#personally i picture a goat or horse's head
ramonahblog · 1 year
I never got the Animorphs books going “andalites are impossible to sneak up” when they describe the eyes as two where you would expect on a human and two moveable stalk eyes. Unless they conveniently forgot to mention the two human-looking eyes can see in opposite directions at once.  But going by their actual description, there’s at least always one direction the andalite can never see. The only way they could do all four directions if they had eyes like cows or goats or horses or sheep or any herd animal. The face-eyes would see left and right at the same time, one stalk-eye forward and one stalk-eye backward would equal impossible to sneak up on when awake.  But as they have it - two human-positioned eyes (one direction), two moveable stalk-eyes (two positions)...That only equals three positions covered at once. Potentially difficult depending on your sneaking levels but not impossible. 
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devil-in-hiding · 29 days
Teach me how to write like you because oh my god I’m in love! Your writing is amazing and beautiful and just so UGH but anyways
Imagine the 141 with Farmer! Reader and she takes care of them like she does her animals. Like she’s the mama and the men? Oh they’re all for it. They totally love being all babied and taken care of since they had such a rough life so far like? Seeing the Reader is their dresses waking up to make them breakfast, feed them, make sure they’re happy and safe. Like she would definitely do anything for these men like she would for her animals😩 The men would be struggling each and everyday to contain themselves FOR SURE. Soap and Gaz definitely the two that would be the most handsy. They would so be turned on by basically a mother reader. They would try to grab her and everything any chance they get. Price would be the one who would be more reserved but her would so imagine filling her up with his children (I feel like he would probably move the men to make that actually happen) Ghost? Oh that man is silent but you can definitely tell he has a lactation kink. (They probably all do but I just feel like he and Price are like the one with most likely have it the most) I don’t care what anyone says that he would so be the other person who would try to fill her up with his kids too if Price doesn’t do it first (they’re so trying to see who would knock her up first to see who could make her a mom first) sorry I just had to get that out lol definitely feel free to add onto this because I need for this to be a reality 😩
Y’all really hitting my breeding kink on the head today huh?
i would like to think Ghost never really saw himself settling down, starting a family (especially when the only holes he’s been filling are extremely male)
but once they’ve settled on the farm, and all your worry has melted away and the search for them has died down (it’s an easy out but these men are trained soldiers, i think after a year of them not showing up on the radar, they think they’re gone for good)
he allows himself to picture you round with child, waddling around the farm feeding the ducks and goats that follow you like loyal subjects, barefoot and glowing. pictures himself and Soap chasing squealing chunky babies across the yard, holding them up to pet the horses, delighted giggles ringing in his ears
he is a mad man after that, will not keep those giant paws off you, massaging your stomach whilst you sit on his lap in the evening, letting his mind wander and it’s not long before he has the image of you spread out beneath him, teary eyed as he laps up the milk trickling from your tit, groaning at the way you’d clench around his cock, soaking him in your essence
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astradrifting · 2 years
Hi! Were there any perspectives in the ASOIAF fandom that made your eyes roll? If there are, what made you say so? Thanks!
[mostly written in 2021, and posted very late. Sorry nonny!]
woof, this could open up a can of worms. I'm almost afraid this is a bait ask but I'm also very willing to run my mouth online about ASOIAF, and I love making fun of dumb theories, so let’s go!
Every time someone says that Jon and Dny are the song of ice and fire, my soul dies a little. Enough said.
I also hate the idea that parallels between ASOIAF history and the events of the books don’t matter. Not to state the obvious, but Westerosi history isn’t real. No part of it actually happened organically, GRRM has manufactured all of it, so everything must have been written with a purpose. I don’t buy that it’s just all world-building, because if parallels are obvious to us, they must be a thousand times more so for the man actually writing it all, and the army of editors who are probably helping him keep it straight.
There is absolutely no way that anything about Jonnel ‘One-Eye’ is a coincidence. Half-brother to Rickon Stark is obvious enough, but then we have his mother. Lynara sounds very similar to Lyanna (side note: a jonsa baby named Lynara would be adorable), but the real link is that she was born a Stark - all of the women on the family tree are listed under their maiden names. Her relation to her husband Cregan isn’t specified; it would have been so easy to have her be from another random house, or even a Karstark, yet what George wanted to convey is that Jonnel has a Stark mother, as well as a Stark father who happened to be heavily involved with the Targaryens.
Another fun thing linking Jonnel to Jon! Jon’s first relationship was with a red headed girl, who claimed that they were married because he’d stolen her. In the same conversation where she’s called half fish…
“You know nothing, Jon Snow. I’m half a fish, I’ll have you know.”
“Half fish, half goat, half horse…there’s too many halves to you, Ygritte.”
(ASOS, Jon V)
this conversation is already jonsa gospel as foreshadowing because of “half-fish”, but the horse part was always a little strange to me. As far as I remember, they didn’t have a prior conversation about her loving horses or riding particularly well, so that was seemingly out of left-field.
Well Jonnel’s second wife was a Ryswell - their sigil is a black horse’s head with a red mane.
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pictured: the jonsa agenda winning again
The idea that Stannis will take Winterfell isn’t as personally annoying to me, all these dudebros have very detailed, tactics-based reasons to believe he’ll win I’m sure (something about a nightlamp?), but I just think it doesn’t do anything for the narrative, nor does it make sense with either his arc or Jon and Sansa’s.
Winning Winterfell will put Stannis in a position of strength, give him a base of operations in the North that’s not on loan from the Night’s Watch, and would probably lead to most of the Northern houses swearing allegiance to him, as Manderly has already promised to do. Why would a man in that position ever choose to burn his daughter, his only heir, alive? That is literally one of the few guaranteed book plots we have, so IMO speculation about Stannis all needs to work backwards from this end point; it’s ugly and horrible, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach reading it, but it’s the only ending to his arc that makes sense.
Kinslaying reoccurs time and time again in Stannis’ arc. Kinslaying for his own personal benefit, no less. In his first appearance in ACOK, he listens to Selyse suggest that he kill Renly, then stands by whilst Melisandre kills Maester Cressen, his surrogate father. Cressen raised him and loved him like a son; yet if he had killed Melisandre instead, Stannis would have lost the power she wields for his benefit, the main reason he has a chance at the throne. Later in the book, he implicitly allows his brother to be murdered so that he could gain the Stormlords that had rallied to Renly instead of him (anyone trying to argue that the shadow wasn’t technically Stannis so technically it wasn’t kinslaying will be put in the naughty corner for excessive pedantry). In ASOS, he’s willing to sacrifice his nephew, an innocent 12 year old under his guardianship. He says it’s for the realm, for duty, but really it’s for his destiny. What is the life of a bastard boy against a kingdom so close to his grasp?
It’s escalation. Each time so far he’s had a layer of deniability, but he’s not going to have that in the end. Ordering Shireen’s death himself, murdering his daughter in some desperate bid to secure victory over the Boltons, will be the final step off the cliff. Maybe he’ll have some military victories before that, smarter people than me have no doubt discussed the parallels to the Greek myth of Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia, but I have no doubt Stannis’ story is headed only towards tragedy.
….Turns out that I do have a lot of feelings about Stannis. But to get back to my original point, Jon and Sansa taking Winterfell back together, travelling through the North doing the work and proving themselves as worthy rulers, makes a lot more sense for their future roles in the story than Stannis winning it all for them. It’s also much more affecting and thematically resonant, so I refuse to believe D&D entirely made up that storyline.
I also inevitably end up rolling my eyes whenever I'm bored enough to go onto r/asoiaf, there's always a bad take right on the front page. One that annoyed me enough to go into @istumpysk’s inbox and kickstart my jonsa blogging was one asking what the point of R+L=J even is, because it never amounted to anything and just muddled up J/D being “the song of ice and fire”.
While it gets so close to the point that it’s funny, there’s no way the “song” is going to boil down to a relationship, let alone JD. I would almost buy Jon and Dænerys being the song of ice and fire if Jon actually were just Ned’s bastard, all ‘ice’. Hell, if he really wanted to make a relationship the song of ice and fire, he could have cut out the middleman and made Jon a trueborn Stark from the start - make them starcrossed lovers from warring families, truly ice and truly fire. Utterly boring, but thematically coherent at least. A major point of Jon’s character is that he is both - and something a lot messier than that besides, as a bastard.
It's not all bad on r/asoiaf though, when I went back to look for that post I saw another about how the Titan of Braavos is a Pacific Rim-style mech that will come to life to fight any dragons coming to the city, a theory that I will be championing from this moment henceforth.
Wait, nevermind, in that same thread someone said that Jaehaerys is the sexiest Targ name, so r/asoiaf is immediately cancelled again. That's another fandom perspective that makes me roll my eyes, the idea that Jaehaerys is in any way an acceptable name, especially as Jon's ‘secret’ name.
This 👏 is 👏 Targaryen 👏 propaganda 👏
Just look at it!! How do you even pronounce that? The hill I will most definitely die on is that this name is ugly.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS AU ✨CRACK! TAKE✨: The 10th HG Mentors According to Drunk Dean Highbottom. (Part 4)
Well, here is the last part of this TBOSAS Crack! Post. Still, for the new readers, I would like you to read part one for context.
Here are all the parts anyway: [1] [2] [3]
Palmolive Monthly? Chimaera Moon Tea? (Palmyra Monty)
Eats expired food on a daily basis.
How are you still even alive?!
Immune to poison, but don’t ask how.
A Diabolical Bimbo Psycho.
Sweet but might kill me in my sleep.
Therapists are afraid of her.
Your mama is unhinged AF.
Stop sending your classmates to the hospital every other day!😫
Almost destroyed the school kitchen.
Is banned from entering any public kitchen.
Is very skilled with a blade kitchen knife.
Can’t be trusted with anyone’s life.
May have accidentally killed people before.
My hospital bills left the chat.
The Capitol’s health care system only existed because of you.
Almost killed me with cursed cookies.
Your family only got rich by owning the largest distillery in all of Panem.
You literally owe me and your class a lifetime supply of posca!
You do know your family murdered a lot of rebels via food poisoning, right?
Can and WILL certainly win the Hunger Games, but don’t ask how.🤢
Dominatrix Whim Sicko? Domestic Whim Sea Witch? (Domitia Whimsiwick)
The “Dairy Heiress” of Panem.
Very kind and caring.
Willing to trade a fat chicken for good grades.
Brought a dairy cow for ✨Show & Tell✨.
Knows how to make delicious cheese.
Has a “therapy” goat named Mr. Peachy Pants.
Can bride anyone with a slice of butter.
Gave me a fresh bottle of milk when I got hospitalized from food poisoning.
Your father is too carefree to be a business tycoon.
Your family’s mansion looks more like ranch. Just saying.🙄
Why do you wear farm boots to school?
Does my school look like a barn to you?!
Can easily wrestle a bull.
Is allergic to raspberries for some reason.
Don’t crash your family’s tractor in the entrance hall again.
Forever banned from driving any kind of vehicle in the Capitol.
Stuck on her “Farm Gal” era forever.
Likes to take pictures of cute feral squirrels.
Will only win the Hunger Games if she was allowed to ride a cow to victory.
Tennis String (Dennis Fling)
Likes to smuggle and trade illegal goods.
Business minded.
Manipulative AF.
Very friendly, but untrustworthy.
Is painfully likable AF.
Likes the smell of money.
Can find any loopholes to avoid jail time.
Too dangerous to become a lawyer.
Is not allowed to go into politics.
Claimed to have seen at least a hundred banned films.
Your family is shady AF, and everybody knows it.
Don’t send me a literal horse head as a joke again!😠
Your family only got FILTHY RICH by illegally establishing and running the Capitol Black Market.
Remind me again on why I haven’t expelled you yet.🤔
Gave me a stolen but expensive painting for Teacher’s Day.
Yes. I know. You can’t be reaped as a Tribute in the Hunger Games if you can bribe everyone and anyone, even your own mother that you never existed in the first place.
Apple Ring (Apollo Ring)
Extremely friendly.
Likes to wear identical outfits with his twin.
Sometimes has delinquent tendencies.
Is a certified Himbo.
Has a sunny personality.
Happy all the time, even at funerals.
Acts like a golden retriever.
Stop stealing and eating my cupcakes every time you visit my office!
By the way, how the heck did your family got super rich just by selling pajama onesies?!
And why can’t you give me that exclusive lion onesie for free?🥺
Most likely to surrender himself for a puppy.
Likes everyone, even the mean girls.
Too carefree for his own good.
Greets danger like a friend.
Gave me a very nice mug for the winter holidays.🥹
Survival rate is almost close to zero.
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games. You’re literally too nice for your own good.
Dino Ring (Diana Ring)
Always on her “Soft Girl” era.
Has a sunny personally.
Dangerously lovable AF.
Is a certified Bimbo.
Too carefree to survive a war.
Was almost labeled as the only “normal” student of her class.
Is always optimistic, but in an unhealthy kind of way.
Acts like a very jolly corgi.
Loves to eat sweets.
Tell your rich parents to send me a free but exclusive onesie.
