#tlovm archie
blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 1292
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon), Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: F/M, M/M
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Archibald Desnay, Keyleth/Vax’ildan, Grog Strongjaw & Pike Trickfoot, Grog Strongjaw/Pike Trickfoot
Character(s): Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Archibald Desnay, Vex’ahlia, Vax’ildan, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Strongjaw, Pike Trickfoot, Keyleth
Additional Tags: Archie lives AU, Percy is a bisexual, Ships are altered
Summary: As the sword flew down, Percy planted both his hands against Archie’s back, shoving the man forward. The ginger staggered back, looking back in time to see the sword cleave through Percy’s side. “PERCIVAL!” Archie screamed out, watching him fall to the ground, blood pooling from his wound.
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glumspell · 2 months
My biggest hope for the Mighty Nein animated series is that they capture the tone correctly and don't use the same tone for TMN that they used for TLOVM.
I thought the tone in TLOVM was great for Vox Machina, it was littered with Scanlan style adult humor that suited the adult-style comedy/drama very well but I dont think that exact same tone would work well for the Mighty Nein.
Even though TMN had dirty humor, I think it's style of humor was different than TLOVM. Sex scene cut-aways and projectile vomiting, over the top gore and poop humor throwaway gags I don't think would hit the way for TMN as it does in TLOVM even though it exists in TMN.
I think that in the way that TLOVM is framed around Scanlan style humor, I think TMN is framed around Jester humor- which is still dirty, but sillier and a bit more naive and familiar that fits the mature tone of TMN much better than the throwaway humor of TLOVM.
And i'm sure TMN will be gore-y too but sometimes the gore in TLOVM was over the top in a way that detracted from some of the major villain deaths and made them less impactful when compared to some disposable npc whose skull gets exploded in a few scenes prior. What I mean is that I hope it's gore-y where it counts. Like Caleb crushing the guards while storming the sanitarium in rage and vengeance is not as impactful if everyone dies in a similar fashion all the time, if you know what I mean?
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heartbeliever31 · 1 year
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Waiting for the next episodes of Vox Machina, I couldn´t stop thinking about the similarities between my all-time faves and my new faves. So I made this little thing. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
AU where Archibald doesn't die and ends up having a big family with his s/o and 2 dogs probably bigger than he is.
Yes!! It’s what our rebel deserves!!
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Post Whitestone liberation, it’s a whole ass celebration!!! While Vox Machina returns from the ziggurat, Percy sees you two leading the revelry.
Hugging, dancing, cheering!! All of it! It’s finally over!
It comes as no surprise that given all the love you have for each other, there’s an entire brood of children
Like maybe a soccer team and a half size 😆
And what better than two ginormous Irish wolfhound types, or direwolves, to have as the designated pets
Every time Vox Machina swings by for a visit to check up, Uncle Percy’s bombarded by kids and two large hounds
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diabeticgirl4 · 1 year
"Those were bad ideas and you should all feel bad" sjfjdkfk bless u vax
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(Original) De Rolo Family headcanons
(disclaimer: I’m basing the ages/birth order on tlovm. I realize particularly for Cass they got switched around from Critical Role)
Julius is, at first glance, everything you would expect from the first born of a noble family. He’s charming, athletic, and speaks with all the Confidence of a leader and eloquence of a Noble. He’s physically imposing to boot, already tall and stocky as a teenager and 6’3 by the time he’s a man. His family knows him for his rebellious streak though. He sneaks out at night to meet up with local girls, loves to irritate his younger siblings, and tends to be a bit of a hothead. Loves his family and his parents but is sometimes resentful of the freedom his younger siblings get without the burden of rulership.
Vesper, born 3 years after Julius. Typically regarded as the quiet one of the bunch. She gets some of the same lessons on rulership and duty as Julius, and she understands that likely she’ll still have a leadership role in Whitestone. But she’s not as weighed down by it as Julius. She likes to read and paint and garden. She’s very good at conducting herself in formal spaces, so much so you almost wouldn’t notice the insecurity and anxious tendencies her family is so familiar with. She’s still the calmest of them all and as such is often the one to settle disputes between her younger siblings.
Percy, born 2 years after Vesper. He’s the first to really be distant from the future of running Whitestone. He devotes his time to tinkering and science instead. Tends to be a little shy and awkward, although not quite as much as Vesper but he’s not as skilled at hiding it. He’s still snarky and mischievous, especially when Archie is around. Other than Archie he tends to spend the most time with Vesper or on his own. He gets annoyed the fastest, although he does enjoy making toys or other small gadgets for his family. His family has come to expect his very particular interests- clocks, or the feywilds, even teaching himself Celestial.
Cassandra, born 3 years after Percy. She’s loud and rambunctious and full of antics. She’s not as good at all the formalities of nobility but much more naturally confident than Percy or Vesper. Loves to explore the castle and play tag or hide and seek with her younger siblings. Despite the age difference, she and Julius have a special bond due to their similar personalities.
Whitney and Oliver, born 1 1/2 years after Cassandra. Known by their family as the terrible two. They get into trouble constantly. Tracking mud inside, getting into sweets, breaking fragile decor, etc. they’re seemingly always either in cahoots or bickering. Also very active, they play with Cassandra a lot.
Ludwig, born 4 1/2 years after the twins. An accidental but not unwelcome surprise addition to the family. He’s shy around new people, but a chatterbox and a goofball around people he knows. Doesn’t like being alone and will often sleep in one of his siblings or parents room as opposed to his own.
