#peak youngest sibling energy
dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
Which version of Mikey do you think is the most unhinged?
Personally, out of all the ones I've seen, the 2003 one is my personal choice. He pulled the pin of a grenade on a guy's suit and basically just went, "Huh. Neat" when they blew up
This was against the Triceratons, and it's only one instance of Mikey being Mikey
I’ve talked about this many times before, but it’s 2003 Mikey 100%. He literally pulls a pin on a grenade belt of a Triceraton and runs away giggling as the poor guy is left to blow up.
Also in fast forward, he commits multiple counts of aggravated assault over a video game - Leo even says “oh no, he’s got that look!” just before Mikey goes insane, indicating this is a regular occurrence when he’s motivated. Don’t ruin this turtle’s video game fr.
And let’s not forget, Raph and Donny only taking Mikey to the junkyard to try and keep him out of trouble. Donny even says “I’d rather have him not doing anything than be bored” or something along those lines when Raph asks why he’s allowed to goof off. His attention span can and will be weaponised in the name of mischief.
I love him.
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itsclippingbinch · 2 years
Moments that made me love Mikey: 1/?
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littler3d · 11 months
I refuse to believe that NPMD, Black Friday, and TGWDLM take place in the same universe because there’s no way in hell Wiggly and the other siblings would let their brother control their apocalypses
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hellsquills · 1 year
Ranking the Revenge crew from oldest to youngest sibling
Lucius: PEAK eldest daughter energy. No explanations needed. He's the one caught in the middle of his parents' fights, the one who tries to get them together, and the one who has to deal with the divorce. He's also their confident, the one who dares to speak up to them, and the one who pays the highest price. No I'm not projecting wdym
Jim: Protective older sibling, but there are still some signs of them not being the oldest. They will take the lead if needed and all of their younger siblings respect them. However, they're also very silly and great at taking care of the youngest ones.
Pete: He GETS. THINGS. DONE. Street smart, practical, resourceful. Seems and acts though, but he's really thoughtful and sensitive. He strives to be dad's favorite and ends up looking desperate in front of the rest of his siblings. Still, he's the one you can always look for when you need help with something.
Roach: One of the older siblings, but he gets along more with the younger ones. He's the type to help his parents at home because he genuinely enjoys domestic chores. He's also batshit insane, and people tend to think he's younger because of it.
Oluwande: He's right in the middle, which makes him pretty neutral when it comes to arguments. He tries to keep the peace because he's got four older siblings and four younger ones, so he can't pick sides or hell WILL break loose
The Swede: Middle-young sibling, the first one to move out of the house. He's very sheltered by his siblings, but he's the most independent of them all. Always a surprise with this one.
Fang: The little brother who has more emotional maturity than you'd expect. Loves spending time with his older siblings and they reciprocate. Actual dad's favorite.
Frenchie: Sneaky little bastard. He's well-mannered, and people assume he's older because he knows how to talk to older people. In reality, he's just REALLY good at lying and adapting to the situation.
Wee Jonh: The youngest brother who got insanely bigger than all the rest of them. He also is the one who will make fun of his siblings the most but will kill anyone who makes fun of them.
*Buttons and Izzy are not on this list because to me, they're uncles.
**I could include proof for every single one of these statements but GOD would that take a lot of time
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lunareclipse39 · 13 days
The Princes' Whore (Pt. 2)
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/lunareclipse39/761387548210823168/the-princes-whore?source=share
Sameria discovers her betrothed, Aemond Targaryen, is in love with his youngest sister, and that the king is attracted to her. Word of her marriage to Aemond goes around, and reaches the ears of the Rogue Prince, whose interest is peaked.
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If I had to pick an actress to play Sameria, it would be Tripti Dimri. She's gorgeous. Who would y'all pick to play Alyonna?
The following morrow I went down to the dining hall for breakfast, Alyonna already there as well as Aegon, Helaena, Sameria, and her sister, Nerissa, her cousin Aliandra, and her brother Ardan. She sat in-between her siblings, and gave me a polite smile upon seeing me.
"Good morrow, brother." Aegon greeted.
"Good morrow." I greeted back.
I sat next to Alyonna, and noticed Sameria gave me a stern look. What's it to her?
"The small council requires my presence. Aemond, do hurry in eating, because you are needed as well, as are you, darling." Aegon turned to Helaena, kissing her head and retreating.
"My Lady, forgive me, but I will not be able to spend much time with you today, but perhaps Aly here would like to." I said to Sameria, and turned my gaze to Aly, who brightened.
"That is quite alright, my Prince. I understand. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend the day in my chambers. I'm afraid the traveling has me out of energy." Sameria shrugged.
"Oh. Yes, of course." I nodded.
Aly's face fell, as she looked forward to talking to my betrothed. Another day perhaps. Maybe this is for the best. I don't want them to get too friendly. Aly knows of my feelings for her, how much I love her, but unlike me she obeys our mother diligently. I cannot let a rift come between us, and I won't. Neither mother nor Sameria will stop us from being together. I must reassure my darling Aly, and I will. Tonight. After all, since Sameria and I are not yet married, we do not share a bed yet, and thank the Seven for that.
