#patron pack
grimaussiewitch · 1 year
100 warlock patron pack ideas: part 7
61: You were sentence to death. In your many months of waiting out for your final day, rotting away in a damp cell, a voice called out. A fiend? Litch? Fey? Who knows what. As long as you kill for them, they will let you escape. All of those guards never stood a chance. Neither did your soul.
62: This is your third time your patron has sent you back in time. You’re back with your original level 1 party until you perfectly convert most of your party members to your patrons cause. How did you end up in this situation? You were seeking out for a strong magical mentor and accidentally called upon chuthulu-esq creatures. They can not keep breaking time and space for you or else they’ll break the cosmic world. As punishment for your failure, you are aware that you are back in time but have no clue what the previous timelines were like.
63: You are a bodyguard for hire. You will protect someone for coins. One night, a powerful fiend lord comes into your residence. His child is about to go adventuring and he does not trust them enough to life past day one. A spoil rich brat one might say. Your task is to keep them alive until they retire or the fiend lord feels satisfied in your work. Bonus points if the child doesn’t know of their demon heritage. Bonus bonus they don’t know you were hired to protect them.
64: Please do not make deals with weird slime that hangs out in a dirt hole. Yes they offered you knowledge from what they have seen over the last how many years. But please don’t trust their “dap me up” or their funny little quirks. It may be goopy but it has seen god and you’ll probably see god too.
65: You and your party were fighting a devil. Both you and your enemy go down in critical condition. You drift off into a dream full of flames and a fiend is there. You both know you’re dying, they tell you the only way for either of you to live is for them to be sealed inside you. You’re desperate to live, so you accept. You wake up in a bed surrounded by your team. They are so glad you’re alive. You are not.
66: Your patron has tricked you into believing that you are a special type of cleric or paladin. You are none the wiser. You met them in your dreams and made a deal with them to protect people.
67: You are the chosen one and to fulfil that duty, you had to be sacrificed. In the end you got some cool warlock powers but you’re not free. Your patron demands for you to hunt anyone that will hurt the religion. Little do you know, you’re not the only “chosen one”.
68: You were once a toy that was magically created to be sentient. You resided in an orphanage. Over the years being played with many different children, you wished you could move. You truely wanted to be a real person and look after these kids. When the lights went out for bedtime, a glowing orb appeared in front of you. That is your patron. There was a giant flash of light, then nothing. You felt strange and groggy. Slowly, you realised you could blink, breathe and move your limbs. A real person. In the morning, you greeted the owner of the home and asked for a job. Much to your surprise you got the job! However, it didn’t last forever. Over the next few years, the orphanage wasn’t receiving as much funding or care. Slowly but surely, the orphanage closed down. What do you do now? Welp, that glowing orb came again, explained that it made you real and now you’re it’s puppet. You can freely do whatever you want, but if there’s something that’s needed, you have to listen to your patron. If you fail after one too many times, you can always return back to your original state. A toy.
69: You are literally the worst bard ever. Big cringe fail energy. You’re too lazy to actually improve on your music so just make a bargain with a fiend instead. Who cares, you can make sweet tunes now. Screw having a soul.
70: Mystical angels put you into a death game. You made allies and enemies in that bloody game. But only one could win. After a brutal battle, you were victorious. Crowned the winner of the death game. As your prize, you get to live and have a “guardian angel” as your patron. You did not sign up for that game or this pack. You were forced into it. Now you live with scars and a patron that always watches.
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gordonramsei · 2 months
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𖥨 ̟⊹♡ em's fave fonts ( a collection ) .
hey friends , one of the coding tier goodies this month is a font pack ! i have compiled twenty free for commercial use fonts for use in graphics , web projects , basically whatever and wherever u see fit ! 💜 💜 💜
font names + download files are included in the post on patreon which can be found right here !
𖥨 ̟⊹♡ interested in getting access to these fonts ? consider signing up for my patreon to unlock my complete content library ! i have two affordable tiers with monthly releases ; come join the lil fam - a - lam today !
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florbelles · 5 months
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—𝔩𝔞 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔢. 𝔟𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔦𝔦𝔦.
𝑷𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑼𝑫𝑬, 𝟏𝟒𝟖��. ❦ 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑾𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑼𝑺? 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
the more of the actual binx we get to see the more i absolutely fucking adore them. absolutely horrendous at polite small talk. hauling ass from place to place because she doesn't have attendants to send her letters. gives people the most genuine compliments directly paired with being too blunt with them. scrambling from place to place while also trying to manage VARIOUS fires on alternate planes. Doing Her Best With Limited Knowledge And Supplies. Writing letters while sprinting full speed. Squares up with a salt goblin, then gives them a hat, then reveals her greatest secret. Deeply uncomfortable with lying and also Has To Keep One Up, Good Lord This Sucks, but done with so much frenetic energy it somehow works.
