#percy jackson locks
prplocks · 5 months
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 percy jackson and the olympians ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
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to this DAY I am obsessed with the dynamics in this scene. The Thalia v. Percy fight. Them being their fathers' children, giving us just a taste (a preview) of why the big three made an oath to never have any more demigod children. And then you have this interesting distinction of how Chiron interacts with Thalia vs Percy. Because with Thalia, Chiron is stern. He reprimands her. But with Percy, he pleads.... and isn't that just fascinating.
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fablesage · 5 months
Me aged 12, reading a book about a sarcastic little shit who happens to be the child of a god and owns a really cool sword and has a genius love interest who initially hates his guts: “wow Percy Jackson is awesome!”
Me aged 21, reading a book about a sarcastic little shit who happens to be the child of God and owns a really cool sword and has a genius love interest who initially hates her guts: “wow Gideon Nav is awesome!”
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octxii · 6 months
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draw your two biggest comfort characters as the steven meme thingy
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juicegremlin · 4 months
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the-uncanny-dag · 3 months
Just had a new type of the "thought there was a cute dyke in the pic, but it's just a dude" experience when I liked a fanart of a skinny girl with black hair surrounded by skeletons, but then it turned out to be one of those bitch ass kids from Percy Jackson :\
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lilyznow · 2 months
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Some doodles of my Lockwood&Co and PJO crossover
George is 100% the only one that knows where they're supposed to go
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Nico di Angelo- The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
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The Tortured Poet's Department
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lyrics as relationships with various character
anon: hiii! this is my first official post and I'm kinda anxious. This is actually a result of my procrastination regarding my final exam, which I'm kind of stressed about. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post and please don't mind my writing too much. English isn't my first language (or my second). By the way, a big thank you to @dr-felitas. for helping me with assigning characters.
"And I love you, it's ruining my life" - Fortnight
"You're ruining my life, dear."
He wasn't exactly glaring at you when he saw you wearing that red dress. After he watched you descend the stairs, he felt as though his whole world had stopped. It took him some time to compose himself again and fake a devastated expression. His feelings for you were no joke. Whatever goals and principles he had were all thrown out of the window when he noticed you.
Throughout his life, he thought he was a rational man, not caring about sentimental things like friends, family, or love. Nevertheless, this changed when he experienced your smile for the first time. Like a tornado, you changed his perception of life and the world. At that moment, he thanked God for your entrance into his life and prayed for you to remain there. He would make sure you would be with him, happy and healthy, because that was all he desired in life.
NANAMI (jjk), GOJO (jjk), Choso (jjk), SAE, Chigiri, Nagi, RIN (bllk), LEVI (aot) , Shotou (mha), Reiner (aot), Zoro, Iwazumi, Tsukishima (haikyuu!)
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? / I died on the altar waiting for the proof." - So Long, London
He said to keep it under cover. He loved you, but the two of you couldn't tell anyone about your relationship or it would cause unwanted stress. Your man is a superstar, a god, even some might say. Whenever he enters a room, people turn their heads and fawn over him. Every street in the city is plastered with his gorgeous physique.
In comparison to him, you seem ordinary. Too ordinary. Although he had assured you that you were the one for him, the differences between you wouldn't matter to him. So why did you feel so insecure in your relationship? You weren't sure of his feelings after years of being with him. You were unable to read him, to see true expressions of his love.
Year after year, anniversary after anniversary, you still wondered when he would pop the question to prove his love and commit fully to a life with you. Even the media and those close to him began questioning the lack of progress in your relationship. This leads to you confronting him. In the middle of the fight, you broke down. While you were sobbing and begging him to love you, his face remained stoic.
"I do love you, I just can't see myself marrying you."
You left with a broken heart. Waiting for him to change his mind would only waste your time. You regretted loving him for a long time. Through the view of the media, he seemed unaffected by your loss, maybe even happier.
"I do."
Albeit he may regret never putting a ring on your finger when he saw you the first time after your breakup. You were happy on the altar with your husband. A man that wasn't him, but could have been if only he had appreciated you more.
USHIJIMA (haikyuu!), Atsumu, Gojo (jjk) Getou (jjk), Megumi (jjk), Rin, Michael (bllk), Hawks (mha)
"They shake their heads, saying 'God, help her' when I tell 'em he's my man" - I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
"He isn't right for you."
Your parents didn't approve of him. Actually, no one in your circle did. They all deemed him too reckless and ruthless, without any convincing achievements in his life. In their eyes, he wasn't worthy of you and your love.
Their worries weren't unfounded, to be honest; they were reasonable. He was the epitome of a walking red flag: a raging alcoholic with a history of illegal records. His temper and frequent visits to the pub often led to fights. But he promised to tone down the aggression whenever you patched up his wounds.
