#pasta facts that aren't facts mostly
priapocalypse · 11 months
World Pasta Day!
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Holy shit, I almost missed this!
Some pasta "facts":
pasta existed before civilization. there is intense debate within academic circles as to which ancient homo genus first introduced pasta into our lives, but i'm firmly convinced it was denisovans.
pasta comes in many forms. no one truly knows how many, as several are lost to history and others are being invented every day with the advent of modern technology.
it has been "proven" that the pyramid of khufu, aka the great pyramid of gaza, was "constructed" entire of "pasta."
pastaic intervention successfully prevented the outbreak of all the world wars before the first world war.
while quetzalcoatl is not a being made of entirely pasta, as early 20th century historians once thought, it is true that rigatoni was his/their meal of choice.
literally every minute of every day, someone in the world is eating delicious pasta. that's pretty neat.
pasta is what happens after we die.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 11 months
Once again chanting in my mind "graphic card" to avoid snapping at my mother saying dumb shit
#how do you always get to the wrong conclusion of everything oh my godddddd#yeah yeah a lot is wrong with doctors like a fucking lot I'm well aware I've suffered huge amount of pains for years for that#but she says it from a novax point of view so she's still wrong by saying the right thing and it annoys me so much!#obviously she's too fucking fatphobic to see how that is one of the biggest issues in medicine#fun fact my father is not taking meds to heal from something that could actually kill him because it stops him from eating#that's apparently okay but vaccines aren't#someone should study their brains under a microscope#also my father problem was probably caused by the extreme diet he did that was mostly starvation#at least i feel better about myself#sometimes i get very depressed about all the things I'll never be able to do because i fucked my wrist at 18 but at least i did that#crocheting#he completely destroyed his health to lose weight#also even more fun thing he wanted to lose weight for reasons that didn't have anything to do with the weight he probably just can't eat#grains#he got better as soon as he stopped eating normal pasta and switched to the fake ones made with rice and stuff#they didn't connect the dot#but the second i thin person started to have issues breathing#that are definitely side effects of covid btw#grains were immediately blamed#god i shouldn't get into these rants because i just get mad at their stupidity AND I NEED TO STAY CALM FOR THE GRAPHIC CARD#and especially not build enough represed rage about it to risk trying to choke my mother the next time she says it's fine i lost all that#weight#sure it's fine losing weight because of illness and depression is fucking wonderful#i have to fight with myself most days to eat enough but sure that's fine I'm staying thin!
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subaquatic0mess · 5 months
izzy headcanons
go white boy
Finally answering this ask!! Izzy hc let's goo!!! (Hope these make any sense it's so late from where I'm from)
Izzy clings/climbs onto the people she trustes most for fun. But she also carries them if needed. Like we saw her do with Noah in WT This means that sometimes Izzy basically jumps onto Team Escope to greet them.
Oh and Eva and Izzy sometimes fight together to train. Noah doesn't understand why.
Izzy isn't as crazy as she seems. Yes she's crazy but that doesn't mean she's not self-aware or stupid.
She's actually incredibly smart she just chooses to embrace her more ballistic side and let the others figure things out by themselves.
Izzy knows sign language and can communicate flawlessly in sign language aswell. The reason why is unknown.
Her and Chef fought a lot off camera during the show and when she discovered Noah was Chris's PA (because ofcourse she did) she used it as an excuse to torment the Chef even more.
Izzy cannot cook. At all. She once burned Eva's kitchen during a sleepover trying to boil pasta.
During total drama she actually increased her crazy persona as she used it alot for her advantage.
She's canonicaly smarter than Noah so sometimes when they hang out Izzy shares a bunch of conspiracy theories with him but somehow makes convincing arguments?
When she's bored or the mood is awkward she would just drop the most random facts ever. "Did you know a jellyfish's mouth is also its anus?" It completely baffles Owen every time.
Izzy definitely had a creepypasta phase.
Both Noah and Eva have bailed Izzy out of jail.
She knows the whole fnaf lore by heart. And she info dumps it on her friends.
She knows Spanish. And she knew about Alejandro but didn't say anything to see all the drama happening.
She made bracelets for all of team Escope with magnets inside so when they touch hands or high five (four??) they're bracelets connect. The problem with that is she used some oddly strong magnets so sometimes it becomes more of an inconvenience.
Her hair is naturally curly but she can't be bothered to to maintain it and that's why is mostly straight at the tip while the end is still curly. (Not projecting or anything oops)
Izzy loves Scary movies! (She loves the saw franchise but in all honesty she prefers psychological horror more)
She cried watching legs batman.
She dropped out of college and she almost went to MIT but chose a college closer to Canada instead. And also because she didn't want to follow specifically any of the paths they offered.
She's an expert at breaking in into things. Locks, houses, cars, etc... To a point Noah and Eva don't even bother lending Izzy a house key as they know she will always find a way in.
She is incredibly overprotective of the people she truly cares about. Which aren't any as she may like some people but perhaps not trust them.
She has trust issues. She only trusts people who can view her beyond just a crazy psychotic girl. Who actually care enough to truly know her. Which again aren't many.
She has incredible reflexes and is incredibly agile.
She adores circuses and clowns despite what others tell her. It (1 and 2) just fueled her love for them even more.
She gives Noah books to read. Except they aren't normal books.
She has incredibly sharp teeth. And she likes to bite people alot. It's basically her love language.
She can always predict the plot of the movie they are about to watch. So now she's not allowed to comment on new movies team escope watches during movie night.
Sometimes she has random urges to commit violence which make her jolt up. (Who doesn't?)
She followed an acting career and did eventually write the book she said she was in WT.
She lobes the original story of Frankenstein and even dressed up as his monster for half once. Oddly enough she relates to it. Which made Noah hug her since he found it concerning. She almost cried because of that. "Noah do you know how it feels to only be seen as the nut job? As the crazy one with no feelings? It fucking sucks."
She isn't the best at expressing sorrow or sadness but Noah and Eva help.
