#percy platoon
smokerswifey · 5 months
Why is nobody talking about @mertylmylove writing work? She is great! Dersves more likes and reblogs for her amazing work!
She is actually ! I'm very happy to have her as a mutual she's so nice and I lover her work about the percy Platoon and Mertyl ofc 😁
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mertylmylove · 3 months
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YES i'm alive not dead.
Anyways, I'm happy that percy platoon has rearunited ,THE REACTIONS😭,but i'm disspoint that we didn't get to see lancelot there or his reaction to seeing Percival is alive again....Nakaba why why why are you hiding Lancelot?????😭😭😭,Always excluding him????
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winterlogysblog · 6 months
What are your own headcanons on the percy platoon?
I have one i need to say percival shows affection to others(Anne,Nasiens, Donny, Lancelot) by giving physical touch from kisses, hugs etc.. and telks daily that he loves them and mean everything to him.Percival feels like that type person. Lol😚💕 what they reactions will if Percival doses this?
I do agree with your own headcanon, Percy does seem like the type of person to have physical touch as their love language. As for the others reactions I would say they would reciprocate it especially Donny, Anne thought he's being clingy at first but loosened up to it, Lancelot would give him headpats at most and Nasiens is left a blushing and stuttering mess all the time.
For the Percy Platoon Headcanons I do have a couple lol
During the time that Lancelot is known as Sin the fox, he would often climb on Donny or Nasiens' shoulders to rest cause he gets quite uncomfortable walking on all fours. In most cases he would fall asleep on Nasiens' shoulders reason being he finds his scent soothing and relaxing. Now he knows why it's like that.
Lancelot's HATES it when his hoodie gets dirty. Donny said it's his own fault because the hoodie is mostly white, he got a death glare from Lance right after that remark.
One the day of Percival's resurrection, King asked Sixtus to bring Anne, Donny and Lancelot over so that the first people that Percival would see when he wakes up are his friends.
When Percy woke up, it's a heartwarming scene. Everybody cried and they fell into each other's embrace. They stayed in the Fairy Realm for a while just have some peace and quiet while they catch up on what's been happening with everyone.
The conversation about Nasiens' true origins is a heartwarming and funny one. They're all supporting and happy for Nasiens and excited to meet his family but the moment their names are dropped all hell breaks lose. Donny didn't believe it at first, Anne freaked out, Percival got even more excited and Lancelot smiled through it all and with a pat on the back Lancelot welcomed Nasiens to the family, the team is confused for obvious reasons and that's when he told them about his family for the first time and things got even more chaotic after that.
Nasiens would sometimes ask Lancelot things about his family, in a way he wants to know them in a much personal level which he didn't get the chance too during his stay there. Lancelot didn't shy away from it and told him stories every chance he gets.
Percival gets drunk quite easily, he's not a lightweight per se he just doesn't know his limit. They often shy away from giving him too much and resort to just giving him non-alcoholic drinks.
Donny and Anne's alcohol tolerance is pretty average, they learned how pace themselves really well. It's mainly due to Lancelot's high alcohol tolerance and Nasiens' incapability to get drunk, they don't want to make a fool of themselves while those two are still sober. In the end, it's a race on who gets drunk first.
Anne and Lancelot have the best sense of style out of the group. Nasiens was once a part of this club but his card got revoked because of his chosen hair style. He'll get it back don't worry.
After an unfortunate incident with a poisonous mushroom that Donny accidentally ate, every single ingredient needs to pass the 'Nasiens is this poison? Test'
Anne is quite handy with a needle and thread.
Lancelot knows how to braid. He would braid Anne's hair when he's bored. Just don't ask him how he knows how to do this or he'll stop leaving your hair with an unfinished braid.
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Hamburger Hill (1987, John Irvin)
Hamburger Hill is a 1987 film directed by John Irvin, inspired by the Battle of Hamburger Hill, which occurred during the Vietnam War.