I dismissed myself after breakfast, and grabbed Nerissa's arm, dragging her into a more secluded corner.
"Sami, what is this behavior?" She scolded.
"I need to talk to you. Alone." I urged, leading her to my chambers.
I closed the door and locked it, sighing, turning to her. "I cannot marry Aemond." I spoke.
"Why?" Nerissa frowned.
"This will sound crazy, but my ears do not betray me. I know what I heard yesterday when I eavesdropped on the king and my betrothed while they chatted away in the throne room." I huffed.
"What did you hear?" Nerissa crossed her arms.
"Sister, my betrothed is in love with another woman." I started.
Nerissa widened her eyes. "That can't be possible."
"Well, it is. I heard him express his love for this woman last night in the throne room." I crossed my own arms.
"Did he say the woman's name?" Nerissa asked tentatively.
"Yes. It was his sister."
Nerissa laughed merrily at this. "That's absurd!"
"Not for a Targaryen it isn't." I said.
When Nerissa saw how serious I was, her eyes narrowed. "Oh dear."
"Exactly. I cannot marry him. I can't, and won't, marry a man in love with another." I looked away.
Nerissa sighed, taking my hands in hers and forcing me to look at her. "Sami, he's not going to marry his sister, he's going to marry you. His sister likely doesn't know her brother's feelings towards her, and even if she does it does not matter. You are to be Prince Aemond Targaryen's wife. We are Dornish, sister. We do not give up easily, if at all."
"I know, but what does giving up or not giving up have to do with anything?" I frowned.
"Earn your husband's affections. Make him fall for you. You're beautiful, you have incredible talents of your own. You can do this, Sami." Nerissa encouraged.
I sighed. "I shouldn't have to fight for my husband's affections, or attention."
"Sami, you are a stranger to him, while his sister has grown up with him. He won't fall immediately for you, nor you for him. You're strangers to one another and you know it. You must get to know one another. Bond with one another. Find common ground." Nerissa urged.
"Talk to him, be sociable with him, but don't be too pushy. Slowly encourage him to open up to you, to trust you. Also, do not antagonize the sister." Nerissa warned.
"It's difficult not to, especially if she does know her brother loves her, in a romantic manner." I huffed.
"I know, but antagonizing her will only hurt you in the long run. On the contrary, befriend Alyonna. Make her like you so much she won't hurt you by getting intimate with Aemond, and with you two being friends, good friends, Aemond will have no choice but to turn to you, and eventually, trust you." Nerissa smiled triumphantly.
I snorted. "I suppose you're right."
"Besides, do not forget your promise to father." Nerissa narrowed her eyes at me.
I sighed. "I know. I promised I would find more information on our possible Valyrian ancestry."
"Exactly." Nerissa smiled.
We left my chambers, in search of Alyonna, and found her in the gardens, reading, looking like a vision from the Seven Heavens. She really is beautiful, and it pains me to have to compete with her for my betrothed's affections, because firstly, siblings shouldn't love each other romantically, and secondly, Alyonna is so kind and it would be a shame to have to be her enemy.
"Princess." Nerissa spoke.
Alyonna looked up, and smiled, closing her book. "My Ladies! You've decided not to rest after all. Good."
"Well I did rest a little, but am better now." I smiled.
"That is good to hear. Any activities planned for you two?" Alyonna asked, standing up.
"I was actually on my way to the library. I was hoping to read more on Old Valyria, since my father wishes to know more about it, given his obsession." I laughed.
Alyonna grinned. "He would have liked grandsire Viserys then."
"Exactly what I told Prince Aemond." I shrugged.
"I better go look for the little fireball. I need to make sure she is not causing trouble." Nerissa spoke.
"If you speak of your cousin, I saw her sparring with Ser Criston Cole and your brother in the courtyard." Alyonna informed.
Nerissa rolled her eyes. "Of course. Excuse me."
"Come. I know exactly where the books on Old Valyria are kept." Alyonna led me to the library once Nerissa had left.
The library of the Keep was grand, with endless rows of bookshelves lining one after the other, filled to the brim. Reading nooks were in every corner, cushioned with seats and decorative pillows, of different colors and embroidery patterns.
"What do you usually read, my Lady?" Alyonna asked, her tone a soft whisper.
"I like to read romance novels, history accounts, and adventures." I admitted.
"Oh! I do love me a good romance novel as well. Here it is." Alyonna led me to a small section of the library, in a secluded corner, filled with even more books.
"Aemond comes to this section a lot, or used to, before he claimed Vhagar." Alyonna shrugged.
"Vhagar?" I frowned.
"His dragon." Alyonna clarified.
"He was obsessed with dragons, always felt inferior and left out because he was the only Targaryen without one, until one day, after the Lady Laena Velaryon's passing, who rode Vhagar until then, Aemond went in secret to claim the dragon, and succeeded, of course." Alyonna recounted in a hushed tone.
