#part summary ask
Riku: so so tired
XIV: *painting of a flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle*
Lucille: mom friend???
Ok what person that knows me in DMs or in a server at a point wrote this. You are 100% correct but bro thats Layer 2 and I don't think I "tired post" that often unless other parts are posting about me 😂 Calling me the fuck out
And yeah thats XIV. He still wants one from time to time
And yes hes our pretentious mom friend
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embroid-away · 2 years
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What If: Captain America Were Revived Today? #44 (April 1983) by Peter B. Gillis and Sal Buscema; Original Image by John Romita Sr.
In this What If? Marvel tale, Captain America is unfrozen in 1983 rather than the 1960s. Without the leadership of Steve Rogers, The Avengers disband. Meanwhile, a Captain America imposter, who calls himself a "real American," has decided to use his newfound influential media status to publicly support a National Identity Card to "deal with illegal aliens,” to suggest that members of civil rights groups "ought to think seriously as to whether or not their actions contribute to the strengthening of communist enemies," and declare that if those groups tear the country apart with protests, martial law is justified "for the peace to find a solution.”
Neighborhoods with large black populations (e.g., Harlem) are walled off and forced into poverty, and one character even mentions that Jewish people are being “put back into camps.” The right-wing politicians make sure that things like this aren’t shown on television, keeping the majority of the American public ignorant of the horrors committed with their indifferent support. The public are simultaneously told that with some sacrifices, America can be free once again. The fake Captain America confronts a group of peaceful protestors, and he is shot by a sniper (in what reads like an inside job), allowing the police to have “reason” to attack the protestors. The imposter does not die and instead uses the attack to provide more reason for the violent crackdown against protesting groups.
When the true Captain America is unfrozen, he is horrified to see what America has become, especially with his emblem stamped all over it. He immediately seeks out the resistance forces (who clearly represent the Black Panther Party) and joins their cause, stating that "the wrongs [he's] seen will take much more than one man to right -- but [he's] got a name to clear, a costume to unsoil-- and a country to die for!!"
By the time Steve joins them, the resistance only has one chance left to stop the American downfall: a political convention where the "America First" party will be able to secure its support to sweep the national elections and allow them "to return America to the pure and great nation [the] forefathers envisioned."
The resistance strikes just as the convention begins. The Captain America imposter is no match in a fight against the true Captain America -- especially against a Steve Rogers who's fucking pissed. ("Get up so I can knock you down!!")
With the imposter knocked unconscious, Captain America addresses the convention crowd, warning that an America that does not represent all its people does not deserve to exist at all; that liberty can be "as easily snuffed out [in America] as in Nazi Germany" and "as a people, we are no different from them."
The crowd realizes that the man speaking before them is the true Captain America and cheers. Captain America holds his hand up and silences them, stating that he will not allow them the chance to simply replace one idol with another. He alone can’t undo the horrible damage, and he pleads that there’s still a chance for the people to “find America once again.”
Fascism doesn’t change its tune, just its singers.
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate ) commission, completed on 22-count aida cloth with embroidery floss and watercolors on a 9" diameter bamboo hoop.
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soosoosoup · 4 months
Haaayy can you tell us more about your au where branch finds cooper's egg?
Hiiii!! Thanks for asking! And of course :)
lol turns out I had a lot more thought out. Fair warning, none of this is concrete, this was thought up a while ago and uhhhhh… writing is not my strong suit lol
In this au I had debated whether to make copper a little bit younger, I already hc him as the youngest of the snack pack so idk if its needed lol.
While in the beginning of making his bunker, branch (who’s maybe 7??) would travel farther out into the forest and gather supplies to build when he stumbles on what looks like an egg? Just in time too, ‘cause Coops pops out like in twt, does his little groove, & then proceeds to flop over to nap (being baby is tiring work).
Branch is just ??? cause like what?? Baby? Way out here in the woods?? Why does the baby have 4 legs??? Why is said baby all alone? And that last part makes b pause for a sec bc where’s his family? Did he lose them? Or is it even worse…was he left behind? (He might be projecting a lil).
Cooper and Branch proceed to live where other kids w/o families go. Caretakers try to care for cooper & he is not having it. After all, branch is the first person he’d ever seen, was the first person who’d carried him. He’s imprinted on branch and whole heartedly believes and he is his family. So if C needs to be taken care of B has to be there. It goes on long enough that the caretaker decides it'll just easier if branch helped take care of him; and who knows maybe he'll regain his color being around such a happy little goober.
