#perceived perfection
evercelle · 1 year
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now, you'll never ever forget me for the rest of your life.
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comradekatara · 1 year
katara’s fatal flaw when it comes to politics and also just general communication is that she cannot fathom why anyone would wish to act in a cruel manner and knowingly harm others, whereas sokka’s is that he does not understand how people can be willfully ignorant or even just plain dumb. it’s why sokka is always having to point out to katara that someone is a malicious actor who is taking advantage of her compassion and idealism (jet, hama, aunt wu, etc) because he knows that not everyone has pure, altruistic intentions, but he also doesn’t understand that king kuei isn’t just sheltered, he is also straight up an idiot (or that hahn isn’t just arrogant, he is also incompetent, etc etc) until it’s too late.
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jemtokall · 11 months
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She was inspired by her grandpa's hot topic drip
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verysmallcyborg · 1 month
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WE'VE DONE IT, MY FRIENDS. FORNAX HAS THEIR 300 ONSAL WIN TITLE!!!! who am i anymore. what do i do now (more pvp)
roughly 4 months for 200 wins.... to think i told myself "i'll never get that title :(" last year, yet here we are..... WORTH IT. I HAD FUN MOST OF THE TIME (and i'll def keep pvp'ing, but less intensely, unless it's seal rock day and friends want company for seal rock coat progress)
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awkwardrocker · 26 days
I won't lie, I'm a bit disappointed in Max Verstappen fans after Lando's win yesterday. A lot of people are discrediting Lando and McLaren in general. The fact of the matter is that Lando deserved that win.
Yes, it was a lucky safety car. But I think you all are forgetting Max's first win came in part because the Mercedes drivers took each other out. Are you now arguing that Max is a shit driver that doesn't deserve that win because it involved luck there too?
Lando is a fantastic driver and this win is long overdue. It might make you feel better to discuss what ifs but even if we do, that doesn't change the results, and it's honestly just incredibly disrespectful of the work the McLaren engineers put into the upgrades, the efforts of the strategists, and the solid drive that Lando put in.
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whatarainyday · 1 month
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they could really use a smoke break right about now
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yuri-puppies · 4 days
on the topic of arranged marriages in the post-canon, my dumbest and most inescapable headcanon is that falin and kabru get lavander married
partially out of my love of lavander marriages and the historical tradition of queer men arranging marriages between their lovers and their sisters
and partially because every time i see a labru baby fanart i think "the rumor mill believes that falin and kabru had an affair and the king legitimized his sister's bastard as his heir" and the comedy of errors that would result from trying to cover up kabru's pregnancy/fake falin's is hilarious to me
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ineed-to-sleep · 19 days
Funny how all it takes is a couple of conversations with a cis straight man about gender to make me go "yup I'm definitely not cis"
#listen I adore my stepfather ok but he's got a pretty traditional view of gender#he's very respectful of others and doesn't enforce it on anyone else#and I think it's not that toxic all things considered bc he sees 'manhood' as being primarily about being hard working and protecting other#but it's still very gender essentialist#and he sees a lot of things as 'man things' and 'woman things'#and talks about skills and roles that are 'men's'#and I'm just like well but I do a lot of those things. but I identify with a lot of the things you describe.#and he tries to go around it like 'ahh well but you have personal history with that' etc etc#we get along really well tho we don't fight or anything but it's interesting to me#it makes me realize just how much I'm outside of the binary in the eyes of cis people#and how much 'trying to be a man' or 'trying to be a woman' are things that hold no emotional meaning to me(personally)#I could not care less what makes me masculine or feminine or if either of those labels are revoked for some reason#taking on the label of woman or man feels like a burden to me bc it always comes with a set of expectations#I just wanna be me yk. I just want people to see me through the lens of 'this is a person'#'this is what this person likes. this is how this person behaves'#I just wanna turn off gender. can I do that? like just flip a switch and no one perceives me as anything anymore#in a perfect world maybe#sleep.txt#I honestly still don't fully understand how I feel about gender but. I know that I don't like being put into a box#the box is Evil.
