#paypal chargeback
bitchy-craft · 1 day
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known victims
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As most of you know by now due to a multitude of posts that have been made about this person by different readers, @ recoveringinternetaddict is a scammer that has been bringing many tarot readers in financial trouble.
As of now the known victims of this person have been @bitchy-craft (me), @tarotwithavi and @starryfree.
We all have made posts about this person, but I still find it important to make another post about it, because this person is still charging back more, and will most likely continue to do so for as long as she can.
I hate asking for help, but the amount she has taken from me keeps piling up, becoming more and more to handle. If anyone had been thinking about buying a reading from me, please do it now; I could really use the help.
Previous post about @ recoveringinternetaddict:
@bitchy-craft : link
@tarotwithavi : link
@starryfree : link
If anyone else has been scammed by this person, please reach out to us or make a post of your own to keep spreading awareness. I will then be able to add you to this list if you wish.
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bauhausdog · 3 months
im thinking of opening c0mmissions when i get paypal, do you guys have any tips? im thinking of opening a ko-fi page to simplify things and also have cashapp in case someone prefers it
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katherine-mcnamara · 9 months
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proveway · 2 years
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tarotwithavi · 10 days
Hello everyone,
I am writing to address an issue that both I and another reader, @bitchy-craft , are currently facing.
Over the past few months, @ recoveringinternetaddict purchased a substantial amount of readings from me, and I initially believed she was a genuine customer. However, yesterday morning, I discovered that she had initiated chargebacks on PayPal totaling approximately $190.
She contacted me, claiming that the chargebacks were a mistake and assured me that she would resolve the matter within a few hours. Trusting her, I remained patient. Despite this, she has not taken any action to resolve the issue. Instead, she has continued to initiate additional chargebacks.
This situation has been extremely stressful for both @bitchy-craft and myself, particularly as she has stopped responding to our messages. Her statements have been inconsistent, as she repeatedly asks for our trust while continuing to initiate more chargebacks.
This is a significant amount of money, and I am currently facing financial difficulties. I urge everyone to be cautious and would greatly appreciate any help or advice you can offer. Your support would mean a lot to us.
I am hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Although I want to believe her, this situation has occurred once before, which makes me uncertain. I hope she is being truthful, and if it turns out that she is, I will formally apologize to her.
Thank you so much for your time.
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tofupixel · 10 days
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Hey Bruno 😭
also someone chargebacked me on paypal for a ko-fi donation, my first time with it happening, not sure what i should do tbh. i disputed it cos the reason was "product not fulfilled" or something but there is no product in a dono 😩 whart the hell
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custom-emojis · 1 year
So i hate having to do this, but a bit ago a commissioner had decided to file a chargeback on me months after receiving their commission, and i honest to god thought it’d be fine because they literally admitted to me that they did it despite liking the com and just said they’d “stop using the emojis”. I honest to god thought paypal would rule in my favour, but apparently not. So i lost the $30+ they paid for the com, as well as getting charged a $15 fee. 
I cant.. afford this? i can barely pay my bills as is. They had at least 2 other charges and i expect a $15 fee on both of those as well if ruled against me. 
So I really need some help. 
My kofi is here:
and heres the proof this is like. a thing. I can also provide proof of the person outright admitting to it / receiving their com if you DM me. I just really dont wanna be in the red. 
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reblog for visibility if possible, and I also take commissions if interested, feel free to dm me here or on discord @ The Heretics#2716 if interested. 
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fishbloc · 2 months
hey um does anyone have any advice on this
someone emailed me to let me know they accidentally filed a dispute on their pre-order which is essentially a chargeback and i cant do anything to let paypal know its a mistake, and my only resolutions are either providing a refund or sending proof of shipment (which is impossible since i havent even got the books yet)
and i have a limited amount of time to 'resolve' this case otherwise paypal will just side with the buyer on their mistake
this puts me in the negatives on my balance 🙃
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starryfree · 22 hours
This is the 95739393th day of sending 49368339 emails to PayPal trying to resolve the chargebacks wrongfully filed against me thanks to a scammer. I’m anxiously awaiting PayPal’s decision on whether to side with me or that rotten scamming bitch. This has not only affected me but a few other tarot readers as well. We’re out here trying to do honest work and a psycho scammer took advantage of us. I’m so fucking furious rn.
