#party politics spoilers
feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
I fucking love all The Bad Kids teaming up with Gertie against Fabian because he insulted her honey
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venomgaia · 10 months
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lobo the drow druid and his quest to befriend every evil/morally ambiguous npc as part of a tactical alliance
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seefasters · 5 months
briefly considered an idea where julian's daughter visits the button house hotel before remembering she's literally a green party mp and it's a golf resort. rip julian you will never see your daughter again
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ghostvibesonly · 1 month
god listening to the underworld hurts so much more after learning that “fun” fact (genuinely it’s so sweet oh my god but i’m using humor to cope)
“i took too long. I ventured too far while you were waiting”
“I’ll always love you”
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a-jar-of-beetles · 1 month
While Toshiro obviously had a good reason to leave the party and get back up, I think it would have been insanely funny if he stuck around
Like imagine the girl that you have a big fat crush on and literally proposed to got eaten but her brother insists that if they immediately go back they can save her, but instead of being like "we will have to use our rations sparingly" insists on eating monsters and recruits a guy who's main skill is cooking monster food. And after a long journey you find your crushes skeleton and then her bestie gal pal is like "yo I know necromancy" and starts arranging her skeleton and uses dragon flesh to bring her back. Despite all the tribulations your crush is finally back and when you admit the things you've done in order to bring her back she's like "wow that's so cool"
Like you don't understand how much money I would pay to see Toshiro's reaction to that
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har-har-harvey · 2 months
also, since tumblr won’t let you post more than one video unless they’re links or embeds, here’s a link to another clip i posted that adds a bit more context to the scene :)
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pxper-cranes · 1 year
I think theres something really beautiful and profound in what rwby volume 9 says about the concept of 'balance'. instead of two equal forces locked in a neverending conflict, it is the culmination of everything, or 'an ecosystem, an organism, a living breathing thing' that has to find its own equilibrium by everything coming together seeing what works and to culminate into a single, everchanging, yet comfortable and functional being.
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So confirmed now that Thom will be back next season. Interested to see how he'll be reintroduced (will he just randomly show up in Falme?) and which storyline he will be in. While the main characters are all, more or less, following the same path as their book counterparts, the secondary characters are getting shuffled around a bit. Loial basically got Min's role in Falme while Min took Thom's place as Mat's travelling companion. You could feasibly fit Thom into any of the book four storylines, he isn't really all that essential to Elayne and Nynaeve's. To be perfectly blunt, Thom isn't really essential to any storyline, he's pretty much just guy who tags along offering advice.
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zeb-z · 5 months
jrwi riptide 100//
Jay wanting to be a pirate just because of the freedom it gives her in this world. No lofty goals or ambitions. That’s what it’s always been about, hasn’t it? Since La Alma, who set sail from Joaldo without a thought of his future, and even before him, it’s been a clear theme. There is freedom in the open seas, there is freedom in having an open future. Not knowing what is next because you get to decide your heading.
And they help others find their freedom as well, as they make their own journey. Whether it’s by helping them fight back against whatever boot is crushing them, or trying to help them and give them resources to continue on their journey, or other such means. They’re the best goddamn pirates because they embrace this freedom, and they use their power to help others find their freedom as well.
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masterkeynobi · 1 year
trw e1 brain dump incoming im obsessed w how 0 people predicted some of the pc classes. BARD/ROGUE bulbian bishop? satanist (hungry one-ist?) shapeshifting BARD/WARLOCK teenage spymaster?? (karna is perfect btw i will never not love an ethically dubious aabria pc aabria i'm your biggest fucking fan but i was like 100% sure she’d be a rogue...)
anjali is sooooo fucking fun too ive never seen her play before but i love her already it’s real hot girl shit in there!!! she said somebody in here has to serve CUNT and she DELIVERED!!! jessica rabbit as a mango Do You Like Women. she has the most consistent accent(s) i’ve seen in the dome ever. like i wasn’t sure she Wasn’t irl british until she spoke ooc and sounded american. when she went french-accented british to speak fructerano... beautiful. love it. love to see it. (also was fun when matt went from french-accented to american-accented to indicate the switch to fructerano but that only lasted a few lines, rip)
feels characteristic (affectionate) of lou and zac to play very like. straightforward/Not Great At Politics pcs, given their past pcs within calorum (see: acoc ap ep 5, lou talking abt playing amethar so he doesn't have to be good at politics + zac talking about how playing lapin was hard bc he doesnt think/talk like that; by the time cumulous was in the picture there wasnt really Politics to deal with) vs iyengar + mulligan getting spicy with it and playing devious untrustworthy bitches w big ol secrets.
