry... 
Also Niki is Napstablook ... mostly because she basically did end up haunting/being haunted by the Secret City for a while... also pretty sure both like music and are pretty soft spoken
Then we get the skeleton brothers! Well, Sans first... and who would fit Sans better then Wilbur! Both of their characters struggled heavily with mental health related problems and they are both really strong but somehow also weak at the same time... (strongest boss in the game with 1 hp and all that) not to mention that they both have way too many simps...
Also that means Tommy is Papyrus. I do not make the rules here. Hyper younger brother who is endlessly optimistic and soft hearted? Yep! That’s him!
Which, may have you think that Tubbo is Undyne because, you know, best friends, but no. Undyne is, in fact, Philza Minecraft everybody. They don’t call him Angel of Death for nothing, so he definitely gets to be the captain of the royal guard in this one! He’s just a much more laid back but equally deadly Undyne.
Also Techno gets the role of the socially anxious nerdy scientist, because he’s been ibernating under a pile of dogs for a few months now and also because he once got peer pressured into murder much like Alphys did into building a murderous robot... so yeah. 
Also, to complete the ghost family now: Jack Manifold gets the role of Mad Dummy, cousin of Napstablook, because they’re both short, bald and full of spite
And none other then Eret gets the role of Mettaton (other cousin of Napstablook) because they’re both absolutely fabulous and because they’d rock the Mettaton EX form...
Moving on,Schlatt is Asgore. He and Puffy are brother and sister. Why? Because they are both sheeps and it would fit... though admittedly Schlatt has had less moral qualms with killing children then Asgore so far, they do both have that in common as well
Which brings us to Tubbo inevitably being Asriel, because sheep guy, but also because, as a character, he has a history of being pushed around by power hungry people with more charisma then him, and also because Asriel in his God of Hyperdeath form has a f*cking rainbow laser cannon and I think that’s a very Tubbo thing to have...
Quackity is Chara. Both are pretty vengful and power-hungry characters who are not afraid of doing some seriously f*cked up shit to get to their goals, but also they both care about those close to them deeply and have a sort of tragedy to their character
Also Awesamdude gets to be Gaster, and no it’s not only because there is as much Awesamdad fan content as there was Dadster despite neither of them ever being confirmed as canon, but because both characters are brilliant inventors who got screwed over by their own creation...
For some other fun bonuses I could think about: 
Sapnap as Monster Kid just because of the absurdly chaotic personality
BBH gets to be Muffet, for no particular reason aside from general vibe
Foolish as Burgerpants because they’re both underpaid and extremely stressed
Punz as Grillby because: money and intimidating aura
Purpled as Nice Cream Guy because: money
And this is pretty much all I could think about... I would include others but I’m kind of stomped at the moment...
So here’s some revisited quotes instead (under the cut):
Flowey!Dream: “Howdy! it’s me Dream. Dream the Dreamon!”
Toriel!Puffy: “Did you want to hear about the book I’m reading? It’s called “72 ways to crack an Egg”. How about it?”
Papyrus!Tommy: “Ah yes, Music Disks, a great reference for theoretical battle scenarios and parties! To which I get invited just constantly!”
Papyrus!Tommy: “W-well, that’s not what I expected... but st- still! I believe in you prick! You can definitely do better! Even if you don’t think so! I... promise....”
Sans!Wilbur: “On days like this, kids like you... should be suffering in Limbo!”
Sans!Wilbur: “Just... don’t say I didn’t warn you. Well. I’m going to Punz’s. Tommy, do you want anything?”
Undyne!Phil: “...Forget it. Look mate. Tommy didn't come to his meeting today. Say what you want about him. He's loud, he's bit selfish, he's obsessed with disks... But Tommy has NEVER missed a meeting. (...) But now he's gone. And his brother isn't around, either. ... What did you do to him? What did you DO TO HIM? Tommy, who I have trained every day... Even though I KNOW he's too soft to ever hurt anyone. Tommy who is... was just a child... ... Go ahead. Prepare however you want. But when you step forward... I will KILL you”
Alphys!Techno: “A long time ago, I made a robot named Eret. Originally I built them to be a farmer robot for my potatoes... didn’t turn out quite right there. Anyway, recently I decided to make them more useful. Heh, you know, just some practical adjustments.... and I might have been carried away a bit and added some, um... Anti-human combat features?”
Asgore!Schlatt: “I'd like to ask, 'would you like a protein shake?' But... you know how it is”
Asriel!Tubbo: “I always was a pushover, wasn’t I, Quackity? I know... you’re not actually Quackity are you? Quackity’s been gone for a long time. Um... what... what is your name? Ranboo? That’s... a weird name bossman...”
Chara!Quackity: “Hey man. I am Quackity. Thank you man. Your power brought me back from Limbo. My "human soul"... my "determination"... they were not mine, but YOURS. At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life? ...You. With your “guidance” I realized the purpose of my reincarnation: POWER”
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