IMPECCABLE vibes, hashtag relatable, love them. thank u so much surena.
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emilyartstudio-s · 9 months
Ooooo. I remember that comic!! I was always excited when you worked on it. Oh god, the possibilities if tumblr had polls back then XD
this ask is referring to this post
YES OMGOSHH I would have use that DAILY!! Like in a new tumblr blog maybe but it would have been so much work and i think i would have found it harder to drop that over the comic ;;u;!! I'm finding it hard to stop drawing SP right now let alone a whole account with history ;;u;!!
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kariachi · 25 days
Devin Lives au fic! Finally Geilla Bohln has a Savaran Temple.
It wasn’t the most impressive of temples, one had to admit. There was no grandeur, thought there was room for it to come eventually, no ornate statues or vast mosaics. Mayhaps it could have been something more if it had been more limited, had left later expansion to add shrines rather than decorate those there. But Devin, his children, his small pack, were far from the safety of the homeworld, and he had decided that ensuring their close ties with all the gods was more important than artistry.
He was going to have to make sure Keal got proper statuary and such first after the suns by way of apology, but he had no doubt they would forgive the transgression given the circumstances. There were funds available- it wasn’t hard to get donations from the Morningstars, they had founded the pack after all- but he’d felt it better to spend the money surrounding the temple with low public buildings to ensure nothing would be built in place to shade it. Allowing that would have been an even worse blasphemy, and he’d already raised the gathering area above ground just to help prevent it. Normally one would build a temple in the highest location possible, but that just wasn’t a viable option on Earth- where digging out and building in the top of a mountain required the kind of funds even the Morningstars hissed at- and was inconvenient to the dens besides.
Better to have everyone accounted for, better to ensure the top floor wouldn’t be shaded, better to stay in a convenient location. Get everything built, finally have a proper temple with a semi-proper member of the Holyfolk to manage things. Even if it wasn’t spectacular, or perfect, it was far far better than the small, scattered shrines that had been all they had before. Something you could walk around, somewhere you could set proper tributes to a wide range of specific deities without having to force them to share, or limit yourself to just your own patron.
Yes, even a plain temple was better than no temple, and Devin couldn’t help but breath easier the first time he walked through the finished building, laying dried goods on each offering platter as he went from top to bottom. The twin suns on the top floor beneath their glass-windowed dome, the platter in the ground floor gathering chamber, the rest of the major gods on the floor below, four each of the minor gods on each of the four floors that followed.
Mainil, Tivaum, Leruv, and Vernito.
Veirum, Hegae, Faunel, and Yaon.
Mendeves, Menkaves, his Leum, and Rervon.
Vulkxhen, Menrhove, Menyuve, and Jalen.
All in good order, all with the proper offering plates, all with proper offerings, all with thanks and prayers given to welcome their presence in this place. With, he would admit, a bit a bias towards the patrons of the children- again, they would understand.
Finally, their territory had a heart.
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batwynn · 1 year
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I’ve added a new Pride sticker grab bag up in my shop for early birds! I’ll be adding some more stuff soon. :)
What’s in the bag:
All 3”x3” holographic stickers.
1 Pride Dandelion
1 Pride Tiger
1 Frog and Toad
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beeapocalypse · 5 months
trying to come up w a far more contained idea for an rpgmaker thing so it isnt as intimidating to approach and immediately having it spiral out
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grimaussiewitch · 1 year
100 warlock patron pack ideas: part 2
11: So you keep having recurring dreams about this ancient one but you guys are buddies so it’s fine. Turns out, most people lose their minds seeing or hearing this creature, so the fact that you two are having little tea parties in your dreams is kind of funky. You get some eldritch powers, as a treat.
12: You were in a market place and were dared by a friend to buy a lamp. Well, turns out the seller was a genie, whoops, guess what happens now! Warlock pack!
13: You were brought up in a cult and one day they forced you to bind with the patron they all worship. You didn’t have a choice. A few months go by and you wake up from your bed to fire. The cult is on fire so you run. You run as fast as you can, never looking back. You don’t know how to feel about this forced pack but you’re learning to live with it. Maybe, one day, you can break it.
14: Your fiend of a father kind of slept around. To cull the amount of children he has, he offered a challenge. It’s simple really, be the only child. If you do that, you will gain immense power. Over time if you train or do some of his odd jobs, you’ll gain more power access. Aka, levelling up.
15: You were not the favourite child. When your sibling fell very ill, in desperation your parents sold your soul to a patron. Are you hurt? Want revenge? Relieved to be away from your family?
16: You found a rabbit being attacked by a fox or birds. You shoo them away and took the rabbit into your home. You nursed it back to health and one day, the little rabbit spoke to you. It’s an archfey and to repay your kindness it offers you fey knowledge. So you may or may not got tricked by a fey by becoming its warlock.
