#parents and cats are back at the house with no power 😭
ursanic · 2 years
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iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months
pjo characters as quotes from my classmates, parents, siblings, and grandparents.
Will: "does anybody need the heim-ill-ick?”
Hazel (prob to Nico): “i’ve never smoked… EVER. and if you smoke, i’ll hit you.”
Percy: “he looks like a street person?”
Leo: “i thought i got salt and pepper, turns out it was salt and salt.”
Piper: “i’ve never been attached to a cat.”  
Hazel: “The power of INTERNET👹”
Frank: “that was rude.” 
Percy: “every cat that doesn’t have a tail is named bobby.”
Piper: “just put your coins in your bucket.”
Jason: “if i was barbie, my feet would hurt all the time”
Nico: “it’s giving me skin cancer as we speak.”
Hazel: “she told me to give her when i die so i thought i might as well give it to her now.”
Piper: “did you steal my brush again? quit stealing my brush you little brush thief!”
Percy: “you’ve got 4 of grandma!”
Leo: “i’m a heavy drinker today” *takes a sip of his fourth glass of water*
Annabeth: “you squeezed her so hard she dropped a cheerio.” 
Leo: “and thoust asked if Jason was a cracker(a white person) and Jason replied”no i’m at least 2 or 3 whole crackers since there’s quite a bit more of me than you”
Hazel: "ohhhh my goodness don’t put your feet in her face.”
Leo talking about Piper: "she is a luddite, against technology, close with the Amish community."
Piper looking Leo and Jason directly in the eyes: “no dying allowed in here”
Percy after TOA: “if somebody wants to steal my car, i want them to steal it! not come in my house, shoot me, take my keys, and then take the car. LET ME SLEEP I DONT CARE!”
Will: “me and Nico go on dates to funeral homes”
Hazel: “you have a problem with a joint?” She was talking about her elbow 😭
Leo: “if i get hungry, rats will get skinned.”
Piper: “if this truck goes any slower it’ll have to put out a mailbox.”
Annabeth: “oh you stepped on the cow? well it’s better than the cow stepping on you”
Frank: “and it just sucked the carpet right up”
Hazel "back in my day" Levesque: “i had a lot of beagles when i was young, and finally i had one that lived.”
Leo: “are you looking for regular markies?”
Jason: “i’m gonna go to work tomorrow with a hangover.”
Will: “i’m not very artistic(autistic)”
Jason: “i never added salt to the pepper”
Piper: “keep your toes to yourself”
Piper: “you guys are an embarrassment.”
Jason: "can you pass the salt? i like my stuff salty”
Will: "The only Christian song I know is let it go" 
Context for the next one: my friend had a slick back high pony tail when we had this conversation so that gives you a visual of what Piper was
Leo "what's your next album gonna be called?"
Piper: "'my hair is straighter than my friend'."
Leo: 😦
Piper: "What in the gay man!"
Hazel: "If you stop being a karen then maybe you would actually be successful at life"
Piper: "You should start day dreaming about getting a husband"
Annabeth: "George Washington is the off brand version of me"
Hazel: "Ideas were such good ideas they became the symbol for ideas"
Leo: "did you mean lightbulbs"
Hazel: "..... yes"
Piper: "There's a fly on your butt" *waves at it and it flies away* "that's not your property sir"
Leo: "Yeah you gotta pay for that"
Nico: "Does he have a speech impediment?" 
Will: "He has a brain impediment"
Jason: "I bet he was having Funtime"
Piper: "why do you always say Funtime"
Jason: "I'm not saying sex!"
Leo prob to his tool belt: *suggestive voice* "give me that minty mint"
Leo to Hazel, who doesn't know what any modern slang means: "check it homeslice"
Hazel: "the gambling may run in the family, but at least pokers fun!"
Leo: "im a turkey... cock cock!"
that's all I have rn lmao
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belit0 · 1 year
i'm curious, do you have any romantic headcanon (or something cute or idk) of Indra? 👀👀
IN FACT, YES, I can talk about this man all day long, I never run out of ideas for him 😭💕I love to picture Indra as a father, it warms my heart.
I usually paint Indra as the worst villain and a terrible person in my works, but I also like to fantasize about a beautiful, human, real side of him🤗❣️
Here's a little bit of that, romanticism and cute stuff, Indra being a nice father and a good husband💫🙏
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- Unexpected, but the best father of all Uchiha men. He grew up so lonely and abandoned by his parental figures that no matter how consumed he is by the curse of hatred, he has a special place in his heart for his children (and he has a lot of them, yes). People would think he is absent with his children, but he is in fact the mama bird of the relationship.
- His best way of showing trust is by allowing her to touch his hair. He has an intrinsic affectionate relationship with his mane, it is impossible for him to cut it or reduce its size because it has accompanied him during all his odysseys, it is his sign of power. Allowing (Y/N) to comb it, or make a braid, a ponytail, is because he genuinely trusts her.
- Special affection for animals. Who initiates the family cat tradition, and is personally in charge of feeding all the living beings he allows to inhabit his house. He has only one dog to symbolize the companion he lost as a child, but about eight cats mixed between nature and his home.
- He is the one who teaches his children how to take care of their hair. Having inherited his father's imposing hair, Indra himself is in charge of telling them how to wash it, comb it, and what styles to use for comfort and practicality.
- Every night and when the children are already asleep, he likes to sit on the engawa of his house facing the garden, and ask (Y/N) to sit between his legs resting her back against his chest. Staying in that position, for a good few minutes, brings him peace.