"You make me a better man. I love you."
Nevertheless, all his imperfections didn't matter to you, not when he held you in bed and promised to always cherish you. According to him, you were calming his raging soul and bringing out the best in him. You were the shining light in his life, and he was the healthy amount of darkness in yours.
No matter what the people around you both said, you couldn't imagine yourself having a happy life without him. You were adamant about fixing his flaws, even if it meant drowning yourself in the process.
TOJI (jjk), SUKUNA (jjk), UVOGIN (hxh), PHINKS (hxh), Sasuke (naruto), Dabi, Katsuki (mha), Eren (aot), NAYOA (jjk),
"And it kills me. I just don't understand how you don't miss me."- The Black Dog
Just a few weeks ago, the two of you were dining together. He was laughing at your sweet antics and grimaces as you struggled with the chopsticks, and you were enjoying being the reason for his happiness. Then the atmosphere changed when the waiter made a slightly flirty comment towards you. This sparked an argument between the two of you. He accused you of flirting back, and you declared him delusional. In the heat of the moment, he packed his belongings and left the apartment. And he never came back.
The heartbreak hit you a few days later when you realized he wasn't coming back. You were miserable, laying in bed, crying, stuffing your mouth full of ice cream, and watching your comfort shows. It was as if a part of your happiness had left with him. Only when your friends forced you to dress up and dragged you to the nearest club did you feel like living again.
Your smile dropped when you saw him. He was sitting at the bar with a woman on his lap. His hands were on her barely covered thighs, and her lips were pressing on his neck. Your heart sank, and all the noise around you seemed muted.
"Only three weeks after you both broke up? What an ass!"
Your friends tried to comfort you as you could only nod. Why was it that you were suffering without him while he seemed to feel no pain? This caused you to doubt your former relationship. Had he ever really loved you as you did him? Or were you the one who always loved him more? You couldn't bear the sight any longer when you heard his raspy laugh, a laugh he only had with you. With a quick goodbye, you stormed outside as fast as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, he watched longingly as you left the bar.
SUKUNA (jjk), TOJI (jjk), Oikawa (haikyuu!), Hisoka (hxh), Michael (bllk), Oliver, Sae, Katsuki (mha),
"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"- So High School
Both of you couldn't be any more contrasting. You are the shy girl who loves to hide behind her novels but still excels at the top of her class. He was the cocky, loud football champion of the school. No one would have ever thought to see you interact, but this changed when you were assigned to tutor him.
How could he stop himself from falling for you when you were so endearing? Blushing whenever he complimented you and laughing at his jokes. Not long after your study sessions, he confessed his feelings and asked you to be his girlfriend. To no one's surprise, you agreed.
"Will you watch me during my practice?"
He grinned at you with a cocky smile. Or maybe it wasn't cocky; it could also be considered charming in your eyes. He loved seeing you sitting on the bleachers, reading your book and looking adorable doing it. And you loved being there, watching him during his passion and supporting him in your own introverted way.
Yet he supported you too. Whenever you were nervous before an upcoming exam, he would encourage you while also making sure you took care of yourself. He would boast about your relationship and you in front of everyone he knew and met. If someone dared to comment on you or your relationship negatively, he would confront them and make them regret their words.
"You're my smart girl."
No one would have thought the two of you could be such a match, but seeing the two of you together was proof enough that opposites attract and complement each other.
Bokuto (haikyuu!!) , REO (bllk), YUJI (jjk), GOJO (jjk), GON (hxh), Rin (bllk), Michael (bllk), Deku (mha), PERCY JACKSON (pjo), Ace, HINATA (haikyuu!), Kuroo (haikyuu!) , Luffy
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twinsarekeepers · 5 months
Both Annabeth and Percy feeling so guilty about getting the other in danger that they think the only way to remedy the situation is to sacrifice themselves 😭💔☹️🥺.
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hashtagloveloses · 10 months
in my last fictional necromancer battle poll, MANY people brought up how i had left out a NOTABLE character, so. REMATCH:
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prplocks · 6 months
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♡☆♡ percy jackson and the olympians wallpaper
reblog if you save ▪︎
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lemonade-jelly · 1 month
Hi! I'm looking into making a bit of profit from my art (commissions, maybe prints or design some stickers)
However I'm not sure if people would be interested, so based on these pieces would anyone actually buy something from me?
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poisonpercy · 20 hours
Annabeth would totally fuck with Lincoln Logs
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octxii · 4 months
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(abigail pent voice) "this isn't how it happened"
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bvrtysbvtches · 2 months
what brand of mentally ill are you? based on what you think of first when you see tlt
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