#people will simp for the monsters somehow
mewsquinyax · 1 year
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Interested in;
Horror? The creepy things thay surround the Appalachian Mountains, or even West Virginia? Cryptids? Crimes? Camcorder and vhs stuff? Lgbtq/POC/disability/different body type rep? Lovable, goofy, and diverse characters? Perhaps some funny, or unsettling plot twists?
Well have I got the thing for you folks;
Muscaria Hills!
Just a w.i.p horror media involving a small town in West Virginia in 1986 that may or may not have to do with mushrooms, psychological horror, creatures beyond human comprehension, eye imagery, and a bit of the gay.
We’re also memeable around here.
But yeah, take the slightly crappy early art stuff because I have nothing else, just characters and ideas that I have yet to fully flesh out/draw/edit just yet. I will make something introducing the cast when I have the things!!
Help, Ideas are easy, and work is
Also, see MSH’s other creator;
@rosemaryizhere :)
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morganitering · 10 months
Survive the Night (Mahito x fem!reader)
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Warnings: Non-con/Rape, Graphic Depictions of violence
Contains: Smut, PWP, PIV - penis in vagina sex, degradation, psychological/emotional manipulation, face-fucking, threats of violence, fuck or die, sexist language, reader is into it lowkey
Word count: 5,1k
Summary: You had readied yourself for a party with your best friend, only to find Shibuya in a disarray, and yourself caught up in a war that wasn’t yours. Somehow escaping the monsters, you end up running into the lap of another kind of predator - an intelligent one.
A/N: Hey hey, this is my first fic and first smut! And ofc, I started with the most degenerate bs I could do. I don't even simp Mahito, but my bestie is down bad and what type of friend I'd be if I didn't help them out. English isn't my first language and no beta. Be aware of the warnings, they are there for a reason. Otherwise enjoy and feel free to like and comment <3!
Read on ao3
It was utter madness. There were screams so chilling that your heart started to ache in an empathetic rhythm, but this was no time to be kind and understanding. It was time to survive and survive you wanted, but your legs refused to move.
You saw people running around like headless chickens, crossing the roads, bumping into each other, as creatures of various sizes and colors roamed the heart of Shibuya, hands and mouths gaping open, reaching to anyone they could. You stood still despite the sheer fear in you.
You looked at your friend, cold sweat forming on your brow as you assessed the situation. Her golden wig falling on the ground in the force of a purple hand grabbing her. She cried out to you. Her Sailor Moon wand replica fell to the asphalt with her other belongings. You had a good bit of distance between the two of you since you tried to run over the crossing road in a hurry towards KFC.
The purple hand squeezed remorselessly. You could see it in her face, the sound of little crackling of her rib cage turning to bits and pieces inside her body, puncturing every vital organ one by one.The hand kept on squeezing, probably not even using force. The creature dropped your friend’s body next to her items. She was disfigured and limp like a soggy rag doll. You had seen death once after losing your grandparents, but this was no peaceful death due to old age, this was a god forsaken massacre.
It was supposed to be a fun night out. You hadn’t dressed up in anything special, but you wanted to support your friend so you had gone to her place, a few hours prior ending up going outside, hoping for the warm buzz of alcohol in your veins and maybe, if you were lucky, a lover you could regret in the morning.
But in all honesty, this was a script from a horror movie. You had always joked with your friend how you both would be the first ones to die in one, but neither of you had been serious about it.
“Fucking move!” You heard a man yelling, snapping you out of your trance. The purple creature’s multiple eyes were all looking in different directions in search of another victim.
You did what the stranger told you to.
Your body pumped out adrenaline forcing your limbs to finally move with strength you did not recognize in yourself. You started running as fast as your legs could take you, neon lights of advertisements flashed on your face as blood of other party goers covered you as they were snapped open, ripped in half, guts and viscera leaking on the ground. Puddles of blood splashed on your calves when the soles of your boots hit the ground. You were just livestock running away from the butcher in a small room, knowing full well that there was no escape.
Metallic taste popped in your mouth as you evaded monsters and people alike. Some folks were brave enough to fight against the creatures of the night. You were not one of them.
You took a turn on the left. An alley behind some type of shady restaurant. You noted that somehow the screams had quieted down. Your breath came out at an uneven pace as your lungs fought for their life to give enough oxygen to your struggling body.
You leaned on the brick wall, heart beating in every part of your body utter exhaustion knocking on the door. Instead of collapsing you just trembled. This is not real. This is not real. This is not- a sob interrupted your frantic mind.
Searching for the source of the sound your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit alleyway locating a hunched over figure. A man? He cried heavily, rocking himself back and forth on the dirty ground as his hands fisted the black fabric of his trousers. He was sitting next to a dumpster that was filled to the brim with plastic bags almost not being able to contain the multitude of waste. In hindsight you probably should’ve left the man on his own to tend to the trash.
You assumed him to be a victim of the attack too. Or maybe he was just drunk, you told yourself with suspicion in your mind.
“Sir? Are you ok?” You asked as you got closer to the sobbing man. It seemed like he didn’t even notice you, he just kept shaking and muttering to himself in between sobs. You were fairly sure that he knew you were there and since there was no answer you decided to attempt consoling him.
You dropped down on his level and stroked his arm gently. You weren’t the best at this type of stuff, but you felt pity towards the blue haired stranger wallowing in his thoughts. Suddenly you felt his arms stretching around you holding onto you like a child embracing their favorite toy during duress.
Panic seeped into you. You didn’t know this man at all, but you figured that he needed this and honestly maybe you did need it too. Awkwardly you placed your hand on his head, your blouse getting wet from the stranger’s snot and tears. His hair was luscious and soft, in a different situation you might have even been jealous.
“It’s going to be.. okay?” That was honestly the best you could do in your state of shock. There was a weird sort of kinship in his breakdown. Had you not been still full of fight or flight reaction you would probably be in the same situation as he was. Instead you felt calm as a day almost clear headed.
Bit by bit he collected his demeanor. His shoulders still shook, but it no longer felt like he was a spare leaf in a summer storm.
“I know a place,” he said, head still against your chest. You heard him but you were confused by his words.
He raised his head now looking at you with his mismatched eyes. His face was full of stitch patterns as if he had been broken down and put together multiple times. You soon noticed him having that on his arms as well.
“Sorry, I meant that I know a place. I don’t think we are safe on the streets yet,” he said sniffling pathetically.
“You’re probably right. Where is it?” You asked.
Patch faced man stood up and offered his hand towards you which you gladly took and pushed yourself off from the asphalt. Having been in this place longer now, you really did not want to spend the last moments of your life next to the smell of biowaste and piss.
You walked behind the man who took determined steps towards the main street that was completely empty.
“Sorry I probably gave you a big scare,” he brushed his hands through his hair, swaying a few sections of almost ponytailed hair to the other side of his shoulder.
You wanted to say that there was no bigger scare, than the stuff that went down in the heart of Shibuya. A crying weird dude was a welcome change to the horrors, but you stayed quiet.
“My name is Mahito. Thank you for being there for me,” he smiled gently at you. You tried to return his smile as you told him your name.
“I like your name,” his tone was easy going and friendly.
“Here,” he pointed at an empty restaurant a few blocks further away from the alley.
The restaurant was still lit up, but completely empty. Its decor was homely and somehow very industrial. The lighting was warm and yellow with few pink-ish tints on the brick wall with a statement piece made out of pipes and lightbulbs. Overall it looked like a hipster’s favorite lunch place.
Some of the tables had half drunk beverages and meals. There were some spots where tableware had dropped on the floor and pieces of porcelain lay on the ground with napkins soaking into cream sauce.
Mahito found you both a clean booth and sat you down there as he sauntered over to the restaurant bar. You looked at him in confusion as he grabbed two clean glasses pouring soda from the soft drink dispenser.
“No harm in drinking something sweet after all this, right?” He said trying to smile again, yet it did not really reach his eyes. He seemed awfully cheery for a person that you had found crying just moments ago. It was as if he was wearing a mask. Maybe it’s a shock reaction, you intellectualized his behavior to yourself.
Mahito placed the drink in front of you as he sat next to you on the booth. You were squished between him and the restaurant window with nowhere to go. You hadn’t really noticed how big he was until now. You took a sip from the sweet drink looking at the bubbles that were forming on top of the dark liquid.
“So what happened to you?” You asked him, curiosity taking the best of you.
“I-,” he started confidently but quickly stopped. Mahito looked down at his hands that were placed on the cold table. You saw sadness on him.
“I watched how my friends died," he said quietly. “It was horrible. We were supposed to go to our favorite club. They were supposed to have some type of costume competition,” he explained.
“What are you supposed to be? It looks neat though, really real.” Maybe you tried to lighten the mood or maybe you were just really socially inept.
“Thanks, but uh, I’m not really supposed to be anything. I just learnt to play around with some sfx makeup. My big sis taught me,” he reminisced.
“I hope she’s not here too.”
You both fell silent, whether it was awkward or kind of nice you couldn’t decide. You had not even thought about your other friends that might have been stuck in the area as well. If there were any gods left you would make sure to pray to them every day were you to survive this hell of a night.
