#parts washing machines
paltoosstore · 7 months
Guardians of Electronics: Unveiling the Power of PCB Conformal Coating Spray
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronics, the need to protect printed circuit boards (PCBs) from environmental stressors is paramount. Whether it's moisture, dust, chemicals, or extreme temperatures, these factors can jeopardize the performance and longevity of electronic components. One effective solution to fortify PCBs against these challenges is the application of PCB Conformal Coating Spray.
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Understanding Conformal Coating
Conformal coatings are thin protective layers applied to PCBs to shield them from a range of environmental threats. These coatings come in various formulations, including acrylics, urethanes, silicones, and epoxies, each offering unique properties to suit diverse applications.
Why Conformal Coating?
1. Moisture Resistance:
Conformal coatings act as a barrier against moisture, preventing it from seeping into the PCB and causing corrosion. This is especially crucial in applications where exposure to humidity is common.
2. Dust and Contaminant Protection:
The spray forms a protective shield, safeguarding the delicate electronic components from dust, dirt, and other contaminants. This is particularly beneficial in environments with high levels of airborne particles.
3. Chemical Defence:
PCBs in industrial settings often encounter a variety of chemicals. Conformal coatings provide a chemical-resistant layer that shields the components, preventing degradation and malfunction.
4. Temperature Extremes:
Electronic devices can experience temperature fluctuations. Conformal coatings offer thermal protection, ensuring that the PCB operates reliably even in extreme temperature conditions.
Application Process
1. Preparation:
Before applying the PCB conformal coating spray, ensure that the PCB is clean and free of contaminants. Mask off areas that should not be coated, such as connectors or sensitive components.
2. Material Selection:
Choose the right conformal coating material based on the specific requirements of your application. Consider factors such as flexibility, ease of rework, and compatibility with other materials.
3. Ventilation and Safety:
Work in a well-ventilated area, or use appropriate ventilation equipment, as the fumes from the spray can be harmful. Wear protective gear, including gloves and safety goggles.
4. Application Technique:
Hold the spray can at a consistent distance from the PCB and apply a thin, even coat. Ensure uniform coverage across the entire board.
5. Drying and Inspection:
Allow the conformal coating to dry thoroughly according to the manufacturer's recommendations. After drying, inspect the PCB for defects and ensure complete coverage.
Additional Considerations
Temperature and Humidity:
Consider the environmental conditions during application, as they can impact the coating's curing time and performance.
Curing Processes:
Some coatings may require additional curing steps, such as exposure to UV light or heat. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the specific coating used.
Re-Work and Repair:
Familiarize yourself with the removal and re-application procedures for the chosen conformal coating, especially if rework or repair becomes necessary.
In the realm of electronics, reliability is non-negotiable. PCB conformal coating spray emerges as a frontline defence, fortifying electronic components against the challenges posed by the environment. By understanding the application process and considering key factors, engineers and hobbyists alike can enhance the durability and performance of their electronic creations, ensuring they stand the test of time.
reference url: https://blogsubmissionsite.com/blog/details/guardians-of-electronics-unveiling-the-power-of-pcb-conformal-coating-spray
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egophiliac · 10 days
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 month
I had a nice visit but I’m so relieved my mother in law has left. I’ve spent the latter half of today repairing the house. Heat back on my beloveds room to try to get the humidity down, fresh sheets on their bed cause they’re way too fucked up to do that for themself, air purifiers pumped up to help with humidity as well.
Scrubbing the washing machine and reclaiming my spot at the kitchen counter where she’s been posted up all week.
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thechaotichorselord · 11 days
WIP that i hope to finish
i just wanna post what i got so far because i’m proud of it :3
song is QUEEN- english cover by trickle
Black belongs to @blackkatdraws
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gayrogues · 8 months
"what if herbert west and [insert other horror weirdguy] made out" interesting but consider the following: what if the bride from bride of re-animator and elizabeth from frankenhooker made out
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sloedancing · 1 year
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lacuna: part one
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balkanradfem · 7 days
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So I found this glass bowl outside.. in the trash. I thought it was an oven-safe glass container, in which I could potentially make a casserole, or something equally delicious. It has this interesting flat rim that I haven't seen on glass containers before, and usually these have engraved some sort of logo or brand name on them, but I couldn't find anything like that on this one. Studying it carefully, I only found the letters '22' lightly inscribed on the rim. I compared it to my other oven-safe container, and they're about the same thickness.
