#pear jam recipe
pinkmartiniboy · 2 years
Dżem gruszkowy z pomarańczą
Dżem gruszkowy z pomarańczą
Jesienią w Polsce owocuje bardzo dużo smacznych odmian gruszek. A więc to też najlepszy czas, aby zrobić dżem gruszkowy, którym będziemy się delektować przez cały rok. W Polsce chyba najbardziej popularny jest dżem gruszkowy bez żadnych dodatków, czyli same gruszki plus cukier. I chociaż gruszki użyte do zrobienia takiego dżemu mogą smakować wyśmienicie, to mimo wszystko dżem z takich gruszek…
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yadachef · 2 years
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YaDa Chef Private and Personal Chefs:
Citrus Pear Jam - Freezer Jam Recipe
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Autumn Jam and Jelly Shelf
From the first harvest of our Damson plums, Williams pears and Ribston Pippin apples in the garden to the last in the early Autumn, I use some of the year’s bounty to make jams and jellies (and also chutneys and preserves but this will be another post!) The feeling of satisfaction as my Autumn Jam and Jelly Shelf (often, more accurately, shelves) is only equaled by the first spoonful! Actually, no! The pleasure is just as intense, or maybe a tad enhanced, when I get a taste of my late Summer garden in the midst of Winter, generously spread on my morning toast on a cold day! Many of these jams and jellys, are necessarily, made with my garden fruit; but I also like making jams with a glut of fruit found at the market or foraged in the woods!
Chili Jam
Mirabelle Plum Jam
Ginger-Plum Jam 
Rosemary Apple Jelly 
Pepper Plum Jam
Pear and Ginger Preserve
Cardamaom and Vanilla Damson Plum Jam
Apple Jelly
Greengage Jam
Black and Blue Jam
Plum and Port Jam
Plum and Vanilla Jam
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picklesonjupiter · 8 months
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On ao3, for @fluffbruary prompt: jam
When your husband is craving pear jam, you don’t buy it premade because he will cry and say it doesn’t taste like the jam he had as a child. Instead, you ask his uncle Alphard for the recipe and go grocery shopping. You purchase all the ingredients and jars.
At home, you give your pregnant husband a kiss and order him to lay down. He’s on an order for bed rest from his doctor. You worry often about his health, not allowing him to do any of the chores.
You go to the kitchen, unpack the groceries, and turn on the radio. You enjoy preparing the pears for tomorrow. Then, you cook lunch for you and your husband. You bring the food to the bedroom, and your husband thanks you with a kiss on the cheek.
You stay up watching medical dramas and massage your husband’s swollen feet. He calls you the best husband ever and you can’t believe that this is your life.
At night, you worship his pregnant body, reassuring him that you still find him attractive. He has become self-conscious about his body since his pregnant belly began showing. You find him ten times hotter, carrying your child.
The next morning, you cook the pears and it smells divine. Your husband waddles into the kitchen and is surprised by what you are cooking. He cries, babbling about how much he loves you and how he does not deserve such a wonderful husband.
Once the jam has cooled, you and he eat it on toast. It tastes better than any store bought jam.
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kineats · 11 months
hi !! could i request some grey fox therian foods?
special requests for: texture safe (few mixing texture in one recipe, no liquid and solid mixes [like textures similar to yogurt with strawberry bits or smoothies with seeds]), and limited pallet? as in a bit more bland
i'm nd and just very sensitive to textures and too many different tastes but i want to feel more connected to myself !
You got it!!
Grey Foxes generally eat small mammals, birds, and wild local fruits. Persimmons and Grapes and other wild fruits are a common treat. But their FAVORITE treats are eggs of all kinds. So let me see what I can come up with! I also tried to keep this as texture safe as I can -- most of them don't have competing textures, and those that do can be easily augmented to not have as many!
Crock Pot Rabbit Stew (if the chunks of rabbit are small enough, they'll be as melty and soft as the carrots and potatoes!)
Gamekeeper's Pie (if you find mashed potatoes don't work, roughly chunking the potatoes will get you a similar consistency to the filling~!)
