#pathfinder suli
seren-star · 2 years
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I’m joining a pathfinder kingmaker game and this is my new baby for it! His name is Kon! He’s a Suli with Kitsune ancestry and he’s a monk! So excited to see what kind of character he develops into!
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sheppi-isometrics · 1 year
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Gnome Bard PC tokens on Patreon
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Class Feature Friday: Amulet Implement (Pathfinder Second Edition Thaumaturge Implement)
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(art by Angelina Andreas on Artstation)
 A sort of fusion of the concepts of the 1st edition Occultist class and the Inquisitor, the Thaumaturge class is all about learning every bit of lore about the supernatural as possible, regardless of it’s veracity, in hopes that something will work. What’s more, much like the occultist of yore, their own psychic power empowers the tools and trinkets they utilize, either giving truth to the folklore surrounding them, or pushing them beyond even that.
A key part of the thaumaturge class is their choice of implements, which come in a myriad of forms, but cover some core concepts. The thaumaturge can gain up to three classifications of implements, but naturally their first gains all the associated abilities, while the second and third never achieve full mastery.
In any case, our first subject today is the amulet. Whether this is an actual occult symbol of protection worn around the neck, a more mundane necklace, or some symbol of luck or protection such as a rabbit’s foot, amulets as a general rule represent protection and good luck, warding away misfortune from the wearer. In occult symbolism in the Pathfinder setting, they are associated with the Harrow suit of Shields, the cosmic caravan sign of the Bridge, and the Tian zodiac sign of the Ogre.
 True to their nature as wards of protection, the thaumaturge can invoke the amulet to ward themselves or others nearby against the violence of the target of their focus, and with a reflexive action, they can dampen the incoming damage of an attack.
Later on, the amulet provides lingering protection after the initial surge, warding them from further similar attacks.
By presenting the amulet to the foe they are focusing on exploiting the vulnerabilities of, they can also improve their own protections so that attacks are harder to land on them for a brief moment.
Thaumaturges that choose the amulet as their primary implement can even ward entire groups, protecting them from even area effect attacks, if need be, and providing them with lingering protection even if the initial warding would have blocked all damage.
Additionally, the following feats suit the thaumaturge quite well: Root to Life, Esoteric Warden, Turn Away Misfortune, Shared Warding, Esoteric Reflexes, and Seven-Part Link. Others may be useful as well depending on your build.
With the focus on reducing and warding against damage, this implement is a major boon for any thaumaturge that is concerned with keeping themselves and others alive in addition to defeating the monsters in the night. Even if it’s not your first implement, it can prove quite useful for keeping allies in the fight.
 While this is true of almost every implement, amulets are often jewelry, and jewelry often has a lot of emotional history attached to them. Does the amulet truly belong to the thaumaturge? Who owned it originally? What sort of emotions are tied to it? These questions are quite useful to answer from a lore and backstory perspective, not just for amulets, but any implement, really.
  The Moon Sliver is a well-known silver amulet fitted with moonstones and what is supposedly a tear of the moon itself, and has a long history of being used by those who face werewolves and other lycanthropes. Curiously, however, the amulet always seems to find itself in human hands across it’s long history, almost as if it prefers bearers of that ancestry. Finding out exactly why means digging into the forgotten lore of the amulet’s origins.
 Wearing the wedding rings of her mother and father, a janni and a mortal respectively, Shavi can feel their love wherever she goes, and her belief in that love protects her as she wanders the land, seeking rumor of divs, ghuls, and other monstrous beings to destroy.
 In the hands of a charlatain like the original owner, a tangled necklace of holy symbols subverts the very idea of protection one associates with such things… but even if he was a liar and apostate preying upon the desperate, the faith of those he robbed was very real, making it very valuable to those versed in the occult.
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enddaysengine · 2 years
Suli (Paths Beyond)
Try as I might, I haven’t been able to track down where the name suli came from. The best I’ve come up with is Abu Bakr al-Suli, a tenth-century poet and chess master in the Abbasid court. In this context, adding al-Suli to his name is like saying “Tiberius the Claudii” - Abu Bakr had an ancestor named Sul, whose descendants were called the Suli. So, all in all, the name doesn’t help us much and could be one big coincidence.
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While the name suli doesn’t give us much to work with, we are fortunate that the concept of mortals descended from jinn is not new. Perhaps most famously, some Islamic legends say the Queen of Sheba’s mother was a jinn. She certainly isn’t alone either; scholars such as Jalaluddin al-Suyuti and Ibn Taymiyyah write of intermarriage and procreation between humans and jinn. 