Then my roommate came home and I showed it to her excitedly, and first thing to leave her mouth was 'oh it's the washing machine thing!' and I stared at her, then at the bowl. Then I went to the washing machine, and compared them.
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It's almost a complete match. I can't believe this. The found one is a bit smaller, but there are smaller washing machines. The more I looked at it, the more I was sure that it is in fact, a piece of a washing machine. I really found a piece of washing machine outside in the trash?? The number 22 maybe referred to the size of it?
Now I'm pretty sure that it is a piece of a washing machine.. but the curiosity is killing me.. could you still make a casserole in it? I know not all glass containers are the same, and if you put not-oven safe glass in the oven, it could explode, and I do not want to clean glass out of my oven, or deal with the potential consequences. Is there anyone smart enough to know, can this be done? Is it just glass and it can be used in an oven?
If it's not fire-safe, I can still use it as a salad bowl, with added amusement that its original purpose was to enable me to look at the washing machine whirling the laundry around.
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funni-bunny-thing · 8 months
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This is the washing machine drawer compartment where you put your Maxes.
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egberts · 2 years
Babygirl HOW did this ketchup explosion occur... I know you're going thru it but we the people need some answers
we have these little sauce bowls and I was sitting down gearing up to eat myself some fried chicken and mashed potatoes when suddenly! i dropped a piece of chicken on the floor. so i picked it up but it had a rug-hair on it. and in my fumbling to clean my chicken i then proceeded to drop my ketchup bowl. and it landed on the bottom so by the power of physics the unsecured sauce inside the bowl LAUNCHED 15 feet up and over and got all over legitimately everything on that side of the living room. it is on the curtain by the ceiling. it is *behind* things and around corners. it was on the BACK CURTAIN which is under the front curtain. I'd say total area encapsulated in ketchup splatter was at least 40 sq ft. i'm still finding it everywhere and i have a feeling i'll find some more when i think it's all over. i'm in a ketchup covered hell.
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pelcrow · 6 months
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a bunch of my ocs!!
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syrinq · 4 months
average grineer and corpus blokes: aaaaahhhhh nooooo we're gonna die to the space killing machine :(
the space killing machine:
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wahoo! yippee ^__^ ! who's ready to get washed squeaky clean!
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paltoosstore · 7 months
The Power of Precision: Unveiling the Wonders of Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray
In the fast-paced world of electronics, where connections and circuits are the backbone of innovation, maintaining optimal functionality is paramount. One often-overlooked hero in this realm is the Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray. This unassuming can of magic holds the key to resolving a multitude of electronic issues, ensuring longevity, reliability, and peak performance. In this blog, we will explore the wonders of Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray and why it deserves a spot in every electronics enthusiast's toolkit.
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1. Understanding Electronic Contacts:
Before delving into the benefits of Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray, it's crucial to understand the role of electronic contacts. Contacts serve as the bridges that allow electrical signals to flow smoothly between components. Over time, these contacts can accumulate dust, dirt, oxidation, and other contaminants, leading to poor conductivity and compromised performance.
2. The Silent Culprit: Contamination:
Contamination is the silent culprit behind many electronic malfunctions. Whether it's a glitch keyboard, a fuzzy audio connection, or an erratic joystick, contamination on electronic contacts is often the root cause. Regular wear and tear, environmental factors, and even the simple act of plugging and unplugging connectors can contribute to the build-up of unwanted substances.
3. Enter the Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray:
This is where the Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray steps in as the unsung hero. Composed of a specialized blend of solvents, this spray is designed to dissolve and displace contaminants without causing damage to sensitive electronic components. The precision nozzle ensures targeted application, making it easy to reach tight spaces and intricate circuitry.