“I saw my friend dying too, by those monsters,” you said, sharing your own story.
“Really? What was it like?” His face seemed to light up in awe and as he did that you raised your eyebrow in slight annoyance.
“Sorry, that came out wrong. I just. I don’t know. It all happened so fast,” he quieted down again, seeming regretful of his words.
“Disgusting,” you said, not addressing his apology.
Mahito’s eyes were now on you staring at you like a hawk. You didn’t really notice that as your eyes seemed almost glassy looking at nowhere in particular.
“She had spilt her guts onto the street,” you choked out the words as the picture of your friends dead body stayed on your mind like a thistle.
“Was there a lot of blood?” You felt the warm breath on your cheek, but you were so deep in your mind that only displayed the picture of the hand closing on your friend. You saw her eyes again, her mouth open in a shrilling scream that almost got drowned in the other voices, but to you it was almost amplified, it was the only scream that really mattered. You saw the blood that she coughed up as her own body got crushed and what was meant to protect her and hold her upright punctured her to death.
“Yes.” It was just a whisper of a voice. A tear fell down on your lap and your lips were slightly parted, your body shuddering at the horrible memories. Mahito’s face was now nuzzled in your neck and his eyes were half lidded with a slight smile decorating his face.
“You poor thing,” he cooed. “I’m sorry”, something about his words did not feel sincere at all. The blue haired man’s body started shaking and you heard the most absurd sound that returned you to this moment. You knew you had not said anything funny, so why was he laughing?
Mahito was almost doubled over as he roared next to you. He started clapping his hands like this was the best thing he had heard in the century. He opened his eyes that were now watering from all the laughing and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“You humans are truly pathetic!” He kept on giggling. You pushed his hand off from your shoulder, your mind still in disarray trying to grasp the things he was saying. His words hurt you and it felt unbelievable that this is the way he would react since he had lost someone too or was his sob story a lie? Part of you wanted to curse at him, but some part of you, supposedly the sane one, told you to tuck your head down.
“Oh noo, my little friend had spilt her guts onto the street. Oh woe me! I saaw someone diiiee.” Mahito drew out every syllable as he was mocking you and your tone, making exaggerated sad expressions and he brought his fists to his cheeks to make a boo-hoo movement.
“You idiots die all the time.” Mahito’s face turned serious as he sneered at you. His mismatched gaze steeled on you as he stared you down saying nothing for the time being.
Every alarm was blaring in your mind. Time felt like it was stopping just like it did during the attack. Mahito no longer looked like the almost boyish lost figure that you had found having a panic attack. Now he reminded you of a crazed beast toying with its food and you weren’t about to stay to find out how far his unhinged behavior could go. You had to take your chance of leaving.
You pushed the table with all your might as you took hurried steps out of the booth quickly giving thanks to whoever had decided to not to nail the furniture on the ground permanently. Glasses of soft drink toppled over and rolled to the floor and shattered into hundred little pieces as you hopped clumsily over the crazy man’s body.
“Nuh-uh-uh,” Mahito grabbed your wrist, his nails tugging into your flesh painfully. He had now stood up and was towering over you with an unreadable face.
A faint smile appeared on his face and he looked almost gentle again.
“I’m not going to kill you,” his voice was smooth like one of the finest silk.
“Look- I’m sorry for you and whatever happened to you, but this clearly was a mistake. I hope you have a goo-”
“Shut up.”
Mahito inhaled as if he was smelling the most appetizing meal, relishing in the lack of your voice.
“Much better.”
He was still holding onto you as he raised his free hand on your face to caress your cheek in an attempt to calm you down. Guess it was his turn to be in this role, although at least you had been sincere about it.
“I’m not going to kill you,” Mahito repeated, his eyes trailing down to your lips.
“I do have something else in mind,” he said, taking his gaze back to your eyes.
You gulped audibly and managed to squeak out a question of what he had in mind then. You knew already. Of course you did.
“This theme of death and destruction. It reeaally has got me worked up,” Mahito monologues on.
“I might be a curse, but I’m not beyond needs. I am interested in the human soul and its weaknesses as well as its wickedness,” he kept talking as his thumb started to trail down slowly towards your jawline “but I’m also interested in this”, his hand stopped at your throat.
His touch was feather light and had it not been this psychopath of a man touching you you’d gladly welcome it. Mahito’s words didn’t make a lot of sense to you, but you got the gist of it with threats and all.
“You can choose to fight me.”
He now had his whole palm on your oesophagus, his mismatched eyes shining dangerously.
“But you will lose.”
Mahito squeezed gently as a warning and let go of the wrist he was holding. He grabbed you by your scalp, bunching up some of your hair to tilt your head upwards.
“Do this with me and I’ll let you live. Maybe you even have a good time as well, or maybe I don’t care for your comfort at all and I’ll ditch you to the streets half dead with your panties tangled up in your ankles for the whole world to see your shame,” he blabbered on and stopped. He looked like he was thinking about something really important, pursing his lips together, tipping his head side to side like a cartoon character.
“I haven’t really decided yet,” his voice was sinister.
Your body had gone cold. Do this and he’ll let me live, you thought to yourself fighting the urge to flee. You didn’t want to anger him further, not that there was any winning chance with this man at all. Everything had gone the way he wanted from the moment you had laid your eyes on him.
“Okay, I want to live,” you rasped out.
Mahito looked content, almost affectionate. ”They always do.”
After those words the world turned into a haze. His lips were soft and plump. He was a demanding kisser, not that you even had imagined him to be a kisser in the first place. You thought that you would be simply bent over, but Mahito proved you wrong. Not because he cared, but because he simply did what he wanted to and this was what he desired.
He might have promised you pleasure, if you agreed to do this somewhat willingly but his soul was tainted, and you knew that were you to find enjoyment under him, it would be just a happy surprise to you.
His tongue delved into your mouth. It felt gross. Invading. His hands had moved to your waist going all the way down to your ass squeezing too hard to your liking. He swiftly lifted you up and placed you on the now dirty table where you had been hanging out just moments prior. His boots made crackling sounds as he stepped on the pieces of glass.
You felt sticky as the cola seeped onto your skirt’s fabric but Mahito did not seem to care. He pulled your hair, exposed your neck and bit as his other hand groped your breasts with force bordering on pure pain. Tears were forming in your eyes as your body and mind fought each other.
“You know you should feel special,” his breath felt hot against your neck. “Not everyone is able to see me, let alone touch me”
“Yet here you are.” He pressed his tongue on your cheek and licked away the one spare tear.
He ripped open your blouse cold breeze kissing your torso, before Mahito’s hands were on it. He grabbed your bra, stretching out the fabric with both of his hands until it snapped. He threw the remnants of your underwear on the ground placing his palms on your bare chest. He played and kneaded the tender flesh, arousal waking up in your core.
Mahito pulled you closer to him, your skirt hiking up till your hips with the fabric pressing on your skin, leaving you feeling uncomfortable. You felt him against your clothed sex, only his trousers, your stockings and panties between the two of you. Your breath hitched and his eyes darkened even more.
“I like this look on you humans, when you feel conflicted as to what to feel,” he teased you with shadows dancing on his face as the overhead light got covered by his head.
“He’s a bad man, he’s a crazy man, but why oh why do I like it?” His voice got higher as he imitated a feminine voice, playing up the caricature of a woman.
He pressed his hand between your legs, swiping slowly up feeling the moisture that had gathered there.
“Case in point,” he grinned satisfied. His fingers stopped at the sensitive bud and he started making slow circles looking intently at your face savoring every micro expression as you involuntarily bucked your hips up.
Your cheeks were burning up as small moans escaped your lips. You fought with yourself, tears threatening to spill over as your body moved on its own. What would your friend think if she saw you like this? She had suffered the most tragic death and this man had mocked you in the middle of a crisis and now you were enjoying his attention.
It was as if Mahito knew what buttons to press to get you going. You closed your eyes as you panicked under his touch. He applied more pressure on you as you helplessly grabbed the side of the table. Mahito’s grin widened the stitches on his face stretching out.
“Any self respecting woman would have run by now, even if it meant that they’d get killed in the process, yet you chose to spread your legs wide open to me,” he mused as he continued playing with you.
“You really must want me!” He let out a cold chuckle. Everything he said and did felt like an amateur theater student’s performance. He loved excess, big movements, big emotions - he was like a chaos incarnate. Insane, you thought to yourself, that’s what he was.
His fingers traveled on your panties over to the spot where he reckoned your entrance was and pressed lightly inside leaving a wet mark on the fabric.
He snaked his hands under your stockings waistband and started pulling them down with your panties. The only clothes you had on yourself were the buttonless blouse and a miniskirt that hid nothing. Mahito opened his trouser’s zipper and pulled himself out, giving a few languid pumps to his length.
“What do you say, you show me how much you want me and we’ll see how wet you can get when you service me?” He proposed already dragging you off the table and pushing you towards his cock.
You lost your balance and both your knees and an arm pressed on the glass shards on the stone floor as you tried to not to fall on your face. You winced from pain and you saw blood trickling down as Mahito laughed at your discomfort. Thankfully the pieces were not very big and they’d only leave a surface level wound but it still didn’t lessen the pain.
