blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 1292
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon), Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: F/M, M/M
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Archibald Desnay, Keyleth/Vax’ildan, Grog Strongjaw & Pike Trickfoot, Grog Strongjaw/Pike Trickfoot
Character(s): Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Archibald Desnay, Vex’ahlia, Vax’ildan, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Strongjaw, Pike Trickfoot, Keyleth
Additional Tags: Archie lives AU, Percy is a bisexual, Ships are altered
Summary: As the sword flew down, Percy planted both his hands against Archie’s back, shoving the man forward. The ginger staggered back, looking back in time to see the sword cleave through Percy’s side. “PERCIVAL!” Archie screamed out, watching him fall to the ground, blood pooling from his wound.
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allxaboutxmarie · 2 months
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flower1622 · 7 months
Percabeth in other universes:
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shattered-glasswork · 2 months
New OC
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(You should totally leave an ask about him :3)
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pain-is-too-tired · 1 month
Do y'all have any throw away background characters you for some reason got attached to?
For me it's that Apollo kid that Percy saw get yanked away by a hellhound when they just got to the bridge.
Idk why. He sticks in my brain.
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bluecrocss · 3 months
Yap-Sesh number... Whatever: "Race-swapping", White supremacy, Misogyny, and Casting in Hollywood
Okay... so Tiktok kept trying to push clips of Walker Scobell and Mason Thames at Comic-con to me (I guess cuz I'm pretty active in pjo series fan spaces), and each time I would find myself quickly scrolling away or having no interest in seeing the clip.
And at first I thought, maybe it's because as much as i love Walker as Percy and as much as I think the cast are so adorable, I'm an adult and I'm not really one of his fan girls (for obvious reasons), so I'm not super interested in edits that are basically simping for him.
But the intensity with which I avoided these clips, I realized there was something else that was driving that feeling... it was resentment.
As you can see from my blog, I've invested a lot of time/energy pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti-blackness and backlash that has been thrown at Leah Jeffries for her casting as annabeth, as well as consistently coming to her defense against the bigots I've encountered on literally every social media site I've used. And I'm already pre-exhasuted knowing that I'm going to have to do the same thing for Nico Parker when the httyd movie comes out, despite the fact that she is just as white as Pete Wentz and more white than KJ Apa (who y'all had no problem with him dying his hair and playing canonically white Archie Andrews), the backlash she's going to get is insane and it's going to be a Leah Sava Jeffries situation all over again.
But when Zendaya or Jaz Sinclair or Amanadla Stenberg play fully black characters, with two black parents, you don't see the black community up in arms and losing our shit. But God forbid somebody who is 3/4s white play a white character and suddenly y'all wanna bring up the one-drop rule and start preaching about racial purity. You people are genuinely closet white supremacists.
The httyd movies might be based on aspects Scandinavian culture, but they aren't actually historically accurate to Norse (or "viking" as some of y'all like to call it) culture. It's like with Game of Thrones or D&D, the setting is inspired by real cultures but the contents are fantastical and don't require any "Ethnic accuracy" (what's that thing about white people can hold their disbelief for dragons but not POC in fantasy? 💀).
Which is crazy because NONE OF THE CAST (including the fully white actors) ARE ETHNICALLY SCANDINAVIAN. Furthermore, Mason Thames looks NOTHING like Hiccup. Hiccup is supposed to be an awkward, gangly nerd in the first movie and Mason Thames looks like a highschool Jock (which I don't mind. Cuz unlike y'all, I'm more interested in his acting and portrayal of the character).
Y'all did the same thing with Rachel Ziegler and snow white, who is in every way racially white and fair skinned, but y'all lost your shit because her mom is Colombian (news flash, Latinos can be white also. Ask Anya Taylor Joy). I think it goes beyond white supremacy though, y'all are also just misogynistic because when Keanu Reeves (half white) plays Jonathan Harker in Dracula, or Pedro Pascal (Latino) plays Joel and is in gladiator or Oscar Isaac (Latino) plays a welsh folk singer or a british noble or Mark-Paul Gosselar (Half-white) plays the iconically white all-american teen, Zack Morris for 5 years, it's suddenly not a problem.