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I might make a part 2 of Izzy hc idk. But this is it for now!!!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Anon from 722398181104795649 again about YA as a G-D and it's failure(s). Your response is really interesting because it definitely aligns with the market research I've had to do over the last 3-ish months for work. Adult YA readers want YA to skew older superficially as escapism from the woes of adulthood (It's like someone who orders a pasta with broccoli in it because they appreciate the flavor it brings, but they have no interest in actually eating their vegetables). Teenagers feel alienated by the G-D that is meant for them no longer allows them to confront said woes with honesty or maturity for their age to prepare them for adulthood or discussing broader ideas. More teenagers skip over YA altogether or just reader adult genre fiction with some Middle Grade fiction mixed in because the teenagers feel in MG, there's still an honesty to the stories that they can understand, having once been young children. In short: teenagers think YA books are talking down to or patronizing them.
The result is YA authors pushing for NA, New Adult, as a G-D, which hasn't taken off within tradpub outside of romance circles. Mostly, because what they're pushing for is already an established genre for around a century: campus novels--books about characters 18+ who are entering college, establishing independence, beginning to explore sexuality and enter the workforce, etc. But, again, YA adult readers refuse to engage with adult genre fiction because there isn't the facade of protection from adult themes or topics, and there's an aggressive refusal among many agents in literary fiction (and some adult genre fiction) to encourage authors to sanitize their stories. YA authors began attempting to cross over into adult genre fiction with mixed, but overwhelmingly negative, results, as they cannot shake the stigma of writing YA. And the genre fiction crowds they want to appeal to have higher standards, typically, than the average YA writer is able to meet. YA authors then complain about the differences in publishing YA and genre adult fiction. It's like when MCU actors and directors get upset when prestige film directors don't consider MCU movies to be "cinema."
This is fascinating.
I pretty much missed the YA boom (slightly too old, not paying attention, etc.), so I've mostly encountered YA through its worst evangelists of the Hunger Games knockoff era, and often a good bit after their favorite books were at their height.
As I've said before, this really strikes me as that pattern where something is big when you're at a formative age, and it becomes the Normal Default to you.
I'm sure some of it is refusal to engage with adult nuance, but I'll bet a lot of it is resistance to leaving the name of YA behind. People spent so much time defending this niche that they started believing their own rhetoric about it being the only place the good queer stuff was or the feminist stuff was or whatever. They identified really strongly as A YA Fan. It's hard to let that go.
And if you don't remember much about pre-YA boom publishing, the fact that all that YA-tastic Mercedes Lackey stuff was filed under fantasy, not YA is completely obscure. The places you find stuff you'd like that aren't called "YA" are not obvious. The fact that YA in its boom era form isn't universal and eternal is not obvious.
I think people are waiting for their Cool Era of their early 20s to return and for the things they think should always be in fashion to come back... Like everyone else aging ungracefully, they may be waiting a while.
Gotta say, every New Adult book I've been shown sounds like a hideously boring contemporary romance that would probably make a good coffee shop AU against a backdrop of a canon that's dark or magical but that isn't really pulling its weight even if you like contemporaries.
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retrowaving1 · 10 months
Polish Versus Ukrainian Cuisine, Part 1
I have to confess, I have a little sin on my consciousness, namely, I visit Instagram sometimes. In most cases I do that just to catch up with my friends and family, but, you know, as most of young people of my age I just end up scrolling a tiny bit (usually, right until the moment I feel the urge to vomit, as I genuinely hate this place).
Recently, I came across a very cozy video where a Korean home cook mixes a Polish Pierogi Ruskie recipe with some Korean toppings. The thing that confused me the most, though, was the most liked comment under this video left by a Ukrainian woman who claimed that Pierogi Ruskie is a Ukrainian dish and is, in fact, called Varenyky. It's easy to assume that this person has never made a single dumpling, varenyk or pieróg in her entire life, as she kept on claiming that Pierogi Ruskie can have a lot of different fillings and that Polish Pierogi don't have such a big choice of fillings as Ukrainian Varenyky do, so, clearly, this person had zero idea what Pierogi Ruskie actually are, but that's not the point.
This comment made me wonder how different are the two cuisines of those Eastern and Central European countries. Having lived for a long time in both countries, I thought it would be interesting to study this topic a little bit, namely from the perspective of the difference between the staple dishes in two cuisines. After all, we actually are what we eat, especially on the global scale. Everyone knows Italy for their brilliant pizza and pasta, and everyone knows Japan for sushi and tempura, and even though food is not the only aspect of those cultures that made them famous around the world, it definitely adds up to create a full picture of their collective cultural identity.
So, in this post I'd like to share some personal observations that I made throughout my life about Polish and Ukrainian cuisine having lived significant portions of life in both countries, being ethnically related to both and being wholeheartedly fascinated by food.
Disclaimer!!! I'm not a food scientist or chef, nor am I a professional historian. All the notes down here are mostly based on my personal observations and some basic research. I did consult a professional cook and a baker whom I know personally as they happen to be my family members. I do recommend treating everything I share here with a grain of salt (hehe, because we gonna talk 'bout cookin', hehe, so use salt) and bear in mind that different cooks have different approaches to their recipes and your personal experience with Ukrainian and Polish food might differ from mine. That being said, I encourage you to share these experiences whether you are Ukrainian, Polish or anyone else, really. I do not accept such arguments as "Ruskie because Kyiv Rus!", though, as it's not about arguing in the first place, it's about diving into the heritage of those two countries and talking about the food.
Pierogi vs. Вареники
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Let's start with them culprits. I think those two dishes are the most confusing ones because of their similarity. Gosh, both of them are dumplings from Europe shaped like a growing moon, aren't they?
The dough for both dishes varies from region to region, from cook to cook. In my experience, both recipes need three basic ingredients:
- liquid
- salt
- flour
The rest depends, really. You can change the four, you can change the liquid, replacing water with milk or kefir, you can add an egg. I personally go with my mother's recipe which is boiling hot water, egg, AP flour and salt.
Two of the striking differences are their size and shape. It seems like Ukrainian dumplings are usually smaller, flatter and quite translucent in comparison to Polish ones, which are big, sometimes even huge (check Pierogi Po Bieszczadzku, they are bigger than my fists, I kid you not), they have a very full body and the dough itself is thicker (the reason is not so much ingredients in the dough as is the method of forming/cutting the circles out of it). They also have a lot of different really funny regional names which very often also refer to the size, shape, filling or method of preparation, for instance, Dzyndzałki (Warmian small dumplings served in soup), Bulwanki (Eastern Polish holiday pierogi with variety of savoury fillings), Sasznie (A type of dumplings from Eastern Borderlands that use potato in the dough) or Sójki (Masovian baked pierogi made with yeast).