“Say aah!” Mahito grabbed your chin pushing his cock on your lips, smearing himself over your face.
You took him in your mouth hesitantly, a slightly salty tasty spread on your tongue. Unlike you, he did not hesitate and quickly snapped his hips forward setting up a brutal pace. You tried to be careful of your teeth as Mahito’s hands found themselves in your scalp.
It was hard to breathe, drops of saliva dripping on your chin and bare chest. All you could do was gurgling pathetically at his assault.
Mahito’s grip on your hair tightened as he hummed and moaned happily, an expression of pleasure on his wicked features. His voice got loud, unashamed of the way he was sloppily face fucking you. His sounds did something sinful to you, sending sparks straight to your core. It was a losing war you were fighting and Mahito reveled in it. You moved your own hand into your folds in a desperate attempt to relieve the burn in you earning genuine laughter from the man.
“Now we are talking, you’re getting into this aren’t you?”
Mahito pushed you towards his pelvis forcing himself down your throat, your nose pressing onto his skin. You were choking and your body involuntarily thrashed around him, but he kept you firmly in place.
“Relax, keep it there,” his voice was out of breath as you spasmed around him helplessly. You tried to bear it, but every passing second proved your task harder. You squeezed your eyes shut feeling the trails of mascara in various stages of drying on your cheeks.
Mahito pulled himself out with a loud groan. You were gasping for air as violent coughs shook your frame, his cock still standing in front of you in all its glory.
“You’ve got a splendid mouth, but right now I’m craving your cunt.”
There were no breaks for you as he manhandled you up and pushed your torso against the table. Your tits pressed against the cold wood, your hips pressing on the sides of the table. You felt messy, degraded even, as your slightly wet face came in contact with the surface.
Mahito started pushing in you carefully and you gasped, when you felt him widening you forcing you to make space for him.
“W-what about protection?” You talked for the first time.
“Not on the pill, eh? Well don’t worry your pretty head about it, it wouldn’t work anyways,” he said and sheathed himself fully in you.
Then it began. Skin against skin, noises of pleasure filled the empty restaurant leaving only your ever increasing cries reverberating in the establishment. His hips kept snapping onto yours, chest heaving as he panted and moaned. You loved the sounds that you both made your cunt tightening around him when an especially beautiful whine left his mouth.
You cried out loud when he found that one spot inside of you after one particularly powerful thrust. Your brows furrowed, hands seeking a place to hold onto as you quietly said his name. You hoped that he wouldn’t notice, but of course he did. Riled up from your reactions he made sure to angle himself so that he’d get to see your further succumb to the decadence of his actions.
His hands trailed towards your neck admiring how your hair was sprawled out messily, some strands sticking to your swollen lips. He massaged your back finally digging his nails into it and scratched it for fun.
“Isn’t that- ah- something”, you tried talking, “I’m supposed to do?” You were referencing his peculiar actions.
“Already thinking of the next position? We’ll see about that,” he jested but his words lacked bite as he pleasured himself using you.
Your back was burning as he kept swiping across leaving pink streaks on your skin. He grabbed your throat and squeezed gently, not trying to restrict the flow of your breath. He had had enough of that for now. It was merely a gesture to show who had the real power here.
You were getting close feeling the familiar coil about to snap. His movements got rougher and more sporadic. He drove into you like a beast, going deep into you at times hitting your cervix. You babbled incoherently, no longer caring for how you appeared, the only thing occupying your mind was the need to sprint to the finish line.
Your thighs trembled as you were on your tiptoes. The table inched forwards every time Mahito drove his cock in you. He was nearing his own end. He placed his fingers on your clit rubbing it haphazardly, partially disregarding how sensitive it was, hoping that this would drive you off the edge.
You didn’t know where pleasure and pain started or ended. They melt together creating one hell of an addicting concoction and you wanted more. Gods, how you did want more, your juices dripping on your thighs. You felt lightheaded and suddenly the sparks turned into a flame that engulfed you, spreading to even the most distant parts of your body.
Mahito fucked you through your orgasm and somewhere in your haze you felt him still when his cock pulsated in you as your body involuntarily returned the favor. Some part of your brain that was still present wanted to push him off, tell him to mark you somewhere else, anywhere else but there.
The blue haired man collected his breathing as relaxation coursed in his body. He pulled himself out of you looking curiously at the spot where you were just connected, delighted when he saw him trickling down your cunt. “Beautiful,” he muttered to himself as he looked at the wreck of a woman in front of him. The woman stayed put, probably too tired to move.
The restaurant door opened and heavy footsteps thumped on the floor.
“Is this really the best usage of your time?” He was disapproving.
Ah Choso, ever the killjoy. Mahito turned around not caring that the man who just came in would see all of him.
“God, put that thing away,”Choso said exasperatedly.
“We’ve been looking for you. Geto’s getting antsy when he doesn’t know our whereabouts,” Choso explained, taking a quick peek at the woman laying against the table not looking one bit more aware of her situation.
You were vaguely conscious, body and mind bruised from the event that just took place. Hands still ghosted over your skin even though you knew that Mahito was not paying attention to you at all. You felt exhausted, so exhausted that you felt yourself slipping to your mind looking for somewhere safe. It was like a dark veil was put on you, your vision blurred looking at the two outlines of men. Who was the other one again?
“Aw, that’s a bummer. I wanted to have more fun,” Mahito said, pouting.
“I think you’ve had enough of that already. Let’s go,” Choso turned his back to the idiot of a curse.
“Goodbye sweetie, try to get into a better position. You’ll break your neck like that,” Mahito addressed you jokingly as the wooden door shut behind them.
Breathing heavily you watched the two men walk outside from the huge windows. Mahito was practically skipping forwards while the dark haired man put his hands in his pockets and shook his head. Muffled laughter reached your ears and you were sure you’d recognize that sound for the rest of your life.
You maneuvered yourself up, body wobbling as if you were training to walk on a tightrope. You stretched out your arms rolling your shoulders to relieve the tension gathered in your tired muscles. You pulled your skirt down and tugged at the remnants of your blouse against your chest in a desperate attempt to cover yourself up.
You looked around the restaurant spotting a low table with couches as the seats. They were too small for an adult to lie down on, but that would do. You fluffed up the pillow and curled up into a ball skin feeling sticky due to all kinds of substances, but that was the least of your problems.
You wondered miserably, did this count as survival. If it did, the gods that let you still draw your breath had a shit sense of humor.
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jay-joy113 · 8 days
Ghost yandere who has not seen people in AGES and is hooked the moment he sees you entering his home.
Now, usualy people aren't stupid enough to enter a haunted ass hause in the middle of the woods.
But you are horny and heard that you can get some cock if you bring an ouija board to call a handsome spirit.
So midnight, you went there and did all the shit you saw on internet.
Safe to say not even the ghost understood what you did. Those rituals were all wrong, like why the fuck did you sacrifice your underwere?? Hes not complaing tho.
But he gets that you are just as needy as him (SOMEHOW)
So he shows himself.
You straight up go simp mode, something about being an professional monster fucker.
Afther half an hour of you rambling he gets tired and just drags you to his room.
There is not much foreplay to be honest, since hes basicly plasma? You just know it fills you in all the right places, its almost as if hes liquid.
Yall go for many, MANY, rounds. I mean, hes fuking dead, he has endless stamina.
When he does eventualy stop ponding you its because he got bored of you passed out.
When you wake up, youll see that your clothes were changed for an sleeping gonw, some fuzzy socks but even with a tick blanket all the ghost cum pooling out of you is giving you shivers.
Hes right beside you all the time. He apologizes for not giving you a bath, saying that he would if the water still came into his home.
He says about how lonely he is and how happy he is you wanted to marry him.
Wait what.
Marry him?
You notice you are a bit too light.
Thanks for reading
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Within his grasp...
A certain someone (you know who you are) somehow made me even MORE of a simp for Jade. Can you believe that?!
This may or may not be the result of that...
Warning(s): delusional yandere, kidnapping, biting
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That was a wonderful day, looking back on it...
He was frustrated at the time, yes, a no doubt delicious piece of meat had somehow managed to wriggle away from him, but now...
Now... he looks back on that day fondly...
For that was the day he met the love of his life.
He can remember everything about that day. Your pathetic flailing, your adorable crying, your scream of pure pain and agony... the taste of your flesh...
Ah... he just can't wait to see you again!
He wants to experience all of that again... but the two of you don't even speak the same language.
But he doesn't care. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.
He NEEDS you.
He just needs you... he needs to taste you again... he needs to feel you squirming in his grasp... he needs you to love him.
He thinks you're such a... strange little creature. Your kind clearly isn't built for the water, so why is it that you're drawn to it?
It must be him.
You come to the water even though your species is built for the land... it must be because you love him. You want to see him again, just as he wants to see you again.
You look so scared everytime you're near the water, though...
Ah! That must be because you're scared you'll never see him again! That has to be it!!
You won't have to be scared much longer...
You used to love going to the sea, but... after what happened, you just can't bring yourself to get in the water.
