#particle analysis system
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multitechnologies · 1 year
Accuracy Matters: Industrial Calibration Services for Automotive Manufacturing by Multitek Technologies
Multitek Technologies offers industrial calibration services for automotive manufacturing to ensure the accuracy and reliability of critical equipment and processes. Accurate measurements are crucial for automotive manufacturing, as they help ensure the safety and performance of machine.
Multitek Technologies' calibration services include the calibration of torque wrenches, pressure gauges, temperature sensors, and other critical equipment used in automotive manufacturing. The company uses state-of-the-art calibration equipment and techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the equipment.
In addition to calibration services, Multitek Technologies also offers equipment repair and maintenance services to ensure that equipment is functioning properly and efficiently. This helps prevent costly downtime and ensures that manufacturing processes are running smoothly.
Calibration services are crucial for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of industrial or mechanical equipment. Calibration involves comparing the readings of an instrument or device against a known standard to ensure that it is measuring accurately. It is a critical aspect of quality control and safety assurance in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, manufacturing, and more.
Industrial and mechanical calibration services are essential to keep machines and equipment functioning correctly. Calibration helps in preventing errors, minimizing risks, and ensuring compliance with regulations. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of industrial and mechanical calibration services and how they can benefit various industries.
Importance of Calibration Services:
The importance of calibration services in industrial and mechanical fields cannot be overstated. Calibration services are necessary for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of equipment, which helps in preventing downtime, production loss, and product defects. Calibration also ensures that the equipment operates within safety limits, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.
Benefits of Calibration Services:
Calibration services provide numerous benefits to various industries, including:
Improved Quality: Calibration ensures that the equipment is measuring accurately, which helps in improving product quality and reducing defects. Accurate measurements also help in maintaining the consistency of product specifications, ensuring that the products meet customer requirements.
Increased Efficiency: Calibration helps in preventing downtime and production loss, improving the overall efficiency of the equipment. Accurate measurements also reduce the need for rework, saving time and resources.
Compliance with Regulations: Calibration ensures that the equipment operates within safety limits, ensuring compliance with regulations and preventing legal issues.
Cost Savings: Calibration helps in preventing equipment failures, reducing repair costs and maintenance expenses. Accurate measurements also help in reducing material waste and improving productivity, resulting in cost savings.
Industrial Calibration Services:
Industrial calibration services are essential for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of various industrial equipment, such as pressure gauges, temperature sensors, flow meters, and more. Industrial calibration services help in ensuring that the equipment operates within safety limits, preventing accidents and injuries.
Industrial calibration services also help in improving product quality and reducing defects. Accurate measurements help in maintaining the consistency of product specifications, ensuring that the products meet customer requirements.
Mechanical Calibration Services:
Mechanical calibration services are essential for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of various mechanical equipment, such as torque wrenches, calipers, micrometers, and more. Mechanical calibration services help in ensuring that the equipment operates within safety limits, preventing accidents and injuries.
Mechanical calibration services also help in improving product quality and reducing defects. Accurate measurements help in maintaining the consistency of product specifications, ensuring that the products meet customer requirements.
Overall, the accuracy of measurements and equipment is critical in the automotive manufacturing industry. Multitek Technologies' calibration services help ensure that equipment is calibrated correctly and functioning at peak performance, which can help improve the safety and performance of vehicles while reducing costs and improving efficiency.
Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the equipment is calibrated regularly by professional and experienced calibration service providers. Calibration services should be a part of the maintenance and quality control plan of every industry, ensuring that the equipment operates accurately and reliably.
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why is headless women art bad? i can see why it's seen as objectifying but why is it such a big deal to make art out of the female form? (sorry if i sound agressive this is a genuine question)
Hi anon! You certainly don’t sound aggressive - I’m actually very grateful for the opportunity to collate my current thoughts in one place, so thank you for the prompt. I’m going to try my hardest to keep this short.
For any women who haven’t seen posts on this topic previously, some examples of the ‘headless women art’ trend I’ve been talking about for a while now are below. They’re often missing their limbs, at various points of amputation, as well as all or part of their heads (if she has her eyes, I generally don’t count it). Sometimes their heads have been ‘replaced’ with other objects, typically plants or mushrooms, though I wouldn’t count a woman with an animal or bird’s head. They’re often naked.
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So, per Anon’s question, why is it a ‘big deal’?
I mean, really, it’s not. It’s an absolutely minuscule deal - it’s as dwarfed by the issues of the sex industry, femicide, and systemic sex inequality, as we are by the Sun. And yet, much as our bodies are made of particles formed in dying stars, I see elements of the large within the small… ok, I’m not getting poetic.
It’s not a big deal, and I don’t necessarily think it’s wholly terrible either, which is why in my analysis posts on the topic I try to ask questions more than criticise, and criticise gently when I do so. What it comes down to is that I spotted a pattern, and wanted to acknowledge that pattern, think about it, and ask other women for their thoughts on it.
With that said, there are certain things that I question particularly, and have seen other women question, which I’ll list:
Remove her legs and she can’t run, remove her arms and she can’t fight, remove her mouth and she can’t shout, and remove her eyes and she can’t look back at you. You totally disempower her when you remove almost every body part capable of action.
By removing her head you also remove her brain (her personality and internal identity), and her face (her visible external identity). By anonymising her you strip her of her individuality, and depict all female people as a result - so what message are you sending about all female people with your depiction of us, naked and dismembered?
A (living) woman’s neutral existence requires her to have her head. By removing it, you are making an active choice to step away from the neutral (and it’s on you to defend that choice), and you are also by necessity depicting a dead woman. You ask about ‘art out of the female form’ - the living female form has a head. Why remove it?
The simplest test of whether something might be sexist, is to see whether it applies to men and women equally. Are (straight) men decorating their homes with ‘bits’ of male bodies? Do men in general feel conscious enough of, yet alienated enough from, the appearance of their bodies that they seek out their representation, sans heads, to reflect back at them? Why not, if women are? Would it be strange if they did?
As a follow up, since many of these pieces are made by women (often straight women), are (straight) men often focusing their artistic output on depicting ‘bits’ of male bodies? Do men regularly choose to create art intended to depict the ‘beauty’ of the male form? If not, why not?
You mention objectification - what links are there between objectification and violence? Could self-objectification be used to normalise violence against the self, or even excuse it? What about violence against others who are like the self (ie violence against other women)?
As I say, I’m not necessarily saying this artistic trend is exclusively a bad one, or that people/women in particular shouldn’t be decorating their homes however they please. It’s just something I’ve noted and found interesting, and like many apparently free choices, I think feminist women have a responsibility to interrogate their own and others’ motivations.
This is a hasty overview, and I’ve probably missed things - I’ll reblog with additions if I think of any, but you can also see my previous posts on this topic, and other women’s contributions, under my “Headless Women Art” tag. Thanks again for the question!
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mysticstronomy · 10 months
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
Welcome back,
Afew years ago a team of chemists unboiled an egg. Boiling causes protein molecules in the egg to twist around one another, and a centrifuge can disentangle them to restore the original. The technique is of dubious utility in a kitchen, but it neatly demonstrates the reversibility of physics. Anything in the physical world can run both ways—it's one of the deepest features of the laws of physics, reflecting elemental symmetries of space, time and causality.
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If you send all the parts of a system into reverse, what was done will be undone. The information required to wind back the clock is always preserved. Of course, undoing a process may be easy in simple systems but is less so in complex ones, which is why the egg unboiler was so nifty.
But there's a troubling exception: black holes. If a massive enough star collapses under its own weight, its gravity intensifies without limit and locks matter in its grip. Jump into one, and there's no going back. Merge two together, and you can't split them apart.
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A black hole presents an almost completely featureless façade to the universe. Looking at it, you can't tell what fell in. The black hole does not seem to preserve information. This irreversibility, first appreciated by physicist David Finkelstein in 1958, was the earliest inkling of the black hole information paradox—“paradox” because how could reversible laws have irreversible effects? The paradox signaled a deeper disease in physicists' understanding of the world.
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Scientists have many reasons to seek a grand unified theory of nature, but the information paradox is their most specific motivation, and it has guided their way when they have little else to go on.
At last, more than 60 years after this puzzle began to appear, physicists are seeing hope for a solution. In the year leading up to the pandemic and through the months of lockdown, a coalition of theorists took huge strides to understand the paradox—the most progress in decades, some say.
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They bolstered the idea that black holes, despite appearances, are reversible, and they dissolved the official paradox. Physical theory is no longer at odds with itself. The work is contentious, though, and by its proponents' own admission, it is at best a starting point for a full explanation of black holes.
Until recently, most of the “progress” physicists have made on this paradox over the decades has consisted of realizing the problem is even harder than they'd thought. Finkelstein's original work left loopholes.
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For one, it was based on Einstein's general theory of relativity, which physicists knew was not the full story, because it left out quantum effects. In the 1970s Stephen Hawking—in the work that made him a household name—took a first crack at including those effects. His calculations predicted that black holes slowly release energy. But this emission carries no information about whatever had fallen in, so it doesn't help wind back the clock.
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If anything, the outgoing trickle of particles worsens the predicament. The black hole eventually empties itself of energy and evaporates away like a puddle on a summer's day. All the matter it imprisoned is not freed but wiped out of existence. Hawking's analysis elevated a general unease into a full-fledged crisis for physics.
Originally published on www.scientificamerican.com
(Saturday, December 9th, 2023)
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ms-scarletwings · 1 year
A Speculative Analysis About Irkens No One Asked For: Part I
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Dem green fellas. Them lil guys, they’re an interesting pack of critters, aren’t they?
I used to really fixate on them back in middle and high school, stronger than everyone else seemed to be on the spazz in the dog costume. Jhonen Vasquez’s worldbuilding has always towed a very fine line between nonsensically ridiculous and surprisingly logistical, and this balance is typified in everything we know, and can infer, about these bug-eyed imperialists at the center of everything Invader Zim. So, let’s infer, and take a crack at it since no one’s stopping us anyway- More specifically, some thoughts and ponderings I had about how they “tick” as a fully realized society, not just a sci-fi monster..
A Homeworld Obscured 
Now, to really understand the history and “deal” of any civilization, or any animal, usually you would turn to their environment first to give you some handy clues and context.
Small problem, though: We actually don’t get much in the way of direct, explicit showing or explanations about Irk itself when it comes to the show. This makes some sense, given that the whole of what they do worth showing (and the most notable members of their kind) exists almost entirely off-world. So instead, we mostly find out more about Irk from what Invader Zim does tell us about its natives. As far as confirmed canon goes, we know that Irk’s atmosphere appears red, its surface is entirely and densely urbanized, and it’s long been depicted in starmaps with a set of Saturn-like rings. 
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  This last fact is probably the most interesting, because planetary rings are usually something we, in our own little solar system, would only associate with massive, gaseous worlds, not terrestrial ones.  What These rings are made of is really anyone’s guess- could be ancient debris from natural satellites, Water-ice particles, maybe even some form of artificial defense network put into orbit by the Irkens themselves. If they aren’t artificially created, this would suggest that Irk has quite a strong gravitational field- greater than that of any of our neighborhood’s rocky planets. This is the common theory I personally like to subscribe to, because it would also go hand and hand with explaining why the average height of the irken race is so much shorter compared to that of an adult human. It fits neatly into the “why” question for the sort of athletic skill and agility we’ve seen invaders able to demonstrate on Earth, too, for otherwise being of meek physical prowess. It even adds some credible context for why the very achievement of growing to a more substaintial height is both uncommon and associated with extreme survival fitness to them.