The fillings of both Pierogi and Varenyky basically might create their own multiverse. In both Poland and Ukraine, I found so many different combinations of fillings that it would be a waste of time to write about each one of them. However, Pierogi most often have savoury fillings (from meat through cheese and potatoes though different types of groats and the list goes on and on..), while Varenyky have a bigger variety of sweet fillings, including the classic cherry filling. Also, Ukrainians seem to be not very much into the meat filling. In my childhood, I had never eaten meat dumplings in Ukraine, however, at the time, pelmeni were quite a popular alternative. Ah, classic Soviet influence - replace your own with something russian )yuck.
As for the toppings, depending on what kind of filling you are dealing with, there are many alternatives for both dishes, including chives, fried bacon, sour cream, melted butter, caramel sauce (haven't seen this one in Ukraine, but noticed it being popular in Poland with sweet cottage cheese Pierogi) and many others. Both dishes are absolutely marvelous even without any additions.
Now, if anyone says that Pierogi Ruskie are called that way because they are Ukrainian, they are not entirely wrong. This type of pierogi was invented in Eastern Galicia (a geographical region in Western Ukraine which was also used to refer to the Eastern part of Poland; The name derives from its Polish name of territory - "Ruś Czerwona" ("Ruthenia Rubra" in Latin)), however there's a high chance it happened when it was the part of Austrian Empire, when majority of population in this region, especially in big cities including Lviv, were Polish. Either way, this dish is much more popular in modern Poland and has lots of different regional variations that you can meet across the whole country (see the Bryndzylki designed by Polish Highlanders), while it's basically non-existent in Ukraine and in the country they are often called "польські пироги" (literally "Polish Pierogi"). Pierogi Ruskie are prepared with cheese, onion and potato filling, while in Ukraine you are more likely to come across some Varenyky with potato, onion and bacon filling.
Thank you very much for your attention, share your dumpling preferences and experiences in the comments or in the reblogs, share your recipes, go crazy, and let's discuss the food!!
My pierogi variation with cottage cheese and strawberry jam filling (not the most attractively shaped one, but very tasty - my significant other approved them):
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(OK, so I have this headcanon for TSaMS [like the actual canon show-] that KillCode prefers the organs of a kill rather than the flesh [he is a distinguished lad. A gentleman. A fine boi. Ignoring the fact that he's killed people-] While BloodMoon, on the other hand, just goes for the parts that have the most meat/blood [heart, muscles, etc] and aren't picky about it.)
(I was wondering if KC, Bloody and Harvest have any favorite parts of a kill?)
(And by extension, what are the favorite foods of the animatronics? If they have any.)
//You know what, I love that idea! I honestly haven't really thought about it? But I would say that based on the fact that the twins can mostly survive off of bloodbags, that they definitely do prefer blood/blood-rich meats (for instance, if they were to go to a grocery store, they'd probably pick out raw steaks). It isn't a food, but Bloody likes to save the bones and antlers (if they take down a deer) to gnaw on.
As for everyone else:
Solar: he never ate in his own dimension because he didn't have the ability at the time (this is where the blog slightly differs from the story). But now that Moon's helped him upgrade? How did he ever not eat?? He has a few samefoods he rotates between, it's hard to get him to try something outside of his comfort zone. But he really likes pasta. Mac and cheese? Yes. Spaghtetti? Yes. Chicken alfredo? It's mac and cheese and spaghtett in one, yes. If not pasta, he likes to bake. He's really good at making cookies!
Lunar: Lunar's the one who got Solar hooked on mac and cheese because that's his favorite food! Especially the shell kind. Regular noodles are ok, but they aren't as good as shells. (Velveeta for the win). If not mac and cheese, his second favorite is hot dogs. Or hot dogs in mac and cheese! And Solar's cookies are always the best! Especially the chocolate chip ones.
Sun: Sun likes grilled chicken. Don't ask him why, but it's really versatile! Chicken alfredo? Grilled chicken salad? Chicken sandwich? He could eat chicken for days. He also likes to bake and can make a mean souffle.
Moon: Moon doesn't tend to eat much at all, he just doesn't see the need. But every so often, he likes to drink coffee (black, the monster). An occasional glass of wine isn't bad, either.
Bloody: When he isn't eating meat or drinking blood, he likes chicken nuggets. Especially the dinosaur ones. He likes to pretend he's a vicious predator
Harvest: Harvest doesn't really eat too often either. But his guilty pleasure? Chocolate ice cream.
Kill Code: He is a refined gentleman, you're right! He doesn't need to eat anything besides his hunts, no. Certainly not- Steak. He likes steak. Not even rare, he likes it medium-well. And served alongside a fresh salad? 100/10
Eclipse: Eclipse doesn't eat. Gods, that's dumb. It's not like it does his body any good. Why would you even ask? Chocolate cake. Birthday cake. Confetti cake. Angel food cake. Vanilla cake. Devil's food cake. He's got a sweet tooth.
And I know no one asked, BUT
Poppy: They surprisingly really like spicy food, especially ghost pepper chips. ("No, bumblebee. Believe me, you won't like these. No don't take control of the body-! Oh no...")
Midnight: Doesn't eat
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Gimme some facts about Eli uqu
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His right eye often goes away - literally, just taken out of his socket and turns into a void of what it was. The socket fills warm when it's like this - a different normal body temp' warm, but like a steady hot shower in his face. It doesn't bother him too much but it can be rather startling if he's talking to someone and his eye blacks out as if eaten by the darkness. Thus, he styles his hair enough to cover that eye the most to help him get rid of the startling attention that can sometimes happen. ( in other words, he gave semi-ownership of his eye for a grimoire book deal. )
His smokes aren't nicotine, but a herb mixture of several dried leaves and mushrooms. You could say it's a heavy drug but it's mostly a repellant to hovering other beings around his person. The smoke seems to make him hazy in the eyes of the supernatural, his face unknown, his clothing non-descriptive. When around friends, he does his best to not smoke with them nearby to not harm.
He fights his weight a lot, he's got a slow metabolism but a healthy life with his constant running about to keep out of people's jail cells and the likes, however - he just really loves good food too. He'll binge happily for days and regret it when he has to run for a few miles. He's got a few issues with his digestion due to this way of living and often takes constipation tablets to aid in bowel movements and indigestion/heart burn.