You still have the scar from where that... thing took a chunk out of your thigh...
Disappearances have spiked since that near-death-experience you had.
You're worried that...
No... that can't be it...
That's just... unrealistic.
Now, both concoctions are complete.
One to temporarily make him into one of your kind, and...
One to permanently make you into one of his kind.
A strange man arrived in town the other day.
According to people, he's very strange, and doesn't say anything to anyone, or at the very least he doesn't say much. People have said he says some specific phrases, and... and...
A certain name.
...there... has to be someone else in this town with that name, right?
As you're trying to wrap your head around the situation, somebody knocks on your door.
You wonder who it could be, not many people in the town just visit you out oof nowhere.
You open the door, and see-
Ah... that strange man... is at your door.
"Hell...o... ag...ain...!" He said, a smile on his face. He was clearly straining himself to speak.
"What do you mean 'again'? We've never met-"
He pushed past you, letting himself in your house.
"W-what?! You can't just come inside!" You yelled.
He was excitedly looking around your house.
That was when you realized something. Everything was just a bit... off about him.
He was just a bit too tall... his smile was just a bit too wide... his teeth were too sharp, his eyes looked wrong, his nails were too sharp...
He... he can't be human.
After he finished rummaging through your stuff, and smiled at you once more, leading you to realize that... he had too many teeth... that's definitely not a normal amount...
"Jade." He told you, a hand on his chest.
"Is that... your name?" You asked. "But why did you know mine...?"
He suddenly grabbed your arm, and then he bit into it. You screamed out in pain and fear before tearing your arm away from him. He was blushing profusely as he swallowed your blood and the chunk of meat he'd taken off of your arm.
...hang on...
This bite mark... it looks exactly the same as the scar on your thigh...
That's when it hit you.
This mysterious person in your house is the monster that attacked you that day.
Jade suddenly grabbed you by the chin, and forced a bottle into your mouth.
The liquid was thick, almost like honey or mollasses, but without the sweet taste... no, this tasted horrible, like rotting fish and eel guts...
He held your mouth shut, preventing you from spitting it out.
So, with no other option... you swallowed it.
It took effect almost immediately.
Your body violently began its transformation to a form more suited to the water.
Jade picked you up and ran out of the house with you, he knew that soon your lungs would adapt to the sea and you would begin to suffocate without the water.
You couldn't protest, you were too focused on the pain.
Jade threw you into the water as you screamed in pain and agony.
He could feel the potion he took beginning to wear off, too.
Once the pain subsided, you were left shaking and heavily breathing. What was that?!
That's when you looked down at your body. Slightly bloody fins were protruding from your arms, and...... your legs were gone.
Someone dove into the water. From the face, you could tell ot was Jade, but...everything else about him was completely inhuman. He looked more like an eel than a person.
Jade coiled himself around you, affectionately speaking in a language you couldn't understand. He softly bit into your neck, casing you to moan slightly in pain.
Then, he whipered to you, something you could understand loud and clear.
"I love you."
You were finally within his grasp once more.
And he would make sure you never escape again.
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Gun Park ; Park Jonggun x Reader! (headcannons)
A/N: Here's for the delulu simps like me bc why not :) Genre: fluff? (I guess) pairing: character x reader (gender neutral don't mind the pics if you're a dude reading this lol)
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Headcannon: I don't really think Gun is affectionate? This may sound off putting for some but I just think he doesn't really care about dating. This man is obsessed with fighting.
But it will be a miracle if you managed to make this gangster fall for you. His type is pretty much someone who is physically strong yet still being fair and just. He really hates bratty and whiny people (except for Goo but he's still an ass tbh).
If you're the soft and quiet type, Gun won't bother you too much. He will just let you be. In fact it's much better like that because he's not really too talkative unless something interesting caught his attention (about gangs and crews to no one surprise). If you're really friendly and somehow bubbly yet act and think in a mature manner in tough situations he might peek a slight interest on you.
If you're physically weaker he won't mind being your personal body guard if you have the power (like money) to pay him off. If you're just acting like a damn coward he won't care in the first place and he'll let you solve your own problems. But if you really need assistance (at some points he does understand that not everybody is able to protect themselves from others) and if he doesn't mind your presence, he'll be willing to kick someone's ass to protect you. And if he sees a potential in your combat skills he would whoop you off in training.
But despite being a fearless monster at times, I do think Gun still likes a partner who still cares for him yet not too clingy. Someone who will be able to show it in their own and unique way is what I mean. I think he'll appreciate it if his partner can handle themselves on their own because he's really busy most of the time. He also finds it attractive when their partner puts effort on everything that they do and not giving up despite their situations getting shitty at times. He thinks that characteristic is one of the things that makes them strong, at least in a mental and emotional way.
If he started catching feelings for you, I'm sorry but it wouldn't be too obvious. It's just Gun being Gun. He's not really the flirty type of guy, but I guess his love language will be acts of service. Examples are when he opens the door for you and letting you walk in first and protecting you from everybody who tries to lay a finger on you. You may think that he's just doing his job, but the more times you spent together his attraction will be a little bit more obvious.
Not really the jealous type but he'll go a bit bonkers when someone tries to talk to you because of their really foul intentions. He'll use that ass as his personal punching bag if they ever tried to touch you. He might get a bit jealous with Goo when the blonde talks to you too much but he doesn't really mind for the most part. He knows that bastard is just messing around.
When Gun confesses to you, he'll be casual and cool about it. There's no hint of nervousness in his voice or body language. And he will talk about his feelings on the most random scenarios which can make you flabbergasted since it's really unexpected tbh. "Y/N, this may sound a bit intriguing but I think I like you in a really different way. You seemed very fascinating and it makes me really excited. I wouldn't mind if I made you my partner right now".
If you don't like him, you may see a bit of a disappointed frown on his lips and he'll apologize for being "rude". However he'll pretty much get over with it and move on. Yes, it's that fast. At least he confessed earlier before his feelings turn more intense. And he'll still be acquaintances with you if you don't mind. But he'll respect your decision if he makes you uncomfortable and he'll get a new job.
BUTTTT, if you REALLY LIKE HIM he'll get a bit surprised that you caught feelings for him. He wouldn't expect someone like you to fall in love with someone like him. And if you somehow see the good in him despite him being a total psycho in fighting, he'll actually appreciate it.
Gun will also appreciate if you cook for him after he's done with work. Fast food and take out taste good but he just thinks it's really unhealthy if he eats too much calories and fat. So preparing simple dishes is enough for him.
Not really a fan of PDA and public dates? Gun knows that you and him are dating. So it doesn't mean that both of you always need to go outside and waste your money in Disney Land 💀. But if you're pushy about it he can't do anything about it since in some ways he does want you to enjoy even if he's hating every single inch being in a childish amusement park. So expect him to have that poker face for a very long period of time lmao. But still, he probably enjoys it in some way and finds it a bit hilarious when you screech at the top of your lungs at rides and he's just staring at you like -_- "It's not even that scary" "SHUT UP I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF A HEART ATTACK THERE!". Knowing that this bastard loves thrills that will make him enliven, he wouldn't hesitate to put you in situations that will shock you in a good and bad way (like letting you ride a roller coaster) but he's not that boneheaded to put you in potential harm and push you off to your limits (unlike Goo who is a crack headed bastard).
He's not really empathetic but he will try to understand your situations when you're not emotionally well. If you're upset because of someone else's fault Gun will probably confront the person (even beating them if they tried to fight back and not being honest). But if he feels like you need to work on yourself, prepare to hear some constructive criticisms on his side. His words might sound harsh but he's trying his best to help you out, so don't take anything personally in a negative way.
Gun wouldn't really mind cuddling with you. It also calms his mind and body. And for him, it feels a bit different. Almost weird if you asked me. Now, don't get me wrong in some type of way he does like spending some time with you especially when he has his day off (which rarely happens my apologies). He's just really used with moving his body and beating 500 or more enemies. But he does find it a bit relaxing to get a break with you even for a single day.
Overall he's not the romantic boyfriend but not the worst if you're not ticking him off. It can be a challenge to get along with Gun with the first place so good luck with that.
A/N: I'll probably make a NSFW with Gun but I still haven't finished UI Daniel so if you don't mind, you can be patient about me procrastinating lol good night.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
hiii! I saw that you already did dad headcanons, but I was wondering how you think those same boys would react to hearing the news about their s/o being pregnant. And how would they break it to the crew?
A/N: OP Boys As Daddies Here! Enjoy!
Next part will have Cora and Law <3
Monster Trio React to Their S/O Being Pregnant (SFW)
Cw: VERY SLIGHT mentions of abortion
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft., Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
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I mean it was bound to happen.
Not saying Sanji has a breeding kink, but he has a breeding kink. He got with you and just didn’t know wtf pull out meant.
Plus he does not believe in condoms.
But none the less Sanji would be a treat to tell
It was after dinner and you and Sanji were talking as he cleaned and you wanted to let him know gently because he was a very dramatic man.
“Ji… how do you feel about kids?”
He answers you with glee, he loves kids, he always wanted to have a little family of his own with you once you all achieve your goals. It actually ends up calming the nerves you began to have.