Given that jann are the genies who spend the most time on the Material Plane, it shouldn’t be surprising that suli are among the most common geniekin. Consider which historical or contemporary figures in your games have verified or rumoured suli heritage. How do these elemental ties influence those people? Do they have political connections or responsibilities they must tend to on the elemental planes? Are they curious about their immortal heritage, or do they fear it?
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Don’t forget that in the Age of Lost Omens, geniekin is just a label, so not all suli are decedents of genies. Sulis are also born when multiple elemental forces are mixed within a single mortal. In the Planescape days, tieflings often mixed several fiendish bloodlines together; this is the elemental equivalent. Planar sulis may not know their exact lineage, not because they’ve been abandoned, but because it is a convoluted mess of a family tree! Uniting several elements in a single being opens the opportunities for visual contrast, so while most sulis blend into their mortal heritage, don’t be afraid to get weird with dualborn suli!
Among Mwangi Pathfinders, h’Tuumba the Sootscale of the Mbe’ke is the highest planar authority. Born to a lineage of red kobolds and blessed by the cloud dragons in his clutch, the dualborn suli specializes in overlays between the Inner and Material Planes. Unfortunately, while he has an excellent rapport with planar dragons, he has alienated every single genie empire, all of whom have standing arrest or execution warrants should he be caught in their territory. 
Demoactus the Seer was destined for greatness. His cyclops mentors prophesied he would be Iblydos’ next hero-god, acting as a conduit between the four elements. Unfortunately for Demoactus, he fulfills the prophecy just days after Aroden’s death, so the mythic trials meant to fuel his apotheosis merely transformed him into a suli. Humiliated and embittered, he fled to the Inner Planes, where he served as an envoy between the Elemental Lords for a century. Now he has returned to the mortal realm with an army of evil elementals in tow, bent on razing the island he was foretold to protect.
While merfolk are wary of species, enough of them in the Obari sea consider genies to be sacred spirits that jann merchants are welcome in their cities. Many suli merfolk live in Babras, Garden of the Sea, including their queen, Jullan. The queen is a former adventurer and knows many of the hidden passageways to the First World, Shadow, and Inner Planes, but she will want aid in her feud against Ragadahn in return.
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endrise · 2 years
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Designed a bunch of Pathfinder ancestries & Heritages!
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sirpurrwain · 1 year
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purple-sea-dragon · 2 years
new blorbo alert
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(rough and slightly less rough sketch) her name is fiore shes a herbo
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A planned NPC for my pathfinder game. The town my adventuring party has taken up residence in has need of a new blacksmith due to... untimely party shenanigans. Enter Brume-jo, the suli cleric of fire and repose, and the new town blacksmith. I look forward to figuring out how to play this character
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corruptedpagearts · 4 months
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My Suli gal for a pathfinder game I may be joining! I adore designing characters so much!!
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zarvasace · 1 year
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Four and Shadow, but in Pathfinder!! :D (last one!) I also redid this art and it looks so much better. Four is so colorful and so much fun to draw. ...even if I did accidentally switch up the red and purple panels on his tunic.
Pathfinder Chain Masterpost
All details and notes under the cut!
Honestly, I almost made Four a summoner with Shadow as his eidolon, but it doesn't fit as well. That would be hilarious, though. They're set up as separate PCs.
Ancestry: Halfling! He be short and appreciative of nice things. And the Minish give off halfling vibes, don't they?
Heritage: Suli. Sulis are element-touched, but with all four elements rather than just one. It's a bit less obvious visually than the other one-element-touched heritages, but they have some element powers. Their eyes can also change color according to the element they're attuned to (which is so fanon of Four) and often they have metallic skin. So his here is extra-shiny!
Background: Artisan, specializing in metalcraft. He probably has some feats like Quick Repair.
Class: this one was a bit harder to figure out, but I'm going with an Outwit Ranger. They're rangers, so martially inclined with both melee and ranged, and they have the ability to track prey and deal some extra damage under the right conditions. Outwit rangers specifically focus on being smart to figure out weaknesses and set traps. They're very smart and use that rather than brute force. If I decided to build each of the colors separately, I could make them all different flavors of ranger.
Archetype: perhaps alchemist, like Wild, so he can make things. That's a bit strange, though, so maybe he'd better benefit from a teamwork-type archetype like Marshal or Bastion?
Ancestry: also halfling! Shadow is also small.
Heritage: Reflection. This heritage's whole thing is about being a direct copy of someone else and how angsty they might be about it. There are also some cool feats related to mirrors and traveling through them or storing stuff in them!