Also, don’t tell your mama that it was me who was asking.
Likes to give big sisterly warm hugs to everyone but me.🥺
I know that you were the one who stole my precious jar of marbles.😠
I should give you a demerit for that alone.
The only student who gave me a holiday greeting card.🥹
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games, just like her own twin.
Tiny Harry Tone (Pliny “Pup” Harrington)
Is a very good swimmer.
Your father is strict and scary AF.
Your family members are known to value cleanliness and good manners above all else. So why are you such a slob?
Thinks he’s the class clown.
Hangs out with garbage boy every weekend.
Knows how to hype up a crowd.
Is good at throwing the best underground parties ever, but don’t tell his dad.
Can forge anyone’s signature, even his own father’s.
Sometimes skips school to secretly go clubbing with a bunch dropouts.
Gave me a freaking jar of sand from District 4 as a “thank you” gift.
Claimed to have the ability to talk to freaking dolphins.
Has no interest in following his father’s footsteps.
Can literally sleep anywhere and everywhere.
Once slept under the teacher’s desk without anyone knowing.
Once slept inside my office cabinet without me noticing.
Don’t go into my office if you just want to skip class and sleep all day!
Likes to eat any kind of soup.
Can stay underwater for about 5 minutes. Impressive, really.
Can win the Hunger Games by hiding and sleeping all the way to victory.
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katoktm8 · 4 months
Snake with legs
Spectacular day. After an absolutely absolutely horrible night of sleep, we got up to the hotel breakfast and then decided to drive 15 km to Lake Bovilla. The drive took over an hour because most of the roads were similar to Mogillan Rim roads of gravel and stones and potholes and one lane roads. In addition, there was a mine about halfway there, and so we were dealing with passing bulldozers and trucks full of rock and stone and every large equipment imaginable. And it was all switch back roads. There is a picture of one part of the road that I stuck my hand out the window of the car and tried to show what we were driving through. We got to the reservoir and it was stunning. It’s a man-made reservoir outside of town and it serves as most of Tirana‘s water source. We parked right at the start and walked up the switchback road then across the field then up a trail then up the side of a mountain even with Caroline’s horrible fear of heights, we made it to the lookout. In one picture I took from the grassy field we cut across you can just see in the distance the lookout way on top of the mountain. The views were fantastic. The people that were up there were crazy taking risks to get the perfect picture. We sat up there and met people from all over the world for about 30 to 45 minutes. One couple was from Germany and they are in a camper van with their three Chihuahua type dogs for seven weeks. The names were toffeefay, viola, and butterscotch. We headed back down and met a shepherd with his goats and lambs and horse who we had to pay in order to take pictures of. Nice side gig. Check out the goat climbing a tree to eat. I think pictures tell the story of this best. Look at how high we were look at how far we walked. It was all spectacular.
Well, on the way up while walking through the meadows, a tour group was right behind us with the tour leader in front. As we were walking, I could hear things being thrown into bushes, etc. I looked back and he was throwing rocks. I asked him why he was throwing rocks, and he said “because of the snakes I want to scare them away”. I said snakes!? What snakes!? And he said oh there are lots of snakes. And I said, “oh! what kind of snakes?” and he said.
“snakes with legs” at that point it dawned on me, basically he was afraid of lizards. Snakes with legs.
Lunch. On the way back, we passed this farmhouse type restaurant. They had blocked off some of the reservoir water and made a swimming hole. We sat down and had some traditional meatballs which really look like weasel penises and were delicious, some cheese dish and feta cheese. For $.50 I also bought a sample of the homemade Reki. This is the local liquor that everyone makes and sells along the road. I took a sip, Caroline took a sip, and we gave the rest to a group of German boys. (Think Everclear)Then I decided to get in the “hole”. As you can imagine everyone was quite impressed. It was cold, but it wasn’t as cold as my pool in December. So no problem. $4 total for lunch.
Then we hit the road for the trip back.
My favorite part of the drive back is when we got into the city and a 10-year-old boy and maybe his 12-year-old brother ran up to the car and started washing our windshield. We were screaming “no no”.. and we rolled up the windows and started pulling forward in traffic. But the boy was relentless so the nicest person in the world, Caroline, flips off the 10-year-old boy. He was shocked. Then he saw me through the front windshield laughing hysterically and he flipped off Caroline. Which got even better. He and I were laughing so hard. We couldn’t stop. Then he and his brother ran over and started sponging water hearts on our window. Or maybe it was a penis I’m not sure.
We got back, changed part of our clothes and headed out to check out the bazaar, a famous bridge, the great mosque, didn’t have much success at any of those things. Milled about, had coffee at 7:00, Dinner at 9:00…A traditional restaurant where we had lamb, vegetable, stuffed eggplant, and a liter of Albanian wine. I must say the Albanian wine is excellent. They also accidentally brought us these massive rolled grape leaves..like dolmas.
Now, true to form, we are going to pour our extra liter of wine into our water bottles to walk back to the hotel.
Great day. And big plans for tomorrow. Enjoy the photos.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Season 3 so far?? Don’t wanna talk about it! Instead all of us (especially my favorite cowpoke @skeletoncowboys ) I think need some good sweet Cowboy Din x Reader
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The annual spring celebration was held outside the space in front of the chapel. The excitement of the town ignited the most beautiful bloom among everyone and now the cultivation of that spilled over into this a bright and warm night. The lanterns strung up decorated the dusty space into something that seems crafted from a dream.
But now, you regret coming.
The one person, the one cowboy, you dreamed of dancing with was gone in the wind like the ghost he is whispered to be. Din took the kid along with him for the small trip and their combined missing presence lingers so much. Their emptiness already is creating cobwebs in your heart. As you watch the couples spin and twirl to the melody of the makeshift band, you try not to picture yourself spinning under the same lanterns.
Does Din even know how to dance? Would he even dance with you? The thought of this terrifying and feared bounty hunter grumpily trying to two step makes your lips itch wanting to laugh. Reality however quickly dashes your daydream. The town would probably chase him away, so firmly believing him to be a bad omen. Just the idea of that pushes you to leave.
“You heading home already?” The kind older midwife, who blessedly has been keeping you company this entire time, seems so sad at your quiet departure.
“Can’t keep my goats waiting for me.” You joke light but her eyes crinkle heartbroken. You simply grin and wish her a safe night. In moments like this your tender little secret feels too big to hold onto, like a hourglass you can’t stop.
Walking home, the commotion from town fades further and further away leaving you adrift in a strange distant feeling. The minute you reach the edge of your farm a silhouette of movement freezes you panicked. Until you focus and see what is before you.
Din is there securing his horse to the side of your fence. The baby, under the blanket you gave him, sleeps snug on Din’s shoulder. Your feet grow wings and you soar towards the two of them.
The reunion is quiet with baby boy being fast asleep. Thankfully the little menace stays dreaming when he is tucked into the soft covers of your bed.
You and Din now rest against the railing of the front porch.
“So what’s going on in town? Noticed all the lights when I was coming in.” Din asks and you actually catch the curiosity in his voice.
“Just a spring dance and festival, nothing special.” You shrug.
“Oh yeah?” Amusement sparks in your phantom and you cherish seeing, hearing, the true man beneath the myth and mask.
“Anyone ask you to go?” But then his voice goes distant.
One person, the eldest son of the blacksmith, had actually asked you. You politely declined and tried to ease the letdown by joking you were saving his poor feet. No one knew the actual truth though, the real reason why. But it is clear as day and before you now wearing a dark cowboy hat.
“No,” you admit, a small white lie. “And besides if anyone did…there was already someone else I wish I could’ve gone with.”
Din hums, low and curious. “And who might that be?”
A deep inhale in and the crisp night air fills you with courage. Your focus goes to the lights glowing off in the distance. You hope for the best and decide to string your heart out on a line like one of the lanterns at the dance.
“Just some bounty hunter with a kid, you might not know him. Town’s terrified of the poor guy so I doubt he’d even go but…I imagine it would’ve been nice, us just there dancing under the lanterns.”
There is a slight fear that rises in admitting this is, but you feel free. Your words have set you afloat.
A moment passes until the clatter of cowboy boots echoes on the porch. Suddenly Din’s body is flush beside you leaving no room for any question. His hand rest gently on your lower back and it sends an spark up your spine.
“I don’t dance…I don’t know how.” He suddenly admits and it’s so Din, so boyish and shy but gruff in his own way.
You can’t help but fully grin as you turn him. “I kinda figured. And it’s alright. Don’t think dancing would be our thing anyways.”
Din stares so intently at you. His eyes, composed from the deepest soil, stare right into your soul and you don’t think you will ever fully comprehend how unbearably handsome he is. Your eyes flicker to his lips. You don’t even know who leans in first but it is a quiet meeting all the same.
Soft, so gentle, it is a tender kiss that makes your entire being wish it could melt completely into his. Din’s gloveless hand cradles your face and his thumb strokes you jaw. His hand on your back slowly draws you closer to him.
Faintly the commotion of the festival and the melody of the dance can still be heard. And yes, you could longingly daydream about every possibly way you would have enjoyed going with Din. But you find this moment here is more precious than gold and you would give up a million dances for it.
In the spring evening air, your heart blooms like a wonderful new wildflower against the warmth of your cowboy.
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aluvian · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @novasforce! Thank you so much for tagging me. Mwah mwah mwah! 💙💙💙
1. Are you named after anyone?
No! My middle name, Elizabeth, is in honor of my beloved aunt. I am very attached to my middle name. I think my first name (Brittany) was the most popular girls name the year I was born. I was, however, almost named Leia. God, what a missed opportunity lmao.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier this morning, thanks to this Trigun meme. I was laughing so hard I legitimately started crying, and a couple of my coworkers popped into my workspace to ask what was wrong hahahahaha. I literally haven't stopped thinking about it. Living in my head rent free!!!!!!!
3. Do you have kids?
Not unless you count all the baby goats I've delivered and raised for the last 9 years, lmao! But in all seriousness, I love children. I get along with them so well. I have no desire to have any of my own, though. I am far more suited to the role of Cool Aunt. ��
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes. It depends on who I'm talking to.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
None. I am not an athletic person in the slightest. I was on the basketball cheerleading squad in middle school, but I don't know if that actually counts.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
How they treat other people around them, especially people in any sort of service industry.
7. What's your eye color?
Blue. I have blue eyes that rival those of Trinity, Brienne, and Scully.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Life is such an enormous bummer these days. I need happiness wherever I can get it. But I do enjoy a good scare every once in a while. My favorite horror movie is Alien.
9. Any special talents?
Umm, not really? I'm extremely good at trivia. It's a guaranteed victory if I'm on your team. I'm extremely competitive and out for blood when I play.
10. Where were you born?
The horse country capital of Florida, Ocala.
11. What are your hobbies?
Cosplay, cooking, playing videogames, collecting comic books, Disney pin trading, reading, raising goats and emus
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have the most wonderful little wizard, my dog Merlin. He's the cutest and bestest boy ever! If you follow me on Twitter, you've seen many pictures of him.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Any of the sciences. Science is the subject of all time for me. Marine biology, zoology, astronomy, and astrophysics are probably my most favorites. I also love history of all kinds and english/literature.
15. Dream job?
I have a few. Anything related to animal husbandry. I'd sell my soul to be able to work with elephants. Shark biologist. I would want to study either tiger sharks or greenland sharks. English teacher in Japan. I'm teaching myself the language and love it so much. It would be an honor to teach over there.
Tagging (there's no pressure!): @jewish-mulder @baronessblixen @moghraidhtrinity @genderqueer-klinger @ussfaramir @frogsmulder @swinging-stars-from-satellites @freckleslikestars @blackmelange @vienna-salvatori @viksworth @kriscynical
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Henlo, I would love a matchup with a CRK character!
I’m bi and I am 5’9! I do get a little insecure about my height due to pressure and high expectations but I feel even more insecure about my face, skin, and body shape/weight especially when my own parent/relatives keep judging and comparing me- I sometimes shut myself off from others due to insecurities and anxiety unless I really trust the other person and feel close to them. Most people tend to say I don’t talk much and am shy though once I feel I can trust that person, I do enjoy chatting next to them and it feels nice when I’m able to talk about things I enjoy or think of without being judged or made fun of! I love writing and sending messages to show I care and I love love!! love when people I feel connected to (whether platonic or romantically) write or text kind things to me showing they care! The way I read them and go …afkewebfiulaewkbg!!!<33 I do not care how long or short the letters or messages are, if I feel cared and understood then I will treasure it and may or may not screenshot it/ keep it in a box I may or may not have to keep them ahaha- Oh! I really like cats and dogs, I especially want to have a pet cat some day. I enjoy drawing and listening to music, especially alternative/indie- and I love making a playlists for myself or the ones I care dearly for! I don’t feel comfortable in hot weather so I do prefer cooler and cloudy days. Although I don’t mind,I do get pretty startled from sudden loud noises and jolt or aggressively and sharply turn my head to see what the hell that noise came from especially if it’s yelling- it can be triggering to me and I tend to silently panic with weight dragging me down in fear and memories- I also tend to shove and burry my face into stuffed animals in my sleep oops
Good Lord I just wrote an essay LMAO I put more effort into a matchmaking with cookies than I do on my school essays 😭😭😭 Whether you do the request or not I appreciate you for reading my mini rambling about myself ehekekeke thank you! I wish you a lovely day <33
You're awesome dude 👍
Pfft, why write essay when you could t u m b l r
I match you with ~
Rye Cookie
~| Rye is very protective of you, to the point it's a bit scary. She always seems to be your bodyguard, just following you around and chatting with you, placing herself in the way of any interaction you feel anxious in or standing up to your family.