You kept asking baby questions and eventually he turned around and caught on.
“Y/n….what are you trynna tell me…”
“I am pr—-“
The words didn’t even come out of your mouth yet his eyes lit up like a light and he grabbed you tightly crying on your shoulder not even believing you at first until you brought him the pregnancy test.
He still has it btw.
Sanji somehow had a suspicion you were pregnant. He knows your body better than yourself, so even though he cried a little he was happy that his assumptions were correct.
You both didn’t even sleep that night, you just kept talking about your future. You had to hold him to keep him still he just couldnt stop jumping around
As for how you both announced the pregnancy he wanted to tell everybody at breakfast so he made a feast. When Robin asked what the occasion was he grabbed you by the hand and told everyone.
“Y/N and I….are pregnant.” :)
Luffy: Men can’t get pregnant…
None the less it was super sweet and honestly you becoming pregnant changed him in a pleather of ways.
He became more mature, protective, vigilant, calm, and even slowed down on his simping for other women. Because now that you have his baby inside you
You both are his only focus now.
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He didn’t believe you but Chopper was the one to tell you both actually which was really cute because they both nearly fainted.
Also He actually doesn’t understand how you could have gotten pregnant
“Yeah, but i thought after you take a shower it all comes out.”
Bless him
Though his reaction is a bit …delayed best believe he does become happy.
Shocked, but happy.
He will respect your decision whether you want to keep the baby or not but deep inside he hopes you keep it
But thank God you do!
You actually caught him doing that and teased him all day.
He becomes a damn menace though.
He steals parenting books from the library and reads them after training. Even though he acts like having a baby isnt a big deal he is internally panicking.
He wants the best for both you and the baby and it shows in the most annoying way though.
He doesnt even tell the crew yet because he believes them knowing would stress you out
However Zoro is doing that all alone himself
“What are you doing?”
“I cant get up?”
“Its not good for the baby!”
“….i have to pee….AND IM LIKE 2 WEEKS PREGNANT AND IT IS???”
The crew found out because Zoro was upset
You and Zo are known for drinking together alot but of course you stopped and plenty of people began to notice everytime you turned down a drink.
You were sitting on Zo’s lap by the fire with everyone and even Luffy was drinking except you.
“Y/N are you sick? Why arent you drinking?”
“She cant.”
“Because i said so, Luffy.”
“Youre not the boss of Y/N she can drink if she wanna—“
Cue in the dramatics.
Zoro to this day slaps his head thinking about how harshly he made sure YOU and Chopper won’t spill but he ended up doing it himself.
But his worries were diminished realizing the amount of well support you both got from the crew since then.
Zoro puts your safety above his every single time and actually gets mad when you don’t listen.
He takes more care of hisself and he isn’t too reckless when he is fighting. For the first time in his life he knew his life was worth taking care of for his future family.
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Doesn’t get it, but he is a good sport
When you and Chopper tell him he just can’t understand???
“Who’s baby is it?”
“I thought you said if i pull out you wouldn’t get—“
“PULLING OUT BEFORE You ejaculate not AFTER—“
Not until you’re about 2 maybe 3 months and showing is when he finally registers he is going to be a dad.
Every month up until then he looks at you and wonders why you don’t drink, fight, or any thing that you usually do until FINALLY Law explains it to him like he’s 5.
Now that he is up to speed about you being pregnant he suddenly becomes pregnant?
You got cravings? So do Luffy.
You want cake and tacos at 2am
Bless Sanji heart because Luffy do too
He actually ends up gaining a little bit of weight but it wasn’t even noticeable really, he trains too the rubber man really just bulked up
Luffy was showing his concern of being a father to Robin alot. He didn’t want to worry you in thinking he didn’t want the kid especially if you were willing to rid of the baby if he suggested.
Overrall during pregnancy he intrust the crew to watch over you when he leaves. He has complete trust to make sure you are okay and well and healthy.
A few cute things is he will have some moments where he stretches out his belly to bump yours, talk to the baby, sing to it, and even place his hat on your tummy always reminding him or her that their daddy will be the king of the pirates.
You honestly believe you having this baby has matured him in ways you didn’t think was possible.
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luminarii · 1 year
How I thought the internet would react to every character VS how they actually react to every character
-how i thought the internet would react to each Avatar: tWoW character-
Jake Sully: He's mean and a bad father :/
Neytiri: The most badass goddess in existence
Neteyam: Aww why did he have to go :/
Kiri: She's awesome but also really strange, don't know how to feel about her
Lo'ak: Cute but dumb
Spider: Avatar fandom is torn between people who love him and people who hate him
Tsireya: So pretty!! (ships forever with Lo'ak)
Aonung: Jerk
Rotxo: Also a jerk but less so than Aonung
Quaritch: Evil monster, gross and annoying
Tonowari: (no opinions on him/very small fanbase)
Ronal: (no opinions on her/very small fanbase)
*Bonus* Payakan: Aww how cute he's such a protective friend of Lo'ak :)
-how the internet actually reacts to each Avatar: tWoW character-
Neytiri: Virtually no mentions of her except "she looks awesome"
Neteyam: Huge fanbase simping for him, mostly teenagers. Everyone refuses to acknowledge that he is dead :-)
Kiri: Is somehow the Meme Queen™ of the fandom
Lo'ak: Virtually no one ships him with Tsireya wth
Spider: Everyone in the fandom is ready to write a 27 page long essay on why Spider is a Good Boi™
Tsireya: I see more Tsireya x Neteyam ships than Tsireya x Lo'ak ships, wth
Aonung: Somehow loved by everyone in the fandom; "he's just a misunderstood bby uwu"
Rotxo: Only ever mentioned in fics and only in the company of Aonung
Quaritch: Hot evil DILF OwO
Tonowari: So many DILF fics of him oh my Eywa
Ronal: Virtually does not exist in the fandom
*Bonus* Payakan: Lots and lots of fanart of "Na'vi!Payakan" and they actually made him look handsome wth
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× cw: general yandere stuff; gamer slang; some manipulation; teeny tiny bit of gatekeeping (🤏 just a small bit)
× note: was rereading orv and thought "hey what if i made the system a big ass simp for one person" ill develop this world i swear its just a concept for now
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⌗ The world is no longer the same one you used to know. Ever since January 28, 20xx, the world has been turned into a video game for the entertainment of the Guardians. 「The System」 has absolute reign over the “game” and mere humans, Icons, as they are called by the Guardians, are little playthings for their amusement. 
⌗ You’re just a college student in their third year doing their best to survive the already cutthroat world of law, when your entire world is turned upside down. People are killing each other left right and center, monsters that should only be seen in fantasy media emerge from nowhere, and you’re all alone(not really) in a strange and foreign place. 
⌗ Somehow, you manage to survive for six months on your own, and you’ve been dubbed as the Icon of Fortune by Guardians and humans alike, with how much the odds are always in your favour. You happen to stumble across S-tier gear in the middle of the road, or food conveniently appears when you need it the most. You’re not the strongest or most agile person, but your stats are higher than average because of the luxurious chests containing EXP points that seem to spawn just before you turn around. Are you using cheat codes or something?!
「The System」 The System is rooting for you :)
⌗ On the seventh month after The Change, 「The System」 announces a major update. Guardians who sponsor a human can now appear as their companion, should they choose to do so. Of course this benefits both parties. You don’t have a Guardian as a patron, so this update is useless to you, but all that changes when an unknown Guardian sends you a message. 
“Take me as your patron. I can give you any and everything you will ever need to get a good ending.”  
⌗ What do you have to lose? Every human benefits from having a Guardian Patron. The only downside is that you are bonded for life, so you have to make the decision carefully. No other Guardian has sent you a request before, so you gladly accept. As soon as you do so, a handsome man appears before your very eyes, a charming smile on his lips and a hand extended to you. When he speaks, his voice has a very familiar sound:
「The System」 The System promises to never let you down or desert you.
⌗ Your Patron is 「The System」. Have a good game.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 2 years
i saw your uchihas post, and i wanted to ask if you could do if ALL the uchihas [ plus indra] [ yandere] had a crush on the reader? i like that kind of stuff. please and thanks. also, have a good day!
That's a fucking chaos , I'm in.
Who would you choose? Tell me in the comments also request if you want a part of how it would be like when you tell them you choose them and what it would be like afterwards.
Tw: yandere , my typical cursing , slight nsfw in madaras part (that fucking flirt )
Requests open.
Soooo not only all the Uchiha has but also 2 fucking war gods having a crush on you? Yeah imagine the chaos
But somehow they managed to get to an agreement and try to see who could make you fall for them. Almost everyone had their own intention of hot to take you away from the others ( not the courage high as my ego ones tho)
So it was like , you get your privacy after a date to think and stuff, ofc , everyday someone else gets to spend time with you
You can guess every single one of those yandere asses tried to talk you into choosing them
His dates were sweet , a contrast to the personality you usually see on him. He was sweet and nice , but something felt off
You got your courage together and asked :" Indra why does it feel like you planned something?" He shrugged it off :" you've just never seen me toilet this before but that's alright , not everyone has to see past the monster . Only a few ," He stopped and looked at you " or only one"
It was true , his sudden change to sweet was nice but felt off bc usually that's when people planned something .