Garlic Chicken with Herbs (I almost always use garlic paste or powder cause I don't like the texture of whole garlic cloves)
Squab with Mushrooms and Pears (I would make these portabello mushrooms instead and do a roasted pear, to keep the textures similar to each other)
Pigeon Pies with Bramble Gravy (skip the cabbage and pancetta, used chunked parsnips and smaller chunked pigeon, to keep a similar flavor profile but more consistent texture)
20 Minute Mushroom Chicken (again, use portabello mushrooms, probably halved or quartered, to keep textures similar)
Pineapple Ginger Chicken Stir-Fry (If you can get or make Pulled or Shredded Chicken for this, it'll come out with perfectly paired textures!! Otherwise much smaller chicken bites will come out as soft as the pineapples)
Soft Boiled and Jammy Eggs! (I prefer Jammy for texture, but soft boiled is good for dipping toast into)
Poached Egg and Cod (Tenderizing the cod in advance with something like this will make it much softer and not clash as much with the poached white. The yolk makes a creamy sauce that helps make the cod a lot creamier, too)
Easy Grape Sorbet
Mulled Grape Cider
Broiled Persimmons with Mascarpone (though any mild, creamy cheese works! Try the persimmons alone first to see what texture will go best!)
Easy Persimmon Jam (very tasty with Peanut Butter~)
Persimmon Muffins
also here's some Wild Berries to try!
Happy nomming, friend! I hope these were safe enough!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
October 6th
Sweet treats
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This one is for all the Dwalin, Dwori, Dwhorin and other Dwalin-pairing enjoyers.
He's a dear little old grump haha...
Words: 693
Warnings: None
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The door banging against the wall made you jump, and, in an act of pure instinct, you flung whatever was in your hands in that moment at the surmised intruder.
“Hmmm, thanks,” Dwalin grumbled, holding aloft a sieve as if it was exactly what he had been looking for all his life. “What a nice sight to be coming home to!”
A hand pressed against your heaving chest covered in flour and spices, you managed to conjure up a wavering smile of welcome; you had not expected him to be home quite so soon and hence you had been greatly startled by his unannounced arrival.
“’Weather didn’t hold,” he explained while shrugging out of his coat and toeing off his heavy boots, “we made haste.”
Your eyes swept over the chaos in your kitchen quickly; you had thought that you’d have at least another evening and night before your beloved returned from his caravan-guarding duties. Consequently, you were considerably dismayed to be caught not only unawares but also in the middle of your preparations of what you had intended to be a surprise for the gruff warrior.
“What’s that?” he ambled over eagerly, letting the sieve clatter onto the table carelessly to wrap his huge hands around your hips and pull you in for a passionate kiss that conveyed how much he had missed you during your time apart much better than any of his rumbling words ever could have.
“It was meant as a ‘Welcome home’ surprise,” you gasped into his mouth when his hold on you didn’t subside as the seconds ticked by. 
It was common knowledge – even though nobody dared confront him on the matter – that your beloved Dwalin had a major sweet tooth; in your attempts to keep your mind off the terrible absence of his bulky body in your house and bed, you had spent many an afternoon out of doors, picking fruit and trading spices with the merchants passing through the settlement.
After several meticulously documented trial runs, you thought that you had finally perfected the recipe for the spiced pear cookies that – there was no doubt about that – your taciturn lover would devour eagerly.
Words were often difficult between the two of you as he was at times very reserved and this made you nervous to the point where you fumbled to find the right thing to say, squirming under his unyielding and unwavering gaze.
Hence why you liked doing things for him that showed him just how much you cared for him.
A rough thumb scraped along the corner of your mouth, and you looked up just in time to see him put it into his own, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“Is that jam? Did ye make that?” he asked, his eyes alight with pleasure and curiosity as they scanned the room in search of the source of the delicious taste he had stolen from your very lips.
“There’s none left,” you chuckled, “it’s all in the dough already.”
“Dough?” he echoed slowly. His gaze returned to you, questing, and he gave you a little shake. “Beloved! Are you withholding sweets from me?” 