- Never having been able to express in words how he feels about her, he chooses to show her firsthand. He gives her a beautiful graphic explanation of everything he feels for her through his eyes, using his Sharingan to give concept and form to the beautiful things only she can make him experience.
- He is not a person of many words, but every time he comes across her at home during the day, he kisses the crown of her head, resting his cheek against her hair after a few seconds and closing his eyes, breathing in her perfume and recharging his energy.
- He only says I love you when he thinks (Y/N) is asleep. Indra finds it insanely hard to accept he is only human, that he feels, and hates it when people acknowledge him as such. Only when he thinks she cannot hear him is he can put into words what he feels, and (Y/N) always waits to hear him by pretending to sleep.
- His love language is giving gifts. Without affinity for the verbal part of the relationship, he decides to show how he feels with expensive things, clothes, jewelry, make-up, you name it. Sometimes, if he is in a good mood, he leaves a note with a heart drawn next to his gift, but he hopes (Y/N) won't comment on it.
- He is happy seeing her happy. After achieving his main goal and the reason his life functioned, he found that taking care of his wife's fulfillment gave him the same satisfaction as trying to destroy his brother. He focused 100% on her, and no matter how many children were in between, (Y/N) never ceased to be his priority.
- With their first born and in his first months of life he loved to have him sleep between the two of them. Indra would put him to bed between mom and dad, enveloping him in the presence of his parents and wanting him close at all times. He loves his babies sleeping on his chest too, good winter naps laying on daddy.
- He loves flowers, madly appreciates their beauty, and loves to gather a small sprig from the garden to leave on (Y/N)'s bedside table for her to see when she wakes up. Again, he hopes she doesn't thank him or comment on them, but simply sees them and thinks of him. He always makes sure to interchange types and colors so as never to repeat the same pattern of flower arrangement. With the arrival of his children, he has assistants assembling the perfect bouquet for mom.
- The best at singing lullabies. He doesn't remember where he got them from, but he knows so many bedtime songs there is no doubt who is in charge of putting the little ones to rest. His voice becomes extremely soft when it comes to them, and they fall asleep in a matter of minutes with daddy's voice.
- With his first child, he didn't sleep the first three nights of the baby's life, worried that something would happen to him while he was resting or that someone would steal him. He stood guard all night and took care of all the child's cries, Sharingan always active just in case any threat was near. Ultimately, after giving in to a full afternoon nap, he chooses to tuck him into bed with them both.
- He does not like (Y/N) to work or exert herself, always surrounding her with his best servants to ensure she has everything she needs and lacks nothing. If she refuses to receive assistance like royalty, he himself will do the chores so his wife won't lift a finger.
- He loves to cook. He refuses to have a personal chef, almost always taking care of all the day's dishes. On the nights they spend with (Y/N) for their dates, he is usually the one in charge of dinner, and if she wants him to not have to do anything, they go out to eat at some fine food stand.
- He loves all of his children, but his favorite is his little girl. The last of all to arrive is the one who steals his heart completely, his princess. He kills and hurts for anyone in his family, but this little girl has him in a chokehold. He fulfills her every whim without complaint.
- He always seeks intimacy with (Y/N), be it a small moment of the day or a night dedicated to themselves. Loves and needs her emotionally as well as physically, and always prioritizes adult time with no children around. He takes it upon himself to get a babysitter so he can shower his wife with quality time and good sex.
- He doesn't really know how to be romantic, but he tries by preparing special dinners with (Y/N's) favorite dishes and asking her how her day was after a tiring one. His love language consists of gestures and gifts, and he tries to make them present so that his wife never doubts his love.
- (Y/N) caught him several times telling the children about their uncle Ashura, what a good man he was, and the honorable way he fell in battle. He never mentions their fight or his family's conflict, and she assumes it is to preserve a favorable image of their uncle. Perhaps after his death, Indra made peace with his brother.
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psychologeek · 2 months
Weapon (redux)
"Who am I? (to disapear)" - Chapter 1, Part 5  fic | Part 1 | index
Getting back to the explaining. This is for Pride 2 Disability Boogaloo, day 2: Growing up disabled. On so many levels, this part is about growth and disability (even if you don't know what this is).
more in A/N. If you haven't read the fic, I highly recommend to at least familiar yourself with the first chapter before continueing reading.
[TW: post-dehumanization (Weapon thinks of itself as "it"), mention/implied domestic violence. lmk if need more. my words are little hard now.]
Little ones and big ones. There are many. Learn.  Big ones and little ones.
Siri, how do you describe a family when your only model is abuse?
The uncovered Blades watch them. Dagger is a little blade, and it belongs to Weapon. Dagger doesn't need food, doesn't make noise, doesn't get hurt. The bigger Blade used to be a weapon, too. When it was Weapon, it didn't need food or make noise or get hurt.
"The uncovered blades" - Weapon (and the dagger) are uncovered (physically), but also mentally. Foe better and worse, they are on their own.
Little ones have big ones by their side, all the time. The bigger Blade used to think little ones belong to the big ones, like Weapon belong to Master. But the little ones make noise and big ones look at little ones with something that is soft and doesn't look like need don't look like belong to me .  It's - (It's new, and unsure, and something inside wants).
I'm dying here about the parallels. Please notice how they use "big ones and little ones" (related, possessive) and then almost the exact terminology about their relationship with their dagger. I'm very very normal about it.