But lucky for you this wasn't the case with Indra , his courage in making you fall for him was higher than the clouds .
Madara(added bc he's my 2nd favorite)
classic but impressively expensive dates. Showing off and not to mention showing up in a perfect suit that made him look SO fine. and he knew it every damn time that you loved how it suited him
He is such a gentleman and his courage was visible the whole time. He knew you wouldn't be able to not fall for him. He knew your simping ass too well
"so how are you today darling?" He asked after sitting down in front of you , smirking. (I didn't mention he's flirty , did i?) "Good , and you ?" You replied normal and a bit too dry but he didn't mind . " I'm feeling perfect after seeing you " you smiled and he continued " especially in your suit/dress" he leaned forward closer to your ear , you blushed at how close he was . The perfect colone he put on filling your nostrils . He whispered :" but I think you would look better without them darling~" his voice was low and highly seductive
If you weren't blushing mad red before , now you were.
Dates at his home , enjoying his cooking and having a sweet time . You both laughed , wandered through the village (itachi in his disguise) and chatting about the most random topics
You felt at ease around him , Itachi is soft and warm hearted + a good cook
The day was spent wandering around , chatting , chilling at his home with the best food ever + seeing him smile
Itachis courage isn't as high as Indras or Madaras but he doesn't want to play dirty tricks just to win you over
He took you out to ichakaru ramen and wasn't his crumpy self for once
After that he took you to the beautiful lake near village and grabbed your hand while walking "so u don't get lost" was his excuse . Sasuke isn't experienced with dates and affection but he's trying
When you both arrived there you chatted and Sasuke slightly tried to get information about you Wich man you liked the most. "Wouldn't you like to know?" You chuckled and stopped as you heard a soft chuckle next to you . "Oh sorry " he quickly said and turned his attention to the lake
" you should do that more often" you said and he looked at you again , now a smile present on his lips "thank you" " no problem and you should smile more too it looks good on you" you smiled
Sasuke was trying his best to play fair fearing you would notice it if he tried to manipulate you . You were a smart Shinobi after all. he didn't have his hopes up too much tho
A restaurant , an expensive one . He showed up in a suit . It too complimented his body . He brought some roses for you and your favorite pralines . How does he know that? (Well he'll always have a eye for you and on you)
He isn't flirty like Madara but he does spice up a convo slightly .
He walked you home , a tension between you two was present but he didn't act on it not knowing it it was worth it anyways . Maybe you weren't into him at all?
Who would you choose? Tell me in the comments also request if you want a part of how it would be like when you tell them you choose them and what it would be like afterwards.
Do they reveal their yandere side?
Requests open!
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
basically, s/o is kinda bat shit CRAZY. I'm talking about full blown like serial killer who would kill people in odd ways crazy. Basically, s/o lost their mind. BUT, THEY LOOK FANTASTIC. like, they look like the type to do that, but still very pretty. Kinda like mob-wife pirate vibes when it comes to her wardrobe and stuffs. Shes like, super loud as well!!
Hmmm, i will try my best. I hope you like this!!!
UnderFellSans X Reader
When unferfell sans meets reader, it was when he was at his post.
He was half asleep there intel he hears a scream.
He would telaport over there, just to see who was the poor fuck that's dieing.
What meets him was somthing he was not expecting.
There, was a cute ass human killing a monster.
If this was normal sans, he would have tried to stop them but fell sans just stands there.
Aw strucked.
After the human was done.
Fell sans would make his move.
He would go next to reader, lean on a tree, and speaks.
FellSans: "you like jazz?"
Reader would be surprised and ask why they aren't running away.
Fell sans: "Nah sweetheart. I like seeing a demon know what they are doing~"
Ya, this dude got it bad.
He would be with reader when they go into snowdin.
There, he would somehow convince his brother not to capture reader or hurt them.
Papyrus fight them though and sees how strong they are.
He would be fine with reader dating sans since they seem to be a reliable mate.
Fellsans and reader would beat up and kill some monsters here and there when reader becomes blood thirsty.
Dude, this dude would be so fucking turned on when he watches reader kill and laugh like crazy.
He loves when somone is powerful.
This dude is a simp.
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arcsin27 · 2 years
Reviewing all the stories in junji ito maniac because I can, fuck you :)
The strange hikizuri siblings - uhh okay. Not scary nothing even happened. Okay a guy was a jealous simp, little kids are just like that, some guy threw up bread dough ig, then a ghost stared at everyone for a while and dipped the end
The story of the mysterious tunnel - Jesus Christ that was pretty spooky what the hell. Lost my marbles when he assumed the drop was water, and the kid in the ceiling fucked me up with her voice (dub) and screams
Ice cream bus - im never eating ice cream again. Jokingly compared the driver to William afton fnaf in the beginning but he was somehow worse. The dad pushing the kid away jumpscared me, then horrified me, and I needed a break from the show
Hanging balloon - so absurd it was kinda funny. The nonlinear storytelling added a bit if spook as I slowly realized who was at the window but idk the concept was just funny to me. Also I was so happy someone finally showed up to a horror plot strapped until I saw the result. Sorry random Chad with a crossbow, wish you coulda helped…
Four x four walls - thought something horrific would happen outside and he wouldn’t hear it but it didn’t, thought soichi was famous for being scary but he wasnt, I think this was like a comic relief in episode form. No spook, kinda funny
The sandman’s lair - *laughs nervously* what the fuck. No clue what happened, why would you tape yourselves like that, let me see his dream form damnit, the nature of humanity is we reinvent homestuck etc
Intruder - these kids are based tbh. Balls of steel, don’t blame the redhead, just move on with their lives
Long hair in the attic - also based, i had wondered where her head had gone but i shoulda known by the title, that grinding sound pissed me off tho
Mold - thank. God. It was in black and white. I choose to believe its dust. Also idc about culture or taboo if your floor is coated in inches of ropes and pools of mold just wear your damn shoes. Jesus Christ
Library vision - this one felt like it was calling out all of my anxieties about losing the things and memories precious to me. Also 10/10 Sean chiplock that final recital of hell of thorns was incredible and spooky. Also what the fuck was the ending
Tomb town - im never driving again. Also just call the cops surely you get a reduced sentence for actually reporting the crime. Other than that not scary lol
Layers of terror - im never picking my skin again. god ALMIGHTY why did i bear witness to this. Fuck that mom bro she sucks. I was thinking about how the proportions of human anatomy change as you age and how a toddler with such short limbs and a thick torso could fit inside an adult but uh… then they answered my question. And then it got worse. Funnily enough the 2yo looked like a monster id design
The thing that drifted ashore - was this supposed to be scary…? Oh boy they turned into fish people and promptly fucked off good for them ig
Tomie • photo - wow what bitches lmfao. Idk why she has a face growing out of her scalp hut I didn’t need to see the removal process. Or how botched the removal process was. Based that the photographer just fuckin moved on. “Damnit the blood ruined my pictures :/“ incredible.
Unendurable labyrinth - probably woulda been scarier if they were lost for longer but to me it looked like they took five steps, found the brother, seven steps, “aaaah we’re lost,” two steps, “theyre looking at me!” then suddenly the mummies have eyes, fade to black. Cool
The bully - I was sooo ready for retribution, then I got reconciliation and got even happier, then it turned into child abuse and I wanted to kill a bitch
Alley - pfft idk if its based that she killed those kids or not but it was extra based that they got revenge on her lmao shoulda brought a ladder bro
Headless statue - Jesus fuck that’s gross. Stop it. Also smash the statues again it worked brilliantly earlier. Or maybe jump out a window idk
Whispering woman - mega based. The nervous girl gains support and confidence, the attendant is freed from her abusive friend, the abusive friend gets violently killed, its just wins all around
Soichi’s beloved pet - once again a comic relief episode but tbh it was pretty funny, soichi was a lot less hateable this time too!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
I don't know if you did this already but slashers with a black s/o?
Im so sorry for long wait! I had to rewrite it like twice and kinda forgor, have fun reading🌼🌼🌼She/her pronouns Request open
TW: mensions of racism in thomas (his family) and Billy(hes crazy)
Slashers with black!s/o
Billy Lenz
This man is one very curious bean. He will ask weird questions
I mean he is a huge simp, no matter what color she is really, give him attention and he can litteraly stab somone for her
If she has afro or dreadlocks he will play with them :( sorry he wont really ask about consent (dude is a serial killer no way 🤯) But if s/o is uncomfy with somone touching her hair, just Bonk him few times and he will shtop
Billy can be a good boi if somones patient enough to help him get thrue his sus mind
Thomas Hewitt
Bros in texas ofc his family is not very woke, not very #slay
Luda probably just silently judges her, but after she sees that Tommy is genuenly in love and happy she will give a chance. And after like few weeks she and s/o will get along very well! Making dinner with Luda sounfs somehow wholesome
They are more xenophobic than rasist, i mean its still bad, but they stop if tommy and s/o are getting along well
Please hold Thomas hands hes shy and worried
Micheal Myers
Boi been in mental hospital i doubt he seen something more than balding white man
I mean he is instantly in love! I mean he will think its just another obssesion to kill but oh boi he just loooves her
Not only is she easy to spot due to whole haddonfield population being white old people (exept this one couple in halloween kills movie) and also she seems like very lovley girl too
Oop somones racist? Welp somones dead.