Unable to resist, you broke into resounding laughter at the sight of his evident distress; immediately, he started to list the bad weather, the blistering cold, his sore feet, and his undying love for you as the incontrovertible reasons why you had to hand over whatever sugary treats you were so heartlessly hiding from him.
“If you had not interrupted me,” you chided, “those would already sit in the oven.”
Instantly, he stepped back, slipping ever so slightly in his woollen socks on the polished floor, and lifted his hands defensively.
“Good,” you praised, “go grab yourself a tankard of ale, there should be a cask in the cellar, and in a little while, you may have a cookie or two, fresh from the oven.”
As you watched him stomp down the stairs, you already knew that he’d eat the whole batch, burn the roof of his mouth in the process, and then carry you to bed to make you feel just how much he had yearned for you as well.
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In hopes that you've also liked this one, I remain your most devoted servant and friend.
@fellowshipofthefics Number 6 (?) Losing count here haha...
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anura-island · 6 months
Free Recipes 📜
If you need any of the following recipes, DM me for dodo code! They're free for the taking. Will update this post periodically!
DIY Recipes 🔨
Backyard lawn 🍀
Birdbath 🐦
Bonfire 🔥
Clothesline 👕
Dark Bamboo Rug 🎍
Fruit Wreath 🍓
Gold Armor ⚜️
Grass Standee 🍀
Iron Garden Bench 🧲
Ironwood Chair 🧲
Light Bamboo Rug 🎍
Medium Wooden Partition 🪵
Mum Cushion 🏵️
Natural Garden Table 🪵
Natural Mum Wreath 🏵️
Peach Hat 🍑
Pear Umbrella 🍐
Sauna Heater 🔥
Shell Arch 🐚
Shell Table 🐚
Snowflake Wreath ❄️
Stacked Fish Containers 🐠
Stone Table 🪨
Tall Lantern 🪨
Terrarium 🍀
Tree Standee 🍀
Wooden Chair 🪵
Wooden Low Table 🪵
Cooking Recipes 🍲
Apple tart 🍎
Coconut oil 🥥
Mixed Fruits Crepe 🍓
Mixed Fruits Sandwich 🍓
Orange Jelly 🍊
Orange Marmalade 🍊
Peach Jam 🍑
Peach Smoothie 🍑
Potato Galette 🥔
Pumpkin Cupcakes 🎃
Spaghetti Napolitan 🍝
Veggie Cookies 🍪
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classicsstudentsunion · 9 months
Ancient Recipes: Apricot Dessert (Apicius, De re coquinaria)
Did you know when you Google Apicius, they call him a professional chef?
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Given that he was the closest thing Ancient Rome had to Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart, we guess it makes sense. These apricots are a fantastic dessert from De re coquinaria (c. 5th cent. CE), arguably the best-known Ancient Roman cookbook. They likely would have been enjoyed at room temperature, but taste fantastic after being chilled. We make this at every rendition of our Ancient Food Day, and it's always a hit.
Latin: duracina primotica pusilla precoquiis purgas, enucleas, in frigidam mittis; in patina conponis; teres piper mentam siccam; suffundis liquids; adicies mel passum uinum et acetum; refundis in patina super precoquia, olei modicum mittis et lento igni ferueat, cum ferbuerit, amulo obligas, piper aspargis et inferes. (De re coquinaria, 4.177)
Translation (by John Liao): Wash firm, early or small apricots, pit them, and put them in the cold [water]. Arrange them in a pan. Crush pepper and dried mint, pour over liquamen and add honey, passum, wine and vinegar. Pour over the apricots in the pan. Add a little oil and heat on a low flame. Thicken [the sauce] with starch while it simmers. Sprinkle with pepper and serve. 
10-12 apricots (pitted and halved if fresh, rehydrated in water overnight if dried)
1 ½-2 tbsp freshly cracked black pepper (plus extra for garnish)
1 tbsp dried mint flakes
1 tsp garum/liquamen (substitute fish sauce if you can't find/make it yourself)
3-4 heaping tbsp of honey
3/4 cup of red wine
3/4 cup of passum (also known as raisin wine. Substitutes can include cranberry juice (less sweet), grape juice (more sweet), or ice wine (if you don’t have to make this for a school event).