A Fun fact that’s about to be relevant: “Rayleigh scattering” is the term given to when light wavelengths become shifted and scattered through an atmosphere medium. Long story short, it’s the reason our sky has color to it during the day. Stay with me on this.
I’ve also seen some people take a go at the red-looking surface, guessing a different gas makeup than the elements on earth responsible for our blue skies. I’m gonna go against the grain here, and actually contest that. I think that Irk’s atmosphere is coincidentally extremely similar to Earth’s. We know well enough that they both have a similar composition of gases breathable to both societies, given that Zim, Skoodge, and Tak all seemed pretty comfortable without some form of assistance on the same dirtball as humanity. Instead, I propose that Irk’s magenta skies are actually the symptom of heavy pollution. Sunsets and sunrises in the real world are known to make the sky appear more reddish-orange, even pink, as is. Usually, Rayleigh scattering has the light From the sun appear bluish in full midday, but during low sun, the rays are coming at an angle making them have to travel farther before reaching us, so you have already stretched light waves getting the same treatment from the air and, well, a higher frequency blue turns down to the lower end of the spectrum, red and yellows.
And wouldn’t you know, air pollution can actually do the same thing. THIS is why there's a scary ass orange haze known to accompany the presence of massive forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Earth’s most polluted cities even experience longer and redder sunsets for the same reason. 
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Left: Image of a lilac sky over a Chinese city experiencing heavy smog levels Right: Intense red haze spotted over towns in Indonesia in the wake of rampant rainforest fires
On Earth, Zim stared directly into the midday sun without hesitation, nor concern that it would literally blind him. I think the planet hue and this is plenty enough to guess the likely case that Irk’s surface probably doesn’t get a lot of direct sun on an average day as is, and the sheer amount of unbroken cityscape that covers the homeworld would be the more obvious suspect than just having a more distant star from them. If they overcrowded to the point of their expansion, why build their civilization deeper into the ground, instead of up? Maybe there's actually a good reason or two they don’t raise their young topside.
A Psychology Molded for Domination
As well, I want to chirp about real world space again for a second. So, anyone up to the buzz in geek circles and aware of the math on the matter probably got the memo: humanity is almost matter-of-fact certainly not alone in this sandbox of a universe (or at the very least, we won’t always be alone). Like, about as certainly as we were about Black holes’ existence before we up and observed the real thing. And while it’s probably not going to happen in any of our lifetimes, sci-fi and media generally have been trying to take a crack for years at what the theoretical first contact with an alien civilization is going to look like. 
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And I’m gonna go ahead and say it, 
As “cliche” and Hollywood as the conquering little green/grey dudes trope might have become… it’s actually not a wild take after all. The little and green thing, that’s creative liberty, but the part about them being hostile and something we may not actually even WANT to be aware of our existence? That’s an idea that even the smarty pants experts have been fearing the realistic odds of, even including the late Stephen Hawking .
The Evolution of intelligent life is a hard thing to really pin down and predict, given that we literally only have the one example to study. Under the right conditions, what reason would another advanced species NOT have to be equally as expanding, as exploitative of its resources, self-destructively short-sighted, and as supremacist as humans have already demonstrated themselves to be capable of? There is a lot of very interesting literature that suggests BOTH empathy/altruism and or aggression/tribalism to be (at least in the short term) very rewarding characteristics for an intelligent social species to develop.
And that’s the thing about the behavior of the Irken Armada I think has always been fascinating. Their drive to be the biggest definitionally invasive species across the cosmos is framed exactly as irrational, bumbling, and pointless as it deserves to be; however, is it not just the extended conclusion of every empire that has existed here on Earth, if only it had survived long enough to achieve the technology of Irk? And yet, it’s reminiscent, like the rest of their design, to the far from sapient, yet very real world creatures they appear to be most inspired by: hive and colony building arthropods. Whether the next point I'm about to touch on should be seen as a rejection of that resemblance, or further elaboration of it is anyone's to answer.
Transhumanism, or.. Transirkenism, in this case?
Like the specifics of what Irk really looks like and how it realistically works, a bunch about the aliens’ physical biology is left to scattered tidbits to ponder and piece together into a bigger picture. A few of those tidbits are as follows, drip-fed to us over the course of aired and scripted but never released episodes:
+ From the mouth of Vasquez himself, it has been confirmed that Irkens lack any form of reproductive organs. Instead, they rely on industrialized facilities to grow and produce them in a factory sense.
+ Yet curiously, they still demonstrate something akin to sexual dimorphism, or at least the cultural existence of masculine/feminine genders, where females are aesthetically set apart by the presence of curled antennae, eyelashes, and higher voices.
+ Irken lifespans are able to stretch far past that of an average human’s (Zim himself is cited to be around 2 centuries old in earth years).
+ Invader class soldiers have been implanted with surgical upgrades to their eyes.
+ Every Irken is fitted with a PAK that serves a wide array of utility and life-sustaining functions for its owner. These units are physically and neurologically connected into an Irken’s spine from “birth” and contain a cybernetic backup of an individual’s personality, assigned occupational programming, and memories. 
That’s not close to a complete list by any means, but it’s got the gist of what I want to dwell on most, starting with the last bit; because the PAK isn’t done true justice in one statement. It is not an extra addition the way a prosthetic enhancement is, and it is not a tool the way armor and weapons are. It is literally analogous to a vital organ to these aliens, and they are shown to die within 10 minutes of being forcefully detached from their own.
The degree to which Irken bodies and minds rely on this technology, and how seamlessly they are integrated into it, ALONG with their completely artificial life cycle all directly points to the fact that their civilization has advanced into a cyborg-like stage of evolution. It may even be on track to reach a post-organical peak in due time, phasing out more and more of their “vestigial” and feeble meatsuits until they’ve become a true drone army. And that actually begs some huge questions now that we realize we will never know how much of the Irken anatomy was ever originally a natural feature. An Irken’s own brain practically comes secondary to the superior efficiency of the supercomputer on their back, capable of literally holding their own essence and being in the form of code. A code that can preserve the “self” even in the event of meatbody failure, being uploaded post-mortem into the Control Brains’ collective data and repurposed for a future generation of workers. It absolutely would stand to reason that the species has continued this biological self-tampering to other heights- extending their lifespans, incorporating untold amount of mechanical upgrades into their bodies, and maybe even genetically engineering their smeets to be so compatible with this technology.  The control brains themselves are a mesmerizing reflection of this change over time- the result of an evident shift long ago from technology serving them, to them serving the directives of computers. When you really pay attention to the control brains’ role in the series, it comes clear to you who (or what) is really in charge of their society. The Tallest still maintain their symbolic/cultural importance to the Irkens, but outside of their part in spearheading the active intergalactic invasion, they ultimately are figureheads when it comes to actually running the homeworld and ruling the lives of Irk’s inhabitants. If I had to bet money, I would say the Brains may even have the ability to choose and predetermine the next Tallest when a replacement is needed. But what does that make the Tallest? A meaningless title and transformation, chosen arbitrarily by the AI overlords? Well, I don’t think so, actually… but maybe that, and more on the “meaty” morphology of their race is all a tangent fit for another day and post ;)
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
A random analysis of the Japanese subs.
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This post is so, so self-indulgent, but I hope it'll be fun.
The reason I am making this is simple: I am a linguistics major, I like Dofus and Wakfu, and I really like the way the Japanese language allows one to express themselves by using pronouns and honorifics, both for oneself and others.
It's always fascinating to see what can be said about characters through their usage of Japanese language: both in translations, and in original texts. I'm sure you've heard about the Japanese translation of Undertale, and for a good reason.
...Just like every other post on my blog, this will only be about Kerubim, Atcham, and Joris. But this time, not just because I am so hyperfocused:
Our main sources for Japanese translations of Wakfu are fan subs (hard to find), the lost media dub that has been wiped from the internet (impossible to find), and the official Netflix subs. I do not have Netflix, so I had to employ @dullard's help in this endeavour... except Dullard doesn't know any Japanese, and since Netflix is very anti-piracy, we couldn't screenshare it, which means he had no help from me. It made finding interesting dialogues hard, and the thought of covering more characters is actually scary.
I hope you will enjoy this regardless, and mind the fact that I am not a Japanese speaker — just an enthusiast. (I do study foreign languages for my future profession, but they are English and Chinese, not Japanese...)
A cursory Japanese lesson.
In Japanese, there are many pronouns that mean "I" and "you", instead of just a singular word for each, like in English. It is a little bit similar to the tu/vous system many languages have.
In Japanese, it's quite rude to say "you", and usually, people just use each other's names: "[asking someone named Alice] Does Alice want tea?" is the polite, proper, normal way to ask people things. Saying "you" is usually either something done between people who are close, or people who are way above you on the social ladder.
(For example: "anata" is used/was used by wives towards their husbands, is a generic word when you don't yet know someone's name. It can sound arrogant. "kimi" is used by older male superiors towards employees, older friends towards younger friends, and boyfriends towards girlfriends. It can convey the feeling of closeness with one person taking care of another, or, it can show that someone doesn't respect the other person. "omae" is used to express anger and hate, or to playfully show affection between close friends and family. As you can see, all these words imply a degree of intimacy, when used positively.)
The most common personal pronouns are "watashi" (neutral in polite settings, feminine outside of them), "boku" (soft masculine, light polite), and "ore" (harsh masculine, not polite)
It is normal for pronouns to change with age. All young boys start out using "boku", and usually begin using "ore" or other pronouns later in life. Besides that, many people use different pronouns in different situations: a man might use "ore" with male friends, "boku" with family and women, and "watashi" at work.
However, in a lot of fiction, a character's most used pronoun (and sometimes, the ways they deviate from those pronouns — with whom, and why?) is a part of their character design. Besides pronoun usage, there are also sentence ending particles that exist to show emotion, or speaker's attitude, and their personality. Really, the possibilities are endless. This usage of Japanese is rarely realistic, and is instead something unique to anime, and it's called "yakuwarigo", or "role language".
So, today we will be having a look at the ways the three guys this blog is about were translated in Japanese.
NOTE: Due to anti-piracy functions of Netflix, the screenshots came out completely blank, save for the subs. For this reason, I just added the official Japanese subs to screenshots of the English fan sub + added some colours to a couple of them, in longer sentences, so you can see the boundary of different words.
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"Ninmu kanryōshita zo" [Mission accomplished]
"ぞ" [zo] is a rough masculine sentence ending particle Strongly asserts one's will, opinion or decision. Very masculine, and at least in media, almost always seen paired together with the usage of "ore" personal pronoun.
Speaking of which...
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"Asshu ni fukushū suru chansuda. Ore mo iku!" [It's a chance to get revenge against Ush. I'm going too!]
"俺" [ore] - I, me. Masculine personal pronoun, and like everything masculine, in japanese it's associated with a certain degree of arrogance, antagonization, and rudeness.
PERSONAL NOTE: This pronoun is not something one can use in polite speech, but imagining Atcham resorting to using "boku" or "watashi" gives me psychic damage. If Wakfu was a Japanese series, I assume he'd be a character who is always a bit rude.
We can also observe the usage of the informal "だ" particle, and "行く" [iku], which is a verb that means "to go" in an informal conjugation.