4. Benefits of Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray:
    a. Restores Conductivity:  By eliminating contaminants, the cleaner restores optimal conductivity, allowing for the smooth flow of electrical signals and preventing signal degradation.
    b. Extends Component Lifespan:  Regular cleaning with Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray can extend the lifespan of electronic components by reducing wear and tear caused by poor connections.
    c. Improves Performance:  Electronics cleaned with the spray often exhibit improved performance, reduced latency, and a more reliable overall operation.
    d. Prevents Corrosion:  The spray's protective properties create a barrier against future oxidation and corrosion, safeguarding your electronics in the long run.
5. How to Use Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray:
    a. Power Off:  Always turn off and unplug electronic devices before applying the cleaner to ensure safety.
    b. Targeted Application:  Direct the nozzle towards the affected area and apply short bursts of the spray. Be precise to avoid oversaturation.
    c. Allow Drying Time:  Give the cleaner sufficient time to evaporate and dry before powering the device back on.
6. beyond Electronics: Other Applications:
Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray isn't limited to electronics alone. Its versatility extends to various applications, including cleaning and maintaining precision instruments, mechanical parts, and even delicate optics.
In the world of electronics, where precision is key and reliability is non-negotiable, the Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray emerges as a silent champion. By addressing the root cause of many malfunctions – contamination on electronic contacts – this unassuming spray ensures that your devices operate at their best. So, the next time you encounter electronic hiccups, consider reaching for the Electronic Contact Cleaner Spray – your shortcut to pristine connections and peak performance.
reference url: https://blogsubmissionsite.com/blog/details/the-power-of-precision-unveiling-the-wonders-of-electronic-contact-cleaner-spray
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batsplat · 14 days
You cannot imagine how giddy I get when I see you've posted a nice long thesis on the riders. And the timezones work as such that I see it during breakfast and it MAKES MY ENTIRE DAY. The content just keeps tumbling around in my brain the whole day. Thank you!!!💛💛💛
this is so incredibly kind that I really don't know what to say... so I'm going to fire off a random undercooked take that is very very far away from thesis territory. featuring the 2015 season
in 2022, jorge gave one of his own regularly scheduled takes on the 2015 season. he offered up a bit of an unusual opinion by focusing on the argentina clash that year - which he that "crucial" in the collapse of the marc/valentino relationship:
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(god, can you imagine having a workplace falling out so bad that seven years later it's still an active topic of speculation what exactly the precipitating event was, and several of your coworkers enjoy regularly weighing in with their thoughts? like man they'll never be allowed to rest)
I find this really interesting coming from jorge. one of the fun things about that season is the degree of genuine ambiguity that exists about all of the major on-track flashpoints. was one of valentino or marc responsible for the argentina crash? was the cutting of the chicane at assen premeditated by valentino? and, of course, did valentino really kick marc at sepang? that being said... the argentina one has always been the one where it just seemed... unfortunate timing, shit happens. it's more on marc, he made a misjudgement and also just took a bit too much risk in the context of the title fight, but complete racing incident. that's the reason why this is a slightly odd take from jorge. it's the one incident nobody really has pinned on valentino, certainly not the commentators or the commentariat or otherwise or anyone
to be clear - this post isn't about figuring out what 'really happened' at argentina 2015, it's more about... well, how it was perceived at the time, and what that tells us. but, just to quickly get this out of the way: from the outside (and with the obvious caveat of 'what do I know'), it's a little tricky to see how you'd solely blame valentino for the collision. valentino is by this point clearly ahead of marc, he's literally just been bumped into by marc so may also not have been 100% in control of the bike, and he's taking a regular line into the next turn... when marc essentially rides so closely to him that valentino turning the bike takes out marc's front wheel. even if vale's deliberately trying to ride defensively against marc, he's perfectly entitled to do so. I know jorge doesn't actually specify valentino crashed marc out deliberately, but given the specific situation, I feel like that's what you're implying when you're saying he's "responsible". you're suggesting valentino knew where marc was and essentially purposefully moved the bike across to wipe out marc's front wheel and... look. I suppose it's possible, though valentino's also allowed to some extent to deliberately make the life of the guy behind him harder. more likely, this is just what happens when two hard racers race each other and insist on practically sitting on each other's bikes when they're on track together - sometimes it'll go wrong. except, of course, that won't stop controversy from breaking out... especially not when it's these two. here, from one of the write ups of the race, is a description of the two of them I've always been fond of:
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which is very them, yes. same type of guy, slightly different flavour, both with carefully cultivated reputations. but look, the main takeaway is this: we don't know their actual intentions. I don't know if valentino deliberately made contact with marc. let's be honest, marc doesn't know if valentino deliberately made contact. only valentino knows that. jorge lorenzo certainly doesn't know that. so why is this the incident he brought up?