1 tsp of vinegar (2 tsp if you're not using passum/alcoholic passum substitute)
1 ½ tbsp of olive oil
½ tsp corn starch
3-4 tbsp cold water
Our Recipe
Soak halved, pitted fresh apricots in cold water for 15 minutes (skip if using rehydrated fruit)
In a wide pan (at least 3 inches deep), lightly toast the black pepper and mint at medium heat until fragrant.
Add the liquids: honey, passum, wine, vinegar, and liquamen. Bring to a simmer and stir until well incorporated, and the honey has dissolved. Continue simmering to cook off the alcohol. If the mixture begins to reduce too much, add water in small amounts.
Once the desired amount of alcohol has been cooked off, add the apricots. Continue simmering until apricots reach your desired texture (usually 8-12 mins).
Remove the apricots from the pan. Mix cornstarch with cold water into a slurry, and add to the remaining liquid. Stir and cook until thick, then pour over reserved apricots. Let cool.
Serve chilled or at room temperature, with fresh black pepper sprinkled on top.
Below, we served them with libum (Roman cheesecake) and statites (Ancient Greek spelt crepes).
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Some more anachronistic ways to serve this can include using it as pie or tart filling, mixing it with Greek yogurt, or serving it with vanilla ice cream while it's still hot (sort of like a poached pear situation).
Some FAQs
Q. "How long do I actually boil the sauce?"
A. As long as you want, depending on how much alcohol you want in the dish (we serve these at school events, so we have to boil it to hell and back to get rid of all the alcohol).
Q. "The ancient recipe says to cook the apricots first, why do you make the sauce first?"
A. When we tried the apricot-first method, the apricots fell apart and turned the whole thing into a jam-like stew because of how long we had to cook the sauce. It tasted great but lacked the nice texture of the whole apricots.
Q. "Can I substitute ingredients 1-1?"
A. Generally, yes. For our passum substitute, we use cranberry juice for its tartness, but any of the three substitutes work. However, if you have the ability to make/buy garum and passum, definitely give it a try!
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jasper-crow · 1 year
More canning last night.
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Walnut Pecan Pear jam this time. It tastes great and as you can see it gelled wonderfully. I'll drop the recipe bellow for anyone who wants it
-3 1/2 pounds of pears, peeled, cored, and diced
-1/3 pound unseasoned walnuts
-1/4 pound unseasoned pecans
-4 1/2 cups sugar
-2.5 oz sugar added pectin
-1 lemon
-Cardamom, sage, vanilla, allspice, salt, bayleaf
core and peel pears, save cores and peels.
Juice lemon and put used lemon husk into small pot with cores and peels, add a bayleaf and some water, start boiling, stir occasionally while doing other steps
Put chopped pears into large stock pot. Add like 2 cups of water and put on high heat. Add in all lemon juice. Don't let this burn.
Medium chop and break up pecan and walnut mixture, toast in a saucepan till fragrant and browned but not burnt, add spices to your liking to bloom on the heat. Stir rapidly and add a splash of water and a bit of your sugar to start to candy the nuts. Remove from heat and set aside once nuts are properly glazed and taste amazing. If you are using vanilla extract this is the point to add a little bit.
Strain lemon peel and core mixture, putting the liquid into the stock pot with the chopped pears.
While this is starting to boil get your cans hot and sanitized and prepare your canning setup.
Boil pears until the majority of the liquid is gone but it's not dry. Transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender to smooth.
Add all remaining sugar. Boil for 1 minute. This is a boil where stirring doesn't stop the bubbling.
Add pectin, boil for 2 minutes, once again this is the kind of boil where it doesn't stop bubbling.
Add in nut mixture and stir thoroughly. While still hot pour or ladle into hot sanitized cans, wiping off excess spills especially around the rim.
Can as per usual procedure. I do a boiling water bath for 15-20 minutes. They won't take immediately but will always seal properly overnight.