(If anyone would like to donate or has the means to do so, please donate to me and the two other victims @tarotwithavi and @bitchy-craft). It would mean the world to us 😭
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cursedalthoughts · 20 days
there's this user, @ murlock888 on twitter, who recently scammed artist YunaReasArt by abusing the chargeback system of PayPal.
please, artists that follow me, be careful about this individual.
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do not accept commission requests from this person!
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cosmosnout · 2 months
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Updating my commissions! Feel free to DM me if you’re interested or have any questions!
Important info below! Please read before commissioning me!
By commissioning me, the client acknowledges that I retain full usage, rights, and ownership of the art piece. I retain the right to post, display, or otherwise use the commission product, unless previously discussed.
Completed commission may be posted to my social media / added to my portfolio, unless previously discussed.
Completed commissions are only for the client’s personal use unless previously discussed.
A commission will usually takes a couple weeks to finish but may take longer, especially on holidays. I will make sure to update you if I need more time to work.
There is no binding deadline unless previously agreed upon. For special cases like birthdays/specific deadlines, feel free to discuss the timeline with me before payment is done.
I have the right to revoke a commission request at any time based on schedule or unexpected events. A refund will be given in this case.
Payment will be made via PayPal through an invoice according to the agreed-upon price.
Please make note that the prices are in euros only!
If absolutely needed, I will send the money back myself please do not chargeback me on PayPal.
Other important info
English is not my first language‼ I’m able to take commissions in Finnish or in English!
I would really appreciate active communication and opinions on what kind of commission you’d like!
Feel free to ask me about any special commissions and their pricing!
All drawings will Include a small signature that you may not remove
Thank you for your cooperation!
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bitchy-craft · 10 days
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EDIT: she took more, 200 from me now
For every tarot reader on here or people who sell services in general. @ recoveringinternetaddict is a scammer.
She has ordered a lot of my tarot readings over the last couple of months and has been charging back everything the last few days; over 180 200 euro's so far and will most likely continue to charge back even more. This has brought me in a lot of trouble financially as one might guess.
She keeps coming with many excuses but isn't really doing anything to solve this even though she claims it 'was an accident'. Yet it isn't an accident > she even told PayPal it wasn't an accident (PayPal said so / hinted this through customer service mails). She has been doing the same with @tarotwithavi as well, who has also been charged back a significant amount of money so far. Edit: we found a 3rd person she did this too; @starryfree.
We both have been fighting these chargebacks with all the proof we have, but because she has done the chargebacks through her card holder PayPal isn't able to do anything, and that company will need to look at everything. This will take at least 180 calenderdays full of stress and uncertainty.
She is even claiming that her bank is taking more of our money because we provide proof that the chargebacks are false.
Please spread this information by liking, reblogging or commenting so the news will be spread to as many people as possible.
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I know I am asking for a lot, but if you ever thought of getting a reading from me, it would be very kind to order one now so I can get out of this financial loss as quickly as possible. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated as well.
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sounds like someone who never had commissioned an artist before that PRIORITIZED Artfight over their commissions that was fully paid for and then didn’t touch them for almost 3 years because their excuse was “artfight takes time to prep due to doing refs and attacks” and then posting personal art on the side including art for their friends but anytime I messaged about my commission and attempted a chargeback I got nowhere. I’m still waiting on said commission but because PayPal didnt help me and its been so long Im like forget it it was $85 but whatever at this point. it was a nightmare.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
absolute nightmare today lads
so like. a year ago i signed up to an online casino out of boredom, made about £100 on it, and then never went back because... well i was bored of it whatever. forgot that account was even a thing
so imagine my surprise to find £700 missing from my bank today in over 60 separate transactions that were SOMEHOW NOT FLAGGED AS SUS and also fucking authorised despite having no goddamn money
reported all of the payments to paypal (actually more than 100... like 120? transactions on there but it seems whoever was using my account made a couple withdrawals they then immediately re-deposited. dunno why. look more legit maybe?) who IMMEDIATELY. and i mean immediately. within like 5 minutes. closed the case saying there's no unauthorised activity because i used that company before one time a year ago. sure jan.
called HSBC who can't chargeback until all the transactions actually post to my account so I am now negative £400 in my available balance until they do, and they have absolutely no fucking answer for me as to why a) they ONCE AGAIN let my account go overdrawn by several hundred £ when i DONT HAVE AN OVERDRAFT and b) did not flag 60+ transactions in the span of a few hours (2 or 3 spurts) as suspicious at all. i mean really. y'all blocked my card for going to tesco twice in one day once.
