#patton/dark sides
orbch · 5 months
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selfcest yaoi for the soul
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renomonarch5058 · 1 year
(Guess who’s on a Sanders Sides hyper fixation lol) Imagine the salt circle thing with demons but it’s Remus and a soap circle lmao
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blackoutbugza · 7 months
a pretty long incorrect quote today
logan, frustrated: all of the sides are so different! how on earth am i supposed to keep track of every single one of them?!
janus: it’s easy, use their differences to your advantage. for example: humor. hey, patton.
patton: yeah?
janus: why was six afraid of seven?
patton: why?
janus: because seven eight nine
patton: (laughs)
janus: hey remus.
remus: what?
janus: why was six afraid of seven?
remus: why?
janus: because seven was a registered six offender
remus: (laughs)
(logan taking notes in the background)
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What if Virgil formed as a gray/neutral side but Janus saw the little spider eyes forming under his regular ones how snarky and jumpy and standoffish he was and how he hissed just like Janus when anyone approached too quickly and was like "is anyone gonna adopt that" and didn't wait for an answer (because he knew if he did then Patton would appear with his hand up immediately)
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grey0-0 · 9 months
My Roman Empire is the sides and Thomas’s reactions after Janus got slapped
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spoondrifts · 9 months
new vid only supports my moceit agenda. janus cared so much about putting together something patton would genuinely really like, investing so much effort into the elaborate russian nesting doll gift and then finishing with a sweet little card that he knew patton would love & appreciate for its heartfelt simplicity, AUGH i'm so soft abt them
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bl00dy-entity · 14 days
when i say i like evil Patton, i actually mean Janus in a soft boy aesthetic
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carving my heart out and giving it to her immediately
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loganslowdown4 · 10 months
Janus: I’m going on a date with Patton, bye.
Virgil: No
Janus: What?
Remus: Chores before whores.
Virgil: Dishes before bitches.
Remus: Cutting grass before getting ass.
Janus: I’m telling Patton what you said.
Virgil: NOOO
Janus: Goodbye *leaves*
Virgil: Degenerate!
Remus: Ingrate! Freeloader!
Virgil: Let’s go make all his gloves fingerless
Remus: Let’s.
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casart · 1 year
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I had the honour of working with @asoftervirge for this year's @sandersidesbigbang !!
I got to be the artist for her lovely fic Smile that you can read on ao3~☆
[ID] (Image depicts a human version of Janus and Virgil Sanders. Janus is dressed in his lawyer attire; while Virgil is wearing his canon stitched outfit.
The two are sitting in a dark room devoid of a background, illuminated by a warm light. Virgil is currently experiencing anxiety, grasping at his hoodie strings. His brows are furrowed in frustration as tears roll down his face. Janus is attempting to comfort Virgil; having an arm around his shoulder. He appears to be speaking softly.)
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touyubesposts · 2 years
My Sander Sides Enlightment
You know what’s always kinda bothered me? Those mean takes on the other sides. Like ‘Janus is manipulating Patton and isn’t actually trying to be friends with him,’ ‘Patton has too much moral superiority,’ ‘Roman never learns,’ So on and so forth. There is something bad to say about all the sides. No hate to anyone who's made one, you are valid and probably right in your own way. I think the only reason they bother me so much is because you can easily say the opposite. The most common phrase being ‘Nobody listens to ____’
“Nobody listens to Patton! He was trying to show the others that Virgil was good all along and only when Virgil was gone did they listen.”
“Nobody listens to Logan! He gets ignored constantly and he’s getting mad because of it.”
“Nobody listens to Roman! Every time he comes up with a solution, he gets shut down only to get blamed for not coming up with a solution.”
“Nobody listens to Virgil! He only gets listened to when he forces Thomas to hear him, and he doesn’t like doing that.”
“Nobody listens to Janus! Even when he has good ideas and arguments, they get pushed to the side because he is a dark side.”
“Nobody listens to Remus! That was the entire point of an episode. And all he wants is to be listened to, it doesn’t matter who.”
And all of these are valid points. But at some point, you have to wonder who’s not listening the most. Which is how I think the criticism posts of the characters came to be in the first place. But I don’t think any of them are to blame. Even when this new side gets revealed, it won’t be his fault either. The fault isn’t on Roman, or Logan, or Janus, or any of them.
It's on Thomas.
And of course I don’t mean ‘Writer Thomas,’ I mean ‘Character Thomas.’ Throughout the series, Thomas has always held himself high. You can’t be perfect, but you can try to be. And every time a situation comes up, he doubts himself, wondering if he’s even any good at all.
