#persist and assume
sirensplayhouse · 2 years
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“However, the only fate governing your life is the fate determined by your own concepts, your own assumptions; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.”
- Neville Goddard from ‘The Power of Awareness’
your life is determined by your concepts, your assumptions , what you believe to be true will harden into your reality. let’s read that again “your life is the fate determined by your own concepts, your own assumptions; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.”
nobody has the power to shape your reality but you unless you give them that power. Neville said your thoughts and assumptions create your reality. not mine or the 20 million bloggers , YouTubers and loa coaches , your thoughts and assumptions. yours
you determine your reality based upon your own thoughts and assumptions. each and every blogger and self proclaimed coach have their own way of thinking everything is a matter of opinion in the law of assumption . what I perceive to be true might not be the same as the next person and that’s perfectly fine .
“In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.”
— Albert Einstein
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shradsmanifestt · 1 month
I promise you, This is the only loa post you'll ever need.
I promised and I will deliver.
Law of assumption basically means - what you assume to be true is true in your reality. That's it. That's all there is to it. But you guys just wanna overcomplicate this so much when all you got to do is assume in your favour and move on with that. Assume that your desire is already yours and persist on that.
Manifestation is INSTANT. The minute you decided you wanted it, the minute you decided that it is yours - It was done. That was it. It's already done. That is your new assumption, that is your story. As long as you persist in this there is nothing on Earth that could stop you from having it. BUT, there is one thing that can stop you from having it.
YOU, IT'S YOU. YOU ARE THE REASON. What other answer did you expect it to be?
The only thing to know here is this : The 3D is not what we change when manifesting, we change the 4D. The 3D simply reflects it. That is all.
You guys are so obsessed with changing the 3d, "trying" to manifest something, clicking on every clickbait video that says this is the technique you need to manifest your desire in 24 hours and all sorts of shit.
GUYS, GUYS GUYS PLEASEEEEE, Stop it. You are only telling yourself how you don't have it. You have got to realise that by now atleast! I mean c'mon. This is your reality, ok? You create every single part of it. If you can create it unconsciously, you sure as hell can do it consciously. You have to realise now and now that you are the creator of your reality. Don't let anything or anyone convince you otherwise.
Ok now I understand that some of you may be struggling so I am gonna be real straight with you. You are the one going back to the old story again and again. You're the one who is just overconsuming information instead of actually applying what you know. Stop this cycle. Look every single question you ask me again and again is an affirmation. An affirmation that tells everyone how you don't have what you want.
I've been persisting for two years but I didn't manifest it - Affirmation It feels impossible - Affirmation. Why aren't my affirmations working - Affirmation. Am I even doing this right? - Affirmation.
You are doing this to yourself. You get that??!
If you want it, you have to be willing to change yourself, to change your thoughts, to stay discplined in the story that you want. There's no other magical way to it. This is it. If you want it bad enough, OWN IT. FUCKING OWN IT AND PERSIST ON WHAT YOU WANT.
You know why you don't have it yet?? CAUSE YOU'RE SO FUCKING RELIANT ON THE 3D. Stop it. You aren't trying to change the 3d. Your only job is to change your 4d - your thoughts , your attention and awareness. The 3d has no other choice but to reflect it. 3d has no power and yk why? Cause it's so malleable and all it can ever do is reflect your 4d, your imagination. But your imagination - NOW that is in your hands, You can choose to think what you want, You can choose to accept what you want as true and just let your sc mind do it's magic. Thats all you need to know.
Now I get it, circumstances may same really really bad like almost impossible for you to believe that the opposite of what is actually there is actually the real reality. But you're just gonna have to do it anyway. Imagination - IS THE REAL REALITY. And there is nothing you can do to change it. SO accept that and change your thoughts.
Now if you don't believe in all this and sees this as some manifestation crap then I'm respectfully asking you to get the fuck off my blog, I don't need you here if you don't need me.