Everytime y'all dogpile on a WOC actress like this, it's with this idea that they're getting an "unfair advantage". Hollywood is pushing it's "Woke agenda" and a hardworking white actress lost a role because a less-talented woc is "stealing" the spot. So you drag them in the name of "accuracy to the source material". But again, in 2024 71% of lead theatrical roles were played by white people and every other racial group made up 29%. Where is this hollywood woke agenda?
It's so funny, because it works the exact opposite because a WOC getting this kind of role is a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence, and then she's tokenized by hollywood for a few years and then left to dry.
I always think about how Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyongo both had similar buzz when they first broke into Hollywood, and alot of people would put them at similar talent levels in terms of acting (I personally thing Lupita washes Jlaw, tbh). Yet over the course of their career, look at the quality of roles hollywood has offered each. Look at who hollywood pushed in the limelight over and over again.
When Percy Jackson and HTTYD are over, both Walker and Mason are going to get the hollywood white boy of the month treatment. Hollywood is going to try to make them leading men and put them in EVERYTHING. Like they did with Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland, Chris pratt, Leo DiCaprio, even going back to James Dean in the 50s. And it's not to say that these men aren't talented, but it is the reality of where the bias lies in hollywood. Nico Parker, despite being a literal Nepo Baby, will never get the pure number of opportunities Mason gets, simply because MOST lead roles are written with white people as the default (keeping in mind that she is LITERALLY more white than she is black) and most lead roles still go to men.
It's just so unfair that these are young hard-working actors who have done nothing to y'all but because of pure racism and misogyny (that's what it is, even if you personally feel like it's not), look at the difference in the experience Leah and Nico have versus Walker and Mason. The difference in peace of mind. Feeling loved and supported vs being told you don't belong and you're not good enough. It's so reflective of real life for WOC and white men in general.
Everyone says they believe in "equality" and "hiring based on merit" and "representation is important", but most of y'all are lying. How are we ever going to get to point of actual equal representation in hollywood, when this is how white people act while they are STILL the majority? And don't say it's because of "race-swapping" because Amandla Stenberg has gotten racial backlash TWICE. Once when she played a character that was written to be black, but got backlash from white audiences because they had imagined the character white (and once again, the character was supposed to be fully black AND darker-skinned, but you didn't see black people losing our mind that she was being played by a light-skinned, biracial actor); and second in the acolyte, where she played a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL CHARACTER and still got racial abuse (yes, I have heard the show isn't very good, but the backlash started before it came out so save the gaslighting).
And for the Walker and Mason fans who are going to ignore the entire thesis of this post and interpret it as a hate-post towards your faves... this is literally a blog dedicated to the pjo live-action. I love Walker as Percy. He's seems like a really sweet kid and I'm glad he's getting all the recognition he's getting. And I love how supportive he's been of Leah. Same with Mason, he was great in Black Phone and I have no doubt he'll kill it in HTTYD. But would y'all ever give that level support or benefit of the doubt to their costars?
Also, also... for all the weirdos who are going to catch on the Rachel Ziegler example and say "oh it wasn't her race, she shit-talked the character" blah blah blah. No she didn't. Y'all took a few interview clips out of context and joined in on a misogynistic hate campaign from the anti-woke brigade like y'all did with Brie Larson. There was already backlash to her casting before she had even done a single interview. Why don't y'all save the hate for the literal Zionist that is playing the evil queen (apt title tho 🤔) instead?
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jhsharman · 6 months
what's in a name?
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The habit of changing some extra and one time characters' hair color pops in at an unexpected point.
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The silhouetted panel gets kinda abstract.
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They just have a few squiggly lines laying around. May as well drop them in.
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oliver-nova · 1 month
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just some random icons made from some cool pictures/screencaps i had.