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celestemona · 1 month
Sumeru moms make Zaytun Peach jam using this: https://niftyrecipe.com/recipe-760-tasty-pear-jam.html as a basis.
Homemade jam is so cottagecore vibes. Me, a wifey, baking bread and cooking my children's favorite jam flavor under the golden sunlight as they watch me with expectations.
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novastaar · 2 months
Random post bc I don't feel like drawing my Ocs today and I haven't posted in 3 days
So y'know how some characters have special foods? (Like, for example, The Octonauts' fish biscuits, Paani's Paani Patties, and Marsh's Ranger Marshmallows)
Yeah, well, Trixie has one, too, bc she is ✨️main character✨️
They're called Cactus Cakes and are pretty much just biscuits filled with Prickly Pear Jam
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The jam tastes sweet with bitter undertones, and she absolutely loves them. Trixie isn't a great cook, but she has a few recipes down really fucking well
(Yes, I do know that Prickly Pear cacti don't grow in the Sahara desert, but she like imported them or something. idk, I'm just really attached to this idea for some reason)
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calmdownandcook · 3 months
Upside Down Cakes
This is the cake that decorates itself
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Pineapple? Yep! Blueberries? Got it! What about rhubarb? This is the cake that decorates itself and goes with the flow as far as seasons are concerned. Look to the upside-down cake when you have some glorious fruit but not enough to make a pie. The cake is basically a dense pound cake base and the fruit is whatever calls to you. Old-school pineapple is always nice, fresh, or canned. You could even be hardcore retro and put a maraschino cherry in the middle of the pineapple rings, but let's take a moment and see what happens when you step out of the box and use whatever fruit you want. To begin, choose your fruit. You could even select 2 or 3 fruits. The size and style of your fruit will be determined by how soft or firm you want it to be in the end. The larger the piece, the firmer the bite. Berries will almost always cook down to a jam but should retain their shape. There are no rules to this except for “whatever you want”. For example, I will peel apples or pears but prefer not to peel peaches (it's a pain in the butt). I like to cut the apples, pears, and peaches into 8 wedges because they can be fanned out and I think it's pretty. You can also cut them into 1-inch chunks and form patterns - or just dump them in the bottom and spread them evenly. Frozen cherries are a nice and easy choice but they have to be totally defrosted and patted dry. Cranberries are “holiday-ish” and look so pretty; the only effort is sprinkling them in the bottom of the pan with the sugar. Remember, if you use cranberries, like any tart fruit,  you should increase the sugar you sprinkle under the fruit from 1/4 cup to ½  cup. Take your imagination further by swapping up to ¼ cup of your fruit measurement for any nuts. Walnuts or almonds are nice with almost anything. You can even add in chopped candied Ginger. This is also very nice around the holidays. Embrace your love of citrus all year round by using oranges or lemons. If you slice them paper thin you don’t have to peel them. The peels will “candy” in the sugar sprinkled on the bottom.
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Let’s Make A Cake
The Fruit (the bottom and then the top of your cake)
2 cups of fruit (whatever you choose), 
3 tablespoons melted butter,
1/4  cup sugar (increase to ½  if you are using rhubarb, cranberry, or lemons, yes, lemons)
The Cake
1 cup unsalted butter - softened
2 cups granulated sugar
3 large room-temperature whole eggs
3 large room-temperature egg yolks
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
2  cups all-purpose flour
Preheat your oven to 350F (175C) 
For the fruit part, generously grease (with shortening or spray) a 10-inch springform pan. Cut out a circular piece of parchment or foil to line the bottom of the baking pan. Place the parchment (or foil) in the pan. Pour the 3 tablespoons of melted butter onto the parchment, and roll around to distribute evenly. Then, sprinkle the ¼ cup of the sugar that goes with your fruit on top making sure to get it evenly distributed. This will end up on top of what you lined the pan with. (Parchment or aluminum foil). Take the fruit you chose and spread it across the bottom of your pan. You can toss it in half haphazardly, as long as you evenly distribute it across the bottom, or you can arrange it like a beautiful mosaic. Just try to keep the fruit in a single layer. 
