#past me was a lesbian the same way past me was a girl. in that she wasn’t but also was. you understand.
stevesaxetogrind · 1 year
I have a plot bunny, it’s been done before but Stephanie Harrington is in my head. Consider, Season 4, trying to convince Robin that Vickie is also a tits girl:
“I feel it! Vickie likes boobies, she’s like me!”
“I’m not taking my ex’s advice on which girls like-”
“Ew stop saying it!”
“What? I’m a girl. You’re a girl. Vickie’s a girl. We all have boobies. We all like boobies Robin! Boobies, boo-”
“Shut up!”
“Don’t say that to your favourite ex.”
“You’re my only ex.”
“Well then as your ex turned bff- which Robin we didn’t even date- I say I have a great feeling. Fast Times doesn’t lie!”
“Fast Times isn’t even that good a film.”
“Don’t let Vickie hear you say that. Phoebe Cates would never. Take it back!”
“Nope.” Robin grinned that stupid smile of hers.
“How can you ever touch Vickie’s boobies is you don’t even take an interest in her interests?”
“Oh my god, stop saying boobies!”
“You said it too this time.” Steph smirked, “its funnier this way.”
“I give up on you.” Robin sighed, leaning against the door as they rolled into the school parking lot.
People milled about, completely uninterested in former Queen Bee Steph Harrington dropping off band geek Robin Buckley. Which was good. Robin liked it better that way.
She turned to Steph, tentative. “I’ll see you tonight. Are you going to take a date?”
Steph shrugged noncommittedly. “I’m giving Nance a life, she’s covering it for the paper so hopefully I don’t have to look like a total loner. But I got to support my best friend and her future girlfriend.”
Robing could only laugh when Steph started nudging her, enthusiastic to the end.
“High school is so last year for you, stop caring about popularity. Who cares if you go alone?”
Steph shook her head, “You can take the popularity out of the girl- violently and with monster goo from another dimension, but is it a crime to care what other people think? I’ve got to live in this town, shop here, talk to people- I’m not like you Robin, I’m not going to go to college… do you think I like little old lady Paulson giving me pitying looks about ‘ruining my face’ in the mall fire?”
Robin gave her a withering look. It didn’t stop her.
“Also Rob, I’m taking a break from men. Most girls think I’m some kind of disabled skank, and any girl who used to be able to tolerate me is either away at college or is caught between cheer loyalty and social suicide. I’m the one who couldn’t even make it into Tech as Head Cheerleader- you think they’d want supports but no-”
“Steffie honey, I don’t know your weird sports terms.”
“Okay point. Emily and Chrissy, maybe Tina S, are the only tolerable members of the Hawkins student body left and they’re all cheering tonight. I’m going to sit behind the band with you and cheer on Lucas. It’ll be fine.” She sounded like she was assuring herself more than Robin.
“Okay loser, you’re allowed to make new friends.”
“Or I could focus on the ones I already have. I don’t want Lucas to think the only reason I’m there is because some guy dragged me there to get laid.:
“Oh yeah. Huh, maybe you could sit with the kids. Everyone knows you babysat Henderson.”
“Yeah maybe. I know they don’t like sports, but it’s the Championship. I’m sure they’d grab some good seats at least.” Steph looks considering at which might be worse. At least she’d have someone to talk to, even if they were her freshmen friends. Especially since Nancy would be busy for most of the game.
“Maybe they’ll even let Lucas play. It’d be good for you all to cheer together! Little supporters’ section.” Robin suggested.
“God, I hope so, he’s been practicing a lot. I know he’ll do so well if they just give him a chance.” Steph smiled. She’d have played basketball for the school team if they’d scraped together enough girls for an inter-murals league, but it was just her and Laura C. No one else wanted to do anything that close to tomboy material. So, it’d been a lot of fun playing with Lucas when she’d drop Dustin off to their little summer game nights.
Robin gestured up at the school, bell about to ring. “Well, this is me dingus. Love you Steph. Wave to me tonight.”
“Love you too, see you Robbie.”
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boydykedevo · 10 months
I was a closeted lesbian and a theatre kid in high school when the prom was on broadway so although I admit it’s not perfect it also very much is To Me
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void-kissed · 1 year
🌈 for aqua!!
Hi George!! Thank you very much for sending this!!~
I will also be tagging @winds-beloved in this answer, because they happened to ask me the same question! So, thanks to you as well, Merlin!~
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - ..Despite Aqua being one of my main romantic F/Os (and certainly who I would call the first F/O I "actively" selfshipped with, despite not knowing of the term at the time), I addmitedly don't have any particularly significant or stand-out headcanons for her! If I had to give you a concrete answer at this moment, I'd probably say that sexuality-wise she's a lesbian, while gender-wise she's cis but she has given it a lot of thought before settling on that conclusion.
I hope that this is alright! Thank you again for sending this ask in~
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Was just thinkin bout that time last year when straight people were routinely assaulting lesbians at the local gay bar in the capital city of Brisbane, Australia, and absolutely no news corps, 'L'GBT or otherwise, picked it up, so I learnt about this particular incident from a comedy page that's apparently against racism and Scott Morrison, but not against making fun of lesbians being hate-crimed🙃
(for those playing at home the female in the black shirt lying on the ground at the start was randomly king hit by some straight dude in the club, breaking her nose and fracturing her jaw. That straight dude and his male and female friends were all kicked out the club, but chose to wait outside to continue their homophobic assault against lesbians)
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guideaus · 1 year
From Far Away gets my stamp of approval because it made me remember this time i got jealous of this couple in front of me and it made me wanna be in a romantic relationship, while a s*gn of aff*ction brought out my inner middle school lesbian, not sure what girls are supposed to actually like or not
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lustspren · 3 months
P.S.T EP. 12 | Love Language ft Ningning.
length: 12k words✦
Ningning & Male Reader
Special Guest: ITZY
genres: oral sex, dirty talk, ass eating, facetime sex, squirt, footjob, lesbian, butt play, sneaky blowjob/handjob, bit fluffy
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Once again, the Miami morning sun filtered through the balcony window and filled your room with light. The shine was annoying on your eyes, but it was the perfect natural wake-up call for you to open them and look at the beautiful angel lying next to you.
Yoo Jimin was pure natural and ethereal beauty. You had read multiple times on different social networks that she looked like she was made by computer, and you had never understood those comments as much as you did at that moment when you saw her peacefully sleeping. You moved as subtly as you could to lean on one elbow and brush a strand of hair away from her temple. You brought two of your knuckles close to her cheek and rubbed it slowly; she shifted slightly, and grabbed you by your wrist so you could cradle that side of her face with your hand. You couldn't help but smile. She clung to your hand as if it were a teddy bear.
Of course the cute moment couldn't last too long. The doorbell of the suite and multiple messages on your phone snapped you out of your trance. You frowned, since it was fucking 7 in the morning. While you were reading the messages the doorbell rang a couple more times.
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When you finished reading the messages you lowered the phone and found that Jimin was already beginning to open her eyes. She had the same annoyed expression as you as she rubbed her eyes.
"Well, I have to assume the deal between you two is over," you told her with a sigh.
You got out of bed, turned off the air conditioning, and reluctantly put on some boxers. You left the bedroom and walked through the corridors of the suite. The doorbell continued ringing, and you quickened your pace so that it would shut up once and for all. When you reached the door and opened it, all the girls except Noze began to enter the suite like raiders. Minjeong and Aeri passed you by without even saying hello, but when Ning did she hugged you around the waist and kissed your cheek to join the other two.
"Mother of God! This place is huge!" you heard Aeri say from behind you.
"I want to stay in a place like this too!" Minjeong protested as well. Ningning didn't say anything.
"Weren't there more subtle ways to wake me up?" you asked, looking Noze in the eyes. She didn't seem to care at all, "How annoying, damn."
"Aha whatever," she waved her hand and walked past you. You closed the door with a huff, "Today's breakfast and meeting will be here."
Just then Jimin also came out, wearing nothing but panties. She was still sleepy and her hair was a mess. She stood looking towards the balcony with a frown. Minjeong was looking at figurines on a shelf, Aeri was next to the coffee table, and Ningning was sitting on the couch. You could see in her face that she wanted to lie down and sleep too.
"Oh, can we all have breakfast naked then?" Aeri teased with a giggle, looking at Jimin.
"Go get dressed before room service arrives," Noze ordered, with a sternness that let you know she was in no mood for jokes.
You and Jimin went back into the bedroom and while you were in there you agreed to take longer on purpose. How did you do it? She gave you a quick blowjob, made you cum inside her mouth, and right after that was when you really started getting dressed. You came out and all of them were already settled at the table on the balcony. You took the free seats. Jimin to your left, Noze to the right.
That particular morning it felt like you were in hell itself. You didn't know how many degrees it was, but the sun stung your skin. You thanked god it wasn't right above your head, otherwise you would have been roasted alive. Luckily, the sea breeze counteracted the heat a little and kept you cool.
Noze began to detail all the activities scheduled for that day. You were all paying as much attention as you could, but it was evident on your faces that none of you had rested well enough to be fully operational at that time of the morning. As soon as she finished, seconds later room service arrived.
"Well? How were those nights?" Minjeong asked you, sitting next to Jimin, "I think I deserve to know the details, right?"
The hotel workers placed plate after plate on the table, which soon began to fill with food of all kinds. That made you remember the breakfast Jimin had made you eat the day before, and you had Vietnam flashbacks. Your gaze was lost looking at some boiled eggs with vegetables.
"We just bro'ed out, ate pizza and played video games," Jimin replied with a mischievous smile, "Nothing exciting, Minjeong-ah."
"Hey, hurry up and eat. It's getting late," Noze interrupted you.
"Mother of God, late for what," you said, wrinkling your forehead, "Not even the roosters have woken up at this point."
Noze glared at you, but the rest of the girls laughed at your joke. You, however, didn't find it so funny, you still felt exhausted from the day before and what you were saying was a real complaint. All of you finished your breakfast in a matter of about ten minutes. This time you didn't eat much; it was enough for you with some egg and cheese toast, and some cereal bars.
"Girls, go to the lobby with the rest of the staff so they can take you to the venue. They are already waiting for you," Noze told the girls.
All the girls obediently wiped their mouths with napkins and stood up. Jimin said goodbye to you with a couple of pats on the cheek. Ning gave you a kiss on the cheek again, along with a light caress on your chin. You could feel yourself almost melting at her soft touch, but you hid it as best you could.
"Did you have fun with Jiminie?" Noze asked you once all the girls left.
"Sex with her is fucking amazing, I'm not going to lie. But the best thing of all was feeling like she was just another good friend... I mean, I got to know her a lot better, and that was very valuable to me."
"Yeah," she nodded, looking out toward the open sea, "it probably doesn't show much on the outside but she's a very down-to-earth girl."
"You and her get along well, don't you?"
"She's the leader of the group I manage, silly, I have to get along with her anyway. But you're not wrong, she and I have formed a special bond over time."
“Um…” Noze knew what you were thinking, she laughed and tapped you on the forehead with her middle finger.
"I don't like her, idiot. And she doesn't like me either. In fact, she's told me more than once that she's not interested in girls, not in a romantic way at least."
"I imagine so. Dating restrictions only lead to them fucking each other."
"Mhum. But that can get out of control sometimes, that's why I have to keep them in line."
"And I'm the tool to do it huh?"
"Mmm, kind of, but you're not just a tool anymore. Those girls really like you, so it's up to you not to let them down."
"I have no plans to do so either."
"Cool,” she turned her gaze to you again, "Now, you have work to do."
"Which paparazzi needs to have their teeth broken?"
"All of them, but that's not what I want you to do. I need you to collect all the girls' luggage and leave them ready for the hotel check out."
"Oh, piece of cake."
"However, I have bad news for you," she said as you made a move to get up from the chair. You sat down again.
"What's the matter?"
"This morning my days of the month started. You don't need to be very smart to know what I mean. And I know the girls well enough to know that theirs is coming too."
"Oh, okay, but what's up with that?"
"Nothing. I just apologize in advance for any behavior you may have to bear over the next few days. Not just theirs."
"Nah, no need. I think I'm pretty tolerant."
"Alright," she nodded and stood up. You did too, "Oh, one more thing. After tonight's concert we're taking a bus to Atlanta. I booked a nice spacious one just for the six of us."
"Damn, that sounds great," you and her left the balcony and walked into the suite.
"Yup, we'll have a three-day break between tonight's concert and the next one. So if you want some time to yourself and grab some souvenirs, that’s your chance."
"Oh, great. Yuna will start crying if I don't bring her something," you let out a sigh, "Well, I have work to do, if you'll excuse me."
"Go ahead, and good luck. Who knows what you might encounter in those rooms," Noze turned around with a laugh and left the suite.
Of course you started with your and Jimin's luggage. There weren't many clothes scattered around the room, you had been as organized as possible and everything was perfectly in order. You just had to make the bed, leave everything as you found it when you first entered and get to work with the other rooms. You already had an order that you would follow, and since you knew Minjeong and what she was capable of, you decided to leave her room as the last one just so you could be mentally prepared for what you would find there.
You started in Aeri's room. It was frankly a disaster. There were clothes of all kinds everywhere: blouses, sweaters, pants and panties. The main place of concentration was around the bed. You picked up each piece of clothing and folded it as best you could to put it in the suitcases that weren't even completely unpacked. It was evident that with each passing day she only took out what she needed and survived that way. It didn't take you too long to gather her things and leave everything neatly packed.
Ning's room followed. Just as you expected, that room looked as if no one had used it in weeks. Everything was perfectly organized and clean. Ning's suitcases were neatly packed and organized at the foot of the bed. You noticed there was a small note on top of one of them. You went to pick it up and read it.
'Thank you for taking such good care of me, darling.
Love, Ning.'
You smiled from ear to ear, folding the note to put it in the back pocket of your pants. You made a mental note to spend more time with her over the next few days so you could thank her for making your job so easy. She was certainly a being of light who deserved all the love in the world.
The joy didn't last too long. The next room was Minjeong's, and you couldn't put it off much longer.
You were mentally prepared—or so you thought—, but as soon as you opened the door, what your eyes saw left you perplexed. There was a very stark dichotomy in the room, almost as if it had been cut in two and each half had been used by a different person. The suitcases were well organized and her bed was half made, which was appreciated. But the other side was an exaggerated conglomeration of sex toys of all kinds: dildos of all colors and sizes, vibrators, handcuffs—you had no idea she had any—, and even a pair of anal plugs that you didn't expect she had.
You stared at the sexual objects for a few long seconds without really knowing how to act or what to do. Hundreds of dirty thoughts ran through your head. One of them was Minjeong with her wrists handcuffed behind her back being fucked in her ass. Another was her sucking you off while she had one of those butt plugs buried in her ass.
You quickly came back to reality and set about gathering all the things the best way you could. Looking back you noticed an empty bag, you immediately assumed it was the bag she had dedicated entirely to her toys. You took it, put it on the bed and started putting things there. While you were doing it, you were surprised that one of the plugs was still warm and with a light layer of lubricant on top.
"This girl..." you murmured in disbelief, holding the plug by the edge so as not to stain yourself.
However, this was not the only thing. One of the dildos was also warm and wet with what you knew were Minjeong's fluids. You cursed her in your head. She had done it entirely on purpose knowing that you were going to collect the luggage.
As you put the dildo away, just like there was a camera in the room or something, you received a message from Minjeong.
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You didn't even bother to answer, you just grabbed both toys to clean them in the bathroom and put them away with the rest of the things. With all the things ready, you prepared to make your way to the lobby, still with Minjeong's dirty thoughts running through your head non-stop. You had to make a little mental effort to get that out of your head. You thought about Noze looking at you with a look like she wanted to kill you, but that only made it worse. So you imagined your high school math teacher in a bikini. That was it.
When you arrived at the lobby you had to ask a couple of staff members for help to fetch a few suitcases that you left behind since you didn't have enough arms to carry them all, but soon everything was ready for check out.
With everything ready to go you had the girls' luggage begin to be loaded onto the big bus that Noze had booked. It looked like one of those buses that soccer teams used to go from one city to another, spacious, nice and modern.
You still had some free time to go to the venue, and remembering that the days of girls' month were approaching, you decided to run to the nearest store to buy them some things. You put your deepest feminine instinct into practice to figure out what to buy; in the end you decided on chocolates of all kinds, snacks, gummies, small soft stuffed animals and last but not least, pain pills—you had to ask the woman at the pharmacy which ones were suitable for menstrual cramps.
When you bought everything and went to the venue with the bags in your hands, you found that everything was absolute chaos. You rushed into the middle of the commotion to help with whatever you were useful for, and in the blink of an eye, the next thing you knew, there was a crowd outside eager to see their favorite girl group. The girls were ready to go on stage.
From that backstage area you could perfectly see the audience from the darkness, where the spotlights did not shine. You dedicated yourself to seeing as many people as you could, all of them with an emotion that oozed out of their pores. At that moment you thought about how truly blessed you were to be able to enjoy each concert from that position, and above all, because of the good relationship you had with each of them.
The days went by and you watched each concert until the end, but it never ceased to amaze you how Noze had everything running like a perfectly adjusted clock. The logistics were impeccable in every sense of the word. The costume changes were smooth; every emerging need of the girls was met almost immediately; the lighting never failed, and the sound was incredibly well mixed.
The concert came to an end, and soon everything began to be dismantled. You, Noze and the girls met backstage.
"Damn fucking mother Nature," you heard Aeri say to your left, with English and tone worthy of Mean Girls.
“I'm too bloated, oh my god,” Ning complained, pointing a portable fan at herself, “Please tell me I still looked pretty,” she asked you.
"You always look pretty baby, now go drink some water, please."
"I'm going to fucking explode," Minjeong growled, going to sit in a chair. Jimin sat next to her.
"Hey, at least it's not the worst that could have happened," you said.
"And what do you think is the worst that could have happened, genius?" Noze said, passing by you.
"I don't know, a space kitty invader could have come and devastated the venue. Come on, cheer up. Soon you'll be able to sleep comfortably."
Your words were intended to perhaps lift their spirits a little, and it seemed to work at least a little. Everyone's faces lit up and they looked at you with little smirks.
"He's right," Noze said, "All we have to do is get on that bus and sleep until we get to Atlanta."
"That sounds like a dream to me," Jimin sighed, "let's hurry up and get out of here."
For the next few minutes you dedicated yourself to being as helpful as possible so that the girls didn't have to do too much before getting on the bus. Once inside, everyone took advantage of the tinted windows to start changing into baggy and comfortable clothes. You did it too. You put on an adidas sports outfit; black tracksuit jacket and sweatpants along with your sliders.
"Girls! I have some gifts for you," you announced, taking the bags that until now no one had wondered what they were.
"A magic pill that will automatically eliminate the menstrual process from our body?" Jimin asked.
"I'm still working on it, I ask for patience."
You went through the seats and began to distribute everything you had bought. All of the girls had wide smiles forming on their faces. You distributed everything evenly, leaving some chocolates and snacks for yourself.
"Oh my god thank youuu!" Aeri squealed with excitement, grabbing her unicorn stuffed animal and hugging it. Jimin had a whale, Minjeong a Siberian husky, Ning a tiger, and Noze had a clown fish.
"This is so cute I might throw up," Minjeong joked with an adorable smile.
"Just wait for you to sit here. I'm going to kiss you like you've never been kissed before," Ning said from one of the wide sofa-like seats.
"Noze didn't pay you for this right?" Jimin laughed, opening a twix chocolate with her whale hugged to her body.
"As incredible as it may seem, no, I didn't," Noze replied, also with a little smile of disbelief.
The bus finally started, and everyone started eating many of the things you gave them. You had gone to sit with Ning, and just as she had promised, as soon as you sat next to her she wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you multiple times on the lips and all over your face.
"You're so sweet," kiss, "and adorable," kiss, "and loving," kiss, "and wonderful."
She cupped both hands on either side of your face and looked at you with bright eyes. You were going to kiss her again until Aeri opened her mouth.
"Hey, I'm sorry to ruin your romantic moment," she apologized, "but can you come and massage my back and feet? Pleaaaase?"