At first, branch doesn’t realize how much he means to C and assumes his attachment will fade. After all why wouldn’t it when he’s being doted on by warm and cheerful trolls. But nope! Whenever the caretakers aren't taking cooper around the village, Cooper is always following Branch. Around the pod, and through the woods. Branch looks out for him, talks to him, teaches him what he can, and even plays games! I think the fact that branch has been a part of Coopers whole life gives him a sense of obligation perhaps like a big brother?. It's easy to be open to him.
All attempts to foster Cooper are unsuccessful. It's not that Cooper doesn't match the family, it's that he just doesn't want to live with them. Imagine a foster family having the time of their lives singing & playing around & when the time comes Cooper's like 'I had a lot of fun today! Time to go! what?? Stay here? be a part of your family? ...Nope :D
When the time comes that the bunker can feasibly house him, (preteen?) Branch packs up what little he owns, and prepares to leave that night. It's not like the anyone at the orphanage would chase after him. Well, except for one trolling.
It's been years, long enough that their bond is strong, they're brothers in all but name. At least unnamed on branch's side, he kind of refuses to acknowledge it.
Anyway- Branch waits until everyone falls asleep and sneaks out. He doesn't even make it out of the room lol. One foot out the door and a sleepy voice is asking him where he's going. Branch just says he's going to the bunker, that he'll see him soon, it won't be forever you see what im trying to parallel? and it's true. It's not like he's leaving to who knows where. Cooper just nods & yawns out a "bye, see you later". Love me a parallel
Branch lasts an hour or two in the bunker. He's on edge the whole time, racked w/ guilt. Has a little mental spiral until there is just one loud thought of 'what am i doing? there's someone waiting for me' and runs back.
In the joined room, Cooper fell asleep on branch's bed waiting for him. So making sure not to wake him, Branch rests coopers head on his lap. Leaning against the headboard Branch just stares at his vest left at the end of the bed & has a moment of clarity. Like oh, that's why i felt terrible, i left my little brother behind. (Keep in mind that no, he didn’t really do that, but he’s a kid and that whole ‘see you later’ really shook him so he’s making some jumps in logic)(there some projecting happening as well)
So yeah, gained a brother!! yay!!! Cooper beat you to that revelation yeeaarrrss ago lol.
One thing I like about branch being a big bro is this idea that the more he learns about what it means to be one, the less he can understand his brothers. And are they his brothers?? Over the years it’s not looking like it.
#asks#wow didn't think i had that much to say lol#i bet this premise had been thought about before#but it’s still nice to think about :)#make no mistake branch still pretty much lives in the bunker. He only stays in the pod when it’s relatively quiet enough.#there are a lot of bunker sleepovers whenever there’s an overnight party#he officially move out when he’s considered old enough to be coopers carer. Until then he studies up & prepares the bunker#branch has a blue hue to him. it happens gradually so no one really notices#imagine when branch carried bby coops back to the villlage C reaches up and puts his face in hair cause y’know he’s baby#and this baby has a long enough neck to reach#thinking Cooper is 17/18 during first trolls events??#branch is the tiniest bit more integrated into the village#he stays around the outskirts for cooper some days#coopers hangs out in the village if his friends are there. he also likes to join in on some singing and dancing as long it isn’t too loud#he's still part of the snack pack i think?#cooper would not like creek in this au.#lol cooper just straight up tells creek something like ‘wow you sure are full of yourself huh'#lol coopers blunt honesty would probs be more prevalent.#also important point that this all happens while B is a kid#he’s more receptive than if he was older; he hasn’t built thst high of walls around him#rn he’s more sad and scared rather than being at odds w/ the village#first time writing out a… plot summary?? au synopsis??#Thanks for asking!!! uh hopefully you guys liked the ramble :)#any of this can change tbh :) its all been brainstorms for now#idk what i would call this au if i did make it.#i am cringe but i am free#b&c au ??
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"Mr. Chillingworth, who was a very good man, notwithstanding his disbelief in certain things of course paved the way for him to hell,"
Could this mean as in that his skeptical thoughts will bring him misfortune later in the story, reassuring the reader that punishment is afoot?