Background: Discarded Duplicate. This background mentions that the duplicate was used to stand in for the original before being "decommissioned," which isn't quite right, but there aren't any unusual abilities to the background, so I'd waive that particular little flavor in favor of an excellently named background. Four didn't discard him. Vaati did.
Class: Sorcerer! There are a lot of caster types I could have chosen, so I feel a bit bad about using sorcerer twice (the other one is Hyrule), but a charisma caster that isn't a psychic just works so well for Shadow. I'd give him the Aberrant bloodline so he has access to the occult spell tradition. Perhaps he'd get the Cathartic Mage alternate rule on there, too, so he can use his angsty emo-ness to cast spells.
Archetype: Shadowcaster. Impossible for him to not take this one, with all the shadow manipulation abilities!
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sayitan · 5 months
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name : neteyam te suli tsyeyk’itan
title(s) : pathfinder / nightshade
gender : cis man
age : 15 ( verse dependent )
birthday : year 2155
place of birth :  wur'txayo ( chill fields )
spoken & understood language(s) :  na'vi, english
sexual preference :  pansexual
occupation(s) : tsamsiyu ( warrior ) / taronyu ( hunter )
eye color :  golden yellow
hair color :  black
height : 8'2''
major scars :  mound of scar tissue centered upon his back, only several centimeters right of his spine ( verse dependent )
color : magenta / violet
song :  tua
food :  yerik niktsyey
drink :  mauti'näk
passed university :  passed his iknimaya, yes
had sex : no
had sex in public : no
gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant : no
kissed a boy : no
kissed a girl : no
gotten tattoos : no
gotten piercings :  no
stayed up for more than 24 hours :  yes
a virgin : yes
a cuddler : yes
a kisser : would be
scared easily :  no
jealous easily : no
trustworthy : yes
dominant :  yes and no, depends on circumstances and individuals involved
submissive :  sometimes yes
in love : no
single :  no
have they harmed themselves :  yes
thought of suicide : no ( verse dependent )
attempted suicide :  no
wanted to kill someone :  yes
have / had a job : yes.
have any fears :  yes
sibling(s) :  3, 2 younger sisters, 1 younger brother
parent(s) :  tsyeyk suli, neytiri te tskaha mo'at'ite
children : no
significant other :  none
pet(s) :  none ( his bonded ikran, amhan'sre )
tagged : seen on @prcspcr tagging : @tahnisreu, @tarsyu, @prvtocol, @alootus, @beltraised, @djaerin, @d4gangera, @fiercengineer, @gggno ( clem ), @jeditrash
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seren-star · 1 year
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Made a gift for my pathfinder DM’s birthday! These are our current party members.
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menkhu · 5 months
Are you playing in, or GMing any TTRPGs currently?
very yes to both! i'm gming two campaigns. it's less overwhelming than it sounds bc one is monthly rather than weekly. making the stories come to life has become one of my favorite things
i'm sort of playing in four campaigns right now? it's also not as overwhelming as it sounds; the group only meets once or twice per week. one of my gms got excited about a different campaign while gming the first so now we're swapping between the two campaigns when we finish each book. the gm for campaign three has been overwhelmed by Life™ recently so another gm stepped up to run what was conceived as a series of one-shots for when the others aren't able to run anything but we're currently on a pirate-themed (sort of) mini campaign so i'm counting it as campaign 4.
all are pathfinder, some 1e, some 2e. more about the particulars of each under the cut
the weekly campaign i run is hell's rebels! i play with kcvagabond, chromaticcarton, and two others who aren't on this site. we're about 3/4ths of the way through it. i was resistant to the idea of gming at first but a friend of mine who lives in another state was talking about how he missed playing ttrpgs and i wanted to change that but i wasn't going to ask anyone to do something i wasn't willing to do myself so i took the plunge and i'm so happy i did.
the monthly game i run is kingmaker and it's for a church group actually! i'm not really religious, just friends with the pastor who is a big fantasy nerd and has always wanted to play in a ttrpg. there are six players and i was nervous about managing such a big group, but they instantly had a great rapport and they put a lot of value in making sure everyone gets a say in decision making. we've only had 3 sessions but i'm loving it so far.