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"Washi-ra o hīrō hyouzou no korekushon ni kuwaeyou to" [He wanted to add us to his hero ice sculpture collection, pretty much.]
"わし" [washi] I, me "わしら" [washi-ra] - we, us Here we can see the personal pronoun "washi" with the pluralizing suffix "ら" [ra]. In media, "washi" is used by well-learned, elderly men. If there's a white-bearded centuries-old wizard-king who gives out quests, he probably uses "washi". Gandalf from Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit uses "washi" in the Japanese translation.
PERSONAL NOTE: I think Kerubim, as someone who perpetually dies and is reborn and has to re-age, would probably spend most of his life switching between "ore" as a "young" man, and "washi" as an "old" man. He cares a lot about appearing a certain way, and "a strong man" as well as "a nurturing mentor" are his two favorite images of himself.
"と" [to] is a quote and opinion marker. Japanese language favours vague statements, instead of saying that you're sure of something. There will be a more interesting usage of it later, but here it simply shows that this is being observed. It softens the statement, in a way.
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"Washi mo iku, hisabisa no Ekafurippu da. Kono neko ni makase toke!" [I'll go too, it's been a long time since I've been to Ecaflip. Leave it to this kitty!]
There isn't much to say here, besides noting another usage of "washi". The only interesting thing is that Kerubim isn't using official speech, — especially with the informal だ [da] ending particle, which fits him, and the situation itself, well, — as well as the fact that he explicitly calls himself a kitty. (cute)
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"Arumando Ōji, dengon-o otsutae-shitaku, ekken-o oyurushi itadakemasu ka?" [Prince Armand, I would like to deliver a message. Won't you please grant me an audience?]
Three words of this sentence use polite conjugations usually reserved for royalty (shocking, I know...), or someone else much higher than oneself on the social ladder.
"伝える" [tsutaeru] — to report, to convey. This word has had the honorific prefix "お" added to it
"許し" [yurushi] — pardon, forgiveness, permission. This word has had the honorific prefix "お" added to it.
"いただけます" [itadakemasu] — to be able to receive. This is the polite (kenjougo, humble form showing being lower than the person being spoken to) version of multiple other verbs. (don't confuse this with "いただきます" [itadakimasu], which is said before eating food.)
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"Desuga! Bonta no masutā kara tsuyoku iwaremashita. Sheran Sharumu-ō e chokusetsu todoke nebanaranai to." [Nevertheless! The Master of Bonta had strongly insisted. It was said to me that the message must be delivered directly to King Sheran-Sharm.]
"ですが" [desuga] - nevertheless, however, alas. It is a polite word, mostly used in official written texts and not in casual conversations, which is befitting this conversation.
"言う" [iu] - to say, to speak, to tell This word is heavily conjugated into the next forms: "言われる" [iwareru] - to be told (impolite) -> "言われました" [iwaremashita] to have been told (polite)
ねばならない [nebanaranai] - must, should, have to This word is mainly used in literature, and is not the typical way to say "must/should/have to" in day-to-day life. It is not just polite, but downright literary/stiff language.
"と" [to] - grammatical quote marker, "it was said..." particle marking a quote that the speaker heard.
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"Sagare. Watashi ga aite suru." [Get out of my way. I'll handle him.]
"下がる" [sagaru] - to move away. The word is conjugated with a "-re" ending, which gives it an extremely strong and authoritative tint, as if used by someone in a position of power towards someone below them.
"する" [suru] - to do, to take on, to perform Has no polite ending here. and is very casual/impolite.
In this "heat of the moment" situation, he drops all politeness out the window, and commands Armand to get out for his own safety's sake.
Here we also get Joris's personal pronoun:
"私" [watashi] - I, me (polite, feminine) Because it is used here with someone Joris has used polite language with, like Armand, it doesn't mean much. But when used with people he otherwise drops his politeness with, — or is supposed to drop it, —  this pronoun takes on a different tint. It sounds cold, distant, and aloof, — like he is treating even casual conversations like a buisiness exchange. And if it's not aloof, then it might sound a bit feminine.
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"Maa, ochitsuke" [Heey, calm down]
"まあ" [maa] - well, I guess, just, now, This is an adverb used in casual speech, used to express things like a mild level of hesitation or uncertainty, or to soften a sentence or a request into a more gentle, relaxed one.
"落ち着く" [ochitsuku] - to calm down The conjugation here is, once again, the commanding imperative. However, it's less of a big deal in this situation, considering:
rough language is good and normal, in casual, friendly speech between men.
it's not him using it with a prince that he was previously showering in highly polite speech, but instead a man he's been living with for 600 years (even if said man is his father).
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"Watashi no nou wa mada koutteru rashi" [My brain is still frozen it seems]
This sentence is neither polite nor rude. Mostly notable as a yet another usage of "watashi" in the translation.
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"kimi-tachi mo issho ni tsurete ikitaiga, mada keiken ga tarinai" [I'd really like to take you two (affectionate, derigatory, arrogant) with me, but you're lacking in experience]
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Here we can see the first translation error: plus tous jeunes being translated as "too young", instead of "not young anymore". But we'll disregard this, and instead focus on something that deranges me:
"君" [kimi] "君たち" [kimi-tachi] - you (plural) "たち" [tachi] is simply a pluralizing suffix, identical to "ら" [ra] in usage.
Yeah Joris "君" [kimi]'d them. He kimi'd them to death. He looked at his dad and called him kimi. He looked at his uncle and called him kimi too.
I know it's likely that the translator just doesn't know better about their relationship, but Joris WOULD do that. he DOES do this by calling them "kids" in french here, so it fits! (I have a huge analysis of this entire scene in my drafts...)
...What is even wrong with him. I love him.
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zkylearnstherope · 10 months
AvPhysics - An Analysis [Part 1]
[Part 1] - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Disclaimer: This will only be a surface-level analysis for Animation vs. Physics. If you expect something more in-depth, you have to wait for the physicists.
Let's get into it- shall we?
Obviously, TSC spawns from the e✖iT Euler's Identity made in the end of AvMath. For the sake of this analysis, let's call this one, TSC_0.
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One minute upon arrival, TSC_0 didn't have any personal goal/objective, so he was just running around. This also demonstrates the accuracy of the UI Formula Thing (UFT) that shows up on the screen.
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That is, until he found this ball, and then the others after it. Which we eventually realize, all came from The Singularity. Something or someone is trying to get his attention. He needs to reach the Singularity.
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The first thing he realizes is, "Dang, this is gonna take a while".
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Also, space is dark because there is no sun- specifically, no solar system.
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Okay, new goal. We need to get faster. But how?
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Side Note: Animation vs. Frequency? Animation vs. Color Theory? Animation vs. Sound Waves?
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A Solar System (with its own star/sun) spawns in. He did not reach it, it spawned in. It literally did NOT exist prior to the flashlight.
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He utilizes the space maneuver called the Gravity Assist. Also called the Slingshot Effect. It's where you use a planet's gravity, by moving around it (but not entering it) to gain significant speed.
Most sci-fi stories use this maneuver to save on propulsion and to change/correct the course of the spacecraft.
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UFT shows that he got faster now, but it's still not enough.
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So he does it again with two faster-orbiting planets. Gaining more speed in the process.
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He was supposed to make impact with the sun here, although I'm not sure why he didn't. It's probably because a sun along with its own solar system moves through the galaxy. They don't stay in one place.
For example: Our Solar System orbits the Milky Way Galaxy for about 230 million years, which is also called a cosmic year.
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And by moving around the sun but NOT hitting it, gave him even more speed.
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Here's his speed upon exiting the solar system.
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He eventually reached 1% of the speed of light. Yep, that whole almost-dying-in-the-sun process, is still not enough to get anywhere.
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Magnets spawns in. Again, they did NOT exist prior to this.
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"Hmm... we can use this," he says.
Step 1: Let's magnetize the crap out of this rocket.
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Step 2: Enter the magnet gates.
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Step 3: We get a magnetic linear accelerator, which utilizes the opposing magnetic fields to propel/launch objects at high speeds. Initially thought this was a particle accelerator, but turns out that's a whole different thing.
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And now we reached 80% of the speed of light.
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If you're still following me... good news, we have reached half of the video.
Cool graphics, 'cause why not.
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Around this point, TSC_0 experiences Time Dilation. This is important for later.
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This is because he has now left the galaxy.
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More sci-fi stuff. Everything starts to look more red.
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Red-looking black hole.
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Something hits him on the head. How is this possible?
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Oh no, my apple. Take note, that the apple glows red whenever gravity is messing with it.
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Goodbye world, my apple needs me.
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Aww... Turns out there is a photo limit per post.
Here's [Part 2].
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revoevokukil · 5 days
The Trap of Prescience
What else could be explained in the Witcher if we were to interpret the elven Sages' & Ciri's prophetic abilties in the fashion of Dune?
Dune's take on prescience is that once a future is perceived, it is set in stone.
It's basically the QM measurement rule bringing about wave function collapse into a defined state, which means a particle (I'll grandiosely call it "reality" for the sake of fantasy) loses its superposition (potential to be in all potential states) and takes on a defined property; i.e. one actual reality is chosen from among the many possible ones. Alternatively, the wave function might not collapse at all (many worlds interpretation), with all possible worlds continuing to exist as we, upon observation, simply become part of one of the realities while losing track of others.
In the case of the latter, this poses a question whether it is at all possible for a prescient being to continue "course-correcting." (and what about other observers, equally capable of collapsing the wave function? that would mean other prescients for our literary purposes, as we ignore that actually it could be light, air, etc.)
“This is the awe-inspiring universe of magic: There are no atoms, only waves and motions all around. Here, you discard all belief in barriers to understanding. You put aside understanding itself. This universe cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be detected in any way by fixed perceptions. It is the ultimate void where no preordained screens occur upon which forms may be projected. You have only one awareness here — the screen of the magi: Imagination! Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chaos.”
Everything being an ocean of pure energy potential, the reality we think we know sort of "emerges" based on the conditions and our perception of those conditions. Truly the waves of reality remain in constant fluctuation, while we experience the "concrete" reality—that we label and categorize (imagining a shape for it)—as emerging from those more fundamental levels.
Magic, then, is about the perceiving mind creating the ultimate meaning for what can and cannot be over the raw senses. When an Aen Saevherne, for example, is able to perceive the future accurately they are, in effect, creating it.
At the quantum level our universe can be seen as an indeterminate place, predictable in a statistical way only when you employ large enough numbers. Between that universe and a relatively predictable one where the passage of a single planet can be timed to a picosecond, other forces come into play. For the in-between universe where we find our daily lives, that which you believe is a dominant force. Your beliefs order the unfolding of daily events. If enough of us believe, a new thing can be made to exist. Belief structure creates a filter through which chaos is sifted into order. - Analysis of the Tyrant, the Taraza File: GB Archives Heretics of Dune
Knowledge, however, has no uses without purpose, but purpose - arising out of wishing, desiring, and hope - builds the enclosing walls and diverts one away from infinity into a particular narrow possibility. That is the trap of prescience - to (seek to) know the future absolutely is to be trapped into that future absolutely.
To put a stop to pretending like QM is actually my thing, back to literature. I pondered the orb on this matter in April. And I have addenums to make! (for example, it's not correct to equate the Aen Saevherne to Laplace's Demons; we're beyond classical mechanics)
First, as noted, if prescient beings are more or less blind to the movements of other figures with foresight, it should make conspiring around Ciri possible for someone like Eredin. Secondly, characters who can predict the future might not necessarily wish to look for certain things precisely should they suspect they might not like the answer. For example, contemplating one's own demise (as Auberon may have done).