300 x 300
please like/reblog if you use any. it motivates me to make more!
no uploading as your own.
icon 30 is on the icon page since it won't let me add one more pic ;~;
all 30 are after the jump or on my gta rp characters icon page
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jazzdailyblog · 9 days
Perry Robinson: A Clarinet Virtuoso Who Expanded the Horizons of Jazz
Introduction: Perry Robinson, an avant-garde clarinetist, is often remembered for his unique contributions to jazz and for expanding the musical vocabulary of the clarinet. He defied easy categorization, integrating influences from a wide array of genres, including bebop, free jazz, folk, and world music. Robinson’s career spanned six decades, and he worked with some of the most innovative and…
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Percy de Rolo family one-shot (Pre-Briarwoods)
Percy is annoyed with his older brother
Percy couldn’t stand his older brother. Julius was pompous in a way only the first born could be, gaurenteed his success for birth. Not to mention that fact Julius was just… big. Percy couldn’t remember a time Julius hadn’t towered over him, and now he was even a little taller than their father even though he was still a teenager. He’d always been more athletic than Percy, even considering their age difference. More Charismatic too. The only thing Percy had on him was his intelligence, but it seemed like all that earned him annoyed groans from his siblings. For some reason it felt like Julius always picked on Percy in particular. He’d steal Percy’s glasses or snatch his latest project and of coarse the endless list of annoying nicknames.
The only good thing about Julius being the oldest was that he, more than anyone else, had to act proper in front of other nobles and the public. Balls and parties were one of the few times Percy was really guaranteed a break. Which worked out anyway because Percy was a bit… distracted. Not every noble brought their children along, but there had been a new girl at their festivities recently. He wasn’t sure what her name was, but she seemed to glide wherever she went and laughed louder than the others and her hair bounced when she’d turn around to grin at someone. He’d kinda like if she’d grin at him like that.
Percy was a bit lost in that train of thought when suddenly he felt someone fly past him and his vision went blurry. Dammit. Even here! Percy stumbled to his feet and hurried after the blur he knew was Julius. He was trying not to draw attention or bump into anyone. Finally he saw Julius drop something, presumably his glasses, at a nearby table. “Excuse me” he managed to whoever was at this table as he felt the familiar metal on his glasses on the table. Percy was just putting them back on when he heard something just a little too familiar. That loud laughter. “That’s alright” the girl giggled “your family seems lively. I’m Madeline” Percy cleared his throat awkwardly, hoping the heat creeping over his cheeks wasn’t too obvious. “Very nice to meet you Madeline. My name is Percival” he managed, bowing slightly like his dad taught him. “But uh, you can just call me Percy” He glanced up and caught Julius looking at him with his signature shit eating grin. Julius winked at him and Percy felt the heat spread to his neck.
Percy liked hanging out with Archie, even if he was always getting them both into trouble. To be honest, especially when Archie was getting them both into trouble. Archie didn’t treat him like a Noble or like a sibling. That’s really all Percy had ever been. It was a nice change of pace. They certainly didn’t seem like a natural choice for best friends. Percy really couldn’t explain it himself. There was something… magnetic about Archie. His lopsided grin and fire red hair and brash dialect. He was so full of energy and fire and sometimes Percy was just happy to be able to witness it. It was always the highlight of his day, and he was always a little bummed right after Archie left with his dad for the night. This was that time of the night, when Percy said his goodbyes and shuffled back to his room.
“Come play with us!” Percy heard from behind him. The twins. There was a decent age gap between them and while he didn’t mind playing along every now and then, he wasn’t in the mood. “Not right now okay guys? Tomorrow I promise.” Both of them made a loud whining sound in protest. “You played with Archie all day, how come you won’t play with us?” Oliver demanded. Percy rolled his eyes. “I just don’t want to.” He answered plainly, quickly running out of patience. “If you like Archie so much why don’t you marry him?” Whitney sang in a mocking tone. He heard Cassandra laugh from where she and Julius had been talking nearby.