"Fuck, I can't say no to that. Can I too?" Ning asked.
"Me too?" Jimin asked. Minjeong repeated the question. Surprisingly Noze too.
You had no choice but to agree to their requests. You went to Aeri's seat and started warming up your fingers before you started. Your specialty was doing massages, and this time you would do the routine you always did to loosen the muscles. Aeri melted into your hands, letting out long sighs of relief and taking deep breaths that you took as good signs; she even pulled up her baggy sweater so you had better access to her back muscles, which was really helpful. When you finished with her back, you knelt in front of her to repeat the process with her feet, which you noticed were incredibly tense and swollen.
As soon as you finished your work with Aeri you signaled Ning and Noze to have one of them come over since Minjeong and Jimin had fallen asleep before their turn. It was Ning who reached you first. You tried to work as quickly as you could, while still treating the two girls in the best way possible so that they could have a pleasant rest.
When the massages were done, you, Noze and Ning went to the sofa at the back of the bus where she was sitting. The space was very cozy, and it was an area of the bus—which in itself already seemed like a small apartment— where the air conditioning was colder and more pleasant. As soon as you placed your butt back on the padded surface you sighed and finally settled down to look at the layout of your surroundings. To your right was a corner sofa with a dining table. To your left, a small desk with an artificial campfire. In front you had a couple more seats, one on each side of a small table with a lamp and a television attached to the wall.
"Have you ever seen No Strings Attached?" you asked the girls.
They were huddled against you, Ning on your right and Noze on your left. Both hugged in your arms. They both shook their heads.
"Well, it will be your first time then."
You grabbed the TV remote and went to Netflix to find the movie. The three of you started watching the movie, but halfway through, Ning fell asleep. You noticed it from her adorable, subtle snores that filled your heart with tenderness. That left you alone with Noze. Once again.
"She snores like her stuffed animal would, she's so damn adorable," she said in a low, husky voice, followed by a giggle.
"Do you think she liked it?"
You had a hand placed on her thigh. You hadn't done it on purpose, just your hand ended up there, but she didn't say anything about it.
"Are you kidding? I haven't seen girls this excited and happy about something in a long time," she lifted her head from your shoulder to look at you, "It was a very nice gesture on your part, really, thank you."
You also turned your head to look at her. You met a pair of sleepy and somewhat shiny gorgeous eyes, but inevitably your gaze drifted to her full, red lips. She looked inexplicably beautiful like that, with her hair somewhat messy and dressed in that sweater that was twice her size. You were so, so tempted to make a move, but you held back.
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"There's nothing to thank me for, it's my way of showing that I really love them."
"Does that include me?"
"Why, are you jealous?"
"No, it's just that you're looking to sleep in a hotel lobby when we get to Atlanta."
You couldn't help but smile. She really was jealous.
"Of course that includes you... Noze? I'm starting to not like calling you that, darling."
"Jihye," she finally said with an adorable smile, "Noh Jihye."
"Oh, so that's where the No in the name comes from."
"Aha, you're very smart, congratulations," she lay back on your shoulder with a giggle, "shut up and let's finish watching the movie, I'm exhausted."
The reality was that the movie hadn't even ended when she fell asleep, so you finished watching it alone. When the credits popped out, you turned off the TV and made yourself comfortable between the two of them, resting your head on Ning's and fell asleep just like that.
You and Aeri woke up when you were passing through Cordele, but the rest of the girls didn't wake up until you were passing through Macon. Another hour passed when you finally arrived in Atlanta, straight towards your destination: the Ritz-Carlton hotel, a small but wide building in the middle of the city.
"Alright girls, you have a few days off to relax. Enjoy it," Noze announced as you arrived at the hotel lobby, which was honestly the most impressive to you yet.
"You still owe me a massage, don't forget," Jimin told you, she was walking in front of you.
"Aha, sure thing," you nodded, looking at the enormous heptagon of warm lights above your heads. The spacious reception in front of you.
"Hey, I'd like to have a few drinks with you one of these nights, are you up?" Noze told you, standing to your left.
"You don't even have to ask me. You know the answer."
She smiled and walked towards the reception as she watched you.
"Cool," she winked at you and prepared to say a few words to the receptionist, "Oh, and for the record!" She turned around to see you all, "You have free rein to do whatever you want, but if you are going to leave the hotel make sure you communicate it through the appropriate channels. Me, basically."
You stood waiting for a few minutes while Noze got you all the cards. As you did so, you all took the wide stairs that led to the first floor. That's where the elevators and the real hotel started, and also where you all parted ways to go to your rooms.
Your room was spacious and with good views of the rest of the city. The first thing you saw when you entered was the queen size bed with white sheets and pillows, and another long pillow but gray with white prints in the middle of them. In front of the bed there was a chest of drawers with dark varnished wood on the top and champagne-colored melamine on the drawers; two large ones on each side and four small ones in the middle. On the wall behind the dresser was the television, and to the left of it was also a small dark desk with a dark brown plastic chair. Finally, at the back of the room, right in front of the window, there was a large dark silver alcantara sofa with a small circular high table in front of it.
The first thing you did when you entered was take off your shoes and start unpacking all the things you knew you would use during those three days. After putting everything in the dresser and leaving your laptop and phone on top, you went directly to the bathroom to take a necessarily long shower. You came out again with the towel around your waist and went to check on your phone, finding that you had a message to read.
It was Lia. And when you read her name, a huge feeling of guilt attacked you for not having been able to pay attention to them. You immediately responded to her.
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After having responded to Lia you decided to also write to the rest of the girls—all while you were in a towel in front of the widely open curtains where anyone from the building across the street could see you.
Of course, the first was Chaery.
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Once you sent all the corresponding messages, you got dressed, turned on the air conditioning and went to close the curtains in the room. Then you grabbed your laptop from the top of the dresser and made yourself comfortable on the couch. You started watching Haikyuu, an anime that you wanted to start for a while but hadn't had time to. A couple of hours passed when you remembered that Rina still wanted that massage, so you picked up your phone and texted her.
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When you received confirmation from her you closed your laptop, put your phone in the pocket of your sweatpants and went straight to Jimin's room. The door was open, and when you put your hand on the knob and opened it you found Jimin already lying face down on her hands. She was completely topless, but she was still wearing short sports shorts. You also noticed that her room was exactly the same as yours, only she had a view of the city that had the Oconee National Forest in the background.
"Straight to the point huh?" You teased with a chuckle, closing the door behind you.
"Kinda," she sighed, "my back is killing me."
"I think I have a solution for that."
You took your phone out of your pocket and climbed onto the bed with her to put it aside. Then you straddled her butt and did the same finger warm-up you always did.
"Fuck, you're heavy you know?" she complained.
"Do you want the massage or not, crybaby?" you rubbed your hands together quickly to warm them up and then placed them on her bare shoulder blades.
She was going to answer you, but she could only let out a sigh of relief as you started your work. Just like the rest of the girls, Rina had very tense muscles. You immediately felt empathy for her. Concert after concert doing the same show without proper breaks between them was certainly something that took its toll in the long run, and they had the bad luck that it just happened to coincide with their days of the month.
"What are you planning to do these days?" she asked you softly. She had her eyes closed.
"I have to catch up with Itzy's girls, I feel like an idiot," you sighed, massaging her lower back, "I'm also going out with Jihye for drinks, but I don't know when."
"Jihye?" She giggled, "So she told you her real name huh? You're one step closer to the wedding at this point."
"You're not funny you know?"
"I'm the funniest person you know."
"I don't know that many people, Rina," you moved back to her shoulders.
"That's already an achievement then. You like her right?"
You took more time to answer that question than you'd like.
"No," no matter how confident you sounded, you couldn't help but think you were lying to yourself.
"But you like Ning right?"
"Are you a detective now or what?"
"It's a basic question, are you afraid to answer it?"
"No, but I don't know what this interrogation is about."
"I'm just curious. Come on, tell me."
"I'm one damn step away from being crazy about her. And it's a fine line."
"Aw, that's adorable."
"It's not, I feel like an idiot every time she does something sweet for me or every time she talks to me like… god."
"Buddy, you're crazy about her."
"Please shut up," you said heavily. Rina could only laugh. But you weren't as cool about it as she might think. Chaery was still in your head, and with her were the words you said to her before the tour. At that moment you hated being a man.
"I mean, I don't blame you. She's a princess in every way possible."
"It is, but please let's stop talking about my love life. What do you have planned?" you finally moved to her feet.
"Oh, we have a girls' night planned today. Here, actually."
"Aren't you planning to go sightseeing?"
"I saw that there is a very nice botanical garden, it would be a nice place to go."
"There's also a zoo tho, and an aquarium."
"Right! That would be cool."
"I can go with you if you want, but let me see how the next few days go."
"That sounds like a date to me."
"We can go with one of the girls then, comedian girl."
"I wasn't complaining," she let out a small whimper when you pressed close to her thumb, but it was natural, "Hey, you said you felt like an idiot about Itzy's girls, why?"
"Because I've been neglecting them these days, and it feels bad because I know how much they appreciate me."
"Dude, you've done a wonderful job taking care of us. Besides, I know Yeji unnie well, she knows very well how demanding a tour is. She won't be upset with you."
"I hope so. I would feel terrible if she was," you now moved to the other foot. Another whine from Jimin.
"Well, if she gives you a hard time about that I can take care of her if you want," she said with a joking tone. You chuckled.
"Yeah, I'd appreciate it. By the way, give me details about the girls' night, I'm curious about it."
"Oh, nothing special. We'll just order junk food, watch a few movies, and talk about boys."
"Boys?" you laughed, “What boys, Yoo Jimin, you should lie better.”
"During these days of the month I become a little more girly, you know. And I think it would be rude to say that we are going to be talking about you."
"Wow, that's certainly reassuring."
"It won't be anything bad, don't worry. You've done nothing but be a wonderful guy for us."
"Just let me know if you need anything, okay?" With that said you released her foot to finish the massage.
"Yeah, I will," she answered you with a little smile, finally opening her eyes to see you, "Thank you for the massage, I feel much better."
"I'm glad to hear that, don't thank me. I'll see you later, Rina," you leaned forward, giving her a peck on the forehead and another on the cheek before standing up.
As soon as you left her room you checked your phone, finding that all the girls had already responded to you. It made you happy to see all their personalities captured in each word. You began to walk the corridor slowly while reading the messages from Chaery, who you started chatting with.
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When you finished talking to Chaery you were already inside the elevator going to the floor of your room. Then you read the other messages, starting with Lia.
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You weren't surprised by the fact that Ryujin responded with a photo as well. She was lying on her side, legs drawn up as she held a wet dildo. A butt plug buried in her ass too. Just then the elevator door opened as it stopped a couple of floors before yours, and an elderly couple entered. You quickly had to lock the screen.
"Good afternoon," you greeted politely, playing dumb, with a smile and a small bow.
"Good afternoon dear," smiled the good-natured granny. Grandpa only gave you a smirk and raised his eyebrows.
You had to wait until you were alone on your corresponding floor before re-entering the chat.
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Next was Yuna, who as expected had more energy than all of you and Itzy's girls combined.
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When you were going to read Yeji's messages, you were already in front of your room. You opened the door, walked in and lay face up on your bed to answer her.
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Finishing talking to all of them and having arranged to have a video call did nothing but fill your heart with joy and relief. You had finally taken a burden off your shoulders, but they were not that burden, but rather the emotional weight you had for not having been as attentive to them as you promised before you left.
Just as you were going to get out of bed to go watch a couple more episodes of Haikyuu before going to eat, you received more messages, but they were from Noze.
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Had she really used a heart in a message to you? That was certainly new.
This time you did put the phone down and got out of bed to go change your outfit, which was really fucking difficult considering you had no idea what kind of occasion this was. But in the end, the solution was always to do something in the middle. Not looking like a bum but not like James Bond about to go on a mission either. Your choice this time was a black Columbia sweatshirt, and a black jacket with a beige hood on top; also some gray wide-leg jeans and your Air Force 1 07 LV8 in its champagne color variation.
Once prepared, you grabbed all your things and left your room, locked it and prepared to leave the hotel to look for a restaurant to eat nearby. You could have just asked for a car to drive yourself, but you wanted to walk the streets of a city you had never visited before. In your search you came across a place called Cuts Steakhouse, and the name alone convinced you.
You sat at one of the tables to order the food, and while you waited for it you looked for nearby bars. Looking through Google Maps you found one that was perfect for the occasion, it was quite nice and not too far from your current location, so after finishing your pork ribs with barbecue and your grilled salmon with ponzu, you went straight there.
Upon entering the large establishment you were relieved to see that there were not too many people there, which was normal considering that it was a weekday and that many people must be at home resting from work. Naturally the first thing you did was go sit at the bar, which formed a wide rectangle around a main island where the shelves, all the bottles and the televisions were.
One of the bartenders offered to serve you, and while you waited for Noze's message you just ordered a beer. The aforementioned message arrived when you were already a little more than halfway through the beer. You immediately gave her her address, and were impressed by the speed at which she arrived. You remembered what she had ordered the last time you had drinks together, so there was her Rusty Nail next to your half-finished beer.
"Hiii theeeere!" She greeted with a smile as she walked towards you. Once again, she impressed you with her beauty.
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Black and white knitted sweater, short black skirt and high leather boots. She also sported pretty, freshly cut bangs, and simple makeup whose main attraction was scarlet lips. You were screwed. It was like she had read your mind when you had that little moment on the bus.
"Hello beautiful," you smiled as she sat down next to you, "You look amazing."
"Do you like it?" She asked with a small twinkle in her eye as she looked at her outfit and then she looked at you.
"Oh yeah, that sweater is beautiful. And damn, so are you, why lie."
"You look really cute too, why lie," she examined you up and down with a sly smile and then looked at the drink you had ordered, "Oh my god! I can't believe you remembered!"
"You never forget the initial shock of seeing a girl order Scotch whiskey," you replied as she took a swig of her drink. You also drank your beer.
"You say that like I'm a savage," she laughed.
"Honey, you look like extremely expensive wine."
"Is that a compliment?" she raised her eyebrows, taking another sip of the drink.
"It is if you want it to be," you shrugged and finally finished your beer, "Yo, brother! Pour me a Black Orchid, please."
"Wow, how enigmatic. Now you're the riddle?"
"No, but it would be fun to make you look for a Rata Alada so you can get into your room today."
You rarely made her truly laugh, and this was one of those times. You smiled as you looked at her.
"You know, I didn't expect you to have that drink with me today," the bartender returned with your drink. You thanked him with a nod and a smile.
"Why not?" she took a sip.
"I don't know, I thought you'd be at girls' night," you tried your drink and wrinkled your forehead a little at the taste, but it was delicious.
"Oh, yes I was invited," she finally set the glass down on the bar and leaned her elbow on it, "But I think there are certain boundaries that need to be respected, you know? A certain level of... uhm, separation, yeah."
"Those boundaries are definitely like the chains in an NFL game, right?" you teased, taking another sip of your drink, "Considering what happened with Rina and Minjeongie a couple days ago."
"That's just sex, it's of no consequence," she looked away with a nonchalant wave of her hand, "Now, a girls' night is much more intimate. You wouldn't understand, you have a cock."
"Nah, I think I understand you. And I have a cock," you pointed out.
Just like her, you left your glass on the bar and crossed your arms on top of it. Then, you lifted your butt only to move your stool closer to hers. She looked out of the corner of her eye as you were now practically leg to leg with her, you noticed a hint of a smile.
"And what about me? You don't mind being intimate with me, do you?" You raised an eyebrow as you looked at her.
"I bursted into tears like a little girl in your arms, what do you think that means?" She turned to look at you, and with her gaze still on your eyes she took a sip of the drink.
"That you had a mental breakdown?" She once again burst out laughing, you smiled.
"Yes, that could be too," she nodded, placing the glass back on the bar and looking at you again, "But I'm glad you were there... I felt safe."
You held her gaze for a few long seconds, long enough to leave you in a small trance. Once again those damn pretty lips. You looked at them again and again. And you could have sworn that she saw your lips too, but that must have been a figment of your imagination. Jihye finally blinked faster and came back to reality.
"Well, do you have any idea why I wanted to have drinks with you?" She changed the subject quickly.
"Uh... I honestly have no idea," you took another sip of your drink and looked towards one of the televisions, praying that the blush on your cheeks wouldn't show.
She took out her phone and went into her contacts, scrolled for a few seconds and finally showed you the screen. 'Bae Johyun' you read. Then you noticed that the phone number was blurred and then you noticed that it was blocked.
"I finally blocked her. I want to move on with my life," she put the phone away again. You opened your mouth in surprise.
"Oh my god finally!" you cheered with a big smile on your face, "Damn, I'm so proud of you! Come on, let's make a toast to that."
"Cheers!" she said, smiling. You both raised your glasses, clinked them, and took longer sips than usual.
"Does that mean you accept my offer?"
"The one about looking for a hook up during the tour? Yeah, but not right now, that will have to wait a few days."
"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you took a giant step."
Then you did something that, thinking about it very carefully, you didn't know why the hell you had done it. It was almost like a natural instinct, something you did without thinking about what possible consequences it could have. You leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
Noze froze for a few seconds, but at that moment, thinking that you had done something perfectly normal, you didn't understand why. Then you saw how her cheeks acquired a light red blush. She giggled nervously and brought her hands to her cheeks to cover them.
"Something happens?" You tilted your head.
"Oh? No, no," she giggled, then quickly grabbed her glass from the bar and finished the rest of the drink in one gulp, "Uhm..." she wrinkled her brow, it had been too much.
"I guess you shouldn't have done that," you laughed, sipping patiently from your glass.
"No, definitely not," she blew air into her face with her hands and looked at the bartender, "Give me another one, please," she turned her gaze to you, "Uh… what are you planning to do during these next few?" days?"
"The main thing is to catch up with the Itzy girls, that's for sure. But I also want to go shopping, you know, for me and for them."
"Oh, in that case I have something for you."
She took her handbag and took out a small red Chanel wallet. From this she took out a credit card which she handed to you.
"Here. Use it and make sure you get them something nice. It's meant for tourist expenses, so there's practically no limit."
You took the card and examined it for a few seconds. Then you looked at her.
"Woman, how many unlimited monetary funds do you have access to?" you joked with an incredulous laugh. You put the card in your jacket pocket.
"Why? Are you only interested in my money?" She teased, then took a sip of her new drink.
"Well, you have enough mommy potential, why lie."
You made her laugh out loud again, and you smiled like an idiot again. You were starting to feel like this would become a non-sexual pleasure for you.
"Don't say that too loudly, I might get a mother complex and over spoil you."
You couldn't help but think about Lia and laugh about it.
"Then I won't do it. You have enough to take care of four unruly girls."
"Four unruly and horny girls, don't forget that detail."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
You and Jihye drank those couple of drinks and two more rounds. The only thing you did during all that time was have a pleasant conversation full of jokes and topics of recent interest to discuss. Just like you were with Rina, you felt very comfortable around her, just being a couple of good friends who constantly messed with each other. However, there was something else with her, you couldn't identify what, and you didn't want to think about the worst either, but she had an aura that was too stupidly attractive for you. Every thing she did, every expression, every word and every body movement caught your attention and left you captivated.
"Oh shit, it's getting late," you said as you looked at the time on your phone, "Honey, I need to go to the hotel to check on the girls before my video call with ITZY."
"That's fine, baby, let's go. It's also my bedtime."
At that moment you also didn't realize that you were saying 'honey' and 'baby' to each other. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or maybe it was just the naturalness with which you had been carrying everything for a couple of hours.
"Get away from there, I'll pay for everything, silly."
You obediently put away your phone and took a small step back. She got into that space you left so she could pay. Now her back was almost touching your torso, and you could smell the scent of her hair. It made too much sense to you that it smelled like blackberries. Then you did something else that you didn't think about at all, and that you did out of pure instinct. You placed your hands on her small waist. She didn't seem to care.
"Aight, let's go," she stepped aside and linked her arm with yours, "Thank you, very kind!" she told the bartender, who said goodbye with a wave of his hand.