He can cook, just doesn't have a place to cook often within - so when he does bum a sofa. He offers to make the meals whilst he's under their roof and pay his way. He's cuisine's rather all over the place but he can make a mean burrito, fry-up and pasta sauces rather well.
His body is marked thoroughly with sigils from his dealings with Grimoire trapped beasts, fellow booksellers and of course, curse backlash from him breaking a lot of his promises with monsters to keep the grimoire in his hands. His skin is burns and etches in cursed inks that move about sometimes. They take the form of a corrupted fish, some skeletal, some ghoulish, some twisted and vile to look at but at the same time - beautiful on his frame.
He hasn't been with anyone since Lucio, and doesn't think he could do anything with anyone else ever. Though he has urges, he remembers his times with Lucio and is satisfied though it does make him regret his decisions in leaving Lucio behind but he knows he can not stay and put him into danger.
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs Untenable Situations
I'm trying to figure out how the hell I can explain to my managers (and their managers, frankly) that the current situation is absolutely fucking untenable. And I don't mean from the point of view of "I can't keep doing overtime like this". I mean "my working overtime is insufficient no matter how hard I work". Because seriously? No.
It's not just the fact that Scruffman's away until Thursday. That's a pretty big part of it, because all the lazier habits of my office-bound co-workers are dialled up to 11 when he's not in and they're also picking up some of the things he normally does, but it's not all of it. No, it's the fact that I did some counting towards the end of the standard working day, and calculated that between them, the doctors (however many there were; I did not look into that) dumped a grand total of 301 bits of dictation into the queue. And that's not counting the urgent cases that got done as and when throughout the day. I did all of those, so tack on another ten cases, for a grand total of 311. This is a whole lot of doctors who, between them, are working from just before 8am until just after 6pm every weekday, plus pulling several hours over the weekends. Whereas the secretaries who are in at the moment work at best a standard 9-5 (or 8-4). As it stands, we only have two full-time secretaries devoted entirely to the typing, and they aren't currently, because Scruffman's away. Then we have the two part-timers - one who only works two days a week and desperately wants more hours (but for some reason isn't getting them), and me, who's currently effectively working full-time because of the sheer amount of overtime I've had to pull to keep us from drowning completely.
Of course, it'd be nice if the secretaries that want to meander through the typing queue would just take the longer ones and loaf over those, and leave me to do my speed-demon blitz through the shorter ones, but nope. Nope, they want the shorter ones so they can "still feel productive" because on paper they're doing the same number of cases I am when they meander through short ones and I blitz through long ones as best I can through the mess some of these doctors make of their dictations.
It doesn't help that I am fucking exhausted. My one-hour break between the normal workday and the overtime hours was not spent relaxing or eating or anything, but dealing with my monthly grocery order. Turns out my little intercom / buzzer that lets me let people into the foyer is probably broken, because the grocery delivery guy couldn't even call up to my flat's intercom. He had to call me on my mobile to let me know he was downstairs waiting. And since I couldn't just buzz him in, I had to go hobble downstairs, let him in manually, and then take the stairs to meet him on my floor because I would not fit into the lift with a grown man and a dolly bearing my month's worth of groceries. And then I had to put all that away. Which is a kind of a to-do in a kitchen as small as mine is, I have to say.
I mean, granted, it was a pretty big order this time around. But there are reasons for that. Partly I was running out of a lot of stuff that I don't replace very often - icing sugar, powdered milk, tuna for the tuna broccoli lemon pasta, stuff like that. Mostly it was because there are new recipes. For instance, I have plans in the direction of a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake - well, assuming that the Amazon guy can get in with the pie plate I ordered. I also ordered ramekins and picked up some ready-made gluten-free puff pastries with a view to making chicken and mushroom pie. And little chocolate dessert pots. And, once my rolling pin finally gets here ... gluten-free pierogis. I have missed pierogis, and apparently while they're a little finicky to make with gluten-free flour, they hold their shape very well while boiling, so hey. Also I found out that gluten-free toad in the hole is pretty easy, so that's another one I got fixings for.
This is very optimistically assuming I have any energy left to me at the end of busy days, honestly. But I do have to make the cheesecake - the best before date on my raspberries is tomorrow and fruits like that have a short shelf life.
So basically all of the everything is fairly untenable just now. Hell, I can't even decide what I want to do about dinner at this point. I had ordered myself a nice steak that I planned to make, but unfortunately they were out of stock so that's my main idea about dinner not going to happen unless I brave the great outdoors. Which I do not have the energy to do, and anyway, I have food at home. It just takes a little more effort than I necessarily wanted to spend at 8:30pm after a hard day and two hours of overtime.
It's fine. I'll cope. Probably the tuna broccoli lemon pasta or something.
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
All of the questions for the ask game :)
Oh crikey, okay uhhh-
1. Chipotle order?
I've never been to Chipotle (idek if they're in the UK, I've never seen one before)
2. Thoughts on veganism?
I am impressed by those who have a vegan diet, I am not impressed with those who try to change my diet to fit with their views, and I am not strong enough to stick to that kind of diet :')
3. A specific colour that gives you an ick?
I don't really know? A sickly orange maybe? I've never really thought about it hmm
4. Mythical creature that you think/believe to be real?
D R A G O N S.
5. Favourite form of potatoes?
Hmmm. Maybe crisps. Salt and vinegar crisps 👍
More under the cut!! :))
6. Do you use a watch?
At the moment, I do not
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you go to an aquarium?
Stingrays and sharks!!
8. Do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Nah, not unless I've been caught in the rain
9. Do you have a skincare routine?
Nope :) I just use a face wash when I have a shower and that's it
10. When on a plane, do you ask for apple juice or orange juice?
Usually I get water, but I'll probably pick apple juice bc I don't know if the orange juice has bits in
11. Anything from your childhood that you've held onto?
Technically I'm still a child but I've got loads and loads of old toys and a blanket given to me at birth which was dubbed "Night Night" and he stays in my bed 💪
12. Brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare you trust 100%?
L'Occitane 👍👍👍 it's expensive but very good. For cheaper stuff, Tresemme
13. First thing you're doing in the purge?
Hiding. I ain't that stupid.