~| Rye isn't naturally lovey-dovey, but she will try to give you little notes and compliments! She loves how happy they make you.
~| She is naturally a loud person, but she tends to cool it down around you. She knows you can get freaked out at yelling, so she makes sure her tone stays low when around you.
~| Rye loves you with all her little cowboy heart. She will stick up for you and more. She may occasionally ask you to draw her a picture of a horse or a goat as well, she always compliments your drawings. She gave you a drawing of a stick-cat once.
~| You and Rye give off "Hey, someone is going to go down the slide backwards!" "Hah, what a dumbass" "I'm gonna go off the slide backwards!" "Wait thAT'S MY DUMBASS" vibes.
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garbagefarm · 2 years
Mutucule Farm (#10)
2023-02-20, session #10 of Mutucule Farm!
Me (@mothmute — Yoshi)
Belle (@snacco — Dry Bones)
Cam (@amanitaspore​ — Shyguy)
Erin (@salamand3rin​ — Shyguy or Daisy, depending on whether everybody else hates Daisy)
Highlights include, but are not limited to:
Upgrading Pompkin to be bigger and flatter
mmm, cherry bombs, delicious
content warning: backpacks
look, when a mommy baba yaga hut and a daddy baba yaga hut love each other very much,...
“snompkin” (I do not remember the context)
Marnie: great person, questionable business owner
horse envy!!
Belle finds a weird doll
Gunther can tell you more! ... but do you really want him to?
Belle gets prairie king’d by Abigail
(The Prairie King eats your time)
Delivering Willy a Squid at midnight. squidnight, if you will
Cam holds a burger over his head, and it looks like a hat
I acquire birds!
My naming theme for the birds are birds:
Catbird, Bluejay, Heron, and Grackle
Penny having a little winter picnic with the kids, wants me to tell them about country living!
one of the options says we have the best lumber south of Grampleton. hey, where the fuck is Grampleton?
Vincent wants to know more about goblins
I find a garbage hat!! Wrong farm!!
Belle considers more farm animals, I tell her to goat for it
“I’ll send little Baphomet to her new home right away” thanks Marnie
(The other one is “Black? Phillip”)
RIP Cam, dead in the mines
Cheesecourse rears its ugly head again!
Datin’ Penny
I get a heart event with Penny where she poisons me
... and I click exactly when the dialog options come up, accidentally choosing to lie and say it’s delicious, fantastic
I am one step closer to the Slutch
Sebastian says the frogs aren’t very happy in this weather (it’s winter), saying “poor little guys”— I admire his commitment to frogs
I deliver Emily a rock from Clint and get a smooch
Access to the sewers and Krobus
would talking about void eggs be ... vegg-blogging?
Shane has an encounter with a bear! (pictured below)
I’m just gonna hold onto these eggs
“until they hatch?”
... yes.
“are you going to sit on them?”
The Fish Archives start paying off immediately
Deluxe pack!!
hey guys, who do you main in Junimo Cart?
(Listed up in the “cast”)
Ice fest teleports us from the town entrance to the farm entrance
... why was there a woodpecker on that igloo?
Demetrius forgets his jacket (again)
Cool Pigloo
revvin’ up that hog!
Fish contest!
Belle & Erin take one hole, Cam & I take the other (ours is cursed and I leave)
It’s a tie between me and Belle!
lape nipe snea snap
I wear the victory hat immediately, Belle sticks with the witch hat
“witch hat stays on during sex”
My miserable field of winter forageables is up!
stay away from my crops
Remote milking technology is here, milk wi-fi
Quest to go into the mines and rustle up some grubs!
I hit the Duggy reward in the process
Belle & Sebastian is canon!
Camily is canon!
(I handed Cam a bouquet, we might legally be dating now, too)
The Witch and the Snowman are dating, too (pictured below)
Caroline just sticks a stamp on a potato and mails it to me
I find another garbage hat!! Wrong farm!!
Erin moves the bears around, musical bears
ordering pizza from Jumino’s, instead they remove a glittering boulder
Fruit trees for the greenhouse? Apples, for bundle-related reasons?
Taller barns? Wider barns? Sheep? Hog??
Taller coop, more birds?
idk, we always need tool upgrades
More! Romance!
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Shane and the Bear at the Stardrop Saloon
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snowman and witch are dating
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blazewatergem · 2 years
Ankylosaurus or Deinonychus! (or both if you’re feeling indecisive!)
Ahhh fun! I’ll do both anyways, I love ask games :D
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Surprisingly, it was hard for me to find a proper scene for this ask! After looking through a few fics, I settled on this scene from the prologue of Court of Chaos, a Hobbit fanfic of mine :D the explanation for this scene being Bilbo trying to raise his friend Titania’s spirits, as he notices her in a strange mood and decides messing with her is the way to help.
“Do tell, maiden of mischief, where lies your worries?” Aha! Bilbo spots a turn of a corner, a beautiful start, “Surely that crown of dewdrops and wood sung from the very tree you came from has not weighed you down?” Grinning, Bilbo gets up and puts out his pipe. Titania shakes her head.
“Don’t you dare start, Baggins, what Trey has taught you.” Even as she says the words, a resigned look crosses her face and almost makes Bilbo drop the act...if he didn’t know how much fun it could be.
“Pray tell, what could bother the Queen of Discord? She whose eyes are made of shadows and starlight? She who could put to shame the very elves of Greenwood with her cleverness and bravery? The one who could kill Orcs with only a glance, for her might and magic echoes in the world around her until it obeys her very mind? She who has curled locks so red and firey, the sun itself turns a putrid green from envy?” Bilbo goes on and on, barely pausing for a breath as Titania laughs all of hers away.
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Looks like I’ll be sticking with Hobbit as the fandom for these two asks!! I’m an addict for descriptive scenes, I love trying to paint a picture with words and putting the reader right in my worlds. One of these scenes is in Flameborne, a Hobbit fanfic. Quite frankly I love the entire first chapter, but the scene of Bilbo first seeing Isadora - my main Tiefling character - has a special place in my heart.
Trembling, Bilbo looks back in the direction of the knife, and all he sees is red. Not in an emotional sense, oh no emotionally he was quite tired really, but the being in front of him was all red. Bright, beautiful red skin that stood out as strongly as roses in a garden, or fresh blood on snow. He supposes the second comparison would be better than the first, current events considered. The being starts walking over, a slow movement that looks more animal than man, with them crouching low and hands raised. They almost seem like they’re trying to get close to a spooked deer — oh. He’s the spooked deer.
Bilbo spies carefully, looking over the strange person with a critical eye. His mother took him to Rivendell before, as a small fauntling, but no Elf has ever looked like this before. Far too tall for any family of Hobbit -- and the feet! Hooves, like goats, with faint white hair trailing up what leg he could see — or any Dwarf he’s ever heard of from book or rumor. He’s also seen Men in Bree, and no. Never have they had such bright coloring before, no...never such feral eyes, a shade of purple he’s only ever seen in the summer nights. No claws like that, and he has a feeling the red on them is not their natural color but from a much more sinister source.
Bilbo swallows, hard, and tries to stand his ground. The being before him actually pauses, standing still only a few feet away, almost exactly like the wolf had before. Sweet Yavanna, he almost wishes the wolf had gotten to him. He knows what is in front of him now, even if they were never meant to be true. Only people from storybooks, long long gone and never to see the light again. Made up shadows to scare faunts into listening to their parents, but just as fake as the dangers of dragons or as fake as heroes riding in on white horses, swords shining.
The impossible being smiles at him — oh, the teeth aren’t yellow but white and pointy, what a nightmarish relief that bloodstains were absent — and gives a small wave hello.
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namine-rae · 11 months
crack Lu au idea (from a very tired rae)
a Tokyo mew mew au
So like, basic premise:
the chain (who are at least mostly unrelated to/don’t know each other) becomes a Magical Girl team to fight the aliens/the monsters attacking the city (castle town?)
each of them gets animal dna from a creature from their respective games
the cafe is run by the goddesses time is a baker/manager while the boys switch between kitchen and server jobs (eight servers for one small cafe is a bit much I think)
The bois themselves are mostly in high school, with wind in middle and time being a Married Adult and is still Dad Age compared to the rest
Most direct character role swaps off the top of my head: - wind takes Bu-ling/pudding’s place looking after gran and Aryll - warriors takes zakuro’s place -hyrule takes retasu’s place and I’m not sure who would take ichigo and minto’s places
Everything would need to be adjusted to better fit the chain and their personalities. I don’t picture any romance aspected being involved since it would be a focus on team-as-family, and I don’t know if there would be any one “main character” since they would all deserve to have some spotlight (but wind is my favorite so knowing me it’d probably end up wind-centric)
it’s probably be demise/ganon behind the attacks, with the shadow in place of quiche. But it could also be fun to swap in other villain characters like griahim or Vaati. Maybe get spicy and do a villain redemption for some of them
Marsha’s character would be swapped for a fairy companion like Navi, Proxi, or Ciela. Like either a rotation/team of the fairy companions or a fully new one.
I’m not sure if the chain would have gone on their respective adventures before any of this, but I think it would be cool. No idea how to blend them all together without them knowing each other though. Maybe instead of different eras it’s different neighboring kingdoms/countries? Idk.
now for the animals for the bois: - twilight has his wolf form or ordon goat - legend has his rabbit form, but it would be fun to explore other options for him - sky would totally get remlit. While loftwing could be really cool, I think sky fits remlit much better. (Plus the loftwings can still exist in this au. I like them too much to just remove them) - wind’s games don’t have that many animals that aren’t sentient races, so that leaves pigs and kargarok. Kargarok I think would be best. For the angst potential and air connection - four would get minish. I know they’re a race and not an animal, but a sorta minish form is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Could add multiple tails to represent the colors like my in progress minish form design - similarly hyrule could get fairy, but if the Masha equivalent is a fairy that wouldn’t make much sense. I don’t know much about his games so I’m not sure what other options there are. - warriors is a similar issue. I don’t know what animals are in his games, though something like a horse might be interesting? A lion or peacock could be fun, but I really want to stick with in-game animals. - wild has a lot of animals to pick from. Though I’m leaning towards bear or deer. a bug or lizard might be cool too if there are any that fit with Wild’s personality. (I’m not including totk here because I haven’t played it yet and want as little spoiled as possible before I do) - time is giving me some trouble too. I haven’t played any of his games. Maybe something based on his masks? Like a great fairy or deku scrub? (Again with the sentient species vs regular animal problem that hyrule and four have) definitely should be something forest-related to tie back to the kokiri/growing up in a magic forest thing.
all of their weapons with either be their respective swords, or a unique one from each of their games
and that’s about it for now
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attllhak · 3 years
@technicallya1manband so, I just remembered that while I was camping I wrote another thing for the Gerudo Twilight AU. Specifically, I have a lot of fun with ‘The Unreliable Narrator That Is History’ (putting this like that, because I basically use it as a trope at this point), and I got bored one afternoon while hiding from the sun because it is HOT out, especially where I was. And then I thought I should probably have Twilight appear, so it kinda ended up ‘Expectation vs Reality’ by the end. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, I’m off to bed now
“You look upset,”
Zelda startled, twisting to see Urbosa standing in the doorway behind her. The Champions had only just been dubbed as such, and Zelda had wanted to get away from the celebrations.
“I’m not,” she lied, turning back to face the sky.
Urbosa sighed, and after a moment she settled down next to Zelda.
“Little bird, you do not have to lie to me,”
“I know,” she sighed, not bothering to defend herself. “I just, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. My power won’t awaken, no matter what I do, and I just, I can’t live up to the expectations everyone has set for me. My mother unlocked her power so easily, and my grandmother did too. Why is it just me that can’t do this?”
“Zelda,” Urbosa wound an arm around her shoulders and pulled the younger girl to her side. “You need to stop comparing yourself to them. You aren’t them, and your power will awaken for you when you are ready,”
“But I’ve been ready!” Zelda threw out her hands. “And it’s not that easy to just, not compare! I know you wouldn’t understand that, but I just,” she put her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to do,”
“Wouldn’t understand, eh?”
Zelda peeked up through her fingers as Urbosa leaned back on her hands. 
“Would you let me tell you a story, little bird?”
“A, story?”