God I fucking WISH that's what it meant. I want Chillingworth to get bitten so so so so badly. I mean, it could be the author intended that and just forgot, as seems to happen often, but there's no way to prove or disprove that; the text is all we have to go on. And in the text, nothing ever comes of Chillingworth's skepticism. This little religious spat between him and Henry is dropped and never comes up again, and nothing ever happens to challenge his skepticism regarding the existence of vampires. In fact, if anything, the opposite happens (Spoilers ahead for anyone following my chapter summaries!):
Midway through the story, Varney is revealed to not be a vampire, in a passage I would describe as "some serious horseshit" and "openly gaslighting the reader". Chapter 1 is retconned right out of existence, along with all other chapters that allude to Varney having supernatural abilities, and his undeathly appearance is explained away by him having been resurrected from the dead with electricity, pop-culture-Frankenstein style, by Chillingworth. The reality of the story literally changes in a way that vindicates his skepticism. And it suuuuuucks my god it sucks so bad I hate it. Biting is not enough I need Varney to chew on this man like a corgi with a cabbage.
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athina-blaine · 2 months
40% full might be coming back??? 👀
Yes yes!! I ended up completely overhauling the initial premise, which is why it took longer than I anticipated (I was getting so frustrated I had to write both the bat fic and then the bouldering fic to flush it out of my head). I'm much much happier with this new direction, though, and you can thank the lovely @yuri-puppies and @tofixtheshadows for lending me their thoughts, or else I probably would have given up on it. I hope you guys are happy with it, too!
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ok but what do you think of demiromantic hal?? someone mentioned that he's aro coded and it's something I didn't knew but needed it 😭
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As someone who is on the ace spectrum (demiromantic and asexual), I really like when people write about some of my favorite characters having the same sexualities as me.
I do headcanon him as demiromantic, and also pansexual.
(Down below is me explaining him being demiromantic when it comes to his feelings and also Barry + Carol...)
HOWEVER, he is... as Ollie says a space tomcat, he takes on emotions much more seriously in my hc. He can do whatever, but when it comes to how he feels romantically it became a lot harder for him to express himself romantically too. <- Trouble with love genuinely but with trying to tell people anything related with love has been a topic for him. Which is also an explaination of the acts that he does for the people he cares about because it REPLACES him trying to explain his feelngs. When you think about it, the way Hal shows his love towards people or showing that he cares comes into a lot of wild acts or making sure that he'll come to the ends of the Earth when it comes to someone. (Like in your post, which I forgot to reblog and add to it :3, in DC vs Vampires, how Hal wanted to rule the world with Barry....) ------ Unrelated but related-- While yes, he does save people, Hal is deepened through emotional bonds both platonically and romantically... (I like to take this literal, as a form of being bonded by lantern ring emotion such as Carol with holding to Star Sapphire and Barry with being expressed by HAL to hold the mantle of hope, because it took years with these two for Hal to be linked with them in some type of way -> Sorry, I'm kinda normal about the bond Carol and Hal have, there's many levels of a relationship that these two have -- Including Barry and Hal together. There's a lot of things to talk about these two.)
This first occurs with Carol. As they grew older (Teen years to Adulthood <- Before JL), it gave Hal time of falling for her. Whether it was those long talks out on drives or opening up to each other about the deeper things. Plus, bringing in the things they face together and the collaborations these two agree on or disagree or OVERALL the way they communicate through different forms when it came to both in suit and out of suit. One of my thoughts for my Demiromantic Hal hc. Not only this but they also have a deep connection together later when it comes the Star Sapphire Possessions + Hal being Reborn in Spectre while Carol has presumably moved on. Although it took a bit to figure himself out, he both cares and loves Carol in impossible ways that could be explained. Which leads me to the next case...
(I had to ramble about them... They are like the best friends ever + including Barry and Iris when they come along.)
Sharing to add on for your post... But this is ALSO an idea I've been having for a fic... But I don't have time to write it ALL because I want to make it to many chapters. Be Prepared because I like when you mention HalBarry to me, I get happy because I don't talk about it to people. I also love to hear HalBarry thoughts because I project things that people don't get much like what I'm about to write..