"I see." I was starting to smile.
"Do you have a dragon, princess?" I wondered.
"Please, call me Aly, and yes, I do. His name is Raindrop, because he hatched during a rainy day, and he is pale gray with glittering silver scales." Alyonna described.
"He sounds beautiful. I'd like to see all of your dragons one day." I smiled.
"We can go meet him right now if you'd like." Alyonna offered.
"That would be neat, but first, I'd like to take some books to my chambers."
"Of course." Alyonna smiled.
I took three books to my chambers, and then followed Alyonna to the Dragon Pit, where all the dragons were kept. The light of the torch Alyonna carried provided little light given the darkness of the pit, and a roar made me jump.
"Raindrop, lykiri." Alyonna warned, and the flame of the torch lit up the nozzle of the dragon Raindrop. I gasped.
Alyonna beckoned her dragon to come closer, and it did, nudging against her. Raindrop was indeed a beautiful dragon. I widened my eyes in awe.
"Raindrop, this is my friend and soon to be sister-in-law, Sameria, princess of Dorne and of House Martell." Alyonna introduced.
Raindrop looked at me, blinked slowly, and returned his attention to Alyonna.
"I think he approves of you." Alyonna smiled.
I chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that."
The Sea Scum has created a blockade, preventing any and all goods from Essos and other parts of Westeros to come into the capital. That craven bastard... ridding ourselves of it means war, and while Aegon wants to attack, grandsire Otto says it is best to wait for the time being and strategize. I agree with him. On the other hand my craven uncle Daemon has taken Harrenhal. Harrenhal is overseen by Ser Simon Strong, and apparently he surrendered to Daemon immediately, declaring himself for Rhaenyra. It's not surprising in the least. The Strongs are a family of bastards, so naturally they will gravitate towards the Bastard Bitch Queen.
I made haste to look for Aly, and found her in the company of my betrothed, leaving the pit. Great.
"Aemond!" Aly smiled brightly.
"What are you up to, sweetling?" I wondered.
"I was showing Raindrop to the Lady Sameria here. He likes her." Aly gushed.
"Is that so?" I turned to Sameria.
"It would seem so." She nodded.
"Well, I do have reading to catch up on. I shall leave you two alone." Aly ran off before I could say anything.
"Dragons do not scare you it would seem. Good." I looked at Sameria.
"They do, my Prince, but my father taught me to face fear." Sameria shrugged.
"Did he? What else did he teach you?" I wondered.
"He taught me a few ways with the sword." Sameria grinned.
"Yes. Since he and I traveled to the Free Cities and Braavos, and we were attacked by bandits and pirates on more than one occasion, he thought it best I learn to defend myself." Sameria shrugged.
I widened my eyes in surprise. "That must have been terrifying, but the idea of fighting a pirate sounds exciting."
"It does, until you actually fight one."
It is arranged. A son for a son. Tonight, Aemond Targaryen shall pay. I hear he is betrothed to a Dornish woman, a princess of House Martell no less. The Princess Sameria Martell, daughter of Aran Martell and niece of Qoran Martell. I hear rumors of her beauty, given Dornish women are renowned for it. However did the Greens manage to secure a marriage with Dorne is beyond me, but word has it it is not for an alliance, but rather to keep Dorne from changing its mind, and supporting my wife.
I scoffed at the idea. What utter fools. Dorne will never enter this war, so it is a waste of a marriage. They will not benefit from it in any way, only my nephew will. Well, not for long, so I hope he enjoys his first and last moments with his Dornish beauty.
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helenreads28 · 1 year
Rang messing with Yeon in the newest episode was pure gold. PEAK SIBLINGS ENERGY.
Rang exceeding younger sibling energy will always put a smile on my face.
It seems that in this season the writers understood how siblings act??? Cause yes, annoying each other is the way to show your affection with your siblings alright?
I need more of this banter and them being annoying little shits. Especially Rang, my dude is the youngest, has a whole bunch of trauma and a lot of anger. My dude has all the rights to be petty and annoy Yeon to death and back.
Can't wait for the fourth episode 😁
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mini-kunoichi · 1 year
One Chance, pt.2
I wanted to add a little more to this before posting it, but I'll be busy for the next few weeks and I didn't want to leave y'all hanging. One of these days, I'll come up with my own header/line breaks. Just not anytime soon.
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Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Daemon x OC
Summary: What happens when you put Daemon and Addie together? Peak Youngest Sibling Energy, apparently.
Warning: swearing, hints at parental abuse, Daemon being a menace.
Many thanks to @em-writes-stuff-sometimes for beta reading and translating the High Valerian for my lazy ass.
Part 1 Here; Read on AO3
Daemon waited a few days before bringing up the idea of Adelayde staying at the Red Keep for the duration of their courtship. He would stroll the gardens with her every afternoon, and it quickly became the highlight of his days. Despite her family being only slightly above Small Folk, the lady proved herself to be intelligent and quick-witted. Once Daemon was sure he wanted to continue the courtship, it was time to put his plan into motion.