Again, a lot about how people can only understand the world in terms they KNOW.
This pain when you start to realise things you considered as normal may not be so.
Not having words to know what you feel 😭😭😭
It watches.
There's a big one and a little one . Then there's another big one, much bigger, looking at them with body saying mine and power and little one is quiet and the other big one steps front, body scream worry-fear body goes prepare for lesson but big one still steps front, hides the little one behind.
(Is it their master?)
Explanation: Weapon (Cass) sees a child and their parent\older sibling. An older perxon, who's physically way bigger then them, enter the scene. Cass sees
 "prepare for lesson" - violence. Again, this is the only framing Cass have for this.
Weapon is there and on the big man, small hands touch make a harmless defeat weak prey .  
Cass (the size of a cat, weights like an arm): HISSSSS
(It's not a weapon. It's not. It doesn't belong to Master anymore–
             it left
see –
[oh, tears again? yeah idec.]
Little ones and big ones look the same, sometimes. The way they move, and lean into each other, trust and warm and weak but not scared.
Yes, it's called genetics, baby. And family.
There's a big one on the ground, and another big one ( bruised scared hide little one behind like something important like hiding food ) and a little one ( behind,  big eyes open, scared but not from the big one, careful, weak-you-won't-hurt-me.)
"like hiding food" (oh hi, remember how in the last part the Man looked at them? compare.)
And the people are not afraid.
They make noises, and the not-weapon doesn't know anymore.
It doesn't understand.
On so many levels. NW doesn't understand so much in this situation, and more to come. They don't understand family and relationship and help and kindness, and so much more.
It goes back into the shadows on the big house. Many scary, big cold rocks on the house. They have faces, screaming but don't make a sound. They don't move. They just watch and watch and stay like all good weapons do.
Gargoyles. Those are GARGOYLES.
i'll never be normal about this. identify oneself with non-humans.
From the safety of  looking point up high It can see them, the big one takes something out of their bag and looks around in surprise. The little one is still behind their leg, surprised and curious and scared and excited.
The little one make many noises, but the big one doesn't hurt them
Yes, love. This is how it suppose to be. [CRYING]
They… touch the little one? Hold them? For some reason.
Then the big one nod, and look around eyes searching
(They won't see It.)
Their body is tense, but still calm-relive. They put something on the stairs and wave around, pointing at the stairs. 
Person: OUR SAVIOR! Here, let me show my thank-
P: where did they go?
Cass: I wonder what they are looking for. Do they need help?
It watches as they leave, staying away from the big one on the ground.
Abuser is still unconscious after several minutes, which is an indication for brain damage. Just a fun fact :)
It waits to be unnoticed before coming back down and looking down at the thing.
Oh, I wonder what is it?
The thing is food. Maybe. There's a picture of little ones holding something and putting it in their mouths and smiling. 
Random Snack TM - now with instructions!
instructions: open the bag. eat. good luck!
It opens and peels out the strong outer layer. The layer tastes bad, so it spits out what got in the mouth.
like bananas and oranges, most snacks' outer layer is unedible. For shame.
But the inside is –
kid is eating candy for the first time #blessed
Not -Weapon wants more.
Not -Weapon (i won't stop being excited about it, no).
( This building doesn't have people inside. That's why it was such a good place to hide. It also doesn't have any of the green monsters to protect it.)
"he green monsters to protect it" - hi, remember Cass is a kid?
Yeah, this is my favorite part of this chapter. Honestly. Can't get enough of it. 
But maybe, maybe here, it can be Weapon again, but good?
It won't belong to Master.
[hugging you softly] no, you aren't belong to anyone, dear. anyone but yourself.
It would only belong to Building. It won't have to hurt won't need to make moving-people to stop won't make them into heavy-bags not moving and red-red-red stick to fingers.
crying harder
It can be dagger. It can be changed from hurt to finding food . A drawn blade to make little ones safe and not scared. To make people not go mine and belong and pain pain pain that never stops. 
[hi, remember that part? bc i do]
It puts another thing from the GOOD-inside-bad-out in mouth.
It can move and stab, not only stay in place like green ones. It would get more like this. It would make little ones safe.
cass: those green things get food and aren't hurt. don't have to move. they must be important!
also cass: this place doesn't have a green protecting thing. I guess the position is open!
Decision made, It goes back to the nest with the new food. It would stay here, with the building. It would protect and be a weapon again. It would be dagger, blade, stab to keep its property safe.
oh, hello being able to make your own choices and control your life.