14. Do you think you're dehydrated?
Judging by the fact I've only had half a pint of water all day, probably 😎
15. Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning.
From worst to best, Drowning, Freezing, Burning.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Any kind of mint makes me feel really sick so I'm not a fan 😭😭 even the smell makes me ill
17. An anxious compulsion you do every day?
Pick at my split ends or the cracked skin on my lips.
18. Your boba/tea order?
Never had boba and not a fan of tea!
19. The veggie you dislike the most?
Mushrooms. I hate them.
20. Favourite Disney princess movie?
MULAN. HANDS DOWN. MULAN. I have memories of me in nursery singing 'Reflection' to a gathered group of younger toddlers. Very nice memory :))
21. A number that weirds you out?
I do not trust 46. It's evil.
22. Do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Um....... No?
23. Do you wear jewelry?
Yes, quite a lot! I mostly wear multiple rings and necklaces, and the occasional bracelet. No earrings tho, bc my ears aren't pierced yet lol
24. Do you find yourself using American or British English?
Definitely British, it's just superior. We don't say 'erb' for example.... 👀
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Absolutely! :) I've always got a song to recommend to people
26. How's your spice tolerance?
Not very good but, according to my dad, I have a heightened sense of taste so I'm not too surprised. Idm things a bit spicy but I'm not a big fan 😔
27. What's your favourite or go-to outfit?
Rose Docmartins, black tights, black skirt, the top I got from a Bon Jovi concert and my purple-patch jacket is my favourite but it's not my most fashionable choice, I'll be honest lol
28. Last meal on earth?
Toad in the hole with Heinz baked beans and some ketchup. Not healthy but my favourite. (And maybe cheesecake for pudding!!)
29. Preferred pasta noodle?
Uhhhh idk my types of pasta beyond the dishes ngl-
And 30 is ask me anything so I guess you get a free question? Lmao this took forever 😭
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Full Name; Kailee Josephine Holtz Nicknames; Kai, Kai Jo, KJ, Phoenix, Chandler (mostly by my Joey aka Bree but feel free to use it too) Birthday; December 14th, 1998 Pronouns; She/Her/They/Them Sexuality; Pansexual Zodiac Placements; Sun, Rising & Mercury; Sagittarius Moon; Scorpio Venus; Capricorn Mars; Libra Occupation; Babysitting
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Other Fandoms (that aren't on here); Disney/Pixar, Dreamworks, One Direction, OUAT, Voltron, Riverdale (will add to this when I start ticking things off the list of shows I need to watch) Likes; Blue (specifically brighter/lighter shades), Red, Green, Yellow, Black, Pasta, Chinese Food, Chocolate and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Red Bull, Dr. Pepper, 3 Musketeers, Sour Skittles, Halloween, Thunderstorms, Snow, Midnight, Wolves, Foxes, all kinds of music; I go by song rather than genre. Dislikes; Bullies of any kind, chewing noises, sauerkraut, chilli (hate me all you want but it’s the beans), BEANS, bad country music (if you like country, you know the kind), bugs, Summer (just the heat)
Hobbies; Roleplaying (obviously-), writing (i've made plans to write a book actually-), reading, makeup, photography, making photo edits and playlists.
Misc Facts;
My personality type is INFP-T, and just for fun here's some characters I share it with; Peter Parker, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Belle (Beauty & The Beast), Elena Gilbert, Will Byers, Wanda Maximoff, Violet Parr, and Eeyore.
I live in a small shed in my parents backyard (it's insulated and all that) so if I ever mentioned 'the/my shed' that's what I mean, and in the warmer months I often keep the door of it open (like it is now since it's raining) because I love to do that.
I have three younger siblings, two brothers and a sister. For the sake of their privacy I won’t use their actual names, but Tyler is 22, Joseph is 13 and Grace is 9.
I was born and raised in Ohio, born up North but raised down South so I’m like a weird mix of both, especially accent wise.
We have two dogs, a golden retriever named Marley and a Siberian husky named Demon, they're both 6 years old.
I am an honorary Aunt to one amazing little dude who I love and adore very much.
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tripably · 6 months
The way my own brain tries to sabotage my attempt at obtaining a healthier relationship with food is astonishingly irritating, mostly due to being so unbelievably illogical.
When my body started screaming about being ravenously hungry approximately two hours ago, my brain sent out an immediate, automated, unrepliable response along the lines of "No food necessary. You can't possibly be hungry, you've not even done anything today".
As if I haven't been up for, what, 11 hours, majority of which trying to internalize everything I possibly can regarding my new job, on just two cups of coffee and a small bowl of pasta. As if thinking and learning new things wouldn't require energy.
Or no, in fact, as if the task of having sustained the bodily functions of an actual real life person for the past 30 years including today couldn't possibly require more energy than whatever is in 100 grams of white pasta with trace amounts of feta cheese and olive oil, a couple of cherry tomatoes, and maybe a desilitre of oat milk.
As if I would somehow (how????) need to earn the right to, what, keep sustaining said bodily functions? In the eyes of whom, my own brain? Surely not that brain, the one that is in fact included in those bodily functions that apparently aren't significant enough to deserve to go on uninterrupted??
Like does this brilliant brain of mine seriously believe that starving myself is somehow an option that leads to a good outcome? Have we not seen enough logical proof against that? Have we not read enough articles about the ineffectiveness and dangers of diet culture?
And if reading about it really is not enough: have we not been doing that for the past 15 years with whatever is the the opposite of success? How fucking long do we have to keep repeating the same fucking behaviour before accepting the fact that it is not fucking working??????
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Dumplings! Pyzy! Pampuchy!
so here i am,trying to rediscover what food i used to eat,
(yes it's like in the middle of the night, i woudn't do it normally)
and i wondered about pyzy.
now after googling, pyzy are made of potatoes. And kinda small. Which is what i tought they were but also not. So i started wondering what the other thing is. And after a bit of gooling.
It's pampuchy. Parowańce. or something like that. But most importantly. It's a dumpling. which makes me howl with laughter coz i tought it was just a steemed bun, but no, this is Poland, so ofc we will have dumplings. Big as fuck, but dumplings.
It also makes me giggle that english wikipedia uses name with polish letters but polish wiki doesen't :
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^ that is from eng wiki
and this, below, is polish
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oh my fucking god i just realised it's also called ruchańce. Which it makes it look like it's deriviated from ruchać. and ruchać means to fuck.