campaign 1 is strixhaven. my character is zefi (he/she/they) a fetchling champion of alseta who is perfectionistic and a people pleaser. alseta is the goddess of transgenders and also letting people do whatever they want so zefi's dogma, as they follow it, is basically being an enabler i love playing paladins that aren't lawful good
campaign 2 is rise of the runelords. my character, sylvie, is a human tower shield specialist who i min/maxed for ac. her concept is basically she's a teenage girl. she's brilliant except for when she's stupid. she's cool except for when she's not. she painted purple stripes on her shield with nail polish. her closest friends in the world are a geriatric scholar and the orphans she babysits il ove her
campaign 3 is homebrew, possibly taking some cues from extinction curse? i play lee, a human bard who ran away from the pressures of noble society to join a circus. massive nerd. his muse is the heroine of his favorite adventure novels. he didn't realize he was nearsighted until he tried on a pair of glasses while looking for circus disguises. his initials are lol. il ove him
campaign 4 is also homebrew. i call it sort of pirate themed because the gm defines pirates as sailors on adventures. knowing the gm it's probably one piece inspired although i'm not familiar enough to say for sure. good cartoony fun. my character is aven (he/they) a suli oracle. he's the least evil of his party which is saying something because he can get pretty bitchy. pf2e oracles are a huge chronic illness mood; using certain abilities advances their curses and the only way to reset and recover is by resting which i think is pretty neat. he's a lot of fun to play
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Roleplaying Races 12: Suli
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(art by Samantha Keller on Artstation)
 Of all the genies, the jann, who combine all four elements into one, are perhaps the most humanoid-like, often living alongside humans on the material plane.
Inevitably, such proximity breeds fondness and love, and from such unions come children. However, unlike other genie-kin, who favor one element over all others, the suli-jann, as they are known, invoke all four, being famed for their ability to charge their limbs and weapons with the four elements.
Just as the jann themselves are something of a bridge between the mortal realms and the elemental planes, so too are the suli a bridge between mortals and the jann. As such, they are also well-known as shrewd negotiators in matters both political and merchantile, learning from their true genie kin.
A suli-jann resembles the race of their mortal parentage, usually human, but other suli do exist as well. In general, they are typically strong of body and attractive for their species.
In a similar way to half-elves, suli are charismatic beings, but even in the most accepting communities, they still feel caught between two worlds, never really belonging to either. Like other geniekin planetouched, they also don’t really have many communities or civilization of their own, but instead add their own elemental flair to the art and work they do in other communities, be they rooted or nomadic.
 Suli tend to be strong and charming, but a little slow on the uptake.
Their upbringing among the janni does give them a knack for diplomacy though.
Their most dramatic ability lets them shroud their limbs in elemental energy, be it acid, electricity, flame, or frost, which they can deliver either with unarmed strikes or channel into their weaponry.
Naturally, they also have resistance to all four of these elements as well.
 Of course, mixing multiple elements and various forms of mortal blood will often result in variation, such as having a stronger connection with a single element, able to channel only that one, but gaining other benefits while doing so (rough terrain shifting slightly for earth/acid, throw flames, stride on frozen platforms on the surface of water, and electrify themselves against foes that touch them). Meanwhile, others train to ward their mind so as to be trusted mediators, and others seem more mortal than other suli.
 With their strength and charm, as well as their ability to add extra elemental damage of their choice to their damage rolls, it’s no surprise that they favor not just social classes, but also martial ones. Paladin and magus are natural picks, especially since they have their very own archetype for the magus in the elemental knight, as well as any magus archetype that changes the spellcasting stat to charisma. That charisma also proves useful for martial bards and swashbucklers as well, as well as spellcasters like oracle, sorcerer, and bloodrager. Their weakness in intelligence does damage their skill points, so skilled classes and int casters are not a first choice but not impossible builds either.
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evobedevo · 11 months
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I have been putting this off for way too long, but I've FINALLY drawn my Pathfinder Player Character, Gemnovi~
She's an Android Spellslinger with some Suli heritage.
Uses a lot of elemental attributes in her shots, and is a morally so-so crackshot with a snarky sense of humor.
Due to time shenanigans, she's trapped in a "Groundhog Day" loop, attempting to save the Princess of the Spring Court in the Fey Wilds from having her heart stolen, as that seems to be the one way out of the loop for certain.
Really though, she mainly just wants to get back home to her own time as she's been time displaced and shunted into the future 60 years due to a heist gone wrong (long story).
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tipsygeek · 2 years
Why yes I do draw sometimes.
Here's a wild Sorin I drew a little why back (same as my pfp) and possibly my favourite Pathfinder character.
He is a Suli Paladin of Ragathiel who walks that very fine line between Lawful Good and Lawful Evil.
I miss him 😭
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