It didn’t take much to convince Adelayde’s parents to have her stay. Her father was too ambitious to decline and her mother seemed intent on pushing her daughter on him. His brother was harder, but not by much. Once he was able to speak to Viserys privately (and therefore openly) about his reasoning, his brother did not put up too much of a fuss. In fact, he seemed to think it was a lovely idea. Though he did make Daemon promise to “do things properly.” The Queen and her cunt of a father objected on behalf of “propriety” or whatever-the-fuck, but Daemon didn’t really care about them. 
The hardest person to convince was, surprisingly, Adelayde herself. When Daemon brought it up to her, she suddenly became agitated. 
He was leaning against a wall in the garden, arms crossed, watching her pace and wring her hands.
“I don’t see the issue,” he said eventually. “You will have a much more comfortable life here. You can have a life away from your parents.”
Daemon really didn’t like Lord and Lady Mullendore. They were both overbearing, though in very different ways. He had already suffered through a handful of dinners with them. Adelayde was such a different person when her parents were around; meek, quiet, and submissive. Everything he didn’t want in a wife. He would have thought she would want to be away from her parents.
“Daemon, I don’t know anyone here,” Adelayde replied.
“You know me. And Rhaenyra.”
“That’s not . . . that’s two people out of hundreds.” The hand-wringing got worse, and Daemon pushed himself off of the wall to take her hands in his own. She started to shift from foot to foot instead. It was annoying, but not as self-destructive.
“You will flourish here. I know you will. Especially without your family holding you back.” He had learned early on that honesty fostered honesty with Adelayde. Though how she always knew whether or not he was being honest was currently lost on him. 
“My family doesn’t hold me back,” she replied with a frown.
“Well, your parents sure as fuck do.” Her frown deepened, but she didn’t reply. She knew he was right.
“Does not knowing anyone in King’s Landing really bother you that much?” he asked.
Adelayde let out a resigned sigh before saying, “I suppose I should be used to solitude by now.”
“So there should be no problem, then.”
“The place was familiar, though. I had my brothers. And a cousin.”
“I will keep you company,” Daemon said confidently. 
It wouldn’t be too much trouble, he figured. They’d had interesting conversations thus far, and she’d even asked him to teach her High Valyrian. Lessons would surely take up much of her time. But instead of happily agreeing (as most maidens would), Adelayde’s nose scrunched in distaste.
“Surely we would get sick of each other.”
Nonsense. No one ever got sick of Daemon Targaryen. Though, he supposed he might become sick of seeing her. Right now, Addie was like a shiny new toy, and he did have a habit of tiring of his paramours rather quickly.
“Well, I’m sure you can find a way to occupy yourself,” he replied eventually.
“Yes,” she agreed. “I suppose I can spend time in the library when you become boring.”
The nerve of this woman. 
– – – – – – – – 
In the end, it was agreed that Addie would stay at the Red Keep for the duration of their three-month courtship. After that period, her return to the Uplands would be decided based on if and when a wedding would take place.
She was moved to more permanent (and lavish) quarters and assigned handmaids who tended to everything from dressing her to serving her meals and preparing baths. She found it discomfiting. 
Being from a minor house, Addie was not used to having such attention. Sure, her father employed cooks, housekeepers, and the like, but nothing as elaborate as handmaids. They were surprisingly understanding, however, and mostly kept to themselves when not performing their duties. One of them even took it upon herself to acquire thread, cloth, and needles so that Addie could work on embroidery.
The little bluejay visited a few more times. No one ever acknowledged the bird and it never sang, so she ignored it each time.
Now that she had been moved to a new room, her father insisted that they break their fast as a family every morning. He always insisted she dismiss her handmaids so that they could “talk as a family.” It was the worst part of the day.
“You will not fuck this up for me,” her father growled, the same as every other morning.
“I won’t, Father,” Addie replied the same as every other morning.
“You’d better not,” he continued. “My place at court depends on this match. If he finds out you’re fucked in the head, he’ll reject you and it’ll all go to shit.”
I am not ‘fucked in the head’, she thought to herself bitterly, though she didn’t dare say anything out loud. Such defiance had major consequences. 
She was saved from having to respond when her mother spoke up.
“Addie is a clever girl. She has navigated court politics quite well thus far. And the Prince seems taken with her.”
“I didn’t ask for your fucking opinion,” he spat. “Speak out of turn again and there will be consequences.”
The rest of the meal was eaten in tense silence.
— — — — — —
Addie was uncharacteristically reserved in the days leading up to her parent’s departure. Daemon still had certain duties with the city watch and Rhaenyra had taken it upon herself to entertain her, which he appreciated. 
It was kind of the Princess, but the two did not really have much in common. Rhaenyra enjoyed the many forms of hunting; and while Addie was perfectly happy to visit the hawks, hounds, and horses used in such activities, she disliked the killing of animals. Rhaenyra’s assurance that the meat would be used in the kitchens made her feel only slightly better.