The way Hal feels when it comes to being in love, is partially dumbfounded, it's something that sets him back when he realizes that there's an elephant in the room. One he describes as longing in a way where he didn't know he felt this fast. When in reality it has been years since this friendship. Yes, feelings for one of his best friends. One that he's been friends with since the beginning of the Justice League formation. Which was long... His hair is grey and the smile that was once without wrinkles now forms lines whenever he smiles or laughs.. In his mind, it feels that the feelings that are coming into play feel dangerous. How it makes his palms sweat just being near Barry. How when he isn't being occupied by anything busy, he's thinking about a fond memory with Barry. How Barry makes him smile, the way everything about his friend just makes him giddy like some teenage puppy love. Something he never got to experience but god, when he's with Barry, he feels so young. That even imagining them growing old together is just one step to keeping Hal feeling so young. It's like being awkward when you have no idea where to put your hands. Especially with a friend you've had for many years. A friend who's been there by his side that Hal now begins to think an eye for god knows how many minutes. The friendship teasing between the two and the playful chases that they would take on those evenings when everything just seemed perfect. How standing on that cliff when they were younger, the intimacy of the stare they held. Their deep connection that brings Hal to appreciate every moment he's had with him. How they're practically linked in color. How hope filled the willpower that settled in his personality. That when it came to Barry, it felt like he might have something to lose. Something and someone he's lost before. He knows what it felt to lose Barry. Which one proved his love for Barry to be a lot stronger than what he first thought when it came to the last glimpse of friendship. How that bond turned into a strong form for what Hal should keep fighting for. It was so unexpected. So unexpected to be in love with your best friend.
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kayawolfhorse · 3 days
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Actually posting it! I always struggle with coming up with a title and I feel like I’m just not all that great at writing interesting and engaging summaries. Truly my boulder (i enjoy sharing my work) and hill (everything i must do to achieve that)
(Ask game)
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
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Nothing wrong with me
#behold: the sowed seeds of my upped vitamin d dose#just would like to say that part of this is sponsored by a couple of very kind inboxers who reached out and said that they DID want to know#more about lady terror and which really helped reinvigor my motivations#and I WILL be answering those asks soon enough#(harder to do until I have my laptop back. like I’m sorry y’all I literally wish I knew what I was on in 2019 when I was writing all my#joker headcanon fics on my phone but I cannot replicate that and I dare not even try#)… but regardless it will happen#but also yeah so this is a 6 page chapter summary for the fic and I’ve just started on chapter 2 and this will help a lot when#I get my computer back I think I’ve cleared my head a lot about this fic while not having it#but anyway#yeah uh…#egg’s wip’s#moral of the story is telling people you wanna hear about their oc’s that they’ve been working on for a whole year works#also went down a classical music rabbit hole about it today if that’s of interest to anyone but… me#bc one of my students did a presentation on poe’s impact on music theory and danse macabre which incited me to get familliar with composers#and pieces that would have actively been known in the 1840’s and have wanted to do since that bit about schubert on crozier’s hand organ#got dropped in the scripts#I think they’re going to feud on classical music tastes#average beethoven and chopin stan vs schubert enjoyer FIGHT#(except the serenade. that song was actually written about lady terror I’ve decided)#also thinking about lady terror and poe bc he’s said himself music is the highest art. they are concert buddies for sure#I bet that mf liked beethoven. poe is a big bass guy if I’ve ever seen one#it’s the drama you see
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
That aalan/gaipa fic is 😍😍😍😍 please tell me you're posting on ao3 too ToT i love me sandray but alangaipa has me in a hold and ut's a bit of a drought now ToT
Well, since you asked so politely…
I have now compiled all of my AlanGaipa ficlets onto AO3 here. 
Sorry if you’re subscribed to me and get like four separate emails about it. I’ve never uploaded multiple chapters at once and part of the reason I’ve put off doing it is because I was worried AO3 would send out a separate email for each chapter and annoy people 🙃
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goldkirk · 1 year
Hi! Of all the blogs I follow, yours has reblogged the most about Shiny Happy People. I'm watching the documentary too. Is it okay if I ask what your connection is to the doc, if any? I actually used to live down the street from the IBLP HQ in Illinois (legit a 1 min drive) and had no idea what the building was used for until about 2015. I thought it was strange that I never saw any cars out in front, despite its size. A student from my high school made a short (30 min) documentary about IBLP called The Cult Next Door. It's on youtube if you're interested. Anyway, hope you're doing well!
Yeah, totally okay to ask (thank you for asking!). My answer is a little bit complicated, but it's the truth I have to offer lol.
That's wild! I am absolutely going to go watch that documentary on YouTube, thank you for telling me about it!
My family wasn't IBLP, but by the time I was growing up (baby of the family by 10-16 years), our parents were Devout Roman Catholics who had been convinced that even Catholic parochial schools and Catholic high schools and most Catholic colleges were actually not safe and were brainwashing kids too--less so than public schools but still insidious and Bad. Literally my mom would threaten and pretend to pick up the phone to Call Sister [REDACTED] and have her enroll me in Parish School as punishment if I wasn't cooperating with homeschooling enough. Obviously this had been taught to me as a Dangerous Place To Go, so that made me shape up quick every time.