in part, I'm curious how jorge even got that impression that marc was mad, and also why he thinks valentino was to blame. the latter, okay, jorge isn't naturally inclined to be generous towards valentino's particular style of racing, not least because he's fallen foul of it a fair few times over the years (though I'd say valentino on occasion was rather less subtle than that against jorge lol). but why is this the thing jorge brings up? I mean, you'd think he'd point to assen as the turning point, given he was literally sitting in that extremely awkward post-race presser and clearly very much enjoyed the whole thing. does he know marc was mad at valentino for argentina? that marc "didn't like it"? was this some kind of paddock rumour at the time? would there have been any basis for that rumour?
so, marc himself was quick to publicly deny that he was angry at valentino, something he reiterated at the next race in jerez. immediately post-race, he said the following:
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and the official statement:
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it's still far from the snarky digs of the post-assen presser, but to me this is a little open to interpretation. I always find 'learn' a very interesting verb. casey over the years was particularly keen on using that word, typically in relation to valentino, to the point where when you see that his tweet commemorating valentino's retirement includes the phrase "I learnt a lot from you".... well, that can be read in lots of ways, not all of them positive. it kind of depends on what you're learning, right? when casey uses it, the implication is basically that valentino was an asshole and casey had to learn to play his games and be more selfish fighting vale. marc uses the word four times in the interview, plus again in the statement. valentino has a certain reputation, a reputation marc is of course more than aware of. he is known for... not being a cheat, necessarily, but being a little underhanded in his tactics, a little devious. yes, valentino did a good job in managing the race, but also in the "melee". "you learn different things and different strategies". what kind of different strategies, marc? are we sure he's talking about tyre preservation here?
(speaking of tyre preservation, one of the reasons why marc was probably feeling particularly disinclined to let valentino go without a fight was the fuckery with the tyre choices. long story short, tyre choice was a big talking point due to the extreme wear they'd had the year before and the extra compound bridgestone had developed. marc made a bit of a show of faffing about with a late switch that he kept concealed until basically the last moment, presumably to fuck with his competitors who were tensely waiting to see what he'd pick. valentino, who had opted for the hardest option, said after the race that he'd ignored what marc was doing because he knew there was only one choice for the yamaha anyway. so in the end it didn't really work to unsettled his key rival and also... well, I mean, marc was two laps away from the tyre choice working in the race, but not quite! just couldn't build up the lead he needed to prevent valentino from reeling him in)
also, "in the end you can see perfectly what happens" is not technically the same thing as saying valentino was not to blame for the incident. it's a phrasing that shies carefully away from actually giving marc's own take on the incident. basically telling the viewer to draw their own conclusions from what they've seen on tv - even though of course marc does make clear he sees it as a racing incident. it's the kind of vague statement that marc has occasionally popped out over the years, at times perhaps implying more than outright stating he has a problem with a certain incident, which does make you maybe raise an eyebrow or two at how he words it here. it's just... listen, it could be 100% innocent and the whole thing isn't flirting with disaster as much as assen is, far from it, but it's the kind of thing where with 20/20 hindsight you do kinda go. hm.