— — — — — — — 
Daemon took it upon himself to tutor his potential bride in High Valyrian. Partly because the palace tutor had decided she was “too simple for such a task,” (where he’d gotten such an idea was beyond Daemon’s comprehension) but mostly because he wanted to spend more time with her.
Adelayde was a surprisingly quick study. And Daemon was a surprisingly good teacher. The only problem was their motivations; Addie intended to learn and Daemon intended to flirt.
This led to the woman’s never-ending frustrations and the prince’s never-ending amusement. 
“Would you get your hand off my leg?” she hissed through her teeth.
“Whatever for?” Daemon asked innocently.
“I am trying to learn.” She smacked his hand off of her thigh, but he quickly replaced it.
“Say it in High Valyrian and I’ll consider it,” he replied with a smirk.
 “Aōhi ondos hen ñuha pore ondurās.”
“Close. Kirimvose, aōhi ondos hen ñuha pore nādīnās. Manners go a long way, you know.”
Addie’s eyebrows pinched slightly as she processed the sentence. It’s rather cute. Not that he’d admit that out loud.
“What does ‘kirimvose’ mean again?” she asked eventually.
He answered with a smirk and she smacked him on the chest with the back of her hand. Addie had taken to delivering light swats or kicks when provoked—as long as they were alone, that is. Daemon understood the importance of appearance within the court and society, but he appreciated that she had become comfortable enough to treat him as an equal. He once asked her if she treated her own brothers with “such brutality” and she replied that she did not. She hit them harder.
“I’m not saying please when I’ve already asked you several times,” she stated primly.
Daemon compromised by scooting his chair closer to hers and draped his arm over the back of her chair. Addie shot him an annoyed look that made her look a little bit like her mother. She opened her mouth to make a smart retort when they were interrupted.
“I believe the lady has asked to not be touched,” came the cold voice of Criston Cole, their assigned chaperone for the afternoon. He had been the one to chaperone them a lot lately, probably instructed to spy on them by either the Queen or the Hand.
Addie turned to look at him, gave him one of the most judgemental and condescending once-overs that Daemon had ever seen, and replied, “I am perfectly capable of handling myself, Ser Criston.”
The knight hung his head and mumbled an apology, thoroughly humbled. Once Addie’s attention was back on the books, Daemon shot the knight a haughty smirk.
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lunar-years · 4 months
He has the anger and the protective streak of an older sibling imo. And his sister going along with Uncle's Day with the play and the enjoyment of winding him up is peak younger sibling behaviour
I can totally see this!! I do think Roy's general need to take care of others and how easily he gets riled up when Jamie jokes about being attracted to her are definitely giving the "protective older sibling" trope for sure. Also, the headcanon/idea that he left home at such a young age that he didn't really know her as she was growing up and they therefore weren't particularly close until Phoebe came around is one that both makes a lot of sense to me and that I also find really compelling!
BUT, I also think there's something in the idea of Roy being the youngest sibling yet thrust into the role of being a provider for their parents as well as her because of his football talent and success all while feeling basically abandoned by said family that has me gnawing on walls. Little Roy being (unconsciously or consciously) a bit jealous of his older sister for getting more time with their grandad, and it putting a weird unspoken strain between them after grandad's death...His sister trying hard to keep him updated on the family and staying in contact with him when he was at Sunderland but it getting harder and harder as Roy put up his walls and closed himself off to everyone, even her... them being close when Roy was little but growing increasingly distanced from one another... Roy a bit bitter at her for being at home when he can't be and his older sister (stuck with their morose parents and wanting more for herself than they can give her) a bit bitter at him for finding a way out so early on. And then Roy helps her through med school of course and starts playing for Chelsea and they both end up living their adult lives in London, but by the time she's getting married, Roy's at his career peak living it up and his sister is always frustrated with him when they talk and they aren't invested in each other's lives at all.
Also! I think it would really be a mindfuck for younger brother!Roy to get the call from her about Phoebe and her piece of shit husband. Here's this person he kind of assumed didn't need him, a woman who has been self-sufficient for so long, taking care of everything with their parents when he was away, becoming a doctor, getting married, kind of living this model adult life doing things 'in the right order' as he's being an idiot footballer with stories in the tabs every other day who can't hold down a relationship to save his life, much to the disappointment of their parents...and now she needs him and is relying on him in such a major way. Like, I think something about that would simultaneously really fuck Roy up while also completing redirecting his life and his idea of what matters to him and giving him a chance to be physically there for his family and show up in a way that was always denied to him growing up. A new purpose outside of football for basically the first time in his life. And it brings them back to how close they were as little kids and fosters the teasing, super-close energy between them we see on the show as well as just how protective he is with Phoebe and how much he needs to be a caretaker with others later in his life.
anywayyy obviously none of those events are exclusive to him being older or younger than his sister, but I do think the dynamic one way or another shifts things in a way that scratches two different itches for me! I'm not hung up on one headcanon over the other, I just think it's fun to think about the different possibilities for their relationship :)
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glacierruler · 4 months
Just updated Chapter 3 of making the future, and I love your tags @duck-in-a-spaceship
#glacierruler#making the future#pfft i love aeon#peak younger sibling energy#ALSO very funny to me that fig is MOST upset that they robot was destroyed#like dude your workshop was blown up????#you lost your mobility aid????#nope the cool robot is top priority here#love it
I wanted to address them here <3
(Some key info is that Fig is based off of me, and their family is based off of mine. It's not a straight one to one comparison but they are similar)
1. Aeon is based off my youngest brother, and yeah, that is what he would do when I would be home late sometimes! And in a world where there's no electronics to distract him, he would definitely want stories about adventures from me!