“It has a moral,” Urbosa promised. “And I think you’ll like it,”
“Okay,” Zelda folded her hands in her lap. “Tell me a story,”
“This is an old story, very, very old. Almost, but not quite, as old as the gerudo ourselves. Back when Ganon took the form of a gerudo voe,”
“Seriously?” Zelda twisted to face Urbosa, eyes wide. “That is old,”
“Indeed,” Urbosa smiled. “The man that would become the monster Ganon had been king for only a few years when the Hero of that era defeated him. I won’t go into the details, as they get confusing, and this story is not about them. After he was defeated, Ganon was sentenced to death. He was not successfully killed, but that is also a tale for another time. What I wish to speak of is the aftermath,”
“Why start with Ganon when you’re talking about something after him?” Zelda huffed.
“Because, little bird, Ganon’s defeat left the gerudo without a king. I know it may not seem this way now, with how long it’s been since the gerudo had a king last, but this was the first time we were without so much as a prince. Not to mention the hatred we faced for our King’s actions,” Urbosa frowned, looking off into the distance. “The hylian crown was not kind to my people in the aftermath of Ganon’s defeat. We were chased even further out into the desert, and we struggled there for a long, long time. For almost a hundred years, we were without a king, and so we elected the first chief, to rule until a new king was born,”
“I’m so sorry,” Zelda frowned, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Do not apologize, little bird. It happened so long ago, and things have changed so much,” Urbosa pulled her in again. “Besides, the hylians also gave us our next king,”
Both women turned to see the other Champions hovering in the doorway, though thankfully it seemed Zelda’s new knight was not among them.
“Sorry about that, highnesses,” Daruk mumbled, giving Revali a sharp look. “The King asked us to come find you, but we were kinda invested in the story,”
“I don’t mind telling you as well,” Urbosa turned to Zelda. “How about it? Can they join us?”
“Hm? Oh, yes, of course!” Zelda floundered, waving them out. “Please, take a seat,”
They filed in and sat around the two, and everyone turned back to Urbosa.
“Right, where was I?”
“A hylian king,” Revali said, looked a bit affronted on the gerudo’s behalf.
“He wasn’t hylian,” she corrected. “Well, I suppose that isn’t totally true. He definitely looked hylian, but he was gerudo. One of the girls who was alive when Ganon ruled had seen the writing on the wall and hid her daughter with the girl’s hylian father. This girl later married a hylian man herself and her daughter, it is said, moved very far away. Out into the middle of nowhere. She had a daughter herself, and this daughter had a son,”
“The King,” Zelda guessed.
“Yes, the King,” Urbosa smiled. “He didn’t know that though. His mother died when he was very young, and he did not return to the desert until he was already mostly grown. But, he did eventually return to us. I’m not sure how we knew he was our king, but there was no doubt at all by the time he was crowned. Of course, he was not in an easy spot. We were still suffering from the aftermath of Ganon’s rule, and he had very little time to prepare for his new role,” she paused to smile. “Which makes his achievements all that much more impressive,”
“You put an incompetent king on a throne vacated by the monster we’re getting ready to fight, and you expect us to believe he did well?” Revali huffed.
“No,” Urbosa said. “I expect you to believe we have never had a better ruler, either king or chief, after him,”
“What did he do?” Zelda asked while the others convinced Revali to stop squawking.
“Firstly, he repaired relations with the rest of Hyrule. Hylian - gerudo relations have only ever been better when your own mother was queen. Apparently he already knew the Queen at the time, and the two spent several days coming to an agreement that ended with all of the desert, and the highlands, being gerudo territory, so long as we remained a vassal state under Hyrule. After that, he is noted as having brought our people back to prosperity,”
“One king did all that?” Mipha asked.
“Yes,” Urbosa smiled. “At the time of Ganon’s rule, the gerudo were thieves. It was his gentle pushing that caused the change into a people of merchants. It is said that the first gerudo jeweller began her trade at the encouragement of the King. She was not the only one to have been encouraged by the King, of course. You know, the reason all gerudo chiefs have our own sand seals is because of him,”
“Really?” Zelda asked, thinking of Urbosa's own sand seal back in Gerudo Town.
“Oh yes, he loved animals,” she laughed. “It is said his pride and joy was a horse he’d raised from a foal that he never travelled outside of the desert without, and he even brought a goat with him into the desert,”
“A goat?” Zelda blanched.
“A goat,” Urbosa nodded. “One of the vai had an idea, to use the sand seals native to the desert as transportation. She decided to prove the worth of this idea, as it was still relatively unheard of for gerudo to be anything but warriors, by catching and taming one first. Once she had, she brought the animal to the King and offered it as a gift,” Urbosa smiled, shaking her head. “The King adored this idea, and loved his newest pet. He was very personally involved in the beginnings of the project, and encouraged the vai who had the idea when she suggested renting them out for people to use to cross the desert. The stories say that if the King was in gerudo town and couldn’t be found in the palace, then he’d be found with the seals,”
Zelda couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“My sword and shield are based on his, you know,”
“Gerudo kings, before him, all fought with a pair of twin swords. However, when he arrived he already had a decent grasp of swordplay. Only he fought with a single sword and a shield. He was gifted a set at his coronation, and ever since then the leader of the gerudo fought with a sword and shield. I had mine made to look like the pictures we have of his,”
“That’s actually kind of sweet, in a way,” Zelda mused.
“What do you call him?”
“Hm?” Urbosa turned at Revali’s question.
“Don’t you gerudo give your kings fancy titles?” Revali elaborated. “What do you call this king?”
“Probably the Seal King,” Daruk suggested.
“Please!” Revali rolled his eyes.
“What do you think he’s called then?” Zelda asked.
“Well, I would have called him the Hero King,”
“What about the Merchant King?” Mipha suggested.
“Little bird?” Urbosa prompted. “Do you have a guess?”
“Um,” Zelda thought on that. “Perhaps, the Healing King? Since, he’s the one who got you back to a good point,”
“All very good guesses,” Urbosa smiled. “All wrong. We call him the Wolf King,”
“Wolf King?” More than a few of them echoed back.
“Yes,” Urbosa nodded. “Fierce and feral like a beast to enemies, but to allies, there is none more loyal or dedicated,” she sighed, looking wistfully at the now setting sun. “If given the chance to meet any individual from Hyrule’s history, I would want to meet him. To ask for his advice on matters, to let him see what he’s done for our people. I just hope that I will be able to be even half the leader he was,”
“You already are,” Zelda said softly.
Urbosa turned to her, and smiled. “Little bird, that means more to me than you know,”
Zelda turned to see Chief Riju approach her where she stood on the balcony overlooking Gerudo Town.
“Oh, Chief Riju, my apologies,” Zelda dipped her head, an embarrassed pink making its way up her neck and onto her cheeks. “I didn’t, if I’m in the way,”
“You aren’t,” Chief Riju shook her head. “And please, just Riju,”
Zelda nodded, still a bit embarrassed, and the two looked out over the town together in silence for a moment.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” Riju asked.
“Just, thinking about Urbosa’s legacy,” Zelda admitted.
“She told me a story once, about an old gerudo king. The Wolf King. She said she had wanted to be even half as good as he was,”
“She succeeded,” Riju told her. “At least, in my opinion,”
“No, you’re right,” Zelda shook her head, smiling. “I just hope she knows that, is all. Knows that she was able to leave a big enough positive impact that she succeeded in her goal,”
Riju set a hand on Zelda’s arm. “I do too,”
Neither girl said another word.
Zelda felt a bit like screaming, if she was completely honest.
Link, Wild, whatever he was calling himself, had gotten sucked away on some magic time travelling quest with other Heroes, and now he was introducing her to his mentor, the Hero of Twilight.
A Hero, who it turns out was also the Wolf King.
He was shorter than Zelda had pictured him, and you would never know he was the gerudo king by his appearance. He definitely looked the part of a wolf, though.
But here he was, holding out the original sword and shield that Urbosa’s were based on. There were differences, obviously, but the smith who made the Scimitar of the Seven and Daybreaker had done a very good job replicating them.
“Are we done now, Cub?” The King, Twilight, sighed.
He didn’t seem to be very invested in his role as king, which contrasted Urbosa’s description of him as ‘dedicated’. In fact, it seemed like he wanted to stop talking about it as quickly as possible.
“Almost,” Link nodded. He turned to Zelda and waved his hands at Twilight. “See? I told you I got to meet him!”
“What?” Twilight asked.
“Oh, uh, pardon us, Your Highness,” Zelda gave him a half bow, and noted the way his face scrunched up. “It’s just, my good friend Urbosa had told me about you a long time ago. She looked up to you and your legacy, and so I’ve also, sort of, admired you. I, I never thought I’d actually get to meet you,”
Oh, Urbosa should be here, Zelda thought. She had wanted to meet him,
“Right,” he said slowly, tucking the sword and shield back in his bag. “Uh, thanks?”
“You, don’t seem very invested in your kingship,” Zelda noted.
“May I be completely honest with you, Your Highness?”
“Of course,” she firmly tamped down the excitement in her chest.
“I have no idea what I’m doing,”
That definitely didn’t sound like the king Urbosa told her about.
“I grew up on a ranch,” he explained. “I herd goats. I barely knew what I was doing when I became the Hero. And now I find out I’m supposed to be a king? My village had a mayor, and he taught me how to wrestle gorons. Because he used to wrestle gorons. I don’t know how many kings can wrestle gorons,”
“At least one,” Link offered.
“Not helping,” Twilight shot him a halfhearted glare. He turned back to her and sighed. “Look, I’m sure there’s some reason you and Urbosa admired me, but I have no idea what that could possibly be. I’m impressed I haven’t screwed anything up too badly yet. So, it’s not that I’m not invested, I’m stuck in the position so I may as well actually try and do well, it’s just, I’m sort of riding blind here. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’d really rather not talk about it,”
“Oh,” Zelda blinked. “I, suppose that makes sense. My apologies, I’ll try to refrain from bringing it up. I hadn’t intended to make you uncomfortable,”
“You didn’t,” he sighed, and Zelda felt a bit relieved. “And, thanks. It’s just, a whole headache for me,”
“I believe I understand the feeling, Your Majesty,”
“No, stop,”
“No ‘Your Majesty’. No ‘King Link’, no royal titles at all. I am Link Ordon, the goat herd,” he frowned deeply. “I will accept ‘Hero’ if you must, but I,” he sighed in what seemed like defeat. “Please, just call me Twilight,”
“Of course, Twilight,”
“Thank you,”
Zelda wasn’t sure if the fact that Urbosa’s idol had no clue what he was doing would have made her friend feel any better, but it did boost Zelda’s confidence about the monumental task in front of her.
It was just a pity she wouldn’t be able to get any tips from him.
Although, apparently Hyrule’s first king was also among Links’s travelling companions. Maybe she could ask him for advice...
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leebird-simmer · 3 years
Russian Fairy Tales Test Prep: Pagan Deities
The best known roster of pagan deities is that of the six whose statues Prince Vladimir erected upon assuming sole rule of Kiev. According to the Primary Chronicle for the year 980, he “placed idols on a hill, outside the palace yard, a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, and Khors and Dazhbog and Stribog and Simargl and Mokosh.” Missing from this list is Volos/Veles, the god of cattle (skotnii bog) and commerce, whose veneration in ancient Rus’ is widely attested, and by whose name (along with that of Perun) ancient Russians ratified oaths.
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A. Perun/Bog
1. equivalent to: Lithuanian Perkunas, Latvian Perkons, Albanian Perendi, Roman Jupiter, Greek Zeus, Hittite Teshub, Norse Thor/Donar, Celtic Taranis.  2. primary sources: Nestor’s Chronicle, mid-6th century Procopius, 10th-century Varangian treaties 3. primary story: a creation myth, in which he battles Veles, the Slavic god of the underworld, for the protection of his wife (Mokosh, goddess of summer) and the freedom of atmospheric water, as well as for the control of the universe. 4. dvoeverie: After Christianization in the 11th century CE, Perun's cult became associated with St. Elias (Elijah), also known as the Holy Prophet Ilie (or Ilija Muromets or Ilja Gromovik), who is said to have ridden madly with a chariot of fire across the sky, and punished his enemies with lightning bolts.
In Slavic mythology: Perun was the supreme god of the pre-Christian Slavic pantheon, although there is evidence that he supplanted Svarog (the god of the sun) as the leader at some point in history. Perun was a pagan warrior of heaven and patron protector of warriors. As the liberator of atmospheric water (through his creation tale battle with the dragon Veles), he was worshipped as a god of agriculture, and bulls and a few humans were sacrificed to him. In 988, the leader of the Kievan Rus' Vladimir I pulled down Perun's statue near Kyiv (Ukraine) and it was cast into the waters of the Dneiper River. As recently as 1950, people would cast gold coins in the Dneiper to honor Perun.
Appearance & Reputation: Perun is portrayed as a vigorous, red-bearded man with an imposing stature, with silver hair and a golden mustache. He carries a hammer, a war ax, and/or a bow with which he shoots bolts of lightning. He is associated with oxen and represented by a sacred tree—a mighty oak. He is sometimes illustrated as riding through the sky in a chariot drawn by a goat. In illustrations of his primary myth, he is sometimes pictured as an eagle sitting in the top branches of the tree, with his enemy and battle rival Veles the dragon curled around its roots.