When you walked outside you realized why Jihye had arrived at the bar so stupidly quickly. Parked waiting for you was a black sedan with tinted windows. The passenger window was down, Jihye crouched down a little to confirm that this was the driver and made you get in.
"Damn, how long has he been waiting here?" you said, climbing into the back seats with her.
"Since I arrived," she laughed, "I paid him for it, don't worry."
When you settled into the car it started heading towards the hotel. During the entire way Jihye never let go of your arm, even though she had all the space in the world to move in the seats. Only there, with your slow man's mind, did you realize that something was happening.
When you arrived you got off and she thanked the driver. Then you entered the lobby and went up to the first floor to take the elevator, which first stopped on Rina's room floor. When the doors opened, you took a step forward and turned to look into her eyes.
"Thanks for this, big guy," she told you with a little smile, "It was a fun night."
She also took a step forward, wrapped her arms around your neck and hugged you tightly. You wrapped your arms around her small body and reciprocated the hug.
"No problem, boss. It was fun for me too," you murmured in her ear, and then separated from her, "Rest well."
"You too, and good luck with the girls," she winked at you.
You turned to walk down the hallway, but she caught your attention again.
"Hey, just don't get too relaxed just because you're close to the boss," she warned, making an I'm-watching-you sign. Before you could respond, the elevator doors closed.
You finally turned around and walked down the hallway until you reached the door to Jimin's room. When you opened you found the lights off and all of them dressed in baggy and comfortable clothes. Everything seemed perfectly in order, they were all sitting on the bed, eating snacks, drinking Coca-Cola and watching TV.
"Hey, do you need anything? Maybe something else to eat or...?"
"What we need is for you to stop interrupting our girls' night out!" Minjeong said. You weren't surprised at that response.
"Aight, fair enough."
You approached each of them to say goodnight and kissed each one's cheeks except Ning's. You grabbed her by the chin, made her look at you and gave her a kiss on her lips. She smiled at you, you smiled back, and then turned to leave the room.
You took the elevator back and went to your floor. When you got to the door of your room and looked for your door card in your jacket pockets you couldn't find it. You didn't give it much importance, you just went to the reception, asked for a replacement and came back. While inside, you took all the things out of your jacket pockets and took it off. You also took off your shoes and pants, leaving you only in a sweatshirt, socks, and boxers.
You just laid down on your bed and waited. Yeji's video call arrived after about fifteen minutes. When you answered you were a little shocked, but frankly it didn't surprise you at all. On the other side of the screen they were all completely naked, all in different seductive poses on top of the extended sofa bed. The order from left to right was Ryujin, Yuna, Chaery, Lia and Yeji.
"Wow, what a nice surprise, right?" You said with a sly smile, looking carefully at each one of them and their perfect bodies.
"You like what you see huh?" said Ryujin, who was lying on her side just like in the photo she sent you. She put a hand on her ass and squeezed it.
"Daddy sure loves what she sees, don't ask stupid questions," Yuna said to Ryujin's side, then she put her hands on her tits and squeezed them. You were still impressed by how big she was.
"I'm going to spank your asses if you start arguing," you told them both.
"Yes please!" they both said in unison. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Well, you'll notice that we wanted to pull out all our tricks to remind you of what awaits you when you get home," Yeji said, playing with her own tits.
"Oh, believe me. I can't wait to go back and sink my fingers into those pussies again."
"How, like this?" Lia asked, spreading her legs wide open and taking a finger inside her pussy.
"Or maybe like this?" Yeji asked, bringing two fingers inside hers. They both let out a small moan.
"We thought it would be best to give you a show so you wouldn't have to imagine us too much while you're gone," Chaery said with an evil little smile. You were just surprised to hear her speak so confidently.
As soon as she finished that sentence, Ryujin crawled over Yuna and got on all fours between Chaery's legs, making sure the camera caught her ass with a butt plug buried in it. You looked at Chaery's face, and from the change in her expression you knew that Ryujin had started eating her out.
Being the restless girl that she was, Yuna moved to the other side of the sofa to get down and kneel in front of Yeji. She grabbed one of her feet and started kissing them. With Yuna worshiping her feet, Yeji removed her fingers from her pussy and reached between Lia's legs. Lia also took her finger out of her pussy, and as if it were a scripted act between them, they began to finger each other. The moans began to be present through the speakers of your phone.
At that point you could no longer resist the urge to touch yourself, so you took off your boxers and threw them on the floor. You brought one hand to your cock and started to stroke it slowly.
“You girls are so fucking sexy, fuck…” you gasped.
"You love this, don't you?" Yeji asked in a seductive tone looking directly into the camera as she pumped her fingers in and out of Lia's pussy.
Chaery was caressing Ryujin's hair, who was eating her out slowly but enough to make her moan again and again. Yuna stopped worshiping Yeji's feet and moved towards Lia, who began to kiss her thighs.
"I do love it, god. I can't wait to be there with you and hammer those pussies with all my might."
"Mmmgh!" Lia moaned louder, fucking Yeji's pussy with her fingers, "And fill our pussies with that hot load?"
"Fuck yeah baby," you started jerking off faster, making your moans audible so they knew what you were doing.
Yuna stopped kissing Lia's thighs and moved towards Ryujin, climbed onto the sofa again and removed the butt plug from her ass.
"Do you want to see a magic trick daddy?" Yuna asked, shaking the buttplug at the camera from side to side. She then turned her back to the camera, bent forward and buried the same butt plug that she had removed from Ryujin into her butthole. Then, she started eating Ryujin's ass fiercely.
You could barely hear Ryujin's moans muffled against Chaery's pussy, who judging by her red face and raised eyebrows you knew she was being eaten with much more enthusiasm and hunger. That led to her being the first to erupt in a chain of loud orgasms and spasms.
Lia matched Ryujin's position but in front of Yeji, who began to eat her pussy. Yeji tangled the strands of Lia's blonde hair between her fingers, and began to moan louder, looking directly into the camera with her predatory feline eyes. She wrapped her pale thighs around Lia's head, and raised her hips to grind her pussy against the blonde's mouth, throwing her head back and letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
Ryujin's moans were heard more clearly since she had stopped eating Chaery's pussy, but she was still being eaten out by Yuna, who had both hands gripping her perfect buttocks while she shook her head madly against her ass and apparently her pussy too. Chaery moved away from the edge of the sofa, giving the three of them enough room to maneuver.
Yeji was the next to cum, making Lia eat her pussy and collect all her fluids. When her orgasm had passed, Lia stood up and pushed Yeji back against the couch, then straddled her, and crawled until her ass was on top of her face. She lowered her hips, burying Yeji's face between her fleshy buttocks. Yeji started eating her pussy while she squeezed her ass.
You were about to give them instructions, especially Chaery, Yuna and Ryujin, who were now sharing a torrid triple kiss. But your heart almost jumped out of shock when you heard the door to your room open. You immediately covered yourself with a pillow, but that fear soon disappeared when you noticed that the person who was entering was Ning.
You thanked God that none of the girls were looking at the camera and that they hadn't noticed your reaction. You quickly muted yourself.
"Honey, what are you doing?" you asked as she closed the door behind her.
"Don't worry about me..." she said while looking at your cock, also listening to what was happening on the other side of the screen.
She took off her cotton jacket and threw it next to your boxers. Then she also took off the pink tank top she was wearing and her bra. You looked at her beautiful free tits and bit your lip. You understood why she hadn't taken off her clothes from the waist down, you didn't comment on it.
You unmuted yourself, and turned your gaze to the screen to start giving orders to the ITZY girls.
"Chaery, eat Yuna's tits while Ryujin eats her pussy. Ryujin, you use your left hand to touch yourself and the other to finger Chaery."
The girls obeyed you, Yuna lay down with her legs spread and pressed against her torso; Chaery lay down on one side of her to bring one of her tits into her mouth, and Ryujin got on her hands and knees in front of Yuna's pussy, running one hand under her own body to rub her clit and extending her other arm to put her fingers inside Chaery's pussy. You continued to jerk your cock, alternating your gaze between the screen and Ning's eyes as she watched you touch yourself.
"Yeji, when you make Lia cum, go with Chaery and eat her ass real good. Lia, just make out with Yuna so you can rest."
While you were giving that order Ning had climbed onto the bed with you and knelt between your legs just to stare at you. When you finished giving the order and they started to move, she took your hand off your cock and replaced it with hers. You let out a louder moan as she matched your previous pace.
"Daddy, I can get my toys so we can all play, can I have permission?" Ryujin asked you, looking over her shoulder at you. You noticed that her jaw and her mouth were stained with saliva.
"Of course baby, but hurry up. Oh fuck..." you gasped. Ning had spit on her hand and now she was giving you a slippery handjob behind your phone. You were too careful not to accidentally press the flip camera button.
Ryujin disappeared from the plane and soon returned with her characteristic bag of toys. They all remained faithful to your orders until Yuna exploded with her first orgasm, that's when they all started taking toys out of the bag. Ryujin grabbed a bullet vibrator and a huge black silicone dildo; Yuna grabbed the pink dildo that she always chose and some black anal beads shaped like little balls; Yeji grabbed a clitoral stimulator and dildo that was small compared to the ones Ryujin and Yuna had chosen; Lia also picked up some anal beads, but these were cone-shaped; Chaery only picked up a microphone-shaped vibrator.
With the toys already chosen, the dirtiest of debaucheries began. Ryujin helped Yuna lubricate her anal beads and take them inside her ass while she was on her hands and knees. Yuna moaned loudly as each ball entered her tight butthole, until only the small ring by which the toy was held was outside of her. With her beads inside her ass, Yuna grabbed her dildo and slowly buried it inside her pussy to start fucking herself. Chaery took advantage of Yuna's mouth being free to sit in front of her and spread her legs so she could eat her pussy while she pressed the vibrator against her own clit.
Ryujin lay down next to Yuna and poured lube on her dildo to press it against her butthole. In a matter of seconds the dildo was halfway inside. She began using one of her hands to pump it over and over, and with the other she pulled on Yuna's anal beads, pulling them all out in a single pull that made Yuna squeal with pleasure. The process was constantly repeated, as Chaery caressed Yuna's hair and brought her vibrator to maximum speed.
When Yeji moved to the other side of the couch you realized that the clitoral stimulator was not for her, but for Ryujin. She turned it on, and the toy's little tongue began to move at full speed. Yeji brought it closer to Ryujin's pussy, and as soon as she pressed against her clitoris she began to writhe with pleasure. Then, Yeji took her small dildo and inserted it inside her pussy to start fucking herself at full speed with it.
Lia, on the other hand, had also lubricated her anal beads; but for this she asked Chaery for help. Lia stood on her hands and knees with her ass facing her, and Chaery grabbed her anal beads to bury them deep in Lia's trained ass.
Now the moans of the five girls were blasting through your speakers at full volume, in a catastrophic cacophony of pleasure and lust. You couldn't do anything but moan with them, not only looking at the screen and what they were doing, but also at Ning's eyes right above your phone as she gave you an incredible handjob.
All the girls came a few more times, Ryujin had even let out an intense stream of squirt that wet Yeji's entire naked body and the couch beneath them.
"Dear, are you close? We're starting to get exhausted," Yeji told you, turning to the camera. She was breathing hard and was covered in sweat.
Hearing that question, Ning hid behind your phone and took your entire cock into her mouth in one smooth motion. You rolled your eyes and let out a longer moan.
"Oh fuck yeah... I'm close," you stated between heavy pants. You moved your phone a little to the left so you could watch Ning suck you off.
Ning bobbed her head up and down again and again, covering your entire shaft with a thin layer of saliva and precum. Her hand was gripping the base of your cock, which she soon began using to also jerk you off while giving you one of the best blowjobs you had received since you were on tour with them.
"Perfect, because we still have one final act for you."
They all moved around the sofa and picked up Chaery to position her right in the center of it. Ryujin sat in the far corner to see everything, you noticed that she was the most exhausted. But the rest of the girls did jump into action. Lia lay down next to Chaery and started sucking, licking and kissing her tits. Yeji positioned herself between her legs, and took to alternating between feasting on her pussy and her butthole. Yuna finally sat on Chaery's face facing the camera and leaned forward to start rubbing her clit.
At that moment Ning took you out of her mouth and sat a few centimeters further away from your cock, taking advantage of how slippery your cock was to make a meat sandwich with her feet around it. She began to move her feet up and down, slow at first and picking up speed as the seconds passed. Soon you were also receiving an impeccable footjob.
From the way Chaery was writhing in the middle of all those bodies you could tell that she was approaching what was possibly the strongest orgasm she had ever had in her life. Ning felt you throbbing between her feet and leaned forward once again to now suck on your tip while jerking you off.
It didn't take long for all the inputs of pleasure that Chaery was receiving to bring her to her peak. She finally came, but you were surprised to see how she drenched Yuna's hand and Yeji's entire face with a powerful squirt. Seeing this made you and Yuna explode as well.
You grabbed Ning's head with your free hand and pushed it down until her nose was pressed against your pelvis. You shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into her throat, letting out loud moans that Yuna on the other side of the screen matched as she ground her hips against Chaery's face. You could hear Ning's gagging sounds as she took your entire load down her throat, and you just hoped the girls wouldn't do it.
Even though she was choking on your cock, Ning did her best to tighten her lips around your shaft so as not to let any drops spill out. When your orgasm was over, she pulled you out of her mouth and stuck out her tongue to show you that all your cum had gone down her throat and was gone.
"Well, I guess the real catching up will have to wait until one of the next few days," Yeji mentioned with a giggle, getting closer to the camera, "Fuck, these two bitches really squirted on me like they were in cahoots."
"Fuck..." you were breathing heavily, still recovering from that experience, "Yeah, sure baby," you nodded at Yeji.
"I have to hang up right now, we have to clean up this mess. I'll call you later, okay?"
"I'll be waiting, honey. I love you all, bye," you waved at the camera and blew them a kiss.
"Bye bye!" Yeji said, and as soon as she hung up you threw your phone aside.
"Ning Yizhuo..." you sighed, leaning up on your elbow to bring your hand to her face and caress it.
"I did a good job?" she asked with a shy tone of voice.
"You did amazing," you nodded with a smile, "Come here."
You put a hand on Ning's waist and pulled her up, she simply fell on top of you. Her naked tits pressed against you and her face below yours. You wrapped your arms around her and snuggled her against you as she placed her legs on either side of your hips.
"May I know how the hell you got in here?" you asked, stroking her hair.
"Well... Jimin-unnie has been giving us details of the days you spent together in Miami. I knew that I hadn't given you as much of myself or done as many things with you as she had, and since I didn't want you to forget about me, when you went to check on us and kissed me I took the card from your jacket pocket."
"How did you know it was there?"
"It stuck out of the pocket, darling."
You couldn't help but laugh in disbelief.
"Baby, I had to go to the lobby to get another card, you know?"
"I'm sorryyyy!" she said adorably, raising her head to look at you with a pout.
"You more than made up for it, believe me. So don't worry," you gave her a peck on the lips, "But honey, you don't have to compare yourself to any of the other members. I value each of you individually. Besides, I am the one who is here to help you and meet your needs. Not the other way around."
"I know, I know," she nodded as if she were being scolded, "But I couldn't help but feel like I want to be a lot more adventurous and try more things with you. Hearing how you reacted to Unnie's feet made me determined to want to try that, as well as giving you my other hole for the end of the tour... but I'm not ready for that yet."
"Dear, I am more than happy to help you explore new things, but only if they are things that you really want. I don't want you to feel pressured by the fact that the other members do things that you don't, that's not the important thing. "
Ning stared at you for a few long seconds and then cupped your face in her hands to kiss you again. This time it was a long, slow kiss, devoid of lust but full of love and affection.
"Thank you for always saying the right things and meaning them..." she murmured against your lips as she broke away from the kiss, "You're wonderful," she gave you a couple more short kisses, which you were happy to reciprocate.
"You really are wonderful, Ning Yizhuo, "Now lie down with me, let's spoon and take some sleep, will you?"
"Actually... I have to go back to Jiminie's room, honey, I'm sorry," she wailed with a sad look, "I don't want to raise suspicion when they wake up. They dropped dead before I left."
"Oh... sure," you nodded, even sadder than her, "It's okay, darling, no problem."
She got out of bed and began to put on the top garments that she had taken off.
"You should take me with you to ITZY's house sometime, it would be fun. I heard they have amazing pool parties."
"Well..." you went blank for a second, remembering the last day you spent there, "Yeah, I can certify that."
She approached you again, already dressed, and leaned in to give you one last kiss.
"Good night, sweetheart. Have sweet dreams," she told you, caressing your chin.
"Good night, cutie. You too," you responded as she walked towards the door, then left through it.
Left alone in your room you got up to put your boxers back on, turn off the light and go back to bed. You curled up under the covers, disappointed and a little sad that you didn't get to sleep with Ning that night. Before you could close your eyes you thought about many things. You thought about the drinks you had shared with Noze, and only then did you realize all the things you had done and that she had done. You had kissed her forehead, you had held her waist while she paid, and you had called her honey—her calling you baby and holding on to your arm the entire trip back, by the way.
You also thought about your conversations with ITZY, especially Chaery. She had adhered to the request you made of her, she took care of everything that was yours there as if it were hers. And the simple fact of imagining her sleeping in your bed just because she missed you and wanted to be close to you somehow shrank your heart to the size of a marble. You missed her, a lot.
Lastly you thought of Ning. She was full of things that reminded you of Chaery, but she in turn shone with a very special and unique aura. She was willing to do anything to please you and see you happy, and she was very expressive about her feelings for you, with physical contact being her main love language for you. Your heart was being invaded from several hills, and she was leading the way with an imminent invader also hot on her heels: Noh Jihye.
With all those thoughts swirling around your head, especially the image of three girls, you closed your eyes and tried to relax to sleep.
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imtrying-ok · 15 days
I'm from a family where women are in charge of most things, finances, the house, bills getting paid on time, important administrative and historical documents and papers, family heirlooms (men are so dumb, they can't be trusted with that stuff!), the children. In my subconscious mind, women work harder. Women go to work everyday and men are just lazy slobs. All men are good for is a (smaller, obviously) supplementary income, having kids with, maybe cooking, and only sometimes emotional companionship. (I am serious - this has been said to me in different ways by multiple family members, from my mom to my great grandmother)
I was told I was so lucky to be born a girl, because I get to join this long line of women. That they were so lucky I was born a girl so they had someone to continue a legacy with. That they could dream of never loving a boy the same way. That they could never let a man continue this legacy, he's too dumb! He'd lose everything. He wouldn't care about the legacy, obviously. He'd just ruin it like all men do. They're so glad I'm around, I'll inherit everything and take great care of it.
I wanted to wear a suit to my father's wedding and they were scared. They heard me going by my gender neutral last name instead of my feminine first name (inherited from my greatx5 grandmother no less) and they hated it. "Don't you want to be a girl?" But I know what they really meant was "don't you want to be what I think you should be?" Then my grandmother talks about how she's scared she won't have anyone to inherit her house, her things, the pieces of history she takes care of (a piece of the Berlin wall, an old German family Bible, my family's passports from the 1800s, a handwoven tapestry, etc... "old country" stuff that every European immigrant family has laying around for some reason. But that's for another post.)
I know why it apparently can't go to me anymore. I've been 'tainted'. My beautiful feminine qualities have been pushed out by my desire to be a handsome untrustworthy kind violent man (they can't even call me that) other . They could handle if I was a lesbian, it was only logical to like other women, and my mother dated women as often as she dated men throughout my life. They could handle if I didn't want kids, in fact, I was told explicitly to not have them in the past (thanks grandma), they can betray you and leave you heartbroken (thanks mom). They couldn't handle me being a man.
There is some kind of inherent quality of being a man that makes you bad. And I was choosing to betray them and myself.
Needless to say, I don't feel very comfortable in trans or feminist spaces.