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Wendigo!Josh Headcanons
I always got the idea that the spirit can't leave the mountain, so when the rescue team took him down from the mountain, the spirit wouldn't be in control of him anymore
The first person who comes to see him in the hospital is the real Dr. Hill. I've always thought that real Dr. Hill was actually a really nice guy. The others are still mad at him at this point, and Dr. Hill was concerned about his prank to begin with
They finally get him on the right meds to calm down a bit and stop the hallucinations
Chris and Sam are the first of the group to warm back up to him, convinced by Dr. Hill
He has partial wendigo vision loss and now wears glasses, which he hates and wants contacts instead, but with how the shape of his eyes has kind of changed, he can't get contacts to fit or stay in(I've never worn contacts so if this ain't how it works I'm sorry 😭)
When he's finally released from the hospital, he mostly just hides in one of his parents' houses, trying to keep his distance from them because he thinks they blame him for what happened to Hannah and Beth, and that they'd hate him for looking different
On the rare occasions he goes outside during those first few months, he wears a face mask to hide his teeth
He likes to sleep under things, in dark, warm, cozy spots, so sometimes he'll wake up under the bed and not remember going down there in the night
He will sometimes still make wendigo screeching noises when startled
He likes his meat a little more rare now, and thinks its gross, repeatedly apologizing if he eats in front of other people, even though it's not that bad
Winter reminds him of everything that's happened and he prefers to spend winter either indoors or someplace warm
It takes his parents a while to get through to him that it's not his fault and they're just glad that he's still alive
He has trouble gaining weight now and is usually a little skinny
Eventually, the rest of the group slowly comes around once he's been on the proper meds for a while
Once he's more comfortable with himself again, he starts taking advantage of and having fun with his wendigo powers
He can climb up on the ceiling to easily kill bugs, or just for fun to get around the house
When the group comes over he'll take off his glasses and they can play Marco Polo
When he's genuinely happy or sleeping, he purrs. Not exactly like a cat, but like a rumbling noise in his chest and throat that happens whether he likes it or not
He walks really quietly now and can sneak up on people easily
Chris encourages him to be more comfortable with wearing glasses
I want to believe that the rescue team found other wendigos and knows what happened, so he never gets in trouble or anything
They do keep and use the flamethrower guy's notebooks as a kind of handbook for understanding the changes in behavior or preferences
He's even more protective of everyone in the group now
I don't think he'd ever stop wearing the face mask in public just to avoid attention from strangers or scaring people, especially kids
I think he'd eventually(like maybe after 2 or 3 years) he'd go back to college again
Eventually, he doesn't have to see Dr. Hill anymore as a therapist and just needs to keep taking his meds, but Dr. Hill still checks in on him and makes sure he's ok
(I am using the word eventually too fucking much)
He never goes back up on the mountain again for any reason, because there's no way of knowing if the spirit would just come right back and possess him again
I think the family just fences off the whole mountain as is and leaves it alone so no one else gets hurt
He wishes that they could have gotten Hannah off the mountain now that he knows the spirit would have let her go
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mina-van1104 · 1 year
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🤒😭Still feel sick today & still have a fever of 101 degrees after 16 total days being hospitalized at the hospital. Must have caught something from the hospital when I got discharged. 15 days spent at Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center. Good thing my makeup almost looks perfect so no one will know I'm sick. 💁🏻‍♀️ Haha. Again so glad to be home cuddling with my dogs & cats again & to have my phone back again. Again thank you to friends & family for all the nice messages & have been catching up on messages. Good to see parents again too. Almost back to work.
The things it says in front of my house & will always stand true!:
“Black Lives Matter!” “Blue Lives Matter!” “Stop Asian Hate!” “No Human Being is Illegal!” “Women’s Rights are Human Rights!” “Science is Real!” “Love is Love” “Kindness is Everything!”
End Racism!
1. Black Lives Matter Forever,
2. Stop Asian Hate,
3. Women’s Rights Are HUMAN Rights,
4. Blue Lives Matter,
5. All Lives Matter
6. Love is Love,
7. Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere,
8. God Is Real,
9. Science Is Real,
10. Adopt Or Buy A Pet,
11. End Abuse,
12. No Human Being Is illegal,
13. Healthcare Is Important,
14. Recycle,Don’t Litter, Pick Up Trash
15. Kindness is Everything,
16. World Peace, Equality,
17. Let Love In, Do A Good Deed,
18. Educate! End Racism!
19. Don’t be quick to judge, don’t be ignorant! knowledge is power!
20. Always Be Grateful
Proud nurse, coach. Family living in Nevada for 44 (forty-four) years.
✞♡ # Selfie # NativeNevadan # Hospitalized #vStopAsianHate # JesusChrist ✝️🦂 # Buddha # ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # PositiveVibes # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓# 3MedicalLicenses # 3collegeDegrees # AllAlreadyAccomplished # integrity
•2019:OlderSisterCatherineVan&Adam Schwartz’sWedding&TheirWebsiteOn: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•ReminiscingMoreThan200PeopleCame.
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magniloquent-raven · 2 years
Just going to apologize in advance if this makes no sense, and for bombarding your inbox randomly. It’s 1 AM and I’m having trans Eddie thoughts that I need to get out and share to somebody 😭😭
Thinking about Eddie getting hurt in the Upside Down while the crew is battling Vecna. Not taking as much damage from the Interdimensional creature as Steve did from those demobats, but it’s still pretty bad. 
Though he doesn’t realize exactly how bad until they’ve defeated Vecna and are all recouping at Steve’s house, deciding it would be the only place they could go without having to worry about parents or the literal town mob trying to hunt Eddie down. 
Until he starts feeling dizzy, but still insisting he’s fine as he sits on Mrs. Harrington’s “priceless” couch, not even Steve giving a shit that he would have to scrub Upside Down goo out of it afterwards as they all stare at Eddie’s wound. 
Three claw-like marks carved into his stomach, apparently deeper than he originally thought as the world as he knew it went fuzzy around the edges. But even in his delirious, exhausted state he fights, declaring that he doesn’t and won’t take his shirt off. That it’s really not that big of a deal. 
It gets to the point where Dustin and Jonathan have to hold Eddie down, Steve being weak and in no shape to hold against his wild thrashes, while Robin wrestle’s the shirt right from his torso. Meanwhile Max and Lucas rummage through Steve’s kitchen cabinets trying to find some sort of bandage or an antiseptic, anything medical related, really. Nancy determining carefully who can spare an extra layer just in case. 