2. I'm so glad you find that funny, I thought it would be comical if the thing they were most upset about was the robot. But also, I thought it made the most sense. They've built their walker themself (a mobility aid that I need but don't have), and they could build it again with or without blueprints; the latter would just take them longer. Not only that, but they can't really use their walker in day to day life, only when they're in the forest, as they don't have the proper paperwork to get one (which is why they made it for themself). They have exploded different tools before when experimenting(although not to this scale), and have had to move their workshop, they'll just find a new place to set up. Which I believe was answered in an ask and previous chapters! The robot however, they have no idea how to build a robot on that scale (although they've gotten pretty good at taking them apart, they haven't quite figured out how exactly some of them work and it doesn't help that they find all different types/models/years). So out of everything they'd be (and I personally would be) the most upset about losing the robot lol
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I feel like punk older brother Touya has the same energy as Hero's Sero in the 'I have been called a butt head by a 5 year old today nothing will faze me.'
And I can also imagine him super annoying Shouto when he's older and doing like 'my dearest younger brother said he didn't love me when he was five, broke my heart, I have never been the same' while dramatically lounging on a chaise longue.
I just want them to be actual siblings, and annoy the heck out of each other, see Touya doing the lilo and stitch 'gravity.. Overcoming me' bit.
Also Shouto in bucket hat and groggy overalls is something I desperately need, such a cute image.
God I can imagine it like Touya facing off with a villain (if I take the hero route for him) or some rando trying to fuck with him like “my eight year old brother told me I’m not invited to his birthday party do you think anything else will ever cut as deep?” He also holds that over Shouto for years, constantly bringing up how neglected he was because his dearest darling youngest brother uninvited him from his birthday of all things. 1-A thinks it’s hilarious tbh.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
before commiting a crime, ask yourself; "what would leo say?"
proceed to ignore his hypothetical warnings and commit the crime anyways because what does leo know anyways???
Mikey will only ever do something mischievous if the answer to “what would Leo say?” is a resounding “Stop it, this is a terrible idea, stop it Right Now -“ because then he knows it’s going to be a fun day at least.
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tigorrrr · 7 months
𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗯𝗹𝗲 || prompt::hugging - just random, to give energy, to breathe them in
Ship(?): platonic sibling bond of the Lin Kuei trio and Diya
Rated: fluff
Warnings: bois being angy teens full of hormones
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           Today was another one of Lin Kuei's training schedule on the snowy mountain that is their territory. It was to challenge the boys' stamina and drive, make them realize to do better next time if there is something to improve.
           By the looks of it, it didn't go swell.
           Diya was awake by early morning when her brothers began their training session, she had her own to attend to but wanted to talk about her upcoming fourteenth birthday with the Grandmaster before he left completely. It was just next week, and her vow of silence would be accomplished.
           She had big plans!
           By lunch she expected to share her meal with her brothers, share what they all have been up to today. She waited for them at the veranda by the gate, when she saw the Lin Kuei trainees and her brothers approaching, she ran on her toes like a graceful fawn right up to them with open arms.
           As soon as the older brother stormed past her, so did the second oldest, and then the third. Then the other trainees followed. Leaving her stranded by the gate on her own.
           Diya looked over her shoulder, scanning the surroundings and the missing context.
           Did her brothers fight again?
           Arguments between siblings are normal, each one has their opinion on things and want to be right, it is needed to butt heads or you'd never grow past your differences. But with how frequent it became, the more Diya disliked it.
           First, she strutted over to the quarters of the youngest brother and peaked over the half-open door to see Tomáš sit by his bed, back against the wall and his knees tucked underneath his chin.
           The gloominess had Diya worried. Her heart was hurting for him without a second thought.
           She didn't care who was in the wrong and what happened, she will find out later, but now her brothers needed her.
           Tomáš sensed her sneaking outside his room and still didn't look her way when Diya came nearer.
           His little sister wordlessly wormed her way under his arm that tightly embraced his shins and he didn't bother to fight her. In a matter of seconds Tomáš had her little body squeezed between his legs and his chest, her thin, ivory arms chained behind his name.
           His body gave in to the comfort. The warmth.
           Easing his stoned muscled gave Diya that much more easier access and comfort during the hug, Tomáš returned it, held onto her tightly with his jaw resting against the top of her head.
           The sadness began to disband away from his soul, giving him much needed recharge in return of the free space.