As far as I've been able to retrospectively put together, my family was pulled into a bubble of Especially Special Devout Holy Practicing Roman Catholicism that was a combination of tradCath influences (plus voting based on the USCCB and pro-life group publications each year), Evangelical influences especially from Focus on the Family/Dr. Dobson (and WORLD magazine, and the HSLDA), and IBLP influences through the Catholic and Christian homeschool circles I was funneled through.
My family got stricter as I got older, and as I was in middle and high school my sister and her group of Catholic homeschool families went further into conspiracy theory and tradCath territory than my Mom and Dad have, and I was getting influenced from her (her family and me and my mom and dad had a large chunk of time per week together and she also has been a partial mother figure as I've grown up).
My family was also involved with Opus Dei, and I was way more involved than my Mom's ever been because the women's center for our area had a LOT of teen girl programming--Evenings of Recollection, Weekend Virtue Retreats, service projects, etc. etc., and I got a lot of influence from that too.
We had a lot of the child-rearing practices that are mild-to-moderate among the fundie/evangelical homeschooler crowds, if that gives some insight.
I, as an older child and teen in the Strict Homeschool Groups (not the fun homeschool groups)--and via my sister and the media I was allowed to consume--got HEAPING doses of purity culture indoctrination AND the push towards martyrdom and persecution complexes AND christian nationalism AND female submission AND science denialism AND--
For many years in a row, my Mom specifically trained me in Apologetics and Church doctrine and theology, trying to patch up any possible hole that led to my oldest brother leave the Church, and on top of this got me books about like "resisting the indoctrination every college will try to give you" etc. etc. I also got trained as a younger child to resist indoctrination and to give specific rote answers from the HSLDA guidance whenever questioned about homeschooling.
Most of the families I was allowed to socialize with were living under various flavors of the same homeschooling/modesty/fear-indoctrination/super-devout kind of worldview that IBLP spread and a LOT were fans of the Duggars (I know I definitely watched sometimes while at my grandparents' house). There's also an IBLP-adjacent book that I call the Fucking Purple Book that uses "Marian virtue" and stuff as a way to plug IBLP-style modesty and submission practices. This book ran rampant among moms in my high school homeschool co-op circles.
tl;dr - I was raised as an IBLP-adjacent homeschool kid and definitely interacted with families that were following IBLP's practices over the years
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altschmerzes · 11 months
Word for the ask game: stomach. Noun or verb, dealer's choice. Fic: surprise me!
also from the queerplatonic two aces fic, loneliness into loneliness, we have this, from the scene of the first night after they've started sharing a bed where they go to bed with dani holding jamie instead of the other way around.
After a while Dani moves, shifting forward until his arm is wrapped around Jamie, still tucked under his shirt. His hand splays open and presses to Jamie’s stomach, fingers curling around his opposite side, just above his hip. The feeling of skin against his, the firm and steady strength of the arm around him - it’s intimate and terrifying and wonderful. Dani’s heart beats steadily at his back, a faint and lovely drum he can’t help but track with all his attention.
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antique-symbolism · 1 year
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Jacket Asanbosam has eagerly awaited their father's Sanguine Quarter celebration ever since they were a little kid. A vampire's 250th anniversary is already the biggest blowout a magical family could throw, and with the Asanbosams, every event is a boisterous family reunion. There's just one problem -- obviously, Jacket's sister Tala is invited, too.
What better way for Jacket to distract from the impending anxiety of confronting their estrangement than to invite their best friends Holly and Bash as their +1 and +2? Turning the roadtrip into a sightseeing tour of magical America will be more than enough to get their mind off their troubles with Tala, but the three friends will soon find that the Asanbosams aren't the only family with secret tensions bubbling below the surface.
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amiharana · 1 year
tumblr keeps crashing when I write this so I'm just gonna type super fast but have we considered link's and revali's favorite foods for modern and canon bc I feel like they would be different
great question! they would be different because if you had the average hyrulean citizen consume anything from mcdonalds they would be inflicted with every disease possible ❤️
KDJFHDKJF JK but i think there would still be similarities between revali and link's taste in foods in both modern and canon. in canon, i hc revali's favorite dish to be a salmon meuniere while link will just eat anything he can get his grubby little hands on vs. in modern au, i hc that revali would be Huge on sushi & other fish-centered dishes while link is the raccoon digging in your trash in the middle of the night that you find on your security camera footage when you wake up.