And it takes a good five minutes for even Robin to shimmy the shirt off of a wild Eddie Munson, thrashing with all the might left in his body until he had nothing left to give. 
It was a shirt victory, Robin throwing her hands up in success, but only for a moment until she realizes how the room was now the most silent it had been all night. 
“What?” She’d ask with a dumb smile, looking at all of her counterparts confused faces before turning her head back to Eddie, a gut sinking realization turning the blood in her veins ice cold. 
But what really broke her heart was Eddie’s expression, broken, face scrunched up as a single tear dropped from his left eye like he was waiting for someone to start yelling, or god forbid hitting.
And all Robin could think was: “What have I done?”
AH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN FOR IT TO GET THAT LONG, I have major trans Eddie brain worms, you can ignore this if you want, no pressure or anything, I just needed to get this out 😭😭
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god i can imagine tho. he's like, half-conscious because it's been a hell of a day and every time his side twinged he told himself it was nothing, it's fine, he can just power through it. til the adrenaline wears off and he crashes, suddenly realizing just how much blood is soaking the inside of his jacket, and how much it fucking hurts, and it all hits him so fast he gets lightheaded.
and he's so out of it he doesn't really know what's happening when everyone rushes to his side. he can't think, he's just panicking, like a feral cat with a broken leg.
then the room just goes silent and it does nothing to make him less skittish.
meanwhile steve...doesn't really understand what's going on, but he can tell it's not good, robin looks fucking devastated and eddie...well.
so, steve's on damage control. someone's gotta do something and the silence is making him itch. for once the kids actually listen to him, too shocked and uncomfortable to put up a fight when he shoos them out of the room. he makes excuses about them needing to clean up the mess they made of his kitchen. they file out, exchanging awkward glances.
nancy's the second person to recover enough to open her mouth, and she immediately puts her foot in it. it's not malicious, but the "so, you're..." is pointed enough to make eddie flinch.
which is when jonathan cuts in with a soft "nance." and a meaningful look that she raises her eyebrows at, not quite getting it.
robin is much louder, a little too loud because she's trying so hard not to lose her shit, practically bellowing, "there's something over here that i wanna show you, let's go." as she takes ahold of nancy's elbow and pulls her out of the room.
then it's just jonathan and steve left, both of them shifting from foot to foot, unsure how to proceed.
and eddie can't stand the fucking tension. the sheer weight of the silence, and made infinitely worse by the barely discernible whispers from the next room. he's seconds away from covering his ears and humming like a child so he doesn't strain himself trying to make out what they're saying. he doesn't want to know, not really. if he didn't have his arms crossed over his chest he might've done it already.
it's the waiting that's killing him. the seconds stretched to breaking point, his lungs seized and burning, full of air he can't quite exhale without it trembling on his way out, catching in his throat and breaking into a sob.
when he finally cracks the nervous pitch of his voice makes something inside him shrivel and die. "so are you two regretting saving a freak from the town mob, or what. am i about to be the victim of a hate crime, because i'd like to know...now."
"jesus, no--"
"dude, what--"
they stumble over each other and stutter to a halt.
it takes another couple awkward starts for the conversation to peter out and everyone to remember that eddie is, in fact, bleeding out. they patch him up without another word, politely averting their eyes as much as they can and choosing not to comment on the way eddie trembles the whole time with barely contained anxiety, breathing with forced steadiness like he's fighting off a panic attack.
so for that first little while, it's up there with some of the worst moments of eddie's life. and considering the week he's had, that's saying a lot.
after the bandages are in place and steve excuses himself, eddie is seriously considering seeing if he can outrun jonathan in his condition. he's got half a plan to escape into the woods and go into hiding for the rest of his life when steve comes back with a grave expression and a red shirt clutched in his hand.
he tosses it at eddie. "for your modesty," he says lightly, one corner of his mouth lifted slightly. the smile doesn't reach his eyes.
"very funny, harrington."
"i thought so." a pause. "figured, uh. a button-up. helpful. y'know, so you don't need to lift your arms."
eddie squints at him. then the shirt in his lap. there's something itching in the back of his brain that he can't quite reach. it gets worse as he struggles into the first sleeve. "doesn't seem like your style, dude. you didn't--" a horrible thought occurs to him and he freezes with the shirt hanging off one shoulder-- "you didn't get this outta your mom's closet or something, did you?"
"what? no! no, it's..." his breath catches mid-sentence, like whatever words he's trying to push out have thorns. "someone i was seeing left it here, alright."
"...yeah, that's not better," eddie mutters. but as he lifts it up his other arm, the collar coming to settle around his neck, a waft of distinctly masculine cologne hits him square in the face. it's not whatever expensive shit steve wears, it's something else. vaguely familiar. conjuring images of a presence filling the halls of hawkins high, loud and attention grabbing, a laugh that never quite sounded right, a bottle of painkillers he sold at a discount because he had a gut feeling and...
oh. wait a fucking second.
eddie blinks. and stares at steve.
he shrugs, sheepish.
jonathan glances between the two of them, his brow furrowed.
it's an apology, eddie's sure of it. a peace offering. and the last thing he would've expected from steve harrington. wrapping his brain around him being semi-decent to some nerds was one thing, this is in a whole other league. he might have to take a week to himself just to process.
at least he's too confused to be worried now, jesus.