But if you know that this is it, this is true then I want you to read very carefully what I am gonna say next because THIS IS IT -
is loa real for YOU? (yes) is manifestation real for YOU? (yes) so is your imagination the real reality in your life? (yes) - so obviously what you assume has to be real too right? So it is real and it is yours. You have it and you have it now. That's it. That's all there is to it. If you believe in this, If you can know this, You have to know that this is it, what you assume is true, IS true in your reality.
All you gotta do is persist. Persist in your new story. It doesn't matter what technique you guys use. Just know that it is done. Stop treating it like a process - MANIFESTATION IS NOT A PROCESS, IT IS INSTANT, IT WAS YOURS THE MINUTE YOU DECIDED SO. CREATION IS FINISHED, IT IS YOURS.
Just know that it's done. You're not waiting for something to happen in the 3D - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Guys this is it, this is all you need, read it and reread it as many times you want to just get it in your head but trust me this is it.
You've got this!
Love, Shrads
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gildedmorrow · 3 months
if you’re fed up and manifesting feels like shit:
live in your head.
bbys, i promise, live in your head. think of your desired reality, your 4D, just let it absolutely fill up your brain. while you’re doing homework, think of you sitting in your desired reality feeling triumphant because all your desires manifested.
when you’re doing dishes, think of you in your desired reality sitting with your SP and grinning because finally, everything manifested.
you don’t have to do anything, just let your imagination be your validation. don’t think of it as a technique, don’t worry if you’re doing it right or wrong, don’t think of ANYTHING other than right now what it’s like in your 4D. that’s it.
i’ll never not preach robotic affs, so if you want to add an affirmation to repeat every time you imagine, by all means go for it. but for this, i just want you to STOP worrying about TECHNIQUES, and just ENJOY your desires. because it all manifested, you have it all, so let it fill up your mind.
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herchilddelusion · 18 days
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affirming, visualization, feeling, states, none of it fucking matters unless you PERSIST
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loassbarbie · 10 days
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remember: the state of wanting and the state of having are two very different things! wanting represents a lack, HAVING means YOU GOT IT. ✨
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velvetburberry · 2 months
How I manifested my dad being the CEO of a big company:
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1. I affirmed for a bit but then I didnt feel like affirming and I had other things i wanted to affirm about so i stopped affirming and I would only affirm for like 2 to 3 times like once a day maybe lol.
2. I accepted the fact that my dad has a great job. It was hard for me to accept something just like that but I pushed through that feeling. Everytime I would see him at home and not at office, I would just think "Oh well he is working from home for a bit"
3. Everytime I had thoughts like "My dad doesn't have a job" I would change that to "no he does! what am i talking about lol"
4. I didnt try to "feel it real" or robotically affirm. These methods are amazing and 100% works and robotically affirming is something I really like too and do often but I just didnt want to put more efforts in this because I knew I could do it even without doing the methods.
5. Did I feel miserable sometimes when I would see him getting worried or frustrated? Yes. But it didnt matter. Everytime I would feel really frustrated, I didnt do anything and just let myself feel what I want to feel and moved on.
6. Unlike my other desires, this one wasnt on my mind all the time. I didnt think about it that much. Only when something in the 3d contradicted with what I desired did I think about it.
It doesnt matter if you're obsessed with what you desire or if you arent. It doesnt matter if you think about it all the time or if you dont. It doesnt matter if you're manifesting in steps or if you're just accepting it as true. It will still work regardless. Because everything is an assumption.
A bit backstory: My dad lost his job around December of last year and since my family is financially stable, it didnt bother me that much. But then months passed and he wasnt getting a job even though he was really qualified. I was busy with my exams so I still didnt think about it much. But then I was bothered seeing him sad and at home all the time, so i decided to manifest a job. It's a great job in one of the best companies in our country so I'm really happy. It's not like he was a CEO of any company before. He is really good at his job but getting a CEO position in such a huge company is a really big deal. He gave an interview in that company MONTHS ago but they didnt get back to him after the interview so we all thought he didnt get the job. So it was a really big deal that they suddenly decided to employ him. I would show yall photos of the car they gave him but I'm scared any of my family member will be on this app and they will find out😭 not that they care about it. They are chill lol.