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
Friends? Never. Pt.1 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
New fic alert? Can you tell I've got a thing for the enemies to lovers trope? Sorryyyyyy. I have loads of ideas for so many stories but this one made me too excited :D I can’t tell if the writing in this is ass but i’m just setting things up hold out hope for me people…
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Ellie opens the door of her new home only to see you, her least favourite person in Jackson, standing at her door with your suitcase in hand.
"No no no no no no no." You say as you immediately start walking away from her. You keep walking until you see Maria walking towards you.
"Don't even start-" She already knows what you're going to say.
"I am not fucking living with her Maria."
"Didn't I tell you not to start? You're wasting your breath anyway, this is the only way we can accommodate all the new arrivals."
"Why do you hate me?" You groan and she spins you around immediately marching you back to your new home.
"I don't, but you and Ellie are a pain in my ass, maybe make the most of it and try and get along hm?" She keeps you held firmly at the front door as she knocks three times.
"Back for more alrea-" Ellie pauses as she sees Maria standing there with a stern look on her face, she pushes you through the door and smiles.
"Enjoy setting up!" She calls over her shoulder and you're sure you hear her laugh.
"Fuck my life." You push past Ellie, bumping her hard enough that she stumbles slightly. You storm off upstairs to find your room huffing at your new reality.
You're unpacking all your belongings when you notice her standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you just gonna keep staring at me like a creep?"
"Are you gay?"
"Pardon?" You scoff at her bluntness but your heart was beating a mile a minute, you knew it wasn't a big deal, she's a lesbian herself, but for some reason you still found coming out to people so difficult. Your parents hadn't taken it well which is how you found yourself living on your own... well, with Ellie. You breathe in and regain your composure, turning to her and flashing a coy smirk. "Why do you want to know Williams? Got a little crush on me?"
"Ha! You wish. Just wondered seeing as you're nineteen and have never once even held a guys hand."
"Didn't realise you paid so much attention to me, should I be worried I have a stalker?" She rolls her eyes at you obviously avoiding her question. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't, just trying to figure out if I should be worried about you getting a crush on me and going all crazy."
You walk over to her until there's only inches between you. "You're so arrogant." You bump her in the shoulder and she stumbles as you walk past her towards the kitchen. "You're also not my type... at all." You call over her shoulder missing the look of bewilderment on her face.
"Wait... so you are?" Ellie calls as she follows you to the kitchen. She's close behind you as you march away until you stop dead in your tracks causing her to bump into you.
"If you must know Ellie, yes I am."
"Oh." Ellie felt her heart clench a little for you as she knows how unaccepting your parents are, that's why you stopped being friends all those years ago after all.
You had met Ellie on the first day she arrived in Jackson, she looked tired and a little gaunt but you still felt butterflies in your stomach when you laid eyes on her for the first time. You remember seeing her walk in and hand a gun she kept in the back of her jeans to Maria, you were gobsmacked because she looked the same age as you and you couldn't imagine holding, let alone using, a gun. You had been born in Jackson, only ever leaving to go on patrol in the last couple years so 14 year old you found the girl all the more intriguing. You had watched her from a distance as Joel spoke to your dad, you still remember the feeling of your stomach dropping when she looked up to see you spying on her. You hadn't spoken to her until later that evening when Joel and her had come to yours for dinner. It was awkward at first but when she saw your record player and limited vinyl collection, the ice thawed quickly, you became inseparable until your parents started taking an issue with your friendship with her, you never understood why they stopped you seeing her and stopped seeing Joel until two years ago when you told them you were a lesbian. Ellie had always known that they were homophobic but it still hurt when they stopped you seeing her, she saw red any time she was near you because she was so hurt that you could cut her out of your life just like that and within a couple months you were bitter rivals that couldn't share a nice word with the other. Her hatred for you was so overwhelming that it forced her to stop being so awkward around people because she was so focused on throwing as many insults your way as possible that her nerves when speaking to others dissipated.
Now, as you stand in the kitchen staring at her leaning on the doorframe you felt a pang of guilt for how you had treated her although it quickly disappeared the second she opened her beautiful mouth.
"Well er... you're not my type either so don't get any ideas." You laugh at the awkwardness of her statement knowing why she suddenly lost confidence in herself.
"Thanks for the clarification." You roll your eyes before busying yourself getting a glass of water, it was the middle of summer so all the moving and unpacking was making you feel severely dehydrated. Ellie watched as you gulped down the water, noting how a couple drops fall down onto your white tank top. She dragged her eyes away from you and cleared her throat.
"Well now we've established the feelings mutual we can go back to never speaking again. Or are you going to bother me constantly with small talk?"
"Oh believe me you have nothing to worry about on my end." You refill the glass again and walk over to her. "And if I'm remembering correctly you're the one that came and spoke to me, so I could ask you the same thing, no?" You jab a finger into her chest as you speak emphasising your point. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wash this finger of your germs and finish unpacking." You push past her once again and she scoffs as you walk away back upstairs without looking back at her.
You continue unpacking methodically until everything is put away neatly and your decorations are in their new designated homes. As you collapse onto the bed picking up the book you were reading at the moment from your bedside table you breathe a sigh of relief at the breeze making its way through your open window. Your shared cabin was right on the outskirts of Jackson so your view was the beautiful woods that lined the north west section of the wall, as you looked at the greenery that was reflecting glittering spots of sunlight you reminisced on the times you and Ellie had spent in the woods when you were friends. You're interrupted from your thoughts by the growling of your stomach that prompts you to sneak back to the kitchen.
"Fuck's sake." You mutter under your breath as you walk into the kitchen only to be greeted by Ellie leaning on the counter savaging a bowl of cereal.
"You know you're spilling more of that down your shirt than you're getting in your mouth right?" Ellie looks down at her t-shirt only to see that you were correct when you said she was spilling milk down herself, she huffs and continues eating, this time being more careful as she brings the bowl right to her mouth.
"I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you and yet... here you are talking to me." She mumbles through a mouthful of cereal. You roll your eyes and open the fridge only to see the leftovers you had put in there earlier were gone. You take a deep breath before spinning to give Ellie the dirtiest of looks.
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's the only food I had until I go out tomorrow. Why would you eat it?"
"Oh was that yours? My bad I got hungry earlier, it was really good though you gotta make me some more of that sometime." She smiles sweetly and your face twists into a scowl as you feel the rage boiling inside of you.
"Only we live here Ellie, if you're going to steal my food you could at least own it." You walk away and just before you leave the kitchen empty handed you turn back slightly. "Pussy." You go to walk away until you feel a hand enclose around your arm yanking you backwards. She pushes you up against the wall and leans her body weight on you so you can't move, relishing in your struggle.
"Say that again bitch, I dare you." Her eyes are dark and cold only mirroring yours, a devilish grin appears on your face as you lean in closer to her.
"You're a pussy Williams... and you don't scare me." You push her off with all your strength and rush away from her before slamming your door so hard you're shocked it doesn't come off the hinges. You pace around your room muttering and cursing Ellie before you stop, realising you actually have to live with her for the foreseeable future, every time you looked at her all you could think of is the screaming matches you endured with your parents when they banned you from seeing her and the look of defeat on her face as you ignored her for the first time when she came over to you while you were out with your parents, the nausea you were feeling only grew as the memory of when you came out to your parents flashes through your mind as it does multiple times throughout the day. You grab your book and begin reading once again trying to rid yourself of all these memories that Ellie was bringing up. As you finally feel the nausea calming there are three forceful knocks on your door that you ignore reflexively.
"You gonna open the door or what?" Ellie's voice is muffled but clear enough to make out what she's saying.
"No. Fuck off Ellie!" Ellie rolls her eyes before knocking harder this time and she doesn't stop, she continuously bangs on your door until you throw your book down in frustration to storm over to the source of your irritation. As you yank the door open you're greeted by a smirking Ellie. "WHAT? What could you possibly want? You eat my food, you piss me off, you pin me against a fucking wall, what do you want now Ellie?"
Ellie is taken aback by your harsh tone, typically it had a hint of playfulness to it but now you just sounded angry. She gulped before regaining her standoffish demeanour. "Calm down sweetie."
You scoff and go to slam the door in her face but her hand stops you and pushes the door back so hard you stumble backwards with it, you huff and walk away dropping down onto your bed once again.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure whatever. You're gonna do what you want anyway." She stuffs her hands into her front pockets and walks in as she looks at all the decorations in your room before plopping down on your bed sitting directly on your feet. You snatch them away with a huff as you grit your teeth and curl up to put as much distance between you two.
"What... do you want Williams?"
"Nothing really. Just wanted to see your room. It's very... you."
"Mm and I'm sure yours looks like a squatters pit." You smile smugly at her as she rolls her eyes, your face drops as she turns and eyes the book on your bedside table with a smirk.
"You read romance?" She stifles a laugh poorly.
"Yes and what? Can you even read?" She chuckles and you mumble under your breath "idiot"
"Wow you really are a virgin aren't you?" You eyes flash up at her as your eyebrows knit together and your face turns to a grimace.
"Why do you assume I'm a virgin because I read romance? Maybe I just enjoy it."
"Ha! Right. I'm assuming you're a virgin because only virgins read romance books." You kick at her and she grabs your sock-covered foot stopping you in your tracks.
"Oh my god Ellie can you go away!"
"No no, not just yet. My curiosity is piqued about this book now." Before you can stop her she's reaching for the book and standing up while flicking through some pages.
"Wait, No Ellie don't." She holds it above your head as you stand, you try and snatch it from her once but it's too far out of your reach, panic takes over as she opens it above her head and begins reading aloud. "Ellie fucking stop!"
"Why? It's just a romance book right? Nothing too... inappropriate." Your cheeks heat and the familiar rage comes back in full force, you look down at her feet and stomp on the left one as hard as you can, she yelps and drops her arms which allows you to grab the book from her grasp and you immediately rush out of your room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind you with a triumphant smile.
"Ow you bitch!" You hear Ellie call after you. As you eye the bathtub you decide now is the perfect time to relax in the tub so you can escape Ellie for awhile and read your book in peace.
You stay in the bath until the sun has completely set and the room is bathed in a silvery glow from the moonlight, you guess you were in there for at least an hour but as you start to shiver from the cooling water you decide to finally leave your refuge. As you climb out of the bath you're horrified when you realise your towel is still in your room.
"Fuck fuck fuck." You had to walk past Ellie's room to get to yours but ultimately you decide you'd have to risk it, you unlock the door and peak out into the hallway to see its empty, you edge the door open and begin quickly creeping to your room, you're almost there but as you go to walk past Ellie's room she walks out at the exact same time walking straight into your naked form.
"AGH OH MY GOD!" Your hands immediately attempt to cover your dignity but its an almost failed attempt as you notice her looking you up and down. "DON'T FUCKING LOOK!" You scream as you run past her to your room so quickly your feet slip a little. You hear her cackling in the hallway as you lean with your back against the door in utter disbelief. "No no noooo that did not just happen." You mumble to yourself as you run a hand over your face.
You try to put the embarrassment past you as you settle into bed before passing out from the sheer exhaustion of the day.
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sneakyparsnipslicer · 5 months
Power Play
It was never meant to have happened, but in all fairness I'm glad it did. I do have an unspoken duty of care after all.
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I'm Gavin, 22, studying at Uni for theatre. Friends have always said I've got an uncanny talent for acting, able to hide how I'm feeling, telling the most convincing lies, but despite that I do have an earnest care for my friends and for some that's a big deal.
So, it all happened one Friday night, some of the girl friends were hosting a house party. Alcohol, music, conversation, the usual. My friend Janice had asked if I was free earlier and invited me. I hadn't seen her all week so the chance to catch up is always welcome. I put on my best clothes and headed off to the house which thankfully wasn't too far from my own place. I brought along some Amaretto for the party and got to mingling with others. I arrived quite early so there weren't too many people around and I got the chance to meet the partygoers and meet up with Janice.
'Hey Gav, glad you could make it! Got some pretty big news!' whispered Janice excitedly in my ear.
'Really? What is it?' I asked eagerly. She waved her left hand in front of my face, a gold ring on her finger. My jaw dropped.
'Tina proposed to me, we're getting married in the New Year!' she cried. I smiled and hugged her. Tina was a friend of ours and had confided to me in secrecy that she had a crush on Janice, and over the space of a year it looks like they'd both hit it off really well.
'Congrats, that's awesome!' I cried. 'Is Teen here tonight?'.
'Yeah she's just over in the other room, I'll go get her' said Janice, and she made her way through to the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa and waited a while. More and more partygoers arrived and as the night went on I forgot about Janice and Tina.
Getting progressively tipsy and humming along to 'Tainted Love', someone slumped down on the sofa next to me.
'Fuck them lesbians' sighed a voice. I opened my eyes and looked to my right, there sat a guy that looked about 30 with a bottle of Budweiser in his hand, shaking his head.
'What's up?' I asked, looking to him in concern. The guy looked to me and shrugged.
'Same fucking story everywhere I go, I see a cute girl, magically they're gay. Swear every fucker's gay these days' he said, taking a sip of his drink. I didn't say anything, took a sip of my drink and looked across the room. I could see past the crowd by the doorway was Janice. She was consoling Tina, who was crying. We caught eachother's eyes and I tilted my head subtly to the guy next to me, she nodded and kissed Tina on the head. I understood the situation.
'So how about you my man? You smashing some puss tonight?' the guy asked, looking me up and down. I turned to him and smiled.
'Nah mate, I'm more for the buss!' I replied, winking. The guy almost spat his drink out.
'Fuck off mate, you ain't gay!' he said laughing. I sighed.
'Oh sorry, were you expecting something more like this?' I asked, dangling my wrist and swiping the air camply. He laughed again, looking at me in disbelief.
'For a moment there I could've sworn you were straight' he said.
'Well you know, not all of us act camp, I like what I like but keep it on the down low' I replied, to which he nodded. I felt like I needed to move this along.
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'Say, do you work out?' I asked, looking to his arms. He looked and flexed his right arm.
'Ah, you like what you see?' he asked smugly, grinning. I nodded and took another sip of my drink. He chuckled softly.
'You know, I've never tried a guy before' he said quietly, leaning in a little closer.
'Might be your lucky night' I suggested. He started nodding and bit his lower lip, taking a good look at me. I could have cackled at how easy it was to get him invested.
'What do you say we go find somewhere quiet to… break some new ground?' he asked, chuckling. I could have suplexed myself from the eye roll I wanted to do, but I had to keep my composure and giggled.
'Well, my place is just down the road, should give us a chance to get to know eachother better' I smiled. He drank the last of his drink and stood up. I happened to catch sight of his bulge as he offered a hand to lift me up, predictable. I tenderly placed my hand in his and he hoisted me up onto my feet, grinning.
'Let's get going then!' he said, heading off out of the house. I followed behind him, giving Janice a quick thumbs up and a wink as she nodded understandingly, mouthing the words 'Thank you'.
We returned to my place, him squeezing my ass and getting excited all the while. I unlocked the front door and invited him in. As soon as I was done locking the door, he made his move, pinning me to the door and burying his nose in my shoulder blade, taking a deep sniff.
'Mmm, you smell good!' he said. I rolled my eyes.
'It's Playboy' I said passively. He pulled his nose out.
'That's what I'll call you! Playboy!' he said, smiling maniacally.
'Sure thing, umm' I said, looking to him for a name.
'Just call me Daddy you cocksucking bitch!' he growled, pinning me further into the door and kissing my neck. Daddy, how fucking predictable. I could just see how this was going to go down. He pulled away and exhaled, stroking my chest.
'I'll bet you're a right little slut aren't you, Playboy?' he asked, fiddling with my shirt buttons, slowly revealing my chest.
'Oh for sure!' I grinned, moving in to kiss him. He hesitated but proceeded to kiss me back. I moved my hands behind his shoulders, embracing him. I could feel his dick pressing against my leg, he was totally enjoying it.
'Fuck me!' he said, dazed.
'Don't you mean fuck ME, Daddy?' I asked. He started laughing and moved his hands down to my thighs.
'Didn't think I'd ever be doing this with a guy, it feels so good' he said, looking into my eyes, amazed.
'Well, let's enjoy this then' I said, taking him by the hands and guiding him to my bedroom.
We got into the room and he thrust me down on the bed, biting his lip.
'Alright, strip down Playboy, nice and slow' he said, stroking his own crotch. I sat smirking as I kicked off my shoes and undid the last buttons on my shirt, taking it off and throwing it away. I went to unbuckle my belt when he stopped me.
'Come over here, I wanna try something' he said. Walking over he turned me around and began to unbuckle my belt whilst his cock was grinding against my butt. Always so cute when first timers try to be all freaky.
'You like that?' he asked, resting his chin on my left shoulder, watching as he pulled my shorts down.
'Yes Daddy' I said breathily, trying not to laugh. He dropped my shorts and began rubbing my butt through my boxers with his hands.
'Oh that ass feels so good Playboy, can't wait to explore it!' he whispered.
'I sure hope Daddy's packing tonight' I replied. With that he turned me back to face him, pulled me into a passionate kiss and carried me over to the bed, laying me down on it. Getting on top of me, he looked down as I looked back up at him. I began to pull at his shirt and he took it off, revealing his muscular chest, I'll admit it wasn't half bad. Then I began to unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans down, which he kicked off and there we were on the bed in our boxers.
'Open Daddy's pants!' he ordered, and I nodded, slipping them down his thighs. His dick sprung free, big and girthy, just how I like them.
'Ooooh, Daddy's got a big one!' I remarked in surprise, looking at it. He placed a hand under my chin, lifting it up to face him.
'Suck it, Playboy' he said, and so I began to do so, placing it in my mouth and beginning the blowjob. As it went on, his face became more strained as he tried not to shoot his load.
'Shit, you're good!' he moaned, looking to the ceiling. Eventually he stopped me and turned me over, pulling my boxers down.
'Alright Playboy, going in!' he chuckled. I could have cackled there and then, but I had to withold on the irony of that line. He began to spread my ass cheeks and inserted the tip of his dick, which slipped in easily. Even he was shocked.
'Damn, I thought you'd be tighter!' he said.
'C'mon Daddy, I'm a whore remember? Don't ruin this for yourself' I replied, massaging his leg. He nodded and continued to ride my backside, shaking the bed doing so. I'll admit this guy fucked with feeling, and as it went on and he reached climax, he wasn't aware of what else was going on.
When he finally came, sweaty and panting, he whooped in amazement.
'Wow Playboy, that was amazing!' he laughed, pulling himself away, but he soon realised he couldn't remove his dick from my ass.
'What's the matter Daddy? Too balls deep in me to let go?' I asked, turning my head to look at him. To his horror, his hands were beginning to sink slowly into my back, his pelvic region already sunk furthest into mine, and our feet had merged.
'Yo, what the fuck's going on?!' he shouted, but he couldn't pull himself free, he continued to sink into me as I began to cackle.
'You just fucked your way into a whole lot of trouble my guy!' I replied, laughing as he struggled.
'Let me go you fucking freak!' he roared as our legs were fully joined and his arms had sunk in.
'You upset my friends tonight, 'Daddy'. The lesbians you were moaning about, they just got engaged and you just had to come along and ruin their day' I said coldly as his back and shoulders sank in, him yelling out for help.
'And for the record, the name's Gavin. Suits me well considering how many homophobic, misogynistic pricks like you I've been gathering up to stop my friends being harrassed' I explained. By now the guy's face had melted into the back of my head and his screams became more and more muffled. Eventually he was fully sunk inside me, his added mass stretching me out and I began jerking my own dick, getting off my bed and spunking a few heavy loads on the carpet, excising myself of him. I looked at the pool of cum as it began to dry into the carpet.
'That's all you ever were, just a stain on society's carpet. Thanks for the muscles though' I said, cracking my neck and massaging my new muscleculture, reaching for my clothes. Though I thought to slip on the guy's jeans, they fitted me pretty nicely.
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Making my way back over to Janice's place, most of the partygoers were filling out of the house. I went back in and found Tina and Janice, their faces lit up.
'Gav! Did you take care of that bastard?' asked Janice hopefully.
'Hey, I'm wearing his jeans aren't I?' I asked, turning to show them off 'Plus he filled me out a bit'. Janice shook her head, but smiled.