'"Every judgement teeters on the brink of error," Leto explained. "To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. - Leto II Children of Dune
There are ways then, in which to use prescience correctly, and ways in which to use it with terrible ends.
The future that you see is the future that you will act upon (even by choosing not to act upon it). In fact, you can say that you have already acted upon it. A thing seen is a thing that has been. And, by being a character of sufficient Influence, positioning, and time, who envisions this, you will be locking everyone else into your future. So if the future includes something you would rather not see come about, you will be locked into a cascade of decisions you have to make in order to steer it - you might alter things by killing someone, or yourself, but things could proceed toward that destiny anyway and with much larger costs. You become trapped, you cannot step off course anymore.
Basically, the art of foresight then, seems to consist in knowing or sensing how - when looking ahead - to maintain degrees of freedom that would allow for creativity in the act of creating the future. An unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty, so future can happen itself in a desirable manner.
"...no one aside from them is capable of understanding their writings. Elven manuscripts, in most cases, mean tortuous symbolism, acrostics, occasionally even codes. The Elder Speech is always, to put it mildly, ambiguous and, when written down, may have as many as ten meanings." - Codringher The Time of Contempt
Can you imagine Ithlinne slapping her colleagues in the world of the Aen Seidhe with her augury, signalling that all the landscaping and fey architectural drip must again be packed up in a bit, because this world too will go to the dogs? A very frustrating way to start the day, to be sure. Except then it becomes difficult to move between realities at will. Bffr. I'd wager a portion of Aen Saevherne's to-do list includes handling the infernal catch-up game that results from their own gift to elvendom.
And, as ever, it's the character and desires of the dreamers that play a central role in what happens. This is literature; here, on the screen of the magi, you learn what it is to be human.
Imagine then Lara Dorren, who is locked into a future of her race's making, hoping for a union between that which is elven and human, knowing it will happen eventually, as it has already happened before.
Imagine Avallac'h, whose sight is set on a time beyond the tale involving the child surprise and her witcher, since he is yet to accept amor fati and how nothing is lost and everything is transformed.
Imagine Auberon, holding on to his role as the demiurge-ruler whose expired ambition tempts him to glance at fate that remains beyond his own existence, glimpsing, in the process, at the sole thing he has yet failed to experience.
Imagine Ciri, who cannot grow and begin to face herself and the fate she will forge until she has returned to the beginning of her needs and slain the darkness that took herself from her.
Or imagine Geralt, who cannot see the future, but can only hope for one, and acts as his heart wills it regardless of what he is told the narrative is going to be like; nothing for him can go differently than it does.
...and eventually humanity, before learning the value of balance, goes on to conquer nature and achieve transhumanity, facing exile from the world they've destroyed (that has tried destroying them). Long-long after the elves, familiar yet so alien, have left for the beyond. And the two remain differentiated only by their mirror image standing several cycles ahead and parallel of the other in Time. Everything repeats itself. The fantasy worlds fragment and multiply, ad infinitum. Everyone learns something, nobody learns anything.
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adamworu · 1 year
Hi, what do you think of the Anime!Kaworu (not manga or Rebuild) analysis called 'Kaworu Nagisa, Ángel del amor y el libre albedrío. Diseccionando a los Ángeles (última parte)' by MistralChronicles?, has English subtitles.
I finally gave it a look after being inundated with life stuff (forgive me for taking long on this) and wow! If you're a Kaworu fan looking for some really indepth analysis your cup will truly runneth over on this one.
Let me start by saying that this lengthy analysis works because it doesn't go deep into his characterization under the assumption that the viewer already knows. It's all conveniently wrapped in one video. For those that already do know, this video acts as an excellent refresher, given how expansive Evangelion's lore is.
(warning for abuse mention)
The first thing that stands out to me in this 2 hour analysis, aside from thoroughly research on Eva's production history is the noted rearranging of Kaworu's surname as Shisha. Shisha means messenger (You'll notice the term Saigo Shisha to refer to the angels in Eva) while also pertaining to death.
This also works well with MOVIC's assigning of Kaworu to the Death Tarot Card.
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One door closes and another opens. Kaworu dies and he understands that he is the Last Messenger. In so doing, he ensures humanity's welfare in the process.
I love loved that MC (I'll be abbreviated Mistral Chronicles as MC in this analysis) talked of Draftworu and the scars. I wouldn't call those suicide attempts but I would call those self-harm. That's not to say that Draft iteration Kaworu didn't hold ideas relating to suicide.
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MC notes that Kaworu and Shinji's excellent chemistry. Kaworu is more bright and outgoing whereas Shinji is more neutral. This manifests in their shirts: orange and blue, respectively, because they compliment each other.
I think my one pet peeve (even less, actually, just something pointed out) through this analysis however is that Kaworu is directly called Adam. Kaworu's existence as Adam is by proxy. Meaning that because Adam's soul is within him, he's Adam that way rather than being some physical iteration.
Kaworu was meant to be so good that his nature alone would be enough to give Shinji an inferiority complex. MC makes the excellent point that because Kaworu's appearance had to be truncated to one episode, we only ever see not the complex, but rather Shinji's idealization of Kaworu.
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I think about this fact a lot. How, even though Kaworu accepts Shinji for who he is, there's a pushback in parts of Eva communities that assumes bad faith on Kaworu's end. It drives me up a wall every so often due to exactly where the bad faith comes from. There's also a part of me that understands that total acceptance and unconditional love aren't impossible manifestations. Out there, there is someone who appreciates and is so in love with you in all ways. We're so used to being around people trying to change key aspects of us rather than trying to comprehend us at our very cores. It makes the words 'I love you' feel all the more surreal. Genuine, unrelenting love for who you are feels like a shock to the system.
(Also small sidebar before we move on: MC goes into how Kaworu can fenagle with Unit-02 despite the non-reconfigured soul. When she says 'he can control a body that is his own' she's referring to the fact that Kaworu, being an angel, is comprised of particle wave matter)
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Kaworu has Shinji's support. Anywhere can be paradise. Shinji is his home.
MC points out something that often goes missed by some groups: Kaworu's existence is ultimately integral to Evangelion. Not just to Shinji. Kaworu's status as the Angel of Free Will is an ironic one of sorts. Other angels which preceded him desired to understand more of their lilin 'neighbors', so why then, is Kaworu aligned with such a moniker?
Kaworu's kindness, or his sacrifice to humanity, allowed them that free will. Another reading that I have alongside the aforementioned is that Kaworu's action shows the unsettlingly paradoxical nature of free will; that your freedom exists because someone allowed it for you.
The video also goes on to point out that Kaworu doesn't overstep boundaries (i.e. the bath scene). He thinks that Shinji wants to go with him out of the bath. He doesn't really pry. He's not fully attuned to Shinji's culture to understand why there'd be aversion with acts of sudden closeness. That's not to say that Shinji was grossed out by Kaworu (which he wasn't), but that Shinji's aversion comes from a place of fear from being hurt again.
Now onto Netflix's translation.
MC transitions into the Netflix translation and how it danced around 'It means I love you.' Debates about translation are sometimes had pertaining to this scene. You'll often see people argue about how in the Japanese version 'koui/koi' is purely platonic in nature. Given the actual context with the scene as well as the symbolisms that carry later in in End of Evangelion, this is of course far from the truth. The word is a pun which is doesn't carry well outside the language. The words 'koi' and 'suki' are indeed romantic, and EOE doesn't stand as the only example. The drafts debunk any perception of Kaworu and Shinji's relationship being that of 'just friends.' MC also adds more: that Anno gave the drafts to someone who was versed in writing boys love.
The erasure in the translations was justified via 'Evangelion is an ambiguous work.' Correction: Evangelion's moral to the viewer is ambiguous. The characters have been talked about in supplementary material. That isn't ambiguous.
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This snippet here also debunks the platonic angle. When the characters are shown top-down in bed in certain parts of the series, there's some adversity or lack of communication. Shinji thinks of Asuka as only a child (something about glass houses and throwing stones). Asuka did share the sheets with Hikari, though faced away because she felt too vulnerable. But Shinji and Kaworu? They're clicking so much that Shinji divulges to Kaworu about his life prior to the events of Eva. Kaworu offers to sleep on the floor rather than Shinji but Shinji prefers the floor. Shinji catches himself being vulnerable but never backpedals or fronts about his life. At that moment, he was vulnerable with the right person.
Kaworu's such a surreal character in the world of Evangelion because he doesn't really ask anything. He's kind, but far from perfect. But he feels almost immaculate because Evangelion's world comes across to many viewers as cynical. People are often cold and get away with proverbial murder. None of us can understand each other fully because our boundaries not only protect us, but impede us. Fear drives us to be alive but also stunt current relationships while condemning future ones.
The lake scene is brought up in the video analysis in that it makes little to no sense. It's just...weird to think about.
Kaworu's donor is brought up here, though I wouldn't go so far as to say that they 'gave a body.' During the Director's Cut of episode 21, it's stated that Kaworu's conception came about as a Contact Experiment. DNA 'dove' into the flesh of Adam, awakening them. It could have been anything.
Since we're talking of enigmatic lore of Eva, 'clone' is a sort of loose term here. Both of the 'cloned' individuals may have the slight features of their donors, but not by much. Their complexions are pale, nearly calling to mind someone with albinism. Why is it that both of these experiments end in these features?
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Love that MC points this out.
Shinji's on the warpath with angels not because of his contempt, but he seeks validation. Then Kaworu comes along, gives him that validation without condition. There's no ulterior motive for his kindness. He loves Shinji for all his flaws.
Shinji's ire for Kaworu's reveal is a front. He's not angry at Kaworu for his status. His forced to fight between two sources of validation, those around him most or Kaworu. Shinji doesn't want to be forced with the troubling revelation that his fight against the angels isn't genuine. This is further reinforced in episode 25 in which he doubles down.
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Kaworu explains the AT field, how integral it is to understanding others (and outside to the viewer, important to the plot). The deployment of boundaries can protect you but in the same vein hurt others. MC points out that Unit-02 stabbing 01 is metaphorical, and a clever subtlety at that. The progression knife is inserted in the left side of the Evangelion, where the heart is.
He utters 'Human hope is made from sorrow.' From despair, joy arises. Kaworu realizes that his merging with Adam (biological desire, not moral) would spell annihilation for the whole of mankind and its hopes. As the last of his kind, the onus lies on him to cause a freedom of one species to inherit Earth while the other perishes.
It's also why Ode to Joy is synonymous with Kaworu.
It is why he is the Angel of Free Will.
Take the AT Field's usage into consideration. It can be used to protect, hurt, overstep, or even temporarily shut oneself off from the pains of the world. These are used to navigate the circumstances around you, and this truth implicates the angels, given they're as complex as humanity.
Thus, the larger deployment of Kaworu's AT Field is made clear. Blood stains his hands, regardless of outcome.
On this end, humans do have AT Fields but lack the physiology to deploy them physically. The Fields are instead metaphorical. They exist as veneers of a person, avoidance of an issue, among other things.