           "Thank you, sis..." Tomáš exhaled all the negativity he held inside his ribcage, patting his little sister's head with fondness before she let go of him and sat on her knees. "I'll change and join you at the table."
           Diya studied him silently before she left her brother's room with a beatific smile.
           Her next target was at the open garden of the inside perimeter.
           Kuai Liang spent most of his free time under their Cherry Blossom tree that is waiting for spring with bloomed Wintersweet shrubs and plum blossoms keeping it company along with some other winter flowers.
           He plucked a bloomed, pinkish red meihua from a branch and twirled it in between his thumb and index digit with something heavy on his mind, his troubled frown wrinkled his young face.
           "妹妹?" Kuai Liang relaxed his pinched lips with a softer tone so when he called out to his sneaky sister it wouldn't sound like he's mad at her.
           Diya appeared from the shadow he casted, walking around the bench until she stood by her brother's side. Kuai Liang didn't fight against the tender enforcement of her clutch at his head.
           As soon as his temple rested against the crook of her neck, his ear close to her soothing heartbeat his stress began to melt, his despondency sizzling away.
           Kuai Liang very much noticed how his little sister's body language strained otherwise elegant and fluid movements with worry that had made her that much clumsier.
           "I'm okay. Everything will be alright, sister..." he murmured and placed his hand on hers that cupped his cheek while she was caressing the top of his head, hair in a tight bun where her palm stopped at only to reaturn close to his forehead for another stroke, again and again.
           Yes, it will be alright, everything will work out, but why not fasten the process by being the walking comfort for her siblings?
           When she didn't move away or stopped her petting Kuai Liang tilted his head up at her.
           "... We only had exchanged opinions, it's not that big to stress about - much less have you fret over it." he tried to reassure her again and it earned him only a tighter hug, the pressure wasn't that big to crush his head but it did make his jaw ache a little bit.
           "It's just a boy thing."
           At that, Diya's eyes lifted towards the sky. She became allergic to that line that Kuai Liang has used more than twice, that's how he wanted to defuse any more worrisome thoughts that are on her mind, and Diya appreciated it but it also irked her.
           When she pulled back to look at her brother with her flat nose, wrinkled up and scrunched so her displeasement would speak volumes.
           Kuai Liang's now relaxed expression, from sourness to serenity, had took into consideration his sister's hard-headedness. He didn't wish to dismiss her desire to try and fix things, but as a four years older sibling, he has a responsibility to keep the younger siblings from these things until they hit a certain age. That's the role Kuai Liang placed himself into.
           Diya watched as he plucked a plum from the branch he held and placed it into her silvery locks.
           "Go eat, Diya, I'll join you shortly."
           Her pout held no heat behind it when he reciprocated her a soft smile of his own. With a huff she strutted off but not in a direction to the dining room.
           The training grounds usually had some people train in there, but everyone was away for lunch except the one and only person Diya expected to find there.
           The oldest of them four was beating his whole soul and emotions into the wooden training dummy.
           Hot anger could be steaming out of his ears and his elemental power is far from being warm.
           Diya perhaps will never understand what got Bi-han so worked up and a part of her was worried it would one day bubble up and threaten to break their bonds they had mended for years.
           Switching to a stealth mode, she tried to approach this more carefully. She jumped from shadow to shadow, waiting for the opening.
           Her older brother was moving rapidly, never on both feet for too long, he had too much energy and he needed to let it out.
           The adrenaline rushing in his blood allowed him to hear it pumping in his ears.
           Although that is deafening to some, he was too alert.
           He stepped one foot back from the dummy he was attacking mercilessly and took in the damage. His panting turned irregular for a moment before he caught his breath again.
           Tiny fingers clutched at Bi-han's uniform under his ribs, he could feel the pressure on his skin as he was being held onto for dear life.
           Bi-han did everything to be the perfect, first-born son. Make his mother proud it was hard to impress her than the Grandmaster himself. And now that their mother had became bedridden, all the more the oldest spent time with her whenever possible.
           Diya and other two brothers could see how much he's trying to get better each and every day because of the relentless training but she could hardly remember the last time all four were in each other's presence longer than 15+ minutes.
           Bi-han's rough demainor hardly softened but only Diya's touch could make it thaw away.
           He was, to say the least, startled to be tackled out of the blue. Bi-han felt irresponsible for letting his guard down even for a second because that was a good enough of an opening for his little sister to glue to his back.
           "Diya?" his thicker brows furrowed, open palms awkwardly hovering above her little hands that held him.
           Bi-han didn't expect an answer but he didn't expect a heart breaking whimper either.
           His quick turn around had Diya ease her grip bit she didn't move her hands away, she tightened her embrace again when he settled by facing her, both hands at her shoulders.
           The sad, helpless violet eyes that now had bigger pupils than he expected to ever see stared right into his core and shook him, the sweat streaming down his body turned cold and Bi-han felt as if he was grounded to reality again.
           His little sister didn't need words to plead or vocalize her concern. Guilt began to flush over him the more he stared his dark eyes into her orbs of emotions.