steve's quick to change the subject. quick to fill the spaces in their conversation with well-meaning chatter. it's obvious what he's doing, and eddie almost wants to be annoyed at how obvious it is, except it's fucking working. stupid charming bastard.
he can't fix everything, but he does pull eddie back from the edge of a complete breakdown.
there are still awkward questions, later. and nancy won't stop looking like she's about to spontaneously combust from the effort it takes to keep her nosiness at bay. and dustin claps him on the shoulder and tells him all about his aunt who used to be his uncle and reassures him nothing's changed. about six times. robin pulls him aside to apologize profusely. incessantly. he can't get a word in while she cries and explains that what happened to him is basically her worst nightmare and she's so fucking sorry. it's a little too much and a little bit not enough, but suddenly her and steve's friendship is starting to make a lot more sense.
and then there's max.
after everyone's gotten sleeping bags laid out on the floor and settle in for the night, eddie sneaks out back for a smoke and moment to just...be.
except max follows him, visibly nervous and unable to make eye contact.
he's so close to the end of his rope he nearly tells the kid to get lost, but in the end he's glad he didn't. the second max stutters out "so how do you, like, know if you're a guy..." his annoyance melts away. it's not the awkward fumbling of someone who's never asked themself that before. never realized there could be people like him. it's not accusatory. it's familiar. so familiar it cuts right to his core.
"i had questions like that, for starters."
eddie's always been terrified of being outed. he's going to cry about it later. he's going to have an anxious voice in the back of his head for months. it'll take longer to heal than his gut wound, despite steve and robin's attempts at solidarity, despite jonathan's quiet indifference, and dustin's clumsy acceptance. despite none of it turning out worst-case-scenario.
but this...the mentor thing. he can do this. he's shepherded nerds for years, and loved every second of it.
if he's right about this, it might make it all worth it.
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Season 2B Thoughts (Spoilers)
Hey everyone,
So I haven’t done a Thoughts post on “King’s Tide” yet, but the large reason I do these posts is to inform my theories plus if I am being honest, I don’t have a lot of thoughts on this episode. Anyway, this post is gonna be a round up of my theories for what I think is likely to happen Season 3 and I’m gonna admit a lot of this centres around Lumity and Aladarius due to the focus of my blog.
To get started, when it comes to creating a portal back to the Boiling Isles, I feel like Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Hunter are gonna find themselves without the capability to make a portal in the Human Realm. I imagine there is gonna be a lot that happens on the Boiling Isles side where these 5 aren’t involved and will be feeling kinda helpless. The Collector has proven themself to be hella powerful, splattering Belos like a bug and even moving the moon with their finger. Even if the Collector isn’t a god, their powers are certainly on par with one. Also I have just realised, it seems like and is strongly alluded a titan is the only one with the power to trap the Collector. The Collector expresses it was King’s Dad who trapped them. This makes me wonder if the reason the Collector ran the group of Titan hunters, is perhaps he wanted to ensure there was no one who could trap them again.
I can easily see King, Eda, Raine, Darius, Alador and the CATs teaming up to take down the Collector and eventually open a portal to the Human Realm to get the kids back. And knowing Eda’s propensity to protect Luz, Darius’ to protect Hunter and Alador’s to protect Amity, neither of them will probably be willing to even entertain opening a portal until the Collector has been dealt with.
This being said, Luz has proven to be an incredibly motivated individual and despite the challenges, who knows maybe Luz will find a way to open a portal back to the Boiling Isles from the Human Realm. I wouldn’t put anything past her. I just doubt it will happen that way.
In terms of Alador and Darius, I still maintain they are exes and I believe there is a strong chance of them getting back together. It feels safe to say Alador and Odalia are through and as much as Odalia may come crawling back to Alador, now she has seen the Emperor’s plans were a lie, I doubt Alador will take her back at this point. I feel like in the end Alador and Darius will get back together and will be the loving parents Amity, Emira and Edric deserve.
Which brings me to Amity and Luz, I have always had the theory of Amity at the very least regardless of where Lumity is at the end staying on Earth. My belief she would go there to escape the Blight name. Now her Dad is listening to her though and being a father worthy of that title, I feel like Amity would be more willing to stay on the Boiling Isles, with her family and everything and everyone she knows. And many people have said, Luz’s place feels like it is on the Boiling Isles and I do agree. I feel what the end maybe, is them being able to create a stable portal so Luz can come and go from Earth as she pleases but where she stays on the Boiling Isles. Luz has friends there, she has a girlfriend there, she has a chosen family there and Alador has even said that Luz will always have a place in his home.
I can easily see the canon ending being Amity, Hunter, Edric, Emira, Alador and Darius living together in Blight Manor and Luz staying on the Boiling Isles either living in Blight Manor with Amity or in The Owl House. And that she regularly goes back to Earth to visit her mom.
Also just another idea that came to mind, regardless of Eda, Raine, King, Darius and Alador’s plan, the twins are still on the isles and may decide to attempt to create a portal to get their sister back.
That is where I think things are going right now though. I hope you enjoy 😊
Also just to say, the ending to “King’s Tide” broke me 😭
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for the winter ask: fireside, radiator, christmas, jack frost, snowboard, iceberg, new year, february, reindeer!!
Many questions!
Fireside - what movie always makes you cry?
I actually don’t cry often when I watch movies! The last two times I cried watching a movie was when I went to see the new Spider-Man movie (I will not reveal what part due to spoilers), and when I went to Endgame when Tony Stark died, and there was at least a year or two between those two moments lol
Radiator – do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?