Kaworu's designation as the first and last angel is pointed out. This not only goes for the series but also the Rebuilds as well and it works thematically. Kaworu's the 13th angel in Rebuilds and this is juxtaposed in FINAL with Unit 01 as well as 13. 01 in FINAL is considered Hope whereas 13 is considered Despair. Before Kaworu's 'demotion' he was hopeful in that he would be able to save the world without mass death on his head. When realizing he was set up when Shinji retrieves the spears in Rebuilds, he becomes the 13th. In the original this manifests as Kaworu feeling hopeful that he found someone who finally understood him. Someone whom he could love and laugh with. 'Human hope is made of sorrow.' has even more depth, when the above is considered added with Kaworu's empathetic nature. He understands the needs of man, because he feels this way too.
Kaworu feels hope when being around Shinji (Also makes 'I may have been born to meet you' more wholesome) but a sense of sorrow knowing his mission.
He becomes desperate, understanding that if man were to live, he'd need to die.
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This is probably the only part I strongly disagree with. One of the biggest horrors of Evangelion is that people do take from others (and they often get away with murder). The cast heaps baggage on each other, or neglects them unless a situation comes in which benefits them. It's not a nihilist bent that Eva goes on, because it'd contradict that anywhere could be paradise. It highlights that humanity is ugly without going into a 'so get over it' angle. Eva highlights that realities are often ugly, but hardly defeatist or smugly pessimistic.
Kaworu's likened to Rei in their sad realities. He sets up to become something larger, but the reasons differ. Kaworu does humanity a kindness of his own accord. Rei? Becomes a mother figure simply because her whole existence of a man's unhealthy coping mechanisms. She is conditioned, start to finish to be a mother. Even though she understands more of her identity thanks to Kaworu, her tragedy is that she doesn't know how not to be anything maternal. Kaworu's kindness is his own and his tragedy derives in knowing the cycle but being a slave to it. His ultimate tragedy is that, for how powerful he is, he's still susceptible to unhealthy cycles, forced to play out that role until it is broken.
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It's pointed out that Shinji's depressive spiral goes deeper with Kaworu's death and not just because of the event itself. 'Death is the only freedom.' are chilling words from a boy who could not control his existence but could control his death. This makes the likening of Kaworu to Shinji all the more tragic. Much of Shinji's life was rife with neglect up until this point. Then he had to get rid of a genuine source of validation.
The love of Kaworu and Shinji is mutual. MC dives into misconceptions of how Kaworu and Shinji's relationship is platonic because it lacks the suggestive closeups of Misato, Rei, and Asuka (it's own can of worms). EOE debunks the platonic bent as well the Rebuilds with the numerous references. There's even a heart shaped tree where Shinji and Kaworu play Quatre Mains!
Anno even states Kaworu as an idealized other.
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Kaworu's proxy status as a father and mother is noted. While Anno uses chichi (father) as a designation for Adam, Kaworu uses hahataru sonzai for Our Mother. This explains why Kaworu stands as judge over Gendo alongside Rei and Yui. This latter of the designations makes sense, given Adam's status as the progenitor for angels.
Kaworu's status as integral to the plot of Eva is especially solidified during Instrumentality. Rei and Kaworu represent the desire to understand the world around and unconditional love, respectively. He, along with Rei, teaches Shinji that if he were to come back physically, AT Fields would exist once more. Pain would exist. People would not know each other fully. And Shinji allows that for mankind, even after knowing this revelation.'
People like Rei and Kaworu can exist, however. But in our lives, our sometimes unforgiving realities, people like that are rare. There are people that love you for being you. There are people that want to comprehend the complexities the world hands us. I hope that one day, you find both.
That we all find both. That too, is why anywhere can be paradise as long as you have that will to live.
All in all, I loved MC's meticulous dissection of Kaworu's character. It's a welcome addition and it was easy to follow along through all of it. I recommend watching it for anyone reading this who has the time. It's some of the most indepth Kaworu analysis i'd seen in the years I'd been in this fandom and I thank MC for the write-up. And I thank you, anon, for redirecting me to this video dissertation.
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Dynamical Systems
When we talk about dynamical systems, we broadly refer to the way a particular system evolves under certain conditions. For example, if you have a particle and you give it some terrain to roll around on, what path will it follow? If you have an electron and subject it to a magnetic field, what trajectory would it follow? Or if you impart forces on a block of water, how would the shape of the boundary change?
These are all types of questions that can be answered by dynamical systems, and involve a significant depth of analysis to truly understand their mechanics. (But truthfully, I've only ever been in it for the pictures).
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The Tinkerbell map The Lorenz Attractor
As usual, if anyone has any feedback or errata to point out, please do shoot me a message :). I'm still getting back into the groove of things with this so I might be missing out on stuff.
Some basic definitions
We have 2 different types of trajectories, discrete and continuous.
discrete time dynamics - this means that you have observations at discrete points in time. You take a snapshot at t=1, t=2, etc. Take the Tinkerbell map above for example. You start with a point, then apply some sort of rule, and you end up at the next point. Things happen in steps.
continuous time dynamics - this means that at each point, you prescribe a velocity (a speed and direction) in which a particle should move. So if a particle is located at (0,0) for example, in an arbitrarily short period of time, it would move in a particular direction. A good example of this is the Lorenz map, as shown in the right hand image.
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The Tinkerbell Map - equations of motion
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The Lorenz Map - equations of motion
NOTE: In the first case, we talk about where the next point explicitly, whereas in the second case, we talk about in how fast in a particular direction we will end up moving.
A brief discussion on derivatives
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Here's a visual to explain - suppose that the blue line represents how far away you are from some particular location. The average velocity would be the slope of the green line. But the instantaneous velocity would be equal to the the slope of the yellow line.
The way we denote this derivative is as follows
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The numerator describes the change in the y-values, the denominator describes the change in the x-values, and the ratio of this is the gradient (or the slope).
So in a nutshell, the average velocity represents a change in distance over a period of time, and instantaneous velocity represents a change in distance of an arbitrarily short period of time.
Where to from here?
From here, we'll introduce some broad notation around maps, orbits, and some terminology that underpin dynamical systems. If there's enough time, I'll also describe some other concepts regarding different types of orbits, and thereafter we'll get into some really cool stuff.
Anyway, that's it for now! Adios :)
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aemiron-main · 8 months
What Are You, Henry Creel? Detect Thoughts and Reading Minds and Doppelgangers and TFS: Is TFS "Henry" A Doppelganger?
So, I already talked in this post and this post and this post about Doppelgangers in ST, and now, I want to talk about them re: TFS Henry.
TFS Henry, the guy who keeps having to be reminded what his name is and that he’s ��normal”:
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TFS Henry, the guy who isn't Henry:
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I’m wondering if the real Henry Creel went into that cave in Nevada and something else came out.
Let’s get into it.
So, it’s interesting to me that TFS Henry seemingly has the ability to read minds- in a way that’s extremely similar to Detect Thoughts from DND:
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And it’s interesting because that isn’t something that we see Henry doing in the show/outside of TFS.
Sure, during his 1979 speech, 001 talks about “reaching into minds”:
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But a.) we don’t ever see 1959 Henry actually doing that in-show, on screen. Especially not with what I talked about in this post re: the rabbit and how it’s unlikely he was reaching into the rabbit’s mind + how he was likely trying to free the rabbit from the snare.
And b.) the 001 that’s giving the monologue during the massacre having those mind reading powers doesn’t negate what I’m saying in this analysis at all, and instead actually works perfectly because considering the multiple 001s during the 1979 massacre and the parallels between the 1979 massacre and the Russian escaped Demodog and Demogorgon attack where the shadow "went into them,", I won’t be surprised if one of the 001s during the massacre was a shapeshifter/Doppelganger.
And y'know what else is interesting about TFS Henry's mind reading abilities? Y’know who else has the ability to read minds?
DND Doppelgangers do- they use Detect Thoughts on their victims and can read minds in the same way that TFS “Henry” does:
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And so, I’m wondering if the real Henry Creel was replaced by a Doppelganger in the cave in Nevada (and also if that 001 that talks about reaching into peoples’ minds was also a Doppelganger).
And speaking of that cave in Nevada, it’s interesting that Brenner says they found the spyglass “in the cave, lying next to the body.”
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But he doesn’t say what body/whose body. Just the body.
And, on the surface, we assume it was the scientist’s body because prior to this line, Brenner mentioned finding the scientist’s remains near the cave system with no trace of what he was carrying:
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But that’s never stated during that “next to the body” line, they left the identity of the body ambiguous on purpose.
And not only that, what's even more damning re: these being two different bodies is that Brenner says that the scientist's remains were found NEAR the cave system, whereas he says that this body with the spyglass was found IN the caves:
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And is it just me, or does anyone else find it weird that Brenner says that the scientist escaped?
That wording reminds me a lot of the ST Russia arc re: the Demogorgon escape, also reminds me of Henward and El trying to escape the lab in 1979 (staring at the idea of one of those Henwards being a Doppelganger) and I wonder if that “scientist” was actually some sort of Doppelganger creature shapeshifted into a scientist (which would be how it managed to escape/get past guards), and if the body in the caves was Henry’s body, with his spyglass next to it. Or, if the scientist was carrying some sort of creature/the shadow particles/if the shadow particles themselves are tied into all of the shapeshifter/Doppelganger stuff. And if the Doppelganger creature escaped, killed the scientist, and left, entering the caves and later attacking Henry/taking his form.
Which, speaking of the spyglass, if TFS “Henry” is actually a Doppelganger, why does he seem to have an emotional connection to the spyglass? Shouldn’t that emotional connection be based on memories? Memories supposedly only Henry would have?
Well, like I talked about in this post, and like Stav talked about in this post, DND Greater Doppelgangers gain all of their victims’ memories, the victim’s personality, and the victim’s mannerisms by consuming/killing them. So, the Doppelganger would not only have all of Henry’s memories of the spyglass, but would also demonstrate the expected emotional response that Henry would have- they literally consume EVERYTHING about their victims, it’s what makes Doppelgangers so formidable in DND, because they’re extremely difficult to differentiate from the original unless you have True Sight.
And also, it wasn’t uncommon for Doppelgangers to get “lost” in the person they were shapeshifted into, and basically forget that they aren’t actually that person/that they’re a Doppelganger, and also sometimes even forget who they're imitating/who they are in general:
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And also, going back to Brenner talking the way Henry reacts to this info/seizes almost reminds me of The Guest (which is on the S4 board):
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And in The Guest, this blonde haired, blue-eyed guy shows up to the Peterson family’s home, claiming to be a friend named David Collins who served in the military alongside their now-dead son, Caleb:
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And there’s even a picture of him on the mantle, in the military, with Caleb, his exact face right beside Caleb:
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However, the family- specifically the daughter, Anna, becomes suspicious of David, and realizes that he isn’t who he claims he is. Which, that reminds me of Alice telling "Henry" that he's Not Henry, especially since Anna in The Guest has blonde hair and has Alice In Wonderland parallels during The Guest (especially near the end):
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And how did Anna find out that "David" wasn't David Collins? Well, she overheard him on the phone talking to a plastic surgeon, and found out that“David” had been getting surgeries to hide his identity, and to make himself look like the real David Collins, having stolen David’s identity- hence how he was in the photo with Caleb- the man in the photo was the real David Collins, whereas the man that showed up on the Petersons’ doorstep was impersonating David Collins.
This has HUGE shapeshifter/Doppelganger vibes, it’s literally what DND Doppelgangers would be like if they didn’t have access to their shapeshifting magic, and if they were unable to consume the minds of their victims to gain their personalities/memories/mannerisms (and hell, only Greater Doppelgangers can do that, Lesser Doppelgangers still have to learn the mannerisms etc manually, by observing the victim & sometimes keeping them captive).