           "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have you involved into something you didn't do." Bi-han murmured, as if making sure she's the only one hearing him. "It won't happen again."
           Diya was satisfied with that for now. She cuddled up to him for a few long seconds before switching to hold his hand instead, Bi-han didn't need to be told what she wanted from him.
           They walked, hand-in-hand, to their dining room, designated only for the Lin Kuei family. Tomáš and Kuai Liang already sat there by the table, waiting for them and the air around them was quite peaceful while they ate together like any family should.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Did the family adopt Joker? Is that why they are called street rat? Or are the boys just being dicks..
Speaking of, do you think you could do like a family tree of sorts for Jokers family because there are too many to keep up with. D:
No, it's just cause they're the baby 😌 so obviously the boys are gonna bully them, it's what they're best at, it's just peak older sibling energy
I'll list the siblings in order from oldest to youngest (for my own lore-keeping too 😅)
Dicky (married to Carol)
Mitch (married to Linda)
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heardchef · 2 years
I think it’s sweet that Carmy is concerned with how his crew is feeling. I’m referring specifically to when Marcus blew the fuse. He could’ve had a meltdown like in episode 7 but instead took the time to check on Marcus and make him feel better about it. Even the act of squatting on the ground to get on his level physically shows a lot of care. He had the same care for Sydney when he brought her food and she called him out for leaving and was listening to her so intently. Carmy doesn’t listen a lot but when he does he shows a lot of empathy and understanding. I love that about him. I hope we get to see more of the softer side of Carmy in season 2! PS: LOVE reading your character and scene analysis. Super interesting and insightful!
yes! he does try. i love the stories carmy tells marcus so much because there's always a bit of vulnerability in them. they're not really stories of success, they're peaks behind the veneer of award-winning chef, carmen berzatto and how he struggled in the kitchen too.
also, carmy giving sydney that plate lives rent free in my head. it's like a peace offering. i think it's interesting how she doesn't eat it though, like how carmy rejects her offer of family in e1, but that's somethin' else entirely.
i hope we see more soft carmy too! also while we're at it i need more moments of carmy exuding youngest sibling energy. and thank you sm! <3
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entwinedreams · 1 year
jason has to hold his family together- no one else will.
with the money from squirehood and the odd jobs ariadne does, the siblings have moved from a cramped place to a more spacious one- not big enough for them all- a glorified storage room converted to an attic space.
there’s a sense of mundanity since coming to mondsadt. different than the luxurious home in fontaine.
jason gets up first, well before sunrise. she makes coffee, as just andromache coughs themself awake. sometimes they have just enough money for the expensive medicine to soothe the raw edges of the roughest nights, often times they don’t. ariadne exasperatedly stumbles in from whatever odd job they’ve been running as the sky lightens- and knocks back a coffee.
jason brushes andromache’s hair- braids it for them, while they wash their face. they’re the only one with the same black hair as helene. jason tries not to think about that fact. selene rolls out of bed as the sun peaks over the horizion, and is already bouncing off the walls as she rolls out of bed. jason doesn’t get it- where her silliest and sweetest youngest sibling gets the energy.
jason only leaves after everyone is dressed and runs his morning errands, before joining the other knights and squires at the headquarters for breakfast. the other knights and squires all know each other, but jason eats alone. she doesn’t have a standard friend group, and he’s mostly fine with that. mostly.
the days are filled with mundane repetition. errands and training, lunch at the good hunter with the knights in the reconnaissance company. andromache stops by the library for lunch and tea with miss lisa. selene stops by to play with klee and eat snacks given to her by leveraging her best puppy dog eyes at the knights. ariadne brings him the list for groceries for dinner while at training before heading to their next job. he gets groceries for dinner and he and andromache cook while selene runs around outside before the three of them sit together and eat at the small space of greenery before he goes and sits near the docks and reads under the trees- all nice and quiet. he reads two chapters. she goes home, when it gets too dark to continue- and helps his siblings get ready for bed. it's about 11pm when his head finally hits the pillow- and he wakes up, doing the whole thing over again.
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jujulebee · 2 years
chez deffo makes me think of someone who was like totally like, dragged into a situation he cant change and is trying 2 make the best of it, trying to be kind despite what the ppl arnd him do and say. i know the horrors of the wetworks prob sucks so much dick (negative) but like i know if anyones gonna come out on top of it its gonna b this guy, lit gives me the vibes of that fuckin positive nihilism post of the fuckin dude w sunglasses and giving a thumbs up over some lisa frank ass bg like hell yeah baby brother fuck that shit up youre so cool. totally has the vibes of like peak bisexual dude w total makings of the future malewife whos trying 2 make money off his music and leaves little notes 4 u arnd the house that remind u of how totally loved u are fr. deffo gives baby brother energy, like total youngest sibling vibe, both in the super sweet i wanna like totally adore u way and the like, stereotypical zoomer who will annoy the fuck outta u if he finds out he can (affectionate) i am like so down 2 watch how he grows as a person bc he like totally fucks and i wanna hang
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