Percy’s cheeks flushed. Normally Whitney couldn’t get to him, she wasn’t that good with her teasing attempts and he mostly dismissed it. She didn’t do it much anyway. But something about that taunt, and the way Cass laughed, made his face burn. “Shut it!” He snapped suddenly. He felt all his siblings stiffen. Percy rarely yelled. His response to teasing was usually a clever quip or roll of the eyes. A brief silence fell over them and Percy could swear he heard his heart pounding. “Whatever! You guys suck!” He yelled at them collectively and booked it back to his room.
He huffed as he dropped onto his desk chair, starting to fidget with his newest project. His anger began to dissipate slowly as he worked. Maybe he’d been too harsh. Whitney was just trying to get his attention. He hadn’t meant to yell at her. Why had that made him so angry? He heard her voice in his head again ‘if you like Archie so much, why don’t you marry him?’ It was a weak taunt. It should have been. But he couldn’t help but feel… embarrassed. Maybe a little hurt. He couldn’t put his finger on why. He was torn out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. He expected it to be his mother or father, angry he’d yelled at his little sister like that. Instead, he found Julius. “What do you want?” Percy bit out, sitting back in his chair. “What are you working on?” Julius asked, closing the door behind him. Percy raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you care?” He responded, but after a moment of silence he answered with a softer tone “it’s a clock.”
Julius hummed and tilted his head to look at it. “It’s nice, Percy” he said quietly. “You wanna know something?” Percy looked at him with a skeptical expression “I’m kind of jealous of you sometimes” that halted Percy immediately. Julius had to be messing with him. “Why?” Percy managed. Julius drummed his fingers on Percys desk. “Because you can have whatever future you want” Julius answered “You don’t have to be involved in politics or leadership, if you don’t want to. If you wanna make clocks, or anything else, you can do that” Julius paused for a moment and turned to look over Percys shelf of gadgets and parts, giving Percy a small bit of privacy. “And if you want to spend time with noble girls, or with kitchen boys, or both, you can do that too” Percy stiffened a little, feeling the blush flare on face once again. Julius didn’t pause or turn to look at him. “And I trust that you’re smart enough to know what you want, when it comes to it.” Percy let out a quiet breath and the anger drained out of him. “Thanks, Julius” he muttered “Really.”
Percy could nearly feel Julius’ smile before he turned around. “Don’t let it go to your head, four eyes” he said in his usual pompous tone and ruffled Percy’s hair aggressively before he left. Percy smiled a little at his closed door before shaking his hair back normal.
Maybe Julius wasn’t so bad. Mostly.
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Vomiting more ideas for The Olympian AU.
Please bear with me.
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Percy eventually gets over her feelings of being abandoned and becomes the most cheerful 10 year old in a goth's body. Sure, she wears black and listens to heavy metal and fights monsters. But when she isn't and has her downtime she loves gushing about all the really cool gem facts she knows by heart! She wants to make everybody a gem necklace!
Besides her half brothers Ciarán and Milo, Darrell is her favorite person in camp! (I mean it's Darrell, he's automatically going to be the camp favorite.) Considering he and Earl the Satyr found her and brought her back to camp, (slightly wounded and bleeding in Darrell's case) She's immediately looking up physically and emotionally to him.
Percy is very very worried about Izzy. The redhead is distant towards everybody and almost shakes in fear when she scrapes food into the offering fire at dinner time. Izzy figures one wrong twitch and she could become a pile of ashes the very next day.
Izzy likes Max and Archie but is too afraid to approach them...she figures as a child of Zeus, she's cursed to be alone because no man will ever be appropriate in her father's eyes, (not that she thinks he cares but...) Best not to have her pair of crushes turned into swans or trees or piles of ash.
Izzy feels abandoned. It makes her angry that she has to isolate herself. She also resents her almighty father for leaving her mother with the burden of raising her.
Ophelia targeting her just because she's a child of Zeus. Izzy once exploded on the daughter of Nemesis because she was thought to be better than everyone else. Only to retort how lonely and scared she is. Her green eyes welling with tears as she ran into her cabin to cry her heart out.
Max and Archie finally getting to comfort Izzy during their first quest together. The trio had it rough and aired their grievances. Izzy had the best night sleep she had in a long time.