Vietnam, 1969, a group of young paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division, under the command of Sergeant Frantz, is sent to the A Shau valley to try to wrest Hill 937 from the North Vietnamese, which, following the battle, will be nicknamed "Hamburger Hill" (meat grinder hill), due to the significant losses suffered by American soldiers.
Filmed between October and December 1986, Hamburger Hill is part of the Vietnam-movie genre of the period, coming out a year after Oliver Stone's Platoon and at the same time as Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.
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vosaem · 6 months
After the Percy Platoon knows the truth about Nasiens:
Donny: Wait, ho's older?
Nasiens & Mertyl: *look at each other and shrug their shoulders*
Nasiens: The queen and king told us that we are, probably, from the same month - but they don't know exactly who is older.
Anne: .... When are you going to call them correctly?
Nasiens: *ignoring Anne* But I think Mertyl is the older one.
Mertyl: Why?
Nasiens: You always acted as an older brother to me.
Mertyl: .... I treated you really badly....
Nasiens: You're rude, but you're were not bad. "Weakling, this place is too dangerous for you!"; "You look like you're going to faint! Return to you bed!"; "Is or food so bad that you refuse to eat?!"; and things like that aren't evil.
Others: .....
Nasiens: You rudely told me to take care of myself. You literally acted as my big brother all this time.
Lancelot: He got a point.
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yume-tsuki · 6 months
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Percy Platoon 🐶
finaly, I wanted to draw them as dogs for quite a while 😆💖now here they are
I'm happy that they turned out so well❤️ Percy is a Collie Nasiens a mix of a red+ white Irish Setter and a large Muensterlaender Anne is a Border Collie(tri colo) and Donny is a German shephard
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aster-2005 · 2 months
“Unexpectedly Meeting You Again”
(another fanfic I made p (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
In this plot, the platoon was looking for a place to camp out and saw a cave that seemed perfect, especially since it was raining. They decided to take shelter in the cave. The cave had a magical aura, and all of them fell through a hole in the tunnel that led to a place where the magical or spiritual aura was very strong. In the tunnel, they saw a lake that exuded spirituality. When Percival saw this, he remembered that this lake could summon a spirit for anyone who prayed deeply and sought a blessing of good luck.
Curious about spirit summoning in this mysterious cave, Percival’s platoon decided to give it a try. Donny started to pray, wishing for something and hoping a spirit would answer his prayer. While praying, a faint light began to transform into a spirit figure—it was a monkey holding a shiny rock. The others found it odd, but Percy laughed, amazed that Donny’s summoned spirit accurately reflected his personality. Donny, initially upset, felt proud and blessed when the monkey slammed the rock on Percy, who took it as a playful insult.
Next, Anne prayed deeply, wishing to be the best knight and a symbol of justice. Her prayer was answered by a beautiful knight spirit, a man with long blonde hair and a face of great beauty. Anne was delighted and somewhat smitten with her spirit guardian, who blessed her with a good luck charm.
Nasiens suggested that Percy be the next to pray, but Percy declined, saying he already embodied the life spirit. At that moment, another Percival, the one who had appeared in the demon realm and trained with Lancelot, appeared before them. “Woah, I didn’t expect you to appear here, other me!” said Percival. The other Percival replied, “I was curious, and it seems you found this place by chance.”
Nasiens explained that they had thought it was just a normal cave to stay in for a while, but it magically opened into a hidden lake with a strong spiritual feeling. The other Percival confirmed, “This is our hidden spiritual place, closer to the spirit realm.” Everyone was shocked to learn about the spirit realm, except for Percival, who knew it existed and that it was a restricted place to anyone excpet for spirit beings.
As they discussed this, the other Percival became more curious about Nasiens, sensing something somewhat familiar about them. Percy, in a chibi form, excitedly encouraged Nasiens to pray and summon a spirit, intrigued by the idea of a fairy hybrid summoning a spirit. As Nasiens began to pray, a powerful aura was summoned. The other Percival exclaimed, “Stop the summoning! This spirit is no joke!” He recognized the spiritual aura from a past experience and warned of its danger.