'I don't know how you do it, but thank you' said Tina, bowing her head. I pulled them both into a hug.
'Forget about him, he won't be bothering anyone anymore. Nobody messes with my friends' I said, looking to them in admiration.
'You're definitely gonna be the Best Man at the wedding, you know that right?' asked Janice. I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.
'And here I was hoping to be Chief Bridesmaid, oh well!' I sighed, shrugging. Janice and Tina began chuckling as I turned my attention to cleaning up the empty bottles and beer cans that the guests had left.
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totheblood · 1 year
jealous!ellie headcanons
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a/n: these are modern headcanons sooooo... and this isn't jealous gf ellie, this is pining loser lesbian ellie... lol also super inspired by the talented @rxllingstones and @whore-era after reading their amazing fics tonight... pls go read them.. and for u fiends... there is ai audios at the bottom... more uploaded on sc bc tumblr hates me
ellie is incredibly hard to read
or at least that's what she tells herself
it's almost written all over her face how much she hates the people you date when she's in a five-foot radius of them
she tells herself she doesn't care (she's lying) but she can't ignore how her grip tightens when she sees you lip-locking some loser you met at a party
but she always finds herself at your side, pulling you away from them and back into the corner with her
"hey there, pretty girl. having fun?"
"i was until you cock-blocked me."
"there wasn't much to block... i heard his dick's small."
but the curse of having feelings for you was that you were always dating someone
it always comes up when the group goes out to dinner and the topic of who you're dating comes up
like it does every week...
"i actually really like him for you" dina shares, a genuine smile on her face
"yeah, dude's cool" jesse agrees, slinging his arm around dina in the booth
and then all the attention is on ellie as you stare at her with your wide eyes waiting for her approval
"what? you know you're not going to like what i have to say." she says taking a sip of her dr. pepper
yes ellie drinks dr. pepper
"cause you hate everyone i date!" you reply, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout
it was clear you were slightly tipsy but your face still made ellie smile
"yeah, cause you only date fucking losers." she would say smile on her face but anger blooming inside
ellie tries to be mature but she can't help herself
what makes it worse is that you really do date literally everyone except for her
so she doesn't really make an effort to be nice to the people you introduce her to
one time the same guy came around twice and all ellie could say was "oh it's this fucking guy again! hey man, glad to see you made it to a second date."
you scolded her after
but in her defense, you really are with someone new each week
until it's been three weeks and you're still dating the same girl
and ellie is a fucking mess
you started inviting her out to group hang outs and smoke sessions so ellie just stops showing up
she doesn't like the way it feels when her stomach flips upside down at the sight of you sitting on her lap, a beer in your hands
so she decides to opt-out, get high alone and avoid seeing you as much as possible
but it's short lived because your drunk ass is banging on her door
"ellie, let me in!" you yell over the tv playing from inside her dorm room. "i hear you watching shark tank!"
reluctantly, she gets up and opens the door for you
"can i help you?"
"yeah you can fucking help me. you can help me by telling me why you've been MIA for the last few parties. i miss you." you don't miss a beat and are already storming past her and sitting on her unmade bed
"you miss me? does arcadia know about that? you missing me?"
"is this seriously about you not liking another partner of mine? seriously ellie? grow up. you're supposed to be my friend and support me but you have done any of that?" it was obvious you had been hanging onto that for a while
she'd laugh but upon seeing your stone cold face her anger would rise
"oh, you're fucking serious. are you really that blind? you really think i want to be your fucking friend? i mean, my god i couldn't have made it clearer for you. i like you! like actually like you, like i want it to be my lap that you sit in. not hers. every person you have ever dated i have wished was me! but nooo, you just don't seem to notice."
she doesn't even realize it but she's shaking
she's actually just confessed her three year crush on you without even thinking about it
"ellie..." you begin, a worried look all over your face
"no, i don't really have it in me to get rejected by you tonight so please just go." she cuts you off, unable to meet your eyes
but then you're there next to her holding her shaking hand
"i'm not rejecting you, ellie." you whisper
"you're not? what about your little girlfriend."
"this might be absolutely toxic of me to say but... she's not you." you giggle
"you're absolutely right it's fucking toxic to say that…. but it's also EXTREMELY fucking hot."
ai audios:
extra ai audios:
there wasn't much to block..
oh, it's this fucking guy again!
oh you miss me?
you're not? what about your little girlfriend
you're right it's toxic to say that...
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jessiethewitchzard · 2 months
Mahoako Propaganda
This is the post where I try to convince you that Gushing Over Magical Girls(aka Mahou Shoujo Ni Akogarete aka Mahoako) is actually a wholesome sex positive story about young lesbians exploring their feelings for one another in a world without homophobia. (and I'm serious.) If you are a fan of yuri or magical girls, who dismissed mahoako as being horrible exploitative garbage, this post is me trying to convince you to give it a chance. It's not some horrible male gaze rape fest.
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These characters are explicitly, canonically lesbians, who are in love. They're women who love women, and aren't afraid to show it.
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This is a story where a girl struggles with whether she's being a creep by thinking her girlfriend smells nice.
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They talk frankly about their anxieties about kink.
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there's pining childhood friends. (who actually get together.)
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There's all sorts of lesbians, from wholesome uwu schoolgirl crushes, to weird traumatized alt girls making each other worse.
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Also, a character looks directly at the camera and reminds people that consent is important and you shouldn't touch someone without their permission. Basically, the story uses magical girl tropes as a framing device for the 'magic circle' of kink. In the same way that people use bdsm is a safe space to explore their feelings in new ways, the characters use magical girl battles, which are kind of treated as 'not real' in a similar way. But of course there's the elephant in the room. It's an extremely horny manga, and most of the characters are minors. These are high schoolers who touch each other's boobs. I totally understand if that alone is enough to put you off it, but I will say, these are horny teenagers getting weird feelings about each other and figuring themselves out. They're not powerless victims being exploited. For one thing, there's literally no men in this entire show. Not even a single background character. They're all women. If you're on board with a story about 14 year old girls having funny feelings about their classmates, I'd say give it a shot.
If you're *almost* on board, but the objectification still makes you a little uncomfortable, I can assure you, the story consistently focuses on how the girls feel as people, and goes far beyond simply objectifying them in a sexy pose. The kinks serve a purpose in the plot, and to enhance characterization, so if you do read it, don't completely skip past the kink scenes.
Also, if you're actually curious the kink, I should mention, it's not just bondage and spanking. in the first season alone, they've done waxplay, giantesses, abdl, exhibitionism, electroplay, tentacles, and "the room you can't leave until you fuck" among others. There is a smorgasbord of perversion here, but it's balanced out and contrasted against a bunch of really cute little character moments, especially in the manga.
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unfinishedslurs · 9 months
RIP Mike Wheeler’s heterosexuality
“Is being gay contagious?”
Steve stares at his phone groggily before putting it back against his ear. “…Mike?”
“Is it?”
“It’s three in the fuckin’ morning is what it is.” He rubs his nose, Mike’s words finally catching up to his brain. “Seriously, Mike? No it’s not fucking contagious, you’re not gonna get the gay disease or whatever from me. I promise you’ll keep liking girls.”
He’s a little hurt, even though he knows the question is innocent. They’ve been asking a lot of questions, like the inquisitive little assholes they are, but none of them had seemed like they weren’t okay with it. Until now.
“…that’s not what I meant,” Mike says. Steve realizes that his voice sounds shaky, even over the phone.
“Then what—“ he cuts himself off, realizing halfway through his bitching that there was only one reason Mike would call about this. “Oh.”
“Can you pick me up?”
“It’s three in the morning,” he repeats, even as he starts wondering where he left his keys. “Your mom…”
“Steve,” Mike pleads. “Please?”
He sighs. “I’m on my way.”
Mike is sitting on his doorstep when he pulls up, head in his hands. Steve doesn’t have to get out of the car, he stalks to the passenger door with all the vitriol of a boy with too many emotions to hold in, and wrenches the door open hard enough that Steve worries he’s going to break it.
“Watch it, noodle arms,” he says, trying to pretend this is normal. Maybe if he acts like it’s not well past midnight, Mike will relax.
It doesn’t work. Mike slumps in his seat, not bothering with the seatbelt. “Can you just drive?”
Steve drives. Doesn’t really know where they’re going, but it doesn’t matter. Just away seems to suffice.
He eventually pulls into a side road
“I’m scared to even touch another guy now! Because apparently hugging is gay when you’re older, and so is sleeping in the same bed, and telling your friends you love them, and…and I’m fucking scared all the time, ‘cause what if they’re right? How do they know? How can they tell by just fucking looking at me? It’s bullshit!”
“Shit, kid,” Steve says, heartbroken. “Shit. C’mere.”
He pulls him close, and Mike turns his face into the crook of his neck, shaking. His shirt collar starts to get damp.
“I don’t know what to do,” he cries. “I thought it was normal, I thought everyone was just…so scared all the time, and we just didn’t talk about it. But then you said that thing about being afraid and pushing it down, and I didn’t— I tried to ignore it. I tried so hard not to think about it, Steve, I swear I tried.”
“I know you did,” he says quietly. It hits him that he might be the only one who really gets it. Eddie gave up denying it long ago, deciding to evolve into something else for them to focus on. Robin’s a girl. Which doesn’t mean jack shit in most cases, because being a lesbian fucking sucks in a town like Hawkins, but girls aren’t as obsessive about it. Sometimes when they compare notes, Robin will just stare at him.
Mike shakes his head. “I don’t know what I did wrong,” he mumbles tearfully into his shoulder.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Steve says with a surprising amount of vehemence. He grabs Mike by his scrawny little shoulders, pulls him away so he can look directly into his bloodshot eyes. “Not a damn thing, do you hear me? There is nothing wrong with you, and anyone who tells you otherwise deserves a swift kick in the balls. Got it?”
Mike responds by bursting into loud, messy sobs.
Steve just keeps holding him, running a hand through his hair and soothing him gently, like he wishes someone had done for him or Robin or Eddie when they were young. Finally Mike pulls away, embarrassment starting to set in.
“Sorry,” he mutters.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Steve asks instead of a meaningless platitude he knows Mike wouldn’t accept.
Mike gives him a suspicious look. “I guess.”
“I’m scared too. All the time.”
“No you’re not,” Mike snorts. “You don’t need to make me feel better just because I’m a pussy.”
“I’m not joking,” he says. “Why do you think I dated girls? Why do you think I went through so many lengths to hide it? It’s fucking terrifying, man. But you know what makes it less scary?”
“Dating girls? Marrying a woman?”
“No.” He pokes Mike’s chest, right over his heart. “People. Friends who love and accept you. Friends who know what you’re going through, even.”
“Do you…” Mike chews his lip. “Do you think Nancy would be okay with it? With me?”
“Absolutely I do. She was okay with me, wasn’t she? And I was her boyfriend.”
“Yeah, but it’s different when it’s your family, right? Sometimes people don’t care if someone is… people don’t care until it affects them. Do you think Nancy is like that?”
He knows Nancy isn’t like that, but that's a talk they’re going to have to have themselves. “I really don’t,” he encourages. “I think she’d be really glad to know this part of you, actually. She loves you.”
“…I know,” he says, shifting uncomfortably. “I don’t… we made this dumb no secrets pact the first time the Upside-Down happened, I don’t know why. It’s stupid. But…I don’t want to keep secrets from her anymore.”
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shellomantic · 2 months
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- Rangshi
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(Headcanon: rangi has exes)
Kyoshi: how are you so good at this?
Rangi: Kyoshi, I'm a 5'9 sei'naka woman who went to an ALL GIRLS academy for SIX YEARS. I've had experience, you're not my first one
Kyoshi: im not??
Rangi: you didn't know?
Kyoshi: no, so you have.. an ex?
Rangi: two, to be exact. along with many other passing crushes, but They were only shallow, temporary love, most barely lasted a month. I was young and simply exploring my interests.
Rangi: but it was hard to put my attention onto romance with priorities and honor on the line, that and also my mother's reputation dawning on me, i always tried to keep my personal life hidden but, well, people found out, it spread to the whole school, it was- a terrible time.
Kyoshi: ...i had no idea
Rangi: its not a story i like to tell people, My past romantic experiences.. it never ends well. but you, kyoshi, your case is different, its like i've finally fallen in love for the first time.
i love them. anyways yea ive always thought about the fact that rangi really enrolled in a fire nation all-girls school. we all know hei-ran is okay with LGBTQ but we can't say the same for every other fire nation person, especially the competitive honor-bound students.
Rangi's a lesbian, she'd probably have crushes throughout the years she enrolled in the academy, at one point she'd probably even gotten as far as to date some, but the overall homophobic environment really makes it hard for her to dedicate herself, that, and she partially also doesn't want to sacrifice her training/grades for someone she likes. in any and all cases, she will prioritize herself first before her past lover.
However, with kyoshi. its not like that. No its not just because she's bound as the avatar's bodyguard. Rangi fell first, at first she expected it to just be another passing, shallow crush like how she used to, but no. They spent a lot of time together, covering eachother's backs, supporting eachother, it was mutual.
this was when rangi realized that Love remains an unfamiliar territory to the firebender. How Rangi would without a doubt sacrifice herself for kyoshi, go out of her way just to make sure kyoshi takes care of herself, she would run miles just to see her, to check up on her. all the sudden, kyoshi became a big part of her life.
And when they became lovers, Rangi couldn't be happier, she finally understood love stories and fairy tales like the tale of two dragons. back then she would think it is stupid to care for someone else before yourself, or go to such treacherous bounds in the name of love, but now she understands.
This is, Rangi's side of the story.
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honeylations · 3 months
Prompt: Chaewon is the school’s bully so her rules were simple: she’ll bully you. And you’ll let her bully you. That’s it. However for you, that’s never going to happen. What’s better than killing with kindness? FLIRTING.
Warnings/Notes: implied g!p reader, flirty badass reader, bully Chaewon, sexual remarks, suggestive at the end
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You adjusted the one strap of your backpack onto your shoulder as you released a big yawn, tired from the previous day’s baseball practice. As you continued your way down the halls, you noticed the weird stares locked on you.
You couldn’t tell what the stares meant but it made you feel uncomfortable. Your best friends Kazuha and Yunjin ran to your side, their stares just the same as everyone else’s.
“Why is everyone looking at me like I got two heads? Or are they still shocked about me having a dick? I thought we went past that by now” you huffed but Kazuha shoving her phone to your face stopped you in your tracks.
On the screen was the school’s gossip page on X, exposing photos of you naked in the gym showers. It didn’t exactly expose all of you, just your back from the waist up and under the shower head.
“What the—“
“Someone is totally stalking you bro. Like they really want to mess up your reputation” Kazuha said angrily and put her phone down.
You scoffed and smiled, confusing your friends.
“Bro this isn’t funny” Yunjin grumbled but you patted their shoulders.
“They can try and ruin my reputation. I always know how to bite back”
“Hey Y/n, nice shower photos by the way. Never knew how manly your shoulders looked until now” Chaewon said with a scrunched nose, causing her group to laugh in the classroom.
You put down your novel and stretched. “Aw thanks for noticing, babe. Worked hard on them just for you” you winked before going back to reading.
Chaewon’s smile faltered a little but she sat up and cleared her throat, trying not to let your flirty remark get to her head. “N-No wonder why you got no boyfriend. Who’d want to date a girl with a boy’s body?”
Her group laughed again but your gaze never left your book. “That’s because I’m a lesbian with a big dick. I know some girls here dig that. Right Sakura chan?” You tilted your head just to smirk at the Japanese girl, who was also Chaewon’s best friend.
Sakura instantly stopped laughing and looked at her feet with red cheeks.
Chaewon stood up from her seat, not knowing whether her sudden anger is from jealousy or from how annoyingly attractive you looked in your seat.
“Fuck you Y/n! If you don’t want more naked photos, then how about shower in your own home?”
Ok Chaewon had to admit that was the worst insult she could ever come up with but luckily her group hyped her up anyways, making the situation less embarrassing.
Finally slapping your book down, you moved out of your seat to stand in front of Chaewon who was many inches shorter than you were. You glared down at her and she smirked, thinking she finally hit a nerve in you but she wasn’t expecting you to start unbuttoning your school shirt from the top down.
“W-What are you doing?!”
“From all your yapping about my shower photos, it seems like you just wanted to see my body. I can show you all of it if it’ll get you to shut up”
Sakura’s eyes widened as she couldn’t look away.
Chaewon too. Her mouth opened and closed by no words were coming out. You were reaching button after button and she caught a glimpse of the top of your abs before you stopped.
“I’m not even done yet and you’re finally quiet. Want the full show? Stop being a bitch and lay on my bed. Your mouth could be of better use that way” You said coldly to her face before storming out of the class to the nearest bathroom.
And of course, Chaewon had to run after you. She wasn’t going to back down until she won this stupid fight.
She barged in the bathroom and saw you leaning your back against the sink with arms crossed, glaring at her. “I should’ve known you were gonna follow me. What else do you have to say to me?”
Chaewon cursed under her breath and stomped up to you, grabbing a fistful of your still unbuttoned shirt. “You think you can walk away like that? We are NOT done here”
“Why are you trying so hard to get a rise out of me? Admit it Chaewon, I’m not like your little victims. You can make them cry and beg for your mercy but that’s never gonna happen with me, do you understand?”
She stayed silent. Anger rising as she breathed heavily.
You grabbed onto her wrist that held your uniform. “Let go of me”
“Fuck you and your pretty face” she hissed and pulled you down to meet her soft lips.
It took a whine and bite of your lower lip to finally process what was going on so you held onto her waist and pulled your fronts together.
You were annoyed at how easily hard you got from such a messy kiss but when you felt Chaewon rubbing herself onto your bulge, all complaints went out the window.
“Ow!” You pulled away when she bit harder on your lip, actually drawing some blood. “What was that for?”
“For pissing me off. And for flirting with Sakura in front of me”
You smirked and kissed her puffed cheeks. “You’re so cute when you’re angry. Like a puffer fish”
“Yah fuck you!” She hit your chest.
“I’ll let you if you stop with all this bullying!”
Her face went redder than it already was. “No!”
“Then you can’t have me” you crossed your arms and looked away like a child.
But Chaewon grabbed your hands and placed them on her hips again. “Noooo I want you”
“Can you at least tone down the bullying? Please Chae?”
She sighed and looked deeply into your determined eyes. “Fine I’ll try…”
“Damn. Never knew the school’s bully could be so in love with me”
You snuggled your face into her neck and chuckled. “Don’t lie baby”
“Keep messing around and I’ll poke your eyes out”
You started placing wet kisses under her jaw. “Sorry sorry. Can we continue now?”
Chaewon rolled her eyes and pulled you in by the neck tie inside the closest stall.
Now I let your horny imaginations go crazy 👁️
Also sorry this was short. It’s been stuck in my drafts for AGES!
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existslikepristin · 2 months
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Holy shit, look what I actually finished
Tags: NSFW, TheLounge, Dreamcatcher/Minx, Loona/Artms, CLC/Kep1er, Gfriend/Viviz, I love the fact that I can technically do a / for each of those group tags, Jiu, Heejin, Yujin, futa!Eunha, Karina’s colossal cock makes a cameo, you make a cameo, BUNNIES, reluctant but totally consenting, humiliation, a variety of unhealthy habits regarding weight gain/loss, anal, p-in-v sex, rimming, cunnilingus, deepthroat, Yujin is one thirsty ass lesbian, premature ejaculation, cum sweat and tears, Jiu is just a little dumb, Heejin is just a little shy, Eunha is just little, a bit of unintentional exhibitionism, strapons, references, this whole story is a big pain in the dick
“Oh gosh, these ears are adorable on you!”
“Uh… Thanks, Jiu,” Heejin said with a deep blush and a tiny smile, folding her forearms over her stomach. Her biceps pushed her leotard partially open, revealing a lot more cleavage than she normally managed.
“Hey, don’t be so shy!” Yujin giggled and dragged a finger across Heejin’s chest. “You’re super hot.”