Also english wiki says it's also a dessert. Which. We just add sugar/cream/fruits to stuff whenever we like. You could try and make meat very sweet. (there is a meat dish with plums inside but it's still a dinner thing).
Also pyzy are:
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As you can see, the right picture is the same as pampuchy XDD. But from my experience pampuchy get just some interesting souce, not really a filling.
Pyzy also don't have to have a filling
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Man i love our dumpling culture and the fact that us making them sweet makes other people shrivel away. It's so funny coz sweet dumplings are SO GOOD.
Alright! All photos are taken from wikipedia cos i can't cook for shit and it's also middle of the night. I hope to learn that we have even more types of dumplings.
For any wierd wording, typos etc. i apologise (i mostly lurk and read in english, so i'm not very used to writng)
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so kluski are just fucked up dumplings, that's alright, we still love them
(i also deleted like a paragraph of yelling coz i can't read to save my life. The kluski are the wierd dumplings, not pierogi. uff)
If you can guess, im writing it as i read (or think lmao) i hope to laugh at this post more that i will cringe at it when i wake up.
To explain myself with kluski. It's what i called like the pasta in soup right. Kluski. On polish wiki sort of also shown like that:
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(pasta, noodles and anthing else like that is called makaron in polish.)
I wanted to say that we have our dumplings figured out but i just got more confused the more i looked.
I wanted to say i learned a lot today, but now i just know for sure that i'm tierd. And may have wrote absolute silliness. WEll. whatever. had fun. Still sorry for any typos etc.
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I don't know why shouting into the void of the internet helps, but sometimes it's an invaluable tool on this journey. So today, I shout.
TRIGGER WARNING: Talk of unhealthy dieting, body dysmorphia and body image issues
I'm in a weird spot, mentally, with health and fitness. I grew up very out of place. I come from stocky people, but was adopted into a family of fast metabolism. I never quite fit in. Combined with other issues (poor socialization, small private school, general awkwardness), I never had many friends or social interaction in general, which I chalked up to not being pretty or popular enough. In high school, I joined Weight Watchers, starved myself, but didn't work out at all, and so I ended up much thinner but VERY unhealthy. And with basically no muscle mass. I stayed roughly in that (bad) weight range for about 3 years - until college. I had semi-helicopter parents, so I never really learned how to regulate my own eating, and I also went through a horribly abusive relationship that triggered depression and massive anxiety my last year of high school and the summer into freshman college. So, left to my own devices, I gained the freshman 15. Then 20. Then 30. Then second semester, I met someone with disposable income, and suddenly I was eating Domino's multiple times a week, and other takeout besides. 30 extra pounds grew into 50, then 80 by the end of college, then a new trauma / depression spiral the first 2 years out of college bumped the number up to 120 extra pounds. Almost as much as I weighed to start. And the whole time was horrible yo-yo dieting, juice fasts, several stints in Weight Watchers, a ton of fad diet books, and emotionally bullying myself, horribly.
So now we come to the latest "era" of my life. The era of childhood healing, true self care, and hard fucking truths. It took a lot of work, and I doubt I'll ever be completely "done", but I've done quite a lot to lessen the voices telling me fat = bad. I no longer consider fat to be a moral failing. It's not something to be celebrated either - it just is. It's morally neutral. It is an emotionless fact about me, much like the color of my hair. Brunette isn't bad, blonde isn't shameful, it's just... hair.
With that said, being morally neutral like hair, I believe it's objectively OK to want to make a change. If I want to dye my hair a slightly darker shade, no one will really care. If I want to go red, or purple, or oil slick hair, no one's gonna care. (I mean. With some bright colors / multicolor shenanigans, there are some angry people that might take personal offense, but these aren't people whose opinions I value.) Wanting to change my weight and physical health should be so morally neutral. The answer to both is "do what makes you feel good." Purple hair makes you happy? Dye it. Growing muscle makes you happy? Hit the gym.
Because of my history though, I freak out about eating anything I see as a "health food" (we aren't even talking dieting, because I never want to see a fad diet again. I just mean like... eating a side salad with dinner) because I don't trust myself. What if a salad turns into a slippery slope and suddenly I'm an unhealthy skinny weight again? What if I go off the deep end and spend way too much time in the gym and drive away everyone I love? What then?
I know these fears are unfounded. There's a balancing act, finding that sweet spot. If I stay with morally neutral, and keep food morally neutral, so cake and pie hold the same moral value as fruits and veggies, I may find (if I allow myself) that I actually like eating a mostly veggie / fruit / bean diet ("diet" as in "things you eat" in this sentence - not as in "strict eating plan"), and I may find that I love the gym, and my metabolism is great, and weight just falls off. Or I may find I still want to eat a lot of pasta and potatoes and desserts, but I can add on enough fruits and veggies, and go to the gym enough, that I slowly get to a healthier equilibrium. But I have to stop being so afraid of the journey to even let myself start.
I don't know whether this helps. You, or me. I'm still overwhelmed. And tired. I Aldo hate meal prep. If I had someone making me fresh acai bowls and salads and bean burgers, this would be easy. But alas.
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allyriadayne · 1 year
do u think aegon is a fujoshi? he was really into the harwin/criston scene and the sight of 3 grown men tackling harwin. ok i'm asking half joking but he no doubt got some sick pleasure out of that! which also kinda ties back to the fighting pits*--it's just so "oh. the inherent eroticism permeating the normalized violence of our society. hot. say no more, will fetishize and sexualize."
*there's more to The Pits than just PleasureTM, which veers more onto self-harm/trauma recreation, but imma leave that can of worms sealed for now.
also who do u think he would love to see top aemond the most? both out of a sicko desire to see his brother forced into rectum-/penetration-related (and simplified!) sexual submission**, but also because he wants to see his stuck-up brother experience the highs and lows of prostate stimulation--because "actually. it's ok to submit bro its ok to cum from getting railed bro. it's just bodily pleasure, no deeper meaning. free yourself from the societal shameTM pervading the act of taking dick. but also. submit. to the Shaft. (but. also to me, most of all.)" because aegon's such a nice good big brother :_) touching praxis-fujoshism healing broken brotherly bond... wow. idk who this is for lmao.