contacted the casino like. uh yeah seems like someone used my account jsyk i am doing chargebacks on all this do not fight that concept. they won't investigate until i file a report with action fraud (police)
after spending an hour doing that (they want details of the transactions. all of them. inidivudally. yeah) action fraud then responded immediately to say it wasnt a reportable crime because its basically identify theft meaning the casino are fraud victims not me so they wont be investigating
yeah it sucks that someone like... hacked online casino accounts to just waste money or whatever hope they had fun but truly why the fuck did any of these go through at all
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xxk3vonicaxx · 7 months
This is a part 1, 'cause this broke the 30 image limitt:
So another friend of Blurry's (my ex-friend Zombify/Ninjautistic) made a thread on me that's full of things that are left out and out of context screenshotss. Zavrozo has updated the doc on Blurry with a part 2 here to provide all of the necessary context and has also debunked this threadd, though I'm going to debunk it myself with all the necessary contextt
I never sent anyone to youu, they came on their own timee. My friend had literally followed you since Junee. Not to mentionn, you put them in danger by making them be apart of your little thread by not censoring them in the screenshotss. They're a MINORR! (not to mentionn, why make them the cover imagee? It's unneededd):
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Transcripted audio from the voice memooo:
“Like if you’re gonna pride yourself about protecting people, not the right people sometimes but you know, protecting people. You can’t just willy-nilly put a 14 year old’s impulsive messages on the fcking internet for the people to publicly see… Like don’t you see how wrong that is??”
“For a sensitive person it’s awfully… Awfully, like awfully fcking you don’t think about how a 14 year old would feel in that situation… Like no 14 year old should be under that pressure anyway. Let alone a person under 13 God forbid, is on twitter and gets called out for something bad when they’re just uneducated and they… And then they get rained with slurs… I’ve seen that happen three times in the past month… Like… God.”)
Alsooo, here's their statement on your threadd:
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2. Ironic how you don't put any proof to prove me wrong that Cultc0re's a groomer and only put her barebones "defensee". Anywayy, here's proof of thiss. There's a whole section on this in the doc showing that they groomed their exx, alongside a section that shows them maliciously making false chargebacks on Paypall. The section on them is more detailed in the docc:
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False chargebacks prooff:
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Oohh! Aaand you knew this by the wayy!:
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The fact that you had become their mutual only AFTER me and you stopped being friends is really tellingg:
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(The rest will be continued in reblogs as this hit the 30 image post limitt)
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succubunsvent2 · 4 months
Petrachoir Banning Situation
All names of the people involved apart from Petra and Yves have been censored and all art and file names also censored to prevent anyone from searching for users.
Petra is not here to argue against the ban but to explain the situation.
Petra reached out to me about a chargeback situation. Petra's discord seems to have an error with messages being sent/received that they reached out to discord support about but the issue has not been resolved.
A client from december had filed a chargeback in february on a project they'd completed but did not receive because of the discord error. Here are the screenshots of this conversation and the paypal dispute.
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I did receive proof of the upload dates of the files given to the client as well as the email sent to them. I also was sent the updated version that had been sent to the client as well.
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The client contacted Yves about the situation which led to the following conversations.
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This is the explanation that was sent to a client on why they were having difficulties as well.
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Paypal settled in Petra's favor and cited that proper evidence was given to them but Petra was unable to meet the deadline with Yves so they were banned as a result.
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Petra states they felt uncomfortable with the confrontation with Yves from the beginning and feels it was inappropriate to ban someone who wasn't involved. Because of the financial situation they were selling everything as a result.
Petra also informed all clients of the situation to have transparency and all responded that they still wanted the art that was owed to them.
They did not respond to Yves and this was the result.
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Petra isn't sure where the 6+ month old commissions part is coming from since the situation was about the december commission. I have also not heard anything about it from the people I was contacted by.
They also felt like they couldn't explain further to Yves due to how they felt uncomfortable and like there was hostility from Yves.
Petra additionally does not agree with how they handled the situation and has been offered advice from many people on how to proceed with commissions and business from now on. They feel like they've been irresponsible and have since made changes to the way they do things but that they have always completed work for their clients in the past.
I have also had two other clients anonymously contact me about this. I will not be disclosing if they are current or previous clients to protect their identities.
Both clients have vouched for Petra's discord issues and working around them. They both have said that discord did delete and not deliver dms multiple times. They were both able to work around this by the means that Petra had been putting out (saying to bump dms in ads they put out, status updates, etc.)
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