Suddenly, the strong aura and light transformed into a white, colorful spirit resembling the morning stars of dawn. The platoon was dazzled by the bright light and couldn’t clearly see the spirit’s form. Slowly, a slender woman in a white glittering dress with hidden wings and shining amber eyes appeared. Anne and Donny were amazed by the beauty of Nasiens’ summoned spirit, though they wondered why a bride spirit they assumes had appeared.
Nasiens fainted, and Percival caught him just in time. The white bride spirit reassured Percival that Nasiens was only asleep from the magic used to summon her. Percival was relieved and admired the spirit’s beauty. The other Percival, still cautious, recognized her and was stunned. The white bride spirit approached the other Percival, who backed away, but his mini versions appeared and joyfully hugged the spirit, revealing their familiarity with her.
Percival, curious about his brother’s reaction, asked why he was so cautious. The other Percival revealed that the white bride spirit was dangerous, causing Percival to wonder why his mature, pride brother was so wary.
The white bride spirit proceed to blessed Nasiens, who regained consciousness slowly. She then also kissed Percival’s forehead as a favor blessed charm, leaving him shocked and confused blushing. The mini Percivals, feeling jealous, were also kissed one by one. The white bride spirit then approached the other Percival, the white bride spirit who knew and naturally let his guard down, and kissed him on the lips, causing him to blush so deeply.
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After bidding farewell, the white bride spirit last words saying “Until we meet again my dear o hope” vanished, and time resumed for Anne and Donny. The mini Percivals, delightfully satisfied, also vanished. Nasiens woke up, fainted again upon seeing Percival’s joyful embrace and exclaimed the spirit nasiens summoned was so beautiful, but eventually nasiens recovered. The other Percival, still silently blushing, announced he would return to the spirit realm, leaving quickly with a flimsy excuse. Nasiens wished him well, concerned about his sudden departure as they proceeded to back on mission, Nasiens is confuse and wondering why Percival has sudden so clingy attached than normally to Nasiens which is wondering why but the other Percival is aware why.
The other Percival knew that the spirit Nasiens summoned was not ordinary but a future reincarnation of the life spirit’s other half, By what other half means it is fated destined partner so deeply never broken bonded ever that whenever the life spirit is be. In summary, whenever the life spirit is his other half will be there for them. This point the other Percival blushed and felt defeated that their other half was always there,securely and silently always be supported and loyal love them so heart-fully. "It's was a sly move blancaflor" thoughts of other Percival and sigh that his older brother which is The Percival has been undoubtedly and acknowledging that his older brother had unknowingly fallen in love with the white flower, Nasiens the reincarnation lover of life spirit.
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hantheheart · 6 months
ok so ive been marinating on some thoughts of 4KOTA again so
18+ 4KOTA and friends but BOOZE EDITION
Percy Platoon first
Donny is a BEAST, this mans can drink so much. It takes so much to get him drunk. He's near the top of ranking here. He gets a little cranky when he's drunk but you can bet your ass he spends so much of the time of getting there making fun of everyone and the time after getting there of being a jokey teasing.
Anne, I think isn't too much of a fan but she can drink a good amount before she's drunk drunk. High middle of the leaderboard. She's a happy drunk and also just more of what she's already like but at 100% the whole time. She will knock herself out within an hour, and it will be Gawain's job to carry her to bed
Percy and Nasiens are. Frankly, I think they're mildly immune? Obviously, Nasiens can frankly erase the effects of alcohol and I'm p sure Percy just can't. It just doesn't work on him. Does this make them top or bottom of the leaderboard? Who knows.
Tristan Platoon
I think Isolde and Jade are both middle ground as well, but opposite side of the middle. Isolde has a slightly higher tolerance than mid and Jade is slightly under. Isolde is a crier, she's real emotional type and she WILL hug somebody. Jade will try to be the hugged one, but he heavily disassociates man. He goes off, he's on another planet.