Perun is associated with Thursday—the Slavic word for Thursday "Perendan" means "Perun's Day"—and his festival date was June 21.
Reports: The earliest reference to Perun is in the works of the Byzantine scholar Procopius (500–565 CE), who noted that the Slavs worshipped the "Maker of Lightning" as the lord over everything and the god to whom cattle and other victims were sacrificed.
Perun appears in several surviving Varangian (Rus) treaties beginning in 907 CE. In 945, a treaty between the Rus' leader Prince Igor (consort of Princess Olga) and the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII included a reference to Igor's men (the unbaptized ones) laying down their weapons, shields, and gold ornaments and taking an oath at a statue of Perun—the baptized ones worshipped at the nearby church of St. Elias. The Chronicle of Novgorod (compiled 1016–1471) reports that when the Perun shrine in that city was attacked, there was a serious uprising of the people, all suggesting that the myth had some long-term substance.
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B. Kors/Xors/Chors
- most frequently mentioned Slavic god, after Perun - dvoeverie: appears in the apocryphal work Sermon and Apocalypse of the Holy Apostles, which mentions Perun and Khors as old men; Khors is said to live in Cyprus. Khors also appears in the apocryphal text Conversation of the Three Saints, a text which combines Slavic + Christian + Bogomil traditions. In it, he is referred to as “an angel of thunder” and it is said that he is Jewish. - his functions are uncertain and there are multiple interpretations of his name.
1. Sun God hypothesis: associated with Dazhbog; in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign, Prince Vseslav, who “came to Tmutarakani before the cocks" and "Khors ran his way", traveled from west to east and thus reached the castle before the cocks crowed, and in this way "overtook" the Sun; his name means “rays.”
2. Moon God hypothesis: Prince Vseslav was called “wolf” and his journey takes place at night when the sun is absent from the sky; his name does mean “rays” but they’re the moon’s rays and not the sun’s rays.
3. Fertility God/Vegetation hypothesis: link between Thracian & early Slavic cultures indicates Kors is more of a Dionysus-type figure, who dies and is risen; like Dionysus, Dazhbog (who Kors is often linked to) has a double nature (Eastern Slavs assign him solar qualities, while Southern Slavs assign him chthonic qualities).
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C. Dazhbog
1. equivalent to: Khors (Russian/Iranian), Mithra (Persian), Helios (Greek), Lucifer (Christian) 2. primary sources: John Malalas, The Song of Igor’s Campaign 3. family: Son of Svarog, brother of fire god Svarozhich, husband of Mesyats (the moon), father of the Zoryi and Zvezdy 4. primary myth: He resided in the east, in a land of everlasting summer and plenty, in a palace made of gold. The morning and evening auroras, known collectively as Zorya, were his daughters. In the morning, Zorya opened the palace gates to allow Dazbog to leave the palace and begin his daily journey across the sky; in the evening, Zorya closed the gates after the sun returned in the evening. 5. dvoeverie: There was a belief that each winter he would enter people's homes and gift gold to those who had been good. That belief passed into Christianity, especially in Serbia, and this visitor was called Položajnik. During Christianisation, his cult was exchanged with the cult of Saint Sava, while Dažbog became lame Daba - the most powerful demon in Hell. Reasons why he was demonized are various, possibly because his cult was the strongest in Serbia or because he was considered also as the god of Nav, the Slavic underworld and world of the dead.
In Slavic mythology: Dazbog was the Slavic sun god, a role that is common to many Indo-European people, and there is ample evidence that there was a sun cult in the pre-Christian tribes of central Europe. His name means "day god" or "giving god," to different scholars—"Bog" is generally accepted to mean "god," but Daz means either "day" or "giving."
His totem animal was a wolf, therefore wolves were sacred animals and killing them was considered a great sin. Wolves were considered to be messengers of Dazhbog, while he himself could shift into a white wolf.
According to one myth, Svarog became tired of reigning over the universe and passed on his power to his sons, Dazhbog and Svarogich.
Appearance & Reputation: Dazbog is said to ride across the sky in a golden chariot drawn by fire-breathing horses who are white, gold, silver, or diamonds. In some tales, the horses are beautiful and white with golden wings, and sunlight comes from the solar fire shield Dazbog always carries with him. At night, Dazbog wanders the sky from east to west, crossing the great ocean with a boat pulled by geese, wild ducks, and swans.
In some tales, Dazbog starts out in the morning as a young, strong man but by the evening he is a red-faced, bloated elderly gentleman; he is reborn every morning. He represents fertility, male power, and in "The Song of Igor's Campaign" he is mentioned as the grandfather of the Slavs.
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4. Stribog
Very little is known about him, although he was clearly very important to early Slavic peoples. In the epic ”Slovo o polku Igorove “ it is said that the winds, the grandsons of Stribog, blow from the sea. This leads to conclusion that Stribog is imagined as an old person, since he has grandsons. The grandsons were the winds from all directions.
Eagle was the animal consecrated to  Stribog. Plants consecrated to Stribog were hawthorn and oak. When pledges were made, Stribog was often warrantor. Festivities in Stribog’s honor were organized in the summer as well as in the winter. They were probably organized in the summer  in order to invocate winds and rain, while in the winter they were organized in order to appease him. In the period of Christianization Stribog’s characteristics were overtaken by St. Bartholomew and Stevan vetroviti (windy).
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5. Simargl/Semargl
- may be equivalent to Simurgh in Persian mythology, who is portrayed similarly (winged lion and/or dog). He can also take human form. - God of physical fire (as opposed to celestial fire; that’s Svarog) - He is said to be the husband of Kupalnica (or Kupalnitsa), goddess of night, from whom he got two children: Kupalo and Kostroma.
Zorya, solar goddesses who are servants or daughters of the deity Dazhbog, keep Simargl chained to the star Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor. Should he break free and destroy this constellation, it will cause the world to end.
Why would he be worshipped in Rus’, you ask? A couple of possible answers: a. Eastern Slavs borrowed Simargl from Sarmatian-Alanian people and worshiped him. b. Eastern Slavs never worshiped Simargl. Just at that time, a significant number of Kiev residents were of Khazar and Sarmatian-Alanian origin. Vladimir included their deity in the pantheon to get their support.
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6. Volos/Veles (also Vlas, Weles Vlasii, St. Blaise, or Blasius)
1. equivalent to: Velinas (Baltic), Varuna (Vedic), Hermes (Greek), Odin (Norse) 2. primary sources: The Tale of Igor’s Campaign, old Russian chronicles 3. primary myth: a creation myth, in which Veles abducts Mokosh (the Goddess of Summer and consort of Perun, God of Thunder). Perun and his enemy battle for the universe under a huge oak, Perun's holy tree, similar to both Greek and Norse (Yggdrasil) mythologies. The battle is won by Perun, and afterward, the waters of the world are set free and flowing. 4. dvoeverie: Velia remains a feast of the dead in old Lithuanian, celebrating the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead, with Veles operating as a role of guiding souls to the underworld. The battle between Perun (Ilija Muromets or St. Elias) and Veles (Selevkiy) is found in many different forms, but in later stories, instead of gods, they are complementary figures separated from one another by a furrow plowed by Christ, who converts them. Veles is also likely represented by St. Vlasii, depicted in Russian iconography as surrounded by sheep, cows, and goats.
In Slavic mythology: A second creation myth associated with Veles is the formation of the boundary between the underworld and the human world, a result of a treaty forged between Veles and a shepherd/magician.
In the treaty, the unnamed shepherd pledges to sacrifice his best cow to Veles and keep many prohibitions. Then he divides the human world from the wild underworld led by Veles, which is either a furrow plowed by Veles himself or a groove across the road carved by the shepherd with a knife which the evil powers cannot cross.
Veles is associated with a wide variety of powers and protectors: he is associated with poetry and wisdom, the lord of the waters (oceans, seas, ships, and whirlpools). He is both the hunter and protector of cattle and the lord of the underworld, a reflection of the Indo-European concept of the netherworld as a pasture. He is also related to an ancient Slavic cult of the deceased soul; the ancient Lithuanian term "welis" means "dead" and "welci" means "dead souls."
Appearance & Reputation: Veles is generally portrayed as a bald human man, sometimes with bull horns on his head. In the epic creation battle between Velos and Perun, however, Veles is a serpent or dragon lying in a nest of black wool or on a black fleece beneath the World Tree; some scholars have suggested he was a shape-shifter. In addition to domestic horses, cows, goats, and sheep, Veles is associated with wolves, reptiles, and black birds (ravens and crows). 
Reports: The earliest reference to Veles is in the Rus-Byzantine Treaty of 971, in which the signers must swear by Veles' name. Violators of the treaty are warned of a menacing punishment: they will be killed by their own weapons and become "yellow as gold," which some scholars have interpreted as "cursed with a disease." If so, that would imply a connection to the Vedic god Varuna, also a cattle god who could send diseases to punish miscreants.
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7. Mokosh
1. loosely comparable to: Gaia, Hera (Greek), Juno (Roman), Astarte (Semitic) 2. epithets: Goddess Who Spins Wool, Mother Moist Earth, Flax Woman 3. primary sources: Nestor Chronicle (a.k.a. Primary Chronicle), Christian-recorded Slavic tales 4. dvoeverie: With the coming of Christianity into the Slavic countries in the 11th century CE, Mokosh was converted to a saint, St. Paraskeva Pyanitsa (or possibly the Virgin Mary), who is sometimes defined as the personification of the day of Christ's crucifixion, and others a Christian martyr. Described as tall and thin with loose hair, St. Paraskeva Pyanitsa is known as "l'nianisa" (flax woman), connecting her to spinning. She is the patroness of merchants and traders and marriage, and she defends her followers from a range of diseases.
In Slavic mythology:  The origins of Mokosh as mother earth may date to pre-Indo-European times (Cuceteni or Tripolye culture, 6th–5th millennia BCE) when a near-global woman-centered religion is thought to have been in place. Some scholars suggest she may be a version of Finno-Ugric sun goddess Jumala. 
Mokosh, sometimes transliterated as Mokoš and meaning "Friday," is Moist Mother Earth and thus the most important (or sometimes only) goddess in the religion. As a creator, she is said to have been discovered sleeping in a cave by a flowering spring by the spring god Jarilo, with whom she created the fruits of the earth. She is also the protector of spinning, tending sheep, and wool, patron of merchants and fishermen, who protects cattle from plague and people from drought, disease, drowning, and unclean spirits.
Although the Great Goddess has a variety of consorts, both human and animal, in her role as a primary Slavic goddess, Mokosh is the moist earth goddess and is set against (and married to) Perun as the dry sky god. Some Slavic peasants felt it was wrong to spit on the earth or beat it. During the Spring, practitioners considered the earth pregnant: before March 25 ("Lady Day"), they would neither construct a building or a fence, drive a stake into the ground or sow seed. When peasant women gathered herbs they first lay prone and prayed to Mother Earth to bless any medicinal herbs.
Appearance & Reputation: Surviving images of Mokosh are rare—although there were stone monuments to her beginning at least as long ago as the 7th century. A wooden cult figure in a wooded area in the Czech Republic is said to be a figure of her. Historical references say she had a large head and long arms, a reference to her connection with spiders and spinning. Symbols associated with her include spindles and cloth, the rhombus (a nearly global reference to women's genitals for at least 20,000 years), and the Sacred Tree or Pillar.There are many goddesses in the various Indo-European pantheons who reference spiders and spinning. Historian Mary Kilbourne Matossian has pointed out that the Latin word for tissue "textere" means "to weave," and in several derivative languages such as Old French, "tissue" means "something woven." The act of spinning, suggests Matossian, is to create body tissue. The umbilical cord is the thread of life, transmitting moisture from the mother to the infant, twisted and coiled like the thread around a spindle. The final cloth of life is represented by the shroud or "winding sheet," wrapped around a corpse in a spiral, as thread loops around a spindle.
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Our brief survey of agrarian holidays indicates that the peasant’s central concern is fertility and that special rites in the cemetery and/or rites involving a symbolic death & resurrection are a major component in these celebrations.
Belief in the absolute sanctity of “Mother Damp Earth” (Mat’syra zemlia) has been central to folk belief throughout the centuries. In remote areas, old people observed a ritual of asking the earth’s forgiveness prior to death into the 20th century. A number of scholars have maintained that peasants transferred attributes of earth worship to their particular veneration of Mary as “Mother of God.”
Fedotov: “At every step in studying Russian popular religion, one meets the constant longing for a great divine female power, be it embodied in the image of Mary or someone else. Is it too daring to hypothesize, on the basis of this religious propensity, the scattered elements of the cult of a Great Goddess who once...reigned upon the immense Russian plains?”
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callmethehunter · 3 years
I've read a few fics by different authors about Robert, and I'm kinda confused. They portray him in different ways, so what's his personality like in different aspects? I know that he's extroverted (I saw him getting typed as an ENFJ) and extra, and has a warm heart, but what about his flirtiness and apparent hedonism? How does his rural ideals contrast with touring? I know people are multifaceted and no one's flawless, but I still wanna know some things for certain.