there is a little more evidence that marc was indeed mad at valentino for what happened at argentina... if valentino is to believed and marc's manager told him so directly after sepang:
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(why, if you are marc marquez's manager, do you go to valentino rossi after sepang 2015 to tell valentino you think marc was angry at him for losing him the title. why would you do this. what are you trying to accomplish here)
do I believe this conversation happened? yeah, kinda, because it feels like an odd and very specific thing to make up. that's just a gut feeling thing - I have zero evidence either way obviously. I think at most it's plausible valentino misinterpreted what alzamora was saying. of course, the words "as much" do set off an alarm bell or two, maybe suggesting alzamora didn't directly tell him the bits about argentina and assen. but, y'know, it's also entirely possible marc did think valentino had deliberately taken him out in argentina, especially in the heat of the moment - and his team would very much have been aware of his feelings on the matter. not fun to crash out of the penultimate lap. not when clashing with the championship leader, who is also your hero and who you've generally gotten the better of... not easy not easy
anyway, again, this is definitely a bit of an undercooked take, but it's always nice to get a little bit of insight into what the paddock vibes were at the time. if there are many people - and if there were many people back then - who think that valentino had deliberately taken out marc, that he should have apologised to marc, that marc was mad at valentino.... if it got back to valentino through alzamora, did he hear it from other people too? to what extent was this kind of thing common wisdom within the paddock, or are these takes literally nobody but jorge believes in? we don't know, but it's interesting! argentina is kinda the unloved child of 2015 divorce incidents. partly because it does look so innocuous, partly because it's harder to ascribe ill intent, partly because the two parties are far more pleasant to each other in the aftermath. that's why jorge coming back to this specific incident has stuck with me... in all honesty, I don't really trust jorge to be a particularly good judge of marc and valentino's interpersonal chemistry at any given moment in time, but did he see the cracks beginning to emerge so early in the season? to what extent did argentina already make things visibly less comfortable between the pair of them? why does jorge think marc wanted an apology?
if marc really was particularly angry, then it does go to show how quickly he flipped the switch himself when it came to valentino, swiftly reappraising him as a serious rival who should be treated as such. also, let's put aside a minute what valentino's actual intentions were... it's revealing if marc did think valentino was deliberately fucking him over here. (which, given he's repeatedly using the word "learn" - if he does think valentino's responsible as jorge suggests, then he also doesn't think it was just an innocent lil mistake. you don't 'learn' from your hero making an error, you learn from them riding in a way that wins them the race by crashing you out.) like, y'know how in this post I was saying marc obviously was perfectly aware of valentino's past history, including the feuding and controversy of it all? I mean, if you want proof of how aware he was, look at assen 2015! he's clearly immediately suspicious of valentino and his motives... because he knows what valentino's like, because he knows that 'planning to exploit a grey area in the rules by deliberately allowing marc to make contact before cutting the chicane' is absolutely the kind of sneaky shit valentino is renowned for. what if marc does share jorge's belief that valentino is responsible for the argentina crash? if marc thinks valentino did so deliberately, then that tells you something about how marc sees valentino, no?
obviously they both massively over-correct when they arrive at jerez, which is how we get 'in bed remains the same' and lingering hugs feat. hip-stroking in parc fermé, all that stuff. if it did plant a little seed of suspicion, a little seed of doubt, then that maybe helps explain why they were focused on each other more than they were on the guy who won the next four races - even when it became increasingly clear jorge was the championship favourite. which is what it comes back to for me - the fact that such a seemingly innocuous incident was allowed to blossom into so much more shows there was already something there between the pair of them. the championship might be one thing... but somehow, if given half a chance, they were always going to see each other as their number one rival
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hey guys remember when in the literal first episode of asoue, olaf says something like
"you may think i'm an evil person, but let me tell you something.....you haven't got the faintest clue."
he was not exaggerating
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the-weeknd-real · 2 years
Mizuki finding Rui on the roof after an exhausting class and just silently walking to the edge of the roof, sitting beside him with a sigh before slowly falling over with their head on his lap and saying softly, ‘You better wake me up when the next bell rings.’ Then he doesn’t, knowing they’d skip the class anyways and decides for himself they look like they need the rest. Additionally, him hushing anyone who passes by and going as far as to slip out his tie to drape over their eyes if the sun glares through a cloud.
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ssspork · 10 months
I was going to do a “whaat noo I would never do this” and than show the thing but I can’t think of how to describe this sooo
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