1. i think colin should kiss either deli or his mom, sorry, and 2. OBSESSED, truly, w the lady amangeaux-raphaniel-karna dynamics. brennans patented cute lil old man voice + a pc who's apparently so optimized to lie that he cannot get a sub-20 deception roll? i watched battle for beyond im gearing the fuck up for another mulligan minmax build that shit rules. lady a loving+trusting both of them implicitly but raphaniel maybe having killed...? her husband...? and karna def going out there and talking shit for fun and profit... yum. delicious. excited for it to get worse
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leefi · 7 months
the witch naming conventions in umineko are so crazy to me i know i only have 3 examples so far but what the FUCK is a LAMBDADELTA. frat society ass name. xbox gamertag ass name. xXxIPWNNOOBZxXx just hit a 12034 YEAR KILLSTREAK on the ROY FAMILY
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
Everyone deserves a Gorgug in their corner is fucking RIGHT, Ally
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pdalicedraws · 1 year
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Finished watching Kipo last night and did some doodles bc I’m procrastinating
The whole ‘cure’ thing really threw me, that was darker than I expected it to go. Very effective way to have significant casualties without technically killing off a bunch of characters, you know? They’re still dead, but you don’t have to say the word or show a corpse. 
(The waistcoat-Wolf is a result of me trying to balance how bad I wanted her to wear a suit for prahm with how she’d definitely not want anything that could get in the way of free movement, plus her Clothes Source was Hugo.)
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Okay so remember in like episode 4 when Mon Mothma has a talk with Luthen in the back of the museum-shop and she told him "Don't lecture me on vulnerability. No one is more at risk than I am. You think I haven't thought this through? I'd be the first one to fall."
And remember how in episode 5, Mon Mothma was planning and trying to reorganise a party while Cassian and the team were planning and trying to reorganise a heist against the Empire?
And remember how in episode 6, Taramyn and Gorn and Nemik died, and Cassian had to run away again, and everything was heavy and painful for these people who fought first line?
And remember how in episode 7, Luthen sent Vel to kill Cassian but Cassian was assaulted by a sandtrooper then a protocol droid then arrested and incarcerated without trial, while Mon Mothma was at a party in the comfort of her house, whispering about money and secret rebellions to her friend with a smile on her face and an expensive dress on her back?
And how in episode 8, while Cassian was imprisoned, physically tortured by an electrifying/ paralysing device, working 12h shifts day after day, eating liquid tasteless food through a tube and forced to take a "shower" at the same time as all the other naked prisoners; and while Paak was being brutally arrested and tortured for information; and while Bix was also being arrested and about to be tortured for information; Mon Mothma was at a party in the comfort of her home, an expensive dress on her back, her hair neatly brushed, sharing a drink and smiles with Empire enthousiasts and political enemies? People she seemed to despise a few episodes prior?
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pipskippy · 2 months
ok i knew kabru switched up his attitude when talking to toshiro and his party but damn it’s another thing to actually hear it
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 1 year
With Chloé being mayor in the name of "restoring democracy" (which she couldn't even pronounce), it reminds me a bit of US politics and how they claim to "restore democracy."
In Collusion, Chloé (illegally somehow) steps into the mayoral role so she can remain immune from the consequences that are yet to come for her, stating that she is "The People" and throwing around the word "democracy" (which she still could not pronounce at the end while giving a state address (or something similar to that).
In the US, Republicans claim to "protect the kids" while taking away gender affirming care, criminalizing ab0rti0ns, banning drag, banning "w0ke" books (in other words, books about Black history, stories about LGBTQ+ individuals, etc.) and so much more. Yet, they do not ban guns, which actually kill kids, and talk about raising the voting age so Gen Z does not vote yet. This is democracy under attack.
But 934, what does US politics have to do with Chloé being mayor and vice versa?
Power. The power the elite have. Chloé's family is rich, and she used their past influence (alongside Gabriel's wealth and technology, and Lila/Cèrise's manipulative skills), and this is how US politicians (and politicians in general) use their manipulative skills and wealth to claim and keep power as they attach the populous with policies, chipping away at whatever power marginalized communities have left.
Not to mention, adult politicians act like a 15 year old brat like Chloé when they don't get their way
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