Oh dear Anon, you have made my day! These are great questions about my favorite subject in the world: Robert Plant.:D And as far as that goes, I could (and will) go on and on about this forever, I’ve got so much to say!!
I’ve been obsessed with Robert’s music as well as with his personal life for years. I find him to be a multifaceted, highly talented and intelligent person who embodies traits that one would think were mutually exclusive, yet are somehow at home in him. He is without a doubt, totally outrageous and extroverted, he wants to be the center of attention, yet he is also reclusive, a deep thinker who is keenly aware of the world around him while also being introspective and self-aware. In his own words he has said
“It's part of me to get off on those moments where... well, what people would call attention. Obviously, that isn't the be-all and end-all of life, but at the states of creativity that I've reached, well, it helps the lyrics along a little bit.”
“ I’m pleased with how ridiculous I am. I like me. Though I’m not a huge fan. I know when to switch me off.”
I do think he has a very warm heart. He is genuinely interested in other people, in experiencing the most out of any given situation.
In my opinion, he loves the idea and the feeling of falling in love. He gets off more on that than on the longevity of it. It’s like he’s got ADHD in the aspect of love lol!! I say this because of the number of serious relationships (and not so serious relationships) that he has had in his life. I’m sure he was saddened when they ended, but then he’s moved on to the next great infatuation and adventure. He’s quite capable of starting again, as he has shown multiple times both in his personal and professional life. But I also think it’s a testimony to his heart that he’s been able to continue to be friends with his past loves. “There have been people I've warmed to over the years but, as the situation I'm in is so fleeting and transient, I've always known it's going to be over kind of real quick.”
I mean think about this: after having children with two sisters, Maureen (his exwife) and Shirley, they have been able to raise their children in what looks like a loving extended family. His sons, Logan (with Maureen) and Jesse (with Shirley), are half-brothers as well as first cousins. Just think on that for a moment. In a recent picture, there’s the entire family on vacation: Maureen, Shirley and their children with Robert, as well as Robert and a previous girlfriend, Jessica something or other (don’t remember her name). He’s not confined to societal conventions. He could give a flying fuck. I love that free spirit and he himself has said (and I paraphrase) that he may come across as being a good mate, but in reality he’s out to do whatever the fuck he wants. (And it shows!! )
He says, “...if you do what you think is right for the benefit of everybody and everything and you make decisions, then to go back and regret them afterwards - it's a futile experience and it's not worth thinking about. Because life just unfolds. Provided you do your best and you think you're on the right track, you can only be right or wrong. But to regret it - I don't think there are any huge errors or misdemeanors.”
In the area of friendship, however, he is fiercely loyal. He and Bonzo were like brothers till the end, and even still, Robert honors his dear friend. He’s also been able to maintain friendships with so many people from his hometown- people he knew before he was famous. He puts away the trappings of fame and fortune to be the good old Black Country boy, riding horses and playing with goats, walking around in the forests and enjoying nature.
“I think I could sing and shear a few sheep at the same time.” he says. He is the picture of the word “earthiness”. Able to be the rock god on stage as well as the humble farmer on the farm or at the local pub. He’s loyal to his soccer team and to the sport itself which has been a lifelong passion. I love that in him.
Is he a hedonist? Absolutely!! he has tasted every pleasure there is to taste. His every material wish could be a reality in an instant...He has done drugs, had hundreds of one night stands. He is a highly sensual man. IMO the sexiest man that’s ever walked the planet. His sizeable bulge perpetually stands as a symbol (no pun intended) of his virility and lust (and I like it!!) He exudes charisma and raw sexual energy. He’s done it all to the highest level, partied and cavorted around the globe. What a life he’s lived!!
But he is also soulful- in his lyrics there is also a deep spiritual side of him: I think he is a modern day troubadour and philosopher. His lyrics touch on that, “it is the springtime of my loving” ….“In the light you will find the road” “when all is one and one is all” “Then as it was, then again it will be, though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea” and I could go on and on with other examples. These are just what popped in my head. “I am a reflection of what I sing. Sometimes I have to get serious because the things Ive been through are serious” He’s experienced moments where he is the “golden god” as well as tragic moments such as the loss of his 5 year old son and the loss of his dear friend Bonzo. These are definitely reflected in his music.
And finally, in his own words:
“I'm like one of those firecrackers that goes off in your pocket occasionally. I'm not really struggling with it as much as the people around me. But at least I'm not doing too much damage to anybody or to myself. It's just the condition I'm aware of."
And he’s still got a twinkle in him and always will.
Thank you for letting me go and on about this man, he holds such a special place in my heart. He is a beautiful and joyous old hippie full of wisdom and talent. He has created a lasting legacy and I hold the deepest admiration for him, despite his human frailties or shortcomings.
If you have read this far, you deserve a kiss and a medal! Thanks so much for this ask!!
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americangirlstar · 3 years
Now that both Courtney books are out and I’ve read and processed them both, I do want to say that I think they’re the least well-written of any of the AG books, but not through any fault of their own- let me explain.
(Note that for this discussion I’m ignoring the Doylist criticisms- Courtney and 3/4 of her friend group being white again, the lack of gay discussion in-text in regards to the HIV crisis, etc. These are valid complaints and concerns, but not what we’re talking about right now.)
The Problem with the Current Book Length
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I think the main problem with Courtney stems from the fact her books are so short. American Girl has literally been doing the stupidest things in regards to their books lately, almost as if they’re trying to sabotage them on purpose. First they remove illustrations in 2015- when their target audience is about nine years old. I don’t know about you, but when I was six and getting into American Girl, the illustrations were the highlight for me. Not because I had no attention span and loved pretty pictures, but because it showed me firstly what the girl’s life was like, whether it be 1760s wilderness or 2001 Chicago. It was like stepping into their world, really helping you get into their heads, which was basically what the dolls were supposed to do, to let you know that girls like you exist throughout time and space.
As well as that, the illustrations were free advertisement. I can’t tell you how excited me and my sisters were as children to go to the American Girl place and look at the doll displays, shouting that that’s the dress Felicity wears to the ball! or look, Josefina’s goat looks exactly like the book! AG cut that from 2015 to 2020, as if they were trying to appeal to an older audience- while at the same time changing all the doll outfits, accessories and marketing to appeal to a younger demographic.
Now, this isn’t about the illustrations, as Courtney got those- it’s about what they did to the historical characters after the Illustration Outrage™ happened. See, they’d condensed the historical six-book format into two books- not necessarily a bad idea, parents would be more likely to buy two books for their kid than consider buying six. However, they then claimed that if they put illustrations back, they would have to abridge the books- literally my nightmare.
First of all, American Girl, we know for a fact you can fit all six books plus illustrations into ONE VOLUME, let alone two. You’re just being cowards here and trying to nerf your own stories for... some reason.
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So that meant a lot of important things got cut- Rebecca’s Chanukah story, Melody’s cousin’s house search, Maryellen’s Christmas adventure... all things important to the girls’ histories and character.
The Problem with Courtney’s Writing
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Now, Courtney was the first doll to be released after the abridging began, meaning her books were released, in their entirety, just as short as the abridged stories. So it basically means she gets four books while the others get six- and unlike the others, Courtney doesn’t even have mysteries or short stories to pad out. (And honestly, looking at her book’s amount of content, I’d even argue that she basically got two while everyone else got six, but I digress.)
The problem with her books isn’t that they have an author writing them poorly (I really feel like her author was doing the best with what limited time she had), but in how cramped American Girl made them. Because, well, Courtney has to deal with a lot in such a short amount of words.
Let’s compare her to Julie, for instance- Julie pretty much has a new 70s thing every book. In order: feminism, rising divorce rates, San Francisco’s Chinese culture, environmentalism, the country’s bicentennial, anti-bullying and deaf acceptance. And adding to this, we also have her own personal journies through her parents’ divorce and move, her basketball team, her friendship with Ivy (and later Joy), overcoming her fear of horses, student council, detention... It’s a lot, and yet her books don’t feel rushed or forced at all. It’s just a year in the life of a girl going through a lot of new and sudden events, and how she grows and changes throughout them. She may not be as deep a character as Addy or Kirsten, but not every girl goes through the trials and tribulations they do, and it’s a good series overall.
Courtney, meanwhile, does feel rushed and forced, because of the short timespan. Instead of fitting everything into a six-book format- or even at two-book format that is the same length and content as the six-book- everything has to be fit into two short books.   Everything Courtney has to cover includes the topics of divorce and stepfamilies, feminist and technological advancement, the Challenger explosion, the HIV crisis, Hands Across America, and the founding of Pleasant Company. And in Courtney’s own journey, she has to cover her learning to stand up for herself, her relationship with her stepsister and Tina’s own character development, her mother running for mayor and how that affects her, how much she misses her Dad after he moves, her friendship with Sarah (note on that later), her basically getting hate-crimed after standing up for her friend... that’s a LOT of stuff, and I didn’t even include the non-AG 80s product placement they shove into her collection.
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But without the longer format, everything is pushed together to its detriment. Tina’s development and Maureen’s mayoral candidacy are two plotlines that are literally dropped and almost completely ignored in the second book. The Challenger and HIV issues were handled decently, but the Challenger only lasted a few short chapters, and the HIV topic was not as informative as it could be, leaving out several things like Reagan’s refusal to treat it for so long, and its effect on the gay community. Honestly, the HIV scare was more shifted to focus on the mob mentality of a new and scary disease- which, while needed right now, also ignores many of the bigotry-related reasons it became an epidemic. Pleasant Company’s inclusion feels forced in, and I think was the only resolution she had to her Dad plotline?
And don’t get me started on the Sarah plotline- every Girl of the Year since Kanani- sans Isabelle and Luci- has had the story of “oh no I’ve been ignoring my friend and now they’re mad at me :(” and it’s SO old. Seriously, I counted the contemporary dolls that have had that storyline, and it’s thirteen*. Thirteen times we’ve covered this issue- almost all of it in quick succession- and now we have to deal with it in a historical character book while much more important things are going on! Yes, it sucks when a friend ditches you while you’re being attacked and bullied for something you’re standing up for, but once again, with how much is happening in such a short book, it just feels like a forced-in plotline that we’ve seen a billion times, and with their falling-out happening mainly due to the attention Courtney was given Isaac, it serves to make Sarah seem closed-minded at best and bigoted at worst- it’s clarified that she’s not, she’s just scared and upset with Courtney, but when you put those events so close together, it leads the reader to lump them together and get the impression that, you know, Sarah is a worse person than she is.
*Full count: Nicki (book 2), Chrissa (book 2), Kanani (2), McKenna (1 iirc?), Saige (both books), Grace (2), Lea (3), Gabriela (1 and 3), Tenney (2), Z (1), Blaire (1), Joss (1) and Kira (1).
It’s a bit weird, too, that Courtney’s... what’s the word? Vibe? with her how her story is written and marketed Is closer to the Contemporaries than the Historicals. Am I the only one feeling this? My best explanation for it is that the author, Kellen Hertz, had only written contemporary books for American Girl before- the third Lea Clark book and all four Tenney Grant books, both of which contained the Friendship Issues™ plot. I’m not at all saying she’s a bad author- I honestly love the way the Tenney books are written- and I’m not saying she couldn’t write a historical book, but it’s clear American Girl didn’t ask her to change up her style or content from what she’d done for them before, as well as giving her way too much to cover in such short books.
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Honestly, this conclusion should be obvious- American Girl needs to expand their books again. Whether they simply allow the books to be unabridged, or go back to the six-book format, Courtney's books are too cramped to tell an effective story, let alone the poor abridged girls.
The other girls were given six-book length, so if they went back to that length or format, Courtney would have to be rewritten, at least a little- and that’s okay! There’s a lot of things that could use expansion or connection, such as her Summer trip with her Dad that was given basically one sentence in the text. Her growth with her stepfamily could be acknowledged- and honestly? I think that if these books were expanded, her mother’s mayoral arc should either continue through the books, or Maureen should become mayor before the book 2 arc. I’ve mentioned this before, but having Maureen as mayor (or even still a candidate) would put a lot of pressure on Courtney to be perfect so that nobody can say “look at how awful this woman is for doing politics instead of raising her family right”- which means that when the Isaac stuff happens, it has even more stakes for Courtney and her family. Does her Mom still support her with her own reputation on the line, and what does that say about Maureen’s character, how does it affect Courtney and the D’Amicos... that’s all fascinating stuff that was completely missed out on.
And if she was turned into a six-book format- honestly, here’s how I’d do it, just off the top of my head. It would involve a bit of event shuffling, but honestly I think it would work!
Meet Courtney - pretty much the setup for everything happening, her starting to get her Crystal Starshooter plans and her mom’s campaign beginning.
Courtney Learns a Lesson - her relationship to Tina, culminating in the Challenger incident.
Courtney’s Surprise - we move the founding of Pleasant Company over here, since Molly’s basically her Christmas Present. We’ll probably need an additional plotline- maybe similar to Julie, she can have a story on spending the holidays in different places.