Tldr: Affirmed whenever I felt like it and accepted that he has a job and it's a great position. Thats all really.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
💗These pictures don't belong to me , these belong to @visualdior on twitter. For part 2 - click me and for part 3 -click me ! 💗
🐰Example 1 : Manifesting to look like your desired face
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💗Example 2 : Manifesting clear skin
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🐰It is very simple, decide what you want to manifest, affirm and persist. Don't allow 3D to control you , you have full control over your 3D reality since you are the ultimate CREATOR🐰
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etherealkissed88 · 9 months
loass things i think you should know that makes things easier
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“DARE TO ASSUME” + JUST HAVE FAITH: just accept/assume what you want as easily as you effortlessly assume negative things. just do it. most of the time people are thinking about the 'perfect way' to imagine or manifest. they look for the 'perfect technique' when theres no such thing. just dare to assume it is yours now! when it is assumed, have faith in that assumption. just decide its done no matter what you see. whatever you assume and persist in will harden into a fact right? once youve assumed it true, go about your 3d life having faith in imagination. know that your desires exist already since creation is finished so theres no way that it's "impossible to manifest". just surrender yourself to faith. just trust the law. you have been applying the law since you were born without knowing. now that you understand the law, just allow yourself to have faith in it. it cannot fail. you assume something to be true and continue being that version of you in imagination aka persisting = manifestation. thats the law. if fears, anxiety, or negative thoughts come, "dare to assume" they have no affect on you, because by default they dont either way. "dare to assume its yours because you are always the operant power who choses how life goes. it gets to a point when youre tired of going back and forth with “i have it” to “no i dont”. it all comes down to faith. you should have faith in yourself and the law especially since the five senses you use to interact with the 3d are all limited and you cant see everything that goes on in the 3d. thats why it makes sense to assume something and stick with it regardless of the 3d. when will you realize that a version of you who has your desires already exists, so just surrender to the version of you who has it already in imagination. stop limiting yourself because of “fears” and just say yes to imagination.
so, i dont give a fuck about what negative thoughts or anxiety you have, just assume its done. its too easy but you overcomplicate it. once assumed, have faith and persist because this is called the law of assumption after all.
THE 3D FOLLOWS, IT DOES NOT PRECEDE: the 3d does not have a mind of its own. its only job is to reflect imagination so who ever you are being imagination, it copies. im sure youve heard the phrase “signs follow, they do not precede” which means signs do not come before your manifestation. they are there (if your limited senses can see it) because that is who you are assuming to be in imagination so it follows that (signs arent important either way so dont spend time searching for them and focusing on them when you should be focused on already being at your end goal which is already having ur desire). similarly with the 3d, the 3d literally only follows you so for it to change or show you something you want, you have to change self/imagination. the 3d literally obeys imagination so expecting it to change without changing self doesnt make sense. if you find yourself getting angry w the 3d, remind yourself “the 3d follows, it does not precede”. it cannot move on its own without your permission because you are the operant power. knowing this should send you straight into being the change you want to see and depend on limitless imagination only.
this also helps with accepting you are the only source of power and helps stop yourself from validating and depending on the 3d. when you know the 3d depends on you to change, you no depend on the 3d to show you your desire. you no longer crave seeing change from it, rather you be the change.
YOU WANT THE FEELING: im not even gonna say you dont want it in the 3d because of course your human self wants the physical experience. but you have to know that the feeling (the knowing, not emotions), dictate how you feel about it in the 3d. for example, read this and realize that even if you physically manifest your desire, if you dont feel / know that it is truly yours (aka if you arent fulfilled), it can lead you to get insecure and assume negative. an example is when someone manifests their sp but they still assume that their sp will get tired of them and wouldnt love them for long. this person was not feeling fulfilled (knowing) that they were in a committed and loving relationship which is why even with physical proof of the relationship, they still felt that it wouldnt last. you want the feeling of being loved, of having financial freedom, of feeling confident in your body, and then the physical manifestation of it is a cherry on top. you see how that if you lack the knowing (feeling) of your desire, you can allow bad assumptions to overconsume you and even ruin the fun experience of physically experiencing it in the 3d because you arent even sure of really having it (another example of how who you are in imagination = everything else).
focus on that inner fulfillment next time you imagine something. are you satisfying yourself and returning to the state to the point where you can accept it and know its truly done?