Jiu pushed Yujin’s hand away from Heejin, but smiled sweetly. “Don’t you be taking advantage of this girl now.”
Heejin’s blush intensified. “It’s okay… I, uh…”
Eunha wasn’t listening to any of the conversation. She was much too focused on the job at hand: Squeezing into her bunny leotard. It was already a tight fit when they first picked out the costumes, but in the following weeks, Eunha had gained some size in the thighs (and butt). Even if she was able to get the outfit all the way on, her ass would eat the thing in the back and make it look like a slightly oversized thong. Eunha’s tits had grown a bit too, so if she ever managed to get the thing on, she’d probably still be flashing her nips with every slightly bouncy step. And just to add potential injury to the insult, the severe tightness of the leotard was absolutely going to crush Eunha’s poor dick. That might help hide the bulge when they went out on stage, but dancing in such a condition would just make the whole event a literal pain. At least the bunny ear headband still fit!
Jiu, Heejin, and Yujin easily got into their bunny outfits just as quickly as the first time they tried them on. Theirs were exactly the same as Eunha’s. Copied and pasted black pump heels, black bow tie chokers, and skimpy, open-backed, black leotards which barely covered half of their asses and unreasonably low necklines. They came with little white fluffy tails on the back. 
The other three each made the same outfit look good in their own way, and each had a themed lipstick color. Heejin’s lipstick was baby blue, and her fully exposed arms and legs had a slightly oily sheen, emphasizing her muscular physique. Yujin was wearing pale green lipstick and was the thinnest of the bunch, but her perky tits and ass jiggled deliciously as she hopped around the room. Jiu’s legs, already the longest, looked a mile long now that they were exposed all the way up past her hips. She got the most normal lipstick: light pink.
Eunha wasn’t unhappy with her short frame, thick assets, and pastel yellow lipstick, but at that moment she regretted the last month of cheeseburgers, beer, and sedentary behavior. A diet was out of the question, obviously, as she would have been very hungry and wouldn’t stand for that, but she probably could have done with a bit of exercise.
“You okay over here?” Yujin asked.
Eunha flinched and looked up. As could always be expected from the thirstiest of lesbians, Yujin’s eyes were locked on her bare boobs.
“Yeah, I’m fine…” Eunha trailed off, “Okay, I’m not kidding anybody. I need some help getting this on.”
“Oh ho ho!” Yujin fake-laughed. “Does this mean I was right when I suggested we should get one of these outfits one size up?”
“You could have done with a size down! Just…” Eunha grumbled, “help me put it on.”
Yujin giggled for real, somewhere between cute and lecherous. “Sure, babe, I gotcha.” She twirled behind Eunha and dropped to her knees. “Let’s get these beautiful pillows cased, eh? A little help, Heejin?”
“Huh?” Heejin made her way over, and was followed by Jiu. Being the room’s center of attention was worse when Eunha also felt like the room’s center of gravity.
After a brief (and traumatizing) discussion on the logistics of the task ahead of them, the other two dressed bunny girls took their positions as Yujin directed, gripped a portion of Eunha’s leotard, and pulled up in tandem. They all succeeded in lifting Eunha off the floor, but the material did not budge any further. Eunha kicked back and forth rapidly until the others set her back down.
“Where exactly is it getting stuck?” Jiu asked with a puff. Eunha appreciated that Jiu used a more concerned tone, as opposed to Yujin’s mockery.
“It’s just stuck at the waist,” Yujin said, “All we gotta do is get that past her ass and we’re good. Let me just try a little lube…”
A disgusted shiver went all the way up and down Eunha’s back as she felt Yujin spit twice down the back of the leotard.
“Okay, three, two, one!” Yujin shouted, and heaved upward. Jiu and Heejin did the same.
The slip of material over Eunha’s ass was almost satisfying, but then came a sudden shock of pain; the result of fabric being stretched to its absolute limit by her expansive ass. As expected, it left no room whatsoever for her dick. Eunha could only squeak, go cross eyed, and collapse to the floor as the others released their grips.
“Oh… shit,” Heejin mumbled.
“Uh oh.” Jiu put a hand over her mouth.
“I think we need to get it off now,” Yujin said. Eunha felt herself surprisingly grateful for Yujin in that moment, considering she couldn’t catch a breath with which to say “Fuck! Take it off!”
Thankfully, the shape of Eunha’s curves made removing the thing much easier than putting it on, though it still took some effort. Jiu tossed the leotard to the side and Yujin gasped, suddenly transfixed. Eunha was left groaning on the floor, fully nude besides her askew bunny ears and bow tie. She rolled onto her back, went limp, and summarized her feelings: “O~ow~w…”
Jiu sighed heavily. “Well now what are we going to do? We can’t go out there without Eunha. She’s like, the bunniest bunny.”
Eunha barely registered the compliment.
“She could try losing some water weight,” Heejin said.
“Water weight?” Jiu asked with a raised eyebrow, “Like pissing it all out? That sounds fake.”
“Uh… No, I mean spitting in a cup… or working up a big sweat by exercising super hard.”
Jiu squinted. “That still sounds fake. And also unhealthy.”
“It works for me and Jinsoul if we need to shave an inch off.”
“An inch?!” Jiu shouted, “Wow, you fourth genners are intense. Do I need to talk to your manage—Okay, we’ll come back to that in a bit. Eunha? Yujin? Have you two ever done that?”
Eunha was still catching her breath and couldn’t answer, but was very opposed to the idea. She could barely do normal exercise, so working up enough of a sweat to lose physical size was definitely a pipe dream. There were a few long moments of silence.
“Yujin!” Jiu tapped Yujin’s shoulder, snapping her out of her trance. She’d been staring between Eunha’s legs.
“S-sorry. But look, Seunghee was right!” She pointed at Eunha’s dick. “It’s so cute!”
Just when Eunha thought her embarrassment had reached its peak, the summit stretched out by another mile. Her accidents in The Lounge would follow her forever, it seemed.
Heejin blushed again and looked away. Jiu, however, remained stoic and said, “Yeah, sure, but we need a plan, Yujin.”
More silence. Eunha eventually caught her breath and started to let the others know that the show should probably go on without her, “I—”
Yujin interrupted, “Actually, I think Heejin’s got it!”
“What?” Eunha croaked.
“What’s a little dehydration if we’re only performing four songs in a medley?” Yujin chimed, “Let’s just, you know, shrivel her up a bit, do the performance, and then come back and make her guzzle a gallon of water to plump back up! She’s real close to fitting in the thing already, so it won’t take much.”
Jiu cocked an eyebrow. “You really think something like that will work?”
“It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?”
Eunha raised a hand to try to object, but Heejin spoke first. “I mean, we could also… I mean, it would be easy to cut some slits in her leotard to expand it and use some black electric tape to cover up the—”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Yujin interrupted again, “Let’s only worry about plan B if the sweaty plan fails. Okay! So! Check this out. As we all know, sex makes for a fantastic workout. If we all fuck Eunha, she’ll sweat like crazy. And this plan comes with three more benefits! One: Draining her balls will make them fit without getting skronched again. Two: If her pussy gushes, that’s more water weight gone. And three: She burns calories for real, healthy weight loss. All the while, she’s spitting into a cup like Heejin suggested for maximum effect. Oh, but where do we get a cup?”
Heejin looked around. “I didn’t bring one… We can just grab one from—”
“What a shame!” Yujin interrupted again again, “I guess she can spit in my mouth instead.”
Jiu glared. “Well now you’re just being too obvious, Yujin. Also I’m pretty sure her balls won’t actually get smaller.”
“Damn. Yeah, those balls are already super tiny… But the sex plan is a-go-go, right?”
Heejin shrugged. “Seems kinda legit.”
Jiu sighed again and planted her hands on her bare hips, hanging her head for a moment. “I have to admit, it sounds like the best option we have. And we are bunnies, after all, so getting things done by fucking kind of makes sense.”
“What…” Eunha choked, “Don’t I get a say in this? I think Heejin was right. Cutting a little around the waist was a good ide—”
“Ruining the outfits is our last resort!” Yujin shouted. She already peeled down the top of her leotard, freeing her small chest from its confines, and straddled Eunha’s head.
Jiu and Heejin gave each other a “why not” kind of look.
Eunha groaned one last time as Yujin pulled her outfit’s crotch to the side. Eunha got an eyeful of ass and a mouthful of pussy. She resigned herself to her apparently unstoppable fate and stuck out her tongue. It was unsettling how genuinely similar to strawberries Yujin tasted.
“Oooh!” Yujin cooed, “See? Good plan.” She leaned down to grope Eunha’s tits. “Don’t forget, Eunha. You need to participate for maximum benefit.”
However reluctant she may have been, Eunha’s body certainly participated. Her dick—which was still very sore—stood straight up in no time as Jiu softly caressed and kissed it. A moment later, Jiu clambered on top, slowly grinding herself in small circles to keep Eunha’s dick inside her.
“How’s it feel?” Yujin asked with a bit of a dreamy quality to her voice.
Nobody answered for a few seconds.
“Oh, me?” Jiu clarified. “It’s alright.”
“Just alright? She’s doing great with her tongue. Really getting me wet down there.”
“Yeah. It’s like, just alright. Hey wait, wet?”
Yujin squinted. “Duh. She’s licking my vag. Of course I’m getting wet.”
“Isn’t the goal for Eunha to dehydrate a little bit from this?” Heejin asked.
“I don’t think you can actually hydrate by drinking pussy juice, but oh well. You’re right. Oops. My bad.” Yujin shifted herself a bit forward, smashing her asshole against Eunha’s mouth instead.
“Aow! Ffey!” Eunha exclaimed and slapped Yujin’s thigh.
Yujin flinched a little, but cooed again. “Oooh, yes, this is just as good. Keep at it and you’ll drop a size in no time!”
“Hey, uh…” Heejin looked back and forth between Yujin and Jiu. “What should I do?”
Yujin hummed. “Weeell, let’s see. Seunghee told me that Eunha really likes anal.”
“Sheesh… another one?” Heejin murmured for some indiscernible reason, probably involving a church.
Eunha felt like she should protest, but it was a point she couldn’t effectively argue. She didn’t exactly want to argue, especially when Heejin’s finger pressed into her ass and curled up, pushing all of Eunha’s love buttons.
Reluctance aside, Eunha started giving in to the pleasure. She managed to lift her legs enough for Heejin’s finger to get almost all the way inside her. Jolts of energy zipped through her at each twirl of Jiu’s hips. Her hands instinctively spread Yujin’s ass further to be better devoured. Bunny eared stars swam in front of her eyes and she squealed.
Jiu suddenly stopped moving. “Oh. I think she just came.”
“Is that what that was?” Yujin asked, “We’ve only been at this for like fifteen seconds.”
Eunha’s core twitched and her toes curled. She’d be much more flustered if she weren’t losing her mind to one of the most intense orgasms she’d ever had.
“She hasn’t even… started to sweat though? Oh…” Heejin said, pointing between Jiu’s legs, “Yeah, that’s cum.”
Jiu swung a leg up and back, leaving behind a couple drops of Eunha’s jizz before her leotard snapped back into place and caught the rest.
“Welp…” Yujin popped her lips a few times. “Adorable little cock means adorable little cock problems, I guess.”
“If she doesn’t, you know, have the stamina to keep going long enough to start sweating, don’t you think we should try something else?”
“No!” Yujin smacked Eunha’s tits, yanking her out of her orgasmic bliss. “It’s far too soon to give up! Surely those teeny tiny little balls have more to give!”
Eunha tried to cradle her stinging boobs, but Yujin slapped her hands away.
Jiu dabbed at her crotch with a tissue near one of the makeup stations. “You know, Yujin,” she said, “As our token ‘real’ lesbian, I would have expected that you would suggest we keep going with Eunha’s pussy.”
“Jiu, you beautiful bunny, you’re a genius!” Yujin’s smile beamed.
“I’m really kinda not though.”
Keeping her head pinned, Yujin grabbed Eunha by the thighs and lifted, folding the poor girl nearly in half. “Let’s send this pussy to Kingdom Cum!”
Eunha whined, still partially muffled by Yujin’s ass, “Guyf, can’ we take a bweak?”
“Sorry,” Jiu said, “I don’t think we have time for a break. We need to be on stage in twenty minutes.”
“Also, a break would defeat the purpose!” Yujin chimed, “Hey Heejin, let’s try something. She’s not actually getting all that soft yet. Here, get between her legs.”
Pump heels clacked on the tile floor around Eunha as bodies (including her own, as she was involuntarily puppeted around) were rearranged. Yujin stayed in place, simply leaning to one side to make room for Heejin to be pulled down onto her hands and knees. Heejin briefly waved at Eunha now that they were sort of face to face, but then did her best to avoid eye contact, bunny ears wiggling as she tried to get into the position Yujin was directing her into.
Jiu pushed Eunha’s legs even further up to kneel behind them, putting her within tongue’s reach of all of Eunha’s most vulnerable bits. This left Yujin free to release Eunha’s thighs while still leaving them trapped in the air.
It was much like yoga, but without a choice. Eunha felt suffocated not only by Yujin’s butt, but also by the way she was being curled into a pretzel for the other bunny girls’ enjoyment (or maybe just Yujin’s). Her scrunched up torso—and the return of one of Yujin’s insistently groping, pushy hands—was really taking her breath away, physically speaking. Memories of being pinned to the closet floor by jeans-covered, thick thighs came rushing back, and her dick got rock hard again. Eunha was at least thankful that the others couldn’t read those thoughts.
“I’m ready whenever she’s hard again,” Heejin said with yet another blush.
“Of course she is, cutie!” Yujin shifted Heejin’s leotard to the side and guided Eunha’s dick into Heejin’s pussy. “If I had a dick, I don’t think I’d ever go soft looking at you, Heejie.”
If Eunha could have thrown her head back in pleasure, she would have. Heejin’s pussy was perhaps the tightest she had ever felt (not that she’d felt that many). “Mmmf!” she hummed up Yujin’s butt. A trickle of Yujin’s juices ran down her chin and neck.
“She’s starting to sweat too,” Jiu said before driving her tongue into Eunha’s asshole and pressing three fingers into Eunha’s pussy. She put in the most effort of anybody in the room, rocking Eunha’s lower body back and forth a bit, fucking her dick into Heejin.
“Good!” Yujin chirped, “She’s totally feeling it! Won’t be long before we’re swimming in her pussy ju—I mean her sweat!”
Everybody grimaced at Yujin’s weird, gay thirst, but she continued, “How about it? How’s that dick feel for you?”
After a moment, Heejin looked up and asked, “Uh… you mean me?”
“Yeah you, hot stuff!”
“I mean, I’m… ready whenever Eunha is.”
There was a long, very awkward pause.
Jiu coughed lightly. “She’s, um, already…”
There was a sudden panic in Heejin’s eyes. “Fuck! I thought you were fingering me!”
Another silence, then Heejin panicked harder. “Wait… no! I mean, fisting me! Eunha, I… I thought Jiu was fisting me! Because your cock is big…”
Eunha sighed heavily into Yujin’s ass crack. She could already sense Heejin’s words creeping into her subconscious to haunt her dreams for the rest of her life, constantly reminding her of her inadequate penis size and how it was basically one of her most defining features.
“S-sorry, Eunha… I really meant—”
Yujin patted Heejin’s head. “Hey, shush, cutie. Apologizing probably just makes it wors—I mean, she probably hears that from everyone all the tim—I mean, I’ve got a dildo you can borrow later if you need something of a reasonable siz—I mean, hey, let’s fuck that lovely cock, right? Here we go, that’s it. Beautiful.”
Hands on Heejin’s hips, Yujin pushed her back and forth (cautiously and over a very short distance).
Despite the developing medium-size traumatic stress disorder, Eunha couldn’t help but succumb to pleasure. It all just felt so good. The fingers, the tongues, the pussies and assholes. Everything squeezed her, groped her, penetrated her, humiliated h—no wait, not that one. It was so much sensation. Her toes curled of their own accord. So much… So much!
Jiu and Yujin teased their fingers over Eunha’s balls and clit respectively, clearly reminding the reader of the severe lack of anatomical realism going on up in this bitch, but that’s okay because it made Eunha—
“I think she just came again,” Jiu said, “Her balls and her holes just tensed up all at once. I think she even squirted a little bit. Pretty sure that’s not just pee?”
Eunha fought to hold back her tears. The sexual satisfaction, physical discomfort, and emotional shame were all mixing together in the most horrible way and she really didn’t want to like it as much as she was. Thanks to the angle she was being held in, her juices, both what squeezed out of her pussy and Heejin’s, dripped down her stomach and between her tits. Yujin immediately smeared it around like a gay pervert (because she’s a gay pervert).
“Oh fuck… please don’t let it be pee,” Heejin said in a tone denoting past personal experience in a church.
“It probably isn’t!” Yujin shouted, “ Keep going! If she’s squirting, it’s working!”
Eunha managed to push Yujin’s butt off her face with her feeble arms. “Oh my gosh… please… let me have—”
Before she could finish begging for a break, Yujin lifted Eunha’s head with her heels, shoving her much harder into the crevasse of her ass and blocking off her nose. Eunha weakly tried to pry Yujin’s legs away but failed, and groped around as one does when struggling and not knowing what to do with their hands. She knew she should have seen this coming, and hoped she’d get some air before she passed out. At least she had a surprisingly tasty ass to eat while her humiliation and exhaustion continued.
Yujin grabbed one of Eunha’s limply hanging legs and brought it down, where she popped a couple of toes into her mouth. Eunha didn’t have a foot fetish, but she did like it when Yerin sucked—and/or made SinB suck—her toes.
Heejin’s face was barely visible past Yujin’s ass. Eunha couldn’t help but think about how pretty she was, especially in the full bunny girl outfit. Eunha briefly wondered if she could get Heejin’s number, and then immediately pushed the thought out of her mind. The concept of facing Heejin (or Yujin or Jiu for that matter) any time in the future was mortifying.
Jiu was exceptionally good at everything she was doing. If anything was making Eunha sweat, besides the forced yoga, it was the skill Jiu was exhibiting. Eunha’s pussy and ass were absolutely on fire, and actually in a good way. Specifically in the approaching orgasm way.
“Oookay, she just came again,” Jiu groaned.
A general sense of deflation and disappointment in the room made it quite clear that Eunha was the only one enjoying these very quick orgasms. Yujin let go of her head and tits, Jiu sighed a heavy breath against her backside, and Heejin rolled away, letting Eunha's spasming cock hit Yujin with the last spurt of cum.
"What?" Yujin asked, scooping the jizz out of her belly button, "What's wrong with that? We can still keep fucking her."
Heejin was clearly trying to hold back a scowl. "I know. It's just… kinda weird, I guess."
Yujin backed off, finally letting Eunha get a full breath of fresh air until she shoved her cum-covered fingers into Eunha's mouth. "Heejin, I totally agree. It's weird and gross that she can't even hold it in for one whole minute, but the point is to make her work up a sweat so we can all perform together, and that's working! Right?!"
Eunha gave an exhausted groan and limply slapped at Yujin’s arm. It’s not like she hadn't eaten plenty of her own cum before, but there was something uniquely demeaning about it being casually forced into her mouth while her poor sexual performance was discussed above her.
"Maybe it's just worth trying Heejin's other idea?" Jiu let Eunha's bottom half down to the floor again. "Cut the outfit a bit?"
"Hang on! We've got plenty of time for this method, right?" Yujin pointed at the clock on the wall. They still had eighteen minutes left.
Eunha rolled over into the fetal position.
“Well, yeah. But I’m seriously not sure this is working, and I think we should be pretty concerned that Loona’s managers insist on making them do anything like this. Really, Heejin, do you need me to talk to them?”
“Woah woah woah, little miss white-knight-with-sexy-legs-in-a-bunny-costume,” Yujin butted in, “There’s plenty of time to punch Loona’s draconian managers in their stupid faces later, so hear me out. Eunha is clearly not doing so great on the penis side of things. I know it’s hard to tell because she’s already so small, but her little cock is getting soft as we speak. However! This is about physical exertion, not pleasure, even if that gorgeous mouth of hers is really fucking good at the pleasure thing… So let’s just do something that doesn’t require waiting for her refractory periods!”