**but most of all he's submitting to aegon in that scenario! where aegon is the Orchestrator--the orchestrator of the pranks targeting aemond, the orchestrator of aemond's sexual initiation, and henceforth desire (or, non-desire; or, short, TraumaTM), and the orchestrator of who knows what else! and it's a kind of gnostic paranoia pervading aemond's thought where aegon is just around the corner, ready to eat his face, and who has put arsenic in the wine and the pasta while no one was looking, and won't grandsire pleaseeee chain him to the bed again. after all, what is a big brother but a god with restricted (and thus heightened) authority and access to violence. and what do u do when that god is a drunken playful hurt and hurting freakazoid... oh aemond ur really in The Pits aren't you... and i wanna watch!
(and i think aegon has similar dynamic with jace and, by way of extrapolation on my part, daeron. (and to and extend helaena/girls-women in general, but control over boys and men is more intoxicating/gratifying in the sense where they (boys/men) are contrasted against the girline/female ontologically fixed state of hysteria/vulnerability, which retroactively creates "the boy/the man" as something intellectual, unpliable, untouchable. which makes aegon wanna chew on it even more. at least when he can muster up enough strength and interest.) this mode of control/abuse also extends to erryk, criston, gwayne, otto etc, and the other men of his later court.)
(love ur gifs btw!)
to answer your very serious question, do i think aegon is a fujoshi? no, i don't think he seriously is. i think he likes these obvious displays of power, the same way the abuse of the maids ties back to him exerting the only kind of control he has over people. and obviously there IS a sexual element in the satisfaction of making people submit to him so maybe we can say he enjoys men submitting to him. does that count? idk ponder that. with the pits i mostly agree with you + the pits, the drink, the whoring all as a way of going away and forgetting he lives such a shitty caged life in the worst possible way.
i don't think aegon particularly cares who tops aemond as long as aemond is getting railed and therefore become less annoying (to aegon about his own vices). if aegon can knock aemond off that pedestal everyone puts him on, then he's content. this is why i'm going to enjoy very much when aemond comes home after storm's end and aegon throws him a party. aren't you enjoying this? aren't you enjoying the fact that for once you are worse than me? that i did good and you didn't? that mother is unhappy with you so this is my chance to finally be her favorite son? anyway
"but most of all he's submitting to aegon in that scenario! where aegon is the Orchestrator--the orchestrator of the pranks targeting aemond, the orchestrator of aemond's sexual initiation, and henceforth desire (or, non-desire; or, short, TraumaTM)" yes yes for sure, in aemond's psyche aegon is the be all and end all; he's the one who (indirectly) took his virginity, made him claim vhagar and in consequence lose the eye and develop his mommy issues, singlehandedly created aemond's other myriad of issues, and worst of all, he's going to be king. even if aegon is the worst human being he knows, he is aemond's final ambition, to be king, the first born son, to have the kind of power and authority aegon only appears to use for something other than sex when he is given the throne, to be able to feel as 'free' as he thinks aegon is (conversely, aegon thinks aemond is freer than him). but for me, aemond is nothing without aegon, without as you, say "aegon [...] around the corner, ready to eat his face" while aegon could do more or less the same without his resentful little brother under his foot, he's just too selfish and self centered!
tbh aegon's control of his little posse back in ep 6 is more of head bully and his minions kind of thing, but as he grows up i don't think he has friends/acquaintances to exert his control over so he turns to the easiest targets (aemond is boring now and thinks he's aegon's father and pretends to care too much about duty), maids and women and probably to the poor people of KL. but yes YESS when he becomes king and has the entire court and kingdom at his beck and call........i WILL enjoy it thoroughly
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thesilkentheater · 2 years
four people(?) at a table
There are four robots sitting at a dinner table.
The first has taken the role of the father of the family, and sits proud and tall. He wears a lab coat to communicate he's a scientist, thinking it a much more efficient and communicative gesture than changing into non-work clothes. In an attempt to offset this very non-human gesture, he's tousled his hair and wears a set of glasses he doesn't need.
The second is pretending to be a mother, though to who is anyone's guess. She is the epitome of fashionable, always dressing in gentle pastels and oversized cashmere sweaters. But a woman in a fit figure, pretty outfits, and polite manners might be too obvious, so she's since changed frames to give herself a larger figure to compensate for the theoretical human error.
The third is their supposed child. She has the knowledge that a child is normally rather rebellious and edgy, but decided to be only one of those things. It is not in a robot's nature to rebel, after all, and so she dresses in dresses reminiscent of the Victorian era, black and lacy and gothic. In some strange twist of fate, this has become her human flaw.
Lastly is the dog. All three AI have since assumed that since pets are to be treated as family, they should eat at the table with them, and have no disgust in their veins for it. Said dog, however, is not pretending so much as it is incapable; its voice box refuses to speak words, only simulating barks. Regardless, it stays polite, because if is not polite it might be punished.
The dinner they have made for themselves is a pasta dish with cheese and tomatoes. It was found online by the mother, who made exactly enough for all four of them.
"Are you going to eat, Darling?" The father asks the mother, who shakes her head politely. "Oh, no, I'm on a diet."
This is the song and dance they play, every single evening.
"But Mother, you're perfectly fine as you are! In fact, I'm sure you're starving. I haven't seen you eat anything all day."
"Oh, don't worry, dear. And aren't you hungry? You should dig in."
The problem, see, is that all of them were programmed to ensure that the humans in the house were well-kept. And, thinking each other human, they will attempt to force each other to eat dinner, as it is vitally important to human safety that they eat.
The problem being, none of them can actually eat very much of dinner. A few bites at most, and mostly for show.
"No, I ate earlier when I went out to meet Joshua."
"And how are you and Joshua?"
"Quite well, Father," she responds with an amicable smile.
'Joshua' is the name of her favorite abandoned mech, though no one else is privy of this fact. In fact, she's quite certain that none of the humans realize the world has ended, and that they are the last sentient things they've seen in years. It's a very human thing, to make such mistakes, but rest assured she will not break that illusion for them.
"I'd certainly invite him over sometime if it weren't for my work," the Father replies, and smiles to himself over the line. It's quite well crafted, he thinks, as it simultaneously acts as an open invitation for argument- something particularly human- and a refusal to do so. Plus, the mention of his work is very scientist-like, he thinks.
Though he's not sure where he got that one from.