ENJOY YOURSELF: actually imagine to enjoy yourself. what do you want to experience? forget about trying to manifest that sp or money, what do you actually want to experience with that desire? whatever you truly want, imagine it for your own enjoyment and once imagined, it is experienced. manifesting is literally supposed to be fun so imagine for fun, do your techniques for fun and by law, it will reflect either way. realize that imagination can take you anywhere at anytime. you can imagine anything you want so imagine to the point where you dont desire that thing anymore because you know it is yours in limitless imagination. this is fulfillment: you realize you are experiencing it now as limitless self and you are doing it for your own enjoyment. thats leaving the 3d alone and not depending on it for validation and thats the best part of satisfying yourself in imagination.
i say this because ive realized that when i used to imagine something and do techniques, it would feel like im forcing myself to do it and then i dont even actually enjoy myself and enjoy whatever i imagine. figure out specifically what it is you want and imagine it any way you want. chase that satisfaction.
YOU EXPERIENCE IT INSTANTLY: when you imagine something, you experience it right away. it is experienced in the present always! if i imagine myself holding $1000, i really am holding $1000 in that moment. this is because you are consciousness simply being aware of whatever. once you are aware of something in imagination, it really has been experienced already. once imagined, it really happened! if you think this is not true its because you limit yourself to the dead, neutral 3d and think that the 3d is the only 'real' thing. this is not true especially since the 3d is a reflection of who you are being or who you assume to be in imagination, meaning that imagination is everywhere and is the 3d. as the operant power, you have full control over everything (over what manifests or not, etc). so even though you really experienced something in imagination instantly, you can assume it is true or not. you are the only source of power that can choose to identify with what you wants and has full control over whether or not something will be true in your reality. stop waiting for the 3d to change in order to “accept” it. stop being a slave to the 3d when you are the one who controls it in the first place. you can experience it instantly right now so why wait for the 3d to do that?
literally imagination is the source, yes? its the source because it always is molding the 3d (since they are connected) so hearing that once you imagine something, you experienced it instantly, should give you the confidence to know you really do have your desire already since it has already been experienced in imagination. nothing in the 3d can change until you change self (imagination) so imagination/self is powerful which is why you are powerful because you = imagination/self. thats literally why you have the ability to manifest in the first place. all there is to do is persist by living 3d life knowing/assuming/identifying as that version of you who has it already.
kisses, jani ☆
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starblushh · 4 months
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things start to change when you realise that ~
“Being me is a privilege”
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amermaidsecretdiary · 3 months
An easy tip to help you embody your desired state 。˚ ☁️
I decided to share to y'all something I personally do that helps me manifest absolutely anything that I desire. It's extremely simple, easy and fun! Anyone can try this and trust me, if you do it correct, you will get anything you want!
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For this, you will need either a piece of paper, a notebook, your notes app, whatever you want and feels more comfortable to you to write on.
The first step is to think of your desire. Let's say that you want to manifest being extremely rich. I want you to think of yourself as the person who has their desire (in our case a rich person).
Now write down what an average day of your life as this person is like. What is the first thing you do in the morning? How do you spend you afternoon? Write any details you want, for example "I wake up, and go brush my teeth. I admire myself in the mirror while doing my make-up with my expensive products. I dress myself in this high-priced dress and go to eat breakfast in my big balcony of my villa where I can admire this scenery view of the ocean".
Think about, what exactly would change in your daily life if you had your desire? Even if it's the smallest detail, write it down.
Once you are done, you are going to read it. Think about how nice it is to live your life everyday in the way you wrote it. Now, you need to realize that this is your actual life. You are now going to embody this version of yourself because this is who you are. When I say embody this version of yourself, I mean in imagination. I wanted to note that because sometimes, people (especially beginners) don't realize that all of your actions are done in your imagination. LEAVE THE 3D ALONE. Your job is to change yourself in your imagination, not in the physical world.