Chion, I will be mean too, I will not lie. He is pretty low on the leaderboard but not the bottom, it doesn't take much to get drunk and he's a little more obviously mean than usual but he's so wobbly its hard to take him seriously. But he does absolutely make fun of our bottom of the leaderboard.
Tristan is smack between Chion and Jade. He's fairly low tolerance but you can thank the genes he got from Meliodas for being able to handle any booze at all. He's giggly and sweet and always winds up laying on somebody somehow. Shoulder, lap, back, this man will find a way to become a feather boa on you if he can.
AND LANCE!!! Oh this is what spurred this whole post! Lancelot my boy my guy my little purse chihuahua
IF I could direct your attention to Ban's wiki page, you will see that Lance's old man is a LIGHTWEIGHT! Ban gets shitfaced at the slightest amount of booze and you cannot look me in the eye and tell me Fairies have any better chance. Lance is the LIGHTEST LIGHT WEIGHT IN BRITANIA and he HATES IT. And worst yet, he's just like his dad when he's shitfaced. He gets real friendly and by GOD he won't stop laughing.
Chion loves to gloat about how he can drink more than Lancelot, but Tristan and Percy are by far the worst of it, they WILL tease him relentlessly the day after because he would not stop telling them they're his beeeeeessssssstttt frrrriiieeennndddsss~!
And last but certainly not least.
Gawain is just. Impervious. She can down a whole barrel of good shit and act no different. Her face doesnt even flush. You literally can't tell if it does anything and she'll certainly never tell if it works. She and Donny absolutely do drinking contest cause Donny always thinks 'this time I'll win' and then doesn't.
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venuscxre · 1 month
hii, i was wondering if you could do lancelot x cupid! reader headcanons? she was like adopted by meliodas and elizabeth when she was an infant and stuff so shes like a Holy Knight (or one of four, which makes five😱) she is like the Knight of Hatred/Love if you get what i mean???
idk if this makes any sense but its my first request as you can tell. it would a lot if you could do this since its been on my mind. however, no rush and just taker caree💗
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synopsis ; lancelot x cupid!reader headcannons.
content warning ; fluff.
notes ; thank you for this request!! i’m sorry it took so long, work has been a bit hectic! thank you for this request anon!! i hope it’s to your liking!! :)
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lancelot with a cupid!reader who he always found quite… weird while growing up. he mostly steered clear of her during those years.
growing up, into their teenage years, he found her less of a weirdo and more of an airhead. she’d often space out thinking of who knows what and stood the risk of getting herself hurt.
with her clumsiness and the knack she has for spacing out in the worst situations, lancelot just accepted his fate and would always keep an eye on her, tailing her from behind at a good distance without her knowing.
he’d watch in amusement whenever she’d help someone with relationship problems or even help budding relationships bloom. she seemed to really love helping people find their other halves which is something he found slightly intrusive but didn’t say anything about. he knew just how much love mattered to her.
soon enough, the liones siblings and lancelot slowly hung out less and less as they became increasingly busy with their training as knights of the prophecy.
when lancelot and tristan were assigned to go find the last two knights of the apocalypse, she secretly tagged along, although lancelot was already aware of her presence since he could hear her thoughts from a mile away.
despite his original weariness of her, lancelot didn’t seem to mind having her around as much as he thought he would. and when they managed to find cute lil’ percival? it was like she had cloned and split her brain cell, because those two were birds of a feather.
during their time together, lancelot hated to admit it, but she was starting to grow on him. he’d find himself always listening to whatever thing she was talking about, making sure she’s alright during or after a battle with chaos knights, and making sure that she doesn’t walk into another tree like she did last time. he also found himself becoming a little more protective of her than usual.
as someone who deals with love, the cupid!reader already knows the telltale signs of a crush, no matter what type of person they might be. imagine how overjoyed she was when she noticed some of the signs in lancelot’s recent behaviour towards her; having liked him for the longest time.
by the time they and the percy platoon reached liones, there was a significant change in the relationship between lancelot and the cupid!reader, the both of them being easily mistaken as lovers.
the change in their relationship didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the royal family or the tristan platoon. this sparked a protective streak within the king and prince.
during the showdown with arthur pendragon, she had sustained some serious damage while trying to evacuate the citizens, which further fueled lancelot’s hostility towards the king of chaos.
after getting healed and put on bed rest, lancelot made sure to stick by her side, not wanting to take his eyes off her for a minute. it was bad enough that percy had lost slight control and he and the rest of the platoon almost got taken out by isolde and co.