And once “David’s” identity is compromised/once it’s revealed that he’s Not David (which is another huge similarity to TFS Henry- they never tell us what “David’s” real name is, just that he’s Not David, just like how they don’t tell us who or what TFS Henry actually is, just that he’s Not Henry), “David” becomes violent, and he becomes violent because he was the victim of a mind control experiment done by the US government where the subject would become violent when their identity was compromised, and would kill anyone who was aware of their compromised identity:
Which, this reminds me a lot of how Doppelgangers tend to become violent once their true nature is revealed.
And also, “David” almost becomes a replacement for the dead brother/son, Caleb, in addition to also replacing the real David, as “David” bonds with Caleb’s siblings and parents much like how Caleb did before he died- much like how “Henry” in TFS is not only pretending to be Henry, but is also still filling Henry’s role in his relationship with Virginia/in TFS, it’s like if “David” had come home and pretended to be Caleb instead, it’s like they combined Caleb and David from The Guest to create TFS Henry and Real Henry vs Fake Henry.
And so, going back to that Brenner and Henry spyglass scene/the “next to the body” spyglass scene, “Henry’s” reaction to Brenner talking about the body is very interesting in the context of The Guest & “David” being programmed to kill when his identity is compromised & how Brenner seems to possibly know that “Henry” is a shapeshifter/killed the real Henry- but wait, how is that true if “Henry” doesn’t kill during that Brenner scene?
Well, they put those electrodes on “Henry’s” head and zapped the hell out of him, it seems. Which may have been enough to override that killing instinct/any sort of “programming”.
Like, that doesn’t seem like a regular seizure- he’s upright for a large portion of it, jerking and holding onto the spyglass very similarly to somebody that’s being electrocuted:
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Also, the idea of Brenner knowing that “Henry” isn’t the real Henry would tie into what Brenner says about how “Henry” can never lead a normal life:
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Because deep, deep down, a Doppelganger would know that they aren’t actually that person, even if they forget sometimes/even if they end up truly believing that they are that person, they never truly will be.
Also, the use of the word “crawl” from Brenner during this same scene is interesting- because what creature do we know that crawls around in ST?
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Oh, right. The extremely DND Doppelganger coded ST “Demogorgon”:
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Not to mention that they repeatedly make a point of showing "Demogorgons" crawling during TFS, both on the screens when Henry starts twitching, and as shadows on the side of the theatre wall thing during the play/when theyre crawling around when the Eldridge crashes.
And now, moving away from The Guest, there’s also what Patty says to Henry- instead of asking “who are you, Henry Creel?” she instead asks “what are you, Henry Creel?”
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Which, that’s an interesting word choice rather than asking “who” Henry is or even just asking “what’s wrong with you?”- it almost seems like Patty has realized that “Henry” isn’t human, that he’s something else.
There’s also the matter of the tentacle-spider-leg-things that grow out of Henry’s back in the attic:
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Which, first of all, how the hell did that even happen? Since when does Henry have the ability to randomly grow these appendages out of his body? Especially since Virginia saw it happen, so it doesn't seem to have just been a vision/Henry hallucinating.
And second of all, those appendages REALLY remind me of the tentacles from The Thing, and specifically the 2011 version (which is interesting considering the discussion in S3 about Carpenter's The Thing vs the original The Thing (the 1951 version called The Thing From Another World)):
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I wonder if the reason why a.) Henry was physically able to grow those appendages in the first place and b.) why they resemble The Thing so strongly (keeping in mind that The Thing was a shapeshifter that mimicked people), is because he’s actually a Doppelganger/shapeshifter, with his body able to shift however he wants/grow appendages like those ones that come out of his back.
Especially since Greater Doppelgangers can create new forms for themselves without needing to copy them from someone else, even though they stilll would very often copy them from others.
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And also, if we bring time travel into it/even just bring seeing the future into it, it doesn’t Have to be time travel, and when we look at DND lore, and how Greater Doppelgangers can consume and memorize up to 3 appearances/personalities at once, allowing them to swap between them, part of me wonders if TFS “Henry” had seen into the future, and had seen Vecna/somehow consumed Vecna in one of the timelines, and if those weird tentacle appendages coming out of his back were the start of him shifting into Vecna:
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But that’s more speculation than anything, and I’m not 100% firm on it, and like I said, Greater Doppelgangers can create new forms for themselves.
This would all also tie to what I talked about in this post re: Brenner somehow being Henry/puppeting Henry. If Brenner is a doppelganger/shapeshifter, then that explains how he can "be Henry"/look like Henry without actually being Henry.
Also, TFS Henry being a Doppelganger may also explain TFS Henry and Brenner Sr’s weird blood type, because like I talked about in this post, we have the weird blood from The Thing vs Doppelganger Virginia’s weird blood from the night of the murders.
Which makes me wonder if Brenner Sr ever came back at all- after all, isn’t it a little weird that it’s never explained how he managed to survive and come back?
But if he was replaced by a Doppelganger/grey ST “Demogorgon” from the yellow UD… and if that same Doppelganger later escaped and replaced Henry…
Maybe that’s part of why Brenner Jr wants to make contact with Dimension X/open a gate to it so badly- maybe he thinks his father is still out there.
And also, this brings us to Brenner Sr’s deathbed scene- where apparently he told Brenner Jr that he briefly ended up in another dimension:
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Which, sure, it’s still definitely plausible that that was Brenner Sr & that he was just telling his son the truth of what happened on his deathbed.
But also, isn’t it a little odd to barely survive and barely escape a horrifying alternate dimension and then tell your son about it, leading him to spend his entire life trying to get that very dimension? Trying to open a gate to it?
It almost feels like a trap.
Because if you were a shapeshifting creature blending in with humanity, and if you wanted fellow shapeshifters to take over humanity/blend in with them etc etc, wouldnt you want to open a gate to the dimension you came from/where the rest of the shapeshifters are? And if you couldn't open that gate yourself, wouldn't you want to get somebody (such as Brenner Jr) to figure out how to do so?
Especially since Doppelgangers can read minds- so it would’ve known all about Brenner Jr and how driven he is/determined he is/how likely he would be to try and open a gate to Dimension X if his “father” mentioned it on his deathbed.
Plus, look at the wording Brenner later uses about the cave:
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“You changed. Like my papa.”
Changed- as in shapeshifted, perhaps
Long story short, I think there might be some other variables involved other than just “Henry was entirely replaced by something in the cave,” but I also won’t be surprised if him being entirely replaced was the case.
There’s also something extremely weird about how 7 year old Henry has that super dark hair vs TFS and in-show Henry’s lighter hair. It’s almost like we never saw that 7 year old Henry again.
But yeah, there’s SOMETHING weird going on here. It makes me wonder if this is a timeline where Henry died/was replaced in the cave, versus Henry still being alive in other timelines.
Especially since the vibe of TFS “Henry” talking about how Henry’s “right here” to Alice reminds me of 001 talking about how the lab kids are “in here” to El (is the real Henry still inside the Doppelganger's mind, the same way the lab kids are?):
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Which would align with TFS “Henry” absorbing/consuming the real Henry versus 001 absorbing/consuming the lab kids, especially if both TFS “Henry” and that version of 001 that talks about absorbing the lab kids are both Doppelgangers, possibly even the same Doppelganger.
I also wonder if all of this ties into a.) the NINA simulation vibes that TFS has and b.) Brenner wanting to recreate Henry/001:
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Because part of me does wonder if a large portion of this is a simulation but the subject of said simulation is a Doppelganger, and Brenner is trying to force the Doppelganger to shift into Henry/convince it that it’s Henry.
But why would Brenner put a Doppelganger through something like NINA? Why not just let it absorb Henry’s memories naturally/by consuming Henry?
Well, because that would kill Henry. That would kill the original source, and Brenner doesn’t want that, especially not when there’s a chance that his attempts at recreation could fail.
But remember- Doppelgangers dont need to kill a person to take on their appearance, they only need to kill to be able to automatically absorb the subject’s memories and personality.
So, if Brenner got the Doppelganger to physically shift into Henry’s form, without killing Henry (therefore technically making itself identical to Henry), and then put him through NINA, he could basically have another Henry.
But why would Brenner want the Doppelganger to have Henry’s memories/experiences? Or at least believe that he’s Henry and have memories/experiences that are fake/altered?
Well, because of the role that emotions and memories play in powers & activating powers & the strength of powers.
If Brenner managed to get a Doppelganger to completely replicate Henry genetically, that Doppelganger could very well have powers/have the potential to have powers.
However, it may not be able to tap into those powers if it’s still a “blank slate”/has no emotions to fuel those powers.
Hence why he would need to put it through a simulation and make it believe that it’s Henry/put some of Henry's memories into its brain (see: spyglass memories from when Henry was 7, that we conveniently have video footage of, just like the video footage used during NINA), make it form emotional connections/feel emotions, which Greater Doppelgangers in DND are 1000% capable of- even though Standard Doppelgangers are typically more animalistic (although definitely not entirely animals/still intelligent), Greater Doppelgangers are just as smart and capable of emotions as humans are.
Just like how Brenner put El through NINA to bring her powers back/give them a spark:
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He may have needed to do the same for the Doppelganger- he may have needed to give its powers a spark.
I also wonder if this ties to Soteria- if Soteria prevents the Doppelganger from shapeshifting/inhibits its abilities, forcing it to stay in Henry’s form.
Anyway! Lots to think about.
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Particle Analysis System or Automatic Metallurgical Microscopes
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ranahan · 10 days
Mando’a tense/aspect/mood
This is where I’m currently at with my reinterpretation of Mando’a TAM. I’m not 100% satisfied yet (there are still a number of open questions like if and how the tenses combine, how exactly should fronting the particles be interpreted, etc.) so I might continue changing things later, but I figured I’d throw this out here on the off chance of getting some opinions or thoughts. I’d especially like to hear if you think something doesn’t work.
This post is something of a continuation of this previous post about TAM systems in creole languages and how they compare to Mando’a. And obliquely this one where I lament the fact that Mando’a doesn’t have a perfective/completive aspect. But then I had the thought that many languages conflate certain tenses and aspects. Like languages typically don’t have a gazillion different tenses and moods and different particles or conjugations for each. Instead they usually have a handful of different tenses/aspects/moods that make certain salient distinctions, but conflate others. Perfect tense/aspect is maybe the most familiar example, conflating past tense and perfective/completive aspect. So instead of coming up with new tenses, I started thinking about how the canon ones work and all the different ways natural languages combine and distinguish tenses/aspects/moods.
And just to be clear, this is me thinking about possible ways to do TAM in my version of Mando’a grammar, not an analysis of canon Mando’a. My goals are to make it
at least superficially compatible with canon (i.e. to not overtly contradict the canon corpus or how Mando’a speakers have already learned to do things)
not a code for English (because that’s boring)
more fully functional grammar (that allows expressing more complicated ideas)
My current (re)interpretation is that Mando’a has five tenses (one unmarked and four marked) and four moods (one unmarked and three marked). Like many natural languages (including English), Mando’a somewhat conflates tense and aspect. TAM are expressed by preverbal particles, many of which can attach to not just verbs, but adjectives and nouns as well. They can also be fronted, and so they’re not very tightly bound to the verbs.