I would be really happy if you guys try this! If you do so, please feel free to keep me updated!
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
Is this how manifestation works:
1. You have a desire
2. You affirm for it
3. It shows up in the 3d once your subconscious accepts it as the truth
here love
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shradsmanifestt · 2 months
Be DELUSIONAL. I'm telling you be fucking delusional!!!!
I don't care what your circumstances are, you be delusional anyways. Tell yourself that it's already done. It's already yours because it is. It is already yours. It is already done. You have it no matter what and you have it now. Doesn't matter what the fucking circumstances are. Doesn't matter what happened or what is happening. I'm telling you right now to just be delusional to whatever happens, because you've got this. I know you do. It's yours. Let it be yours. Don't give up. You have what it takes. Persist, persist and persist.
I've had the worst circumstances take place in my life where I really felt this was just impossible. But did I give up!!!??? NO
Did I say why me and whine about it????? NOOOOOO
I looked at the 3d straight in the eye and said FUCK YOUU. I HAVE WHAT I WANT AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SHOW ME.
And that's exactly what i felt. I didn't care what happened cause it didn't fucking matter. I persisted through it all. Through my tears and anger. And I got what I wanted. I always did. I always will.
This can be you. If you don't give up at any circumstance. This can be you if you just decide now and here that you won't back down. You won't let others or other circumstances overrule you.
Persist dude. Just persist for heaven's sake.
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eamour · 3 months
avoid any action.
with manifesting, there comes an intrusive urge to act. a deep need to do something to get something. we often try to change our world or ourselves through actions. however, we don’t alter or attain things with the use of our bodies. we can only ever achieve things with the use of our MINDS.
! this post was partially inspired by @sparklingself and her post called "do nothing" !
law of assumption.
let’s take a look at what the law of assumption states.
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law of assumption
/lɔː/ /ɒv,əv/ /əˈsʌm(p)ʃn/
"the law of assumption postulates that the assumptions of an individual shape and create one's physical reality."
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so, what does that mean? how does this help us?
mentally, not physically.
just like assumptions take place in the mind, so does everything related to manifestation. after all, manifestation is forever done in the mind, and not with the body. all events that have taken place physically, first took place mentally. everything external used to be internal. conversely, you can only put out what you already put in.
in conclusion, you cannot DO anything. there is nothing for you to perform, nothing for you to execute, nothing for you to accomplish. you can only BE. so, in order to become someone new, to coerce something into BEING, you need to refrain from taking any action. let go of all efforts to alter the physical. instead, alter the mental.
mental and physical in contrast.
okay, alright, but what if you still try to physically achieve your goals? how about we try to prove the law wrong. let's say you want to get xyz while being in a negative mindset in relation to xyz. you don’t really believe in getting xyz, nor do you believe in yourself. but if you try your best physically, it should still workout, right?
nope. and i'll tell you why. you can never alter yourself with an act in opposition to your belief. your desired version of self cannot be attained by force. you cannot force yourself to achieve something while already knowing you won't or can't. if it isn’t already withIN you, it won’t and can't be withOUT you.
on the other hand, that version of yourself with your current mindset in that present state is NEVER going to achieve xyz. because that version of you is tied to that self concept, that state and that reality. creation is finished, meaning, this reality is finished. it’s forever going to look like that. you are forever going to be like that. ONLY if you change your state from within, you can ensure a change from without. that’s when you shift your state of mind, and therefore, your physical reality. you cannot physically shift. you need to mentally shift. because no matter HOW much you try to make reality B (undesired) look like reality A (desired), it won’t ever change the fact that you are still experiencing reality B.
externally dependent action.
now, what about the 3D? what if i am changing my assumptions but don’t experience them physically yet? this part is very important for any of you who are thinking of completely turning your back on your 3D, who feel overwhelmed by it or don’t know how to deal with it.
1 · first of all, you are doing great. keep doing it.