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sunroseofthewood · 4 months
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Adolin Kholin: Shardbearer, Prince, Murderer.
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becasbelt · 2 months
here's a little thing about moving that's definitely not inspired by recent real life events.
* * *
Beca sets the box down with a grunt, straightening and pushing it to fit against the rest of the boxes better with her foot. She has no idea what Amy put in her box literally labelled "bit and bobs" to make it so heavy, but honestly she's too tired of going through boxes at the moment to find out.
Brushing her hands together, Beca surveys what they've done in apartment so far - if the one room studio they were renting could be considered an apartment, that is. She, Amy, and Chloe had spent the better part of the day unloading the U-Haul they'd driven from Barden to New York, and now the sorting through everything part is making Beca long for more trips up the stairs.
She's successfully managed to separate their boxes into different piles throughout the room: three piles for each of their personal belongings and one for the kitchen. Amy's stuff takes up an entire side of the room, while Chloe's modest stash sits nicely in a corner.
Beca's things consist of three boxes, two duffel bags filled with clothes, and a carry-on with her music equipment.
Somehow, after getting rid of any furniture she'd acquired over the last couple of years, Beca had walked out of college with hardly more than she started with.
Beca stares at her small pile and considers how motivated she's feeling. Upon deciding that more unpacking can wait until after dinner, she slumps onto the couch to stare at the wall for a minute or two.
Amy and Chloe had volunteered to make a food run to reward all their hard work. Beca had opted to stay behind, citing the need for some alone time, leaving her all alone to wonder just what the hell they'd all gotten themselves into.
One of their windows doesn't latch properly, creating a draft over the place where Beca and Chloe will sleep. The walls are spotted with stains that Beca isn't sure will ever come out. Their bathroom is literally in the kitchen. There's a strange smell coming from the closet that makes Beca's nose wrinkle every time she opens it.
Beca leans her elbows on her knees, puts her head in her hands, and tries to take a deep breath.
It was fine. Everything was going to be fine. They could clean, they could light a candle, they could come up with a system for dealing with the kitchen-shower.
The traffic is loud outside the window. A far cry from the quiet street the Bellas' House at Barden resided on.
Beca tries for another deep breath, cheeks puffing out as she exhales. She rubs her eyes with the heels of her palms until she sees spots, then blinks to clear them again.
All the uncertainties keep staring back at her.
Beca's fingers curl around her phone. Without thinking too much about it, she scrolls through her contacts until her thumb presses the call button.
The other end rings five times before it's picked up. "Hey, Bec."
The air leaves Beca's lungs in a shaky exhale. "Hey, Dad."
"Is everything alright? How'd the move go?" There's a hint of surprise in his voice, as if he hadn't been expecting to call. Which is fair, honestly.
"No, yeah, everything's good," she says, tucking her arms in close to herself. "Made it in one piece. We just finished unpacking the truck."
"Good. Well that's- that's good, then," her dad says. There's a moment of awkward silence, and it hits Beca just how little she tries to make small talk with her dad like this, even when they lived in the same city.
"Yeah," Beca says dumbly. She tucks her feet onto the couch and hugs them tight to her chest.
"So how's New York?"
"It's... different," Beca replies hesitantly. "Um, good different, I think. But different."
Her dad chuckles. "Yeah, I get that. I felt that way when I moved to Barden. But you'll get used to, just give it a few days. Maybe invest in a white noise machine to cover up the traffic."
Beca huffs a laugh. "Yeah, maybe. If Amy's snoring doesn't cover it up first."
They share another laugh, and Beca feels the tightness in her chest ease ever so slightly.
"Bet you're glad to be out of Barden, though," her dad ventures. "Seems like you always wanted to move to the big city."
"I grew up in Seattle, Dad," Beca says with an eye roll. "It's not like I grew up in the middle of Wyoming."
"Okay, okay," he concedes. "I mean a city where things are happening, right? Like LA: you always wanted to live there. Isn't New York just a grittier, more compact version of LA?"
Beca snorts. "I think there's a few more differences than that, but sure. I guess I see your point."