Jiu scratched her head. “Her refractory periods have only been like ten seconds a piece.”
“And that’s ten! Seconds! Wasted!” Yujin clapped to punctuate her words, “every time she cums prematurely! That’s cutting into our productivity! But I have good news. I brought something with me that can help us out. Check my bag.”
Doing as Yujin asked, Jiu procured a clear-jeweled butt plug. She looked at the gem carefully. “Why the hell is there a picture of my face inside a butt plug?”
“Forget about that! I was talking about the other stuff in my bag!”
“Oh. Holy crap, this is enormous.” Jiu procured another item, much larger than the butt plug. It was a dildo, already attached to a strap on, and nearly the size of her forearm. “You want to fuck Eunha with this? It’s bigger than she is.”
Yujin beamed a proud smile across the room. “Hehe, yeah. It is big, huh? It’s molded off of Karina. Got it from Giselle. And yes. Eunha may be small but according to Jihyo that ass of hers can take a truly absurd portion of dick.”
Heejin grimaced for church-related reasons. “What is it with tiny girls being size queens…”
More flashbacks played across Eunha’s memory. She hoped she would get fresh baked cookies when everything was over again. Of course, she’d given up protesting. She could get up, get dressed (in normal clothes that still fit her), and walk away, but then the story wouldn’t happen and she really did want the sex to continue, whether or not she ended up such a leg-shaky, gaping, dripping, braindead mess that she wouldn’t actually be able to go out on stage. In fact, if that were the case, she could probably use that as an excuse to drop out of the performance.
Eunha didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, considering she knew they were just going to end up wrecking her ass (and perhaps more than her ass) shortly. Instead, she indulged herself a little, stroking her cock with her middle and ring fingers. It may have been getting soft, but damn if it didn’t feel great after three consecutive creampies. She wondered what it would feel like if someone else were to cum while riding her. If she could keep herself from cumming for like thirty or forty more second—
Then, Eunha was rolled onto her stomach. She reflexively tried to say “wait,” but it turned into a long squeal as her ass was rudely and far too quickly filled with what must have been half the entire planet’s supply of silicone. Reports of the size of Karina’s dick were not exaggerated.
“Wooow!” Yujin sang, “Now that was easy! Check it out, Jiu! She took the whole thing in one go!”
Attempting to catch her breath turned out not to be an option for Eunha, and Yujin’s sudden, emphatic fucking made the situation so much worse. The bottom pounding made it feel like Eunha’s lungs were being pounded from the bottom. She didn’t have the time to question that poorly worded circular logic though, as her head was lifted and another dildo (of significantly smaller size) was pushed into her gasping mouth.
The second dildo was attached to a second strap on, which was in turn attached to Jiu’s hips. Eunha looked up into her eyes, giving her a pleading, sort of “why me?” kind of expression. Jiu shrugged and proceeded to fuck Eunha’s throat.
“Look at us,” Yujin marveled out loud, “Just you an me, Jiu, spitroasting a little shawty between us like a couple of professionals.”
Jiu squinted, “What?”
“You know what I’m saying? Just us, some hotties with killer bods, going all the way downtown to Paris to meet at the top like the Eiffel Tower.”
“I’m not going to kiss you right now, Yujin.”
All the while, Eunha being shoved back and forth between them, scrubbing the floor with her tits, catching breaths of air in the short moments she could get them around the tip of Jiu’s strap on. The struggle for mere survival did not diminish the pleasure though. Yujin’s creepcore comments diminished it a little, but Eunha could block those out. She surrendered herself to the rough treatment, merely moaning in ecstatic agony as everything inside her rearranged itself around the preposterously large fake cock pistoning in and out of her asshole, totally out of sync with the rhythm of Jiu’s facefucking.
“Aw, well, I guess that means we’ll kiss later, right?”
“Yeah,” Jiu sighed, “Maybe.”
Yujin paused her fucking briefly. “Woah, holy shit, really?”
“We can talk about it later, when we’re not busy.”
“Oh, y-yeah, tot-tally,” Yujin stumbled over her words and went back to slamming Eunha’s ass. She cleared her throat. “Hey Heejin, you gonna help us out? What are you doing over there?”
Eunha did her best to look to the side, Jiu’s dildo puffing out her cheek. She saw Heejin putting down a pair of scissors and walking behind Eunha once again.
“Huh? Nothing… What should I do? We’re out of dildos.”
Though Eunha was happy to hear she’d live to see another day, she was slightly disappointed to hear that.
“Well,” Yujin mused, “I think it’s not helping much for Eunha to just lie here on the floor. Here, get behind me and help me lift.”
“Always with the small girl lifting…” Heejin muttered more about her mysterious, sacrilegious past.
Moments later, Eunha found herself hanging in the air. Two pairs of hands held up her thighs, one pair of hands held up her shoulders, and the fake dicks in her ass and mouth kept her locked in place. The irony about how Eunha was the one who was supposed to be exercising in that moment was very much lost on her, as her mind was being consumed by ecstasy. She did register that for every thrust into her butt, though, there were two evenly spaced smacking sounds.
“Gosh, Heejin,” Yujin giggled, “I wish we did have another dildo. You could be totally wrecking my puss right now if you wanted. And damn, look at these arms. I’d ask if you work out, but I think it’s pretty obvious.”
Jiu hissed, “Yujin! We are locked in on this plan right now, and we only have fourteen minutes left! Save the flirting for later!”
Nobody paid attention to Eunha as she rammed head/asslong into yet another orgasm.
In fact, Eunha came several more times. She was not in the right state of mind to keep track of the actual number, but as the other three bunny girls got a major work out by maneuvering her around into several different air-suspended positions, Eunha sprayed an unreasonable quantity of cum onto the floor, Yujin, and herself.
Her body spasmed nearly constantly, melding orgasms and aftershocks into one seemingly endless climax, like a modern big budget movie. Her balls couldn’t keep up and her cock couldn’t stay up, eventually flopping limp with occasional small drops finding their way out. Her pussy drooled, creating a froth that clung to the dildo still splitting her in two. Her whole body, head to toe, was slick with sweat. Miraculously, however, her bunny ear headband stayed on the entire time, albeit slightly askew.
“Phew!” Yujin puffed, “Okay, should we try getting her in the costume now?”
Eunha glanced up at the clock through hazy eyes. Two minutes until they were expected to be on stage. The others released her onto a chair, emptying Eunha's mouth and ass, simultaneously giving her relief and causing great disappointment. She couldn't tell whether her ass was gaped wide open or if it managed to close back up. It was almost entirely numb.
While Heejin got the costume, Yujin grabbed Eunha’s balls, rolling them painfully between her fingers. “Well, they're not shriveled up per se, but she's totally not getting hard again any time soon.”
Eunha squirmed, coughed, and groaned. “Staaahp!” she whined weakly.
Jiu looked down suspiciously. “I'm starting to think this wasn't a good idea from the beginning,” she said with a rub of her chin.
“Why's that?” Yujin asked, helping Heejin lift Eunha's legs to slide the leotard on.
“Just look at her, Yujin. She's in no condition to dance—oh damn, she fits.”
Somehow, there was no difficulty whatsoever in putting Eunha's leotard on. It was absolutely still tight once it was all the way on (as expected, the bottom was stretched to the point of looking like floss between her ass cheeks, it all but flattened her dick and balls, and her tits still threatened to pop out of the top), but she was in it!
Heejin clasped the bow tie choker around Eunha's neck and dropped the pump heels under her feet. “Yeah, it fits… We should hurry out there.”
Eunha moaned as loudly as she could, obviously quite hoarse from the throat fucking, and did not stand up. She wanted to pass out, not perform.
Lifting her limp arm and letting it fall back down, Jiu hummed thoughtfully. “Yeah, nope. Definitely a bad idea. She can't even mov—”
“Come on, girl!” Yujin shouted, “You're an idol! You've performed in way worse conditions!” She smacked the tops of Eunha's thighs, hard.
The sting brought Eunha back, mostly, to her senses, sending her up straight in her seat. “Ooow!”
Jiu and Heejin both glared at Yujin, but she grabbed Eunha by the arms and yanked her off the chair. The two nearly collapsed back to the floor, but Eunha caught herself and managed to stay standing on very wobbly legs.
“How do I,” Eunha took a shaky breath, “How do I look?”
The others hmm'ed and haw'ed for a moment.
“You look very cute. Extra bunnyish,” said Jiu.
“You look so fucking sexy,” said Yujin.
“You look… like you lost a fight,” said Heejin.
Eunha turned to face one of the mirrors and gasped (which turned into a cough). Her makeup was ruined, yellow lipstick smeared across her left cheek and eyeshadow streaked down. There was nothing left of her stylist's effort on her hair. None of it was going to be able to get fixed in the minute and a half that remained.
She groaned, “Oh no… Do I have to go out there?”
Miraculously, the performance went quite well!
CLC’s “To the sky”, Gfriend’s “Smile”, Loona’s “Ding Ding Dong”, and Dreamcatcher’s “Over the Sky” flowed somehow seamlessly back and forth for five minutes, including a dance break that mostly consisted of the four bunny girls jumping around the stage and playing with the crowd.
Despite Eunha’s disheveled (to say the absolute least) appearance, the audience consisting entirely of fellow Kpop idols cheered and bounced along to the cheerful, vaguely spring equinox-themed medley.
“Come closer quickly! Ding ding ding! The bell is ringing!”
“Step on the pedal and run to the sky! Even when you run out of breath!”
“Though my heart can’t catch you right now, and it’s shaking!”
“Don’t spare me! Look at me! I can feel all your love!”
In the end, when Eunha, Yujin, Jiu, and Heejin hopped into an ending fairy formation, Eunha felt a rush of relief. She made it! She survived and didn’t even screw up the dance! Sweat poured off of her like a fountain, and her leotard started to feel a little loose, but she was glad to be done! Already, thoughts of her soft bed, softer blankets, and a week’s worth of naps filled her mind. 
“Give it up for the Spring Bunnies! What a show!” You shouted into the mic. How lovely of The Lounge to invite you to MC their seasonal events.
As Eunha huffed and puffed, both hands in the air flashing V’s, she gave one particularly heavy sigh. Suddenly, she felt a cool breeze across her stomach… and the subtle scrape of her leotard falling down her legs. The crowd went silent as she froze in place, smile turning very slowly into a cringe.
Jiu and Yujin looked down at the pieces of the leotard, no longer held together by strips of electrical tape, and then looked at Heejin.
Heejin put up her hands, looking guilty. “I… guess the tape got wet,” she whispered.
Somewhere in the middle of the audience, Yerin screamed at the top of her lungs, “WOO HOO! YEAH! THAT’S MY TINY DICK BUNNY GIRL! GO EUNHA!”
The crowd hesitantly started clapping again. Eunha tried not to think about it, just in case it might get her hard again before she could run backstage and hide forever.
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maddogofshimano · 8 months
The Boss’s Date Coaching
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oh baby it's another Goromi event! this one's a board game with Nishida as our protagonist
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the board music was Receive You the Madtype
I thought it was kind of funny that they were squeezing another Goromi event in when her character story and past event already covered............. basically every single moment available in YK1! but that's okay.
because this one doesn't take place in YK1
as a brief aside on pronouns, I’m sticking with she/her for any references to Goromi. the term for boss Nishida uses for her, 親父, is explicitly masculine in the same way that patriarch in english is, but I’m not factoring that in for this translation
I will put a content warning that there's a brief attempted sexual assault in this, it's only a few lines and is resolved very quickly but it is there
summary: It is 2006. Goromi is waiting for Kiryu to arrive at SHINE to help out a hostess so she can (once again) surprise him. Nishida has a date coming up, and in her boredom Goromi decides she'll teach him the secrets of a woman's heart.
[2006] [After Kiryu Kazuma was released from prison….] (Tl note: the first time I completely blew past the fact that this said 2006 and not 2005. But I guess 2006 is technically after Kiryu was released from prison, so.) Goromi: ……Kiryu-chan, you're takin' so long~.
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Goromi: Nishida! Are ya absolutely sure ya actually emailed him?
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Nishida: Y-Yes! I'm positive I did...
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Goromi: Then why ain't he come here? Nishida: Kiryu-san is… a really busy person, so… he must have gotten himself caught up in something…. (tl note: Nishida refers to Kiryu as Kiryu no ojiki, which is literally your uncle who is younger than your dad, and in yakuza terms usually means a patriarch less senior than your own. I'm going with -san for simplicity of showing he's being deferential)
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Goromi: ……..Well, a burly guy like Kiryu-chan probably gets tons of invites. Goromi: But I got all this time to kill~. …Nishida, ain't there just nothin' interesting? Nishida: I-I guess so… Goromi: Kaaa~… When there's a girl this cute with nothin' to do, ya oughta be helpin' her kill some time! <phone buzzes> Nishida: …! (tl note: this is literally the first time Nishida has looked not extremely worried)
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Goromi: Oh! Is it from Kiryu-chan!?
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Nishida: N… No, it wasn't. Goromi: What the hell. Who's it from? Nishida: Umm… well… Goromi: …You're stallin'. Give it here! Nishida: Ah… Goromi: …"I had a lot of fun on our date on Saturday, Rina"… This is… Nishida, did'ya get yourself a girlfriend? (Tl note: it's not……….. it's not YK1 SHINE hostess and known lesbian Rina, right? it's a different Rina……. right???) Nishida: No, it's not that serious…! We just met when I went to a group-dating event the other day… Nishida: Then we emailed a little… and she ended up asking me out on a date… Goromi: Ohh~… Seems like she's into ya. What kinda girl is she? And what do ya think of her? Nishida: Umm… here's a picture from the group dating. Nishida: She's a really sweet, attentive, and kind, and we get along… I think it'd be really great if we ended up dating…
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Goromi: ……… Nishida: …Boss? Is something wrong? Is there something strange about the photo? Goromi: …Just shocked. A beautiful lady like her is all but wasted on ya. Nishida: …Y-Yeah, I think so too. I'm not even sure why she ended up contacting me at all… Goromi: ….I got it! This situation calls for me to step in and help ya, yeah? (Tl note: Goromi is using "washi" as her personal pronoun here, which is what Majima usually uses when he's speaking as a boss, or "ore". Goromi usually goes with "watashi" but does use "ore" when Kiryu catches her off-guard) Nishida: Eh? Goromi: To make sure yer date goes well, I'm gonna teach ya all about a woman's heart! Nishida: Eh… Goromi: And I've got tooons of free time right now… aren't ya lucky~! Goromi: Hang tight! This is gonna be "the heart of a woman: lesson 1"! <Goromi leaves, presumably to make slides or get props or something> Nishida: I-……… I have a bad feeling about this… Nishida: I think my boss is just… doing something absurd to me to kill time while waiting for Kiryu-san to show up… (Tl note: lol this time it was actually -san. just gotta be EXTRA formal talking about Kiryu around Goromi, I guess) Nishida: No… it's bad to assume. It's possible that my boss might honestly be trying to help me… Nishida: …She said this was lesson one on a woman's heart… How many lessons is she planning? <scene transition to later> Goromi: …I've come~! And I've brought pleeenty of booze~! (Tl note: Goromi says お・ま・た~! which I presume is a shortening of お待たせしました as in "sorry to have kept you waiting" but omata on its own is uh. it's vulva. it's vulva and that sort of crotch area. hence my translation of trying to get some kind of weird double entendre there) <sound of a cork popping> Nishida: Wh-Why are you filling that tower of glasses with alcohol… Goromi: I thought I'd show ya how to drink. I brought a buncha different kinds. Goromi: Sake, shochu, wine, whiskey, cocktails, plum brandy, beer, take your pick! Go on, drink whatever ya want! Nishida: A-Alright… Nishida: (…Boss… did say she was going to teach me about the hearts of women… so does that mean this is a test?) Nishida: (In that case… a cocktail is probably bad… that's something a girl would pick, I think…) (tl note: NISHIDA NO DON'T LOSE TO THE TOXIC MASCULINITY) Nishida: …Boss. I'd like a whiskey and cola to drink, please. Goromi: Ohh… Whiskey, huh…? Nishida: Well then… cheers. Nishida: (The way I drink will probably also be judged… the manly way to do it is in one shot…)
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<horrible gulping sounds and the glass hitting the table> Nishida: …Thank you! Goromi: Oooh, yer a big drinker, huh? Goromi: Although… did ya notice anythin' strange? Nishida: Eh? Something strange…? Now that you mention it, the taste was a little bit peculiar…  <stomach noise> Nishida: My… my stomach's… Wh-What did you put in that, boss!? Goromi: Dumbass! You were so complacent ya didn't even realize that thing was fulla laxatives! Nishida: L-Laxatives!? Why did you.. guhh… Goromi: And now ya know lesson one of how women's hearts work: "I don't want to be with a man who would easily be poisoned to death!"  Goromi: If you're a man, ya gotta be cautious of anythin' that gets served to ya, cause ya could get poisoned!
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Nishida: Th-That's… unreasonable… Nishida: (…I think my worries were correct… She's just using me for amusement to kill some time…) <stomach gurgling> Nishida: Ughhh… S-Sorry… gotta… bathroom… Goromi: …No can do. If ya wanna go to the bathroom, ya gotta beat up that guy. Nishida: …Eh? <footsteps> Beefy Majima Family Member: …Sorry, Nishida no aniki. Boss says I gotta.
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Nishida: Y-You… Goromi: Now, after poisonin' ya, this ruffian's here to snatch your pretty girlfriend! Goromi: Nishda! Endure that stomach ache 'n win! Show Goromi-chan somethin' good! Nishida: Ughuugh… Y-Yes… boss!!!! Beefy Majima Family Member: Well… I hope you'll forgive me, Nishida no aniki. (Tl note: I did shorten that name to "beefy member" and then reconsidered)
<fight happens> <sounds of a toilet flushing> Nishida: Haa… Haa… Just in the nick of time… Goromi: Heh, ya gotta a lotta willpower to avoid havin' an accident like that, huh? Here, drink this so ya don't get dehydrated. Nishida: Ah, some water? Thank you, Boss. <drinking sounds> Nishida: …What the… it's a little bitter…? Boss, what's up with this water-- <Nishida hits the ground> Goromi: Dumbass! I just told ya, don't make it so easy to slip ya sleepin' pills like that! Goromi: …When ya wake up, I'm gonna train ya until ya can identify every kind of poison by taste. Buckle up, buttercup. Nishida: Uugh… uughhh… that's……. impossibleee…. <END PART 1>
[While waiting on Kiryu to finally arrive, Goromi learns of an upcoming date and uses her free time to instruct Nishida on the matters of a woman's heart.] [After drinking poisoned booze, Nishida has learned lesson number one, "girls don't want guys who are easily poisoned".]
Nishida: (Boss… She told me to wait outside for the next lesson on a woman's heart…)
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Nishida: (This lesson comes after poisoning… What sort of terrifying part of the female psyche is she going to teach…) Goromi: I've come~ 🎶 (Tl note: yeah. yeah it's the same one. yeah) Nishida: Ah, boss. What's the next lesson going to… be? <Goromi appears with a whole army of goons> Goromi: A woman's heart: lesson 2! "Obviously I like strong men 🎶"! (Tl note: this is probably the same line she says to Kiryu about her type of man, but I'm too lazy to double check OR look up what she exactly said in english)
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Goromi: A man's not a real man at all if he ain't tough! Now you're gonna tussle with these guys! Goromi: Smash up these ten opponents, and show a gal what she likes to see in a man! Nishida: No… this is… just the boss's pastime… Nishida: She said this was about a woman's heart… but this is more like training in a battle manga… Goromi: Let's get it rollin'! Get it done nice 'n quick! Goromi: Oi, everyone! No goin' easy just cause it's 10 on 1, I want everyone goin' all out against Nishida! Majima Family Members: Roarrrrrrrr!!!! Nishida: ….Crap… Guess there's no avoiding it…! Nishida: Haa… Haa… (tl note: THIS WASN'T THE OBLIGATORY FIGHT? I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE THE FIGHT IS THERE ANOTHER??)