Happy Birthday Courtney - end of summer, aka meeting Isaac and her trip with her Dad.
Courtney Saves the Day - Beginning of the HIV arc, ending at her presentation to her class.
Changes for Courtney - Continuation of the HIV arc as things get worse for her and Isaac, ending where Friendship Superhero ends.
Is that a perfect sorting? Probably not, I came up with it in ten minutes. But would it give Courtney space to breathe and more time to explore everything happening to her? Probably!
The tl;dr of this is honestly that American Girl are absolute cowards right now, and need to expand their books back. Their abridging is only harming their stories- which, as Courtney herself points out, are the reason girls got into their company in the first place.
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Reminds me of home
Jesper Fahey x reader
words: 5.5k
warnings: mentions of food and animals, reader’s mother is dead, no pronouns used for the reader
A/N: this is my first time writing Jesper, so I struggled with his character and don’t think this is totally right, but I loved writing this too much not to share it with you :) please let me know what you think, thank you!
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The sun was setting slowly in the sky, painting orange strikes on a gradually darkening canvas, when Jesper checked the note in his hand one final time, before stepping onto the driveway of the old farmhouse. Around the farmhouse lay a yellow-green grass lawn, with on the left side of the house a little garden with flower beds in full bloom. Behind the house stood the stables and sounds of breezing horses and bleating goats filled the air, along with the lingering scent of drying grass. 
The front of the house was covering in shadow, the red bricks and woodwork a tone darker than they would be in the sunlight. Above the front door hung a single lamp, and the flickering of the fire inside of it wasn’t enough to compete with the light of the setting sun. 
Jesper groaned as he walked over the driveway to the front door. He wondered what the odds were that he had pulled the farm out of the stack with hideouts. 
A week ago, Kaz had come with his plans for a new job. This time the victim was a rich merchant, who had a large estate in the country lands outside of Ketterdam. The merchant’s name was Klaas Rover and he was well-known in wealthy circles. 
Just recently, Rover had bought a very pricey DeKappel painting and Kaz had found out that he was moving the painting to his country-estate at the beginning of that week. The basics of the plan had been easy. As long as Rover wasn’t at the house and the painting was, it would be impossible to get it with all the security. But, according to Kaz, there would be one moment of weakness in the security. From the morning Rover would step foot into his mansion to the night he’d fall asleep there, the merchant would want to showcase his painting to everyone who’d want to see it. That night had been the night to strike. 
And so had Kaz done. He had set out with a small team; Inej and Jesper had been at his side, followed by two other Dregs, Pieter and Roos. The whole operation had gone according to plan and the painting had come off the wall and outside without a hitch. 
That was why it had come as a surprise when Kaz had pulled out three pieces of paper with the notion that they had to hide for a couple of days. Inej had gone with Kaz, Pieter and Roos were together, and Jesper was alone. 
‘Remember, you are Thomas van Dijk now,’ Kaz had said before they had parted ways. ‘You are a student and stranded alone after a trip with your fellow students. I know the people there and they will take you in.’ 
Kaz had disappeared before Jesper could say anything and he had seen no other option than to follow Kaz’s orders. 
So now he was standing in front of a farmhouse, silently cursing his friend before knocking on the door. 
A broadly built man opened the door and eyed Jesper suspiciously. This one tried to keep his easy posture and smile, but he felt himself grow slightly uncomfortable under the gaze of the man. 
‘What do you want?’ he asked brusquely. 
Jesper swallowed and his hands automatically reached for his hips, finding nothing but air there as he had hid his revolvers in his bag, figuring it wouldn’t be too great of an entrance. He scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous chuckle. 
‘I’m Thomas van Dijk,’ he started, wondering if the man would ever believe him. ‘I uhh… I was out with friends—a break from studying, you see? And this morning when I woke up they were gone and they took all transport… so I was wondering if I could perhaps stay here until they pick me up again?’ 
The man glanced at Jesper for a while. ‘D’you know farm stuff?’ he then asked. 
‘Sure,’ Jesper shrugged, figuring that it couldn’t be all too hard. 
‘Alright, then,’ the man nodded and stepped aside to let Jesper in, ‘you can stay here for a few days.’ 
Jesper sighed relieved and walked into the farmhouse, only realising inside that he had had no plan if this hadn’t worked out. 
The interior of the house reminded Jesper of his home in Novyi Zem. The walls were painted in a warm colour green and an old rug lay on the stone floor. On the wall in the little hall hung a portrait of a beautiful woman standing in a field of wildflowers. She had long hair framing her face, falling down in curls around her shoulders. The woman looked like she was in her late thirties, but she had a smile that was ageless. 
Jesper followed the man into the next room, which was the living and dining area. There was an open door that led to the kitchen, from where Jesper could smell whatever the man was cooking. Another door probably led to a staircase, Jesper figured by the shape of the little space behind it. 
The main room was an extension of the hall. The same green coloured the walls here and more paintings hung on the walls. Jesper recognised the woman in more pictures on the wall, and sometimes she was accompanied by a child. 
Jesper looked around, wondering where the rest of the household was. Kaz had spoken about more than one person, but so far Jesper had only seen one; and that one was standing right in front of him. 
‘You can sit there,’ the man said and pointed at the chairs around the table. ‘You want dinner?’ 
‘I’d really appreciate that, sir,’ Jesper said and the man nodded before he disappeared into the kitchen.
The sky was dark and the last rays of the sun were setting behind the horizon when you heard the bell from the kitchen, telling you that dinner was ready. 
You always spent so much time outside that your father had given up on trying to find you for dinner. Instead he had installed the bell to let you know when you had to come home, and when you cooked you used it to get your father back home. 
You got up from your spot on the ground next to Klara. She was the oldest cow you had at the little farm and she had been your mother’s favourite. However, two nights back Klara had suddenly fallen ill and so far she hadn’t improved yet. You had spent the last two days neglecting your duties at the farm to take care of her. Klara was the one thing that was closest to your mother and you refused to say goodbye to her too. 
Silently you slipped from the stables and walked back to the house. There was light burning behind the windows and you saw the silhouette of your father inside, sitting at the dinner table. In a flash you thought you saw your mother there too, but as you blinked the image fell away. 
Stepping through the backdoor in the kitchen, you kicked off your boots and shrugged off your coat. Quickly you washed your hands and face and arranged your hair, before you walked into the living area, knowing that your father liked you to not be messy at dinner. 
‘Klara’s not any better,’ you said as you walked into the room. ‘She’s just lying still and—’
You stopped talking as your eyes found the stranger at the dining table. He was sitting opposite of your father, looking at you with a smile. The boy could be not much older than you were, but by the way he was clumsily sitting in the chair, you saw that he was a lot taller than you. His dark-skinned body was clothed by a dark green suit with flashy, golden buttons, lined with a silky lime-green fabric. Below his dark eyebrows two eyes glittered merrily and his smile got a little more confident as you sat down at the table. 
‘What’s going on?’ you asked your father. 
‘This is Thomas,’ your father answered, nodding towards the strange boy. ‘His friends ditched him and he needed a place to stay for a few days. With the situation around Klara, I figured a little help at the farm wouldn’t hurt.’ 
You stared at your father for a moment and then turned to Thomas. ‘Are you from the city?’ 
The boy nodded. ‘Yes, I go to the university in Ketterdam.’ 
‘What happened?’ 
‘We had a few days off and decided to go on a trip here. But when I woke up this morning my friends had left. I have no transport home and after searching for a place to stay all day, I got here.’ 
‘Nice friends you have,’ you mumbled and something in the boy’s face turned bitter. 
‘Don’t get me started,’ Thomas said and then he smiled at you. 
Jesper was woken early by a heavy, pounding headache. The sky outside was pink from the sunrise and with the figures of the trees and houses it looked like a painting to Jesper—one that was far more beautiful than the one he stole from Rover. 
As he rolled over in his bed and reached for his temples, it didn’t take long for Jesper to realise that it wasn’t his head that was pounding—there was someone at the door of the room. Groaning Jesper sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with the sleeve of the shirt that he had borrowed to sleep in. 
‘Coming, coming,’ Jesper groaned when the knocking kept going. 
He opened the door and was met with your eager face, painted with a big smile. You chuckled at Jesper and shook your head. ‘Come on, Thomas! Work doesn’t wait!’ 
Just for a split second Jesper was confused as to why you called him Thomas, but then he realised that the whole show he was putting up here was nothing more than that; a show. You didn’t know who he really was and, if he was honest, Jesper did feel a little guilty about it. You were so kind to him and he hadn’t even given you his real name. 
This was not the time for morale questions, however, and Jesper shook the guilt off him. ‘Right,’ he said slowly and then glanced into his room, finding the bag he had dumped on the floor. He had not brought anything other than his guns, the clothes he had been wearing and a little money. ‘Do you perhaps have some clothes I can borrow?’ 
Half an hour later, Jesper was standing in the stables next to the house with a buttered slice of bread in his hand. He was wearing a linen blouse and trousers of rough material that you had given him. He felt naked without his guns resting on his hips, but taking them with him had been out of the question. Now he felt like the Jesper he had been before he had gone to Ketterdam—poor, weak and unskilled. 
You came back with a large sack in your arms, that you dumped into Jesper’s arms. He stumbled under the sudden weight, but managed to keep his balance. 
‘My dad’s out on the fields today, so we have to take care of the stables,’ you said. ‘If you feed the chickens, I’ll do the goats and then we’ll get together again, okay? Don’t forget the eggs!’ 
You turned around and walked off and Jesper was left baffled. Unsure, he turned and walked to the chicken coop, finding a bunch of chickens there. A fat, white one looked up when Jesper stood over the coop and cooed softly. The chicken kept staring at him as he walked around the fence and Jesper slowly began to freak a little. 
He put his hand in the bag with food and grabbed a handful of seeds that he threw as far away from him in the chicken coop as possible. All the chickens rushed to the food—including the fat, white one—and Jesper quickly stepped over the fence and lowered to his knees so he could reach into the henhouse. He was met with the angry eyes of another chicken that was still sitting inside the house. She pecked at Jesper’s hand while he tried to find the eggs that you wanted. 
When he finally pulled back, he had found six eggs. His hand was throbbing and even bleeding at some places. As fast as he could he walked away from the chicken coop back to the stables, where he dropped the sack with food on the ground and sat down next to it, examining his hand. 
After a few minutes you came back from the goats and the smile on your face changed to worry when you saw Jesper sitting defeated on the ground. 
‘Are you alright?’ you asked. 
Jesper quickly jumped up and nodded, hiding his hand behind his back. He forced a smile on his face and tried to look excited at you. ‘I’m perfectly fine.’ 
You squeezed your eyes at him but dropped the subject. ‘Okay, if you say so,’ you mumbled and then nodded your head to the back of the stables. ‘We have to check on Klara again before we go on.’ 
‘Klara?’ Jesper asked. 
You walked off to the back and Jesper followed you, ending up at a dark stable where a big cow was lying on the ground, breathing deeply. She had her eyes closed and Jesper thought she was asleep, but when you stepped into the space, the cow opened her eyes and looked up at you. 
‘This is Klara,’ you unnecessarily explained. ‘She is our oldest cow, but it’s not looking so good for her now.’ 
You lowered to your knees and rested your hand on top of Klara’s head. The cow closed her eyes at the feeling and let out a deep breath. You closed your eyes momentarily and as a troubled shadow crossed your face Jesper realised that Klara wasn’t just another animal at the farm to you. 
‘Will she be alright again?’ Jesper asked, standing awkwardly at the entrance of the stable. 
‘I really don’t know,’ you sighed and you looked up at Jesper with sad eyes. ‘She’s not worse than yesterday, but also not any better.’ 
‘I’m sorry,’ Jesper said and he tried to give you a reassuring smile. 
You got up from the ground and gave Jesper a little smile back. ‘Thank you.’ 
Later that afternoon Jesper was sitting with you in the shadows of the house, looking out over the fields that surrounded the farm. Somewhere far in the distance he could see the figure of your father, as a little black silhouette against the bright light of the sun. 
Jesper was exhausted. Although he considered himself in good shape, the work on the farm was completely different from what he usually did in Ketterdam. Normally he would crouch, run and hide, but today he had had to use brute force and the running had only applied when one of the goats had gone after him. 
‘And,’ you said as you handed Jesper a glass of water, ‘how do you like it here?’ 
‘I’m so tired,’ he whined dramatically and you laughed, throwing your head back. ‘But it looks beautiful here. I like it—reminds me of home.’ 
‘Where’s home?’ 
Jesper hesitated for a moment, considering where his actual home was. 
‘I grew up in Novyi Zem, on a jurda farm,’ he told you, while staring out at the fields. ‘My dad still lives there, works on the farm now that I… am going to the university in Ketterdam…’ 
Carefully Jesper looked aside after his slip-up, but you hadn’t caught it. With your legs tucked to your chest and your arms wrapped around them, you were sitting in the chair, taking in the sunlight with your eyes closed. There was a soft golden glow on your face from the sun and the point of your nose glistened. 