"So there you go," he says, and Beca can practically see that annoying side smirk he gets on his face whenever he feels like he just won an argument. "You're on the right path, even if it's in a different place than you imagined. And I'm so proud of you for taking that jump, Bec. Even if I wasn't always supportive of it."
A lump forms in Beca's throat and she finds herself blinking against stinging eyes. "Thanks, Dad," she says, voice tight, then clears her throat and shakes her head. "That, uh, that means a lot."
"It's true," he says kindly. There's another lull in the conversation, this one less awkward than before. "You know, it'll be weird not having you ten minutes away anymore. I won't be able to force you into coming over for dinner once a month."
Beca grins a little. "And I don't know what I'll do without you knocking on the our door to ask if I've done my homework every other week," she teases. "But maybe I can be convinced to video call every once in a while."
"That would be nice," her dad replies, and Beca can tell that he really means it. "So, how's the apartment."
"It's small, and it's got some quirks, but it'll do for now," Beca says, looking around the studio again. "There's this weird smell coming from a closet that makes me kind of want to throw up, though."
"Try baking soda," her dad says. "Or coffee grounds. They should absorb the smell. Or you could put a bar of soap in a sock, I've done that before. Or you could try..."
He continues rambling about ways to get rid of bad smells, and Beca smiles while she listens, leaning her head against the back of the couch, and breathes deeper than she has all day.
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radarchives · 7 months
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lilith-91 · 1 year
Damn so many Dornish fans hate the Targaryens so much when actually Dorne is the most pro-Targaryen region in the current timeline. They WANT Targaryen restoration. They WANT RHAEGAR'S son/sister/brother on the throne because they see it as the best way to avenge Elia and her children. They are not blaming Rhaegar, and that’s funny.
"We looked for Rhaegar’s sister, not his son.”— Arianne
“Daenerys Targaryen is of our blood as well. Daughter of King Aerys, Rhaegar’s sister. And she has dragons, or so the tales would have us believe.” Fire and blood. “Where is she?" - Arianne
Dornishmen are Targaryen loyalists and the revenge they want is not on Daenerys, Rhaegar or whoever else, but on the Lannisters.
“What is our heart’s desire?”
“Vengeance.” His voice was soft, as if he were afraid that someone might be listening. “Justice.” Prince Doran pressed the onyx dragon into her palm with his swollen, gouty fingers, and whispered, “Fire and blood.”
If people let go their so called moral policing for one second and stop painting Rhaegar/Lyanna/Targaryens this cartoonish villains who gets blamed for everything bad that happened in westeros even years after their death then they'd understand how much importance they hold in asoiaf plot and the characters.
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theghostlyunknown · 8 months
Okay, I get that Scar and Grian never left the desert and I get that Ren and Martyn never made it to spring but, let’s be honest, Bdubs and Cleo never left the crastle. I mean, almost every season, even if they’re not even remotely allied, Cleo asks “You’d never betray me, right?” And everytime, Bdubs answers “No. Never.” AND THE WHOLE SPEECH IN LAST LIFE “I trust Bdubs, and Bdubs trust you, so I trust you.” AND WHEN CLEO CHASTISED BDUBS FOR LYING IN DOUBLE LIFE! “Bdubs you should not be lying to me!” AND BDUBS IMMEDIATELY CRUMBLING UNDER PRESSURE! And limited life! “I don’t care who you betray, as long as it’s not me” AND IN 3RD LIFE WHEN CLEO DIED FIRST AND BDUBS WENT HOME AND CALLED HER NAME! Crastle era was so iconic, it’s still my favorite build of the whole series. They’re such an underrated duo, tbh
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fumble-art · 4 months
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Forcing myself to be looser with sketches and push my expressions more. Have some toony tiefs
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umeji-writes · 7 months
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In all honesty, luscious-hair Balam gives me the most specific kind of gender envy that I didn't even know I could feel
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beaulesbian · 12 days
i've been thinking about some gender swap romance dawn trio - zoluna headcanons, specifically with he/him butch aro/lesbian zoro, agender & demi luffy, and lesbian nami
and in my mind they look like this:
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