17: You always loved the sun. Growing up you would wake with the sun and fall asleep with it. You always believe it had power and knowledge beyond your comprehension. Who knew falling asleep one night you would wake up with slightly warm, glowing skin. Congrats, the literal sun is your patron.
18: Your first memory is you floating on your back in the deep dark ocean, the moon beams brighter then ever. Something about the moon draws you in. How did you end up in the ocean without any memories and your hair white as the moon? Nobody but your patron above knows.
19: Your dad was a very, very unlucky man. To get out of trouble, he would always offer his first born to a patron. Well, he died not long after you were born. The patrons were too sick and tired of his games. But now you have 7 patrons to choose from, each representing one of the seven deadly sins. Be careful of who you choose for the other six will be jealous and will cause your demise in their own special way. That flirty bartender? She might be a bit too pushy. That angry drunk? Be careful, he might turn his rage onto you.
20: Never go out for drinks with drunken sailors, you might end making a deal with one that’s a giant snake in disguise.
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gordonramsei · 2 months
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𖥨 ̟⊹♡ gradient objects pack !
hey cutie patooties ! just lil ol' me popping in for a goodie pack for my patreon fam . i've complied 30 different gradient objects to be used for edits , icons , and other visual projects ! there are five categories with five objects each : butterflies , orbs , abstract shapes , flowers , and hearts ! i don't take any credit for these elements , i simply compiled them for ur use .
this pack is for patreons only . interested ? click the source to check out my patreon and start supporting ur fave capricorn and her silly little content !
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mindholes · 1 year
TO ALL LIBRARY PATRONS WHO HEARD ME GIVE THE FIFTEEN MINUTE, THE TEN MINUTE, AND THE FIVE MINUTE WARNING UNTIL CLOSING AND STILL CHOSE TO START PACKING UP EXACTLY AT CLOSING AND THEN GOT DEFENSIVE WITH ME (!!!) FOR TELLING THEM NO ONE CAN LEAVE UNTIL THEY LEAVE: Oh my GODdddddddd PLEASE feel bad about yourselves! You are actually the worst people ever to be born and that isn’t hyperbolic at all!! Truly cannot imagine anyone worse than you! My hatred for you is limitless!
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goldkirk · 2 years
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munamania · 2 years
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by popular demand! 😫
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so close to this one. id almost say i like the fanon version but almost everything i like and believe is supported by canon i just prefer the fan interpretation? i feel like our little group on here understands her better than the writers. and actually probably looks at the source material more often. lol. but i love her and i think it’s insane how many reasons people will come up with to dislike her… like just say it with your chest and move on babe! she’s my baby. mwah
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furiarossa · 1 year
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It's that time of the month again, dear Patreon supportares! Are you ready to color? 16 new linearts and sketches, all fantasy-themed, ready to be colored how you want! All the files are .png with transparent background.
If you are a +$5 patron:
Download the .ZIP file and enjoy your colorable linearts! Post the results of the coloring where you want (remember of crediting ;)) but not the unfinished drawings (uncolored linearts), please! Enjoy.
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pinene · 2 years
You can't buy single cigarettes or any number you want in amerika? Damn yall are behind
What's new
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clovercoin · 28 days
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CloverCoin 2024 April Art Pack and Updates
[ORIGINAL PATREON POST AND ARTPACK DOWNLOAD] Hey everyone, time to check in again with the monthly art pack and updates! Woo! Art pack I feel is pretty light this month considering everything we're going through IRL. Stress is not a healthy lifestyle for the creative mind, woof. But I do love what I did manage to create so that's a bonus! Family updates on my end, my sister has made it back to our home town to check in with out mom. She hasn't been eating and is struggling with malnutrition which did not mix well with chemo. She currently has a pretty bad infection and has been in and out of surgeries in the hospital for other complications that isn't the cancer itself. It's touch and go as far as they told me. So visiting sooner would be better than later. My mother is an elderly woman but has expressed she would like to continue fighting. So all of us kids are going to do our best to help out and make sure she gets all the treatment she needs. The current sister visiting will be moving back to her house for the summer. I will be making an effort to drive back and see them at the end of May. So I will continue to update you all on Cloverse Discord Server and I will make formal posts here on Patreon to let you guys know what's happening and when. Right now my current goals is to complete all commissions and patreon packages BEFORE LEAVING HOME. I understand myself if I don't get it done in time, but maybe with Prov and his mom's help we could get that all shipped out before I leave town. Just thank you everyone for all of your continued patience with me and my situation. There is a lot going on and I am going my best to juggle all these very important priorities. Including myself, even if it's a struggle to include lately. AJD . ART
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