‘...I guess that’s my home now,’ Jesper continued. ‘Ketterdam.’ 
‘Hmm,’ you hummed softly before you opened your eyes and looked at Jesper. ‘What’s it like? To live there?’ 
‘You’ve never been to Ketterdam?’ 
‘I have, but never for a long time,’ you said, giving Jesper an innocent smile. 
‘It’s… busy, noisy, crowded. There’s people everywhere, at all times of the day. When it’s hot the canals stink and when it rains the entire city turns grey. The rich people are mean and the poor are gross. It’s never safe and there’s a lot of crime.’ Jesper stopped talking to take a breath and noticed you were watching him with a raised eyebrow. Then he smirked. ‘It’s amazing.’ 
You leaned back in your chair and huffed. ‘I think I prefer the silence of the country.’ 
‘I get that. On my first day in Ketterdam I wondered how I could ever live there. I was sick with longing for home and the farm.’ 
‘What happened?’ 
Jesper grimaced. ‘I got a taste of real life.’ 
You waited for Jesper to continue, but he said nothing. He couldn’t really, not if he wanted to obey Kaz’s orders. Again he felt bad for you, for lying to you. You were so kind to him and all he did was lie about who he was; you didn’t even know his real name. 
You stepped out of your room while the sun wasn’t even up yet. The house was silent and dark, but you could easily find your way to the room you were headed for. This was the house you grew up in and you knew every secret hidden in every dark corner. 
‘Time to wake up!’ you said through the door and you knocked shortly. 
Yesterday, Thomas hadn’t been of great use with your animals, but you hoped that today he would. He had told you that he had grown up on a jurda farm so you figured fieldwork wouldn’t be as hard on him as the goats. 
There was a grunt from inside the room and you had to stifle a laugh. Once again you knocked—a little harder this time—and the grunt from inside came back louder. Yet there was little movement in the room and you rolled your eyes and grumbled something about lazy rich boys from stupid universities, before you threw the door open. 
‘What—hey!’ Thomas cried out. ‘I said I was coming!’ 
‘Sounded a lot more like you’d just roll over again,’ you said, leaning against the doorpost with your arms crossed. 
Thomas murmured something incomprehensible and he threw the blankets off of him. ‘If you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve just asked, you know?’ he smirked as he swung his legs off the bed and stretched his arms over his head. 
‘Hmm, if only I wanted,’ you shot back, but you couldn’t keep your eyes from gazing at his chest anyway. It was dark, but your eyes had gotten used to the darkness enough to be able to see the lines and shapes of Thomas’ bare body. There was no denying his fitness, but what caught your attention more were the scars littered over his torso. From small, almost innocent lines to light-coloured circles and dents. For the simple student he claimed to be, he had an awfully damaged body. 
You averted your eyes from his chest and shook your head. How this boy’s body looked was none of your business, so there was no point of dwelling on it. Yet, as you turned around to leave the room, you found yourself fighting the urge to get closer and feel his body under your hands. 
‘You like waffles?’ you asked over your shoulder, seeing a big smile break on the half-naked boy’s face. 
Your father had worked on the fields yesterday, and most work had been done already. All there was left for you and Thomas to do was harvest the potatoes on the last piece of land and then sort them with the rest. It was heavy, dull work and you were glad there was someone to help you. 
Thomas and you were bent over the crops, working opposite of each other on a row of potatoes. The sun was shining on your back fiercely and you felt it burning on your neck. It was long too late to prevent the sweat from breaking out and you felt hot and sticky. 
Opposite of you, Thomas wasn’t doing much better. Little droplets of sweat were rolling down his temples and the shirt he was wearing was soaked with his sweat. Yet there seemed to be some sort of glow around him, like he was energetic still—even after the hours of labour. 
It was late in the afternoon when you pulled out the last of the potatoes. You and Thomas dropped down on the grass on the edge of the field, both sighing with relief that the hard work was over. 
‘Only sorting left,’ Thomas said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. ‘How long will that take?’ 
You squeezed your eyes against the afternoon sun as you looked at the boy next to you and shrugged. ‘About two hours, I guess.’ 
‘Two hours in this heat is an eternity,’ Thomas stated. 
‘We could do it tonight,’ you suggested. ‘After dinner, when it has cooled a bit.’ 
‘And what do we do until then?’ 
You shot Thomas a cheeky smile and got up from the ground. ‘I have an idea.’ 
You led Thomas through the sunny fields and over the meadows around the farm, ignoring the sunshine in your face. Eventually you slowed at large bushes and a few trees and you smiled at the boy before you pushed aside some branches and stepped out into an open spot with a small lake. 
Thomas burst out in laughter and turned to you with a big smile on his face. 
‘Last one in the water has to get the other drinks!’ he shouted as he threw off his shirt. 
You followed after him, stepping out of your shoes and trousers. As you ran towards the water you took off your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you on the grass. You pushed off on the side and wrapped your arms around your legs as you jumped into the water next to Thomas with a cheer. 
The cold water engulfed your entire body and you happily welcomed it after the whole day of sun. Gasping for air when your head reached above the water again, you turned to Thomas. 
‘You were last!’ he exclaimed. 
‘Only because you were already in the water when you said it!’ you defended yourself and splashed water towards Thomas. 
‘Still counts!’ 
He pushed water back and you closed your eyes against the waves. Water dripped down your hair and face, getting stuck in your eyelashes. You blinked the drops away and swam a little closer to Thomas. 
Planning to create a huge wave, you lowered your hands in the water, when you felt something slimy slither past your foot. You squealed and leaped into Thomas’ arms, almost drowning him with the sudden weight. Terrified you scanned the water around you, looking for the thing you had felt. 
‘What’s wrong?’ Thomas asked, trying to keep you in his arms while staying above the water. 
‘I felt something!’ you squeaked, still looking around you. 
‘Don’t tell me you’re afraid of fish,’ Thomas laughed. 
‘I am not! I just freaked because I—’ you started but stopped when you quit looking and found yourself very close to Thomas. 
That same deep urge as this morning crawled inside your mind before you could stop it. Despite yourself you admired the simple beauty of the face so close to yours. This boy had something enchanting, and it was more than just his jokes and smirks. Something about him made you want to cling onto him and not let go. 
You did let go, however, and quickly swam back to the side in silence. Thomas followed you and climbed on the grass, offering you a hand so you could get out of the water yourself. 
As you got dressed—with some difficulty because you were both still wet—far in the distance you heard the sound of a bell, telling you that dinner was ready. 
‘Finally,’ Thomas said, as he pulled his shirt over his head. ‘I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t eat at all.’ 
Jesper was sitting alone at the back of the house with two large baskets of potatoes in front of him. Luckily it had cooled down and it was now pleasant to sit outside. 
You stepped out of the house with a tray in your arms. Two glasses of lemonade and a plate of biscuits stood on the tray that you put down on the ground between Jesper and you, before you sat down yourself. 
‘How generous of you,’ Jesper started, as he took the glass. ‘Almost like you didn’t lose the race.’ 
You shook your eyes as you took a biscuit, which you used to point at Jesper. ‘That race wasn’t fair, and you know it.’ 
‘Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.’ 
You rolled your eyes but there was a smile on your face nevertheless. Then you nodded towards the baskets. 
‘Two piles,’ you said. ‘One with small potatoes and one with normal and large.’ 
You took out a few potatoes and showed Jesper how to determine the size. He got on quickly and you were already starting on the second basket when your father called you away. 
Jesper continued on his own while admiring the sunset he always missed in Ketterdam. He loved living in the city and wouldn’t want it any other way, but in moments like these he did miss his old home. He missed the simplicity of life back then, of knowing exactly what was going to happen in your day. Living in the city, living with the Dregs, had taken that certainty from Jesper. 
The sun had almost completely set when you came back and the last rays of sunshine reflected in the tears on your face. You sat down with a sigh next to Jesper and before he could ask you what was wrong, you burst into sobs. 
Before thinking, Jesper dropped the potato in his hand and crawled to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to his chest. He didn’t know where the action came from or why he did it, but seeing you so heartbroken hurt Jesper’s own heart. 
You buried your face in Jesper’s neck and he wrapped his arms a little tighter around you. He could feel your quivering breaths on his skin and your tears soaked his shirt but he didn’t care. 
‘It’s okay,’ he whispered and pressed a kiss on the top of your head without a second thought. ‘Let it out. It’s alright.’ 
After a while your tears stopped and your quivering breath changed for hiccoughs. You lifted your head from Jesper’s shoulder and looked at him with an apologetic look, that he discarded immediately. 
‘Don’t even dare to apologise,’ he said and you laughed softly. Jesper wiped the tears from your face and cradled your head in his hands. ‘What’s wrong?’ 
‘It’s Klara,’ you said as Jesper dropped his hands from your face to your hands. ‘My dad went looking at her and she’s doing even worse than before. I know she’s just a cow and everything, but she’s the strongest connection I have to my mother and I just…’ 
You looked up at Jesper and smiled sadly. ‘I don’t know, it probably sounds weird.’ 
Jesper shook his head and gave your hand a little squeeze. 
‘It doesn’t sound weird,’ he said, thinking of how he had clung to the littlest thing of his mother after she had passed. 
You sniffed and smiled at Jesper. ‘Thanks.’ 
‘Of course,’ he said, as he sat back next to you, taking a new potato in his hand. 
You followed his example and for a while you worked in silence, until Jesper took the last potato from the basket and threw it on the pile left of him. He turned to you and found you staring at the dark sky. 
‘What was your mother like?’ he asked finally, giving in to his curiosity. 
‘She was perfect,’ you said and you smiled faintly ahead of you. ‘She was caring, kind and smart. She kept things going around here. There is not much to do, but she always made sure I was never bored.’ 
You laughed shortly and turned to Jesper. ‘Perhaps I’m a little biased; she was my mother after all.’ 
‘Maybe,’ Jesper said and he gave you a smile. ‘But you’re allowed. Who better than kids to judge a parent?’ 
‘She was beautiful too,’ you added. ‘Did you see the paintings? My dad used to paint a lot, but since my mother passed away he hasn’t picked up a brush. It’s a shame, I think he’s really talented.’ 
Jesper nodded. He had wondered why the paintings had only been of the woman young, but she hadn’t aged anymore after that. 
Now that the sun had set, the warm air slowly turned cold. Jesper fought the urge to wrap his arms around his own body. He looked at you and noticed the goose bumps on your arms too. He got up and offered you his hand. 
‘Come on, let’s go inside,’ he said. ‘It’s freezing out here.’ 
You took Jesper’s hand and followed him to the backdoor of the house. When you walked past the path that led to the stables, you slowed and pulled lightly on Jesper’s hand. 
‘Can we…?’ you asked and before you had finished your sentence Jesper nodded. 
‘Of course.’ 
The stables were warmer than outside and though Jesper still hadn’t gotten used to the smell he much rather be there than outside. He much rather be there with you than alone in his bed. 
Klara lay in the back and you let go of Jesper’s hand to rush over to her. You dropped to your knees next to the cow and wrapped your arms around her. Big tears rolled down your cheeks and the soft sound of your crying filled the barn. 
Jesper sat down in a pile of dried hay and stared at his hands as he listened. After a while your crying stopped and only the heavy breaths of Klara could be heard. Feet shuffled and when Jesper looked up you weren’t sitting next to the sick animal anymore but next to him. 
Your cheeks were still wet from the tears, but you managed to give Jesper a little smile. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. Slowly he leaned back in the hay until his back found support and he was almost lying down. 
Without needing more words, you pulled your legs on the hay and settled against Jesper’s body. With one hand to your own chest and the other rising and falling with the motion of Jepser’s chest, you quickly fell asleep. 
Jesper glanced down at you and almost got unwell by the sense of comfort that washed over him. The longer he looked at you the more that little bubble of guilt in his stomach grew, but before he could do anything about it the hard work of the day took its toll on him and he dozed off. 
You woke up in a pile of hay by something that was nudging your leg. Slowly and grumbling against the bright morning light you opened your eyes to find a cow standing in front of you. 
‘Klara!’ you cried out and the happiness that filled you at seeing she had recovered during the night drowned out all the sleep left in your system. 
You jumped up and stumbled to the cow, throwing your arms around her neck. A few tears of happiness escaped your eyes and they dropped down on Klara. After last night you really didn’t think she would recover anymore, let alone be standing on her own feet. 
As you hugged Klara, you suddenly remembered that you hadn’t been alone last night. You let go of the cow and returned to the hay you had woken up in. Instead of the boy you had fallen asleep against last night now lay a little note. 
Good morning sleepyhead,
My friends finally picked me up early this morning and you looked too peaceful to be disturbed. I want to thank you and your father for letting me stay at your humble farm. It did me good to be out of the city for a while. I want to thank you as well for your company and honesty. I really hope Klara gets better—she seems quite cool.
I know you don’t like the city, but if you ever accidentally find yourself there and you miss my sparkling presence, go to The Crow Club and ask the bartender for Jesper Fahey. They’ll know who to find.
Take care, 
- - - - - - - - 
taglist: @is-it-really-a-secret @mrs-brekker15​
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