This is gonna sound depressing af but I didn’t really have any friends growing up… Like, yeah, there were a few kids I played with every once in a while in my old neighborhood, but I wasn’t allowed to go to their houses because my parents didn’t know their parents and they never really bothered to get to know them so we can hang out more ���� nothing ever really went farther than playing in my front yard or backyard, or if we got together with my little brother and his friends because “you need to have someone with you”
Christmas - if you could have any super power, which one would you choose?
FLIGHT!! I’ve always loved the idea of being able to fly! Or to set things on fire lmfao
Jack Frost – what was your favorite tv-show as a kid?
I had so many favorites growing up lol. A few were courage the cowardly dog, the grim adventures of billy and mandy, and fosters home for imaginary friends
Snowboard - what is in your fridge right now?
I have a bunch of stuff my sister, mom, grandma, and I have been prepping for Christmas. We’ve been learning some of my grandmas Italian recipes that we used to have every year on Christmas. It was a sort of tradition that we’re trying to bring back
Iceberg - are you a cat person or a dog person?
I can’t just pick one! 😭 uhh… I’ll say dog person because I grew up around family members dogs
New Year - do you enjoy cooking?
I fucking love cooking!
February - what is the worst gift you have received?
I honestly can’t think of a “bad” or “worst” gift 😅
Reindeer - how many pillows do you sleep with?
I don’t sleep with any pillows 😶 like I use them to sit up against when I’m reading or whatever before sleeping, but I move them out of the way when I go to sleep
Thank you! 🖤
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creepweirdo · 4 years
i started tgcf again, still struggling tbh but im pushing on! xue yang yi city angst is too much for my weak heart but i’d be down for some happy xue yang recs if you’ve read any! omg i love that you thought so many iconic scenes were made up by fic writers haha that’s amazing. as for cap i always say he has a lot of love to give. you can ship him with anyone tbh, i prefer him with sam but peggy and bucky are all valid! make them poly, idc. i think my proudest moment in the shadowhunters fandom
was when the author blocked me on tumblr lmao she’s such trash the show wasn’t amazing all the time but i love me some bi rep. i love your change to wwx’s parents. imagine that fam is they actually had some self worth. jyl shoving zixun into the bushes. jc and wwx more badass than the twin jades. i mean wwx’s mum went to cloud recesses so she could’ve sent baby wwx to learn still, but i like repressed lwj exploding when he met adult wwx too haha. i think for my change i’d have madam jin kill
jin guangshan as soon as he started womanizing. stop him being power hungry for the stygian tiger seal, removing jiggy (and mxy sorry baby) and a lot of the mess that follows. the jin being against the wen might stop their advance and save gusu/lotus pier as well. house cat is smart! sleeping and eating sounds like me during quarantine. well and pretending to work while watching kpop mvs. as for animals i’d be a mantis shrimp if you don’t know them google mantis shrimp oatmeal and
prepare for their punchy rainbow glory. i aspire to that level of badass! ok q's! which character would you want for your (platonic/romantic) cultivation partner! what place would you want to visit once the world gets back to normal and why? (if you had infinite money/travel options) /your talkative cc! 💜
HAHA hi my talkative classified cultivator!!
omg yes push through! you can do this ahah ❤️
yi city didn’t have to be as heart breaking as it is 💀 i read on the wiki that the yi city plot was a story that mxtx came up with when she was in high school?? and ahhhh imagine that as a fleshed out 400k heartbreaking story 💔 omg happy?? xue yang fics 😳 i’ll see what i can do LMAO i’ll put them at the end
OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING! that’s such an achievement!! put that on your resume: blocked on tumblr by cassandra clare (that’s her name right? she doesn’t deserve a google search ❤️)
jc and wwx had so much potential 🥺 they so would have been more badass than the twin jades ahaha!
oooo i like your changes! very smart and gets rid out our bestie’s existence 😼 nice
lmao pretending to work 💀 so true. omg the mantis shrimp!!! i’ve seen that comic 😭 they terrify me! they way that they could kill me instantly 😭😭😭 ahhh very badass and scary 😳
oooo hahaha so for my platonic cultivation partner - even though i said i would like to be from the lan sect, i think i’d want my platonic cultivation partner to be nie huaisang HAHAHA. for the reasons you said a couple of asks ago!! it would be just vibes. chilling all day and gossiping ❤️ life goals. and my romantic cultivation partner 😼 wen qing - i just think she’s neat. she would treat me right LMAO.
omg if i could travel anywhere in the world!!!! and with unlimited money! i would LOVE to do a like 12 month long art/history tour throughout europe 😭 it would be so amazing to see all the iconic classical artworks - especially artworks from the renaissance. i’ve actually been to italy before on a school exchange for like three weeks back in 2017 😁 (i went to a catholic school so the only language offered to learn was italian hahaha). we spent about a week and a half in rome/florence/venice and then spent time with our host families. and omg i would LOVE to go back to florence and see all the galleries 😭 i would love to go back to the sistine chapel bc i feel like i didn’t appreciate al the artwork and historical significance. last year i did a renaissance history unit and i learnt all this cool stuff about the things i saw in italy, but didn’t appreciate it at the same level as i would now 💔
ahaha so yeah i would love to travel all across europe and do detailed tours of all the historical sites and galleries and ahhh it would make me so happy 😭
(next year i’m doing two chinese studies unit and a japanese history unit at uni so i bet my answer to that question next year will be me being like “i want to visit china/japan and see all the historical sites” LMAO)
but a place i wanna go to which i think is possible for me in the near future is tasmania, australia! there’s this really quirky art gallery called the museum and old and new art and i’m pretty sure they have this huge wall of painted vaginas  💀 so yeah i would like to see it ❤️
wow i didn’t mean to talk to much about travel ,,, such a covid mood ahahaha.