Tag: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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by-talos · 8 months
the worst thing i’ve ever done is want it too bad
i was talking to a moth
the other evening
he was trying to break into
an electric lightbulb
and fry himself on the wires
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why do you fellows
pull this stunt i asked him
because it is the conventional
thing for moths or why
if that had been an uncovered
candle instead of an electric
light bulb you would
now be an unsightly cinder
have you no sense
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plenty of it he answered
but at times we get tired
of using it
we get bored with the routine
and crave beauty
and excitement
fire is beautiful
and we know that if we get
too close it will kill us
but what does that matter
it is better to be happy
for a moment
and be burned up with beauty
than to live a long time
and be bored all the while
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so we wad up all our life
into one little roll
and then we shoot the roll
that is what life is for
it is better to be a part of beauty
for one instant and then cease to
exist than to exist forever
and never be a part of beauty
our attitude toward life
is easy come easy go
we are like human beings
used to be before they became
too civilised to enjoy themselves
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and before i could argue him
out of his philosophy
he went and immolated himself
on a patent cigar lighter
i do not agree with him
myself i would rather have
half the happiness and twice
the longevity
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but at the same time i wish
there was something i wanted
as badly as he wanted to fry himself
the lesson of the moth by archy (1927) by Don Marquis
I, Tonya (2017) by Craig Gillespie
Macbeth (c1606) by William Shakespeare i’m
The Fallen Angel (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel | The Kiss (1882) by Auguste Rodin
Ozymandias (1818) by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Lament of Icarus (1898) by Herbert James Draper | The Unfortunate Gregor Samsa (2012) by Rich Johnson
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flower1622 · 8 months
Ships that are cute/healthy:
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shattered-glasswork · 2 months
yo archie looks good he looks bored out of his mind tho! What's his story?
He is a son of nemesis/Invidia and a legacy of Apollo!! His dad was a fisherman and took him out to lakes pretty often. They lived in an apartment for most of his life so they decided to go fishing as a celebration when he bought a house (they had been low on money for awhile with his dad working odd jobs to support them.) but yeah they didn't know that there were sirens in the lake so they did the whole siren song thing and they promised Archie a PS5 if he got in the water so he jumped in and the siren grabbed him by the neck with her claes and that's why he has the scratch mark scars on his neck. He has a floaty on so between the waves from his dad fighting sirens (albeit unsuccessfully) and him desperately trying to swim to shore he made it out of the lake and waited for his dad for about three hours before going off on his own where he lived in a homeless shelter until a saytr found him and brought him to camp half blood where he got claimed bc percy made the gods have to claim their kids. But yeah he's actually Roman but just stays at camp half blood and honestly that's probably better because he hates being told what to do) so yeah, he dyes part of his hair blonde as a sign of respect for his dad and also wears his overly large boots that he found on the ship when it floated to land. But he's very silly and I love him dearly
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2016 + 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise
1. Fiona Fox - requested by supersonicman9003
2. Lady Goat - requested by 4atomic4
3. Wave the Swallow - requested by 4atomic4
4. Diane Aardvark - requested by 4atomic4
5. Perci - requested by 4atomic4
6. Shahra - requested by 4atomic4
7. Vanilla the Rabbit - requested by 4atomic4
8. Zooey - requested by 4atomic4
9. Doc Ginger - requested by 4atomic4
10. Princess Elise the Third - requested by 4atomic4
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 823
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Archibald Desnay
Character(s): Archibald Desnay, Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Additional Tags: Descriptions of Pain, Descriptions of being imprisoned, Putting the “dungeon” in dungeons & dragons, show verse, Show!Archibald, Show!Percy, POV Third Person Limited, One Shot, No Spoilers for the original campaign, Episode 6, Archie’s POV of Ep 6, Canon Compliant, (With liberties taken with POVs)
Series: Through Their Eyes
Summary: Archibald Desnay is left to die painfully in a dungeon, sees a ghost, and then watches a house burn down. Here's what he thought about that.
(Safe for show-only viewers.)
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