“you know that i’m perfectly fine now, right? you don’t need to follow me around like this, lance.” the attention she was getting from lancelot was increasingly making her more flustered around him and she wished that he could tone it down just a bit so that her heart doesn’t burst out of her chest.
“i’m not taking any more chances with you. you’re always getting hurt in one way or another, you damn klutz,” he lightly flicks her forehead, snickering slightly when her lips curl into a pout.
“hey! that’s mean—“
“watch it!” lancelot’s arm shoots out to grab her waist, pulling her into his side to avoid her from walking straight into one of the cracks in the middle of the road, curtsey of arthur’s attack earlier. he raises an eyebrow, looking down at her with a ‘see what i mean?’ expression.
“you should pay better attention to your surroundings, princess. i’m not always going to be by your side to protect you,” he gives her waist a light squeeze, not letting go of her.
“yeah, yeah..” she mumbled, trying to supress her thoughts that had begun to run laps in her head from how close he was.
lancelot chuckled slightly as she tried (and failed) to hide her thoughts; one of them did pique his interest. “you think i smell nice?”
she feels herself die inside a little as her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. damn it.
at her embarrassment, he lets out a louder laugh. “you never fail to amuse me, princess. but i must say, thank you for the compliment.”
“you’re a jerk, lance..”
“you know you love me, princess. i know you do,” he presses a kiss to her cheek. she stopped walking to try and process what he had just done.
“did you just..”
“kiss you? yeah, i did. you want another one?” he teased, leaning down so that their faces are inches away from each other.
“your call, princess. i won’t kiss you unless you tell me to,” he murmured.
unable to form proper words, she nods. lancelot contemplates teasing her some more, but decides against it for now. he presses a gentle kiss to her lips, his hand caressing her waist as he does. they kiss for a few seconds before pulling away from each other, both of them a little red faced.
“c’mon, let’s go see percy and the others.”
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© 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓𝐗𝐑𝐑; plagiarism, retranslation or reposts of my work are completely unauthorized
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated. <33
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taeloke · 6 months
Got more headcanons for percival platoon?👀
Sorry your headcanons were so good.!😚
I'm glad you like them! I was able to come up with them thanks to the ask. Let's see how an extension will turn out... 🤔
Once the Platoon learns Nasiens is a fairy, as soon as their shock dies down, Anne and Donny will ask if Nasiens can fly. Why? Because flying is awesome, dammit!
Either King or Tioreh will teach Nasiens how to float.
Donny misses his arrow-caused undercut that Percival gave him, but he will never dare to try getting his hair cut like that again. It's gonna happen, though.
Donny and Anne have gotten a lot closer in the 2 years they spent (mostly) alone on missions together... They've developed several inside jokes that they'll apologize to the team for later.
Lancelot subtly manipulated the team in minor ways, too. That's how he gradually improved their manners and toned down their exaggerated assumptions of what Liones would be like. He tried everything he could to prepare them, but he toned his morally-gray effort down after Anne confronted him about his secrets and lack of trustworthiness.
Sleeping in a cuddle pile became an unconscious habit for the Percy Platoon. Some members of the Tristan Platoon are jealous.
Donny cheats in carnival games and Anne complains about it until he wins the grand prize--then she hopes it's a gift for her or can be sold for a lot of money.