lmao who would you want to be your platonic/romantic cultivation partner(s)? and what about travel for you? i’m still not 100% sure WHERE your from ahaha. your asks always come through when i’m asleep so you’re definitely in the northern hemisphere hahaha 🤨🤔🤔 also just did an analysis of some of your previous asks and you spelt favourite as “favourite” (like a normal person) so you’re definitely not from the usa 💀💀
ahaha yeah, that was a lot 😳 thank you for your questions! it’s friday for me rn so i hope you have a good friday when you get there lmaoooo!
here are the “nice” xue yang fics i have ,,, just a warning like all of them are horny 💀😭
okay so fine line is really good! it’s a modern au and they all come to love each other ahahha
and samsara is really good as well - it’s a character study groundhog-day time loop fic. i guess it can be described as happy ... catharsis and character development can be happy
this one was kind of sweet (and horny whoops), the beauty of your repair
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akane171 · 2 years
Ups, sorry😅 But yes, let's not remind ourselves of THAT🙈😅😰
😂 Probably crying, too, seeing as what happened to his two former Padawans and the boy he was going to take as his Padawan😅🙊🙈
Noooo😭 (Well, seems like your muse doesn't care about YOUR fun?😂🤷🏻‍♀️)
Yeah, they do... Oh, I'm kinda curious about your Naruto ideas, but also kinda afraid to ask?😅😂
It's definitely a cool idea even though I feel like a scenario with brainwashed!Kara would be an absolutely angstiest thing 😅😰🙊🙈
... Excuse my language, but FUCK, don't mind me, I'll just go...bitterly cry in that corner or sth...She just went back to her old life... He let her go... He freaking enlisted again, what if he gets hurt or diesss...AND OMG, THE DOG! HE LEFT THWIR DOG WITH HER AND IT'S CUDDLING UP TO HIS BOXES😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *pathetic sobbing* 
[On a happier note, before I totally sink into the Depression of pain your idea put me in: WHAT would they even name their dog in your opinion?🤔 Like, sth hinting at canon like "Dax" or "Krypto" or sth general/random like real people would, e.g. "Cookie", "Crumbles", "Muffin", "Cat" or sth?🤔 Ohhh, would it be a rescue dog?😱 ...Lol, watch me get attached to their dog that has to live through the abrupt divorce of his/her "parents" 😅🙈🤣) 
Ohh, true, Mon's an engineer, too😱😍🤣 Kinda forgot about that parallel😂 And ohh, true, Kara as an Asgardian would be very fitting, too, tho probably too "barbaric" compared to Krypton🤔 About the Kara/Carol thing..Well, most of DC and Marvel's characters overlap a lot and there's constant discussion who "stole" from whom🤷🏻‍♀️😅😂 OH, Asgardian!Mon kinda like a Loki?🤔 Sounds fitting, too🤔🤔🤔
Anyway, stay safe, stay happy, half the week's done💃🏻😁
I'm eternally pissed about that =='
More like facepalming? Crying, cackling and facepalming? And being happy he is already dead and it's not his problem?
And now puppies are involved. More evidences...
Muses and fun... mhm. All are bitches...
Hmm, nothing specific. I think I added some OC to Sasuke team while he was with Oro and changed some stuff. For sure he didn't end with pink pokemon ==' and lived his life as a happy asexual. Probably left the village and just helped them from time to time. Probably itachi was saved. Stuff like that.
Because we would have known EXACTLY what Snow had done to her brain :))))))))))))))))
Eheheheeh, stuff is a little worse? :D
Because I thought about them buying some house and reparing it together. With some spacious room with big windows and patio, you know, a place perfect for her sitting there and paint. But before they end reparing it, the accident happens and they divorce.
So, one day, when Kara and her new fiancé are checking the houses to buy before the wedding and she doesn't like anything at all, but they finally end in the house that just is perfect for her and while she wanders around it (her fiancé talking to the agent) and is a little confused because she feels she knows that house, knows exactly what room will be the next etc.
She asks the agent who does want to sell the house, and the agents says some man who divorced before he and his wife moved in.
She ends in that beautiful amazing room that is spacious and perfect. She noticed some dunno, paint stain on the floor and suddenly remembers it was made by her and Mon-El while some paint-fight.
How do you like it? :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I also thought about the dog finding one of his old shirts amounf the stuff she brought with her to her parents house, and sleeps with it and refuses to give it back.
You know, i was thinking about naming the dog Damnit xD Explenation: Mon-El takes it from the shelter and the dog sticks to his every step what ends with Mon-El trupping over it for a few times, yelling DAMNIT! And the dog starts to respond to it. Imagine people in the park it, hearing "Damnit, heel!" xD That's just.... my sense of humour xD
Well, we could change Asgard for Álfheim and made them equally powerful but more calm and stoic and focused on science?
No, Loki and Mon-El don't fit together in my brain. More like a typical Asgardian: fights, mead and fun. Maybe he could be Agardian and she from Álfheim but they would to work together? That would be not Marvel universe, just an AU i guess xD
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