according to the one rito woman in gerudo town, the rito canonically appear to also indulge in poultry to which i know the fandom has debated the topic of cannibalism, but i think it would be fucking hilarious if modern au!revali was super into fried chicken. he for sure fucks w that korean chicken & beer shit 💯 maybe wine instead though, he feels like a wine guy.
in comparison, link is definitely not a picky eater and has the weirdest eating habits in the world. like bro will eat 30 apples in succession for a quick heal and not eat for multiple days in canon. in a modern au, he'll eat three slices of cold 2-day old pizza while rushing out the door because he's late for work or he just won't eat it until later in the day when he's back home. i'm self-projecting but he's just like me fr 🤞😊
to be fr though, i feel like in canon link makes so many different meals as he travels hyrule that he loves all different kinds of food for all different reasons. a simple mushroom skewer was one of the first meals he made and had when he woke up on the great plateau. the recipe for the meat-stuffed pumpkin he learned to make in kakariko village has never left his mind because it was incredibly helpful for fighting against enemies. you will never understand how happy he was to perfect the creamy heart soup he learned in gerudo town so he could share it with revali. and link makes sure to grab every spicy pepper he finds as he travels back home to rito village and wonders if revali has tried a pepper steak yet. each meal he's ever made has special memories and meanings attached to them, so there's no way that link could have just one favorite food. 🥹🫶
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draculagerard · 8 months
What is Naruto actually about? It's one of those shows that I feel like I *should* have absorbed a lot of through cultural osmosis, but I still couldn't tell you even the basic premise.
(Yes I could probably find this out with five seconds of googling, but hearing about it from someone who's invested is more fun)
YES bless your soul for asking <3
Short answer: it takes place in a world with ninjas, and you know how those 2000s children medias with child soldiers go. theres a main trio and side characters and a war + evil guys who wanna take over the world and shit. yk what im talking about
it starts off with Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke being a team with Kakashi as their mentor. they do ninja missions and shit. Naruto wants to be the village ruler and Sasuke wants to kill his older brother (LONG story).
The original Naruto show just basically sets up everything for 220 episodes (introducing the characters, backgrounds, problems, etc) so that Shippuden can jump straight into when theyre older and stuff
The central plot of the shows after the first 100ish episodes is just Naruto trying to bring Sasuke back, who ran away to join the other side
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girl-bateman · 2 months
I always say I'm cursed as a joke but LITERALLY I was the only one in my family who inherited "the gift" from my mothers side. Spoiler alert, the gift is NOT a gift, instead its sometimes hearing a bunch of dead people yell at me and wake me up from sleep 😐
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hella1975 · 1 year
you cant make edits to vampire empire by big thief bc the moment i hear that song i have to start singing it dancing to it acting it out throwing up clawing the walls etc. could be the best edit in the world sorry bossman im not watching that shit. im busy
#YOU TURN ME INSIDE OUT AND THEN YOU WANT THE OUTSIDE IN YOU SPIN ME ALL AROUND AND THEN YOU ASK ME NOT TO SPIN#everyone on tiktok are soooooo annoying about this song (unsurprising)#basically a summary of the 'drama' in regards to this song: big thief released it as a snippet MONTHS ago#and the snippet sounded very jaded and heartbroken and CRUCIALLY it had the lyric 'i walked into your dagger for the last time in a row'#to then be followed by the lyric 'it's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow'#and everyone was OBSESSED with it i was obsessed with it everyone was so buzzed about the release#and then MONTHS later like truly a taking the piss amount of time later they finally released the song... different to the teaser#like they changed the WAY it was sung to sound more angry and like a scorned lover and they also straight up changed the lyrics#in certain parts like it's now 'i walked into your dagger for the last time / it's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow'#and everyone was like??? that sounds jumpy anyway but now we all know the old lyrics it sounds SO odd to get rid of 'in a row' like that#like what was the need??? and i backed all of that bc it was frustrating and more than anything it was just really odd and unnecessary#but oh my god tiktok fucking CRUCIFIED the song for it. imo both versions of the song are great on their own#i actually prefer the angrier sound of the official release as well as preferring the original lyrics#but ive seen multiple tiktoks made where people are like THIS IS THE WORST SONG EVER HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?!?!?!#and it's like. you guys truly cannot have a middling opinion about anything. it HAS to be some sort of extreme#declan mckenna's bridge for british bombs was actually a tiktok prediction. if it's not a fucking outrage...#anyway i started ranting but this is still one of THEE songs of the summer for me and you should all listen to it asap#song rec
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