Now for the base cake, the key is scraping down the bowl. Be meticulous and take your time when instructed to do so. Place your butter in a large bowl (this recipe makes a lot of batter)! I recommend using a stand mixer if you have one or an electric mixer, beat the butter until it is creamy, smooth, and lightened in color.
Scrape down the sides of the bowl and add the sugar. Beat until the ingredients are well combined, again, light and fluffy (about 2 minutes).
Combine your eggs and egg yolks in a separate, medium-sized bowl. Then add 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, and ½  teaspoon salt to your egg mixture. Use a fork or a whisk to lightly beat the eggs and yolks until all egg yolks are completely broken up and salt and vanilla are incorporated.
With the mixer on low speed, slowly pour the egg mixture into your batter, allowing it to gradually become incorporated. Once the egg mixture is incorporated, pause to scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl, then increase speed to medium-high and beat for another 2 minutes. Reduce mixer speed to low and gradually add flour to the batter, about ½  cup at a time until all flour has been added. When you no longer see dry flour, scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl and mix again on medium speed until the batter is a little fluffier, about another minute.
Spread batter evenly and lightly into the prepared pan over the fruit and use a spatula to gently smooth the surface of the batter. Try not to disturb the fruit. Wrap the outside of the pan in aluminum foil on the small chance there is any leaking juice. Transfer to a 350F oven and bake on the center rack for 80-90 minutes or until a wooden skewer inserted in the center of the thickest part of the cake comes out clean or ideally with a few moist crumbs. This is a long cooking time but it is a big dense cake with lots of fruit.
Allow the cake to cool for at least 30 minutes and then run a knife around the sides (do an excellent job of this so removal will be easy). Don’t let the cake cool any more than this because the sugar on the bottom will harden and will make removal very difficult. Flip on a plate but be wary, the melted sugar and butter you placed on the bottom of the pan will be freakishly hot. Remove the parchment or foil if it turns out with the cake. If any fruit remains stuck to the bottom of the pan, don’t let it break your heart, you can stick them back into the top of your cake and no one will be the wiser.
Make the cake you want.
Don’t let a recipe boss you around. Did you go to H Mart and buy a can of lychee nuts? This would work. Here’s a brief rundown of things to inspire you.
Any orchard fruit is nice and a good opportunity to make a design if sliced into wedges.
Berries are easy but remember to not make too thick of a layer they can lose their shape at the end of cooking.
Bananas work but can be brown and mushy (sorry, I banana-shamed). They are, however, delicious when paired with walnuts.
Rhubarb is one you’d want to increase the sugar that is initially sprinkled in the pan to ½  cup. Arrange in spokes to impress your friends with your artistic talent.
A fig, cut in half, and placed face down is one of the best you could hope for.
Apricots are tasty but often expensive, try canned ones. If the canned ones come in halves, slice them into wedges.
Avoid super watery fruits like any melon or something like a Kiwi. It will water down your cake batter and not necessarily taste good cooked.
Avocados and Tomatoes are fruit but don’t be a weirdo and try these.
A scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream can cover up any craziness that has gone wrong in the fruit pattern. The cake part of this recipe is very straightforward and the fruit is where you get a chance to shine. There are, however, some fun things you can do with the cake batter to turn up the flavor by adding some simple things. Try adding one or two of these flavors during the final mix of the cake. You can add 1 teaspoon of Almond Extract or 1 tablespoon of lemon or orange zest. A splash (2 tablespoons) of rose water can be very exotic. For some spice, try adding 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, and or ½ teaspoon of Cardamom (my favorite). 
Shake off the “pineapple” part of a Pineapple Upside Down Cake. You don’t need a ton of fruit and I hope you find this empowering. You are the decider, you are in control.
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Mea culpa-
The first time I made this cake for the photo (blueberries and raspberries), I forgot to do the step where you sprinkle the sugar on the bottom of the pan. The cake was fine, maybe not as shiny and pretty, and definitely not as sweet. BUT it was fine. Not the end of the world. Anything you bake and get cake in the end is an achievement.