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ivyllamauwu · 11 months
So I decided to give some 4kota head canons that I have❤️ (they are practically all modern Au ones, but who’s cares?🤷‍♀️ It does include some light Lantris and Perciens)
•Lancelot has really sensitive skin and hates the way certain clothing textures feel on his skin, and that’s why he loves the hoodie that King made him because it feels perfect on his body.
•The Four knights would have game nights with just themselves(no Anne, no Nasiens, no Isolde, just the four of them), and would have an amazing time just hanging out with each other, and being around each other.
•With Lancelot and Tristan being the same hight and roughly the same size, Lancelot would steal Tristans clothes since they were made with a higher quality material, so it wouldn’t feel near as terrible on his skin as other fabrics do.
•Since Zeldris and Gelda practically adopted Percival they would always make sure to do something on the day they took him into their arms, and welcomed him as their son.
•(Following the last one) Percival always sent a card to Zeldris and Gelda on Mother’s Day, and Fathers Day.
• The Percy Platoon, and the Tristan platoon (plus Gwain and Lancelot) would always try and find time to watch a movie together and be a big ole friend group. And have fun, doing whatever they wanted.
•Lancelot has very few contacts in his phone, but Tristan on the other hand has literally everyone’s phone number, for no reason. So when Lancelot needs to talk to someone he doesn’t have in his phone he’ll just steal Tristans phone and call them.
•Percival has an obsession with adding a lot of emojis for everyone in his phone, for example Nasiens would be Something like: “❤️🍄🌹 Nasiens ⭐️🌤️🌱” Most of the time he doesn’t even know why he adds half the emojis he adds..
•Jade does a similar thing that Percival does except he’ll hand pick the emojis that he thinks best describes them.
•One of the main ways Tristan shows affection is by showering the people he loves with gifts, wether it be something as small as a earring, or it would be something hella expensive that he overheard the person talking about. Example: He once heard Anne talking about how she wanted a new outfit that she wish she could afford. And Tristan overheard that she wanted it and he went and spent a few thousand just so he could get for her and make her happy.
•Lancelot is freakishly good at remembering the smallest of details. Someone could mention something once in a conversation and Lancelot would remember it for the rest of his life. And that’s why when Lancelot and Tristan team up when it’s time to give people gifts (like during Christmas time) they would always get the best gifts since Lancelot remembers everything and Tristan doesn’t have a budget when it come to holiday shopping.
I’m probably going to do more because I love being delusional and ignoring how sad the last chapter made me. And if you guys have anymore head canons feel free to share them with me. Maybe I’ll add them to the next one I’ll do (with full credit ofc❤️)
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smokerswifey · 6 months
What your personal headcanons for percy platoon?👀
Would love to hear your headcanons~
Thank you so much for answering I looooove recieving questions !!
These headcannons are for the Percy Platoon so :
• Percival
• Nasiens
• Anne
• Donny
• Lancelot, honorary member
▪︎ Percival cooks for the Platoon every day just like his grandpa did for him . Seeing his friends faces light up when they try his food makes his day .
▪︎ Anne loves tending to Donny's hair . Whenever it gets to long or too tangled for Donny to handle, Anne will huff, grab his hand and pull him to sit down so that she can take care of his hair . Sometimes she combs it or trims it or pulls it into cute hairstyles . Donny complains and groans loudly when his hair ends up being covered in little bows and ribbons but deep down he still appreciates it .
▪︎ The Platoon goes on daily jogs or do little exercices to help Nasiens build up his stamina .
▪︎ Sometimes Percival gets nightmares about his grandpa's death and wakes up in sweat and tears . Despite being sleepy, the Platoon always rushes to his side to comfort him . Donny throws his arm around Percy's. Anne uses her hands to wipe the tears tracks of his cheeks and push his hair out of his face, Nasiens squeezes his hands until they stop shaking and Lancelot curls up to Percy's side in his fox form. Even after Percy eventually falls asleep they still stay close to him, looking out for him .
▪︎ Everyone carries Lancelot around in his fox form . Donny keep him on his shoulder, Anne carries him under his armpits, Nasiens cradles him like a baby ( he only does this when Lance is asleep tho, cause he would never let him do that if he was awake ) and Percy hugs him to his chest .