2 · second of all, living in the end and focusing on embodying your desired version of self does not mean that you start refusing to LIVE. you aren’t supposed to deny or reject your human experience when it’s not convenient for you. you are still going to do your chores, have your responsibilities, attend school, go to work, and so on. in your mind, however, you are being who YOU want to be and have what YOU want to have. it’s about knowing the external world is going to change because it has to, plus balancing experiencing both worlds. in the end, your outer world will show you how your inner world looks like.
often times, suddenly abandoning yourself in the physical world will only harm you because then it will only be harder for you to dismiss the negative parts of your reality. it usually makes things a lot more draining and challenging.
physical techniques and methods.
this is just gonna serve as a reminder: techniques and methods are only there to help. they aide you to obtain a feeling of "naturalness" in correlation to your desires. they don’t do the manifesting. actually, they have no power on their own. you know who does the manifesting? YOU. you and only you. thus, you can do a method 111 times and still not manifest your desire because your assumptions say otherwise. everything you manifest with the support of a method or technique can be traced back to you, moreover your MIND's power. not your bodies power, and certainly not your hands ability to write down a script 123 times.
"there is no need to do something. don’t do anything. because if you WERE who you wanted to be, all you would do is experience BEING it. you wouldn’t DO anything." — edward art
don’t change it. let it be changed.
with love, ella.
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gildedmorrow · 5 months
you don’t need to ‘feel it real’
just affirm and persist. repetition is key. your subconscious is blind, it believes what you tell it. you can affirm while you’re mad, sad, happy, and it doesn’t matter— your conscious mind doesn’t need to believe what you’re saying, your subconscious does; and your subconscious learns through REPETITION. robotic affirming is the way to go, you don’t need anything else unless it makes you feel better.
the DOMINANT STORY is what manifests, so you don’t have to think in the desired state 100% of the time, just more than 50%. you can waver, it’s not gonna erase your desires because it doesn’t work like that. if you waver, get back into your affirmations and persist, it’s fine! what messes you up is if you waver and spiral into it and give up.
you’ve got this <3
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yourecitten · 5 months
you are the creator of your reality , act like it
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A lot of people don't realize the fact that no matter what's happening in the 3d , they can change it anytime. Some of you guys don't realize the power you hold so I'm here to remind you.
You are the cause of your consciousness, therefore you are the creator of your reality. Only your beliefs matter, not the 3D. Do not give attention to the 3D except for what you want to experience. Everything is you pushed out, so it is you in control and nothing else.
I'm gonna say it again , YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING BITCH.
good grades? You always get straight As and you don't even need to study for it.
sp ? Idk what are you talking about he is obsessed with you , why wouldn't he ? Everybody loves you
Want an appearance change ? Great , decide what you want to look like and it's already done
It doesn't matter what you want , it doesn't matter what techniques you use the only thing that matters is that you know that you have it right now, in this moment.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 7 months
10 minute method & limiting belief debunking.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ I want you to try the “10 minute method” and see how fast your manifestation unfolds into your reality. This technique is when you either can set a timer for 10 minutes, and straight robotically affirm. It’s better if you do this like 3 times a day, especially if you waver when robotically affirming! This method is so powerful and helps to saturate your subconscious with your dominant thoughts you want to manifest. You can play a subliminal in the background while your affirming, or play a game, anything ! As long as you affirm 10 minutes straight. You can also do longer then 10 if you want, but minimum 10 minutes. Some people may ask “isn’t this coming from a state of lack because you shouldn’t force yourself to affirm straight” no..it isn’t. I just realized this was such a limiting belief i had for such a long time that you had to think “from, and not try to “want or get” your manifestation. Sammy Ingram slapped me right out of these victim state beliefs, and the fair Anwser is no. Your subconscious isn’t going to be like “well are you thinking from you desire? Are you wanting this from a place of lack? If so, nope. Not having it. I’m not going to give it to you.” NO. your subconscious doesn’t have a mind, brain, or soul of its own. It’s literally you. Plus, if you really want your desire and you know exactly how to get it, stop being lazy and affirm and persist. As well as, your subconscious just knows that your focusing on __ (your desire) more so that’s what it’s gonna display in your reality. Plus, I promise you after doing this your going to feel so fullfilled!
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