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
with fic like i deeply prefer tlovm!yennen and tlovm!archie as i think they're just like more iconic in my head and i like childhood friend of percy, but i also prefer the campaign in nearly every other way, such as how many siblings percy has so do i like. mix and match. but that would annoy me. but i prefer tlovm yennen so much.
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when this season of TLOVM is over I’m going to have to make a supercut of every time Vex grabs/holds Percy because that’s been a lot of touching from a self-declared closed-off woman
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
RIP Archie.
You died so Perc'ahlia could live, and we thank you for your sacrifice.
For real if they didn't reunite the "Old Friends" at the end with a big ol' smooch under the sun tree then we'd all have been mad.
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everlightsblessing · 2 years
How DARE they get me attached to young hot Archie just to do him dirty like that 😭😭
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 823
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Archibald Desnay
Character(s): Archibald Desnay, Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Additional Tags: Descriptions of Pain, Descriptions of being imprisoned, Putting the “dungeon” in dungeons & dragons, show verse, Show!Archibald, Show!Percy, POV Third Person Limited, One Shot, No Spoilers for the original campaign, Episode 6, Archie’s POV of Ep 6, Canon Compliant, (With liberties taken with POVs)
Series: Through Their Eyes
Summary: Archibald Desnay is left to die painfully in a dungeon, sees a ghost, and then watches a house burn down. Here's what he thought about that.
(Safe for show-only viewers.)
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mariuslepual · 2 years
I'll never be over how they looked at canon c1 percy and they said you know what? how about we traumatise this guy even further
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
quick n dirty liveblog for TLOVM s1, episode 6!
every time I see a Matthew Mercer npc now I automatically go “oh this group is not gonna have a good time huh”. rough lot in life for the mattholemews
VERY AOT vibes. I don’t know much about AOT but I know that. chomp chomp.
I took a break between episodes 5 and 6 so I got a fun moment of “aw dead raven :(” and then immediately followed by “AAH DEAD PEOPLE oh right”
keeper yennen seems ni- oh no, why is she talking about a new dawn. people talking about a new dawn is almost never a good thing.
Ominous Percy, at any given moment: O . O
Keyleth coming in strong with a “I think we ALL sing” moment. sure, kiki. <3 (is vex not the leader?)
twins, hot, leaning against bookshelves, being snarky but not helpful. you both suck. I adore both of you.
grog: ale-less hell. scanlan: mourning shitty tavern. percy: having Main Character Moment. the twins: lounging against bookshelves looking hot giving witty one liners. keyleth: talking to plants. strong group.
tfw everlight breaks up with u but instead of “its not you its me” it IS you :’(
(very much enjoyed the infiltration planning sequence. enjoyed vex/vax utter disdain even more)
“Those were all terrible plans and you should feel bad.” Oh but then the Proper Twin plan is really just “go in and do the thing” huh. Bit harsh on the criticism there, weren’t y'all.
Percy, hanging off a spire with his cloak billowing in the wind: B) Percy, stowing his RIFLE?? “its nothing but bad news B)” cool kid percy.
“when has splitting the party ever worked?” “uh, since shut the fuck up.” “uh, mhm, fair point”. fucking INCREDIBLE delivery on both fronts thank you.
oh so vax DOES have a tension wrench in his lock picking kits. HOW SHITTY WAS KRIEG’S DOOR THAT IT DIDN’T NEED O- (yelling becomes muffled as I drag myself off the stage by the collar)
“its not a door, its a thing of EVIL” vax you dramatic hoe,  I adore you.
vex i need you to dial back on slamming people against walls with your forearm because I am not strong enough to keep witnessing it oh shit
(Also the little pause of Keyleth putting her arm on vex’s shoulder was fantastic)
slappy fights! slappy fights! slappy fights!
percy being bisexual actually means he both encompasses “im going to find a window (cool, collected)” and “I fell out of a window (pained, full of regret)”
aw they got Archie! Archie seems like he’s been having a rough day, glad he’s being rescue, I’m sure nothing will go wrong. haha.
the use of the duplicate was a neat decision, mechanically and narratively, but I do like how shocked everyone else in VM was? was this not a standard tactic for them?
emo percy emo percy emo percy emo percy, I am vengeance for the de rolos.
rad! rad as hell! also percy is Going Thru it. Poor percy.
and poor Cassandra, christ.
im glad Archie lived. really wasn’t sure if that would happen. fuck I hope im not jinxing myself.
I really liked the pacing and character interactions AND action in this one! super fun throughout :D
combat is genuinely a treat to watch- both for little spell mechanic details and character moments AND cause its cool as hell. 
vex & vax are just standing around looking hot and cool and giving off quippy one liners and its VERY funny to me. they know what they’re doing
I will say that the amount of people just Brutally Murdered regularly throughout the episodes both highlights consequences and- kind of lessens their impact? I'm at a weird point where I see a large cluster of unknown people and go “ah they’re FUCKED huh”, and I’m not sure if that was their intent. 
Keyleth operates under a haze of anxiety and then EXTREME EFFECTIVENESS BUT ONLY UNDER DURESS and like, same. same, kiki.
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jsmtn · 2 years
Archie has now been added to the list of people I think Percy should smooch
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
me, poking tlovm with a stick: Stop Saying Wrong Things About Archie
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diabeticgirl4 · 1 year
Wait wait that one meme format w God creating a person and adding a pinch of *something* but accidentally dumping a whole lot of it, except the person is percy and the *something* is trauma
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