English tenses situate an event relative to the time of the speech act (frame of reference). When I say “I ran”, I mean I ran before the time of speaking about it just now. This is called absolute tense, i.e. it’s absolute in time. However, Mando’a tenses are relative: they situate an event relative to the frame of reference, i.e. time is relative to the topic I’m talking about, not the time when I’m talking. If I’m talking about what happened yesterday and I say “I ran”, I mean I ran before whatever happened yesterday. And if I’m talking about something that happens tomorrow and say “I ran”, I mean I will have run before whatever happens tomorrow.
Why? Because what Traviss says about Mando’a tenses (that colloquially mandos don’t use tenses and tenses were invented to deal with aruetiise) doesn’t make sense—mandos wouldn’t be making business deals with outsiders in Mando’a. However, this interpretation would produce exactly the kind of confusion with and seemingly optional usage of tenses that Traviss describes.
Present (unmarked)
The present tense is unmarked. In English, it can be translated as present or simple past, or even simple future. “I am leaving”, “I left”, and “I will leave” can all be expressed by the present tense. This is why outsiders might think Mando’a colloquially doesn’t use tenses or that tenses in Mando’a are optional.
Ni ba’slana. I am leaving.
Ni ba’slana kar’tuur. I left yesterday.
Ni ba’slana nakar’tuur. I will leave tomorrow.
The present tense can also refer to an ongoing event that is still relevant to the present moment:
Ni ratiin kar’tayli kaysh sa ruusaanyc. I have always known them to be reliable (and this is still true).
Past (ru, r)
Or technically, anterior tense or relative past. The anterior tense places the event before the frame of reference. In Mando’a, it is used for things that happened before the frame of reference or things in the past that are relevant now. The closest English translation would be ��had done” or “had been doing”.
It is somewhat conflated with perfective/completive aspect. The completive aspect marks an event that is complete(d) or a past event that’s relevant to the current topic. They share at least some semantic overlap, which is how the conflation of past and perfective = perfect happens in many languages.
The relevance to the topical time could be resultative:
Ni epa tiingilar. I am eating tiingilar. Or, I ate (some) tiingilar.
Ni r’epa tiingilar vaal val olaro. I had already eaten the tiingilar when they arrived. (implication: and there was none left)
Ru’pitati. It has been raining. (implication: and it’s now wet)
Tion gar r’epa? Have you eaten yet? (Implication: are you hungry now?)
Perhaps even: Kaysh ru’nari’bat beskar’gam. He’s wearing beskar’gam, lit. “he has put on beskar’gam (and is still wearing it).”
The past tense can also express completion (especially when combined with adjectives):
Kai r’epayc. The food has been eaten up. (Implication: and there’s no food left)
Jetiise droten ru’trattoko. The Republic has fallen.
Tion gar vaabi bic? Did you do it? — Ni vaabi bic, a… I was doing it, but… vs. Ni ru’vaabi bic. I have done it. (Implication: and it is finished.)
Or an experiential sense:
Ni ru’seni. I have flown (I have done it before).
Ni r’akaani, ru’tal’onidi, ru’pir’ekulo par ibic—nu draar ba’slana ni. I have fought, worked my ass off and shed tears for this—I’m not leaving for anything.
Future (ven)
Or technically, posterior or relative future marks events that happen after the frame of reference. In Mando’a, it describes events that will happen in near future or are about to happen; future that’s relevant to the present, immediate, or known to be certain or inevitable.
It is somewhat conflated with inceptive/prospective aspect. The inceptive is the mirror of the perfect aspect: it marks a future event that is relevant to the present moment. In English, the future tense could be translated as “going to”, the inceptive as “start to”, the prospective as “about to”.
Val ven’olaro. They are coming. (Implication: they are already on their way.) / They will come. (Implication: I know they will.)
Ni ven’ba’slan’at bora. I’m about to leave for work. (Implication: so be quick about it because I’m in a hurry.)
Ni ven’kyramu gar. I’m going to kill you. (Implication: and that is a promise.)
Ven’pitati. It is starting to rain. / It will rain (soon). / It’s going to rain (later).
Vaal ni sirbu jii, gar ven’viini. When I say now, you will start running.
The future tense can also be used to express inevitable, natural or logical consequences:
Ca ven’shekemi tuur. Night will follow day.
Distant past (wer)
Something that happened long ago and is no longer relevant; something that used to be true but no longer is; also stories and myths that aren’t necessarily historical facts. Best translated as “long ago”. Rarely used, mostly in some stock expressions and storytelling.
Using wer as a distant past particle (like in wer’cuy) would nicely mirror ret as a distant future. There’s no immediately useful and logical aspect to conflate it with though, so perhaps it’s rare in everyday use.
Wer’cuy. It was ages ago. (Cuyi on it’s own beginning a sentence is translated as “there is…” or “it is…”). Also used in the sense of “once upon a time…” literally “a long time ago there was…”
Ay, ni wer borari ogir. Oh, I worked there ages ago. (Implication: and I no longer do & it’s no longer relevant to the present moment.)
Wer’cuy kih gi’ka. Gi’ka ane kihne be gise o’r ani sho’cye… Once upon a time, there was a tiny little fish. The little fish was the smallest one of all the fish in the entire sea…
Wer’cuy ni bal ner vod hiibi ibic bora—bal iba’bora… Ages ago me and my mate took this job—and what a job it was…
Wer’laar, myth, song of the eons past (lit. “eon-song” or “song of eons”)
Wer’uliik, mythosaur (lit. “long-ago beast”), the long-extinct megafauna of the planet Mandalore
Distant future (ret, re)
Far off, uncertain future; conflated with irrealis mood. Events that might or might not happen or have happened, including the far off future. Conflating these two senses (uncertainty/irrealis and far future) comes from my interpretation of Traviss’s statements about the nomadic mindset of uncertain future and canon expressions like ret’urcye mhi.
Basically mandos consider anything that isn’t imminent to be not written in stone yet. Another way to look at it would be to say they have two future tenses that are differentiated by the certainty of the event happening or the speaker’s degree of belief in it: ven for certain future, ret for uncertain future.
Ret’urcye mhi. Maybe we’ll meet again.
Ni ret slana. Maybe I will go / I could go / I would go / I might go one day.
Insert some mnemonic about 4 i’s.
Indicative (unmarked)
The unmarked tense that expresses realis mood i.e. things that are real or factual in some way.
Indicative/present tense is also used for expressing general truths:
Par ibic jorbe gar nu kyranu mando’ade, aruetii. For this reason you cannot wipe out Mandalorians, outsider.
Irrealis (ret, re)
Expresses things that aren’t known to be true. Literally “maybe, perhaps”, but can also be translated as might, could, etc. See above.
Ret ni slana. I might go.
Tion’ad ven slana? Who’s going to go? — Ret ni slana. I could go. (Or just ret ni, I could.)
Re’tracyuuri, ret’nu’tracyuuri—nu’baati ni. Shoot or don’t shoot, it’s no concern of mine. (The re’ form would be used before oral stops, I think.)
Imperative (ke, k)
Expresses commands and exhortations. Mando’a uses the direct imperative much more liberally than English—it isn’t considered rude at all.
Ke davaabi ke’gyce rol’eta resol! Execute order sixty-six!
Ke’dinui’ni paak, gedet’ye. Pass me the salt, please.
Direct commands can be very clipped:
Ke’mot! Halt! (lit. “stand!”)
Ke’serim! Take aim! (lit. “be accurate!”)
Ke buy’cese! Helmets on! (lit. “helmets!”)
The imperative can express direct commands, but it can also be used (especially in first/third persons) to express exhortation or jussive mood, similarly to English “let”, “should” or “ought”.
Ke mhi slana. Let’s go. (lit. “let us go”)
Ret mhi ke’slana. Perhaps we should go.
Ke slana, ad’ika! Go on, lad!
It can also be used to express commands to a third person. Formal imperative in third person would be common in written orders & legislation.
Ke kaysh vaabi bic. Have him do it.
Kaysh k’olaro. He should come. / He ought to come.
It’s also used in some subjunctive expressions:
Cuyi jaonyc kaysh ke’vaabi bic. It is important that he do it.
Not entirely sure if it shouldn’t be ke kaysh vaabir bic & cuyi jaonyc kaysh ke’vaabir bic… When exactly should the infinitive/conjugated verb be used is one of those unanswered questions of mine at this point.
Desiderative expressions:
(K’)Oya Mand’alor! Long live the king!
Ke’cin’ciri! Let (it) snow!
And it can be used in conditional if-then statements:
Meh ni mand’alor, ke ni toryc. If I were Mandalore, I would be just. (lit. “I should be just”)
Par cuyir rang, ke’cuyir tracyn. In order for there to be smoke, there has to be a fire.
In questions it could be translated as should:
Tion ni ke’ba’slana? Should I leave?
Fronting the imperative particle usually makes an exhortation:
Ke mhi slana. Let’s go.
Ke mhi gal’gala. Let us drink to that.
Ke kaysh olaro. Let him come.
Interrogative (tion)
Forms questions. Note that the interrogative particle doesn’t affect word order—no need to invert word order like in English.
Tion gar slana? Are you going?
Tion’ad slana? Who’s going?
Tion’vaii gar slana? Where are you going?
Tion’vaabi gar? What are you doing?
Tion’ad gar kyramu? Who did you kill?
Tion’ad nyni gar? Who hit you?
All the examples we have from canon front the interrogative particle, but I wonder if you couldn’t optionally insert it in place of the word it’s replacing in the sentence, like Mandarin does:
Gar slana tion’vaii? You’re going where?
Gar tion’vaabi? or Gar vaabi tion? What are you doing?
Gar kyramu tion’ad? You killed who?
Nominal TAM
And since Mando’a can attach verbal prefixes also to nouns, here are some nominal examples:
Riduur is your spouse, ven’riduur is the person you are going to marry and is understood to refer to a specific person and impending marriage vows. Ret’riduur however would be more like a hypothetical spouse, the person who would be your spouse if you were ever going to marry someone, or perhaps someone you haven’t discussed marriage with yet (and don’t know their answer).
Buir is your parent, dar’buir is the person who is no longer your parent, and wer’buir is your ancestor (one who you’ve never met—if you had personally known them, you’d use ba’buir or even ori’ba’buir instead).
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Investigating cell killers: An advanced system for size-dependent cytotoxicity analysis of silica
Metal nanomaterials have become an indispensable part of industrial and medical fields due to their unique and versatile properties. Their size, which imparts them with the desired physiochemical properties, is also the reason for environmental and health concerns. The nano-sized particles in nanomaterials have shown high reactivity towards biomolecules and often even toxicity towards biological cells. Scientists have attributed this behavior of metal nanoparticles in interaction with biomolecules to phenomena like inflammation or oxidative stress. However, to ensure the safe usage of metal nanoparticles, there is a need to explore molecular mechanisms responsible for the toxicity and understand how the uptake of nanoparticles by cells varies based on their shape, size, morphology, and other aspects.
Read more.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
BEWARE! Highly toxic graphene is now being put into these very common injections
Posted on August 7, 2024 by State of the Nation
Torsion Spectroscopy Analysis Of Dental Anesthetics And Vitamin B12 Injections By Diana Wojtkowiak PhD – 10 Out Of 13 Batches Contain Graphene
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Image courtesy: Graphene Oxide TEM Substrates https://aisthesis-products.com/graphene-oxide
Many people ask about nanotechnology in dental anesthetics. I hear of some people who ask their dentist and are told there is no mRNA in the anesthetics. Yes, that is correct, but that is not what we are concerned about. We are concerned about self assembly nanotechnology that can create a human machine interface. Its components are hydrogels made from many different chemical compositions, quantum dots, micro robotics for biosensing applications, toxic heavy metals, graphene, polymer plastics and more. Remember many teams did not find mRNA in the C19 shots. But we did find self assembly nanotechnology.