Asa Emory
This boi is too smart for all this "racism" stuff, he does not care. Ofc shes gorgeus, but he does not really care about skin colors (he may be a serial killer but he is not a monster)
He loves her hair, if she allows him he will headpat her alot
Idk what to write about him, hes pretty no-probematic and he doenst have like any family members so he is really just loving bf (exept the whole 'i put people in boxes' trope)
Btw while I was writting this i realised that theres litteraly non exisitng representation of poc in horror movies(especially old slasher ones). Kinda cringe if u ask me
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crazyforteyam · 1 year
My True Love (part 2) - Realization
pairing : triangle love between Neteyam, f! Omaticaya reader, and Va'ru (my OC)
part one
summary : Y/N felt the turmoil inside her as she just realized the little things Neteyam always did to her. Is she pick the wrong person to love all this time?
notes : This fic takes place 20 years after Avatar 1 & events in ATWOW don't exist + reader is Kaa’ni & Saeyla's daughter (they r hunter trainees under Tsutey and go with Jake in his Iknimaya on Avatar 1)
contains : forbidden love + unrequited love + slow burn trope + angst and fluff + Neteyam is a simp but the reader is oblivious xx
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“Are you gonna wear that?” Neteyam's brow furrowed, judging the top you wear.
“Yes. Why?” You look at your top, decorated with iridescent feathers. One of your favorites.
Neteyam frowns. “The feather looks dull. Also, the ropes are too thin. Change it, I’ll fix that top for you tomorrow,”
Your face filled with confusion. In your mind, the top is just fine, and nothing to worry about. But you finally turn around and change into another top, and you put your old top next to Neteyam’s stuff.
“How about now?” You stand in front of him.
“It’s better,” he looks at your new top and nods. He then wears his ikran visor. “I will go to patrol today with Dad. Also, Mom told me yesterday, that she will be happy if you help her sew some ornaments for the celebration,”
You nod. “Sure, I’ll help her,”
Neteyam smiles. “Okay, I’ll go now,”
You watch his departure with his ikran. Your relationship with him now is somehow a bit changed, now becoming more relaxed. You enter the marui again, and your eyes find the engagement necklace on your stuff. Luckily a woman found it near the marui and gave it to you. Now, your parents will never be angry.
You hold the necklace in your palm and observe it, as some new thoughts fill your mind. It’s a beautiful necklace actually, with a light blue pendant. You take a deep sigh and finally wear it around your neck. 
Neteyam flies around the Hallelujah Mountains. His patrol with Jake is done, luckily there is nothing to worry about. He also already collected the feathers and some tree roots for fixing your top. He is about to fly back home when he thinks of something. So then he flies to Angel Falls, the waterfall that separates the forest and the ocean.
the atmosphere around the waterfall seems dangerous and the sound of the water is very thunderous, it seems that no one can afford to live here. Maybe Norm is lying about Va’ru? Until Neteyam saw someone appears between the trees just a few miles from the waterfall. He couldn’t see the person clearly, so he landed his ikran on the nearest branch and walks sneakily between the trees. He squints his eyes and tries to recognize the person. It's Va’ru. Finally, Va’ru is found. 
When Neteyam sees Va'ru, he feels something strange in his stomach. He don't know how to react, should he be happy? The reason of his happines is you, but your source of happines is always Va'ru.
He grunts. It’s the green-eyed monster. He couldn’t hold it and he think of it all the way back home. 
While Netayam secretly finds Va’ru, at the same moment you are sitting in Neytiri’s marui, helping her to sew some beads to the dancing costume. A celebration will be held in two days, to remember the clan's victory against the sky people in the war 20 years ago. Everybody is busy, and Neytiri asks for your help to sew some costumes.
The two of you are sitting face-to-face. You always adore Neytiri, she radiates a strong aura. After Mo'at's passing, Neytiri became Tsahik. She is also a warrior, the only Palulukan Makto in the clan. Not only that, but she is also a gorgeous woman. Minutes passed in silence with both of you sewing, until she finally spoke.
“So, how are you with Neteyam?” she asks, her hands going up and down with the needles, sewing some costumes.
“We are all right,” you faked a reassuring smile, trying to convince her.
Neytiri smiles. Then she said, “Neteyam never touched any woman before he touch you,” 
Really? You furrow your eyebrow, as you know the facts that some girls here are completely head over heels for him, hoping to be his mate.
“But, I think there are plenty of girls here who like him?” You lifted your face, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Of course. But he never interested in them,” Neytiri answers calmly.
Then she grins, as her eyes lighten remembering something from the past.
“I remember, when he was still 10 years old, he went back running, with a grin on his face. He hugged me and said, ‘Mother, I found the girl that I’m gonna marry!’ and when I asked who is that girl, he answered without any hesitation at all. ‘It’s Y/N, Mother!” 
She giggles and continues the story. 
“Of course, I thought his words were just some kid jokes. But look now! Seems like the Great Mother herself unites the two of you,”
Is it what Great Mother wants? Is my fate to be Neteyam’s mate, although I never love him? The question arises in your mind, as you listen to Neytiri's story, try to look excited.
“Y/N,” Suddenly, Neytiri stops sewing and she stares deeply into your eyes. “Take care of Neteyam, will you?”
“I will try my best,” 
Neytiri smiles. “There is always only one woman in Neteyam’s life, and that woman is you,”
Then she pulls back, passing you some clothes and needles, and orders you to finish other costumes.
There is always only one woman in Neteyam’s life, and that woman is you.
Neytiri’s words play again and again in your mind like a never-ending speech. You begin to be restless. It’s just a simple word that she said yesterday, but why it still haunts you now?
Now your gaze fell on Neteyam's figure, who is fixing your top. You are standing behind him, facing his broad shoulders decorated with stripes. His long fingers move with ease, his talent in sewing is as good as his mother's. When he finally finishes, he stands up and looks a bit shocks when he realizes that you are already looking at him. Neteyam approaches you with your top in his palm.
“It’s finished. You can wear it to the celebration,” He says.
“Thank you, Neteyam,” You say your gratitude, and smile to him. His eyebrow is lifted by your action, but he smiles back at you.
The celebration starts at night. You and Neteyam get dressed and then enter the celebration together. Of course, you wear the engagement necklace. Neteyam wears a beautiful woven choker made of iridescent stones, and for the first time, you find him looking quite handsome. Your parents, Ka’ani and Saeyla find you both, then talk in some conversations until the music starts.
Ka’ani smiles. “You two must dance!” and he shoves both of you into the circle. The music starts to play. So, you and Neteyam dance together. It's awkward at the beginning, but it gets better then. Actually, you are quite surprised that Neteyam can dance well.
In between the music, you tease him. “I don’t know that you can dance,”
He chuckles. “I practice a lot,”
Practice? You remember Neytiri said that Neteyam never touched any girl before, so his answers confuse you. You ask him again. “With who?”
“Kiri,” he answers with a slight smile.
Unbeknownst to you, there is another fact in his word. Yes, he practiced with Kiri. But he only practices so he can dance properly with you.
However, knowing the fact that you love Va’ru, he doesn’t want to hope much. His courtship with you will end soon, and you are not his. As the dance goes on, he gets a bit sad inside. He already finds Va’ru hiding place. So that means that you and Va’ru will reunite soon. He knows that you always choose Va’ru instead of him, although he is the future Olo’eyktan. Even if he has all the titles in this world, he still can’t be with you.
All these sad thoughts made him feel dizzy. He needs a distraction. His eyes look at the corner, to find Lo’ak and his friends sitting in a circle, drinking and laughing. Maybe a drink can help.
When the dance stops, he says to you. “Just enjoy the party okay? I will go to get some drink,”
You nod and go to where food is placed, some fine teylu and fruits. Tuk and Kiri find you, and you sit beside her. Then you took some teylu and ate. You and Kiri are having some talks when suddenly, Lo’ak approaches you with a panicked face.
“Y/N, please help us. Neteyam is heavily drunk!”
Both Kiri and you gasped, and Kiri gestured to you to follow Lo’ak. So you follow him, and walk toward the circle on the corner, the place where Na’vi usually gets a drink. When you finally find Neteyam, you see him completely plastered. He is swaying, staggering, bumping into walls, and knocking stuff over. Damn, how many drinks did he have?
“Is he always this drunk?” you ask Lo’ak while you and he drag Neteyam’s body to a dark corner so people won’t see the future Olo'eyktan in this condition. Seems like Neteyam doesn't realize his surroundings, as he keeps talking and grins widely like a fool.
“Well, he sometimes drinks. But, I never see him drink this much before. Something must be bothering his mind,” Lo’ak shrugs with a pout on his face.