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annachum · 6 months
What some of the Avengers may make for dinner for the rest of Avengers in tow ( an example ) :
. Tony : Definitely Pasta Al Ragu ( of any pasta that goes well with the Ragu which turns out to be a Carbonelli household recipe ), Antipasto Salad, and also Baked Apples and Pears stuffed with Nuts and raisins
. Pepper : Tomato Soup, Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Root Vegetables, and also Gooseberry crumble
. Steve : Apple Pie, Grilled Salmon with Lemon Butter and Mashed Potatoes, and Creamy Mushroom Soup
. Thor : Smorgasbord, Stuffed Roast Whole Tuna, and also Pumpkin Hand Pies, and Mead
. Natasha : Solyanka ( a Russian spicy fish soup ), Black Rye Bread with Goat Cream Cheese, and Bite Sized Syrniki ( a type of Russian cheesecake )
. Sam Wilson : Jambalaya, Crawfish Hand Pie, and Beignets with Fruit Jam
. Bucky : Sarmale ( Romanian Cabbage Rolls ), Bean and Oxtail stew in Bread Bowl, and Miniciunele
. Bruce : Chicken Pot Pie, Roasted Root Vegetables, and Chocolate Ice Cream
. Wanda : Romani Chicken Stew, Challah Bread, and Sticky Rice Pudding
. Vision : Scottish Beef Stew, Roasted Baby Carrots, and English Summer Pudding
. Rhodey : Grits and Shrimp, Tomato and Salmon Soup, and Peach Cobbler
. Clint : Gratin Dauphinoise, Roast Lamb Chops with Mint Sauce, and Pear Crumble
. Laura Vlahos - Barton : Stuffed Grape Leaves, Greek Lamb Stew with Feta and Mint, and Cheese and Fruit platter with Honey
Bonus : Some of the New Avengers ( both possible and confirmed )
. Shang Chi : Hong Shao Rou, Cabbage and Chilli Stir Fry, Rice, and also Green Bean Soup ( a type of Chinese dessert )
. Yelena : Pierogi, Ukrainian Beef and Potato Stew, and Khrustyky ( a type of Ukrainian fried cookies )
. Kate Bishop : Steak Frites, Ratatouille, and Blueberry Cobbler
. Marc Spector : Estofado ( a Guatemalan Pork stew ), Arepas and also Fruit Platter
. Layla : Koshari, Egyptian Stuffed Vegetables, and Zalaiba ( Egyptian Honey balls )
. Shuri : Wakandan Jollof Rice, River Tribe Fried Plaintains, and Chocolate Ice Cream
. Leiko Wu : Manchurian Pickled Cabbage and Pork Belly Stew, Steamed Vegetable Dumplings and Red Dates stuffed with Nuts
. Dr Strange : Nepali Vegetable Stew ( he was in Nepal for a whole year, come on now ), Nepali Lamb Pulao, and also Sheep's Milk Ice Cream
. Hercules : Roast Leg of Lamb, Greek Mezze platter ( with olives, pickles and cheese ), Greek Lemon Rice, and Baklava
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Well, having gone through a hyperfixation with making homemade jam for the better part of year occasionally results in me being able to make an absolutely bitchin' vanilla bean pear jam with a hint of chestnut honey and amaretto on the fly without a recipe. ❤
You know, even if I can never duplicate it perfectly again because I never remember to take and write down the damn amounts of the ingredients, but I am looking forward to slapping a little bit of it on some really great rosemary crackers with a smear of chevre goat cheese tomorrow.
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kineats · 11 months
anything for an opposum ?
Second Ask!! American Opossum Time~!
They're Omnivores and Scavengers and Opportunistic Hunters. So uh. This is gonna be a bit chaotic!