And in comes the sides, telling him that he can’t be bad and here's why. In fact, Thomas won’t let himself be bad at anything. Can’t be a bad worker, can’t be a bad actor or singer, and certainly can’t be a bad friend. Even in situations where he wouldn’t even be those things, he can’t even let himself risk it.
And so, the sides follow suit.
Logan becomes the perfect person for knowledge and learning, never letting himself be anything less than right all the time.
Roman strives to be perfect physically and materialistically, coming up with creative ideas that help Thomas move up in the world or, at the very least, make himself feel better.
Patton is the perfectly moral person. Make sure everyone is alright, help whenever and wherever you can, and always keep a smile on. Wouldn’t want anyone worrying for you, right? That wouldn’t be good.
Virgil is the perfect alarm system. Even false alarms are taken with the utmost seriousness. Just as long as no one else knows your anxious.
Janus is a deceiver. And Thomas lies often. So he needs to be the best at putting on a face and making sure nothing goes off without a hitch. Wouldn’t want people catching him in a lie. He needs to be the perfect liar.
And then there's Remus. The only one who tries not to be perfect. But that idea terrifies the others so much, Remus is left to pick up all of the imperfection slack. Maybe that's why Remus was offended when he was called ‘Scary.’
Trying to be so many perfect things all at once, you’re going to but heads with all of the different aspects of yourself. You're going to not listen. You're going to ignore. And in some cases, your perfectionism is going to make you look like the bad guy. And as someone with perfectionism, I relate a little too hard.
Thank you for reading.
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part-time-zombie · 2 months
Rewatched "Virgil Reacts to Anxiety from Inside Out 2" and yall...
(forgive the shoddy captions but I just can't with this)
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Who told these two that they could have wine and kill Bing Bong? Which side convinced them to join under supposedly false pretenses? Huh? Was it Patton?
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I think it was Patton.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Friendly Neighborhood Criminals
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic Patton/Dark Sides
Summary: Sweet, adorable, mild-tempered Patton who's just beginning to come out of his shell and learn that the world maybe does not in fact hate him for being born... has now been taken under the wings of some well-meaning criminals.
Patton can't quite figure out how he ended up here.
Well, he knows he's in his apartment. He had saved up for months just to afford the deposit. And the landlord had been so sweet to take a chance on him with his credit, or lack thereof. Now he has a space of his own, a one bedroom with hardwood floors he can slip and slide on socked feet. He can go to the fridge when he wants and not be yelled at for eating the food or drinking the water.
And sometimes! Sometimes a black and white kitty cat roams the front steps. Patton's fairly certain it belongs to one of the neighbors, and she wears a collar. He's not supposed to pet cats because of his allergies, but he likes to let her rub her sides against his pants leg while he talks to her. It's nice because she doesn't tell him to shut up or tell him he's stupid or call him ungrateful.
This apartment is his new chance at life. A slice of freedom. And he's proud of it.
But then one night, three men break into his apartment. They probably think he isn't there because there is no vehicle parked in his one assigned spot. Owning a car seems light-years away in terms of money. It's not like he really needs one either! He has a bus pass and two legs to walk on!
Regardless, the three men break into his apartment, picking the locked front door, and they come in uninvited to see his apartment that he is very proud of.
His apartment that has no furniture.
"What the fuck?" Patton hears one of them say. As soon as he heard them picking the lock, he panicked and cowered behind the bedroom door. He huddles now on the other side, peeking out the crack and scared that closing it will make too much noise.
"Is this one empty?" another asks. They walk into the center of the small living area. It's an open space that melds into the kitchen, separated only by a short island counter.
"No, I've seen a guy coming in and out. Someone's been living here."
"Maybe they just moved out?"
"No, I just saw him earlier today. There haven't been any moving vans."
"Uh, bedroom then?"
"Oh God," Patton shudders in fright. He knows he's not supposed to think the worst in people, but these guys came in without permission with clearly bad intentions. What if they are looking for him? What if they want to hurt him? Or kidnap him? They had obviously been watching him for some time.
"Maybe. Let's check it out."
Terror slams into him. He throws himself away from the door and spins in the middle of the bedroom, searching for any place to hide. But there isn't one. There are no curtains, no bed to crawl under. There is a blanket on the floor with a pillow. He's been saving up for an air mattress as his next goal. He's been looking forward to sleeping on something somewhat soft.
The tiny closet has no room to hold him, and the window jams up nine times out of ten. They'll hear him if he attempts pushing the pane up and–
The door creaks as it sways open. Three men stare at a scattered-brain mess.