I have posted Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak PhD results on my substack previously She is the world renown developer of Torsion Spectroscopy, which allows for the chemical assessment of compounds in a novel way. Her research has made international news before:
The Expose: Polish Government Notified of Their Crime of Attempting to Legalize Genocide: 7 of 8 Medical Products Contained Graphene
Dr. Wojtkowiak did Torsion Analysis on the rubbery clots we had also analyzed:
Torsion Spectroscopy Of C19 Vaccinated Deceased Clots By Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak – Confirms Prion Like Protein That Cannot Be Dissolved With Conventional Blood Thinners
She also showed this groundbreaking research that the antimatter self of Covid 19 injected individuals is being altered:
Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19 Injection Induced Magnetism And The Possible Implications For Humanity. Do The Bioweapons Modify Consciousness And Is Big Pharma Involved In The Paranormal?
Today she sent me an email with her most recent research. She analyzed multiple dental anesthetics in Poland as well as Vitamin B12 Injection. 10 out of 13 Batches contained graphene. Here are her results:
The results of the examination of dental anesthetics of two producers are presented below. Out of thirteen batch numbers (each batch is a preparation made of specific raw materials added to one filling of the boiler-mixer), three of them did not contain graphene:
Ubistesin forte 9231801 07/2024 3M ESPE,
Citocartin 100 U5K91 06/2024 Molteni Dental,
Mepidont 3% U52U1 06/2025 Molteni Dental.
In the others, there was graphene in variable amounts. Vitamin B12 also contained graphene. In the first table, the measurement of standard graphene, in the next three anesthetics from three sources (dental clinics), in the fourth vitamin B12. In the tables, the term “radiation from the sample”, gives a preliminary orientation that there is graphene, but it is not a sufficient measurement, it is necessary to make a fragment of the spectrum.
There are the graphs of the radiation spectrum below the tables, the designation e- is the signal of electrons from aromatic systems, not only for graphene, anesthetics are also aromatic. The blue designation e is the signals from the electron orbitals of graphene forming a complex aromatic system. There are about twenty of them on the whole spectrum, here I used only three. There are no such signals in the three charts, so these preparations are clean.
On the x-axis there are angles of setting of the spectroscope, corresponding to elementary particles, elements and aromatic systems, on the y-axis there are the range of radiation from the samples at the output of the spectroscope.
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noodleblade · 5 months
Can I ask for 17. noticing their individual quirks from the blossoming romance prompt list with Simpatico? <3
Ao3 Link Here
Perceptor narrowed his optics down at the pile of clutter before him. Clutter was a kind, professional, polite way of describing explosive havoc of disorder and chaos that made up the dimensions of Brainstorm’s desk. Disgusting was another word that came to mind. 
::How do you live like this?::  
::Oh please, let’s not exaggerate. It’s not that bad.:: came Brainstorm’s groan. 
It was not an exaggeration. If anything, it was an understatement. 
Perceptor’s internal processors had a difficult time distinguishing just what exactly he was looking at. The only way to actually piece through what was on the desk was to deconstruct it layer by layer. A cross-section analysis.
The bottom-most layer- the foundation, if you will -were dried dribbles of fuel intermingled with a noxious dusting of sentiment and dirt. One of Perceptor’s background scanners identified a cluster of granulated particles to be aged candied energon treat crumbs. An entire rust strick made the foundation brick, its sticky residue gluing it to the hard surface of the desk. Perceptor idly pondered if its removal would cause the entire system to fall apart. And while his internal protocols desperately would like the area cleaned, organized and sanitary, he was not willing to find out if his hypothesis was correct. 
Cemented to this foundational core layer was the secondary mantle layer. This, from what Perceptor could read, was a scattering of notes all in Brainstorm’s sloppy, near illegible scribble. Tattered napkin bits from Swerve’s and printed notices from Ultra Magnus acted as the canvas for dynamic invention designs, schematics and impossible (and implausible) equations with attached nonsensical theorems. Several datapads acted as structural weights. When flicked on, Perceptor wasn’t sure if he felt amusement, exasperation or a sickly, prickling bashfulness in seeing several of his academic research papers and studies riddled with extensive notes, doodles and elaborations from Brainstorm. 
It didn’t take away from the utter disaster that was Brainstorm’s work space but it did soften the blow. Still, Perceptor would prefer if his research wasn’t adding to the disgusting catastrophe that made up Brainstorm’s desk. Perhaps a bookshelf or three would greatly benefit organization.
Level three- the crust -was as troublesome as the other two layers of clutter, if not more prone to disaster by their fragile and incongruous shapes. Trinkets , Brainstorm affectionately called them. Garbage , Perceptor was more keen on describing. In truth, they probably served best as paperweights, however haphazardly placed they were. 
The sentimentality was not missed on Perceptor and a part of him could even find the collection charming. Endearing. 
Perceptor had bared witness to the slow accumulation over the course of the Lost Light’s journey but had never really taken the time to truly examine them. Now he did, his optics scanning over the seemingly random series of objects: little samples of rock, crystal, fossil collected on pit-stop planets, a Rodi-Star for Temporal Excellence half hanging off the desk, a cluster of thumb drive stocked with films, music, and other media either gifted or stolen from Rewind- Perceptor was still not sure. Little gadgets and doodles from Nautica were in abundance and horrible tiny contractions built by Whirl intermingled with them. There was even a small toy-like bauble on the corner of his desk from Chromedome, Perceptor had been present when the Mnemosurgeon had left it there and Brainstorm never moved it, simply fiddled with it absentmindedly while mulling over his work before throwing it back to the corner of his desk.
All these items, papers and dirt and yet Perceptor still did not actually find what he was looking for. 
With a heavy sign, Perceptor responded to the insisting ping in his comms. 
::How do you expect me to find anything on your desk?:: 
Brainstorm’s response was bitingly quick. ::What are you talking about? Everything is organized!::
::It’s garbage, Brainstorm.::
::Use that brilliant mind of yours and you’ll see everything has a purpose.::
::What purpose do Ultra Magnus’s cease orders from 28 cycles ago have?:: Perceptor didn’t dare touch the fragile, lopsided stack in fear of it tumbling down and only adding to the mess. 
::They are counterbalances. Don’t move them or the desk will collapse.:: Perceptor had no doubt in the truth of that statement even if its intent was a joke.
::We are cleaning this when you return to the ship.::
::It doesn’t need any cleaning! I know where everything is!:
Perceptor let out a derisive snort. He could picture perfectly the little fluttering of Brainstorm’s ailerons, his hands moving in frustration. 
::The tell me where your cathetometer is.::
It was the reason for this call in the first place. For rare occasion, Perceptor had the lab to himself with Brainstorm accompanying Rodimus’s small expedition team. It’s not Perceptor’s fault his colleague forgot his equipment but he was not about to be a complete aft in not assisting. He just wasn’t going to personally dig through Brainstorm’s garbage heap of a desk alone. 
::Hmm, if you don’t see it in top it’s probably in one of the drawers.::
Perceptor rounded the desk to see six drawers lining the sides of the desk with three on each side. 
::Which one?::
::The left side. I keep the important stuff there.::
Perceptor raised an optic ridge and couldn’t help but ask ::And what do you keep on the right?::
::Come on Percy, let me have a little mystery, a touch in intrigue.::
::Nevermind, I don’t want to know.::
Perceptor didn’t need to be present to know Brainstorm was pouting, blast mask intact or not. Even hundreds of meters between them and Perceptor knew a pouting, sulking Brainstorm anywhere. 
::You’re no fun.::
::Yes I am.:: Perceptor replied back as he started with the top drawer, pulling it open only to find it crammed to the brim with even more data pads. All of them pressed together to a block so not even a tiny piece of dust could enter. Perceptor slammed the drawer shut. ::How do you live like this?:: he found himself reiterating. 
::Oh, not fun loving Perceptor still complaining about my desk. Is that fun? Cleaning and organizing?::
::You’re a scientist. How do you find anything in this?::
::Tell me how you are fun in explicit detail and I’ll tell you my organizational strategies. We can make a date of it.::
Perceptor snorted as he opened the second drawer. This was filled with several instruments and after some careful digging, he found the cathetometer . ::We can clean your desk together.::
::You must be a hit at the club, Percy. Really. Absolute stud. What moves do you have? The pencil sharpener? The label maker? The file organizer? Actually, you can’t claim that one. Minimus invented and perfected that one. ::
Perceptor could have told Brainstorm at any moment that he had found what the other mech was looking for but, he held onto the tool for a moment, softly smiling to himself as Brainstorm rambled insults to him. It shouldn’t be charming, it shouldn’t be amusing, it shouldn’t bubble up any sort of affection. And yet. 
::I’ve seen you dance, Brainstorm. I wouldn’t speak so confidentially with what you’ve demonstrated.::
::Are you saying Minimus is a better dancer than me? Because you surely can be saying that you are a better dancer. I mean, I think you’ll fall apart if you stepped foot on the dance floor.::
::It hasn’t happened yet.::
::When have you been dancing at Swerve’s? Before or after you deep clean and detail your desk every day?::
Without even thinking about it, Perceptor opened the third drawer. He stopped as it slid open, its few contents rocking in the sway. Recognition lit his processor in a warm, shy heat.
::I’m hilarious. So funny and smart and amazing and talented and resourceful. Speaking of resourceful…did you find the my cathetometer yet? I put googly eyes on it. For personality. Can’t miss it.::
Perceptor felt the warmth spread across his faceplates. ::I did.::
::Oh Percy, I could kiss you. Tailgate is almost back at the ship if you can give it to him. The mods to his hoverboard make him almost as fast as Rodimus. He’s pissed. Anyways I told you it would be easy to find. All my important stuff is.::
Perceptor barely heard a word of what Brainstorm said. Only sending back a short affirmative as he stared at the drawer. 
::Perceptor? You alright?::
With a sharp invent, Perceptor closed the drawer shut firmly. 
::Perfectly fine. I’ll be ready to pass it off to Tailgate. I’m clearing your schedule for the next cycle. We are cleaning your desk. I can’t work knowing you are working like this.::
::Percy! It’s fine. I don’t need your shitty excuse for a date-::
::It’s not a date.:: Perceptor swiftly cut off. ::This is a work hazard that is being remedied immediately.::
Brainstorm’s response was muted, delayed. ::Okay, okay. We’ll clean it up. I’m sure you’ll have a checklist and everything.::
Perceptor let a small smile come to his face even though he could hear the telltale rumbling of Tailgate’s juiced up hoverboard. ::Of course. You shouldn’t expect anything less from me. If you manage to get it done by shift’s end, I’ll buy you a drink. Maybe if you are lucky, we can dance.::
Brainstorm’s next several responses were streams of incoherent stutters that formed a very excitable agreement. Perceptor didn’t feel the need to continue the chatter as he passed over the tool to Tailgate who only gave him a slightly confused look at his smile. Perceptor didn’t care, not when he knew what lay at the bottom of Brainstorm’s important drawer. 
Sentimental fool.  
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