Garlic Crab Fries
Crab and Asparagus Toast
Crab Cakes
Seafood Bisque
Crab Corn Chowder
Cornish Game Hens
Marry Me Chicken
Honey Garlic Chicken
Eggs In Purgatory
Perfect Poached Eggs
Various Grilled Fruit Recipes
Fig Jam
Fruit Pizza
Rhubarb Pie
Blackcurrant Mini Pies
Saffron Poached Pears
Honey-Lime Fruit Salad
Venison Dinners
Simple Roast Rabbit
Opossums also require a large amount of calcium, so a calcium supplement or Calcium Rich Foods would be great too!
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Patented and Improved Methods of Preserving and Canning Fruits and Vegetables, Pickling, Making of Jams, Vinegar, Cider and Unfermented Drinks: Also the Crystallizing and Candying of Fruits, etc / With Cook Book of Over 400 Pages Comprising Receipts from Celebrated Chefs of This Country and Europe (1890) by the Northwestern Publishers and Patent Right Specialists is one of our older cookbooks, and it's a hefty one of over 500 pages. The book touts itself as having the "most modern and improved methods known" for preserving food and has sourced its recipes from both the United States and Europe "at considerable cost." Note: $3 in 1890 is about $100 in 2023.
Featured here are two pages of recipes from the section on Jellies, Jams and Preserves, as well as a page from the index showing sections of recipes for sick people and for infants and children, among other topics. A transcript of the recipes is below the read more.
An interesting fact: On the copyright page for this book, there is a line that reads "As members have all pledges themselves to secrecy, they must not publish or circulate methods, or use for business purposes, under penalty of law."
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
...has become considerably evaporated, test it frequently by dipping a few drops on a plate to cool; and when it jellies sufficiently remove at once from the fire. A much larger quantity of juice will be needed for jelly prepared in this manner than when sugar is used, about two quarts of juice being required for one-half pint of jelly. Such jelly, however, has a most delicious flavor, and is excellent served with grains. Diluted with water, it forms a most pleasing beverage.
Apple and Pear Marmalade
Peel seven pounds of tart apples and put them into the preserving kettle with a pint of cold water ; peel the yellow rind of four lemons, and add same to the apples. Boil it to a pulp, then squeeze in the juice of the lemons and add four pounds of sugar, and boil the marmalade from one-half to three-quarters of an hour until it has the proper "form" and seal in your glasses.
To put Fruit in Jelly.
Prepare some jelly, either from apples or oranges when boiled gins to cool stoned to the proper consistency, and add to it as it be dates, seeded raisins, pitted cherries or other small fruits.
Quince Jelly.
Clean thoroughly good sound fruit, and slice thin. Put into a double boiler with one cup of water for each five pounds of fruit, and cook until softened. Express the juice, and proceed as with other jellies, allowing three-fourths of a pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Tart or sweet apples may be used with quinces in equal proportions, and make a jelly of more pleasant flavor than quinces used alone. The seeds of quinces contain considerable gelatinous substance, and should be cooked with the quince for jelly making.
Plum Jelly.
Use damsons or greengages. Stone, and make them in the same way as for berry and other small fruit jellies.
Peach marmalade.
With a rough cloth rub the fur from sound ripe peaches. Cut them in halves, taking out the stones, and crack about half of them and take out the kernels ; pour boiling water over the kernels, and rub off the skins; then cut them lengthwise in small strips, weigh the peaches, put them in preserving kettle, and add to them three-fourths of a pound of sugar to each pound of peaches ; set on back of stove where it will heat slowly ; when it boils stir constantly and let it boil half an hour ; when it has boiled twenty-five minutes put in the kernels you have cut in strips, and boil it five minutes longer. Put the marmalade in jars, and when cold clip a white paper in brandy and lay over it and seal tight.
Crab Apple Jelly.
Wash the apples, cut them in small pieces, put them in preserving-kettle with just enough water to cover them. Set them on the stove and let them cook to a pulp ; then pour all into the jelly bag, and let the juice drain through them (do not squeeze the bag), and to each pint of juice add one pound of sugar and boil together, removing all scum, for twenty minutes, or until a little of the juice cooled forms a jelly ; when partly cooled put it in your cups, clip a piece of white paper in brandy and lay over it, and seal tight.
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