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<a goon slides in> Nishida: !?
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<Nishida gets smacked> Nishida: Guh…! <A new goon slides in> Majima Family Member A: Haa! Nishida: Crap! <Nishida steps away> Nishida: Haa… Haa… Nishida: (When there's this many opponents… while you're busy with one guy, another will circle around behind you…) Nishida: (They're not that strong if I can take them on one by one, but I can't fight them properly when they're in my blind spots…) Nishida: (What the hell do I do…) Nishida: …..! That's it….! Goromi: …Seems like ya figured it out. Goromi: Everyone! What're ya standin' around for! Go beat the shit outta Nishida! Majima Family Member A: Y-Yes! <scene change> Nishida: Yes… right here…
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Majima Member A: Oi! It's too cramped to go together! Majima Member B: Shit… this is… too narrow! Nishida: (Yes… This narrow alleyway forces them to come down it one at a time…) Nishida: (Since I don't have to keep watching my back, this negates their numbers advantage in close quarters.) Nishida: …What's wrong, come at me! Otherwise it'll be the boss that's hitting you! Nishida: …Time to go…! Nishida no aniki! Please don't hold this against me!
<actual fight time where you do indeed take on 10 goons>
Majima Member D: Gahh…
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Nishida: Haa… Haa… Somehow… I won… Goromi: Ya did it, Nishida! Now ya don't gotta be worried when ya get jumped by a buncha thugs!
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Nishida: Um… I think I will still be worried… Goromi: Well, if they really wanted ya dead they woulda done ya in the first time you stumbled… Goromi: Eh, we'll call it good enough this time. Ya passed lesson 2 of a woman's heart, "Obviously I like strong men 🎶" ! Nishida: Th-Thank you very much… Goromi: Now, this will be the final thing I can teach you about a woman's heart… A woman's heart: lesson 3… Are ya ready? Nishida: Y…..Yes. Nishida: (Next is the final one, huh…) Nishida: (I figured that if she's just doing this to kill time, she'd get tired of these sorts of antics… but this is faster than I thought.) Nishida: (But I can't let my guard down. Lessons 1 and 2 were seriously absurd… What on earth will lesson 3 be?) <music changes to the more emotional soft track> Goromi: A question for ya. Right now… what do ya think Goromi-chan wants? (Tl note: I misread it as "what do you think of Goromi-chan" at first and was like, so scared to continue. I was shook by the possibility of Goromi emotional vulnerability momence)
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Nishida: …Eh? Goromi: What's wrong? Answer already. I wanna know whatcha think I'm after. Nishida: Eh… Well… Nishida: (What do I say… The number one thing my boss would probably want is to fight with Kiryu-san.) Nishida: (But, that would be way too easy for this quiz… what the hell… what is it…) Goromi: …Figured out your answer? Nishida: ……….. Nishida: ……Sorry, I don't know. Nishida: I thought getting to fight Kiryu-san would be it, but… I'm not confident enough in that to commit to it. Goromi: …Ya got it. "I dunno" is the right answer. Nishida: Eh? Goromi: The final lesson on women's hearts: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her".
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Goromi: Every woman has her own circumstances. Goromi: A woman who loves sweets can still have days where she wants something spicy, and there are women who will claim to hate what they actually like. (Tl note: .............................................................................hey when this is in direct response to Goromi's number one desire being a fight with Kiryu. there's. hmm.) Goromi: So, don't look at just one aspect of a woman and think ya know everything about her, okay? Goromi: Women are deeply complex, living beings, despite what men think. ...Got it? Nishida: Y-Yes...! I will take your words to heart! Goromi: ...Alright, good. I taught ya about the female psyche, so make good use of it on your date. Nishida: Y... Yes! Goromi: Well then, time to head back to the club. I got a feelin' that Kiryu-chan might be there soon.
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<she leaves> Nishida: While the other two were obviously farces... it feels like that last one was surprisingly genuine. Nishida: Guess it makes sense, after she got tired of doing the absurd. But, that doesn't seem quite right... hmmm... Nishida: Still, something to make use of on my date... Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her" is good to keep in mind... Nishida: But "I don't want to be with a man who would easily be poisoned to death!" and "Obviously I like strong men 🎶" are-- Nishida: Maybe not as helpful... <END PART 2>
[I'm skipping the recap lol but today's the day of the date] Rina: Hehe, I thought the same thing during the group date, but talking to you is really easy, Nishida-san...
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Rina: I was really nervous to ask you out, but I'm glad I gathered up the courage 🎶 Nishida: Oh, nah... I was worried we wouldn't be that good of a fit, too. Nishida: ........ Rina: ...? What's going on? You keep looking around the perimeter. Do you have a friend here? Nishida: Ah, no... it's nothing. Sorry, it's just nerves. Rina: Ah, no worries then! Really, I thought it was cute, you looked like a baby animal. Nishida: C-Cute...? Is that so... Nishida: (I can't tell her that I'm traumatized from my boss's training, and that I'm looking for a good spot to fight a pack of thugs...) Nishida: (Or that I'm being cautious about drinking the water brought to me in case it's been poisoned...) Nishida: (The boss's lessons on a woman's heart... my body sure remembers them, huh... ha...) Rina: Ah, that's right! Listen to this! I'm not making this up, the other day at the park, I saw a squirrel-- (Tl note: I thought that was just, the end of her sentence at first. she's just REALLY excited about squirrels) <scene transition to outside> Rina: Nishida-san, your recommendation of restaurant was delicious! I'm definitely bringing all my friends there 🎶
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Nishida: I'm glad. I like going there because it's fairly cheap while still being delicious. Rina: Cheap and delicious restaurants are the best. I feel like it being cheap makes it taste even better, you know? Nishida: Ah, I get you! It's really a question of mood. This restaurant here is also good. There's this pork fried with ginger and grated daikon on top-- Rina: Hehe, you sure know your eateries Nishida-san. I'll have to rely on you next time I can't decide where to go eat~. Rina: ................So...... What are you doing after this? (tl note: NISHIDA SCORES?) Nishida: Eh? Umm... What am I doing. Maybe... getting drinks? Rina: ...Could we go somewhere to rest a bit? There's a place where we can talk slow and relaxed. (tl note: NISHIDA GETS SCAMMED?) Nishida: Eh? Somewhere to rest and relax? That's... Rina: Hehe... You'll have fun if you go. Come on. <another scene transition> Nishida: This is... the place?
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Nishida: (BAR, huh... The hallway to the bathroom would be good to use if I'm outnumbered...) (Tl note: yeah the bar is named. BAR. in english. which is just great for translating) Nishida: (I'm still hung up on my boss's training, it really messed me up... I'm not the protagonist of a battle manga...) Rina: What do you think? I find it very relaxing, and since it's a hole-in-the-wall kind of place there's not crowded so you can really take your time and talk. (Tl note: very funnily hole-in-the-wall is fairly direct, the jpn being 穴場 or "hole place") Nishida: Ahh, you're right, this is a very relaxing place. Rina: Yeah. ...Hmm? Nishida-san, did you perhaps think it was something naughty? (tl note: well I sure did) Nishida: N-No... I-It's nothing like that...! Rina: Hehe, no need to panic. I just said it to make you conscious of it 🎶 (Tl note: struggling with the second sentence here, it's ふふっ、 慌てなくてもいいですよ。ちょっと意識させようと思って言いましたし🎶) Nishida: Eh...? Muscular Bartender: ...Are you ready to order?
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Rina: For me, a kahlua milk! Nishida: Umm... How about... Barley shochu. (Tl note: 麦の水割り, which probably has a better word for it but that's my best guess) Bartender: ...Alright. Here's your kahlua milk and barley shochu. Rina: Well then, kanpaiii 🎶 Nishida: Ahh, kanpai! (Tl note: Nishida why do you say kanpai in full kanji you fucking dweeb) Nishida: (I keep thinking my boss might emerge from beneath the bar, so I'm worried about this drink being poisoned...) Nishida: (There's no way it's actually poisoned... though... hmm... there's a bitterness...) Rina: ...? Is something wrong, Nishida-san? Nishida: No... it's just, this tastes like the sleeping pills my boss made me take... Bartender: ....! Nishida: Yep... My boss made me take sleeping pills over and over, and this... tastes exactly like those sleeping pills. I don't know why it would be sleeping pills... Rina: IIII have no idea why that would be. Right, bartender? Bartender: ...Sir, we are an upstanding business. We don't take false accusations lightly. Nishida: Ah, no, I didn't even say you put them in there... Nishida: But someone could have put them in there to cause trouble for you, so the police should check the other drinks to be sure Bartender: ....Tch. Oi. <a bunch of thugs jump out> Nishida: !? Bartender: You all, this guy's making up lies about us. Shake him down for some apology money to make up for it. Nishida: No, I'm not accusing you of anything. All I'm saying is a quick confirmation-- Bartender: You all! Get him! Nishida: (They aren't listening... I'm getting the feeling that the sleeping pills weren't in there on accident.) Nishida: (I'm up against 4 opponents. If they surround me I'm done for..... that's it! I just need time.) Nishida: Rina-san! Hide in the bathroom! Rina: Uh... r-right! Bartender: Wait! Do you really want to hide somewhere with no exit? Bartender: ...What's the point...? Is he going to bunker down in the hallway... Nishida: I know there's no way out of this... Only Rina-san will be hiding. Nishida: (This narrow corridor in front of the bathroom, it'll force them to come one at a time. This is my only way to win.) Bartender: ...Heh... You went through all that trouble to run, only to go for a narrow hallway with no way out.
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Bartender: You'll regret ever speaking a single false word about my drinks!!!!
<fight time>
Bartender: S-... stupid...
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<he hits the ground> Nishida: Haa... Haa... That was close. Nishida: If I didn't make use of those tight quarters, I would have been a goner as soon as they got behind me. Nishida: All thanks to that training my boss gave me on fighting multiple opponents... Nishida: And the fact that I had to drink sleeping pilsl and laxatives so I'd know what they tasted like... that ended up being useful too. <the door opens> Rina: N-Nishida-san... are you okay? ...Eh!? You... beat all of them? Nishida: Yeah... somehow, I managed it. I think we should get out of here before they wake up. Rina: Umm, no... I'm... Nishida: ....? What's wrong? Rina: I-It's... it's nothing... L-Let's go. <back outside> Rina: ...Yeah, I had no idea it was that kind of establishment. I really never thought they would attack you and try to take your money...
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Nishida: ...Hey, Rina-san. Earlier, why did you want to stay in the bar? Rina: Eh... th-that's... well... Nishida: ......... Nishida: ............If... If you're... an accomplice to that bar, it would be a good idea to stop doing that. Nishida: If you keep it up... I think you'll end up in a really bad situation some day. Rina: .....That's my choice, isn't it? Nishida: Eh...? Rina: ...Don't start talking like you're my boyfriend after one date! All you are to me is a source of revenue! Nishida: R-...Rina-san? Rina: It was me, I'm working with that bar, I took you there specifically to fuck you over! So? Happy now!? Rina: And now you've ceased to be useful to me. ...Never contact me again. <she leaves> Nishida: R-Rina-san... Nishida: ...I thought she was nice girl, too... Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her", huh. It's exactly like my boss said. Nishida: Boss... There's no way you expected all of this to happen, right...? Nishida: Rina-san went back to the store. I wonder... does she plan on doing the same thing again? Nishida: ............. <END PART 3>
Bartender: Shit... What's with that helmet bastard.... (Tl note: this is when I realized this was for real in 2006 and not a typo or a timeline mistake. which also means that Goromi hostess dates with Kiryu were a recurrent thing)
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<Rina enters> Rina: .................. Bartender: So you're back... Why the fuck did you bring such a huge pain in the ass here? Rina: ......I already told you, this is was the last time. I'm done. Erase the photo of Keiko from your phone. (Tl note: name is 恵子 which has multiple readings) Bartender: What was that? Rina: The nude photo you took of Keiko and blackmailed me with! You said you'd erase it if I brought 10 people here! Bartender: Ain't happening. I didn't get any cash from that last one. You gotta do it again. Rina: That's bullshit! You all messed up, not me! Rina: If you try to make me do any more I'm going to the police, so hurry up and delete the photo already! Bartender: You really want your bestie's nude erased, huh. If so... going to the cops is going to be a problem. Bartender: So... <another goon slides in> Rina: !?
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Bartender: I'll just have to get a photo of you next, so that doesn't happen. <goon grabs her> Rina: L-Let go...! Bartender: Just some nudity won't be enough for opposing me. We'll make an extra hard video... heheh. Rina: N-.... No-- <the door slams open> Bartender: !? <a punch lands> Strong looking man: Guh...
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<he hits the floor> Nishida: ...I heard what you said. Rina-san, you did this all to help your friend.
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Rina: N-Nishida-san... Why did you come here? Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her", that's what my boss taught me. Nishida: It was a really horrible feeling, when I thought I had been betrayed by a girl who seemed nice and kind. Rina: ........ Nishida: But, at the same time I had another thought. Fucking me over was just one aspect of you. Nishida: So I came here to see the whole picture and be able to understand it. Nishida: ...I'm glad I believed what my boss taught me. I would have regretted it if I left the situation alone, thinking I understood it. Rina: Nishida-san... Bartender: Heh, I get to see some cheap melodrama. It's real convenient you came back here, shithead.
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Bartender: I was careless last time, but it won't happen again. You're going to regret coming back to rescue that woman!!!! Nishida: (This time I won't be able to make use of the bathroom hallway.) Nishida: (So far I've been able to scrape by thanks to my boss's special training...) Nishida: (But I wasn't taught anything for this situation. This will be a test of my own strength!) Nishida: I may not have any help from my boss, but... I will protect Rina-san, with my own power!
<fight time>
Bartender: Fuck... er...
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<he hits the floor> Nishida: Haa... Haa... I... won... <Nishida also hits the floor> Rina: N-Nishida-san! <and he's back up> Nishida: ...I'll be fine... Quick, go delete... your friend's photo from his phone, please. Rina: Ah, r-right! <scene transition, police sirens wail> Nishida: ...Sounds like the cops are coming. Rina: Seems so. I'm... going to tell the police everything. I'm not going to run from my punishment. Nishida: You only did it because you were being threatened... I'm sure the punishment won't be that harsh.
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Rina: ...Nishida-san. <she hugs him> Nishida: ...!
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Rina: ...Thank you. Rina: My boyfriend is going to be mad that I'm saying this, but... you looked really hot... seriously, thank you. (Tl note: ohhhhhhhh I knew this wouldn't work out but RIP Nishida. he never scored) Nishida: Eh... <outside now> Nishida: ...Well, I guess she really has a boyfriend.
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Nishida: But, it's fine. It's not like this kind of thing is about dating. Majima Family Member: Oh! Nishida! Are you okay!? I've been worried sick! Nishida: ...Eh? Wh-What? Majima Member: Lately, there's been a lot of nasty sleep-robbery bars. There was this picture of a woman floating around that we're supposed to watch out for... Majima Member: Here, this woman. And someone saw you walking around with her, so I got worried, you know? (Tl note: bisexual rebound time?)
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Nishida: This is... Rina-san!? I guess she did say she'd done that a lot, so it makes sense there would be rumors... Majima Member: Hold on... You already knew? Nishida: Ah, yeah... But, she's washed her hands of it all, so could you please stop circulating that photo? Majima Member: ...Well, if you don't want me to, then I guess there's nothing more to be done. Nishida: I'm glad... Um, did that photo possible get shown to our boss? Majima Member: Hm? Ah, yeah he was shown it. About 3 days ago, I think. Nishida: 3 days ago... So all those lessons about a woman's heart from yesterday were... for this. <flashback> Goromi:  What kinda girl is she? And what do ya think of her?
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Nishida: Umm... here's a picture from the group dating. Nishida: She's a really sweet, attentive, and kind, and we get along... I think it'd be really great if we ended up dating... Goromi: ......... Nishida: ...Boss? Is something wrong? Is there something strange about the photo? Goromi: ...Just shocked. A beautiful lady like her is all but wasted on ya. <flashback over> Nishida: (Now I understand that reaction... Boss must've realized who Rina-san was...) Nishida: (All those lessons about a woman's heart... In the end it was what saved me.) Nishida: (Was... all of that just so... I wouldn't get sleep-robbed...!?) Nishida: ...Do you know where our boss is right now? Majima Member: The boss? Pretty sure she said something about waiting for Kiryu-san at SHINE. Nishida: Thanks. <Nishida walks off> Majima Member: H-Hey. Nishida! (tl note: RIP unnamed Majima Family Member, he never scored)
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<now at SHINE> Nishida: Umm... The boss is... there!
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Nishida: Boss! Thank you so much! Because I kept all of your lessons in mind, the date today went perfectly! Nishida: Boss... You knew about what Rina-san was up to, didn't you... So you secretly did all that for my sake-- Goromi: ...Ooh, Nishida! Perfect timin'! Nishida: Eh...? Goromi: Kiryu-chan just came to the club! The plan was a massive success! Goromi: That surprised look on Kiryu-chan's face... Fun conversations leading to a fun fight! I had the greatest time!
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Nishida: A-Ahh! Is that so! That's really great! Nishida: So anyways boss, about what I was telling you regarding the date... Goromi: Your date? What's that got to do with Kiryu-chan? Nishida: Um... nothing I suppose... Goromi: Then why would I wanna hear about dumb shit like that? Goromi: I'm busy draftin' up a plan for my next fight with Kiryu-chan! Ya better get plannin' right away too!
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Nishida: Ah, r... right... Got it. Goromi: Hehe, my blood's already pumpin'! Now, what next to entertain Kiryu-chan~! (Tl note: "blood's already pumping" is 腕が鳴るでえ which is more literally "my arm is ringing/rumbling" or "I'm itching to put my skills to use") <she leaves> Nishida: (...Well, that's fine. No matter what the truth is, I'm certain that it's all thanks to my boss that I'm still alive.) Nishida: (More importantly... I need to properly return the favor.)
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Nishida: Boss! Wait up, please! I'll think of something great too! <END>
and then here's all of Nishida's various thoughts on things from the board game:
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A man known as the Dragon of Dojima who is absurdly strong in a fight. He’s my boss’s very favorite. Only as a fighter, though...
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Drinking alcohol is a great stress reliever! But you have to be careful not to over do it. You should drink rather than be drunk.
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Boss’s High Heels
My boss wore these while working at a cabaret club and turned them into a deadly weapon. Getting kicked by them would surely kill...
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A cabaret club where my boss occasionally works as a hostess. The store has a good reputation, but the customers my boss serves must have a difficult time...
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My boss. Occasionally my boss puts on a dress and works as a hostess, but there’s never been any complaints. Though, would anyone really push on that...
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Butterfly Necktie
The necktie I wear while working as a waiter. It may look like a ribbon, but it’s actually very common in formal settings. 
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Downtown Chinpira
Is this guy running shakedowns!? Bullying the weak is something only cowards do! Guys like this need to be taught a lesson!
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The Majima Family A leading group within the Tojo Clan that's known for its violent conflicts. The family is a group of ruffians, I don't know why I ended up in it...
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Majima Family Members
They're a violent and strange bunch, but if you take the time to really talk with them they’re surprisingly pleasant company. Well, they do still look scary...
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Painted in gaudy neon, it’s Japan’s number one entertainment district. The first time I came here, I was shocked at how many people there were.
and VERY FINALLY bonus stuff, namely the two cards! Goromi, the dreadful luck hostess, and Nishida, the mad dog’s errand boy.
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this one was sooooooooooooooooooo long but also we got lore that Goromi was NOT a one-off event. which is so much more than I could have ever hoped for. I also love that Kiryu has apparently gotten the text from Nishida on multiple occasions and is shocked every time that Goromi is there waiting on him. and they still go on the date, every time
it’s not even rituals at that point they’re just using Nishida as a date coordinator with the flimsiest pretext in the world. this is that guy fighting the waffle house cook levels of pretext
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