After that, you and Lo’ak carry Neteyam’s body together, with you on the right and Lo’ak on the left. Both Neteyam’s arms curled in your and Lo’ak shoulder. The three of you left the celebration through a back lane and walk back to your marui. 
Lo'ak and you then put Neteyam in a sitting position inside the marui, leaning against the wall. He still mumbles and his head swings around crazily.
Lo’ak then looks at you, with his hand stretching his neck. “Um, Y/N, I’m sorry, but I still want to go to the party,” he grins innocently.
“It’s okay. Thank you Lo’ak. You may leave, I’ll take care of him,” You smile at Lo’ak, then observe Neteyam’s conditions.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Yeah, he may be drunk, but sometimes, drunken words are sober thoughts, right?”
Your ears perk up hearing Lo’ak words and when you turn your head to question him, Lo’ak was already gone. Neteyam suddenly stands up and mumbles again, even more, crazier than before. You approach him, standing face-to-face.
Neteyam’s eyes found you. “You’re soo pretty,” he mumbles, and approaches you closer, his hand touching your hair. You can smell the intoxicating scent from his mouth. “Pretty, pretty girl!” Neteyam lifts his arms and walks in a circle, making some moves like dancing. He stops suddenly, in front of you again.
“Hey pretty girl, can I say something?” 
“Nothing,” he grins, then explodes into a giddy laugh.
“Hey pretty girl, guess what? I found your lover yes-teerr-daaayy,” Neteyam babbles again.
“What!?” you ask him again with a raised voice, but he only giggles. 
“Pretty girl have a l-oo-verrr, and that’s not m-ee!”
“Where did you find him?” you grip his shoulder and try to talk to him, but it's no use. He is still drunk, even now his necklace is untied accidentally, caused by his crazy moves.
Shit. How can you talk to a drunk person? You take his necklace from his neck and save it on the table. Then you sigh and stand in front of him, making sure he doesn't break stuff around him.
“I know, he can make pretty girl ha-p-pyy! No, he surely will make her happy, the happiee-e-stt girl in the wo-o-rld! Obviously more than me-e!”
His words make your eyebrow furrow. What is he talking about? 
“I know, when Va’ru sees pretty girl again he will shout her na-m-ee,” Neteyam made a funnel in front of his mouth with his fingers and began shouting your name. “Y/N! Then pretty girl will run to him. Run-run! Finally, pretty girl runs back to her lo-vee-rr!” 
Neteyam laughs out loud. “Then I would watch it all!" But now his smile disappears, and his eyes become empty. "The pretty girl taught me how to break my he-aart,” 
You stunned. Are these all the things he’s been hiding all this time? You know his words can be just some bullshit, but you can’t resist as a strange feeling suddenly crawls inside your chest. You drag his body closer to the hammock. 
Seems like all of Neteyam’s energy is now drowning, as his eyes become heavy. He suddenly collapses on the hammock. You sit beside him, and his fingers touch your cheek weakly. 
“Hey pretty girl, can I say something?” 
"What?" You whisper.
“Nothing,” His face engrave with a stupid smile. Then he closes his eyes, and snores. Finally, he is asleep.
You lie next to Neteyam in the same hammock. His braids are lying in a mess around his head, some even covering his face. You tuck all his braids behind his ear, so now you can see his face clearly. Neteyam’s eyes clenched shut and his ivory patterns glow in the dark. Your fingers linger on his forehead, tracing all his stripes, then down to his cheek and jaw.  
Your eyes blink slowly, and your mind travels back to some events of the past.
How he saves you and brings your body back into the marui.
How he instantly flies into the forest to collect the yalna bark for you.
How he notices that your top is looking dull, and fixes it on the next day.
How he is still willing to help you, even after you yelled at him. 
Your eyes get teary as you nuzzle into his chest and close your eyes, feeling his heartbeat. Without your knowledge, you fall asleep in that position.
Although he says nothing, seems like now you see everything. 
The next morning, you wake up and find an empty space next to you. You squint and walk forward. Turns out, Neteyam is standing outside, leaning his figure on the marui walls. 
This morning is surely a surprise to him, to find himself waking up hugging your body. Shit, what did he do last night? The last moment he remembers is sitting beside Lo’ak and drinking. But after that, it’s just a bizarre memory. How did he suddenly sleep with your arms curled in his body? Although he can’t deny that he feels warm when you do it. Then he turns his face when he hears your step. You appear from inside the marui.
“Good morning, Y/N,” He greets you.
 You reply to him. “Morning, Neteyam,”
Neteyam sighs, his face filled with guilt and he shook his head. “Look, I made a mistake last night. I get drunk, and I don’t know exactly what words I was saying. You must know, it’s all just rubbish,” 
"It's alright. You didn't say anything," You smile, trying to ensure him. He tilts his head and seems surprised by your reaction. Other things pop into his mind, a thing that he should have told you before.
"Also, I have to tell you something,” Neteyam speaks again. “I found Va’ru hiding spot. You are right, it's not far from Angel Falls.”
You nod but say no word. This response somehow makes Neteyam confused, so he asks you again. “So, when are you gonna meet him?”
“How about tomorrow?” You offer an option.
“Okay. Tomorrow I’ll take you there,”
note: to be continued! I will be very happy if you leave a reaction whether like/comment/reblogs, lmk what you think of this fiction! :D
taglisst : @strawberryclouds22
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hi-imlilac · 19 days
The Stupidest thing in my own personal opinion is how despite being asexual, I still simp for nonexistent characters. Hear me out on this, it's not the "oh my god, I'm so obsessed, they're my waifu" kind of simp, it's the "Imma find you on character ai, try befriend you and see how fast we become closer than that" kind of simp. and I'm not even fictosexual.
Like- I'll join a fandom, look through what it has to offer, then find those bunch of somehow really attractive women/men and then it's like "why they kinda-" NO! I'm simping for things that aren't even a human character (no I'm not a monster lover) someone explain how I'm head over heels for a FRICKING STICKMA- NOT EVEN, A COOKIE!? SO MANY PEOPLE AND I FALL IN LOVE WITH SOME ANIME GIRL WITH PURPLE HAIR-
Help meh... I'm either gonna stay forever single or find myself a girlfriend/boyfriend who would willingly take me😭
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talisman975 · 6 months
I just thought of a Camilip idea featuring all of the adult Philips.
Okay, so like, Camila has a social media account on a website where she uploads photos of herself + Luz + animals + things she likes + etc and she notices that the photos of herself seem to get alot of likes, specifically from the same 4 people.
They love leaving her essays about how beautiful she is.
This, of course, makes her very happy!
These four guys are revealed to be Belos, Beardo Philip, Preacher Belos (somehow?), and Monster Belos (somehow???).
In the comment section of one of Camila's photos, Belos leaves, "Men of culture, we meet again."
I dunno, lol.
Beastlos mostly leaves emojis, Preacher leaves near essay long compliments, Beardo leaves all caps positive comments, and Belos leaves comments that clearly show he is down bad and simping
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byekuma · 7 months
PSA: Denji is not a simp. Denji is a victim of emotional abuse and manipulation Discussion
From a deleted Reddit user.
Post talks about abuse and sexual abuse
Like, I get it - memes are fun and you can't get too serious with a manga that recently had a chainsawman ride a shark through a tornado baby.
But, seriously, I'm getting dismayed that more people aren't directly calling out the ways that Denji is being manipulated and abused vs. the number of throw away comments that Denji be simping.
The closest person to Denji I've met in RL was a woman who had come from a poverty and violence ridden area of SE Asia who had married a wealthy British investment bank.
It was absolutely disgusting to watch this guy provide some form of the thins she craved: security, food, affection, respect, etc. but do it in a way that ultimately made her more dependent on him. When he inevitably left her, she was completely fucked.
What generated that original post was the proportion of shitposting to a deeper discussion of the manga.
I've had a couple of questions asking if I somehow miss the irony of most of the memes.
I really don't - I've laughed so hard I've chocked on my drink accidentally. I love (almost) all the memes and shit posts. In retrospect, ! should've phrased the original post better, but hey, drunken rant.
But, I hope everyone who roll's their eyes takes a look at the reaction and realises that this touches a nerve for a lot of people, whether through their own experiences or through that of someone close.
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Denji is actively being sexually abused and groomed so. Yeah? Remember the chapter where makima starts getting close to him and ends up pushing his hand on her breast and insinuating she'll have sex with him if he defeats Gun.
Then remember Himeno propositioning denji for sex and then y'know. Actually admitting what she did was fucked up and unfair to him.
Because she's a fucked up person and has at least that much self reflection.
There's a lot of abuse, and how cycles of trauma become interlinked (as denji ends part 1 as a caretaker to someone who was once made into a monster). Makima has been contorted into a monster, but what she does to denji and others is still deep manipulation and abuse. It's particularly horrifying with denji because of how intimate so much of it is, and denjis realization in the end that she was never once looking at him.
It's something I like a lot about chainsaw man.
Bc ... It doesn't play down how denji is being sexually abused imo and I know a lot of stuff treats victims poorly, and seeing a teen boy struggling through that fixation and desire is really emotional. (Connect_bit_1457)
Not a headcanon and not a theory just facts. She was abusive
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