"Oh shit, he's here!"
"I thought you said he left!"
"I thought he did!"
Patton can't take it anymore. He throws up his hands and screams, "Please don't kill me! I can give you my wallet. There's not much in there, I'm sorry. Just please don't kill me!"
"Dude, is that where you sleep?" one of them gestures to the blanket pile on the floor.
Sniffling back tears, Patton responds, "Do you want my blankets? You can have them."
"Do you seriously live here, or are you squatting?" another says. He's wearing a hat. It's a very nice hat and Patton would tell him so if he wasn't about to pee his pants.
"I live here....it's my apartment."
"There's no shame if you're squatting. We won't tell anyone. Do what you gotta do."
A hysterical giggle tumbles out his lips. Patton shakes his head hard enough to give himself whiplash. "No, it's my place, I pay for it, I swear."
"You mean you live like this?" This one wears a dark hooded jacket, hood up.
"Y-yeah?" Patton stammers. He can't understand why they're so hung up on where he lives.
"This is..." the third one strokes his mustache, "Yeah, I can't even make fun of this. This is just sad."
"Do you have food in your fridge?" the hat guy demands. "Please tell me you at least have food in your fridge."
"Uh....uh... yes? Are you hungry?"
In answer, the hat guy strides with angry purpose into the kitchen. Patton can't see him from this angle anymore, but he hears the fridge open.
"There's literally only spaghetti in here!"
"It's...it's cheap to make." Patton doesn't know why he's explaining himself. Had he known that three men were going to break into his apartment, should he have prepared better meals for them?
"Can I have some?" the guy with the mustache asks, only to be cuffed by the hoodie guy.
"Dude, not the issue here."
"Why is there only pasta?!! Why don't you have any tables or TVs or a fucking bed?!!!"
The hat guy had gone past the boiling point. He hollers and slams cabinet doors like no tomorrow. Patton flinches and remembers too vividly of the atmosphere before the apartment. Before he was safe.
"I'm sorry," Patton defaults to how he's supposed to respond. He has been bad and he has to make amends. The tears overflow now and he can't get his shaking hands to wipe the wet streaks away. "I'm so sorry!"
"Oh shit, he's breaking. Virge, do something?"
"What the hell am I supposed to do?! I am not mentally equipped for this!"
The hat guy comes whirling back with all the fury of a storm. His shoulders heave. A gloved finger points straight at Patton.
"You!" he roars. Well, it's more like a hiss, but it sounds like a roar to Patton's sensitive ears.
"I'm sorry!"
"You have nothing to apologize for! Obviously, society has let you down. This is unforgivable. Deplorable! You deserve better than this."
"I do?" Patton questions, glasses askew and eyes wide.
"Yes. Come boys, we're leaving."
"Wait, why? Where?" Virge exclaims, waving his hands back and forth at everything and nothing at all. "What are we doing? This isn't the plan."
"New plan! Operation Do-It-Ourselves commences now."
And that is how Patton finds himself standing outside his apartment the next morning watching the three theives from last night moving furniture into his apartment.
He doesn't question if the furniture is stolen. He doesn't ask why they're going through so much trouble. He doesn't ever call the police.
He watches them bicker as they wedge a sofa through the door. He mumbles an answer when they politely ask him which wall he wants it pushed against. He eats the breakfast sandwiches that they brought him, and he feels like he's having an out of body experience.
Janus, the hat guy, directs the other two with confident authority. Virgil, the hoodie-clad one, fills up the fridge with groceries. Remus, the man with the mustache, shoves a mattress into the bedroom.
"What's happening?" Patton mutters to himself later. He thinks he's being quiet enough, but Remus hears him and throws an arm over his shoulder.
"Janus has adopted you. This is how it starts. It's best to just go with it."
Sweet, adorable, mild-tempered Patton who's just beginning to come out of his shell and learn that the world maybe does not in fact hate him for being born... has now been taken under the wings of some well-meaning criminals.
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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I love the idea that Patton lived his whole life being scared of Remus and then one day Patton’s just like “oh he’s handsome- OH NO” and then he proceeds to have the biggest crush known to man and he can’t for the life of him explain how or why
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plant-dragon · 7 months
Sanders sides ships!
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le-sapphic-artist · 2 months
Was rewatching the plushie episode and I have a question for yall: Since we know Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Roman sleep with their plushies
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grey0-0 · 3 days
Logan is me and donuts 😭
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The fact this is canon is giving me life
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