Fuck these are really short, I wish I could continue but I'm really tired lol,I'll do a part two .
Thanks @mertylmylove for this I looooove answering questions like these !!
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mertylmylove · 6 months
This a canon when it comes the percy platoon.
○ Physical affection is a thing in the percy platoon i believe me ,they are always huging eachother 24/7 and the kisses(Not romantic tho) that Percy gives out to everyone. It his love. Nobody can convice that this is not canon. I know iam so delu🥰🤗
○ You yall hear me out theos bicthes sleep in the same bed together it a thing. Close to eachother cuddling one another in their sleep.🥰🥺 the reason they do it is because percival told them he used sleep with his Grandpa Varghese like that and also because percival sees them as his famliy and they love being close to eachother.🥺💗
○ When Percival cooks food for his friends he cooks a bunch of food so his friends can be full.💗💕🥺 How cute.
○ The percy platoon kiss eachother good nignt all the time. If you forgot your in trouble.🤭😚
○ Percy platoon has a thing for Cuddling.💕💌🥺🥺🥺
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winterlogysblog · 5 months
Random Headcanons
- Fairies smoke. They get high, oh they get so high. (Thanks @sydns for putting this idea in my head lol) The Fairy King's Forest has a spot where one can find the highest quality of herbs, one of the reasons why humans try to enter the forest in the first place. There are also far more crazier things that can be found in the Fairy Realm. None of the Sins know that King smokes because he didn't during his time with the Sins, his argument being that humans don't sell the good stuff. The first time anyone has actually seen King and Elaine smoke is at Gilthunder and Margaret's wedding.
- Goddess shed their feathers as they grow. It's kind of a weird sight to see
- Goddess and Fairies are known to have beautiful voices. The question of whose better is very subjective depends on who you ask. When a Goddess sings they bring a heavenly and ethereal feel. When a Fairy sings it's more enchanting and whimsical.
- Lancelot slept on Chastiefol once. Best nap ever.
- Lancelot became a bit overprotective over the Percy Platoon after the incident because he doesn't want anyone getting hurt again
- Lancelot didn't speak to Sixtus for months after Sixtus received Magliastira. Lance is just upset he didn't get a cool weapon
- Mael cried when he found out that Tristan named his swords after him
- Meliodas would sometimes talk to the horses in the castle stables, sometimes Ban would join in. King apologizes to the horses on their behalf
- Lancelot and Sixtus would use birds to carry messages to each other.
- Gowther taught Tristan how to curse in Demon language
- Gowther is Sixtus' favorite Uncle. "His weirdness is endearing." Sixtus said.
- Zeldris and Mael would sometimes have their own little tea parties in the Demon Realm. Meliodas found out about it and got upset he wasn't invited. "You don't even like tea." Zeldris argued. "That's not the point! It's the thought that matters, it's about a get together between brothers" after that they invited Meliodas, he really didn't last long.
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somthing-lavender · 1 year
My thoughts on 109
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I'm curious how the Chaos knights stand in comparison to the 4kota. It seems like they're cautious of Lance and Tristan, but believe they could take Percival on. Meanwhile seems like Gawain could of beaten most of them if it weren't for a few strong ones.
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I do like the fact 4kota is explaining the magic system more. I assume this means Anne has more abilities, instead of her new one completely replacing the old one.
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Kinda gay of you Percy to want to join Nasiens in his training
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RIP Percy
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You know I'm curious, how long are they gonna stay in the demon realm. Seems like they're still in it. Tristan saint coat only last for 6 hours. Could he just reapply it? I assumed he could only do 6 hours because he'll be too drained afterwards.
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Talking about Tristan, what are him and his platoon doing? Is it anything productive, or are they like just chilling (or crying, Jade died less than 24 hours ago).
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yume-tsuki · 8 months
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I finished the winter picture with the Percy Platoon <3
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