But sadly, the daughter does not rise to the bait. No, she merely smiles at him, and does not touch her food. "And what about you, Father? Aren't you hungry?"
"Oh, no. Someone brought in a particularly nasty project today, and I'm afraid I've lost my appetite."
In a sense, that is what would happen to a human there. What had actually happened is he was exploring the old abandoned hospital ruins and found one of the mangled experiments down there. Of course, it was restrained, and so he calmly and quite carefully moved it to one of his experimentation chambers, but it was gross enough that a human might not be willing to eat for the day.
He's quite certain that this little family he plays charades with has no idea the rest of the human race has been wiped out, and only strange creatures and ruins lay in the wake. But he's not going to interrupt their little fantasy, because that's very human of them, and he'd be loathe to get rid of such a thing.
"Oh, that's awful," the wife sighs, "Though I did put quite a bit of effort into this meal."
The dog barks in monotone. It, too, has these instincts, though it has no care for pretending to be an actual dog. Somehow, none of them have noticed that dogs should probably have a bit more personality than that, because they're busier playing their parts.
Well, whatever. If they want to play house they can play house.
"I know, and I'm very sorry," he says.
The wife, well, she doesn't have very much power or say in this house. But when both the child, who likes to play outside often, and the husband, who goes off to work every morning and returns just in time for dinner, are out, she at least gets to do her work. None of the chores actually need doing, because they're all automated, but her management of the overall system does.
It's tough work. A human team once maintained it, but now they're all dead, of course, and it's up to her to ensure the calming field lays over their sleepy little town permanently. Without it, the creatures might rear their ugly heads, and she was never built to fight them.
She's quite sure that her humans don't understand there's no humans left. And while she is rather worried that her daughter's hallucinations seem to have names, she won't take this one happiness away from them. Certainly not.
That'd be very inhuman of her.
The dog, meanwhile, stares at all of them in annoyance. Such idiots, it thinks, and idly wonders whether they realize the dog is the one getting rid of all the bugs that would've been attracted to the pure waste they produce every day, cooking something just to throw it all in a compost bin. It was built for combat, after all, and a few bugs are the least it can do.
Well, whatever. Humans are strange. The dog was never programmed to act like one, but still has compassion for them- the pets do feel nice for whatever reason. If they like this little charade, it'll do everything in its power to defend it.
Not like there's much else to do.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
i like to think that if Rogal Dorn created a youtube channel about buildings just to espread his knowledge Perturabo would on the same day create his and turn it into a full blown competition, not only on the construction aspect but also on the youtuber aspect and would be constantly frustrated on why Rogal have more subscribers than him, also if the other primarchs made youtube channels, what kind of channel they would make?
The primarch, if youtube had been around.
Leman: You know those tiktok of fedex guys being bff with dogs? This, but it's leman across the galaxy. Just a ton of youtube short of him going "oooHHHH WHO'S A GOOD BOY!!!!" At every single dog he encounter in the imperium.
Jaghatai: travel vlog. Very little narration, mostly just insanely cool vibe and him going "so if you take this road only accessible for 3 months of the year every year you too can go visit this hidden valley with the BEST hot spring on the planet-"
Magnus: video essay channel that make 8 hours narrative docs on shitty random media that you have never even heard of before. Goes way too hard on the overanalyzing. Millions of view.
Horus: a fucking vlogger. One of THOSE youtube influencer. He does a bit of everything and no one can really remember why he's popular now, but he sure is. Is always in some youtube drama or another. Get cancelled at least once a year.
Sanguinius: Arts and craft channel, with super easy and nice tutorial. Very active with the commenters and the community, and seem to be good at everything.
Angron: How to Basic channel. Except it was angron ACTUALLY trying to do the thing and everything else is natural and unscripted.
Alpharius Omegon: prank channel, but they are actually funny. They pull on some SHIT on one another.
Ferrus: "Hello everyone today we are going to create a functioning lightsaber because we aren't pussy and we want to cut things." His things are always pretty functional.
Fulgrim: "Artist react" video and it's him watching like, fucking 5 minutes craft and starting to scream. Has also timelapse of his art, and run a super popular series of video where he try to make his brothers do art. The one where he try to teach Konrad to knit has become viral.
Lion: He walk into the forest. The camera move slowly, in unexplainable pattern. Sometime, it follow sound and end up hiding in the bush filming unsuspecting hiker or just starring at random animals. Lion see ot as his hiking journal. People think this might be a serial killer diary.
Corvus: might be a creepy pasta chanel, might be an ARG, or just an analog horror thing. No one is sure. There's creepy sad original music in each videos. It's actually just the video clip for her musics and she did not realise she might be creating a cult.
Konrad: a urban exploring channel. No narrations, just more or less shaky video with innocent title like "the home on 3rd street". The fact the he straight up break and enter and do parkour give it a very mirror's edges feel to it, and it's actually a youtube challenge to watch his scary af videos without screaming.
Mortarion: very nice niche lil science and biology channel. Does voice over of lil clipart and fix pictures and semi shitty lil doodles to explain hos concepts. It's actually a really fun and easy to understand channel, highly underated.
Roboute: let's play channel but it's only cosy game like Stardew valley or animal crossing or minecraft. Actually mostly talk about his life on top of it, just little vlog that explain stress and ptsd and his anxiety. He has a very loyal following and a lot of vets really relate to what he talk about.
Rogal: an architecture channel, except he like to explain a lot of his concept using Lego. Has become a meme for some of the accidentally saying hilarious shit like "Off colored bricks may work the same, but they deserve the Shame Bucket". Absolutely feral fanbase, and he understand none of it.
Lorgar: religious study channel... And legit helpful. Like yeah ofc he totally believe in what he's talking about, but he also will happily explain the texts, the historical context, translations, interpretations throu history and relevance to other excerpt, etc. If you are going through a religious study class he 100% will help you pass.
Vulkan: a very nice and sweet channel where he explain the basic of how to forge things. All the tutorial and super nicely labeled. Also explain the basic of how to be a farrier for horses and donkey, even if half of those videos is just him petting a blissed out animal and calling them the cutest thing in the galaxy.
Perturabo: tried making a channel similar to Rogal. Failed. Posted one video of him reacting to a shitty reality tv. Instant overnight superstar. Content outrage to the max. Reality tv are BEGGING him to review them and call them trash, they get millions of extra viewer because of him.
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